#best buy fresh cooking sauces online
ameliajohn065 · 1 year
Best Buy Fresh Cooking Sauces Online
Are you looking to buy fresh cooking sauces online? Look no further! We have a wide range of fresh cooking sauces that are perfect to add flavor to your dishes. Whether you're looking for a classic Italian sauce or something more exotic, we have something for everyone.
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foxyarchive · 2 months
Glass in the Ocean[P3]
You find yourself visiting the shore again for… Whatever reason.
- thank you all again for your support!! apologies for the somewhat late chapter, had a family emergency to take care of. If you all have any questions about more of my mer lore, feel free to drop me an ask! i'll be sprinkling more tidbits as the story goes along, but i'm always open to receiving asks and talking about it more! helps me to world build too hehe Cross-Posted on AO3!
Warnings: Mentions of self harm(NOT for the reader or anyone else; Mentioned in reader's passing thoughts regarding a situation) Words: ~5.8k Tags in the comments! Ask to be added to the taglist! P1 | P2 | P3
You head back up the stairs, put away everything you don’t need inside, put the key in your bike, and are off to the town. It’s a Wednesday, so it’s fairly quiet. There’s tourists, of course, but you know it’s not bustling like it would be on the weekends. Still, you need to traverse carefully around people, trying not to barrel into anyone or knock them over. It’s not very often you ride a bike around, so you’re getting your sea legs back, so to speak. 
The first few shops you visit are grocery. There’s only a couple, but you’re sure to take a note of what they keep in stock, and what you may need to order from elsewhere. The next places are for clothing. Everything is fairly expensive, to no surprise, but there’s some cheaper options too for more practical items. You can’t help but to buy a beautiful flowing gown, and although it’s pricey, you’re excited to wear it at some point. After that, you find a shop that helps to supply your grandparents with a few things they needed for their own business. You stop by to say hello to your grandmother as she runs her shop. You’d asked if she’d wanted help, but she just insisted you look around more, so you continued on your way. 
You finally just let yourself peruse the various shops, grabbing some lunch after looking at the important ones first. Thankfully, it wasn’t all seafood that was served at every single place. There was definitely some variety, which you were grateful for. It was finally late afternoon when you decided to head back. You’d picked up a few things at the grocer to cook for dinner, including a little box of chocolate covered seafoam candy. You took it slow, trying to adjust to having items in your basket. The bike was electric, so thankfully it was a little more sturdy, but it still had a bit of a pull when you would turn certain ways. 
Arriving back home, you found your eyes once more drifting to the ocean. All quiet. Not a single sign of mers. You were beginning to wonder if you had dreamt about the entire thing– Both encounters. You felt relatively calm around the whole thing, now, thankfully. Maybe talking with Connor had put you at ease… Then you remembered his brother. The one from today. You shuddered a bit at the thought. He looked like he was more than willing to eat you if there was nothing else around. Yep, definitely not swimming anytime soon. 
After securing the bike, you walked inside, beginning to work on cooking the tilapia and vegetables you’d bought. You turned on some music while you worked, humming along to the beat as you chopped and sauced everything. You were used to being alone, doing the same routine like this almost nightly. It could definitely be a lonely lifestyle, but it was one you didn’t really mind. You had so much freedom with it, after all. 
Your grandmother was home by the time you had finished cooking dinner, and you set everything down on the table. “This smells delicious, dear, thank you. Where did you learn to cook?” She asks as you settle down as well, cutting a piece of fish off with your fork. 
“Little from mom, mostly from online videos.” You admit, taking a bite of your meal with a pleased hum. The fish was so fresh and tender. It was actually probably one of the best pieces of fish you’d cooked in your life, and you could only assume part of it was due to it being so local. Your grandmother took a bite as well, a pleased hum leaving her lips as she swallowed, offering you a smile. 
“Well, I’ll say, this is excellent! If you do move in here, consider rent paid with dinner. This is as good as where we ate last night.” She beams, and you laugh, feeling your cheeks heat up at the compliment. 
“Please, this isn’t as good as your food.” You tease, and she just chuckles with a shake of her head as she goes in for another mouthful. “Did you get a lot of people in the shop today?” You ask, eating some more, and she offers a resigned sigh after she swallows. 
“A little more than normal, but a lot of it was condolences because of the service. I will say, I think it did increase sales output. Thank goodness you’re here, we’re very much going to need to restock soon.” She murmurs, shaking her head again as you merely smile.
“It’s why I’m here. I think maybe we should do some work here tomorrow, then open for the weekend, then close for a couple of days to restock what we can.” You suggest, and she contemplates your idea while chewing. 
“I think that’s an excellent idea, dear. Yes, let’s do that.” She agrees, and you beam at the prospect of a good suggestion before the both of you finish up your dinner. You both clean up, and although your grandmother is talking, you find your mind wandering. And it’s wandering back down to the water. There’s a certain draw  it’s beginning to have now, which is both a little confusing and concerning for you. You try to push it out of your mind, wondering why your brain is insistent on going back towards danger, but it seems that you can’t ignore it. Soon enough, you find yourself with a small, portable light in your hand, your earbuds, and your box of candy as you head back down to the beach. 
You head back over to where you were earlier. It’s dusk, the last of the orange in the sky beginning to fade out. Thankfully, the light you have provides plenty in its soft glow. You unroll the towel tucked under your arm, setting it down as you sit cross legged on it. You slip your now cleaned earbuds in, turning on some music as you watch the water and open your box of candy. You truly do wonder why your body is craving the sensation of sitting by the ocean so suddenly, despite the fear of what had just happened, and you realized that it’s probably because you’re trying to work through the trauma. Your mind is certainly crafty, putting you close to things you fear. 
You munch on your second sweet, nearly jumping into the air as something breaks the surface of the water. There’s a wide smile on his face, and you almost think it’s Connor, for a second. The more muted blue of the tail, though, gives the fact away that it’s definitely his brother. You can feel your heart rate pick up a bit, but you’re uncertain whether it’s out of fear, or… Or what? Surely it must just be from being startled. 
You take out your earbuds, setting them on the towel as you see he’s trying to talk to you. He says your name, and it’s a little surprising, only to realize that Connor must have passed it along. “You came back down; I knew you would. Connor had his doubts, but I didn’t doubt you for a second.” He smirks, pulling himself up on the shore a bit. You find yourself subconsciously shifting backwards, despite the length between you two, but don’t make a move or comment yet. His eyes catch onto the bandages wrapped around your ankle, and the mirth on his face seems to fall a bit. You can see something akin to remorse flash on his features in the soft light, and you wait for an apology, but instead he just says, “Connor said you both talked earlier. You’re practically friends now, right?” He’s looking cocky again, lips curling up as he rolls onto his stomach. 
You don’t know how to feel. An apology would be nice, but you’re not sure you’re getting one. You set your lips in a thin line, not looking particularly pleased as you answer, “I think ‘acquaintances’ is a better term, and even that is pushing it.” You admit, and he just chuckles, rolling his eyes as his tail briefly flicks up from the water. 
“Sure, sure. My name’s Sixty, by the way.” He says, and you raise a brow at the peculiar name. You’d expected something like Connor’s, not… A number. 
“How’d you get it?” You ask, and he just shrugs. 
“It’s the only name I remember I was given. Connor was given Fifty, but he decided to change his name. Nines was Ninety, which I think he’s attached to as well, considering he didn’t fully rename himself, but he just purely goes by Nines now.” The confusion is evident on your face at his explanation. These were all… Numbers. A name he was given… A sudden thought crosses your mind. 
“Were you in captivity?” You ask, frowning slightly, and Sixty seems to grow a bit defensive at the question. He just scoffs, rolling his shoulders. 
“No.” He says, sounding offended. There’s quiet, then a soft, “Maybe.” Your frown deepens a bit, and you can’t help the sympathetic wave that shoots through you. You know that mers that are held captive are, more often than not, used for study and experimentation. There’s a few put into aquariums, but if they’re not highly drugged, there’s a pretty good chance they find a way to kill themselves in the first couple weeks. You wonder what their case was. “Doesn’t matter.” He says, brusquely, moving on as he then asks you a question. “What are you eating?” He leans forward a bit, as if it would give him a better look. 
“Seafoam candy.” You respond, and bemusement instantly crosses over his face. 
“What’s that? Does it have chocolate?” His eyes suddenly light up, and you blink at the new air about him. 
“Yes. Does your human not give you chocolate?” You ask, and he wrinkles his nose at your phrasing. 
“He’s not ‘our human’. He doesn’t own us.” He scoffs, and you put your hands up a bit, placatingly. “He doesn’t give us human sweets, though. One time, he gave some to us when we were younger. It made Nines very sick, so he doesn’t feed us a lot of human food anymore. Afraid it’s going to hurt us, even though I keep insisting it’s going to be fine.” He rolls his eyes, and you’re suddenly unsure, now, if you even want to feed him anything. He can spot the uncertainty in your gaze, and he just groans, flopping onto his side. “Come ooon. Don’t be like him. Give me a piece. Please?” He begs, rolling back up, using those goddamn puppy eyes you fell for this time. 
Except, now, you were far away from him. And if you gave this to him, the only person it could harm is himself, so… You were willing to take that gamble. Not like you wanted to see him get sick, but… He had hurt you. You were petty, alright? “Fine.” You declare, and his smile widens as you pick out a piece and toss it to him. He catches it with surprising deftness, rolling onto his back as he peers at it with what you assume is awe on his face. With it being dark, now, and him being so far, it’s a little hard to tell. 
He pops the whole thing into his mouth, his eyes widening in surprise as he chews. He rolls back onto his stomach, making a face the more he chews, and you’re not entirely certain he likes it. He finally swallows, and sticks his tongue out, lip curling up a bit, before you can see his cheeks puff out a bit as he tries to likely get the candy out from between his teeth. “Thish ish– Chocolate?” He glowers, nose scrunched up, and you can’t help but to softly giggle at the sight. 
“Only the outside shell was. The inside is made of sugar, vinegar and corn syrup. They make it in a way where it’s kind of fluffy and spongy. It’s sort of supposed to be a mix of a meringue and toffee and kinda honeycomb… Not like you know what any of those are, probably.” You sigh out, realizing you’re just beginning to waste your breath. He’s still trying to get the substance out from his teeth, and hisses in annoyance, an irritable click leaving his throat. You only feel a little bad as you watch his frustrations, amusement coming to your own face as well, now. He even goes as far as to roll away and back into the water, and you take the time to open your phone and look through it. 
A couple minutes later he pops back up, his nose scrunched up. “Yeah. That sucked. I don’t wanna try that again. Can you bring me just chocolate next time?” He asks, and you blink at the forward request, a little surprised. 
“Who said anything about a next time? I don’t live here, after all.” You say, and it’s his turn to look surprised. 
“You don’t? I thought you just moved here.” He asks, glancing up towards your current residence. It’s a little far away, still, but you can barely see part of it over the hill where the balcony is. 
“No. I’m just here temporarily.” You reply, and you can see his body almost deflate at the information. 
“Oh.” His voice is flat, and there’s a look on his face which you can determine is likely disappointment. It raises your next question. 
“Why did you bother me yesterday? I know you guys like to be secretive. What pushed you into waking me up?” You ask, eyeing him intently now, but it’s Sixty’s turn to be unable to meet your gaze. He squirms a bit, back on his stomach, pushing a few strands of wet hair out of his face that just inevitably fall back into their spot. 
“I don’t know.” He admits, and you feel frustration start to mount in you, now. Connor had given the same answer. “It’s hard to explain, but I just… It felt like something was pushing me to do it. I swam by, peeked out, saw you, caught your scent, and I… I just knew I needed to talk to you.” He’s still frowning, as if he’s confused by this whole phenomena too. He looks back to you, and you don’t quite know how to feel. You didn’t think he was lying. He didn’t seem to be. It felt like a flimsy excuse, though. 
“What if I went and told someone?” You couldn’t help but to ask, voice quiet. His tone holds an equally quiet note as he replies. 
“You didn’t, though, did you?” There’s a hint of a challenge in his eyes, giving you a pause before you speak again. He’s right. You didn’t. Deep down, too, you knew you probably still wouldn’t. 
“How long have you all been here for?” You ask, uncrossing your legs as they begin to ache. You let your ankles cross over one another, mindful of your scratched up one. 
“Few years. Four, I think.” He replies, seeming to relax just a bit more. “It’s nice, this area. You don’t get a whole lot of explorers down here, even if it’s considered safe, just because of the residences along the coast. Namely, yours.” He admits, jerking his head back towards where your grandmother’s house is there. That house is the first along the scattered line. “So, then. Why are you ‘temporarily’ here?” The word has a certain inflection to it, like he’s not quite sure he believes you. Not like you care, but you find it a little funny. 
“I’m helping my grandmother for a while. My grandfather just recently passed away.” You explain, and there’s a bit of confusion on his features. Oh, right. You’re not sure what phrases they’re aware of. “He died.” You correct, and the look drops to more of a brief stint of pain. 
“I’m sorry to hear that. So you’re not here visiting, then, like everyone else.” He waves a hand towards the town, and you shake your head. 
“No, I’m not a tourist. I’m going to help her run her shop until she can find someone to help her more permanently.” You state, and he looks confused once again at your statement, making you wonder what you should have worded differently.
“Why don’t you just help her permanently?” He asks. Ah, that makes more sense. Mers were very family inclined. Their pods could get quite large due to it, sometimes up to the twenties; Rarely the thirties. 
“Well, I have a career.” You start to explain, letting a hand drift down and settle in the sand. “I’ve spent a good chunk of my adult life trying to get to where I am now. It’s not so easy to just leave that and pursue something like this.”
“I mean. Sounds pretty easy to me.” Sixty shrugs, flopping onto his back. You see his fin squish out on the side of his back, and he tucks his arms behind his head, tilting it back a bit to peer at you. “Humans are flippant.”
“That’s a big word.” You find yourself teasing, gently. It catches you off guard, but it doesn't bother him. If anything, it just makes his smile bigger. Clearly, you’re beginning to grow more relaxed. You don’t know how you feel about that. 
“Yeah, yeah, fish brain. I’m serious, though. I hear humans will just leave and start anew all the time. I hear they can have whole families and abandon them on a whim for something– Or someone– Else.” His lips curl in distaste at the thought, and you grimace, peering down at your toes. 
“You’re… Not wrong. Not all humans are like that, though. A lot are very loyal. Whether it’s to their spouse, or job, or family, or even their pet. I know if I had a cat or something, and my house was on fire, I don’t think I’d leave until I knew it was safe.” You comment. Sixty eyes you, a curious look on his upside down face, before he rolls over onto his front. 
“You say that not all humans are like that, and yet you were so quick to assume yesterday that I was going to hurt you.” He states. You feel your cheeks heat up a bit at the implication, and for a moment, you don’t know what to say because he’s right. You had just made assumptions based on all of the data gathered. 
“I-I mean–” you stutter, and another smirk plasters itself on his face as he sees your clear discomfort. You’re certainly not an innocent party, but neither is he. “You nearly proved my assumptions by dragging me into the water!” You counter, and he just scoffs and rolls his eyes, tail flicking from the water once more only to loudly slap down on it. 
“You’re still on that? You know I wasn’t going to actually hurt you.” He counters, and any embarrassment you were feeling has begun to give way to irritation. 
“No, actually, I didn’t know that! You were exhibiting all the signs of a mer who was trying to lure me in and drown me!” You snip out, feeling your metaphorical feathers bristling at his insistence. 
“And what, may I ask, are those signs?” He grins, resting his head in his hand as he peers at you from afar. 
“You were being nice, which is a huge red flag right from the getgo from a mer to a human,” You start, holding out your hand and counting with your fingers. “You offered to help me. You asked me about myself. You tried to gain my trust. Need I go on?” The statement is finished with an annoyed flourish of your hands, before you slap them back down onto your thighs. He clicks his tongue, raising an unimpressed brow. 
“Really? That’s what humans assume we’re doing when we want to gnaw on someone?” He asks, voice flat, and your frown mars further across your lips. 
“Yes. It’s literally proven data.” You counter. 
“By who?” Comes his own counter. 
“By those who have been dragged to sea by mers.” 
“You mean the people who are dead?” 
You open your mouth. Then close it. He has a point…
“I assume by those who were attacked and lived to tell the tale.” You bite out, and he sneers. 
“There you go. Assuming again. Is that a typical human trait?” He tilts his head to the side, and you’ve found that your patience has officially ran out. It’s getting late now, anyways, and you’re sitting here talking to a mer. Sixty laughs a bit, and good Lord it’s way too charming. “You’re cute when you’re flustered.” 
“I’m done.” You announce, abruptly getting to your feet. You tuck your earbuds and phone away, grabbing your towel and whip the sand off of it. 
“Oh, come on, we were just getting started! It isn’t even moonhigh yet!” He counters as you roll up your towel, tucking it back under your arm, grabbing up your boxed candy shortly after.
“Goodnight.” You say, turning and marching off without even looking at him. 
“Come back soon, okay? And come swim! I won’t drag you out again, I promise! It’ll be a lotta fun!” He calls after you, and you just roll your eyes. No shot that was happening. 
Despite your stubborn demeanor as you try to forget about the mers while getting settled for bed, you find that they just won’t leave your mind once you’re settled beneath your covers. Connor’s pleasant, polite demeanor. Sixty’s snarky, but funny attitude. Then, there was Nines… Although he was a complete mystery to you, and only regarded you with cold, untrusting stares… You couldn’t help but to think about him as well. You wondered if he was like either of his brothers; He certainly didn’t seem like that. It was clear he spent a lot more time underwater than the two of them, given the complexion of his skin tone. Perhaps you’d be able to actually talk with him one day.
You nearly slapped a palm to your forehead. Why were you wanting to actually converse more with mers? They were dangerous creatures! They were going through an awful lot of trouble to try and butter you up for a meal, though… Maybe that was because they couldn’t get too close to the town, and he mentioned others never wandered out here. You just happened to be the first idiot that did in a long while. You wondered how long they’d been wanting to taste human meat. 
Then, you thought about the supposed human that had helped to take care of them. The one you weren’t supposed to know about. He lived not too far, apparently. Maybe one of these days you could take a trip out, try and figure out who it was, and talk to him. Get a better feeling for the brothers. After all, if they weren’t lying, and this guy actually vouched for them… Maybe, perhaps, things could be different. You highly doubted this man would be trying to trick and feed humans to mers, after all. He’d have nothing to get out of it. 
You turned over in your bed with a sigh, closing your eyes to will yourself to sleep. It finally did come, and although your dreams were a little cryptic with flashes of you swimming and beings swirling around you, they weren’t nightmare inducing. You woke up early that morning, earlier than normal. Although still bleary with sleep, you decided to get up and start your day off with a nice breakfast and some work. 
You think about making a big enough breakfast for yourself and your grandmother, but scrolling through your emails on your phone makes you think otherwise as you see how much there is to deal with. Resigned, you grab some fruit salad from yesterday, make some toast and coffee, and call it good as you settle on the dining room table. You open up your computer, munching as you scroll through and answer emails. The work is mind numbing, and you sit there for an hour and a half just doing that until your grandmother comes out to make herself some breakfast and coffee as well. She tells you that you that she wants to get started in an hour and a half, which gives you time to catch up on more work. 
…Except, after another half hour of whittling away at it, you can’t help but to let your eyes gravitate towards the window. The sparkling ocean greets you in the early morning, a slight fog settling over it. Still, you feel a certain pull towards it that you definitely hadn’t before. Not to swim, but to just… Be around it. You think about the mer brothers, and you feel something squeeze in your chest at the thought. You were trying to distance yourself more from them, but to your surprise and slight horror, you found it was actually becoming difficult. It seemed, now, that you actually wanted to seek them out. You lightly tapped your thumb on the spacebar of your laptop, chewing on your lip. 
Just a quick trip. You decided, getting to your feet. You closed your computer, changing into something you’d wear for the rest of the day. You glanced at a couple pieces of leftover fruit in your bowl, and decided to bring it with you. The thought crossed your mind; Had any of them ever had fruit before? They must have. After all, fruit was considered healthy, and you were sure that their human friend gave them such. Plus, this was fruit salad. It had a dressing on it. Why you were even thinking too hard on this was really beyond you, or why you were heading down barefoot to the beach with that bowl in your hand was just something beyond your comprehension. It was clearly happening, though. You wondered if anyone would even be out this early… Connor was yesterday. What were the odds of them skulking around two days in a row, though?
Heading back to your usual spot, you managed to catch a glimpse of something in the water, quite far from where you were. It was a faint shimmer of something, a little difficult to see with the mild fog that spread across. As you kneeled down in the sand, though, you could see another flicker once more. Something crested. Was that a tail? You were certain it was. Your suspicions were confirmed, true, as moments later you saw a body swim in the shallow water, breaking the surface shortly after. The more vibrant tail colors immediately tipped you off to it being Connor, and he offered you a bright grin. It was infectious, you insisted, as you smiled back. He said your name, looking quite pleased to see you here. “What brings you down here this morning?” He asks, and that’s when you find yourself short on an answer. Why were you here?
“I… Guess I just felt like coming down and watching the sunrise.” You admit. It’s not a full lie. The sun is still rising; It’s only seven in the morning, after all. 
“It’s a little difficult to see it today.” Connor admits, frowning somewhat as he glances back over the ocean, still lightly shrouded in mist. “I’m still glad you’re here, though.” He looks back, smiling once more, and the shy smile returns to your face with a faint heat coming to your cheeks. “What’s that you have?” He asks, curious as he eyes the bowl in your hand. Right, you’d nearly forgotten about it. 
“It's a fruit salad. Would you like to try a piece?” You offer, watching him perk up similarly to how Sixty had last night. 
“Yes, please.” He responds, eagerly. You take a piece out of the bowl– A nice thick apple chunk– And toss it his way. He’s quick like Sixty is, watching with a sharp eye and snatching the fruit out of the air. He takes a moment to sniff it, before giving it a curious lick, and finally pops it into his mouth. His eyes widen as he chews on it, an appreciative hum coming from his chest. “I’ve never had a fruit that tastes like that before.” He admits after he swallows, peering back at you, an eager look in his eyes for more. “What was it?”
“It was just an apple, but it’s covered in a dressing. It’s yogurt, vanilla, and a little bit of marshmallow.” You explain, and you can faintly see the fin on his back quiver. 
“Can I… Have more? Please?” He asks, a little shyly, and you look down at the bowl. There’s still a few pieces left. You’re about to pick up another one, before you find yourself pausing. You glance to him, and then the bowl, before slowly getting to your feet. Connor watches your every move, his eye widening a bit, but you can see a certain sharpness to them that wasn’t there before. Now, you’re suddenly uncertain of who is more wary of the other. He’d seemed so kind yesterday, and today as well, but this doesn’t make you forget that he’s a wild sea creature who’s ready to bite at any second. You’re certain that he doesn’t forget you’re a human, either, who killed many of his kind. It was obvious who had the upperhand in this situation, but despite how friendly he was, there would probably always be that constant reminder between you both about who you each were. 
At the very least, though, he didn’t look primed to attack. His muscles were tense, sure, but it was clear he intended to flee at the very moment of danger. For some reason, the thought made your chest ache just a bit. Perhaps you didn’t want him to be afraid of you, but… You hadn’t extended the same courtesy to them. Maybe that’s why, against all of your gut instinct, you found yourself shuffling a bit closer. His eyes never left your body, occasionally flicking up to meet your own. Tepid and uncertain, but not afraid. You were standing about five feet away from him when you came to a halt. Your heart was beginning to race as you thought about him grabbing onto your wrist. Dragging you into the water like his brother had. Only this time, there definitely would not be any saving, because Connor had been your savior. He certainly could be your doom as well. 
With a somewhat hesitant, shaky hand, you offered him the bowl. He looked at you, then the bowl, and slowly reached out. You couldn’t help but to flinch back a bit as his hand raised up, which instantly caused him to recoil. His arm curled in, and he bit his lip, blinking apologetically. “Sorry.” You found yourself murmuring, trying to steel your nerves as you held the bowl back out to him. You remembered his vow. They didn’t kill or eat humans. Really, that remained to be seen, but you were chancing it right now. Again. You just didn’t learn, did you? 
Your arm extended once more, and you kept yourself from flinching as his did, too. You held the lip of the bowl, and he cupped it with his hand. Gosh, he was so large. It was certainly intimidating. Bright, sharp, intelligent eyes that watched your every move as you let go, immediately taking a few steps back. You released the breath you’d been holding, and some of the tension appeared to meld away from both of your bodies. Connor peered down at the bowl, tilting his head to observe the pieces of fruit left inside. He’d delicately pick each piece up, examine it, before eating it. He seemed to grow more and more enthralled with every piece he ate, but alas, there were only a few pieces left. He was soon out, a disappointed look crossing his features as he settled down. 
“That was really good. There was this… Really sweet undertone to it. Something a little more overpowering than other pieces. I really liked it. What was that?” He asks you, curious, as he holds the bowl back out for you to take. You slowly inch forward, timidly taking the bowl from him as you try to think of what he may mean. Whilst grabbing the container, your fingers brush against his own. You both flinch at the sudden contact, causing you to quickly scuttle backwards like you’d been burned. His fingers had been cool to the touch– A bit slick, thanks to the scales. You peered down at your hand, perplexed, and you noticed Connor do the same with his hand. Even though you were further away, you were still close enough to notice a blue tint overtake his cheeks. He looked almost… In awe. 
“Marshmallow.” You finally answer him as you regain your senses and figure out what he’s referring to. He blinks, refocusing on your gaze, and a soft smile comes to his face. 
“Marshmallow… I really like that. If you… Come back… Could you bring me some more? Just the marshmallow?” He asks, hopefully, and the look on his face makes your heart pick up a bit. So. Chocolate for Sixty, marshmallows for Connor… You were really doing this, weren’t you? Well, as long as you kept your distance, you figured this may be a fun use of your downtime. A sudden idea came to mind, which had you smiling just a bit more. 
“Tell you what.” You begin, eyes crinkling. “Tomorrow night, I’ll bring marshmallows, and some other things. Why don’t you invite your brothers as well? It can be a… Party.” You decide, and his eyes light up at the prospect. 
“Really?” Another smile crosses his face, and you nod, still grinning. 
“Yes.” You glance over to the alcove to your left. It would be a good place to shelter from the wind, should there be any tomorrow night. Plus, the more you looked at the water, the more you were able to make out a steep dropoff. It would probably be more comfortable for them to wade water there instead of being partially beached. “At sundown.” You decide, turning your attention back to him, and he’s practically beaming. 
“Okay! I’ll let them know.” His tail flicks up from the water, eager, and you take another step back, glancing back the way you came. 
“Great. I’ll see you tomorrow, then. I need to get going now. Lots of work to do today.” You state, finding the strange feeling of reluctance creeping up inside of you. He appears mildly disappointed as well, smile falling some as he settles his fin back into the sand and sea. 
“Alright. I hope you have a good day. I’ll see you later,” He offers a friendly chirp of your name. You both wave, before you turn and make your way back to your temporary home, ready to learn a new craft.
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recapitulation · 2 years
Tom Kha Gai!
Here's a post about how to make Tom Kha Gai, the best soup on planet earth! Tom Kha is a Thai soup with a creamy coconut milk base, the rich and sharp flavor of Thai ginger (galangal), lemongrass, lime, mushrooms, tomato, and cilantro.
When made with chicken (as below), it's called Tom Kha Gai, but it can easily be made with various other forms of protein and slightly tweaked to be made vegetarian if you wish.
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[ID: a photo of tom kha gai, a white soup with mushrooms, red chillies, and cilantro. /end ID]
What you'll need—
Galangal (a good hunk)
Lemongrass (1-2 stalks)
Coconut milk (1 can)
Chicken broth (1 can)
Kaffir lime leaves (handfull)
Thai chillies (handfull)
Shallot (2 medium/4 small), or onion
Tomato (1 medium, or equivalent amount of cherry tomatoes)
Lime (1, or less if you want less of a tang)
Mushrooms, any kind (about a cup, or more if your mushroom whimsy calls you)
Chicken (~1 lb)
Fish sauce (2 tbsp)
Palm sugar (1 tsp), or brown sugar
Cilantro (hanfull)
Green onion (handfull chopped)
Ingredient notes—
Galangal: this is sometimes called "Thai ginger." Some recipes suggest substituting ginger for galangal if you can't find it. Don't! Tom Kha (tom = "to boil," kha = "galangal") is ALL about the galangal! Alternatives if you can't find it fresh: frozen (like below), or powders/pastes.
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[ID: a picture of galangal in a supermarket labeled "garlanga thai ginger." An image of frozen galangal in a bag. /end ID]
Lemongrass: if you can't find this near you, try a lemongrass powder or paste.
Makrut/kaffir lime leaves: these are bought dried, so they're easy to buy online if you can't find them locally.
Pour chicken broth into medium size pot and add the shallot. Turn heat to medium high.
Pound the lemongrass and galangal to bring out the flavor, then add to broth.
Bring to boil.
Cut the chicken into bite-sized pieces and add.
Add coconut milk, mushrooms, tomatoes, chilles, palm sugar, fish sauce, mushrooms, and lime leaves. (Everything except lime, cilantro, green onion.)
Turn the heat down and simmer ~15 minutes until chicken is cooked.
Turn off the heat, add lime juice, cilantro, and green onion. Enjoy! Serve with rice if you'd like.
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sapphic-luthor · 2 months
Answering your in tag question last week: it is indeed hotter than ass out here. Any fun summer recipes? I’m discovering that my meager little cookbook really only has nice hearty recipes that while tasty make cooking even more of a chore than I find it to be when it’s so hot out here. Hope you’re at least staying cool! -SMA
Oh man I hope you’re staying cool, I recommend a great many ice creams above all. But secondary to that, I do have some food ideas that I’ve been making a lot of recently that I’ll stick below the read more here :-)
I love a big huge enormous salad in the summer (and all year round tbh) and I think the best salads are about 50/50 made up of base greens vs. fun stuff. My personal faves are to start with a romaine or romaine/iceberg base and then add:
italian seasoned chicken breast
cherry tomatoes
little mozzarella balls
cooked orzo
sun dried tomatoes
croutons or crispy onions (ideally both)
thinly sliced red onion
dressing (personal fav is a vinaigrette made of lemon juice, balsamic, olive oil, salt & pepper, oregano, and chili flakes)
soy sauce/ginger/white pepper marinated chicken
red cabbage
thinly sliced carrots
red bell pepper
sesame seeds
fresh coriander
wonton strips (which you can airfry out of wonton wrappers in like 3 seconds)
dressing (best is a combo of sesame oil, garlic, soy sauce, rice wine vinegar, honey, and ginger)
Now if you’re not mad for salads, also nice in the summer is
A crumbled sausage + broccoli pasta (i like orecchiette); it doesn’t need to have a real sauce per sé, you can just season however you like and then throw a bit of pasta water, and parmesan in at the end and it’s lovely
Caprese with nice fresh mozzarella (best gotten from the cheese counter if possible). If you ever see san marzano tomatoes buy them immediately and make them into caprese
Veg-based sandwiches, I have a special love for a vegan one that’s got homemade cucumber sriracha hummus, tomatoes and baby spinach. It doesnt sound like much but if you get the hummus right it’s very cool + has a little kick and it’s lovely with nice bread!
Homemade greek gyros— I use this recipe every time and the marinade is actually life changing. Like sometimes I lie in bed and dream about this chicken and I am not even kidding
A pork + pineapple rice bowl, which basically consists of rice topped with; minced pork cooked with soy sauce and sesame oil, long strips of carrot and courgette cooked in a pan with salt + pepper til soft, pickled shallot or red onion (just left in a water/vinegar/sugar bath for 30min or so), and pieces of pineapple right out of the tin. There’s also a light soy/rice wine vinegar/honey sauce that can be thrown over the top— i think the friend i learned the recipe from got it from one of those meal delivery services so it’s likely online (or i can track it down from her for you if you’re interested!)
Hopefully some of those are of some interest to you!! I’ll live vicariously through you and your heat but I hope you stay comfortable and safe friend
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sen5es-bottles · 2 years
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Sen5es Recipe: Carrot And Coriander Soup
What's a better way to warm up in the winter months than with a nice bowl (or in this case jar) of soup?
We all know how convenient it is to buy a pot of soup from the supermarket. It's usually the right quantity for 2 people and it saves time and wastage. But what if you could make your own portion sized pots of soup?
The best way to store your soup, ready for individual portions is in some lovely glass jars. We have a wide range of glass jars in stock. But for this particular recipe we would suggest using our 277ml KilnClip Jar for a one person portion of soup.
These jars are great for storing soup as they have a strong air tight seal and look fabulous in the fridge. The following recipe will create around 5-6 jars. From our online store you can buy a pack of 6 for just £9 plus shipping. That way you will always have an extra jar just in case. And the best thing about these jars is that they are reusable! Perfect for an eco-friendly and decorative packaging solution.
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50g butter
450g carrots, peeled and chopped
1/2 onion, chopped
1 celery stick
30g plain flour
1 glass of wine (optional)
1 L vegetable stock
1 tsp ground coriander
30g Fresh Coriander
100ml whipping or double cream
Knife and chopping board
Large Saucepan with lid
Blender/food processor
wooden or silicone spoon
6 x 277ml KilnClip Jars (sterilised)
Heat your butter in a large pan and add your onion and celery. sweat on a low heat for around 2-4 minutes or until it's softened.
Add your ground coriander and carrots and cook for a further 2-3 minutes.
Add your flour and stir well.
Add wine (optional) and vegetable stock and bring to the boil.
Reduce your heat and cover. Cook for around 30 minutes or until the carrots are tender.
Pour in to your food processor with your Cream and fresh coriander and then blend it until it's smooth.
Allow to cool and ladle in to your sterilised glass jars. Check out our sterilisation guide if you need help with this!
Seal and store in the fridge until ready to eat. These should last up to 4 days sealed and in the fridge, to keep for longer freeze for up to 3 months.
To reheat pour the contents in to small sauce pan and gently heat for 5 minutes.
Please note: There is metal in the closing mechanism of the jar and therefore it is not suitable to be used in a microwave.
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(Photo credit: Hanna Balan on Unsplash)
What do you think of this delicious soup? Will you be storing your home made soup in some lovely and decorative glass jars?
Don't forget you can keep up to date with all the latest news at Sen5es by following us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and TikTok You can also tag us in your product shots to show off how you use our amazing Glass Jars!
All the best
The team at Sen5es
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gentlemanforager · 4 days
Wild Mushrooms for Sale: A Forager's Delight
If you're a culinary enthusiast or a nature lover, the idea of finding wild mushrooms for sale might be as thrilling as discovering hidden treasure. Wild mushrooms for sale Wild mushrooms are not only packed with flavor but also offer a myriad of health benefits. Fortunately, with companies like Gentleman Forager, sourcing these earthy delights has become easier than ever.
Why Choose Wild Mushrooms?
Wild mushrooms are a cut above their cultivated counterparts. They grow in their natural environment, absorbing unique flavors from the soil, trees, and weather conditions around them. This results in a diversity of tastes and textures that you won't find in farm-grown varieties. From the delicate chanterelle to the robust porcini, each wild mushroom offers a distinct experience for your palate.
Health Benefits of Wild Mushrooms
Wild mushrooms are not just gourmet delights; they are also nutritional powerhouses. Rich in vitamins like B and D, and minerals such as selenium and potassium, they contribute to a healthy diet. Many wild mushrooms are also known for their medicinal properties, offering antioxidants and compounds that support immune health.
Sustainable and Ethical Foraging
One of the key aspects of sourcing wild mushrooms is ensuring sustainable and ethical foraging practices. Gentleman Forager, a leader in this space, is committed to responsible harvesting. They work closely with foragers who are trained to identify and collect mushrooms in a way that supports the natural ecosystem. This approach ensures that wild mushroom populations remain healthy and abundant for future generations.
Exploring the Selection at Gentleman Forager
Gentleman Forager offers an extensive range of wild mushrooms for sale, each carefully selected for quality and freshness. Whether you're a chef looking for exotic ingredients or a home cook eager to experiment, their catalog caters to all levels of culinary expertise. From dried morels that add an umami punch to soups and sauces, to fresh seasonal varieties perfect for sautéing or grilling, there’s something for everyone.
How to Use Wild Mushrooms in Your Cooking
Wild mushrooms are incredibly versatile and can elevate any dish. Here are a few simple ways to use them:
Sautéed: A classic preparation that brings out the earthy flavors of mushrooms. Simply sauté with garlic, butter, and a splash of white wine.
Risotto: Add dried or fresh wild mushrooms to a creamy risotto for a rich, satisfying meal.
Soups and Stews: Wild mushrooms infuse broths with a deep, woodsy flavor.
Grilled: Larger mushrooms like porcini can be grilled and served as a vegetarian main course.
Where to Buy Wild Mushrooms Online
Finding high-quality wild mushrooms can be a challenge, especially if you don't live near a forest or don't know how to forage safely. That's where Gentleman Forager comes in. Their online store offers a convenient way to purchase a wide variety of wild mushrooms, ensuring they are delivered fresh to your door. With their commitment to quality and sustainability, you can buy with confidence, knowing you're getting the best nature has to offer.
Final Thoughts
Wild mushrooms offer a unique blend of flavors and health benefits that are hard to match. Whether you're an experienced chef or a curious foodie, incorporating these fungi into your meals can transform your culinary experience. Wild mushrooms for sale By sourcing from reputable suppliers like Gentleman Forager, you not only get high-quality mushrooms but also support ethical and sustainable foraging practices.
So, why not embark on a culinary adventure and explore the fascinating world of wild mushrooms today? Visit Gentleman Forager to find the perfect mushrooms for your next gourmet creation!
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rainbowfruitusa · 23 days
Discover the Best Grocery Store in Westwood, MA: Your One-Stop Shop for Freshness and Quality
In today's fast-paced world, having a reliable grocery store nearby is more than just a convenience—it's a necessity. Whether you’re picking up ingredients for tonight’s dinner, stocking up for the week, or seeking specialty items, the grocery store you choose plays a crucial role in your daily life. For residents of Westwood, MA, finding a grocery store that meets all these needs and more can significantly enhance the shopping experience.
When it comes to quality and variety, the Best Grocery Store in Westwood, MA stands out as a prime destination. Located conveniently within the heart of the community, this store offers a wide range of products that cater to both everyday essentials and gourmet delicacies. With an emphasis on fresh produce, quality meats, and a diverse selection of organic and specialty items, it's no wonder why so many locals consider it their go-to grocery destination.
A Commitment to Freshness
One of the hallmarks of a great grocery store is its commitment to providing fresh, high-quality products. The Grocery Store in Westwood, MA takes this commitment seriously. Every day, the produce section is stocked with vibrant fruits and vegetables, sourced from local farms whenever possible. From crisp lettuce to juicy tomatoes, the freshness of the produce is evident in every bite.
The store's meat and seafood departments are equally impressive. Whether you're in the mood for a perfectly marbled steak, succulent chicken breasts, or the freshest catch of the day, you'll find it here. The staff ensures that all products meet rigorous quality standards, so you can shop with confidence knowing you're bringing home the best.
A Diverse Product Selection
Variety is another key factor that sets the Grocery Store in Westwood, MA apart from the competition. In addition to the standard staples, the store offers a wide selection of organic and specialty products. For those with dietary restrictions or specific preferences, there are plenty of gluten-free, vegan, and non-GMO options available.
The international foods aisle is a treasure trove for culinary adventurers. Whether you're looking to recreate a favorite dish from your travels or experiment with new flavors, you'll find an array of spices, sauces, and ingredients from around the world. This diversity in product offerings ensures that shoppers can find everything they need in one place, making meal planning and preparation a breeze.
Convenience and Customer Service
Convenience is a major factor for any grocery store, and the Westwood location excels in this area. The store layout is designed for ease of navigation, with clearly marked aisles and well-organized shelves. This makes it simple to find exactly what you're looking for, even if you're in a rush.
In addition to its thoughtful layout, the Grocery Store in Westwood, MA offers a range of services that enhance the shopping experience. From online ordering and curbside pickup to home delivery, these options make it easier than ever to get your groceries without the hassle. The store also offers a loyalty program that rewards frequent shoppers with discounts and special offers, adding even more value to your shopping experience.
Customer service is another area where this store shines. The friendly and knowledgeable staff are always ready to assist, whether you need help finding a product or have questions about cooking techniques. Their commitment to providing excellent service ensures that every visit is a positive one.
Supporting the Local Community
The Grocery Store in Westwood, MA is more than just a place to buy food—it's an integral part of the community. The store prides itself on supporting local farmers and producers by offering their products on its shelves. This not only provides customers with fresh, high-quality options but also helps to strengthen the local economy.
In addition to supporting local producers, the store is actively involved in community events and initiatives. From sponsoring local sports teams to participating in food drives, the Grocery Store in Westwood, MA is committed to giving back to the community it serves. This dedication to community involvement makes the store a trusted and valued member of the Westwood area.
A Destination for All Your Grocery Needs
In conclusion, the Grocery Store in Westwood, MA is a standout destination for anyone looking to enjoy a superior shopping experience. With its commitment to freshness, diverse product selection, convenience, and outstanding customer service, this store has earned its reputation as a local favorite. Whether you're stocking up for the week, planning a special meal, or simply need to pick up a few items, you can trust this store to provide everything you need—and more.
So the next time you find yourself in Westwood, MA, be sure to visit the area's premier grocery store. With its wide range of products and unwavering dedication to quality, it’s the perfect place to meet all your grocery needs while enjoying a welcoming and supportive community environment.
Source - https://grocery-store-in-ma.blogspot.com/2024/08/discover-best-grocery-store-in-westwood.html
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sutterbuttes · 1 month
Flavored Olive Oil – Choose the Best Flavor
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Depending on your choice, you can buy the best range of flavored olive oil to add in your kitchen for cooking something delicious and different. Varied options are available and choosing the best one will be an ideal way.
Fall Flavors Crate, Fresh Basil Olive Oil, Tuscan Herb Olive Oil, and Fresh Harvest Garlic Olive Oil
Meyer Lemon Olive Oil, Garlic Herb Olive Oil, Blood Orange Olive Oil, and White Truffle Olive Oil
Butter Olive Oil, California Lime Olive Oil, Rosemary Olive Oil, and Lavender Olive Oil
Oregano Olive Oil, Vanilla Olive Oil, Drizzle Olive Oil, and Olive Oil Gift Set
Dipping Oil Gift Set, Thai Chili Olive Oil, Habanero Olive Oil, and Citrus Habanero Olive Oil
Pickled Asparagus, Arbequina Mild Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Garlic Stuffed Green Olives, and Kalamata and Caper Tapenade
Varied flavors are available. Choosing the best one is a crucial point to consider. If you are looking for flavored olive oil, you need to reach the top and recognized supplier. Go online as it will be a convenient way to provide you with more options. If you are looking for flavored olive oil, you will have some better options to fulfill your requirement by going online. It will be a convenient way to transform the cooking experience. Reach the right platform where different types of flavored olive oils are available. Choose the best range of such products, know about the specialties, and get the best quality olive oils.
Sutter Buttes Olive Oil is a one-stop recognized name in this domain bringing to you the best quality olive oils, jams, sauces, and a lot more. They are formulated by using organic products and delivered with the assurance of lasting for more days. You will get flavored olive oil in air-tight jars. Place an order from anywhere and get delivery in secure way to your address. Prices are competitive and backed by discounts.
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kratomcapsules12 · 1 month
Buy THCA Products Online at SmokeGem
Are You Thinking About Integrating THC Agonists Into Your Daily Wellness Routine? SmokeGem offers top-quality THC Agonists products available on the internet. Find out more about the benefits of this product, and find out the reason SmokeGem is the favorite online retailer for top-quality cannabis products for the lowest price or at an affordable cost.
What Is THCA and Why Should You Give It a Try?
THCA is an un-psychoactive tetrahydrocannabinol which is pure and fresh cannabis that doesn't cause psychoactive effects as does its counterpart, the psychoactive THC. It allows those who want to indulge in cannabis without psychoactive effects the ability to enjoy it in a safe way.
Mellow Fellow Brand, a leading figure in the cannabis industry, is proud to expand their Destinations collection. Folloi ng the success of their 1ml products, Mellow Fellow now offers 2ml disposable vapes to take customers on an extraordinary journey, featuring custom marijuana blends inspired by famous destinations worldwide.
The Destinations Series utilizes High Terpene Full Spectrum Extract, or Mellow Fellow Terp Sauce, a powerful cannabis concentrate rich in terpenes and cannabinoids. This creates a flavorful experience and potent effects.
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Explore Our THCA Products Available Now
SmokeGem is pleased to offer a broad range of THC-based products to accommodate different preferences and needs. This is a quick summary of our most sought-after products:
THCA Blossom is a natural product from ranches that use commercial agribusiness practices. They offer pure, unadulterated THCA Bloom. It is ideal for people who love cannabis as it is in its purest form. THCA flowers can be utilized in many methods, like smoking in vaping, eating, or smoking and even cooking by hand could make use of our products!
Our THCA pre rolls are a great method of smoking in the car, as well as for those who don't like rolling their roll. Every roll is made with premium THCA blooms that guarantee a pleasurable and constant experience. Ideal for people traveling or seeking a simpler method to reap the advantages. Our THCA pre rolls are fast and easy ways to reap the advantages of THCA.
The vapes specifically designed for THCA can be used for discreet consumption.
Our vapes are made from high-quality extracts of THCA and are available in a range of flavors to satisfy any preference. You can experience immediate effects after vaping THCA!
Why Choose SmokeGem as Your THCA Products Online Store?
Quality Assurance: At SmokeGem we consider quality to be at the top of the list. A majority of THCA pre-rolls Products are purchased from trusted suppliers who employ sustainable farming methods. Every item is examined to ensure its quality, potency and safety, providing our customers only the highest quality experience.
Lowest Price Our belief is that the most superior THCA products should be made available to everyone. That's why we provide our products for sale at best prices online.
A Wide variety: No matter your needs for THCA blossoms, pre-rolls or vapes, the web store has a wide selection of options to meet your requirements. The detailed descriptions of the products and the customer reviews can help you make a more informed choice when buying from this site.
Distinction and Efficacy: Shopping online with SmokeGem is simple and discrete. Explore our huge catalog within the privacy of your own home.
Excellent Customer Service Our helpful and knowledgeable support staff can assist you with any questions or issues and ensure an enjoyable shopping experience.
How to Buy THCA Products Online at SmokeGem
Explore Our Choice: Visit our website and browse through our extensive assortment of THCA products. Make use of the search or filtering options to locate the product you're searching for quickly.
Read Features and Product descriptions: Each product offers detailed descriptions and features that explain the product's features benefits, uses, and advantages. Spend some time reading these features for more details.
Simply click Add to Cart and pay once you've selected your items, add them to your shopping cart and then browse through. Secure instalment processing guarantees that your personal and financial data is secure through this process.
Shipping: Sit back and enjoy the process of preparing your order. We offer quick and discreet delivery options to make sure that your THCA products arrive in perfect order.
THCA Products for Sale They are an amazing method of creating a healthier lifestyle without the psychoactive effects associated with THCA. If you buy THCA Products Online Store with SmokeGem, you'll be at ease knowing that you're getting top-quality proven, tested, and effective products for a reasonable price. Start your journey towards better health today by browsing our extensive range of THCA products. 
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hiyouuk · 2 months
What Can You Find in a Chinese Supermarket Near You?
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How do you prepare the sumptuous Chinese dishes you’ve always wanted? The answer is simple - genuine, fresh, and top-quality Chinese ingredients. You can only ascertain the products you spend your money on are authentic if you buy them from a reputable Chinese Supermarket in Bristol or anywhere else you are – make HiYou your favourite shopping destination.
What are the specific products you can expect from the supermarket near you? Here are the top items you should include in your cart:
Staple Chinese Ingredients
The journey of exploration of Chinese cuisine begins by ensuring you have the staples. Fortunately, you have a wide variety to pick from when you shop at a reputable supermarket. Rice and noodles must be the first staples you stock. Whether you’re yearning for a dish of jasmine, glutinous, or brown rice, you’ll find your favourite brands. For the noodle lovers, you have different types to consider, including:
Rice noodles
Egg noodles
Soba noodles
You deserve distinctive and bold flavours with each dish you prepare – that’s where sauces and condiments come in. You have a variety of those to choose from at the reputable grocery store near you. For example, you have light, dark, and sweet soy sauces for deep flavour and colour. Still, you can purchase sesame oil, chilli oil, oyster sauce, and vinegar among others – you must enjoy those rich flavours in your dishes!
Explore the Fresh Produce Section
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Chinese supermarkets are dedicated to ensuring you have fresh produce as and when you need them – when they say “fresh”, it’s in every sense of the word. When you purchase the produce, you can create the authentic Chinese dishes you desire. Purchase Bok choy and enjoy the peppery flavour it adds to your stir-fries, soups, and salads. Other vegetables you can purchase in these supermarkets include Chinese cabbage, lotus root, and Chinese morning glory.
Fresh and frozen meat and seafood are also available at your favourite Chinese supermarket – you can enjoy them any time you want. Purchase and savour tender pork belly - the perfect balance of fat and meat makes it ideal for slow cooking methods that render the fat and create a melt-in-the-mouth experience. You can also have your duck, chicken feet, and beef tendons here. In the seafood section, you have fresh fish, prawns, crabs, and shellfish among others.
Tasty Snacks and Mouthwatering Beverages
You also require tasty snacks and mouthwatering drinks - Chinese supermarkets offer an enticing variety for you. In the snacks section, you can go for specialties such as prawn crackers, rice crackers, seaweed snacks, and dried fruits. They are often enjoyed as a snack on their own or served alongside dishes as a crunchy accompaniment.
If you love beverages, you have many varieties to explore. Enjoy the refreshing taste of bubble tea, soothing herbal teas, the goodness of soy milk, and other unique beverages such as melon tea. Whether you are looking for a quick snack or a refreshing drink, the selection in Chinese supermarkets ensures that there is something for everyone to enjoy.
Cooking Utensils and Tableware
To prepare and serve those sumptuous dishes, you need top-quality utensils – you have the best pieces at reputable Chinese supermarkets. You can purchase woks, steamers, rice cookers, and cleavers here. Still, you can invest in tableware including traditional Chinese bowls, chopsticks, tea cups, and soup spoons.
Enjoy Your Chinese Supermarket Shopping!
These supermarkets have a wide range of top-quality products. You can purchase Chinese staples, fresh produce, snacks, and beverages. They also have cooking utensils and tableware. HiYou is the best Chinese Supermarket in Edinburgh – purchase your groceries both in-store and online!
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catchy-court-products · 2 months
Savor the Delight of Vezlay Soya Indi Chop
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Introduction to Vezlay Soya Indi Chop
Vezlay Soya Indi Chop is a premium plant-based product that offers flavors and textures reminiscent of traditional Indian cuisine. Ideal for vegetarians, vegans, and anyone seeking to reduce meat consumption, Vezlay Soya Indi Chop provides a delicious and nutritious alternative for your meals.
Why Choose Vezlay Soya Indi Chop?
Pure Vegetarian Ingredients
Vezlay Soya Indi Chop is crafted from pure vegetarian ingredients, making it an excellent choice for those adhering to vegetarian or vegan diets. It is free from animal products, ensuring a healthy and ethical eating experience.
Nutritional Benefits
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Culinary Versatility
One of the standout features of Vezlay Soya Indi Chop is its versatility. It can be used in a variety of dishes, from traditional Indian curries to modern fusion recipes. Its convenient form makes it easy to cook and integrate into your favorite meals.
Delicious Recipes with Vezlay Soya Indi Chop
Soya Indi Chop Curry
Prepare a rich and aromatic curry using Vezlay Soya Indi Chop. Simmer the chops in a flavorful gravy made with tomatoes, onions, and a blend of Indian spices. Serve with steamed rice or naan for a satisfying meal.
Grilled Soya Indi Chop
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Soya Indi Chop Biryani
Enhance your biryani with Vezlay Soya Indi Chop. Layer the chops with fragrant basmati rice, saffron, and spices to create a mouthwatering biryani that’s perfect for special occasions.
Soya Indi Chop Wraps
Make delicious wraps by adding Vezlay Soya Indi Chops to whole wheat tortillas, fresh vegetables, hummus, and a tangy sauce. It’s an ideal option for a quick and healthy lunch.
Where to Buy Vezlay Soya Indi Chop
Catchy Court
Catchy Court is the go-to online store for purchasing Vezlay Soya Indi Chop. Enjoy a smooth shopping experience and prompt delivery, ensuring this versatile product is always available.
Exclusive Offers
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Soya Indi Chop is an exceptional choice for anyone looking to enjoy the rich flavors of Indian cuisine without compromising on dietary preferences. Its pure vegetarian ingredients, nutritional benefits, and culinary versatility make it a top pick for healthy and ethical eating. Visit Catchy Court today to purchase Vezlay Soya Indi Chop and explore the diverse possibilities of plant-based cooking.
Indulge in the taste and health benefits of Vezlay Soya Indi Chop, and elevate your dining experience with the best in plant-based cuisine. Happy cooking!
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familygarden25 · 2 months
Online Vegetable Shopping in Chennai | Buy Fresh Vegetables Online Chennai | Family Garden
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In the bustling city of Chennai, finding time to shop for fresh, healthy vegetables can be a challenge. Fortunately, Family Garden offers an ideal solution with its buy vegetables online Chennai shopping service. Catering to the needs of health-conscious customers, Family Garden ensures that all vegetables are 100% organic, providing peace of mind and delicious produce delivered straight to your doorstep.
Why Choose Family Garden for Online Vegetable Shopping
Family Garden stands out as the premier choice for online vegetable shopping in Chennai. Our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction ensures that you receive only the best produce. With a wide variety of vegetables available, including seasonal selections and exotic options, Family Garden caters to all your culinary needs.
Online Vegetable Shopping in Chennai
Online vegetable shopping in Chennai offers unparalleled convenience and variety. By choosing Family Garden, you can save time and effort, as our easy-to-use online platform allows you to browse and purchase your favorite vegetables from the comfort of your home.
The Benefits of Online Shopping
One of the main benefits of online shopping is the significant amount of time and effort saved. No more standing in long lines or battling traffic; simply place your order online, and we will handle the rest. Additionally, our doorstep delivery service ensures that you receive your vegetables fresh and in perfect condition, right to your home.
Why Choose Family Garden
At Family Garden, our priority is to provide you with the freshest and highest quality vegetables. We are committed to organic farming practices and ensuring that our produce is free from harmful pesticides and chemicals. Our dedication to customer satisfaction is evident in every step of our process, from farm to table.
Freshness Guaranteed
We understand the importance of fresh produce, which is why we guarantee the freshness of our vegetables. Our team meticulously selects and packs each order to ensure that you receive only the best. Our rigorous quality control process means that every vegetable meets our high standards.
Organic Certification
Choosing organic vegetables means choosing a healthier lifestyle. Family Garden’s organic certification guarantees that our vegetables are grown without synthetic pesticides or fertilizers, preserving their natural flavor and nutritional value. This certification provides assurance that you are consuming vegetables that are safe and healthy for you and your family.
Wide Variety of Vegetables
Family Garden offers a wide variety of vegetables to meet your diverse needs. From everyday staples to seasonal selections and exotic options, our inventory is constantly updated to provide you with the best produce available.
How to Place an Order
Placing an order with Family Garden is simple and straightforward. Follow these easy steps:
Visit our website and browse the available vegetables.
Select the items you wish to purchase and add them to your cart.
Proceed to checkout and enter your delivery details.
Complete the payment process, and your order will be confirmed.
Sit back and relax as we deliver your fresh vegetables right to your doorstep.
Popular Vegetables Available
Family Garden offers a variety of popular buy vegetables online Chennai, each with its own unique nutritional benefits.
Spinach is an excellent source of iron, vitamins, and antioxidants. It is perfect for salads, smoothies, and a variety of cooked dishes, making it a versatile and healthy choice.
Rich in beta-carotene and vitamin A, carrots are great for maintaining healthy vision and skin. They are ideal for snacking, juicing, and adding to salads and cooked dishes.
Tomatoes are versatile and nutrient-dense, packed with vitamins C and K, potassium, and folate. They are perfect for sauces, salads, and a variety of cooked dishes.
Cucumbers are hydrating and low in calories, making them an excellent choice for salads and juices. They are also a good source of vitamins K and C.
Beetroots are packed with antioxidants and nutrients like iron and vitamin C. They are ideal for juicing, roasting, and adding to salads.
High in fiber, vitamins C and K, and folate, broccoli is perfect for stir-fries, steaming, and adding to salads.
Customer Testimonials
Our satisfied customers have shared their experiences with Family Garden’s online vegetable shopping service. Here are a few testimonials:
"Family Garden has made my life so much easier. The vegetables are always fresh and delivered on time. I highly recommend their service!" - S. Kumar
"I love the variety of vegetables available at Family Garden. The quality is top-notch, and I feel good knowing they are organic." - R. Priya
"Ordering from Family Garden is a breeze. The website is easy to navigate, and the delivery is always prompt. Excellent service!" - A. Mehta
What are the delivery charges for online vegetable shopping in Chennai? Delivery charges may vary based on your location and the total amount of your order. Please refer to our website for detailed information.
Are the vegetables really organic? Yes, all our vegetables are 100% organic and certified to ensure they meet strict standards.
How do I store the vegetables to keep them fresh? We recommend storing vegetables in a cool, dry place or refrigerating them as needed. Proper storage instructions for each vegetable can be found on our website.
Can I modify my order after placing it? Yes, you can modify your order within a certain timeframe. Please contact our customer service for assistance.
Do you offer subscription plans for regular deliveries? Yes, we offer subscription plans for customers who wish to receive regular deliveries of fresh vegetables. Please check our website for more details.
What if I am not satisfied with the quality of the vegetables? Customer satisfaction is our top priority. If you are not satisfied with the quality of the vegetables, please contact our customer service team, and we will address your concerns promptly.
Family Garden offers the best fresh vegetables online Chennai , providing fresh, organic produce delivered right to your door. With a wide variety of vegetables, commitment to quality, and exceptional customer service, we make it easy for you to enjoy healthy, delicious meals. Order your vegetables from Family Garden today and taste the difference!
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subikshafoods · 2 months
Upgrade Your Family Dinners: Buy Best Paneer Online & Become the Home Chef Hero
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We all know the struggle of getting dinner on the table after a long day. Sometimes, takeout menus sound way more appealing than chopping vegetables and wrestling with a pan. But what if you could create restaurant-worthy meals at home, without the hassle? The secret weapon? Fresh, high-quality paneer!
Beyond Pakoras: A World of Paneer Possibilities
Paneer is a magical ingredient in Indian cuisine. This versatile cheese can be fried, baked, curried, or even enjoyed raw in salads. But the key to unlocking its full potential is using the best quality paneer. Supermarket paneer can sometimes be crumbly, bland, or tough. Subiksha Foods’ paneer, however, choosing to Buy best paneer online is a whole different story!
Made with Love, Perfect for Every Dish:
Subiksha Foods uses traditional methods and fresh, high-quality milk to create paneer that’s:
Soft and Flavorful: Made fresh daily, Subiksha’s paneer boasts a melt-in-your-mouth texture that absorbs flavors beautifully.
Versatile and Easy to Use: Whether you’re a seasoned cook or a kitchen newbie, Subiksha’s paneer is easy to work with and perfect for all your favorite dishes.
The Hero of Every Meal: From creamy Palak Paneer to crispy Paneer Tikka Masala, Subiksha’s paneer will elevate your vegetarian dishes to superstar status.
Effortless Weeknight Wins
Here’s the beauty of paneer: it cooks quickly and takes on the flavors of whatever you pair it with. This makes it a perfect ingredient for whipping up delicious, healthy meals in a flash.
Need some inspiration? Here are a few ideas to get you started:
Paneer Tikka Masala in 20 Minutes: Marinate paneer cubes in yogurt and spices, then simmer in a flavorful tomato sauce. Serve with rice and naan for a crowd-pleasing weeknight dinner.
Quick and Easy Palak Paneer: Sauté spinach with ginger and garlic, then add crumbled paneer and a touch of cream for a healthy and satisfying meal.
Paneer Lettuce Wraps: A fun and healthy twist on classic lettuce wraps! Marinate paneer cubes, then stir-fry with your favorite vegetables. Serve in lettuce wraps with peanut sauce for a light and flavorful meal.
The Secret Ingredient to Success
The key to becoming a home chef hero is having the right ingredients on hand. Subiksha Foods makes it easy to Buy best paneer online. Order your fresh paneer today and get ready to impress your family with restaurant-worthy meals made with love, right in your own kitchen! After all, there’s nothing quite as satisfying as creating delicious food that your family loves. So, ditch the takeout menus and embrace the joy of cooking with Subiksha Foods’ paneer!
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seoplassy · 3 months
Spiced Delights: Nutmeg Seed Infused Recipes by Garni Foods
Nutmeg, also known as Jaiphal, is not just a spice but a cornerstone of culinary creativity and health. This aromatic seed, available in various forms including Nutmeg Whole and ground Nutmeg Seed, adds depth and warmth to both sweet and savory dishes. At Garni Foods, recognized as the best masala brand in India, we celebrate the rich flavors and versatility of nutmeg in our recipes.
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Health Benefits of Nutmeg
Beyond its delightful aroma, nutmeg offers numerous health benefits. It's rich in minerals like magnesium and manganese, and its antimicrobial properties have made it a staple in traditional medicine.
Culinary Uses of Nutmeg
In the kitchen, nutmeg is a secret weapon. It enhances the flavor of desserts like custards and pies with just a pinch. For savory dishes, sprinkle grated nutmeg into creamy sauces or hearty soups for a comforting warmth that elevates every bite.
Exploring Different Forms of Nutmeg
Choosing between Nutmeg Whole and ground nutmeg depends on your culinary needs. Whole nutmeg, with its longer shelf life, retains freshness when stored properly. Ground nutmeg offers convenience and immediate flavor release, perfect for quick recipes.
Nutmeg Seed Infused Recipes
Experience the magic of nutmeg in our favorite recipes:
Nutmeg-spiced Cookies: A holiday favorite that blends the sweet aroma of nutmeg with buttery goodness.
Creamy Nutmeg-infused Sauce: Perfect for pasta or as a dipping sauce, adding depth to every bite.
Tips for Cooking with Nutmeg Online
For optimal flavor, grate nutmeg directly into dishes just before serving. Store nutmeg in a cool, dark place to preserve its aroma and potency. When shopping, consider where to Buy Nutmeg Online from reputable sources to ensure quality and freshness.
Nutmeg in Mixology and Beverages
Don't overlook nutmeg in drinks! Sprinkle over eggnog or add to hot cocoa for a festive twist. Its warm, slightly sweet flavor complements both alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages.
Whether you're a seasoned chef or a novice in the kitchen, nutmeg offers endless possibilities. From enhancing the flavor of your favorite dishes to its potential health benefits, nutmeg, available conveniently at Garni Foods, invites you to explore and innovate. Embrace the spice of life with nutmeg — your culinary journey awaits!
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meat-online-ipswich · 3 months
The Advantages Gained When Choosing to Buy Meat Online
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While browsing online websites to source the best meat may seem a bit strange to first-time buyers, there are many advantages to considering buying meat online and other associated products.
It makes shopping for meat done from anywhere without the need to put aside time and work for traveling to a physical store. It is more convenient for customers who are too busy to physically visit their butcher for their pre-planned weekly meals when they choose to buy meat online Ipswich.
It is also easier to shop for all the different meat products available when considering buying meat online, ensuring less time is wasted searching for meat products when choosing from meat online providers.
Shoppers know beforehand the availability of any specific produce when they choose to buy meat online, with the time they spend visiting physical grocery stores eliminated. The meat-buying process is simplified when customers choose to buy meat online, making meat purchases a simple and easy way to have the best selection of high-quality meats delivered right to any door. 
Since meat is packed directly from freezers with quality and freshness locked, when choosing to buy meat online, meats arrive fresher, better tasting, and healthier. When customers choose to buy meat online, they have a direct connection to trusted meat suppliers, making it easy to choose from a much better and fresher meat selection than can be found at grocery stores.
It ensures that customers are always provided with a premium selection of the best cuts of meat available at any time of the day. 
Better quality and taste are also assured when customers buy meat online, unlike in grocery stores where meats have already been displayed for a few hours, which can result in less fresh meat.
Additionally, more choices can be made when considering buying meat online, with online butchers having a wide array of various cuts of meat, making it easy for customers to find the meat cuts they are looking for. 
Meats are carefully curated and packed to be delivered straight to their door within a day if customers choose to buy meat online. Customers are also provided with a wider range of discounts when they choose to buy meat online, making it easier to compare the prices and discounts given by various online butchers for their best-quality cuts without spending a dime on travel.
Less time is also spent traveling and choosing meats at the grocery store when choosing to buy meat online. Meats are delivered promptly in a sealed and chilled package to ensure quality and taste when choosing to buy meat online.
Meat online providers will also typically display a wider range of produce on their websites since there is no limit to their floor space, unlike a physical butcher shop, like rubs, sauces, and even cooking equipment.
When customers choose to buy meat online, they are assured that only the highest-quality cuts of meat that are always the freshest possible are delivered to their door. Meats are also quality-checked beforehand when customers choose to buy meat online, which ensures a better taste and a healthier eating experience for customers.
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grandbarshasblog · 4 months
Effortless Online Grocery Shopping in Dubai: Elevate Your Culinary Experience with Grand Barsha
In today’s fast-paced world, convenience is key. Especially in a bustling metropolis like Dubai, finding time to shop for groceries can be a challenge. This is where Grand Barsha steps in, offering a seamless online grocery delivery in Dubai that caters to the needs of busy residents. With a curated selection of fresh produce, pantry staples, and gourmet items, Grand Barsha brings the market to your doorstep, allowing you to elevate your culinary creations without leaving the comfort of your home.
A Curated Selection of Quality Products
One of the standout features of Grand Barsha is its carefully curated selection of products. From farm-fresh fruits and vegetables to premium meats and dairy, the emphasis is on quality. The website is user-friendly, allowing you to easily browse through categories and buy fresh groceries online in Dubai. Whether you are preparing a simple meal or planning a gourmet feast, Grand Barsha ensures that you have access to the best ingredients.
Fresh Produce Delivered to Your Door
Imagine receiving a box of fresh, crisp vegetables and juicy fruits directly at your doorstep. Grand Barsha takes pride in its selection of fresh produce, sourced from trusted suppliers. Each item is carefully selected to ensure that it meets the highest standards of freshness and quality. This commitment to quality means that when you order from Grand Barsha, you can trust that you are getting the best produce available.
Pantry Staples and More
In addition to fresh produce, Grand Barsha offers a wide range of pantry staples. From grains and cereals to spices and condiments, you can stock up on all your essential items with just a few clicks. The selection also includes a variety of international products, catering to the diverse culinary tastes of Dubai’s residents. Whether you are looking for your favorite pasta sauce or exotic spices for a special recipe, you will find it all at Grand Barsha.
Quick and Efficient Delivery
Time is of the essence, and Grand Barsha understands this. The online shopping platform is designed for efficiency, with a streamlined ordering process and quick delivery service. Once you place your order, you can expect your groceries to be delivered promptly, ensuring that you can continue with your day without interruption. This reliable delivery service makes Grand Barsha the perfect solution for busy professionals, parents, and anyone looking to save time.
Elevate Your Culinary Creations
Cooking is an art, and having access to premium ingredients can make all the difference. With Grand Barsha, you can elevate your culinary creations and explore new recipes with ease. The high-quality ingredients ensure that your dishes are not only delicious but also nutritious. Whether you are a seasoned chef or a home cook, the products from Grand Barsha will inspire you to create meals that delight your family and friends.
Why Choose Grand Barsha?
There are many online grocery platforms available, but Grand Barsha stands out for several reasons:
Quality Assurance: Every product is carefully selected to meet high standards of freshness and quality.
Convenience: The user-friendly website and efficient delivery service make shopping easy and hassle-free.
Variety: A wide range of products, including fresh produce, pantry staples, and gourmet items, ensures that all your needs are met.
Customer Satisfaction: Grand Barsha is committed to providing excellent customer service, ensuring a pleasant shopping experience every time.
In conclusion, Grand Barsha offers an unparalleled online grocery delivery in Dubai. With a focus on quality, convenience, and customer satisfaction, it is the go-to platform for residents looking to simplify their lives and enhance their culinary endeavors. By choosing Grand Barsha, you are not just buying groceries; you are investing in a service that values your time and delivers excellence with every order.
Experience the ultimate convenience of online grocery shopping today with Grand Barsha and transform the way you shop for food. Visit Grand Barsha and start your journey towards effortless grocery shopping in Dubai.
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