#best character design is big pants or big jacket
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descendantofthesparrow · 3 days ago
I could use some advice plz. I wanted to make my own designs for the new characters in D5. For Descendants outfits, what are things to consider when making these designs? What goes through your mind when you design?
uhmmmmm vibes, first and foremost really. but that's a bad way to explain it. the better way I could say is; who is your character? whats their personality? would they prefer a punk style or something softer? do they have a shit load of peircings or would they never touch it with a seven foot pole? you have to actually *make* your character before designing them, so I made an OC for my ROR rewrite, Aria. instantly, just from her name-you can guess who she is, Ariels daughter. but I wanted to make her the Live action Ariels Daughter, so I had to think more about her character. how does she style her hair? what does she accessorize with? whats something interesting I could do for her? so-below-is how I designed her.
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i gave her a very clear Little mermaid color pallet, with purple and green, with red hair. but to tie into Halle's version of Airel, Aria's boots tied to the LA version of Ariels tail, and for fun! i gave her prosthetic legs, because honestly it felt right for a half mer character
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then theres my version of Red, now Red, or Quinn in my rewrite, is from what I believe different from canon Red. ill call my version Quinn to avoid confusion. Quinn actively defies her mother when its, well, safe for her to do so. going out during the night to encourage rebellion, spray painting 'DOWN WITH THE MAD QUEEN' in very visible spots, distracting guards, from taking the citizens of wonderland into custody since she, in her isle gear-is a higher 'danger' to the queen. so she dresses how her mother would HATE, asymmetry, shes messy, with a preference for big pants and boots. however she is still frightened of her mother, of course she is, so when faced with her mother-she will wear queen of hearts approved outfits
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aka skirts, more red, and a 'softer' look, more princessy. quinn hates these dresses she has to wear, and prefers to wear pants above anything else but-being scared of her mother reactions, obeys to wear the princess dresses, but Chloe-after they become friends, allows Quinn some confidence to wear one of her favorite leather jackets, a small rebellion.
and then theres Chloe-who is practically the opposite of Red. she wants to be like her mother, she wants to dress like her, be like her, act like her-all in a normal way duh, she idolizes her mother and strives to be as kind and good as her. so she almost always is in a dress, she ofc doesn't mind pants-she likes them too and will wear them-but she prefers dresses with the soft blue silver her mother wears, with her favorite new boots with glass butterflies on it, even her prosthetic leg is designed after her mother.
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yeah so, the best way to design a character-is to know them first. if you design a character first without-knowing them, then you're forcing the character into the design, and not, basically, letting the character create themselves. so write your characters out-even if its just a small paragraph-figure out who they are, what they like-what they dislike. find their fashion, I use Pinterest a lot for-almost everything I design, just to make it a bit easier on myself. happy designing!
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superemeralds · 2 years ago
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the ultimate fit
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obscoros · 1 month ago
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Humanformers time! I have all of their designs with the jumpsuits done (thought it’d be cute if they had a matching uniform, even though I headcanon that in this universe, Ratchet and Pharma do their best not to wear it whenever possible). Not the happiest with Pharma’s but I can always come back to it.
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Design breakdowns & my thoughts for each character below the cut. 🫶
Ratchet doesn’t like to wear her combat medic uniform- she prefers her simple lab coat and slacks. The additional armored plating makes everything feel too real and she’d rather not confront the big emotions she has with the war and what that means as a doctor and CMO.
The armored chest plate is blue to mimic Ratchet’s windshield plating that some iterations of his root mode have, and there are some ECG motifs as a reference to TFP Ratchet. I like Ratchet being more red, but I kept her hair orange as a reference to TFP and IDW.
Here are her other looks!
First Aid
My favorite design of the 4. Unlike Ratchet, First Aid prefers to wear the jumpsuit because it’s comfortable and practical, and has her own unique jacket she often wears over top.
First Aid’s mask translates really well to a human healthcare worker, and instead of giving her a helmet that’s an exact replica of First Aid’s helm, I gave her a hat and had her hair in buns that mimic the way it frames her face.
This version of First Aid sort of reminds me of an EMT. She isn’t one, but I took inspiration from EMT and first responder uniforms with her in general, due to how quick on her feet she’d have to be working directly under Ratchet and the chaos that ensues in the medbay.
I’m not sure how well I achieved it, but I wanted her jumpsuit to look ill-fitting and slightly worn compared to the others which fit them more tightly. The cuffs of the pants are too wide and the scalloped collar flares more than it should. The jumpsuit wasn’t always hers, after all. There are elements of Ambulon’s paint scratches, from the scuffs on her boots to the purple turtleneck she wears underneath.
She has a chevron she wears as well, but I accidentally made her bangs way too cute and so I wanted to showcase both. Her hair isn’t naturally blonde- all part of her trying to fly under the radar and try not to be recognized for her former alliances.
This design killed me. I might come back to it but I knew that my humanformer Pharma wouldn’t wear this jumpsuit if she could help it, just like Ratchet.
Gave her white hair and a red chevron in reverse of Pharma’s normal colors because it made her unique compared to the other medics.
Long coat covering the jumpsuit because she thinks it’s ugly.
She’s a very classy individual, and I wanted to have each unique element she added to the medic uniform represent that.
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brat-pack-it-up-boys · 4 months ago
Ponyboy that was then this is now headcanons
• I’m a big believer in ponyboy continuing to dye his hair blonde after windrixville for sentimentality (also I fuck with the character design aspect)
• so his hairs died blond but it’s also grown out, its the late 1960s and greased hair is becoming even less of a thing than it was before, so his hair is choppily cut above his shoulders and it has the worst grown at roots
• he is the KING of hand me downs, more so than in the outsiders because he fits into more of the clothes that darry and soda actually saved, soda’s flannels, pants, shirts, Darry’s old jackets, he owns his shoes and that it
• okay this one goes more into the au where sodapop is drafted and killed in the Vietnam war because it technically lines up with the twttin timeline. But ponyboy would wear soda’s dog tags literally every day
• more reckless than he was in the outsiders, partially because he’s grown up and partially because of his friends and the people he surrounds himself with
• his friendgroup basically consist of the remainder of the gang, curly and Angela, mark, scout, and two bits sister Brenda I guess
• on the topic of Brenda, ponyboy basically reacreats his and Johnnys relationship with dally with her, they’re so siblings you don’t understand, the brother and sister ever
• very unpopular in school, not in a way of getting bullied but in the way of a lot of kids in his grade being scared of him
“that Curtis kid who helped kill someone”
• the beef Bryon has him is entirely one sided to the point that Ponyboy doesn’t even realize it exists
• despite not having the best reputation he’s finally grown into his looks and if it weren’t for the events of the first book he would be pulling
• Him and Cathy start dating a little bit after twttin, Cathy had been at boarding school during the entirety of the first book so she didn’t have the same stigma against him that the other kids at school
• he actually gets pretty into the Beatles after he starts dating Cathy because they’re her favorite band, he likes the please please me album
• he also adopts M&M into his little gang with Brenda (pushing my M&M and Brenda as best friends agenda)
• in the end all that really means is that he helps M&M with kids picking on him (his reputation from the whole bob incident makes him pretty intimidating), M&M and Brenda also get to tag along on some of Pony and Cathy’s dates to the movies
• honestly I could talk about him and Cathy for hours but as the youngest him dating her and realizing how much she has to do as the oldest makes him gain more of understanding for darry
• also him and Cathy’s song is definitely Do you want to know a secret
@izaacs-notdeadyet because you mentioned you wanted to hear them, sorry it took me thousand years to actually get around to posting this
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majestick-posts-op · 1 month ago
My little attempt at a few characters from @where-does-the-heart-lie 's fighting game au because i seriously love it so much. Go take a look at their blog if you haven't already.
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All of these being concepts I wanted to explore.
Explanations and stuff:
Went full seamonster with Shirahoshi. I think itfits her and being a little intimidating but actually a sweetheart is so her. She doesn't wear a lot of clothes in canon so I just focused on the hearts details. Her hair already looked like a heart and that's adorable but I also chaged her fish jewlery into heart jewlry to show that her love in where her people are, and she really cares about them. She's very happy to be here.
For Rebecca I completely scrapped her canon clothes and decided to blend in casual clothing (the hoodie and shoes) with her armour and some newtral elements. Making her braids into a series of hearts i think was a good idea, but i mainly added a heart on her helmet to show that her love in rational and her dmotional maturity despite her age and all the shit that goes on in her life. I think she would a model students that's considered of high potential.
For Bonney I liked that in canon she kinda has clothes that adapt to her body growing/deaging and stuff but i wanted her to be... less naked. So i added this tight suit thingy (tried to make it look modern/science like. Maybe a gift from Dr. Vp) that supposedly changes alongside her. Her heart patches on her jacket and knees rappresent her dad and her mom since those are the people she cares about the most. The bear ears on the hat i couldn't pass on.
Carrot i thought fit a more classic schoolgirl vibe, with a uniform. BUT i firmly believe she would wear a million tiny accessories like leg warmers, scruncies, pins, and other stuff. Very colorful, very kidcore. The white in her hair is for her sulong form while the hearts are in her actual ears and fur because... she's just made out of love. Silly.
Boa... another one of my favuorites.... full on ancient greek Medusa makeover. If i had paid attention in class i would flex my italian student knowledge and explain the composition of her clothes but I didn't. Lots of golden jewelry in her hair, which is the main heart since even in canon, Boa uses her love as a weapon. While the second heart is where her jolly roger is in canon because her loves also protects her people. I just think making her a snake woman was the best course of action. Screw beauty standards, embrace reptillian charm.
I wanted Pudding to look like a doll as much as possible. If you compare her to Big Mom's design below, you can see that their outfits have a lot in common like the puffy sleeves and layered skirts. And if you look at the hearts, they are mostly in her hair (the silouettes of her ponytails) and scruncies. This is because Big mom did it and she wants her kids to show love the way SHE wants. But then, if you look even more close, there is one more heart, again in her hair, but around her 3rd eye. Caused by the negative space in her bangs. This reflects the love Pudding has towards herself. Hidden, manipulated by otgers, but still in there. And she has pants below because i think she would tuck in the outer most layer of her skirts to walk around more freely. She knows what a practical fighting outfit unlike her mum...
The kids!!! They don't go to the school yet (at least not the HS section. Maybe there's an elementary/middle school one) but they defunetly want to. Went very simple for them. Tama's outfit borrows elements from Luffy (the shirt) and Ace's (the hoodie) because she looks up to them, and the gloves are practical fir her ability.
While Toko's borrows a few elements from Zoro's (the haramaki) and Sanji's (the jacket) since they are the ones she looks up to. The hearts are on her writs for a "wearing your heart on your sleeve" pun. Because even though she can't show her emotions well anymore, she still feels them nontheless.
Kidd and Killer already embodied the vube if this AU ngl. The hearts reminded me of this awesome Killer cosplay so he is showing off that pose. His hearts are on his masks because he uses his love to hide his insecurities and stuff. But Kidd's hearts are on his robotic arm since his weapons are his love. I think he wouldn't have that many on him since he isn't the most lovely dovely dude in the world so they're subtle. Very simbolic. Didn't change the outfits much, just made them more modern looking. (And yes, those are nipple piercing on kidd's tits. I have hobbies alright?) BUT. If you tool at the pants, you'll notice very clearly that they have matching heart chains of eachothers colours because THEY ARE EACHOTHER'S LOVE!!! I love these idiots.
And finally the villians. For Big Mom I went with a "evil teacher/mad queen" vibe. Not a fan of her canon hair, surprisingly, so I did a beehive that was suppossed to be heart shaped but gravity showed her true colours (bad poetic attempt.) Her hearts are very important. You know that heart tatoo she has on her shoulder in canon? Well, here its on the back on her neck! While these? Because its the only place she can't see, and others don't really either. Because her love has been hidden and forgotten by herself, instead showing off mountains of fake hearts on her clothes and jewelry. Like the fake heaven she tried to create in her country that only ended up being a real hell. And... and... and... I got carried away, sorry. Love a well written female character.
Kaidou is all dragon since i'm keeping the thene if making the zoan fruit users into antrho/hybrid desings. Added a lot of spikes. Its his thing. Made the outfit inspired by his younger age fits and nothing too special BUT i want to focus on the heart pkacement. Because if you look closely at hus arm... yep! Its all hearts, not scales! Because Kaidou's love has also been amounted to just his strenght and his potential, going as far as to do that on his dominant arm. Even the little cracks on his horns are actually heart shaped. Because his failures/weaknesses and strenghts/wins are interconnetted in a way he doesn't even realise because he's too busy locking up his son in a cave.
And lastly Blackbeard would be the final boss or smth. Cryptic life sucking creature. No hearts. I hate him. (His silouette is based after a metastastic cancer cell)
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darkficsyouneveraskedfor · 5 months ago
Learn the Hard Way 1
Warnings: non/dubcon, power dynamic, age gap, and other dark elements. My��username actually says you never asked for any of this.
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
Characters: Lloyd Hansen, Nick Fowler (Professor AU)
Summary: you return to campus is less than glorious.
Part of the Bad Professors AU
Note: Please leave some feedback and reblog <3 As always, I love to chat with you all. 
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“It’s a nice place,” you say as you keep a grip on your duffel bag. 
You took a big chance trusting in the online posting. Furnished and a decent price. Your innate cynicism told you it couldn’t be true and yet your dire financial straits convinced you to take the risk. Even if it turned out to be a mattress in a dingy basement, you would make it work. 
Yet, your pessimism makes the reality even more of a relief. The apartment is just like it was listed in the virtual walk through. And it’s all yours at such a good rate. 
“Got everything you need,” the man explains as he pulls out a tube of lip balm. “And if it doesn’t, you have my number.” 
“Sure, uh, I don’t think I should,” you shrug. 
You peek over at him again. He seems every measure the slimy landlord, mustache included. Designer polo, loafers without socks, tight pants, thought his jacket does give a slightly refined touch to the whole aesthetic. 
“Rules. No parties. You can have some girlfriends over for a little pillow fight now and again but I don’t want a rager. This shit’s too nice for that,” he warns. 
“Right,” you agree, ignoring his strange comment. “I don’t think I’ll be throwing any parties.” 
“Good,” he tuts. “Well, I got shit to do. Class in an hour.” 
He checks his watch and you give him a curious look, “you’re a student too?” 
“Fuck off,” he chirps as he tweaks a brow. “Professor.” 
“Professor. Wait, so isn’t this like a shit, what’s it called, ah, conflict of interest?” 
“What are you? A law student?” He snaps. 
“Photography, actually.” 
“Oh, so you like to throw your money away. That’s good to hear,” he chortles. You frown at the insult. “And now it’s not a goddamn conflict. It’s off campus and you just happen to be a poor student. It’s fucking fine or do you wanna go find something else? Half your monthly to break the lease.” 
“Shit, no, I mean, no. No, it’s cool. I was just... as long as it doesn’t affect me, that’s fine. It’s smart. I mean, if I had money, I’d do some investing too.”  
His eyes dart towards you sharply, “whatever, stop wasting my time.” 
“Sorry, uh, well, thanks, Lloyd.” 
He winces and tilts his head, “I think I prefer professor.” 
“But you’re not mine--” 
“Look, I don’t like you uppity girls gettin’ fun with me. You think I don’t got tail wiggling at me for a higher GPA every goddamn day.” He clucks and straightens his coat, spinning on his heel, “tell your boys not to flush their rubbers.” 
He struts through the door and it snaps shut behind him. You look down at the keys in your hand and cringe. It’s not exactly the best start but you won’t bother him again. This place is perfect. 
You bring your bag into the living room and drop it on the couch. A couch! A chair, dining table, a separate bedroom, and a nice kitchen... you even have a stacked laundry set-up. Shit, feels like you’re robbing the guy. It’s almost too good to be true. 
You pace around for a while before you start to unpack. You didn’t bring much. You’re a person of very little means. You worked two catering jobs in the summer just to get tuition and the whole housing spike on campus had you worried it was all for not. 
Hey, it all turned out. You’ll never trust fate, but fuck dammit, it can be kind when it wants to. 
You head out shortly after, restless, and find the bus stop. Tuition includes a bus pass but you need to go to the Student Support Center to get your card reactivated for the term. You spend the change and weave your way around campus. 
The wait for the simple swipe of your card and a few keys tapped, is far too long. But now you have your transit pass and your meal plan. You’ll hit the cafeteria and hope that they have hiked the cost of a tuna sandwich with the rent. 
The prices may not have gone up but you’re not sure the quality is what it was. You examine the thin prepackaged sandwiches. You’re suddenly not as hungry. You can get a noodle plate and split it between today and tomorrow. A coffee is always cheap too. 
You get your container of pad thai and stop to peruse the self-serve karafes of coffee. Irish Cream, blech. You opt for the caramel sundae flavour. You get maybe two drops and it bottoms out. What the hell? 
“Piss,” you mutter. 
Whatever, you’ll just have some medium roast. You move over to press your cup to the lever and hit someone else’s hand. You recoil, “fuck, shit, sorry.” 
The man grunts and fills his cup. He’s older. Likely a professor judging by the blazer. He watches the slow drip and you do too. You just want a coffee. You wait and as he finishes, you step up to claim your cup. The karafe runs out at the half line of the cup. 
“What the shit?” You huff. “I swear to fuck--” 
“Eloquent,” he remarks as he takes a lid from the stack. 
“Huh?” You look over at him. “Oh, you can hear me? I thought that was my inside voice.” 
He narrows his eyes and shakes his head. He snaps the lid on his cup and takes it. You get no response but the roiling judgment rising off of his rigid posture. 
You top off your cup with the dark roast. Maybe you should let the staff know the coffee is almost out. You go to join the line for the cashier and find yourself facing the back of the man’s blazer. 
He pays and you move up to tap your student card. You thank the cashier and head off, the smell of the noodles stoking your hunger. Mmm, you can’t wait to dig-- 
You collide with something and your coffee bursts and pours over your hand. You look up to find the splatter of mixed brews across dark blue fabric. You squeak as the liquid scalds your hand. 
“Fuck, I’m so fucking sorry, dude,” you say as the same man snarls and turns stiffly on his heel. 
He looks down at you with his icy eyes. You tremble as they’re harsh enough to cool the heat of the spill dripping from your hand. You give a sheepish smile. 
“Hi again,” you murmur. 
He shakes his head and reaches to feel the back of his jacket. He takes a deep breath, a tick in his jaw. “I can clean this, can you clean up that gutter you call a mouth?” 
He doesn’t wait for your answer. You suppose it’s rhetorical and well-earned. You did just dump coffee down his back. 
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maddascanbe-blog · 1 year ago
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Chloé Bourgeois, plus 1 bonus Zoé Lee-Bourgeois. I did a hard overhaul of Chloé's design and character. The yellow sweater and white pants were truly atrocious. I liked her concept design with the monochromatic outfit but for my redesign I gave her a deep blue jumpsuit, and a white jacket.
I knew I was going to have Lila as the primary antagonist for Marinette's civilian life. Meaning having Chloé as one too would be redundant. They seemed to understand that in canon as they started playing with the idea of giving her a character arc.
So how to make Chloé an antagonist without her being villainous? Why by making her Marinette's rival of course! And Chloé is like- really into their rivalry. She has a very "Only Marinette is worthy to best me" attitude about things. Which means its no fun if other people butt in.
Chloé does have a bit of a "I'm better than you" attitude, but most don't realize it's unintentional. She works hard to maintain both her fathers political favor and her many investments. But she doesn't lie to the people she respects, and is rather brutally honest about her opinions on her classmates. What she thinks is constructive criticism usually comes off as rude, but any compliment is 100% genuine.
There are few people who understand that, Adrien and Sabrina are two of them. Marinette is the other, over their years of knowing each other she slowly began to realize what Chloé's word meant. That changed her view of her rival, and the two now push each other to their best.
Alya does not understand how Chloé works and tends to get frustrated with the girl, and vice versa. However, the Rena Rouge and Queen Bee are best friends. Bonding over their love of super heroes and devotion to bringing villains to justice.
Now onto Zoé, I'll go into detail for her later. But the main thing you need to know is she's 9 years old, and her big sister loves her very much. Chloé will never forgive her mother for cheating on her dad, but the one thing Audrey did right is giving her the most wonderful baby sister to adore.
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ccraccz · 1 year ago
Hi! Would you be able to do some headcannons with the heartsteel boys with a short/petite, alt partner! They wear all black, black stiletto nails and with a love of skulls. A big fan of all things games and animated shows and a huge collector.
Alternative love
Characters: Aphelios, Ezreal, Sett, Kayn, K'sante, Yone x GN!Reader
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That?? That's his type without a doubt
He lives for the alternative aesthetic and people shorter than him
He himself is probably alt, but he loves to mismatch with his sister
In solo pictures, he's alt, but in pictures with his sister, he's literally wearing the opposite of his sis
Now, he has a reason to wear more black
He would love to match with you in anything you wear out
He'd bring you gifts
From black press ons to some expensive obsidian necklace or leather gloves to fit your style
Anything and everything for you
He'd indulge you with skulls and bones, tarot cards if you're into things like that
He'll even let you wear his precious hoodies and jackets that were made by sett or bought by his sister
Though, when he finds out that you religiously play games he likes and watch the same shows he does
His affections develop rapidly into love
He has more things to both bond and relate to you
He would feel more comfortable with you instantly
Most of the time, it's difficult to relate to people
So, with you by his side, someone who understands him in style and emotionally goes a long way.
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Ezreal would not mind at all
Height or style
Actually he loves your aesthetic!
He feels like it's something that represents you, and he loves anything about you
He's all about aesthetic and true representation, and if black clothing, black nails, extraordinary makeup, and skulls are what you like
So be it! Go you!
He might not match you and your energy, but you know what they say.
Opposites attracts 💚
He's so cringe
He literally says that every time when someone asks why he's with someone like you
And he always tells them off after that because that was just rude!
He'd make a special bouquet for you with black and white flowers
He'd buy you fake skulls and skeletons for you to decorate your space
Buy your books and games
He's so in love with how you show yourself off
You can clearly tell he's always mesmerized by your style
Whether you're wearing skirts, leather pants, dresses, or large ripped jeans
Or even if you're wearing a black tank, with a black graphic jacket on your hips and pj pants
He's so into you and how different you are
Every time he sees you, his eyes are literally hearts
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He thinks it's so cool
And he thinks you're so cute with a petite you are
Especially compared to him
Like, an amazing amount of cool
He loves your style and would support it in giants amounts
He would literally be your stylist
You rip your favorite black shirt? He both fixes it and makes it look like a different shirt while matching your style
Is that jacket too expensive? He can diy one just for you that is way better than the one you liked
He'll also ask k'sante to design some clothing for you
The best quality clothing and costumes are given to you as gifts for important days
Dates? There's a gift box on your bed with some clothing that he fixed up for you
B-day? You know those boots you've been eyeing for a while? Wellll, they're on your bed now screaming for you to try them on
And inside the boots, there's a letter
He's so goofy
He'd support you by giving you more clothes and such
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He doesn't care, actually
But he will tease you about your height
But clothing wise?
You can go anywhere with whatever clothes and he would love you all the same
The only way he'll care is if you're bare outside, OR someone says some shit about you
That's when he really cares
The first scenario is because he can't handle himself and will snatch you and eat you 😏
The second scenario?
He's throwing hands and giving the person a piece of his mind
He goes crazy for you, but that's also the main reason why you guys mostly have indoor dates
Either way, he doesn't give a damn as to what you wear
He will love you because you tolerate him and keep him in place
Either way, indoor dates mean more time with you and your snazzy self
He will give you a good time after or during the "date"
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(This headcanon is mainly for the boys die ti k'sante being a gay man!! I'm so happy I get to write a male implied reader!! Woop woop!)
He finds it cute, actually!
Like really adorably cute
With how big he is and how small you are, it's actually comical
But you accommodate your height with platforms and your looks and that totally fine!
He finds you attractive all the same
He will design you clothes, and even ask for help for some ideas as to what the guys would look good in!
Just imagine
Your head is laying on K'sante's lap, playing a game of your switch that he recently bought you as an appreciation gift.
You were just about to beat this damn boss you'd been stuck on since yesterday, but he send an unexpected attack at your character and sends you to a fame over screen.
With a huff, you let go of the switch and sigh in annoyance.
"Hey, love?"
"Yeaaah, I see that, thanks"
"Would Yone and Ezreal look good in short crops?"
"Ezreal yes, Yone sadly no"
"I can see that, thanks"
"Of course love"
"Wait, would Aphelios look good in hip hop pants?"
"Phel would look good in anything Sante, but he'd really rock the cyber aesthetic,"
You'd both indulge in different aesthetics, but he'd 100% make clothes for you to make you feel like the best of the best
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Yone would not care at all
Height or clothibg
You wear What you want, when you want
If someone says anything about it, he will give them a look that would make them keep their disgusting opinions to themselves
Even though its not something he relates to, whatever makes you happy and more comfortable with yourself the better
And if that means black clothing, skulls, and more darker stuff
Then so be it.
But the number of games reminds him of Aphelios
And the amount of anime and manga reminds him of his bother
Though not in a bad way!
Either way, he will indulge you by giving you things he finds that remind him of you
He once brought you one of those cute black death doctor plushies
You literally almost cried, but you gave him a present after turning your plush/plushies towards the wall.
I tried something new with the display, so instead of gifs, I used some pictures of the boys because the gifs wouldn't load.
I also tried something new with the headcanons and placed a small scenario. I just wanna see opinions on it! Hope you don't mind lovely!! Please do request again!! 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡
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Imma go sleep in a min now 🧡
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spaceorphan18 · 3 months ago
Awards Show :: A Klaine Fic
Famous Klaine AU
Kurt and Blaine are both nominated for a major theater award. They attend the show, while trying to navigate when and how to reveal a major secret.
Rated T: for mild language, small amount of drinking, and mild sexy times.
for Klaine Secret Santa Gift Exchange 2024 - for @jayne89 <3 Thanks for to @snarkyhag for the beta! Ao3 Link Found Here Hope you guys like it! Thanks for reading!!
Kurt Hummel exits the backseat of his car and takes his first step onto the red carpet.  The scene is pure pandemonium.  The red carpet is lined with reporters and cameras, actors and celebrities, and ropes that hold off thousands of screaming fans.  Every time he steps foot into one of these hooplas, he has half a mind to get back into the car and sneak in the back way.  Unlike most of his colleagues in the theater world, he’s never been a huge fan of these events.  Sure, he’ll discuss the gossip and the fashion until the cows come home, but having to live it is always a different story.  
He nervously plays with his phone as he makes his first few steps down the carpet.  He shouldn’t have it with him, he knows, but it’s a strange source of comfort.  It’s something to do with his hands, which might otherwise be stuffed into the pockets of his very expensive suit.  
He hears sudden clicks, and he knows already that there are cameras pointed in his direction.  He should be used to it.  In some ways he is used to it.  But it never fails to surprise him that there are people who actually want photos of him. He’s gone for a simpler look this year -- a gorgeous teal jacket and pants, paired with a royal purple shirt, with a silver pin for an accent.  The whole thing is textured, and the cut is flattering and appealing, and much more toned down than the eccentric design he wore the previous year.  
He takes a deep breath and moves forward.  He hears his name being called from multiple directions.  Some are the event guides, ushering him to go.  Some are the photographers, dying to get that first shot of him arriving.  But a majority of the screaming is coming from the fans.  He doesn’t love the crowds.  He doesn’t. But he does try his best -- for them.  
He gives a smile, and a wave, and inches closer to the ropes where they’re all standing.  They’ve come all this way, and have probably stood outside for mere glimpses of the celebrities for hours.  It’s insane - but there was a time when he may have done the same, just for a brief interaction with someone he admired.  
Before going to the fans, however, he takes a quick moment to scan the carpet ahead of him.  There are plenty of people he recognizes, plenty of people he’s worked with before, a few big names that make him seem like a small fish in a big pond, and a few faces he doesn’t recognize at all.  But one in particular stands out.  Standing in his bright, mustard yellow suit is Blaine Anderson.  
Kurt takes a moment to watch Blaine as he easily moves along the crowd; chatting, signing autographs, laughing and whatever the fans are telling him.  He positively glows in the energy.  He always has.  Kurt shakes his head, fondly.  He loves his job, but feels more at peace when an audience is quietly sitting and watching him on stage.  When he has the ability to turn it all off, and connect with the character and the story and come alive as a different person.  Being him has always been difficult.  But Blaine has no such difficulty.  It’s admirable, really.  And he adores Blaine for it.  
He then sneaks a quick second to check out Blaine’s ass, nice and round and on display whenever Blaine reaches his arms out to sign another autograph.  Kurt bites his bottom lip, thinking about earlier that morning, when he had seen that ass up close and person.  He grins, thinking about it; thinking about how despite their growing celebrity status, some things remain just between the two of them.  
For a quick second, Blaine turns his head behind him and, as if a magnet were drawn between them, notices Kurt.  He beams, wiggles his eyebrows for a second, and then goes back to the fans.  Tonight is not about him and Blaine.  Tonight is about the show.  They both know that.  Which is why they keep what they have together on the down low.  But it doesn’t stop them from stealing a moment or two.  
Kurt turns back to his side of the carpet, ready to address the legions of people waiting on the other side of the rope. As he approaches, their yells become deafening, and most of what they’re screaming is incomprehensible.  The only thing he really can make out is his name.  
He smiles brighter, trying his best to appear as kind as possible, as he takes a marker and begins to scribble his name on a Playbill.  Most of the fans are respectful.  And while overwhelmed, shower him with compliments -- everything ranging from ‘I loved your performance, it moved me so much’ to ‘can I have your babies?’.  He always has to chuckle at the range he finds.  
There’s always at least one person, however, who gives him pause.  “Hey, did you and Blaine Anderson break up?” It's a young woman with a nose ring attempting to take a photo of him with her phone -- who seems less interested in him than whatever gossip she’s going to share online.  “Cause, like, y’all haven’t spoken to each other in weeks.  Online, I mean.  Like, y’all are done, aren’t you?” 
He lets out a sigh, tries his best not to look back at Blaine. He knows that with celebrity comes lack of privacy.  He’s been bracing for it.  But what he has with Blaine is special, and he’ll protect that the best he can.  Kurt moves on to answer another fan, who has a question about a wig he wore in a previous production, ignoring the girl with the nose ring. 
The interviewer is a tall, platinum blonde woman with a too dark tan and a bright, shimmering gold dress that clashes with her skin.  Kurt has talked with her before - as she works for one of those websites that streams all its content on YouTube or some specialized streaming service.  He can’t remember which one, and the ‘M’ on her microphone doesn’t help any, but since he’s being shuffled to every journalist out here, he just goes with the flow.  
“Kuuuuuurt,” her high-pitched voice cries.  “Kurt Hummel everyone.” She says it to her audience in the camera, wherever that might be.  Kurt gives a friendly smile and waves to the people watching on the other side of the screen.  He may not like this part of the job, but he tries to always give his best to the fans.  “How excited are you to be here?” The woman, whose name if he remembers correctly is Karlee, asks.  
“It’s a pleasure.  And surreal. Always surreal,” he replies, truthfully.  
“Before we get too much further, we have to get your bestie over here,” she says, unexpectedly.  
Kurt isn’t quite sure what she’s talking about until she waves a hand (one that’s holding a cue card in it) over to someone behind him.  “Blaine Anderson, get on over here.” 
Oh.  Oh . 
Blaine comes up right next to him, all friendly smiles and charm and doesn’t give Kurt one ounce of attention.  He does, however, slightly push his elbow into Kurt’s arm.  Kurt pushes back.  He almost gives a laugh, but retrains.  
“Karlee, what a delight, honey, you look wonderful,” Blaine coos, taking her hand, and giving her cheek a kiss.  
Fucking Blaine, always being so suave.  Kurt bites his bottom lip, amused at how easily Blaine does it.  Blaine is definitely playing it up with the playful banter, but he also is well aware that it keeps the attention off of Kurt.  Just as Kurt likes it.  They do make a great team.  
“Look at the two of you, matching tonight.”  
Kurt and Blaine turn towards each other, both pretending to be shocked.  
I told you they’d notice -- Kurt says with his eyes and a grin, thinking about the hours-long conversation they had about what to wear. 
Blaine gives a casual shrug, but Kurt can read him like a book.  Who cares? We’re hot and they love it.  
We’re supposed to be low profile, Blaine. 
We’re theater actors, Kurt, nothing about us is low profile.  
They probably shouldn’t be doing their secret exchange, not when they’re supposed to be paying attention to Kaylee, not while everyone is watching, but Blaine has such beautiful honey-gold eyes… the shield Kurt always has up, especially in public, is dented just a little when those eyes shine so brightly on him.  
After a few moments of fashion talk, Kaylee hits them with something completely different.  “So, the two of you met a decade ago now on the stage during the original run of Show Choir! -- which ended up being such a surprising hit and thrust you both into the limelight.  I hear now there are talks of a movie version -- any chance you’ll be involved.” 
“No,” Kurt says, maybe too quickly and too sharply.  He owes that show everything.  And yet he never wants to relive any of it ever again.  Blaine eyes him and knows… 
As always, Blaine manages to be much more diplomatic in response.  “I think I can speak for Kurt when I say -- we will always cherish what that show was for us.  It got us both on our feet.  It taught us everything we know now. But it’s time to let a new generation take the reins.  And, I mean, we’re both pushing thirty now.  No one wants to see thirty-year-olds playing high school students. Even on stage.”  
“Of course, we’ll cheer on whatever new cast takes it on,” Kurt adds, hopeful that it sounds encouraging enough for the soundbite it’ll inevitably become.  
Kaylee throws her head back in laughter as if it’s the funniest thing she’s ever heard.  “Well, it’ll be exciting to watch for sure.  So, the two of you are both nominated tonight for your phenomenal roles in such different productions.  Kurt, you’re nominated for your devastating turn where you play an American Civil War soldier figuring out his sexuality.  While Blaine, you have a haunting turn as a ghost in what everyone has been calling an epic space opera on stage.  Your roles are so different and yet have hit audiences so hard.  How do you feel about that?” 
“It’s cliche, I know, but as everyone says, it is an honor to be nominated,” Kurt says. “And I think that everyone nominated tonight deserves to be here.  I think it speaks to the writing and production and power of the stage that we are allowed to have such characters to play.  And I think it speaks to the power of storytelling that you can have such a variety of characters and yet be so moved by them.  I think we both feel really, really lucky that there are so many good shows being produced right now.”  
“I think Kurt’s said it beautifully,” Blaine adds.  “I can’t possibly top that.” 
“One last question -- any fun plans to celebrate tonight?” 
Kurt gives her an odd look, then for a split second, gives Blaine a panicked look. 
She knows? 
She’s talking about celebrating winning an award, Kurt… 
Well, I did win this morning… 
They share knowing looks.  
“I’m sure there’s plenty of trouble we can get ourselves into,” Blaine says with a sly grin.  
Kurt throws back his second shot and slams the glass on the bar.  Nothing like having something in you to calm the nerves.  He knows his limits, and when the bartender asks if he’d like another, he shakes his head and nudges the glass away.  Normally, he settles for a nice cocktail at these things, but his anxiety has been climbing all evening.  It’s not that he thinks he’s going to win - he’s aware of all the betting pools and the articles, his chances are very slim considering who he’s up against.  It’s the fact that the spotlight is so firmly on him.  It’s the fact that there are much better places he’d rather be.  
He should go mingle; should go say hi to the dozens of people he knows, and attempt to make a connection with those he doesn’t.  But he’s not as cut out for this one might think.  The first time he went to one of these things it had been awe-inspiring.  Surreal.  Kind of amazing.  Now that he’s been to them enough times, the shine has somewhat worn off, and it feels like another part he has to perform.  
“Drink too many of those, and you’ll be slurring your way through your presenting duties.”  Blaine comes to his side, leaning against the bar with a charming grin on his face.  
“Is it over yet?” Kurt laments. 
“This is the fun part, Kurt.”  
“You are having fun, I am surviving,” Kurt says.  He contemplates another glass, and looks over to the bartender, signaling him over.  Blaine puts a hand over his, and shakes the bartender off, knowing better.  Kurt lets out a heavy sigh.  “Do you think we should have come together?” 
Blaine gives him an odd look.  “It was your idea not to.” 
“I know.” 
“You wish we had?” 
Kurt contemplates.  It’s such a loaded question.  One that they’ve both mulled over countless number of times.  Weighed pros and cons.  Sought outside help.  There are no easy answers to such questions.  “You’re the one thing I don’t want to share with the rest of the world,” Kurt says.  He doesn’t meet Blaine’s eye, but keeps it firmly on the bar.  “And yet, I’m bursting on the inside to do just that.”  
Blaine’s face softens, and he squeezes Kurt’s hand.  “That’s sweet, Kurt.  You already know how I feel about it.”
“I do…” He does.  Kurt looks over to Blaine to see his shining eyes looking adoringly at him.  There are hundreds of people in the room and yet it’s just the two of them, an allowed moment of privacy among the crowd. “You know, the fans think we broke up.” 
Blaine tilts his head at him, shaking it.  “Since when have you ever cared what they think?” 
“I don’t,” a smirk crosses Kurt’s face.  “I just thought it was funny.”  
“Social media detectives will be the death of us all.” 
“Well, it wouldn’t hurt you to like some of my cat videos and Liza Minnelli memes,” Kurt jokes.  
“We should get Tina to work with you on your social media presence,” Blaine says, as if they hadn’t argued about this a thousand times.  
“And she should really lay off yours,” Kurt counters.  “I mean, the noodle incident…” 
Blaine rolls his eyes and ignores him.  “Maybe it is time to talk about being more public.  As a couple.” 
Kurt winces.  “We are not letting Tina…” 
“That’s not what I mean,” Blaine says.  He’s serious, very serious.  “Maybe it’s finally time, all things considered.” 
“Or… we could release an official statement and let it be?” Kurt says.  They’ve managed to be just the two of them for so long.  He doesn’t want that to change.  “I don’t want to be featured on the cover of People magazine.”
“Being featured on the cover of People magazine isn’t so bad you know,” Blaine says.  His charm returns as they both think of the framed cover in Blaine’s bathroom.  
Kurt lets out a playful, annoyed groan.  “Any chance you have to bring up how officially sexy you are…” 
“It wouldn’t hurt you to indulge me every once in a while.” 
“I already suck your dick, Blaine, you don’t need me to kiss your ass, too.”  
Blaine lets out a hearty laugh.  “I have it on good authority that you are actually very good at kissing my ass.”  
Kurt gives him a sharp glance.  “Fuck you.”  
Blaine gives him a dark look, as if challenging him to do just that.  Kurt wishes he could lean over and kiss him.  Fuck all the people and the cameras and the undoubted mess it would create.  He wants to kiss Blaine so badly, and has enough alcohol in him that it might be worth it.  
Blaine’s sober enough for the both of them.  “C’mon, we have a ceremony to attend.”  
Kurt bounces on the balls of his feet.  He and Blaine are waiting backstage, just the two of them, as the ceremony rolls on beyond the curtain.  He can hear the presenters for the award for musical score doing their bit.  There’s audience laughter, and some applause, and someone said something that struck a chord.  He suddenly doesn’t feel all that well.  
Blaine looks at him, concerned.  “Are you nervous?” 
“You’re nervous.” A sweet grin climbs on Blaine’s face, as he judges his shoulder against Kurt’s.  
Kurt holds himself tightly.  “Do you know how many people will be out there watching us?” 
“We’re delivering an award, Kurt.  It’s not like we’re performing,” Blaine says.  He almost sounds disappointed about it.  “It’s not like anyone is going to be paying any attention to us.  All we have to do is make sure we get the name right.”  
“We have to do witty banter,” Kurt argues.  “They’ll all be paying attention.  What if they really don’t like what we’re wearing? What if they miss that we have amazing on stage chemistry? My god, what if they don’t find us funny?” 
Blaine shakes his head dismissively.  “I’ve never known you to not be funny.” 
Kurt holds up one finger.  “I have a sophisticated, dry wit that not everyone gets.”  
“You do remember that this witty banter was pre-written and all we have to do is say the lines, right?” Blaine says.  “I can’t believe you’re nervous.  You’ve performed on stage naked before.”  
“Yeah, for like five people,” Kurt hisses.  “There are at least five million people watching this.”  
Blaine narrows his eyes, looking troubled.  “You’re really having an issue with this.” 
Kurt bites his bottom lip.  He is, and he doesn’t like it.  It’s not really because of the sheer amount of people.  He doesn’t mind performing in front of them.  It’s not like he’s never been in front of large crowds before.  It’s the fact that it’s he and Blaine.  Together.  With everyone having their eyes on them. Everyone watching every interaction they’ll make, and how it’ll be scrutinized and torn apart and he wishes that not every public interaction they have needs to be put under a microscope.  He wishes they didn’t have to endure that type of pressure.  
He breathes heavily.  “I feel like I’m going to throw up.”  
“Well, maybe you shouldn’t have done all those shots.” Blaine actually gets him to laugh.  
He looks at Blaine in wonder, always wondering how he lets it all roll off his back.  “How is it nothing phases you?” 
“Things phase me.”
Blaine tilts his head at him.  “You have seen me at my worst, Kurt, you know that.  They just aren’t the same things as you.  It evens us out.  It’s why we work.”  Blaine comes in close, rubbing Kurt’s arms.  “Going on stage with out an audience - that’s something that phases me.  Jesse St. James’s dog, which might actually be a demon in a dog costume, phases me.  And seeing you like this.  I don’t like seeing you like this.”  
A warmth spreads through Kurt’s chest.  Suddenly, his fears begin to melt away.  He loves this man.  He loves him so deeply.  Kurt has tried so hard never to care what other people think of him, he isn’t sure why it bothers him so much now.  Only that Blaine means the world to him, and he wants nothing more to protect that.  Wants to protect the person who makes him feel grounded and loved and safe.  
“I’ll be okay,” Kurt says, though he turns his head away.  
Blaine knows him better than that.  He says nothing, but watches him carefully.  
A production assistant rounds the corner, shouting that they have two minutes to get into place.  
Kurt stands up, straightens, puts his more professional face on.  He can do this.  They can do this.  
“You ready to see who’s going to win best costuming?” Blaine asks.  He sneaks a hand down to Kurt’s giving it a squeeze before they start heading out.  
“I really hope it’s April Rhodes.” 
“Kurt, she’s not nominated in this category.”  
“I know, but did you see what she was wearing? It’s this insane fuchsia, ‘80s inspired dress, which I think you could totally pull off something like that if you wanted to go outside your comfort zone and try.”  
The color drains from Blaine’s face.  “Oh god no, Kurt.  No.”  
Their category is close to the end of the night.  The hosting portion of the evening flew by in a blur, and Kurt hardly remembers being on stage nearly an hour before.  He’s been sitting, bouncing a knee anxiously, during the rest of the ceremony.  
He had been asked if he wanted to bring a plus one.  He had turned it down, not sure who he should ask.  His dad and stepmom would have come, but Carole’s sister is in the hospital and they just wouldn’t be able to make it out to New York.  All the rest of his friends and colleagues seemed to have found dates or family members that would attend.  
Blaine had asked if they wanted to go together.  Kurt had said no.  
They hadn’t talked it through enough.  Hadn’t consulted their teams. Hadn’t worked it out with Tina -- god, Tina would have a fucking field day showing off their relationship.  It had seemed like too much of a hassle.  And at the time, Kurt hadn’t felt ready.  
And then this morning happened.  It still feels like a hazy dream -- wrapped up in bed together, not even awake enough to get the coffee.  The way Blaine held him so comfortably in his arms.  Every morning should be like this one.  Every morning should be absolutely perfect.  
He can see Blaine’s eyes - so perfectly bright and loving.  
Marry me.  
Be my husband, Kurt. 
He had always expected it at some point.  Kurt knew almost the day they met that their lives would be intertwined.  But he had always expected Blaine had bigger plans.  He’s not sure what he had expected.  It’s not like Blaine was going to hire every large ensemble in New York to sing on the stage where they met as rose petals fluttered down from the sky.  That’s just insane. 
But off the cuff? Unplanned? They hadn’t even had sex that morning (yet).  They hadn’t even had coffee.  
And Blaine just asks him.  Takes his breath away without even trying.  
How could he possibly have said no? 
He could be sitting next to his fiance right now.  Instead, he’s sitting next to an elderly woman, the mother of a nominated set designer.  The other side is the aisle.  Up a few rows and over a few seats is Blaine, smiling happily as the actress on stage reads through the list of names.  
He’s not nervous for himself.  All the articles he read (more than he should have) listed him near the bottom of possibilities.  And that is fine.  As Blaine often says, they’re both still young, and have plenty of time to do more amazing things in their careers.  Kurt did not write up a list of people to thank, nor tried to memorize any speeches.  He didn’t let himself get too caught up in the idea of winning.  
But Blaine has a real chance.  He’s been a buzz in the community.  Everyone wants to work with him.  He’s had more job offers than he can even handle lately.  And he looks so adoringly hopeful as they wait for the actress to open the envelope.  
“And the winner is…” she says.  Kurt holds his breath.  “Jonathan Bailey as Oscar Pennington in Penny For Your Thoughts .” 
Kurt lets out a sigh that feels like relief.  He smiles kindly and claps, unsurprised that the frontrunner of the race actually won.  He looks over to Blaine and despite the grin plastered on his face, Kurt knows him enough to see disappointment there as well.  
After a moment, when Blaine knows there aren’t any cameras on him, he throws a look back to Kurt.  Kurt gives a kind shrug.  
Hey, at least we have each other. 
A genuine grin crosses Blaine’s face.  We do.  
The rest of the ceremony passes by without much incident.  During one of the performances, the mics cut out but the entire cast belted out their song anyway and the winner of best writing for a show thanked their writing partner but not their famous wife which will be slightly scandalous in the morning but other than that, there aren’t any upsets or unpredictabilities, which makes for a rather boring time.  
Just as it’s ending, Kurt gets a text from Blaine : Wait for me . 
It’s like herding cattle to get out, but eventually Kurt is able to, and waits off in a corridor for Blaine.  Blaine, of course, is the social butterfly, and has to talk with everyone as he makes his way out.  Kurt could join him.  Maybe he should join him.  But he stands on the sidelines and waits.  Waits until Blaine finally catches his eye, and there’s a certain type of thrill that comes when Blaine’s entire face lights up.  It’s a face that’s saved solely for Kurt, and there’s always a tiny pang of relief when it’s there.  
“So, get this,” Blaine says as he walks over.  There’s a giddiness all over his face. “So, I managed to run into Jonathan Bailey, as one does. We chatted for a little bit and he said we should come to his afterparty.  I mean, he said to me, but told me to bring whoever I liked.  You are never going to believe who’s else is going to show up, I--”
“I promised Rachel and Jesse we’d attend their party,” Kurt replies quickly.  There’s something about a major party, with lots of famous people, lots of people in general, that gives Kurt pause.  
Blaine gives him a bewildered look.  “Kurt, they throw the same, boring party every year.  They didn’t even come tonight.”
“Well, to be fair, Rachel asked me, but she never mentioned you, so technically, you’re free to do as you like.” It comes off a little more dismissive than he intends it.  They never did talk about after the show, but the plan had always been Rachel and Jesse’s.  
Blaine gives him a somewhat confused stare.  
“What?” Kurt asks.  
Blaine takes him a little further down the corridor, so they aren’t seen as people continue to file out of the theater.  “Why are you being like this?” 
“Being like what?” 
“You don’t care about Rachel and Jesse’s party - nor would they notice if you’re even there.”
“Oh, Rachel will notice…” 
Blaine clenches his jaw but holds back on whatever he’s thinking.  “Okay, why don’t we stop by Rach and Jesse’s for a second, then head over to the other party.  Kurt, it might be a good opportunity to make some good new connections.” 
Kurt considers, but he doesn’t love the idea.  “Maybe…” 
“Would you rather just go home?”
He is tired.  It has been a long day, and his bed does feel enticing.  Besides, there’s all the rest of it to consider.  Does he have the energy for it? “You should go.  I don’t want to ruin your night.” 
“Kurt, you never ruin my night,” Blaine says.  He reaches for Kurt’s hand, and gives it a squeeze, only to drop it quickly, as a couple of men in tuxes turn down the corridor and walk past.  “What is this about? Are you upset about how the night went? Hit your limit with people? Or… is it me?”  
The look of devastation on Blaine’s face breaks his heart.  It’s not Blaine.  It’s never been Blaine.  “No, of course not.  I don’t know, Blaine, I just don’t want to argue with you.” 
“We can’t argue if you won’t talk to me.” 
Kurt takes a moment as Blaine waits for some kind of explanation.  “When I’m with you - I don’t want to think about being with you.  I just want to be with you.”  
Blaine narrows his eyes, confused.  “I don’t know that I follow.” 
“I just want us, together , and if we go to that party…” 
“Everyone will know that we’re together?” 
“That’s not what I mean.”  
“Kurt, we’re getting married,” Blaine says. He looks as tired as Kurt feels.  “We have to figure this out at some point unless… this isn’t something you really want.”  
“You are always what I want,” Kurt responds quickly, to assuage Blaine’s fears.  
Blaine lets out a little sigh and crosses his arms.  “Kurt… I really doubt this one celebrity party is going to be an issue.  Even if someone does see us.  Or notices.  Or we let ourselves be ourselves.  Who cares, Kurt? When have you ever let anyone else dictate how you live your life?”  
Blaine is right.  When has he ever let anyone tell him what to do? But it’s about more than just him.  It’s about them .  “I can’t lose you,” Kurt says quietly.  
“What?” It’s not what Blaine expects to hear.  
“I can’t lose you.” Kurt looks up and into Blaine’s eyes.  “You are etched into my very soul and I don’t know if I can function anymore without you in it.  And the idea that some outside factor might come along and take you from me…”  
Blaine softens.  “I’m not going anywhere, you know that.  And when things get fucked up, as they always seem to get fucked up, I’ll be right there with you - saying ‘fuck you’ to the world.  We’re a team, remember?  But, if you just want to go to Rach’s or just go home, that’s what we’ll do, okay?” 
“No,” Kurt says.  Just the idea of this party makes him nervous, but Blaine doesn’t.  He’s right.  It’s about time they start taking the world by storm.  “No, you’re right.  I think we should go to this party.  Rachel’s going to want to play tacky karaoke games anyway.”  
Blaine lets out a laugh, then reaches out for Kurt’s hands and takes them.  “Are you sure?”  
Kurt does something then that surprises even himself.  He leans in and gives Blaine a hard kiss.  Because he can.  Because Blaine is going to be his husband.  Because he wants to spend the rest of his life kissing his husband.  And maybe it doesn’t matter who sees it anymore.  “Yeah, I’m sure.”  
Blaine’s eyes twinkle.  “...okay.” 
“So, who is it that’s going to be at this party? Is it one of the Bridgerton cast? Please tell me it’s one of the Bridgrton cast…”
“You’ll just have to wait and see.”
When Kurt finds Blaine, he’s seated on a lounge chair at the back of the club, scrolling through his phone.  Kurt gives a smirk, and takes another sip from his champagne glass as he walks over.  Blaine doesn’t look up.  Kurt slides onto his lap anyway.  Blaine smirks as he finishes reading whatever is on his phone, then opens his arms to cradle Kurt.  Kurt lays head on Blaine’s shoulder, and giggles into his champagne.  
The club is hopping, there are a ton of famous people everywhere.  Some people he knows personally.  Most people he doesn’t.  Kurt doesn’t really care.  There’s so much going on that he and Blaine can be in their own secluded little bubble, and no one will really notice. 
“Hey you,” Blaine says, leaning his head against Kurt’s.  
“Did you get a chance to talk to-”
“Yeah? Good?” 
“So good,” Kurt coos. He snuggles closer into Blaine.  “I can’t wait to tell Rach.  She’s been blowing up my phone, by the way.  I’m ignoring her for now, but you know she’s going to be a beast when she sees us next.  And I know what you’re thinking - you’re right, we should have stopped by and we didn’t stop by and god this means we’re going to have to attend one of her murder mystery dinners and good lord there isn’t enough alcohol to get me through one of those things…” he stops short when he notices Blaine’s a bit dazed and not really listening.  “You’re being quiet.”  
Blaine waits a beat and tries to shake it off.  “Just thinking.”  
Kurt brushes a stray hair off Blaine’s forehead.  “About what?  Are you feeling it -- that you, that we lost?”  
“Maybe a little,” Blaine says.  He looks tired more than disappointed though.  “It’s fine, though.  Next time, and I know there will be a next time, it’ll happen.  And then next time, I’ll be able to thank my husband.”  He gives Kurt’s nose a little bop.  “You.”  
“Mmm, I like that,” Kurt hums.  He brushes his nose against Blaine’s.  “I get to marry you.”  
“You do.” 
“And move in with you.”  
This gets a smile out of Blaine.  “Kurt, we practically live together now.  Your apartment is more like a storage space.”  
“Oohh, we should keep it,” Kurt says.  “It’ll be like a secret hideaway.”  
Blaine adoringly shakes his head at him.  Yes, he’s had maybe too much to drink, but it’s still endearing to Blaine.  “Or, a giant closet to keep all of your clothes.”
“That is a smart idea,” Kurt says.  “A very smart idea.  It’s a good thing I’m keeping you.”  
Blaine looks down at their hands. He takes the champagne glass from Kurt, finishes it, then places it on the table next to him.  Then takes Kurt’s hand and laces his fingers with Kurt’s.  “You know, Kurt, I think you may be right.  There’s a part of me that’s not ready to give this up.  Or share it.”  
“See…” Kurt snuggles, again, against Blaine’s shoulder.  Feeling slightly vindicated.  But then a heaviness falls between them.  “Do you think things are going to be different tomorrow?” 
The happy little bubble they were in begins to evaporate.  “We should probably call Tina then.”  
“Well, if we’re going to do this, might as well do it right,” Blaine agrees. 
Kurt gives him a little, suggestive smirk.  “Yeah… do it right.”  
Kurt looks deeply into his eyes.  It’s scary how much he feels for this man.  It’s everything. 
Blaine leans forward and kisses him.  It’s hard and sure and reaffirming.  It doesn’t matter that they’re in public, in a place where everyone has a cellphone out.  It doesn’t matter that there are always repercussions to their actions.  He just wants to be with Blaine and Blaine wants to be with him.  For always.  
“Hey, Blaine?” Kurt says, dazed as they break apart.  
“I wanna go home now.”  
Back home, they’re making out on the bed.  They’re both half undressed, clothes haphazardly thrown around the room.  Kurt’s on his back as Blaine hovers over him.  The kisses are slow and measured and easy.  Normally kissing has a means to an end.  But Kurt’s happy to be in the moment, to just enjoy Blaine’s touch.  He’s in no hurry to chase other, more driving feelings.  
“Mmmm, Blaine?”  
Blaine gives him an extra long kiss before responding.  “Yes?” 
Kurt grins.  “I think I may have had too much to drink.”  
Blaine stops, then rolls off him and onto his side, propping himself up on his elbow.  “Somehow, I’m not surprised.” 
Kurt stays on his back, staring at the ceiling.  “I dunno if we can fool around tonight.”  
“That’s fine,” Blaine says gently.  “We have tomorrow completely open to fool around.”  
Kurt lets out an amused laugh and turns his head towards Blaine, singing a little.  “Mmm, I love that idea.” 
Blaine is about to say something else when his phone lets out a little ping.  He reaches behind him and grabs it to investigate.  “Oh, it’s Tina answering our message.  She said she’s happy to meet us tomorrow, just to let her know what time.”  
“Make it Tuesday,” Kurt says, wiggling his eyebrows.  “I am very booked tomorrow.”  
Blaine lets out an easy laugh, and texts back Tina.  There’s another ping.  “Tina is fine with that.”  He’s about to set his phone back down when another notification comes through. “Oh, and she sent us a notice.  We made a best dressed list.”  
Kurt whips the phone out of Blaine’s hand.  “Hell yeah, we did.”  He scrolls through the article.  He’s a bit too tired to read what they’re saying, but there’s a photo of them on the red carpet, doing the interview, looking very classy and best dressed indeed.  He starts to scroll through, looking at the other celebrities.  
“Ooooh, it’s April Rhodes.  See, I told you what she was wearing is to die for.  You could totally--”
“No,” Blaine says firmly, knowing exactly what Kurt’s thinking.  
“Yes,” Kurt whines a little.  “What if I promise to give you a blowjob underneath it…” 
“Tempting, but still a hard no, Kurt.”  
There’s another ping from the phone.  Kurt gets irrationally annoyed by it.  “What does Tina want now? If she doesn’t stop, I’m going to make her watch our sex tape.”  
Blaine gives him a look.  There isn’t a sex tape (yet) but he’d still punish Tina with it if there was.  Blaine takes his phone back.  “You know, she’d probably enjoy that.”  
Kurt grumbles.  “True.”  
“No, hey, it’s Rachel,” Blaine sits up a little.  “Oh no.  There’s some buzz online. Some people saw us getting into the car together.”  
“Well, that’s annoying.” Kurt takes the phone again and reads through the website Rachel sent.  It’s nothing more than speculation and gossip, but the invasion of it feels more personal than it should.  He isn’t about to let it ruin his good evening.  “You know what? I have an idea. We control our own narrative.”  He opens the camera app.  “Okay, kiss me.” 
Blaine looks at him in shock.  “What?”  
“Kiss me.  Anywhere.  We’re taking a photo.”  
Blaine’s eyes open wide.  He understands exactly what Kurt’s doing.  It’s insane.  It’s crazy.  It’s a bit ridiculous.  And he thinks in that moment, Blaine loves him just a little bit more.  Blaine scooches closer, and kisses Kurt’s cheek.  Kurt makes a cute face and snaps the photo.  
It’s not really the best photo they’ve ever taken, but it’s cute.  It’s candid.  It’s very them.  
“Are you okay if I do this?” Kurt asks.  
He probably should be more sober before doing this.  But he knows he won’t regret it in the morning.  Blaine, a very sober Blaine, gives him a nod.  Kurt feels a swell of pride as he opens up Blaine’s Instagram app.  He uploads the photo and adds a simple caption : still won tonight.   
He looks at Blaine and takes a deep breath before he hits upload.  A shiver runs through him.  He can’t believe he just did that.  But my god did it feel good.  
“You are amazing, Kurt Hummel,” Blaine says.  He comes in close, giving Kurt a real kiss this time.  “You always continue to surprise me.” 
“Well, I just have to show you that you aren’t the only impulsive one in this relationship,” Kurt says, throwing the phone to the end of the bed.  He turns completely, giving Blaine a harder kiss.  God, does he love this man.  He will always love this man, no matter what happens.  
“The internet is going to roar tonight,” Blaine says.  He caresses Kurt’s cheek, cups his chin and draws in for another kiss.  “You know that, right?” 
Kurt looks deeply into Blaine’s eyes, and sees forever.  They are a team.  They’re in this together.  And no matter what tough road lies before them, at the end of the day, they’ve got each other.  Kurt pulls Blaine close, and lovingly looks at the man who takes his breath away.  
“Let them.” 
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featherwingfox · 21 days ago
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One of my top favorite characters of the entire series, the Spirit Guardian! AKA Guardian of the Spirit World and Guardian of the World Beyond. You get the idea! He's an ANGEL!!!
I kept his design using the original Minecraft skin as a reference, but I just let his hair stick out of the hood a little. I figured he would have white hair to match his big BEAUTIFUL FEATHERY WINGS!!!!! 😍😍😍 I absolutely love big feather wings! Okay, okay, moving on, the colors were easy since he's mostly black and white, I tend to mess up lighter skin tones in traditional art but I managed not to this time! As for making the black stand out so you can see his pants I had to make it slightly lighter than his robe. I'm happy with how all this turned out! I unfortunately couldn't quite get the hands to look right, so I once again saved myself from the trouble of drawing them by covering them up! You can see some of his left hand so you know he has them, but I posed him in a way that would look natural, including his wings flapping in front of his hands, and it feels like he's descending to meet us! Most likely Sabre to say hello or tell him he's caused some more problems and needs to be responsible and take care of it!
I have been drawing wings, mostly feathery ones, for about as long as I have been drawing. Those are probably the most developed parts of my artistic skills since I can't tell you enough times, I love feathered wings! And as proud of them as I am...... I have noticed mistakes over time that really gets under my skin. I can't fathom how this happened, but some how, I MESSED UP THE WINGS!!! 😭☹️ And now I shall point them out as I need to burn this in my memory so I don't let it happen again, and hopefully helps someone else remember to double check your sketch before starting the line art! There's no fixing mistakes if you notice them after that. It's the point of no return.
There is a second layer of feather on the outside of his left wing, I forgot add a second layer on the inside of his right wing, and it really gets me because I haven't made this mistake in so many years! It came back somehow! Now I'll explain what wings are supposed to look like! Or at least these ones since there are many different shapes and lengths wings have.
These wings are supposed to have the longest feathers on the outside, so that second outer layer is not supposed to be there. On his other wing I forgot the second inner layer. The feathers on the outside are like the backbone of the wings, so there shouldn't be layers outside, only inside. There are two inner layers, the second longest being the support and the smallest ones are the softest. They get smaller and softer the closer they are to the flyer. I hope I explained this well as I have done my best to be clear and understandable. It feels good to talk about these mistakes! As much as they bother ,e it is okay, I can redraw him in the digital art someday.
Now I can say my last words about the posing. The wings specifically. When they are curved you can not forget the feathers behind the curve. I'm not good with examples, but the best I can explain this, incase your are still confused, is imagine putting on a jacket or a coat without zipping it closed. The opening in the front allows you to see the back of the inside of the jacket. But some of the jacket is curved as it wraps around you while putting it on. Pretend you're invisible or something, you can see the back on the inside of the jacket while the sides are blocked by the front of the jacket. You can even just grap an object like a cup or ball with a piece of paper and wrap the paper around the object. I feel like I'm over explaining now so I shall stop. Thank you for reading if you got confused, I'm told I can be a bit confusing in my writing so I'm trying to fix that.
Some additional details you can't see in the drawing that I'd like to share with y'all is his eyes. You won't see them often, but when you do just know I'm not holding back with how beautiful they'll be. I initially thought they'd be golden but I've seen many fan animations and drawings of him having blue eyes, which I like a lot too, so I'm asking, and you please someone answer😭🙏, should I make them blue or gold? Maybe mix them? I'll mix them if nobody answers again, I'll probably choose this one now! But one thing is for certain, when he's angry they'll turn red! Luckily it is difficult to incur his wrath.
The Spirit Guardian is a great character that I enjoyed and I loved the interactions the others had with him, he's especially fun to mess with. Out of the arcs I have planned, his will probably be my favorite to write and draw. I'm not spoiling anything buuuut let's just say some Demons were not happy with their punishments. 😈
I will see you tomorrow with another design, there is a shady character waiting for you! 👥
Story: Steve Saga (Fan Rewrite)
Character: Spirit Guardian/Guardian of the Spirit World/Guardian of the World Beyond.
Abilities: can fly with BEAUTIFUL FEATHERY WINGS, travel between dimensions and realms, find lost souls, send souls to be judged, lightning, and powers I added, a HOLY-BLAST-BEAM-WHATEVER-IT-IS, give blessings, make a contract, and can either add or subtract to a judged soul's punishment.
Personality: serious, a stickler for rules, calm, level headed, polite, friendly, gentle, soothing, and of course he's ✨🪽M A J E S T I C🪽✨
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pianostarinwonderland · 11 months ago
People are making fun of the luxe outfits but I think they’re pretty decent, there was thought put behind them.
Omg thank you for saying this anonie 😭😭 if you weren’t gonna send this in, I would have made my own post on it
I get why the outfits didn’t hit right at first. I saw the live 2D of Azul’s outfit and got a bit sad at first since the way the sleeves fell and the way the jacket framed his body didn’t look super flattering (plus I was sad it wasn’t a tailcoat ahahahahah). This is coupled with the fact that among the three, Azul fits the least in those colors hahaha. Those aren’t bad colors by any means, in fact, as someone who’s gotten a color analysis and came out with autumn as my best color palette, those are suchhh perfect colors for me. But Azul doesn’t fit those at all, especially the light brown. Heck, even if you just flipped the colors of the jacket and the dress shirt underneath, he would have looked so much better since dark colored tops work better with him in general than light colored ones (unless we’re talking silver/lavender/light blue, Those fit him very well).
Jamil and Ace are lucky in that they do fit the color palette better. People also just took issue with how Jamil’s pants look very wide.
But honest thoughts? I find that they do look good, especially when considering the theme of the event, and the event itself has listed the reasonings behind the designs of their outfits.
I think we have to remember that this is high fashion, hence the fits won’t hit with the majority of the fandom, who don’t really follow that kind of fashion. Jamil’s fit, especially with the wide pants, is common to see in fashion, and really to be honest, when we take into account of his character and personality, wide pants fits Jamil more than slim pants. Plus, in the event, the reason for that kind of fit is because of Vil’s profile for Jamil that he sent to the designer: a plain or humble guy who worries a lot in the background, to which the designer adjusted to a humble guy who behaves in moderation (from @mysteryshoptls).
Ace’s fit hits well with many people because it matches a lot of trends and classic fashion tips that we, especially younger people, like to see: slim figure, an emphasized waist, cropped top. It matches his description that Vil gave of him being an immature potato 😂 or the designer’s adjusted version of him having that fresh new student feel (also @mysteryshoptls).
Azul, now I will say he’s just a victim to the live2D not doing him any service. 🥲 The sleeves fall very stiffly, and the jacket doesn’t seem to frame him well. But you can see in his SR how the outfit is meant to look and shine:
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The sleeves are meant to be very flowy especially when he’s walking and making dramatic gestures with his arms (something that he does a Lot in his live2D). His jacket as well is meant to be that long so that it would look like a trail (??? English isn’t Englishing rn) especially when he’s walking or making big movements. In other words, Azul’s outfit probably doesn’t stand out too much at first. But the moment he brings out the drama, the drama of his fit shines and amplifies his theatrics, thus attracting people. It sort of matches Vil’s profile for Azul is a scammer, and the designer adjusted it to a mysterious person who charms people (also @mysteryshoptls).
There’s a lot of thought put into the design, and I love them so much. I still find the colors a bit of a tragedy personally, only because it’s not Azul’s best colors, but thematically, considering the event story, it makes a lot of sense. I’m excited for what happens later on in the story and what they’re going to do in the film festival :3c
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thebluestbluewords · 3 months ago
Hi friends. Enemies. Reluctant allies.
It's been a long time since I had a really impassioned rant about the silly logistics of these silly dcom movies that I love so much. But never fear! I rewatched the first 20~ish minutes of Rise of Red the other day, and I've come back with some more thoughts about Red's outfits. 
Mostly that she DESERVED a silly retro vaguely 80s-90s outfit after the time travel.
My visual art skills aren't up to the task of drawing her a new outfit from scratch, but I love silly retro clothes AND dissecting costumes, so I'd like to present some ideas on how to 80s-ize Red’s costumes post time travel.
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Main outfit: I really don't love her main outfit - I think the materials look cheap. Her jacket has fun weird sleeves, but they're not easily identifiable as "2020s fashion", and I feel like the costume designers leaned a little too hard into making the outfits look like what they thought "edgy fairy tale fashion" would look like, and not hard enough into making them fit the descendants style that was already established by the last three movies. I’d hoped for more of a distinctive wonderland vibe- maybe a more dramatic fantasy top, or mixing in some color that isn’t just the same matchy-matchy shades of red and black. Give her some white and yellow details maybe?? Or at least let Red visually rebel through her clothes by giving her a look that’s different from the rest of wonderland- make Wonderland vintage, and Red modern! Give her something to make her stand out, not blend in with her mom! Red outfit (the second picture) I actually don't hate this one. She's kind of working the coordinated athletic set look, which as best I can tell is still a trendy 2020s teen look! She's got enough impractical studs to read as VK-style, but not so many that I question how she was walking around set. (cough-chloe-cough) 
side note: I never want to bash a plot-significant shoe choice, but seriously. These are.....bad. 
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How is she walking around in these?? The stones on the bottom are doing to give her no traction. I love a glittery shoe as much as the next girly, but these look like a pair I used to own during my middle school days, not a pair fit for a princess. I’d rather see Chloe in some materials meant to genuinely imitate iridescent glass, rather than regular silver rhinestones. Something like these:
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(Sporty and coordinated feels like the ideal Chloe vibe, and as best I can tell, that means immaculate un-creased sneakers)
BUT!! My biggest complaint about the costumes in this movie isn't actually about the costumes we did see- it's about the costumes that we were TRAGICALLY DEPRIVED OF SEEING. 
Red and Chloe DESERVED 80s/90s inspired outfits to wear after the time jump, and I’m here to deliver some very accurate and normal ideas for what they COULD have worn!!
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consider this a reference image: what Red and Chloe were actually wearing around Merlin Academy.
Red’s general vibe- she’s got the big jacket, the layers, and a sort of cool-girl-slacker vibe.
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I think we can make her jacket More 80s. She needs bigger shoulder pads! Her sleeves are big in her modern clothes, but they’re big at the end of the sleeve, not the shoulder! Give this girl VOLUME.
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once we’ve got the shoulder pads in place, we need to think about color variation. Colorful details are FUN. They give IMPACT. They bring in the mismatched, retro vibe. Imagine the first Big Shoulder jacket with pink and red collar details- adorable! In character! It ties Red visually to Bridget! And if she needs a sportier look, well, the tri color leather is also a solid option.
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Red’s canon pants are cut pretty tight, and I think we can roll with that!! #giveredstirruppants
If she needs the color block vibe, giving her some stripes with the heart cutout (probably not rainbow, but maybe a red/pink sort of look??) would fit the vibe, make her pants look different from her modern outfit, and still look distinctively Like Red.
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Alternatively, give Red Big Detailed Vintage Denim. It would work for her too-cool-for-school vibe. Also the heart jeans are Extremely Cute.
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For accessories, I want Red to go bigger with her hair. Claw clips are trendy in 2020, but they were ALSO a 90s trend, and giving Red a little half-up claw clip as a time travel alternative to her space buns would have been CUTE.
for Chloe’s look:
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(I am. So normal. About them.)
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as the sporty fencing queen of my heart, Chloe deserved to wear leg warmers. Preferably with jeans (because oh dear god what a trend), but they would’ve been cute with color coordinated leggings too. She needed these. They could have had crowns knitted into the cable pattern. They could have had GLITTER. Or pompom appliqués of a princess figure holding a cheerleading pompom. We could have had it all!!
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speaking of sporty looks, I think Chloe would have looked adorable in a vintage varsity jacket. She could’ve had her dad’s old school jacket! There could’ve been a whole moment where she had to scramble to justify why she had it! More Charming family bonding!!
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But if we want to stick closer to her canon look, Chloe is wearing a quilted jacket. The ambiguously historical 80s-90s had quilted jackets. Chloe could rock one of these. She could color coordinate it with her leggings!!
I don’t have a conclusion to this rant (this is a lie) (I have so many images of high fashion 80s prom gowns that the girls COULD HAVE WORN TO CASTLECOMING) but in not-really-conclusion, give these movies More Goofy Vintage Looks!! Adding a bigger costume difference between the modern Auradon Prep scenes and the historical Merlin Academy scenes would have gone a long way towards improving the overall costuming of the movie.
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flareheart8 · 7 months ago
My PrettyDolls Redesign
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Took awhile, but I finally got these designs done. Similar to my Uglydolls redesign, I didn't change too much from their original designs. All I did was added some accessories, and change up their clothes. Most of the pretty girls have golden earrings, and different size skirts besides Lydia.
Kitty is the leader of the Spy Girls. She makes sure that the other spies, and Mandy look top tier as they are the lead examples of perfections in the Institute. Because of this, Kitty is very strict on how the girls should dress, look, and act as she doesn't want to disappoint Lou. For my redesign, I gave her long white stockings, shortened her skirt a bit, and a cat hairpin. Kitty wants to look professional and up to Lou's standards. She doesn't wear to any thing that's too distracting, and keeps things simple. The cat hairpin is something she added to give her outfit some flare, and to show her love for cats.
Tuesday is a big fan of Lou and wants his attention 24/7. Kitty makes sure to keep her in lane, but Tuesday can't help it. Besides her obsessions of Lou, Tuesday's job is to keep track what's trending and whatever gossips that goes around in Perfection. It's how the Spy Girls stay ahead of the game, and have a bunch of dirt on everyone. For her redesign, I gave a big red bow, and a cowlick. The red bow helps her gain attentions, and the cowlick is to show that she can be a bit of an airhead despite her perfections.
Lydia is the defense of the group. She makes sure the dolls keep their distances from Lou, and defends the Spy Girls name. Lydia is not some doll you should mess with, and willing to stuffed anyone that gets in her way. The reason why I gave her long, flowing pants, because I kept imagining her with them, and felt like they suit her better than a skirt. I also gave her a bunny pin since she does have a bit of the soft side, and she mentioned that she loves bunnies.
Mandy's redesign is very similar to how she's looks in the movie. The only differences is that she's allow to wear her glasses around Lou, and the Spy Girls since in my rewrite. Wearing glasses doesn't make you ugly. That doesn't mean she's completely perfect as she hides something messier underneath. Besides that, Mandy pretty much act that same like she did in the movie, and have a decent, but neutral relationship with the Spy Girls. Though, she is pretty close to Kitty as Kitty tends to trust her with certain tasks, and helps keep the group organize.
For Meghan and Michael, they are background characters that appear once in a while, but I wanted to redesign them as well. Meghan skirt isn't as twirly like some of the other pretty girls' skirts. She takes her role as a lawyer serious, and doesn't mess around. For Micheal, I shorten up his jacket vest and have his shirt stick out a bit. He likes to keep his himself clean, and really dislikes the idea of going into the washer (Though, that is pretty much how all of the institute feels.) Both Meghan and Michael try to live up to Lou's standards, but aren't on the same level like Mandy and the Spy Girls.
Now for the doll himself, Lou!! The only changes I made for his design is that I added a "L" initial on his jacket. Other than that, Lou is leader of the Institute of Perfection, and mentor to all pretty dolls. He seeks out the best of the best, and is very harsh and judgmental when doing so. He only wants what's best for the pretty dolls as he knows that they can do better. Though, he doesn't have much hope for Imperfects dolls as he sees them as mistakes and wouldn't hesitate to recycle them if they refuse to do labor work. All the pretty dolls look up to him, and see him as this flawless doll can do no wrong. Despite wanting to forget, he constantly thinks about that one friendship he had with a certain ugly doll as that was the only time he felt something more genuine than admiration.
Note: I notice that I made Mandy, Kitty, Tuesday, Meghan, and Micheal's skirt and pants a lot lighter than I intended to be, so that's going to get fix in the future.
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theophiivs · 7 months ago
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hsr oc ref stuff
its a god damn challenge trying to design this dude cuz HE CANONICALLY LACK FASHION SENSE like he dresses ugly as hell and im trying to achieve that without him looking too ugly. + he has to keep all the clothes that was gifted to him cuz thats how fenrir is. FUCK I FORGOT PHILOSTRATE (his desert terminal)
but erhmmm… no doodles cuz… i was gettin devious (nsfw content) so i can’t rlly ramble cuz i got nothing to ramble about except for this fenrir ref here ARGH
Fenrir has an AWFUL sense of fashion, despite him being able to sew pretty clothes and design quite well. his abilities to pair them together for his own outfit SUCKASS. like he can style others, but not himself, his outfits for himself are canonically UGLY like not badlooking. UGLY. and it’s funny cuz he got a canonically attractive face and body but his haircut + outfits just messed it up like bro wtf are you trying to do here fenrir
yeah he got his tits out in the open LMFAO
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here i want to focus on his character development more, yk, more signs of aventurine on his outfit and also symbols of billiards cuz he’s a billiards guy.
His sleeve is like, the heart symbol (by suit, heart is just below spade - like now he’s aventurine’s right hand man) and got that number 8 on it. cuz 8 ball. his colors are white and red too, like a card with accents of gold cuz he likes shiny things lol. But everything from the waist below (like that big belt) is recycled from Talia so that’s why it got that empty gun holster. Also the “pants” with the fringes are chaps lol. his shoe are splitted, like those hooves cuz he was antelope inspired and so he gotta have that too.
However, on his chest is a diamond symbol. and diamond is like second to last, standing behind heart - just that he’s emotionally weaker. i just made this on the spot i didn’t have this thought while i was drawing him LMFAO.
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his little accessories are just band patches. However, he has to ripped some of them off as university of veritas prime doesn’t fw that so he kept pins and ‘appropriate’ patches. which is what you see on that jacket. The little thing hanging from his name tag is actually sigonia’s knot of cyclicality he still kept when aventurine gave him during talia. They were made with different materials, thus why it’s not tossed to the flames.
The star pin is a gift from Hermia while the yellow gold coin is Nailscrap’s coin that he still kept, a gift given to him my Aelyn - his deceased best friend who aided him greatly in talia.
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Fenrir’s back is heavily based on this magpie, which in his old ref showed that better. I like the energy from the old ref more but the new ref has more details… The blanket is something i struggled with the new one. I feel like the old one still showed the back better…..r…. but i wanted the eye symbolism to be more clear on the new one. Maybe I should keep the old’s blanket design lol. too late tho, i already drew it.
tahts it chat
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castrian-cosplays · 5 months ago
Labrador’s Body Suit
How I made it part 1!
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Hello my name is Cass. I am a cosplayer of 11 years and a Cosmaker of just over two. So take my sewing explanations with a grain of salt I only have a vague idea of what I’m doing. But here is the costume I made! With the original reference sheet.
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So how did I start? Well first I got a bunch of sheets from a thrift store so I could make as many mock ups(test runs but for costumes) as I needed.
So with sheets in hand I broke down the pieces of the costume. When I started on a piece I always outline where the visable seams are. From there I figure out a few things:
1) am i going to need structure? (Boning, a corset, adding another seam etc)
2) what types of fabric would they have available to them? What fits the character while keeping true to the design?
3) Am I going to face any sensory issues? How can I add accommodations to the cosplay for that?
4) How will I get it on and off?
Things like this are important when making a costume. Sometimes I get head first into a costume and forget to sew in buttons or a zipper because I get so focused on making it accurate than wearable. So here are the answers to this questions:
1) Yes, two boning channels along the front seams to help add support. Due to the weight of the fabric I’ll need at least medium weight faux whalebone. (I had some in my stash)
2) at least 3 different fabrics. Two different shades of black and a black fur. I knew I wanted a Wool for the chest and sleeve part of the pattern(fabric pictures below). I found brocade for a steal and just bought the whole bolt.
3) yes! Brocade and wool are both itchy which means I MUST install a lining out of a fabric i can handle. (Twill is my go to, it looks nice and feels okay). Fur is tbd on overstimulation.
4) B E E E G zipper (22in zipper to be exact with fasteners for the collar)
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Starting the Pattern
So starting my pattern I always trace out the seam lines and see what problems will arise when I begin the pattern. I knew the pattern was going to look incredibly weird. With the seamless back design, the personal desire of adding pockets, the seam somehow overlapping at the top(normally seen on the hems of men’s jackets. It’s not apparent in the photos but in the animation it is), the back situation? With the corset back and thread that disappears?
I knew the draping method was going to be my best friend so I grabbed my bed sheets, heat erase marker, and washi tape and got to work. I marked out my pattern on my dress form and draped the pattern over it.
The biggest questions looming over me were starting to get overwhelming but here’s how I did it.
Problem: Making the corset back look neat
Solution: Adding enough room and fabric allowance to flip the fabric over and allow my eyelets to go through a double layer of my brocade fabric(a heavy structured fabric). Allowed for the seamless connection to the bodice piece of the bodysuit.
Problem: Seamless back panels
Solution: Sewing the lining fabric to JUST the tail coat portion of the pattern and sewing the back of the pants to the lining and NOT the actual brocade
Luckily I have experience in men’s tailoring so the funky top hems were not a problem. I just had to remember to account for the extra big seams I was going to have for my boning channels.
Part 2(coming soon)
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ohanny · 10 months ago
what kind of drunks would the pit babe characters be
babe - the hot girl. he acts all cool and sits there in his leather jacket, being hotter than anyone. his drinks also aren't half as strong as he let's people believe because there's nothing attractive about a sloppy drunk. if he's forced to take multiple shots, he will quietly walk to the bathroom to give himself a drunk girl pep talk in front of the mirror.
charlie - the sober one. he doesn't drink, period. he actually hates the taste. he was destined to be the designated driver (yay, cars!) and the mom friend (sometimes this makes him wish he did drink because fucking hell, he is friends with actual gremlins).
way - the professional. he's on his tenth shot of vodka at the bar, chasing them with a whiskey and coke, mumbling “weak” at the people who started acting up after their third drink.
pete - the crier. he's a nice guy working in a high stress environment, okay? on the rare occasions he gets completely wasted, he will see a particularly artfully arranged napkin dispenser and burst into tears because life is just so beautiful, you know? and it really is unfair how much shit all of them have had to endure!
north - the social butterfly. drunk north knows the lyrics to every song ever written. at the end of the night he has like 50 new instagram followers, he's helped a girl through a break up in the women’s bathroom, he's learned the dj’s mom’s name and might have accidentally agreed into a threesome with a married couple (not that he knew what exactly they were suggesting). he's just pure vibes.
sonic - the instigator. drunk sonic has opinions and no sense of self-preservation. he will walk straight up to the enormous bouncer, get right in his face and go “wow. you're like… really ugly.” on an average night out, he should have died around five times but always gets away unscatched because, like a princess, he gets rescued by people who think he is way too cute to die.
kim - the sappy one. also a total lightweight. will declare his love for you after three beers. give him a shot and he will earnestly look you in the eyes while clutching the hem of your shirt and tell you what a great job you do and how he has always secretly admired you.
kenta - the horny one. he wants, okay? he downright needs. is he going to do anything about it? no. he will sit in some corner, vibrating, stewing in his hormones and if anyone dares to ask him how he's doing, he will look at them and go “do you have any idea what i would let him do to me?” and his smile is so terrifying no one wants any details.
alan - the slutty one. yes, there is a difference. see, alan is a man of action. alan will make it awkward for everyone by sloppily mouthing at jeff’s neck and trying to shove his hand down jeff’s pants on the sidewalk while they wait for charlie to pull up.
jeff - the houdini. he just… disappears. one minute he's there and the next he's gone, only to be discovered three hours later on the roof of a supermarket, feeding chunks of bread to pigeons. either needs a helium balloon tied to his wrist so you can easily spot him in a crowd or an ankle monitor. (was once found in a car, the morning after a frantic search. gave them a sleepy little smile and said “the gps knew where i was.”)
dean - the mute. once he hits his limit, he goes totally nonverbal. just trails behind everyone with a big happy smile and nods his head when asked if he wants to dance / have another drink / make out. super happy to be there.
winner - the big shot. tells everyone he's like the best racer ever and when people who still have critical thinking skills ask for evidence, distracts them buy buying everyone a round of the cheapest shots the bar has to offer. keeps challenging people to arm wrestle despite having noodle arms. finishes the night pissed off, buys two portions of street food and sits down next to a homeless person to share. they always let him talk uninterrupted.
tony - never goes past one glass of wine or whiskey, a lesson he learned the hard way. the first contract he lost back when he was just starting out? he hit the post meeting cocktails a bit too hard and drunk performed whitney houston’s “i will always love you” in karaoke. the humiliation was too much and i fear it really affected his behavior negatively.
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