#best wedding beverage ideas.
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When were you planning to tell us?: Theseus Scamander x fem!reader
Summary: During their wedding your recently married friends can't stop asking questions about your "mysterious" husband. Little they know he is the same man who has been flirting with you during all the ceremony
Warnings: Drinking a little, I guess? But nothing else except that Jacob and Queenie being unaware of the world around them; Leta and Theseus ot being able to hide their chuckles; and Dumbledore being a funny smartass. Takes place after Dumbledore's secrets and in Au where Leta doesn't die and she wasn't enganged with Thesesus
Requested: yes
Words: Around 1130
Author rambles: This is kind of inspired in a wedding I attended a couple of years ago and the situation fitted quite well with the request
Masterlist Characters I write for
Likes and reblogs are appreciated ღ
I do not authorize any of my works to be copied, translated or plagiarized ✗
Bright smiles, sparky eyes and some tears of pure happiness, that was a quick and accurate way to describe most weddings. Jacob’s and Queenie’s was not an exception to this. A small and intimate ceremony on the bakery, only family and friends attending, perfect for the couple union. While the bride and the groom, now wife and husband, were looking at each other with love-dove eyes, you and the rest of the guests were enjoying the sight.
“She looks beautiful today, even more that normally” You whispered to Theseus who was by your side leaning in the desserts table.
“I still believe you were prettier in your wedding” He replied a small grin playing on his lips.
“You are a charmer with words, Theseus Scamander” Your hands slowly moved to take two glasses of champagne, handing one of them to your companion.
“Only because you deserve it, darling” He took a quick sip of the pinkish beverage, which had been Queenie’s idea.
You would have scolded him for his smarmy antics if it wasn’t for your nosy friends who had been half-listening to your talk. Yeah, a small bakery was definitely not the best place to hold a private conversation. It wasn’t long until Mr and Mrs Kowalski came to your way with a mixture of curiosity and surprise.
“y/n you never told us you had been married, honey” Queenie sweet voice echoed in your ears. The realization hit you, you had been caught.
“Actually, I still am” Thesus couldn’t help but chuckle at your words.
“And who is the lucky man?” Jacob managed to speak while taking a bite from the nuptial cake “Do we know him?”
Theseus cheeks were starting to tint in a similar tone to his hair. You wondered how an auror like him, who has supposed to be calm and stern in every situation, couldn’t stop that grin from spreading on his face right now. Luckily for the two of you, Leta Lestrange, your best friend since your Hogwarts years (your guardian angel as you should call her from now on), appeared on the scene.
“What is the fuss for?” she joined the group and thanks to her endearing smile and her ability to put the focus on herself in every situation, you could enjoy a few seconds to think what would you say next. You were so relived thanks to her entry that you didn’t even get annoyed when she playfully stole your glass of champagne.
“y/n has just told us that she is married” The bride explained enthusiastically.
“Ohh…” Great, the last thing you needed right now was another person who couldn’t keep a secret to save her life. Surprisingly, she decided to play along. After all a little fun never hurt anyone “Of course she is, I was the bridesmaid”
“Leta…” You tried to interrupt her in order to finally reveal the truth.
“Wonderful!” Queenie clapped “So you can tell us more about that mysterious husband of hers”
“Yeah y/n, you never told us anything about him” Theseus took a sip of his drink and still he couldn’t hide his smirk.
Oh, he made a big mistake… Never play games with a girl who can play them better, Scamander. You should remind him that later.
“Well, he is the perfect gentleman. Sweet, chivalrous, caring…” You dreamingly looked at the celling “But also a little bossy, stubborn, touchy too. And he always overworks himself with his job to the point its annoying” Your audience was expectant to hear more about it. Theseus tried his best not to look slightly offended while Leta patted his back.
“But you love him, don’t you?” The older Scamander brother asked, his eyes shinning hopefully. One of the many things that made you fall for him since the first day.
“With every piece of my heart” Your gaze was locked in his.
That intimate moment which had somehow grown in a room full of people faded a wide the instance the door’s bell rang, announcing Tina’s and Newt’s arrival in the bakery. God knew what they had been talking about while the rest of you were enjoying the desserts.
“Guys, you will never guess what happened” Jacob said as soon as they came to his sight.
“Y/n is married!” Queenie announced as the sweet gossiper she was.
The young magizoologist’s eyes travelled back and forwards from yours and his brother’s face, clearly confused. The elder Goldstein sister just looked unaware, waiting for an explanation.
“Of course, she is” Newt finally broke the silence “I was the best man”
“You too?” Jacob said surprised “Are we the last ones to discover this?”
“I didn’t know until today either, Mr Kowalski. Although I have been having my suspicions since you two were students. You have never been good at hiding your feelings, Miss l/n”
Dumbledore laughed from the other side of the room where he was leaning on the wall absent-mindedly eating his piece of cake. A privileged position which he took advantage of to listen to the whole discussion.
“Or should I say Mrs Scamander now? Congrats anyway, thanks to your marriage Professor McGonagall owes me ten galleons now” Gasps of shock echoed between the bakery’s walls.
Your husband made himself comfortable, his hands now proudly around your waist in a gentle grip.
“Thanks Professor” he replied.
“When did you make it official if I can ask?”
“Just after he returned from the war. We wanted to keep it simple, Newt and Leta were the only guests” You softly squeezed your husbands hand.
“And when were you planning to tell us?”
“Jacob, sweetie, focus on what is important” His wife corrected him “Why didn’t you tell us?”
You two shrugged the question off. Being honest, you had never truly hidden your union, not intentionally at least. Theseus did not wear his ring on his finger, but in a necklace around his neck. Too afraid that he would lose it in a mission due to his work as an auror; so you decided to do the same. He didn’t keep the gesture of love low-key either. Always calling you pet names or protectively staying by your side. But it was true he did the same for Leta and his brother, and that kisses were always reserved for closed doors for unknown reasons. With those reasons, it was understandable that your friends hadn’t realized sooner you were in fact married. They just took you for an old friend duo. How wrong they were, but as no correction had been said before by either of you they were still ignorant of the fact.
As they say: “Actions speak louder than words” and that was exactly what your husband did. Arms tangled around your hip and lips that were leaning for a kiss which ended up in a resounding applause. In the next years you would receive endless teasing for it, but enjoying the moment you couldn’t care any less about it.
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The Meet Cute
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Summary: 99% of the time drinking leads to nothing but bad decisions and regret in the morning. But, what about the other 1% of the time?
Word count: 1786
Prompt: 'Hugged the wrong person from behind'
AN: Hey guys this is my first submission for @jacklesversebingo 2024 Bingo card. It is my first time doing one of these and I'm super excited to see what my brain comes up with! It's a challenge for sure but I hope you guys can enjoy the ride with me.
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Bingo Masterlist

You winced a little at the burn of the whisky sliding down your throat. It was very much welcomed though, and so were the other two shots you’d done just before.
Not only was it your sister's wedding, but you were her maid of honour and wedding planner. In her defence, it was your profession, so planning and weddings were two things you did well. But the added pressure of it being your baby sister's day and wanting it to be perfect had given you little room to breathe.
Though, once the initial ceremony had ended and you made sure all the guests had arrived and settled in at the afterparty, you finally took a moment to take that breath, aided by the sweet nectar of alcohol. In hindsight, it probably wasn’t your best idea to drink such a strong beverage on an empty stomach, as it wasn’t long until its side effects commandeered your body, mind, and actions.
As you looked around at everyone enjoying themselves on the dance floor, your sister included, it brought a sense of relief and warmth knowing you made her day special. However, there was one face missing, and that was the face of your best friend, Matty. You’d been busy up to your eyeballs all day with arrangements, making sure people arrived on time and showing them where to go; you hadn’t even been able to see him yet, let alone say hello.
You knew his flight this morning was delayed, so he had to miss the ceremony, but he was on schedule to make the party at least. Though even your sister or family hadn’t seen him. The last text he sent was to tell you that he’d landed, and that was nearing 2 hours ago. You deflated at the thought that he might miss this too. Matty was always the life of the party, ever since you’d met him your freshman year of college. Although you didn’t see each other as often as you’d liked, living in different cities and leading busy lives and all, you were always guaranteed a great time when he was around.
However, as you finished your fourth shot, it was then you spotted someone at the other end of the bar. You had to squint a little through your gradually blurring vision, but you were certain it was him. He had his back to you, and he looked a little more built than when you last saw him, but he was already chatting away to some ridiculously handsome, tall guy you didn’t recognise; who was exactly his type, and was easily someone he’d be distracted by.
Pushing aside the fact he hadn’t come to see you first, with giddy excitement you pushed away from the bar, steadying yourself briefly as your head spun a little, but wasted little time as you wonkily made your way towards your best friend.
Foregoing the formalities and for the sudden need to hold onto something, you hugged him tightly from behind. He was definitely firmer than you remembered, and he smelt amazing, but Matty always did.
“I’m so glad you’re here.” You sighed happily as you snuggled into his back, the effects of the alcohol well and truly in control. “And when did you get so fit?” You exemplified your point by patting his toned stomach with a giggle.
“Y/N? What are you doing?” Your hand paused, and your eyes snapped open at the questioning voice of your best friend. It took you a moment to realise it hadn’t come from the body you were currently clung to, but from your right. Dread suddenly filled you as you slowly turned your head and were met with the amused face of your best friend.
With a gasp, you jumped away from the stranger, losing your footing as you did. Thankfully the stranger grasped your arm before you could go down, not that it would make this situation any less embarrassing if you had. Though what did make it worse was when you finally looked up at said stranger and saw, quite possibly, the most attractive man you’d ever seen in your life.
He had the most captivating pair of green eyes you’d ever seen and a smattering of freckles covering his nose and cheeks. A stubbled jawline that could cut glass, and he was staring down at you with much of the same amusement your best friend had.
“So, strangers are getting touched up before me now?” Matt teased as he walked over to you, shattering the little staring contest you and green eyes had gotten into. He let go of your arm quickly and took a polite step back at Matt’s presence, and you had to force yourself to look away from him.
Your cheeks reddened at Matty’s remark, and you only wished for the floor to swallow you whole. Matty slung an arm over your shoulder and hugged you to him, which you half returned in your traumatised state.
“I’m honestly so sorry; I’ve had a bit to drink and really thought you were him,” you jab a thumb in Matt’s direction, to which he bursts out laughing.
“If you were really thinking that, then you must be drunk.” He laughs, and you can’t help but join in on the absurdity of the situation along with the other two men.
“Honestly, don’t sweat it; it’s made my night, that’s for sure.” The handsome stranger waves you off with a chuckle, and his voice is deep and husky and does an array of things to you. ‘Seriously Y/N? Get yourself together’.
You smile thankfully at him, relieved he found the funny side of it despite the crippling embarrassment you were currently feeling.
“So, how do you both know the bride?” Matty speaks up, and you want to smack him so hard. You were hoping to make your escape and hide in the restroom for the rest of the night, not prolong your suffering.
“My brother Sammy here works with the groom.” Green eyes pats the tall one on the back, and you note his tight-lipped smile at the obvious nickname. It makes your lips twitch in amusement.
“We’re junior partners at KS Attorney’s.” Sam adds and you nod in acknowledgment.
“And what about you?” You find yourself asking before you could even stop yourself. Green eyes looks at you, his eyes sparkling as a sly smirk lifts his noticeably plump lips. ‘Or did you just notice that? Focus Y/N!’
“Well, I’m just here to crash the wedding." He grins proudly, “Meet a few of the bridesmaids.” He winks at you, and you scoff.
“Well, I don’t mean to burst your bubble,” you pause for him to give you his name, which he supplies with a smirk. “Dean,” you repeat. “But I’m maid of honour, and this is my sister's wedding.” You cross your arms and arch a brow. It makes his cocky attitude drop instantly, and it’s quite amusing to watch him fumble.
“I, you know. I’m just kidding.” He stumbles with a nervous chuckle, and you narrow your eyes playfully at him until you feel you’ve made him uncomfortable enough.
“Don’t worry about it." You concede your teasing with a chuckle. “Weddings are supposed to be fun, right?” You shrug before waving him closer to you like you’re about to tell him a secret. He easily obliges, and you try to ignore the close proximity and the delicious scent of him again before you speak.
“Just watch out for the brunette; she’s a little on the crazy side.” You nod your head over at Tiffany, one of the bridesmaids and he follows your direction to the dance floor. She was in your sister's circle of friends, but she was well-known for being a little clingy with men.
You’d heard she’d burnt her last boyfriend's clothes when he didn’t return her calls for a few hours, convinced he was cheating on her. He wasn’t. He was visiting his sick grandmother, something he’d told her the night before.
“Noted.” Dean nods seriously as you pull back and looks away thoughtfully, as if he were thinking of something important before his eyes snap to you again. “What about the maid of honour? Is she game?” Your heart flutters a little at the smoothness of his implication, and you can’t stop your shy smile. You had to look away from him, and it was then you noticed the other two were missing. You frown and look around before you spot Matty and Sam further down the bar with a beer each. Matty catches your eye and winks at you before pointing at you and then Dean and making a vulgar gesture with his hand and mouth. You roll your eyes before you look back at Dean.
“I see we’ve been ditched.” You scoff humorously and Dean’s smirk wideness.
“And you haven’t answered my question.” He points out cooly and leans against the bartop; his stare intense, making you squirm a little. Men at this magnitude of hotness never hit on you, and if it wasn’t for the alcohol still running through your veins, you’re certain you would have malfunctioned by now.
“She is not.” You decide to lie and bite your lip as you too lean against the bar. Dean’s brow raises as if he were surprised by your admission, and you try not to look him in the eye too much.
“Oh really? And who’s the lucky guy?” You try to fight your smile, and the blush you’re certain is already staining your cheeks. Instead of answering, your eyes subtly flicker over to Matty, and Dean’s smile broadens, his eyes glimmering with mischief.
“You and him?” He nods his head back in their direction, and you shrug with a confident smile, which soon falters when he leans in close to whisper in your ear. “Sweetheart, if that were true, I’d hate to be the one to tell you that your boyfriend is currently flirting up a storm with my brother.”
He pulls back with a cocky smirk, and you can’t contain yourself much longer. Laughter bubbles out of you uncontrollably because it’s true. You and Dean both watch as an uncomfortable Sam tries to dodge Matty’s obvious advances with tears in your eyes.
“We should probably go save him. Matty’s nothing if not persistent.” You breathe out, still trying to calm yourself as you wipe gently at your under-eyes.
"Nah, Sammy’s a big boy; he can fend for himself.” Dean shrugs off with a smile. "Besides, you still have a question to answer and no more B.S.” He points at you half serious, and you can’t find it in you to lie this time.

AN: There you go guys, my first bingo square complete. Let me know what you guys think. Also I am open to maybe expanding on this story, like a prequel and maybe another chapter... Let me know if you'd be interested to see more of this.
#jacklesversebingo24#supernatural#spnfamily#dean winchester#sam winchester#spn imagine#dean winchester x reader#jensen ackles#dean x reader#spn fanfic#spn#reader insert#dean winchester one shot#dean winchester fanfiction#spn fandom#dean winchester x you#dean winchester x female!reader#jensen ackles characters#original character#writing prompt#abbalina writes
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ChrisMD and Reader- The Wedding Speech
2084 words.
Ever since you were a little girl you had dreamed of the perfect wedding day. The white dress, all of your family and friends around you, dancing, laughter and of course the husband. You didn’t know who that was going to be at the age of six but at the age of twenty six you met him. He had just gotten out of a long term relationship when the two of you met at a bar so neither of you knew really how far it would go but the pair of you fell incredibly hard incredibly fast.
It was New Years Eve so of course the bar was packed, despite it being a ticket only event it was so full there was hardly space to move. It was ten minutes to midnight so the bar was rammed with people wanting to get their beverages before the clock rang out. You frequented this bar semi often but today the clientele was mixed. There was a couple in front of you who were attached at the lips causing your eyes to roll so you looked elsewhere, noticing an attractive man to the right of you.
“STOP PUSHING ME!” You heard a incredibly gruff and angry voice to the left hand side of you. You looked over to see another man placing his hands up in a sorry mate tone. With the bar being so busy it wasn’t beyond reason that some accidents would happen. The first guy must have been incredibly drunk or worse as out of nowhere he punched the other man in the face and a brawl starting right next to you.
“Oh my God,” you shouted as you tried to avoid any contact with the now fighting men. You felt a strong pair of arms around you and your initial reaction was let out a scream, you calmed down when you felt the arms move you away from the men and to the front of the bar. You looked behind at your saviour and saw the attractive man who caught your eye from earlier. You took the time to really study him, he had blonde hair which was swept over to one side, piercing blue eyes and a strong jawline which was peppered with the lightest stubble.
“The person in front of me was done but I thought you’d be better going first,” he explained and you nodded finally smiling at him as you calmed down.
“Thank you,” you managed to choke out eventually, watching as your knight in shining armour got rocked out by the fracas which was now next to him, it didn’t last too much longer however as security had arrived at this point.
“I’m Chris by the way,” he added placing his hand out, you took it and shook his hand feeling the sparks through your body.
“I’m y/n,” you replied flashing Chris a big genuine smile. You ordered his and yours drinks, he offered to pay and when you reminded him they were free as part of the ticket he said in that case he’d have to take you out for a drink another day and you couldn’t say no.
Chris was involved with the wedding planning but left a lot of the details to you, not because he didn’t care but because he knew you cared more and had a better eye for detail. You still involved him in every decision and he was happy to chip in when he strong opinions and ideas but he told everyone that much of the day was down to you. You chose to get married in Santorini as you both wanted an outdoor ceremony and didn’t want to take the chance on the unpredictable UK weather. You had three bridesmaids, three of your closest friends and after much deliberation Chris had selected Arthur to be his best man. The one part of the wedding you had no idea what was going to happen was Arthur’s speech you did know initially he was really nervous about it but he then apparently had a great idea and was much more chilled about the whole thing.
The ceremony went by without a hitch, both Chris and yourself shed a few tears as you read the vows you wrote to each other.
“Y/N nothing prepared me for when I met you, I never thought I could love someone as much as I do you. Your kind spirit,
your generous nature, your sense of humour and how loving you are to all of the people in your life. I am so incredibly lucky that I’m the person you’ve chosen to love, I don’t know what I’ve done to deserve that but I am going to spend the rest of our lives together trying to reciprocate as you deserve the world. I love you so much.” Chris read from his little notes and you couldn’t help but shed a couple of tears, careful not to mess your make up. You manages to compose yourself and read your vows to him. “Chris, you were my knight in shining armour that night, and I don’t care how short you are to me that night you were six foot seven,” you paused a little for some chuckles before continuing. “You didn’t just save me that night but in life. I have loved every single moment we’ve spent together and I can’t wait for all our future adventures together. You’re my everything, I didn’t know it was possible to love someone as much as I love you but you just make it so easy being the wonderful person you are. I am so proud to call myself your wife,” you managed to breathe out before looking in Chris’s eyes and giving him the biggest smile.
You had some photos taken in the winery and in some other places in the venue before walking into your meal. Chris asked Stephen to be master of the ceremonies so he announced you two into the room in his own special way. You sat down to an amazing meal and you and Chris fully relaxed knowing the legal part was over and now you two could just have fun you did notice Arthur starting to fidget a little bit as the meal progressed.
After some more words from Chris and your dad it was finally Arthur’s turn. He stood up, looking at the faces in front of him, he recognised about three quarters of the people in the room just your family and your friends he wasn’t sure on he drew a deep breath and gave a polite smile before grabbing the microphone.
“Hi everyone, my name is Arthur and I’ve known Chris since school. Most of you will know Chris does Youtube for a living and so do I. Now despite that I really struggled with the idea of writing a speech when Chris asked me to be his man and I thought about it for a while and decided to stick with what I know. I grouped together Chris’s closest friends and family and we sat together in front of microphone, now I know every man and his dog has a podcast but Chris, please enjoy this special episode,” Arthur started and could only laugh awkwardly when Chris gave a loud “WHAT?” which echoed throughout the room. The brunette should shrugged and nodded to one of the venue staff who then pressed a button and all of the TV screens which littered the room turned on.
“For fuck sake,” Chris chuckled, you could only laugh as you watched Arthur’s smug face as he sat down and folded his arms in front of him as the screens started to play. The room was the same one he filmed his and Bach’s podcast but this time joining Arthur in the room was Harry, Simon, Will, Stephen and George.
“So to celebrate Chris’s upcoming nuptials I thought we would get together and share some of our favourite memories of the tiny man,” Arthur’s voice flowed through the speakers, Harry popped his hand up quickly.
“I’ll go first,” the Guernsey man offered before sitting forward in his chair.
“So I first met Shannon…” he started causing the room to erupt into laughter.
“I’m kidding I’m kidding. No honestly Y/N is great, no idea how Chris bagged her,” he finished, everyone else in the room nodded and you couldn’t help but giggle a little bit, you were the one who thought Chris didn’t deserve you not the other way around.
“I’ll never forget the day he walked in the flat after their first date, looked and me and Arthur and went yeah this could be it,” George admitted, causing people in the room to aww, including you who place a hand on Chris’s arm.
“I’ve seen him try and chat up women, he’s fucking terrible at it no idea how we’re all sittin’ here now,” Will added his accent shining through.
“The all powerful beard!” Stephen chimed in.
“It’s quite impressive considering he could never grow anything in school, I swear he didn’t hit puberty until he was about twenty two,” Arthur mused. A picture of a sixteen year old Chris then flashed on the screen causing the groom to bash his head on the table a little, you burst out laughing as he was a BABY.
“Do you reckon he brags about other skills as much as he brags about his football ability?” Simon asked rolling his eyes a little.
“Not with his tiny equipment,” Stephen quipped.
“You’ve known him the longest do ya have a favourite memory of him from school like?” Will asked as he picked with his shoelace. Arthur thought for a second before turning his attention back to the guys.
“There’s tons I can’t really think of one but, I don’t think people will know just what a massive nerd he is. People see him as this cool football guy but he used to come into school with his Lord of the Rings books and wearing a scarf his nan knitted for him, with his braces and his fucked up elf ears. Not a cool guy,” Arthur said and everyone nodded in agreement, even in the room Theo gave a very loud acknowledgement of those words being true.
After a couple of stories from drunken nights out and videos, the camera then switched to a different room and this time beside Arthur was Chris’s sister Kelly and cousin Ollie.
“What the fuck!” Chris exclaimed, glaring at his family on their table although he was low key impressed Arthur managed to get the three of them together in a room, it must have taken some planning.
“Was Chris a good brother growing up?” Arthur asked Kelly already knowing the answer.
“He was very annoying but that’s ab big brother’s prerogative, I mean we’re close. I know I can go to him if I have a problem, or need money,” she joked.
“Or more views on your videos,” Ollie added.
“Do you have any favourite memories of him growing up? Arthur asked sitting back on the sofa a little.
“He will deny this to this day but he definitely wet the bed once when he was like six and blamed Ollie’s dog for it,” Kelly revealed, Ollie nodded along also remembering.
“He went on about that for years!”
“IT WAS THE DOG!” Chris protested in the room. You couldn’t help but laugh at the hijinks, Ollie also telling a story about when they were in the early days of the ChrisMD channel and Chris offered to do the laundry for the whole family while on a family holiday so he could earn some more money for FIFA packs but ended up shrinking everything. The screen changed again and this time Arthur was sitting on his own and addressing the camera directly. “Chris, you’re an easy guy to make fun of but I hope you know it’s all done in jest and honestly I wish you and y/n every happiness, so do these guys,” the footage then changed to a montage of everyone who recorded a short good luck message to Chris and yourself all sincere and heartfelt. The screens then went off and Arthur stood up once again holding the champagne flute in his hand as he made his toast to his friend and bride. Chris and yourself clinked your glasses as you stared in each other’s eyes, excited for what the future was going to bring the pair of you.
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Summary: Seungcheol can hold a conversation and liquor, but that’s not what counts, is it?
▸ Pairing: Seungcheol x AFAB!reader
▸ Rating / Genre / AU: 18+ (MINORS/AGELESS DNI)/ smut, pwp / fuck buddies to ? If you are a minor AND/OR if your account has no age in the bio, you will be blocked upon interacting (liking/reblogging) with this post.
▸ Warnings: infidelity, creampie
▸ Word Count: 2k
▸ A/N: This is another take on the “people making bad choices at a wedding” idea explored in Like I Want You, though the perspective is closer to Imported (Jessie Reyez & 6LACK). Yes, I am a garbage character enjoyer. Perpetually trading favors with the loml/beta/banner maker @shuadotcom! <3 Starting with a read more due to the opening vulgarities.
The first time you and Seungcheol hook up, he’s simply looking for a good fuck. The second time, too. The third time is a thinly veiled dick appointment, but he’s not against being a booty call for a hot piece of ass. When the drunken hypothetical idea of being an Official Sidepiece comes up with friends, he’d said that’s only for losers, yet when you call him for a fourth time - after you’d said the first three were a mistake while you were on a break with your fiance - his pride goes out the window. Seungcheol isn’t the type to fall in love at first sight, but he was pussy-whipped at first lick. When that fourth call comes he figures maybe he can help you get over that prick by getting on top of you, just the way you like. And it seems to work – kinda. Eight months later he’s still on your speed dial, which is his personal best for staying as a legitimate contact in a woman’s phone.
But nine months later your engagement ring is joined by a matching silver band and calm, cool Seungcheol has never had to try so hard not to make an ass of himself in a room full of people.
You look stunning in your wedding dress - almost better than you look naked. Those rings look good on your finger too, though he can’t help the thin-lipped frown that settles on his face when that clown slides the band on. He barely hides a disapproving “eugh” with a cough when you kiss your beloved a little too long at the altar. The collective applause from the rest of your wedding guests is the only thing that saves him.
By the time the ceremony has crawled by and everyone breaks for cocktail hour, Seungcheol’s thoroughly irritated and has an itch on his palm that he can’t seem to scratch. He’s this close to going home, but then the DJ announces your grand entrance as “Mr. and Mrs. L/N” and despite the much less hidden “eugh”, he stays. Fuck the wedding dress. This shorter dress with your garter just barely peeking out is less of a dream and more of a tangible treat. Seungcheol’s stomach is doing acrobatics as he stands on the sidelines of the dancefloor with a drink in hand, watching you make the rounds to each of your guests. No matter how much time passes, he never gets tired of looking at you. He is tired of watching you turn around in search of your husband, only to plaster on your fakest smile when you spy him roughhousing with his groomsmen on the other side of the room. The man is completely oblivious to your needs - your words nine months ago at the bar - and frankly, is a complete embarrassment next to someone as immaculate as you.
The groom drives that very point home soon enough. When he finally does rejoin your side, drink in hand, it only takes one good joke from another guest for him to nearly spit out his drink as he roars with laughter. And although he spares everyone his spit, he’s generous enough to slosh some of his beverage onto your dress. Most people can’t see the aftermath, but from Seungcheol’s corner he can see the way you barely mask your vexation and politely excuse yourself before too many people notice anything’s happened.
The idiot returns to his friends. Seungcheol opts to down the rest of his liquor and quietly exit the reception hall and follow you to the bathroom.
You’re dabbing at your chest with a paper towel when he lets himself in and locks the door behind him. “O-Oh!” If you’re trying to sound nonchalant, you absolutely suck at it. “Cheol, hey. Thank you for coming.” Seeing you like this twists his innards into a knot that sits heavy in his gut like bad indigestion. He has to choose being being mad at your beau or being mad and you - and there’s only one person he can punch in the face so… “Why are you so fucking fake?” “I– What?” You stop fussing with your dress to fix Seungcheol with a belligerent look that you used to give everyone but him at the bar all those months ago.
Seungcheol takes a few steps toward you, but is careful not to get in your face. His mouth isn’t as cautious as his body language, however. “Why? Are you? So? Fake?”
“Are you serious? You’re fake. What are you even doing here?” “Are you serious? You invited me!”
You show the least amount of restraint you’ve had all night, closing the gap between the two of you to square up with the man who could easily throw you into the toilet headfirst. “Stop copying me. I invited you because we’re friends, but I wouldn’t have if I thought you were gonna be a jerk.” Seungcheol’s laugh is more bitter than he’d intended when he scoffs, “How many other ‘friends’ are you sleeping with? Besides, you’re already married to the biggest jerk in existence.”
You’re fixing your mouth to bite back at his casual slut-shaming, but the second comment gives you pause and you conspicuously eye the locked door. “What is this about?”
What is this about? Seungcheol had been taken with the idea of swooping in to comfort you, swept up in the idea of being a rock (instead of just a cock) for you to lean on. He needed to step in as your man, not just a lover. The realization shakes him and when he falters, you ensnare him in your web yet again.
“Ooh, Cheollie,” you coo, wrapping your arms around him and pressing your chest into his. “Are you jealous? You want me that bad?”
Is Seungheol experiencing a cardiac event? No, but the way heat seems to radiate from your joined chests and into his bones is startling. He enters autopilot as he wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you to rest your core on his thigh the way he knows you like. His dick reminds him that common sense wasn’t invited when this conversation started and isn’t welcome now, not when your bedroom eyes are dragging him into the depths of his greed need to make you his. “Cheol~” Your siren song calls him back to the reality of you grinding against him weakly, asking for more.
You’ve been picking him apart piece-by-piece for ages and even though Seungcheol knows it, he decides he’d rather you eat him alive than leave him to rot without your touch.
“Babe…” it sounds so normal on his tongue - it’s sick. “It should be me and you know it.”
“Prove it, then.” With the way you try to plant your feet in your heels, Seungcheol knows you’re going to roll your body into him again. He stops you before you can steal another ounce of pleasure - he’ll give so you don’t always have to take, take, take. Crowding you toward the sink, he spins you around so you’re leaning your elbows on the counter and arching your back to leave little to the imagination as your dress shifts halfway up your asscheeks. Not that Seuncheol has to imagine - he does the rest of the work for you, pushing the fabric to rest on the small of your back and leaving only your thong and garter to cover your supple skin. A finger pulls your thong to the side and you keen impatiently, watching him in the mirror as he marvels at the way your lower lips glint with the shine of your arousal.
“Shut up, Y/N.” He finally scratches that itch on his palm by slapping your ass so hard that you’ll have to explain yourself to that other dickhead later. Seungcheol’s dick is out of his pants and battering your walls before you can say much about it, his weight keeping you trapped between himself and the cold granite as he mounts you the way you deserve. Your pussy does most of the talking, squelching every time the plush of your ass meets his hips in a sloppy, barely coordinated dance. That’s ok - Seungcheol doesn’t need you to talk when he can watch your brows knit together and your mouth open in that perfect, silent “o” in the mirror as he hammers into your g spot again and again and again.
When your legs start to shake, Seungcheol pulls hard at your bunched up dress with one hand and uses the other to grip you possessively by the front of your neck, almost making you stand straight up so he can spear you on his fat cock (your words, again) the way no one else can. “Say it.” He loves the way you go pliant under his touch and flutter around him when the low gravel of his voice scrapes the shell of your ear. “Say that no one else can fuck you like me.” He’s so caught up in the pursuit of his own climax that he doesn’t hear the quiet knock at the door. “Answer. Me. Y/N.” Each word is punctuated by a thrust harder than the last and your whimpers in response are hoarse.
“O-Occupied!” you call weakly instead and it’s only then that Seungcheol’s brain touches back down to where you are and what you’re doing. It’s too late to stop anyway. He lets you go in favor of pushing you back down to the counter and pulling you into him by your hips, watching your ass jiggle in the shitty bathroom lighting as he continues to serve take you. A few more thrusts are enough to establish that this is how he’d finish you off and he underlines it by snaking a hand around to press messily at the hard nub of your clit. Seungcheol doesn’t even need an answer anymore. “No one is ever gonna fuck you like this. Nobody can. Only me. You can only cum like this from me.”
“Is everything ok in there?” The night’s biggest fool is on the other side of the door and his voice only serves to make Seungcheol fuck you harder - he almost puts you straight through the mirror with the way he’s damn near forcing your torso into the sink.
“Y-ye-heh… Yesss, I’ll be rrright out! Just…fixing! My dress!” Your words are slurred with pleasure and you should have some shame, Seungcheol thinks distantly, but shamelessness is what got you both here in the first place, so who is he to judge?
“Ok, honey, love you,” the moron calls from the hallway. You just barely manage to wheeze out “I love you too” before you’re gasping loudly, a hand flying back to scratch at Seungcheol’s wrists as your orgasm seizes your muscles where they are so you can ride out the pleasure. Seungcheol keeps his momentum for just a minute longer before he cums inside you like fate intended, groaning loudly behind you as he throws his head back.
The euphoric wave of his release is dampened, however, when his eyes slip open to meet yours in the mirror. Seungcheol regards you like a priceless piece of art. You look at him like a plump black widow, sated for now.
Seungcheol release you and pulls out as quickly as he can without injuring you. “Let me get you something.” He shuffles into a stall behind him and grabs a wad of toilet paper to present to you. You can clean yourself up for once.
“Lose my number, Y/N.”
Another month goes by and Seungcheol is moving on by laying beneath another gorgeous woman, ogling at the endless wonders of her tits as she rides him to completion. Pussy and tequila cures all, he muses lazily when she falls asleep beside him. He grabs his phone to set a timer as a reminder to kick her out after a quick nap when an instragram banner glides across the top of his screen. Message from **Y/N:** You blocked my number fr? 😒Let me make it up to you. Bar @ 11?
#kvanity#s.coups#scoups#seungcheol#s.coups x reader#scoups x reader#seungcheol x reader#svt x reader#seventeen x reader#s.coups smut#scoups smut#seungcheol smut#svt smut#s.coups fic#seungcheol fic#scoups fic
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Even more answers to questions no one asked! This time from Thematic Headcanons.
I have 7 Rooks so for each of these that sounded interesting I just used a random number generator.
Family Themed Headcanon: Konstantin Ingellvar does not have any idea who his actual family is, but they were raised communally but Senior Watchers, and would say they were primarily raised by Vorgoth. Emmrich very much treats him as a son, which Konstantin doesn't really realize.
Friendship Themed Headcanon: Nasreen Aldwir has had exactly one friend in their life up until the beginning on Veilguard, and it's Aleksei (my Laidir). At the beginning on the game she would say she has no friends. Bellara does not know that and absolutely thinks they are friends (eventually Nasreen agrees).
Romance Themed Headcanon: Konstantin (rolled the same number again!) develops crushes so easily. He's always got like 8 active crushes. He never acts on them beyond being super nice to them and pining for them. Poetry writing is involved. The second he meets Neve Gallus he immediately forgets all other crushes that have ever existed and fills up multiple notebooks with doodles and poems about her. His greatest fear is someone (coughAlekseicough) discovering these journals.
Love Themed Headcanon: Aleksei will sleep with just about any consenting adult, but he's never been in love. Lots of people have been in love with him, and it often takes a 3rd party pointing it out for him to notice. He's very quick to break it off at that point because he genuinely doesn't want to hurt anyone's feelings. The VG has to have an intervention with him at some point because he's openly flirting with everyone all the time, not realizing that Bellara has caught actual feelings and is getting her heart broken. When told he needs to either commit to Bellara or stop giving her false hope he realizes he like ACTUALLY likes her and then gets very very nervous around her.
Sad Headcanon: Brenna Thorne's family cut off ties to her after she joined the Wardens. She's the oldest of six, and she's only six years older than her youngest sibling, so they were all very close. Her and her sisters used to talk about being in each other's weddings and she kind of always held out hope that one of her siblings would invite them to their wedding. A month before the events of the game she found out that her youngest sister was finally engaged, and that she isn't invited to this one either.
Lie Themed Headcanon: I rolled a 1, which is Nephele Mercar, my canon Rook, which almost feels like cheating. She lies about so much shit, especially to cover up her biggest lie, which is that she isn't from Tevinter and her whole backstory is made up.
Here is a list of my Rooks in order of best liar to worst liar: Nephele Mercar, Brenna Thorne, Elspeth de Riva, Nasreen Aldwir, Aleksei Laidir, Paloma, Konstantin Ingellvar (bless his heart)
Headcanon about a secret they keep: Aleksei literally hasn't told anyone about the fact that he was a slave for a period of time after becoming a sailor, or that he can barely read (the only person that knows that is Nasreen because they grew up together). Aleksei actually isn't a very good liar, but he is good at deflecting and redirecting. If you do manage to corner him he will fold immediately.
Sleep Themed Headcanon: This is the last one I'm going to do tonight, so let me fire a little bit for each of them:
Nephele: Has a lot of routines established around sleep, because she has a lot of anxiety and nightmares that can make sleep difficult. She has special incense, an herbal supplement, a warm beverage, a specific configuration of pillows. If she can't do all her steps she almost certainly has nightmares, if she can fall asleep at all.
Aleksei: One of these obnoxious people who can function perfectly off of 3-4 hours of sleep. But when he's tired he just sort of drops wherever. It's not uncommon to find him on the floor of someone's room, or curled in a chair in the dining room, or literally on top of Assan.
Nasreen: Sleeps best outside, due to growing up Dalish. When she first moved in to a permanent house, she would go days without sleeping. Her adopted mother noticed and started staying up with her to bake, talk, do mending, etc until she got comfortable enough in the home to be able to go to sleep with everyone else. She still has trouble sleeping inside new buildings and had trouble adjusting to the Lighthouse at first.
Brenna: After years bunking with the Wardens, Brenna can't sleep if it's too quiet. She also has a lot of trouble sleeping at first at the Lighthouse because everyone is so far away from each other. It reminds her of being a kid, growing up as a noble, where everyone of her sibling's rooms were down another hall, but they would often sneak in to each other's rooms at night.
Elspeth: Being a Crow, Elspeth has been trained to be nocturnal. The constant light at the Lighthouse actually makes her tired, because her brain thinks it's always day time. It's very confusing. She also drinks a lot of coffee.
Paloma: Paloma finds it very hard to fall asleep, but when she does she is the heaviest sleeper in the group. There is simply no waking her until she wants to get up. People have tried shouting at her, sitting on her, splashing water on her. No use. She will not be moved.
Konstantin: Konstantin is very sensitive to light since he grew up underground. The second he senses light he'll wake up, so he has a room in the Lighthouse with no windows. Once he starts sharing a space with Neve he learns what blackout curtains are.
#datv#dragon age#dragon age the veilguard#datv spoilers#dragonage#dragon age spoilers#dragon age rook#rook#anon ask#rook ask game
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Honey, biker!Jason checks out reader while hanging out with Roy and the batboys (Dick, Tim, Duke) across the street as reader doing thrift with friends, not noticing him at all until someone points out and reader get flustered, finally notice Jason as he smirks, with Roy and rest of the batboys openly tease him and Dick calls the girls (Barbara, Steph, Cass) to look up for reader with "Yo, Jason's hooked up." "Don't tell Dami yet." texting them in the fam's 'Jason' group chat? Feels like it's what Dick would do as he's their big bro, and that he genuinely cares for Jason.
a/n: i love this idea so much lol pt ii
It was a really warm summer day when you and your friends decided to go out thrifting together, walking from one shop to the other and leaving with bags upon bags of clothes you’d probably regret purchasing later. The humidity causing the thin fabric of your dress to stick to your skin.
You were coming out of a coffee house after getting yourselves some cold beverages, when your friend pinched your side to catch your attention.
“Someone is grabbing attention today.” she teased, as you took some time to comprehend until she pointed to the group of guys hanging out on the other side of the street.
Resting against a red sports motorcycle was a tall dark haired guy, clad in a muscle tee and jeans, that couldn’t stop staring at you even when his friends made sure to speak and laugh as loud as they could around him. You couldn’t help the blush from creeping up your cheeks as his eyes met yours, throwing you a wink and a smirk before finally being noticed by his friends.
From afar, you couldn’t really understand what they were saying, but by the way he shook his head when they ruffled his hair and laughed looking in your direction, you could guess they were certainly making fun of the situation.
“Falling in love with the view, buddy?” Roy said, ruffling Jason’s hair, who pushed his arm away from him, mumbling a ‘shut up’ back to his best friend.
“I’ll give you that, Jay” his brother, Dick, started. “You have good taste.”
A series of jokes followed as Jason returned his eye to the other side of the street, searching for you and finding you and your friends still in the same place, a rosy tint visible in your face even from a distance.
He seriously wanted to punch those guys for making you feel uncomfortable, and he wanted even more to drive his bike towards you and get away from this situation, but he was too embarrassed by his friends to do that. He watched you walk away, a tinge of sadness filling his chest to see you go.
“He’s been staring for ten minutes. He’s gone, guys.” Tim joined in, while Dick picked up his phone to snatch a picture of you and send on a newly formed group chat conveniently named ‘Jason’s love life S.O.S’
dick: find this girl, we’re reporting her to the police. she just stole baby jay’s heart :(
steph: ooh noo. anyways, who wants to watch the new barbie movie on sunday.
roy: don’t be mean to him. guy just missed the love of his life.
barb: y/n s/n, she’s a student at gotham university. i have her id and cell phone number, and personal address if you’re not going to be weird about it.
dick: I’M THE BEST MAN!!
jason: i’m not inviting any of you to wedding, for starters
barb: you’re assuming there’s going to be a wedding in the future…
jason: if you massage me the address the assumption will be closer to reality
#jason todd fluff#jason todd blurb#jason todd imagine#biker!jason todd#jason todd x reader#jason todd x you#jason todd x y/n
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Third Favorite
Read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/61172212 by Niecy8 Crossing his arms over his chest, Stiles zeroed his focus on Peter trying to read his mind as a so-called psychic would. “I know Cora terrifies you so probably nor her. Okay, I am running out of ideas. Who is your favorite?” He was kind of hoping that he could continue to agitate the human a little longer but he was getting hungry and a shower was starting to win out over teasing the boy. With a knowing a smirk and reciprocated wink, “Jackson.” The arms uncrossed and flailed in the air accompanied with a full body tremble, “what? Are you serious? Jackson?” Contemplating his beverage, Peter polished off his drink and set the glass down once more. “Come on Pet. He’s a snarky asshole, charismatic, and dresses well. It’s kismet.” They do get along well fantastically when Peter doesn’t feel like murdering him. “I,” mouth gaping like a fish out of water. Stiles appeared uncharacteristically speechless. “I am surprised and really? You guys are best buds? And really, I’m your third favorite?” Or Stiles is determined to be Peter's favorite while the wolf has a great time teasing him. Words: 2782, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Teen Wolf (TV) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Stiles Stilinski, Peter Hale, Derek Hale, Jackson Whittemore, Cora Hale, Sheriff Stilinski (Teen Wolf) Relationships: Peter Hale/Stiles Stilinski Additional Tags: Peter Hale & Jackson Whittemore Friendship, Banter, Idiots in Love, Alternate Universe - Werewolves Are Known, Fluff and Humor, Age Difference, Road Trips, Morally Ambiguous Peter Hale, Pet Names, Oblivious Stiles Stilinski, Mild Sexual Content, mentions of kinks, Weddings, Teasing, Sharing a Bed, Bromance, Derek Hale Bakes Read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/61172212
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how about reader being stuck snowed in with garrick and bodhi so they share her?
This is never happening again Garrick X reader with Bodhi ski trip au.
Synopsis: Comfy cozy ski trip au. You're traveling with your fiance Garrick Tavis who had always loved all things winter sports related since he was a kid. His best friend since childhood Bodhi Durran had exactly the same winter crazy head. You? You were perfectly content spending any winter night or day with a hot beverage, a good book or good book while the boys did their thing. This thanksgiving weekend the boys had decided they wanted to take a trip to stowe Vermont.
Trigger Warnings: NSFW, Poly intimacy, Swearing, Consent is used. Trope one bed.
Word Count: 1721
You had just finished up a wonderful thanksgiving dinner at your parents home in northern New York. Your fiance had always joined your family events since you both had started dating in high school. This year Garrick’s best friend Bodhi had joined your family for the holiday. You were contentedly curled up next Garrick as the boys were discussing something happily you weren’t really paying attention to.
“Sounds like a fun trip right babe?” Garrick asked you placing a soft kiss on your forehead. “Hugh?” You mumbled as Garrick chuckled, which was a sound that you so desperately loved. “Yeah sure.” You yawned as Bodhi chuckled now also. “Alright two rooms booked at the Talta Lodge in Stowe for next Friday until Sunday.” Bodhi snickered. “Hugh what? Like the big ski lodge in Vermont?” You asked.
“Yeah babe.” Garrick chuckled. “No, absolutely not.” You started to protest. However much you were intrigued by the lodge’s amenities itself, you were not looking forward to the fact that the two boys usually forced you to at least try skiing once. You especially were not looking forward to the idea, especially since you twisted your ankle on the bunny slope two years ago.
“Babe please it’ll be a fun little get away before christmas and our new years wedding.” Garrick looked at you with pleading puppy dog eyes with his damn hazel eyes. “Fine but I’m not leaving the lodge.” “Fun killer.” Bodhi chuckled. “I’m not a fun killer. I don’t want to accidentally hurt myself weeks before my wedding. Thank you very much Durran.” You said and playfully kicked him. “Hey ouchhh!” He whimpered. “Oh shut up.” You snickered as Garrick chuckled.
-Next Wednesday-
“Got everything babe?” You asked as you watched Bodhi pull into the driveaway of yours and Garrick’s small ranch house? The three of you could have easily left tomorrow and made it to Stowe on time for your vacation but the first snowstorm of the year was supposed to hit tomorrow morning so the three of you were determined to make it to Vermont before the snow hit. “Think so; I just need my gorgeous fiance.” Garrick smirked as you giggled softly as he lifted you up and spun you around.
You had just barely made it to a small town in Vermont and were just a few hours from the lodge. “Ugh guys I don’t think we are going to make it on time.” You said from your seat in the back of the truck where you were super comfy as you watched the snow starting to pick up around you. “Fuck. Probably not.” Garrick cursed from the driver’s seat. “Babe can you see if there are any rooms nearby?”
You started the search on your phone with luck so far. After looking at three hotels that were nearby and you almost gave up until you noticed one that was ten minutes away. “There’s one ten minutes away says they have one room left.” “Well it shouldn't be too bad if there is more than one bed in the room.” Garrick said and smiled back at you from the rearview mirror. “It wont let me book online but here is the address.” You said handing Bodhi your phone.
The three of you pulled into the small bed and breakfast parking lot a half hour later which should have only taken you ten minutes to get there according to when you had handed your phone off to Bodhi. You were just glad you had gotten there without any issues as the weather was really picking up outside and it was almost nearly impossible to see it at times. “Here’s my wallet babe.” Garrick said handing his wallet back to you before you got out to go check the availability of the room which you hoped was still available.
You came back out a few minutes later with a room key in hand. Opening the driver side door and resting your elbows on Garrick’s legs you gave the boys the good and the bad news. “It’s ours but there’s only one bed.” “Guess we’ll just be extra warm then tonight my princess.” Garrick said getting down out of the driver’s seat as Bodhi also got out of the truck. “Yeah it’s better than sliding around in this mess.” Bodhi said, shaking his head as he got out of the truck you smiled softly as you watched the snow flakes bounce out of his brown curls. “She also said we got here just in time for dinner.”
“Prefect.” Garrick said, slinging an arm around your waist as he grabbed both of your bags and headed towards the small B and B. “Third floor second door on the right.” You said to the boys. Garrick opened the door and you slightly frowned as you realized the bed was a double. Garrick chuckled slightly at the bed and Bodhi piped with “Ugh it's totally fine I could sleep on the floor or something.” You shook your head as you went to freshen up before dinner.
You sighed as you curled up next to Garrick in bed that night as he started to trace soft touches up and down your soft skin. ‘“I feel bad that his on the floor.” You mumbled into his chest as he was nibbling and kissing your neck. “Yeah?” Garrick snickered. “Yeah. One night won't hurt.” “Yeah but I can’t have fun with you then.” “You can’t have fun with me tonight anyway Tavis.” Garrick sighed probably knowing that you were right as he pinched your side playfully.
“Get up here Durran.” He mumbled. “Really?” Bodhi asked. “Yeah I feel bad now get up here before I change my damned mind.” You said as you watched your friend spring up from the floor and crawl into bed on the other side of you. “Comfy?” Garrick asked. “Yeah loads.” You smirked as you still felt Garrick’s hand exploring your body under the sheets. “For the record this never happens again.” You said as you leaned your head into Garrick’s chest and let Bodhi lay his head onto yours. There was no point in trying to stop him; it was already way too intimate already.
You heard almost synchronized absolutely nots coming from the both of them as you gasped slightly as you felt another hand exploring your body that was definitely not Garricks. “Is this ok?” Bodhi asked, looking up at you with his brown eyes. You glanced towards Garrick not sure how to respond. You wanted to welcome the touch to try this once in a lifetime thing to its fullest that was never going to happen again; but you also didn't want to push the boundaries if your fiance was not ok with it. “I’m ok with experimenting as long as your comfortable with it, baby.” He said softly his hand sneaking under your shirt to find your right breast as he started to gently knead the tissue.
“Yeah it's ok.” You said looking down to Bodhi and kissing his forehead. Bodhi smiled as he sat up slightly, his hand starting to roam over your thighs; Garrick’s hands still working magic one your breasts as he started to suck your neck gently. You gasped slightly at the feel of bodhi’s tongue against your slit. But you relaxed as you started to feel his tongue slide in and out of you.
You tried reaching for Garrick’s cock wanting to give Garrick attention while the boys were taking care of you. Wanting Garrick to know you still wanted to pleasure him. As you whimpered Bodhi’s name of your tongue as you felt the boy smirk against your skin as he curled finger up into you. But you felt Garrick swat your hand away.
“Tonight is about you Princess.” He said softly kissing your temple as he added a finger next to Bodhis and both boys curled and pumped them simultaneously at the same speed making you quiver and shake beneath your touch. “But I want to please you both too.” You managed to whimper through a moan as their fingers both worked magic making you feel that familiar knot in your core as Bodhi started to kiss up your stomach and stopped just before your lips.
“You heard Garrick. We are taking care of you tonight.” He said softly running his fingers through your soft blonde hair as his lips found yours and you crashed yours against him as both of them added a second finger into your core.You gripped onto the curls of Bodhi’s hair for purchase as you moaned against his lips. “Good girl. God you look so damn beautiful coming undone like this for us my Princess.” Garrick cooed kissing all over your thighs.
You felt the all too familiar knot tighten within your stomach and arched your hips to meet their fingers. “N-need to come p-please.” You mumbled into Bodhi’s shoulder as he chuckled in response. “What was that Princess?” Garrick asked, looking at you with his fully enlarged Hazel eyes. “N-need to come please baby.” You said as each of them slowed the pace down with their fingers as you whimpered.
Garrick looked up at you with a nod as you came undone around their fingers moaning both of their names on your lips. Garrick had gently placed a hand over your mouth to stifle some of your noises as who knew how paper thin these Bed and Breakfast h“God so beautiful.” Bodhi cooed, pushing a strand of hair behind your ear. “Isn’t she? But don’t get too used to this. She's mine.” Garrick said, kissing you softly as you were starting to come down from your high.
“Believe me I know Tavis. I wouldn’t Dare.” Bodhi chuckled nuzzling against your shoulder. “Now that we have warmed you up baby girl, think you can take both of us at once?” Garrick asked as you looked into his hazel eyes with need and then glanced towards Bodhi’s brown eyes with the same need you had looked at Garrick. “I’ll take that as a yes. Why doesn't my Princess just lean back against the headboard and get comfy while we take of her yeah?” He cooed softly, kissing your forehead as you nodded and both boys lined themselves up perfectly against you.
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IN THE 1600 AND 1700
When visiting the Palace of Versailles in Paris, it is observed that the sumptuous palace has no bathrooms.
In the Middle Ages, there were no toothbrushes, perfumes, deodorants, and much less toilet paper.
Human excrements were thrown out of palace windows.
On a holiday, the palace kitchen was able to prepare a feast for 1500 people, without the minimum hygiene.
In today's movies we see people from that era shaking or fanning...
The explanation is not in the heat, but in the foul odour emitted under the skirts (which were deliberately made to contain the smell of private parts, since there was no hygiene). It was also not customary to shower due to the cold and the almost non-existence of running water.
Only the nobles had lackeys to fan them, to dispel the bad odor that exhalated the body and mouth, as well as to scare away the insects.
Those who have been to Versailles have admired the huge and beautiful gardens that, at that time, were not only contemplated, but used as a toilet in the famous ballads promoted by the monarchy, because there were no bathrooms.
In the Middle Ages, most weddings took place in June (for them, the beginning of summer).
The reason is simple: the first bath of the year was taken in May; so, in June, the smell of people was still tolerable.
However, as some odors were already beginning to bother, the brides carried bouquets of flowers near their bodies to cover the odor.
Hence the explanation of the origin of the bridal bouquet.
The baths were taken in a single massive tub filled with hot water.
The head of the family had the privilege of the first swim in clean water.
Then, without changing the water, the others arrived in the house, in order of age, women, also by age and finally, children.
The babies were the last ones to bathe. When his turn came, the water in the bathtub was so dirty that it was possible to kill a baby inside.
The roofs of the houses had no sky and the wooden beams that held them up were the best place for animals: dogs, cats, rats and cockroaches to keep warm.
When it rained, leaks forced the animals to jump to the ground.
Those who had money had tin plates. Certain types of food oxidized the material, causing many people to die from poisoning. Let's remember that the hygiene habits of the time were terrible.
Tomatoes, being acidic, were considered poisonous for a long time, can cups were used to drink beer or whiskey; this combination, sometimes, left the individual "on the floor" (in a kind of narcolepsy induced by mixing alcoholic beverage with tin oxide).
Someone passing by the street would think he was dead, so they were picking up the body and preparing for the funeral.
Then the body would be placed on the kitchen table for a few days and the family would stand watching, eating, drinking and waiting to see if the dead man would wake up or not.
Hence the wake of the dead (wake or wake), which is the vigil next to the coffin.
England is a small country, where there wasn't always a place to bury all the dead.
Then the coffins were opened, the bones were extracted, they were placed in oarsaries and the grave was used for another corpse.
Sometimes, when opening the coffins, you could notice scratches on the lids inside, indicating that the dead man had, in fact, been buried alive.
Thus, when closing the coffin, the idea came to tie a strip of the deceased's wrist, pass it through a hole made in the coffin and tie it to a bell.
After the burial, someone stayed on duty next to the grave for a few days.
If the individual woke up, the movement of his arm would ring the bell.
And it would be "saved by the campaign," an expression used by us to this day.

#across the spiderverse#super mario#welcome home#barbie#star wars#life quotes#life#succession#karma#love#interesting DidYouKnow historylovers ancienthistory ancientegypt Mindblowing discussion#artists on tumblr#history lesson#history#paris france
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Disturbing Data From The Middle Age.
IN THE 1600 AND 1700
Visiting the Palace of Versailles in Paris,
it is observed that the sumptuous palace has no bathrooms.
In the Middle Ages, there were no toothbrushes, perfumes, deodorants,
and much less toilet paper.
Human excrements were thrown out of palace windows.
On a holiday, the palace kitchen was able to prepare a feast for 1500 people.
without the minimum hygiene.
In today's movies we see people from that era shaking or fanning...
The explanation is not in the heat, but in the foul odour emitted under the skirts (which were deliberately made to contain the smell of private parts, since there was no hygiene). It was also not customary to shower due to the cold and the almost non-existence of running water.
Only the nobles had lackeys to fan them,
to dispel the bad odor that exhalates the body and the mouth,
besides scaring away bugs.
Those who have been to Versailles have admired the huge and beautiful gardens that, at that time,
they were not only contemplated, but used as a toilet in the famous ballads promoted by the monarchy,
because there were no bathrooms.
In the Middle Ages, most weddings took place in June (for them, the beginning of summer).
The reason is simple: the first bath of the year was taken in May; so in June, the smell of people was still tolerable.
However, as some odors were already beginning to disturb,
brides carried bouquets of flowers near their bodies to cover the smell.
Hence the explanation of the origin of the bridal bouquet.
The baths were taken in a single massive tub filled with hot water.
The head of the family had the privilege of the first swim in clean water.
Then, without changing the water, the others arrived in the house, in order of age, women, also by age and finally, children.
The babies were the last ones to bathe. When his turn came, the water in the bathtub was so dirty that it was possible to kill a baby inside.
The roofs of the houses had no sky and the wooden beams that held them up were the best place for animals:
dogs, cats, rats and cockroaches kept warm.
When it rained, leaks forced the animals to jump to the ground.
Those who had money had tin plates. Certain types of food oxidized the material, causing many people to die from poisoning.
Let's remember that the hygiene habits of the time were terrible.
Tomatoes, being acidic, were considered poisonous for a long time, can cups were used to drink beer or whiskey; this combination, sometimes, left the individual "on the floor" (in a kind of narcolepsy induced by mixing alcoholic beverage with tin oxide).
Someone passing by the street would think he was dead, so they were picking up the body and preparing for the funeral.
Then the body would be placed on the kitchen table for a few days and the family would stand watching, eating, drinking and waiting to see if the dead man would wake up or not.
Hence the wake of the dead (wake or wake), which is the vigil next to the coffin.
England is a small country, where there wasn't always a place to bury all the dead.
Then the coffins were opened, the bones were extracted, they were placed in oarsaries and the grave was used for another corpse.
Sometimes, when opening the coffins, you could notice scratches on the lids inside, indicating that the dead man had, in fact, been buried alive.
Thus, when closing the coffin, the idea came to tie a strip of the deceased's wrist, pass it through a hole made in the coffin and tie it to a bell.
After the burial, someone stayed on duty next to the grave for a few days.
If the individual woke up, the movement of his arm would ring the bell.
And it would be "saved by the campaign", an expression used by us to this day
You must read this: https://golfvertex.com/the-mystery-of-rosalia-lombardo-the-blinking-mummy-who-appears-to-open-her-eyes/
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Meet Aether Beyond the Binary Contributor Scarlett Gale
We are sloooowly creeping up on being 2/3rds funded on the crowdfunding campaign for Aether Beyond the Binary, an anthology of 17 stories by queer authors starring non-binary main characters in aetherpunk settings! It’ll definitely be a relief when we hit that wonderful 100%. Don’t forget to share Aether Beyond the Binary with friends who you think might be interested in the project!
Head on over to our Kickstarter Campaign page NOW to learn waaaay more about this project, and read on to get to know Scarlett Gale, read an interview with her, and check out an excerpt from her contribution!
About Scarlett Gale: Scarlett Gale is the author of His Secret Illuminations and His Sacred Incantations. Long ago, under another name, she was the co-author of Needles and Artifice (Cooperative Press; 2012), featuring a rollicking romantic steampunk adventure novella and associated knitting patterns, of which she also designed several. She writes and produces fringe theatre plays based on B-movies, such as Bodacious Barbarian Babes vs. The Indigo Empress and Showgirls of Beast Island. She is a co-producer of the Alison-Bechdel-approved Bechdel Test Burlesque, which in 2017 was included in the Women and Gender Studies curriculum at the University of Oregon. She lives in Seattle with her wife where she gardens, knits, reads, and drinks warm beverages. Unsurprisingly, she also has cats.
Links: Personal Website | Tumblr | Bluesky
This is Scarlett’s second time contributing to a Duck Prints Press anthology. A short story by her was also included in our debut anthology Add Magic to Taste. Learn more about Scarlett’s other published works.
An Interview with Scarlett Gale
What motivates you to create?
Spite and love in equal measure.
What are your goals as a creator?
To make the world a kinder, hornier place one story at a time.
Are you a pantser, a planner, or a planster? What’s your process look like?
I suppose Planster is the best description, though I think that makes me sound more like someone who has a lot of plants (she says, sitting next to a glass cabinet full of houseplants). For my longer works I usually start with a vibe and a general idea of the arc and write with no real outline until I’m about two-thirds through the story, at which point I will sit down and roughly bullet point the scenes I still want to write, arrange them into story order, and use that as a reference to finish the piece. Why when I’m two-thirds through? Because at that point I’ve had enough Shower Ideas that if I don’t document them somewhere, I risk forgetting to put them in, and my Shower Ideas are the most inspired parts of my writing!
What do you consider to be your strengths as a creator?
Wordcount. Good god, wordcount. I am the rare writer who can just sit down at a computer and bang out several hundred words in twenty minutes without second-guessing myself or worrying if the words are good enough. This makes me simultaneously the best and worst person to have in your writering group.
What do you consider to be your weaknesses as a creator?
Also wordcount. I think every story I’ve submitted to the Press has started out two thousand words above the limit, which means we have to do sooooo much editing. Goodbye, my beautiful words!
Do you like having background noise when you create? What do you listen to? Does it vary depending on the project, and if so, how?
Yes! It makes writing feel less lonely, since I do a lot of it only accompanied by my cats. I listen to music at a medium to low volume that either has no lyrics, or lyrics in a language I don’t speak so I don’t get distracted by the words. I actually bought the cheapest Pandora subscription specifically for writing music. My favorite stations are:
Lofi Chill
Mikel & Gamechops
Radio Asian Kung-Fu Generation (a recent addition)
*Fun story about the group Bonobo: The morning after our wedding, my whole family crowded into our tiny house to watch us open our wedding gifts. I had given my siblings control over distributing the drink tickets, which meant that after they handed them out to the guests, they used the remaining tickets to get SPECTACULARLY plastered, and were thus deeply hungover. My wife made loads of coffee while everyone grazed on the catering leftovers, and in the interest of creating a calming atmosphere, we put on a Bonobo album. Everyone liked the music, to the point that they repeatedly asked the name of the group, which meant my wife and I kept repeating, with increasing exasperation, “BONOBO!! LIKE THE MONKEY!!!!” It is my primary memory of that morning.
What are your favorite snacks and/or drinks to consume while creating?
Remember to eat? While I’m writing?? You think I’m sensible or something?! (I enjoy a cup of tea, either green, decaf black, or herbal, depending on the time of day.)
Tell us about your pet(s).
We currently have three cats: CeeCee, Matcha, and Gyoza. CeeCee (the Lady Catherine the Purr) is our most recent addition from March of 2023. She’s a fifteen year old scrungly tiny black goblin who knows exactly what she wants out of life: Food, sippies from the bathroom sink, belly rubs, and shoulder rides. If we are not providing any of these at the speed she would prefer, she screams at us. She’s PERFECT.
Matcha is an eight-pound calico brat with the sass of at least four cats crammed into her tiny body. Her favorite things in life are causing trouble and rubbing her face on my hands when I’m trying to write.
Gyoza is a sixteen pound gray tabby with the physical properties of a water balloon full of pudding. He loves to try to “play” with Matcha, which results in her screaming like she’s being murdered. His other favorite thing to do is play in the toilet and then come step on us with his wet toilet feet, because he’s the worst.
Please enjoy this festive photo of the three of them that I had to photoshop from three individual photos, since all of them hate each other.

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?
Always take the opportunity to use the restroom when it’s available to you. Solid life advice applicable to any situation, really!
What’s the worst advice you’ve ever received?
I had a Jimmy John’s delivery guy tell me I should lie to people and say my fire-engine-red hair was natural, does that count? (I stared him down blankly long enough that he spontaneously apologized.)
If you could give one piece of advice to a new creator who came to you for help, what would that advice be?
Just write it. You can fix the words once they’re on the page, but excessive planning and worrying and worldbuilding won’t help you if you don’t write the words. Just write it! Let it be bad! Fix it in post! Write the damn thing!!!
What’s one thing (style, genre, etc.) that you think you’ll never do, and why not?
Write the type of fantasy book that has a map in the front and a glossary of terms, only because I personally am not motivated to do that level of worldbuilding. I appreciate the people who want to do that, but I guarantee that as a reader I will skip the map and then probably the glossary in order to get to the STORY, which tells you where my priorities lie.
Scarlett’s Contribution to Aether Beyond The Binary
Title: N(ae)ghbours
Tags: attraction at first sight, bisexual, city mouse and country mouse, competence kink, didn’t know they were dating, f/nb, farmer, first kiss, genderfluid, getting together, humor, idiots to lovers, meet cute, misgendering (unintentional), omg they were neighbors, panic attacks (mentions of), present tense, self-esteem issues, third person limited pov
“But you were going to tell me what you’re researching?”
Ah. Well. “This might be boring and hard to explain.”
Rin waves a fork at the breakfast spread between them. “You have at least five pancakes’ worth of time. Hit me.”
Dahlia takes a steadying sip of tea. She explains about greenhouses and other protected growing areas for delicate crops, and the advantages and disadvantages of using them on a large scale. She explains that her family has a small greenhouse for starts, but most of their land is open-air, which means they get the advantages that come with that, but also the issues—they’re at the mercy of the weather, insects, birds…
Or they would be if not for the aether tunnel.
“It’s like a hoop house,” Dahlia explains, pulling up a photo of a hoop house on her phone to show Rin. “Normally, you cover the frame with mesh, or clear bio-plastic if you’re trying to trap the heat and control the amount of water it gets, but…”
“That’d rip right off in a big storm, right? And how do you get in there when you need to do plant stuff?”
(don't forget to check out the campaign, now that you've read to the end!)
#duck prints press#aether beyond the binary#scarlett gale#aetherpunk#crowdfunding#queer crowdfunding#anthology#book crowdfunding#queer book
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Teeny tiny Wangxian AU drabble for Wei Wuxian's birthday 🎂 🥳 🥰
rating: G / w/c: 1724 / lots of fluff 🤍
Lan Wangji has been told that he isn't particularly friendly, by several people, in fact. That is fine — he's incredibly picky with who he spends his time with; where he expends his social energy. He's not particularly interested in gaining new friends. Acquaintances, perhaps, kept firmly at arm's length.
But if he is not friendly, somebody should probably explain what he has done so right to wind up with, single-handedly, the greatest best friend anybody could ever ask for. His best friend, sitting on his couch, wearing his pyjamas, while deliberating over matching Halloween costumes.
"Hey, Lan Zhan," Wei Wuxian says, eyes glazed over with something pleasant, the light of his phone pailing next to the bright of his eyes. "What about Joker and Harley Quinn?—actually, no, that's a toxic dynamic. We could do, like, Barbie and Ken?—like, that rollerblading scene? Actually, I can't rollerblade and you'd have to carry me everywhere."
"Mn," Lan Wangji says, just to show he's listening. These ideas are fine, but there's a certain difficulty in picking out costumes on the actual day. And that's without mentioning that he's aware Wei Wuxian is skirting around another separate topic here.
They wind up opting for cutting eye-holes into some of Lan Wangji's old bedsheets. To draw little mouths onto them. Wei Wuxian's is adorned with a big, happy smile, while Lan Wangji's is more of a straight line.
"This is so cute. You're so cute, Lan Zhan." Wei Wuxian had said, and so, that was that.
They have something of a tradition every year. First of all, they'll head out to dinner, wherein Wei Wuxian will make up some elaborate story about how they're 'celebrating their wedding anniversary', usually because that gets them a free bottle of cheap wine — a couple of extra side dishes for Lan Wangji.
And then Lan Wangji will find a time to tack on the fact that it is, in fact, also Wei Wuxian's birthday, much to Wei Wuxian’s protest. But that will earn them a free slice of cake to share, so who's winning here?
Today, they've opted to go to some Sichuanese restaurant, because Wei Wuxian is a maverick who loves spice — and he's lovely enough to spend five minutes scraping the sauce from Lan Wangji's mapo tofu. It is still a little too spicy for his tastes, but Wei Wuxian uses the remaining spicy sauce as a dipping condiment, and that smile on his face is all that matters, really.
He does, in fact, get his free bottle of wine, not quite the bottom of the barrel, but the next one up in the weirdly determined hierarchy of fermented beverages. He gets a free slice of cake, too, and much to his embarrassment, ends up with the dining room staring at him, singing Happy Birthday.
He shoots Lan Wangji a look that perhaps says something vaguely threatening like 'wait until it's your birthday'. But when the room stumbles over his name mid-song ("happy birthday dear…uh, you…"), the vibrant fit of laughter he twists into is more than worth it.
"I hope everything was to your liking," the waiter says, stacking empty plates and bowls strategically atop his arm. "I hope we have made this day special for the two of you."
Wei Wuxian smiles, something big and shining. "It's perfect. We'll come back here on his birthday, right sweetie?" Lan Wangji blanches. They do this every year — it is tradition, and yet, he doesn't think he'll ever be used to that. "Hold a table aside for us for January. We're gonna have to blow his mind."
"I see." The waiter has a kind smile, even as his gaze flickers between them. "Don't worry, just call ahead of time and we'll keep a table for you. And may I just say, the two of you make a lovely couple. Oh, to be young and in love again. I see the way you two look at each other."
"Oh," says Wei Wuxian. Lan Wangji will dissolve right here, right in this seat. He will dissolve into the ground and let earth's crust break and swallow him up. "Ha ha haha. Yeah, we've known each other a long time. It was inevitable, y'know?"
"Ah, inevitable lovers. And on your birthday, no less. You've got yourself a romantic, young man."
"Ahah, yeah," Wei Wuxian casts Lan Wangji an apologetic gaze that lingers just a little too long. "He really is. He's the best."
The best. Lan Wangji has heard that many times. It often drips from Wei Wuxian's tongue, prompted by any manner of actions that Lan Wangji would deem to be wholly normal, instinctive, even. Picking Wei Wuxian up from work, holding a blanket around his shoulders when the cold hits, diligently holding his hand at fancy restaurants to get that free wine.
It is good, he thinks, to be someone who Wei Wuxian considers to be 'the best'. An honourable feat indeed.
"Lan Zhan." Wei Wuxian's eyes are glimmering, grey painted pink by the sunset. He suits golden hour very well. "Mind holding the bag a little while? You're better at maintaining the integrity of take-out boxes."
Lan Wangji, of course, agrees. And if it's because he wants to watch a very giddy Wei Wuxian shuck a bed sheet over his head and proceed to bounce in place, making all sorts of silly "boooo" sounds— well, that's for Lan Wangji to think about.
Wei Wuxian is tentative as he drapes the other sheet over Lan Wangji's body. He's comically stiff, and Wei Wuxian laughs about it, bright and airy.
Their hands find each other again. And then they're walking out into the rapidly darkening evening, joining the hoards of haphazardly costumed passers-by.
"Hey," Wei Wuxian says after a while. It feels as though they've walked the whole block, just talking, occasionally pausing to paw at a bit of cake. Lan Wangji dips beneath Wei Wuxian's sheet to press a small slab of icing to his lips. "Thank you for doing this. Like, every year. It's a big act to keep up with, but you pretend we're married, and you're so convincing about it."
"It is your birthday," Lan Wangji replies, as though that much is obvious. He's a little muffled beneath the sheet. "It is no hardship for me." I love you, is what he means. "I know. That you do not enjoy your birthday. So I hope— that this is enjoyable regardless."
He's stared at for a long moment, Wei Wuxian's gaze flitting over his face. Lan Wangji is very aware of himself; how it's been so many years, and his expression must be growing easier to read. "It's always enjoyable. Like, we're just hanging out, and it's still the most fun."
"Wei Ying, it is your birthday. I wish to celebrate you."
That makes Wei Wuxian falter, just a little bit. They have this conversation at least once a year. "I know. You're too good, you know? Wait—it's hard to be real with you when we're dressed like this. But like, seriously—"
He's cut off by the sound of fireworks, rising and bursting overhead. He swings around, utterly engrossed in the millions of trickles of colour shooting across the sky. Lan Wangji can only stare at him.
The both of them lift up their bedsheets, half draped over their heads, practically capes now.
And because Wei Wuxian looks so happy, is rendered so silent, Lan Wangji - without thinking one bit - swings forward. Whispers softly. "Happy birthday, Wei Ying."
He isn't sure Wei Wuxian hears it at first, but then the palm flush against his own adjusts, fingers intertwining instead. Wei Wuxian is gazing over his face then, flickering down and up. Down again; up again.
"I'm—gonna kiss you, okay?" He says, looking smaller. "Lan Zhan, you're gonna have to say no quickly if you don't want—"
Lan Wangji surges forwards, in spite of himself. Their hands part only to allow their arms to circle into an embrace. Wei Wuxian's mouth is soft, and it's so easy to sink into it. So easy to forget the sounds of people cheering, their oohs and ahhs; the intermittent pop of fireworks scattering across the sky. It's so, so easy.
They kiss like that for a while, bodies slowly swaying side to side, as though listening to some far-off music, somewhere. But then Wei Wuxian is smiling — Lan Wangji feels the curve of his mouth before he feels the teeth that follow. And when he opens his eyes, the sight before him is so bright, so colourful, so much more even than the sky.
"Lan Zhan. Lan Wangji." Wei Wuxian says that, and nothing else. His eyes are scrunched into delightful crescents, his lips pink. They look like messes, both of them, with their costumes strewn so carelessly over their backs.
Lan Wangji repeats, just to make it known. "Happy birthday. Wei Ying. I hope that you have felt celebrated today. Wanted."
"Are you kidding me? Every year my birthday is the best, better than everyone else's. Because you're a massive sap and you're so good. So good. I— Lan Zhan, let's go home, okay? Let's watch a movie or something. Oh! And let's kiss some more? That was good, you are really good."
Lan Wangji finds his mouth again, a chaste press of lips. It's chilly with the cold, but he feels so warm inside. But then, he nods. "Wei Ying can have anything he wants."
"Best birthday ever." Wei Wuxian whispers to himself. Lan Wangji secretly starts making notes to make next year even better.
And little does Wei Wuxian know that when they get back, there's even more cake waiting for him. A delivery of brushes, inks, and paper he'd mentioned he'd wanted in passing. A big jar of aged wine hidden in the closet. A ticket to redeem a visit to the zoo.
Lan Wangji will add a spare set of keys to that list. Wei Wuxian practically spends all his time there anyway. Maybe next year, he'll propose. If this all goes well.
(It does. He proposes next year. Married the year after that. Wei Wuxian deserves to remember his birthday as a day of celebration.
Those dinners they share each year are genuine after that. Happy Birthday, Wei Ying. Happy anniversary, Wei Ying. I love you, Wei Ying.)
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Just got through reading chapter 79, and I’m so so happy duke and jack got to tie the knot! 😊😊😊😊😊🥰🥰🥰🥰 I also looked at the corresponding Pinterest board you linked for their wedding and I absolutely loved it!!!! The theme is so them. By any chance, do you have an idea of what Ghost’s and Danny’s theme or their wedding would’ve been like had they had the chance. (still trying to recover from that by the way 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺😢😢😢😢😢😭😭😭😭😭😭) would they have even had a “big wedding”? Maybe a wedding dress? Ugh I love Bucky (always), but I do live for any and all Ghost X Danny content. Also, love your work so so much! This story and these characters are so freaking awesome and I love them all so dearly! 🩷🩷🩷🥰🥰🥰thanks for sharing it with us. 🩷
It would have been a small wedding in New Eden. Either in Amma's backyard or at the house. Amma would have made centerpieces from the lavender that grows in her garden and their seeds would have been thrown instead of rice.
Ghost would have worn a turquoise necklace made by Amma (her something borrowed and blue). She would have worn a (heavily) altered grandmother's dress (something old) and a pair of earrings Danny gifted her right before the ceremony (something new).
Danny would have worn a lighter suit, he says that black isn't fancy enough and he doesn't want Ghost stealing all his spotlight (he says he's just kidding, mi amor). Turner would have been his best man, Duke would have been Ghost's. Ollie would have been the flower boy/ring bearer (simply because Turner's girls aren't old enough yet).

Duke would have baked the cake (he's really good at it but doesn't tell anyone). The Roper twins would supply the beverages (a special blend just for the wedding). Weston would be sat in the back of the ceremony, dragging on his cigar and trying to hide the proud look in his eye.
The ceremony would be small but the party would be huge; the whole town comes and everyone brings food to share before Ghost and Danny drive away in the Firebird (which has been outfitted with ribbons and flowers and tin cans, courtesy of the twins)
#talk to me goose#anonymous avengers#anonymous avengers ask away#ask me things#ask me literally anything
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So now cocaine is legal in Oregon, but straws aren’t. That must be frustrating.

• Still trying to get my head around the fact that ‘Take Out’ can mean food, dating, or murder. • Threw out my back sleeping, and tweaked my neck sneezing so I’m probably just one strong fart away from complete paralysis. •Dear paranoid people who check behind their shower curtains for murderers. If you do find one, what’s your plan? •The older I get, the more I understand why roosters just scream to start their day. •Being popular on Facebook is like sitting at the ‘cool table’ in the cafeteria of a mental hospital. •You know you’re over 50 when you have ‘upstairs ibuprofen’ and ‘downstairs ibuprofen’. How did doctors come to the conclusion that exercise prolongs life, when….the rabbit is always jumping but only lives for around two year, and…the turtle that doesn’t exercise at all, lives over 200 years. So, rest, chill, eat, drink, and enjoy life! •I too was once a male trapped in a female body…but then my mother gave birth. •If only vegetables smelled as good as bacon. •When I lost the fingers on my right hand in a freak accident, I asked the doctor if I would still be able to write with it. He said, “Probably, but I wouldn’t count on it. •I woke up this morning determined to drink less, eat right, and exercise. But that was four hours ago when I was younger and full of hope. •Anyone who says their wedding was the best day of their life has clearly never had two candy bars fall down at once from a vending machine. •We live in a time where intelligent people are silenced so that stupid people won’t be offended •The biggest joke on mankind is that computers have begun asking humans to prove they aren’t a robot •When a kid says “Daddy, I want mommy” that’s the kid version of “I’d like to speak to your supervisor”. •It’s weird being the same age as old people. •Just once, I want a username and password prompt to say CLOSE ENOUGH •Last night the internet stopped working so I spent a few hours with my family. They seem like good people. •If Adam and Eve were Cajuns they would have eaten the snake instead of the apple and saved us all a lot of trouble. •We celebrated last night with a couple of adult beverages …… Metamucil and Ensure. •You know you are getting old when friends with benefits means having someone who can drive at night. •Weight loss goal: To be able to clip my toenails and breathe at the same time. •After watching how some people wore their masks, I understand why contraception fails. •Some of my friends exercise every day. Meanwhile I am watching a show I don’t like because the remote fell on the floor. •For those of you that don’t want Alexa or Siri listening in on your conversation, they are making a male version…it doesn’t listen to anything. •I just got a present labeled, ‘From Mom and Dad’, and I know darn well Dad has no idea what’s inside. •Now that Covid has everyone washing their hands correctly…next week…Turn Signals. •Someone said, “Nothing rhymes with orange.” I said, “No, it doesn’t.” • The pessimist complains about the wind. The optimist expects it to change. The realist adjusts his sails. •There’s a fine line between a numerator and a denominator. Only a fraction of people will find this funny. •Reading gives us someplace to go when we have to stay where we are. •I have many hidden talents. I just wish I could remember where I hid them. •My idea of a Super Bowl is a toilet that cleans itself. •Apparently exercise helps you with decision-making. It’s true. I went for a run this morning and decided I’m never going again.
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The Ultimate Guide to Custom Mugs: Find the Perfect One for You
Mugs are more than just containers for your favorite beverage; they are personal expressions of style, memories, and fandoms. Whether you’re a coffee lover, tea enthusiast, or hot chocolate fan, a custom mug adds a unique touch to your everyday routine. With countless designs available, from anime coffee mugs to custom couple mugs, there’s a perfect choice for everyone.

Why Choose Custom Mugs?
Personalized mugs make great gifts, collectibles, and even branding tools. Here are some reasons why they are worth investing in:
Personalized Touch – A mug adds sentimental value, whether it's a name, photo, or a special message.
Perfect for Gifting – Ideal for birthdays, anniversaries, and special occasions.
Showcase Your Fandom – From Marvel coffee mugs to Batman mugs, express your love for your favorite characters.
Durable and Long-Lasting – High-quality mugs can be used for years, making them a worthwhile purchase.
Great for Work and Home – Whether at the office or home, it makes every sip enjoyable.

Popular Custom Mug Categories
1. Anime Coffee Mugs
Anime fans love to showcase their favorite characters, and anime coffee mugs are the perfect way to do that. Whether you love One Piece, Naruto, Demon Slayer, or Attack on Titan, you can find or design a mug featuring your favorite characters and scenes. These mugs make great collector’s items and gifts for anime lovers.
2. Pookie Cup – The Cute & Trendy Choice
If you love adorable and trendy designs, a Pookie cup is the way to go. Inspired by viral social media trends, these mugs feature cute animal prints, pastel colors, and fun quotes that make them perfect for everyday use or as a thoughtful gift.

3. Marvel Coffee Mugs – Superhero Power in Every Sip
Are you a fan of the Marvel Universe? A Marvel coffee mug is an excellent way to showcase your favorite superheroes like Spider-Man, Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, and the Avengers. These mugs often feature action-packed designs, comic book art, and even 3D sculpted elements that make them stand out.
4. Batman Mug – The Dark Knight’s Favorite
For all DC fans, nothing beats sipping coffee from a Batman mug. Whether you prefer classic Batman logos, comic-style illustrations, or modern movie-inspired designs, a custom Batman mug is a must-have. Some even come with cool features like heat-sensitive color changes!

5. Friends Coffee Mug – The Ultimate Nostalgia
Fans of the legendary sitcom Friends will love a Friends coffee mug. From the iconic Central Perk logo to famous quotes like “How you doin’?”, these mugs are perfect for anyone who enjoys reliving their favorite moments from the show.
6. Custom Couple Mugs – A Romantic Gift Idea
A custom couple mug is the perfect gift for anniversaries, weddings, or Valentine’s Day. Personalize it with names, important dates, or matching designs that symbolize love. Whether it’s a cute heart-themed mug or a funny quote, these mugs add a special touch to relationships.
How to Choose the Best Personalised Mug
With so many options available, picking the right mug can be overwhelming. Here are some tips to help you choose the perfect one:
Material Matters – Ceramic mugs are classic and durable, while stainless steel ones are great for travel.
Size & Capacity – Standard mugs hold about 11-15 oz, but if you need more caffeine, go for a larger size.
Design & Print Quality – Ensure that the design is high-resolution and printed with long-lasting colors.
Microwave & Dishwasher Safety – Check whether the mug is safe for easy reheating and cleaning.
Customization Options – If you're personalizing a mug, choose fonts, colors, and images that reflect your personality.
Where to Buy?
There are many online stores where you can purchase custom mugs. Some of the best places include:
Mugdog – A great option for high-quality mugs with unique designs.
Etsy – Offers handcrafted and personalized mugs from independent artists.
Amazon – A variety of options, from funny mugs to fandom-themed ones.
Redbubble & Society6 – Perfect for artistic and creative mug designs.
Final Thoughts
Whether you’re a coffee lover or a tea enthusiast, custom mugs are a great way to add a personal touch to your daily routine. With so many unique options like anime coffee mugs, pookie cups, Marvel coffee mugs, Batman mugs, Friends coffee mugs, and custom couple mugs, you’ll always find the perfect design for yourself or a loved one.
Are you ready to get your custom mug? Explore different designs and find the perfect one that matches your style!
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5 Must-Try Cocktails for Your Next Cocktail Dinner Party

A wedding is one of the most cherished moments in life, and finding the best destination wedding in Meerut is crucial for making it unforgettable. One of the key elements of a successful wedding celebration is the cocktail dinner—an elegant evening of fine drinks, delicious appetizers, and joyful moments with friends and family.
Meerut, known for its grand wedding venues, is an ideal place to host a destination wedding. Whether you prefer a lavish banquet or a scenic outdoor venue, this city offers stunning locations that make your wedding a dream come true. And what better way to kick off the celebrations than with a stylish cocktail dinner?
Why a Cocktail Dinner is a Must for Your Destination Wedding
A cocktail dinner is more than just an evening party—it sets the tone for the grand wedding ahead. Here’s why it’s essential for your best destination wedding in Meerut:
A Perfect Icebreaker – A cocktail dinner allows guests to mingle, enjoy drinks, and ease into the wedding celebrations.
Elegant Ambiance – Whether you choose a rooftop setup or a banquet hall, a well-planned cocktail dinner adds a touch of sophistication.
Delicious Food & Drinks – A curated menu featuring signature cocktails and gourmet appetizers creates an unforgettable experience.
Fun & Entertainment – Live music, DJ, or even a dance floor can make the night lively and exciting.
Choosing the Best Venue for a Destination Wedding in Meerut
If you’re looking for the best destination wedding in Meerut, selecting the right venue is key. Many top hotels and banquet halls offer all-inclusive wedding packages, including a spectacular cocktail dinner. Some factors to consider while choosing a venue include:
Capacity – Ensure the venue accommodates all your guests comfortably.
Décor & Setup – Look for venues that offer customized décor and themed setups.
Catering Services – A good venue will provide a wide range of food and beverage options.
Entertainment & Music – Choose a venue that allows live bands or DJs for an unforgettable night.
Cocktail Dinner Menu Ideas for Your Wedding
A well-planned cocktail dinner includes a perfect mix of food and drinks. Here are some must-have items for your wedding cocktail party:
Signature Cocktails: Mojito, Cosmopolitan, Margarita, and Whisky Sour
Appetizers: Stuffed Mushrooms, Mini Tacos, Cheese Platter, and Chicken Skewers
Live Counters: Sushi Station, Pasta Bar, and Grilled Kebabs
Desserts: Chocolate Fondue, Tiramisu, and Fruit Sorbets
Conclusion: The Conway Hotel Meerut – The Perfect Wedding Venue
For those searching for the best destination wedding in Meerut, The Conway Hotel Meerut is the ideal choice. With its luxurious banquet halls, elegant outdoor spaces, and exceptional catering services, this venue ensures a grand wedding celebration. Whether you’re planning a regal wedding or a chic cocktail dinner, The Conway Hotel Meerut has everything you need for a flawless event.
Planning your dream wedding in Meerut? Consider The Conway Hotel Meerut for an unforgettable experience!
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