#best anxiety vest for dogs
cyclicalaberration · 2 years
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I will digitize this later but I’m calling it Fred Jones and his polycule, who have been trying to gothify him since seventh grade and have failed every step of the way.
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the last bit of us (chapter two)
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Plot: Tyler Owens hasn’t been home in a year. He’s survived all the storm chasing and motel living with his new partners as they try to save lives. But with all the damage they’ve taken from driving high beams first into monster storms, it’s time to pay the piper and bring the truck in for repairs. And the only person who can fix them is the best mechanical engineer he’s ever met. Eleanor Harding, his estranged wife.
Pairing: Tyler Owens x Estranged Wife OC (Harding Daughter)
Word Count: 2.7k
Playlist Song: the great war by taylor swift
prologue / one / two / three
I try with all I have to not feel any sort of pain over the look of hurt on the woman - Kate’s - face. That look of betrayal, like someone had killed her dog. Like a lover had kept a deep dark secret. I try to shake it off and hold on to the anger that my sad excuse of a husband had decided to show his face at my office. “So, I’ll ask again,” I turn back to the man in question. 
His smile has fallen and he looks at Kate almost apologetically before he drags his gaze slowly back to me. I ignore the sweet swirl of emeralds and sapphires in his eyes, I let the embers in my chest simmer. “What the hell are you doing here?” 
Tyler opens his mouth but all that comes out is an awkward gurgle of uhs. He clears his throat and glances down. I follow his gaze to see the thick clay mud speckling his good boots. The boots that I bought him on our first anniversary to wear to the rodeo. “I, uh…” 
I look up into his face with a hard gaze. I watch him close his eyes, collect himself. “I don’t have all day Tyler,” I say. My hands start to shake a little, the overwhelming buzz from the embers starting to billow into a subtle flame. The heat of anxiety starts to warm me from the inside out. I cross my arms tight over my mesh vest to stop the tremble. 
“The truck’s in rough shape,” he says, eyes opening to stare down at me. 
The loud cackle isn’t my intended reaction. It rips through my throat before I know to keep it in. I look over at Kate, gagging the slight discomfort in her features turning a little disturbed as she watches the two of us. I raise a brow at her and laugh again, turning back to the man. “Oh, the truck is in rough shape.” I nod once, then twice. I turn around to my team, watching with apprehension in the bay. “The truck’s in rough shape,” I call out, waving as if to say ‘false alarm guys’.
I can see Tyler wince again in my peripheral vision and when I turn back to him, the light nature of my tone is wiped from my face. “Go fuck yourself.” 
I only make it to the gate when I hear the music peeling down the dirt road. It’s loud, guitar riffs coming from the speaker on what I can only imagine is their RV. I watch as the other wranglers park and come staggering out of their doors. “Sorry we’re late, I had to stop t’ get some gas and,” Boone’s loud voice travels across the space as he comes up to Tyler’s side. He must miss the hard lines of Tyler’s face because he catches my eye and comes running. 
“There she is,” he calls out, wrapping his arms around my waist and spinning me around in a tight embrace before I can say anything. “I missed you, Ms. Fix It.” Boone’s voice is soft as his scruffy chin digs into my collarbone. 
The southern drawl of his nickname for me is a soothing cup of water, nearly extinguishing the burning in my chest. Boone was like a golden retriever. Boone had done his due diligence to send me postcards through the time since I’d last seen everyone. They’d always been blank, just pictures of different southern county spectaculars across the states but catching a livestream of the wranglers’ channel discretely playing on Carter’s desktop when he’d gotten up to go to the bathroom one day, I’d realized it had been the sweet man checking in. I missed his enthusiasm deeply, frustrated that Tyler not only took my heart with him when he disappeared one night but also that he took his whole crew of friendly faces with him. 
“Hey there Boone,” I breathe into his neck, my arms wrapping tightly around his shoulders. “Couldn’t have sent a warning postcard?” 
The tall man pulls back, “You got my postcards? Oh gosh, that makes me so glad,” he says, placing a hand over his chest. My words register in his mind and his smile stretches wide with guilt. “I’m real sorry ‘bout that. It took all my convincin’ to get the guy to even drive here. Did he mention the truck?” 
“He sure did,” I nod, acutely aware of everyone watching Boone and I. Boone seems in his own world, blissfully oblivious to the two crews watching us. I glance back at the truck where Tyler, hands on his hips, speaks in hushed tones to Kate, another man I don’t recognize and Lily. She catches my eye and waves. 
“Can ya help? Ya know there’s no one else who can fix her up the right way,” Boone says, fixing his dirty cap on his head.  
“Boone, ya’ll can’t just show up here after all this time and just ask me to fix up the truck,” I say. There’s pressure starting to build behind my eyes and I have to shake my head to rid the feeling. I step backwards out of his grasp. 
“I know it’s a real shit thing to do. We wouldn’t have come if we weren’t desperate,” Boone says. He takes a peak over at Tyler, looking back at me with puppy dog eyes. “He would not have come if we weren’t desperate.” 
The comment tugs at my heart strings and I can’t help but look out at the fields around us. The tall grass sways lazy in the breeze, the sun starting to rise higher in the sky. My stomach growls a little. I sigh, starting to shake my head again. 
“Please El,” he asks again, my real name not something I’m used to hearing from Boone.
“Goddamnit Boone,” I say. I wipe a hand over my forehead and lick my lower lip. “What’s wrong with the damn truck?” 
Boone’s face brightens immediately, a wide grin back on his face. He hoots in glee, rushing the few feet across the path to hug me tightly. “Thank you, thank you,” he kisses my cheek a few times, his scratchy mustache rubbing against my skin. I try to push him off with a small laugh, noticing Tyler turning to look at the commotion. 
“Boone, Boone,” I say, laughing a little more at his excitement. “Show me what’s wrong before I change my mind, you bastard.”
He backs away, arms raised in surrender as he leads me back over to the truck. “Alright so, Ms. Fix It has offered to take a look at the sucker to get Betty back into tip top condition,” Boone announces to the group. Back in front of them, the lighthearted feeling of the moment with Boone fades though I catch Lily winking at me as I round the truck to look it over.
I can see the mangled iron of the drill blades under flakes of dried mud and grass. “What did you do to my base drills?” My tone is sharp as I turn to look at Tyler. 
“That was actually me,” a small voice quips from my right. I turn, identifying it as Kate. Hand raised, sunglasses tucked on top of her shiny caramel hair and guilty expression. My brows pinch together. “I took the truck through an EF5, got dragged through the ground. We’ve been going into more storms and Tyler hit a rock,” she continues. 
I only look at her, nodding slowly. “They weren’t built to survive EF5s but I guess that’s one way to test them…is that it?” 
“The rocket rig button isn’t workin’,” Boone adds. “We really need somethin’ with some more power.”
“Boone,” Tyler says, shaking his head at the man. He turns to me. “I can fix that, if you can just help with the drills.” 
I scoff, walking toward the driver’s side to pull the door open and examine the console but Tyler beats me to the door, sidestepping in my path to prevent me from tugging the door open. “I said, I can fix it.” 
“You came all the way here for a mechanic, didn’t you? Let me inspect the work,” I say, tilting my head and narrowing my gaze at him. 
“She’s been running mostly fine, just needs the drills,” he says again, squaring his chest. He looks calm for the first time since stepping out of the truck.  
I poke a stern finger into the soft material of his flannel as I say “Do you want my help or not?” 
He doesn’t flinch, only staring down at my hand hovering near his chest again. He must notice the lack of wedding band and the dainty engagement ring adorning my ring finger because when he looks back up at me, there’s a far away look in his eye.
“Move so I can see what other damage you’ve caused,” I say. 
It’s a low blow. I know it. He knows it. But too much time has passed for me to be kind in my compromising. The hard, stubborn look in Tyler’s eyes fades and softens at my retort. He looks away with a shake of his head, stepping aside while tugging the door open at the same time. My arm brushes against his shoulder as I slide past him. I lift myself into the driver’s seat and glance down at the panel of buttons I’d cleverly designed years ago when he started going out more seriously into the field. 
Crumbs are scattered all in between all the buttons, sticky residue from duct tape collecting dust. “God, would it kill you to take care of this and clean it every now and then?” I ask, cautiously brushing some of it away. 
Tyler ignores me, watching as I look over everything. I glance forward to see if my team is still watching and inhale sharply. The visor is flipped down to block out the sunshine. Gone is the old, tattered photo of Tyler and I on our first date. In its place sits a fresh, glossy photo of who I can only assume to be Kate staring at a storm. It catches me by surprise and the burning embers in my chest return. I make a mental note to dig out those papers from my junk drawer in the kitchen.
I look over at Tyler and we stare at each other for a moment. He’s watching me apprehensively, searching my face for a reaction, maybe an outburst. “Are there flares or rockets in the fittings?” I mumble, turning back to the buttons without waiting for his response. 
I barely hear him call to everyone to back up and instead try to shake off my unease. I hit the bright red button to shoot off the rockets and wait for anything to happen. I push it a few times, clearing out some of the crumbs that I can feel grinding up on the sides but still get nothing. There’s a piece of tap beneath the hitch button, Kate’s Barrels scribbled in Sharpie. I purse my lips and grab the joystick, pushing the button to deploy the drills. They shutter a little, digging into the ground and rattling to a halt with one digging further down than the other. I push the button to retract them and sigh, starting to climb out of the truck. 
“Well?” Tyler’s voice is thick as he steps closer. 
“You’re fucked,” I say, not bothering to look at him and instead motioning for Charlie to open the gate. 
“Can you fix it?” the curly haired man next to Kate asks. 
I look in his direction, then Boone is smiling like an idiot. “Course I can. Boone, can you get the truck inside for me?” 
Boone moves to jump into the truck at my request but Tyler grabs him, tugging him out of the seat to climb in instead. He starts the engine and Boone races to catch up to me instead. He’s joined by the others, walking behind me to the warehouse. 
“TempestEdge,” the curly haired one reads our sign and we get to the bay door. 
“Carter, can you grab my tablet please,” I ask and he nods, running back to my desk. 
“Wait, you guys are those government contractors building and updating infrastructures to withstand storms,” he says, sounding in awe. “You guys are like, state of the art.” 
“We try,” Charlie crosses her arms, tight smile on her lips as she and Birdie watch Tyler drive into the warehouse. Charlie nods in my direction. “El’s the mastermind of the operation, I just crunch numbers.” 
“The team is the mastermind of the operation,” I say, rolling my eyes. I put my hand out to shake his and Kate’s reluctantly. “I don’t normally come off this harsh. I go by my maiden name, Eleanor Harding.” 
“Javi Rivera,” he says slowly, trailing off. 
“Kate Carter,” she introduces herself, shaking my hand. “Sorry for the awkward introduction.” 
I don’t know how to respond so I just nod, turning to walk further into the warehouse. Carter meets me halfway with the tablet, while the others head back to their desks. “Thank you,” I say, starting to swipe through our inventory for possible scraps and parts I can use to fix the truck. Carter stops me though, placing my phone on top of the screen. 
“Before you do that,” he says, his voice quiet with the surrounding guests. “I think you should call your mom.” “Carter, my mom can wait for a call back. She probably wants to hear about how the test went. You know how she gets on days like today,” I say, pocketing my phone and going back to the tablet. 
“Wait,” Javi exclaims. I turn around in surprise, noticing he’s looking at some of the photos on the siding of the warehouse. “That’s where I know that name from. Your parents created Dorothy, they’re legends.” He turns back to me, eyes wide. My phone starts to vibrate again in my pocket. 
I dig my phone back out from my pocket to see the 14th missed call from my mom. “They’re something alright,” I say. A text pops up then. I read it quickly, passing the tablet back into Carter’s chest. 
“I was trying to tell you,” Carter says, holding my bag and keys out  to me. “I’ll catch a ride home with Charlie.” 
I glance up at him, the pressure behind my eyes building again. Can anything go right today? “Thank you.” I turn to head out to the truck without another word. Heavy footsteps stomp behind me, chasing me out the door. It’s not even 10 AM yet as I unlock the truck. 
“El, Eleanor, where the hell are you going?” Tyler bellows as he catches up to me. 
“It’s gunna take a few days to get parts, alright? I’ll call Boone when the truck is ready,” I say, tossing my bag into the passenger seat and starting the engine. It takes a few turns before the engine roars to life. Tyler’s hand catches the door, preventing me from taking off. 
“Hey, talk to me,” he murmurs, leaning into the cab. “What’s going on?”
“Don’t pretend to care all of a sudden, Tyler. You’ve got what you came for, I’ll fix your damn truck so that you can go head first into the next monster of a storm with your girlfriend, alright? I need to go,” I say, my eyes glossy when I look away from his hand to his face. 
He steps closer, pushing with force through my tight grasp on the door. He’s silent as he reaches up to grab the seatbelt, stretching over my hips and torso. I squeeze my eyes shut, distraught as my hands only find comfort on the steering wheel. The click of the buckle is so loud in my ear and I have to remind myself to take slow breaths until Tyler is no longer invading my space.
“Leave the reckless driving to me,” is all he says before closing the door and stepping back. I do my best not to look in the rearview mirror and I peel off down the road to St. Mary’s Medical.
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little-cereal-draws · 8 months
Button House Dog Rescue au
Alison and Mike get the house and the land like in the show but instead of an event hall, they get involved with the local shelter and turn it into a dog rescue. All the ghosts are dogs that they foster/unofficially adopt
Robin (wolfhound): He's been there the longest. He was given up as a puppy for reasons unknown; his owner didn't specify. He was the first dog that they rescued and even tho they tried their best, they still messed up a lot. He doesn't hold it against them tho, he loves them. He's made a lot of friends over the years but they've all been adopted out; no one wants him because of his size so he's been unofficially adopted by the Coopers and he's 100% fine with that. When he sits by the fire and they scratch his belly or behind his ears, he doesn't need another family
Humprey (golden retriever): He used to belong to a rich family but got out one day and was hit by a car. The accident left him unable to move anything but his head and even tho the family was distraught, they opted to put him down. Alison came in at the very last second insisting that she could help him and she did. It's took many years of physical therapy, learning to use mobility aids, and different meds but he can get around relatively easily now. He still opts to sleep in the sun most of the day tho and only occasionally romps around the garden w his friends. He's Mike's favorite bc Mike likes to squish his face. Mike's his favorite because he gives him way too many treats
Mary (dalmatian): She lived with a family but the house caught fire one night. She was able to escape (as were the ppl, dw) but ran the wrong way and got terribly lost in the dark. She had no tag or identification so she was taken to the shelter. She's got terrible anxiety and was constantly trembling when they first got her so Alison bought her one of those compress vests that acts like a weighted blanket. It was hard to get it on her the first time because she would shy away from any move they made but now she insists to have it on 24/7. Since getting to Button House, she's gone from skittish and hiding from everything to fairly confident. Alison believes it's from socializing with the new friends she's made
Kitty (pomeranian): She was given as a birthday present to a rich girl when she was a puppy. The girl wasn't very nice to her however and used her more as a doll she could jerk around than a living being. She would yell at her a lot too for natural puppy behavior (ex: not coming already housebroken, chewing things, making messes, etc) After a year or so, one of the neighbors finally had enough and was able to take her away. Unfortunately, they were unable to foster her so she ended up at Button House. She's still incredibly sweet, outgoing and loves to run and play with the big dogs. Even tho she can't keep up at the start, she always ends up running circles around them thanks to her unlimited energy when they tire out. When she's not doing that, she's "helping" Alison and tripping her up while she tries to work
Thomas (shetland sheepdog): He also belonged to a well-off family that he loved very dearly but got lost. He's convinced they're going to find him one day even tho it's been years at this point. The other dogs feel bad that he still believes this but they don't tell him. When he got to Button House, he latched onto Alison as his new family --or his temporary family since he's only going to be here a short while-- and follows her everywhere now. Definitely has separation anxiety due to his getting separated from his first family and freaks out whenever he can't see her. He'll cry when she shuts the door to the bathroom or her bedroom. He tries every night to sleep in her bed but the Coopers have a strict rule about no dogs in the bedroom so he never succeeds. Instead he lays right outside the door in the hallway and cries himself to sleep each night. It used to hurt Alison's heart but she's used to it now; she can't let him in bc once she does, everybody will want to come in
Fanny (chihuahua): She's white, pretty fluffy, and has magnificent floofs on her ears. She was given up by her family for being "too aggressive." They had several small kids and didn't do their research before getting her. The Coopers were a bit nervous at first but quickly learned she was all bark and no bite. Now she's Alison's lap dog and even tho she's perfectly capable of walking, she likes to be carried places. She's too old to want to play with the other dogs so instead she sits in Alison's lap and watches. She'll bark her head off at them but never goes to join the game. Alison thinks it's quite funny that when it's one on one, she can cow all the big dogs, including Robin, into doing what she wants
The Captain (german shepherd): He's a retired military dog that was unable to find a home because he didn't adjust to civilian life very well. He was never actually in a war tho, he stayed domestic and helped more with bomb sniffing. He was retired bc he was getting old and had a lot of health complications in his hips/joints. He's enjoying it much more at Button House with the other dogs than the few families he went to before and is slowly learning how to relax/be a dog. But because of his health problems, he can't play for very long before he has to lay down (this makes Kitty very sad). Mike's scared of him; he was nervous at the start because he assumed as an army dog he would be aggressive, but his fear got cemented one time they were out on a walk and there was a squirrel. The Captain lunged for it and pulled Mike face first into the mud. Mike swears he almost dislocated his shoulder but Alison isn't sure
Pat (corgi): He was given up by a suburban family who underestimated how much space and exercise he would need. Their yard wasn't big enough and he was either laying around the house all day depressed or ripping up the furniture to entertain himself. It was a very tearful goodbye when they dropped him off but the Coopers assured them he would be in good hands. He was very upset when they didn't come back after a few days but he's gotten used to it now. He loves running around in the big field and all the new friends he's made. He's Alison's favorite because he actually listens to her. She was surprised by how many words he knew and now puts his herding skills to use almost every day. "Pat, can you get everyone in the car?" "Pat, can you get everyone to the bath?" "Pat, can you get everyone for dinner?" He's very good at it and make's sure no one's left behind (even Mike)
Julian (weimaraner): He was adopted by a politician as a publicity stunt when he was a puppy. As he grew up, he was absolutely spoiled and occasionally got to go to events/parties. His owner liked to take pictures of him and post them on social media to get voters' attention so quite a large number of people knew who he was. As he got older tho, the posts stopped getting as many likes and a new puppy was adopted. Before he knew what was happening, he was left at Button House. There was quite an adjustment period as he got used to not fancy food, having to share, and all that but he's loving it now. He's Alison's least favorite because he's so crafty and always up to trouble. When he teams up with Robin, the two of them can easily break into the pantry and eat as much ppl food as they like. Alison's started locking it but somehow they're still getting in. It remains the most infuriating mystery of Alison's life
The plague ghosts: they are quite a few different breeds that were rescued from a very unethical puppy mill. They’re at Button House because it was the only place big enough to house them all. They’ve all got mange tho and are quarantined to a separate part of the house. Even tho they are loving their new life much more than how they were living before, they still dream of the day they’ll be able to go out and play w all the other dogs
Pt 2 Pt 3
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mayhemscorner · 2 years
König x f!reader
Summary: She was so confident in public, she didn’t need the battlefield to get riled up and show her true colors. She actually froze in the line in the line of fire, and König could finally be her protector
(A/N: this is not my usual content but I need to write this for… personal pleasure) 
warnings: violence, blood, swearing, slightly OOC 
“This is bullshit, a plan like this will get us killed!” Y/N spews across the table, jabbing a finger deeply in to Ghost’s chest.
“Bullshit or not, it’s the plan. And we’re carrying through with it. Follow orders, or go home kid.” Ghost sneers, slapping her finger away.
“I don’t know what kind of stick is shoved so far up your ass that makes you act like this, but it better be long enough to use as an excuse for your idiocy.” Y/N barks back aggressively, turning away from the table to finish cleaning and reassembling her gun. König fidgets nervously at the edge of the makeshift table. Y/N was right, it was a suicide mission after all. But no one else had the balls to go against Ghosts orders. So the best he could do is keep a look out and protect the others, after all it was what he was best at.
“Everyone off to bed. We head out before daylight. Enjoy the lick of sleep you might be lucky enough to get.” Ghost grumbles out in finality, stalking towards the door and slamming it behind him. Everyone awkwardly shuffled around like mindless zombies, already worn and tired from lack of sleep and stress.
“Gotta stir the pot, don’t you love?” Soap chuckles out, roughing up Y/N’s already unkempt hair as he sidles up to her. The yearning for a hot shower only adds to the stress of the mission, let alone Ghost trying to prove a point. But Soap, he adds a bit of relief if only he would mind his personal space. Y/N hunches forward, swatting Soaps hand away, lasered in on finishing her gun. 
Soap only chides more, hoping to get at least a smile. 
“Enough already, damnit!” Y/N snaps around with lethal precision, knocking a dirt covered boot on the back of Soaps knee, sending him tumbling forward. 
“Hey, I was only joking around… Trying to get a grin from ya. What’s got you in a bend?” Soap coughs out, wiping away the annoying sand that plumes upwards anytime anyone does as much as look the wrong direction. Y/N wipes a frustrated tear that had welled up unannounced, causing König to jolt with anxiety and grip the table in front of him, ready to defend. Conflict between the two currently fighting was rare, almost non existent unless one stole the last tea sachet without buying another box. And here they were, in front of him and in each others faces, seconds from a screaming match or attempted homicide. 
“Do you want to die out there? I don’t! I might be the only one left in my family but I still have a dog waiting for me at home. A warm bed and distance between me and this sorry excuse of a unit! How am I supposed to have your back if we’re walking straight in to suicide, Johnny? We’re supposed to be the best there is and just willingly go in to our deaths when there’s other options? You’re weak for not saying anything. I look a damn fool being the only one defending our lives before they’re even jeopardized, god damnit!” Y/N raises her voice with every sentence, words sharper than any blade the unit carried, and gripping tighter and tighter at Soap’s collar. 
“And what makes you think Ghost would lead us to death? What are you even doing questioning his plans, he’s in the position he’s in for a god damn reason! If you didn’t shit on everything he did, maybe you’d see the sense in his words. You’re too conceited. Because if he was wrong about ANYTHING, we’d all have been dead long ago. Pull your head out of your ass and start acting your position, Y/N.” Soap spits back, grabbing at her vest and jostling her to the side. 
That one move caused all hell to break loose, the two of them grappling on the floor and throwing stray punches. Any passerby would think the two were siblings, and they practically were with how long they’ve known each other. But this fight was personal, the two foaming at the mouth in built up rage from the stressful mission at hand, and the both of them seen each other as the easiest form of taking their aggressions out. 
König chuckles at first, hoping it would die down after a few good punches, waiting to hear the two laugh and hug it out… but it didn’t come. The screaming only continued, things being knocked over from tables as they pushed and knocked each other over. 
König seen enough when Soap pinned her to the ground with a knife at her throat, the other hand still gripped tightly on her vest,” and to think you ‘excelled’ in hand to hand combat. Bullshit! You ca-“
“Enough.” König growls, effortlessly pulling Soap off of Y/N, but being gentle enough to set him upright on his feet.
Seeing only Königs eyes was a scary thing to Soap, he couldn’t tell if he was tired or upset, but he could definitely read the malice in his squinted eyes. 
“You’ve duked it out long enough, it’s time to get some rest, both of you.” König continues, kneeling down to offer a hand to Y/N, only to have it slapped away. The twinge in his chest at the cold gesture hurt more than a gunshot wound. The woman who never needed defended still wouldn’t accept the hand he’s outstretched to her and only her multiple times, was once again rejected. König is frozen, hand still outstretched as she crawls up from the floor, muttering a goodnight as she body checks Soap on her way out.
The three involved in the altercation didn’t get a wink of sleep, but all were prepared. Y/N was stalking to the kettle on the stove, only stopping to stare at Soap. He only raises an eyebrow in anticipation, waiting to see if she was going to throw an apology or her hands.
“I’m sorry, Johnny. And I mean it. I’m not going to die having the closest thing to home mad at me.” She mutters out quietly, shifting between her feet to keep her tired mind preoccupied. 
“I’m sorry too. You’re still an asshole.” Soap remarks, tousling her hair once again before pulling Y/N in for a quick hug.
“And you’re still a Dick.” She quips back, sipping at the scalding hot tea around his back. 
“We’ll be fine. Have some hope for crying out loud.” Soap whispers as Ghost walks in, causing the two to separate and stand in line.
König sidles up behind Y/N, hand resting on her shoulder as Ghost quickly sets the plan in place. A quick squeeze for reassurance, mainly for himself. If at any point he thought this mission could go wrong, he’d tell her how he felt… or he wouldn’t. He loses his words every time, maybe facing a close call would coax it out of him… wait. Did she just squeeze his hand back with her tiny paw? König risks a glance down, seeing her hand resting gently on top of his. Hers looked so fragile placed atop his, save for the scars littering her knuckles and fresh bruises from hours ago. Soap steals a glance at the scene, noticing Königs bewildered eyes and Y/N’s almost nonexistent smirk, winking at her as Ghost turns to head out. Johnny receives a kind punch to the gut from her free hand in reply. 
“Yeah, I deserved that one.” He heaves, gripping the doorway as he walks out in front of the two that remained. 
“You ready big guy?” Y/N asks, dropping her hand to her side, convincing herself to move forward.
“Y-yeah. Always ready.” König stammers out, following behind. Her heart thumps quickly at the catch in his voice, but quickly denies it’s over her. He must be nervous for what lies ahead. The battlefield was no place for a love story, and Y/N was almost certain König was just nice with everyone. But König was never nervous on getting to the action. It’s where he felt most comfortable. Better than wandering aimlessly in a market square, embarrassed when civilians gawked at his height, pointing him out discreetly to their companions. He couldn’t help his height, regardless how much he hated being singled out in those situations. In the unit he’s adjusted to everyone being unsurprised when his head smacked against the door frame or bumped in to a light fixture. His unit didn’t laugh or stare, König actually appreciated that they all couldn’t care less. 
The shield of night sent a flutter against Y/N’s chest, but now wasn’t the time to get anxious. However, Any slight sound would still make her tense. Was it a desert amphibian or an enemy? She shakes her head in to clarity as Ghost motions onwards. Once they reached the building they would split, Johnny and Ghost inside, König and Y/n surveilling from any vantage point they could find outside. 
“Keep an eye out, we’ve already ran in to a sticky situation in here.” Soaps strained voice rings in to their coms.
Y/N’s heart sinks, wondering how something could’ve happened so soon and if Johnny was alright. König couldn’t even be bothered by the voice in his ear, there was movement ahead that needed his attention.
“Eyes forward Y/N, we’ve got company.” He whispers, signaling with two of his fingers. She follows the fingers to their now commandeered humvee and their only way back, watching closely as the tires kick up sand on the road they had just walked not even an hour ago. With barely any vantage point and no place to set her rifle to sight in on a long distance shot, she mutters a curse before looking for the highest ground. Y/N looks behind the towering man, with a flat surface of a merchants abandoned stand finally being her saving grace. 
“Hey big guy, mind giving me a boost?” She mutters quickly, motioning to the stand behind him. König outstretches his arms and bends down, wrapping them as delicately as possible around the bottom of her knees. The veil he was wearing concealed his manhood, blushing feverishly as Y/N’s breasts make quick contact with his chin before lifting her further up. 
If it weren’t for a quick thinking situation, she would’ve blushed herself, thinking how good König looked below her, hands exactly where they should be… caressing her legs with a gentle strength as his head moves lower.
The cool metal roof of the stand sends chills against Y/N’s braced arms as she heaves herself the rest of the way up with a slight push from the man below. Looking down the scope, the humvee is in sights. One man driving, one man riding on the back. Both enemy targets. Simple maneuver, take the driver out then save the guy on back for last.
Lining up the sights, a bullet is sent precisely through the windshield, sending the driver slump and the humvee cockeyed. The man on the back instantly launches off and rolls to the ground below, standing and firing his own gun recklessly as Y/N tries to zone the sight in once again. 
“Damnit, I can’t get him.” She curses, slamming the sight covering shut and looking around for a solution.
“Leave it to me.” König barks out, stalking right in the line of the haphazard firing. Y/N winces as the sound of a bullet skimming flesh sounds. The soft grunt from below confirmed it was her partner that was hit. But it didn’t stop the fight frenzied tank of a man to charge forward, closing the gap of the now charging enemy. In the blink of an eye, König had his bloodied arm wrapped around the assailants neck, and legs sweeping them both to the ground. Another gunshot rings out before the crunch of bone brings a bitter silver taste to Y/N’s mouth and a churn in her stomach. After several heartbeats of silence, Y/N reaches for the com switch shakily,” please tell me you’re okay.”
“Enemy down, I’m injured.” König wheezes back in to his own mic. The heat wave of anxiety washes over Y/N, but she still forces herself off the stand to asses the situation.
“What the hell is going on out there you two?” Ghost sounds in. The same thought must’ve been rushing through everyone’s head as the line goes silent. König’s report should’ve been word enough as to what was going on. Y/N finally comes to the scene, seeing the crazed bezerker now docile and injured was almost frightening.
“Don’t move, just tell me where you’re hurt!” Y/N yelps, kneeling quickly at his side and grabbing the bloody arm that lay limp. 
“Y/N, my arm is fine. It was just a graze. It’s my leg.” König half chuckles, half wheezes while trying to sit up. She knocks him back to the ground and quickly cuts an opening around the blood stain on his upper thigh. She mutters a quick curse under her breath and reaches for her belt, whipping it off and sliding it beneath his leg.
“I’ve never done an extraction on field before so I’m sorry if this hurts. You can punch me if it makes you feel better.” Y/N giggles in panic as she yanks her belt tight, creating a tourniquet above the wound. If it wasn’t so close to the femoral artery, she would’ve just left it… but desperate times call for desperate measures. It was a relief to get the heavy medical pack off her back, but the tension only built in her chest as shaky fingers grab supplies.
“I could never punch you. You wouldn’t be able to handle it.” König chuckles. Y/N can only roll her eyes before grabbing a tongue depressor and holding it out,” here. You’re going to want this.”
She places it between his teeth as he looks at her in confusion,” why would I-“
“For this.” Is all Y/N gasps as she digs the metal forceps in to the wound, causing König to convulse in pain and a stifled yelp. Metal hits metal as the forceps meet the bullet, thankfully not stuck in too far. The wooden tongue depressor between his teeth snaps, and a worried arm grips at Y/N’s shoulder.
“Y/N, you can hurry up now!” König seethes in pain, fingernails biting in to her skin through her shirt. She could only sigh in relief as she assesses the bullet under the glimmering moonlight, holding it up so König could get a view as well. 
“I’m giving you thirty seconds to take a deep breath and move your hand so you don’t break my shoulder. Then I’m stitching you up.” She heaves between quick breaths and wiping the anxious sweat from her brow. König can only nod, moving his hand thoughtlessly to her thigh and regrouping as Y/N threads the needle. 
“I’m not going to ask again, what’s going on out there?” Ghost’s voice chimes in.
“God damnit, I’m sewing an injured man back together give me some peace and quiet or come out here and do it yourself.” Y/N spits back before ripping the com out and getting back to work. The first puncture sends a moan from König’s lips and a tingle through Y/N. If he wasn’t laying in front of her injured, she may have just melted and stored that sound in her mind for later.
“Y/N-“ König begins in a pleading voice, getting cut off by her slight laugh,” yes big guy I’m almost done.”
“No no, no. I wanted to say thank you. For this, for making me comfortable. I appreciate it.” König smiles at her, slightly visible under his unkempt veil.
“I really wouldn’t call this comfortable, König. This is very unsterile and we’re on the ground.” Y/N says mindlessly, tying off the last stitch.
“No, not this. You. I mean you. Thank you.” He pants between his quickened heart rate from pain, adrenaline and even ecstasy.
“You feeling alright? You’re not losing too much blood are you? Should I call in an emergency med evac?” She rambles back. 
“I’m fine! You just amaze me.” König mumbles, caressing her cheek faintly and accidentally smudging blood where his fingers pass. She responds with checking the temperature of his forehead and grimacing,” I think you’re losing too much blood. I’m calling for an evac.” 
Just as Y/N rises to find her com, his hand pulls her down on top of him, her arms being the only thing bracing the distance between their faces. 
“Do not call for an evac. I’m trying to confess my feelings here!” König snaps, staring directly in to Y/N’s frantic and searching eyes. 
“I really don’t think this is the time t-“ Y/N tries to scold, only to be cut off by a hurried and sloppy kiss from the fidgeting man below her. She kisses back mindlessly, melting against Königs touch. It feels so wrong for this to be the moment, but she’s craved for this to happen since she laid eyes upon the man on the way to location.
“Sure looks like you don’t need any help out here.” Soap grunts out from above them, and receiving a middle finger from the two in reply. Ghost creeps in on the scene as Y/N stands and brushes the dirt and blood from her pants. König’s eyes become heavy as he smiles,” you can call for that med evac now. I’m going to pass out.”
Without missing a beat, his body becomes taught and his eyes droop shut. 
“Man’s got balls, I’ll say that much. I wouldn’t risk dying just for a kiss from you.” Soap states in awe before requesting an evac over the radio. 
“No smart remark back? I’m making fun of you here, kid.” Soap questions worriedly and turning back around.
“Johnny. I’m just baffled this man likes me… And worried that he’s passed out.” Y/N replies, staring off in shock and at the fallen tower they call König in front of them.
“I’m baffled you two never even noticed. We’ve been taking bloody bets and I owe some damn good money.” Soap coughs out as the evac arrives. 
“Wait, who the hell do you owe money?” Y/N shouts over the churning chopper blades, turning to Soap in confusion. The question is answered as Ghost knicks the wallet from Soaps back pocket,” you’re short a few hundred.”
“Sorry I didn’t bring cash with me on a mission, didn’t know we were stopping for some damn ice cream on the way back to base asshole.” Soap barks, almost silenced out from the thundering blades that were once again quickening to carry away König. 
“Lucky bastard doesn’t have to walk back to base either.” Y/N grumbles, scuffing a boot in the dirt before walking back to the trail that led them here.
“I’m sure the humvee is still drivable.” Ghost offers, only to receive a quick no from the other two in unison.
*a few hours later*
The sun was rising, beating down on the units sore and tired eyes as they finally reach the base. The door groans in protest as Ghost slams it open. The three left sit silently around the small kitchen table as the other unit members begin to crawl out of their own beds for the day shift. Silence lingers as the other members come and go before Soap finally clears his throat,” I haven’t heard any updates on König. But no news is better than bad news.”
“Ah, he’ll be fine. Just needs some blood pumped in him and some rest. I’m sure he’ll be released soon. I’m not going to sit around and wait to be the welcoming committee, I’m too damn tired.” Ghost yawns, stretching out his limbs before standing and waving the other two off. 
“You should get some shut eye too, kid. It’s been a long night and there’s only more ahead. The big guy will be fine.” Soap sleepily lilts out, accent becoming even heavier in his groggy state. Y/N droops forward, jolting up quickly to catch herself before nodding,” yeah. I think you’re right. I’m calling it a night… or day.”
“See you when the sun sets, Sharpshooter.” Soap yawns out, finally retiring to his room.
Y/N slowly trudges to her own like a mindless zombie, stripping down and crawling under the scratchy blanket and almost immediately passing out.
Y/N’s eyes crack open, seeing the sun was still shining, and upset that someone was being so loud knowing there was others sleeping. The sound rings again, but this time she realizes it’s knocks on her door. Dramatically rolling off the cot and groaning in protest she rips the door open,” seriously, I’ve been up all night and the last thing I need is an early wake up call!”
She finally stares at the chest of the knocker, eyes trailing up to see König with his veil still crookedly on.
“Actually, I’ll take this early wake up call.” Y/N smiles, leaning against the door frame awkwardly in an attempt to hide her anxiousness.
“I- I didn’t mean to wake you, Y/N. I just wanted to make sure you all made it back in one piece. I should’ve just waited…” he trails off, wringing his hands out and shifting his stance several times before continuing,” I should go… to bed, now. It’s been a long night.”
As König begins to walk off, Y/N circles her arms around him, resting her head against his mid back and yawning,” I’m so glad I didn’t kill you.”
König freezes, looking down at the smaller hands wrapped around him and turning in her arms to be able to look down at the hug assailant. 
“I don’t see how you would’ve killed me, saved me actually! You are amazing! Such a strong and fierce woman.” König boasts, hooking his arms under Y/N’s to pull her up, and settles his hands gently on her backside as she wraps her legs around his torso and hands on his shoulders. She sleepily admires the dopey eyes behind the facial covering that looks at her with so much appreciation and grips gently at his jawline,” let’s get some shut eye and you can compliment me more later handsome. You shouldn’t be lifting, let alone walking after getting shot.”
König coughs, clearing the catch in his throat before nodding due to a complete loss of words. He’s never been called handsome, and her words travel down him, filling him with pride as her head tucks in to the crook of his neck. Her very presence makes a gunshot wound seem like a cat scratch, and König would be a dead man walking if she had seen the discarded crutches by her door. It was the feeling of finding something worth fighting and living for, instead of something to die for. 
“Anything for you, meine leibe.” König whispers, pulling a hand to the back of Y/N’s head to stroke through her sleep riddled hair. The twinge of pain in his leg as he walks is a reminder that the woman sleeping in his arms could save a life just as easily as she could take it, and a promise to himself he would do everything in his power to make sure nothing ever hurt her in the ways he had been. 
“König, where are you taking me?” Y/N grumbles out in a moment of consciousness. He tilts down, kissing her temple through his veil and chuckles,” the couch. The both of us would never fit on a cot together.”
In the matter of a few hours, Soap would come out to set the kettle on the stove, stopping to view the massive blood thirsty killer they called König protectively curled around the tiny terror that was Y/N and see the two in the rarest state for either of them… total peace. He pulls the kettle before it could even whistle, pouring hot water over a bag and sipping the piping hot tea as Ghost walks out.
“Hurry and take a picture. I don’t think I’ve seen either of them not have the gleam of murder in their eyes.” He gruffly states, pouring the same water over instant coffee and joining in on the viewing. They both tense and hold their breath as Y/N shifts, rolling inwards towards König who was pressed up behind her, causing the both to only hold tighter.
“Do you two have anything better to do?” Y/N seethes out, slightly muffled by Königs chest.
“Not really, no.” Soap grumbles back, taking another sip of his tea and preparing to run. Y/N definitely thought of trying, but the tightening grip around her prevents her from moving,” don’t move. I’ll handle this.”
Soaps eyes become wide as the realization hits that it was now a tag team against him instead of just Y/N.
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astral-nautical · 1 year
cant believe i havent seen anyone do this yet but. riptide pokemon au. heres my fucking thoughts
gillion's team is a solid mixture of electric, ice and water types. probably something built for competitive play but i aint that kinda smart so idk. BUT i do know his ace is a gyarados
gil's team was given to him by the elders over the years, and he was trained to be the best pokemon battler of the undersea
despite being told not to, gil is very close with his pokemon. he has a soft spot for all of them and can't Not be empathetic for them. theyre his babies :)
pretzel is a clobbopus. i know theyre not pink but listen. its literally a punching octopus. its also the cutest octopus pokemon LOL
pre-character arc gillion has a one track mind for competition Only. he loves his pokemon but they are also his weapons, in a way
as he spends more time in the oversea he adopts a more relaxed team. theyre still extremely strong and he still has his competitive pokemon but he stops caring about their stats and movepool and starts caring more about their personalities and bonding with them
chip didnt have any pokemon until he joined the black rose, where arlin gifts him an eevee
after the hole in the sea, it's just him and eevee against the world
his eevee refuses to evolve - especially during his time with price's gang, but even afterwards when theyre by themselves on the ocean eevee won't evolve
chip had his heart set on being a water type trainer, like arlin was, so he tries to convince eevee to evolve into a vaporeon. this is a running bit
its also a running bit that the team chip builds are all different types and use different strategies. members of the crew are pokemon btw i think gryffon is a pangoro LOL
his eevee is a little SHIT just in general. has cute privilege and knows it.
when gil is trapped in the dunjon, instead of taking his sword chip starts using his pokemon. he discovers that water types never really were his thing, after all.
its here, where chips at his lowest in a long time, demotivated and thinking of leaving his crew behind, that eevee evolves. into an umbreon - a dark type, but also a friendship evolution.
it evolves to show him that someone does care, that someone does want him around - his oldest friend, his pokemon.
chip learns to use all his pokemon to their greatest ability. i think he would have a bias for fire and dark types, but he becomes a well rounded and skilled pokemon trainer
jayjay! the ferins have a tradition where they breed their corviknights and pass the rookidees down to their kids. family pokemon :)
ava happens to get a shiny rookidee! she gets her rookidee right when she joins the navy and starts working under her father
this rookidee is...very nervous. greyhound energy. it's a shy little thing that has trouble battling and is very attached to ava and her little sister jay
ava takes the time to work through rookidee's issues and try and build it's confidence, jay acting as babysitter when ava is away at sea
at some point, after rookidee evolves into corvisquire, ava never comes home.
this ofc fucks with both jay and corvisquire. it puts corvisquire's training back by a lot and leaves jay grieving and angry
once she leaves with chip, she takes corvisquire with her. its too scared to battle and needs to be on or near her at all times, but it's a piece of her sister jay can't bring herself to leave behind.
jay ends up building a flying/steel type team, with corviknight growing and gaining its confidence as a pirate pokemon rather than a navy pokemon
its still got mega separation anxiety tho. it wears a nervous dog vest LOL
if anyone has anything to add i am all ears i fuckignlove my sillies and i love pokemon so. woe
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klanced · 1 year
you Must speak on what makes keith a barbie. for the people
1. comically large skill set
barbie MUST be highly skilled at an EXPANSIVE number of things. i am of course alluding to the sheer number of careers barbie has had (over 200!!!!). a barbie must be able to somehow solve every problem she encounters by drawing on her staggeringly large toolbox of Things and Stuff. and keith, to me, fits this bill better than lance.
the other day i was joking about how keith is the most guy of all time, and i stand by that. i think keith has worked a surprising number of jobs considering how young he is. i firmly believe keith has a weird amount of skills and trades under his belt, and with them, he can at least brute force his way through any problem he encounters.
i just think keith can do way more things than lance. BUT, and this is important, most of the things he can do are not life-savingly important. keith is not smarter than lance, he just knows things like how to do the heimlich maneuver on dogs, the best way to select a watermelon (organized by variety and season), how to ground an electric fence, etc.
2. simple zest for life
another defining characteristic of barbie is her simple zest for life. this is not to be confused with like........ idk, constant optimism and being an extrovert (although barbie is pretty optimistic). i just think barbie goes through life pretty confident in herself, and it helps her move through the world feeling very unbothered. it's about being satisfied and content.
i think keith operates in a similar way. like he does the things he does because he thinks it's the best way forward, and then he just does it. lance, meanwhile, is bogged down by a lot of anxiety about himself and his place in the world. keith also has a lot of anxiety about his identity, because of how much is completely unknown to him, but he's not afraid of the not knowing. (well, until the galra thing becomes a possibility, then he has a lot of feels about that.) but besides that, keith in the face of a self-crisis is just like "yeah ok whatever. can i go now? i have to go change the oil in my speeder." like he has shit to do, y'know? like who cares. his dog likes to go on walks at specific times in the day, he doesn't have time for this.
also can we be real for a second. if lance went as barbie for halloween he'd prepare like a million different reasons/justifications for why he's wearing this neon pink cowboy vest and bell bottoms. meanwhile keith would roll into the party dressed as cowgirl barbie purely because he saw the movie and liked the outfit enough to remember and wear it. no further thought.
3. serving cunt
look. i'm just going to be frank with you all: i think keith can, has, and will outserve lance any day of the week. like i'm sorry, but unless we all start getting real desperate with our fanon, that's just the plain truth.
you can put lance in a crop top all you want, but keith's p*ssy p*ps s*verely!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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d20owlbear · 1 year
Angel Cupcakes and Baskerville Corso
"Chiffon!" Aziraphale shouted, worried up to his ears and chasing after the cream-colored Tibetan Spaniel dragging her sparkling leash behind her. She pranced ahead just barely out of reach underneath the feet of unwatchfull by-passers.
She didn't bark back at him, but she did look over her shoulder at him once or twice, as if to ask what the problem was, only to ignore all his recall commands and wind his anxiety up higher and higher as she got closer to the street's crossing corner. He had no idea just what had gotten into her these days and he felt just about ready to cry about it!
Not just a week ago, she'd gone missing for hours on end only to show back up wet and slimy and covered in grass stains looking like she'd had a grand ol' time only seconds before he'd been about to call Madame Tracy in a worked up fit. Then, nearly every day this week she'd disappear from his bookstore at some point for thirty minutes here, an hour or so there, only to come back fit as a fiddle and disgustingly wet.
"Chiffon, you stop right there missy!" Aziraphale shouted again, gearing himself up for a final sprint, terrified she'd try to cross the street. It wasn't overly busy, but cars still occasionally sped through and they certainly weren't watching for little dogs all the way out here in Soho!
"No you don't, cupcake." An alluringly hoarse voice resonated in Aziraphale's head as someone all dressed in black from head to toe scooped up his dear little Chiffon like a seasoned pro. She didn't even bark, the traitor!
"Excus-" Aziraphale wheezed, coming to an abrupt stop in front of the absolutely oppressive-looking creature the man had at his side that Aziraphale hesitated to call a dog at all. It looked like the sort of dog a man who had enemies might have, though one that didn't want to admit it by getting a more classically intimidating rottweiler or doberman...
"Excuse me... sir." He forced out at last, standing straight and pulling down his vest to tidy his appearance as best he could, as if the man hadn't clear as day seen him huffing and puffing up the street with the way his eyebrow went up past the rims of those dark-as-night sunglasses.
"Anything you like, angel." The man replied, leaning his hip into the creat- the dog as his side– Aziraphale noticed the dog leaned back and nudged the man's free hand sloppily until it rest on the dog's head, very delicately petting its face and head. The slightest tremor Aziraphale'd not noticed before stopped the moment the dog did so. He was so fascinated by the interaction he'd almost not realized what the man himself had said.
"I- wh- you-" At that moment, Chiffon chose that point to wag her traitor little tail and bark right in the man's face, making his easy grin (which Aziraphale secretly quite liked the look of) freeze a little. But then the man stiffly held out the small, fluffy dog to Aziraphale and his smile returned to normal in the blink of an eye, so it was almost like he'd imagined it.
"Cupcake's yours, right?" He grinned wider and kneeled down to throw a lazy arm around the beast beside him as if they were the best mates in the world. "She's been popping up in my shop down the street, you know, took a liking to Baskerville over here somehow."
Aziraphale quickly took Chiffon back into his arms and curled her into the biggest hug right up against his neck so he could half-bury his face in her little lion's mane ruff. "Yes, thank- thank you so much, I was so worried!"
The man's smile widened again and he braced a hand on one knee to leverage himself up, and the dog- Baskerville (what a delightful name, Aziraphale was far too charmed already by this mysterious man dressed all in black with a welcoming smile and a voice like melted chocolate even before he found out his naming sense was on point) stood very close and very still as if he were bracing for the man as well in the maneuver.
"My name's Crowley," he said, and produced a simple little business card out of nowhere between two of his fingers and handed it over to Aziraphale. His cheeks had the gall to blush about it, he would have words with them later about embarrassing him in front of fine gentlemen and their gentle beasts of dogs. "You can find me in the café down the street's called Edine." Except when he said it, it sounded a lot like Eden...
" 'S dog-friendly, of course. We make dog-safe foods and drink too, if you'd like to bring Cupcake." Crowley continued, rambling a little now, one of his hands came up to gesticulate and his voice wavered a little on the last line. Baskerville flopped Crowley's hand onto his head again, and Crowley took a deep, subtle breath, smiling again. "This guy's the mascot, helps takes orders, though he sleeps on the job plenty. Awful employee really."
"I'm sure." Aziraphale smiled gently, eyes sparkling. "I'm Aziraphale, Aziraphale Fell. I run the bookstore down that-a-ways... and this is Chiffon." Aziraphale bounced his arms and Chiffon panted happily with a doggy grin for good measure. "We'd love to come by. How late are you open 'till?"
"I dunno, how late're you gonna come?" Crowley practically tripped over his words and Aziraphale laughed at himself for thinking he was suave and mysterious rather than delightfully adorable and entirely too endearing for Aziraphale's own good, oh he could already feel that weightless feeling at the bottom of his stomach, like he'd just stepped off the edge of a cloud and he was 0.5 seconds from free fall.
"Is 7 alright?"
"7's great." Crowley grinned, toothy and with an endearing little snaggle-tooth right at the edge of it that caught his lip just right so it looked a bit like a fang. Oh, there it was. That pesky free fall. He was utterly charmed.
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gale-dekarios · 3 months
If your tavs/durges were breeds of dog what breed would they be (or cat if it's more fitting!!) From @the-skeleton-speaks :3
TEEHEE hello beloved mutual bones 💘
ragnar is german shepard coded on the surface, and it is correct for the most part, but when that anxiety starts to come out theyre no more than a mere crusty eyed white purse dog with a comfort vest strapped around it.
bren is probably closest to a sheltie. smart, but reserved, (easily trained), very affectionate and lively, that sort of thing. he just wants praise and love, but unfortunately as a male drow... hm!
rose is an english cocker spaniel. very intelligent, but way too hyper and constantly on the move to actually do much with it. also prone to seperation anxiety. your best friend dying (probably) will do that to you.
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pinievsev · 2 years
Could you do a seth borden one where the reader has a service dog and goes on a hunt with him and Josh, I have a black German shepherd service dog named ace and I've never seen anyone write about it. If not that's totally ok, have a good day/night:)
Of course! I don't know what the service dog is for, so I'm doing an anxiety one if that's ok! I'll be using your dog's description if that's also ok! :) (No pronounce mentioned so MFA)
Seth Borden X Reader!
Seventh sense
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You were terrified! Seth and Josh had asked you to go exploring/ ghost hunting with them, you've been in a couple of places with them Sam and Colby, but you never stayed long. But this was the real deal, you were going to be in the whole thing. You weren't scared for the reason you might think, no the paranormal didn't scare you, your anxiety on the other hand did.
You had problems with anxiety, bad enough that you'd need a service dog for it. You had a black German shepherd which you had named ace, your family had gotten him when he was just a puppy and trained him. He was like your best friend. He'd alert anyone near by when you'd have an attack or try to calm you down if he sensed it before hand.
Taking a deep breath, you attached the leash to ace's vest and walked out the door, locking it behind you. From what you knew you were exploring an abandoned kindergarten building. 'where is Sam when you need him-' you thought laughing to yourself, that man probably has at least a dozen children ghosts up his a*s by now.
Ace, seeming to notice how uneasy you were, slowed his pace and walked slowly next to you, looking up to make sure you were okay every now and then. Seth had told you to meet him and Josh around 10pm at a bus stop not too far from your apartment complex. It took you around 20 minutes to get there, and when you did they were already waiting for you.
"ayee! There you are!" Josh said as you reached them, bumping your shoulder lightly, "yeah, sorry I took so long" you laughed and tightened your grip around ace's leash "don't worry about it, let's get going!" He didn't even give you time to respond, picking up his equipment bag and walking away. You and Seth following not far behind. "You alright?" You looked at Seth "I guess" he nodded not wanting to push you. The rest of the walk was in silence.
Not to long after you reached the kindergarten building, it was painted in yellow and blue,the paint fading, windows broken and dirty, the door barley hanging on to a hinge. It looked, well like any stereotypical haunted place. As the guys started setting up cameras, you leaned on the wall not too far, watching them work. You could see ace looking around alot, as if paranoid, waiting for something. You didn't blame him tho, this place gave you the creeps.
Once they were done setting everything up, and explaining everything to their subscribers you decide to go inside. Seth pushed the door open every so lightly, yet he still managed to get it off the last hinge and onto the ground with a loud thud. You flinched and cover your face as dust flew everywhere, as well as the guys. "Way to go" Josh commented "Oh come on! It was barely hanging on!" Seth protested "fine fine" Josh said playfully, walking in. You had a bad feeling about this.
After a bit of exploring, filming and talking to ghosts, all while joking in between, you decided to check out the "cafeteria", if you could even call it that anymore, the tables were either broken or on the floor, the baby blue paint peeling off of the walls, the dust flying everywhere. "Man, you'd think it'd be in better condition, didn't it close down like 20 years ago?" You asked "yes, it caught on fire, several kids and teachers burned, alot more injured" Josh replied "whoa... No wonder it looks like it's been sitting here for a century" you commented again.
You all flinched, turning to the direction of the noise. Ace got in an attacking position, growling and snarling, you'd never once seen him this way. "Whoa, what's up with him?" Seth asked "no idea..." You said trying not to panic, you knew this was a bad idea. You breathed in and crouched down to ace's level "what is it, ace..? What's wrong?" You asked patting his head a bit. You knew he was supposed to be focused but right now, you wanted to calm him down.
Once more, you flinched. " Okay what is that...?" You asked standing up, one hand holding so tight to the leash your knuckles had turned white, the other over your chest. Ace started barking. "Josh, man, we should get out of here" Seth suggested "please?" You chimed in, struggling to hold ace in place from running off. What had gotten into him!? Seth walked over helping you pull ace back, you couldn't get him to budge any other way.
Once outside, ace had calmed down, you sat down on a broken bench, struggling to breathe, ace immediately putting his paws on your lap, and whining, looking from you to Seth, who understood and rushed over. Placing a hand on your back "okay, come on, breathe with me" you followed his instructions, calming down. This wasn't the first time he'd help you with an attack. After calming down. You sat there, his arm over your shoulder, ace protectively sitting Infront of you. Josh looked at him amazed "your dog has the seventh sense dude-" you both looked up at him. "The what-?" You wheezed out "do you mean sixth sense?" Seth asked laughing "yes that! Whatever" Josh huffed "I'll go pack up" you nodded at him and he disappeared behind the corner. "Seventh sense" you laughed rubbing your face with your hand. Seth laughing along. "Jokes aside, are you alright now?" He asked. "Yup, fine. Thanks" you smiled "anytime"
You only then realised he had moved him hand form your shoulder on top of your hand that rested on the bench holding onto ace. Your face burned and you hoped he wouldn't see, considering it was dark. "You do know, you can call me anything you need right?" He asked catching you off guard "I can?-" you asked tilting your head. "Of course! What kind of friend would I be?!" He asked "right, friend" you muttered.
Truth be told, you really liked Seth, he was always so nice to you, very funny, and somehow knew exactly what to say to calm you down. "What?" He asked you, even tho he heard. He wanted to be sure "nothing, thanks though, for being there for me" you said thanking him for probably the millionth time that night "no worries" he squeezed your hand. You heard Josh call out to you, saying you were ready to go. Seth making sure you were okay one last time stood up, offering you a hand which you gladly accepted.
As you made it under your apartment building, you turned around to hug Josh, then Seth "thanks again..." You squeezed him tighter "stop that" he laughed "stop what?" He pulled you closer, if possible "thanking me all the time, I already said I'm happy to help you" you nodded, kissing his cheek and letting go. "Alright you two, thanks for inviting me. Good night" they both said their good night and you turned around unlocking the door and walking in, but not before hearing Josh teasing Seth, "shut up, man!" "Bro, you look like a fucking tomato". You laughed to yourself fully closing the door and taking the elevator up to your floor, an uneasy feeling still in your gut, but you chose to ignore it. Not a good idea....
Okay so! First time writing on Tumblr! Sorry if this sucks! I'm thinking of doing a part two! And thank you so much for the request! Feel free to leave more <3
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Name: Ivan Smith
Nicknames: Ivy (Aya), Van, Van-Man, Van with the Plan (all by Jac), Dog (Janet), Spot, Emo-Boy, Mama's-Boy (outsiders), Puppy (Estella)
Birthday: January 25th
Age: 18
Height: 5'6
Appearance: Ivan is a pale boy with vitiligo and lots of freckles with black hair usually short cut and groomed well with one half of his hair bleached white or red depending on the occasion for him, big round soft very light brown eyes, black finger nails, rings on his fingers, and thee piercings on his ears
Clothing: His wardrobe is usually always in fashion and somewhat "Gothic" if you well, red and blacks being the main color scheme with some white thrown in if he wants. But his primary outfit is black button up shirt with a red sweater vest and a old black leather jacket, a pair of black cuffed ripped jeans with fishnet leggings underneath, white socks and black doc-martens with a worn out black dog collar to match the the look
Personality: Very brash and tough acting, bluntly honest without a care if it hurts your feelings, and overall sarcastic and sassy though loyal beyond compare and nice once you get to know him, his act of toughness comes from his fear of abandonment. In other words he's Tao from Heartstopper
Schooling: 1st Year of college studying fashion and art
Likes: Jazz music, Hot Topic, Alternative music, fashion, pasta, spa trips, summer, Autumn trends, playing his instruments, Paramore, Panic! At he Disco, teas, art museums, walks in the forests, Elvis Presley, reading, thrift stores, old French films, World War movie documentaries, smoking weed, chocolate shakes, beef tacos, meatball subs, Mnt Dew, Lattes, Starbucks, Halloween
Dislikes: Being picked on by his vitiligo, being called emo-boy, getting lusted after cause he's Goth, someone lusting after his friends when it's clear they aren't comfortable, sexism, really bad fashion trends, horizontal strip patterns on shirts, really cold winter or fall, losing or breaking his vinyl records, cheaters, art thieves, copy-cats, cats, racism, when someone interrupts a movie night, being left our or not able to do something, really crazy theorize, being hit on the back that isn't a friendly or familial back pat/rub, werewolves
Abilities: Cooks, sewing, drawing, outfit/costume making, makeup (really good at eyeliner), fast runner, can lift heavy things
Story: Ivan was a small boy from a very poor family in Croatia and during one trip to England when he was 6 he was abandoned by his parents at a park in London where he was then found and taken in by police who sent him to an orphanage. The orphanage staff and kids weren't too nice ti him, often picking on him and the staff putting him on timeout whenever they think he did something bad even if it's proven he didn't, he dealt with some rude people not adopting him by his appearance and the fact he struggled with English and had a stutter.
Then, he met Estella Smith, a well known fashion designer and animal activist who was visiting her home town on tour and happened to see Ivan sitting alone. The next day she came back and adopted him saying he has inspired her with his rare and unique beauty. By then he was in that orphanage from 6 to 9 years of age.
She then took him back to her home in America and helped taught him English with her childhood best friends and later on Ivan's uncle figures' help, fed him, bathe him, and treated him well. Though he still suffered with the trauma of being abandoned and abused at such a young age he needed to see a psychiatrist from the age of 10 which Estella paid for and he was diagnosed with anxiety and PTSD which made him feel terrible and began to draw out his feelings. Estella found a piece of art and after getting permission to borrow it she made Ivan a special suit based and inspired by his art.
After that he began to learn the world of fashion and art with Estella's help and began to help work in her shop and even began to learn how to make clothes and costumes himself. During this time he met Jac and the two have never once separated from each other's sides though their guardians can feel the chaos oozing from their hangouts or when they lock eyes across the room. Currently he's in school studying to help Estella's fashion business more and work part-time at a cafe near campus
Name Meanings: Ivan - Slavic for "God is gracious" Smith - Old English for "to hit" or "to strike"
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leam1983 · 2 years
Fat Cat Envy
The shift's ended, and Sarah's still working through the Wizard Game, while Walt and I are shooting the shit and backseat-gaming.
"I just love the boardroom aesthetic, is all," justifies Walt. "I've never been slim, I'm not built for tank tops or open shirts or anything, and I'm not the type of Fat Gay Guy who lets it all hang out, y'know? I need to feel braced, and I need a vest to do that. None of that should suggest that I'm shilling for the Fat Cat aesthetic."
Sarah pauses. "Welp, you kind of are. The difference is, you're self-aware. You're not Patrick Bateman who's expecting all of this to define him as a human, you're trying to assert a sense of identity that's only really expensive if you're hung-up on designer brands. There's a baker's dozen worth of Italian brands that don't come with Milanese pedigree and that don't have the price tag to match."
Walt waffles for a few moments and then rolls his eyes in concession. "Yeah, sure, I guess. I just don't know what's wrong about knowing what the fuck you're supposed to do with gingham and having a couple pinky rings to cycle through."
I watch Sarah as she Avada Kedavra's a big wolf-dog, whose only crime consists of being a wolf-dog in this particular location. As per usual, she does it while poking fun at Ralph Fiennes' delivery of the incantation.
"Stalin wore suits like you, Walt," I tell him. "Malcom X and Martin Luther King wore the shit out of their suits, too. You're not just a guy in a suit selling cars, and you're not a jagoff going for his fourth yacht or his third Mercedes. You knowing male haberdashery like the back of your hand isn't some moral fault of yours, okay? It's a choice you've made and an interest of yours. Some people collect Pokémon cards well into their forties, some people have a little lacquered box with a bunch of select watches like you, and I bet some other people just like you have another little box for their tie clips and pins."
I grip his hand. "Only two persons alive get to call you a Fat Cat as a positive - that's Sarah and me."
He blinks. "So you don't mind the contradiction between my values and how I look?"
I sigh. "Hon, you're a consumerist with a conscience. There's tons of people out there like you, starting with me. We buy shit we don't always need while being aware of their impact, and we otherwise try and make responsible choices. Count yourself lucky you never fell in with PC gaming or car ricing, 'cause then you'd be financing underage labor and exploitation. Christ, Walt, the last tie pin you bought came from a local artisan. You gave money to a local. How is that Blind Fat Cat logic?!"
He follows mine. "And if you bought that Oculus Quest in a few paychecks, you'd be in a moral quandary."
To which I have to agree. "I would, actually. I don't need that VR headset, but having the option to go untethered sounds nicer than my current setup. Maybe I'd get more mileage out of the Quest than my Rift S, which I only bring out with the office's VR PC for showroom car demos."
The big guy seems surprised. "And you're fine with that?"
Sarah pauses her game again. "Sweetie, real life isn't a video game. There's no Good alignment and no Evil alignment. Either you do the best you can and likely die forgotten by everyone, or you're an ass in a few select aspects and get a shot at notoriety or infamy. Please don't go down the Self-Flagellating Penitent route; my last boyfriend had anxiety attacks over which brand of coffee we bought!"
An angel passes, followed by a thoughtful nod. "So you can either be nihilistic about it and join the douchebros spending their way to an early grave, or you can be realistic about it. What then?"
I hug my Sales Adjunct. "Pick your battles, you idiot. Book sales, fantasize about that Burberry coat for next Fall while being aware you'll probably go for a Chinese knockoff at a fraction of the price, dress to the nines all you like - but make a difference where you can.
He's silent for a while and just hugs me back. After a minute or two, Walt sharply exhales.
"I take it back, I'm actually super rich, if it's all a question of perspective."
Sarah sees it coming and gives Walt a smirk and a slow sideways glance.
"I'm super rich because I've got you two," he says, assuming a bit of that Alpha Douche posture he uses it blend in, with his shoulders squared off and his girth allowed to take up space.
Suddenly, reaching the endgame phase doesn't matter all that much to Sarah. We're both in Walt's arms, and he fakes a self-satisfied laugh. "This fat cat's got two kittens to groom," he suggests, adding a deliberately lusty Meow before locking lips with me.
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gundog-training-blog · 6 months
Weighted dog vest: How to pick the right one
New Post has been published on https://dogreviews.us/weighted-dog-vest-how-to-pick-the-right-one/
Weighted dog vest: How to pick the right one
Are you looking for a weighted dog vest? You are in the right place. This article will review weight vests for dogs available in the market.
You may have seen a dog wearing a piece of cloth and think it is just a cloth for attaching a leash, but it could be a dog-weighted vest. Weight vests for dogs have two primary uses. They can be used to build dog muscles and burn excess calories, especially if the dog is overweight.
Another use of a dog weight vest is to tire the dog so that when you arrive home, it remains calm. It is also important to note that dog vests cannot be used with dogs under two years old. The reason is that additional weight on a younger dog can lead to joint and muscle problems.
Large breed dogs like pit bulls and Rottweilers are the ones that primarily use weighted shirts for dogs; however, it is recommendable to use other dog breeds to build their muscles and make them strong.
Here is a quick preview of the best weight vest for dogs
What to look for in a weighted dog vest?
You must be careful when buying weighted dog collars like Dog Training Collars. Keep the following in mind before making a purchase.
Your dog size- Ensure you get an adjustable vest that can be resized to fit your dog. You can first measure your dog with a tape measure to get your dog’s actual size. Ensure the vest fits and does not strain the dog.
Weights for dogs-Buy enough dog weights that will challenge him but will not injure him. The weight should be 10-20% of the dog’s body weight.
Padding material: A good weight vest for a dog should be made of padded material so that the vest can be comfortable for your dog. An excellent padded vest will help to protect your dog from injuries during training.
It is evenly distributed in multiple pockets. Look for a vest with numerous pockets to add more weight whenever needed. The pockets must be evenly distributed to ensure the weight does not concentrate in one area of the dog’s body, causing injuries.
Dog weight vest detailed review
Xdog vest
The Xdog weight vest is a fitness dog vest that can help improve dog health. This vest can help you achieve the goal of having a physically fit dog because it increases dog performance when exercising.
In addition, the Xdog vest can help calm and reduce anxiety in different situations the dog encounters. If you are looking for the best dog weight vest, I recommend the Xdog vest because it is made for all dog breeds, e.g., Rottweilers, pit bulls, Labradors, German Shepherds, etc.
Why Xdog is the best dog weight vest
Several reasons make Xdog stand out from other weighted dog vests. For example
Unlike other weight vests using metal bar weights, they have safe and comfortable weight bags you can fill with sand.
It is m
ade using material that is lightweight, durable, and breathable.
The vest is waterproof so that you can exercise in any weather.
Weights are adequately placed to avoid spine injuries.
Suitable for all dog breeds.
Comfortable fit the dog and remains in place during the training.
Leerburg Weighted Dog Vest
The Leerburg dog vest designers had two goals in their mind, i.e., build muscle and make the dog stronger through exercising. Another goal is to ensure excess energy in aggressive dogs is burnt.
These dog vests are made using heavy fabric. The underside of the vest, upper back, and shoulder are lined with faux sheepskin, which makes it comfortable.
What makes the Leerburg dog vest stand out from the rest
The vest has individual pockets where you can add 1-pound weight.
The number of pockets in each vest varies; you can pick a vest with ten pockets, which can take ten weights for more muscular big dogs. Others have eight pockets. It is recommended that the vest be introduced to the dog without any weights.
This vest was designed with dog safety in mind.
Onetigris dog vest
The Onetigris tactical dog vest is for pet owners who love taking their dogs for walks. If you always have to carry dog treats and water, One Tigris dog vest makes it easy for you and your dog.
The vest has detachable pouches. You can add dog food and other treats inside these pouches, adding some weight to the vest while still making your walk comfortable since your hands are free.
The vest is made of soft material that cannot hurt your dog’s fur. This vest is the best for outdoor activities like jogging, running, hunting, and hiking.
Why you should choose One Tigris dog vest
Easy to get on and off the dog.
It is made using 1000D nylon.
It has three detectable pouches for carrying dog treats.
The Interior is mesh; therefore, it is more comfortable and well-ventilated.
It has a metal leash clip and handles for effective dog control.
ICEFANG Tactical Dog Vest
Icefang works closely with pet owners, dog trainers, and lovers to meet customer needs. All their new products are tested by customers first before production begins. This is why the ICEFANG Tactical Dog Vest is one of the best dog weights for pit bulls. One year ago, before my pit bull (Brutus) died, I bought this vest, and it was perfect for walking and jogging with him.
Key Features
It is made using 1050D nylon.
The outer coat is water-resistant.
It has soft, padded, ventilated mesh.
It is a durable handle that is large enough, therefore, easy to grab the harness while walking the dog.
Custom-fit, therefore, does not rub dog fur.
Ruffwear Approach Dog Backpack
The approach Pack is for pet owners who love to travel with their dogs. The vest has a saddlebag, carrying essentials needed during a hiking trip. It uses durable, lightweight material and padded to make it comfortable on the dog’s back.
It also comes with an integrated harness with reflective trim, allowing you to monitor your dog’s movement in a foggy or dusty environment. The Ruffwear backpack also has non-slip straps that are easy to adjust and secure. The pads also disperse the load, making it easy and comfortable for the dog to lift.
Canine Weighted Dog Vest
This is one of the heaviest and most effective weighted dog vests available. It’s twice as heavy as other vests. The sandbags are 2 lbs. Unlike others, the weights are included in the vests, which require metal pellets to make them heavy.
Canine Vest Features:
The weight is distributed evenly in the front and back of the legs to build maximum strength.
Weights in the outside pockets do not touch the dog’s body to ensure the dog has coordinated and balanced movement.
It has a padded strap for comfort on the dog’s torso.
It helps in improving dog health and strength.
Importance of dog weights vest
Weight lifting in the gym builds muscles and is an excellent form of exercise that relieves stress. The same applies to dogs. Below are the benefits of using weight vests in dogs.
It helps to calm extra-active dogs.
If you have difficulty keeping up with your active dog, which keeps dragging you while taking a walk, adding extra weight on their back will help slow him. The weight will also help him build muscles and exercise.
Help to calm anxious dogs.
Does your dog get anxious in situations that he should not be? For example, jumping when they see a visitor? Adding extra weight to his back can help keep him calm in any situation that makes him anxious.
Increases dog exercise
If your canine friend is obese, consider buying a weight vest. Running your dog while wearing a weight vest can help burn excess fat and get him back on a healthy track again.
Correcting dog bad behavior
Dog aggression, destruction, and other unwanted behaviors go hand in hand and can be corrected by exercising your dog to tire him and make him sleepy when idle. Adding a weight vest ensures you push the dog to its threshold, and he will not portray any unwanted behavior.
Improves function of dog cardiovascular system
If you do not take your dog out for walks daily, using weight vests can help strain his cardiovascular muscles for even a short walk. Therefore, your dog will have enough exercise despite taking fewer walks.
How to make a dog weight vest
Watch the video below to make your dog weigh vest and follow the steps.
Where can I buy a weight vest for dogs?
Are you wondering where to buy weight vests for dogs? These vests are available online, and you can purchase dog-weight vests on Amazon. They will ship the product on time, and it will come with a money-back guarantee and warranty if you are buying from an authorized dealer.
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mollyinternational27 · 10 months
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zealousvoidrebel · 1 year
How Do You Find The Best Dog Leads & Accessories For Your Pets ?
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All dog lovers always have a sneaky eye open keen to buy new dog accessories or dog toys for our pets. We just can’t resist and  it’ such unavoidable pleasure and certainly leads and collars are always on our most wanted lists! So whilst it is always fun to get the topical birthday or Christmas themed gifts for our little four legged friends it is also so important to us all to find the best, most practical and most useful dog leads and dog collars. There are so many on the dog market that it can be difficult to know which is best but this little tip may help some.
At Yellow Dog charity they do their  best to provide quality accessories to help all dogs and their Yellow Dog’s and their owners from dog lead covers, cravats, vests and tabard’s to their recently award nominated double handled dog lead. It is so useful to appreciate there are actually awards for these kinds of products and so we can trust their professional judgment.
Pet Quip is the international trade association for manufacturers and suppliers of pet care goods and services and they will be celebrating the best of the best at their Pet Quip Awards in October 2024. Yellow Dog are proud to be involved with this event and to have our ‘I NEED SPACE’, double handle 1.5m dog lead nominated. This particular lead is made of thick soft heavy duty nylon webbing with the wording ‘I NEED SPACE’ each side embroidered in black lettering ensuring this important message will not ever fade but hopefully your best friends anxiety will. The lead also has two padded easy grip soft handles, which provides increased comfort and security on dog walks, especially if your dog is stronger or energetic. As there are two handles it gives you increased control so that the shorter handle loop enables you to hold your dog closer near traffic or when passing other dogs or people.  This double handle lead also helps in training if your dog is prone to pulling, providing gentle corrections when needed, whilst also giving you a good length lead for when you feel comfortable to let your dog have more of a run.
It is great to see these products and appreciate the thought and care that goes into helping dog owners enjoy the best dog life with their pet. These kind of pet products can make such a difference to your dog walk, creating a feeling of control for you which will inevitably feed to your dog and this relaxed relationship will benefit you both on your dog walks, making the whole business so much more enjoyable. The confidence accessories like this provide is unevaluable for all pet owners, so have a look at these award nominations and hopefully you will find the perfect accessory for your dog too.
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pawlane · 1 year
First Things First: the Significance of a Safe Puppy Harness
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This post is for you if you recently became the proud owner of a furry child. We are here to help you navigate the world of dog harnesses because we know that keeping your cherished canine safe and comfortable while walking is a major priority. We have suggestions that will work for all ages and sizes of pets, whether you have a young puppy or an elderly friend. Additionally, if your dog has a propensity for anxiety or leash pulling, don't fret; we've got some wonderful answers for those problems as well. So let's dive in and find out how important choosing the appropriate harness may be when taking your dog for a walk!
The Best Way to Measure Your Dog for a Harness
For your puppy's safety and comfort, it's essential to get the harness fit just perfect. You'll need a soft tape measure, some twine, and a ruler to measure your furry buddy. Start by taking a measurement slightly above their shoulders, around their neck. Don't make it too tight or too loose; make sure there is room for adjustability.
Next, gauge their chest's circumference at its widest point, which is typically immediately behind the front legs. Make sure there is once more enough space for mobility without being too tight. Keep a record of these measures so you may use them to identify the ideal harness size.
In order to further personalize the fit as your puppy develops, seek for a harness with adjustable straps. It's crucial to pick one that won't chafe or irritate their sensitive skin and is composed of sturdy materials.
Do not forget that puppies grow quickly! As a result, it's critical to routinely inspect and adjust the harness to make sure it remains secure and doesn't get too tight as the puppies grow into adult canines. You'll be on the right track to selecting your pup a safe and cozy harness that will keep them safe on walks while allowing them freedom of movement if you follow these easy steps for measuring your puppy correctly.
The most comfortable dog harnesses for wearing all-day
Finding the best dog harness in Australia for all-day wear is crucial for the comfort of your animal pet. A harness that offers support and comfort can be the difference between enjoying a leisurely stroll or going on an outdoor adventure.
The adjustable step-in harness is one possibility to think about. For dogs who can be a little wiggly when dressing up, this style of harness makes it simple to put on and take off. You can assure a secure fit thanks to the straps' adjustability without sacrificing your dog's mobility.
A padded vest-style harness may be the perfect solution for people who need additional cushioning and support. These harnesses were made with comfort in mind; they uniformly distribute pressure across your dog's chest and back, lessening stress on their necks. What is the extra benefit? To improve visibility while out on nocturnal walks, several of these models have reflective stripes.
Consider a traditional nylon webbing harness if simplicity is important to you and your dog. These straightforward solutions are ideal for daily wear because of their reputation for strength and minimal weight. They frequently come in a variety of hues and patterns as well, showcasing the individuality of your pet.
Don't overlook our little furry companions! Inquire about soft mesh or fabric-based harnesses that offer mild support without sacrificing breathability for toy breeds or puppies that may need some extra protection around their fragile necks.
Every dog is unique, so keep that in mind! When choosing the ideal dog harness for your pet, it's important to take into account their size, breed traits, and any special needs.
The Best Dog Harness for Every Age, from Puppy to Senior
Finding the right dog harness for every age, from puppies to seniors, is essential for assuring their security and comfort when out on walks. The wants and requirements of your beloved pet change as they get older and grow. Fortunately, there are many different types of harnesses available to suit dogs of all ages.
Selecting a harness for puppies that can be easily adjusted as they grow is crucial. To accommodate their changing body shape, look for one with adjustable straps and a range of sizes. Harnesses that equally transmit pressure across a puppy's chest are beneficial for reducing stress on their fragile necks.
As your dog gets older, comfort plays a bigger role. To avoid chafing or irritation during extended treks, look for a harness that is padded or composed of soft materials. Consider a design that permits freedom of movement while retaining control as well.
Because of their age or other health conditions, senior dogs may require special care. Select a harness with additional cushioning and support for the chest and back. Senior dogs may benefit from harnesses with handles to help them up stairs or into cars.
At every stage of your pet's life, choosing the appropriate dog harness should always put safety and comfort first.
The Best Dog Harnesses for Nervous Dogs: Walking with Confidence
It should be fun to walk your dog, but for anxious dogs, it can be quite the reverse. Finding the appropriate harness can make a huge difference in your pet's confidence and security if they experience anxiety or terror when out on walks.
Front-clip harnesses are one style that calms anxious dogs down. When they start pulling, this design turns their focus back to you, allowing you to keep control without making them feel uncomfortable. Additionally, it aids in equally distributing pressure across their chest, lessening any potential strain on their neck.
A step-in harness is an additional choice to think about. These are fantastic for dogs who might become even more frightened when something is above their head. They don't have to mess with getting it over their head; all they have to do with a step-in harness is walk into it and buckle up.
A cushioned or mesh-lined harness may offer additional comfort for puppies that are particularly sensitive. These materials nevertheless offer the support required while reducing chafing and irritation.
Do not forget that every dog is different, and what works for one dog may not work for another. Spend some time observing how your dog behaves when you're out for a walk, and seek advice from a pro if necessary to choose the ideal fit.
You can turn those anxious walks into enjoyable experiences with the proper dog harness created exclusively for apprehensive dogs!
Discover the Power of a No-Pull Dog Harness and Say Goodbye to Tugs
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Both you and your canine companion should find walking your dog to be fun. But it can rapidly turn into a frustrating affair if your dog pulls and tugs at the leash nonstop. A no-pull dog harness can help in this situation.
A no-pull dog harness is made to deter tugging by focusing your dog's attention back on you. A no-pull harness distributes the power of pulling more evenly throughout your dog's body than typical collars or harnesses, which impose pressure on the neck or chest.
The front-clip design of a no-pull dog harness is one of its essential characteristics. You can better manage your dog's movements by securing the leash to a ring that is positioned at the front of the chest rather than on top of their back.
The distinctive shape makes walks much more bearable by preventing dogs from utilizing their full might to pull forward. It motivates them to follow you rather than pulling you along behind them!
This not only makes walks safer and more enjoyable for all parties, but it also assists in teaching dogs generally not to pull. Many dogs eventually learn that tugging is ineffective with regular usage of a no-pull dog harness and start to walk calmly by your side.
Finding the best no-pull dog harness for your furry friend may seem impossible with the range of alternatives now on the market. So do not worry! There are several reliable companies that provide useful and high-quality products made especially for various kinds and sizes of animals.
A well-fitting, comfortable no-pull dog harness is an investment that will not only spare you from arm fatigue but also foster improved interaction with your canine companion while out on walks. Therefore, put an end to those tiresome tugs-of-war and learn how effective a no-pull dog collar can be in making frantic walks into peaceful strolls.
How a No-Pull Dog Harness Can Restore Order on Walks from Chaos to Calm
You and your dog should enjoy going on walks. Walking your dog can be stressful and difficult if she pulls. The no-pull dog harness will restore calm to your routine walks.
Dog harnesses that don't pull are available. To help them focus on you as they pull ahead, it typically contains a front leash attachment point. Without injuring your adorable animal, this gentle correction offers you control.
Dog leashes with no pull enhance walks right away. By evenly distributing pressure across your dog's body, these harnesses reduce the strain that collars put on your dog's neck and throat. This makes the stroll secure and enjoyable.
Behavior issues and actual pulling are addressed by a no-pull harness. Gently guiding and repeatedly discouraging your pet from pulling will teach them proper walking manners, making every outing with you more enjoyable.
Positive reinforcement training is promoted by a no-pull harness, which promotes good conduct instead of punishing poor. By using continuous training techniques like treats and praise, this harness can help to control frantic walks.
It's crucial to choose a no-pull dog harness because different breeds have varied body proportions and forms. Measure before you buy to get the most comfort and effectiveness.
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creatiview · 2 years
[ad_1] What are you up to this weekend? My dad is visiting, and we might see the movie One Fine Morning (have you seen it?). We also got some slice-and-bake cookie dough because the boys are hooked! Hope you have a good one, and here are a few fun links from around the web… Whenever people ask me where to shop in Brooklyn, here’s my #1 recommendation. (These guys are at the top of my wishlist.) Cheese and broccoli for the win. Wow, how gorgeous is David Harbour and Lily Allen’s house? Dying over the wallpaper. The definitive guide to raising preteens without letting them get to you (lol). “Let them be in bad moods, but let them know you’re here to help. Their hormones are nuts, their skin and hair is the ugliest it will ever be, their teeth are jacked, they can’t put together an outfit for shit, and they don’t know where they belong in the world. They are becoming independent and still strapped down as young children but feel like they are not kids. It’s hard for them. For my kids, sometimes, I would just say, ‘It’s clear you had a hard week, let’s just make popcorn and watch a movie that makes us cry.'” How to listen completely. #bookmarked. Sweater vests are everywhere right now — how cute is this and this? A 60th birthday trip to Antarctica. Who wants to make pottery with Seth Rogen? A two-person game to play on Valentine’s Day. Remember this birthday quiz? I made one for my sister last week and forgot how much fun they were. Plus, three reader comments: Says Rachel G. on my best $8 parenting purchase: “Inspired by Sophie Blackall’s Things To Look Forward To, I posted a blank piece of paper on the bathroom wall and taped a pen next it for people to add their own things they are looking forward to. My kids, in-laws, friends, and friends’ kids have all contributed, and I love that I get to feel stoked about their anticipations, as well as my own.” Says NMK on slice-and-bake cookie dough: a taste test: “My favorite cookie tip, learned from high school chemistry: Once cookies have cooled after baking, put them in a storage container with a good lid, then break apart a piece of sandwich bread and slip both halves in. The cookies stay super soft and the bread gets rock hard. Dunk in milk for days to come. Enjoy!” Says Ari on a love letter to my dog: “This year, our company offered us well-being stipends, and I spent mine on adopting a dog, who completely has my heart. I’ve been suffering from burnout, depression, and anxiety, and this dog is saving my life. I’m walking all day with him. He’ll lie all 50 pounds of him on me like a weighted blanket when I cry. He’ll run up to other dogs and get a conversation started. He’s also a darling to my son. When I playfully asked my son whether he thinks our dog is an older or younger brother to him, he simply said, ‘He’s my twin.’ SOB.” I Ask Percy How I Should Live My Lifeby Mary Oliver Love, love, love, says Percy.And hurry as fast as you canalong the shining beach, or the rubble, or the dust. Then, go to sleep.Give up your body heat, your beating heart.Then, trust. (Photo of Norway by Sergey Lukankin/Stocksy.) 30 COMMENTS [ad_2] Source link
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