#best facial vancouver
emsesthetics · 10 months
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The Art of Pampering- Expert Tips for the Best Facial Vancouver | EM's Esthetics
Indulge in the art of pampering at EM's Esthetics with the best facial in Vancouver. Our expert tips elevate your experience, ensuring a luxurious and rejuvenating skincare journey. Experience the added brilliance of an LED facial in Vancouver, expertly designed to enhance your natural glow. Trust EM's Esthetics for a personalized and indulgent facial experience that unveils your radiant beauty.
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corrodedcoffins-blog · 6 months
Royal Meeting
quinn hughes x royal!reader
note: I love them!!!
word count: 1.8 k
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This tour was a year in the making, the Princess of Cambridge touring Canada with her father now ruling. Y/n was named the people’s princess after Diana, the people of England saw a lot of her mother in her. So with her father being someone the public doesn’t have the best view of, it was her job to possibly help restore that.
Starting on the east coast and heading west, the princess was on her second to last stop, Vancouver, before she would be heading over the province's capital. Going to a hockey game with Harry and Meghan was not in the original plan, but the woman was never one to follow plans set out for her. But she could also never pass up spending time with her older brother and Meghan.
Stepping out of the car the woman waves to the people waiting outside, grabbing flowers and giving out hugs; even if she wasn’t supposed to.
She was told by her assistant that Harry and Meghan would meet her in the dressing room halls. Not that she needed to know that given she would just be following her security.
“Meghan!” Seeing her sister-in-law she passes the two security men in front of her, bringing the other woman into a large hug. “Hello, Y/n! So good to see you it’s been to
long!” “I know! I miss my little niece and nephew! Oh- Harry you’re here too, hello.” The brother and sister both exchange a chuckle, bringing each other into a hug.
The three half-watched warm-ups in the lounge, mostly catching up. But they had to stay down there to wait for puck drop.
After getting announced, Harry and Y/n walked out side by side. Looking around at the teams, the girl notices the handsome faces, though one in particular stood out among the rest. On the Canucks the man with the ‘C’ on his jersey, with the most beautiful swept back hair, and facial hair. Y/n loved facial hair, believing it would make any man instantly more attractive. His eyes were dark in the lighting of the area, but she was sure there was more to them up close.
And that she was right, being as he was the captain he would take the ceremonial face off, meaning Y/n could get a closer look at his features. 
“Hello.” He said, shaking her hand then doing the same to her brother. His american accent was adorable, and his voice was such a pleasant sound, one she could fall asleep to. She was so entranced with him, she didn’t even say hello back, he probably thought she was rude. In her mind she was patting herself on the back for such a good first impression. 
She zoned out, only getting snapped back into reality when the cameras flashed, waiting for a moment her brother never dropped the puck. It made her laugh, thankful she wasn’t the only one making a lousy impression. Whispering to her brother she said, “H, you have to drop the puck.”
Everyone let out a small chuckle, it was all in good fun. 
Throughout the game she couldn’t help but have her eyes be drawn to the Canucks captain, who she now learned was named Quinn. It was a name that suited him, she felt that he gave off the same energy as the letter ‘Q’ if that makes sense. 
Quinn got a goal and an assist, both of which the woman stood up and clapped for. She couldn’t help herself, and she was sure Meghan noticed. During the time Harry went to the washroom, Meghan leaned over and whispered, “He’s cute. Number 43?” “Oh piss off.”
After the game, and after saying bye to Harry and Meghan, Y/n decided to do something she never thought she would ever do. 
She waited outside the home team’s dressing room. Why? She had no clue. How was she going to start a conversation? She had no clue. And with her security around her at all times, it made it a lot worse, because she had an audience.
And before she could over think, the man of her hour came out, “Hi, you’re Quinn Hughes, right? The captain?” 
He looked a little shocked that she was talking to him, making eye contact with both her security guards before her as if to say ‘you guys believe this?’ but nonetheless he nods, not having the ability to talk in the presence of her, and her beauty, and the way her confidence was almost seeable in the air. “You played amazing, I mean from what I know about hockey.” She lets out a small breath of air out of her nose in a half-laugh. 
“Oh- Thank you.” He knows that to carry on a conversation you should maybe say something back to provoke more words, yet in his state of being at the moment he wasn’t quite sure he could do that.
“I was actually wondering..” taking a deep breath, she prepares for the worst. The ‘I have a girlfriend’ or the ‘I have plans’ “If you were busy tonight? I know we haven’t even met yet, but I don’t really do this.” she gestures to the general area, and seeing a slight bit of confusion on the man’s face she alaperates, “I mean like- my family has always set up dates for me, I’ve never done this, so I don’t know how to do this. And now I have over-explained and over-shared so now you’ll really say no.”
Unbeknownst to her, the man found her ‘over-explaining’ and ‘over-sharing’ endearing. Her flustered state as she asks him out, the rosyness on her cheeks and her large smile while she talks. Were all things he hadn’t seen until now, and he loved every new thing he discovered about her. 
“I’m not busy tonight… We could go to this restaurant I know, or if you don’t want to be in public I understand and we could just go to my place? I don’t have roommates.” 
He was so adorably awkward while speaking and he was understanding and kind, every man her family had set her up with had never been this understanding of her status, they had always either used it to their advantage, or were jealous of it. But not Quinn. In the couple minutes they talked, she felt in her gut that he had honourable morals.
With a smile spreading on the girl’s face she replies, “I would love to go to your place.” At her words a matching grin is growing on Quinn’s face, placing his hand on her back as he leads her out to his car. 
The two were settled on Quinn’s couch, some american movie on in the background while they spoke. Learning more and more about each other. In the safety of his flat, and her security outside Y/n felt free to be herself.
“I have two younger brothers-” “ I have two older brothers! Continue, what do they do? Hockey?” “Yeah, they both play on the New Jersey Devils.” “It must be hard seeing them get to play together while you’re not.” “It does sting sometimes, during summer when they’ll tell their stories of living together without mom as a mediator. But I mean, they’re my little brothers and I couldn’t be more happy for them and I have my friends here. So it’s not all bad.” 
Subconsciously, the man's arm fell from resting on the back of the couch to now rest on the girl’s shoulder, urging her to curl into his body more. “Are you close to your mom?” “We don’t have to talk about my mom.” Quinn might know much about Y/n’s family, but he knew that she never knew her mother, Princess Diana. 
“It doesn’t bother me. Talking about my mom if that’s what you're worried about.” “I assumed it would be a not first date appropriate conversation.” “Right. No trauma on the first date, rule 101.” The two broke into laughs, probably caused by the wine they were drinking. Y/n decided to divulge into lighter conversation, “Now. This question is very important to me.” The woman adjusted her sitting position to now sitting on the couch facing Quinn, his hand now rubbing up and down on her upper arm, “Are you a dog or a cat person?”
Letting out a breath of relief Quinn says, “Thank god, I thought it would be a question about tea.” “What, just because I’m British my life must revolve around tea?” “So you wouldn’t be offended when I tell you I don’t like tea?” “You don’t like tea?!” Quinn laughs at her over-exaggeration, “I should have known better, you are American.” “Hey!” “Dogs or cats?” Y/n stubbles out between giggles at the sight of Quinn’s face.
“If I get this wrong, is the date off?” “Well, that in combination with not liking tea..” “I’m a dog person.” “Correct!”
Later in the night the two were still on Quinn’s couch, now actually watching what was playing on the TV. No longer shy about their cuddling, Quinn was lying on his back with Y/n between his legs on top of the man. His hands playing with hers, lacing their fingers together and swaying them back and forth.
All night Y/n couldn’t help but think about the fact that this never felt like a first date. Well it did in the way of getting to know each other but they never had that awkward first date silence. It felt as if they had been friends long before now. 
They talked about Quinn first moving to Vancouver and how he loves it here now. Y/n also mentioning how she loves Vancouver. It felt as if both were tiptoeing around the subject Quinn living in Vancouver and Y/n in England. She would love to move to Vancouver, in the future. The woman had always wanted to live in another country and Canada always seemed like a good choice. But of course she wouldn’t be telling Quinn this, it was in fact a first date.
“I’m headed to Victoria tomorrow afternoon. But I’ll only be there for three days, then the tours over and I head back home.” She could see the hope leave Quinn’s eyes, so quickly she cleared up what she was getting at, “But, I don’t have to. I could come back here.” At her words Quinn beams, excited at the idea of seeing her again so soon.
“The 24th I’ll be in Seattle.” “Then I’ll fly to Seattle, watch you play again.” “I would love that, princess.” 
No one had ever called Y/n ‘princess’ as a pet name, only at events or being introduced to someone. And never did she think she would love being called princess this much. She thought if anything it would weird her out if someone ever did. But when it came from Quinn’s mouth, from his beautiful lips, and deep voice. She would love anything he called her.
@inejghafawifesblog @ghostwritermia @shallow678 @definitly-creative-words @caro8409 @anotherfan07
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detailtilted · 8 months
Index of Enhanced Edition Con Videos
I'll maintain this index in a pinned post for easy reference. Click the links to go to the YouTube videos, or click here for a more readable Google Docs table which includes these links plus a tab noting which events I skipped, temporarily or permanently, and why.
2007-11-11, Chicago - J2 Breakfast (00:23:42)
2007-11-11, Chicago - Jensen Solo (00:21:55)
2007-11-11, Chicago - Jared Solo (00:29:44)
2007-11-11, Chicago - J2 Main Panel (00:38:24)
2008-07-27, San Diego Comic Con - SPN Panel (00:50:52)
2008-11-16, Chicago - J2 Breakfast (00:26:16)
2008-11-16, Chicago - Jared Solo (00:26:20)
2008-11-16, Chicago - J2 Main Panel (00:35:04)
2008-11-16, Chicago - Jensen Solo (00:34:36)
2009-08-30, Vancouver - J3 Breakfast (00:31:53)
2009-08-30, Vancouver - Jensen Solo (00:27:17)
2009-08-30, Vancouver - J2 Main Panel (00:30:25)
2009-11-15, Chicago - J2 Breakfast (00:32:24)
The main J2 panel from CHICON 2009 is in progress but will take me longer than usual to publish. It will be over an hour long -- more than twice as long as most of the videos I've been working with. I'll also be dealing with some house buying/selling/moving madness for the next month and a half and that will eat into my video editing time.
Thank you to everyone who has shown an interest in these videos. The reblogs and likes all made me very happy, and I especially appreciated the kind comments some of you left in your reblog text and tags. I'm unsure of the proper Tumblr way to respond directly to that in a way that won't annoy people, but I've definitely noticed and appreciated it!
An explanation of this project and my tentative plans for it are listed below the break. A lot of it will be familiar if you've read my earlier posts, but it's more detailed -- and excessively long! There's also some info on how you can help, especially if you have any old videos or audio files that you'd be willing to contribute.
Why Do You Call These "Enhanced Editions"?
The videos I'm using are not my own, but I've spent many hours adding enhancements to them. My goal is to make these the most watchable and accessible versions of these older convention panels published to date. Credit and links to the original videos are in the video descriptions. These are the typical enhancements you'll see:
I'm upscaling the videos as best I can. It isn't remotely perfect, but it's a little more watchable than the originals. The videos I'm working with are very low quality by today's standards. and they were also recorded under difficult circumstances. Video taking wasn't permitted at most of the earlier cons, so the people who took them did so at the risk of getting kicked out. They couldn't exactly come waltzing in with a tripod, so the videos are shaky, they don't always have a clear view of the stage, and sometimes they cut off at unfortunate moments. They can be frustrating to watch, but we owe these people a debt of gratitude for capturing this footage because otherwise it would have been lost altogether.
When necessary, I'm correcting colors on the videos to try to make them look more natural and consistent. I'm very inexperienced in this area, and I don't consider it to be one of my strengths, but I'm learning.
The original videos are usually in multiple parts, but I'm editing them together into a single video as cohesively as possible. I may use videos from multiple sources to provide the most complete video possible, and I'll select the ones with the highest video quality and/or the best view of the action available. Sometimes I have to make difficult choices between the video with the best view (meaning a clear view of their actions and/or facial expressions) and the video with the best quality. I usually lean toward the one with the best view in those cases.
I'm adding extra content to help clarify references people make during the panels. The videos I've worked with so far don't take up the full width of a modern video frame, so I've taken advantage of that extra space to display the extra content to the side where it's less obtrusive. There are explanations for obscure references that are way funnier when you understand what they mean, plus episode references to help jog the memory for those of us who haven't rewatched the show a million times. In rare cases where I think it will enhance understanding, I'll insert brief episode clips that highlight what they're talking about.
I'm putting a LOT of time into adding good, color-coded English subtitles that can be turned on and off with YouTube's CC button. These videos can be frustrating to understand because the audience often drowns them out and Jared and Jensen tend to talk at the same time when they're together. I can't always figure everything out, but it's far better than the crazy, auto-generated nonsense that many videos have. YouTube can then translate my English subtitles into other languages, so this may improve accessibility for people who are less comfortable with English. The color-coding helps with telling who's saying what: red for Jared, blue for Jensen, green for the general audience, yellow for the current fan at the microphone, and white for other people such as staff.
If there's missing footage that I can't find anywhere, then if I can find a source that seems to have reliable details about what was discussed, I'll add static images with a brief summary and a link to my source in the video description.
What Conventions Do You Plan to Enhance?
I don't want to make grand promises that I'll enhance videos for every old convention, although I definitely love the idea of doing so. How far I go with this will depend on how much sustained interest there is from other people and how much spare time I have myself. My output speed will probably be erratic depending on what's going on in my life at the time.
My general plan was to start with the oldest conventions and work my way forward. For now, I'm focusing on the panels with Jared and/or Jensen since they're my main interest. I may temporarily skip over conventions that they didn't both attend, but with the intent to go back and fill those in later. If I obtain any mostly-complete videos of Misha's solo panels that upscale well, I may also do his panel if I'm doing panels for Jared and Jensen from the same event.
One big constraint will be whether I can find enough videos to work with for a convention, and just how bad the quality is. I've found that some videos are too poor of a quality to upscale. Since these videos are painful to watch in their raw form, I suspect people will be less interested in watching "enhanced" videos that don't include at least some noticeable improvement in visual quality, but please do let me know if I'm wrong. For that reason, I'll probably skip past cons if I can't upscale the videos, at least for now.
As I work through the old conventions, I'll make a good attempt to upscale the available videos. If I don't have much success, then I'll skip over that convention with the hope that I might be able to get some video files that upscale better. (See the "Can I Help? section.) After I make it through all the low-hanging fruit, I want to come back to those problematic conventions and just create a cohesive edit with color corrections, special content, and subtitles even if I can't upscale the video.
These are just my general thoughts right now but the project is young, so my strategy may change.
Can I Help?
If you have any old convention videos or audio files that you're willing to contribute, please message me! Maybe I can use them, maybe I can't, but the more I have to work with, the better chance I have of creating something more complete. If I do use your material, I'll credit you in whatever manner you prefer.
Even if your videos are on YouTube, I've found that the original files may upscale much better than videos pulled off YouTube. I think the videos were degraded when they were uploaded to YouTube, at least back then. If you send me videos that I'm able to upscale, I'll happily send the upscaled versions back to you for your collection regardless of whether or not I use them. (If you have any videos you don't want me to use for this project, let me know and I'll respect your wishes.)
Even if your video looks terrible, you might just have a missing piece of footage that I couldn't find anywhere else, or your video might upscale more easily than another. If nothing else, I might be able to hear something in the audio that will help me fill in a subtitle I couldn't figure out.
Likewise, audio files can be helpful even without video. If nothing else, they may help me fill in some subtitles. If the audio file is consistently easier to understand than the audio on the videos I'm using, I can also substitute the audio from your file in place of the video's audio. If you have audio of sections of the panels for which no known videos exist, that could also help me fill in those gaps.
If you're watching my enhanced videos with the subtitles turned on, please do let me know if you catch any errors or if you can clearly understand something I marked as [inaudible]. I can't change the videos themselves on YouTube, not without breaking the links and causing confusion, but it's pretty easy to update the subtitles because they're a separate file. It's important to me to try not to put words in their mouths that they might not have said, so I'm trying not to guess purely based on context if I can't tell with confidence that they said what I think they probably said. However, there were times when I felt like I should have been able to understand what they said but I just couldn't manage it, and I'm sure someone with different ears may be able to figure out some of the parts I couldn't.
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the-blind-assassin-12 · 8 months
Change of Plans
A/N: Although I am SEVERAL days late at this point, this is a gift for @something-tofightfor - HAPPY BIRTHDAY, RACHAEL! I hope your day was all that you wanted it to be, and that this year is the best fucking one yet. I so badly wanted this to be done in time, but you know me. Anywho, I love your guts and I hope you enjoy this chaotic little cake I whipped up with the help of one of your favorite cowboys.
Word count: 4k
Warnings: listen, don't do what Reader does here. Other than that... just some language. It's very tame. But don't do it.
Summary: Jack is there on business. You're there for pleasure.
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He noticed you right away. 
Sitting in the waiting area near gate A-7, right leg crossed over your left and an open book in one hand, you caught his eye -
Well hello, gorgeous.
- and he had to repeatedly free his focus from your direction, reminding himself why he was at the airport in the first place. 
Damn it, Agent, you’ve got a job to do.
You turned the page of the book you were reading, letting out a sigh and stretching your neck, and Jack adjusted his position on the barstool he occupied so that he was forced to change his line of sight. He cleared his throat, lifting his glass to his lips and taking a sip. The bold, smoky flavor of the deep amber whiskey coated his tongue, and by the time he swallowed he was back on his task. 
He’d been sent to locate and detain a known associate of a crime boss that Statesman was attempting to bring down. Intel gathered from Agents assigned to the case suggested that the associate - a mid level player who occasionally dealt in black market weapons - would be traveling through Louisville on his way to meet with the mysterious and nefarious man they knew only as The Gatekeeper. The current theory was that The Gatekeeper was operating out of San Francisco - or more specifically, out of a secret underwater lair that was built into one of the foundational structures of the Golden Gate Bridge, hence his nickname. But Statesman had been unable to confirm that yet. Catching up with the Gatekeeper’s gun runner was their best bet when it came to pinning down his location for sure, and since he had the most experience with facial recognition and planting trackers, the assignment had gone to Agent Whiskey. 
So let’s find this shit kicker and get on with it so I can get on with… He resisted the urge to turn back in your direction. 
Setting his glass down on the cork coaster it was served to him on, he brought his newly emptied hand up to tap the arm of his gold wire glasses. At the touch of his fingertip, the stealth lens screens activated, and he used them to scan the faces of the people moving through the terminal. So far none had hit as a match for the Gatekeeper’s associate, but since the man was clever enough to book himself tickets on multiple flights that day to make it harder for anyone who might be looking to follow him, Jack had to keep checking until he either found his target or the last of those flights had taken off. 
I’ll find him. Soon as he shows up I’ll- 
But Jack didn’t even need to finish the thought, because his lenses detected the person he’d been waiting for before he could. Just as he was about to get up from his seat and position himself to intercept his target, though, he saw something else flash across his lenses. 
Mission directive has changed. Do not detain. Intel from Kingsman suggests associate may also be working with Golden Circle remnants in Canada. New directive is only to place the tracker and not to pursue until we know for sure who he is meeting. Agents in Vancouver and San Francisco have been put on alert and will be activated as needed. 
Jack blinked twice to acknowledge Ginger’s message, then used the movement of his eyes to send a question in response. 
Received. Return to HQ? 
He had his jet on standby there at the airport in the event that he needed to abscond with The Gatekeeper’s man, and he assumed that since that was no longer necessary, Champ and Ginger would want him to come back and await further information. Keeping one eye on his target, he used the other to read the new message that flashed across his lens, finding it to be a surprise. 
Negative. Don’t want to risk the chance of counter tracking. Take the Pony somewhere for a few days first. Vegas or Denver are preferable but Mexico City is also available. 
Well, shoot. Looks like I’m takin’ a vacation. My favorite kind of mission. 
Ginger had listed cities where Statesman owned properties that were reserved for off duty use - for when Agents had to lay low for a while, or for when they needed a safe place to recover from injuries sustained in the line of duty. There were several more located around the world, but judging by the selection that was presented to him, they wanted him to stay close enough to either have him back in Kentucky in a matter of hours, or send him to California or British Columbia in a pinch when the intel on who the associate was meeting with came back. 
Received. Target inbound. Contact when directive complete. 
With that, he lifted his finger up to tap the arm of his glasses once more, the screens deactivating so that he could remove them, folding them for safe storage in the inner pocket of his jacket. In a turn of luck, his mark headed straight for the bar he was seated at and sat down two stools over. He showed no signs of having made Jack for a secret operative, not even bothering to look in his direction as he ordered a drink from the bartender. 
Jack’s grin was imperceptible as he used his thumb and pointer finger to pull one of the small “buttons” from the cuff of his jacket sleeve. Flattening it with a tight pinch, he dropped the bio-tracker into his own beverage and watched as it dissolved into the liquid. It finished just as the bartender placed a rocks glass of whiskey on a coaster in front of Jack’s target. He waited for the other man to take a sip, and then he closed the distance, scooting over one stool so that he was right next to him, and then he greeted the man with a jovial tone. 
“Did my ears deceive me just now, or did I hear you order the Statesman 12 year, my friend?” Jack pointed to the other man’s glass while holding his own. 
The other man turned to face Jack, a semi-scowl on his face, his annoyance over being addressed by a seemingly drunken stranger as a “friend” clearly written in gray-green eyes. “What?” He glanced down at Jack’s glass and then at his own. “Oh.” He grunted and gave Jack a nod before taking another sip of his drink. “Yeah. You drinking the same, I take it?” He arched one eyebrow and turned back to face the television screen behind the bar without waiting for the answer to the question he’d just asked. 
“Smoothest bourbon there is.” Jack held up his glass, inspecting the contents. To anyone else’s eye - even the man beside him - it would appear as though he were simply appreciating the way the overhead lights streaked through the rich amber liquid. In truth, he was making sure that the button-turned-tracker had been completely infused into the drink. Seeing that it was, he glanced over and caught his mark with his own glass midway to his lips once more.
Slow down there, son, leave some for our toast. 
Reaching for the man’s elbow, he stopped him from draining the last of his beverage. “How about we both raise our glasses to good taste and safe travels?” 
The other man jerked his arm away as though he’d been burned, the motion accompanied by a deeply frustrated sigh. Checking his watch, he rolled his eyes and shook his head at Jack. “Sure Fine. Just make it quick, I have a flight to catch.” 
As he presented his glass for the toast, Jack aggressively clinked the rim of his against it - with just enough force so that some of his drink had sloshed into the other man’s glass without him noticing. “Quick it is. Safe travels.” 
“Uh huh.” The sketch of a scowl was back as the man nodded again, knocking back the remainder of his drink, including the tracker. “Same to you.” With that, he slapped a fifty on the bar and left his empty glass, on his way to whatever gate would take him to whatever scumbag was waiting for him. 
The Gatekeeper or the Golden Circle… or whoever the fuck else. We’ll know soon enough. 
Taking his glasses back out of his pocket, Jack unfolded them and put them back on his face. With a tap of his finger the one-way screens hidden in the lenses activated again, and through a series of blinks and subtle eye movements, he sent confirmation of his mission back to Ginger Ale. 
Tracker planted. Target in motion. 
Before he got a response, though, he was distracted by a voice coming from over his shoulder. “Excuse me? Is anyone sitting there?” 
He turned towards the speaker and his eyes widened, lips lifting into a slight grin when he saw that it was you. 
Hot damn, she’s even prettier up close. 
His grin grew at your sudden, small intake of breath when your eyes met. “All yours.” Using one hand, he pulled the stool out for you as Ginger’s message started to scroll across his field of vision. 
You muttered a thank you as you chewed your lower lip. “You didn’t have to-” 
Well done Agent Whiskey. The tracker is live and we are following its movement. Which location did you select? 
“Now darlin’, what kind of gentleman would I be if I only did what I had to do?” He smiled, covertly answering Ginger’s question. 
Not sure yet. Stay tuned. 
You let out a sound that was almost a laugh, shrugging. “You’d be like most gentlemen I’ve known, I guess.” 
Agent, we need to know- 
Jack brought his hand up and tapped the side of his glasses, closing the communication screen and letting Ginger’s message go unfinished. It wasn’t the first time he’d done it and it wouldn’t be the last. He always eventually got back to her and never made her wait too long. But his focus had been drawn to you all afternoon, and now that you were sitting directly beside him, he wasn’t going to rush the interaction he’d been putting off for hours. 
“Then allow me to introduce to you a different kind.” He reached up and swept his hat from his head, laying it on the bartop, and extended his free hand to you.  “Jack Daniels.” 
–  –  – 
15 Minutes Earlier…
You checked your watch with a sigh, noting that you still had a little under an hour before you’d be called for boarding. 
It’s fine. That means I can start another chapter now. You rolled your eyes. I’ll need a new book for the flight home at this rate, though. 
It was one of those flights that didn’t make sense - with a 4 hour layover in a city that was completely out of the way of your destination. But that was why you’d been able to find tickets for only $48 each way, less than three days out. Things at work had been hectic, and you weren’t sure if you were going to be able to get the time off until the very last minute. So even though it certainly wouldn’t have been your first choice if you’d been able to book it months ago when the trip was first brought up, you were perfectly content to take the unnecessary stopover in Louisville on your way to Las Vegas. 
Doesn’t hurt when the people watching prospects are this interesting, either. 
You glanced over at the nearby bar and the astoundingly attractive man seated there who’d snagged your attention as soon as he arrived. He, like a handful of others in the terminal, wore a dark felted Stetson But unlike most, it suited him. As did his perfectly tailored suit and- 
Oh, fuck, he’s wearing glasses now. And they look damn good on him, too. 
You cleared your throat and forced your thoughts back to your trip and your reason for taking the less than desirable layover. Even though it meant spending hours alone in an airport, you were excited, because it also meant being able to see several of your friends who lived far away, and being able to celebrate your birthday with them. Well, not just your birthday. The trip was meant to be a group celebration to make up for the fact that you hadn’t all been able to get together for a birthday in years. Since there happened to be two of you who had birthdays in January, that was the month that was chosen. But the dates that were settled on had included your actual birthday smack dab in the middle of them, and you were looking forward to having something fun to do with people you missed. 
Which was why you groaned as you read the notification that popped up on your phone regarding the flight status. 
Delayed - Mechanical Issues 
“Fuck.” You muttered under your breath, closing the airline app and tapping your phone screen to open the group chat so you could fill the others in on your situation. Before you finished typing though, your phone vibrated in your hand and a picture popped up of two of your friends - Jess and Maddy - both wearing ear to ear smiles at Harry Reid International, the text from Jess simply reading two words followed by several exclamation marks: We’re here!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
Kayla chimed in next, responding with an emphatic YAY! and sending a screenshot of her GPS, showing that she was just under 2 hours out. Be there so soon! 
Nat still had her phone on airplane mode since she’d only taken off from LAX about an hour earlier, so you didn’t bother waiting for an update from her before you finished typing your own. 
Bad news, my flight out of Louisville is delayed. :( Mechanical issues… No idea when I’ll be there now, but I’ll keep you all posted. 
You sent the message and tucked your phone into the outer pocket of your bag as disappointment set in. As it was, the rest of your friends were already supposed to arrive half a day before you. But now, it was looking like you were going to miss out on the entire first day of the trip. 
Or more. 
Frowning at the thought, you tried not to let yourself get too upset until you had a better idea of your situation. You told yourself that it could be something quick and easy to remedy - maybe you’d only have to wait one more hour. Maybe less. Either way, you decided that since half of the group was already there, it meant that the vacation had unofficially started, and it was time you treated yourself to a drink. 
And if I know Jess and Maddy, they’re doing the same right now. 
You picked up your bag, slinging the strap over your shoulder, and headed towards the bar. It was moderately crowded, only a few stools left vacant scattered here and between other travelers. But as you got closer you noticed that the man you’d caught yourself spending more time watching than any of the others was still seated there - and that the seat beside him had just become empty. 
Perfect timing. 
That confidence lasted only until the man spun at the sound of your voice, and seeing him up close had nearly knocked the breath from your lungs. 
Oh, shit. He’s- 
By the time he’d given you his name along with his hand to shake, you’d noticed things about him that you hadn’t from across the room. Like the flecks of tan and gold that lightened his dark brown eyes, the distinct bow of his upper lip beneath his mustache and how it rested against the plush pillow of the lower one, the way you couldn’t see a stitch of leather on him aside from his boots, but the smell of it - along with bergamot - clung to him and made him even more appealing. 
You swallowed, his warm hand wrapping around yours and squeezing as you managed to tell him your name. “It’s nice to meet you, Jack.” 
Without letting go of your hand or releasing your eyes from the lock his own had on them, he repeated your name back to you, the sound of it making your face grow warm. “Pleasure’s all mine, I promise you.” 
When he winked as he withdrew his hand, you knew you were screwed. You ordered yourself a drink - something local, a bourbon you’d not seen before called Statesman - and Jack, though approving of your choice, simply asked for a glass of water. As you brought the glass to your lips, another thought popped into your head. 
But am I really screwed, though? Because… he seems just as interested as I am. 
Over the next half hour, you and Jack made small talk and subtly flirted in smirks and glances. You asked him what brought him to the airport that day, to which he’d answered: 
“Had some business here earlier. But that’s done, so the rest of my evening is completely free.” 
You shook your head at that, taking another sip of your drink. Damn that’s good. “Don’t you have a flight to catch?” 
At that, he grinned and spread his large hands wide. “Ah, well, that is one of the perks of being my own pilot.” He raised one eyebrow and leaned towards you. “I can leave whenever I choose.” 
Okay, I wasn’t expecting that. That definitely makes him even more attractive somehow, though. 
You mouthed the word wow and let out a stunted laugh as you reached into your bag to retrieve your phone. Some time had passed and you were hoping that there would be another notification about the status of your delayed flight. “That must be nice.” You groaned as you saw that there was nothing new from the airline, and several texts from your friends expressing their dismay over your travel woes. Shaking the phone in your hand, you sighed. “I’m here on a layover that got delayed and the rest of my friends are already in Vegas.” Looking over at him, you wet your lips with your tongue. “I’d love to be able to just… hop in and take off whenever I wanted to.”
–  –  –  
Well, shit. Did she just say Vegas? 
Clearing his throat, Jack reached up to tap the arm of his glasses. Several missed messages came through at once, all from Ginger, but he blinked them away as he spoke. “Well, I know we’ve only just met, and I’m not trying to make any suggestions-” Though I could. “- But I happen to be going to Sin City myself tonight.” He had to contain his grin at the flash in your eyes as he used the nickname for the gambling town. “I’d be more than happy to take you with me.” 
Destination selected. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. 
You sucked in a breath at his proposition, and though he knew you were likely considering saying no, he hoped you’d say yes. “I… Jack, I couldn’t ask you to-” 
“You’re not. I’m askin’. I’ll show you my license and everything to prove that I’m legit, but darlin’, I wouldn’t offer if I didn’t want to.” He tilted his head towards the window. “No tellin’ how long they’ll need to fix that bird, and if your friends are already there…” He trailed off and shrugged, returning his gaze to you. “My jet is fully fueled and ready to go. I could get you there so you don’t have to miss out too much. More than you already have, I mean.” 
He could practically hear Ginger’s reply when it came through, but he fought the urge to let out a snort as he read it. 
IT’S ABOUT TIME, AGENT. Make sure your friend buckles up. We’ll contact you when you can return to HQ. 
You bit your lower lip again, and he couldn’t help but watch the way your teeth dug into your flesh. “I…” He saw the rest of your protest dissolve the same way the tracker had earlier, your eyes shifting from skeptical to excited until that’s all he saw in them. You laughed, then, lifting your hand and holding up one finger. “Alright. I’ll… yes. I’ll take you up on it. But on one condition.” 
Received. Will await contact. Over. 
Jack reached up to tap his glasses before removing them and stowing them in his pocket. He leaned in closer to you, concentrating on the quirk of your lips and the mixture of impulse and instinct in your eyes. “Let’s hear it.” 
“You let me buy you a drink once we get there.” You said it over the rim of your glass as you finished the last of it, eyes on him as you swallowed. 
An excuse to go out with a beautiful woman? That’s the condition? 
Jack flashed you a smile. “I think those terms are more than agreeable, ma’am.” 
–  –  –  
What the fuck am I doing? 
You half laughed at yourself, but at the same time there was something about Jack that made you feel like you could trust him. You were aware that that could be a danger in and of itself, but your gut told you he was a good man, and you had always felt that you were a good and accurate judge of character. 
How’s it any different from meeting a guy and getting in his car with him? It’s not, really. 
It was, and you knew it was, but you hadn’t been wrong yet. And as much as you wanted to get to Vegas to see your friends, you also found yourself wanting more time to get to know Jack. He was offering you the chance to do both of those things, and even though you were looking for one, you couldn’t find a downside. 
Pulling out your phone, you opened the group chat and sent one text before switching it to airplane mode. 
Change of plans. Met a (really good looking) pilot who was on his way to Vegas and offered me a ride. Sending a screenshot of his license number in case I go missing hahaha. Just kidding. I’ll be fine. See you soon!
You knew what they’d say when they saw your message. 
Jess would likely just send a thumbs up - or possibly a photo of herself giving a thumbs up. 
Maddy would emphasize your message and respond with something like Okay but don’t die! 
Kayla’s message would be a more whimsical reaction like Jesus take the wheel! (Wait do planes have wheels?) or Life is short, take rides from hot pilots when you can with the peace sign emoji. 
And Nat would send advice from several documentaries and podcasts she’d seen or listened to, about what to do if you were being abducted. 
You laughed to yourself again at the entire situation. 
“Alright, Jack.” You hopped down from your stool and picked up your bag. “I’m ready when you are.” 
He stood, taking his hat from the bartop and placing it on his head. “No time like the present.” Running his hands over his clothes, he smoothed out his suit jacket. “Follow me, darlin’. And give me that.” He pointed his chin towards your bag. “I’m a gentleman, remember? Where would my manners be if I let a lady carry her own bags?” 
You shook your head with a smile and handed over your carry-on, leaving you with only your purse. “I don’t know. You’re teaching me about gentlemen, remember?” 
You knew when you saw his eyes darken that you’d made the right call. 
“Oh, sugar. I remember. Few hours to Vegas. Plenty of time for me to teach you things.” With that he started walking and you were left to follow, slightly stunned at the implications in his tone and in his words. 
This is definitely going to be a trip to remember, that’s for sure. 
Thank you for reading! If you would like to be added to or removed from the taglist, please feel free to let me know by sending a message or filling out the form on my masterlist! :)
tags: @something-tofightfor @dihra-vesa @littlemisspascal @mishasminion360 @nyctophiliiiiaaa @practicalghost @tanzthompson @harriedandharassed @woodlandmouth @trickstersp8 @imtryingmybeskar @wildmoonflower @mswarriorbabe80 @theredwritingwitch @silverstarsandsuns @competentpotato @pedro-pedrito-pascalito @jedi-in-crocs @hannahkatharine @novemberrain221 @chiyo13 @myloveistoolittle @Noisynightmarepoetry
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nycbaby21 · 1 year
Quinn Hughes Imagine
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prompt: “I’m sorry. I just had to see you.“
word count: 1,865
The final buzzer of the game was normally met with cheers and excitement at Rogers Arena, but tonight it was filled with heavy sighs and disappointed fans. This was the third game in a row they had lost and you can see how frustrated the guys were getting. Not wanting to bother watching the sad and irritated post-game interviews, I lean over and turn off the tv. I had never been a huge hockey girl, that is until I moved to Vancouver for work and moved in next door to one of the Canucks. Many months ago when I was lugging boxes into the apartment building I bumped into the tall blonde with a huge smile. He immediately stopped what he was doing and helped with what would have taken me hours by myself. After a repayment meal and a lengthy conversation about how it was truly criminal, I had never been to a hockey game, a quick and solid friendship was made with Brock.
I made my way over to the kitchen and turned on the oven for some cookies. Normally when Brock and the guys have a hard game he usually ends up over at mine. He says it helps him because he doesn’t feel like being alone after. Recently some of the other guys have started coming along, which I actually really enjoy. I was so scared that I wouldn’t make friends and be so alone moving to a completely new country, but I feel like I am a member of the team with how many hockey players file in and out of my place. Sometimes they show up even when Brock isn’t around. 
My phone rings when I am placing the cookie sheet in the oven. I reach over and answer already knowing who it was. It was a running joke in our friendship that Brock looked like Prince Charming from Shrek, so his ringtone was quickly changed from the default one to I’m Too Sexy for My Shirt from the second movie. I can’t help but smile when I hear the sound. “Hey B,” I say trying to gauge his mood based on his facial features. It was too dark in his car for me to tell. “Hey y/n,” he sighs and I can hear the disappointment in his voice. A frown appears on my face before I could help it. I didn’t know what to say to make it better so we just sat in silence, a comfortable one. “I have a batch of your favorites in the oven waiting for you,” I tell him hoping to bring a small smile to the blonde’s face. A big sigh leaves his mouth,” I’m not coming home tonight. Remember that girl I went out with last week,” he starts and I nod,” Well she came to the game tonight and invited me over.”
“That’s okay Boes. I’ll just put them up for you and drop them by sometime tomorrow.” That seems to lift his mood the tiniest bit. “So… you are staying the night,” I smirk while raising my eyebrows ridiculously. He glances down at the phone seeing my face and busts out laughing. My work for the night was done by making my best friend smile after a tough night. “Grow up dork,” he laughs and soon his whole face lights up when he parks and reaches for the overhead lights. He quickly fiddles around the car grabbing his bag and then turning back to face me. “Okay well I’m here so I guess I see you when I see you,” he says getting out and heading towards her door. “Okay bye B. And hey at least you can say you scored tonight, the other guys can’t,” I say trying to hold a straight face but failing. “Oh, my god. I’m hanging up now. I actually hate you,” his words don’t match the beaming smile on his face. “Love you too,” I say while hanging up the phone. 
The quick beeps of the oven alert me to the cookies being done. As I plate the last couple I hear a knock on my door. Glancing at the clock on the microwave, I wonder who it could be this late since Brock isn’t home. I head to the door quietly and peek through the peephole seeing one of his teammates. I stand back confused for one second and then quickly shake it off opening the door. I look up and meet the eyes of the last player I thought would show up after a bad game. Quinn Hughes stood in the hallway in his game-day suit and dripping hair. “Oh my gosh, Quinn. You must be freezing,” I rush to pull him into my apartment. “I’m sure I have something that will fit give me one second,” I say rushing off to my room and pulling out a pair of my dad’s old college sweats that I stole when I moved. I grab a random sweatshirt because almost all of mine are oversized anyway and find him in the same position I left him in. The only difference is the door is now closed and his hockey bag was on the floor.
“Okay, these should work. But if not I can always run over to Brock’s and grab something,” it looks like my words fall deaf on his ears because he hasn’t even looked at me the whole time I was talking. “Quinn, did you hear me? Are you okay,” I ask slowly walking towards him and trying to hand him the clothes. He finally lifts his head and I can see the tears in his beautiful eyes. “Oh Quinn,” I whisper as I take one final step forward and wrap my arms around him. Having known him for months now, I know Quinn isn’t the biggest fan of physical touch, especially with people he isn’t really all that close with. When I make it close enough to him, he collapses in my arms letting out soft sobs breaking my heart in the process. Quinn was the guy who always had everything together, and seeing him let down his walls was new territory for me.
Quickly circling my arms around the tall defencemen, I stand in the middle of my apartment with the boy letting all of my emotions out. I rub my hand up and down his back slowly and whisper small things to him like “It’s okay Quinn let it all out” and “I know I know.” My arms had gone numb five minutes ago but I was going to stay in his embrace until he pulled away. As if he had read my mind he shyly pulled away and looked down at me with red eyes. A stray tear falls down his cheek and without a second thought, I reach up and wipe it away with my thumb leaving my hand resting on his face. I go to pull it away feeling too intimate but he encircles my wrist with his hand and leans into mine more. A small smile faces upon my face accompanied by a red blush. Now was not the time to be thinking about how attractive I found him or how many times I had wished he would be the one to show up with Brock after a game.
“Wanna go sit down in the living room. I can turn something on or we can talk if you want to,” I speak gently eyes scanning his face. A small nod gives me his answer and I slip my hand from his cheek and lace our fingers together. After he left and changed I started getting him settled in the middle of my couch and I try to round the back of it to grab one of the thousands of throw blankets I have. His grip on my hand on tightens eyes jumping to look at me and figure out why I am leaving him. I laugh lightly and reach for the closest blanket and fall back into his embrace on the couch. I lean back into the corner of it and gently pull him back into me. He rests his head in the crook of my neck and I hesitantly run my fingers through his dark hair. He releases a small sound of enjoyment so I continue until my hand goes numb. 
Using the remote I turned on some Adam Sandler movie I had started the night before but fell asleep during. The only reason I even knew he was awake was when he let out a small laugh at the scene. My hand falls from his head when he looks up at me with childlike eyes. I swear even if he wasn’t so close he could have still heard my heartbeat increase. I sent him a smile and he returned it just as big. “Thank you,” his voice was rough from his recent tears. “You don’t have to thank me, Quinn.” He really didn’t need to thank me, I felt like I should be the one thanking him for letting me be the person he lets his walls down to. “Brock always talks about how you have these magical hugs. Like how after every win he feels so much better after hugging you in the halls, or how after every loss they make him feel just the smallest bit less shitty,” he says sitting up and looking anywhere but my eyes. I let out a laugh at this because I had heard Brock says this before, I’m sure everyone he has met has. “I’m sorry. I just had to see you and see if he was right,” he started,” and he was.” The smile that graced his face was one I wanted to freeze time for and just stare at it for a little longer.
“Well, I’m glad I could be of help. You don’t have to be sorry either. I am actually so happy I finally got a hug from the huggy bear,” I laugh watching his face fill with blush as he laughs too. We stare at each other for a couple of minutes only breaking eye contact at one of the many random noises Adam Sandler makes. We settle back into the couch sitting shoulder to shoulder, feeling so content. Neither of us speaks, we just sit there on the couch enjoying each other's company and watching the ending of the movie. I hand him the remote to pick the next one and while his eyes drift across the screen looking for something, I let mine land on his face trying to memorize every small detail of it. I break my gaze when I hear the opening to Mighty Ducks and laugh at him. He shakes his head and smiles,” What, it’s a good movie.” I reach to fix the blanket on our legs when he stops me and looks over. “Do I smell cookies,” he questions laughing as his stomach grumbles. I nod jumping up and bringing him the container I was supposed to bring Brock. At that moment I didn’t even care that I would have to make more in the morning. The smile on Quinn’s face made it all feel worth it.
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orphicdreamers-wp · 6 months
Scared Of My Guitar — Luke Hughes
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Summary; In which you and Luke both come to terms that your situation is wrong but neither of you can let go.
Content Warning; pure sadness(not really angst) , situation-ship, use of the names Jules, Parker, Katya and Bailee. Readers pov is with the pink lyrics, Luke is with the red.
Pairing; Music Major Reader & UMich Luke
Perfect, easy, so good to me. So why’s there a pit in my gut in the shape of you?
Part of you growing up believed you were unlovable. You were an only child to two busy parents. Your mother was a criminal defense attorney and your father was a renowned neurosurgeon. So a lot of your childhood was being raised by your babysitters over the years. Throughout high school you never had relationships, not because you didn’t want to but because it seemed that no one wanted to have a relationship with you.
So meeting Luke your freshman year at University of Michigan and being oddly pulled to him terrified you. By then you had ultimately decided that you had little to no interest in being someone’s girlfriend. And contrary to your sorority sisters Jules and Parker, that never changed when you started whatever you and Luke were doing. Part of you yearned for a relationship especially watching your best friend Kayta and her boyfriend JJ and Bailee and Ethan have perfect relationships.
But whenever you thought of being someone’s girlfriend it made you nauseous. You just had no interest of being anyone’s girlfriend. And everything someone called you Luke’s girlfriend a doomed feeling arose in your chest.
Barely sleep when you’re sleeping next to me.
Early into whatever you and Luke had started after hooking up in the bathroom at one of the many parties that Rutger and Luca had thrown, you guys began to frequent each other’s beds. You loved your room it was your safe place. You absolutely loved being in your bed. But oddly enough whenever Luke slept over you found it impossible to get to sleep.
You felt like you were being a horrible person, you felt like you were giving to less to Luke than he was giving to you. You were worried that your inability to desire a relationship would somehow hurt Luke so you just kept your mouth shut. Even when it caused you to lose sleep over.
But I’m so scared of my guitar cause it cuts right through to the heart.
You had been cleaning your room up before Luke was coming over for the weekend and you ran your fingers across your guitar, pulling away with dust covered fingers. You had been avoiding using your guitar because your music came from the heart and you were unsure you wanted to voice how you truly were feeling about your situation with Luke.
I can’t lie to it the same way I lie to you
You and Luke had been lying in your bed later that night watching Suits on your tv when Luke spoke, “You should come to the lake house with me this summer. My brothers can’t wait to meet you.” Your eyes darted to your guitar absentmindedly before you smiled softly as Luke looked up at you and you lied straight through your teeth, “Of course I will. That sounds so fun.” Luke hummed as you massaged his scalp lightly, “I’m glad you think so.”
I’m so scared of my guitar if I play it, then I’ll think too hard
Luke had gone to Vancouver with his parents and Jack for Quinn’s birthday so you had a little bit of free time to yourself to be in your head. You sat cross legged on your bedroom floor with your acoustic guitar resting on your lap. You had been brainstorming a song for your spring showcase and it was not going well when Luke was around. He sort of fogged up your musical thought process.
You picked up the guitar and began to strum the cords at random until you felt your cheeks dampen with tears. You set it on the floor beside you and pressed your back against your bed and let the tears stream down your face, not having the energy to fight them back. You barely lifted your head when your bedroom door creaked open. Katya popped her head in and her facial features softened when she noticed you were crying, “Oh baby, are you okay?” You shook your head and sniffled, “I don’t think so. I just don’t know what’s wrong with me.”
Katya sat on the floor beside you and pulled you into a heartfelt embrace, “Nothing is wrong with you sweet girl. Do you want me to call Luke?” You shook your head, “No he’s on his way back from his brothers. I don’t wanna bother him”
So I lay in your arms and pretend that it’s love.
Luke had come straight to your place after he left the airport. He had brought you one of your favorite snacks that you’d mentioned liking when you had met early on. You should have melted inside when he did but you didn’t. Luke had sworn up and down that all he wanted to do for the night was just hold you because he missed his girl. So you let him, you laid in his arms in your bed as Tangled played from your laptop. That had been the only time you had ever in any way convinced yourself that you could love being Luke Hughes’ girlfriend one day
If I was brave and noble like you I’d have the nerve to just stop stringing you along.
Luke wasn’t a bad person by any means, but the relationship or lack of made him feel like he was. It wasn’t that he intentionally started the situation with you with the intention of it not working. He just wanted his brothers to stop bothering him about not being over his ex. And then he met you. You were simple to know and easy to love. Luke would admit he had grown to love you over the year and half you two had been involved.
But he was never in love with you. He loved you because you were funny, he loved you because you watched the same tv shows as him, he loved you because he could beat you in a video game and the next round you’d beat him, he loved you because you were a good friend. Loving you as his friend was easy, he would truthfully call you his best friend. But he never saw you and him being together romantically in a serious relationship.
I’d rather be tied to someone, even if they’re wrong.
But you and Luke fell into the groove of being slightly more than friends but way less than a relationship. You guys would hold hands, go on dates, sleep together and everything in between. But you two were never going to be in a relationship. And Luke was okay with that until his mother invited the both of you to the lake house for the entire summer. And when he asked you about it you agreed a little too quickly. So Luke was sure to make it known to you that you were not his girlfriend.
But when that summer came and you joined him at the lake house and meshed perfectly with everyone in his life, he knew he had made a mistake bringing you. You and his mother had shopped for linens and you had won her over by purchasing what she had picked out instead of letting her. You had won his father over by offering to man the grill and when the steaks turned out better than when his father made them, Jim had asked you to come back every summer. You’d win Jack and Trevor over by beating both of them in beer pong multiple times. You had won Quinn over by your infatuation with working out, none of the other inhabitants of the lake house were up at 4 am going to the gym besides you and Quinn. So two ended up going together every morning for the remainder of the summer.
But despite his entire family adoring you, Luke still wasn’t seeing you in a romantic way. But he wasn’t going to give up what he had to try and find something else.
Say that I’m fine, I tell them all the time as they watch all the light fade away.
Luke’s teammates had begun to notice something was off with Luke following that summer. He had grown irritable and easy to piss off. He had always been spending less time with you. His friends had asked him if he was okay and they always received the same answer, a grumbled out ‘I’m fine.’ They were in no way believing it but they knew better than to push any further.
Cause what if I never find anything better?
Following summer Luke had been conflicted. You were everything a guy could ever dream of. So why wasn’t Luke in love with you? You were smart, kind, funny, good with kids, parents loved you, and you were easily jaw dropping stunning. Luke felt bad keeping you to himself when he wasn’t in love but how would he find anyone better than you?
So we’ll stay together cause how could I ever trade something that’s good for what’s right
So he kept his mouth shut and kept whatever you had going on. He didn’t want to trade a perfectly good friendship with things you’d have in a relationship, for what could have been. He didn’t want to take that chance.
I let the thought in, it’s already done.
Summer had changed everything for you. You fell in love with Luke’s family and Luke himself. He had such a welcoming family who made you truly feel like you were a part of something. You and Luke were laying in his bed, you were sure Luke was asleep. It was 3:02 in the morning. He had to be, he was laying in your arms. You whispered through the darkness secretly hoping Luke heard you, “I’m in love with you Luke Hughes.” You had closed your eyes after and were met with silence like you always were. “Yeah me too.” Oh..
Yeah I lay in your arms and pretend it’s enough.
Luke closed his eyes as he could feel the vibe in his bedroom shift. He was pretending to be asleep to avoid any confrontation with you. Your soft voice filled his ears, “I’m in love with you Luke Hughes.” He should have felt something right?
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bitchinbarzal · 2 years
Again | Q.Hughes
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summary: “and you watched it again, and again, and again”
warning: mature themes and mentions of sex. minors do not engage.
Quinn didn’t like people. He wasn’t outgoing, he didn’t venture out to find fun. He liked his people, his circle and the things he enjoyed.
He didn’t make new friends with people who weren’t on his team or introduced to him. He just didn’t.
That’s who Quinn was and he was content.
Until he met you.
Quinn had met you at a game, you were a guest of a big VIP suite holder at Rogers. The guy was trying to impress your boss and sent you for the night.
Down in the lounge you had excused yourself to answer a call in a hallway just off the room you were in.
Once you’d hung up you turned to go back automatically being thrown onto your ass on the floor.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry!” The guy rushed to help you up and you brushed off your skirt.
“I’m fine, I’m fine it’s ok!” You assured, looking up finally.
“I really didn’t see you there-“
“It’s okay, probably the most fun I’ll have tonight” you mumbled with a smile.
His facial expression matched yours in that moment before he looked back to the room you’d obviously come out of “Work thing?”
“He always tries to impress people by bringing them down here, he’s a bit of a dick”
Your eyes widened in both shock and delight “really?”
“I probably shouldn’t say that but yeah” he sighed.
“Well i best get back” you smiled, reaching out to straighten his tie “Good Luck”
He quirked a smile “Yeah thanks”
You were almost at the door when you heard him call “Hey!”
“Can I get your number?” You paused, reaching into your pocket and pulling out your business card.
“Good Luck, Hughes”
Quinn had never done such an out there thing before but he text you that night, just desperate to get to know you.
You became friends and you got to know the other Canucks, you were invited places and hung around with other wives and girlfriends.
Quinn stopped most communication when he left for home in the off season.
You took that as a chance to start dating again, knowing you couldn’t get hung up on him. He’s an NHL player, it would never work.
You had a boyfriend by the time everyone arrived back in Vancouver for the season and Quinn had no idea.
“Hey don’t order yet I’m gonna text y/n and ask if she wants to come over!” Quinn announced, picking up his phone.
“She’s out with Liam tonight for his birthday don’t bother” Elias replied nonchalantly, ordering the takeout on his phone.
Quinn’s eyebrows furrowed “Liam?”
“Her boyfriend?” Brock replied almost as if Quinn were a child.
“She has a boyfriend? Since when?”
“Since the beginning of summer, Quinn have you not spoken to her?”
It was then he realized he actually hadn’t spoken to you. At all during the off season.
That night he was laying in bed he text you.
to: y/n
hey, I’m back in van for the season. want to grab coffee or something?
to: huggy bear 🐻
hey! welcome back!! schedule is pretty packed atm but I’ll text you?
to: y/n
for sure! you coming to the home opener? I can get your ticket.
to: huggy bear 🐻
I never miss it! dw about it brock already sorted mine and liam’s tickets thanks tho!
Quinn put his phone on the nightstand then
“Stupid Liam”
Stupid Liam stuck around until Christmas. He broke up with you when he had to move to New York for work and you guys just didn’t want the distance.
Quinn was delighted, you were heartbroken.
He helped you get through the holidays, opting to not go home to Michigan and instead spend it with you.
He took you out and you hung out when he didn’t want to be recognized outside.
He thought things couldn’t be going better until after the team had won, a shutout win everyone headed to the bar to celebrate.
You were all getting pretty wasted and one thing led to another Quinn had you pinned up against the bathroom wall of the bar fucking you senseless.
When you were done in the bathroom he could hardly keep his hands off you as you exited the bar and into a cab. All the way back to his place where you did it again, and again and again.
When you woke up the next morning with him laying next to you, you pressed a kiss onto his bare shoulder and started getting up.
You hard circles round to his side of the bed to try and find your bra when you felt his hands wrap around your waist, pulling you backwards into the bed with him.
He was now hovering over you, looking down with a look you couldn’t quite place and a smile
“Goodmorning” he mumbled, leaning down to kiss you quickly.
Your hands found his cheeks “Mornin’”
“You were trying to sneak out on me” he accused.
“I was trying to save us both the embarrassment”
“I’m not embarrassed. Are you?” He quirked an eyebrow and you shook your head “no”
“Good because if you were embarrassed I couldn’t do this” he continued by pressing kisses on your jaw, down your neck and stopping just above your breasts which still didn’t have a bra on.
You stopped him “Quinn, we can’t do this if we-“ he shut you up quickly by kissing you again.
This continued for a couple of months.
You’d go over to his and sleep together or he’d call you late at night with a
“You up?”
It started taking a toll and you realized soon enough you were falling for him.
You didn’t want to tell him, you had a good thing going here but push came to shove and you decided it was for the best you told him. You had to protect your own heart.
The Canucks were currently on a roadie, in New York while you were sat at home alone with your thoughts.
You knew you should wait until Quinn was home, to do this face to face. So, you left your phone next to you and turned to the tv as a distraction.
That approach reined useless when at 1am you picked it up and texted him.
to: huggy bear 🐻
hey. I know ur probably asleep it’s like 11 there I think? anyway I just had something on my mind I had to say. these past few months have been really fun and weird and Q I just have to get it off my chest that I think I love you. that’s so weird to say out loud lol but I care about you a lot and I hope we can be more than just fuck buddies. well I’m gonna go to bed. goodnight.
You hit send. letting out a breath and putting your phone down.
Lying on the pillow you smiled just thinking about him.
God, you were in love. In over your head.
When the morning came and you checked your phone you expected to see a message from Quinn but you didn’t, all you had were social media notifications and a message from your best friend.
from: bestie
I’m so sorry angel girl. I want you to hear this from me before anyone else sends you it. I love You. I’m here for you.
The message was sent with a link to a tweet.
@hugheswhoree: lmao we were out in a bar in Hoboken last night and my friend hooked up with Quinn Hughes? What is life? Anyway here’s the vid of them kissing ahaha she says he was a good kisser.
You watched the video. Watching how he kissed her, his friends around him laughing at the scene they were witnessing.
Your heart broke but you watched it again, and again and again.
Until the video couldn’t be seen any longer for your tears.
You threw your phone on the couch and sobbed.
“How could I be so fucking stupid?”
You let your phone die that day, not doing anything or talking to anyone.
When you plugged it in the next day and it powered to life you became inundated with texts.
Some usual texts from friends and colleagues, a couple from the girlfriends who had seen the video. Some from Elias and Brock both apologising to you about what happened asking if you were ok.
Multiple from Quinn. Your breath hitched and you pressed the text chain.
from: huggy bear 🐻
oh god
I’m sorry.
I’m so sorry.
You’ve seen it haven’t you? Please answer the phone I want to talk to you. I want to explain.
Please, Please y/n just answer the phone. I’m begging you to answer.
I love you! I love you too! and I just need you to pick up the phone please…
Tears dripped down your cheeks and your shoulders shook with sobs.
When the Canucks arrived back in Vancouver Brock headed straight to your house, to be the one to check on you and also because you were dog sitting.
He let himself in and found you curled up on the couch with Milo and Coolie.
You looked at him when he walked in, his face dropped “Oh no… don’t cry!”
“You knew…” Is all you said, your bottom lip quivering “I saw you”
“I know, I know but I didn’t know you told him you liked him!”
“I feel so stupid!” You cried, pulled into his arms “I feel stupid Brock-“
“I know, it’s alright” he comforted you, hand rubbing up and down your back.
Brock stayed the night. As much as he wanted to sleep in his own bed he couldn’t leave you so he made home on your couch for the night.
He left you the next morning after making you coffee and assuring you were ok.
He wasn’t gone more than an hour before you heard banging on your front door, approaching the door you looked through the peep-hole, Quinn was standing there on the other side.
“Go away Quinn!”
He sighed, relieved to finally have heard your voice
“y/n, please just open the door I wanna talk to you, please I need to explain-“
“I saw the video Quinn, there’s not much to explain!”
He sighed again, leaning his head on the door “Please”
You decided that you couldn’t listen to him any longer, walking away from the door.
He stayed out there for a while, sitting in front of the door and annoying your neighbours with his continuous talking.
“y/n… I love you. you’re the one who got me out of my comfort zone in life, I hadn’t asked a girl out until I met you and I love spending time with you. I’m sorry, okay? I don’t know why I did it because it was fucking stupid and I wish it was you-“
Quinn was cut off by steps and when he looked up he didn’t like what he saw.
“Hey Quinn, man you good? She not home?”
It was Liam.
“Oh no, no she is-“ “Okay, good. Can I get in?” He asked, making Quinn move out of the doorway, reaching into the plant pot to grab the spare key you kept which Quinn was facepalming about.
“It was nice seeing you man, you want to come in and see her?”
Quinn shook his head lightly “No, I should - I should probably get home! Liam, I thought you moved?”
“Oh I did! I was at your game at Madison Square Garden on Monday actually!” He chuckled “But she called me last night, she was really upset so I came back just to check on her”
Quinn clenched his jaw “Yeah… nice”
“Anyway man I better get in and see her. It was nice seeing you!”
Quinn only nodded his head and left down the stairs.
He’s missed his chance, again.
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firsttarotreader · 3 months
Is that taller, younger guy in the restaurant pics cocos husband? Looks like him from pictures she's posted of him in the past. Same nose, mouth, eyebrows facial structure and such. Looks the same to me. Would make sense him being there too.
Nope, not her husband, and this guy you’re referring to, like the older, shorter guy in a suit (not Joe Pantoliano) are most likely restaurant staff.
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sunskate · 11 months
omg oona and gage in 4th! a petite sibling team with good skating skills and musicality succeeding on the grand prix 🥺 i'm pleasantly surprised how 3rd/4th/5th turned out. though if ZK had a clean choreo step, they'd be in 4th
congratulations R/A on their first GP medal 😭 i like them more and more - they skate well and have an out of the box vibe. they also had an issue with the choreo step and split the panel in their tech score but were solidly 3rd in PCS. she's been on the international circuit since 2009! she was only 15 and went to the Olympics for Georgia - and here she is going stronger than ever
ZK are so talented and nearly transcend the Igor-ness of this program- the arm waving and accents are distracting, but they're engaging performers. she has flair - it's telling that a good part of the flair in the choreo is done individually. when they skate in hold, they're not close together, you can see the little bumps and slight mistimings that come up (like in the opening lift), but there are also a lot of ways they're working well together. he's uncommonly gifted at partnering besides being a good skater, but he's adjusting and waiting for her a whole lot less than he was a year ago - her progress is pretty amazing. i'm glad that the judging so far is fairly reasonable and is taking both their strengths and their newness into account
christopher buchanan, the UK judge strikes again, his scores for FG are so high that every single mark he gave them was tossed out. if you look at how he's scored them over the years, it's truly ridiculous. you expect that judges boost their own teams, but he takes it to a whole other level
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the pink ladies were in texas last week and now in vancouver too 🌸
ok i like this piper and paul fd a lot - it's the best they've had since vincent. that said, he has one facial expression, and by contrast, she did this in the judges’s faces🙃
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but it's intricate and flowing, and the music is big enough that they have a lot of room to grow - i'm looking forward to see how this develops
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starsbiobuzz · 1 year
Jacob Tremblay: The Rising Star Illuminating the Silver Screen
In the enchanting realm of cinema, where dreams and imagination intertwine, one young actor has emerged as a beacon of talent and charm, capturing the hearts of audiences across the globe. With a magnetic presence and a gift for evoking genuine emotions, Jacob Tremblay has become a name synonymous with exceptional acting prowess and undeniable star power.
From his unforgettable performances that transcend age boundaries to his infectious smile that lights up the screen, Tremblay has carved a path of success, leaving a trail of awe and admiration in his wake.
Brace yourself for an exploration of Jacob Tremblay’s mesmerizing journey through the captivating world of cinema, where his talent shines like a supernova, captivating hearts and leaving an indelible imprint on the silver screen.
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Early Life
Jacob Tremblay’s story begins on October 5, 2006, in Vancouver, Canada. Where he was born to parents of diverse heritage. His father is a cop and his mother is a homemaker. Growing up in a supportive environment that fostered his love for the arts, Tremblay exhibited an exceptional talent for acting from a tender age. With his parents’ encouragement, he proceeded on a road that would eventually bring him to the glamorous world of show business.
At the age of just six, Tremblay made his debut in the entertainment industry, showcasing his innate abilities in commercials and television appearances. His natural talent and magnetic presence garnered attention, earning him recognition as a rising star on the horizon. His breakthrough role in the critically acclaimed film Room brought him to prominence. And he established himself as an outstanding young actor.
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Rising Stardom
In 2015, Tremblay delivered a tour de force performance in the film “Room,” directed by Lenny Abrahamson. Portraying the character of Jack, a young boy held captive with his mother in a confined space, Tremblay displayed maturity and depth beyond his years. His portrayal of innocence, vulnerability, and resilience struck a chord with audiences worldwide. Leaving an indelible mark on their hearts. The film received widespread acclaim, and Tremblay’s extraordinary performance earned him numerous accolades. Including a Critic’s Choice Movie Award and a Screen Actors Guild nomination.
Building upon this early success, Tremblay continued to impress with his subsequent roles. In the heart-warming drama “Wonder,” (2017) based on the best-selling novel by R.J. Palacio, he portrayed the character of Auggie Pullman, a young boy with facial differences navigating the challenges of fitting in at a new school. Tremblay’s heartfelt performances once again resonated with audiences, and his ability to convey a wide range of emotions cemented his reputation for genius.
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Read the complete Biography: Click Here
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emsesthetics · 10 months
Pamper Perfection- Uncover the Best Mani-Pedi in Vancouver
Indulge in a haven of pampering and perfection at EM's Esthetics, your go-to destination for the best Mani Pedi in Vancouver. Step into our serene oasis where relaxation meets beauty, and impeccable nail care is an art form.
At EM's Esthetics, we take pride in delivering a flawless Mani Pedi experience that transcends expectations. Our skilled technicians prioritize precision, ensuring your nails are treated with the utmost care and expertise. From classic elegance to trendy designs, our diverse range of nail services caters to every style preference.
But the pampering doesn't stop there. Extend your relaxation with our Relaxation Full Body Massage in Vancouver. Allow the stresses of daily life to melt away as our expert therapists rejuvenate your body and mind. The soothing ambience of our spa sets the stage for an indulgent escape where tranquillity and well-being converge.
Why settle for ordinary when you can have the best? EM's Esthetics is committed to providing not just a service but an experience that leaves you feeling refreshed, renewed, and utterly pampered. Our dedication to excellence extends to every detail, ensuring your visit with us is a pampering perfection.
Join us at EM's Esthetics, where the quest for the Best Mani-Pedi in Vancouver meets the blissful embrace of Relaxation Full Body Massage. It's time to uncover the epitome of pampering, where beauty and tranquillity harmonize seamlessly. Book your appointment now and let EM's Esthetics redefine your pampering experience in Vancouver. Your journey to pamper perfection begins here.
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rozkamanii · 9 days
Achieve Your Ideal Body with CoolSculpting and Enhance Your Glow with Vancouver Skin Care at Kitsilano Medical Aesthetics
Are you looking for a non-surgical solution to eliminate stubborn fat and improve your overall appearance? At Kitsilano Medical Aesthetics, we offer CoolSculpting in Vancouver, a revolutionary treatment that helps you achieve your body contouring goals without invasive procedures. Our clinic also provides a wide range of skin care treatments in Vancouver to ensure you look and feel your best from head to toe.
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What Is CoolSculpting and How Does It Work?
CoolSculpting is a non-invasive fat reduction treatment that uses controlled cooling technology to freeze and eliminate unwanted fat cells in targeted areas of the body. This FDA-approved procedure, also known as cryolipolysis, is designed to reduce fat in problem areas such as the abdomen, thighs, flanks, and under the chin. Unlike traditional weight loss methods, which shrink fat cells, CoolSculpting actually destroys them, resulting in a more sculpted and toned appearance.
How CoolSculpting Works:
During a CoolSculpting session, a specialized applicator is placed on the targeted area, delivering controlled cooling to the fat cells beneath the skin. The cooling process crystallizes the fat cells, which are then naturally eliminated by the body's lymphatic system over the next few weeks to months. The result is a noticeable reduction in fat and a more contoured body shape without surgery or downtime.
Why Choose Kitsilano Medical Aesthetics for CoolSculpting in Vancouver?
At Kitsilano Medical Aesthetics, our highly trained professionals specialize in providing effective and customized CoolSculpting treatments in Vancouver. We use the latest technology and techniques to ensure optimal results for our clients, focusing on their unique body goals and concerns. Whether you want to reduce stubborn belly fat or sculpt your thighs, our team will work with you to create a personalized treatment plan that delivers the best possible results.
Our clinic is known for its warm and welcoming environment, where every client receives individualized attention and care. We believe in a holistic approach to beauty and wellness, which is why we offer a variety of complementary skin care treatments to enhance the results of your CoolSculpting sessions.
Comprehensive Skin Care Solutions in Vancouver
In addition to body contouring, Kitsilano Medical Aesthetics is a leading provider of advanced skin care treatments in Vancouver. Our range of services is designed to address various skin concerns, from acne and hyperpigmentation to aging and sun damage. Our expert team offers customized treatment plans that combine medical expertise with the latest innovations in skin care technology.
Some of our popular skin care services include:
Chemical Peels: Exfoliate and rejuvenate your skin, improving texture and reducing pigmentation for a more youthful appearance.
Microneedling: Stimulate collagen production to reduce the appearance of scars, fine lines, and wrinkles, leaving your skin smoother and firmer.
Laser Skin Resurfacing: Treat acne scars, sun damage, and uneven skin tone with advanced laser technology, achieving clearer and healthier skin.
Medical-Grade Facials: Experience deep cleansing and hydration tailored to your skin’s needs, promoting a glowing complexion and enhanced skin health.
The Ultimate Combination: CoolSculpting and Advanced Skin Care
Combining CoolSculpting with our range of skin care treatments provides a comprehensive approach to achieving your aesthetic goals. While CoolSculpting targets stubborn fat and helps you achieve a more sculpted body, our skin care treatments ensure that your skin remains healthy, radiant, and youthful. Together, they offer a complete transformation, allowing you to feel confident and beautiful in your skin.
Start Your Journey to a Better You Today!
At Kitsilano Medical Aesthetics, we are dedicated to helping you look and feel your best. Whether you're interested in CoolSculpting or advanced skin care, our experienced team is here to guide you every step of the way. Schedule a consultation with us today to learn more about our CoolSculpting in Vancouver and explore the perfect skin care treatments for your unique needs.
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asfae · 15 days
Best Barbers in Vancouver: Top Picks for Sharp Cuts and Stylish Grooming
Victory Barber & Brand
Located in the heart of Vancouver, Victory Barber & Brand is one of the city’s most sought-after barbershops. Known for its timeless vibe and skilled barbers, the shop delivers precision cuts, classic shaves, and expert grooming services. Their attention to detail and use of high-quality products set them apart from the rest. Victory Barber & Brand is ideal for those who value a perfect blend of old-school techniques and modern styles.
Barber & Co.
Barber & Co. is a popular name in Vancouver’s barbering community. With multiple locations around the city, including Gastown and Yaletown, Barber & Co. Best Barbers in Vancouver brings a refined approach to men's grooming. Their services include haircuts, beard trims, straight-razor shaves, and even grooming products for sale. Their barbers are well-trained and stay updated on the latest trends, offering a mix of classic cuts and modern styles. The relaxed and stylish atmosphere makes every visit enjoyable.
JD’s Barbershop
A staple in Vancouver since 2002, JD’s Barbershop is known for its high-quality haircuts and exceptional customer service. Their skilled barbers specialize in a variety of cuts, from simple trims to edgy, trend-forward styles. JD’s has a loyal clientele, thanks to their laid-back vibe and top-notch grooming services. Whether you're looking for a quick trim or a complete style makeover, JD’s ensures every customer leaves feeling confident and well-groomed.
Ace High Barber Shop
Ace High Barber Shop in Mount Pleasant is the go-to spot for many locals. Offering haircuts, beard trims, and classic shaves, Ace High combines vintage barbering traditions with modern trends. The shop’s barbers take the time to understand your style preferences, ensuring you get a personalized grooming experience. Ace High’s cozy, retro-themed shop adds to the experience, making it a favorite among those seeking a welcoming environment and expert cuts.
Gastown Grooming Room
If you're in Vancouver’s historic Gastown district, a visit to Gastown Grooming Room is a must. This boutique-style barbershop offers tailored services, from haircuts to beard trims and straight-razor shaves. Known for their meticulous attention to detail, the barbers at Gastown Grooming Room take pride in their craft, ensuring each client leaves looking sharp and polished. The shop’s vintage-inspired decor and welcoming staff add to the overall experience.
The Belmont Barbershop
Located in Vancouver's Mount Pleasant neighborhood, The Belmont Barbershop is a hidden gem for those who appreciate a no-frills, classic barbershop experience. This shop focuses on traditional men’s grooming, offering haircuts, beard trims, and shaves without the extra fluff. Best Hair Stylist Vancouver The Belmont’s barbers are highly skilled in classic cuts, making it a great option for those who prefer a more traditional approach to grooming.
Man Cave Barber Shop
For a truly luxurious grooming experience, Man Cave Barber Shop in Kitsilano is the perfect choice. This upscale barbershop offers premium services like hot towel shaves, facials, and full grooming packages. The skilled barbers at Man Cave are known for their precision and attention to detail, ensuring each customer receives a top-quality experience. With its sleek interior and premium services, it’s no surprise that Man Cave has built a loyal following.
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ygyudttj · 3 months
The Ultimate Skincare Treatment at Anna's Beauty Spa
In the dynamic world of skincare, the hydro facial has emerged as a transformative treatment, delivering unparalleled results for a variety of skin concerns. This innovative, multi-step facial rejuvenation process has become a favorite among skincare enthusiasts for its ability to cleanse, exfoliate, extract, and hydrate the skin. If you're in Vancouver and seeking the best place to experience this revolutionary treatment, look no further than Anna's Beauty Spa.
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Enhance Your Glow: Exploring the Best Medical Spa Services for Radiant Beauty
In Vancouver, WA, Ethereal Aesthetics is renowned for its advanced beauty treatments aimed at rejuvenation. They offer a wide range of services from innovative options like Semaglutide to traditional treatments such as fillers and Botox, all crafted to enhance your natural radiance. Semaglutide: A Revolution in Weight Management
At Ethereal Aesthetics, Semaglutide is making waves as an innovative approach to weight management. This FDA-approved injectable medication helps individuals achieve significant weight loss by curbing appetite and promoting feelings of fullness. Administered under medical supervision, Semaglutide can be a game-changer for those striving to attain a slimmer, healthier physique. Vancouver, WA residents looking to embark on a weight loss journey can benefit immensely from this cutting-edge treatment at Ethereal Aesthetics.
Fillers: Restoring Volume and Youthful Contours
As we age, our skin naturally loses volume and elasticity, leading to wrinkles and hollowed areas. Ethereal Aesthetics offers a variety of fillers, including hyaluronic acid-based products, to restore youthful contours and rejuvenate your appearance. Whether you seek to plump your lips, soften facial lines, or enhance cheek volume, their expert injectors in Vancouver, WA, can tailor a treatment plan to meet your aesthetic goals effectively and safely.
Botox: Smoothing Away Wrinkles
For smoothing fine lines and wrinkles, Botox remains a trusted solution. Ethereal Aesthetics boasts skilled practitioners who specialize in administering Botox injections to relax facial muscles and diminish signs of aging. Whether you want to soften forehead lines, crow’s feet, or frown lines between the brows, their precise application ensures natural-looking results that enhance rather than mask your unique beauty.
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Med Spa Expertise in Vancouver, WA
Beyond these standout services, Ethereal Aesthetics excels in providing a holistic approach to beauty and wellness. Their med spa environment in Vancouver, WA, is designed to offer a serene retreat where clients can unwind while receiving personalized care. Each treatment is preceded by a thorough consultation to understand your desires and develop a tailored plan that aligns with your aesthetic goals.
Ethereal Aesthetics sets the standard for excellence in medical spa services in Vancouver, WA. Whether you’re considering Semaglutide for weight loss, fillers for facial rejuvenation, or Botox for wrinkle reduction, their commitment to innovation and client satisfaction shines through. Visit Ethereal Aesthetics today to experience firsthand how their expert team can enhance your glow and rejuvenate your appearance with the latest advancements in aesthetic medicine.
By choosing Ethereal Aesthetics, you’re not just investing in beauty treatments; you’re investing in a journey towards radiant self-confidence and timeless elegance. Join the ranks of satisfied clients who have unlocked their true beauty potential at Ethereal Aesthetics in Vancouver, WA.
Contact Ethereal Aesthetics today for more information or to schedule your consultation. Embark on your path to glowing, youthful skin and enhanced confidence. Email us at [email protected] or give us a call at (360) 852-1672  to request your appointment.
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plasticsurger · 3 months
Factors influencing the type of practice established by Canadian plastic surgeon
The Canadian plastic surgery industry has become a booming business in recent years, with more and more people seeking cosmetic procedures to enhance their appearance. With the rise in popularity of non-invasive treatments, such as Botox and fillers, there is also an increase in demand for surgical procedures like breast augmentation, liposuction, and rhinoplasty.
In this article, we will discuss the factors that influence the type of practice established by Canadian plastic surgeons.
Patient Demographics
One of the most significant factors that influence a Canadian plastic surgeon's practice is their patient demographics. This includes age, gender, and socioeconomic status. For example, a plastic surgeon in a city with an aging population may specialize in procedures like facelifts and eyelid surgery. On the other hand, a surgeon practicing in a more affluent neighborhood may have patients seeking more expensive procedures, such as breast augmentation or tummy tucks. Understanding the needs and wants of their patient demographic plays a crucial role in shaping a plastic surgeon's practice.
The location of a plastic surgeon's practice also has a significant impact on the type of procedures they perform. In larger cities like Toronto or Vancouver, there may be a higher demand for non-invasive treatments due to the busy lifestyle of its residents. This can lead to plastic surgeons in these areas focusing more on injectables and less on surgical procedures. In contrast, a plastic surgeon practicing in a smaller town or rural area may have fewer patients seeking cosmetic procedures, resulting in a more diverse practice that includes both non-invasive and surgical treatments.
Training and Experience
A plastic surgeon's training and experience also heavily influence their practice. In Canada, plastic surgeons undergo extensive education and specialization before becoming certified by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. However, some may choose to specialize further in certain areas, such as facial reconstruction or breast reconstruction after mastectomy. Additionally, a plastic surgeon's experience can also shape their practice. For example, a surgeon who has been in practice for many years may have more expertise and confidence in performing complex procedures that newer surgeons may not feel comfortable doing.
Patient Goals
The goals and expectations of patients seeking cosmetic surgery can also impact a plastic surgeon's practice. Some patients may have specific concerns or desired outcomes that require a surgeon with specialized training or experience. For example, a patient seeking rhinoplasty may prefer to go to a plastic surgeon who has extensive experience in this area, rather than a general plastic surgeon.
Technological Advancements
Advancements in technology also play a significant role in shaping a plastic surgeon's practice. With new technologies emerging in the field of cosmetic and plastic surgery, surgeons must stay updated on the latest techniques and equipment to provide the best possible care for their patients. This can include incorporating minimally invasive procedures, such as laser treatments or injectables, into their practice. Furthermore, technological advancements have also made it possible for plastic surgeons to offer more customizable options for patients. For example, 3D imaging technology allows patients to see potential outcomes of their surgery before it even takes place, giving them a better understanding of the procedure and helping them make more informed decisions.
Ethics and Safety
Plastic surgeons are also guided by ethical principles and safety protocols in their practice. They must ensure that all procedures are performed with the highest standards of safety and care, prioritizing the well-being and health of their patients. In addition, plastic surgeons must also adhere to ethical guidelines set by professional organizations, such as the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) or the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS).
Continuing Education
To maintain their skills and knowledge, plastic surgeons are also required to participate in continuing education programs. This allows them to stay updated on the latest techniques, technologies, and ethical standards in their field. Continuing education also helps plastic surgeons provide the best possible care for their patients by ensuring they are knowledgeable about new developments in cosmetic and plastic surgery.
In conclusion, cosmetic and plastic surgery continue to evolve in Toronto with advancements in technology, ethical guidelines, and continuing education. The commitment of Toronto plastic surgeons to patient safety, ethics, and continuous learning ensures the delivery of high-quality care. Cosmetic surgery in Toronto offers a wide range of customizable options, enabled by cutting-edge technology such as 3D imaging, to meet the diverse needs and expectations of patients. With these advancements, Toronto continues to be a leading hub for cosmetic and plastic surgery, promising an exciting future in this field. If you are considering a cosmetic or plastic surgery procedure in Toronto, make sure to do thorough research and choose a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon to ensure the best possible results. Remember, your safety and well-being should always be the top priority.  So, don't hesitate to consult with a reputable Toronto plastic surgeon today!
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