#Wig stores in Toronto
wigsforwomen123 · 1 year
womens wigs canada
Find the perfect wig for you in Toronto! Look no further than our comprehensive list of womens wigs canada stores in Toronto, offering the highest quality wigs at the best prices. Shop now and find the perfect wig for your style!
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thebowieconstricker · 9 months
Stagedoor Sparks! (Matthew Patel x Reader) ✨🔥🔱
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I’m so glad to see people hyped up for my pathetic pirate boy. Please enjoy and if this goes well I may turn it into a series lol
We’ve got a gender neutral reader, idiots in love, I saw someone say pathetic x pathetic and YES, theater kid lingo, mild swearing, and your favorite cutie pie. ⚠️Also, this is heavily based on Scott Pilgrim Takes Off, so spoiler warnings for that if you haven’t seen it! ⚠️ Enjoy!
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“Scott Pilgrim’s Precious Little Musical”, was what the bright lights of the massive sign on your local theater boasted. Recently, your coworker Julie had been telling you about the ridiculous life of this ‘Scott Pilgrim’, ranting about the conga line of characters that filled his (frankly, pathetic sounding) existence. She had also alerted you to this… musical. A musical that had been written about his life.
You sighed to yourself and adjusted your bag. Making your way to the golden, elaborately designed doors, just barely dodging all the paparazzi (why was there so much paparazzi?), you somehow successfully made your way into the main lobby of the theatre. Ivory and gold filled your vision as you observed the plush red carpet that lined each of the three floors. You had visited this theater before, and it’s gorgeous grandeur never failed to amaze you.
Now, you did not at all care about this guy. Yes, you had been silently internalizing every minuscule part of this random guy’s daily shenanigans, but that was because you were being a good friend to Julie! This Scott guy seemed like a tool, and you weren't particularly interested in listening to a…?
You checked the playbill the usher had just handed you.
…THREE HOUR MUSICAL?!? You almost started laughing right there.
But anyways, you weren’t here for this Scott guy.
You were here for musical theater. You had always been drawn to the fantastical world of lights and costumes and music. Plus, this was a community production with actors from Toronto, and you were always happy to support your local theater kids.
As you finally made your way to your seat, you sat down in the plush red chairs and opened your playbill to the cast section. You didn’t see any names you recognized, but one stood out to you.
Matthew Patel - Scott Pilgrim
Obviously, Scott Pilgrim was the lead role, but what really caught your attention was the picture attached to the name. Matthew Patel, you respectfully observed, was mad cute.
The lights suddenly began to dim and you settled in for whatever was in store, keeping a keen eye out for this ‘Matthew Patel’.
~~~ Holy shit, this is the best thing you’ve ever seen.
From the moment Matthew Patel walked onstage, you were absolutely smitten. He wore a bright orange wig that clashed horrendously with his dark skin, and an oversized jacket, but he was the hottest thing you had ever seen. Also, holy shit, Matthew Patel could sing. From the first line, you were completely enraptured by his high tenor belting. As you watched him onstage, you saw literal sparks in his eyes, his excitement and passion for the stage radiating off of him.
At the curtain call, you stood and enthusiastically clapped for each of the cast members, but hooped and hollered for Matthew especially. Even though you knew he couldn’t see you from the stage, you found yourself blushing at the thought of him looking at you.
That’s when it hit you: You’ve gotta book it to stage door to meet this guy.
~~~ Matthew Patel was completely exhausted. As the curtains flew closed, he sighed and turned around to smile at his cast mates. Although he was drained by his performance, he always took this opportunity at the end of a show to look to his fellow caste mates.
And hopefully someone would invite him with their group to an after show dinner.
He walked through the crowd, giving pats on the back and thumbs ups as he made his way to his dressing room. Lots of smiles, lots of “great job!”’s but… no invitations.
Slamming the door to his room he quickly took of his wig and put on his regular clothes, deciding that he would take off his stage makeup at home (aka the makeup he regularly wore but no one cared enough to know that). His room had a window where he could look down at the stagedoor line, the line that had been non-existent since opening night. He didn’t take it personally, since this musical was for a very specific audience of people and he understood that outside of them, no one knew or cared who Scott Pilgrim was. But still, he was onstage. He was singing and dancing and his art was being celebrated. Yes, he was lonely, still, but life wasn’t too bad right now.
As he did every day, he quickly glanced out his window to check for audience members at stage door and, sure enough, no one-
Someone was there?
He did a double take and physically walked to the window, his hands placed against the glass and his now quickening breath creating a fog.
From high up in his dressing room, he saw a small figure holding the bright red playbill of his show. They seemed to be moving back and forth on their feet, bouncing excitedly. From so high up he couldn’t see their expression, but could make out what he thought was a smile.
He broke out into a wide smile. Running around his room, gathering his things and throwing them into his backpack, only one thought raced through his mind: He had to get down there.
~~~ As you waited, the cold Toronto air stung against your flushed cheeks. You were still high on endorphins from the show, the songs already worming their way into your head as you tapped your feet in anticipation.
Suddenly, and without warning, a man burst out of the dark black door you were waiting out, out of breath and panting. He was so hellbent on running out the door that he ran right into you, knocking you over!
“AH-“, you both made the same sound as you fell, the man directly on top of you.
“Oh- apologies, ma’am, I uh-“
You would have said a number of rude things to this man but, seeing his face, you were starstruck.
“Matthew Patel?”
His eyes widened in shock. Carefully, he got off of you and onto his knee in front of you. Gently, he took your hand and pulled you up, the both of you now back on your feet.
“You know me?”
You couldn’t help but notice the faint blush on his cheeks.
“Of course! Well- I mean, you know, you’re Scott Pilgrim! You were absolutely incredible up there, just amazing! My jaw was the floor the whole time! I mean, your voice and your dancing and the fight scenes-“
As you rambled on and on, Matthew was unable to snap himself out of the trance you had put him in. Visually, you were breathtaking, so much so he didn’t know how he had ever found anyone else attractive. But more so, you were genuinely complimenting him. He was never complimented on his theater work. He’d get the rare one from his cast mates, but never an outside fan.
Noticing his silence, you suddenly stopped talking.
“Sorry, I don’t mean to rant, it’s just- one theater kid to another, you were so amazing.”
He shook his head at your apology. “No, don’t be sorry. You’re- you’re very kind. Thank you. And I’m sorry again for… running you over.”
You laughed- a leitmotif to rival Sondheims to Matthew’s ears- and looked at him with a goofy grin.
“Would you sign my playbill?”
“Would you like to have dinner tonight?”
The two of you spoke at the same time, and one’s question made the other blush furiously. Matthew’s entire body tensed in embarrassment that he had been bold enough to ask you out like this, not even knowing your name.
You were absolutely over the moon.
“I- uh- yes. Yes, I would love to.”
Your smile got impossibly wider, and the sparks in Matthew’s eyes that you had noted during his performance returned. With a huge grin, he reached out his hand to take your playbill. You handed it to him and a marker appeared in his other hand as he quickly scribbled his signature.
“What’s your name?”
You told him and his blush deepened. He turned back to the playbill and scribbled a bit more, then handed it to you. You squeaked in excitement and looked at what he had written.
To my biggest fan,
Looking back up at him, you were certain this was the start of something new.
“So… do you like Italian?”
~~~ HEY MATTHEW FANS TAKE THIS FIC! GO, FETCH! This’ll make a lot more sense if you like musicals, so have fun! Like I said at the start, if y’all want more and I’m feeling up to it, I’ll write more! Happy holidays, folks!
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skippyv20 · 2 months
Let’s take a peek into MM’s diary….😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
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Dear Dairy,
AHHHHHHHHHHH! I have no words! I’m so mad I am spitting nails, throwing dishes, and ripping my wig hair out! Someone has placed a curse on me, because they are jelly of me!
As you know, I had created Scam Jam. I thought it would do much better than it has, but no…it seems that people are stupid, and they don’t like blueberry jam. I mean come on…oh, sorry…strawberry? Or was it raspberry? Whatever! People are just plain stupid, that is the only explanation it failed. So, ever resourceful, I went to my long, long list of upcoming products and settled on Dog Cookies…
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It took me like two seconds to come up “Milk Bones”…I know, genius right? Anyways….i even took a few promotional pictures to advertise my recipe book…below picture is Bob and Bob the bakers,
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My Grenfell cookbook did so well, I knew this would be a hit…that’s why the little cookies are heart shape…eye catching right? Why are they easy you ask? Another brilliant PR strategy of mine. Easy…makes any fool believe they can make cookies? So, they will try…and fail each time….finally their dogs will demand ready made…Milk Bones! It’s brilliant! See I think of everything!
Ok, I can’t keep this secret any longer. I have come out with a new “perfume”. Yes, that’s right. I am only showing you dear diary…King C thinks he can compete with ME????? Really? I will show him!
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Ok a couple things….note the name…”Perfume”….what a brilliant marketing strategy. See where I am going with this? It’s straight to the point of what the product is. Every time someone hears “perfume”…when they go online….or to fine department stores like Target, Walmart….they will see MY product. I am brilliant. Why is it tree shaped you ask? Saving money! I bought 15,000 of these tree shipped things. A couple of things here….one they are shaped and look like Christmas trees…(won’t have to invest a penny for marketing at Christmas time). And….they already come scented! I am brilliant. Oh, I will say I “invented” it, and as usual…I will be believed. Another great product from ME! Look, I want to change lives! I want women to smell like women! I want women to feel empowered because they smell good. I want women to know when they walk in a room, all eyes will be on them…because they smell good! I want women to feel confident! I want women to use their voice, and that is what they will be doing when they wear Perfume! I know many will say, women are only buying this Perfume because I have created it…that would be true, I know…but I can’t help it! I am a woman that encourages other women! I want women to thrive, and smell good doing it.
Well, I have to because I am so busy. I am checking out awards for sale. I think I will buy the next award for me. Harry attracts toomuch negativity when he does anything. He is so done. I do have bigger plans for MY future, and sadly….my plans don’t include him. Sadly for him…not me😂. I deserve better! I demand better! I AM a DuchAss and should be treated as such! I get invited to every major event I am that popular. I may have to arrive incognito. Here is my next outfit…
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What I have to do to stay out of the public eye! It’s important I don’t draw attention. The crowds can be too much!
I have written a couple of new books…
Come Scam With Me
Me and Betty Crocker Cooking Tips
I Was A Famous Movie Star But Hit Rock Bottom And Married A Useless, Classless Prince
If You Could Read My Mind….You Would Be Terrified
I Inspire All Who Meet Me, Now They Want To Be Me
Dress Like Me….And You Will Stand Out In Any Crowd
How To Betray Family and Friends and yes, Pets Too
If I Can Fake It, So Can You
Word Salad Puzzle Book
If I had A Friend These Are The Secrets I Would Share
Recipes I have Stolen From A Toronto Chef
Who Will I Be Today and Tomorrow
Learn My Secret: I Don’t Feel Pain…I Create Pain In Others
If My Yacht Hat Could Talk
How To Raise Invisible Children
How To Pretend You Have A Family
How to Make Past Family And Friends Suffer When They Don’t Follow YOUR Rules
New Charities:
Well Dear Diary, time for me to move on! So many to do, I mean so many to see. I am having lunch with a very important person. I think I can fool this one….no, not taking Harry! He messes up everything. He can stay home and do the windows. Anyways, as you can tell I am so very busy. I don’t even have time for my merching these days. I will always have time to Empower Women, To train Women to use their voice, their bodies….whatever it takes. I am an excellent role model. I can change the direction of young women’s lives. Hey, maybe not for the better, but….oh well! I am going to start running seminars. I can create the next generation of young female business owners, like myself! I want women to help women! I will have guest speakers to come and speak on a variety of issues that women are facing today and everyday, and every tomorrow. When I was 11 I changed the face of Dove Detergent! I made sure that women would not be stuck in the kitchen doing dishes. I was 11 years old! I have been making a difference in people’s lives since then. Maybe not always a positive difference, but a difference. To change people for the better, or even to bring out the worst in a person….is a change.
I Love ME! Xoxoxoxoxoxo
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torontowigstudio · 2 years
Wig Stores Near Me
Toronto Wig Studio is located within award winning Define Hair Studio. We are your top destination for all hair alternative needs. Our private studio and a team of talented and caring hairstylists is offering Human & Synthetic Wigs and Toppers, as well as, Custom Wig Coloring and Cuts. If you are suffering from Alopecia, thinning hair or going thru Cancer Chemo Treatments we can help you restore your confidence and help you achieve your desired hair look! This is where the magic happens! Visit us for "All things pretty" For more information visit our site: https://torontowigstudio.com/
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beatnicksellar · 3 years
Marda Loophole: TPB: Issues #7-12
Issue #7 – The Exodus Then: Mada opened her eyes to the inhuman sights and sounds of war Half-men strewn about Bramshott the RCAMC tent soaked in red gore Through the horror she saw her scarecrow the one she treated before Minus a leg he was alive and that was enough to lift her off of the floor Now: Mada opens her eyes to the fuzzy sight of 4 purple children overhead Siphoning energy from a radiant boulder their chant stirs her from the dead A tingle in her toes and sour taste in her mouth the Hole is as Dennis said He labours nearby as the kids stitch Mada together with amethyst thread With the dulling drone done the rock bathes everyone in its immortal hue The old wendigo’s cell unlocks in the uproar allowing her to slip through Before Mada’s blurry eyes the frailest child’s torn from the circuit and slew She can hear the rapacious wendigo sob as she reluctantly continues to chew The plaster walls of the outbuilding begin to buckle from the stone’s potency Suddenly Pope enters the Hole and descends the staircase with much urgency The doctor’s met mid-way by the limping wendigo who embraces him completely Mesmerising him with her wildfire eyes she gladly detaches his loins from his body Dennis returns to find the Hole in shambles with Dot eaten and Dr. Pope screaming He disconnects the kids and requests that Mada give the boys’ lives a new meaning One of the boys grabs a ledger while the other two grip Mada and they begin fleeing Dennis and the wendigo clash by the emitting mound soon buried under the ceiling South Calgary is silent for the first time since the 33 soldiers were secretly dosed But without the hum to calm them they thrashed 33 Avenue like a whipping post Possessed troops overturned the streetcar and chard the theater like it was toast Stiff pedestrians and sate scavengers guide Mada back to her husband Marc’s ghost She mourns over his blood-spattered prosthesis as one boy reads a shard of glass His brothers study the ledger as he peers into the sliver to see what’ll comes to pass ‘We’ll return when the streetcar does’ the scrying boy points to the upturned mass With crazed GIs loose Mada and her boys depart while a curious crow tails her ass… Issue #8 – The Wild Boys ♬♪♩♬♪♩♫♪♩♫♩♬♪♩♫♬♪♩♬♩♫♪♩♫♩♬♪♬♪♩♬♪♩ A gayageum plays notes from the concerto called Dorothea The ribbon of rhythm writhes on the airstreams over Korea Baroque tones stir the ancient visage which inspired its idea Eddying over the ocean to hover above a 33rd avenue pizzeria ♬♪♩♬♪♩♫♪♩♫♩♬♪♩♫♬♪♩♬♩♫♪♩♫♩♬♪♬♪♩♬♪♩♫ The melody meanders up 20th street pausing at its composer Three long-haired boys that look 10 but are very much older Standing before Currie Barracks Condo they are of one mourner The unrelated triplets commiserate over their deceased sister ‘I cannot feel her in there’ John the empath of the family confirms ‘I cannot reach her’ Robert retorts ‘all I hear is Dennis and worms’ Scryer James perceives future events but cannot grasp their terms ‘All I see is that the stone has been scattering its ill will like germs’ Treating the condo as if a gravestone they pay respect to her spirit With unkempt heads down the trinity are subdued for a moment Each recalls Dot, the Hole, the old woman then all begin to fidget John pulls a music sheet out of his shorts and whistles a snippet ♬♪♩♬♪♩♫♪♩♫♩♬♪♩♫♬♪♩♬♩♫♪♩♫♩♬♪♬♪♩♬♪♩♫♪♬ James and Robert join him in his performance of Dorothea No. 4 When done John tosses the concerto down onto the sewer floor As they skate through the Loop Mada’s name hangs in every store Coffee shops hum with anticipation over the 70-year-old folklore Around the corner of 35th avenue is where a hungry entity stalks A hefty shadow cast from a vacant lot that limps wherever it walks The boys are too distracted to notice the relic from Pandora’s Box Because a fireball is about to knock’em out of their graphic socksIssue #9 – The Vacant LotYellow barricades protect the rich soil within the vacant lotThough ideal for growth it’s contaminated by junkyard rot Comparable to the toxin that comprises Hausis’ blood clot An
inherit gift from her father and the affects it has wrought Over a century old she has been scarred twice by the stoneAs well Hausis has been forced out of more than one homeFrom her log cabin to that school and finally the catacomb A hole she fled full of a plum, revenge and astral syndrome Dark energy leached into her, those boys and the headless one Wendigo mixed with indigo and once again she was on the run But on the Rez her spirits calmed; she even adopted a grandson It was the last time she felt love as the Sixties Scoop had begun Hungry and hateful she hid her mercy and fed on colonial fears Hitchhiking Highway 16 in the 1970s she traded entrails for tears Retribution for her surrogate sisters who had began to disappear When the stone summoned her home she returned with souvenirs She settled in South Calgary and became a landlord to tasty tenants Bones buried in the vacant lot next-door while lying to their parents A cane sword to assist her limp and cutback on the slaying minutes Serrated steel dentures to masticate and absorb her preys’ essence A century old entity at last content with her damned life up until TONIGHT When her plums return assured and still ripe enough to enjoy a quick biteWhen her bone yard is deemed aseptic and police investigation is in sightHausis lunges at the wild boys only to be repelled by a nimbus of starlight… Issue #10 – The Above People CREEEAK! The tactless teenager forcefully opens the oxidized attic door In search of a white wig for her cosplay getup she stomps across the floor Rummaging through containers she finds something unusual in a drawer A thirteen-year-old letter that when opened clarifies exactly who it is for ‘Aline: It’s with regret and sadness that I write this letter to my daughter’ ‘I had to go to a dangerous place so I left you to be raised by your father’ ‘I never stopped loving you or dreaming of the day we would be together’ ‘When you are ready to meet amass juniper twigs and a magpie feather’ Elated to see her mislaid mother Aline flees the loft in her space-opera costume She sprints across 35 Avenue towards a vacant lot shrouded by juniper in bloom Ripping off a bouquet Aline is unaware that just beyond bodies are being exhumed She spots a pudgy magpie perched on the yellow barricade and plucks at its plume Clutching the vital items the Big Dipper shaped beauty marks on her right arm glows FWOOOOM! A blinding white light descends from overhead lifting her off of her toes Aline suddenly finds herself in a melancholy landscape of stars, clouds and shadows Before her sit 2 enormous Above People who enquire as to her odd-looking clothes ‘It’s for Comic-con’ she roars removing the wig ‘who’re you and where’s my mom’ Sun God laughs as Moon Goddess speaks: ‘We see that you were raise with aplomb’ The electric entities sizzle and pop as they struggle to alleviate Aline’s many qualms ‘Your father fell in love with our granddaughter: the Morning Star he wished upon’ ‘But she had to return to Sky-Country to rid it of the evil her mother had let loose’ Mother Moon details how Feather Woman disobeyed and iniquity was introduced ‘She moved the giant turnip that which protects our portal because she was obtuse’ Mother Moon adds she encased the dummy in indigo stone and made her vamoose That is the past but the portal remains open for dark matter to infest Sky-Country The same stuff brought down with the stone when it crashed in the 19th century Aline accuses her great-grandparents of killing her kin and for spreading villainy The Gods giggle at the allegation clarifying Feather Woman merely has an injury More gen is traded and a deal is struck: if Aline fixes the portal all will be forgiven Above People will help find the Morning Star and teach Aline of her nuclear fusion KRA-KOOM! A fiery comet crashes and Aline emerges from impact like a magician Gazing at the wild boys she states ‘You dudes are my gran and we have a mission’… Issue #11 – The Penultimate Sequential squares spread over an infinitude of glittering stars Panels parted by gutters spanning
centuries between the bars A billboard advertises Marc and Mada’s forthcoming memoirs Christened Marda; Loop denotes the superannuated streetcar Inset in the ad is a shot of Magpie gnawing on a decayed thumb bone Balanced on the sign she spots a bird below who was once well known Magpie cries: ‘Ain’t seen you since you left with THAT there veiled crone’ Alit next to Magpie Crow recalls his ghastly exploits beyond the stone ‘It was Hell’ he croaks ‘The screaming, the silence, the suicide attempts’ ‘It took HER forever to bond with THOSE boys and get over her regrets’ ‘Once she did’ Crow pauses ‘she spearheaded some tantalizing events’ Led by the ledger and scryed images they tracked the fiery GIs’ contempt While 7 indigo infected ones enlisted for Korea 26 settled in Forest City An innocuous epithet for somewhere death stalked the streets regularly Enclosed by thickets it’s where butchers would conceal a mutilated body ‘The Serial Killer Capital’ Crow yelps ‘We lured them out during the 1960s’ Crow clarifies that when the GIs moved there each become a major player: Mad Slasher, Bedroom Strangler, Balcony Killer + the Chambermaid Slayer Mada the bait, Crow the lookout, and 3 wild boys unified became the healer ‘In the forest we’d draw out the purple poison leaving the mortals tamer’ Mada’s nursing background afforded them a home and a baby-grand piano She worked while under pseudonyms the boys penned novels & concertos ‘Forest City was safe and we had obtained almost all of that fugitive indigo’ ‘Almost’ Crow echoed ‘We left for Korea in ‘81 on a plane from Toronto’ Magpie squawks sceptically: ‘And then miraculously back for the 70th Anniversary’ {Had it been that long?} the crone ponders {Why did they whitewash my tragedy?} The veiled woman below the advert grimaces then utters anachronistic profanity Stalwart in stance she shudders when the #7 rolls by renewed for the pageantry… Issue #12 – Giant-Size Finale The fixed indigo stone pulsates expelling the remnants of its space toxin Pumped into the faucets of 22 occupants of the new condo atop its coffin Dragging fingers thru mauve hair they’re rapt by the stone’s dim doctrine They riot inside the structure while outside Mada and her wild boys lock in ‘Try it again’ the costumed Aline guides from inside the infinite sealed loop She has juniper and feather in hand yet something is off within their group ‘That thing’s teeing me off’ Mada breaks from the ring and sits on the stoop The rebuilt #7 streetcar gleams in the parking lot next to an effigy of troops Suddenly…a service door opens and the old wendigo limps out of the edifice ‘You’ Hausis growls at Aline ‘You’re relations with that Metis bastard Dennis’ Mada perks up at the name of the man who inadvertently made her endless ‘Are you?’ Mada asks ‘She sure is’ Hausis sniffs ‘and it’s making me ravenous’ Incensed Mada bares the jagged indigo scar spanning the length of her collar ‘Dennis did this’ she states ‘and orchestrated the 1950 South Calgary slaughter’ Aline has entirely no clue as to what occurred because of her great-grandfather And before Mada can educate her the group is spotted by a police helicopter ‘Freeze Ms. Cranmer’ a voice booms as a squad car pulls up with guns drawn Hausis has been hiding since police uncovered the bodies she had feasted on Clotheslined and cuffed the 145-year-old Cree woman is beaten with a baton Aline, Mada and wild boys watch in horror as Hausis is tenderized like carrion The wild child named Robert tugs at Aline’s skirt pointing at the departing cop car ‘Dot’ the 80-year-old kid chirps ‘The hungry lady has carried our sister’s soul so far’ Mada is not their 4th because it is the frail child Hausis mauled like a chocolate bar ‘We need that granny back’ Aline barks at Mada who turns away rubbing her scar Aline suggests they take the idle #7 and propel it with a trick she has just learned ‘Can I borrow a feather from your crow?’ she asks of Mada who still feels scorned Crow leaves Magpie atop the streetlamp landing beside Aline his feathers formed ‘I am not getting on that ’
Mada repeats just as the crazed tenants emerge armed KRA-KOOM! The refurbished #7 streetcar rockets down 20th street like a fireball Crow and Magpie try to slow the tenants’ progress to the 33rd avenue mini-mall Meanwhile the #7 zips down the parade route until it hits the cruiser then a wall Everyone on the #7 is unscathed and so too is Hausis who’s eating a cop’s eyeball Magpie and Crow flutter in to warn everyone of the approaching horde of tenants The wild boys jump into action with a hand out for Hausis who sees it as penance ‘Doesn’t make me a plum’ she gripes grasping John’s hand as if she is pregnant As the 4 siblings unite clouds appear and a powerful deluge forms within minutes The first drop hits as the vicious throng reaches Marda Loop then the sky cries The drenched tenants lose their momentum as the mauve washes over their eyes The rain relents as does the horde but Mada’s inner ire cannot be overemphasized The wild boys embrace Hausis and in turn Dot whose soul has now been reprisedOnlookers have gathered at the site sad to see there’s no anniversary to reminisce Crow and Magpie peck at the injured police officers as Aline stares into the abyss She apologizes to Mada for her relative’s actions but asks for her not to be remiss ‘We cannot change the past’ she points out ‘But if you help us now we can fix this’The wendigo, the crone, the wild boys, the star-child and the scavengers all return Loitering outside of the Currie Barracks condo building hashing out their concerns Hausis has subsisted with the stone while in exile so she knows where it’s interned In the bowels of the sub-basement they find the ancient rock fading in a slow burn John, James and Robert the perpetual 10-year-olds encircle Aline and embrace her Hausis jeers as the boys kiss their kin then whisper in Mada’s ear: Goodbye Mother The siblings start siphoning the stone’s essence back; Aline waves Magpie’s feather Hausis and the boys convert to stardust they swirl around the stone and then enter Aline and Mada escape the building as the boulder flies backwards thru the nexus Its trajectory bearing straight for Sky-Country where it will rid the land of sepsis The portal is sealed and The Above People welcome Feather Woman and Hausis Back in South Calgary Mada stands in the quiet rubble no longer feeling headless ‘Wanna meet my dad?’ Aline asks of her lithe friend who nods producing a smile Mada calls Crow but he and Magpie are stardust in a constellation of their profile Unveiled Mada and neophyte Aline walk towards a rainbow after their long trial As both fade over the hill stardust diffuses and floats to somewhere worthwhile An End
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flowerfan2 · 4 years
Part of You Indefinitely - Ch. 3
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Chapter 3 is up!  Read it here or on A03.
Summary:  An accident sends Patrick to the hospital and terrifies David.  What follows changes their relationship in ways David and Patrick never imagined.  A story of love and its challenges.
Chapter 3
When Alexis returns, she tries to make David get out of Patrick’s bed, but David won’t do it.  It feels far too good to be sitting pressed up against Patrick, his body warm and alive against his side.  They compromise by raising the head of the bed until they are mostly sitting up, Patrick leaning against David’s shoulder as David hand feeds him tiny bites of cinnamon roll.
Things are going well enough until a nurse comes in to look at Patrick’s head wound, and it turns out that Alexis is the only one besides the nurse who can face the thought of stitches in Patrick’s scalp without getting dizzy.
“It’s really not that bad, Patrick,” Alexis says lightly, shoving her compact mirror back in her bag after David screeches at her to put it away.  “When your hair grows back, the scar will be completely hidden.”
“My hair?” Patrick asks.  “What did they do to my hair?”
Alexis purses her lips at him.  “I suppose you could keep that part short, David loves that 90’s asymmetric style-”
“There will be none of that,” David interrupts, propping a hip on Patrick’s bed and running his fingers gently through the untouched hair on the top of Patrick’s head.  “It’s just a little trimmed patch above your ear.  It’ll grow back in no time.”
“Why didn’t you tell me they shaved my head?  It must look ridiculous.”  Patrick looks at David, betrayed, and it’s all David can do not to laugh.  For once it isn’t David being vain.
“It’s hardly your whole head.  Your boy next door good looks are still intact.”  David kisses Patrick’s frowning lips, which seems to satisfy him for the moment.
“Eww, David.”
“Shut it, Alexis.  I’ll kiss my handsome husband whenever I like.”
Alexis tilts her head at them, and then leans down and smacks a quick kiss on Patrick’s cheek, making him blush.  “He is pretty cute, even with a shaved head.”  She stands up, grinning at them and tossing her own luscious waves – adding insult to injury, David thinks.   If someone shaved Alexis’ head without her permission there’d be hell to pay.   “I’m going to go find us some lunch.  Try to keep it PG while I’m gone.”
Patrick’s mood sours as the afternoon wears on.  When the physical therapist comes in to evaluate him, Patrick glares at David until David leaves the room.  David splits the next hour between pacing the hallway and answering texts from his parents, who have already flown halfway home from Fiji and are in the airport in L.A., waiting for their flight to Toronto.  He uses every trick he can think of to convince them not to come, including telling Moira that Schitt’s Creek has implemented a ban on wigs, but they board the flight anyway.  David follows this up with a quick text exchange with Jocelyn, who promises to pick his parents up at the airport and keep them away from the hospital for as long as possible.
When David is finally allowed back into the room, Patrick is having his dinner.  As David watches, Patrick fumbles with a fork, unable to get even one piece of the overcooked pasta from the bowl to his mouth.  The orderly makes a noise of disapproval, taking the fork out of Patrick’s hand and trying to feed him, at which point Patrick squeezes his eyes shut and turns his head into the pillow.
“All right, that’s enough,” David says.  “You, leave the food and clear out.”
“Patrick needs to eat-”
“And you need to go somewhere you’re wanted.  Shoo.”  David waves his hand at the orderly until he leaves, practically tsk-tsking as he goes.
David takes a deep breath and rests one hip against the bed, giving Patrick time to regain his composure.
“I don’t need to be fed like a child,” Patrick finally mumbles into the pillow.
“I know,” David says.
“It’s humiliating.”
“I’m sorry.”
David scoots a little closer to Patrick and Patrick slides his head from the pillow to David’s thigh.  “I want to go home,” Patrick says, his voice tight.
“Tomorrow, right?”
“They’re not sure.”  There’s a pause, and when Patrick continues, he’s clearly hating every word.  “They said I have to be able to transfer from the bed to a chair, and do better with meals.”
Patrick rolls his head, his eyes blinking up at David.  “Why?”
“Yeah, why?”
“Isn’t it obvious?  So I can take care of myself,” Patrick says angrily.
“But I can take care of you,” David says, still not seeing the problem.
“You can’t,” Patrick replies.  “You have the store, and you’ll have to work even longer hours since I won’t be able to help.”
“I’ll take time off.  Patrick, come on, you really think I’m going to leave you at home alone when you’re like this?”
Unfortunately this doesn’t have the desired effect, apparently just emphasizing how helpless Patrick is right now.
“It doesn’t matter.  They’re going to send me to a rehab facility.”
It’s starting to sink in that David has missed quite a lot of information, and while a few days of rehab doesn’t sound like the worst possible thing, it’s clear that Patrick is truly shaken.
“Let me talk to them.  They can’t force you – you’re not in jail.  I’ll just take you home.”
“David, you don’t want to be stuck with me like this,” Patrick says bitterly.  “I can barely wipe my ass.  There’s no fucking choice, I have to go.”
“Patrick,” David says, rapidly realizing that things are going downhill faster than he can catch up.  If nothing else, Patrick’s use of profanity gives away how distraught he is.   “You aren’t going anywhere you don’t want to go, do you understand me?  I won’t let that happen.”
Patrick shakes his head and doesn’t answer.  David slides down until his face is up against Patrick’s, or at least the half of his face that isn’t smushed into the pillow, and whispers softly to him.  
“I know this is upsetting, more than upsetting, and you’re scared.  But you’re not alone in this.  You’re not alone in anything anymore, remember?”  He puts his arm around Patrick and pulls him close.  “Let me get all the information and see what our options are, okay?”
Patrick slides closer and buries his face in David’s neck, sniffling hard.  “Okay.”
Later, after David has coaxed Patrick into eating at least a few bites of the now cold and therefore even less appetizing pasta, Patrick dozes off while an old episode of a cooking show plays on his laptop.  David goes out into the hallway and starts making calls.
He starts with Alexis, because next to his mother, she is the queen of making the impossible become possible – and while Moira seems to stumble into these situations by accident, Alexis makes things happen on her terms.  It helps that Alexis has been so chummy with Patrick’s doctor, because twenty minutes later David’s on the phone with the man himself.  They believe Patrick’s problems are caused by a head injury, not the electric shock.  But given his promising test results, there’s no medical reason Patrick can’t go home.  He’ll need some help at first – either from a family member or a home health care aide – but he can do PT on an outpatient basis if he doesn’t want to go to a residential rehab center, especially if there is someone (i.e., David) able to monitor Patrick’s condition.
David’s about to go back to Patrick’s room with the good news when he gets a text from his dad.  <i>Call me</i>
It’s progress from a guy who used to send emails in all caps.  At least this message is short.  He hopes it’s not an emergency – he’s already got his hands full with his Patrick-emergency.  His heart can only handle one at a time.
“Son, you don’t have to worry.  I’ve got it covered,” his dad says when the line connects.
“Got what covered?”
“The store.  Alexis told me about your dilemma, and you don’t need to worry about it.  Stevie’s coming in tomorrow, and between the two of us and Jocelyn after school, you won’t have to lift a finger.”
David can’t help the wave of relief he feels, even as he protests.  “Not that I don’t appreciate the offer, but last I checked you and Stevie had full time jobs of your own.”
“I already took the month off to go to Fiji, so no one’s expecting me back for at least three more weeks.  Stevie’s due some vacation time too.  Plus we just promoted two new regional managers – it’ll be good for them to have some space to do their thing without us hanging over their shoulders.”
“You can’t spend your vacation time working at the Apothecary – and you can’t make Stevie do it either.”
“Fine, I’ll give her extra vacation time, as much as she wants.  She never takes any time off anyway, no matter how much she saves up.  This will be fun for her – she doesn’t say it, but I know she misses you guys.”
It’s really too good to be true.  “Dad, are you sure?  Because Patrick and I can make it work, we’ll be okay on our own.”
“Yeah, but you don’t have to do this on your own, David.”
It’s oddly reminiscent of what David just said to Patrick a little while ago.  They’re not alone in this, neither of them.
“All right, but I’m still supervising operations.  Don’t go making any changes or ordering anything different without asking me.  We have to stay on brand.”
“David, I would never.”
David lets out an embarrassing half-laugh/half-cry and presses his hand over his eyes.  “Dad, I have to get back to Patrick.”
“Okay, son.  I love you.  And tell Patrick we love him too.”
David hangs up and goes into the bathroom to splash some water on his face.  His dad has gifted them the perfect solution to this problem, even if he screws up and decorates the place with poison oak in ugly vases.  He can’t wait to tell Patrick.
Unfortunately, Patrick is fast asleep when David gets back to his room.  The nurse tells David that they gave Patrick a sedative to help him rest, and that he probably won’t wake up until morning.  Glancing at his watch, he sees that it’s nearly eleven o’clock.  No wonder he feels like he’s about to pass out.  Except for a few hours of sleep crammed in the hospital bed with Patrick last night, David has been awake since the previous morning.
“Do you have someone who can take you home for the night?”  the nurse asks.  “If Patrick wakes up I’ll help him call you.  You need to take care of yourself, so you can take care of him.”
“I’m pretty sure I told you that already,” Alexis trills at him.
David turns, and Alexis is there, smiling affectionately.  “Come on, David, give your little button a kiss and let me take you home.  I promise I’ll bring you back first thing.”
David really doesn’t want to leave, but he can barely keep his eyes open, and the thought of crawling into his own bed is irresistible.  He sends Patrick a text, letting him know he’ll be back early.
“You promise you’ll have him call me if he wakes up?”  David asks the nurse.  “Even if it’s the middle of the night?”
“I will.”  The nurse walks with them out of the room.  “He’s going to be fine, your husband.  He’s mostly just scared, but he’s going to be okay.”
“I thought medical professionals aren’t supposed to make promises like that,” David says, suddenly suspicious.
“I can tell he’s going to be okay, because he’s got you and your family on his side.”
Alexis turns and steps closer to the nurse, her eyes narrowing.  “Wait, do we know you?”
The nurse laughs.  “I’m Twyla’s second cousin, Marti.  I came to singles week at Schitt’s Creek a few years ago.”
“Ugh, do you still promise to take care of Patrick?”
Marti laughs.  “I do.  Now go home already, just looking at you is making me tired.”
Sleeping in his own bed isn’t quite as wonderful as David had hoped it would be; Patrick’s absence is like a physical pain.  But David does feel more like himself in the morning.
As promised, Marti calls him around six when Patrick wakes up, and puts Patrick on the phone.  He is still a little drowsy, so David just makes sure everything is more or less okay and asks him what kind of scone he wants for breakfast.
“Blueberry,” Patrick says, surprising no one.
They get to the hospital around eight, Alexis giving Patrick a quick kiss on the cheek and then skipping off on what she says is an important work-related errand, but what David thinks is probably a coffee date with Patrick’s doctor.
“He’s named Dr. Lee,” David says.  “Do we think he’s related to someone in Schitt’s Creek too?”
“Ronnie’s last name is Lee,” Patrick says.  “But there’s not exactly a family resemblance.”
Dr. Lee is tall, built, and most likely Korean.  He reminds David of a younger, even more handsome Daniel Dae Kim. “No way to know, really.  And I’m not about to ask him.”
Patrick nods in agreement.  “I can’t believe that nurse is Twyla’s cousin.  Marti seems so normal.”
“Very funny.”
“So, what was the good news?”  Patrick looks cautiously optimistic, but still so nervous that David is compelled to sit down on the bed and pull him into his arms before he goes on.
“If you don’t want to go to that rehab place, you’re not going.  You don’t need to be there to do your PT.  You can come home, with me, and I will stay home and wait on you hand and foot until you get better.”
“David, you can’t leave the store-”
“My dad and Stevie are going to work the store.  Don’t argue with me, that part wasn’t even my doing, and it’s already decided.  Either you let me stay home with you, or I’ll wander the streets lonely and pining, but I’m not needed at the Apothecary.”
Patrick seems to be holding his breath, then asks, “Are you sure?”
Patrick’s eyes are shining, and he leans into David, sighing deeply.  “David… thank you.”
“Don’t thank me yet.  So far my mother hasn’t announced whether she’s part of this plan too, but I wouldn’t put it past her.  We might wind up with a selection of all-natural handmade wigs for sale.”
“I don’t care,” Patrick murmurs into David’s sweater.
“No, me neither.”
They pull apart when David’s stomach grumbles, and he unpacks the food he brought in.
“This doesn’t look like it came from the café,” Patrick says, as David deposits a blueberry scone iced with lemon and sparkling sugar on a paper plate.
“Nope.  We stopped at that place in Elm Falls, the one we looked at for wedding cakes?  They have a new baker with a real flair for pastries.  I’m thinking we should give them a call soon, see what it would take to set up a weekly delivery.”
David takes out his own breakfast – French toast stuffed with ricotta and strawberries, and cuts off a chunk, holding it out for Patrick to bite.
“Mmm, that’s good too.”
They eat in silence for a few minutes, David feeding Patrick bites of his French toast and Patrick breaking off pieces of his scone and slowly putting them into his mouth.
“Your arms seem steadier today -” David starts, and Patrick interrupts him.
“Don’t say it, I thought it too, but I don’t want to jinx anything.”
David grins at Patrick, and Patrick grins back, a little shy.  “Okay, I won’t say anything.”  He tries not to watch as Patrick picks up his iced coffee and sips from the straw, placing the plastic cup back down on the bed tray carefully but without any mishap.
“You’ll be stocking shelves in no time,” David says, and Patrick groans.  
“Shut up, please.”
Patrick’s mood improves even more when David reveals what else he brought him.
“I have never been happier to see a pair of sweats,” Patrick says, as he reluctantly lets David help him get dressed.  
“I figured that doing PT in a hospital gown probably didn’t improve the experience,” David says.  “Wait, there’s one more thing.”  He pulls out Patrick’s Café Tropicale baseball cap, which easily covers the shaved spot and the bandage on Patrick’s head.  Patrick’s smile lights up the room.
“Babe, you are really the best.”
David blushes as Patrick pulls him in for a kiss.  “I can definitely get you better hats, this is just temporary.”
“What, you mean you’re not a fan?”
David takes in his husband, smiling and laughing and thrilled to be wearing a worn green baseball cap while sitting in a hospital bed.  “I am, in fact, your very biggest fan,” he says, sappy and proud.  He kisses Patrick a few more times, for good measure, but all too soon a nurse comes in and they have to stop.
Even with his spirits lifted, Patrick still kicks David out during his physical therapy session.  David thinks it’s kind of silly, since it’s likely that the therapist might be imparting information that would be useful for them both to know, and he’d rather hear anything that’s going to upset Patrick so he can try to help deal with it before he spirals.  But he gets that Patrick is trying to hold on to some shred of privacy.  This whole situation is hell for David in terms of secondhand embarrassment, and he knows it’s a hundred times worse for Patrick.
When Patrick’s finally done with PT, David comes back into the room to find Patrick curled up on his side, his eyes closed.  David pulls his chair close to the bed and sets a hand on Patrick’s shoulder.
“You okay?” he asks quietly.
“Can I get you anything?”
Patrick just shakes his head, not opening his eyes.
David leans down and presses a kiss to Patrick’s forehead, then pulls out a magazine from his bag and starts flipping through it.  He’s bored, though, and now that’s he’s actually gotten some decent sleep, full of restless energy.  If he stays here, he’s just going to annoy Patrick with his fidgeting.
“Okay if I go for a walk?”  he asks, whispering.  “I won’t be gone long.”
“Do what you want,” Patrick mutters.
It stings.  David tells himself that it’s understandable, Patrick is going through a rough time, it’s no surprise that he’s grumpy.  But Patrick is usually so unflappable.  The contrast is striking.  David is supposed to be the dramatic one, while Patrick remains calm, the sober port in David’s passionate storm.  An exaggeration, maybe, but on the nose more often than not.
Now Patrick needs him to step up and be calm and capable for both of them.   David needs to set aside his own anxieties and be there for his husband, no matter how uncomfortable it might feel.  He’s always said that he would do anything for Patrick, but it’s a lot easier to say when his husband is cheerful and healthy and really doesn’t need much except David’s fond attention.  David is determined not to let Patrick down now, but based on his track record, he can’t help but think that the odds aren’t really in his favor.
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khaleesikirk · 4 years
So, there’s something to do with Trans women that I wanted to talk about. I feel like Pride Month is a good time, especially with everything going on.
A few years ago, one of my friends was about to get married. They were the first of our friend group to get engaged (thought I did not long after, proceeded by at least two more couples). This friend has known my husband since they were kids and are the reason I met him. 
They were living in another province and we were all set to fly out for the wedding, when a few months before the date, we get a call. The wedding is off, our friend is coming home and asked my husband (then fiance) and I to pick them up from the airport because there is something they want to tell us. 
She tells us she’s going to transition. From male to female. We were surprised but supportive, and she stayed with us for a little while because she wasn’t sure what her parents reaction would be. 
In those days I noticed something. The steps she would have to take to appear as a woman to people. The makeup, the clothes, the wigs. And here I was, no makeup, hair thrown up into a messy ponytail, wearing jeans and a t-shirt, and no one questioned that I was a woman. 
It broke my heart, listening to the majority of people misgender or outright laugh at my friend. 
One day, before my own wedding, my friend asked me to go to Pride with her. I’d been to Pride before. I’m bi and my best friend in the world is pan, so I was no stranger to the LGBTQ community. We were already going into Toronto to look at wedding dresses at this little store that gave all proceeds to cancer (my mom’s friend had gotten a dress there and recommended it to her). So we decided to go to Pride afterwards. 
My mom came with us. She was going to buy my dress (and wanted to look with me) and she adored my friend (who was my husband’s best person in our wedding, so she’d given me permission to tell my parents, who knew her as a man) and had never actually been to Pride, so she was very excited. 
I, personally, had a terrible time (not only do I not enjoy spending time with my mother, who is crazy and controlling and very mean to me, but I was also on my period). It rained, and I was exhausted, and it was super crowded (I don’t do well with crowds).
But my friend loved every moment of it. It was her first Pride since starting her transition, and she felt welcomed and safe. So I toughed it out for her. It was the happiest I’d seen her in ages, and she used a pic my mother took of the two of us as her profile pic for a while. 
She was noticeably happier as a woman that she ever had been as a man. She was more outgoing, and made lots of friends. She really came into herself. 
But I always think about those early days (and now even, though not as much, as the hormones have changed her body enough to present as female) and the pressure that was placed on her to be considered female. To be included in female only spaces. The kids and adults alike who made fun of her when we went swimming, or out shopping or wherever. 
I’d never be transphobic, but I guess I never really thought about it. Knowing her changed me. Being trusted by her changed me. The fact that she told me and my husband before she even told her parents. That she trusted me enough to know my reaction wouldn’t be negative.  I never felt uncomfortable around her, and though I felt uncomfortable for her, her being trans didn’t make her any less of my friend. 
So I’ll say it again, louder, for the people in the back, TRANS WOMEN ARE WOMEN. They shouldn’t have to try any harder than any of us to be considered women. Trans rights are human rights. They always have been and they always will be. 
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menalez · 5 years
"what are your sources? this may be hard for a man to hear but “because i said so” is not a source! :)" What are your sources - which aren't anecdotal evidence, because again, that is not a source - you hypocrite? I would happily admit that neither of us know the answer, but you would not, despite your hypocrisy.
anecdotal evidence??? SIR THESE ARENT ANECDOTES. THEYRE CASES. here you go, dickhead:
Transgender Woman arrested for Voyeurism at Ammon Target: http://www.eastidahonews.com/2016/07/man-dressed-woman-caught-taking-photos-dressing-room/
Suspect Facing Voyeurism Charge In First Hill Incident From October: https://archive.is/abmvY
Transgender woman’s behavior in changeroom unacceptable: https://www.thestar.com/life/2014/01/04/transgender_mans_behaviour_in_changeroom_unacceptable_gallinger.html
Man in bra and wig found in women’s bathroom, took a shower in girls’ locker room for sexual gratification: http://www.seattlepi.com/local/article/Police-Man-in-bra-and-wig-found-in-women-s-3414089.php
Mario Morales-Herrera recorded a 10-year-old girl and a 40-year-old woman using the facilities at the library: http://www.seattlepi.com/local/article/Charge-Cross-dressing-voyeur-recorded-library-5297665.php
Man dressed up as a woman gaining access to female-only dorms, attempted to take pictures of women with cellphone hidden in purse: http://www.nbclosangeles.com/news/local/loma-linda-university-cross-dresser-trespass–213054241.html
Man wearing pink wig & sunglasses charged with multiple counts of voyeurism, pointing iPhone under women’s college restroom’s stall doors: http://q13fox.com/2015/06/04/police-man-in-pink-wig-secretly-filmed-in-womens-restroom/
California Man Dressed as Woman Busted for Videoing in Ladies Bathroom: https://www.nbclosangeles.com/news/local/Secret-Recording-Store-Mall-Antelope-Valley-Palmdale-Restroom-207541101.html
Man Receives Jail Sentence for Filming Woman in Walmart Bathroom https://sanangelolive.com/news/crime/2015-10-14/illegal-immigrant-receives-jail-sentence-filming-woman-walmart-bathroom
Man dressed as a woman peeps on women in bathroom at Wal-Mart: https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/crime/man-dressed-as-a-woman-peeps-on-women-in-bathroom-at-wal-mart/2015/06/10/cd88e1d6-0f5a-11e5-a0dc-2b6f404ff5cf_story.html
DA: Cross-Dressing Man Secretly Taped Women at Macy’s: http://ktla.com/2013/05/14/da-cross-dressing-man-secretly-videotaped-women-in-macys-bathroom/
Greensburg man Patrolman John Swank who photographed cheerleaders, testified he’s “sexually attracted to women, & considers self a woman.”: http://www.post-gazette.com/local/east/2004/11/19/Greensburg-man-who-photographed-cheerleaders-to-be-tried/stories/200411190290
Purdue police investigate report of man taking photographs in women’s restroom: https://news.uns.purdue.edu/x/2008a/080331PoliceVPA.html
Man twice disguised himself as a woman to get inside UC Berkeley locker room, used cell phone to photograph women: http://abc7news.com/archive/7739509/
University of Toronto Dumps Transgender Bathrooms After Peeping Incidents: http://www.dailywire.com/news/330/university-toronto-dumps-transgender-bathrooms-pardes-seleh
Leduc man in drag charged for change room voyeurism: http://www.leducrep.com/2015/01/12/leduc-man-in-drag-charged-for-change-room-voyeurism
Shopper Claims Cross-Dressing Man Took Photos Under Restroom Stall At Polaris Fashion Place: http://www.10tv.com/content/stories/2014/10/07/columbus-ohio-shopper-claims-cross-dressing-man-took-photos-under-restroom-stall-at-polaris-fashion-place.html
do u want more? bc this is hardly all the existing cases! so much for “anecdotes”! expect a block next message u send a message twisting shit & being a misogynist, im tired of wasting any of my energy explaining to you that the safety of women matters. you’re projecting your hypocrisy onto me here: i provide proper arguments and verifiable claims, while your entire argument is based in rhetoric, and yet you demand i prove things to you? the only truth you’ve stated here is that YOU don’t know the answer to any of my questions. no sources. nothing. i haven’t claimed to know anything, all ive done was place doubt on your baseless claims.
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wigsforwomen123 · 2 years
Wig stores in Toronto
Are you looking for a high-quality Wig stores in Toronto? Look no further! We have a wide variety of wigs in stock, from human hair to synthetic, in a range of styles and colors. Our knowledgeable staff is here to help you find the perfect wig that fits your lifestyle. With our unbeatable prices, we guarantee you will find the perfect wig for you. Visit us today and experience the best Wig stores in Toronto!
0 notes
kspre-help · 5 years
cheap cosplay? no problem
I’ve been doing cosplay for a good while now and im the type of person who constantly needs to have new content and new costumes every 3 or so months because i am impatient and easily bored. But obviously with new costumes, you’ll need to spend some $$ so im going to write a short post about how to do cosplay without breaking the bank each time
i did this entire costume for under 25$ check out the rest to learn my ways !!
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tl;dr: thrift, reuse, taobao, or get sick deals. more under the cut!
1. Thrift stores are your best friend
I thrift a LOT at local vintage stores, goodwill, value village and the sorts. Try to also check out ur local family-run convenience stores (i like toronto’s chinatown) as they often carry miscellaneous items that are marked down depending on season. I personally love using old curtains because they usually have a lot of fabric to work with and it’s not thin. i made this jacket with curtains a friend left behind and the rest is thrifted, stuff i already had or made from scraps. (cost: $25)
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so don’t be afraid to rip apart old curtains, bed sheets and modify thrifted clothing!!! (in the same vein, pay a visit to walmart, dollarama or whatever cheap 1$ stores for materials and art supplies!) 
2. Ebay and aliexpress aren’t so bad (besides the shipping time)
I use ebay and aliexpress a lot for items that i just can’t find in person. I almost only get wigs off of these two sites and found the quality is very decent. Do watch out for aliexpress as some sellers are just taobao resellers that increase the prices of their items. the main thing is to know HOW to search for items. use general terms like ‘black vest’ or ‘striped pants’ to keep it vague enough so itll give you a lot of results (aka more price options). if you can’t find the perfect match, use your thrifting knowledge and think how you can modify ebay-bought items for your cosplay. on aliexpress, i like to check off ‘free shipping’ and check ‘orders’ so there are reviews and feedback i can look at for items 
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this was around 55$ but the catsuit itself was only 10$ (and the aforementioned swimsuit miku was all from aliexpress/ebay. i just bought faerie wings, a generic blue swimsuit, shorts, a tube top and cheap nightgown. all of that was like 22$)
the shipping times are unfortunately a bit unpredictable so be patient or plan ahead as it can take up to two months. if it doesn’t arrive within the estimated time frame, open up a dispute and you may even get some money refunded.
3. Taobao and its international best friend, superbuy
Sometimes making a costume from scratch just isn’t worth it when it has become so readily available on chinese shopping sites. An example would be like demon slayer where the uniforms are sold for 20-30$ and making it yourself (printing fabric, using applique for the designs etc etc) could easily end up being over 60$. Wigs are also high quality and typically cost under 30$. I personally recommend using superbuy as far as im aware they have really really low service rates (like 0.05% of your item costs) and they send images + updates of your items when they arrive at the warehouse to be shipped internationally.  (you can even buy fabric for cheap if you find your local fabric stores are just a bit too $$)
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i made this with fabric bought off taobao and it cost me 30$ (includes shipping)
obviously, there will be shipping. I find that one costume will typically cost around 10$ to ship, but if you want multiple items, look into setting up a group order so the shipping costs can be split between your friends. The shipping time surprisingly is better than ebay and aliexpress i find - it usually takes a month for me.
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i bought this entire set for bort (wig and costume) for around 40-50$ and shipping was split with friends so total is around 55-60$. NOTE: WATCH OUT FOR CUSTOMS so when ordering a lot of items, do so with discretion!
4. reuse and recosplay
I take apart a lot of old costumes and old clothing i don’t wear anymore to harvest for fabric or other bits (buttons, zippers). i personally sometimes forego accuracy if it means i can reuse some old fabric which may be slightly different from the original design. from thrifting, i also modify a lot of clothing and reuse them if i can.
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both of these cost me probably like 10$ for the dress.
i also cosplay miku A LOT because i can reuse the wig over and over again. consider cosplaying a character who wears different outfits OR cosplaying characters with similar hair styles so you can just style it instead of buying a new one. i also buy generic shoes and clothing items so i can use them for multiple characters. (like black heels, black boots, white shirt, black pants, red tie etc) it’s a good idea to also learn how to dye wigs if you need to change the color.
5. return after you’re done
this is a bit tricky and not always recommended. BUT HONESTLY, i’ve done this a couple times. i have bought items from stores to use for a photoshoot and returned it after i was finished using. obviously keep the tag on and don’t be too wild and damage the item when shooting. 
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i bought the jacket off amazon prime and the top from victoria secret. i did a shoot for love death and robots then returned everything after. this costume cost me 0$ (i already owned the wig which was like 8$ anyways) NOTE: make sure the store allows returns! ESPECIALLY amazon prime since they may not accept returns depending on the item
6. halloween season is over, but cosplay season isn’t!
go on to halloween costume sites off season. these sites are pretty dead when it’s not october so they have big sales to drive purchases. i like to use halloween costumes which is where i got this outfit.
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this cost me 0$ because there was damages and stains on the skirt and i got refunded. BUT otherwise, it is 40$
so there you have it! some ways to keep costs low and economical. i personally always try to be as cheap as possible. always budget what you need for your costumes and see where you can apply these tips to cut costs if possible. good luck!! 
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drunklander · 6 years
I'm sitting on a black plastic chair in the auditorium at the Native Canadian Centre of Toronto, jiggling my legs as the casting director in front of me studies my application and headshot. I’m here, along with 30 other Indigenous men and women, to audition for the role of “background actor, Indigenous, age 25-plus” for the wildly popular (and wildly sexy) series Outlander. Producers had put out a call for Indigenous extras to appear on the show’s fourth season as time-travelling English combat nurse Claire and her hunky Scottish warrior, Jamie, journey to the New World—or, as I call it, “home.”
I’m jittery, but I’m excited too, and not just because if I’m picked, I’ll get to go to Scotland, where the series is filmed. I’ve never acted a day in my life. Nor have I ever been on a movie set—if you don’t count the times I’ve gawked at the location shooting of Suits in Toronto’s financial district. But I’ve always been obsessed with movies and TV (IMDb is my favourite website), and I’m curious to see what filming is like. And, most importantly, I haven’t seen a lot of people who look like me on television or in the movies, so this casting call feels pretty big.
I’ve been searching for representations of Indigenous people in pop culture since I was a kid growing up in the ’80s on the Six Nations of the Grand River reserve in southwestern Ontario. Among my limited options? Old Westerns with people in wigs dressed up as native people (not cool), Dances With Wolves (I’d rather watch it from the POV of the Lakota people deciding to adopt Kevin Costner than the other way around) and Disney’s Pocahontas. (Do not get me started on the song “Savages.”) Or I could pick up a VHS copy at the local video store (I did say I was an ’80s kid) of anything starring Graham Greene. And while, yes, there were some Indigenous-made movies, like Dance Me Outside, Smoke Signals and Once Were Warriors—which my friends and I would watch at sleepovers between scarfing down junk food and telling ghost stories—they only came around every few years.
Since then, there has been some movement toward inclusivity on Canadian TV with the creation of APTN (Aboriginal Peoples Television Network) in 1992 and shows like North of 60 and, more recently, Mohawk Girls and Blackstone. Mohawk Girls is one of two shows that reflect a version of life on the reserve—people greeting one another in their native languages, our dry sense of humour and how tough we can be. Blackstone is a mesmerizing drama with all the elements of the disappointingly real issues Indigenous people face, such as missing and murdered women and the high prison and youth-suicide rates. I’ve become a cheerleader for these series because they’re not only highly bingeable but also show Indigenous people as modern people in scenarios that we all face, from trying to fit in after moving to a new place to dealing with family pressure. Displaying these commonalities goes a long way toward humanizing our people, who often seem relegated to history books.
I can’t help thinking about this during my audition as I try to concentrate on what feels like the weirdest job interview ever. I’m asked to hold up my application and say my name and which nation I’m from. The impassive casting agent in front of me doesn’t blink at my Greek married name, but he does inquire what I do for a living, if I’m cool with wearing a wig (I guess no one had chic bobs in the 18th century) and if I have any problem with going to Scotland for a month. Then comes the hard part: the acting. I’m asked to turn to the camera and give a stern face, which, as anyone who knows me knows, is next to impossible, unless I’m dealing with my four-year-old daughter having a full-blown tantrum. A few takes later, I’m done. As I leave the auditorium, I mouth “Good luck” to a woman I was sitting beside earlier.
As I look back now, it felt good to be in a room of Indigenous women and men—even if we were vying for the same roles—but the experience also made me think about the implications of us always being in the background. Although this Outlander casting call felt like a great step toward representation, it also shows how far we still have to go. We have Indigenous voices on Indigenous TV, but what about mainstream pop culture? I want to see more Indigenous people playing non-specifically-Indigenous parts—because, yes, while we do have unique cultures and world views, we are not defined solely by our heritage. It’s important for non-Indigenous people to see us filling roles like Graham Greene’s cop character in Die Hard With a Vengeance. We can be smart city detectives too! Indigenous voices also need to be behind the scenes, writing, producing and directing content.
The needle is moving, albeit slowly. Actress Tantoo Cardinal and filmmaker Danis Goulet were recently invited to be members of the Oscars Academy, and many of Canada’s media organizations are focusing on bettering Indigenous representation, with government investment in Indigenous productions and hiring and the creation of a dedicated Indigenous Screen Office.
In the end, I didn’t get a callback to be one of 10 women to head to the hills of Scotland and appear for fleeting seconds behind Jamie and Claire. My movie career might not have kicked off, but I am encouraged by the historically accurate hiring tactics of such a big-budget series. Hopefully, in the near future, there will be a time-travelling romance where the main cast looks like me. You know I’ll be watching.
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torontowigstudiod · 2 months
Wig Store Toronto | Toronto Wig Studio
Visit Toronto Wig Studio to choose the ideal wig for you. In addition to a large assortment of chic and cozy wigs, our wig shop in Toronto provides professional guidance and individualized attention to ensure that you discover the ideal fit.
wig store Toronto
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torontowigstudio · 2 years
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olivamadden · 2 years
Organizations Providing Free Used Medical Equipment 2022
Used Medical Equipment: If you are in dire need of a wheelchair or other DME device, used medical equipment may be an answer. So, we are here to guide you in the different organisations that provide free and used medical equipment.
In this article, we have listed many different used medical equipment suppliers. Each sets their own standards for who qualifies for their items. Some agencies serve everyone, without restrictions.
Therefore, some have income guidelines, position guidelines, or other criteria. You will need to contact the agency to get more information on who qualifies for their program.
What are used medical equipment?
Used medical equipment means clean and refurbished durable medical equipment. These items, such as wheelchairs and hospital beds, no longer need their original owners.
They have been donated , tidied up, cleaned thoroughly and are now available to others who may need them. Since most of these items are donated, they are usually available for free.
Examples of used medical equipment include:
Wheelchairs (including vehicle lifts and portable wheelchair ramps)
Personal mobility devices
Geriatric chairs and seat posts
Breathing equipment
Hospital beds
Bedside tables
Shower chairs
Sensory aids
Obviously, the inventory varies according to the donations received by each agency. You will need to contact the supplier closest to you for details.
Med-Eq (USA)
This US organisation matches materials donated to charities in the US for distribution. Go to the Individual and Family Donation page and enter your location information. Additionally, you can include your donation and send it by post.
The selected Med-Eq Approval  charity will contact you for details. Finally, you can receive a tax deduction receipt from the end-user organisation you are paired with.
CURE Project (USA)
The CURE project cargo program delivers semi-trailer-sized containers carrying medical donations to understaffed hospitals. Also to community clinics and health centres in developing countries.
They also send CURE Kits which are prepackaged kits the size of a basic medical supplies suitcase for easy transportation. It is checked as baggage on your next trip to a community in need abroad.
However, there are six large distribution centres in the United States from which they receive and ship medical equipment. You can receive a tax deduction receipt from this organisation.
Hospice of Hope (UK)
This British charity sends donated medical supplies to Romania, Moldova and Albania . Hospice of Hope is specifically looking for wigs, walking aids, and wheelchairs right now, but is accepting other donations.
Then, you can leave the donation at one of their stores or send it by post.
Not just tourists (Canada)
This Canadian nonprofit claims to carry a suitcase and save a life. Suitcases full of medical supplies are sent with travellers to village clinics in remote areas around the world.
In addition, the supplies they send are typically gauze, bandages, masks, gloves, antiseptics, IV kits, and birthing kits.
There is a process in which donated supplies and suitcases are packed in Toronto and delivered. However, this must be followed.
Yad Sarah (Israel)
Yad Sarah is a medical equipment lending organisation in Israel. Consequently, it helps the chronically ill, the infirm and the terminally ill to live at home.
Plus, anyone who needs anything from baby cribs to hospital beds can come and borrow the equipment. They charge no fees for using their medical equipment, with people only having to leave a small deposit.
However, there are over 100 branches across the country. This service is also available for tourists. Any branch in Israel accepts medical donations.
Medshare (United States)
Medshare is a United States humanitarian aid organisation that provides excess essential medical equipment and supplies to medical facilities.
Medical collections go to the Medical Mission Team and Worldwide Healing Hands. Consequently, this helps the quality of care for women and children in Uganda, Hatti, Chad and Nepal.
In addition, they collaborate with the Ministry of Health in Ethiopia on a maternal and child health and disaster relief program. People with surplus medical goods must fill out the form on the website.
However, it is possible to receive a tax deduction receipt from this organisation.
Jacobs Well Appeal (UK)
This UK medical charity sends medical equipment and supplies to hospitals in developing countries. Donations from the past two years have gone to Ghana, Burkina Faso, and to help Syrian refugees.
The idea of ​​getting medical supplies that you no longer need is to give them to people who can use them. Because they are poor or have little or no access to medical care.
Many organisations will take medical equipment and supplies from hospitals that are no longer needed or, better yet, never used. They also receive donations from doctors and dentists, but not all accept donations from individuals.
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siddysthings · 3 years
Hair Granted - blogTO - Toronto
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Trans Violence Towards Women
List of transwomen/male crossdressers/transactivists and men using gender laws committing violence against females. This list is obviously not complete and is missing many people, and does repeat some links that other transviolence lists have listed before:
Bathroom Violence:
Pedophilia & Voyeurism
Unnamed man in women’s changing room, used bathroom laws, watched little girls undress: http://www.king5.com/news/local/seattle/man-in-womens-locker-room-cites-gender-rule/65533111
Richard Rodriguez, crossdresser, spied on women and a 5 year old girl:
Christopher Hambrook aka “Jessica”, transwoman who sexually assaulted women and assaulted/raped a child, uses his identity to get into a woman’s shelter:
Crossdressing friend of sex offender William Baker went into girls’ restroom:
Colleen Francis, transwoman, goes into women’s bathroom and exposes himself/genitalia to minor girls:
Men use gender neutral bathroom to spy on female students and take recordings of them showering:
Jason Pomare, crossdressed as a woman to gain access to women’s restroom, secretly taping women:
Richard Rendler, sex offender, dressed up as a woman and went inside women’s bathroom:
Yokio Okawara, enters Japanese female bath dressed as woman:
Eichi Yamamoto, crossdressed and used Japanese female bath:
Gregorio Hernandez, crossdresser, went into women’s bathroom and took pictures:
Joel Hardman, with wig and female mask, goes into women’s bathroom and takes photos of them:
Pedophilia & Sexual Assault
Miguel Martinez aka “Michelle”,  transwoman who sexually abused a girl in bathroom:
Levandus Gacutan, cross-dresser, sexually assaulted boy:
Transwoman sex-offender Paula Witherspoon ticketed for using women’s bathroom. His sex offense was that he assaulted two teen girls:
Man in women’s bathroom chokes 8 year old girl:
Violence outside restroom
Rape & Pedophilia
Qasim Anwar, transvestite/crossdresser taxidriver, rapes drunk woman in his car:
Renell Thorpe, raped woman after breaking into her home, and dressed in her clothing:
James Randall Smith, kidnapper and rapist of a teen, sues prison over not allowing sex change:
Allison Woolbert, transwoman, sexual assault of 15 year old teen relative:
Laura Voyce, transsexual/transwoman, who downloaded child pornography:
Martin Ponting aka “Jessica Winfield”, transwoman, is a rapist/attacker of two young girls:
Davina Ayrton, transwoman, rapist:
Transwoman Christopher Antwain Russel aka “Keema” pleads not guilty to sodemy and molestation of 15 year old boy:
Aliea Rose Brown, transwoman, rapist/sex offender:
Juliana Tourmaline Fialkowski, transwoman youth leader, rapist:
Sarah Nyberg, transsexual, pedophile:
Flopy Guiñazú, transwoman, rapist:
https://www.clarin.com/sociedad/detienen-transexual-violar-embarazar-adolescente_0_SyCPsPt7b.html (espanol / spanish)
Dana Macallum, transwoman, rapist:
Sex Offender
Marie Roblero-Barrios is a transwoman sex offender:
Jonathan Adrian Wolf aka “Johanna Wolf” / “Johanna Von Luck” is a rapist and sex offender:
Lisa Hauxwell, living as both “man and woman”, sex offender:
Patrick Hagan, cross-dressing, went into women’s restroom and when his presence was questioned, punched a woman and knocked her teeth out:
Women at Anarchist Bookfair gets beaten by transactivists for handing out gender critically pamphlets:
https://thegynocrat.tumblr.com/post/166894434436/leftistmalesaremisogynists-leafleting-gender (has all the tweets lined up on this tumblr link)
60 year old woman assaulted by transactivists:
Burglary/Breaking into Homes
Gregory Adam Streater, crossdressed in women’s clothing, breaks into mother in law’s home:
Meko Jerran Hartfield, crossdresser, disguised as nurse, steals from elderly:
Indecency/Exposing Genitals
Jeffrey Don Watson, exposes himself in Maternity store, tries on dresses:
Samuel Brown aka “Sophie”, transwoman, kidnapped woman with Jack William Morgan:
Lyralisa Stevens, transwoman, killed roommate:
John Pilley aka “Jane Anne”,  kidnapper and murderer, transsexual, wants to be moved to women’s prison:
Dana Rivers, transwoman, murdered lesbian couple and their son:
Luis Morales aka Synthia China Blast, transgender woman, raped and murdered 13 year old girl, and abused her corpse:
Donna Perry, transwoman serial killer:
Paul Denyer, transsexual serial killer:
Michelle Kosilek, transwoman, murderer:
Paris Green, transwoman, murderer:
Beate Schmit, transwoman, serial killer:
Ian Huntley aka “Lian”, transwoman, child killer:
Women kicked out of homeless/rape shelter for not wanting to share a bathroom with transwomen:
Athlete transwoman denies having physical advantage despite breaking girl’s leg:
Transwoman “identifies as 6 year old girl”:
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