#but on the other hand I do think Ginge had been the biggest part of combating loneliness for my mom
this is my little girl 💖
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she’s running low on time with us, and my dad has been saying things along the lines of ‘this is why I don’t like pets’, because he finds the grieving process so hard.
I don’t fault him for that, he just feels loss deeply and deals with it differently.
sometimes I even find myself falling briefly into the same thinking. ‘what if making a different choice all those years ago saved me and my family from this grief and this pain?’
but I also know there’s no way I would make a different decision. no amount of grief could outweigh the joy she’s brought us over these last fifteen years. the laughter, the comfort, the connection.
I think about hikes with my dad when she was tiny and able bodied and would race up ahead of us on the trails and then race back to check on us. I think about the first time she saw snow and she instantly turned into a tiny fluffy bunny rabbit, hopping through drifts that were ankle deep for us but nearly buried her, and the matted snowballs she came away with, looking like a tiny curly haired yeti.
I think of her interrupting GrammE and John’s wedding along with Sagie, confusion turning into laughter as they sped after each other across the backyard ceremony. I think of my mom, lonely on the island and isolated during covid, telling me that Ginger was her saving grace.
and these don’t even scratch the surface. fifteen years of love she’s given us.
so yeah. losing her is going to damn near break me and I know that. but I wouldn’t change it for the world.
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miraizu · 4 years
Open Book - 2. Interesting Customers
Open Book Ship: Chrollo Lucilfer/Reader Part: 2/? [PREV] | [NEXT] Word count: 2,728 Warnings: None. Synopsis:  Everybody has to make a way of living. Some are hunters, some are thieves, some are just regular civilians trying to enjoy their lives. You? You're an informant, and in York New City, a city that never sleeps, you're about to find out just how much of a commodity that really makes you.
       With the rain cleared up and the skies cloudless and sunny, your store was busy.  The mafia auction had brought in all sorts of newcomers in town, most of them small fry not worth your time.  You should have been pleased at the business, at making money, but your mood was soured.
       Last night, the auction had purportedly been robbed.  It wasn't confirmed yet, but you knew full well who was behind the heist, confirming your suspicions and fears.  The Phantom Troupe was in York New City.  With this new information, and the constant whispers of your customers discussing the event, you couldn't help the agitation that set in your veins.  Part of it was just the fact that the Troupe was here.  The other part, annoyingly enough, was that that meant he was here, and hadn't sought you out yet.  You weren't sure if you should be relieved or upset, and this caused you to be snippy all day with everybody.
       Hearing your name get called, your gaze flickered to the door, seeing a familiar face among all of your newer customers.  You gave him a dry smile.
       "Zepile.  I haven't gotten any specially made items for you, if that's what you're after," you said immediately, careful with your wording considering a majority of people didn't know about nen.  Seeing he was accompanied by others, a rare sight within itself, you raised an eyebrow.  ". . . Who are they?"
       The man in front of you took note of your expression.  "Man, you sure are in a bad mood today.  What happened?"
       With the rush hour dying down, leaving only a couple other customers save for Zepile and his entourage of three, you couldn't avoid the conversation.  Don't get it wrong, you enjoyed talking to Zepile, but you were in a bad mood today.  Certainly not in a mood to socialize.
       "It's nothing," you responded after a moment.  "Anyways, if you're not here to buy, what are you doing?"
       Zepile gestured to the two kids he had with him.  Was he babysitting?  You allowed yourself to take them in in more detail.  One kid was looking around the shop with wide, brown eyes, his green hair standing straight up and his clothes offending your sensibilities.  Next to him was the other kid, seeming more bored than anything, with fluffy white hair and upturned blue eyes.  You sort of wanted to see how soft his hair was.  The last newcomer was a taller man, probably around your age, in a business suit with small glasses.  A peculiar bunch - where did Zepile pick these people up?
       "We actually are here to sell stuff."
       That was a first, and you raised an eyebrow, eyes focusing on the bags in the kids' hands.  "You?  Sell?"
       The brunet laughed.  "They need money for the auction, and so I decide to take them to the best antique shop around."
       Your smile was wry.  "I'm flattered," you said flatly.  "What do you plan on buying at the auction?"
       The white haired kid spoke up before anybody else, his eyes narrowed suspiciously on your figure.  "It's none of your business."  His tone was decidedly unfriendly, and you snorted, not offended.
       "If it's none of my business, then you don't get any of my business.  Sell your shit elsewhere, kid."
       The older man among them immediately whacked the kid, and the other kid apologized hastily.  There was a genuine look in his eyes that made you stop for a moment and decide to hear them out.
       "I'm trying to get Greed Island," he told you.  You had heard of the game before, and you leaned against the counter, eyes turning upward in thought.  That was certainly going to be a lot of jenny, especially since the copies were limited.  Why did they want to get Greed Island, though?  You had met its creator - you weren't about to break it to the kids, but not only was the game a sham in a way, the guy who created it was one of the biggest assholes you had ever met.
       Although thinking about him now, and looking at the earnest kid with the brown eyes...  There was a strange air of familiarity around him, now that you thought about it.
       Humming, you examined them.  "I'll make you a deal," you decided.  "Whatever you have, I'll give you double price."  The kids' eyes grew as wide as saucers, but before they could pipe up, you continued.  "However, I want your information."
       They seemed confused.  The only one who had understood was Zepile, and he grinned, knowing that they had gotten a victory.
       "Information?  Like our names?"  This came from the bespectacled man, and you hummed, pulling out a book out of seemingly nowhere.  It was thick and old, the leather binding showing obvious signs of aging, the pages all gilded.  There were no words on the cover, and it felt almost weightless in your hands.  Holding it out, you gave a somewhat genuine smile.
       "Put your hand on this."
       The white haired kid and the taller man seemed skeptical, but the other kid was eager and put his hand on top of the book.  Immediately, his eyes lit up in recognition.
       "It's nen!"
       So they knew nen, too.  This only got more and more interesting.  Withdrawing the book from him, you opened it up to the middle.  At first, the tea-stained pages seemed blank, but slowly, writing started to appear on the page as if a ghost was writing the words.  It was your handwriting, neat and concise, but words you had never written before.  The three newcomers watched in confusion, most likely due to the fact that they couldn’t see the words being written.  Once it was done, you scanned the page.
       "Gon Freecss?"  The brown-eyed kid - Gon - lit up, his eyes widening.  You continued.  "Hm, your birthday is May 5th, so you just turned 13, and you're an enhancer..."  Including the basics was his blood type, and a little 'x' on a small map, showing his location.  He seemed interested, peering at the page in surprise, only growing more interested at realizing the page was blank to him.
       "How did you do that?"
       You smiled a bit more, amused at the kid's reaction.  "It's my nen ability," you explained.  "Well, one of them.  Your dad is Ging Freecss, isn't he?"  At the mention of his dad, Gon lit up even more, if possible.  He was a literal ray of sunshine, it seemed.  "I've met him before.  I have to say, I'm glad you're nothing like him, as he's a piece of--"
       Zepile cleared his throat, causing you to pause and realize you were about to shit talk the kid's dad in front of him.  Whoops.  Quickly trying to cover it up, you shook your head.  "I'm assuming that's why you're searching for Greed Island," you hastily amended.  "Although if you're searching for him...  I do have his location."
       You felt bad for tacking on surprise after surprise for the kid, and even his two friends looked startled.  "Really?!"
       "I have the location of anybody who I use my ability on.  If you're in search of him..."
       Gon looked like he was genuinely considering it, before he shook his head.  "I have to find him myself!"
       You commended him for the determination, even if both of his friends seemed a bit more dismayed at Gon's line of thinking.  Wanting to get this show on the road, you looked back and forth between the glasses guy and the other kid.
       "So who's next?"
       "Why should we have to give you our information?"  The snide remark came from the snarky kid, and you closed the book with a snap, gazing evenly at him.
       "If you want double the jenny, you'll stop testing my patience before I kick you all out."
       Glasses guy went up next after that, touching the book hastily.  Opening the book again, revealing another blank page, his information slowly started to appear.  Leorio Paladiknight, 20 years old and an emitter, although he hadn't genuinely learned real nen, yet.  He wanted to be a doctor - how sweet.
       Last was the other kid, who stared at the book for a moment before begrudgingly touching it, a scowl on his face the entire time.  If Gon was sunshine, this kid was the exact opposite, the pessimist to Gon's optimism.  Soon, you figured out why, raising both eyebrows at this own kid's information.
       "Killua Zoldyck...  No wonder why you were reluctant."  You had met a couple of Zoldycks, specifically Illumi Zoldyck, Zeno Zoldyck, and Maha Zoldyck, but none of them allowed you to use your ability on them.  Killua was the first Zoldyck to be put in your book, and he didn't seem pleased about it.  Wanting to ease his and Leorio's obvious worries, you stood up straight.  Closing the book, it vanished from sight, disappearing.
       "I suppose it's only fair I introduce myself," you said, giving them your full name.  "I'm a specialist, and that's my main hatsu, Informant's Guide: Novella.  I'm usually the one people come to for information on people." You kept it brief, not wanting to give away too much insight on your ability.  "Anybody who touches my book gives me information such as their name, age, birthday, blood type, nen type, and other basic information, as well as their location.  It's generally my fee for helping people out."  There was no need for them to know anything else about your hatsu, and that explanation seemed to appease them enough.  Not wanting them to ask any other questions, you nodded towards the bag in their hands.
       "So, Gon Freecss, what have you brought for me to buy?"
       It turned out, Zepile had been helping the kids find items made by geniuses, people who used nen without knowing.  Some were genuinely valuable, and true to your word, you gave them double the jenny.  You weren't one to break your promises, even though it did hurt your cash drawer a bit in the end.  Worth it, you supposed, to get information from three interesting individuals such as Leorio, Gon, and Killua.  It soothed your irritation a bit, especially since you had accidentally let the blond from yesterday slip away without getting his own information.
       As much as they interested you, though, you were glad they didn't stay for long.  Your mood may have lifted a bit, but you still weren't particularly up for expending energy into socializing.  Waving 'goodbye', you were relieved when they left, leaving you to deal with the tourists that milled around, listlessly looking without plans on truly buying anything.
       Gon, Leorio, and Killua...  I'll have to thank Zepile later.  They are certainly an interesting bunch, and I have a feeling that will not be the last I see of them.
       The rest of the day had been mostly uneventful.  You had one girl come in and buy about 200 jenny's worth of antique books, but other than that, no other customers really stood out to you.  Not until the end of the day, when the sun had just started to set.  You had about an hour until closing, and the shop had been empty when the bell rung, signalling a new customer.  Immediately, you had been put on edge.
       He was taller than you for sure, with black hair slicked back, and large gray eyes that had made you freeze for a moment.  They reminded you of the calm before a storm, analyzing and unfeeling.  Despite that feeling, though, they were gorgeous.  You had to force yourself to look away so you didn't seem creepy at all.  He seemed to read your thoughts, his lips barely quirking upwards.  Thankfully, he said nothing, instead going off to the side.
       He was confident and calm, but you didn't trust him.  His presence put you on edge, and you watched him out of the corner of your eyes, pretending to keep yourself occupied.  You only were distracted when yet another customer came in, dressed in all black and seeming tense.  Great, you could sense this guy's intentions from a mile away.
       Sure enough, he pulled out a gun, pointing it at you and causing you to deadpan.
       "Give me all of your money, or else I'll shoot both of you!"
       He had picked a really bad day to threaten you, considering you were already irritated.  Despite the threat, his black eyes seemed to avoid your own, sweat dripping down his face.  A newbie at that.  He was about to get a rude awakening.
       Your other customer had shifted, slightly turning towards the man, and you noticed the symbol on the back of his trench coat.  The St. Peter's Cross..?
       Raising your hands up and feigning innocence, you slowly walked from around the counter, the gun trained on your figure.
       "Stop right there!"
       As if you'd listen.  In a flash, you darted forward, grabbing his wrist hard enough to crack the bone as he howled in agony.  You pulled him forward, using your other hand to grab the gun as you flung the guy over your shoulder.  He impacted the ground harshly, and with the hand holding the gun you had swiftly disassembled it as if it was second nature to you, the bullets falling to the ground before you dropped the empty magazine.  Your other customer watched in an almost detached manner, but you paid no attention to him.
       "The next time you try this," you said casually, picking the groaning robber up by the collar of his shirt and dragging him to the door, "you won't be walking away with just a broken wrist.  Do I make myself clear?"
       He nodded frantically, and you kicked open the door before throwing him out into the street, ignoring the pained yelp that came from him as he roughly hit the cobblestone.  Turning back, you locked eyes with the raven-haired man.
       "Sorry about that.  It's a common occurrence in downtown York New."  His lips quirk upwards again, barely noticeable.
       "You handled it well."
       Yeah, and you just stood and watched, asshole.  Instead of saying that out loud, you gave him a tight smile.  "Is there anything I can help you with, sir?"
       His eyes scanned the store as you walked past him, making sure to brush his shoulder as you went back behind the counter.  At the touch, you saw him give an amused smile, eyes locking with yours again.
       "Hm...  No, I got what I came here for."
       You knew he hadn't stolen anything, so you weren't entirely sure what he was talking about as he strode out of the shop, stepping casually over the dismantled gun that was still on the floor.  
       You didn't tear your eyes away until you couldn't see him through the shop windows anymore.  So be it - you also had what you wanted, and summoning your book, you watched the words appear in interest.
       You had told the others earlier of your hatsu ability, Novella, but that wasn't all you had up your proverbial sleeves.  A sub-class of Novella was another hatsu: Open Book.  It gave you more basic information - a person's name, location, and age.  Of course, you couldn't get any information the person themselves didn't know, but you were in luck that the man knew both his full name and age.
       "Chrollo Lucilfer, 26," you hummed, watching the small dot move, signalling that Chrollo was heading towards the outskirts of York New.  How interesting - today seemed to prove fruitful for information and a plethora of interesting characters.  You wished you could get more information from him, considering he seemed to be particularly interesting, but it was what it was.  You could always seek him out and have him touch your book one way or another.
       With the sky a purple now, you decided it was good enough to close up your shop, making sure to clean up the gun.  It was useless to you, who detested guns.  You'd just have to dispose of it, and in an instant it was nothing more than crumpled metal in your hands, unable to hold up against your nen.
       After the mess was cleaned and the door to your shop was locked, you had went back up to your loft, feeling somewhat tired after the day's events.  Here was hoping that tomorrow would be easier going, you supposed, unaware of the plot that was brewing beneath York New City - one that would pull you right into the middle of everything.
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joyandeggs · 5 years
For the Character ask: Shoot, Kastro, Kite, Illumi, Knuckle (HxH) and Sonic, Metal Bat, Genos, and Iaian (OPM)! (I have no apologies, you requested lots 😂)
Meve, you always go above and beyond when sending me asks. I love you so much. ❤ So many boys!!! I will talk about them all!! Actually, I'll split this ask into two parts. You may have accidentally sent this ask twice, but no worries! I'll use this as part one for the Hunter x Hunter boys. 💓
Favorite thing about them: What can I say about Shoot that I haven't already gushed about constantly? 💓 One of my favorite things is his Nen, and how he uses it. I love his hands, and Hotel Raffelasia is such an interesting ability. Speaking of his hands...I love all of his features. His eyes, his face, his hair, his muscles... Getting distracted. There's so much that I can say. I love everything about him.
Least favorite thing about them: That we don't know more about him.
Favorite line: I have a lot of faves from him. One of them is when he tells Gon "I will live to thank you!" ❤
brOTP: Him and Knuckle, of course! 💓
OTP: I enjoy Nashuu from time to time. I think they're quite cute together.
nOTP: None that I can think of.
Random headcanon: I have a lot, but one of the biggest ones is that he'll use his Nen hands for everyday things when he's feeling lazy.
Unpopular opinion: He is definitely underrated. Even though I've been finding others that genuinely love him more and more everyday, which really warms my heart that I'm not the only one who does.
Song I associate with them: There's actually a lot of songs I associate with Shoot, which are mostly songs by Yuuji Ueda. 💓 This one, if I had to pick just one, and it is a song I hold very close to me and in my heart. For many reasons. Shine by The Northern Hues make me think of him, too.
Favorite picture of them: Oh Meve, there's too many to choose from, I love so many. Here's a few that I share all the time.
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Favorite thing about them: He just seems so...eloquent and respectful. Kastro has this lovely energy about him that I really can't put into words well enough.
Least favorite thing about them: We don't know anything about him really. Too short lived of a character.
Favorite line: I love it when he asks Killua "So, what do you think of me?" ❤ It was so cute.
brOTP: I'm going to go on a whim and say that he would get along with Flashy Flash from One Punch Man.
OTP: I don't have any.
nOTP: None that I can think of.
Random headcanon: Off the top of my head, to make something up on the spot...he really loves the shoreline of the ocean. An ideal spot for him to live if he weren't focusing on living it up in the tournament tower. Actually now that I think about it...maybe he focused on being in the tower so he could live comfortably. Maybe he was struggling growing up, so he wanted to try and have a better life.
Unpopular opinion: Even though...he does look like the typical pretty boy, he had potential to be more of a solid character.
Song I associate with them: Why is he making me think of Legend Of Zelda? He reminds me of Link too much.
Favorite picture of them:
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Favorite thing about them: It's really hard to explain why I love Kite so much. He's just such a unique character in the series. He's so different. I guess I could say specifically how he is as a hunter. He's seen as someone so memorable, especially with Gon but with his little group he works with. Someone who is not only a hard working, respectful hunter but also a big hearted, kind and warm person towards others.
Least favorite thing about them: How in the world does he look up to someone like Ging, I will never understand. Get away from him, I will come over there, shoo.
Favorite line: When he lets out the softest "O-Oji-san?" at Gon when they reunite...is the cutest thing in the world.
brOTP: I genuinely would see him being good friends with Morel, or even Shoot!
OTP: I don't ship him with anyone.
nOTP: Ging and Kite.
Random headcanon: He's so use to wearing his hat to where if he has to take it off or can't find it at the time, he feels naked without it.
Unpopular opinion: He did not deserve what happened to him. At all. 💔 None of it.
Song I associate with them: Hm. I have never thought about this before. He actually gives me Animal Crossing vibes. A specific song would have to be one of the nighttime tracks in New Leaf while it's raining. Or maybe the nighttime tracks in the original AC. Which that specific one is heavily nostalgic for me. Relistening to all of the Animal Crossing music makes me cry. 💗
Favorite picture of them: I actually love the ones from 1999 Hunter x Hunter. 💓
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He's so pretty! 💓💓💓
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I do love both versions of him though. I love the 2011 Hunter x Hunter him just as much. Look at that smile. ❤ He's precious.
Favorite thing about them: I just love the way he looks. He's pretty, yet scary. I also love his voice. Masaya Matsukaze is so good voicing him.
Least favorite thing about them: The way that he treats Killua. It just hurts me.
Favorite line: I honestly had to look back up on episodes, it's been so long since I watched him in episodes. Oh my gosh I still love the scene during the exams where he tells Hisoka "Okay, I'll be sleeping if you need me, good luck." LOL
brOTP: Illumi and Hisoka. They have a good dynamic, even though that might not be the best word to use.
OTP: I've seen Illumi and Hisoka together, and I honestly do like the idea of it sometimes.
nOTP: None that I'm aware of.
Random headcanon: I honestly can't think of any other than the obvious... When he does smile or laugh, he actually looks very sweet. Don't let that sweetness fool you though.
Unpopular opinion: Even though I like him to an extent, I did get tired of seeing him in the series. That was at the beginning of Hunter x Hunter when I watched it for the first time though. I don't have the same opinion anymore.
Song I associate with them: I can't think of any at all. He does remind me of what haunted house music sounds like.
Favorite picture of them: I just realized how much I love this panel, along with how Madhouse animated it in the show.
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Illumi is very pretty during the beginning of Hunter x Hunter. What is he so pretty for?
Favorite thing about them: Everything! 💘💘💘 Literally everything, ugh, he is just perfect. His smile is easily my most favorite. His eyes are super pretty. His strength, his kindness, and his knowledge. I truthfully admire how smart he is. Uhm. His voice!! Oh my god his voice is just 💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞 So so sexy. Wataru Takagi is a gem. His physique... An endless list of things. He really is the perfect man to me. On top of being the typical Japanese delinquent, everyone knows at this point that they are my weakness, of course that makes all of Knuckle my favorite. He makes me melt into a puddle.
Least favorite thing about them: Nothing at all. Aside from not knowing more about his story.
Favorite line: Oh, too many. "Everyone has a heart. That's what I want to believe." ❤ This actually made me cry when he said it. I also really...really love his inner monologue during the Chimera Ant Arc. The entire thing. Perfect.
brOTP: Knuckle and Shoot, of course! 💓
OTP: I like Nashuu from time to time. Like I said, they can be quite cute together.
nOTP: None that I can think of.
Random headcanon: I have way too many for him. Hm... I do see him around his mid twenties, if not just a year younger than Shoot. There's no way this man could be younger than 23 or 24.
Unpopular opinion: It is a huge bummer we never got to see him with his hair down ever. Could you imagine. 💓💓💓💓💓
Song I associate with them: Everytime I listen to Generous Dimentions by TWRP, or Over Your Shoulder by Chromeo...it actually makes me think of him. 💘 Now I'm embarrassed, oh my goodness.
Favorite picture of them: Meve, there's too many I absolutely love, help
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soartfullydone · 5 years
“Come on, now, love, don’t be naive.” you/Hisoka
Melody Kurta sprang, head over hand back to feet, trying to avoid getting bludgeoned to death by a vacuum cleaner that had a horrifying, gaping mouth for an intake port.
This was not how she thought this day was going to go.
Shizuku Murasaki—number eight of the Phantom Troupe if Hisoka’s word could be believed, which Melody halfway doubted—let out another war cry as she slung the vacuum by its long hose. “Get her, Blinky!”
She named the damn thing Blinky, Melody thought, dodging back. The body of the vacuum went flying past where she’d been standing, colliding with a tree hard enough to split the wood. Melody knew barely anything about Shizuku—there was no record of her anywhere, physical or digital, that detailed her as anything other than a Troupe member—but now she could add freakish strength to the list on top of being a Conjurer.
So far, Greed Island was swiftly becoming less the fantastical virtual reality game experience she was promised and much more like business as usual:
Find a way to help her cousin. Avoid the Spiders. Try not to die.
Well, it looked like she was currently failing orders of business one and two. At least the vacuum’s creepy mouth wouldn’t be able to eat her until she was dead. Melody knew that for a fact, and it did nothing to assuage her.
“What are the Spiders doing here?” Melody asked as Shizuku advanced, dragging the vacuum on its wheels behind her. “Shouldn’t you be busy looking for a new leader?”
“We’ve already got a leader,” Shizuku pointed out in that cool, even way of hers that betrayed no emotion. The woman could be described as soulless if you were feeling less than generous, and right now, Melody certainly was. “If I capture you, we can force the chain user to remove his Nen. Then things can go back to normal that much sooner.”
“Aw, it’s sweet that you think Kurapika would take his Judgment Chain out of Chrollo just for lil’ ol’ me. He’ll let me die first before he sacrifices that,” Melody bluffed, or at least, she hoped she was bluffing. Things between her and her cousin were not… fine, right now.
Shizuku merely blinked, her plum eyes owlish behind her large glasses, and assured Melody matter-of-factly, “Yes, you’re definitely dying either way.”
“Oh, okay, good. So long as that’s clear.”
As Shizuku wound up for another swing of her vacuum, Melody flung herself forward and witnessed a muted sense of surprised flash across Shizuku’s pixie-like features. Netero had once told Melody that one of her greatest assets was being able to get in someone’s space and stay in it, forcing them on the defensive. Of course, being in close range had its own drawbacks.
Particularly if your opponent was faster than you were.
Shizuku blocked every punch Melody threw, no matter where the latter aimed. Melody would find her knuckles grazing off Shizuku’s arm or, worse, the vacuum hose, and wasn’t that humiliating? She didn’t need Gyo to tell her that the Nen accompanying her attacks hadn’t done any damage. Shizuku’s own Nen shield was effortlessly active and intact, neither using too much Nen nor too little as the shield fluctuated to account for the differing strength behind Melody’s attacks.
It was expertly done, a result of both Shizuku’s instinct and experience.
Melody was busy admiring it with a twinge of envy as her own Nen shield was broken and the wind was knocked out of her. The world tilted sharply. She caught a flash of the vacuum’s cartoonish mouth and its razor-sharp teeth as she landed on her hands, dirt scraping her palms. This will not be the last thing I see before I die, she thought wildly as she fought for breath.
In a whip-quick move, Melody balanced herself on her knee and kicked out with her right leg, taking a much-needed lungful of air at the same time. Following the slicing arc of her foot was a bursting line of orange fire.
There was something almost sickly about its color. Something off. It didn’t have the bright flare that fire was supposed to have, appearing more muted, darker. Melody had expected this—it was part of this specific ability—but Shizuku hadn’t.
At the sight, Shizuku’s brows lifted, her dark hair bouncing around her shoulders as she pivoted away, but her vacuum trailed behind. The instant a lick of flame touched it, Shizuku dropped the hose as if it scalded her hands, and the entire thing vanished.
Not vanished as if Shizuku had dismissed it. It wasn’t there and gone in a cloudy poof or a flash of light. Instead, it faded in pieces, as if it was being burned out of the world.
“What did you do?” Shizuku demanded with the first real emotion she’d displayed since running into Melody. Awe and curiosity lifted her tone, but something darker was bolstering the foundations. The promise of retribution if she didn’t get answers; the promise still holding true even if she did.
Melody had no intentions of talking about her abilities with a Spider, but with the fire fading as quickly as it had come and her mid-section feeling like a bus had crashed right into it, she wasn’t in good shape. She could transmute her aura into fire, and that fire could burn through flesh and Nen alike if certain conditions were met. While the former was more permanent and easier to accomplish, the latter was all-too temporary and never a guarantee. Melody couldn’t even perform this specific technique, Burning Touch, without being harmed in some way, such was its nature. Taking the hit from Shizuku had been a sacrifice she’d had to make for her fire to eat through Nen, and right now, she wasn’t sure it was worth it.  
She hadn’t been thinking straight. Too late, she realized she should’ve focused more on attacking the woman instead of her conjuration. Shizuku could do much worse damage to her now that her hands weren’t full, and they both knew it.
Melody staggered to a stand, wincing as she held a hand to her stomach, her entire middle protesting in pain. As Shizuku pressed forward, the golden St. Peter’s cross resting against her black shirt flashed white, the sunlight glinting off its surface. Melody braced for the attack.
It came from behind, two sharp sounds whistling past her on either side. What’s— she thought, her senses rushing to put everything together. Oh, no.
Where the Spider had been standing, a playing card jutted up from where it was embedded in the ground. The other had been caught between Shizuku’s hands, the woman glancing over it with acute disinterest.
Melody remembered, then, what her fourth order of business was supposed to be while on Greed Island.
Find Hisoka.
Instead, he’d found her.
“Yo,” Hisoka’s smooth voice floated to them, saturated with amusement. Melody risked a glance over her shoulder and found him leaning against a tree, saluting them both with a card between two fingers.
Melody decided to play dumb. “Oh, great. What are you doing here?”
“It looked like you both were having such an interesting conversation,” he said, his gaze on her matching the sharpness of his smile. “I was feeling left out.”
Shizuku hummed, tapping her chin with the card. “I’m confused now. Didn’t you agree to help us?”
Melody’s sense of apprehension spiked. She turned the full force of her glare on the magician, willing him to be eviscerated where he stood. You traitorous little bastard. The only reason why the rest of the Troupe wouldn’t attack Hisoka on sight was because of Chrollo, likely because Hisoka claimed to have a way to restore his Nen. She knew this with the same surety as knowing that Ging Freecss was a Class-A asshole.
What made her furious was that it had been Hisoka who had convinced her to come to this damn island to begin with.
Blacklist targets are sure to be there, his text had read. It’s a game for the rich, after all.
Privately, she’d agreed, had already humored finding a way to access the game. Kurapika wanted to locate their clan’s eyes, and she was determined to help him whether he liked it or not. The problem was, Hisoka knew that part of her mind, too, and he’d given her the final push to pursue the option.
What she needed confirmed now was if Hisoka had learned enough about her Nen ability to use her as the solution to his Chrollo problem, because if he had—if her arrival on Greed Island and this ambush was planned—then she was about to find herself in some deep shit.  
Hisoka pushed himself off from the tree and approached their standstill. “I do recall that,” he answered Shizuku, his eyes glittering with the mirth of some joke only he was privy to. His Nen wasn’t hostile, but that could change in an instant. At his side, he still held a card between his long fingers with the same deterring intent as a knife.
Or maybe, in his case, it was more of an invitation.
“Then, help me capture her. You wanted to fight the boss,” Shizuku replied, pointing at Melody with the corner of the card. “She’s your quickest way.”
As soon as Hisoka arrived at Melody’s side, he stopped. Melody had all but stopped paying attention to Shizuku at this point; she wasn’t the biggest threat anymore.
Not when Hisoka was standing this alarmingly, possessively, close.
Everything screamed at her to shift away with how he was considering her, as if she was primed for the sacrifice, a tool he could just reach out and take with no resistance. But Melody would resist, even though every scenario flashing through her head led to the same end result. If he used Bungee Gum against her, she could burn the Nen away—but unless he harmed her in the process, she’d have to hurt herself for the trade. He was already faster and stronger than she was, and the more damage she suffered, the wider the gap between them would grow. She was caught in a lose-lose scenario no matter how she looked at it.
What Melody didn’t know was that Hisoka had watched the skirmish between her and Shizuku unfold long before he’d chosen to interfere. Shizuku’s ability was one he was familiar with and uninterested in; nothing about it intrigued him, despite its rarity.
Though Shizuku was a decent fighter, he’d only had eyes for his latest unripe fruit. Melody Kurta had proven Hisoka’s suspicions (and desires) about her potential true in Yorknew City. Like her cousin Kurapika, her ability was deliciously destructive. Unlike her cousin, she was still discovering its capabilities and limits. But like Hisoka—he’d noted at the time in Yorknew City with no little satisfaction—she was a Transmuter through and through, down to the fact that she had lied to his face about the scope of her ability.
He’d had no idea her Nen could dispel that of others.
Hisoka found himself then with a decision to make. He could either save her and continue grooming her into someone worthy enough to kill, or he could snuff out all that fire and determination now by handing her over to the Spiders, bringing his little tryst with Chrollo that much closer.
Even now, facing both choices head on, he was still mulling over what to do. If he captured her, it would be fun watching her and Kurapika fall apart over it. He wondered which Kurta would break faster if Feitan tortured her. Either way, Hisoka would ensure Kurapika’s hatred—and that of the other fruits by association—and the thought was intoxicating.
On the other hand, if he didn’t listen to Shizuku and chose to do nothing, he didn’t foresee himself losing anything. In fact, now that he thought about it, giving his little hunter up might be the worse decision, especially if something went wrong or Kurapika proved difficult during negotiations. Meanwhile, somewhere on this island, there was a very real Nen exorcist who would likely do as Hisoka asked without fuss.  
What to do?
Hisoka crooked a finger at Shizuku. “Try to summon Blinky again. I want to see something.” Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed Melody tense.
“What?” Shizuku said. “Oh.” She flicked Hisoka’s card aside and cradled her hands in midair. Blinky appeared between them with a pop, looking its usual if disarming self. “Oh,” the Spider said again, “I thought it was gone.”
While Shizuku inspected the vacuum cleaner from top to bottom, Hisoka wrapped a possessive hand around the nape of Melody’s neck. She went rigid as a board under his touch, causing his smile to widen and encouraging him to lean closer.  
“That’s quite a detail you left out,” he spoke into her ear, indicating her ability. “It’s getting me excited.”
“Nice to know we haven’t skipped the foreplay,” she said dryly, though her body betrayed her anxiousness.
“It’s not true exorcism, then,” he noted. “How long does it last?”
“A few seconds,” she admitted, “long enough for a possible killing blow. I intend to lengthen that window.”
Hisoka assessed her with half-lidded eyes. There was still something she wasn’t telling him. He felt something inside him begin to stir restlessly, an itch that demanded to get scratched until it bled, and then he’d make it bleed some more. Not yet.
To distract himself, the magician decided to focus on what she had told him. “So if you’d taken the chain out of Chrollo…”
“It would come back like that,” Melody affirmed, snapping her fingers, “possibly killing him instantly for violating Kurapika’s order.”
Meaning Hisoka would lose any chance of fighting Chrollo and killing him himself. That was not a desirable outcome, meaning his choice was now clear.
The little Kurta’s smirk said she knew it, too.
It was almost endearing that she believed being left alone with him was the better option.  
“Run along, Shizuku,” Hisoka said, straightening. He began massaging the back of Melody’s neck with a hard pressure, nails pricking her scalp. “You’ve played with my toy enough. Be glad you didn’t break her, or I wouldn’t be letting you walk away like this.”
Shizuku dismissed Blinky. “I can’t do anything about your Bungee Gum, anyway, so I guess it’s fine. I’ve forgotten what I even came out here for.” She sighed and propped her hands on her hips. “Don’t forget. As soon as this business with the boss is over, we’re coming for your head.”
“How could I?” Hisoka said sweetly. “Take care.”  
Melody watched as Shizuku departed through the trees. Only when the woman was out of sight did she feel at ease enough to move.
Hisoka didn’t let her.  
“Come now, love, don’t be naïve,” he purred. His hand was wrapped in her hair now, forcing her head back and steering her until the only thing separating them was Melody’s hands braced against his chest. Their gazes locked. “Shouldn’t I at least get a thank you for saving you?”
“Saving your toy, you mean?” Melody snarled. She tried to push him away, but she might as well have been trying to shove a mountain out of her path. Nen could truly make too much of a difference. “You didn’t save me. Know what else you didn’t do? Answer my fucking texts.”
“Oh, how cute. Does it bother you that much?”
“It does when you’re the one who’s been harassing me with them for months!” God above, he was infuriating! Melody fought to calm down. “Blacklist hunters, my ass. You wanted me to help you track down this Nen purger of yours, didn’t you?”
“It’s the least you could do.”
“Forget it.” She’d come here to help Kurapika, not undo everything he’d risked and accomplished in Yorknew.
“This kind of thing plays out differently in AiAi.”
Melody didn’t know what to make of that offhand comment or what fresh hellscape AiAi was in Hisoka’s world. He didn’t give her much chance to puzzle it out.
Hisoka released her hair only to capture her chin, his thumb sweeping across her lower lip. His voice was husky, the words thick with eagerness. “You need to stop doing that, though. Those defiant eyes… You’re making me want to ruin you.”
The hair on the back of Melody’s neck stood straight up, her heart pounding like an incessant drum throughout her body. Each pulse made her aware of every ache from where Shizuku had punched her, but drowning that out was the hyper-realization of Hisoka. Where her body touched his, all legs, hips, hands, and chest. How much space was left before they reached total impact. The glint of his golden eyes, bright with hunger.
Something shifted in his gaze. It was the only warning she had before Hisoka pulled away and stepped around her, actually giving her space. Melody could only stare after him, stunned. She tried to take stock of time. There’s no way they’d kissed and she’d just blacked out and missed it, right?
Hisoka’s nowhere near that nice. He’d make sure I’d remember.
His back was to her, and she couldn’t gauge his mood or expression. The hand he’d touched her with seemed to rise to his face. His shoulders started to shake. He was laughing.
Melody’s spine straightened as he turned, eyes flashing to hers, a terrible idea taking shape in their depths. His smirk was wide and feline.
“Show me how you dispel Nen,” Hisoka demanded, “and I’ll call us even, for now.”
Before Melody could respond, she was yanked forward by the chin, as if from some invisible hook.
No, she thought with mounting dread.
A quick usage of Gyo was all it took to confirm it. Hisoka had stuck goddamn Bungee Gum to her chin, the end stuck to his own, and he was reeling in his aura, dragging her closer with every second. Her shoes slid against dirt and grass, unable to find purchase.
“You goddamn wretch! I swear I’m going to kill you!”
Hisoka’s eyes danced, smoldering with heat. “Let’s hope it’s with tongue.”
The distance between them was growing rapidly. Her eyes and mind flew, trying to figure out what she could use to hurt herself badly enough to burn through Hisoka’s Nen. Punching herself in the leg wasn’t going to cut it.
Wait—cut! Cut!
Her gaze darted down and she found it. Hisoka had been toying with her with his right hand this entire time, but his left still held that knife-sharp card of his. He’d never discarded it. A good magician always has more tricks up his sleeve.
Melody surged toward it, the taut line of aura between her and Hisoka going slack, just for a moment. It was with an icy sort of shock that Melody found she’d misjudged the distance—or maybe Hisoka had taken advantage of her momentum—because a second later, her body was pressed against every hard inch of his—no space left—and Hisoka’s mouth was on hers, hot and demanding and punishing. His heat suffused into her with each brutal scrape of his teeth and every masterful stroke of his tongue. She’d threatened to kill him, but he was the one who was attempting to devour her whole.
She wasn’t prepared at all for him to moan into her mouth, the sound guttural, needy, and desperate. Like he couldn’t decide if he wanted her to destroy him or be the one to undo her, piece by piece. Probably both.
If every cell in her body hadn’t been awake before this, they certainly were now, and with that sudden feeling came a rush of cruel clarity, swiftly followed by a biting burn against her skin.
Melody wrenched herself out of the kiss, annoyed to find stepping back would be a wasted effort. Not just because Hisoka’s hand held her in place by the neck, but also because one of her own was fisted tightly in his shirt.
Her other hand was stinging with pain by the card impaled on its palm, bright red blood seeping down its papery edges.
Hisoka realized what she’d done a beat after she did. She watched grimly as he put it together. The card. The blood. Her pulling away. No burns on his mouth but his Nen being gone.
“You have to absorb pain.” His voice dragging with awe was chilling. His dark laughter was worse. “Dear little Kurta, you might have been made for me.”
He claimed her mouth again, and Melody didn’t stop him, didn’t want to stop him. She’d been avoiding Hisoka getting too close beyond the expected innuendo and the occasional touch, but now that the line had been crossed, slashed, and burned, she found her resistance to be negligible. Nonexistent. She wanted this; she wanted him. She wanted whatever they could and would do to each other, even though there was that still small voice deep down screaming at her to run.
“Mmm, you’re so good, Melody, love,” Hisoka was praising against her lips, pulling the card out of her hand. With a practiced swipe of his tongue, he licked a trail of her blood off the edge of the card, and that sight should have alarmed or disgusted her. She felt none of those things. (What was wrong with her? Why was nothing ever right with her?) All she felt was hot and reckless, her body coming alive as Hisoka moaned in tortured pleasure. “You’re going to be so good.”
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Ginger Cheese
Summary: Hi there! I am very new to your blog but I’ve been reading a lot of your stuff and I think your writing is super good!!! I was just wondering if I could make a Weasel (Deadpool) request? Something like the reader’s ex shows up at Sister Margaret’s one night and Weasel takes him outside to keep the regulars from killing him. Reader goes to make sure no one gets hurt and overhears Weasel saying cute stuff? And fluff maybe? Sorry that’s so long but I hope it makes sense! Please and cheese and thank. 
“Words are said, cheeks are kissed, people are touched, love is created.” -Abby (I feel this is something Wade would say xD)
Characters: Reader, Weasel, Emily, Chuck, Max
Fandom: Marvel- Deadpool
Word Count: 743
Requested: @ging-snapped 
AN: The title makes no sense I know but whatever this is mine so ha! I’m sorry… Enjoy Ginger Cheese :)
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“Hey Y/N do you mind taking this to table 7?” Weasel asked me.
“Am I getting paid for this?” I joked but grabbed the tray of drinks nonetheless.
“Thanks jellybean,” Chuck said as I handed the drinks out.
“No problem Chucky,” I smiled and walked back to the bar, only to freeze as soon as I turned.
It was her. How did she find me? Why is she here? I asked myself.
“You okay jelly?” Max asked.
“Y-yeah just uh fine,” I stumbled out, I was about to walk somewhere other than the bar but I had been spotted.
“Y/N!” I winced a little.
“H-hey Emily,” I forced a smile onto my face.
“Where have you been? I’ve been trying to call you but you never answered,” she stormed towards me.
“I uh- why have you been calling me?” I stepped back a little.
“We need to talk,” she said looking at me. “Babe, we can work this out okay? We had our little ‘break’ and now that you’ve gotten over it we can start over,” she demanded, a smile on her face.
“Em-” I started.
“Don’t say anything. We should leave this place and go to dinner and then back home and we can rekindle what we lost,” she grabbed my hand and I yelped.
Chuck, Max and everyone else in the bar stood up and aimed their guns at her. Emily looked around with wide eyes but didn’t let go of my hand.
“Wo wo wo, guys we can’t just kill a civilian in here,” Weasel walked over to us and gently returned my hand to me. “Why don’t uh why don’t you and I have a talk yeah?” he lead Emily outside.
Once Emily left everyone put their guns away and everything went back to normal.
“You okay Jelly?” Chuck asked.
“Yeah, thanks guys,” I smiled at everyone. “Next round’s on me,” I announced, they all cheered.
I walked over to the bar and took over for Weasel. I would help it out at the bar whenever I was here, which was often now.
I was serving drink for a while now and decided to check on Weasel, to make sure neither of them was dead or severely injured. I had one of the girls take over while I went out front.
I had just barely opened the door when I heard something I never thought I would have.
“…I get it I do. Y/N’s a wonderful person and you want her all to yourself but you can’t have her. You really shouldn’t have been with her to begin with. She didn’t deserve what you did to her and I wasn’t surprised when she ended it with you,” I stood there waiting for what came next. “You have to leave, not only from here but from her life. I don’t want the purest most beautiful person I know to be corrupted by someone like you.”
“Someone like me? You do know she is surrounded by mercenaries right? Those guys in there literally kill for a living and you don’t want ME to corrupt her?” Emily exclaimed.
“No one in there would ever hurt Y/N. She’s part of the family, as mest up as it is, she belongs with us,” Weasel said.
“With you right?” Em’s voice dripped with sarcasm and jealousness.
“If she’ll have me then yeah,” I covered my mouth at his confession.
“She’ll never be with you!” Em yelled.
“As long as she’s not with you dude,” Weasel laughed a little. “You should leave before they come out and decide to end you,” Weasel opened the door and I froze.
“Hi,” I said.
“Hey,” he replied with that smile I fell in love with.
“They miss your jokes,” I pointed towards the bar.
“Back to it then huh,” he looked down.
“Hey Weasel,” I was looking down at the floor. “Do you wanna get something to eat later?”
“Sure thing Jellybean,” I looked up to see him wearing the biggest goofiest smile on his face.
“Can’t wait,” I kissed him n the cheek and walked over to the bar.
“Woooo!” “Yeah!” everyone started cheering and banging on the tables.
“Alright,” Weasel laughed, “come on guys that’s enough.”
He was by my side now, captain of his ship once more. He would touch me on my lower back every once in awhile when he passed by me.
This would be the start of something great.
Tag List: @uncomfortable-writers @archer-whovian-violinist @brok3nsurvivor @bananakid42 @zoevesper @hymnofthevalkyries 
If you want to be tagged in anything, fandom wise, let me know and I’ll add you to the list :)
214 notes · View notes
icharchivist · 7 years
New session with A. and T. o/ this time from episode 92 to episode 105, we advanced a lot in the CA arc!
this time I took notes as they spoke so I have... Tons of stuff.
-A: “I’m scared to move on…. we’re at episode 91 and the arc already went to shit so bad i’m worried at how bad it’ll get”
-they forgot who kite was. they had to remember by saying “guitarist legolass”
-T: “The queen shouldn’t be proud of the King i mean it’s a fuckboi, look at that turtle on his head, it’s the shape for a a fuckboi”
-A: “Leol looks like a drummer in Kite’s band”
-A: “I wonder if it would have gone better with responsible adults” Me: “i think that’s why Leorio and Kurapika aren’t there. wait… maybe not Pika.” A: “i love Pika but he’s not what I’d call collected and responsible. Leorio tho...”   -T: “I’m sure Hisoka would have flirted with an ant if he could. or ate one. its like chicken”
-they say they have no pity for the queen ahah. They are WTF over the other baby.
-they got so sad at Gon and Killua crying
-T: “Why is there pipe on a strip tease” A: “there’s a cat a butterfly and a turtle trying to dominate the world and you question the choice of music?”
-A: “It gets so bad already and there’s still 30 episodes of that arc how bad can it gets…”
-A: “the only responsible adult of that arc is Killua and he’s neither an adult nor responsible” 
 -When Gon said he’d do anything for Palm after she said she wanted him to date her, T. spit out his drink and A. facepalmed in a pillow, both laughing “i cant deal with that kid anymore” 
 -A: “does Palm has any other ability aside of being creepy?” 
 -A: “the thing with Gon is that you never know if his ideas are genuis or terrible” T: “you especially dont know when he says “it’s a secret” if he knows what hes gonna do or if he doesnt” 
 -When Killua asks Gon about his dating past:  T. “that… became really gay suddenly” Me: “do you get why people say Killua is gay?” A: “Now yes.” 
 -A: “The presentator on tv has weird eyes…” T: “now she can see in 3D” 
 -A. at Palm and Gon’s date: “i relate to Killua… what a cringe…” 
 -T. at the date: “and let’s play my favorite game: what if we added hisoka to the situation?” A.: “im sure him and Palm would get along” 
 -they yelled at Killua remembering Illumi because of dissociation. they’re worried for him 
 -A., who loves classical ballets, told us that the Zoldyck’s theme is based on a romeo and juliet music 
 -A.: “When the zoldyck music plays, it always end up bad for the adversary…” T.: “It always end bad for everyone in that anime. except for Hisoka and Gon’s father. i dont even remember the name of that asshat.” 
 -After the date, as Killua and Gon shares Chcorobots, A: “Thats it i cant take it anymore i ship them. they are too cute i cant resist them” 
 -A, as Cheetu vs Morel and Knuckle starts: “this arc is such a mess i love it it goes so wrong” 
 -when gon was faced to Kite’s puppet , they started yelling about how no one was stopping him. when Gon started blaming himself, A. threw a hairtie to the screen in frustration. they are worrying for Gon now, feels like he’s losing it. they worry that the adults are using him. like they say “i dont care their reasoning, we’re talking about 12yo. they never saw what gon can do while angry he risked his life on a dodgeball game. it’s dangerous.” 
 -A: “dont tell me they will put rhe two unexperienced kids as a team…” 
 -They are overjoyed to see the Troupe again. A. wanted a showdown between the ants and the troupe. “at least i wont mind if there’s death on both side” 
 -They are disgusted by Pike and they dont get why Zazan is all dominatrix. 
 -“the goth team and the clear hair team” 
 -A: “i understand why you say Shalnark is probably linked to Kurapika, they have the same (lack of) survival instinct” 
 -T: “nice to have some anthropology exploration with that mummy guy" about Beleonov
 -A: “wait is Phinks’s condition really to only turn his wrist? he didnt think too hard about it, and Pika whos putting his life on the line like a moron….”
-A: “im sure kite’s nen was Ging’s idea. it’s a thing with Ging’s idea, it seems terrible and you dont even know if he would himself believe it’d work but it does” 
-Feitan against Zazan: “thats violent…” 
 -A: i dont know what to think of that arc anymore. i dont even know what to comment. 
 -about Kalluto: “it’s killua’s LITTLE BROTHER??? HOW OLD IS HE. 10??? WHY IS HE WITH THE TROUPE” 
 -“are Feitan and the Mummy in a contest of who is gonna blow up the biggest planet” 
 -*seeing the kimera* “is that nina” 
 -A when Phinks blushes when Shal and Feitan makes fun of him for looking for Chrollo: “do everyone has a crush on Chrollo holy fuck” 
 -T: “When it’s to the spiders to be in charge of lifting the weight of the arc….” A: well we wanted responsible adults, we got them” 
 -A. finds impressive how that deep ib the arc, the story is still coherent. the ants are all exploited and you dont feel lost in the substories. she finds it impressive  
-Me: “fun to have a geopolitic story in a furry arc” A: “i wonder what the next arcs will be. will there be a cooking arc” Me: “i mean, isnt it the cooking arc? “ A: *splilling her drink*”… you know what i dont say anything anymore” 
 -A:“… was the Queen on drugs when she created Shaiapouf?”
 -A: “i think i hate (pitou) more than hisoka…. i mean hisoka, you get used to him. she…. is too unsettling and sh’es too cute it makes me uncomfortable” T: “well i mean… hisoka is a p/edophile…”  A: “i mean true but at least you can predict hidoka, she replies to orders. you can discuss with Hisoka, not with her. Like how Pika talked with him” Me: “well then with Pika it was all on Hisoka’s intend...” T: “well you can discuss with him if you’re a teen” A: “Okay true but you can have an ally with hisoka at times. with Pitou, nah” 
 -T “now i thought hisoka was coming”  Me:“if he was in this arc he would have had the boner of the century” T: “thanks Chloé” 
 -when Gon trusted Meleoron right away “what the fuck with that kid. me too Meleoron” 
 -when Ikalgo appeared in that first corpse and started singing, T started laughing and loving him and almost spilled his drink, and A. burried her face in a pillow saying “i dont even know what to say anymore…” 
 -as Killua catches ikalgo: A-: i love this kid T: me i love this octopus omg 
 -as Ikalgo says he wanted to be a squid: A: “how can it be that fun, that wtf and that tragic at once?” 
 -T: i really love that octopus A: i really love that kid 
 -T is determinates and really really love the octopus :’) 
 -the darts game started and A . started to pull very worried faces 
 -When Gon says he will kill Meleoron if he betrays him, A:“this kid really scares me…. he always scared me.”
-they’re cheering as Killua won against the orsos bros and faked his death 
 -turns out T. plays darts too so as Killua was explaining how he survived, he kept figuring how it made sense 
 -they were tense as Killua almost died and they both left out a gasp as Killua apologized about not being of use for gon 
 -they adore Ikalgo, both of them and now they worry he’ll die 
 -A. keeps reading Meleoron as Melanchon, a french politician she doesnt like. we compared that politician to Leol 
 -A. saw Komugi and gasped because “oh no i saw her on your blog”. I’ve been yelling at her to stop looking at my blog and her reaction was “but I’d have to stop using tumblr!”. rood. 
 -T.’s mother walked in after a scene with Meleoron and with the King and she started laughing, not understanding what was going on, just surprised by the designs. she finds the plot about the games to be fun ahah 
 -Morel just told Cheetu he lost because hes an idiot and they both applauded 
-at the King trying to destabilize Komugi and failing T: “well it’s turning against him hes getting destabilized” A: “she controls him so much”
 -When the King ripped his own arm, they both gasped and A. froze and yelled “WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED” 
 -A: “the king is acting reckless and hurts himself… sounds so much like Gon.”  
-A loves how Komugi is in total control of the King ahah 
 -Me at the king's arm being ripped: "hxh and the constant abuse of arms". A. "ye i saw your posts about it. im still baffled by how much of them belongs to Gon"
For the most part, they seemed to like it! A. Kept repeating it was such a mess and she loved how much of a mess it was. It was getting worse and worse and they are seriously getting worried about the situation at hand. 
They are really, really involved in the arc and I’m so glad. For a lot of people I dragged in hxh (and.. me included to some extend) the ca arc was the hardest to get into, and I’m really glad they’re enjoying it that much.
They are looking forward for more and are impressed to have gone this far in the serie.
Despite the fact we skip opening/ending/previews (not my own will, they really don’t wanna see them dkjfhd shame for the previews but oh well) they keep singing the opening theme too. That’s fun :’D
So ye, a good session, a ton of fun, they liked it :D
See you all in another session o/
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shalnarkonice · 8 years
Nobuvoshal week jan 11/ day 6. prompt: Letting go or cliches (about love)
Something was wrong.
Like the sound of nails trailing over a chalkboard, or like the grit of teeth on a peice of metal, or like the way a shoelace felt when it was tucked up against a foot, or even like the sight of plants drowning out in the rain, something was wrong.
Whatever it was, it didn’t have a name, or a smell, or a taste. Shal realized that he couldn’t hold whatever felt off, nor was he able to tell uvogin about whatever was bothering him. he couldn’t place the feeling, but it made him feel almost a little sceptic, as if he was being torn away like a bandaid, or left like a peice of wet cloth out to dry.
Perhaps the term he was looking for was disposable, he realized.
It wasn’t a comforting thought, seeing how shal had spent years feeling as if he had meant nothing to no one, especially seeing how his family had only wanted to use him as a figurehead. even then, he wasn’t considered to be worthy because half of his blood had been from a yorknew escort.
Ironically, no kurta dared to insult shals father, despite having been part of the reason he had a bastard son, while his second child pairo was full kurta.
regardless of the implications, shal knew full heartedly what it was like to be left behind, and right now he felt that way. a part of him almost dared to ask uvo if he felt the same, seeing how the man had been uneasy for quite some time.
part of the reason, or actually most of it, was caused by nobunaga. something had changed with the oldest member of the trio, seeing how had had been off putting and bitter as of late, without his usual gusto for more lively experiences. it almost appeared that nobunaga had been experiencing his own difficulties, although shal couldn’t guess for the life of him of what they were.
Nobunaga was currently in his room, where he had been for the last week, only slipping out to work or prepare himself a meal before isolating himself once again. seeing how Nobunaga was one who was to always inhabit the dining room, even when there was no one around, it was difficult to process why nobunaga had the sudden change of heart. shal had thought it had been his fault for trying to bait nobunaga into playful arguments, realizing earlier on that nobunaga reacted violently to almost all cases and that talking to the man wasn’t worth the effort.
Uvogin had noticed the change too, seeing how he often came to shal with a look of a lost child, confused and feeling partially upset at nobunagas stubborness.
“Give him time.” Shal had suggested, hoping that whatever was going on with nobunaga would leave by the oncoming week.
Quite frankly, it didn’t, and whatever damp mood had dug it’s claws into nobunaga was here to stay, and shal was at the point where confrontation was the only thing he could think of doing.
“We can’t just barge into his room shal, you know how he is.” Uvo sighs, shifting heavily from on the couch, just waiting for a good reason to jump up and bolt in there.
“he’s ignoring us.” shal barks out, having spun around from the computer chair in the main room, turning to face uvogin. “and I can understand why he’d ignore me, but I can’t even begin to comprehend why he would ignore you.”
“maybe he’s sick?” Uvo asks, “although, he’s still going out every other night with that bartender owl, or those zodiac people, or that girl he’s interested in…or razor and ging…”
“he’s ignoring us.” shal says slowly, “what did we do wrong this time?” annoyance mingles with his words, and shal can’t even convince himself that he doesn’t sound petty.
“did he fight with klin again?” Uvo ponders
“I’ve been taking all of Klins calls. nobunaga won’t even touch the phone anymore. ”
“You think he’s mad that I made his face the icon for my bowling team the Nagas?” Uvo purses his lips, “although that was kind of hilarious, the guys cracked up when I showed them.
clicking at the mouse, shal ignores uvogins musing, having tried to find answers to this phenomena online, only to realize that someone had been on looking for one person apartments in the area to buy.
“aw come on shal, it’s funny!” Uvo chuckles, “you should come see us play one night”
whipping his head around, shal gives uvo an unusually pointed glare, “was it you looking for a new apartment?”
“an apartment? me?”
Shal points at the screen, “come here and see for yourself. I’m almost one hundred percent sure it’s nobunaga who’s been looking for places. look how many sites he’s been on, the technologically inept fool didn’t even delete his browsing history.”
Uvogin gets up and walks over, “Why would nobunaga need to find a one person apartment if we live here? sure it’s a little cramped sometimes, but we spend most of the time outside or even going to work. nobu wouldn’t just leave us without having said anything.”
Shal leans back in his chair and glances up at Uvo, who was frowning as his eyes bore into the screen. one of uvogins hands move to clutch at the back of the chair, and shal slowly stands up. it was clear that nobunaga had been planning on dissapearing, which may have been the whole sense of unease that shal had felt for the past few weeks. the fact that he and nobunaga hadn’t been able to have a proper conversation for weeks might have been one of the biggest signs.
grabbing uvo’s hand, shal squeezes it in an attempt to comfort him. “let’s ask nobunaga about it before we get angry. maybe he has a reason. maybe it’s for a friend.”
Uvogin squeezes shals hand back, and offers a rusty smile, “thanks for trying to make it easier, but we both know that nobunaga did that for himself.”
Shal nods and watches as uvogin crosses the room and knocks on nobunagas door, waiting a moment and getting nothing. with an open palm, uvo slams it down, his patience running thin. “Nobu either you open this door or I break it down. I’m gonna give you three seconds. one. two…” Uvogin hesitates, “Alright, I’m coming in.”
The door opens with a click and nobunaga pulls it open, a bemused look on his face, “don’t break the door, I don’t feel like replacing it.”
Peering over the mans head, uvogin gets a quick glance into nobunagas room, seeing nobus tablet paused on an old episode from one of their previous flower competitions, as well as a plug in kettle sitting on one of the counters in his room, steam still billowing out.
“Is this what you’ve been doing while you’ve been ignoring me and shal? keeping yourself locked up like a hermit.”
Nobu yawns and moves to close the door, “sure. anything else or can I go?”
“What the hell is wrong with you!” Uvo growls, stopping the door from being closed when Nobunaga attempts to pull it shut.
“there’s nothing wrong with me, other than you yelling in my damn face.” nobu snaps, “happy?”
Shal purses his lips and moves towards the two, “nobunaga are you planning on moving out? we saw the apartments, why would you keep the a secret? actually, if anything, why have you been avoiding us for three weeks straight. you didn’t think we’d notice the fact that you no longer sit with us for dinner other then when we already catch you eating by yourself? or maybe the fact that every time me or uvo walk into the room you go instantly to yours, or make an excuse to leave?”
“I haven’t done any of that,” Nobunaga scowls, “im going out for a smoke.” He grunts as he walks back into his room, shutting off the tablet, the kettle, and grabbing his cigarettes.
“look you’re doing it again!” shal almost feels ridiculous at pointing out the obvious. “youre not even staying long enough to hear out the rest of this conversation. you’re just running away!”
Uvo crosses his arms as he boxes the doorway, trapping nobunaga in the room, “did we do something to upset you? the fuck nobu? we go from chatting like normal to suddenly feeling like strangers in our own house.”
Nobunaga pauses and runs a hand through his long locks, “sometimes I think it’s better that way,” he mumbles, before standing tall and facing the two, “maybe this is the end of us. and the end of tree and shrub. I think we’re burnt out uvo; we should stop doing this.”
Shal is the first one to gawk, completly baffled by the selfishness of nobunagas words. he couldn’t even imagine how uvogin was feeling, being told by someone who he considered to be a brother that they should cut their losses and head their own ways in life.
“Nobu….what are you…?” Uvogin tries to wrap his head around the statement, finding it difficult to believe.
Nobunaga pulls a cigarette from the pack and places it loosely in his mouth, “Uvogin, I’m letting you go.”
A bitterness in the throat, shal finds that the words are downright degrading, considering how much the three had gone through, to throw it away on the basis of nothing was absolutely ridiculous.
Uvogin shakes his head, breaking the silence. “letting me go? and where the fuck am I going, nobunaga?”
“I’m leaving, so you don’t have to worry about it or me anymore. you don’t need to worry about tree and shrub.” nobu bites into the stick, “it’s time to call the quits.”
“if you don’t start explaining yourself right now I’m gonna punch you, and I’m not sure how hard it’s gonna be.” Uvo snaps, raising a balled up fist. “is that fucker hisoka coming after you again? was it something to do with feitan or phinks because I’ll kill them if I have to. don’t tell me the zodiacs are relocating you for something, what the hell is going on nobu! you don’t just throw away a thirty year friendship because you don’t feel like it. it doesn’t work like that and you owe it to me, and shal, to a say it to our faces!”
Nobunaga spits out the cigarette and steps forward, his eyes narrowed, “you persistent fucking asshole. that’s exactly the reason why I’m leaving! because i have to say it to your faces, and not just you, uvo! don’t you see what’s happened?” He points at shal, “you’ve become an item! whenever you say our it’s no longer nobu and Uvo, but Uvo and shal. and before you fucking say I’m jealous, I am damn sure I’m not, but I’m tired uvogin. I’m tired of being a third wheel on your happy love story while you two drag me after you day after day.”
Shals lips press together tightly. never had he thought that nobunaga would react so violently to their accommodations, seeing how he had always seen nobu as very passive when it came to all things regarding uvogin.
“One time we use to be uvo, shal, and nobu. But now, now everyone just sees us as uvoshal and that other guy nobunaga.” nobu rubs his eyes tiredly, “and there’s nothing wrong with that, which pisses me off. you’re supposed to find happiness in life, and if you found it with the twunk then I’m glad, but I can’t keep tagging along on your story uvogin. you took me under your wing as a kid, and have been looking out for me ever since my father died. it’s time we break apart.”
Uvo reaches out to grab nobu, only to have his hand slapped away. “who put these thoughts in your head?” Uvo snarls.
Shal leans heavily against the door frame, a laugh bubbling from inside of him as he looks directly at Nobunaga, “this is a joke right? this is probably the stupidest thing you’ve ever said nobu. you being a third wheel? to me and uvogin? if anyone has been tagging along its been me, the bringer of bad luck on your friendship. it’s always been uvogin and nobunaga; tree and shrub. you two don’t see it, but people would kill for a relationship like yours. a friend who you can put your whole trust and faith into? someone you’d consider close enough as family? I wish I had someone like that in my life! it’s always been you and uvogin! haven’t you realized that people are drawn to the both of you? everywhere people know you as the duo and I’m the tag along, so if anyone should leave, it should be me.”
Nobu whirls around and grabs shals shirt, “You’re not going anywhere, I’m leaving! that’s the whole point you idiot! so you and Uvo can actually be together without me being here!”
“nobunaga, shal and I are still together even if you’re here or not,” Uvogin says softly, “and you’re still my brother even if shals around. there’s never been a problem, especially not with the three of us. and if it’s anything, I always feel like I’m the one following you two, because you’re both so damn stubborn someone needs to make sure to catch you if you fall. just because I love you two differently, doesn’t mean you’re not both important to me, you sappy bastards”
“That’s the stupidest thing I’ve heard all day.” nobu grumbles, embaressed by uvogins words.
“I agree.” shal sighs, feeling uvo’s arms tug the two into an unwilling hug
“I told you to stop doing this!” Nobu groans, trying to tug away
“Uvo, let go!” shal whines, both he and Nobu being squished up against uvogins chest in his version of a hug.
Laughing at the two, uvogin tugs them into the living room, “say you’re both staying or I’m not letting go!”
“Uvo for fucks sakes!” Nobu yells
“say it!”
Shal gives up and taps uvo’s arm, “Alright I’ll stay, I’ll stay.
After a few seconds, nobunaga sulks and does the same, “fine…I won’t go anywhere, as long as you’re glad to have me.”
Uvogin releases them and grins brightly, “you idiot, even if you were to leave id follow you anyways, just like always.”
for the first time in weeks, shal finally felt that everything was in perfect alignment.
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ismael37olson · 7 years
Look Around, Look Around at How Lucky We Are to Be Alive Right Now
Most of my friends swoon over the thought of meeting Lin-Manuel Miranda or Stephanie J. Block, but my heroes are the directors and writers (although I guess that also includes Lin-Manuel Miranda). What I would give to talk to Hal Prince or Tommy Tune! Or to go back in time to talk with Fosse or George Abbott before they died! Luckily for this MT* FanBoy, I do get to meet some amazing writers from time to time. [* MT is internet shorthand for Musical Theatre] One of the great joys of running a company like New Line is that every show really is an adventure, with its own style, tone, devices, etc. Sometimes it's a wild, roller-coaster ride; sometimes we have to slowly hack our way through a jungle of complexity and nuance to get where we're going. And it's always an adventure for our audience too, who often know nothing about a show coming in, only that it will be an adventure. One of the coolest parts of the adventure is that periodically over our 27-year history, the writers of the shows we've produced have come to see our productions of their work. Which is always very cool. These are the folks who've come to visit us... bookwriter-composer-lyricist Mark Savage The Ballad of Little Mikey (1997) We were still a young company when we took our first two big risks, in our sixth season. We produced the weirdly wonderful cult favorite, the off Broadway concept musical Jacques Brel is Alive and Well and Living in Paris. And then we did The Ballad of Little Mikey. If I remember right, it had been produced only in Los Angeles by Mark Savage, who wrote it. I found his cast album on CD and fell in love with his quirky but gorgeous score telling the story of the birth of a gay activist in the 1980s. There was a big dance number in the show called "Tap," about anonymous sex in public restrooms (I'm not kidding). In the L.A. production the song was kind of naughty but cute, but ours was more explicit -- an R-rated Busby Berkeley number, with the guys' pants around their ankles the whole time, running in and out of bathroom stalls, and making a giant revolving wreath of rainbow-colored toilet seats. It was hilarious and freaky and very John Waters. But when Mark Savage flew in to see our show, our version of "Tap" really shocked him. He couldn't believe we had taken it so far. Which cracked me up. It was a song about anonymous sex in public restrooms. He really loved our production, though, because we understood the story's heart and the complexity of gay cultural history. Such a funny, beautiful show. And it was amazing to meet Mark.
bookwriter-lyricist Annie Kessler Woman with Pocketbook (1998) We had a one-act musical contest, and the winning show shared its world premiere with Bill Finn's March of the Falsettos. We got about three dozen really wonderful short musicals submitted from all across the country. We settled on one that was very simple on the surface but such an insightful piece of social commentary. It was called Woman with Pocketbook, by Annie Kessler, Libby Saines, and actor Jeff Blumenkrantz, and it was about this older woman, Doris, who dies, gets to Heaven, but can't get in because she refuses to give up her pocketbook. Annie came to see the production, and it was very cool meeting her. lyricist Amanda Green High Fidelity (2008) This was such a thrill for me. I had found the High Fidelity cast album, after its aborted run on Broadway in 2006. Only because Tom Kitt had his own band with a website was I able to find him and get a look at the Hi-Fi script. Which is amazing. Soon enough, we had the rights to the American Regional Premiere, and we brought back to life -- and to rave reviews -- one of the most interesting, most inventive musicals of the last couple decades. To my great delight, lyricist Amanda Green flew into see us, and she got to sit in a sold-out house roaring with laughter at Barry and sniffling at "Laura, Laura." In part, I think Amanda came to see if her show could really work stripped down and minimalist -- I don't know if she'd agree, but I think it works ten times better. It' a very intimate story and should never have been on a Broadway stage (or directed by someone who didn't understand what it is). Amanda was awesome and seemed really happy with our production, with the balance we found between the funny stuff and the harrowing emotional content. She was so complimentary to all of us. She went to dinner with us after the show, and her best bud Ann Harada just happened to be in town at the Muny, so Ann joined us too. We all geeked out. songwriter Adam Schlessinger,  orchestrator Christopher Jahnke Cry-Baby (2012) Like High Fidelity, this was another show that was badly directed and completely misunderstood on Broadway. The original director, who shall remain nameless, hopelessly crippled the show. I found one of the writers, David Javerbaum, online and again, got a script. Which was also amazing. I had the great fun of meeting all four writers for brunch when I was up in NYC, and they all felt comfortable letting me take a swing at their baby (what an unfortunate mixed metaphor), so New Line presented the American Regional Premiere. The writers also agreed to pay for new arrangements for a six-piece rock band for us (and for future productions). Javerbaum's songwriting partner Adam Schlessinger (of Fountains of Wayne) flew out to see us, along with the show's orchestrator Chris Jahnke. Again, I think Adam wanted to know if the show could work with a six-piece band (which is what they had originally wanted), and a cast of 16. I think they were both very happy. And again, it was just such fun to meet them and talk with them afterward.
bookwriter-lyricist Spencer Green, bookwriter-composer-lyricist Gary Stockdale Bukowsical (2013) Spencer and Gary flew in to see our production and they were both so nice! Ours was the first production outside of NYC and L.A., and the first production the writers weren't involved with. But I think they were very happy with what we had wrought. I was a little nervous because they had originally written a framing device for the show that I thought was unnecessary, even a cop-out of sorts. So I lobbied them to cut it and they let me. So here they were, seeing their show without the framing device for the first time -- and they told me they really liked how well it worked. I know they've continued to work on it, though I'm not sure if the frame has survived or not. composer-lyricist Amanda Green Hands on a Hardbody (2014) Amanda came back to see us a second time when we produced the American Regional Premiere of Hands on a Hardbody. Once again, the show hadn't lasted long on Broadway, but it absolutely thrived in our intimate 200-seat house. Amanda was really happy with our production and our many rave reviews. I later found out that during intermission on opening night, a young woman in our audience turned to her friend and said, "This is so good! If I had another $25, I'd come see it again!" Whereupon Amanda Green, sitting directly in front of this young woman, turned around, handed her $25, and said, "Come back and see it again." How cool is that. bookwriter Ivan Menchell, orchestrator John McDaniel Bonnie & Clyde (2014) Most improbably, Bonnie & Clyde bookwriter Ivan Menchell and the show's orchestrator and arranger (and St. Louis hometown boy) John McDaniel both came to our production on the same night -- without knowing the other would be there. I think they were both happy with our show, and we went out for a late dinner. I had seen the Broadway production (which I loved), but I had forgotten how differently we had approached the show. I think some of those changes (like not having any actual kids) were a bit weird to Ivan, but I think he genuinely liked our production. bookwriter-lyricist Danny Ginges, composer-lyricist Philip Foxman Atomic (2016) This amazing rock drama was born in Australia, then badly abused off Broadway, then returned to Australia, and emerged better and sharper than ever. It was this last version that we had the privilege of producing (I think we were the second American regional production), and ours was the first production the writers hadn't been involved in. But they both flew in from Australia to see us and were very gracious and very complimentary. They asked me for a few subtle changes in our staging, and we were happy to work those in. The production before us had been on a large stage in a big regional theatre. I think it was cool for Danny and Philip to see their show as freakishly up close as ours was -- and to see how powerful it is that way.
bookwriter-lyricist Tom Jones Celebration (2016) I had always wanted to see this show. I never thought I'd ever be in a position to actually produce it. But somehow we made the crazy decision to open last season with it. Once we had decided to do it, I contacted bookwriter and lyricist Tom Jones (The Fantasticks, I Do! I Do!, 110 in the Shade, Philemon), told him we were doing the show, and I wanted to ask him some questions. It's a really odd show! He replied that he'd been working on a new draft of the script and he wanted to know if we'd premiere this new version. I immediately agreed. So he flew out to see us, with one of his sons (who had never seen Celebration), and like the other writers, he was so nice, so warm, and so complimentary. Plus, I got to do a podcast interview with him about the show! Pretty cool, huh? And it looks pretty likely that Greg Kotis and Mark Hollmann, the writers of Yeast Nation (and Urinetown) will be coming to see our production in June. We produced Urinetown in 2007. I really hope they can make it.
There are a thousand reasons I'm grateful that I get to run New Line, but one of the biggest is the amazing artists I get to talk with and their amazing shows that I get to work on. With some of these shows, New Line gave them new life, after misguided Broadway productions that closed quickly, proving that the shows themselves are much stronger than their clueless original productions. With some of these shows, our production is the proof that the shows don't need spectacle, big sets, a big orchestra, a big chorus, that in fact the stories are stronger and more powerful without all that extra stuff. But whatever small gifts we can give these writers, they give us a much bigger gift by coming to see us, by being so friendly and so generous with their praise. I know in some of these cases, they're a little apprehensive, wondering what we'll do to their precious shows, wondering if the shows will work without all the accouterments of Broadway. I think they always fly home relieved. One of the nicest things Amanda Green did (among many nice things!) was when we announced we were doing Jerry Springer the Opera, she posted on composer Richard Thomas's Facebook wall that we did great work with her shows and she knows we'll take good care of his show. I thought that was wonderful. The writers don't always get the praise and huzzahs that they deserve, so I thought it would be nice to take a minute and say Thank You, to Mark, Annie, Amanda, Adam, Chris, Spencer, Gary, Ivan, John, Danny, Philip, and Tom! You guys are my heroes! Long Live the Musical! Scott from The Bad Boy of Musical Theatre http://newlinetheatre.blogspot.com/2017/12/look-around-look-around-at-how-lucky-we.html
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