#best looks grammy 2019
harrysmimi · 1 year
Synopsis: One where Harry and YN go from Friends to lovers
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"Your girlfriend was here the other day and she said that you jumped out of window again, is that true?" Howard Stern asked Harry, "is that you have a bandage on your hand again?"
Harry looked at the man puzzled, even though he knew who the man was talking about. It was annoying for many different reasons, and most annoying one was that he doesn't have a girlfriend.
"YN, your girlfriend." Howard explained.
"She's my best friend, Howard," Harry corrected him, "and no, I almost jumped off a window but she stopped me. This is from injury. I, uhh, I was filming the new Eternals. Had a bit of a surgery done."
Harry was pissed the whole interview because Howard kept calling YN his girlfriend.
As much as he wants it to be true, he doesn't think it ever will be.
A bit of a back story, YN and Harry met at Brits back in 2019. She was there to perform and took home almost all of the major categories. He even presented her with one award himself. He had just gotten to see her perform at Grammy's where she took all major categories home as well. This time around he got to talk to her.
He has always been smitten by her since she first blew up in media. YN's former Miss World. And he didn't know why, he kept up with the pageant that year. To add to it, she was his favourite contestant even. So being able to present her with an achievement she deserved so much and worked so hard for was like a fan-boy moment for him.
He then got to meet her at the after party, they were joint to the hip that night. Their friendship only grew from there and so did his feelings for her. From infatuation it went to crush, to likeness and now he thinks he's really in love with her.
Good lord, they've been friends for almost four years! That's more than enough time for him to fall for her.
He also couldn't bring himself to speak his feelings to her. He can't live this anymore. Until, he went and fucked it all up.
No, quite literally.
They both drunkenly hooked up in a bathroom of his hotel room after her three time platinum album party two weeks ago ago. They both haven't talked since then. YN was called right in the morning urgently and none of them to sit down and talk about their drunk shenanigans.
To be fair, both of them are on tour. He shouldn't have been drinking when he had to go on tour in two days, and so did her when she had a show the very next day. From that very next, it have been interviews and shows for her, and constant travel for him.
He tried to call her but she's busy and when calls him back, he's busy. It isn't just working out and it's eating him inside out. He just want to talk to her that's all. He feels guilty because he remembers everything, he just hopes she does too and doesn't regret it in anyway.
He didn't get to talk to her for whole two weeks. He was on tour. She's busy with recording another one of her Album.
It's been nothing but small talk. And it's bothering him.
He gets to see her today on her last show. He just got in time when her sound check was almost done at the Madison Square Garden. She was checking the visuals of the show with her manager and her producer at the very back of the pit.
"Can we have Ezra's guitar a two notches louder, please?" She spoke in her sparkly microphone asking to make her lead guitarists sound a little bit up. "Yup that's perfect!" She handed the mic to producer and her manager had something to say to her in instant as Harry was about to approach her.
But YN quickly excused herself and sprinted towards him at the entrance, in five inch heels she wore to practice in for her performance. He still couldn't fathom how she can run in those, but his thoughts were put on a hault as she jumped up on him with her arms wrapped around his neck and her legs around his hips tightly, her face buried in his neck. If it weren't for his fast reflexes they would have both fallen down on the hard ground. But he wrapped one his arm around her waist and other under her bum to keep her supported. And before he could say anything else when she finally lifted her head up to look at him. Her lips were on his.
He was taken back. But so was she as she immediately pulled back again, "I'm so sorry!" He carefully placed her back on her feet, she stood almost as tall as him with her heels. He pulled in for another kiss with her hand behind her neck now. A sweet quick peck.
He didn't know he missed her so much that he remembered how she tasted. "I missed you so much!" She hugged him again when he pulled away this time.
"I missed you too, baby." He held her tightly close to her.
"You're not mad at me, are you?" She asked.
"No, I'm just confused." He admitted.
"YN come on, chop chop." YN's manager called for her interrupting Harry. She had no opening act for tonight as she had released a new album last night and she'll be performing for three hours and forty-five minutes there. With a new album, it only added to the pile of six other albums of her. But this was only her third English language album. They would start letting people in next ten minutes.
Her manager wasn't being rude, the lady loved Harry like her son. She just wants YN to be safe as people start coming in. And she also had to get ready.
"I'm sorry." She looked at him with sad puppy eyes, "I feel so bad we didn't even get to talk." She was on urge of crying.
"I know." He cooed, "it's okay. I promise. It's a big day, I don't want you to be anxious. I promise we'll sit down and talk after this, yeah?"
"Okay." She nodded.
"I'll be here when you come back, we're leaving together." He assured her. "Now give me a kiss before you go back." And she did.
Giving him a last squeeze she ran off to the backstage. Harry went back to the VIP standing area. He just hopes she's not anxious.
She tends to get very anxious and shut down. Full on pass out black when she's anxious. It's scary for him. Especially when he had encountered her that way not once but twice. He didn't realise YN's family had started to show up. She had a few relatives in New York plus her own parents and older and little siblings.
"You know there is going to be a secret guest tonight." One of the twin sister spoke.
"Yeah, she won't tell me about it!"
"Harry, do you know who that us?" The ten year old walked upto him, followed by her twin.
Harry has grown to love these kids, YN's affection and adoration for these little girls have rubbed off on him. Especially when that was all she talked about for first few months after they first become friends. She loved her little sisters with her life.
"I don't know darling, who do you think that is going to be?" He asked, holding both their hands back as he walked them to a side as the crew moved around.
He had a nice chat with both of them. They gave him the little birthday cards they made him as they missed his birthday this year. They ever made him a drawing each.
Now Harry wondered who the surprise guest is going to be. He can think of only three people at that time.
Harry danced with the twins as YN came on the stage well to halfway through the show. But the girls went to go get their sugary drinks leaving him alone.
He took the opportunity to admire her for that time. She wore a black dress sith puffy sleeves which hemed just above her knees, with her black tights and black heeled boots she wore earlier. The sweet heart neckline of her dress showed her collarbone, where he remembered leaving a very very in-your-face hickey drunkenly. Maybe she had covered it up or it might have healed.
Yeah, she might have covered it because her mother would kicked her and his ass at the same time. Her mother's very religious for context. And YN's mum is a softie but can be very intimidating.
It was a mother's day show. He wouldn't want YN's mum to be upset. Especially when he knows she have practically adopted him into her family. Maybe like a little lost puppy but she adores him.
It was complete one-eighty from her usually, grafic t-shirts and baggy jeans.
She looks gorgeous none the less. He just couldn't take his eyes off of her there. He shouldn't be looking at anyone else but it was obvious he's oogling at her. Just until the twins interrupted him offering him a Cool-aid.
The lights went down as YN finished her first Grammy winning song. Just a spot light on the elevator downstage.
Our secret moments in your crowded room
Taylor Swift herself rose up on the stage as she sung. Harry almost choked on his drink.
He thought YN only joked about bringing her girl crush who ironically is his ex on the stage with her. But she actually did it.
They got no idea about me and you
There is an indentation in the shape of you
Made your mark on me, a golden tattoo
Taylor sang as she walked upto YN beaming. As YN sang the chorus.
All of this silence and patience, pining in anticipation
My hands are shaking from holding back from you
All of this silence and patience, pining and desperately waiting
My hands are shaking from all this
It felt theatrical, with YN's amazing band and insanely  talented background vocalists. With the most genius lyricist, and in YN's glory. It was truly magical. YN's sister were going feral on the side. Sobbing by now.
Say my name and everything just stops
I don't want you like a best friend
Only bought this dress so you could take it off
Take it off
Carve your name into my bedpost
'Cause I don't want you like a best friend
Only bought this dress so you could take it off
Take it off
Both of the girls sang together. Taylor singing in beautiful harmonies with YN.
Then it hit him there. He froze as YN sung the next verse. Standing closer on the side of stage where he stood.
Inescapable, I'm not even gonna try
And if I get burned, at least we were electrified
And he knew exactly what she was talking about. Not her words but they held different meaning for both of them now.
His fans already hated her enough, thinking she's using him for fame. But little did they knew, she's more known than he is. And the narrative can be flipped around on him by YN's fans who are double and scarier. But they never di that. Because of YN.
I'm spilling wine in the bathtub
You kiss my face and we're both drunk
Everyone thinks that they know us
But they know nothing about
His jaw dropped for a moment. That's exactly what happened. It was nothing new for both of them to hang out, but this time she just felt like taking a bath. Harry supported her by running her a bath as she continued to get shit faced straight from a bottle of wine she picked up from the party.
He initiated it, in her defence. But she was as guilty as he he was.
Afterall, it takes two to Tango!
But it was also true, no one knew about their secret hang outs. They both practically lived together on their off months. Sharing a bed., Sharing their clothes, fighting over little disagreements then making up by bringing one another's favourite food. All of the cuddles all of the secrets they shared with one another, all of the vulnerable moments, which made their friendship that much stronger and every doubted like they every single detail about them.
All of this silence and patience, pining in anticipation
My hands are shaking from holding back from you
All of this silence and patience, pining and desperately waiting
My hands are shaking from all this
YN sang as Taylor joined her in.
Say my name and everything just stops
I don't want you like a best friend
Only bought this dress so you could take it off
Take it off
Carve your name into my bedpost
'Cause I don't want you like a best friend
Both the girls flirted with one another as they both sang the chorus outro.
Only bought this dress so you could take it off
Take it off
Only bought this dress so you could take it off
Only bought this dress so you could take it off
Taylor took on from here. YN stood there fangirling, singing the bridge her lung off without ber mic. The crowd was too loud so she blended right in.
Flashback when you met me
Your buzzcut and my hair bleached
Even in my worst times
You could see the best of me
Flashback to my mistakes
My rebounds, my earthquakes
Even in my worst lies
You saw the truth in me
And I woke up just in time
Now I wake up by your side
My one and only, my lifeline
I woke up just in time
Now I wake up by your side
My hands shake, I can't explain this ah, ha, ha, ha
YN sang the next line.
Say my name and everything just stops
And lights went down again. Pitche black. As the light came back on, Taylor's outfit was changed making the crowd go even more feral.
I don't want you like a best friend
Only bought this dress so you could take it off
Take it off
Carve your name into my bedpost
'Cause I don't want you like a best friend
Only bought this dress so you could take it off
Take it off
The girls had their best time singing together.
There is an indentation in the shape of you
Only bought this dress so you could take it off
You made your mark on me, golden tattoo
Only bought this dress so you could take it off
And they ended the song singing one line at a time.
"Give it up for Doctor Taylor Swift everyone!" YN hyped up the crowd. Harry clapped and cheered as well. "Thank you so much for joining us here tonight. And thank you Taylor for joining us tonight. This took, so, so, so long to happen. Tonight is extra, extra special to me. Because it mother's day, and my Mummy is in the crowd."
The crowd cheered up, "and also we had to bring The Mother herself with us tonight." Taylor laughed as she grabbed her guitar from the crew member. "No seriously Taylor, this is my fangirl moment right here. And can't tell you how much this means to me. Have been you fan since I was seven, since Tim McGraw." YN grabbed her guitar well as the girls walked up to the middle stage on the catwalk. They both perched up their mic on the stand.
Taylor started strumming the guitar as she introduced her first ever song which gave boost to her career.
They both then sang more of her songs, like Clean, I Knew You Were Trouble, Delicate, and of course, Out Of The Wolds and Style.
Harry knew YN still wasn't going to leave his ass. She would tease him all the time. And it actually became reality tonight.
The show still went on until YN closes out with one of her party songs. And ran down the stage. Harry and YN's family was escorted backstage.
She was immediately greeted by her little sisters. And then her mum.
Harry stood back, mainly for two reasons, her family was going back home immediately and he was still scared of her mum. He promised her that they'll talk later anyway. Though it was super hard not to just kiss her right there.
YN bid her family bye as their car left. Her and Harry got into one car.
"That amazing. You killed it!" Harry hyped her up as she sat back and relaxed.
Back at YN's hotel room, the first thing she did was took off her boots as Harry shut the door behind him.
"Should I bring out the wine again?" He teased her and he pinned her against the wall.
"I don't think we need that right now." She answered, "I'm all sweaty stop."
"Like I haven't seen the worse of you." He scoffed but leaned down to button his mouth on hers in a delicate kiss, making her melt like an ice cube on a hot summer day. She now stood shorter than him with her heels off.
"I could really use a large pizza and a hot shower right now, please?" She suggested when he pulled away feeling her tummy growl.
"Yeah? I'll order us one." He offered as the walked into her room. "You want to put on our show?"
"No, I just want a quiet night." She shared as she picked out a change of clothes from her luggage. She was believer of not unpacking because she found it too tedious.
"Don't you want me to take off that dress of your." He walked up closer to her behind as he teased her. "Hey, is that my shirt?" Harry noticed making her take a run to the bathroom, "hey, come out here you little thief!" But the door was slammed on his face.
By the time YN was back from her shower, the fold had arrived. Harry ordered two pizzas for both of them and a few bottles of water and cut mixed fruits for dessert. He knows she isn't going to share because she gets so hungry after her shows as she doesn't like to eat before. And he was hungry too!
They both cuddled up in her bed under the sheets as it was getting quite cold. "I missed you."
"I missed you too." He placed a kiss on her temple. "Do you want to talk about the night we had sex?"
"Yeah." She nodded taking a bite of her pizza. "Did it mean anything to you?"
"Everything." He admitted, "you?"
"Mhmm. I couldn't focus on anything after. I was so scared that you'd be mad because I had to run out." She shared.
"But you woke me up, didn't you?" She did. She did woke him up telling him that her manager and the tour manager had to talk to her about one of the band member falling sick, and they had to look for someone new for the night. It was urgent, and only YN knew who were those people, because the girl made connections everywhere she went.
YN's a completely different human when it some to her work and her personal life.
And then later he got called for work and things went down hill from there. At least for two weeks.
"I did but that still didn't help." She glanced at him once.
"Yeah? Tell me about it baby." He urged her gently. He wants to know how she feels too.
"No, how about you go first?"
"Okay." He admitted, "you know I'm going to be honest and tell you I've always been smitten by you." He let her eat in peace he spoke, she's listening to him he knows. And he does not lime to interrupt her eating, not wanting to trigger her in anyway. "The night we met and talked was a fangirl moment for me. I don't know when we came best friends and I fell for you. It was scary, you know how bad I had to keep these feelings to myself knowing I won't be able to, thinking I might loose one of my only closest best friend."
"Do you regret it?" She asked, finally looking up at him, "us having sex that night?"
"Gosh no, I could never!" He exclaimed softly as he rested his forehead on hers, "could never. I was dying to kiss you and you hold that way." He pulled back, "do you regret it."
"No!" She exclaimed as well, "I guess I have always been stupid because I don't even know when fell for you. I've known it for a long time. But I had the same fear."
"You did?"
"Hmm." She nodded and leaned back into cuddles with him.
"I'm so glad our feels are mutual here, because I love you so much, I don't know if I can go a day without you knowing that." He confessed.
"You're not going let me have cuddle in peace." She made a puppy face she lifted her head up to kiss him again, "I love you too! So much!"
He chuckled, "come back here." He pulled her in again. That's when he saw the fading hickey just above her right collarbone. The shirt wore was bug on him, it was pretty evident it was almost falling off of her shoulders.
They ate their late dinner in silence until they were done. Harry threw away the boxes in trash before she slipped back in bed with her. He made sure to bring the mixed fruits bowl with him.
"You full now?" He asked cautiously, "you want fruit for dessert?" She's been doing so well lately.
Harry had suggested she goes to therapy but she never felt like it, which, fair enough. He's been trying his best to offer her any help he can. And it's working. But he hopes one day she feels comfor enough to get some professional help.
"Oh I'd love to!" She nodded. He let her pick out her favourites and ate the rest. "Harry?"
"What are we now?" She asked.
"Hmm..." He sounded again but as if he's thinking, "I think we should be Girlfriend bestie and Boyfriend bestie."
"You need to delete Tiktok and Instagram off your phone." YN laughed as she took a sip from her water.
"I'm serious, I want to be your boyfriend." He said, rather firmly.
"And I want to be your girlfriend." She mocked his tone earning a few soft laughs from him. He placed a firm kiss on her mouth.
"I love you."
"I love you."
Of course they had much more to talk about. But YN fell asleep on him there, holding onto him tight.
It's nothing new them, but Harry cherishes and savours each and every moments like these with her.
N O T E :
Y'all need to tell me how y'all are liking this. Feedback really gives me more motivation to improve and write more.
Also, I'm gonna go MIA for a next 3 days, that means there won't be any Saturday update hence, this early update.
And CEOrry last part will be up sometime next week. Hehe.
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watermelonsugacry · 2 years
Hey! Hope everything’s going good! Was thinking if bandmember did anything like the vanity fair Billie eilish videos when they watch back all those interviews. Would love to see how far our girl has come
YN YLN: Same Interview, The Sixth Year | Vanity Fair
A/N: Christmas break is coming up so been busy but I also have some stuff coming out soon for your lovies! 💚
SINCE 2010 masterlist
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“Year six, baby,” YN smirks at the camera. “Alright—” She pulls on the tops of her pink sheer opera gloves that match her pink corset before clapping her hands together. “—Let’s do this. ‘Ello, m’name is YN YLN. Today’s date is October 18, 2022.”
How old are you?
“I’m 23 years old.”
“I’m 24.”
“M’28 years old,” YN kisses her teeth. “M’pushing 30, mate.”
How many followers do you have on Instagram?
“I have 573K followers on Instagram.”
“I currently have 287 million followers on Instagram. Dunno why I have so many; I make a lot of shit posts.”
What is your most liked picture on Instagram?
“My most liked picture is one of me and the boys huddled up backstage after our last performance together with 654K likes.”
“It is a picture of me in my home recording studio with about 5 million likes.”
“It’s currently one of me photo dumps on tour. The first picture on that one is a selfie with Harry taking a bite out of m’cheek. This one has 60,036,819 likes. Which is way too many likes if m’being honest.”
How are you feeling today?
“M’feeling really good. I always look forward to these interviews. I try me best not to look at the old videos more than once so that I can best prepare meself for my current answers, yeh know? But I love that I get to do this every year. There’s a lot of like, time lapse compilation videos on meself on YouTube that show off how far I’ve come over the years but these I feel are the least cringy ones,” YN lets out a laugh.
Biggest thing to happen in your career?
“I won a Grammy for producer of the year?” YN furrows her eyebrows as she juts her chin out. “Wha’ is life? That’s insane. The highlight of me career. Hands down.”
“It’s still the highlight of me career. And I got nominated for it again for Grammys 2023. To even be nominated and be the only woman in this category a second year in a row is just super fookin’ wild. Um...I got seven other Grammy nominations for next year. I’m also on tour again—a world tour—and it’s definitely me favorite thing to do aside from making the actual music. Harry’s new album that we’ve been workin’ on for over the past two-ish years finally came out earlier this year. I’m dropping me third album before the year is up. So many good things have happened this year that it’s honestly too long to list.”
How often do you get recognized in public?
“Pretty often,” She nods her head, a chuckle pushing past her lips. “It’s pretty hard to just go out and grab a bite to eat without getting surrounded.”
“Public? Who is she? I dunno her,” YN teases. “It’s pretty rare that I’ll go out nowadays and the masks only help so much with trying to be lowkey on the street on stuff like tha’.”
“I have to admit, v’gotten a lot better at being discreet when going out in public,” She nods her head with a knowing smile. “I think I was just so used to not being ‘allowed’ to go outside or if I did I wouldn’t enjoy meself because I knew I was gonna get recognized by paps. It was really hard for baby YN there because of how everything started. Everything I did was in the public eye and no matta’ what I did, me fans always knew where I was at all times it seemed,” YN hums. 
“I love me fans and I love the times when we happen to see each other on the street, we can have like a genuine conversation instead of shoving yeh phone in me face and putting yeh hands on me without me permission. I’ve had the most amazing conversations with fans like tha’ those moments are super special to me.
But in all honesty, they need to get hired by the FBI or somethin’. Knowin’ where m’gonna be before I even do,” She huffs out a chuckle.
What’s most important to you right now?
“The relationships within me life. I think this year has really made me recognize that. Whether those relationships are with me mum, me boyfriend, me tour team, me dancers, the fans—they’re all super important to me. Makin’ sure that we’re all safe and healthy—mentally and physically—now more than ever.”
“All of which are still very important to me. I think v’also learned to stay in touch with me emotions. I think in an industry like this, it can be very easy to just put on a mask or passively go through events to maintain an image. If I’m doing something—wether it be somethin’ major or not, I want to allow m’self to be in the moment.
I did a show recently in Austin and...” The crease between her eyebrows disappear and smile etches itself on her lips at the memory, “I was singing POV and I just stopped singing and the crowd took over. I quite literally just stood there, took out me earpieces and just listened to a stadium full of people sing my song back to me. It made me feel so...it made me feel really good, really happy.”
Do you feel pressure?
“I do yeah,” YN nods with a sincere furrow of her eyebrows. “But I have been feeling pressure for the majority of my career so I’m mostly used to it by now; It doesn't bother me as much anymore.”
“Of my fookin’ word,” She throws her head back. “I can’t even—like even the way I spoke, man. Can yeh hear that? Like, I was still in the mindset of having to change the way I talk, tweak me accent and act all prim and proper,” YN points a finger into her mouth as she sticks out her tongue.
“And what a lie. Like of course that pressure bothered me still! I was fresh into the hiatus, just dropped me first solo album, about to do a world tour by meself for the first time. I was dealin’ with so much that I remember the pressure of everything was just...it felt that I was gonna be squished into a pancake. Being in the band and being as big as we were, there was an immense amount of pressure for everything to keep going well; everything seemed like it had to get bigger and bigger and if I didn’t live up to that standard as a solo artist, it was the end of the world to me.”
“I do still feel some pressure but definitely not to that extent anymore. It’s more of like, a good pressure, I’d say. It keeps me from resting on me laurels and it makes me continue to work hard to improve meself. Like, just because I won an award for produce of the year doesn’t mean that m’gonna let it get to me head and just not work to better meself in that craft. 
But I have to admit that a lot of that pressure has been lifted off of me from me fans. They’ve just continued to give me their unconditional love and support—whether it be for a year, 2 years, 12 years—m’just super grateful that they just allow me to be me, flaws and all.”
What did you eat today?
“I ate some grilled chicken—that I made all by myself—with a side of some beans,” YN giggles as she knows by now that the fans have been having a laugh about her boyfriend’s baked beans comment over interviews in quarantine.
“I had a chicken caesar salad bowl that I probably put way too much dressing on to be considered healthy anymore,” She chuckles, playing with the chunky chain sitting on her collarbones.
“I actually had an amazing chicken wrap this morning. Just the right amount of protein and yumminess,” She pats her tummy with a content smile. “Yeh girl likes chicken, what can I say?”
Are you aware of people when you're playing?
“I think so yeah. It’s crazy because for me, it’s scarier to play in front of 6 people than 60 thousand people. But on the other hand, the noisiness of big crowds is super calming to me. I can’t really explain how. Like right before m’gonna go on stage, I like to take out me ear-pieces and just listen to them scream...which now makes me sound like a serial killer of summ’wat,” YN’s shoulders bunch up to her ears as she giggles.
“I would say that m’more aware of the audience members now more than I ever have before. This current tour that m’on is probably the funnest tour so far and it’s really because of the fans. When m’on stage and when I’m performing, I make sure to look at the people in the audience, yeh know? Like, I can still remember when the band did our first stadium tour, I honestly couldn’t see anything; they were all just blurbed together. 
But with this tour, I make sure to take the time during the show to talk with fans. And I make an effort to sing to them and look at them dancing in the pit, the outfits they recreate, the way some of them are just closing their eyes and just being in the moment. As a musician, to see people come to me show and to see how they create this environment where everyone can have fun and let loose and just have a good time is just super amazin’. It’s a really indescribable feeling.”
Are you more confident this year compared to last year?
“From last year to now? 100%,” She answers with ease, leaning back into her seat. “I think this is the most confident I’ve ever felt, I think. M’not too worried about what people are sayin’ about me because let’s face it, they are always saying something. So if yeh like me, cool. If yeh don’t, cool.”
“She’s not wrong. 2018 YN’s ego was pretty up there. Granted, me ego is still growing and sensitive so—” YN shamelessly shrugs and puts her hands up in defense. “—Take tha’ as you will. But I definitely feel more confident and secure in who I am as a person and as an artist. When the boys and I went our separate ways musically, I had a hard time sort of, figuring out what I like and the kind of music I wanted to make for meself. Even the way I thought about fashion, I knew people saw me in skirts and things like that but I remember entertaining the idea of if I wanted to continue that as a security blanket of sorts. 
When I was in the band, I took things with a grain of salt and m’very happy that I’ve kept that with me.” 
Biggest rumor about you?
“That I’ve slept with each of the 1D boys,” YN lets out a nervous laugh. “Which is gross because they’re all like my brothers.”
“Where do I even begin?” YN blows out a raspberry. “I’ve been gettin’ this one for literally years now but that m’dating my old bandmate, Harry—which is getting really old at this point,” She scrunches up her nose with a roll of her eyes.
YN bursts out laughing as she watches her old self answer, knowing full well that during that time period she was in the midst of her on-and-off relationship with Harry. 
She tilts her head to the side with a quick raise of her eyebrows, “I mean, she’s not wrong. V’been getting that question/comment asked since we were on the XFactor. And believe it or not, I still get asked that question. I just answer it differently now,” She cheekily brings her shoulder to her chin.
What do you hate being asked?
“That. The ‘who are you dating?’ question. For a long time, I just had to suck it up and just answer the question but I don’t have to answer if I don’t want to, y’know? Also, I’m my own person,” She begins to list things off of her fingers, “I’m not someone’s arm candy, m’not so-and-so’s new girl. I’m YN YLN and if all you ask me is if I’m dating anyone rather than me music, you don’t deserve my time.”
YN drops her jaw and the corners of her lips tug up in a smile.
“A feisty little thing she is,” She chuckles. “But no truer words have ever escaped me mouth. She’s right, and I still stand by that. 100%. My career is not based around a guy or who m’dating. That’s not to say I hate talking about Harry—I love to talk about him but don’t make it the whole point of the interview, yeh know?”
Craziest fan moment?
“Me first show back on tour after being held back in 2020 was really heartwarming. It a stadium show—not intimidating at all for me first show back—” YN sarcastically comments. “—so there were three levels of seating: the pit, the middle section, and then the top. While I was singing, the audience did a fan project where on the top section held up lights to read welcome back, and then the middle said we missed you, and the pit held up pieces of paper saying we love you. M’not even gonna lie, I was bawlin’ me eyes out. Like, just thinking of the amount of work that went into that...” She shakes her head in disbelief. 
“I did a show last week in LA and at the barricade, I saw this lineup of these 5 girls wearing my current and past tour outfits. I have seen some really good recreation of me fits before and it was honestly like a copy and paste, I was so shocked. After talking with them for a bit—now I don’t ever do this—but I invited them to come up on stage with me,” YN laughs. 
“I suggested we ditch the choreography for Kiss Me More but they insisted they knew it and sure enough,” YN throws her hands with another laugh. “I almost hired them on the spot!”
Do you have a boyfriend?
“Um, no. I do not have a boyfriend. I’m just really focused on my music at the moment. That’s my boyfriend,” She lets out a chuckle.
YN playfully rolls her eyes and throws her hands up, “Well I’d be the biggest liar in the world if I said no.”
She huffs out a giggle as she refers to the entire world finding out about her secret relationship with Harry on New Years Eve of that year.
“I do have a boyfriend,” She smirks at the camera with a shrug of her shoulder, leaving it at that.
YN takes a second longer to answer this question and stares at the laptop screen with a fond smile. She technically doesn’t have a boyfriend anymore, but will she let them know that? Nope.
“Well, you’d all be happy to know that Harry and I are still very much together. Still got that boy locked down, ladies,” She playfully winks at the camera with a click of her tongue. 
What makes you happy in a relationship?
“I like quality time. From staying inside 24/7 in 2020 to easing back into my busy schedule made H and I realize that it was important to set some time aside for ourselves, just the two of us. Like, we don’t even have to be talking just as long as we’re together during the business of it all. And...” A smirk grows on her lips, “One of me love languages is physical touch. It definitely wasn't on the list before so you can probably guess who made me this way but yeah. And music, of course, that’s me main form of love language. Whether we’re listening to good music, making it, singing it—anything to do with it m‘in love.”
Describe your style in 3 words.
“Figuring it out.”
“No more skirts,” The 24-year-old rolls her eyes.
“Whatever is comfy,” She laughs as she wraps her light green cardigan tighter over herself.
“Trying new things.”
“Trousers and blazers.”
She tilts her head as she bites her lip, looking up as she thinks about how to compactly frame her style now. As she says the next three words, she holds up her hand to count it off on her fingers, “Pretty in pink. And 2018 YN was a lie. I still fancy a skirt every now and then.”
Biggest thing you’re struggling with?
“I think, just being honest with meself in terms of how I feel. I think I struggle a lot with allowing meself to feel the way I feel about certain things,” Or about a certain someone. “And that it's okay to feel those things. I know, super detailed,” She chuckles.
“Yeah, 2019 YN was certainly going through some personal issues. S’crazy to look back at these videos and remember wha’ I was feelin’ during that time. S’pretty crazy. I can say that v’grown immensely from that time of my life which is very comforting to know. It’s still hard for me, don’t get me wrong, but allowing myself to feel things like love or sadness or happiness is something that I’m subconsciously reminding myself to do. 
I think the biggest thing that m’stuggling now with is to have check ins with meself. It’s safe to say that m’back to my busy, hectic, never-ending schedule so I want to take a breather every now and then. It can be a whole day, a whole 20 minutes, just a pause to check in with my mind, me body, me spirt to make sure m’okay and then be off to a career that I love very dearly.”
What advice would you give your future self?
“Have some fun and enjoy this new chapter that you’re venturing onto,” She nods with a smile.
“I would say to allow yourself to feel uncomfortable. Step out of your comfort zone and take that leap of faith.”
“What a genetic piece of advice for that first year, eh?” YN chuckles with a smirk, “Enjoy this new chapter you're venturing onto like yeh can hear how professional I wanted to sound,” She playfully rolls her eyes with a sigh. “I would say that 2019 YN’s advice is a good one though. It’s a good reminder to not play things safe all the time. As a narcissist, I want everything to be perfect, especially me music, so to be in the studio and not fall back to me old habits of what I think sounds good, try something different, yeh know? I like that a lot, actually.”
This is my mum...
“Everyone, say hello to Penny,” YN proudly presents as her stepmum comes up to her side, placing a hand on the back of her chair as she waves at the camera.
“‘Ello, lovelies,” Penny beams.
“Penny!” YN smiles brightly. When she wiggles her fingers towards her stepmum the sound of her rings clinking together can be heard.
When Penny walks up to her stepdaughter’s side, she puts her hands on top of YN’s red leather jacket to give her shoulders a squeeze.
“Hi baby,” Her stepmum gives a warm smile and gently presses her chin to YN’s temple.
Penny tucks her long, black hair behind her ears before wrapping her arms around her stepdaughter’s shoulders. 
“I love you, my baby,” She says into her hair before planting a kiss on her head.
“I love youuu so much,” YN sings as she holds onto her stepmum’s forearms over her chest.
“Y’already know what time it is,” YN dances in her seat, her arms already extended out by her side. She lets out a laugh as she watches Penny shimmy her way to her stepdaughter’s side. The tight high waisted jeans show off her curvy, fit figure and a mask covers the lower half of her face.
“It’s Penny time,” Her stepmum throws finger guns at the camera.
“Come over ‘ere, mum,” YN nods her head over to Penny. Once she’s close enough, she takes a hold of her stepmum’s hand and pulls her over for her to sit on her lap, wrapping her arms over her torso, “Love you.”
“I love you more, baby,” Penny smiles as she leans her head back to rest beside YN’s. 
“This is me mumma,” YN smiles warmly before cooing out a chuckle. “Wha’ happened?” She questions when she sees Penny walk over to her side with glossy eyes.
“Sorry, m’sorry,” She chuckles, dabbing her under eyes with the sides of her index fingers. “S’just really fookin’ cool to see how far you’ve come. Like look at her—” Penny points to the laptop screen that has 2017 YN on display. “—me lil’ baby.”
“Mum!” YN laughs when Penny wraps her arms around her daughter’s head and pulls it to her chest.
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TSwift Red Carpet Madness: FINALS
Welcome to the FINALS of tsredcarpetmadness, as voted by you! I want to say a big thank you to everyone who participated in this poll series and reblogged posts! Looking forward you can mark your calendars for Friday, June 7th as we will kick off tsoutfitmadness - a similar poll but based on performance looks. You can expect to see the looks from The Eras tour included, alongside past iconic looks and favourites from Award Shows.
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The beauty of fashion is that we are all going to like different things or feel an attachment to a certain look for various reasons. At the end of the day, there are no wrong answers 💜
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soulc-hilde · 3 months
Game Shakers / Pt. 4
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Pairing: Eminem x OFC! King
Warning(s): Cursing, drug abuse, racial discrimination, sexual assault
Summary: 2000s seemed to be quite the highlight between the fashion and the rise of pop culture. Seemingly the new faces of shock value, rapper Marshall Mathers and rockstar King Woods seem to find a common ground amongst the unnecessary bullshit.
Divider by @saradika-graphics I believe that's the name, I hope so cause it took me some time to track it down
Ch. 01 | Ch. 02 | Ch. 03 | Ch. 04 |
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The night of the Grammys is much like any other night at an award show. You walk down the carpet, get blinded by the paparazzi, answer pointless questions, sit for prolonged periods of time just to watch yourself and everyone else be screwed over, party, and kill yourself.
Well, maybe that last part was a bit extreme, but there was no denying that was how King felt about the shit. They leave with a Best Hard Rock Performance for You Spin Me Round and Best Pop Performance by a Duo or Group with Santana for Maria Maria thanks to the band’s collab with King. Unlike before, Matteo directs security to drive the group back home per their request.
More pleased to celebrate with each other than two-faced strangers, the sextet sits around the living room of Harley’s house conversing and sipping glasses of wine. Everything was going swell until the party host glances King’s way with indescribable yet daunting glare.
“Speaking of love,” she drags out, teasingly. “Looks like Cupid’s arrow hit the bullseye on someone.” King scrunches her nose, “if it was a bullseye, it’d technically be anal, and I think an arrow is a little outside of my boundaries.”
The group laughs as the lead vocalist neither denies or confirms the obvious affection growing between her and a certain blond. Maliyah jokes, “why do I get the feeling that you’d much prefer someone than a something?”
King shrugs, “I mean, I wouldn’t complain. I got to see it.”
As if all five friends were Bluetooth synced, they sit up and shout: “You got to what?!” Their eyes bulge out of their skulls, jaws dropping to the floor.
Matteo gulps, recollecting himself as the brotherly figure. “Okay, okay. Whoo, run that by us again? You got to see… it. What precisely is ‘it’?” His onyx eyes glare up at the nonchalant singer.
“His dick.” She answers, her voice echoing against her Moscato filled wine glass. Dramatically, Tink jumps over the back of the couch with a scream as she runs down the main hall behind the living room before coming back, past the group and into the kitchen.
“When was this?” Harley laughs, tan face turning hot with amusement. “When we left the MTV after party.” Breathless and tipsy, Iris throws a couch pillow at her friend with a cry: “Stop giving us short answers, bitch!”
Tink calms down, flipping over the back of the couch once again, stiff as a board. Panting, she adds on, “we need details. A, a – what was that middle school bullshit from English? A who, where, when, what, and how.”
Maliyah claps her hands, nodding, “please! We already have the who -” The others chime in unison, “Marshall and King.” She continues, “the when –“
“MTV Awards.”
“And the what –“
“King got front row tickets to this man’s penis!” The forementioned woman snorts, chewing on her Doritos and tuna salad.
“So, all we need now is the where and the how. Now, give us.”
“Fine,” she sighs, a subtle blush setting on her cheeks. “So, after we left that shitty party together –“
“Wait, let’s rewind it back. Em showed you his dick but y’all never got down like that?”
“Curtis,” King side eyes him, bemused. “Please. You already know this, man.”
The childish rapper shrugs, smiling, “hey. I’m just amazed at how y’all two function, especially when y’all were single but pining after one another. It’s cute. It’s cute.”
“It’s cute?” “Yeah…” She snorts, “shut the fuck up. Anyways!”
“We first agreed on getting McDonalds cause, ya know, a sugar mama’s gotta take care of her baby, now,” she jokes, breaking at the sight of Harley’s glare. “You’re older than him by like two fucking weeks, shut up!”
“Anyways! We get some food, we’re talking and we’re joking. We then talk about our kids, well, more like his seed and my angelic niece and nephew.” Matteo deadpans, “not you lying to this man like your family doesn’t raise menaces to society.”
King looks at him, feigning insulted, “we are not menaces.” Tink nods, “yeah, you’re a damn fiend.” The others laugh while she glares, holding back her own laugh.
“Can I finish, damn!” She huffs, “so we’re talking about the babies. He’s raving on about his little girl, shows me a picture and she is like his damn twin it’s adorable. Then he starts telling me how she’s a fan of ours, I tell him that mine are fans of his. Fast forward, we’re venting, now.”
A glaze of melancholy takes over her once amused gleam, “he’s venting about his baby moms and how she likes to use his daughter in a power trip and constantly cheats on him to the point where instead of seeing it as a dealbreaker, he decides to cheat on her right back. I’m venting my sister and shit, I damn near felt like I was in therapy.”
“Once we had trauma bonded, I guess we felt understood between each other. Like we weren’t the only ones living in this fucked up world where nothing goes right for us. So, we kissed and made out way to my house.”
Harley’s eyes widen, “you let that man in your house?” Iris looks at King with concern, “it took you damn near three years to let Brother Dre even know that you have a house in Cali, let alone step inside.”
“Yeah, yeah, I fucked up alright. We were touching and rubbing, whispering little compliments to each other. It was damn near romantic. Then he saw some of my tattoos and my nipple piercings, so he showed me his tattoos. We got so tired, we just laid out on my bed cuddling and look at each other, studying one another.”
“Dude,” Tink draws, lost in thought. Matteo looks over, “have you talked to him since?”
“Yeah, a lot, actually. Hell, in the morning, we woke up and I made this man breakfast and some coffee. He’s adorable when he’s happy, he does little dance when he likes the food.”
Harley throws her head, “you’re trying to be this man’s wife.” King throws a Dorito at her, “no, I’m not. I feed everybody, it’s a cultural curse. Y’all, out of everybody, knows this… Even Iris, she’s the token white girl.”
“Ya dig,” the strawberry blond sings, causing the crew to laugh once more. Maliyah focuses back onto King, “regardless, King, we can be this man’s friend. However, as you said, he and his baby mama got drama the size of a category 5 hurricane. As you’ve said in the past, you’ve come too far to let some man, some pointless drama stop you from your dreams.”
Matteo nods, “true. We’ll support you in whatever you do, but we beg you, please, just be careful.” Harley adds, “you’ve been through a lot and deserve happiness, just don’t mistake an adrenaline rush for said happiness.”
“Do you think opening up to the group changed the way they looked at Marshall, like at all?”
King sits up in her chair, head shaking. “No, instead, they kind of saw him in a similar light as we all seen each other. We as friends came together because of the shitty cards life threw at us, and we became support pillars for one another before we became business partners. To them, Marshall is a friend their willing to support and stand ten toes down for.”
“Marshall says that, that night after the MTVs wasn’t the night he fell in love with you. Did you fall in love with him that night? Or, was there a different moment that you were just like ‘he’s the one for me?’”
She hisses, head tilting in thought. “I wouldn’t say that was the night I fell in love with Marshall. I would say that I got to see him in a different light, ya know? It wasn’t like some, ‘oh I can fix him’ type shit but more of a twin flame ordeal, if that makes sense.”
“You really believe that Marshall Mathers was made for you?”
“I believe everyone has someone made for them. Platonically or romantically, everyone has a person and he’s mine. Always been mine since day one.” She smiles.
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Taglist: @slytherinroyalty16 @evasmlp
Y'all, chapter 4 is here and it's so fucking bad! I apologize for the tardiness as well as the shitty material. I was thinking about doing like a one shot or something about King and Marshall's night, I don't know. Anyways, enjoy and let me know if you wish to join the taglist.
Love, S.C!
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venusvity · 19 hours
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Kpop stan Twitter hates them. Sena is talentless tweets hitting crazy numbers. Jiah deactivated her Instagram account. #BaebiGoSolo has trended for three days now...They had ONE chance.
VENUS entered 2021 mad as hell with their second full album, "I AM VENUS," which included the title track "I AM. "I AM was a commercial success in South Korea and topped the Circle Digital Chart for six weeks. It also reached the top ten in Hong Kong, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, and Vietnam. The song has been certified platinum for streaming in South Korea. It also received four PAKs and nine music show wins.
Dazed ranked it 19th among the 50 best K-pop tracks of 2021, and Grammy named it one of the 15 K-pop songs that defined 2021.
The group would repeatedly go viral for their performances of I AM as the girls were either emotional while performing the song or they were in platformed heels. For the first time in their career, Chloe was able to look people in the eyes during the music show interviews. Though the heels were a hit, they raised concerns for fans as there were multiple instances of the girls twisting their ankles or falling during performances because of them. Either way, iconic.
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The platformed heels Venus wore during the promotions of I AM. These are the ones on displayed at the Angelico Artist Muesum. The group wore a total of 36 different pairs of heels for this era.
Their repacked album "VENUS, I AM." would come shortly after I AM VENUS with the title track "DIVE". Before the song's release, the teaser images for VENUS, I AM would go viral for their unique concept and artistic expression.
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The teaser images used for "VENUS, I AM." under the creative direction of LEXA.
The album debuted at number one on the weekly Gaon Album Chart and also topped the monthly chart, selling 544,339 copies in its first month of release. It has since been certified triple platinum by the Korea Music Content Association (KMCA) for surpassing 750,000 units.
Tássia Assis from NME gave Dive a 4 out of 5-star rating, describing the track "Dive" as "the definite, luxurious plunge. " Despite being "more subdued" than the group's previous album, "I AM," it is a "chaebol crush" that matches the extravagance and confidence that defines VENUS. Uproxx named it one of The Best K-Pop Albums of 2021.
The hate train finally seemed to slow with the ever-mounting success the girls were receiving. It's not like the girls had enough time on their hands to even really focus on the hate. They were always working on something. That next something would be their 6th mini album, "Illusions," followed by a title track of the same name.
Upon its release, Illusions was praised by music critics for increasingly showcasing all members' vocal abilities with "trendy" production. Illusions was a commercial success in South Korea and charted in Japan and the United States. It debuted atop South Korea's Gaon Album Chart on the chart. Overall, it ranked seventh on the Gaon's 2021 year-end album chart.4 Walls debuted at number thirty-nine on Japan's Oricon Albums Chart, and it peaked at number one on the US Billboard World Albums Chart, becoming Venus' second number one on the chart following 2019's Love Simulator.
Illusions was primarily beloved for its "multidimensional" concept and music video. In the video, the girls were trapped in a time loop, and the song restarted midway through the eight-minute video, signifying that the viewer was also in the time loop with them.
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Stills from the "Illusions" music video. Creative direction by LEXA.
The girls would close out the year with the summer classic "Summer Luv!" and a title track of the same name. When I tell you this song was massive, it was huge. Love Simulator was finally overthrown as Venus' most-known song because you could not go anywhere with Summer Luv'ing.
GQ Korea named "Summer Luv!" its Song of the Year in the magazine's November 2021 issue. In December, IZM listed the song as one of its top 10 singles of the year. Dazed ranked the song at number two on its 20 Best K-pop Songs of 2021. The song landed on Billboard's 20 Best K-Pop Songs 2021 list at number four. Melon ranked it number 15, while Rolling Stone ranked it number 13 in their lists of the greatest K-pop songs of all time, with the latter publication praising its production and hailing it as the epitome of "summertime fun, adventure, and romance."
Summer Luv! would win the girl's Song of The Year at the 2021 MAMA Awards and the Best Dance Performance – Female Group award. They would go on to win the Digital Daesang at the Golden Disk Awards and Song of the Year at the Korean Music Awards.
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Some of the various wigs and hairstyles were worn by Venus during their Summer Luv! Promotions. Gif style inspired by @pickmedolls !
The Summer Luv! era was not only defined by success but looks as well. The girls would wear different wings at nearly every stage, mixing up their styles and colors while "giving their scalps a much-needed break," as said Chloe during an interview. The girls would go through seventy-five wigs between the five of them, with a fraction of them, the most iconic ones, being displayed at the Angelico Artist Museum.
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black-arcana · 2 months
HALESTORM's LZZY HALE Explains How She Ended Up Moving To Nashville
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During a recent appearance on the "Life In The Stocks" podcast, HALESTORM frontwoman Lzzy Hale spoke about her decision to relocate to Nashville, Tennessee after spending most of her living in Red Lion, Pennsylvania. Asked if Nashville is truly the music Mecca of America right now, Lzzy said (as transcribed by BLABBERMOUTH.NET): "I think it is. I think that there's a lot of us from like the coasts and stuff like that. And even my friends from New York, it's cheaper to have a yard here, and especially people that wanna have a family life, but also still tour. But there's so many different walks of life. That was what surprised me when I first got here a decade ago or something like that. 'Cause I came out of here kind of sight unseen. I'd kind of visited here, but it was more out of necessity. We were making, I think it was 'The Strange Case Of...' [HALESTORM's second album] or doing something in California, and all of our family that was in Pennsylvania area decided to all move to Florida. They were all in cahoots. And so, so they all kind of called us while we were stranded in California and were, like, 'Hey, we packed up all your stuff,' because truth be told, we way overstayed our welcome living with our parents, like well into as long as we could. So, we get back from making a record, and now I'm pretty much amongst my boxes in a spare room in my parents' place in Florida. I'm, like, 'We've gotta get outta here.' So, Joe [Hottinger, HALESTORM guitarist] and I ended up just renting a U-Haul and just driving from Florida to Nashville. We called our friends that were kind of already here. Actually, our buds in NEW MEDICINE were living out here. And we were, like, 'Hey, can you check out this apartment that we're looking at? Just make sure it doesn't smell funny. But we're coming to just stay here until we figure it out.' And then I got this house that I'm staying in right now about seven, six years ago, something like that. And so, yeah, just putting some roots down here."
Earlier this month, HALESTORM and I PREVAIL kicked off their summer 2024 co-headlining tour. Produced by Live Nation, the trek launched on July 9 in Raleigh and will run through August 17 in Las Vegas. HOLLYWOOD UNDEAD and FIT FOR A KING are serving as support. The tour is also the catalyst and the creative spark for HALESTORM and I PREVAIL's collaborative track "Can U See Me In The Dark?", which was released earlier in the month.
HALESTORM has partnered with mental health organization Sound Mind Live to engage fans to pledge support that will provide free-to-the-community mental health programming across the country for fans and the broader community.
Having amassed over 2.5 billion streams globally, the Grammy Award-winning band HALESTORM has grown from a childhood dream of siblings Lzzy and Arejay Hale into one of the most celebrated rock bands of the last two decades. Most recently, the band released "Back From The Dead", their fifth full-length studio album which has tallied over 100 million streams worldwide. Rolling Stone called the title track "a biting but cathartic howler about overcoming all obstacles," and that song as well as "The Steeple" marked their fifth and sixth number ones at rock radio, respectively. Associated Press said the album "will definitely be in the running for best hard rock/metal album of the year." Their previous album, "Vicious", earned the band their second Grammy nomination, for "Best Hard Rock Performance" for the song "Uncomfortable", the band's fourth #1 at rock radio, and led Loudwire to name HALESTORM "Rock Artist Of The Decade" in 2019. Fronted by Lzzy with drummer Arejay, guitarist Joe Hottinger and bass player Josh Smith, HALESTORM's music has earned multiple platinum and gold certifications from the RIAA, and the band has earned a reputation as a powerful live music force, headlining sold-out shows and topping festival bills around the world, and sharing the stage with icons including HEAVEN & HELL, Alice Cooper, Joan Jett and JUDAS PRIEST. Additionally, Lzzy was named the first female brand ambassador for Gibson and served as host of AXS TV's "A Year In Music".
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foxes-that-run · 8 months
Do you think Tenerife Sea is about Taylor?
Hi, I do actually, but I don't think Ed fancied Taylor. When he met Taylor she was already dating Harry who was his very close friend so it would have been a non-starter. He was also still writing songs for one direction at the time.
What has he said
When he first played it at Madison Square Garden on October 31 2013 he told the story:
I wrote this song this song after the Grammy's everything was kind of happening all at once. There was a lot of people talking around talking a lot of shit and I found the only sense that was coming out of anyone's lips or vocal boxes was this one person and I wrote a song about it.
Two really interesting things about that are that in that MSG performance the last line sounds like "And in a moment, I knew you best-" the album lyrics are "Beth". During promo "this person" also became "my Girlfriend at the time". I can't find pictures or a mention of a date for Ed that night, he did hang out with Taylor though, and her hair at the Grammy's fits the song.
When was it written
The Grammy's were 10 February 2013. In 2024 EDHQ posted an IG story a snippet of this recording in Nashville on Valentine’s Day, which is a few days after the Grammy anniversary and also lines up with Ed’s comments that it was inspired at the Grammys. Taylors hair was also more like the song at the Grammys.
Ed and Taylor were also at the VMAs, with Harry, on 25 August 2013. I have seen it said it is about Harry and Taylor at the VMAs. Time-wise that is possible, he first played it at the end of October and said it was written in Nashville. The Red Concert where he dressed up as a clown was in Nashville after the VMAs, so possible, or it may be a composite.
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It's a really beautiful song about his bestie
Ed has been a great wingman for Harry. The day he met Taylor they wrote EHC and Run together, about Harry. He was also pretty well versed writing from Harry (and others) perspectives and still was at that time, he wrote 18 for One Direction the same year "from an 1D members perspective" (you know which and who I think). He and Taylor also went on to write End Game.
Before he wrote this song, he had said "Harry was Taken" at a concert. (EHC having been written 1 month prior). Taylor can also be heard laughing (at 1:54) in his tour diary with Harry. She then asked him to open for the Red tour which was huge. Has has also said lovely things about both. They also both came to his wedding in 2019.
We was also asked if he would trust Harry around his girlfriend and responded saying yes, he trusts me around his girlfriend, we’re friends we don’t do that.
What has Taylor said
Taylor has mentioned the song a few times and she performed it with him at the Rock in Rio 1989 performance a few days before the ill-fated 2015 BBMAs (Woman/Exile). As Ed's close friend and fellow songwriter I assume she has a perspective, she clearly likes the song. Performing together they look their ever supportive selves.
It was an interesting they chose this album track, (Photograph was released as a single the week before). This show was also the first of a total 6 (counting Reputation and Eras) times Taylor has ever played Wonderland. I feel like this setlist could have contributed to the smile Harry gave her when she arrived at the BBMAs a few days later.
Finally, I have seen that the initials of the title are a nod to her initials, I don't think they are. Tenerife is an island in Spain, not a sea, but it is surrounded by very pretty waters of the Atlantic Ocean.
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mrs-johansson · 8 months
Y/n Fleur Depp biography and discography
Y/n Fleur Moss-Depp 04.15.1997; London, United Kingdom
Portrayed by: Dove Cameron
Parents: Johnny Depp, Kate Moss
Siblings: Lily-Rose Depp, Jack Depp, Lila Moss
Pet: Bucky; black cat
Lived: London, birth - 19 yrs; Los Angeles, 19 yrs - present
- Harry Styles June 2015 - January 2019
- Dylan O’Brien April 2019 - October 2020
- Megan Fox February 2021 - May 2021
- Jordan Poole August 2021 - November 2022
Producer: Romeo, Phil
Manager: Jenna
Assistant: Chloe
Fandom name: Fleurs (flowers in French)
Main Previous Albums:
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California 09.15.2016
Shameless (Camila Cabello)
You are in love (Taylor Swift)
Nonsense (Sabrina Carpenter)
“Slut!” (Taylor Swift)
This Love (Taylor Swift)
test drive (Ariana Grande)
main thing (Ariana Grande)
Used to This (Camila Cabello)
Concentrate (Demi Lovato)
Crowded Room ft. 6LACK (Selena Gomez)
California (Lana Del Rey)
Groupie Love ft. A$AP Rocky (Lana Del Rey)
someone like u - interlude (Ariana Grande)
Daylight (David Kushner)
Get Me Started (Troye Sivan)
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Overseas 04.04.2019
Dress (Taylor Swift)
Strange Love (Halsey)
Young God (Halsey)
Style (Taylor Swift)
TV (Billie Eilish)
Video Games (Lana Del Rey)
Therefore I Am (Billie Eilish)
Angel (The Weeknd)
Rolling in the Deep (Adele)
everytime (Ariana Grande)
Into you (Ariana Grande)
London Boy (Taylor Swift)
New York (Ed Sheeran)
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Acts of Love 09.09.2021.
Fever feat. Angèle (Dua Lipa)
Fetish feat. Gucci Mane (Selena Gomez)
Cross your mind (Niall Horan)
Dark Paradise (Lana Del Rey)
honey (Halsey)
Monster In Me (Little Mix)
Bad Reputation (Shawn Mendes)
Body Say (Demi Lovato)
The Sound (The 1975)
Pretty Boy (The neighbourhood)
Looking for Somebody (To Love) (The 1975)
Bad Drugs (King Kavalier, ChrisLee)
Blank Space (Taylor Swift)
About you (The 1975)
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Reflections 11.19.2022.
All Of The Girls You Loved Before (Taylor Swift)
motive feat. Doja Cat (Ariana Grande)
fake smile (Ariana Grande)
Talking Body (Tove Lo)
New Romantics (Taylor Swift)
Call It What You Want (Taylor Swift)
west side (Ariana Grande)
One Of Your Girls (Troye Sivan)
Fantasize (Ariana Grande)
Good for You feat. A$AP Rocky (Selena Gomez)
Reflections (The Neighbourhood)
Memories (Conan Gray)
…Ready For It? (Taylor Swift)
Lavender Haze (Taylor Swift)
GOSSIP feat. Johnny Depp (guitar) (Måneskin)
You Get Me So High (The Neighbourhood)
Grammy Awards:
Record of the year - Rolling in the Deep
Song of the year - Rolling in the deep
Best Pop Vocal album (Overseas)
Record of the year - Blank Space
Pop Solo Performance - Blank Space
Best pop solo performance - …Ready for it?
Best Pop Vocal Album (Reflections)
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lingyunxiang · 7 months
Brothers Osborne is an American country music duo consisting of brothers T.J. Osborne (lead vocals, rhythm guitar) and John Osborne (lead guitar, background vocals).
Two sons from a working-class family, John and TJ Osborne grew up in the small water town of Deale, Maryland, writing and playing songs for friends and family in their father’s shed. John moved to Nashville first to play in other bands and two years later, TJ joined him. It was then they formed Brothers Osborne as a duo that blends equal parts country and rock into one of the freshest, most identifiable sounds to come out of Nashville in recent years. 
The siblings took home their first GRAMMY in 2022, winning Best Country Duo/Group Performance for their song “Younger Me,” inspired by TJ's recent coming out. The song is featured on the deluxe version of their latest release Skeletons, which was also GRAMMY-nominated for Best Country Album. The band has been nominated for 10 GRAMMYs in total, standing as five-time CMA Vocal Duo of the Year, and are three-time ACM Duo of the Year. Overall, they have collected six CMA awards, six ACM trophies and received the ASCAP Vanguard Award in 2019. Their critically acclaimed hit songs have tallied multiple RIAA Gold and Platinum certifications, while surpassing more than 2.5 Billion global streams. 
Previously sharing the bill with Chris Stapleton, Eric Church, Little Big Town and Miranda Lambert, Brothers Osborne’s latest headlining We’re Not For Everyone Tour hit more than 50 markets. Last fall, John Osborne produced Ashley McBryde Presents: Lindeville, and Brothers Osborne contributed the song “Play Ball.” They wrapped 2022 with a limited-edition collaboration with WhistlePig Whiskey, launching the WhistlePig PiggyBack Legends Series: Brothers Osborne Barrel. Three songs – including their brand new single “Nobody’s Nobody” – are out now, serving as the first look at their upcoming fourth studio album, set to release later this year. 
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neattequila · 1 year
Harry's Style Evolution (by an actual stylist) Part 3: Fine Line Era! Part 2 of 2*
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Gorlies I can't believe I hit pic limit on the first Fine Line Era post (I can believe it, I have so much to say.)
Anyway this is Harry's Style evolution part THREE part TWO (like how they made Breaking Dawn two movies ya get me?)
*PLEASE read part 1 first. That is linked HERE!
January of 2020 feels like it was a lifetime ago, but here we are. Fine Line the album just came out in December and after preforming the full album twice, once in LA and once in London. Harry's back in London for award season.
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The pics aren't revealed til later but H rings in the New Year in the INFAMOUS "But Daddy I Love Him" shirt <3
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Later in January arrives at Radio one in a gorgeous Bode jacket carrying Gucci's Jackie purse.
But girls (gender neutral) get comfy because it's time for the Brit Awards and the look we need to talk about is this one.
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LISTEN!!! The girls that get it GET IT! Because this was EVERYTHING EVERYTHING!!!
To DATE I think this is the best award show look he's ever worn, contending only with the leather suit at the Grammy. I really thought this was going to be the new style. It's sexy, it's slightly punk, it's BRIT POP references chock full!
The Mary Janes, the Brown suit with the purple sweater and blue lace color with the pearls and the HAIR! THE BRIT POP PUNK HAIR! This was *chefs kiss* I am absolutely devastated that we never got anything like her again.
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Also at the Brit Awards he wears this yellow suit paired with purple necktie, and Treat People With Kindness pin. For his beautiful falling performance he wears a full lace ensemble including gloves. This night is also includes my blog name's origins.
Fine Line promo continues and Harry wears a myriad of cozy outfits.
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In New York he wears a JW Anderson cardigan, later to become TikTok famous with the "Be Healthy, Eat Your Honey" shirt and Gucci jeans. Later he wears another sweater vest (staple of the FL Era,) and for NPR's Tiny Desk he wears a Gucci mohair sweater.
At the beginning of the end March 2020 Harry's shoot for Beauty Papers comes out. One of my FAVORITE editorials he's ever in.
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These photos are gorgeous, camp, sexy, kind of eerie. He's photographed and directed by Casper Sejersen who I think absolutely killed it. Beauty Papers always has amazing queer camp shoots and I highly recommend paying attention to them.
The world goes into lockdown and H releases the previously recorded "Watermelon Sugar" music video "Dedicated to touching."
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Most of the ensemble is Gucci but some pieces were vintage thrifted including the loose-knit tank (right.)
Harry grows out his facial hair and becomes even sexier somehow.
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Like fr. This is the hottest he's ever been. Left he wears a hoodie that he made himself printed with photographs of philosopher Alain de Botton, and paired with the vintage military jacket he was wearing in Japan during 2019. Middle I just think this pic of him is so hot, and right he wears a custom Bode shirt.
September 2020 Harry becomes the first man to ever be on the cover of Vogue!
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Y'all I was so excited when this first came out. So imagine when I opened the magazine and saw the absolute trash outfits they put him in for it. Like literally all of these outfits are some of the worst he's ever worn. Like honey clean up! Vogue is here!
The only piece I adored from this whole shoot was the custom Bode pants. Bode has a chokehold on me and I wish Harry L would've featured more of them in this shoot.
In October of 2020...
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The MV for Golden is released after being filmed in Italy and heavily features both Gucci and S.S. Daley pieces. The Eliou necklaces he covets make their first official debut in this video as well.
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In November he films (released in December) this performance for iHeartRadio. He's wearing head to toe Gucci with a custom Eliou necklace. His hair and this performance is so dreamy. (Left)
He also starts filming Don't Worry Darling *crowd boos* and among his cozy on set looks this is my favorite. The pictures of him this day really made me go gaga. He wears a Free & Easy shirt paired with Elder Statesmen sweatpants and New Balance sneakers.
It's 2021 baby! Harry rings in the new year by releasing the video for TPWK with Phoebe Waller Bridge
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We're jumping to March 2021, I'm scared to hit pic limit again lol, with the GRAMMYS!
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Harry wore three! outfits to the Grammy's where he took home his first ever Grammy for Song of the Year. All three looks were Gucci and all featured feather boas which he never wore again! Which is odd because it really seemed like it was going to be a tour staple, but wasn't!
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Throughout the summer and into fall his personal style is very casual, this makes sense. We're still in a pandemic and everyone is trending to a more casual fit sense. I had to include the pink beanie because every time I remember that it's $112 I go inside. Girl I got the same one for like $10 from Forever21 5 years ago!
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In April Harry stars in a Gucci campaign along with many other celebs (left,) he also attends the Brit awards in May (Right) wearing a Gucci ensemble that isn't bad but is nothing to write home about. This is the first time we see him in Gucci Gazelle sneakers which will later become a staple.
September the long awaited Love on Tour officially starts!
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The tour kicks off in Las Vegas with a fun sparkly Gucci outfit, and continues with these suspender/open shirts/high waisted pants that we saw on the Fine Line cover. These outfits are underwhelming but do ultimately make sense.
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The tour outfits really do blend together, the full collection can be found HERE, so here are three of my favorites <3
We'll end our Fine Line coverage with the first annual Harryween!
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Harry wore custom Gucci ensembles for both, one dressing as Dorothy and one dressing as a pierrot.
Next is Harry's House Era!
Thank you again for all the love, and for bearing with me when I had to split these into two parts!
See you next time <3
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shefanispeculator · 10 months
Gwen Stefani's most show-stopping looks from the 90s to now Part 1
1. The Tonight Show, 2022
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2. 62nd Annual GRAMMY Awards, 2020
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This has to be one of the most breathtaking gowns we have ever seen, making it by far one of Gwen Stefani's best-ever looks. Vintage-inspired and adorned with sacred hearts, it is timelessly gorgeous - and can even rival some of the best Met Gala looks of all time.
3. 48th AFI Life Achievement Award Gala Tribute, 2022
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4. Hollywood Walk of Fame, 2023
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5. Live 105's Not So Silent Night, 1995
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6. The Voice - Season 22, 2022
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7. Met Gala, 2022
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8. Met Gala, 2019
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9. MTV Video Music Awards, 1998
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10. The Holiday Light Show, 2017
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11. 66th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards, 2014
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12. Vanity Fair Oscar Party, 2016
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Pictured with her husband Blake Shelton, Gwen Stefani is a vision in red. This gown is certainly daring but one that she pulls off effortlessly. From the petal details to her old Hollywood glam red lip and bob, it is an unforgettable style moment.
13. Vogue Fashion Awards, 2001
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14. The Voice - Season 19, 2020
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15. Visit to Hallmark Channel's "Home & Family", 2020
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16. The Voice - Season 19, 2020
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17. The 45th Annual GRAMMY Awards, 2003
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18. LA Orpheum, 2015
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19. Los Angeles Premiere of "The Aviator", 2004
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20. Vogue Fashion Fund Event, 2012
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scotianostra · 1 year
Happy Birthday Scottish classical violinist, Nicola Benedetti, born July 20th 1987 in West Kilbride.
Nicola started learning to play the violin at the age of four, by age eight she was the leader of the National Children’s Orchestra, at nine, she had already passed the eight grades of musical examinations while attending the independent Wellington School, Ayr, a year later she was studying at the Yehudi Menuhin School for young musicians under Menuhin himself and Natasha Boyarskaya in rural Surrey.
After an education like that she was destined for stardom.
When Benedetti was 14, she won a Prodigy of the Year contest on England’s Carlton Television network. A hint of her potential crossover appeal came when she drew a crowd of 10,000 at the rock-oriented Glastonbury Festival’s “classical extravaganza” in the summer of 2003. She told London’s Independent newspaper, however, that “I have not ruled out different types of music but I was trained as a classical musician. I don’t want to compromise what I do and what I love.” She’s not your typical Scot either, in another interview she said that “I’m not really into clubbing and I’ve never smoked or drunk much…”
Benedetti took a big step toward mainstream classical stardom when she won the BBC’s Young Musician of the Year award in May 2004, the first Scot to take home the BBC prize.
Nicola did have a healthy streak of that quintessential Scottish trait – prudence. This led her to eventually slow down her performance schedule so that she could further her musical studies and her technique, confident that she would be a better overall musician for it, and determined to play what she loves.
By the following decade, Benedetti’s schedule was as full as ever, taking in a 2010 debut at the BBC Proms; chamber music recitals at European festivals; chamber and concerto performances in North America and Europe in 2011
Honours were inevitable she was awarded doctorates from Glasgow Caledonian University in November 2007, and from Heriot-Watt University in 2010
In 2019, Benedetti formalised her commitment to music in education when she established The Benedetti Foundation, the same year she was also given the annual Royal Medal award by the Royal Society of Edinburgh for improving the lives of deprived Scottish children through Sistema Scotland and the Big Noise Orchestras. In 2020, she won the Grammy for best classical instrumental solo for Marsalis: Violin Concerto; Fiddle Dance Suite.
With three of her album releases topping the Classical charts and another reached number 2,  Benedetti’s has cemented her position as one of the most popular violinists of her generation.
Last year it was announced that Nicola would be the new director of The Edinburgh Festival, the first female to hold the position. Nicola has set out a vision for the 2023 Festival to deliver the deepest possible experience, with the highest quality performances, to the broadest possible audience.
Comprising 295 separate events from 4-27 August, Edinburgh International Festival 2023 features work from over 2000 local and international artists from across 48 nations, please note this is not The Fringe Festival, but it's big brother, which features professional performers, as opposed to mainly amateurs at the Fringe.
Benedetti says, “After we have celebrated 75 years of our Festival, we now enter into a new phase of redefining, together, where we go next.
"At a time of huge global change and challenge, we will hear powerful and diverse perspectives of artists from across the world.
“Edinburgh International Festival has long been dedicated to advocating world-class performing art and innovating new ways to bring it to audiences. I am immensely proud of this year’s programme, and look forward to expanding on this legacy in 2023”.
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TSwift Red Carpet Madness: Round 3, Matchup 3
Welcome to the final matchup of Round 3! This matchup includes four options, due to our redemption round. Up next, the Finals! Be sure to follow tsredcarpetmadness for all upcoming polls!
I really appreciate all reblogs! It helps get a bigger sample size for each poll & always keeps things more exciting 🫶🏼
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There are not many photos of the BAFTA dress, but here is another look.
Cannot believe I have to write this but the beauty of fashion is that we are all going to like different things or feel an attachment to a certain look for various reasons. There are no wrong answers 💜
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greensparty · 8 months
Stuff I'm Looking Forward to in February
Can't believe we're now into the middle of the first quarter of 2024. In addition to Black History Month (2/1-2/29), Groundhog Day (2/2), Lunar New Year (2/10), Valentine's Day (2/14), Ash Wednesday (2/14), Presidents' Day (2/19), and Leap Day (2/20) here is what's on my radar this month:
Orion and the Dark
What got my attention about this animated feature is that it is written by Charlie Kaufman. Yes - the writer of Being John Malkovich and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind wrote this! Premieres on Netflix on 2/2.
Lisa Frankenstein 
This horror comedy from director Zelda Williams (yes - the daughter of a legend) and writer Diablo Cody looks promising. Opens 2/9 (review to come).
Madame Web 
The newest entry into the Marvel Cinematic Universe is also the next installment of the Spider-Man Universe as this gets into multiple Spider-Women and they filmed in Boston too. Color me curious! Opens 2/14.
Kiss the Future
During the Zoo TV Tour in 1993, U2 shined a light on the crisis in Sarajevo in an effort to support the besieged Sarajevans. This documentary about their efforts was produced by Matt Damon and Ben Affleck. After playing festivals last year, it is being released exclusively by AMC Theaters on 2/19.
Drive-Away Dolls
I was a huge fan of the Coen brothers, but after The Ballad of Buster Scruggs, they began working solo. After Joel Coen’s The Tragedy of Macbeth, I’m excited to see Ethan Coen’s solo feature, an action comedy about inept criminals, which is his wheelhouse. I first was looking forward to this in September 2023 and I still am. Opening 2/23.
Paul McCartney & Wings Band on the Run 50th Anniversary Edition
To celebrate the 50th anniversary of Paul McCartney's greatest non-Beatles album, a new special edition is being released. The timing happens to be a few weeks after the passing of Wings guitarist Denny Laine as well. Re-release drops on 2/2.
J. Mascis What Do We Do Now
In addition to Dinosaur Jr., J. Mascis has done some great solo work. His last solo album Elastic Days had some bangers and I was lucky enough to see him do a live solo show in 2019. Looking forward to his newest solo album, which drops 2/2.
Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 12 premiere
The 12th season of one of the most brilliant TV comedies of all time is going to be the final season (or so they say). Even though it's only at season 12, each season has been spaced out over the past 24 years. I named Season 11 my Best TV Show of 2021. Hopes are high for Larry David's social assassin going out on a high note! Season premiere on 2/4 on HBO.
Awards Season:
We're in the midst of awards season now! This month we have Grammy Awards (2/4), DGA Awards (2/10), SAG Awards (2/24), and Independent Spirit Awards (2/25). Not exactly an awards show, but the biggest competition of the year is the Super Bowl (2/11) as well.
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my-chaos-radio · 1 year
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Release: October 16, 1989
I don't know where my baby is
But I'll find him, somewhere, somehow
I've got to let him know how much I care
I'll never give up looking for my baby
Been around the world and I, I, I
I can't find my baby
I don't know when, I don't know why
Why he's gone away
And I don't know where he can be, my baby
But I'm gonna find him
We had a quarrel and I let myself go
I said so many things, things he didn't know
And I was, oh, oh, so bad
I don't think he's coming back, mm, mhm
He gave the reason, the reasons he should go
And he said things he hadn't said before
And he was, oh, oh, so mad
And I don't think he's coming back, coming back
I did too much lying
Wasted too much time
Now I'm here and crying, I, I, I
Been around the world and I, I, I
I can't find my baby
I don't know when, I don't know why
Why he's gone away
And I don't know where he can be, my baby
But I'm gonna find him
So open hearted, he never did me wrong
I was the one, the weakest one of all
And now I'm, oh, oh, so sad
I don't think he's coming back, coming back
I did too much lying
Wasted too much time
Now I'm here and crying, I, I, I
Been around the world and I, I, I
I can't find my baby
I don't know when, I don't know why
Why he's gone away
And I don't know where he can be, my baby
But I'm gonna find him
I'm going to find him, my baby
Been around the world and I, I, I
I can't find my baby
I don't know when, I don't know why
Why he's gone away
And I don't know where he can be, my baby
But I'm gonna find him
I did too much lying
Wasted too much time
Now I'm here and crying, I, I, I
Been around the world and I, I, I
I can't find my baby
I don't know when, I don't know why
Why he's gone away
And I don't know where he can be, my baby
But I'm gonna find him
I've been around the world
Looking for my baby
Been around the world
And I'm gonna, I'm gonna find him
Been around the world and I, I, I
I can't find my baby
I don't know when, I don't know why
Why he's gone away
And I don't know where he can be, my baby
Andy Morris / Etterlene Jordan / Mark Dwayne Debarge / Ian Devaney / Lisa Stansfield / Paul Hardcastle
"All Around the World" is a song by English singer, songwriter and actress Lisa Stansfield from her debut studio album, Affection (1989). It was released as the album's second single on 16 October 1989 by Arista Records. It was written by Stansfield, Ian Devaney and Andy Morris, and produced by Devaney and Morris. The song received favorable reviews from music critics. Songwriters, Stansfield, Devaney and Morris, received the 1989 Ivor Novello Award for Best Song Musically and Lyrically. "All Around the World" was also nominated for the Grammy Award for Best Female Pop Vocal Performance at the 33rd Annual Grammy Awards. Additionally, Stansfield was nominated for the Grammy Award for Best New Artist. The song became the first of two UK number-one singles for Stansfield (the second being an appearance on George Michael and Queen's "Five Live" EP) and the first of eight top-ten hits she would achieve in that country.
In 2003, "All Around the World" was included on Biography: The Greatest Hits. In 2014, the remixes of "All Around the World" were included on the deluxe 2CD + DVD re-releases of Affection, Face Up and on the People Hold On … The Remix Anthology compilation (also on The Collection 1989–2003).
The song came down quickly and on low budget. The vocal part was made in only two takes and real strings were put on afterwards. The song is largely influenced by American singer-songwriter Barry White. As a tribute to him, they made a spoken intro on "All Around the World" like the one on the album version of White's "Let the Music Play", only shorter.
Stansfield co-wrote the lyrics of "All Around the World" with her former bandmates Ian Devaney and Andy Morris from Blue Zone. In a 2019 interview, Stansfield recalled the process when the song was made:
I came into the studio, and Ian was messing around at the piano. He had a melody, and I just started singing: "Been around the world and I, I, I…" Everyone laughed but Ian said, "Wait, it's really good, that." It just came into my head – it was nonsense, but had a really good feel to it. "I, I, I" became the main hook. We'd no idea how massive it would become.
The song was released as the second European single on 16 October 1989. It was remixed by Yvonne Turner, Eddie Gordon, Paul Witts and Steve Anderson. In North America, "All Around the World" was released as the first single on 15 January 1990 and included remixes created by The 45 King and Richard Sweret. In Japan, the single was released on 7 February 1990. Stansfield went on to become the first white British woman to reach number-one on the Billboard R&B chart, the American black music chart. A music video was made to accompany the song, directed by Philip Richardson.
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jess-moloney-malarkey · 11 months
There is a claim that Jess Moloney doesn't actually do anything for work, that she is a fraud and simply mooches off Jamie. That she showed up in LA and weaseled her way into Jamie's sphere for clout. This is demonstrably false. Jess Moloney has been a talent and creative manager since 2017, starting in New York. Below the cut, I will outline how she has worked to get to where she is now with Ice Studios and what she does.
Jess began her talent management as Jess Moloney MGMT in 2017 while living in New York, with her first clients: Machine Gun Kelly and Justine Skye. This was announced on June 5th, 2017. She also soon took on photographer Renell Madrano as a client, who shot many campaigns for various brands as well as held at least two exhibitions while under Jess's management. These can all be found publicly, as well as on both their Instagrams. Renell is a widely successful photographer.
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Jess also curated the prestigious front row (FROW) of several fashion weeks, as part of Jess Moloney MGMT in collaboration with Vivienne Westwood. These FROWS are a big deal in the fashion world. They're the photo op for the event. Fashion Monitor described the coveted spot: "A designer will be judged not only on their collection, but who was there with the best view of the show." So Jess curating the front row demonstrates her credibility not only in PR, but also in fashion.
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Not only did she curate these front rows for various fashion shows in Europe and NY, she also had a hand in creating the red carpet look of Bring Me the Horizon at the 2019 Grammy Awards.
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I'm unsure of the trajectory she took towards her next venture, Ice Studios in the following couple years. I'm also unsure if she is still in talent management directly, but in any case, Ice Studios was co-founded with her former client Renell. Renell is listed as a Photographer and Director, along with her other good friend, Quil Lemons.
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Ice Studios is essentially a creative agency. The team, listed above, work on campaigns directly. Jess, being a co-founder, likely handles the logistics of these shoots. She likely decides the who, what, when, where, and why and gives approval over the projects. For example, here is a NYT photo editor thanking her for her part in this front page photo of Jay-Z in the NYT in 2020.
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While one could, and has, argued that there is a lack of engagement from those she tags when posting about the work that Ice Studios does, that doesn't discredit the fact that she and her company are responsible for the work. Again, it is Jess's agency, along with Renell, that takes on these clients for their campaign. Jess role likely does not require her to always be on set. Have you ever met a CEO or president of a company? They are never in the office. Seeing Jess out and about does not mean she is not handling business. Business that it is clear she has worked for.
I would also like to add that she has been in the fashion world for many years. She interned with Vivienne Westwood early on in life after school, has been attending/working for fashion events for years, and she was even asked to walk in a Dolce and Gabbana show in 2018.
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Jess Moloney is a woman who has worked to build up her career in managing creative projects, and it is clear she has been successful in her own right.
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