#best brands 2015
revengeraven · 1 month
You will all be inflicted with superior story before the “canon” one if I have anything to say about it, by the way.
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chocobijou · 1 year
FNC just said screw it, Yonghwa IS CNBLUE now
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kikaromi · 1 year
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When even the random love meter supports the best ending
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3liza · 8 months
here's what I've learned to never pay full price for, because people are giving these items away for free or almost free on Craigslist, Nextdoor, Facebook, at Goodwill, and on eBay (which has a local pickup section) in every sufficiently populated location in the USA.
cost of acquiring these items ranges from "carrying it home from the sidewalk" to "getting a friend with a car to help you pick it up" which is the same amount of effort as going to IKEA for worse quality that costs more, with the notable exception of it being a pain in the ass to coordinate with craigslist sellers, and you often have to wait and watch for what you want to actually show up. it took me about a year to find an acceptable gamer chair left out on the sidewalk, for example. but they cost $100+ new, so I chose to wait.
a lot of this stuff is the kind of thing you don't necessarily intend to keep, just to use in transitional housing or until you can afford a better one.
1. printers of any kind. basic office inkjets are free. ink is easily refillable or has generic ink cartridges way cheaper than brand name for any inkjet up to about 2015, not sure how difficult the newer smart printers are to hack but there's no reason to own a newer one because printing technology has not improved since about 2005. you want a color laser for making zines and wheatpastes? it's on Craigslist RN and someone's mom is desperate to get rid of it
2. bedframes
3. desks
4. tables
5. chairs
6. bookshelves, nice oak bookshelves that don't bend like al dente spaghetti when you put books on them, are rotting on sidewalks rn because they didn't fit in someone's house. go get them
7. scanners. I find a working scanner by a dumpster at least once a quarter, and I don't pick them up because I already have one that I picked up from a dumpster years ago
8. hot tubs. everyone thinks they want a hot tub and that the maintenance and upkeep will be worth it, and they are wrong. Craigslist.
9. sofas, with the caveat that if you are in a bedbug region like New York State you need to be very confident in your bedbug screening skills
10. quality leather shoes. these last forever and are expensive new. eBay is best for these
11. plates, glassware, silverware. all of these are able to be sterilized to whatever standard you feel comfortable with but if you eat in restaurants you've already put a fork in your mouth that hundreds of people have drooled on so try not to fool yourself
12. televisions and computer monitors
13. houseplants. similar to the bedbug warning above, you need to screen these for pests like fungus gnats and mealybugs
14. dressers, wardrobes, china hutches, cabinets, chests of drawers, etc
15. mirrors
16. clothes hangers
17. moving boxes
18. mattresses to a certain extent. I don't like secondhand used mattresses but unstained, unused mattresses are surprisingly common, especially since the foam mail order mattress boom started and people keep getting told by the mattress companies to just get rid of/keep any mattresses they want to return for flaws or wrong sizes or whatever. bedbug warning on this obviously
19. sheets and towels. you gotta launder them obviously
20. basic clothing, especially for kids. normie type clothing is so numerous people often just throw them away because they can't get anyone to take them
21. kitchenware like cooking utensils and pots n pans. don't use chipped or scratched Teflon/nonstick if you can help it. everyone needs one basic steel chef knife, which can be sharpened and maintained indefinitely. people throw these away CONSTANTLY
22. household consumables like laundry soap and dish soap. people often accidentally buy the wrong brand, scent, or develop allergies and want to get rid of extra
23. pet supplies like collars, leashes, dog crates, litter boxes, litter itself, dog beds, toys, carriers, etc
24. medical equipment of all kinds. people who take care of all kinds of patients end up with tons of leftover, sealed, miscellaneous stuff when that person recovers or dies, and they often give it away. adult diapers, hospital beds, IV stands, crutches, walkers, wheelchairs, fracture boots and splints, knee braces, canes, catheter packs, ice packs, heat packs, sterile paper sheeting, gauze, slings, over-the-door stretching and rehab pulleys, mattress protectors, etc
25. washers and dryers, both the basic household cube type and the small twin tub or rock tumbler type. people upgrade these when the old ones are still working, just squeaky or a little weird or sometimes just old
26. vacuum cleaners. secondhand ones are sort of icky but you can get rid of the ickiness by wiping them down with a rag and isopropyl alcohol inside and out. use an exacto or utility knife to slice off the hair and string wrapped around the roller. buy a new filter on Amazon. people throw away vacuums that work perfectly all the time because they don't actually know how to clean them out or do maintenance. bedbug and pet hair warning obviously
27. microwaves
28. refrigerators
30. lamps
31. any kind of exercise equipment including stationary bikes, ellipticals and weights/weight benches
32. any kind of piano. there's a grand on my local Craigslist for free rn
33. scrap wood and lumber
34. pallets
35. wood shipping crates
36. newborn, toddler and baby equipment like breast milk pumps and storage, bottles, bottle racks, diapers, etc. anything a little guy will grow out of fast will end up being given away
37. air conditioners, humidifiers and dehumidifiers. these will be most numerous during their respective off seasons
list updated 2/13/24 based on recent Craigslist trawling
38. jars, both canning type jars and clean food jars like from pickled or jelly bought at the store
39. rugs. most of my rugs are sidewalk finds. rugs will almost always be dirty. a decent consumer grade rug cleaner costs under $100, it's cheaper to just buy one if you have the space to store it. flushing the scavenged rug with soap, hot water, vinegar, alcohol, etc will clean almost anything but huge bedbug and allergen warning on this item
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mrs-dr-reid · 7 months
In the Still of the Night
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Pairing: Aaron Hotcher x Fem!Reader
Summary: Aaron and the Reader are relishing in the first night with their newborn baby
Genre: Tooth rotting fluff, babes.
Warnings: Newborn Dad!Hotch. That's a warning in and of itself. Also potentially inaccurate depictions of post-birth protocol at hospitals, brief mentions of breast feeding, and other stuff I can't think of right now
A/N: Inspired by this prompt for @imagining-in-the-margins's Kid Fic Challenge: "Character witnesses a quiet moment with their partner and their baby during a night feeding", and title taken from the song by The Five Satins of the same name. Nursery image is AI generated.
Word Count: 1578
Aaron never thought this day would come, but as he snuck glances in the rearview mirror at his wife watching their newborn daughter sleeping in the backseat (while he went as far under the speed limit as he could go without getting pulled over), he realized he finally had what he’d been waiting for: his beautiful baby girl. He’d been counting down the minutes until he could meet his baby since Y/N had told him she was pregnant, and now she was finally here.
Jocelyn Amelia Hotchner, his daughter, was born at 2:37 am on March 11, 2015. She was 20 inches tall, and she weighed 7 pounds and 3 ounces of pure love and joy. The second the team found out Y/N had gone into labor, they took over the hospital waiting room and stayed the entire time so they could be the first to know the gender, because both Aaron and Y/N had agreed they wanted it to be a surprise. Y/N had handled giving birth like a champ, and the usually stoic Aaron promptly started crying the second little Jocelyn was laid on his bare chest for contact bonding.
It was well into the wee hours of the morning when Aaron came to find them (Y/N had to kick him out of the hospital room so he’d go and tell everyone the news face to face because if he’d had it his way, he would have just texted the group chat and stayed by her side for the rest of the night), and they all instantly stood up when they saw him standing there. Tears came to his eyes, and he managed to choke out, “It’s a girl!”, before the team swarmed him in a hug and offered their congratulations.
Y/N and Jocelyn had to stay at the hospital for 24 hours for observation, during which Jessica brought Jack to meet his brand new sister (whom he instantly fell in love with), but once they were given the all-clear, Aaron wasted no time getting his two best girls in the car and driving them home. It was just after 3 am when they pulled into the driveway, and Aaron turned off the car before turning around in his seat to look at Y/N, who was gazing at Jocelyn’s sleeping face with just as much love in her eyes as there was on their wedding day. He said, “Y/N, Honey, we’re home,” in a voice barely above a whisper because he didn’t want to wake the baby, so Y/N said, “Okay,” then carefully undid her seatbelt and the one securing Jocelyn’s car seat before getting out of the car.
Hotch grabbed the car seat, then followed Y/N up the front steps and into the house, tears threatening to flow when he realized this was the first night his daughter would be sleeping in her crib. He set the car seat on the floor, and Y/N instantly swooped in to unfasten Jocelyn and bring her upstairs to the nursery, Aaron following right behind her just in case (his Doting Husband and Father Mode™ has been dialed up to 11 since Y/N hit her second trimester).
When they first started prepping the nursery, Aaron was a tad bit skeptical when Y/N commissioned Penelope to paint a map of the US above the crib, but when Y/N explained her idea to put a glow-in-the-dark star sticker on whatever state he ends up in when he’s away on a case so he could technically be watching over the baby no matter where in the country he was, Aaron was too overcome with adoration to disagree with her. Now, as he watched his wife lay their daughter down to sleep in her crib, he felt that same surge of pride and love flow through him.
Despite being barely a day old, Jocelyn somehow already knew that crying in the middle of the night was a requirement because less than two hours after she was put to bed, Y/N woke up to the sound of her daughter’s wailings through the baby monitor. She let out a sigh, then slid out of bed and padded down the hallway to the nursery. She switched on the salt rock lamp Spencer had given them for a baby shower gift, and the second Jocelyn laid eyes on her mother, her cries lessened but didn’t go away completely, so Y/N cooed, “Oh, come here, My Little Love. Mama’s got you,” while lifting her from the crib and bringing her over to the rocking chair.
The second she sat down, Jocelyn immediately started mouthing on Y/N’s shirt over her breast, so Y/N laughed softly and said, “Okay, Hungry Girl, let’s get some milk in your belly,” before pulling down her sleep shirt and helping Jocelyn latch on. For a while, they just sat there together; Jocelyn eating and Y/N rocking back and forth in the chair while softly humming “Baby Mine” from Dumbo. Aaron, on the other hand, woke up to use the restroom and realized his wife wasn’t beside him. He only worried for a second because then he heard her soothing voice floating out of the baby monitor.
He smiled to himself, then rolled out of bed and walked as quietly as he could down the hall to poke his head into the nursery, and his heart melted all over again at the sight of Y/N feeding baby Jocelyn, the warm yellow light of the salt rock lamp making her look almost ethereal and the gentle white noise of her humming lulling the little girl back to sleep. Aaron let out a soft chuckle at the scene, and Y/N shifted her gaze up from her daughter’s sleeping face to see her husband in the doorway with a loving smile on his face.
She smiled right back and whispered, “Go back to sleep, My Love. I’ve got this,” but Aaron just shook his head and whispered back, “I wouldn’t miss this for the world,” before pulling the little pouf near the dresser over to the chair so he could be closer to his girls. Y/N rolled her eyes lovingly, but kept rocking Jocelyn regardless and whispered, “Is Jess bringing Jack home today?”, so Aaron replied, “Yeah, she said she’d pick him up from school and bring him back here,” in the same hushed tone, making Y/N nod and say, “Good. I’ve missed him,” before turning her attention back to her daughter, who was starting to make little disgruntled sounds while clenching her tiny fists.
Y/N tried to soothe her, but nothing seemed to be working until Aaron said, “Are you grumpy, Sweet Pea?”, and tickled her foot with his index finger, which instantly made her stop making noises. When neither Y/N nor Aaron did anything for a few seconds, Jocelyn started fussing again, so Y/N said, “Ah, okay. She wants Dada,” then started to slide the little girl into her father’s arms. The second Aaron had her held against his chest, she went completely silent save for a content coo here and there, which made Y/N giggle and say, “There we go, happy baby,” a chuckle escaping Aaron at that sentiment. He stood up and walked around the room with her while he said, “Yeah? You just needed some Daddy Time?”, and Jocelyn let out a sleepy baby noise before nuzzling into his chest, making tears come to his eyes before he kissed the mop of messy dark hair on top of her head.
Y/N draped a burp rag over his shoulder, then she said, “Would you mind burping her before you put her back down?”, and Aaron replied, “Not at all. Go on back to bed, Honey. I can handle it from here,” so Y/N smiled at him gratefully before pressing a gentle kiss to his lips, smoothing a hand over Jocelyn’s messy hair with a whisper of, “Sweet dreams, My Little Love,” then wandering back to their bedroom with a barely suppressed yawn. He smiled as he watched her go, then turned his attention back to his daughter, who let out a yawn-hiccup combo.
Aaron burped her like Y/N had asked, then once he’d done that, he walked a few more laps around the nursery while gently bouncing Jocelyn and talking about whatever he could think of in the softest voice he could manage until she fell back asleep. He placed her in her crib, and when she curled up into a ball and grabbed onto the tail of the stuffed squirrel Penelope had gotten them, he smiled and whispered, “Goodnight, Sweet Pea,” before switching off the salt rock lamp and exiting the nursery as quietly as he could.
He used the bathroom like he’d originally intended, then slipped back under the covers and held his wife as close to him as was humanly possible. Aaron whispered, “I love you. Thank you for our daughter,” into Y/N’s hair, not knowing she was still awake until she squeezed his hand where it rested against her stomach and whispered back, “I love you more. Thank you for our son,” before snuggling impossibly closer to him. His breath caught in his throat, and a smile came to his face before he kissed the top of her head and let the sweet caress of sleep overtake him.
CM Taglist: @homoose, @libraryofloveletters, @xgoldentigerlilyx, @less-intelligent-spencerreid, @boketto2-0, @aryaarathornson, @spoookymuulders, @nomajdetective
Let me know in the comments if you want to be added
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fandom · 2 years
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This is Toby Fox’s website and we’re just living on it. For more than seven years, his games have cast a spell on Tumblr, stealing the hearts of fans with their winning combination of storytelling, innovative gameplay, and characters filled with heart and determination. Our first look at Toby’s world of monsters and humans came in 2015 when Undertale was released. We learned the meaning of mercy and that while talking through conflict might not be the easiest path, it’s always the right one. When the first chapter of Deltarune came out in 2018, absolute chaos ensued. We met Kris, Susie, and Ralsei and set off on a brand new adventure where you fell in love with the Undertale universe all over again.
The second chapter came as a complete surprise and was one of the best gifts Tumblr received in the past year. You immediately latched onto the continuation of some of the best lore in gaming and memed the living heck out of it. You also spammed our dashes with a tiny little man in pink and yellow sunglasses—so much so that he ended up becoming the #1 video game character on all of Tumblr this year. Spamton had a chance to become a [[big shot!]] and, boy, did he take it. 
And he wasn’t the only new character Deltarune threw into the mix. As a game with a combat system based almost entirely (if you’re playing correctly) on social interactions, its characters are key. They're relatable and make you want to root for them. Even, and often especially, for the bad guys. We can almost hear you yelling, “I can fix him!” into the void, and we believe you! Remember that one time you talked about the Deltarune villain, Queen, so much you skewed the tag data for one of the biggest bands of all time and the actual Queen of England? We sure do. And when Noelle Holiday joined the party, your team was finally complete.
This year marked the first anniversary of Deltarune’s second chapter, and you celebrated with every post type Tumblr has to offer. You survived the Tumblr Sexyman poll and the Spamton Sweepstakes, and for that, you all deserve the shiniest gold ribbon.
All of this to say that Toby Fox wins Tumblr. Undertale, for Tumblr, was a total cultural reset, and its impact is still felt even seven years later. It first appeared on our weekly video games list way back on September 21, 2015, just days after the game’s release—and it has been on every single list but one since then. So we’ve always known that Deltarune would find a loving home on Tumblr, and it truly has been so loved.
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dduane · 1 year
wait, you co-wrote WHAT??? I’ve followed you since 2015 and I had no idea you ever worked on anything barbie related.
…how did you get involved in that, anyways, it seems fairly out of your usual wheelhouse?
(chuckle) I am, and was even two decades ago, an experienced screenwriter (and former animation story editor) with a strong background of working in/creating worlds for children/young adults. My screen agent in L.A. (gods rest her hardworking soul) was as usual looking out for work for me, and when she realized Mattel was hunting for someone to help develop this property, she said to them "I've got just the writer for you right here." And so she had. :)
Here's the problem, as usual: my readerships / viewerships are wildly fragmented. The Young Wizards fans often have no idea about all that Star Trek.* The Trek fans don't know about all the animation work. The readers of my short and long fiction don't usually know about the computer games, or the assorted live action TV and film. Etc., etc.
(shrug) ...This is what happens when you Follow Your Heart and jump into interesting new work when people offer it to you, instead of attempting to slavishly Brand Yourself. Most of the TV and film stuff is here (though still not all the Hanna-Barbera credits: I've got to look into that...). For those interested in what else might be going on, the best bet is to go over to DianeDuane.com, pull down the "Works" menu, and rummage around.
*Last time we took an inventory, it looked like I've written Star Trek in more formats than anyone else alive: TV, audio, books, computer games, comics, manga. The only significant one I'm missing is film, but somehow I doubt I'll be able to fill that gap before I fall over. That's all right: I've got other fish to fry. :)
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lucystark12 · 1 month
what are you thinking, finn wolfhard?
everything i'm about to say aligns with my finn wolfhard is a genius agenda.
it was just made apparent to me that not only did finn wolfhard film it 2017 before season two, but he filmed his scenes as boris in the goldfinch literally DAYS before filming season three. this is extremely hard for me to conceptualize. but it also makes me think about finn wolfhard himself who obviously knows the truth about mike wheeler's sexuality. if byler is as deep seeded as we want it to be, odds are that finn knew what was up from the beginning. which makes a girl think- did he know the same about richie tozier when he first played him in 2017?
lets look at richie a bit.
richie is obviously gay. i will not be taking arguments on this. i'm reading a reddit thred right now where people are debating it and i'm like- are you kidding me. but he wasn't gay in the source material. stephen king has stated as much in a vanity fair article. though he calls andy muscetti's choice "genius" (which it is, btw), he makes it clear that it wasn't his intention. it's explicitly clear in it chapter 2, and being wired like a byler shipper, i was able to suss it out in the first movie, but was that andy muscetti's intention to begin with?
there are many ways this change can be interpreted. assuming that it wasn't something that was explicitly written into the original character description for richie in the first movie, you could see this as something that was put in as a sign of the times, a statement if you will. it chapter one was written in 2015-2016 while we were still under obama's presidency, one that saw drastic improvements for the quality of life of a gay person in america. it chapter two was written during trump's presidency and could have been trying to brand itself as a statement of sorts. i only say this because as far as i can find (and PLEASE tell me if i'm wrong) there wasn't nearly as much evidence hinting at richie's sexuality in the first movie as there is for mike or will to use a relevant example.
the idea that finn wolfhard could have gone straight from it filming (summer of 2016) to stranger things filming (early november 2016) just having played a character who he knows was in the closet and in love with his best friend in the 80s could open up new interpretation to mke in season two. oddly, the reason i bring this up is because richie tozier to me is the mirror image of a kid i was friends with in middle school. they acted the same, they even weirdly looked and dressed the same. the only time i've ever made the comparison between middle school kid and mike wheeler was during season two, specifically in the scene where max leaves them the note, which leads me to believe that he could have carried other things over from other aspects of the it production.
season two isn't what really concerns me though. i'm looking more at season three. the goldfinch only moved to production in albuquerque in april of 2018, which is obviously where finn wolfhard filmed all of his scenes. however, stranger things 3 started production on april 23rd, 2018, which means there might have even been crossover between finn's shooting dates if not at least a very short gap of time between them. it chapter 2 was filmed that same summer likely with some of it's own crossover with stranger things three dates. finn wolfhard's lack of scenes in the second movie are probably what made this possible, but the scenes that he did have tackled very delicate topics that had to be handled with care. most actors get their scripts for minor roles like this a few weeks out from filming, which means that finn could have had his scripts for it chapter 2 that very explicitly make it clear that he's gay during filming for stranger things 3.
so here he is with one gay character right before season 3 and one right after. he knows how to handle these things, which means that every move he's making, especially in season three, is most likely intentional, especially if he knows this far in advance about mike's sexuality. i think it's totally feasible that he does. i'm fifteen and i understand what was happening between byler during the fight scene, finn was sixteen and, being a part of this show, probably understood what was going on too even if he wasn't outright told. doing justice to a season like this when he was also having to figure out scenes like the boreo taxi scene or the arcade scene with henry bower's cousin or r + e was probably at the forefront of his mind.
in conclusion, i just have one question:
what does this mean, finn wolfhard?
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Today, on August 24th, 1975 – Queen Story!
Queen starts recording ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ at Rockfield studio’s in Galles.
- Ultimate Classic Rock, August 24, 2015
by Eduardo Rivadavia
If you were to write a history of the recording studio and, specifically, its usefulness as a laboratory for musicians' most ambitious creations, then an entire chapter might well be devoted to "Bohemian Rhapsody." The members of Queen began recording the song on Aug. 24, 1975, redefining the known limits of popular music in the process.
Suffice to say that, whatever Chuck Berry had in mind when he asked Beethoven to roll over, "Bohemian Rhapsody"'s jaw-dropping pastiche of rock and opera sure wasn't it. But then, Queen's flamboyant and unpredictable brand of art rock had been simultaneously stumping and amazing all those who'd heard it well before "Bohemian Rhapsody" came along. It continually morphed over the first three albums of the group's career, until 1974's Sheer Heart Attack started connecting all the dots.
During the first months of 1975, Queen toured the U.S. as headliners for the first time (alternately supported by Styx and Kansas), making their first trip to Japan (where they received a Beatlemania-type reception), and, in singer Freddie Mercury's case, receiving the prestigious Ivor Novello Award for his work on "Killer Queen."
All of these accomplishments no doubt boosted the band's confidence (and courage) as they started working on new material, both in unison and individually, for the album they would soon name A Night at the Opera. This was to be produced by their engineer Roy Thomas Baker, and it's safe to say neither band nor producer could have guessed what Mercury had up his sleeve as he started cobbling together both new ideas and spare song parts he'd been lugging around for years in the privacy of his Kensington apartment.
According to Baker, in an interview with Sound on Sound, his first inkling of what was in store only came when he visited Queen's singer at his home, and Mercury first played him "Bohemian Rhapsody"'s initial ballad section, concluding it by casually quipping, "And this is where the opera section comes in!" Mercury, Taylor and the other members of Queen -- guitarist Brian May, bassist John Deacon and drummer Roger Taylor -- then entered the studio following three weeks of rehearsal to help bring Freddie's madcap magnum opus to life.
Together, the foursome and their studio hands spent as much time arranging, re-arranging, adding, subtracting, and adding some more to "Bohemian Rhapsody"'s bulk as most bands of the time spent on entire albums. In the end, Mercury's central ballad wound up preceded by one of Queen's patented, multi-tracked a capella choirs and was followed by a tasteful solo from May, a minute-long opera section, then a heavy metal instrumental passage and finally a reprise of the core melody, fading gently back into wherever it came from.
All these years later, it's the song's operatic climax that remains its most stunning, almost superhuman, accomplishment, as it required them to clock as 10-to-12 hour days over a three-week period. They reportedly needed nearly 200 vocal overdubs in order to flesh out an entire choir. And then, when they were finally done, their label EMI was, to put it mildly, quite unimpressed.
Although, to be fair, the suits' reasons were typically business-oriented, as "Bohemian Rhapsody's" edged close to the six-minute mark, well beyond the limit favored by commercial radio. Instead, the label suggested they release Deacon's excellent "You're My Best Friend" as first single from A Night at the Opera, but Queen wouldn't hear of it, and it only took a moment for the immediate support of DJs across Britain to prove EMI wrong.
Released in the U.K. on Oct. 31, 1975, "Bohemian Rhapsody" would be No. 1 by Christmas and then hold the spot for nine weeks. Its commercial fortunes were undoubtedly helped by the pioneering music video shot by Queen to stand in for them on Top of the Pops while they were already back on tour by the time they were invited to appear. Meanwhile, their single was also on its way to No. 1 in Canada, New Zealand, the Netherlands and Belgium, earning Top 10 honors in multiple other countries and peaking at No. 9 in America, where it eventually became a million-seller.
"Bohemian Rhapsody" stands as one of the best-selling songs in rock history, prone to repeat visits to global charts anytime it is revived for a movie, commercial or other event, and frankly unique as nothing since has come close to matching its sheer heights of excess, bravura, and, oh yeah, inspiration.
(Source ↘️ https://ultimateclassicrock.com/queen-bohemian-rhapsody/)
📸 Pic: 1975 - Recording 'A Night At The Opera' album with co- producer Roy Thomas Baker
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cupcakeslushie · 3 months
What type of tablet would you suggest for art? I have done traditional drawing and want to start some digital art.
I’m not the best to ask for tablets. I use an iPad, and I used to use a Wacom back when I was in college. But I know there’s been a huge boom in higher quality tablets for much cheaper as the technology has progressed since then. I just haven’t happened to try any myself, so I can’t recommend anything besides those two devices. Wacom is of course an industry standard at a lot of places, but that doesn’t mean they’re the best for someone just starting out. I’d say try to google the top tablets, and then look on YouTube for reviewers based off those. Just keep an open mind, most expensive, doesn’t always mean best.
Some tablets have screens, which is nice, but you’ll have to think about if that’s a necessary feature you need, or if you’d rather sacrifice that feature for a cheaper one without. Everyone’s needs are so different, and at different points in their journey. The tablet I first started on was a rinky dink, five by five square that had two little buttons and horrible pen pressure (but that was back in 2005. Pretty much anything you can get now would probably be much better lmao).
If you’re just starting out, it might be best to start simple.
*edit* I do wanna say, cause I re-read what I wrote and thought I might’ve sounded harsh on Wacom, but I’m not at all hating. My tablet is from 2015. I pulled it out the other day, and it still worked fine. It’s industry standard for a reason. I was more just trying to say it’s an expensive brand because you’re paying for the name, and to be aware there might be cheaper options that are just as good. Just wanted to add that!
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bon2bonn · 9 months
Driver profile : Y/N L/N
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Name : Y/N M/N M/L/N
Nicknames : N/N , bella , demon spawn, amour , love , sprout.
Nicknames by fans : Valkyrie, the unofficial official grid mom , Merc queen, red bull princess, angel, f2 grid mom , stargirl .
Age : I estimated her to be around 27 (it's not fixed so you can change it to whatever you like)
Birthday : 23 . October . (Same thing , you can put yours or any other date🤷🏻‍♀️)
Birthplace : Sydney, Australia
Blood type : B+
Languages : fluent in English, french + (language of choice) , basic Dutch , Spanish , and a little bit of Arabic.
Resident : between Monaco, London, New York and Sydney.
Personality : spitfire on track , a power that install fear in the hearts of every team and any driver she's up against , believes in actions and hard work rather than words spewed around , so if you have the balls and nerves to poke her , you better have the results to back you up or you won't see the end of it from her or her fans or the rest of the grid .
Known as The grid keeper/ no#1 mom who keeps them in line but could be found in the midst of chaos leading them with their antics and pranks . off track , she's an introverted small bean that can scare the daylight out of you if you rubbed her the wrong way, shy and closed off is the first impression that everyone gets when meeting her but once you get to know her she's the sweetest and most genuine/spontaneous person you'll ever meet , her RBF hides a gentle kind soul , that makes her the best person to give comfort and assurance even if she denies it. Protective bear of her loved ones and won't stop at anything till she make sure they're okay. She either acts like an old lady that complains about her back and knees , or like a little kid on a sugar rush , it's a normal day to find her around the grid at the most confusing places : climbing motorhomes just because/hiding behind tyres while everyone lose their minds trying to find her /sleeping in an ice tup cause she got too comfortable.
Habits: play with her hands when nervous, pout unconsciously when she's too focused on something, pick at her fingers when uncomfortable/stressed (if close , Charles would give her one of his rings to play with , or others would let her play with their fingers to distract her) , jumps whenever she gets exited, tilt her head when confused, clenches her fists/jaw when she gets irritated ( the guys knows when to interfere to stop her from beating someone), sings/humms absentmindedly through her day , do a little dance when happy, talks to herself in a quiet voice.
Occupation :
Former Formula 1 driver
Years of work : (2015-2022)
Racing biography 🏎️ :
*‌Toro Rosso :
2015 alongside : Max Verstappen #33.
2016 alongside : Carlos Sainz #55.
*‌Renault(alpine) : 2017 alongside : Nico Hülkenberg #27.
*‌Alpha Romeo(sauber) : 2018 alongside : Charles leclerc #16.
‌*Mercedes AMG Petronas F1 team : 2019 - July 2022 alongside : Lewis Hamilton #44.
• CEO/founder of Ingrid and willows brand (2018-now) .
• CEO and representative of L/N international corps (2022-now) .
•reserved driver for (RBR) Red Bull Racing (2023) .
Hobbies/skills : reading, playing piano, camping, hiking, cooking in general (loves backing) , painting specially with her youngest brother, singing, fast learner , have a very strong memory , is a pro at reading people and could tell their emotions and can almost alway tell when someone's lying , skilled stealthy prankster when provoked (by lando and max)..... .etc .
Family members :
‌father : f/N l/N .
‌mother : m/N M/l/N .
‌older brother: Edward l/N .
‌younger brother: Thomas l/N
Father :
Name : F/N M/N l/N
Occupation: CEO/founder of L/N international corps.
Social status: single father of (Edward , Y/N , Thomas l/N ).
Resident: London , UK.
Name : M/N M/l/N
Occupation: not found.
Social status: not found.
Status: alive .
Resident : Rome, Italy.
Name : Edward/Eddie M/N l/N
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Age : 30
Occupation: CEO/founder of wildonwall (a worldwide known professional architectural company that deals in designing/building and supervising projects around the world).
Social Status: married to ( Alison Graham ) , father of two (one boy : Marcus/Marc , one girl : Ingrid/gigi ).
Resident: London , UK.
Name : Thomas/Tommy/ben M/N l/N
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Age : 22
Occupation: student of fine arts , Oxford university.
Social status: a single Pringle who don't know how to mingle.
Resident: Monte Carlo , Monaco - London , UK.
Facts and background infos :
‌she's the only daughter of the L/N family , but chose to race with her grandmother's maiden name instead . She wanted to establish herself away from her father's name .
‌very independent , and mature beyond her age .‌
she's the backbone of her family, both her brothers and father own it to her for helping them through their lives .
‌she had a complicated relationship with her mother to say the least, she was the one who suffered the most when she left .
‌her parents split up when she was only 5 . her mom walked away leaving them with her baby brother who was barely months old .
‌her mother tried to forcefully take Eddie (the eldest) along with her while their father was out with Tommy, but he refused to part from his sister , resulting in a very traumatic day for the two kids.
‌she watched her dad as he struggled with taking care of them three , feeling like a failure who couldn't tend to his own children.
‌so she took it up on herself to help him take care, comfort and nurture her baby brother.
‌he tried to get her to live her age but she won't stop worrying about her brother and he won't settle unless she's close .
‌just hearing her voice got him from screaming his lungs out to cooing and giggling.
‌their bond only grew stronger as they grew up .
‌he was at his best behaviour when she's around, forgetting about the tantrums and wailing matches he had with his traumatized babysitter who quit the moment their father came back home .
‌her childhood wasn't the most ideal but she got her family with her and that was more than enough for her.
‌her dad was more than relieved when she finally had interest in something other than studying or taking care of them .
‌he watched as her love for racing grow untill he offered to take her to her first grand Prix.
‌she didn't sleep for days after .
‌daniel was her first friend in the sport .
‌they met through one of her uncles friends back in Australia , both didn't like eachother at all .
she was the quiet observing kid and he was the bouncing ball of energy , but they bonded through their love for racing .
‌she moved to Europe (between UK and France) with her dad where she found more suitable competitions to partake in, but she tried to keep in touch with him through the years , but they both got busy and lost connection.
‌she kept to herself and worked hard to build her skills.
Maintaining a healthy balance between her studies and racing .
‌untill she met some of the kids older/close to her age , most didn't take her seriously and even encouraged her to drop racing . But she also met little max .
Both acknowledged the other but kept their distance on the beginning.
‌the boy was blunt and she was unfazed.
‌they respected the other hard work and we're motivated to beat eachother at every race.
‌they surprisingly became best friends with time .
‌both acting too mature for their own good but unknowingly, they both got eachother to act their age as they grew closer .
‌they gave eachother tips and pointers as they sat away from the others before every race they were in together .
‌he'd talk her ears off after every race explaining every detail and every corner and she'd patiently listen to him , adding her own opinion here and there .
‌they were at eachother neck every race, but their friendship was as strong as it could be.
‌they celebrated the winner and encouraged the loser , both hated to lose , but they raced fairly.
‌she got discovered by Christian , and found her way to red bull academy program, Max a year after her .
‌and guess who's there ? Daniel Joseph Ricciardo.
‌they reunited after years , both inseparable even more when she got a seat at Toro rosso .
‌the team was on the brink of a collective breakdown, they already had Seb to worry about , now add those two with Max?
‌cue chaos and mischief , sirens going off with Seb laughing and Christian screaming in the background.
‌fernando saw her and declared war upon whoever dares to hurt this small bean .
Forming a small protection squad (more like him forcing Seb Kimi and Jenson to participate)
Kimi got robbed into it , he didn't even know until he found himself along with the others planning to slash a reporter tires for calling her slow and ignorant .
He thought they were getting coffee !?!! .
‌she was supposed to move to red bull in 2016 but Marko opposed, max was promoted instead, and she left to Renault the following season.
‌in 2018 she moved to alpha Romeo (saubar) alongside Charles leclerc .
Rookie Charles was low-key scared of her , he knew her from their carting days but still felt uneasy with her quiet personality and focused mentality.
The first time they met was a disaster at it's finest.
But she knew how tense and overwhelmed rookies could be in their first season so she tried her best to help him through it .
‌it was an exhausting season but they both survived .
Charles moved to Ferrari and her to Mercedes.
‌Toto offered her a Merc seat for 2019 .
‌lewis had his share of teammates and it didn't end well to say the least with his former friend/teammate (RIP brocedes) or valtteri after .
‌so when she first came in it didn't go well for her .
‌both her and Lewis are hardheaded and closed off, refusing to acknowledge the other Or give in to know eachother.
‌they stayed professional and moved out of the other's way, untill she came around, finding him in the back of his driver's room, sitting on the floor , his head on his hands after a shitty with a dnf .
‌she kept quiet and sat down with him letting him have his moment of silence but assuring he don't have to be alone .
‌after an hour or so, she took out her phone , showing him her family dog pics and videos , getting him to crack a smile and even few laughs before she let him talk about his own Roscoe, promising to let her meet him when they go to Silverstone.
‌the roles reversed when he found her in an empty office at the back of the garage , she got an earful from Toto and couldn't get a word in , her notes are always dismissed and her engineer wasted time until it's too late to listen.
‌he sat beside her, letting her lean on his shoulder in a way of comfort , letting her play with his rings to calm down.
‌they built a support system . and it resulted in building a solid foundation for a dynamic team.
But that won't mean she'll let her work go to waste because of the team's orders.
... : Y/N.
Y/N : yes?
James : Y/N, This is James, listen.....
Y/N : no James! You listen! Just because..........
Her radio messages never disappoint.
Yeah they give her a hard time , but they didn't know what was waiting for them .
She adapted quickly to the new team and their methods of work , it went as well as it could be up to 2021 .
Shit hit the fan and she almost die/quit .
But she stayed put , ending the season in 3d 🥉.
2022 things moved up a little, with her chances of getting the championship almost equalling Max's, him being ahead with only 24 point .
But Mercedes had their own plans.
Mid-season change in plans Leading to her leaving/getting replaced with George Russell , concluding her journey with Mercedes AMG team.
*Let me know if I missed something ✨
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wintfleur · 2 months
⚘ ˖˙𓈒ִֶָ☾.˙ ᰋ ── WHERE’D ALL THE TIME GO?
aka ophelia’s timeline
━━━ ❛ it’s starting to fly
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april 11th, 2002: ophelia is born on a bright and sunny Thursday afternoon in Vernon, British Columbia.
may 9th, 2006: ophelia (4) takes her first ballet class
2008 - 2013: early childhood / elementary school
august 2010: ophelia (8) joined the soccer team and met her now best friend Amber Jameson; they have been inseparable since.
october 2013: ophelia (11) got an ankle injury during a soccer game and sadly had to quit the sport. Her love for ballet was stronger and she didn't want to risk not being able to dance again.
She had to stop dancing for the rest of the year so her ankle could heal, it was miserable for her.
2013 - 2016: start of her teenage years / middle school
march 2015: ophelia (12) joined the theater club and helped make the costumes for their play, in turn finding her love for fashion designing.
april 2016: ophelia (13) went to get her photos taken for her ballet portfolio and was approached by a teen modeling agency.
summer 2016: ophelia (14) went to south korea for a ballet summer intensive program.
She was housed by a sweet family, where she met one of her bestest friends seunghan and his younger brother park sunghoon who is her age. Seunghan is a fellow ballet dancer and went to the training camp with her.
Ophelia became very close with the family, only becoming closer with them as the years go by, she's an honorary park! Seunghan’s parents think of her as their own child and his little sister thinks of her as her big sis!
2016 - 2020: teen years / high school / start of her modeling career
december 2016: Ophelia (14) was on the cover of pointe magazine.
june 2017: ophelia (15) won first place in the Helsinki international ballet competition, in juniors for women.
august 2017: ophelia finished her first wedding dress that she made for her cousin's wedding.
may 2018: ophelia (16) won first place in the american ballet competition
july 2018: ophelia won first place in the varna international ballet competition
was invited to be on jimmy fallon after her win.
february 2019: ophelia (17) made her debut by walking the catwalk and attending the New York fashion week.
may 29th - june 2, 2019: ophelia walked and attended the miami fashion week
september 2019: ophelia walked and attended the paris fashion week
october 9th 2019: the creation of ophelia's youtube channel
Ophelia created her youtube channel so she could have another way to communicate and become closer with her fans.
She mainly posted vlogs of her days as a model and a ballet dancer, and her just traveling and doing random activities with her friends.
december 2019: ophelia walked and attended the NYFW: December pre-fall and fall-winter, fashion week.
february 2020: ophelia walked and attended london's fashion week, fall-winter.
Ophelia meets Ryan James, a fellow model, they exchanged numbers and Ophelia then got in a relationship with him in may.
June 2020: Ophelia (18) graduated highschool with honors.
july 2020: ophelia moved into her apartment/loft in manhattan, New York. With her best friend seunghan.
Throughout 2016 - 2020 ophelia modeled for many different high end brands, her favorites being Dior, Dolce and Gabbana, and GQ.
She was given the nickname “the next model it girl” for her sudden dominating presence in the modeling world.
september 2020: ophelia (18) starts her first year at juilliard
february 23 - march 1st 2020: ophelia walked and attended milan’s fashion week
march 2 - 9th 2020: ophelia walked and attend paris fashion week
Throughout the rest of the year ophelia really focused on her ballet career, putting modeling to the side, and focusing on her studies.
march 2021: ophelia (19) won the Youth America Grand Prix (YAGP)
may 2021: ophelia won first place in the american ballet competition
july 2021: ophelia won first place in the varna international ballet competition
for the rest of the year, Ophelia modeled for many different brands, but she really just focused on her ballet career and getting more known in the fashion design world.
2022 : breakup era
april 11th 2022: Ophelia (20) broke up with Ryan after finding out he has been cheating on her for many months.
april, may, june, july 2022: ophelia took a break from anything that evolved with modeling during those months, trying to heal from her breakup. Throwing herself into training, practices, and her studies.
august 2022: ophelia modeled for celine as her comeback into modeling
was invited back on the jimmy fallon show where they talked about what she's been up to, the celine shoot, and her comeback to modeling
october 6-9th 2022: ophelia walked and attended los angeles fashion week
november 2022: ophelia was interviewed by WIRED where she talked about ballet and modeling and her love for fashion design
2023: meeting jack
march 3rd 2023: curtis gets traded to the new jersey devils
march 28th 2023: ophelia and Jack meet for the first time at a club and share a kiss.
april 18th 2023: ophelia joins curtis out at a bar to meet some of his teammates, and she sees jack for the first time since the club.
they keep what happened at the bar to themselves (besides Jack freaking out about it to Luke), and pretend to just meet each other for the first time.
april 25th 2023: ophelia and jack run into each other at a bar, things escalate and jack ends up bringing her back to his place where they hook up for the first time.
the next morning they talk about what happened, and how they need to keep what happened between them a secret. They want to keep seeing each other, so they decide to become friends with benefits.
july 2023: ophelia models for calvin klein
july 17th 2023: jack confesses his feelings to ophelia after 3 months of being friends with benefits.
Ophelia didn't take it well and left his apartment in haste (girly was afraid of her feelings and commitment) and they didn't talk for two weeks.
july 31st 2023: ophelia goes to jack’s apartment where she apologizes and asks him on a date.
august 1st 2023: jack and ophelia have there first date and officially start dating (secretly)
november 6th 2023: curtis holds a dinner at his home for his teammates, curtis finds jack and ophelia kissing in the garage and did not take it well.
curtis gives her an ultimatum ‘him or me’ in a moment of anger and that leads to ophelia not talking to either of them for a week, locking herself in her apartment.
november 14th 2023: curtis comes to see her early in the day to apologize for his reaction and what he said, later in the day jack comes to see her and they have a sweet moment, happy that everything is now okay between them.
january 12th 2024: ophelia and jack said i love you for the first time
january 24-28 2024: ophelia walked and attended miami fashion week
february 9-14th 2024: ophelia attended new york fashion week fall-winter
february 16th 2024: ophelia and jack's relationship is exposed to the media when videos and pictures of them at the njd’s family skate go viral.
february 26th - march 5th 2024: ophelia walked and attended paris fashion week
may 2024: ophelia did the 73 questions with vogue
june 2024: ophelia did the “10 things I can't live without’ with GQ
may 6th 2024: ophelia (22) attended the met gala for the first time
ophelia did a get ready with me / last looks with vogue for the met
june 2024: ophelia did diary of a model with vogue
july 2024: ophelia and jack do a couple quiz with GQ
may 2025: ophelia (23) graduates at juilliard
aka phia and jacks future
. . . to be added
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ᝰ.ᐟ 𝓇oro's note. I didn’t add every detail about her modeling and dance career in the ‘julliard and jack’ section, it would have taken forever for me to do that 😭 I will update the timeline as time goes! I hope this helps give you a better understanding about the AU >.<
au masterlist
˖ ་ feel free to send in any thoughts/requests you have !! And please let me know if you want to be added to the taglist mwah
˖ ་ taglist : @yoontwin @toasttt11 @winterbarnesblog @iceflwers @cixrosie @bunbunbl0gs
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The Two Most Iconic Wheel Standers of All Time.
Hurst Hemi Under Glass
Hurst Hemi Under Glass is the name given to a series of exhibition drag racing cars campaigned by Hurst Performance between 1965 and 1970 across North America and ended with the '68 model year.
Each wheelstander was based on the current Plymouth Barracuda for the corresponding model year. The car was so named because the fuel injected Chrysler Hemi engine was placed under the Barracuda's exceptionally large rear window. The result of the rearward weight transfer was a "wheelie" down the length of the drag strip.
The Hemi Under Glass was developed by Hurst Corporation to showcase their products in the A/FX class - precursor to funny cars. In 1965, George Hurst hired Wild Bill Shrewsberry of Mansfield, OH, an accomplished drag racer who had raced for both Mickey Thompson and Jack Chrisman. After helping to pioneer it into the first wheelstanding exhibition car, Shrewsberry left at the end of the season to pursue his own project.
For the 1966 season, Bob Riggle, who was also from Mansfield, OH and was involved with Hurst as a mechanic and fabricator became the second driver of the Hurst Hemi Under Glass car and campaigned the cars with Hurst as the sponsor until later years when the Hurst Company was sold to Sunbeam. At that point, the car ran without the Hurst logo and was simply known as the "Hemi Under Glass." Riggle's career ended in 1975 with a devastating accident at US 30 Dragway in Gary, Indiana.
Popular model kits of the car were produced in 1/32 scale by Aurora Plastics Corporation and in 1/25 scale by Model Products Corporation. A limited edition 1/18 scale diecast model of the 1966 car is currently available from Highway 61.[1]
Riggle returned to exhibition racing in 1992 with a 1966 injected version of the car and a 1968 supercharged version of the car.[2] The original 1965 car was stripped for its power train and parts in 1967 for the new Barracuda chassis/body style and no longer exists.[3][4]
While taping the June 26, 2016 episode of Jay Leno's Garage, Riggle, with Leno riding in the passenger seat, rolled a newly constructed '69 version of the Hemi Under Glass after turning sharply at the end of a wheelie run. Neither of the men were hurt, but the car sustained significant damage.[5] Leno was riding along to fulfill another item on his 'Bucket List.'
July, 2016, Mike Mantel of New Braunfels, TX was named as the new driver of the Hemi Under Glass. Mantel took over the '68 car which has the longest performing history of any Hemi Under Glass ever constructed and becomes the third official driver in the brand's 50+ year history.[6] Mantel was only 6 years old when the Hemi Under Glass first took to the track. He has a wide range of driving experience from drag cars, road race, and movie cars. Mantel's original hometown is the city of Hawthorne, CA.
Billy Lawrence Golden (December 31, 1933 – September 14, 2015),[1] nicknamed "Maverick", was an American drag racer. He is probably best known for driving the Little Red Wagon A/FX wheelstander pickup exhibition racer.
Little Red Wagon
Born in Shawnee Township, Illinois, Golden joined the US Marines and first became interested in drag racing while at Camp Pendleton.
Golden was given his "Maverick" nickname in the late 1950s by an announcer at a Southern California dragstrip, because he chose to drive an unconventional 361 cu in (5,920 cc)-powered Dodge Custom Royal. He started racing in AHRA Super Stock, driving Dodges for several years. He was one of the first drivers in AHRA S/S to successfully run an automatic transmission. In 1960, Chrysler offered to provide him parts, when he was driving a Dodge Phoenix, powered by a 330 hp (250 kW) 330 cu in (5.4 L) with twin Carter carburetors and cross-ram intake manifold; the car was capable of quarter-mile times of 13.7 seconds.
By 1962, he was a factory driver, driving an S/SA Dodge. At the 1962 AHRA Winternationals, driving his bright yellow hemi "Taxi Cab" Dodge 330, he scored a "stunning" victory over "Dyno Don" Nicholson's 409 cu in (6,700 cc) factory Chevrolet at Fontana Drag City, to take the Stock Eliminator title, Chrysler's only Nationals win for 1962.
In 1963, Golden worked with Jim Nelson of Dragmasters to improve the car, and won seven Super Stock races out of eight events, taking the Midwest Championship.
At the end of the 1964 season, Chrysler proposed Golden drive the Little Red Wagon A/FX pickup. which became drag racing's first wheelstanding truck.
Little Red Wagon's first outing, at the AHRA Grand American event at Lions Drag Strip, was an 11 second pass at 120 mph (190 km/h). The crowd's very enthusiastic reaction prompted Golden to turn the A/FX truck into a wheelstanding exhibition racer, which he developed a steering mechanism for himself, relying on experience from his day job at Douglas Aircraft Corporation. The wheelstander was wrecked in 1969, 1971, and 1975; the third crash was nearly fatal to Golden.
Golden retired in 2003. He died on September 14, 2015.[3]
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Giving Tim Drake random food quirks I myself have (since we know he has horrible tastes)
No pasta. No pasta in no ways. Pasta itself is gross, regardless of how you cook it. The noodles are just bad tasting, it's not more complicated than that.
Celery is best when dipped in soft drinks. Dark soft drinks like Coke, Root Beer, or Dr. Pepper, though "yellow" ones like Mellow Yellow and Ginger Ale work too. Dick likes this as well.
Salads are better deconstructed. It is better to just several leaves of lettuce, some cherry tomatoes, some radicchio leaves, and some broccoli than to mixed it in a bowl. (this is consistent with him like cukewiches)
Sushi is good (an objective fact), but the best sushi by far is Unagi (eel) and Tako (octopus). But of the common sushi you can buy at like Kroger or Speedway, escolar (its called white tuna but that is very inaccurate) is the best. One time Tim eats way too much escolar nigiri, and Bruce walks in and grimly tells him that escolar is banned in Japan because it causes dysentery when eaten in more than 6oz at a time. Tim misses patrol.
Rare meat does taste good, but it makes him sick to his stomach 20 minutes later. It is the way to be throwing up over and over until the acid causes slight bleeding in your throat. Bruce breaks down the bathroom door and sees blood on the toilet seat and goes into a panic. That's a very embarassing ER visit
I absolutely hate cheese 9 out of 10 times, but I'm not mean enough to curse Tim like this. But we will say that like me, Tim prefers Fontina to a ridiculous degree to other cheeses. When Tim uses Fontina on his Tacos Jason's heart murmurs
Speaking of Tacos, I hate tortillas of any kind, soft, hard, hate 'em hate 'em hate 'em. Again, I won't curse Tim with this blood malediction, but I will make it so Tim exclusively eats Whole Grain tortillas. Steph steals a bite of his burrito and immediately feels disappointed.
Like me, Tim loves loves quinoa. Like me, Tim did not know any ethical controversies with quinoa for years. However, Tim learned when he was like...17, so his teenage egoism and privilege guilt makes him immediately feel rotten. But luckily Tim is very rich so he invests in Gotham starting its own quinoa farms, and WE oversees so they the most ethical farms on the East coast
Tim is allergic to hibiscus. If this was the 80s like when Tim was introduced, he would probably not know this until he was in his 40s, because hibiscus was not in anything in America until like 2015.
Tim absolutely thinks Mixed Peppercorns are superior to Black Pepper and literally never buys Black pepper again. Kroger's Private Selection brand has made a whale of him (affectionate and derogatory)
Cherry Coke is Tim's lifeblood outside of Coffee. If you offered Tim a prime rib or a Cherry Coke he would take the Cherry Coke every time, it is one of his favorite flavors ever
And in contrast, Tonic Water is Tim's most hated thing of all time. It doesn't make him gag or anything, but the flavor is his least favorite flavor.
Tim likes grapefruits a lot. But grapefruit screws with the medicine he needs, so he can't have it. He stares longingly at the ruby reds in the Kroger produce section. When will they return from the war.
Tim prefers soda in glass bottles, both for ethical reasons (glass doesn't downcycle and isn't toxic like microplastics are) and because he thinks it tastes better. Tim, a man of science, will die on this conspiracy.
All coffee is good. Starbucks $8 pistachio frappes with coconut milk and olive oil? Awesome! Black quintuple shot espressos? Awesome! Dollar General "French Roast"? Awesome! $40 a cup imported Colombian coffee? Awesome! Mushroom coffee? Awesome! Kroger instant coffee? Objectively awful, but with enough powdered creamer and Splenda, it can be fine too!
Tim exclusively uses the spellings "Catsup" and "Doughnuts." That's how he was raised to spell them, he spelled them that his entire childhood, and he's not interested in making any attempt to stop (my dad learned it from living in Germany and supposedly Germans who learned English in school used those spellings, and I could see Jack Drake having that same experience (no I have no idea if that's actually factually true my dad's had dementia my entire life))
Tim has a decent spice tolerance, habanero is about his max, but not a whole lot of food made for regular consumption goes beyond that, so its not a big deal. But, Tim doesn't actually like the flavor of most hot peppers. (I personally think jalapenos are kinda gross), so a lot of people think he can't handle hot food when its just that he doesn't like a lot of the mainstream hot stuff
Chili is in the top 5 of the grossest smells Tim has ever smelled and he is not exaggerating. Rotting carrion and skunk are less offensive than the smell of a pot of chili. He doesn't know if he likes the flavor or not because the smell makes him too sick to even notice a taste.
There are almost zero fresh fruit or vegetables that Tim does not like. Like, a very small number, like both categories fit on one hand.
Tim's favorite apples are the yellow ones and he will not take criticism.
Marshmallow artificial flavor is absolutely amazing, but its pretty rare for Tim to ever actually just eat marshmallows. Marshmallow flavored candy, coffee, sodas, creams, those are good.
Tim loves cotton candy flavored things too, like Cotton candy flavored cupcakes or gum or something. But his favorite is Cotton Candy Faygo. But Faygo is pretty rare in Gotham, so instead he just putts cotton candy into his Sprite or Sierra Mist
Speaking of Sierra Mist, Tim thinks it is vastly superior to Starry
Tim loves white brats. They are the best meat on BBQs, superior to steaks, ribs, hot dogs, fish, poultry, veggies, burgers, none of it can compare
Tim does like bitter foods. Cass sees him eating chocolates and doesn't realize its 82% dark and grabs one then immediately shrivels into a lump
Upon learning all of this Duke constantly makes fun of Tim for having the whitest taste buds, but finds Tim likes quite a bit of classic Black Americana soul food, and Duke feels some respect. Then he sees Tim snacking on kale chips and it immediately fades (btw remember Tim is Blasian in all of my posts from now until I die)
Tim loves Worcestershire sauce. Supernaturally. Bruce sees 13-year-old Tim take a shot of a dark liquid and is immediately furious, and Tim has him take the other one and its straight Worcestershire. Bruce gags so hard he hurts his ribs as bad as a punch from King Shark.
Tim likes sprinkles. Alfred fucking hates this. Tim puts sprinkles on his pancakes, one his lattes, on every pastry and ice cream ever. But then Alfred sees Tim make fairy toast and he's reminded of his mom, and making it himself for his daughter, and lets it slide.
Duke sees Tim scowl and pudding, and ignores it. Duke sees Tim eat a plain hotdog, shivering at any idea of mustard, catsup, or mayonnaise. Duke sees Tim cringe when he puts ranch on his salad. When probed, Tim replies "I don't like anything with that boogery texture" and Duke is immediately too grossed out to finish his salad
Tim had an entomophagy phase, for sure. "It's so good for the environment guys, if humans started eating ants we'd never run out of food, world hunger would be solved in weeks." They're watching a movie and Tim pulls out a small plastic bag, pulls out a centipede and eats it casually. Dick lunges for a trashcan and Damian flinches like he'd been slapped.
Tim prefers 1% milk to whole, skim, or 2%. He also really enjoys acidophilus milk. While Jon's over playing with Damian, Jon asks what that means and Tim says "oh they put more bacteria in it," and Jon starts X-Raying Tim to see if he has like legions on his lungs or something, and when he sees Tim doesn't have a spleen he cries and tells Clark the milk is eating Tim inside out
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lil-shiro · 3 months
As always – article highlights under the cut with pics included, full one linked in title
Aston Martin Aramco F1 Team's Lance Stroll reflects on how far he's come, the team's current direction, and the new Vantage in an interview with BH.
The Canadian youngster emerged as the Italian F4 Champion with Prema Powerteam in 2014 before becoming Toyota Racing Series champion in 2015. A little later on at the 2015 FIA Formula 3 European Championship
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[FIA Formula 3 European Championship / Thomas Suer]
Lance Stroll would ink his page in history as the youngest Formula 1 rookie to ever record a podium finish (P3) at the 2017 Azerbaijan Grand Prix. And at the 2020 Turkish Grand Prix, he’d earn his maiden F1 pole position. To date, he’s collected 285 career points across 155 race weekends.
Stroll has had the good fortune of partnering with elite-calibre veterans, four-time champ Sebastian Vettel and two-time champ Fernando Alonso, during their respective tenures at Aston Martin F1. So what exactly has he learned studying at the proverbial feet of these world-beating masters?
“From Seb, I learnt a lot about how to go about a weekend,” Stroll explains.
“He was very detail orientated; he wanted to know every little detail behind any decision. He also did a lot for the sport over the years, which I really respect.”
“Fernando teaches us all about passion and motivation. That’s what makes Fernando who he is. Like all great athletes, he’s constantly pushing himself to get better every day.”
Posed with the hypothetical scenario of being able to partner any driver in history — apparently something F1 athletes get asked “a lot” but not something they ever really think about — he replied:
“Growing up, I was a huge fan of Michael Schumacher. I used to get up super early in Canada to watch him race against my current teammate, Fernando. So, I think I’d go Michael.”
Aston Martin F1 is in a crucial transition stage. One that could inform its success as a constructor for coming half decade.
“It’s like you said, we’re in this building stage and there’s such a lot to be excited about right now,” offers Stroll when I prompt him.
“This is a team that is really pushing hard, and it’s an amazing thing to be a part of. We have the Honda partnership from 2026, a state-of-the-art campus with a new wind tunnel, we’re working on our own gearbox… There’s so much to be positive about.”
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“The goal has always been to build a team that’s capable of fighting for — and winning — World Championships. That’s a goal that I really believe in, and one that I want to help the team achieve.”
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If there’s one statement Lance Stroll wanted to make about both himself as professional driver and Aston Martin as a brand… what would it be?
“We’re doing things with focus, dedication, attention to detail. Aston Martin is a 111-year-old brand and it’s part of British, and international, culture. We want to uphold that tradition and quest for excellence by creating a Formula 1 team that represents the very best.”
“I’m proud to play a part in that, and I’ve been incredibly excited by the progress we’ve made and the developments that have been coming to turn us into a team that can represent one of the greatest brands in the world on the global stage.”
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[All non-archival images included in this article have been captured by photographer Simon Emmett. Lance Stroll dressed by BOSS Menswear.]
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lol-jackles · 2 days
I hope you enjoyed chasing those windmills 😁
I have read that Jared and Jensen are repped by different agencies, Jared is with UTA and Jensen is with Gersh.
How do these agencies rank in Hollywood and what criteria does an actor usually use to choose which agency to work with?
Also, Jared appears to have one rep. (Jason Heyman) and Jensen has three (Alexander Yarosh, Bob Gersh, and Leslie Seibert). Does it mean anything that Jensen has more reps?
I know nothing about how these agencies work (obviously) but am interested to know what the difference is.
I found this information on IMDb Pro, I can’t figure out how to link it I’m sorry.
Those windmills turn out to be faster than they look. Who knew.
The "Big Three of Hollywood” talent agencies are :
Creative Artists Agency (CAA). The biggest and most influential agency in town known for their A-listers and sports clients. Recently bought ICM, an agency mostly known for representing high-tier showrunners/writers like Shona Rhimes, so they're known for (sometimes infamous) packaging bundle. Many agents have left CAA to go to UTA.
William Morris Endeavor (WME). A merge between two agencies in 2009 created another powerhouse agency and upped their game in events management.
United Talent Agency (UTA). Probably the most adaptable agency that includes news broadcasters and comedy clients. UTA likes to boast they represent the "most watched and celebrated actors in film and television".
The 4th position (X) is a battlefield of competing mid-size agencies looking to possible merge: Gersh Agency, A3 Artists Agency, Paradigm Talent Agency, Agency for Performing Arts (APA), and Verge Agency. Then there are the boutique agencies.
Actors choose the agencies based on the work they want to do i.e. commercials, modeling, or television/movies. Some boutique agencies specialize in children actors so there are age ranges to consider. Talents send in submissions of headshots, resume, and cover letters. As an actor grow, they move to bigger agencies, usually with submissions. In-demand actors generally don't send submissions to the Big Three Agencies, the agencies go to them.
Jared was originally represented by CAA and Jensen was originally represented by WME.
Jared's agent, Jason Heyman, was poached by UTA during a "midnight raid" in 2015 through 2019 and Jared decided to go iwth him to UTA while Melissa McCarthy stayed behind with CAA.  Heyman went from a high post at CAA to a partnership at UTA, so for him it’s a promotion.   
Jensen either left or was dropped by WME and he signed onto Gersh in 2014, who also represents Danneel. This was probably the best move for him because at WME he was always given to newbie agents (basically interns) to handle his career.
Actors can be repped by more than one agent or agencies in order to handle their brand in different markets as well as minimizing conflict of interests.  I’ve known actors who had 3 agents: one for voice work, another for commercial work, and a third for tv/film - maybe that's why Jensen has 3 representatives in one agency?   Then there are actors with just 1 agent for the same things but in different markets, maybe that's why Jared has 1 agent that we know of.
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