#best immune booster for kids
thegoodbug · 1 year
Tasty Immunity Booster for Kids – The Good Bug
Looking for a tasty immunity booster for kids? Check out "Happy Tummies Kids Immunity Booster" by The Good Bug! Made with natural ingredients, this delicious supplement helps support your child's immune system while also promoting digestive health. With a blend of probiotics, prebiotics, vitamins, and minerals, this formula is designed to give your child the nutrients they need to stay healthy and strong. Plus, it's easy to use - just mix it into their favorite drink or food!
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curaehealth · 2 years
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Order Immune Booster Supplement online to boost your immunity
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jacksdinonuggets · 3 months
Carmilla is worried that Vaggie is a permaregressor so she gets her evaluated by a therapist!
Vaggie had been acting a bit younger lately. Whenever Carmilla would ask how old she was, she would always respond with “i’m big” and try to escape the conversation. At first, Carmilla let her avoid it, knowing it may be overwhelming for her to talk about. But as the days went on, she never seemed to actually age up. She would always act like a little kid. Not exactly a toddler but maybe a 5-6 year old. Her little lisp would sometimes show when she was talking, she would be mesmerized by the toy aisle whenever they go out and would ask to buy one, she would get extremely distressed if anything sexual was ever mentioned, she needed help getting dressed, and she constantly needed reassurance.
Carmilla finally decided that she needed to go get it checked out by a permaregressor therapist. It would help her figure out what mental age Vaggie usually was. If they figured that out, then Carmilla could know exactly how to accommodate her need.
On the day of her appointment, Carmilla got Vaggie dressed and fed before buckling her in her booster seat. Since Vaggie was so short, even when she was “big” she would still have to use the booster seat. Luckily, she wasn’t very embarrassed by it.
They made it to the building where the therapist was. She helped Vaggie out of her seat and held her hand as they walked through the parking lot and into the building. The little one skipped happily and made sure to step over all the cracks in the road. She didn’t want her mama to get hurt!
When they got to the waiting room, Vaggie sat on the floor.
“Mija, come sit in the chair, the floor isn’t very clean,” Carmilla patted the seat next to her.
“No! I like the floor!” Vaggie protested. The overlord just sighed.
“Alright, alright, but don’t be surprised if you catch something. Your body isn’t used to hells germs,” Carmilla said. Since heaven had barely any germs, Vaggie’s immune system wasn’t the best. It didn’t know how to fight off sicknesses. They already had to deal with Vaggie’s body not liking the food of hell, they didn’t need her to constantly catch illnesses. 
Vaggie played on Carmilla’s hellphone until she was called back. The therapist first spoke to Carmilla without Vaggie in the room. The little one didn’t like that and threatened to throw a tantrum but luckily, the talk wasn’t long enough to get her distraught. 
But she did start to throw a small fit when she needed to be evaluated without her mama being there. She finally calmed down when Carmilla promised that she would be just outside the door.
The therapist called Carmilla back in after about an hour.
“So, I’m just gonna get straight to point. Vaggie, here, is a permaregressor,” she told Carmilla. The overlord honestly kind of expected this. It wasn’t too much of a surprise. It was just good to know. However, Vaggie looked up with tears in her eyes.
“Is that bad?” she asked.
“No, sweetheart, it’s not, it just means you’re almost always in a regressed headspace,” Carmilla kneeled down to her.
“How old is she usually?” Carmilla asked the therapist.
“Well, she seems to be in the headspace of an older toddler to a young kid. Does she regress to this age often?” she asked.
“No, not really. She’s mainly a baby regressor,” Carmilla explained, sitting down in one of the chairs and hoisting Vaggie onto her lap.
“Okay, well she may regress to baby sometimes but her normal headspace would be about 4-7 years old,” the therapist says, “but this shouldn’t change too many things. Just treat her how you would when she regresses. Remind her to do things, help her with certain activities, and just show her love and affection,”
Carmilla bounced her little one on her knee as she processed the information. She was glad there wasn’t anything that was damaging to her mental health.
They left the building soon after and Carmilla had to explain in a little more detail what the evaluation was. Luckily, she took it pretty well and didn’t have a meltdown over it once she explained that nothing would change. Even though it didn’t change anything, it was still good to know.
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sorcerous-caress · 6 months
Witnessing you play pathologic 2 is such a fucking trip bc like?? I own both 1 and 2, but I’ve only actually played pathologic 1 and like?? How in the blue fuck do you have 15 shmowders????? I think I got like- 6 in my entire playthrough- I was not doing well with my quests tho so that probably contributed but??? 15??????
16 now just baught some from my buddy ol'pal dead items shop man on day 7
But if you want an actual answer
Shmowder kid
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Find a building with shmowder kid in it, exist and enter until they have the shmoder in their inventory for trade. 10% spawn chance.
Rare cache farming
I save before 7:30 when cache reset. Then I go and check all the assigned "rare" caches with a chance of spawning shmoders, usually 3-6 each day. They're scripted so they never change locations. I reload until I'm sure at least two of them have shmoders then bag it quickly. 20% spawn chance per rare cache.
Rob people
You don't find shmoders, but you aquire nut funds for your shmoder supplier kid. Basically get the cape and all the protective gear, waltz into infected houses with at least 8 immunity boosters then go haywire and grab all nuts you can find.
Only two give a guarantee Shmoders so uhh...maybe if you feel like it? I did them either way.
Here is my progress so far
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I could squeeze 3/4 more shmoders out of my plug girlie, but I'm running low on food, so I rather trade them for eggs instead. Plus, I'll get 2 more when it hits 7:30 from caches.
I'm saving up for the shotgun! Maybe a revolver too idk.
I found out brewing antibiotics is annoying so I rather trade for them instead, but + immune boosters are a must.
The town so far is good, I gotta start repairing water sources.
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I think Peter's infection is scripted because he had like 75% chance to NOT get infected, lost twice in a row when I reloaded.
Eh, he's not one of my bounds so Imma wait for Daniil to come begging on his knees for a shmoder.
Side note, Artemy is so fucking stunted when talking to women he is attracted to. It's almost hilarious.
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Meanwhile, compare it with his flirting with men, and he becomes as smooth as silk.
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Artemy is so down bad for Rubin it's sad and funny at the same time.
It's like a love triangle i can't. Artemy wants childhood sweethearts romance with Rubin, but Rubin keeps rejecting him for big city dandy educated Bachelor of medicine, but Daniil is tripping over his own feet trying to subtly (failing) to get closer and more intimate with hunky bottom surgeon Artemy.
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Making us "indebted" to him.
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Trying to get us to be his "Aide"
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By day 6, we're drinking buddies. He even ADMITS how his arrogance hurts him and is a bad trait. IN LESS THAN A WEEK OF MEETING US.
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I'm still not over how he invites us to EVA'S house, doesn't tell her and doesn't inform the hunching brooding gaint Artemy that a soft hearted woman lives where he's squatting at for free and instead let her panic at seeing Artemy bust in unannounced.
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"The milkman" I FUCKING CANNOT. Daniil is the roomate who's late on rent, keeps flirting with you to make you forget that he is late on rent, then his grinder date shows up unannounced.
Daniil is so much nicer than people made him seem? Idk, maybe I'm too autistic to pick up on his normie passive-aggressive condescension-which feels very in character for Artemy-but also, he just seems like a decent swell guy!
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Kinda useless, but he's trying his best without time turning protagonist active player powers!
If anything, he's too friendly. He asks US to be his aide? Even when it's clear that Artemy didn't attend a single day in school all of his life.
Because let's be real.
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"Where did you graduate??"
Daniil's "you don't have to watch your tongue with me" omfggggf
The sabotaged water sources must be getting to Daniil's head for him to act this thirsty in a makeshift hospital IN PUBLIC.
Artemy is clearly someone that Daniil would absolutely look down on MORE than he would to the average person, and yet how does he treat us?
Like what the fuck were those youtubers about???? Daniil is so nice oh my god. I had completely the wrong idea. He is so helpful and friendly, not once did I feel antagonised by him.
Also, I didn't insult him, ever. So he never replied with any insulting comment. You treat him with respect, and he does the same. It's endearing!
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He entrusts us and confides in us! He clearly values our input and help. He vents to us and listens to our theories!
Side note, people's reaction to Artemy's height and gaint size is gold.
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Also, I think they have a kink for his hands because of the whole surgeon thing, like come on, it gets mentioned TWICE?
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there is also this time where Artemy had a nightmare that he was sleeping through class, and for some reason, Daniil was just ???? In the corner ??? For misbehaving?
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He barely met the guy and he already figured out how 90% of his time in the education system must have went.
also Artemy REALLY likes cats and dogs.
First he calls himself like a Kitten, then he says Murky is like a cat and finally:
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Artmey is just phenomenal in this.
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I bought the first Pathologic HD Classic today, too! It was on sale for so cheap my god it felt like highway robbery.
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See this loser wet cat kiddo right here?
I will behead every man, woman, child and elderly in this entire town with a rusty Axe if even one of them touches a single hair on his head.
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sharpestasp · 1 year
Star Wars IV: A New Hope liveblog transcript
Thread for Star Wars IV: A New Hope
"There will be no escape for the Princess this time." Someone give me ALL the almost-captureds she had prior to this movie?!
The marrieds are arguing.
Ya know, given Threepio's way of thinking, the fact he saw the transport and had hope implies to me that Alderaan treats their droids better than we see in so many examples elsewhere.
TELL ME ARTOO ISN'T FORCE SENSITIVE! He knew there was danger ahead. But he HAD TO GET TO BEN. And his way was through.
(Those Jawas would have been in for it if he'd had his boosters)
Okay, that must be the MOST observant Stormtrooper in the Empire. ("Look, sir, droids!")
I have a conundrum: Did Captain Antilles/Senator Organa instill a protocol that if Leia was captured, Threepio forgot what she looked like/could lie about her? Or was Threepio only aware the Princess traveled on the Tantive IV but somehow had no idea who she actually was? I think it is a 'if this/then that' protocol to explain that 'I don't know who she is'
"What about my theme?" "Mark, the main title is your theme"
Oh right, forgot to interject: When Threepio calls him Sir Luke, that is the most heavy-handed foreshadowing ever.
"C'mon, let's go have a look" IS NOT YOUR BEST IDEA. Gods, you are so Anakin's kid in this movie.
I know it's because of retconning, but wow this whole opening with Ben reads so HYSTERICALLY with Prequel and Clone Wars canon in place.
Alec's face as he's asked if he's related to Obi-Wan Kenobi.
"I don't seem to remember ever owning a droid" is TRUE! Jedi did not own things. And Artoo was not OWNED anyway after TPM
brain inserts: and highly flammable after the "cunning warrior" comment
Ahh, Yularen.
Canon divergence moment - if Beru had managed to hide somewhere the Troopers missed.
wow such a heavy handed Force Compulsion use there. And then Mr Wanted in 12 systems is immune to the Kenobi Charm.
"Should I have?"
ALSO, LOL, Chewie is back there going "General Kenobi Got Old"
So thankful I have the Han Shot First edition
Tarkin - fierce and terrifying me - he's wearing fuzzy slippers Kinda like the scene in RotJ and knowing McDiarmid was having to scooch his chair around with tiny movements of his feet
Han reports it was totally blown away… and then argues the whole Fleet couldn't do that. This is why I love Han. He embodies contradictions
Fool or the fool that follows him? Ahsoka, GIGGLING HER HEAD off as she remembers her Master(s)
Also, Chewie is going oh shit, Luke figured out how to manipulate his cub
the detention center scene is a chaos fest worthy of Domino Squad
Also, Han's "he's the brains"
Threepio was SMOOTH
okay, but honestly, I am glad my suspension of disbelief is strong. Have worked with cardboard balers and trash compactors, I actually said 'all they needed was stay on top; there was enough waste that the compactor would not have been able to squish fully'.
Luke's FACE when Han is chastising Chewie. I bet that was ad-libbed
The stormtroopers: why are we running from one man?
"There's no lock." "That'll hold them for a while." "Find the controls" "I think I just blasted them."
This is SUCH a level 3-6 D&D campaign
Oh Luke. He's lost his family, he's lost his home, now he's lost the teacher he bonded with who KNEW ABOUT HIS DAD
Okay, but Artoo. He'd never been wiped. And while he might not have KNOWN the black suit menace was HIS JEDI, he likely did suspect it more than a little. So that scene was just as traumatic for him.
"Don't get cocky" LOL
You know, Leia hugging Chewie in the cockpit goes a long way to making up for her earlier trauma-induced insult to him. Because she initiated the hug
ya know, I actually LOVE all of the computer screen displays in this; it's nostalgic in the best ways
"Or they'd have a tighter defense" OR MAYBE they had a Saboteur designing it. (I do approve of the logic behind Rogue One 'explaining' that design)
Chewie: he's got a point Han: ain't having it Chewie: fine I will argue with you on the ship
hello first Folger's Kiss (on the cheek, but still). Given Luke had been wondering earlier if maybe…
I so very much LOVE the X-Wings
And the dog-fighting is so good
His former best friend (boyfriend?) and his future best friend as his wingmen is just… perfect
Oh Han
All the hugging
And Threepio being so worried
Big Gay Wedding now
First fandom forever. I still love this canon.
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joleneghoul · 1 year
Hey I followed to see that DC Disability public essay, so I’m new to this blog. It had me wondering what was your journey of discovering DC and it’s characters and what are your favorite comics, stories and characters?
Hi! Welcome and I'm sorry this blog is kinda my "put everything i think of" train of thought blog. But it's also my only blog lol! Thank you for being interested in the Essay. It's not near done as I'm still taking responses but we will get there. Rest is under cut because i accidentally rambled on.
As far as my journey with DC comics I feel like Dc has just been a part of my life forever- I've grown up in this world where caped stories are pop culture and everywhere and when i was growing up like EVERY cartoon about heroes was about the dc ones (brave and the bold, batman the animated series, justice league)
Actually my first memory I can recall is seeing an episode of justice league on the tv and seeing john stewart green lantern.
Though I wouldnt of called myself a fan really back then because my special interests for most of my life started with Sonic and then Transformers. But in my opinion the base of both of those universes and stories is the same as caped comics so it makes sense I eventually got into them fully.
I don't think I've told the story about how I started actually reading the comics but basically I was homeless at 17 and thats when my love for these comics started. I started reading old batman comics because around then I had met my boyfriend whos special interest was batman so that was my way of both distracting myself and bonding with him.
BUT through batman comics I got introduced to Blue Beetle and Booster Gold and I instantly shifted to reading the Blue beetle comics (sorry to booster i didnt read vol 1 until maybe a year later) specifically the 1986 solo about Ted Kord.
Like I mentioned I was homeless at the time and I hadn't even been diagnosed yet with any of my illnesses I had been suffering from for 5+ years at that time. But within those comics there are two very special stories that cemented my love for these comics and its.
1. Ted has an issue where he goes around the streets of Chicago at night because someone is killing homeless people. In other stories i'd read heroes would maybe briefly talk to the homeless if at all. But instead of that Ted the entire comic sits down with people and speaks to them and gets their stories. I remember reading it and feeling "oh, this is a hero who would actually care to sit down on the sidewalk with me. This is special".
2. There is another story in this run where Ted basically defends the life of this kid who ran away from home and has no immune system and sets out a way to help him. Not the best but I was relating to the kid at the time.
I ended up carrying around an issue relating to Ted in my backpack for most of that time just because it was special to me. Anyways its pretty much history from there I ended up getting into Booster Gold and other heroes as I looked further into these stories and learned more about teams and etc. But Ted Kord will always be special to me, especially since he also has a chronic condition.
As my condition progressed this became one of my outlets for expression and it still is. Through reading I found that a lot more of these heroes were disabled than I had previously thought because NOBODY talked about it. I remember at first not knowing Booster had lost an arm because it just wasn't something I saw mentioned (though back then like. Nobody was posting abt him or ted hardly. you'd be surprised it was like they had a lull in popularity for a bit which makes sense they were not in comics) so I kinda have made it so I talk about these things so they are in peoples minds more. At least a bit.
As far as my Favorite comics go I have to say my favorite comic is Justice Leagues Quarterly 10, but you'd probably want to know the JLI roster before reading it if you dont. JLQ has very fun collections of stories. I try to recc blue beetle 1986 to people too just because it's special to me same for booster gold 1986.
Speaking of essays, here is one I wrote about Booster Gold and his relationship with disability.
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growvitanutrition10 · 3 months
Promoting Digestive Health with Premium Kids' Health Drinks
Kids' health drinks are important to presenting them with the nutrients they want for proper increase and development. These drinks are nutrient-dense and complete with vitamins, minerals, and different essential elements that protect general health. A nutritious drink in India may help boost their immune system, improve their brain functioning and give them energy for the life they are leading. When kids decide to grab a healthy drink, they can meet their nutritional needs and imbibe good practices at their tender ages.
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How Can Kids' Health Drinks Improve Your Child's Digestive Health?
For young ones, these are excellent boosters of any diet and are particularly helpful for the digestive system. These beverages frequently come with crucial nutrients that are useful resources in enhancing digestion. Probiotics are living bacteria that assist kid's digestive tracts develop healthful microbial ecosystems. This stability of good microorganisms supports the immune system, enables higher digestion, and complements nutrient absorption.
Often these drinks come with additional dietary fibres and probiotics, which are essential for a healthy digestive system. Fibres help to overcome constipation and other disturbing gastrointestinal disorders by increasing the volume of the stool and enhancing bowel movements.
Additionally, a nutritious drink for kids may benefit youngsters in getting the necessary vitamins and minerals. These beverages are often rich in calcium, magnesium and vitamin D which is essential for proper muscles and neurons functioning in the digestion process and for the overall digestive system health.
Is it essential to include a kids' health drink in your kid's routine diet?
Including a nutritious drink in your child's diet on a regular basis might be advantageous as it offers vital nutrients that promote development and growth. To guarantee that kids get a balanced intake even on fussy eating days, several children's health beverages are supplemented with vitamins, minerals, and proteins. For kids who require a lot of energy and are active, a protein shake might be a practical way to supplement their diet.
It is easy to include these healthy drinks into a child's routine since they usually like the flavour. For parents, there may be a quick and simple way to make sure their kids are receiving enough nutrition. Furthermore, by bridging nutritional shortages, these beverages can support robust immunity, strong bones, and general well-being.
It is crucial to select a health drink that goes well with your child's food and way of life. Your child's diet will be balanced and foster the best potential development when these drinks are paired with a variety of nutritious meals.
It is important to select a nutritious drink for kids with a purpose to promote their development. Excellent nutrient-dense beverages offer children the nutrients and minerals they need. Health beverages enhance vitality, and strengthen their immune structures—all of which help them to live energetic and healthful lives.
For more information about: nutricious drink in india Please visit at https://growvita.in
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herbalimmuntybooster · 4 months
Cipzer Kids Capsules: Boost Immunity & Brain Growth
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A Comprehensive Nutritional Solution
Cipzer Kids Advanced Food Capsule is a nutritional supplement designed to support children's health and well-being. It provides essential vitamins, minerals, and nutrients important for healthy growth and development. The capsule form makes it easy for children to take, ensuring they get their daily dose of essential nutrients without any fuss. This innovative supplement boosts immunity and enhances cognitive function, giving children the best start in life.
Key Ingredients and Their Benefits
Manjeeth (Rubia cordifolia):
Benefits: Known for its blood-purifying properties, Manjeeth helps detoxify the body, improving overall immunity and promoting healthy skin.
Lal Chandan (Pterocarpus santalinus):
Benefits: Lal Chandan, or Red Sandalwood, is celebrated for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It reduces inflammation and protects the body from oxidative stress, enhancing immunity.
Haldi (Curcuma longa):
Benefits: Commonly known as turmeric, Haldi is a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent. It supports brain health, improves digestion, and boosts the immune system.
Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum):
Benefits: Tulsi, or Holy Basil, is revered in Ayurveda for its medicinal properties. It strengthens the immune system, reduces stress, and improves respiratory health.
Neem (Azadirachta indica):
Benefits: Neem is known for its antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties. It helps maintain healthy skin, improve digestion, and boost overall immunity.
Giloy (Tinospora cordifolia):
Benefits: Giloy is an excellent immunity booster. It enhances the body’s defense mechanism, helps fight infections, and supports overall health.
Boosting Immunity: Cipzer Kids Advanced Food Capsule boosts the immune system, helping children fight off infections and stay healthy.
Enhancing Cognitive Function
"In addition to boosting immunity, Cipzer Kids Advanced Food Capsule also supports cognitive function and brain development. The essential vitamins and minerals in the capsules enhance memory, concentration, and overall brain function. Ingredients like Haldi and Tulsi protect brain cells from damage and improve cognitive performance."
Supporting Healthy Growth
Proper nutrition is important for the healthy growth and development of children. Cipzer Kids Advanced Food Capsule provides a balanced blend of nutrients that support physical growth and development. Regular intake ensures that children grow up healthy and strong, meeting their developmental milestones.
Promoting Healthy Digestion
Cipzer Kids Advanced Food Capsule contains Neem and Giloy, promoting healthy digestion in children.
Providing Sustained Energy
Cipzer Kids Advanced Food Capsule contains Neem and Giloy, promoting healthy digestion in children and providing sustained energy throughout the day. The rich blend of nutrients helps maintain optimal energy levels, keeping children active, alert, and energetic.
Cipzer Kids Advanced Food Capsule is a complete nutritional solution for growing children. It contains essential vitamins, minerals, and natural ingredients to boost immunity, enhance cognitive function, support healthy growth, improve digestion, and provide sustained energy. Currently priced at a discounted rate of ₹2,691.00, with an extra 7% off on prepaid orders. Add it to your cart today to invest in your child's health.
Directions For Use: Take 1 – 2 capsules twice daily after meals or as directed by the physician.
Safety Information:
Read the label carefully before use.
Store in a cool and dry place away from direct sunlight.
Keep out of reach of the children.
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Different Types of Energy Powder & Energy Drink Products for Boosting Energy
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Energy powder and drinks are the most popular and highly demanded energy boosters in the market nowadays. They enhance our energy level to the highest instantly and also make our immune system stronger. Energy drink manufacturers are continuously launching multiple different types of energy powder and energy drink products in the market that are rich in metabolism and several high proteins. In this blog, you will get a list of various types of energy powder and drink products that are popular in India and best for your health.
List of Popular Different Varieties of Energy Powder & Drink Products
1. Flavored energy Powder & Drink
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Flavored energy powder and drinks are the most demanded items now in the market. Gone are the days when people had to tolerate the boring and same taste energy powder or drink. To boost your energy in a fun and tasty way, energy powder & energy drink manufacturers in India are offering different types of energy powder & energy drink products in tasty flavours. They are available in orange, lemon, vanilla and even chocolate flavours.
2. Revival Herbal Drinks
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People these days prefer taking herbal energy drinks instead of those chemically produced drinks. That’s why the demand for revival herbal drinks is now the highest among everyone. The 100% natural herbal elements of these energy drinks make them more efficient and a safer option than chemical products. Sapphire Healthcare, the trusted energy drink supplier in India offers 100% natural revival energy drinks at best price.
3. Protinex Nutrition Drink
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Protinex nutrition drink powder is a ready-to-drink beverage mix that generally comes in powder form. You need to mix it in hot water or milk to make an energy drink. Adults can take it to fill their nutritional gaps and boost energy. According to the clinical report, it has more than 34% immuno-boosters.
4. Horlicks
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Horlicks has always been the most famous and best-selling energy drink poder among all different types of energy powder & drink products. It comes for both juniors and seniors and is available in vanilla and chocolate flavours. It is a sweet malted milk powder that needs to be mixed in hot milk. Nutrients it has in it instantly get absorbed in our blood and reach every corner of our body.
5. Ensure Plus
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This is a both an energy drink powder and a protein shake powder. In order to assist patients in achieving or maintaining a healthy weight, ensure Plus offers concentrated calories and protein. Patients who are suffering from malnutrition, or who are losing weight frequently can get best result by taking an Ensure plus.
6. Rasna Instant Drink
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This is the oldest and the most favourite energy drink of everyone, from kids to adults, among all other different types of energy drink products. Its refreshing orange flavour can make anyone fully refreshed and energetic after a hectic and sweaty summer day. This is the best energy booster for summer.
Get Different Types of Energy Powder & Drink Products from Reliable Energy Powder & Drink Manufacturers in India
Are you looking for a trusted energy powder & drink manufacturer in India? Come to Sapphire HealthCare without looking for anyone else. Our best supply of highly effective energy powder and drink products gained the trust of everyone and gave us a top position in the pharma market. Along with different types of energy powder & drink products, you may also find lots of nutraceutical items from us. We are the no. 1 nutraceutical supplier in India. Give order of your needed energy powder or drink and get them in your required amount and favourite packaging from us at low cost.
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lovingessentialoils · 6 months
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holicare · 7 months
Unveiling Apetasine: The Ultimate Solution for Fast Weight Gain and Appetite Boosting
In a world where the focus often lies on losing weight, there’s a significant population struggling with the opposite problem — gaining weight and stimulating appetite. For many individuals, especially women, kids, men, and the elderly, achieving a healthy weight and appetite can be a daunting challenge. However, with the revolutionary Apetasine syrup, the journey to gaining weight fast and increasing appetite has become smoother and more achievable than ever before.
Unlocking the Power of Apetasine: Apetasine syrup stands out as a potent appetite booster, meticulously formulated to address the specific needs of individuals looking to gain weight rapidly. What sets Apetasine apart is its powerful blend of natural ingredients, carefully selected to stimulate appetite, enhance nutritional absorption, and promote healthy weight gain.
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Key Ingredients and Their Functions:
Lysine: As a limiting amino acid, lysine plays a crucial role in promoting appetite and aiding in the synthesis of collagen tissue. Additionally, it contributes to improving immunity, ensuring overall health and well-being.
Fish Oils: Rich in omega-3 fatty acids, fish oils are essential for promoting muscle growth, enhancing metabolic function, and supporting overall health. They play a vital role in maximizing natural weight gain and promoting optimal nutritional absorption.
B Vitamins: The inclusion of B vitamins in Apetasine syrup provides essential support for energy metabolism, helping individuals feel more energized and ready to tackle their weight gain goals. Additionally, B vitamins play a crucial role in maintaining a healthy appetite and supporting overall digestive function.
Ginger and Cilantro: These potent herbs not only add delicious flavor to the syrup but also offer numerous health benefits. Ginger aids in digestion, reduces nausea, and stimulates appetite, while cilantro provides antioxidant properties and supports digestive health.
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Benefits of Apetasine:
Fast and effective appetite stimulation
Enhanced nutritional absorption
Best weight gain Syrup for females Promotes healthy weight gain and muscle growth.
Suitable for individuals of all ages, including women, men, kids, and the elderly
Delicious grape flavor for enjoyable consumption
Third-party approved for quality and safety
Conclusion: In a society where the emphasis on weight loss often overshadows the struggles of those trying to gain weight and increase appetite, Apetasine emerges as a beacon of hope. With its powerful blend of natural ingredients, carefully crafted formula, and proven efficacy, Apetasine syrup offers a holistic solution for individuals seeking to achieve their weight gain goals quickly and efficiently. Say goodbye to being the “skinny guy, girl, or kid” and embrace a healthier, more nourished version of yourself with Apetasine — the ultimate appetite booster and weight gain solution.
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getmymettle · 9 months
Diving Deep into Protein: Your Go-To Guide for Daily Intake and Why It Matters
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Hey there! Let's chat about protein, shall we? Most of us think of it as just a muscle booster, but there's so much more to it. Think of protein as the Swiss Army knife of nutrients—helping out with our immune system, enzyme functions, and even our hormones. Buckle up as we unravel the world of protein and its role in our daily lives.
What's Protein All About?
Alright, let's dive into the details, but let's make it enjoyable! Protein is like a team of 20 amino acids, often called the "builders" behind our muscles. Depending on how these amino acids team up, they decide the job a protein does in our body.
Complete Proteins: These are the rockstar's of the protein world! Incorporating these into your daily protein intake can make a significant difference. Think meat, fish, dairy, and soy. They've got all the essential amino acids packed in.
Incomplete Proteins: Found mainly in plant sources like beans, legumes, and grains, these are the cool kids from the plant world. While they might miss a few amino acids, integrating them into your protein intake per day ensures you're getting diverse nutrients.
How Much Protein Do We Really Need?
Imagine your body as a car, and protein as its fuel. Ensuring the right daily protein intake for muscle growth or even just maintaining health is crucial. Typically, we're looking at about 0.8 grams of protein for every kilogram you weigh. So, if you're doing the math's, that's roughly 46 grams for gals and 56 grams for guys daily. But hey, everyone's unique! Age, how active you are, and your health play a part in how much protein you need protein needed per day.
Protein and Those Muscles:
Dreaming of those toned arms or a strong core? Elevating your daily protein intake for muscle growth can be a game-changer. To really boost those biceps and abs, many experts nod towards a daily intake between 1.2 to 2.2 grams of protein per kilogram.
Protein's Cool Perk: Weight Management
Here's a neat trick protein plays—it keeps you feeling full longer! So, if you're on a weight journey, managing your protein intake for weight loss is essential. A protein-rich meal can help you eat fewer calories, making weight management more straightforward. For those aiming to shed some pounds, the protein game plan looks similar to muscle gain, around 1.2 to 2.2 grams per kilogram.
Picking the Right Proteins:
All proteins have their unique vibe. To get the full spectrum of benefits, from muscle gain to weight loss, it's essential to balance your protein intake. Animal-based ones like lean meats provide a complete set of amino acids, while plant-based options, when combined smartly, can also offer a balanced profile.
Wrapping Up:
So, there you have it—a friendly chat about protein and why it's your body's BFF. Whether you're gunning for that gym-toned look, managing your weight, or just living your best life, understanding the significance of daily protein intake is key. And hey, if you're ever in doubt, a quick chat with a nutrition guru can help you tailor your protein game to fit just right. Cheers to staying protein savvy!
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pkwritestoday · 9 months
Benefits of dry fruits; A balanced diet.
 Amazing dry fruits benefits you need to know;
Dry fruits are also known as dried fruits, from the majority of which the quantity of original water is removed through various drying methods. This dehydration process helps to preserve the food, extending its shell life and concentrating its valued nutrients and flavors. They are highly nutrient-rich and rich in proteins, vitamins, fiber, minerals, and oils. In the fast-paced world, when you want something for munching, dry fruits are the best option. Dry fruits can be consumed as snacks or used in cooking and baking. Dry fruits are important for various reasons, and their inclusion in a balanced diet can offer several benefits. Dry fruits are rich in essential nutrients including vitamins, minerals, fibers, and antioxidants. Despite their small size, they pack a concentrated punch of nutritional value. This makes them a convenient and efficient way of supplementing, your diet with vital nutrients, contributing to overall health.
 Dry fruits help your body in many ways;
Energy Booster;
Dry fruits are a dense energy source, providing a quick and easily accessible boot. The natural sugars, healthy fats, and fiber in dry fruit contribute to sustained energy released, making them an ideal snack for combating fatigue and maintaining stamina.  The fiber contents also promote a feeling of fulfillment, helping to promote appetite and support weight management when consumed in moderation. Antioxidants in dry fruits help combat antioxidative stress, promoting healthier skin and reducing the signs of aging.
 Chronic disease; 
Regular consumption of dry fruits has been associated with a lower risk of chronic diseases, such as diabetes, certain cancers, and neurodegenerative disorders.
Weight management;
Despite their calorie density, moderate consumption of dry fruits helps to reduce weight. Dry fruits have a quantity of good fat, so taking a limited quantity of it may give you appetite filling and keep you healthy.
Health benefits and disease prevention;
Regular consumption of certain dry fruits has been associated with different benefits. For instance, nuts like almonds and walnuts have been linked to heart health, as they contain heart-healthy fats and other compounds, that may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. It also prevents you from constipation and digestion issues. Dietary fibers also help to improve your immune system. Figs and dates also help to stabilize the blood sugar level at a normal rate. Some of the dry fruits strengthen your bones.
Improve cognitive and immunity function; 
Nuts especially walnuts have a large quantity of omega-3 fatty acids which may support brain health and improve cognitive function. Dry fruits contain essential oils, proteins, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants contributing to overall health and well-being.
Types of dry fruits;
 Almonds are commonly consumed as dry fruit because it has many health benefits. They are rich in vitamin E, essential oils, and antioxidants, which are beneficial for adults and kids. For better results soak it overnight and use it in the morning ng with a glass of milk for a healthy body.
Helps in weight management.
It keeps your heart healthy.
Keeps skin and hair healthy.
Control blood sugar level
 Increase your memory.
Figs are fruits that come from the ficus tree, and they are known for their sweet taste and unique texture. They may be black, brown, or Adriatic. Each color has its own texture and taste. They are a source of dietary fiber. It contains iron, potassium, magnesium, and calcium. It helps to improve your bowel movements. It has antioxidant properties. It also has prebiotics that support the growth of bacteria in the gut which improves your digestion system. Figs can be used as fresh or in dry form. They are used in salads, baking desserts, and jams.
Raisins are dried grapes and have a winky texture. The dehydration of grapes includes the sun drying method and microwave drying. Raisins have a sufficient amount of iron. Anemia is a condition where you may suffer from low blood rate in the body and poor oxygen levels of the body. In the crucial situation, a handful amount of raisins are helpful to improve your hemoglobin level. 
 Prunes are known for their high fiber, which helps to improve the digestive system and constipation. They are a good source of potassium, a mineral that is important for maintaining high blood pressure and supporting your heart health. It contains vitamin K, which is essential for blood floating. It also has a small amount of iron and calcium.
Walnuts are signal-seeded, hard stone-like fruit loaded with omega-3, fatty acids, vitamins, minerals,  and antioxidants. These are not only delicious but also packed with nutritional benefits. They are a good source of polyunsaturated fats, particularly alpha-linolenic acid ALA, which is associated with heart health. They may reduce cholesterol levels and improve overall cardiovascular function
It may reduce the risk of cancer.
 It improves your brain health.
It has anti-inflammatory functions.
It controls the sugar level in the blood.
It also helps you to reduce weight.
 Hazelnuts are tree nuts that are sweet, nutty, and crunchy in texture. They have a hard seed coat covering, which you must remove to asses the nut. It helps to increase the low density of lipoprotein levels, and it maintains low blood pressure.  You can add it to your milkshakes, pies and truffles.
 Pistachios grow on trees and belong to the cashew family. The nuts may be yellow and green in color.   The hard seed shape helps to protect the pistachio. They are rich in micro and macronutrients such as potassium, magnesium, and B6.  The best way to consume pistachios is to eat them raw as a delicious snack. They are used in milkshakes, pie desserts, and in many other forms.
8- Dates;
Dates are a fruit of palm trees and have a signal seed dry fruit. However, you may also find a seedless variety of dates in the market. People commonly take it in winter. They are naturally dehydrated and low in moisture. Dates are rich in antioxidants and polyphenols.
Cashew nuts are seeds of the cashew trees. They are rich in fibers, minerals, and plant proteins. Cashews also contain high amounts of healthy fats. They are rich in antioxidants and polyphenols. They are a rich source of vitamin E. It is also useful for patients with type 2 diabetes. You can take a handful of cashews for breakfast to enjoy its nutrients.
While dry fruits offer numerous advantages,. It is essential to consume them as a part of a well-balanced diet. Moderation is the key, as they can be calorie-dense. Individuals with specific health conditions or dietary restrictions should consult with health care professionals or nutrients to ensure that their consumption aligns with their overall health goals. 
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prabhatjairam · 9 months
School Food and Child Development
Food and nutrition are prominent parts of a child’s growth and development. The overall health of children depends on the diet they eat. During school days, kids are not able to understand the precise meaning of health and development. They are busy enjoying games, hanging out with friends, or dealing with the burden of their studies.
Some students take lunch from home, and some may not. But it’s essential to understand that having a nutritional diet during school years is extremely important. Eating healthy food benefits the mental, physical, and psychological development of school-age children. This blog post will describe the role of nutritional components that keep young brains functioning at their best.
What is a healthy diet?
A healthy diet provides essential nutrition to the body, including vitamins, protein, fiber, potassium, and other nutrients. It helps protect against malnutrition and improves the overall health of an individual. A nutritional diet includes fruits, vegetables, nuts, legumes, and whole grains. People with good and healthy diets can live longer and are at lower risk for serious health problems.
Why is it important for school children to have a healthy diet?
Proper nutrition leads to brain development as it increases the focus and attention of children. Students must consume a sufficient amount of a healthy diet to maintain a healthy lifestyle. The quality and amount of food children consume can affect their progress and development. So, parents and guardians need to take care of their kids by providing healthy foods and drinks. Here is the significance of nutrients, elaborating on why school children need healthy diets:
Good nutrition enhances brain functioning, academic performance, and optimal learning for students.
It helps in building immunity against several infections and diseases.
It ensures the proper development of vital organs.
Healthy eating reduces the chance of developing chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, heart problems, obesity, etc.
The more children are healthy, the more they actively participate in school events and programs.
Healthy students can better concentrate in classroom lessons, which helps improve their memory, resulting in better grades.
On top of that, proper nutrition lessens the chance of absences while aiming to attend important chapters and topics discussed in the classroom.
Related: Daily Booster Article| study24hr.com
Why should parents give lunch to their children?
For students, lunch is a basic need because it helps them to be active and energetic throughout the day. Students who do not eat food or bring lunch tend to feel low or sluggish. They can face various health issues such as dizziness, vomiting, weakness, headaches, stomachaches, etc. This can not only affect their health stability but also cause them to lose interest in their studies. Students who bring packed lunches from home, on the other hand, can live a healthier lifestyle. They feel energetic and powerful as they get nutrients and vitamins to renew their energy. Here are some reasons why lunch is essential to child development.
Lunch or school food reduces the risk of chronic lifestyle diseases.
It raises blood sugar levels in the middle of the day, enabling students to focus for the rest of the school day.
It improves the behavior of children, as eating meals promotes a good mood and attention.
Regular food can enhance the intellectual skills and talent of students.
Furthermore, school food improves thinking skills, allowing children to come up with new ideas and creations.
Many parents are searching for online education portals as they want their children to review all the topics and exercises taught in school. If you’re one of them and want your child to enhance their academic performance, try to connect with an effective eLearning platform, i.e., "study24hr.com".
It is an incredible educational site that helps students and educators find each other. It provides the best facilities and opportunities for learners, including mock test papers, quizzes, daily boosters, and other study materials. However, "study24hr.com" enables pupils to ask queries, clear doubts, or collaborate with their instructors or colleagues to prepare for their exams or tests.
Healthy guidelines for school-age children
School-age kids need more minerals and vitamins to support their growing bodies. To maintain healthy eating habits, they should consume both macro and micronutrients. The following food items help parents maintain regular mealtimes for their kids.
Fruits are a vital part that should be included in a child’s diet. A serving of 2-4 per day is enough for children to stay healthy. It could be fruit juice, sliced fruits, or whole fruits.
A diet rich in vegetables can protect the human body from various diseases and can help keep the appetite in check. Parents should serve 3-5 servings of vegetables per day to their children as they are a great source of vitamins and minerals. Raw leafy vegetables, 1/2 cup of cooked vegetables, or 3/4 cup of vegetable juice can all be included.
Whole Grains
Grains are the most important source of nutrients consisting of vitamin B, fiber, and minerals. Children should consume 6–11 servings of cereals or grain products per day.
Dairy Products
Dairy products such as milk, butter, yogurt, and cheese are rich in vitamin D, vitamin B, and calcium. Kids need to have 2-3 servings of dairy products per day.
The Final Thoughts
It is understood that nutrition during school time is vital for the mental, physical, and psychological growth of children. As a parent, you have to take care of your child’s overall health. Please make it a habit to give homemade lunches to avoid deficiencies in essential nutrients and vitamins.
Whatever children say about buying food from the school canteen or sharing it with their friends, please don’t listen to them as it increases the risk of various diseases. Therefore, make it a routine to provide your kids with a tiffin box filled with healthy food to increase their cognitive and academic performance. Remember, your child’s school nutrition and development are interlinked. Just take care of your kids' dietary and lifestyle habits.
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thespand · 10 months
Chyawanprash by Spand, is made by the recipe given by Chyawan Rishi. An authentic Chyawanprash is one that is made by sticking to this coveted formula. Mentioned in the holy grail of Ayurveda, the ‘Charak Samhita’, Chyawanprash is a cooked mixture of sugar, honey, ghee, amla, sesame oil and various herbs and spices.
Authentic recipe.
No added flavors or preservatives.
No excess pulp added to increase bulk.
Made from premium ingredients personally sourced from the farms.
Tasty even for kids.
Rigorous quality checks.
No heavy metals.
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dawnleeindia · 11 months
“The World’s First Yummy Milk Formula with the goodness of cocoa beans, Kashmiri Mamra, and Brain-Stimulating Herbs – A Yummy yet healthy Drink .”
A Unique Blend of Immunizing Spices & Dry Fruit with the goodness of cocoa beans.
The most healthy substitute for caffeine drinks.
Caffeine-Free but with more antioxidants.
Use of Stevia Leaf Powder- No White Sugar, Less sweetened
Perfect for any time: Mid Morning Tonic, Before Bed to Calm Your Mind & Senses
Best drink for kids: yummy and nutritious with an add-on memory booster
Immunity booster in changing season
Over time, traditional milk masala has been replaced by energy drinks and lattes. However, Ayurveda has long advocated the use of authentic recipes that include A2 cow milk, which is highly nutritious. Unfortunately, this tradition has faded from our kitchens. At Dawn Lee, we aim to bring back the authentic and traditional milk masala with a modern touch. Our blend enhances overall well-being and supports an active lifestyle.
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