#best knee pain surgeon near you
Who is the best knee replacement surgeon near me?
Searching for the best knee replacement surgeon near me? Experience relief from chronic knee pain with advanced treatments like Robotic Assisted Surgery Techniques. Discover top-rated specialists in Ahmedabad, including renowned surgeons like Dr. Dimple Parekh at Parekh's Hospital. Find the expert care you deserve for a successful knee replacement.
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kneepainsurgeon · 3 months
Are you ready to get a knee pain solution from the best knee pain surgeon near you?
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Struggling with knee pain? Connect with a knee specialist near you in Ahmedabad, India. Our team of highly qualified knee orthopaedic surgeons offers comprehensive knee pain solutions.
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tired and i'm awake
fandom: Chicago Med
pairing: Connor Rhodes x Reader
summary: You've kept your chronic pain a secret from Connor since you started dating. But fate has other plans for you, and an untimely accident leads to him finding out about your condition.
tags/warnings: angst, injury, burns, hurt/comfort, chronic pain/illness
word count: 3024
a/n: this one's for all my EDS/POTS combo girlies
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When you were young, the doctors said it was “growing pains.” That eventually it would go away, that it was only temporary, take an Advil.
Then you got older, and it was your period. Even though the pain was constant and all over, somehow every doctor put it down to your cycle. Sure, it was worse when you were menstruating, but it didn’t disappear when you weren’t.
Sometimes, you were “making it up” or “drug seeking.” ER visits, annual physicals, all proved fruitless. Eventually, it was all just too much to handle. The constant doctors’ visits, the unending questions with no answers. You’re tired.
Even when you lay on the bathroom floor, curled around yourself and sobbing, you refuse to go to the doctor. You know it won’t amount to anything, just another bill and insurance paperwork. You manage on your own with 3 extra strength Tylenol or a heating pad or just laying in bed until it mostly subsides. Then you can get up and pretend to be okay again.
So, it was a bit of a surprise to everyone who knows of your issues when you started dating a surgeon. Hell, you even surprised yourself. But Connor is… different. He’s kind and understanding and patient. Still, your previous negative experiences prevent you from telling him about the chronic pain you experience, or any of the other problems that come along with it.
You’ve been dating now for about six months and you couldn’t be happier. Connor’s hours are busy and long, but you look forward to the end of every day when you can see him. Even if it means putting on a brave face when your joints ache. You moved in together about a month ago, and it’s a little harder to hide the pain now, but you manage. You don’t want to be just another patient for him to deal with.
Today, you have a feeling it’s going to be a little more difficult to put on your façade. Your knees and hips have been acting up lately. Everything feels… a bit looser than usual, like the tissues between your joints are made of thin string, ready to break at any movement. Each movement feels as though you’re going to rip yourself apart, limb from limb. It’s all you can do not to cry out when you finally pry yourself out of bed in the morning. Connor is already gone, having left sometime in the middle of the night, off to work his shift at the ED. You hope beyond hope that the pain will have subsided by the time he gets home tonight.
You hope that maybe a warm bath with some Epsom salts will help, and take short, shuffling steps to the bathroom, walking near the wall just in case. Each footfall sends shooting pain up your legs. You grit your teeth and manage to make it to the toilet, sitting down and reaching to turn the tap on the bath. Breathing in and out slowly, you remind yourself that you have this under control. You will survive this, it’s just pain. It’s just pain.
You stare as the tub fills with water, trying your best to compartmentalize and clear the pain away. Mind over matter, that’s what your mother always says. Easy for her, when she’s not the one in pain.
Feeling as though you might break with any sudden moves, you lower yourself into the warm bath, closing your eyes as the water surrounds you. It’s calming and smells like eucalyptus.
You linger until the water is cooled and your joints begin to protest from staying in one position too long. You wrap a fluffy robe around yourself, a gift from Connor after he saw the old ratty one you’d been using for years. It’s luxurious and soft, and probably cost him the equivalent of an entire week’s salary for you. Perks of dating a surgeon, you suppose.
Just standing has you feeling lightheaded, and you can feel your heart beating in your ears. For a moment the room darkens as spots fill your vision, but you just breathe in deeply until it subsides. Then you continue to take small steps back out to the bedroom, before placing yourself gingerly on the comforter.
Once you’re still and laying down, the pain begins to creep back in with force. It just reminds you that as much as you want to, you can’t ignore it. You can compartmentalize and convince yourself all you want, but you’re stuck with this.
Now, along with your hips and knees, your back and neck have begun to ache from sitting upright in the tub. You sigh and curl onto your side, your wet hair clinging to your neck. Five minutes, you tell yourself. Then I’ll get up and get dressed and dry my hair and… God, it’s all so much. How are you ever supposed to get all of that done when you feel like this? Still, you reprimand yourself and promise only five minutes of rest. Just until the aching diminishes somewhat.
You wake to the sound of the door unlocking. Night has fallen outside the window, leaving the apartment bathed in darkness.
So much for five minutes.
Connor walks in, looking tired and worn out, but still wearing a smile when he spots you curled up on the bed. You smile back, still groggy from your extended nap.
��Hey sweetheart,” he murmurs, setting his bag down before taking a seat next to you. “How was your day?”
“Good,” you lie easily. “How was work?”
Connor smooths some errant hairs away from your forehead before placing a soft kiss there. “Busy. But good. Did you shower? Your hair’s still wet.”
A fierce blush makes its way up your cheeks as you avoid his eyes. “Took a bath. I guess I just passed out after. Baths always take it out of me,” you half-joke.
Connor’s brow furrows and you can immediately sense the switch into “doctor mode.” He places the back of his hand on your forehead again. “Are you feeling okay?”
“I’m fine,” you reassure, pulling his hand down to your lips to plant a gentle kiss on his knuckles. “Do you want dinner? I can make something.” The ache in your joints begins to make itself known again, but you want to do something nice for Connor. You know how tired he is after his shifts.
“Sure,” Connor replies, but he’s still looking at you with concern.
You slowly sit up, trying to school your expression as something pinches in your hip. “Spaghetti? I think we have some noodles leftover from the other night; I can just make a quick sauce.”
Connor nods and stands with you. “I’m gonna go shower,” he states while pulling you into a loose hug. “Do you need anything before I go?”
You shake your head and breathe him in. He smells like the hospital, but underneath that is the gentle scent of his cologne that always relaxes you. “No, you go. I can handle it.”
Connor releases you and makes his way to the bathroom while you head to the kitchen. You feel incrementally better than this morning, the pain in your back and neck thankfully lessened. Your hips are the worst now, and the right one especially feels tenuous. Each step is shaky, but you push through it.
You’re grateful for the distraction of cooking as you work on dinner, but it’s not enough to totally take away the pain. As you stand over the stove you can still feel the pulsing in your knees, the unsteadiness in your hips, and the ache in your back is returning. You barely suppress a groan as your right hip nearly gives out.
Seconds later, the door to the bathroom opens, and Connor exits with just a pair of jeans slung low on his hips. For a moment you’re tempted to stop cooking altogether and take him right back to bed. But then your right hip protests yet again, and the thought quickly flees. You shoot Connor a smile as he comes up behind you to wrap his arms around your waist. His chin rests on your shoulder and you tense imperceptibly. Illogical as it may seem, you’re worried maybe he’ll… feel your pain or something, if he gets too close.
“Smells good,” Connor murmurs, kissing the side of your neck.
“Grab some plates,” you reply, stirring the spaghetti sauce one more time before turning off the heat.
Connor’s arms leave you and you let out a breath. You grab some potholders from a nearby cabinet and pull the sauce off the stove.
As you make your way over to the table, your hip begins to feel even more unsteady than before. Each step is agony as you grip the saucepot, praying that your leg doesn’t give out now. Connor’s back is to you when suddenly you step wrong. Instantly, you feel a popping sensation in your hip and you stumble.
The pot goes flying, splattering sauce all over you and the kitchen. You crumble to the floor, a short cry leaving your lips. The sauce burns your thighs, uncovered thanks to the robe you still wear, but all you can feel is the burning pain in your hip. It feels… wrong.
It’s not exactly a new experience. A few years ago – with no help from your doctors – you finally realized that this type of pain means something is dislocated. In this case, your hip. It’s one of the worst to dislocate, since you have trouble getting it back in place on your own.
Connor immediately rushes toward you, calling your name in panic. “Are you okay? Oh god, what happened?”
You grit your teeth to stop from crying out again as you right yourself with your leg out in front of you. Your hand grips your right thigh, the pain from your dislocated hip shooting down your leg and making your toes numb.
Connor’s already pulling out his phone to call 911, obviously only seeing the burns on your legs from the hot sauce.
You reach out to grab his wrist to stop him from dialing. “I’m fine,” you insist, tears brimming in your eyes.
Connor levels you with a glare that would make anyone give in. “You just spilled scalding sauce all over yourself. You’re at least getting checked out at the ED.”
“Okay, okay, but… Can’t you just drive me?”
He must hear the pleading tone in your voice because he sets his phone down with a sigh. “Fine,” he surrenders. “Let’s get you cleaned up first so I can take a look.”
You nod as he stands to retrieve towels. Once his back is turned, you take mental stock of your hip. It doesn’t feel too badly dislocated, but it certainly needs to be put back sooner rather than later. Before you get a chance to do it yourself, Connor returns with wet towels. He immediately gets to work gingerly cleaning your skin. You can tell that you’ve at least got first-degree burns, maybe even second in some places. But you can’t get past the pain in your hip. If you could just get a moment alone so you could reset it…
You notice that Connor’s movements have stopped and you look to see what he’s doing. His brows are furrowed as he looks at your right leg, now clean of the sauce. “Doesn’t look too bad, but I still want to go to Med just to be sure. And…” Suddenly his eyes widen and his hands rest delicately on either side of your leg. You can’t help but flinch at the touch. “It looks like your hip is dislocated… God, that must hurt. Did you hit it on the ground when you fell?”
You bite your lip and shake your head. “It’s nothing,” you insist.
“Y/N,” Connor’s voice is firm. “We need to get this reduced. I’m calling an ambulance,” he says, pulling out his phone once more.
“No!” you cry. “I can take care of it!” Before he can stop you, you bend your knee outward, making a half-butterfly shape with your legs, then push down on it with your hands. Your hip pops back into place with an audible click and the relief is instant.
Connor is silent for a long moment as he stares at you, mouth agape.
You speak before he can, blabbering without much sense. “It’s fine, it happens a lot. I’m okay, I promise.”
Your boyfriend’s eyes are wide with concern and empathy. “What do you mean?” he whispers.
You shrug and take the wet towel from his hand, continuing to wipe off the sauce from your other thigh. This one’s not as bad as your right, but it’s still painful. “Nothing, Connor. I just… It happens sometimes, okay? Dislocating things, it’s not new to me.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Connor’s voice is so full of hurt that you immediately regret keeping this from him.
“I don’t know,” you murmur, meeting his eyes. The tears in your own begin to fall down your cheeks. “I just… I’ve always dealt with it on my own. I didn’t want you to have to deal with it too. And I didn’t know if you’d believe me, no one ever believes me, and I didn’t want to lose you because of my broken body…” You’re rambling now, the adrenaline and pain making your words come out jumbled.
Connor scoots over to sit next to you, uncaring of the sauce that’s getting on his jeans. His arm wraps around you gently, and already you can feel that he’s treating you differently. Touching you like you’re… fragile. “Y/N… I would never not believe you about something like this. Have you gone to the doctor about it?”
A sob leaves your lips and you smile sarcastically. “Of course, I have, Connor. I’ve been to so many doctors and none of them have any answers. It’s always growing pains, or my period, or I’m faking it. Eventually I just gave up because, like I said, I can deal with it on my own.”
Connor is silent for a long while. Finally, he lifts your chin with his finger so you’re forced to meet his eyes. “You don’t have to deal with it on your own now. We’re together, and that means we tell each other these things. I won’t leave you because of something you can’t control, sweetheart. And I want you to find answers. We can find them together. Okay?”
You nod and Connor goes to dial 911 again. As he’s on the phone with the operator, you let the tears fall. The pain of the burns is finally hitting you, only adding to the existing pain you already feel. Connor’s words mean everything to you, but right now that’s all they are – words. How can you know he’ll stay with you after he finds out what this really is like? The constant pain, the days spent in bed, the agony of it all? How could anyone – how could Connor – ever want someone like you?
You don’t realize that Connor is done on the phone until his hand lands on your shoulder. “Babe?” his voice is a little louder than necessary, which tells you that he’s been trying to get your attention for a while.
“Sorry,” you mutter, using the back of your hand to wipe away errant tears.
Connor takes a deep breath, and you worry about what he’s going to say. “You can talk to me, you know?”
You nod, avoiding his eyes. “I know. But this… I don’t want to be just another person you have to take care of.” The sound of sirens grows loud outside the apartment building.
“Honey. Look at me,” Connor urges, lifting your chin again. “You are not just another patient to me. You never will be. Okay?”
“You don’t know,” you whisper, your voice suddenly hoarse. “Once you know what it’s like, how much help I’ll need… I don’t know what my life will be like in 10 years, hell, even in a year. I’m in pain all the time, and I don’t know if it will get worse, and I don’t want you to be burdened with that.”
Before Connor can answer, the intercom buzzes as the paramedics request entrance. Connor stands to let them in, and you bring your sore legs up so you can bury your head in your knees. The embarrassment of it all is starting to hit you as you realize that soon you’ll be at Med, surrounded by Connor’s colleagues. No doubt he’ll want to run a myriad of tests to figure out your underlying condition, and you’re not sure you have the energy for that right now.
You hear the door opening, followed by a couple pairs of footsteps and Connor’s voice getting closer. “Female, 27, post-fall and contact with hot liquid. Superficial partial thickness burns on the thighs. Right hip dislocated but already reduced.” You hold in a snort at his medical jargon describing your silly accident.
The paramedics aren’t anyone you know, but they’re nice enough as they examine the burns and apply saline-soaked gauze. You’re embarrassed by your lack of proper clothing, but they don’t seem to mind. You’re sure they’ve seen worse than a nearly-naked woman anyway.
They ask various questions while Connor watches nearby, eyes slightly narrowed as if to make sure they don’t hurt you further. Once you’re finally loaded up onto a stretcher, he returns to your side and holds your hand in a crushing grip.
“This is really unnecessary,” you mutter at him, squeezing his hand.
Connor looks down at you with a soft smile. “Doctor knows best, sweetheart.” He plants a gentle kiss on your forehead. “Don’t worry, we won’t stay if you don’t want. As long as you get that hip x-rayed and those burns checked, I’ll be satisfied. We can figure out the rest later.”
You smile back, tears pricking your eyes again. “Thank you, Connor. For being here.”
He snorts out a laugh. “You really have to raise your standards, baby.”
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judas-is-scary · 10 months
So I really liked Zoom Academy for Superheros as a kid, a widely panned kids movie from 2007 starring Tim Allen. I rewatched it fairly recently and wrote a little thing, I never ended up posting it. But here it is for funsies, I've never posted any fanfic before and I have no spelling skills. I hope anyone who also remembers this weirdly dark childrens movie likes it.
Its similar to the story you know
It starts the same, a lone survivor barely 17 powerless in the desert. The bodies of three friends scattered around him and a brother gone. Nothing left to bury.
The sheer amount of nuclear energy released by the vortex jack creates finds it's way into the atmosphere. Resulting in a generation of children born with powers. Not enough to cause a fuss but the neighbours aren't too surprised when Cindy uproots a tree to shake out her frisby. Kevin down the street can make little wind gusts, Cindy's power level though is enough to catch attention.
As is Dylan's, Summers and Tuckers, when he uses it that is.
So they all end up in that miltary base. Jack with the promise of money if trains them, he rather take the carrot than stick. The jail he'd end up in probably looks less like a prison and more like a fresh ditch and bullet in the head.
The kids go of course because they're parents say so and so does the military. Their parents sign waivers and are fairly compensated for their loss. On that day they go from children to military assets, an important distinction where legality is concerned.
The story is much the same, jack is jaded, the children adjust as best they can to their environment. Holloway gives encouragement as best she can knowing she is likely sending children to die.
Better a heros death she tells herself, they'll get comic books written about them just like jack. The comic books don't mention that he's always late thinking he'll get there faster than he can, or that he's deaf in one ear, or that below the left knee he is metal.
They expose the children to gamma, of course they do. One child's life is not worth what Concussion could do. Dylan is the first. They reason better the invisible kid go crazy than one that can lift a truck. It unlocks his clairvoyance `mindsight` jack calls it. He vomits for days afterward but he does not go crazy and he does not die.
Concussion shows up before the military can dose the rest. Jacks powers reactivate to save Cindy. To this day there is still shrapnel in her arm from shards of the metal net, too small for the surgeons.
Concussion sends back the rocks that summer throws at him, most miss. One doesn't, it hits her right in the eye. Cindy thinks the eyepatch she wears after is cool so summer does mind too much.
Tucker manages a good hit in before a blast sends him into rocks that leaves him paralysed from the waist down. He always says it could be worse, if he lost an eye like summer, that would be it. God forbid the world be deprived of his baby blues.
Dylan comes out relatively unscathed. The gamma damage stays however, it was a miracle that jack lived past 40 and it will be another if he does.
Connor is saved. Thanks to jack, Concussion is just his big brother again. Still 19 and no longer trapped in a space between here and now.
Jack however, there is a reason his powers stopped working. It isn't a mental block caused by the pain of losing his family. It was self defence. The speeds he could move at weren't sustainable on his body, especially after the first vortex. So his body shut it down.
He is nearing 50, he is not 17, his body gives up. Jack is Zoom for a fight, jack gets to be Zoom once more before he drops from exertion and does not get up.
Summer and the rest take the ship and Connor. You can't track space tec, staying hidden helps when you've got a friend that can see around corners. They live in a house a little bit too small for them in a city easy to get lost in and try to adjust back to civilian life.
Connor is old enough to pose as an older brother and the kids get to go back to school. It's easier to make friends now at least, high school bullies aren't very scary anymore. Connor disappeared in the 80s so the all the technolgy is a riot. He misses he brother and blames himself for his orginal teams deaths.
The new family helps him move on. When Cindy finishes high school they move out to a farm. Summer finds business is easy when you can sense emotion, so money isn't a problem.
Cindy can lift all the heavy objects she wants. Summer loves the animals and tucker is a mean cook. Dylan learns to garden. Connor fixes stuff when it breaks and retrofits tuckers chair with tracks and others gadgets inspired by the ships design.
There is a horse named jack because he's the fastest they have and whenever the gang needs a break they go brush him. Everyone knows it means to leave them be. They all have their own demons.
They sell things at the famers market. The community is endeared if confused by the odd family. They don't ask questions, they are all out here for their own reasons and tucker makes the best pies in town.
They heal, away from the military. They are not heroes. They are a family and they are happy.
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babeyvenus · 2 years
My Future
Derek Hale x OC
Samantha, Stiles and Scott are always joking about the impossible. Who wouldn't when your best friend's dad is the sheriff of Beacon Hills? All jokes stop when they realize the impossible is indeed possible.
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Chapter 48: Family and Hell
Sam headed back inside the building and looked for Theo who hissed, holding his cut side in pain. "You still with us, Raeken?", she asked, walking up to him.
He scoffed. "Last name basis, now?" She rolled her eyes, crouching near him. "Just tell me you wanna get killed first and I'll hand you to the beast if it'll make you feel better.", she says, sarcastically.
He grunted, trying to sit up on the wall. "Lemme see.", Sam said, reluctantly.
He looked at her before removing his bloody hand, showing her a gash. She grimaced and hovered her glowing hand above his wound, helping him heal.
He watched in astonishment once she finished, feeling sore in her own side before feeling the pain subside.
He looked up at her as she looked at him with a frown. "That's what you've been missing out on. If you played nice, you'd probably learn more about me than you do now.", she said, standing up.
Theo looked down before getting up. She turned away from him, ready to walk away. "We just...", she sighed. She paused. "I just wish you did better.", she says, before turning around to face him.
"We probably need you on our team more than you need us. But that doesn't make you boss. That just makes you a part of the pack. If you used your abilities the right way instead of just using them for being an overlord or whatever you were gonna call yourself.", Sam said then left the Raeken boy.
"Sam!", Scott called. She ran up to him, pausing as she caught Tracy. "Shit."
"So, you're alive.", Tracy frowned.
"Guess electricity doesn't knock you out for long, huh?", Sam scoffed and ran after Scott who rushed over to Liam.
Scott and Liam picked up the Surgeon and looked at Sam. "Is he…?", she grimaced.
"He's still alive.", Scott nodded. "We're taking him to Deaton."
Sam nodded, following Scott and Liam to the Animal Clinic.
The Surgeon was laid out on the table and the pack surrounded him. Deaton looked over the doctor, examining the head while Scott and Stiles stood on the one side as Liam and Sam stood on the opposite side.
"Can you keep him alive?" Scott questioned Deaton. "I'm not sure he technically is alive." Deaton said.
"Screw keeping him alive.", Liam uttered. "How do we get him to talk?"
"Personally, I don't think we utilize torture nearly enough.", Stiles retorted. "Stiles.", Sam warned with raised eyebrows.
Stiles let out a small huff. 
"Wait. Did you hear that?", Liam asked and they looked at him before the older werewolves began to hear a ringing in their ears that got louder.
Sam covered her ears. "What's going on?", Stiles asked, confused. The ringing got deafeningly and painfully louder, causing Sam to drop to a knee. What the hell was this noise??
"It's Sebastien.", Scott whispered. "He's calling out to–"
Sam let out a loud, painful yell and the Surgeon shot up on the table, emitting his frequency. Everyone had their ears covered from the loud noises.
The tables rattled and the floor shook as the Surgeon jumped off the table, standing up and headed for the door. Liam uncovered his ears, instantly chasing after the doctor.
"Liam, wait!", Scott yelled and Sam reached for Liam but the Surgeon whipped his hand back that created a force wave and Liam flew back into Sam.
They both covered their ears, thrashing on the floor as the surgeon escaped.
As the noise decreased, Stiles ran to Sam and took her in his arms, as she groaned. "You okay?", Stiles asked.
Sam let out a panting sigh. "I hate those doctors."
"The cane.", Scott whispered.
"They got the cane.", Liam said "What?" Stiles frowned as well as Sam.
"The pike was the cane that he had and Argent and Gerard took it.", Scott stated.
Sam got up. "Then that means that Sebastien wants it and he's gonna track it down."
With that, Scott starting looking through Mason's files. "Maybe there's something in here. Something about how he was a Genetic Chimera."
"Mason had a vanishing twin.", Deaton nodded.
"Now we've got a vanishing Mason.", Stiles complained.
"A vanishing twin?", Sam asked. "He ate his twin.", Deaton summed. Sam grimaced. God.
Liam shrugged. "What does that have to do with him turning into a 250-year-old French guy? How does that even happen?"
"Scott might have something.", Deaton said "Mason's twin wasn't entirely gone. That's what made him a Genetic Chimera."
"The DNA was still there.", Scott said in realization.
"Metaphorically speaking, the DNA of Mason could still be inside Sebastien as well."
"How?" Stiles furrowed his brow.
"Energy.", Sam suggested.
"Sam's right. Life is energy. Energy doesn't just disappear. The Dread Doctors may have found a way to break the rules of the supernatural world but there are some rules that simply won't break.", Deaton explained.
"So Mason can't just be gone?", Liam asked.
"Somewhere in Sebastien he has to still exist in some form. A spark of energy, a flicker of memory."
Stiles picked up the Surgeon's mask, eyeing it. "Hang on... Liam, you said Mason said something right before he turned."
"Yeah.", Liam said. "He said, "That's not my name'." Sam said.
Scott nodded. "He finally remembered his name." "Damnatio Memoriae.", Stiles said.
"That's what they wanted. They wanted Sebastien to remember his name.", Liam nodded.
"That was enough for them.", Sam said. "We called him Mason. Kept calling him Mason and he just… he wasn't having it."
Deaton looked at Scott. "Scott, you know the myth of what happens when you call a werewolf by its given name?"
"It turns back to human."
"What does that mean?", Liam asked. "Someone can just walk up to the Beast, yell Mason's name and turn him back?"
"Not just someone..."
"It's gotta be Lydia.", Sam said.
Stiles nodded. "We'll get her."
The teen split up, and Sam went after the Surgeon. She managed to sense where the doctor was and saw a man's head instead.
She walked up to it to see a ghostly pale, clammy face that had indents of old stitches in it. She gave it a nudge with her foot, causing the one good eye to look up at her.
"The beast…. has been created.", he rasped. 
Sam frowned. "What was the purpose? What were you trying to gain from this?"
The man took in a raspy breath. "I…." Black blood dripped out of his mouth. His death was approaching. "I owed a friend a favor."
She tilted her head in confusion before letting out a soft breath of realization. "You're Marcel."
The surgeon nodded. Sam shook her head. "You brought him back. Why?" The man hadn't answered. "How do we stop him from hurting anyone else? He's uncontrollable.", Sam pressed.
"You can defeat him…with the pike.", he answered. "Just as the banshee must wield her scream..and the hellhound wields its fire." As he gave a final sigh, he finally died.
Sam walked away heading for the police station. In the sheriff's office, sebastien sat in front of sheriff stilinski's desk and the sheriff put away his phone after getting Stiles' messages, explaining the problems. The older Stilinski looked at Sebastien. "You're looking for one of the argents?"
Sebastien looked at him with amused eyes. "You seem to know who I am. That means you know what I'm capable of."
"I've got some experience.", the sheriff agreed.
"Your weapons may be more sophisticated than the arrows and the bullets of my time, but they still won't kill me.", Sebastien determined.
The sheriff reached into his holster, took out his gun and sat it down on his desk as he stared at Sebastien, certain of himself. "I'm pretty sure a nine millimeter beretta will do more damage than an 18th century musket."
Sebastien set his jaw, eyeing the gun before looking at the sheriff. "Are you certain? I can walk out of this place with my hands clean. Or, I can walk out with them drenched in blood.", he said, with raised eyebrows. "Your choice."
Sebastien stood up and the sheriff did as well, preparing for any attack.
The deputy outside the office noticed the commotion and busted in the office. "Sir?", the deputy looked at her supervisor.
"Clarke, don't." Sheriff held his hand up to stop her. Sebastien glared at Clarke and she glared at him. "Stop where you are."
His eyes immediately illuminated in a blue light and his fangs protruded from his lips. "Let him go.", the sheriff ordered but the deputy whipped out her gun, aiming at Sebastien, making him let out a growl as he pounded at her. Both authorities shot off their guns.
Lydia, who was already at the sheriff's office, heard the guns go off, fearing what was to come. Lydia left the room she stayed in and watched as Sebastien turned towards her and growled. He ran over, ready to strike his long claws into her throat.
Before he could harm her any deeper, Lydia let out her best screech, making him stumble back. She raised her hands, pushing the force of her scream to make him fly back into the wall.
Hayden arrived and saw his form, making her step away in fear. Sebastien glanced down at his claws, seeing Lydia's blood on them and looked up at her to see her holding her bloody neck. Lydia's eyes fluttered as she dropped to her knees. 
His eyes then roamed up to Hayden and he stood, huffing. "Hayden. Your name is Hayden." Before he could attack anyone else, Sam busted in the sheriff's office, partially shifted as she let out a growl.
She looked to see a bloody Lydia and knelt down to her. "Hey. Hey!", she carried Lydia into her arms as she glanced at Sebastien who took Hayden. "Shit."
"Sam.", the girl looked up to see the sheriff. "We gotta get her to the hospital." Sam nodded and carried her out to the van.
On the way to the hospital, Sam made sure to heal anything that could fatally kill Lydia before arriving. At least, she'd be able to get some rest.
Sam helped Lydia out of the van and into the hospital, coming straight for Melissa. "We need help! It's Lydia."
The woman got more nurses to help Lydia onto a stretcher and into a room. "What happened?", Melissa asked Sam. Sam sighed. "The usual."
Scott, Stiles, and Liam had arrived at the hospital, and Melissa gave a rundown of Lydia's condition.
After that, Scott, Sam and Liam waited out in the hall while Stiles stayed with Lydia. "Is she okay?", Liam asked. "She's gonna be fine, but... She can't really talk.", Scott said.
Liam nodded. "Then it's over, isn't it?" He frowned, growing upset. "There's nothing we can do to save him."
Sam looked at the boy sadly. "Liam…"
Scott picked up his phone, receiving multiple voicemails from Kira and walked away to listen to them. Liam sighed sadly. They were running out of time and he was gradually losing his friend.
It hurt.
Sam looked at the boy and brought him into a hug. "I'm sorry. I wish we had more time to get him.", she mumbled. He hugged her back. "I just… I wish I knew earlier."
Sam pulled away to look at him. "Hey, there's nothing you could've done. You weren't even supposed to be dragged into supernatural things. You're still new to this, there's just some things you might not know or not be prepared for. But we got you anyways.", she reassured.
Liam looked down. "Scott… Scott told me you revived someone. Could you do that in case we do lose Mason? In case… I do?", he asked.
Sam frowned sadly. "It only works if I take someone's life. I was only able to revive him because I helped kill the Nogitsune. It would've probably worked if I had killed Kate, but I couldn't. It's not always easy. Trust me."
She put a hand on his shoulder, making him look at her. "We're gonna get this done. We'll save Mason. Okay?" Liam sighed and nodded before being brought into another hug.
They pulled away once Scott came back. "C'mon."
Liam and Sam looked confused. "Why?"
"Because I've got an idea. And because this isn't over.", he determined and his betas followed after him, entering Lydia's room.
Scott pulled his mom aside to talk to her and Sam went over to Stiles. "How's she doing?", she asked. "She's stable. Scott's mom said she got lucky."
Sam nodded.
Scott had told them his plan and his pack nodded. Liam and Scott helped Lydia sit up as Melissa walked over to her. "Lydia, this is gonna have to be just between us, because I could get fired for it."
Melissa took out a syringe filled with a liquid.
"It's a cortisone shot. It's gonna bring the inflammation down," Scott stated as his mom took off the cap to reveal the huge needle.
Scott's betas instantly tensed up, getting nervous themselves, while Lydia weakly nodded, taking out her arm from under the covers. "Not there.", Melissa said and reached for the bandage patch that was on Lydia's neck. She peels back the one top part and Lydia groans in pain.
Stiles nodded. "Oh, yeah, okay, I'm gonna need to leave."
"You're not going anywhere.", Melissa instructed. "Hold her hand."
"Okay, fine." He huffed. "I'm not leaving, but I still might faint.", he complained. 
Melissa took a breath. "Okay. Here we go." She aimed the needle to her neck and before she could insert it, they paused at the sound of a thud.
They turned around and saw that Liam had passed out. Sam shook her head and picked him up as Melissa continued.
After everything settled and got Lydia dressed up, they quickly left the hospital. "Okay. I'll get Malia. Text me when you find Parrish.", Stiles said, getting ready to go.
"Hold on.", Scott stopped him and reached into his pocket, handing Stiles a brown paper bag.
"What is this?", Stiles asked, confused.
"Something I've been working on for a while. Just make sure Malia gets it.", Scott said.
Stiles nodded. "Is it plan B?"
"It was plan A."
"Plan A never works.", Stiles frowned.
"This is gonna work.", Sam said, making the boys look at her. "It has to. We haven't exactly failed before. We're gonna finish this."
Scott nodded and left with Liam and Lydia. Stiles and Sam arrived at the house, and hopped out of the Jeep, running up to the front of the house.
Stiles quickly swung the door open and stopped, making Sam frown and look over his shoulder.
Malia was standing on the staircase with her fangs bared while her mother was on the opposite side, pointing her gun directly at Stiles and Sam. "Ah, damn.", Stiles mumbled, shaking his head.
Before the bullet could hit either of the two, Sam put up a barrier and pushed it toward the woman. Sam huffed and looked around, her eyes catching Malia. "You okay?", she asked. Malia nodded.
"Yeah– look out!", Stiles takes Sam in his arms, ducking her out of the way as Corrine attacks Malia.
They ducked as Malia groaned, clattering on the glass coffee table, causing it to shatter.
Corinne threw Malia into the wall, and glared at her. Sam and Stiles watched as Corinne turned towards them, grinning. "You should've brought your bat.", Sam muttered, and shifted, growling at the woman.
"Hm. You're new.", Corrine said, turning to attack Sam. Before she could, Stiles moved in front of Sam, ready to send a punch to the woman. "No, you don't!"
Corrine dodged and backhanded him onto the floor, landing him in the shards of glass from the coffee table. "Stiles!", Sam exclaimed, not seeing him move.
Sam let out a loud growl, bringing the woman's shadow toward her before sending a punch in the woman's face, slamming her back against the wall next to Malia.
Stiles rolled over coughing and Sam rushed to him. "Hey.", she called, helping him on his back. Her eyes widened at the large glass shard in his shoulder. His blood was spreading fast. "Shit.", she muttered. He groaned. "Just get the talons.", Stiles said.
They jumped at the sound of a gunshot and saw Malia holding her bloodied shoulder as her mother aimed a pistol at her and continued to shoot.
Sam hurriedly got the talons, and looked at Malia. "Malia, catch!", Sam called, gaining the werecoyote's attention and threw the talons to her. Malia hurriedly caught the talons and put them onto her palm.
Her mother stormed over to her and plunged her claws into the girl's stomach as her eyes brightened blue.
Malia groaned, clenching her jaw tightly. "I want my power back!" Her mother growled.
Malia put the claws on and let the jar fall to the floor. Malia growled back and plunged her own claws into her mother's stomach, making the talons illuminate a pale blue color. Malia huffed as her blue eyes brightened more than before. "I want my family back.", she declared. 
Corinne gasped, her glowing eyes dimmed as Malia removed her from the talons, making her stumble back. Braeden rushed behind her, and before Corrine could run, Braeden brought the butt of her shotgun and slammed it in her face, knocking her out.
Sam let out a sigh and gave Braeden a nod. 
"Can someone please come and take this gigantic shard of glass out of my chest? Please?", Stiles said, making Sam chuckle and kneel down to him. 
Sam placed a hand on his unharmed shoulder and looked at him as she reached for the shard. "Take a deep breath."
"On three.", Stiles said hurriedly. Sam rolled her eyes. "One."
"Two." Stiles let out a loud yell as Sam yanked it out. She hurriedly healed him as he whined. "We were supposed to go three.", he frowned.
Sam shook her head, helping him up.
After leaving the house, Sam, Stiles, Braeden and Malia were notified that the beast was finally taken care of and Theo was taken to hell by his dead sister who Kira revived.
"Dammit, I wish I could've seen that!", Sam complained. "You're so weird!", Stiles exclaimed as he drove them home.
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parekhhospital · 27 days
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jainhospitalkhanna · 1 month
Meet Captain Nand Lal, the President of Sabka Sainik Union in Khanna, who has experienced life-changing Advanced 3D Knee Resurfacing at Jain Hospital. After enduring severe knee pain and trying countless treatments, he found lasting relief and exceptional care with us.
🚨 His Journey: -
Suffered from severe knee pain.
-Tried various treatments with no success.
-Inspired and motivated by Dr. Atul Jagga to undergo knee replacement in 2021.
-Pain-free and back to his active life after surgery!
🔄 When Pain Returned:
-Experienced similar pain in the right knee.
-Trusted Jain Hospital and Dr. Jagga again for a second knee replacement.
-Underwent successful surgery and now enjoys a pain-free life.
🏥 Why Jain Multispeciality Hospital?
-Compassionate and professional staff.
-Advanced techniques and state-of-the-art facilities.
-Personalised care that feels like family support.
-Delicious food and a comforting environment.
Captain Nand Lal is ready to continue his active life, thanks to Jain Hospital!
highly recommends our services to anyone suffering from knee pain.
👉 Contact us today to schedule a consultation: 7710644429, 9855744429
Advanced 3D Knee Resurfacing is a minimally invasive surgical technique used to treat knee joint issues, primarily osteoarthritis. It involves using 3D imaging technology to create a precise map of the patient's knee, allowing the surgeon to accurately resurface the damaged areas of the knee joint.
✅ The advantages of knee resurfacing technique include:
➞ Minimally Invasive: Smaller incisions and less tissue damage.
➞ Bone Preservation: Retains more of the natural bone and tissue.
➞ Faster Recovery: Quicker return to normal activities.
➞ Improved Accuracy: Enhanced precision with 3D imaging
➞ Better Function: More natural knee movement and function.
➞ Reduced Pain: Less post-operative pain compared to traditional knee replacement.
-Longevity: Potential for longer-lasting results.
💪 Don't Let Knee Pain Hold You Back! Experience the best in Advanced 3D Knee Resurfacing with our expert team.
✅ Visit Arko Jain Hospital for advanced knee resurfacing techniques, ensuring minimal bone cut, blood loss, and fast recovery. Stay tuned for more educational videos on knee resurfacing. Subscribe to our channel and leave your questions in the comment section. Our team will get back to you with answers.
📞 +91-98557-44429
WhatsApp No. 77106-44429
Emergency No:- 99886-34400
Website: https://jainhospitalkhanna.com/
Address: Near Dussehra Ground, Distt, opposite Electricity Board, Khanna, Punjab 141401
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orthocenter · 1 month
Permanent Solutions for Knee Pain | Dr. Shrikant Dalal | Orthopedic Specialist in Pune
Knee pain is a common issue that affects people of all ages, often leading to discomfort, reduced mobility, and a decreased quality of life. Whether it's due to aging, injury, or medical conditions like arthritis, finding a permanent solution for knee pain is essential. Dr. Shrikant Dalal, a renowned Orthopedic doctor in Pune at Orthos Centre, offers valuable insights on effective and lasting treatments.
Understanding the Causes of Knee Pain
Knee pain can stem from various factors, including:
Osteoarthritis: The most common form of arthritis, characterized by the wear and tear of cartilage in the knee joint.
Injuries: Ligament tears, meniscus injuries, and fractures can cause significant knee pain.
Rheumatoid Arthritis: An autoimmune condition that causes inflammation in the joints, leading to pain and stiffness.
Bursitis: Inflammation of the small sacs of fluid (bursae) that cushion the knee joint.
Non-Surgical Permanent Solutions
For many, non-surgical interventions can provide long-term relief:
Physical Therapy: Tailored exercises can strengthen the muscles around the knee, improving stability and reducing pain.
Weight Management: Reducing excess weight can decrease the stress on the knee joints, alleviating pain.
Medications: Anti-inflammatory drugs and pain relievers can manage symptoms, though they may not offer a permanent solution.
Injections: Corticosteroid injections or hyaluronic acid can provide temporary relief and improve joint function.
Surgical Permanent Solutions
When conservative treatments are insufficient, surgical options may be considered:
Arthroscopy: A minimally invasive procedure that allows the surgeon to repair or remove damaged tissues in the knee.
Partial Knee Replacement: Only the damaged part of the knee is replaced, preserving healthy bone and tissue.
Total Knee Replacement: The entire knee joint is replaced with an artificial implant, offering long-term relief from pain and improved mobility.
Osteotomy: A procedure that involves cutting and reshaping the bones to relieve pressure on the knee joint.
Dr. Shrikant Dalal emphasizes the importance of personalized treatment plans. Advances in orthopedic care, such as regenerative medicine, including platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy and stem cell therapy, are promising avenues for treating knee pain. These treatments aim to repair damaged tissues and promote natural healing, potentially offering a permanent solution without the need for surgery.
The journey to finding a permanent solution for knee pain requires a comprehensive approach. Consulting with the Orthos Center an orthopedic clinic in Pune, ensures that you receive the best care tailored to your specific condition. Whether through non-surgical methods or advanced surgical techniques, lasting relief from knee pain is achievable, helping you regain your mobility and quality of life.
Learn More.
Name: Orthos Orthopedic & Spine Superspeciality Centre | Orthopedic Clinic in Pune
Phone Number : 096191 75354
Address : Office No.9, 1st Floor, PrimeRose Mall, Baner - Balewadi Rd, near Dutta mandir, Balewadi Phata, Baner, Pune, Maharashtra 411045
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drankitdaveortho · 2 months
Understanding Arthroscopy: A Minimally Invasive Solution for Joint Problems
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Arthroscopy has revolutionized the diagnosis and treatment of joint problems, offering a minimally invasive alternative to traditional open surgery. This innovative procedure allows to visualize, diagnose, and treat a wide range of joint issues with minimal disruption to surrounding tissues. In this blog post, Dr. Ankit Dave , being one of the best doctors for arthroscopy surgery in Nairobi, will discuss what arthroscopy is, how it works, its benefits, and what to expect if you’re scheduled for this procedure.
What is Arthroscopy?
Arthroscopy is a surgical procedure that uses a tiny camera (arthroscope) and miniature surgical instruments to examine and treat problems inside a joint. The term “arthroscopy” comes from two Greek words: “arthro” (joint) and “skopein” (to look). This procedure can be performed on various joints, including the knee, shoulder, hip, ankle, elbow, and wrist.
How Does Arthroscopy Work?
Dr Ankit Dave, one of the best orthopedic surgeon in Nairobi, shares the process with us:
During an arthroscopic procedure:
1. Small incisions: The surgeon makes small incisions (usually about the size of a buttonhole) near the affected joint.
2. Insertion of the arthroscope: A narrow tube containing a fiber-optic video camera is inserted through one of the incisions.
3. Visualization: The camera sends images to a high-definition video monitor, giving the surgeon a clear, magnified view of the inside of the joint.
4. Diagnosis and treatment: Using the video feed as a guide, the surgeon can diagnose the problem and, if necessary, insert small instruments through additional small incisions to treat the issue.
Common Conditions Treated with Arthroscopy
The best doctors for arthroscopy surgery in Nairobi use this technique to diagnose and treat a variety of joint problems, including:
1. Torn meniscus in the knee
2. Rotator cuff tears in the shoulder
3. Cartilage damage
4. Ligament tears (such as ACL or PCL in the knee)
5. Inflammation of the joint lining (synovitis)
6. Removal of loose bodies (small pieces of bone or cartilage) in the joint
7. Carpal tunnel syndrome in the wrist
8. Hip impingement
Benefits of Arthroscopy
Compared to traditional open surgery, arthroscopy offers several advantages:
1. Minimally invasive: Smaller incisions mean less tissue damage and scarring.
2. Faster recovery: Most arthroscopic procedures are outpatient, allowing patients to return home the same day.
3. Reduced pain: Smaller incisions typically result in less postoperative pain.
4. Lower risk of complications: The minimal invasiveness reduces risks associated with larger surgical incisions.
5. Improved accuracy: The magnified view allows for precise diagnosis and treatment.
6. Shorter hospital stays: Many patients can go home within hours of the procedure.
7. Quicker return to activities: Recovery time is often shorter compared to open surgery.
Preparing for Arthroscopy
The first step is to consult with one of the best orthopaedic surgeons in Nairobi. If you’re scheduled for an arthroscopic procedure, your doctor will provide specific instructions, but general preparation may include:
1. Fasting: You may need to stop eating or drinking for a period before the surgery.
2. Medication review: Inform your doctor about all medications you’re taking, as some may need to be temporarily stopped.
3. Arrange transportation: You won’t be able to drive immediately after the procedure.
4. Wear comfortable clothing: Choose loose-fitting clothes that are easy to put on and take off.
The Arthroscopy Procedure
“Arthroscopy is typically performed under local, regional, or general anaesthesia, depending on the joint involved and the complexity of the procedure. The entire process usually takes 30 minutes to over an hour, depending on what needs to be done.”, says Dr Ankit Dave, one of the best doctors for arthroscopy surgery in Nairobi.
After the procedure, you’ll spend some time in a recovery area before being discharged. You’ll receive instructions on caring for your incisions, managing pain, and any activity restrictions.
Recovery and Rehabilitation
Recovery time varies depending on the joint treated and the specific procedure performed. However, most patients can expect:
1. Some pain and swelling for a few days, manageable with ice and pain medication
2. A period of rest and limited movement of the affected joint
3. Gradual return to normal activities, often within a few weeks
4. Physical therapy to restore strength and mobility
It’s crucial to follow your doctor’s post-operative instructions carefully to ensure optimal healing and prevent complications.
Potential Risks and Complications
While arthroscopy is generally safe, all surgical procedures carry some risks. Potential complications, although rare, may include:
1. Infection
2. Blood clots
3. Excessive bleeding or swelling
4. Damage to blood vessels or nerves
5. Stiffness in the joint
Arthroscopy has significantly advanced the field of orthopaedic surgery, offering a less invasive option for diagnosing and treating a wide range of joint problems. Its benefits of reduced pain, faster recovery, and improved accuracy make it an attractive option for many patients.
However, it’s important to remember that arthroscopy isn’t suitable for all joint issues. Consult the best orthopaedic surgeon in Nairobi who will determine if you’re a good candidate for this procedure based on your specific condition, overall health, and treatment goal.
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arvachin · 2 months
Dengue Fever: Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention
Dengue fever is a common viral infection spread by mosquitoes, particularly the female Aedes mosquito. It causes flu-like symptoms and can be challenging to diagnose as symptoms resemble other diseases like malaria and typhoid fever. Dengue primarily affects tropical and subtropical regions, with over 400 million cases reported worldwide annually. Importantly, dengue cannot spread directly between people, only through. Read on to learn about its symptoms, treatment, and prevention.
Symptoms of Dengue
Symptoms typically appear 4-6 days after infection and can last for 10-12 days. They include:
Sudden high fever
Severe headache
Pain behind the eyes
Joint and muscle pain
Body ache
Nausea and vomiting
Skin rash or red patches
Severe dengue cases may include:
Persistent fever and vomiting
Difficulty breathing
Tarry stools
Pale skin
Diagnosis of Dengue
Diagnosis involves discussing your medical and travel history with your doctor. This helps in identifying potential exposure and ruling out other conditions. Laboratory tests, including a complete blood count and Dengue Antigen test, are essential if fever persists.
Treatment of Dengue
As a viral infection, there's no specific cure for dengue. Treatment focuses on managing symptoms and preventing complications. Mild cases may require hydration with oral fluids and rehydration salts to replace lost fluids and minerals. Pain relievers like paracetamol can help with body aches. Severe cases may need intravenous fluids or even a blood transfusion for severe dehydration.
Prevention of Dengue
Preventing mosquito bites is key to preventing dengue infection:
Wear long-sleeved clothes and use mosquito repellents containing DEET.
Ensure windows and doors have mosquito screens.
Sleep under mosquito nets, especially in affected areas.
Avoid stagnant water where mosquitoes breed.
Early medical care is crucial if you experience symptoms of dengue. Visit your doctor promptly to prevent complications and receive appropriate treatment.
Early detection and prompt medical care are crucial if symptoms of dengue fever arise. Seeking immediate medical attention not only helps in managing symptoms effectively but also prevents severe complications. By adopting preventive measures and staying vigilant, individuals can significantly reduce the risk of contracting dengue fever and its associated health risks.
Orthopaedists are doctors who diagnose and treat diseases of the muscles, bones, ligaments, joints, and tendons. At Arvachin Hospital, Varanasi, we provide treatment for a wide range of conditions, including knee pain, hip pain, shoulder pain, ankle pain, fractures, ankle sprain, meniscus tear, arthritis, osteoporosis, bursitis, ligament tears.
To select the best orthopedic surgeon in Varanasi, several factors should be kept in mind. First, you need to make sure that the surgeon has experience and a good track record. Secondly, it is necessary for the surgeon to be certified by the concerned Board. Thirdly, the surgeon should have a good reputation, which is with Arvachin Hospital and its best Orthopedics doctors.
Fourth, it is important that the surgeon is associated with a good hospital. Panchve, it is necessary for the surgeon to accept your insurance. Chhathe, the surgeon should be near you. Along with this, a free advice should be provided by the surgeon. Therefore, it must be ensured that the surgeon.
Orthopedic Treatments
Orthopedics is a branch of medicine that specializes in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of conditions involving the muscles and bones.
Orthopedic surgery
Orthopedic physical therapy
Orthopedic footwear
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udaiomnisblog · 3 months
Find The Best Orthopedic Doctor Near Me at Udai Omani Hospital
When it comes to orthopedic care, finding the right doctor is crucial for effective treatment and speedy recovery. If you're searching for the best orthopedic doctor near you, look no further than Udai Omani Hospital. Located in Hyderabad, Udai Omani Hospital is renowned for its team of highly skilled orthopedic specialists who are dedicated to providing top-notch medical care.
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Orthopedic issues can significantly impact your quality of life, making it essential to seek expert care. Whether you're dealing with a sports injury, chronic joint pain, or need surgery, having the best orthopedic doctor near you can make all the difference. Udai Omani Hospital has established itself as a leading healthcare provider in Hyderabad, offering specialized orthopedic services to address a wide range of conditions.
Highly Qualified Orthopedic Specialists
At Udai Omani Hospital, you'll find some of the best orthopedic doctors in the region. The hospital's team of specialists includes experienced surgeons, sports medicine experts, and pediatric orthopedic doctors. Each doctor is committed to staying at the forefront of medical advancements, ensuring that patients receive the most effective and innovative treatments available.
Comprehensive Orthopedic Services
Udai Omani Hospital offers a comprehensive range of orthopedic services to meet the diverse needs of its patients. These services include:
Joint Replacement Surgery: The hospital's orthopedic surgeons specialize in joint replacement procedures, including hip, knee, and shoulder replacements. Using the latest techniques and high-quality materials, they aim to restore mobility and improve the quality of life for patients with severe joint conditions.
Sports Medicine: For athletes and active individuals, Udai Omani Hospital provides expert care for sports-related injuries. The sports medicine team works closely with patients to develop personalized treatment plans that facilitate quick and safe returns to their activities.
Pediatric Orthopedics: Children with orthopedic issues require specialized care. Udai Omani Hospital has dedicated pediatric orthopedic specialists who are experienced in treating congenital deformities, growth-related problems, and traumatic injuries in young patients.
Spine Surgery: The hospital's spine specialists are adept at performing complex spine surgeries, including minimally invasive procedures that reduce recovery times and enhance patient outcomes.
Arthroscopic Surgery: Utilizing minimally invasive techniques, the orthopedic surgeons at Udai Omani Hospital perform arthroscopic surgeries to diagnose and treat joint problems with minimal disruption to the surrounding tissues.
State-of-the-Art Facilities
Udai Omani Hospital is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities that support advanced orthopedic care. The hospital's operating theaters are fitted with the latest surgical equipment, and the diagnostic imaging center provides precise imaging for accurate diagnosis. Additionally, the hospital has a fully equipped physiotherapy and rehabilitation center to support patients in their recovery journey.
Patient-Centered Care
One of the hallmarks of Udai Omani Hospital is its patient-centered approach. The hospital prioritizes patient comfort and convenience at every step. From the initial consultation to post-operative care, transparency, integrity, and timely delivery are at the forefront of every interaction. The hospital's compassionate staff is dedicated to providing personalized care that addresses each patient's unique needs.
Holistic Rehabilitation Programs
Recovery from orthopedic surgery or injury often requires comprehensive rehabilitation. Udai Omani Hospital offers holistic rehabilitation programs that include physical therapy, occupational therapy, and pain management. The goal is to help patients regain their strength, mobility, and independence as quickly as possible. The hospital's rehabilitation specialists work closely with orthopedic doctors to design customized rehabilitation plans that facilitate optimal recovery.
Success Stories
The success stories of patients treated at Udai Omani Hospital are a testament to the hospital's excellence in orthopedic care. Patients who have undergone joint replacement surgeries, spine surgeries, and other orthopedic treatments have experienced significant improvements in their quality of life. Many of them have shared their positive experiences, highlighting the expertise and compassionate care provided by the hospital's orthopedic specialists.
When searching for the best orthopedic doctor near you, Udai Omani Hospital should be your top choice. With its team of expert orthopedic doctors, comprehensive range of services, state-of-the-art facilities, and patient-centered approach, the hospital ensures that every patient receives top-notch care. Whether it's a routine orthopedic issue or a complex surgical procedure, Udai Omani Hospital is dedicated to helping patients achieve the best possible outcomes. For those in need of orthopedic care, Udai Omani Hospital offers the expertise and compassion that make a difference in every patient's journey to recovery.
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hardikortho · 3 months
Don't Put it Off: Understanding the Risks of Delaying Knee Replacement Surgery
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Knee pain can be debilitating, impacting every aspect of your daily life. While surgery may seem like a daunting prospect, delaying a knee replacement when recommended by a qualified orthopedic doctor near you can lead to further complications and a decline in overall well-being. Here at Dr. Hardik Padhiyar, led by the best orthopedic surgeons in Ahmedabad, we understand your concerns. This article explores the potential consequences of postponing knee replacement surgery.
Increased Pain and Stiffness
One of the most significant risks of delaying surgery is the worsening of pain and stiffness. The damaged cartilage in your knee continues to wear down, causing increased friction and inflammation. This translates to a constant ache that can intensify with activity, making even simple tasks like walking or climbing stairs a struggle. Additionally, the joint may become stiffer, limiting your range of motion and flexibility.
Reduced Mobility and Independence
As pain and stiffness worsen, your mobility will inevitably suffer. Daily activities you once enjoyed may become impossible, leading to a loss of independence. You might find yourself relying on aids like canes or walkers, or needing assistance with basic tasks like bathing or dressing. This can significantly impact your quality of life and social interactions.
Weakened Muscles and Increased Risk of Falls
Chronic knee pain often leads to a decrease in physical activity. This muscle weakness surrounding the joint can further destabilize the knee, increasing your risk of falls and potential fractures.
Deformity and Bone Loss
With prolonged wear and tear, the bones in your knee joint can begin to deform. This can lead to a bowlegged or knock-kneed appearance, causing additional strain on the surrounding muscles and ligaments. Furthermore, delaying surgery can contribute to bone loss, making the replacement procedure more complex and potentially less successful.
Impact on Overall Health
Reduced mobility due to knee pain can have a domino effect on your overall health. Limited physical activity can lead to weight gain, increasing the stress on your joints and worsening pain. Additionally, inactivity can increase your risk of developing other health problems such as heart disease, diabetes, and even depression.
Complications with Surgery
While robotic knee replacement in Ahmedabad offers advanced minimally invasive techniques, waiting too long can make the surgery more challenging. The complexity of the procedure may increase due to severe joint damage, potentially leading to a longer recovery time and an increased risk of complications.
Considering Alternatives
It's important to understand that knee replacement surgery is usually a last resort. Our team, including the best orthopedic surgeons in Ahmedabad, will always explore all non-surgical options first, such as:
Physical therapy: Strengthening exercises can improve muscle function and stability around the knee.
Weight management: Losing weight can significantly reduce stress on the joint.
Medication: Pain relievers and anti-inflammatory drugs can help manage pain and inflammation.
Joint injections: Cortisone injections can provide temporary pain relief.
The Decision is Yours
Ultimately, the decision of when to undergo knee replacement surgery is a personal one. However, it's crucial to weigh the potential benefits against the risks of delaying the procedure. Dr. Hardik Padhiyar is here to guide you through the process. We offer consultations with knee specialists near you to discuss your individual situation and explore all available options. Don't let knee pain hold you back from living an active and fulfilling life. Contact us today and take the first step towards a pain-free future.
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kneepainsurgeon · 4 months
Find Knee Pain Solution near you?
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Struggling with knee pain? Don't suffer! Explore knee pain solutions and find relief. Consult a knee orthopedic surgeon in Ahmedabad for expert diagnosis and treatment. Discover the best knee pain surgeon near you for personalized care. Take action today and step towards a pain-free future!
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jhulelalhospital · 4 months
Cheap Knee Surgery in Bharuch at Jhulelal Hospital
Discover comprehensive and cheap knee surgery options at Jhulelal Hospital in Bharuch. Our skilled surgeons provide high-quality care, ensuring optimal recovery and mobility at an affordable price. If you're looking for cheap knee surgery in Bharuch without compromising on quality, Jhulelal Hospital is your go-to destination.
Knee pain and injuries can significantly affect your quality of life, making it difficult to perform daily activities and enjoy your favorite hobbies. For many people, the cost of knee surgery can be a major barrier to seeking the treatment they need. At Jhulelal Hospital in Bharuch, we understand these concerns and are committed to providing cheap knee surgery options without compromising on quality. Our team of experienced orthopedic surgeons uses the latest techniques and technologies to ensure successful outcomes and swift recoveries for our patients.
One of the primary reasons patients choose Jhulelal Hospital for their knee surgery is our dedication to affordability. We believe that everyone deserves access to top-notch medical care, regardless of their financial situation. Our pricing structure is transparent, with no hidden fees, allowing patients to plan and manage their healthcare expenses effectively. We work closely with each patient to develop a treatment plan that fits their budget, offering various payment options and financing plans to make the process as smooth as possible.
At Jhulelal Hospital, our orthopedic surgeons are highly skilled and experienced in performing a wide range of knee surgeries. Whether you need a minimally invasive arthroscopic procedure, a partial knee replacement, or a total knee replacement, you can trust our team to deliver excellent results. We stay up-to-date with the latest advancements in orthopedic surgery, ensuring that our patients benefit from cutting-edge techniques and state-of-the-art equipment. Our surgeons take the time to thoroughly assess each patient’s condition, discuss their goals and expectations, and develop a personalized treatment plan tailored to their specific needs.
Patient care and satisfaction are at the heart of everything we do at Jhulelal Hospital. From the moment you step through our doors, you will be treated with compassion, respect, and dignity. Our friendly and knowledgeable staff are always on hand to answer your questions, provide information, and support you throughout your treatment journey. We understand that undergoing surgery can be a daunting experience, which is why we prioritize clear communication, patient education, and emotional support.
Our comprehensive pre-operative and post-operative care programs are designed to optimize your recovery and ensure the best possible outcomes. Before your surgery, you will undergo a thorough evaluation to assess your overall health and readiness for the procedure. Our team will provide you with detailed instructions on how to prepare for your surgery, including any necessary lifestyle changes, medications, or physical therapy exercises. We believe that informed and prepared patients are more likely to have successful surgeries and smoother recoveries.
After your surgery, our dedicated rehabilitation team will work with you to develop a personalized recovery plan. This may include physical therapy, pain management strategies, and follow-up appointments to monitor your progress. Our goal is to help you regain strength, flexibility, and mobility as quickly and safely as possible. We are committed to providing ongoing support and care, ensuring that you have everything you need to achieve a full and lasting recovery.
In addition to our expertise in knee surgery, Jhulelal Hospital offers a wide range of medical services to meet the diverse needs of our patients. From diagnostic imaging and laboratory services to specialized clinics and wellness programs, we are a comprehensive healthcare facility dedicated to improving the health and well-being of our community. Our modern, well-equipped hospital is staffed by a team of highly trained medical professionals who are passionate about providing the highest standard of care.
Choosing the right hospital for your knee surgery is a crucial decision that can significantly impact your overall health and quality of life. At Jhulelal Hospital, we strive to make that decision easier by offering cheap knee surgery options in a supportive and caring environment. Our commitment to excellence, combined with our focus on patient-centered care, has made us a trusted choice for individuals seeking effective treatment for knee pain and injuries in Bharuch and beyond.
If you or a loved one is considering knee surgery, we invite you to explore the options available at Jhulelal Hospital. Our team is here to answer your questions, provide expert advice, and guide you through every step of the process. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards a pain-free, active life with cheap knee surgery in Bharuch.
Address: R.K. Avenue zadeshwar shukaltirth road, Zadeshwar  chokdi,Bharuch-392011,Gujarat
Call: 7359118800
Visit:  https://jhulelalhospital.org/
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drsaurabhkhare · 4 months
Best ACL Reconstruction Surgery in Raipur | Dr. Saurabh Khare
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Welcome to our comprehensive guide on ACL (Anterior Cruciate Ligament) reconstruction surgery in Raipur, where we’ll explore the procedure, its benefits, and why Dr. Saurabh Khare is your top choice for this crucial surgery.
Understanding ACL Reconstruction Surgery:
The ACL is a crucial ligament in the knee that stabilizes the joint during movement. Injuries to this ligament are common, especially among athletes and active individuals. When the ACL is torn, it can result in instability and pain, limiting mobility and affecting daily activities.
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Why Choose Dr. Saurabh Khare?
Dr. Saurabh Khare is a renowned orthopedic surgeon specializing in ACL reconstruction surgery in Raipur. Here’s why he stands out:
1. Expertise: With years of experience and specialized training in knee surgeries, Dr. Saurabh Khare is well-equipped to handle complex ACL reconstructions with precision and care.
2. Personalized Care: Dr. Saurabh Khare believes in providing personalized care to each patient, taking into account their unique needs and circumstances. From the initial consultation to post-operative follow-ups, he ensures that every patient receives individualized attention and support.
3. Advanced Techniques: Dr. Saurabh Khare utilizes the latest techniques and advancements in ACL reconstruction surgery to achieve optimal outcomes for his patients. He stays updated with the latest research and technology to deliver the best possible results.
4. Comprehensive Rehabilitation: In addition to performing the surgery, Dr. Saurabh Khare emphasizes the importance of rehabilitation in the recovery process. He works closely with physiotherapists to design tailored rehabilitation programs aimed at restoring strength, flexibility, and function to the knee.
5. Compassionate Approach: Beyond his medical expertise, Dr. Saurabh Khare is known for his compassionate approach towards his patients. He takes the time to listen to their concerns, address their questions, and alleviate any anxieties they may have about the surgery.
If you’re considering ACL reconstruction surgery in Raipur, Dr. Saurabh Khare is your trusted partner in achieving a swift and successful recovery. With his expertise, personalized care, and commitment to excellence, you can rest assured that you’re in good hands every step of the way. Don’t let knee pain hold you back — schedule a consultation with Dr. Saurabh Khare today and take the first step towards reclaiming your active lifestyle.
For More Information:
Google Map: https://maps.app.goo.gl/fVTEzX556DARKykG9
Phone Number: 9993578939
WhatsApp: https://wa.me/9993578939
Address: MIG-69, near Kishore Mall, Sector-01, Shankar Nagar, Raipur, Chhattisgarh 492001 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dr.saurabh.khare.ortho
Linkdin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sportsmedicineraipur/
Instragram: https://www.instagram.com/drsaurabhkhare88/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/saurabhkhare88
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santoshhospitals · 4 months
Discover the Best Orthopedic Care in Ghaziabad at Santosh Hospitals
When it comes to orthopedic health, finding the right medical facility and professionals is paramount. In Ghaziabad, Santosh Hospitals stands out as the premier destination for comprehensive orthopedic care. Whether you’re dealing with a minor injury or a complex musculoskeletal condition, Santosh Hospitals offers exceptional treatment options and personalized care that cater to your specific needs.
Why Choose Santosh Hospitals?
1. Top-Notch Facilities
Santosh Hospitals is renowned for its state-of-the-art infrastructure, which includes advanced diagnostic and surgical equipment. The hospital’s commitment to staying updated with the latest medical technologies ensures that patients receive the most effective and efficient treatments available.
2. Expert Orthopedic Surgeons
At Santosh Hospitals, you’ll find some of the best orthopedic surgeons in Ghaziabad. Our team of highly skilled and experienced doctors specializes in a wide range of orthopedic procedures. From joint replacements to arthroscopic surgeries, our surgeons are adept at handling all kinds of orthopedic issues with precision and care.
3. Comprehensive Orthopedic Services
We offer a full spectrum of orthopedic services, making Santosh Hospitals the best hospital for orthopedic treatment in Ghaziabad. Our services include:
Joint Replacement Surgery: Knee, hip, and shoulder replacements performed with minimally invasive techniques for faster recovery.
Arthroscopy: Advanced keyhole surgeries for joint problems, ensuring less pain and quicker rehabilitation.
Spine Surgery: Treatment for various spinal conditions, including herniated discs and spinal stenosis.
Trauma and Fracture Care: Immediate and effective treatment for fractures and other orthopedic injuries.
Sports Medicine: Specialized care for sports-related injuries to help athletes return to their peak performance.
4. Patient-Centered Approach
Santosh Hospitals prides itself on a patient-centered approach, ensuring that each patient receives personalized care. From the initial consultation to post-operative care, our team is dedicated to providing support and guidance every step of the way. Our holistic approach considers not only the physical aspects of recovery but also the emotional and psychological well-being of our patients.
5. Convenient Location
For those searching for the best orthopedic doctor near me in Ghaziabad, Santosh Hospitals is conveniently located, making it easily accessible for residents of Ghaziabad and surrounding areas. Our hospital is designed to provide a comfortable and welcoming environment for all patients.
Patient Success Stories
Our success is reflected in the numerous positive testimonials from our patients. Many have experienced significant improvements in their quality of life after receiving treatment at Santosh Hospitals. From elderly patients regaining mobility after joint replacement surgeries to athletes making a full recovery from sports injuries, our patient success stories are a testament to the high standard of care we provide.
Schedule Your Consultation Today
If you or a loved one is in need of orthopedic care, don’t hesitate to reach out to Santosh Hospitals. With our reputation as the best orthopedic hospital in Ghaziabad, you can trust that you’ll receive the highest quality treatment and care. Schedule a consultation with one of our expert orthopedic surgeons today and take the first step towards a healthier, more active life.
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