#best toys for pets
lovencaretoysindia · 10 months
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Elevate your pet's joy with our curated collection of the Best Toys for Pets. Discover a range that pampers every furry friend. From interactive treats to durable chewables, we ensure happiness and engagement. Our toys are designed for endless fun, ensuring your pet's well-being and satisfaction. Call us at +91 9810110201 to bring excitement into your pet's playtime. Unleash the best play experience now!
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pawrulzstore · 1 year
Westpaw Toys With Top Durability - Buy Now at Pawrulz
Westpaw is US Based company specially designed for toughness and canine enhancement. Buy these products like Westpaw Toy from Pawrulz Store.
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egophiliac · 1 year
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I've always wanted a plush of the cat from Ghost Trick! so when the Switch port was announced, I decided to go ahead and make one for myself! ...and then didn't think to post it until now, for some reason! I modified BeeZee Art's sitting kitty pattern to get the right shapes; he was made with many mistakes, but also much love. 🐈‍⬛
(everybody go play Ghost Trick, it is my favorite video game of all time! if you like unique puzzles and a really fun mystery, then you will probably also enjoy it! and as you can see, it has a cat!)
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(it was very hard to get a picture with Niko that didn't look like this:)
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choco-bite · 1 month
Mommy gf 🫶🏻 subby bf
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lpsotd · 1 year
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🎉🎉 Persian #182 is the winner !! they are officially the best lps feline 🎉🎉
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i just need a mommy who can fuck me whenever she wantsᡣ𐭩
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lovencaretoysindia · 10 months
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Indulge your furry friends with the finest playtime companions! Our company offers a curated selection of the best toys for pets, ensuring endless joy and entertainment. Explore a range designed for every pet's delight. Contact us at +91 9810110201 and treat your pets to quality playtime!
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Hey guys! I'm in sissy's room. I like when she throws me my ball. She looks too stressed out doing whatever humans do with notebooks. So I'm saving her by playing ball with her. (That's a secret between us because she thinks she's the one helping me, but I'm really helping her).
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lpsotd · 1 year
Best LPS Felines Tournament 🐱 Masterpost
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here we are again !! seeing as the canines tournament didn't flop, we are doing another tournament, this time with cute little felines !! kitties of y'all's choosing have been thrown into the thunder dome (the bracket is the thunder dome !!) vv round 1 competitors vv
longhair cat #9 vs. longhair cat #20 kitten #323 vs. kitten #94 kitten #1818 vs. kitten #100 cat #1679 vs. cat #1699 himalayan cat #2143 vs. persian wolf cat #2100 longhair cat #954 vs. kitten #2215 cat #664 vs. cat #1231 cat #626 vs. persian #521 persian #490 vs. persian #723 kitten #493 vs. perisan #82 persian #182 vs. kitten #1370 kitten #870 vs. kitten #649 monopoly kitten vs. longhair cat #511 lion #809 vs. persian #2138 kitten #110 vs. cat #42 leopard #1419 vs. kitten #2285
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prettyboy-remi · 1 month
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He's just standing there
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innytoes · 9 months
uhm... 👉👈 Ray hitman AU? maybe? if you were up for it? pretty pretty please? 🙏
-For those who don't know I made a shitpost about Ray being a hitman because I looked up housing prices in Los Feliz (and how medical debt works) and SIR HOW THE HELL DO YOU AFFORD THAT HOUSE ON A PHOTOGRAPHER'S SALARY.
-It starts when one of the Petal Pushers has a very abusive, stalker ex. She had tried everything, but even with a restraining order, it isn't enough. Law enforcement just shrugs and suggests she moves (again) after 'someone' breaks into her house, ransacks it and kills her cat.
-It's not like Rose and Ray meant to kill him. But it's what happens. They manage to make it look like an accident. They never tell Violet, but deep down she knows.
-Somehow word gets around and they suddenly have a booming side hustle of taking out abusive spouses, partners, exes, stalkers, etc.
-Ray starts to take on the most of the wet work, with Rose doing the research and being his alibi.
-He's always been a great shot. He won Rose so many stuffed animals at carnival shooting games that they had to start donating them to shelters.
-They do have very strict rules on who they work with and who their targets are. Ray gets very good at stalking people with a giant long distance tele-lens. Both the people who hire them (to make sure they're telling the truth) and the targets.
-The prices they charge vary, and they even have perfected the scheme of 'take out life insurance on him and we get half of the pay out' for people who are in a bad financial situation. Those are trickier because he has to make the deaths look like an accident.
-Listen I'm not saying a few of the plants in Rose's Plant Wall in the studio are toxic. Of course they aren't, they have children running around in there.
-The ones under the grow-light in the attic though....
-He tells everyone he's a photographer but really, he only knows how to work the tele-lens. Rose jokes he could become the world's greatest paparazzi if he wanted to.
-Rarely does he get up close and personal with the targets, but he did made an exception once when 'My Ex Is An Abusive Scumbag number 87' really, really wanted Ray to know the client was right by going after his kid from his first marriage, because his favourite target (their client) wasn't there to take his rage out on.
-He starts hitting the gym after that because it was a liiiiittle too close for comfort.
-As spoken by @floating-in-the-blue: THAT'S WHY HE'S SO FIRM.
-They buy a big house and have money to send the kids to summer camp and fancy music school and the likes. When people ask he just smiles and shrugs and said he signed an NDA so he can't talk about most of his Big Photography Clients.
-Carlos and Julie think their dad is the biggest goober and he totally is. He forgets where he put his phone because he's too busy with the 700 other details of his job. He can tell if any of the parts of his work-toolbox have been moved even a millimeter.
-Just imagine Reggie like: wow Ray really does a lot of research about his photography clients, I wonder if it's like an engagement shoot or something.
-IT WAS NOT AN ENGAGEMENT SHOOT. There was a shooting, though.
-He's a little shell-shocked but still follows Ray down to where he meets the client to promise her it's done, and she cries and tells him thank you and mentions some of the awful things the guy has done or threatened to do, and then he gets it.
-They stage it to look like a break-in gone wrong. Reggie helps knock some shit over when they're distracted like: he's a ghost there are no finger prints. He stays after Ray leaves and watches the woman 'come home' and call the cops. She's either a really good actress, or the tears are just more tears of relief.
-He's really, really glad the abusive guy didn't come back as a ghost though, that would have been so awkward.
-Reggie decides that Julie can never, ever know.
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buglps · 2 years
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flamagenitus · 2 months
I'm so deeply sad I can't film my hamster properly with the phone I have. A family friend suggested I just put his whole cage inside the ex-tortie's terrarium and leave it open, so he effectively has a house with a contained run, and I didn't have a good answer so I did it. And now every evening I am treated to the sight of my hamster running between his cage and various furnishings in his outside area. Every time I out something new in there he gets all excited and has to run on his wheel between bits of exploration to get all the energy out!! It's adorable but if I tried to film it I think it would look like the video was on fast-forward
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pensiveant · 5 months
If you've never seen a normal-sized house cat who can move a shoe rack, a coffee table, or even a whole ass washing machine before, you should meet........
Minnie! :3
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this is my little girl 💖
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she’s running low on time with us, and my dad has been saying things along the lines of ‘this is why I don’t like pets’, because he finds the grieving process so hard.
I don’t fault him for that, he just feels loss deeply and deals with it differently.
sometimes I even find myself falling briefly into the same thinking. ‘what if making a different choice all those years ago saved me and my family from this grief and this pain?’
but I also know there’s no way I would make a different decision. no amount of grief could outweigh the joy she’s brought us over these last fifteen years. the laughter, the comfort, the connection.
I think about hikes with my dad when she was tiny and able bodied and would race up ahead of us on the trails and then race back to check on us. I think about the first time she saw snow and she instantly turned into a tiny fluffy bunny rabbit, hopping through drifts that were ankle deep for us but nearly buried her, and the matted snowballs she came away with, looking like a tiny curly haired yeti.
I think of her interrupting GrammE and John’s wedding along with Sagie, confusion turning into laughter as they sped after each other across the backyard ceremony. I think of my mom, lonely on the island and isolated during covid, telling me that Ginger was her saving grace.
and these don’t even scratch the surface. fifteen years of love she’s given us.
so yeah. losing her is going to damn near break me and I know that. but I wouldn’t change it for the world.
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lpsotd · 1 year
best lps tournament: round 1 🐶
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here we are !! after about two weeks of off-and-on thinking, i have finally gathered the 32 canines that will be duking it out in the thunder dome !! (erm.. this bracket is the thunder dome) if this whole thing doesn’t flop, we will (probably) have another bracket but with felines !!
to our left we have ...
Pug #623 vs. Labradoodle #2421
Lhasa Apso #2130 vs. Maltese #79
Poodle #225 vs. Chihuahua #1
Bulldog #1765 vs. French bulldog #1896
Beagle #113 vs. Basset Hound #312
Boston Terrier #958 vs. Jack Russell #40
Husky #1563 vs. German Shepherd #127
Komondor #1257 vs. Dalmatian #2136
and on the right we have ...
Chow Chow #1157 vs. Corgi #897
Bull Terrier #154 vs. Boxer #25
Shi Tzu #6 vs. Yorkie #1406 
Pomeranian #2280 vs. Sheepdog #465
Schnautzer #1393 vs. Berner Senner #145
Husky #1013 vs. Puppy #1339
Retreiver #951 vs. Wolf #2141
Chow Chow #332 vs. Chihuahua #461
voting for the left side of the bracket will begin on 04/09 and will go on for a week !! i am looking forward to this.
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