#best friend’s sister trope >>>
nikkiruncks · 1 month
It’s solidified for me: if Nate has to end up with a girl in canon, it should be Betsy. Not Leia nor Nikki.
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ellecdc · 6 months
I have been summoned by the Poly!Wolfstar notification!!!!
I’m always a goner for brother’s best friend trope and this time it’s best friends so literally double the fun ☺️ This is just so soft and adorable pls you’re spoiling us, queen!
Part 2 where they tell Jamie and he actually already knew? Cause the joke is always James can be oblivious most of the time, but they don’t know it doesn’t apply to his sister so he already knew, most likely even before she knew herself cause he’s a sweet brother like that.
*sigh* I want a big brother
Love you queen! 💕
hahaha awe you're so right babes. it's really funny because I have this request and then the exact opposite version of this request - so it will be fun to write the other one too! it'll take me a lot longer though, angst always does.
part one here - but can be read as a stand alone
poly!wolfstar x potter!reader - you & the boys tell James
“You’re going to wear a hole in the rug there, dolly.” Sirius drawled in faux nonchalance as the two of you waited in the boys’ dorm room for Remus to return with James.
You were going to do it. Today. You were going to tell your brother you were dating his two best friends.
No big deal, right?
Except it was a big deal and you were absolutely losing your bloody mind.
And then your boyfriend had the audacity to be sitting on his bed, leaning against the headboard, casually telling you to relax like he wasn’t also shaking in his boots Doc Marten’s. 
Remus had volunteered to be the one to retrieve James for the lot of you. Mostly because you would have likely broken down in a mental state if it had been you, and Sirius likely would have blurted it out on his way up the stairs.
The door clicked and you could hear the quiet mumbling of your boyfriend and the much louder mumbling of your brother as the two entered the room. Based on the smiles on their faces, particularly James’ who eyes crinkled in delight, they were talking about something funny.
“Oh! Hey bug.” James called to you, seeming surprised you were here but not perturbed. “Hey Pads; Moony said you guys wanted to talk?”
Remus stayed standing near the door and you paused in your nervous pacing whilst Sirius scooted to the end of his bed, elbows on his knees and feet resting on his school trunk.
James didn’t look at all disturbed or uncomfortable. In fact, he looked completely at ease, here in the room with three of his favourite people in the whole world. Remus, the person who he goes to when he needs to feel grounded. Sirius, his best friend and partner in crime. And you, his twin sister and other half.
What were you doing here?
Maybe this was a mistake. Maybe you shouldn’t tell him. This could ruin him; this had the potential to ruin three of James’ most precious relationships. How could you have been so selfish? He didn’t need to know, the least the three of you could do is keep this to yourself. Abort, abort, abort.
“So?” James asked, looking around at everyone with a raised eyebrow. “Are you finally going to tell me the three of you are dating?”
You were sure your heart stopped. Remus blew out an exasperated laugh and Sirius choked on air. 
“You knew!?” Sirius screeched.
James smirked and shrugged his shoulders. “Yeah?”
“How?” You whispered.
James’ face softened significantly when he took in your face that was drained of all colour. “Well, Pads here is about as subtle as an erumpent. Moony has been mooning over you since like third year. And I’d have to be blind – do not joke about my eyesight – not to notice the way you look at them.” He offered simply.
“So, you’ve known all this time and just let us tiptoe around?” Sirius asked, sounding a little miffed – at his friend for allowing him to make a fool of himself, or at his apparent lack of discrepancy, you weren’t sure.
“I figured you guys would tell me when you were ready.” James said simply again.
“Are you mad?” Remus asked quietly, pointedly looking at you ask he asked. He knew this was your biggest fear, the potential fallout. You weren’t sure what you’d do if James refused to accept your relationship with Remus and Sirius. You couldn’t bear the thought of breaking up their friend group; three people would lose if that was the case, but it would only hurt you if you were the one to step away. 
“No.” James said as he moved his head back and forth slightly. “I guess I was hurt you didn't tell me, but I could also understand why you didn’t. But no, I’m not mad.”
You blew out a breath at that, but it came out incredibly shaky. Unfortunately for you, no one in the room missed it.
“Awe bug. I’m sorry.” James said as he stood and offered his open arms to you. You took him up on his offer and accepted his hug, leaning your head onto his shoulder.
“I’m sorry, Jamie.”
“Don’t be, yeah? I’m happy for you, really.” He assured, rubbing roughly on your back. 
“Yeah?” You asked as you pulled back to look at him. You couldn’t see any contradictions on his face, only love.
“’Course. You’re the best, and I want the best for you.” He shook your shoulders a little, smiling like ‘did you seriously think otherwise?’
“Are they good to you?” He whispered, and though you knew your werewolf boyfriend and your canine animagus boyfriend could both likely hear the conversation, they allowed this moment to be yours and James’ alone.
“So good, Jamie. Promise.” You said, feeling tears prick at your eyes. 
“You’ll tell me if they’re not?”
You scoffed and rolled your eyes, but James wouldn’t let you pull away as you wont to do. “I wouldn’t involve you in it, James. They were your friends first; I’m not going to come between you.”
James’ brows furrowed a little as he seemed to ponder your words. “Perhaps...but you were my sister first. If anything, they’d be coming between us.”
You opted to smile at your brother and pinch his side like you knew he hated. “Never. That’s impossible.”
At that he finally let you go, returning your smile ten-fold. “That’s what I’ve been trying to say! So? Are we good?” He asked, turning to the rest of the room.
Remus had a proud and slightly emotional smile on his face while Sirius just stared between the two of you, eyes narrowed and eyebrows furrowed. 
“I’m sorry. What just happened?” He finally spat.
Remus groaned and rubbed a hand over his face. “Sirius, please. This went about as well as we could have hoped.”
James’ head popped up at that. “Oh! Sorry, did I make that too easy on you all?”
Sirius let out a scoff that sounded like “uhm, duh?”
“I could make it harder on you?” James offered.
“Please do.” Sirius said eagerly, causing you and Remus to groan in sync. 
James offered a quick ‘okay’ and cleared his throat, allowing silence to settle throughout the room as he picked up a stray book off his school trunk. 
Suddenly, he threw the book onto the ground, creating a booming thump. “MY SISTER!? ARE YOU KIDDING? YOU’RE DATING MY SISTER!?”
“JAMES PLEASE, JUST HEAR US OUT!” Sirius shouted back just as passionately. 
James scoffed in derision. “HEAR YOU OUT? HEAR YOU OUT. I THINK I’VE HEARD ENOUGH!”
“IT MEANS EVERYTHING TO ME!” Sirius called back, dropping to his knees on the floor in front of James. 
You shared a look with Remus as the theatrics continued, knowing this could go on for hours.
“Should we leave them to their drama?” Remus asked you.
“Please.” You nearly begged, taking his hand and exiting the dorm, catching one last sentence before the door clicked shut behind you.
“I DON’T CA- wait are you really? That's so cute!”
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Little Lady Masterlist
Maggie's Trevor
age twenty
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"Hello? Is this the right Trevor? Maggie's Trevor?"
"Uh, yeah?" Is Trevor's unsure response, hearing the voice of a woman that is very much not his best friend.
"My names Emma, I'm a friend of Mags, we're nursing students together," The girl explains, "We're at this TKE party right now and she's drunk off her ass. I asked who I should call and she said you were the man," She continues to explain, the music loud in the background, making it hard for her to be heard. "So... can you come get her?"
Oh. This girl doesn't know he lives on the West Coast.
"Uh, I live in California actually," Trevor explains, uncomfortable in that fact that he can't get to Maggie.
"Oh shit, I knew her boyfriend lived far away, but I thought like, an hour," Is the girls response, flustering the boy on the other end.
"Oh, I'm not her boyfriend, we've just been friends for years," He corrects, knowing there's fresh color on his cheeks, even in the dark of his room.
"Ha, just friends my ass Trevor," Is the girl's bold response, Maggie's voice floating into the background. "You must not know how she talks about you," Emma continues.
"Is that Trevy?!" Maggie can be heard screaming on the other side, drunker than he's ever heard her.
"Mags? Is that you sweetheart?" Trev asks, her giggling in response.
"Trevy, come give me a hug!"
"Mags I'm in Cali-"
"No no, come give me a hug, I miss you," The brunette mumbles, choking up.
Waving at Jamie across from him for his phone, Trevor types in Jack's number, letting it ring.
"I miss you too Mags, but you know I'm in Anaheim."
"Trev? What the hell man do you know what time it is over here?" Jack's exhausted voice grumbles through the phone that's up to his other ear.
Muting his own while Maggie is distracted, mumbling things to the friend who called, Trevor turns his attention to the other twin.
"Dude, Mags friend called me to pick her up and clearly I can't do that. You need to get your ass up and go pick up your sister."
You could hear Jack wake up just by the sound of his voice. "Do you know where she is?"
"Maggie, where are you again? Do you know the name of the bar?" Trevor switches over, Jamie trying not to laugh at the back and forth.
"TKE! My friend's brother is a brother!" She exclaims, Trevor relaying that info to her twin, said boy hanging up with a quick "I'm on my way" and leaving Trevor to distract Maggie.
"That sounds fun, how're you feeling?"
"Like I miss you," Is Mag's response once more, the alcohol taking away any filter the already openly flirtatious girl might have had. "You being in Anaheim sucks. You should move in with Jack and I."
"Baby, I play for the Anaheim Ducks, you know I can't do that from Jersey."
"Trev! We're 20 years old! How dare you settle down, and with someone other than me, no less," The girl nearly cries, leaving the loud environment she was once in in favor of quiet. "
"Maggie baby, what are you talking about? I live with Jamie?" It's moments like these he wishes they were dating, that he had gotten up the courage already to ask her out. Maybe this past summer at the lake house, maybe a few years ago when the boys gave him permission.
"Yeah, Jamie boy is taking my man!" She protests, the words echoing through the speaker function that Trevor had just activated, making the Canadian laugh.
"Your man?" Trev can't help but ask, a smirk on his face at the expression.
"You'd be my man if you'd ask me out already, I know you have my brother's permission," The girl admits, Trevor's face dropping at the admission.
"You- you what?"
"Oh! Trevor you won't believe it! Jacky is here! Jacky, say hi to Trev!" A near squeal unfurls, Jack's voice being the next thing a still confused Trevor hears.
"Z, hey, I'm going to get her home, she'll be feeling this tomorrow."
And at first he nods, realizing a moment later what he had done and responding, saying a quick goodbye just as Jack had done earlier.
When he looks up, Jamie is there, laptop turned in Trevor's direction and brows through the roof. "So, this is the first flight to Newark for tomorrow."
"Dude," Jamie can't help the judgement in his voice. "Grow a pair and go get the girl."
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littlexscarletxwitch · 11 months
Hi I would like to request Florence Pugh X reader where reader is Florence's brothers best friend and is secretly sneaking around with her. They fall in love and then someone catches them making out or something. Toby finds out about them and he's pissed at reader but she tells him how much she loves Flo and they end up together. Happy ending pleaseee
Love your work <3
── ༊*·˚⋆ 𝗽𝗶𝗻𝗸𝘆 𝗽𝗿𝗼𝗺𝗶𝘀𝗲
paring: florence pugh x fem!reader
tag(s): best friend's sister trope, fluff with a tiny bit of angst, secret relationship, toby and r are besties, raffie is just there for the drama lol
warning(s): allusion of sex, lying, grammatical errors, unedited
word count: 2.0k
note: YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW MUCH I LOVE THIS TROPE (like ASKJSHDKSKERJAKJDLADJ). Thank you for this request, you lovely person, I hope you like it! I'm not a native english speaker, so please let me know about any sort of mistake. Hope you all enjoy. Lots of love, M <3
requests are open! + check my rules + masterlist <3
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You were currently laying on her chest, listening to her steady heartbeat, as she traced small circles on your naked back. 
"This is nice," you hummed. Eyes closed, enjoying every second of it. 
"Yes, it is," Florence agreed, smiling to herself as she watched you drifting off to sleep. 
But suddenly a loud knocking, startled the both of you, breaking the bubble the two of you were wrapped in. 
"Hey, Flossie. Have you seen my yellow shirt? The one that Arabella got me," Toby said as he opened the door, your heart skipping a beat at the realisation: your best friend was about to walk in to you and Florence, his sister. "I can't find it—." 
Florence's hand was fast enough to cover up your mouth before a sound came out of it. 
"Toby, no! I'm naked!" Florence yelled, which was true. But she was more concerned about Toby finding you there, in her room, more than seeing her naked. 
Actually, it was a double concern since you were also naked and laying next to her. With just one look at the two of you, Toby would figure out everything the both of you had tried really hard to hide from him these past 3 months. 
"Oh, Jesus," said Toby, quickly covering his eyes, luckily without noticing you were also there. "I'm sorry, but have you seen it?" he tried again. 
"Get out of here!" 
"Alright, fine," his eyes were covered, but you were pretty sure he had just rolled his eyes at his sister. "Just let me know if you see it," he said before closing the door. 
The two of you stayed in silence for a few minutes, waiting for him to be really gone. The breath you had been holding finally escaped past your lips once you didn't hear Toby's footsteps anymore. 
“Is he gone?” you asked in a whisper. 
“I think he is gone.”
“I don’t hear him anymore.”
“Yeah, I think we are good.”
“You think so?”
“I think so.”
Once the two of you were sure Toby was long gone, you felt your body finally relaxed into Florence’s arms. 
“That was a close one,” she whispered, afraid that Toby would hear the both of you somehow.
“Yeah, I think we should tell him,” you turned to her. “Don’t you think?”
“I, um, I don’t know, Y/n. It’s kinda complicated,” she said, scratching the back of her neck.
“I know, but he’s only going to get angrier if we let more time pass by.”
“I just I don’t think we should tell him if we aren’t really sure that this is not just us hooking up, you know?” she regretted ever saying that as soon as the last word left her lips.
“You think we are just hooking up?” disbelief filled your tone. 
“No, that’s not what I meant. I just—.”
“Jesus, Florence!” you scoffed.  “You could have told me that I was just your ‘fuck buddy’,” you said getting up from the bed and putting your clothes on. 
“No, Y/n! I swear I didn’t mean it like that,” she said, standing up and putting on an oversized t-shirt as quickly as she could. “I just– I don’t know how you feel about me, about us,” she gestured to the two of you, desperate to explain herself before you walk out the door. “I just got insecure and over-thought things for a second. Just let me rephrase it, okay?” she said, reaching out for you.
You just let her take your hand, leading the both of you to sit on the unmade bed, and you waited in silence for her explanation.
She took a deep breath and finally let out the words she had been holding back these past months: “I really like you, okay?” she chuckled, but there was no trace of fun. “No, that’s not it. I think I might be in love with you,” she confessed her heart out to you.
“Yes, really!” a thin smile formed on her perfect soft lips. “I didn't want to tell Toby because I thought that if he were to find out about this… about us, then you wouldn’t want to be with me anymore. I didn’t want to lose you,” she licked her lips. “I don’t want to lose you.”
Your lips opened and closed, unsure of what to say next, but wanting nothing else but to comfort her.
“I think I might be in love with you too,” you said once you found the words, biting your bottom lip, in a failed attempt to stop you from smiling. 
“You think?” she asked hopefully.
“Oh, no. I don't think so. I am sure of it,” you giggled, a soft red hue creeping over your cheeks. “I've had the biggest crush on you for years now. So yeah… there's that,” you looked down at your feet, unable to meet her eyes.
It took Florence a full second to jump on top of you, causing the both of you to fall on the mattress. She, somehow, wrapped her arms around your body, holding you tightly against her and started to leave soft wet kisses all over your face.
“Okay then, we tell him alright?” she said once she was done kissing you.
You nodded, a smile forming on your lips, “We tell him,” you said before taking her lips in between yours.
The both of you lied, unintentionally that is. Too caught up in your own little world, neither of you realised that two weeks had passed since your agreement and Toby was still clueless about you, his best friend, dating his sister. But lies have short legs.
“You’re so pretty,” you mumbled on Florence's lips in between kisses. 
“You're prettier,”  she whispered. 
“Flo, anyone could walk in any second,” but still your lips wouldn’t dare to leave hers.
“Just five more minutes,” she said, as her hand slipped under your shirt. 
Your back arched like a cat against the couch. It was comfortable really, the two of you, pretty much dry humping, on the tiny couch. But she somehow made it work, all because she wanted some time along for the two of you. 
“So this is what you two are up to,” you heard someone say. 
“I knew it,” Raffie smiled to herself. “I fucking knew it!” She was now clapping and laughing, as if she had been told the funniest joke ever.
“Raffie, not too loud,” you said, trying to keep her quiet. 
“Shut it!” Florence said, annoyed at her little sister.
“Raffie?” but it was too late. “What are you laughing at?” you heard Toby said before walking into the living room. You watched his smile drop once he had a full picture of the three of you. 
“Toby, I…” you tried, but the words wouldn’t come out. 
“Why are you on top of her?” he asked Florence. Toby knew the reason why, but he had to ask. “Y/n, why is my sister on top of you?”
“Tobes, I swear it’s not that big of a deal, okay?” Florence jumped in. 
“My sister and my best friend…” you prepared yourself for the worst. “...had been lying to me,” and then you realised that nothing could have prepared you for that. Because Toby didn’t look angry, or resentful, or furious. He looked hurt, disappointed, confused and heartbroken.
“Toby, please just—,” his sister tried to speak.
“I don’t care that you two have been fucking around, that’s your bussines,” he said bitterly. “I care that you two lied, and only God knows for how long,” he muttered, storming off. 
“Oh, shit,” Raffie couldn’t help herself, getting a glare from her sister. “Right, sorry.”
“No, fuck that,” you run after him. “Toby! Toby, wait up.”
“Y/n, wait” Florence said, now running after the two of you. 
“Okay, I won’t miss this,” Raffie said, quickly following her sister.
“Just hear me out, okay?” you said, once you got ahead of him, making it impossible for him to leave. Actually, he could leave if he wanted to, he was stronger than you, all the times the two of you would play ‘fight’ when kids had proven it to you. But he stayed. 
“Okay,” you said, swallowing the lump that had formed on your throat. “Remember all the teasing, the jokes, the comments about me liking Florence?” you waited for him to answer but he only nodded. “Well, it was all true, Tobes. I really like her, I have for a while now,” you smiled. “No, fuck that, I love her, okay?”
Florence felt her tummy sink, she had to get used to hearing you say that you loved her. 
“Yes!” Raffie cheered to herself. 
“I didn’t tell you about us, because I didn’t want you to be upset. But now I realise that lying to you was a shitty thing to do. 
“Really shitty,” he nodded. 
“I’m really sorry that I lied to you. You are my best friend, I shouldn't be keeping secrets from you. I don’t want to lose you, Tobes,” you huffed, tears burning your eyes. “I really am sorry.”
After what felt like an eternity of silence, he spoke up. “You won’t lose me, Y/n,” he breathed out. “I get it, you like her,” he huffed. “Of all the people you could have had, you chose her,” he said, rolling his eyes, but there was a tint of mischief in his voice. 
“Hey! I’m here,” Florence pretended to sound hurt, but she was glad Toby was giving in.
He glared at her, before counting. “Still, it doesn't make up for the lying.”
“Yeah, I know.”
“Just promise me you won’t lie to me ever again, okay?”
“I won’t, I promise,” you quickly nodded. “I pinky promise,” you said, raising your finger.
He looked down at your finger while a smile was forming on his lips, he remembered the first the two of you made that kind of promise: he was 6 and you were about 5, at first he had laughed at you; but then he realised how much it meant to you, and then he understood that you would always keep to your promises. It became your thing. The small gesture warmed his heart because he knew that this time it wouldn’t be any different than before. 
He looked back up at you, and after he playfully rolled his eyes at you, he hooked his finger with yours. Once the pact was sealed, you wrapped your arms around him, holding him tightly against your body. 
“I love you, Tobes. I’m really sorry that I lied to you,” you whispered into his shirt. 
“Love you too, Y/n,” he said, placing a kiss on the top of your head. “Now, get out of here,” he said, carefully pushing you away and toward Florence. “I need a drink, you guys want a drink?” he said, making his way inside the house, not really expecting an answer. 
“Well…” Florence said, wrapping her arms around your waist, as you placed yours on her shoulders. “That wasn’t as bad as it could have been,” she chuckled. 
“Yeah, I guess so,” you smiled at her before connecting your lips to hers, but stopped once you heard some clearing their throat. 
The both of you looked at the source of the noise, “Too soon?” Florence joked. 
“Oh, shit, sorry,” you quickly mumbled. 
“No, it’s okay. I will have to get used to this eventually,” Toby said, gesturing to the two of you. Before taking his final step inside the house, he looked at you with a stern look. “She’s my sister, if you hurt her I’ll deal with you” he then looked at Florence. “She’s my best friend, same thing goes for you.”
You, kind of, expected that ultimate at some point, but not for Florence to receive the same one.
“What?” he said as he realised how confused the two of you looked. “I care about the two of you, okay? Don’t fuck it up,” he, sarcastically, smiled and finally left your sight. 
“Well, that was… interesting. But now it’s over so I’m bored again,” Raffie said. “You guys want to watch a movie?”
The both of you looked at her and burst into laughter, relief washing over the two of you.
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Likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated! <3
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wooeo · 6 months
soooo you remember that ask you got about enha getting jealous with girlie's fanboys/other idols?? yeah *cough* bring out your thoughts *cough*
you're very pretty and everybody knows it. the boys are always running after you when you're out and about, knowing there's always someone right around the corner waiting to talk to you. they're not possessive just protective (and slightly jealous but they're not gonna admit that), especially knowing how shy you can be. they already have to deal with female idols stealing you away during random times but watching male idols make heart eyes at you is another thing entirely. they did once make a circle around you to keep people from looking at you but that made you ignore them for 2 days they groveled. it feels like you always have people cooing at you and making heart eyes, it drives the boys crazy. sometimes they hear about another idol talking about you and pinch your cheeks more than usual to remind themselves you're with them. jake has barked at someone before
also male idols with the biggest crushes on enha girlie : txt beomgyu, skz i.n, cravity minhee + seongmin, e'last yejun, nct jisung, all of riize and you've never given any of them a lick of attention
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babybirbb · 1 month
a couple of dentist visits ago i was sitting in the chair for a few hours and i was in pain and not having fun but this was when i had just started obsessing over marvey so to cope i came up with a fic idea while i was there...
ive been having tooth pain again but i hate going so to cope again all ive been thinking about is this marvey fic idea again where hurt!mike has to go to the dentist so im gonna force yall to hear about it too
the gist is that yes even though mike is an adult, he hasn't been to the dentist in a hot second (ie since high school) bc he just didn't have enough money for it to be a priority
anyways he starts dealing with some general issues: toothache, headaches, sensitivity, disrupted sleep, etc. that just gets bad enough to the point where it's obvious that something is wrong
harvey can tell he's not functioning at full capacity: is avoiding certain foods, looks like he's in pain sometimes, and just generally seems more irritable as of late
eventually it reaches it's breaking point and harvey confronts mike and has to force him to go to the dentist cuz he's fed up (also cuz he cares about mike obvi but he's not gonna say that)
mike has general dentist anxiety (he hasn't been in a while and he's also definitely worried about the copay even tho i imagine this law firm provides dental insurance lol) but harvey’s nice enough to be there for him
anyways after finally going and figuring out the issue, mike's set up for a procedure (tooth extraction? root canal? idk yet), and after said procedure harvey has to deal with gassed up mike who's either woken up from the sedative or just heavily anesthetized
basically just harvey taking care of mike from then on, giving meds and comfort when the pain becomes too much after the anesthesia wears off. i just want harvey to be all soft and sweet with equally soft and loopy mike
i have hopes to write this at some point (my depression is kicking my ass rn) but anyone else is welcome to take inspiration from this! i encourage it cuz i'd love to see what other people come up with! <3
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sweethome-thoughts · 1 year
Spoilers on the last pic !! There's 5 again ok ty
Also if you saw me post the wrong post no you didn't
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In my silly posts era, sorry for the quality on the second pic I'm a bit too lazy to redo it, hope you enjoy still
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nearestend · 5 days
sorry but i'm going to need everyone to stop writing autistic / "gifted" (in quotes because i hate that term) characters who were little baby geniuses that skipped grades and graduated as valedictorian and were every teacher's pet because it's the most unrealistic shit ever and kind of just perpetuates this ableist misconception when in reality most autistic / gifted kids are more likely to be abused and exploited and bullied (both by peers and teachers), especially if they are not rich and especially if they are not white
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rosanna-writer · 5 months
Nesta's brain would totally short-circuit when she finds out Gwyn and Elain are dating because she can't figure out who she needs to give the usual "break her heart and I'll break your face" speech to
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jonathanbyersphd · 2 years
Baby Mike having a crush on Jonathan is my favorite headcanon because then he's had a crush on every Hoppers-Byers siblings
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liv-333 · 1 year
Enemies to lovers prompts
A/N This trope is so cute like if someone loved me after hating me and everything about me I would cry. also lmk if you want a blurb based off the last prompt because i'm probs gonna write one
Character A often spots Character B looking over at them, this has accidentally started many staring competitions making everyone think they like each other.
Character A and Character B's Mum's are best friends and have tried almost everything to make the pair like each other, the mum's claim they just want A and B to get along but all four of them know they want A and B to date.
for a school/work project A and B are paired up together, they reluctantly agree to work at B's house. One day B has to go for whatever reason but they tell A to keep working, while B's out A takes the oppertunity to look around B's room and realises that maybe B isn't as bad as A thought.
A gets in a fight because someone was making B's life miserable, only A is allowed to make B's life miserable. After character C has had the shit beaten out of them A goes to B's house to explain  what happened and ask B to help patch them up (could a confession happen :0 ?)
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nikkiruncks · 1 month
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moodboard: nate x betsy
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mvalentine · 15 days
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they are everything to me actually <33
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M.Hughes Masterlist
How Many Hockey Players Does It Take To Unscrew a Lightbulb
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liked by _quinnhughes, _alexturcotte, and 732 others
"You all really didn't have to come help me pack," Is all I can think to say once I get past the shock of opening my front door to players from the Devils, Ducks, and Canucks. "I- How did you all even know? Let alone get tickets so quick?"
"We're professional hockey players Kid, we have the money for last minute tickets AND the muscles for carrying heavy things into your Uhaul," Is Elias Pettersson's response.
"We're basically the dream team of moving," Is Cole's addition, popping out from behind Nico to give me a hug. Make that four NHL teams represented.
"But you didn't have to all come? I don't have that much stuff and I already had Trev and my brothers."
"Just say you're happy to see us and move over so we can get in," Is Brady's jab, pulling me into a hug before pushing me back into my nearly empty apartment, each boy giving me a hug as they go until the only ones left to enter are my brothers and boyfriend.
"Hey there Kiddo," Quinn greets, pulling me into his side and kissing the top of my head. "You didn't really think we wouldn't call in the army to make this easiest for you."
"Or that we wouldn't be coming with you to Cali to unpack," Jack chimes, holding up three tickets while still in the entry.
"Just the three of us, the other boys are all heading home tomorrow," Lu is the one to comfort, seeing the anxiety in my body rise and making it fall. "It looks like you pretty much have everything packed."
"I do," I agree, looking over the room of boxes, only a few items here and there as the men glance around, most having never seen my apartment before.
"What's left of this place is cute?" Dawson offers, trying his best to compliment what was left. "I'm sure it was even cuter before."
"Thank you Daws, that's a lot nicer than what Jamie was saying the other day," I chirp, the comment directed at said Ducks player who nearly drops the box that he had acquired.
"I didn't mean it like that! All I said was that this place wasn't cute enough for you!" He attempts to defend, looking to Trev for assistance.
"Not to defend his honor or anything, but he did follow it with 'your stuff will look so much cuter in our apartment'," Trev offers, and I can't help but jokingly roll my eyes.
"And this is why he's your one true love," I grumble, the Petey, Q, Jimmy and Mason walking out with boxes in hand, having just taken any old boxes and gotten moving.
"Hey now, you know you're my one true love, baby," Trev assures, moseying up in front of me and pulling me in by my hips, wrapping his arms around me and giving me a peck.
You can hear the groans of the room before you can actually determine who's groan is who's. All I do know is that Jack was definitely the one to say "ew" and Cole absolutely said "oh my poor eyes!"
Drama queens.
"Okay, that's enough of that," Luke is the one to pull me away from Trev, pulling on my hand like he did as a kid.
God when did we all grow up.
Cole, Trevor, my brothers and I. All that we're missing is Alex.
And all my boys made it into the NHL.
And I'm a nurse.
"Hey, don't fall too far in there," Quinn's words pull me out, him and the others having gotten back in the time that I was in my head, Luke having just gently been rubbing my shoulder in the mean time. "Where'd you just disappear to?"
"Just thinking about how much we've all changed since Jack and the boys were in dev camp."
It's a simple answer, but its enough that Q pulls me around the corner into the hallways, leaving Luke behind to lead the continued emptying of where I've lived for two years.
As soon as we're around he's looking in my eyes before pulling me into a hug, tucking me under his chin like he's always done and holding me tight.
"I know change, especially big changes, make your anxiety spike," well he caught me there, "but this is something you've been looking forward to since you were toddling around putting bandaids on us after peewee practice. As much as I hate to say it, you are the most prepared out of any of us to go out into the world."
"Q-" I cut myself off, knowing if I continue I may just cry. "Thank you."
"Hey Mags-a-million, where- oh," Cole pauses, a blush coming to his cheeks at interrupting Quinn's and my sibling bonding moment.
"Uh, yeah, what were you going to ask Coley?" I ask, wiping the few tears that did gather from my waterline.
"I just wanted your permission to move the box that says undergarments. I felt kind of weird doing it without asking and didn't want Trev to kick my ass," He explains, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.
"Cole, it's not like you're digging through my panty drawer," I can't help but laugh, his entire face burning bright red.
Quinn just shakes his head, running his hand through his hair. "I'm pretty sure you made it weirder by asking."
"Why did Mason just tell me that Cole was asking about your under stuff?" Trevor's voice interrupts us once more, taking me from my brothers side and pulling me into his arms, glaring with very little ammunition at Cole. "Back off my woman Caufield."
"See! This is why I asked!" Cole yells, officially having enough of the teasing before glaring at Trev. "You," He emphasizes with a point, "can carry it, jackass," Throwing his hands up to his usual level of dramatics before wandering away.
Trev pecks my forehead, the brightest smile on his face as he leads us after our favorite dramatic.
"I think this is really going well."
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starrybobatea · 1 year
y’all have no idea how much i need content of roxanne and minion bonding and being in-laws from guide to defending your city
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caravanlurker · 6 months
Hi I'm Lauren I'm new to this app, I'm just trying to make some friends. Can i be your friend?
Oh—sure! Cursory glance at your blog shows that we have a few interests in common. Who’re your top 3 Owl House characters?
#talking#I’m gonna be a bit basic and say that it’s the family trio Luz. Eda. King. in that order I love them so much#luz is everything to me. she’s the most I’ve resonated with a cartoon protag & she brings out the best in people but also takes no prisoners#like YEAAAH make that pigeon griffin!#eda would also be so funny to be friends/mentees with#like she’s literally collecting and selling human junk to people at the start of the series#but she’s great to the people she cares about she’s been through so much#also im very happy that in the end her family got bigger#reconciled with her sister and her partner. got a cool battle harpy form. pirate hook hand. love!!!#king is a critical hit for all the character tropes I don’t relate to but LOOOVR#look at his design!#he names that robot JeanFrancoius or something after thinking it was gonna kill him 5 mins ago#he’s also so important the last two ladies so the affection rubs off onto him too#he roleplays Owl House with the collector for months to stave off the end of the world#his dad is the corpse everyone’s been living on and he’s responsible for the new age glyphs for his sister to study LIKE ARE YOU HEARING ME#HE’S SO CUTE AND COOL DOIBLE THREAT#bllaaaaaarrrghhhhh ok that’s enough talking I just got like 10 hrs of sleep yesterday feeling good#i usually have a delay between seeing messages and replying to them so if it takes me like a week to respond it’s not because I I’m annoyed#though at the same time I don’t mind if friends reply to me like months later since I’m never urgent about anything I text#how do I tag you#Lauren!
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