#besides paying!!! which took 2 min top!!!
ishikawayukis · 1 month
going to the doctor is so annoying because they'll ask you to come 20 min before the appointment, they'll make you wait 20 min after your appointment because of course they're gonna be late, and they have you in for 5 min with an order to get exams done and you are standing there feeling like you just wasted one hour of your life
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damonlakes · 4 months
This is gonna get really depressing but I feel like i have to say it so here we are (TW for suicidal themes btw)
As a teenager entering my junior year it has become apparent that I need to start applying for scholarships and that graduating high school is not that far away for me. You could say i’m a star student and that i’ll be fine after all, I make good grades, I’m in AP classes, and I win awards for my extra curriculars as well as my academics, but I’m still worried. Going to college is a must in today’s world so it’s not like i have a choice because if I don’t go to college i’ll be stuck working some low paying job with no opportunities. Neither of my parents went to college nor my grandparents so I do have the first generation advantage but that means i’ve seen the aftermath of not going to college first hand and it only makes me more nervous. Earlier this year my father had been laid off and while he has gotten a job since then, it took three months, all because he didn’t have a college degree. My parents have never been well off financially and I would say I grew up poor compared to everyone around me, because of this I don’t have a college fund; which is kind of essential in today’s shitshow of an economy. While I am very smart and a hard worker I’m not sure I can pay to go to college, and a respected college at that. I know this sounds cocky of me but I don’t want to waste my time, money, energy, and intelligence on a low level college. I’ve had my sights set on UT Austin for a while now and I know I can get in but money worries me, and i’m not alone on that. 77% of Americans say that college is unaffordable as of June 2023, additionally, 52% of Americans saying that even in-state colleges are too pricey to possibly pay the tuition. Hell, people can’t even buy food anymore cuz if they do they can’t pay their bills. The American economy is in shambles for everybody but the politicians. There is nothing left of the “American Dream” that people love to preach about. I’ve been both blessed and cursed with being born and raised in West Texas and let me tell you why. Out here we learn the importance of hard work early on in life and many people can make a high income which is good, but the economy in West Texas is always shifting because the main industry here is oil and natural gas. There’s a thing that dictates the economy here that happens every five years or so called an oil bust. An oil bust is when oil production rates drop significantly, causing a loss in money and people. Think about it like the gold rush, when the gold ran out, the miners and the money left town. I’ve witnessed the oil booms, but the busts are so much more memorable. I owe everything I have to the permian period remains that we suck from the earth in exchange for profit, all of the money here is thanks to extinct sea creatures that are 259 million years old. Because of this I don’t even know what a good job is besides doctor and oil company not to mention my town is so isolated we don’t have any good schools within a 2 hours drive. The closest college with a good name is Texas Tech and I am not getting raider rash, Tech is out of the question. UT Austin is 5 hours and 10 mins away by drive from my hometown. Being able to afford the tuition is one thing but gas, food, dorm fees, and moving furniture across the state on top of that is extremely daunting especially considering i’ll be so far away from my family. I can’t even prepare for the impending economic crash considering if I get a 4 year degree I’ll graduate from college in 2030, the same year the crash is predicted to hit. I’ll never be able to afford a house, or a car, or retirement, or even food at this point it’s outrageous and so completely stressing that if the economy doesn’t improve by the time i’m 40 I might just shoot myself because I can’t be old and broke, I mean, come on, pick a struggle. It was in my plan to be dead before I was old enough to retire anyway tho cuz I don’t want to live that long only to have financially staggering medical expenses.
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Lovedust pt.7 || Peter Parker x Stark Reader
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Summary: It’s the night of the party and Y/N is having seconds thoughts about going but her friend Kim convinces her to go and have fun. While things get more complicated with Peter, Y/N and Josh get closer at the party. 
Word Count: MF 7.7K ( This is my longest piece I-)
Author’s note: YALL HERE WE ARE! THE BIG OOPSIE DOOPSIE OF LOVEDUST! This is probably my favorite part that I have written so far- it’s fairly long but boy did my heart HURT. I would say we have about maybe 2-3 chapters left give or take and I’m so bummed the story is almost over :(. Thank you all for being incredibly kind, your support means so much I can’t thank you guys enough. ALSO hehe there’s a lil easter egg from the first chapter and the chapter with Y/N having a nightmare. If yall pay attention to some of the wording at the end...
Warnings: Underage drinking, adult language, angst, mentions of death
part one || part two || part three || part four || part five || part six || part seven || part eight || epilogue
You wanted it to be a normal night, one that in hindsight, would’ve worked out in your favor if you were normal to begin with. You weren’t the partying type or maybe, you just convinced yourself that it wasn’t the case since you were hardly invited to them to begin with. 
As if it made any sense, you felt eerily similar to Cinderella at this moment; even though she was one of the worst princesses in your opinion, you still sympathized with her story. The idea of wanting nothing more than to leave the confines of her dusty attic to dress pretty for a ball was something you could sadly relate to. 
While the Avengers complex was by far well above the average means, it was Cinderella longing for just one night away from her complicated life that made you see the story in a different light. 
But after years of wondering what it would be like to go to a real party (now that you were offered the chance to go) it wasn’t the way you dreamed it would be. As you stood in front of your closet, recalling the times you had put on outfits that you thought would be the perfect party attire just seemed like pieces of cloth, nothing more and nothing less. 
Because you didn’t care about the stupid party. You cared about Peter. 
You had put so much blame on him for everything; his feelings that he couldn’t control and his past which he apologized for multiple times. When you had the chance to fix everything, you were too scared to be vulnerable with him and admit that maybe you were falling for him. 
You weren’t a coward, you wanted to convince yourself that you could still move on and have fun without thinking of him but you felt almost embarrassed that you were feeling the opposite. 
“ I don’t want to go anymore. This isn’t right,” You sighed as you turned to your phone that was propped up against your dresser,” I can’t just leave him here while I go off to some party.”
You watched Kim through the facetime call as she put down her mascara to take a second to look at you,” Y/N, you have been talking about this party all week. Hell, I gave you that blue top that makes your boobs look great and you even said you couldn’t wait to wear it to the party!”
You only hummed in response as you moved aside the hangers in your closet to find the top that Kim had let you borrow. 
“ We mentally prepared for this, we watched Superbad and Booksmart in one night to get the full spectrum of high school parties and we even practiced how to play beer pong!”
“ That was on our phones, I’m sure it’s different in real life,” You sighed as you took off your shirt and slipped on Kim’s blue blouse,” I just feel awful about going to a party knowing Peter is just gonna be here all night.” 
“ Y/N, you deserve this party. You’ve worked your ass off for four years and I know how badly you wanted to go ever since we got uninvited to that one theatre party where Timothy Chalamete supposedly showed up to. I know you feel guilty about Peter and yeah, you kinda fucked things up, for now, but you deserve a goddamn break,” Kim practically yelled through the screen, doing her best to hype you up,” if you don’t go, you’re gonna regret it, you and I both know that. So just get dressed, do your hair all cute and shit, put on makeup or whatever you do and go have fun at this party with Josh.”
“ Fuck, Josh! I completely forgot about him, he’s supposed to pick me up in an hour!” You said as you suddenly felt a wave of nerves come over you,” what do I do about Josh? What if he tries to make a move on me tonight?”
“ Do you want him to make a move?”
“ I don’t know...not really but then again, I wouldn’t mind. Don’t hate me cause I know this sounds shitty, but maybe I need a distraction from Peter...is that awful?” You asked as you slipped off your pajama pants and rummaged through your dresser for jeans,” don’t answer that, I know that’s awful to say. Am I turning into a fuckboy?”
“ If you feel empathy than no, you’re not turning into a fuckboy,” Kim laughed as you found a pair of jeans to slip into,” look, I know how you feel about Peter and if you see yourself wanting to be with him than this thing you have with Josh won’t happen. At the same time, even if you do like Peter and you want to have fun with Josh for a night, you’re not a shitty person for wanting that. You’ve been through the wringer with Peter and to be honest, Josh is literally a goddamn angel so I don’t blame you for seeing him as an option. Either way, you’re hot, smart as fuck, and you are a fucking Stark; you don’t owe Peter or Josh anything so do what you want to do because you deserve it.” 
Kim was every protagonist’s wet dream; the side character who had more to offer every time and yet, she practically thrived off of hyping you up. You knew that she had a point, she always did. 
A part of you could tell which way she was leaning in terms of who you would go out with and yet, she only cared that you were making the right choice for yourself and your own happiness. 
“ You really are a ride or die friend,” You said honestly as Kim smiled back,” I’m going to get ready but I’ll see you there okay?” 
“ Will do girlfriend!”
Once the facetime call ended, you leaned back in your chair and stared at yourself in the mirror. 
You didn’t know what your intentions would be for the night and even though Kim had said you wouldn’t be a bad person if you had fun with Josh, you knew you would still feel shitty doing so, especially when you knew that you had strong feelings for Peter. 
As you fixed up your hair, all you could do was replay the conversation with Peter in the rain and how close you were to confessing everything. Looking back, you knew you were stupid for running away, if you really liked him than what was the problem of letting him know how you felt?
Because you knew once he was cured, he wouldn’t share the same feelings for you. 
In every sense of the lovedust, the way Peter felt about you wasn’t natural and yet, it was the lovedust that really made you like Peter back. 
You were just saving yourself from future heartbreak and given your past relationships, you had a reason to be hesitant in being that vulnerable with another guy. 
And yet, you still feel like you owed Peter an explanation. 
You got up from your seat and walked out of your bedroom, making a beeline towards his room. You were sure he was done with testing at this point but after knocking on his door a few times, there still wasn’t a response. 
You opened the bedroom door to find his room completely empty with everything neatly tucked in place as if he was cleaning up for a guest. 
The complex was big but you knew you would run into sometime before Josh showed up so you walked straight out and went to the elevators to make your way up to the labs. As you pressed the elevator button, you felt some unease sitting at the pit of your stomach. 
Something felt off, whether it be your natural woman inclination or just the fact that you were nervous to confront Peter. 
The elevator doors slid open and you walked in before you pressed the button to the designated floor like it was second nature.
Just breath, you’re fine, why are you freaking out?
You felt your phone buzz in your pocket and once you pulled it out, you felt your heart skip a beat when you saw Josh’s contact name pop up. 
Josh: I just left my apartment! I’ll see you in 20 min!
Your stomach shifted once again as you replied back before stuffing your phone back into your front pocket. 
Twenty minutes. 
That was enough time to confess to Peter right? 
The elevator doors opened to the lab and you walked towards the main zone with a slow pace, as if the anticipation would suddenly make you feel less nervous. 
Once you rounded the corner to where your dad and Banner were usually working on Peter, you found the room to be completely empty besides for a few lab technicians who were working rather quickly. 
You took a moment to give one last look into the lab before going down the hallway to peek into the other glass rooms to try and find Peter. You had a feeling that maybe you should’ve checked the gym before coming all the way up to the labs but once you found yourself in front of the last room, you spotted your dad and Banner walking out with grim faces. 
“ Dad? Is everything okay?” You asked as their heads whipped around to turn to you,” have you two seen Peter anywhere?” 
You studied your dad’s face carefully but he gave no inclination of what the situation was, a talent he had grown accustomed to since he was your age. You gave up on your dad and watched Banner’s face, a face you always had a talent of reading easily. 
He kept his eye contact anywhere but towards your direction and the collar around his neck was wet, a sign that he was stressed out.
“ Banner, where’s Peter?” You asked again as you looked up at him before moving your eyes toward the room they had just walked out of,” is he in there?” 
“ He’s-”
“Resting. He’s had a day full of tests so we put him in one of the hospital beds just to keep an eye on him,” Your dad interrupted as you watched Banner gulp,” it’s not a big deal kiddo.”
“ Okay...well if it’s not a big deal than I’m gonna go check up on him to make sure he’s okay,” You said wearily as you tried to walk in between your dad and Banner but he took a step to block you. 
“ Y/N, he’s not feeling well-”
“ Why are you lying?” You asked as you looked back at Banner,” what are you two not telling me?”
Your dad kept up the charade and sighed as if he was annoyed,” Kiddo, he’s K.O’d for the night. You know, lots of tests and meds that’ll have him relaxed for a few hours. Maybe you should check up on him tomorrow.” 
You could tell he was trying so hard to keep up the lie and while your dad was a phenomenal liar, you were smart enough to see right through his act. 
All you could do was nod as you played coy,” Okay, that’s fine. Oh! I wanted to let you know I’m going to that party tonight so I won’t be home until later.”
As you were studying Tony, he was doing the same right back at you. It was like a game of chess; who would break first, who had the upper hand, and who was going to make the next move without disrupting their own game. 
“ Alright, just be safe than. Be back before eleven,” Tony said as he patted your shoulder and started walking with you back to the elevator, his hand almost leading you away from the door,” Remember; Beer before liquor, never been sicker.”
You couldn’t take it anymore, you needed to know what was wrong with Peter. 
You stopped in your tracks as you turned around to face your dad and Banner, who was still avoiding your gaze. You knew something was up, it was painfully obvious and you weren’t going to just turn over and accept defeat. 
“ Would you ever lie to me?” You asked as your dad inhaled sharply, immediately shaking his head without a second thought,” okay.” 
You peeked your eyes back to the door and before you knew it, you ducked under your dad’s arm and ran over to the room where you were sure they were hiding Peter away. 
“ Y/N, stop!” 
You ran even faster as you practically slid against the tiled floor before throwing open the door to find Peter in the hospital bed. A huge heart monitor was connected to the side that had immediately spiked when you entered the room. 
“ Y/N? What are you doing here?” Peter asked as he sat up in his bed as your eyes traveled to several IV’S that were attached to his forearm. 
The first thing you focused on was how pale he looked. Whatever the hospital gown couldn’t cover showed almost a ghostly touch to his usual lush color. Since the lovedust, he had always had a blushful expression, accessorized with flushed cheeks or red tinted ears but now, there was none of that. 
You could hear your dad and Banner behind you but before your dad could drag you back, you could hear Banner talking your dad out of it to ‘give the kids some time.’ 
You didn’t even bother saying thank you as the door shut behind you, leaving you and Peter alone in the room. You were almost scared to come closer to him, he didn’t look like himself at all. 
You looked towards the heart monitor again which caused Peter’s heart rate to spike up with the thought alone. 
“ Tell me what happened,” You finally said as you made your way over to sit on the edge of Peter’s bed,” it’s serious, isn’t it?” 
Peter swallowed nervously but shrugged like it was nothing,” Your dad was there before anything bad happened.”
You shook your head, you weren’t going to get any information out of him like this. You turned to the side of his hospital bed and picked up a clipboard with his medical information. Peter tried grabbing it out of your hands but you stared him down, as if to say ‘ don’t try me.’ 
Peter backed down as your eyes scanned the sheet carefully, trying to decipher all of the medical lingoes that were vaguely familiar from watching Grey’s Anatomy. 
You felt your breath hitch as you read over the same diagnosis. 
“ You had an acute heartattack because of me, didn’t you?” You finally said as you carefully placed the clipboard on the desk beside you,” because of our argument... and you weren’t going to tell me.” 
“ Y/N, there was no reason to worry you-”
“ You’re so stupid Peter, why wouldn’t I be worried for you? You think an acute heartattack is something as normal as a fucking cold?” You snapped as you watched his heart rate rise. You took a deep breath and ran your fingers through your hair to calm yourself down,” I’m killing you. Loving me is literally killing you Peter.”
Peter watched your gaze fall back to the IV’S while he kept his eyes on you the whole time. You looked absolutely defeated and he didn’t blame you. The way you stared at his arm made him feel like you were trying to somehow reverse the lovedust, as if you could take his pain away. 
And yet, what you didn’t know was that Tony had just come in minutes before you to announce that yes, you could actually take the pain away forever. 
“ What about you? Is it killing you?” Peter asked as you tore your eyes away from his IV’s and locked your gaze on him.
“ Seeing you like this? Of course it’s killing me, I’m not that cruel Parker.”
“ No,” Peter swallowed dryly,” is it killing you that you might love me?” 
Your first instinct was to laugh. What kind of sick joke was coming out his mouth? You tried to force any sound, anything that was a resemblance of something from English translation but your brain mentally stuttered. 
It was as if your mind and words went on pause to let your thoughts catch up to you. Were you really that easy to read or did Peter know you better than you know yourself? 
“ How do I answer that?” You asked quietly as Peter was quick with a reply. 
“ You answer it honestly.”
“ Oh, because you have been so honest with me?”
“ You haven’t been telling me the truth either. You’re a lot of things Y/N, but you’re not innocent.” 
“ Oh yeah? What am I then? Since you clearly know so much about me,” You replied to somehow detour the conversation. 
Peter gladly took the bait as he chuckled,” You’re stubborn. You’re the most stubborn girl I have ever met in my entire life and I love that about you. It makes things interesting knowing that you don’t roll over for anyone, even when you know you’re wrong.” 
You only hummed, he had a point. You had learned that from Tony and you weren’t ashamed about it one bit. 
“ Well, I love how foolishly selfless you are. You always put everyone else’s feelings before yours even when your health is at stake,” You said back as Peter’s smile faltered. 
Oh how spot on you were. 
Cause in this moment now, Peter was between a rock and a hard place. He had information that you didn’t have, information that would seemingly fix everything and yet, he didn’t want you to know. 
The cure for the lovedust. 
“ You’re keeping something from me, aren’t you?” You said after studying his expression for a moment as Peter released his bottom lip that he was holding in between his teeth nervously. 
“ I think you’re the one not being honest with your feelings,” Peter said as a matter of fact,” why won’t you admit it?”
You wanted to swallow your pride because damn it, you didn’t want a repeat of earlier. You didn’t want to chicken out but could you afford to be vulnerable again?
“ Peter...I don’t want to admit anything until you’re in the right state of mind,” You finally said, which was the most honest answer you could give,” after all, we both know what you’re feeling for me isn’t the same as how I feel for you...it’s a side effect of the dust.”
Peter only nodded, even though there was so much to say to you. Peter felt like he was in a slowburn novel, but damn, even at this point there had to be more to give right? If this was a story of two people who were meant to be together, then why the hell is it taking so long? 
If Peter could have it his way, he would rewrite it to where they could be happily ever after in the first chapter but sadly, this was real life and there wasn’t that kind of luxury. 
“You’re right, it’s not the same,” Peter said bitterly as his sympathetic smile faded,” just a side effect.” 
You both understood. As things stood now, it was more of a standstill than anything. A pause, a pitstop, anything to halt whatever momentum the two of you shared.  You felt absolutely broken that he admitted it, his “love” for you wouldn’t ever be the same as however, you felt about him in that moment. 
Just like that, you both knew you were doomed from the start.
You felt your phone vibrate in your pocket and you already knew it was Josh. You inhaled deeply as you gave Peter’s hand a squeeze before rising from his bed,” I’m gonna go but if anything happens, call me okay?” 
“ Same goes for you. Be safe,” Peter said in almost a whisper as you nodded before turning to the door. 
You walked out of the room and leaned against the door for a moment collecting your thoughts. You ignored the gaze of Banner and your dad and seemingly walked through the two without batting an eye. 
Tony felt guilty knowing that you had caught him in a lie but he really thought he was doing his daughter a favor. Once he knew you were gone, Tony walked through the door to find Peter deep in thought. 
Tony shut the door behind him and walked over, taking a seat in the chair beside Peter’s bed. No one said anything for a moment but Peter was the one to break the silence first. 
“ I didn’t tell her about the cure. I don’t think she would even want to...” Peter admitted as Tony nodded. 
Tony crossed his arms and leaned back in his chair, his mind wandering in every direction,” Good call. Thor said our time is fleeting so we need to make sure it works.” 
Peter shifted nervously in his spot,” You and Banner won’t stop finding a different cure though, right? Just in case?” 
“ Yeah, just in case.” 
“ You look nervous,” Josh pointed out once the two of you pulled up into the driveway of Amber’s house,” did you want to wait a second before we walk in?” 
You shook your head as you tried to swallow any nerves that were building up in your throat. You couldn’t believe you were actually about to go to a party after everything that has been going on. 
“ No, I’m fine...It sounds stupid but I don’t really do parties so this is all kinda new,” You admitted as you took in another deep breath. 
“ It’s not stupid at all. If it makes you feel any better, I usually get pretty antsy before preforming but now that I know you’re going to watch me, I feel less nervous,” Josh smiled warmly as you started to feel your senses ease,” parties aren’t as scary as you think. Yeah, there are always a lot of people I don’t know but seeing a familiar face is always reassuring.” 
Josh had a way of calming you down that no other person could do so easily. You wondered if someone else had said the same thing to you like Kim or Peter and if it would have the same effect but maybe it was just exclusively Josh that had that sort of charm. 
“ Okay, I’m ready.”
The funny thing was, you really thought you were ready until you stepped into her house. The floor vibrated along to the beat of whatever song was blasting along the speakers and the smell of alcohol and weed felt almost suffocating. You were immediately overwhelmed with the amount of people already there and of course, you hardly recognized anyone from school. 
“ Here, hold on tight,” Josh intertwined his fingers with yours as he led you both through the crowd of teenagers almost too effortlessly. 
He led you outside and you thanked god the stage that was set up for his band was in the backyard. You walked along the poolside, following closely behind him before you felt someone splash you with water. 
“ Hey what- Kim!” You shouted excitedly as you let go of Josh’s hand to crouch down beside the pool to where Kim was swimming in just her bra and underwear,” you’re not even wearing a swimsuit? You dirty bitch.”
Kim laughed as she rested her hands against the edge of the pool,” Took you two long enough. Joshua, how are you this evening?” 
“ It’s going good Kimberly, I hope you’re enjoying yourself,” Josh teased back as Kim playfully rolled her eyes,” Y/N, I’m gonna check in with the guys real quick. Are you cool to stay here for a second?”
You nodded and shooed Josh with your hand,��� Go, I’ll be fine.”
Josh gave you one last nod before jogging over to where his band was setting up. His bandmates had seen you walking over hand in hand with you and were now giving Josh hard pats on his back, as if to say ‘ nice job.’ 
“ He’s so respectful it physically hurts. Like I know the bar is so low for men but Josh checks every box. It’s annoying,” Kim sighed as you dragged a lawn chair from the grass and put it next to the edge of the pool to continue talking to your friend,” I would kill to be in your shoes right now. Oh to have two, brown-eyed guys fawn over me!” 
You couldn’t help but laugh as Kim dramatically placed her hand over her forehead and all you could do was shake your head,” Whatever, you didn’t even like Peter. You said so yourself he was a total douchebag.” 
“ Was a total douchebag and look, not that it’s any competition but I’m hashtag, team Peter. I’m a sucker for a good enemies to lovers trope,” Kim sighed as you felt your chest tighten up at her proclamation. 
You moved your eyes away from Kim as Josh came back over to you,” Did you want me to get you a drink?”
“ Thank goodness yes-”
“Y/N you should go with him,” Kim insisted as you turned to give her an odd look,” don’t get me wrong Joshua, I trust you but ya know, parties and alcohol and...men. Just to be extra safe.” 
You wanted to drown Kim on the spot for even insinuating that Josh would do something as terrible as spiking your drink but luckily, Josh gave a sincere nod. 
“ Of course, that’s not a problem. Men really are the worst,” Josh said casually as the two gave each other a little salute,” ready Y/N?”
Josh interlocked his hand with yours once again as he led you back into the house and through the kitchen as some people called out to greet him. 
“ Look at you Mr. Popular,” You teased as Josh squeezed your hand before opening up the fridge.
“ This is your first time drinking right?” Josh asked as you nodded, almost embarrassed,” Hey, that’s alright. You and I are gonna stick to the light stuff tonight, these taste better anyway.”
Josh pulled out three bottles of Mike’s Hard Lemonade and popped off the bottlecaps with a bottle opener before pouring it straight into two plastic cups. 
He tucked the third bottle underneath his arm as you watched him curiously. Josh caught you eyeing his actions as he handed you the cup carefully. 
“ Why not just drink it straight from the bottle?” You asked as you watched Josh take a sip,” I feel like we’re hurting the environment.” 
“ Looks cooler in a red solo cup,” Josh admitted bashfully as he clinked his cup with yours. 
You took a small sip, expecting it to burn like how it was always described in coming of age books but surprisingly, the fizzy taste of citrus wasn’t overpowering in any way. Josh raised his eyebrows and playfully nudged your shoulder,” See! It’s good, right? If you drink enough of these, I’m sure anyone could get tipsy but the goal of this party is to actually remember it the next day.”
There was just something about Josh that made you feel so much safer than anyone else. He didn’t tease you for never having gone to a party before or having alcohol; if anything he did his best to make sure you were as comfortable as possible. 
“ You’re being unreasonably cool, you know that right?” 
Josh smiled as he reached for your hand instinctively for the third time that night,” Only for you baby.” 
Smooth smooth Josh. Like putty in his hands, he led you back to the backyard but the whole time, you felt your heart practically melt at him calling you baby. 
Was it pathetic how easily you leaned into his touch? Maybe. 
But god, he really did make things harder for you. You had come into this party with your eyes on another guy and yet, Josh always managed to turn up the charm whenever necessary and you ate it up. 
Josh might be the charming, golden boy but you knew you couldn’t be too naive. Everyone had flaws, maybe Josh’s was that he was too nice and too friendly, or possibly him being a complete lightweight was the only thing holding him back in life. 
Lucky bastard. 
Once you made it to the backyard, you found Kim with a towel around her body, sitting on one of the lawn chairs. Josh walked over and whistled at Kim to look up from her phone, to which he handed her the bottle of Mike’s and she sounded a quick thanks in response. 
“ I’m gonna warm up with the guys. We’re only going to play a quick set but after, I’m all yours,” Josh promised as his cheeks started to get red at his own words but he turned back around at an attempt to hide his face. 
You took a seat next to Kim as you felt your heart practically skip a beat,” He’s really something isn’t he?”
“ Mm, he’s something alright,” Kim sighed as she struggled to open up the bottle,” dumb bitch, he didn’t bring a bottle opener or something?” 
“ It’s the thought that counts!” You said back as Kim popped the bottle cap using the metal part of the lawn chair.
As you listened to Josh’s band start their first song, you couldn’t help but feel guilty on how you were feeling. A part of you was holding on to the idea of you and Peter being a possibility but things were always so complicated with him. 
There was more to lose in being with Peter and it was painfully obvious that Josh made things so incredibly easy. You didn’t need to walk on eggshells when you were with him and sure, things were new and always changing but Josh could eventually be a person you could lean on. 
You reminded yourself that Peter “loved” you and that you did feel something for him that Josh couldn’t make you feel, but it wasn’t real love and that alone completely sobered you up from your moodiness,” Cheers Kim.” 
She watched as you drank whatever was left in your cup but Kim only ooo’d, knowing it wasn’t enough to get you drunk. 
You shook your head as you tried to think of anything but Peter. Tonight was your night to be free and you didn’t want to have to worry about who would be waiting for you once you got back home. 
And yet, deep down, you wondered why a part of you felt like it wasn’t right to hold Josh’s hand. Maybe because you knew you liked holding Peter’s more. Even as you looked up at Josh who stole a few glances your way, you silently prayed that it was Peter up on that stage instead. 
“ I can’t do this,” You said after a second of overthinking everything as you pulled your phone out of your pocket,” I need to text him.” 
“ Um fuck no! No drunk texts, that shit is so embarrassing Y/N!”
“ This is less than 5% alcohol, I am definitely not drunk Kim,” You mumbled as you slapped her hand away and pulled out your phone to text Peter,” I thought you were on team Peter?” 
Y/N: I need you
Y/N: *address*
Kim watched as you texted Peter but before you could send it, Kim leaped out of her seat and snatched the phone out of your hand,” I swear-! Yes, I am a new fan of team Peter, although Josh is getting major brownie points, but I have been a loyal member of team Y/N way before anyone else. I’m doing you a favor, what is texting him going to solve?” 
You pouted as Kim slipped your phone into her bag, unbeknownst to the both of you that the message had accidentally sent. 
“ Now get the hell up and lets dance bitch!”
You and Kim had perfected your mental state to a tee; not drunk enough to trip over air and make complete fools of yourselves but tipsy enough to where even the slightest look at each other was enough to make you break out into a fit of laughter. 
You still ‘danced like people were watching’ but you managed to still let loose enough to where the music flowed so freely between your fingertips. 
“ Josh you guys were great!” You shouted as you pulled him into a surprise hug, which he happily accepted,” I think I’m officially your number one fan now.”
“ Wait in line,” Kim scoffed playfully as she grabbed her bag from the floor,” I’m gonna go get a cheese plate or something. Don’t do anything gross while I’m gone.” 
You shot her a prompt ‘ why would you say that’ with your eyes before turning back to face Josh. You weren’t sure where things would go next but he took your hand and led you to the other side of the backyard to a wooden bench, claiming that he just wanted to rest a bit after singing for so long. 
The bench was small enough to where your thigh was against his but you didn’t mind the contact. 
“ Thanks for coming out by the way. I know these type of things are pretty overwhelming but I’ve been having fun so far. How about you?” Josh asked as you exhaled deeply. 
“ I’m glad I came...thank you again for convincing me to come out here. I feel like there’s been a lot of stuff going on at home and it’s kind of nice being a normal teenager for once,” You said honestly as Josh rolled his shoulders back. 
You could feel how nervous he was next to you but for the most part, he didn’t really show it from his facial expression. 
“ Can I ask you something?” 
You nodded, trying your best to be as cool as possible but all you could think about was how dry your mouth felt. 
Oh fuck, the million-dollar question was finally here, wasn’t it? Was he going to reveal his feelings? What if he was going to make a move?
“ Is there something going on between you and Peter? The other day when I came over, it felt...intense. I didn’t want to overstep by coming over or anything,” Josh hesitated as he tested the waters. 
Well fuck, that question was just as nerve-wracking as the others. You wanted to be as honest with Josh as possible but at the same time, you didn’t want to ruin any chances you had of possibly having him around if Peter didn’t work out. 
You knew that was such a shitty mindset but Josh had a way of making you feel so comfortable and you weren’t willing to let that go. 
“ I thought I had something with him but it’s complicated,” You answered honestly,” you saw him, he’s...sick and I feel like the sickness is making him feel things that aren’t actually there. I don’t know, it’s so weird to explain.” 
Josh bit his bottom lip nervously as he hung onto your every word,” So his feelings for you aren’t there like he thinks it is?” 
God, it sounded so simple the way Josh said it when it was so much worst in reality. Of course, it would be way easier to tell Josh everything from the toxic relationship you and Peter had to how the lovedust was emotionally and physically a toll on both of you. 
For obvious reason, you could never reveal that much to him. 
“ Yeah, exactly that,” You sighed, sounding a bit too disappointed and Josh had caught the shift in your voice,” feelings are always so complicated.”
“ Not all the time,” Josh said quickly as he caught himself,” I mean, liking someone doesn’t have to be complicated. Sometimes it’s really easy because love shouldn’t hurt, you know?” 
You only nodded because you could tell Josh had more to say. He took this opportunity to shift his body to fully face you and you scooted your back against the armrest so you could show him that you were attentive. 
“ I mean, when I like someone, all I think about is how much I like being around them. Everything else kind of just falls away and it feels all warm like how the books describe it,” Josh could feel a blush creep onto his cheeks yet again but he knew there was no point in covering it up now,” it’s a cliche but I think when you have a crush on someone, everything just falls into place... And I feel that when I’m with...you.”
Your heart practically drew closer to him because what is going on, this was different. Even though Peter had generally been saying the same things to you for days on end, this was more. 
There wasn’t some magic space dust that was making Josh confess his feelings, it was just pure humanistic drive to step out of one’s comfort zone that had tugged on Josh harder than ever before. 
As if time had slowed down, you watched closely as Josh placed his hand onto your knee before leaning in, getting dangerously close to your lips. Josh stopped only a mere centimeter before your lips touched, as if to give you a chance to back away and yet, you stood still. 
You were trying to make sense of what your heart and your gut were telling you but you thought back to Peter admitting to you that the love he felt for you was a side effect of the lovedust, nothing more and nothing less. 
Peter would never like you back. 
That’s what pushed you over the edge and so, you closed the gap between you and Josh as you kissed him back. You could feel Josh smiling against your lips but the pure sensation of the kiss didn’t last. 
Kim had witnessed everything in slow motion. The text from Peter, indicating that he had entered and was heading to the backyard to watching Josh lean in to kiss you. It was like a sick hypothetical they always asked in ethics classes when presenting the Trolley Dilemma and yet, she barely had enough time to make a decision. 
All she could do was shout but it was a little too late. Peter saw everything. 
He saw you close the space between your lips and Josh’s. He saw Josh smile against your lips. He saw you pull away before leaning in for more. 
Peter knew what was coming next, he practically braced for the pain that he knew was coming because just earlier the same day, he had a miniature version of it. But he never expected the pain to be this unbearable. 
His ribs felt like someone had just swung a bat into the center of his chest and he could feel every bone splitting into various small fragments that were too small to ever glue back together. Each little fragment of whatever was left had seemingly pierced his heart in a thousand different places as more and more pressure starting to build in his chest. 
He couldn’t even let out a cry for help, not even a whimper because no air could come in through his mouth. 
The fear alone made his chest tighten up to the point where he felt his lungs almost give in from inside of him. His vision was the next to get blotched out with a violent array of reds and oranges, moving at a fast kaleidoscopic rhythm that sent Peter deeper into a panic.
The last to give was his legs; the dizziness from the complete distortion had made his knees buckle from the pain, sending him straight into the pool. 
You heard Kim cry out first as she pushed her way through a crowd that was blocking the door. You moved away from Josh to find the commotion and even though you couldn't see who fell into the water, you knew deep down who it was. 
You ran over to the edge of the pool and without a second thought, you dived into the water. Josh quickly followed behind you; it took him only a second to kick off his shoes before he jumped in after you. 
What scared you the most was how eerily quiet it was underwater. You could hear some muffled shouts but that’s not what was so quiet. His body was motionless in the water, there was no sign of struggling or thrashing or convulsing like how it was in the movies. 
Everything just felt slow as you desperately reached your arms out to swim faster to him. You only had one focus once you wrapped your arms across his chest and kicked up to the surface. In your mind, you were already going through how you would start compressions on him once you reached the top. 
You were panicked and scared but you knew you had to pull yourself together, pushing away any thoughts of how far gone Peter could be. 
You broke the surface with Peter in your arms as you called out to someone, anyone to take him from your arms. Kim and one of Josh’s bandmates helped lift Peter’s lifeless body onto the concrete as Kim quickly called 9-1-1. 
Her hands were shaking as she tried to press the three buttons and after an eternity, they picked up the phone. 
You scrambled up from the pool and hovered over Peter’s body and without a second thought, you started doing CPR. 
For a moment, that’s all you were thinking. Like a machine, over and over again on an endless cycle, chest compressions, open his airway, give rescue breaths. When you found yourself thinking about how panicked everyone else was and how pale Peter looked underneath you, you continued to give compressions until you felt like your arms would snap from the pressure. 
You don’t know how much time has passed but enough to where there would’ve been a sign by now. You sobbed for Peter and kept calling out to him, your voice shaking like a child, the same child who lost her parents all those years ago. The same child who held that heavy towel, pressing it against her fathers chest to stop the bleeding- no. 
You couldn’t think about that, this was different. You could save him. You kept reminding yourself over and over as you did a round of chest compressions, opened his airway, and gave more rescue breaths. Over and over. Non-stop. 
Again and again without hesitation. 
At this point, you couldn't stop your mind from thinking of Peter and the possibility of him actually dead. How long was he under? What had happened before? He must’ve seen the kiss- oh my god you killed him. 
You can feel it, building up inside of you like an unstoppable path set ablaze like pure lava. 
You thought about never hearing his laugh again, the one where he would grip his sides so hard, he would wheeze like an old dog toy. Chest compressions. Airway. Rescue breaths. 
You thought about him never calling out your name, whether it was followed by an insult or a loving comment about how you made him feel. Chest compressions. Airway. Rescue breaths. 
You thought about never touching him again, his strong arms holding your shaking body when you had that awful nightmare or how perfect his hand fit in yours when you two walked together in the rain. Chest compressions. Airway. Rescue breaths. 
You thought about never telling him how you actually felt, how stupid you were forever letting him get away because it was him all along. Chest compressions. Airway. Rescue breaths. 
It was always him. 
You were in love with Peter. 
And suddenly, almost finally, Peter jolted up and coughed up the water from his lungs. 
You stopped the compressions and held your own breath as Peter continued to cough up more water, his eyes squeezed shut. 
“ Peter? Can you hear me?” You called out between your choked cries as you snapped your fingers close to his ear.
After a moment, an agonizing moment, Peter nodded, as everyone else collectively let out the breath they didn’t know they were holding. Peter opened his eyes slowly, taking in everything like it was his first time seeing the world. 
“ Oh thank god, don’t worry, help is coming. Stay awake for me, okay?” You sighed in relief as you tucked a strand of wet hair behind your ear,” I’m so glad you’re okay.” 
When his eyes lock onto yours, he feels an odd sense of deja vu that he can’t explain. His chest isn’t tight anymore, his hands don’t feel as clammy as before, his mind feels almost cleared. 
He focused on your eyes while everything else drowned out around him. Your pupils, they’re big and they’re filled with a heavy deal of worry but there’s something else. Your eyes, he’s looked into them so many times before but why is it different? 
As shaken up as you are, you manage to cup his face carefully to console him, or more so yourself. Your hands are shaking but they’re warm against his cheek and he can’t help but reach his hand to lay across the hand that’s cupping his face. 
Peter feels his face flush, but this time it’s different, it’s...euphoric? Peter wasn’t even sure if he was saying the word correctly but that’s how he felt. 
Your eyes, he’s so enamored by the way you’re looking at him. You were worried of course, but no, there was something else. 
“ You’re safe Peter, you’re okay.” 
“ Don’t worry I got you.”
“ Just breath for me, okay?” 
There it was, the same deja vu. You had said that to him before, or maybe he had said it to you before through broken sobs when you had the nightmare. 
Peter’s breath hitched as it all finally hit him, he figured it out just by holding your deep gaze. 
Oh my god.
The lovedust had worn off, it was gone. All the anxiety and nerves from having it in his system had disappeared, evaporated off of him almost. The chest pains and the shortness of breath had gone away but Peter still felt something pulling, tugging at his heartstrings. 
The lovedust was gone, he knew that well enough.
 The only thing he could feel as he stared back at you was a pure, undivided, longing for you. 
That’s right, Peter Parker was still hopelessly in love with you, no lovedust required.
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shwazzberryswriting · 3 years
Twisted, Act 3
*Day 25*
Haechan😘🙄☺️: gd morning babe hdyf need me 2 go 2 target
Lawan: Babe I got big news
Haechan😘🙄☺️: ?
Lawan: I have to buy new bedsheets CUZ MY PERIOD CAME LAST NIGHT my sheets are ruined I spent the last 20 min scrubbing my mattress
Haechan😘🙄☺️: alot of tmi babe but does this mean i can take u out for shots wanna smoke a celebratory blunt
Lawan: 🙄 its not even 9AM yet babe
Haechan😘🙄☺️: where r u getting bedsheets
Lawan: you were saying something about Target?
Haechan😘🙄☺️: want me to come get u we can go to 119
ill help u finish cleaning
ill make u lunch
Lawan: see u in 20?
Haechan😘🙄☺️: 15
Lawan: 😘
Lawan watched Haechan in the driver’s seat of her car, his blue hoodie covering his messy brown hair. He looked at home singing along to the music as he adjusted the volume to the sound system. His confidence in parallel parking made her grateful that he offered to drive them as they were out running errands.
She needed a bit of a break. She’d woken up early to find herself looking like she was in a horror movie, her pajama shorts and blue bedsheets were ruined with large red period stains. Currently, her room stunk of all purpose cleaner and antibacterial spray. She had been nearly done with cleaning her mattress when Haechan had texted her.
“So you’re not pregnant but your bedsheets are ruined,” Haechan said, turning the car off.
“I’d rather have a crappy morning cleaning my mattress than have a baby in like, 8 months or something.”
They shuddered together before exiting the car. 119 was a tea shop that opened early on the weekends. Haechan enjoyed going to 119 for the free upgrades. A couple of his NCT frat brothers worked there, and that morning Mark was working. It was easy to talk him into giving them discounts.
“Are you going to get a milk tea or fruit slush?” he asked her as they stood in line. She rested her hands over his arms wrapped around her waist from behind. “Coffee milk tea or strawberry milk slush?”
“So you’ve been keeping track of my orders?” she said, trying to keep her eyes open as Haechan kissed her cheek.
“We spend so much time together babe, I just know what you like,” he said, resting his head against hers. “What will I order?”
“Coffee milk tea or white grape slush,” she replied. His hold on her tightened for a second.
“I think you like me more.” His voice had made her nipples hard, which caused her cheeks to grow hot.
“Haechan?” a familiar voice said from behind. Loosening his hold, Haechan turned his head over. Lawan followed, and felt her whole face turn hot. Renjun, another NCT frat brother, was arm in arm with his girlfriend, Alexandria. “Hey, Lawan.”
“I knew it,” Alexandria said with a wide grin, shaking Renjun’s arm. “Renjun, didn’t I tell you last night that I thought they were, like, hooking up?”
“You were gossiping about us?” Haechan asked. Lawan wanted him to release her. It was hitting her that she and Haechan were legitimately dating. As in, their friends would know that they’d been doing more than just watching movies in each other’s rooms. He held her firmly against him as her nerves made her feel like her knees would give way. “But yeah, I guess you can say it’s official.”
“How did you two go from bickering about homework to...this?” Alexandria asked. Her eyes were shining bright as the corners of her eyes crinkled up and her mouth widened into a big smile.
“We’ve been getting along better,” Haechan replied, giving a shrug.
“Why? Because you were hookups first?” Renjun asked. He broke out into an innocent smile as Haechan let go of Lawan, his eyes narrowing.
“Hey! What’s up, guys?” their cashier, Mark, greeted them, relieving the tension in the air. “Yo, dude, my manager stepped out for the day. Johnny came in here and piled on the free shit. You want a cookie with your order?”
“We’ll just get our drinks,” Renjun said stoically, but began stuffing a few individually wrapped cookies into his leather bag.
“Don’t mind Renjun,” Alexandria said to Lawan, resting her body against the counter. “I’m happy to see you two together, but I do want to know how this all happened.”
“Haechan bought me a pineapple daiquiri,” Lawan replied before trying to rub her tongue up against the roof of her mouth. It felt like rubbing a sponge up against a brick wall, her mouth parched. “He’s helped me a lot lately.”
Haechan handed her a sugar cookie decorated to look like a pineapple with royal icing, distracting her and Alexandria. Despite Alexandria smiling at the gesture, Lawan didn’t know how to feel. She wanted to find the gesture sweet, but she worried that Haechan was only doing so to look good in front of their friends. The idea sounded absurd, but she couldn’t stop herself from worrying that Haechan was only putting on a show.
“Um, dude, I think that’s overdoing it,” Mark said, reaching over to stop Renjun from grabbing all the treats placed on display.
“So you like Johnny more than you like us?” Haechan asked.
“What if I told you I could double the boba in your drinks?” Mark replied.
“Not Dria’s, please,” Renjun said. Haechan seized the opportunity to tease Renjun for being so caring about his girlfriend’s drinks preferences.
As Haechan and Renjun heckled Mark, Lawan thought about what she and Haechan would say to their friends about how they became a couple. They hadn’t exactly lied, but Renjun’s joke had Lawan sweating for a second, thinking that he knew their whole history.
She was able to feign a smile and banter with their friends about why they were up so early. Renjun and Alexandria were trying to beat the large crowds at a new art museum that was featuring a collection of works done by Frank Stella in the 1970s through to the 1980s. By the way Haechan nodded passively to Renjun’s excited ramble, Lawan felt relieved to know that she wasn’t the only one who didn’t know who Frank Stella was.
Alexandria invited them to join, and take advantage of their student discounts. The first weekend of the month meant the tickets were discounted by another 5% on top of the 10% student discount. After thanking Mark for the free upgrades and cookies, Haechan and Lawan declined to join. She spent the rest of her day with Haechan, but she still struggled to let go of her worries.
*Day 30*
The lunch rush had been busy and frantic, but she’d gotten a lot of large tips. There was a tech fair near the university campus, so the out-of-town visitors gave generous tips. Since she’d worked 3 days in a row, Lawan had her entire weekend off. It didn’t mean much since she was stacked with homework.
“Lawan, can you check the front locks before leaving?” Ruby asked from the back office in the kitchen. They were the last people in the restaurant, the pair to clean up and set up for the dinner shift.
“All right,” she called out as she put the strap to her purse over her shoulder. Ruby and Lawan had done the lunch rush so often, they’d come to clean up in less than 30 minutes with their routine. “See you later, Ruby!”
Her eyes were shut as she sighed when she exited the kitchen to check the front door’s lock. She was going down her list of errands before heading home. HMart for rice and produce, bank to withdraw money she owed her roommates, and then home for dinner and homework. She needed to take some aspirin for her headache and sore feet.
When she opened her eyes, the last thing she wanted to see was staring her in the face. She stopped in her steps as she stood beside the back end of the restaurant’s bar. Seated at the second to last chair nearest to her was Haechan, two pineapple daiquiris in front of him. Her face turned hot as his gaze was steady, his expression did not change as he turned his body toward her direction.
“Are you trying to ghost me?” Haechan asked.
She pressed her lips together and looked down at the daiquiris. Of course, Ruby wouldn’t warn her about Haechan paying her a visit. They hadn’t talked about Haechan when Lawan said she didn’t want to, but the fact that Ruby brought up Haechan at all was telling enough that Ruby liked Haechan and Lawan dating.
Seeing him in the flesh made the guilt she’d tried ignoring come rushing forth, making her whole face hot. Pulling out the metal chair before her, she sat down beside him, and set her purse down onto the bar counter. After the day she got her period, Lawan had gotten cold feet and ignored Haechan’s texts, telling herself her schoolwork was more important.
“I need time to think,” she replied, her eyes fixed on the daiquiri sitting closest to her. The maraschino cherry was slowly sinking into the deflating whipped cream.
“You could have texted me that,” he replied, his tone remaining level. “I would have understood.”
“Right, because you’re the perfect boyfriend,” she said with a scoff. Guilt clouded her vision immediately and she shut her eyes before looking up into Haechan’s face.
“I don’t have to chase you, Lawan,” he replied, his expression unmoved. “If you don’t want to date me, that’s fine. Just don’t be an asshole about rejecting me.”
“Haechan,” she said, feeling her throat tighten. She blinked away the tears that threatened to come. “I’m sorry. I like you, I’m just...feeling insecure. You deserve better.”
“What’s up?” he asked, turning his body toward her, touching his knee to hers. His eyebrows furrowed slightly.
“That morning we ran into Alexandria and Renjun, I just,” she paused as she looked away. She felt ashamed to think about the judgment her mom received for being a young mother. The world felt more modern than old patriarchal standards of her grandparents’ age (hell, even her mom’s), but the threat of potentially being knocked up while in college scared the shit out of Lawan. “I don’t want people to think you and I were stupid that day we hooked up. It all came from such a cynical place.”
“You think our relationship is cynical?” he asked, his eyebrows raised. He grabbed one of the daiquiris and took a drink from the red straw.
“You really wanted to date me after we hooked up?” she asked, crossing her arms over her chest. “Like, you really think we would have begun dating had the condom not broken?”
“I don’t know,” he said with a shrug. “Life didn’t work out that way. Maybe I was feeling horny and you were too, and that was supposed to be it between us, but like, come on. I know my concerns for you weren’t cynical, especially last week. Is that how you see our relationship? You only dated me because you don’t want people to judge you for being a horny idiot? Condoms break all the time.”
“Haechan,” she said with a laugh, furrowing her eyebrows as she sat up straight. She looked around despite knowing that they were alone. Reaching out to touch his wrist, she apologized as she saw him frown, his jaws tightening. “I like you. I like you so much. Every night I’ve been going to bed, crying, thinking about you, knowing I can’t just stop talking to you. I haven’t been fair to you, I’m sorry. It’s not you that is the problem, it’s me remembering how tough it was to grow up seeing my mom struggle a lot. All that hard work she put into raising me, and I could have been in a similar situation.”
“I would never walk out on you,” Haechan said, leaning closer to her.
“It’s not about you,” she replied. “It’s about me. It’s about how scared I was. I just...I needed time to sort through my feelings. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. I didn’t want to worry you.”
“So you shut me out?”
“I’m sorry,” she said, standing up. He had a point. It was a shitty move not to consider his feelings. “I really am. I’ll need to communicate with you more. I want you to be my boyfriend, Haechan. I want to be your girlfriend. Will you forgive me?”
He sighed and shut his eyes. A few tears rolled down his cheeks and it was her turn to sigh. Whenever he scrunched his eyes shut and opened his mouth into a wide grimace she knew they were crocodile tears. Instead of calling him out, she kissed his tears away and combed her fingers through his hair. She planted two kisses onto each of his beauty marks, one near his eye and the other on his cheek.
“I’m so sorry, babe,” she said softly, pulling him into a hug. She wrapped her arms around his neck. “I don’t want to hurt you.”
His arms wrapped around her waist and he lifted his head to plant a kiss onto her neck.
“Let’s go home,” he said, standing up with her. He draped his arm over her shoulder.
As they began on their walk to the NCT frat house, Lawan pressed herself closer to Haechan. His body was warm, and his hold was comforting.
“Are you always this forgiving?” she asked. She’d expected him to do a little more guilt tripping. Perhaps go on a scripted monologue about how she iced him out with her cold heart.
“No,” he replied, looking down at her for a second, “but I did make a promise to you at Costco, do you remember?”
“You did?”
“If I was your boyfriend,” he said plainly, “I’d never let you go.” They were just a few steps away from the driveway to the frat house.
“Don’t finish that,” she said. They’d stopped walking. Despite herself, a smile was growing on her lips, hurting her cheeks. “You’re my boyfriend. You don’t need to-”
“Keep you on my arm, girl-”
“Stop. I don’t like this Bieber song.”
“You'd never be alone.”
“Donghyuck, I mean it.”
“And I can be a gentleman, anything you want.”
“If I was your boyfr-”
She shut him up by grabbing his face and kissing him.
Thank you for reading! 💚
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nightshade-minho · 4 years
-Blue Book- (10)
Act 2
Warnings: angsty shit, future smut.
Wc: 1.8k (sorry for the short ass chapter-)
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You blinked sleepily, a finger poking your arm and insistently pulling you out of your slumber.
A whine left your mouth as you opened your eyes slightly, Felix's face hovering over yours.
"Lix-" You groaned, pushing him away and casting a quick glance at the clock on your wall. " It's a Saturday morning, fucking let me sleep." You rolled over, burying your face in the pillow as Felix let out a deep sigh.
"Y/n, this is important. There's something I thought I should let you know-"
"Fuck. Off." You growled, voice muffled by the pillow.
Felix sat there for a moment, contemplating his life choices. Why exactly did he think it would be a good idea to try and wake you up at 8 am on a Saturday?
If he told you the news now, you'd be mad at him for having disturbed your precious sleep. If he tells you when it's too late- god, you'd be pissed beyond doubt.
Either way, he'd have to face your wrath. Deciding he didn't want such a pretty morning to be ruined, he put it off. Was it the right decision? Guess he had to wait and find out.
He cast one last glance at your sleeping face, heart beating. He hoped you’d take it well...he doesn’t want to see you devastated again. 
Mentions of him always managed to do exactly that, though. 
He really wasn’t prepared for another night of crying and excessive wine drinking, patting your back as you asked the same question, again and again.
He wished he could let you know you were more than enough, worthy of the world. And he’d be sure to protect you. 
He wasn’t going to hurt you. Not again.
When you finally woke up, courtesy of your alarm, you sat up and slid out of bed. Stumbling out of your room, you headed to the bathroom, which seemed to be locked.
"Lix! Come out, I really need to pee!"
"Just a second!"
You groaned and rested your head against the door, letting your eyes flutter closed again. Felix was definitely a wonderful roommate- you'd gotten lucky in that department- but he always hogged the bathroom, and it infuriated you.
You still remembered the day you met Felix again. You'd moved back to the town after about five years, no longer wanting to live with your mom and her insufferable boyfriend. As soon as you graduated, you took advantage of your newfound independence to go back to where it all began.
Running into Felix had been a pleasant surprise. The two of you had gone to a café to catch up. He mentioned his need for a roommate, and since then you'd been inseparable. He re-introduced you to the boys, including Minho who you’d already been in touch with. They’d all been friends even after high school and throughout college, their old group intact. Well, except for him.
Chan had moved away just a few weeks after you had, according to Felix. It had been quite sudden, and there were barely any goodbyes, just like with you. Half the guys had been relieved, apparently. Especially Minho. 
Everything that had happened back in high school seemed extremely childish, now that you were an adult with a job and bills to pay. However, you still couldn't exactly find it in your heart to forgive Chan. He was your first love, after all...and those tend to turn bittersweet. He'd betrayed your trust and played with your feelings. Yes, you were young and naïve, but you should have seen it coming- you'd always thought he was too perfect for you. Too good to be true...
You almost fell forward when the door suddenly opened, snapping out of your thoughts as Felix caught you, chuckling.
"Take a shower, sleepyhead." He chuckled, ruffling your hair as he let you go and walked over to the kitchen, presumably to make breakfast.
You smiled as he left, sleepily removing your sweatpants and shirt when you heard your phone ring from on top of the sink. Pausing, you inched closer and grabbed it as you shut the door, lifting the phone to your ear after a quick glance at the caller ID.
"Minho! I was just about to take a shower-"
A chuckle from the other end. "Sure, I was just calling to remind you."
"Remind me? Of what?"
"We were planning to go to the mall today!" His indignant voice came shooting into your ears. You winced and giggled, clutching the phone tighter as a loud sigh came through.
"Chill, I didn't forget."
A huff. "Good. I'll pick you up in a bit."
You ended the call, a faint smile lingering on your face. Your unlikely friendship with Minho was one the universe itself probably didn't see coming, in all honesty. 
You still remembered how vile he used to be. Yes, he had a reason, but that didn’t exactly erase all the pain and discomfort he’d put you through. 
He’d shown massive regret, though. Proved that he changed for the better. Besides, you couldn’t exactly push him away after finding out what connected the two of you. So, you’d forgiven him...
You wondered if you would ever find it in yourself to forgive Chan the same way- if you ever see him again, that is. The pain he’d caused was worse. You’d trusted him...loved him, only to find out he’d been using you all along. That he was in love with someone else, even as he hugged you and kissed you. As you brushed your teeth, your mind drifted, memories made with him replaying in your head. The feeling of his soft lips pressed against yours...intertwined fingers, his arms wrapped firmly around you as a storm raged on, a similar one swirling in your heart.
You shook your head, rinsing your mouth as you reminded yourself that it was all in the past. There was no point thinking about Chan anymore. You had Felix and Minho, your best friends and the only people that mattered, currently. It was all you needed.
Chan’s grip on the steering wheel was loose, his eyes half-open as he drove. He was way too tired, and it was probably dangerous to drive in his state. He was already close, though.
He briefly averted his eyes from the road to check the directions Felix had texted him. Yes, he’d arrive any minute now.
His heart was pounding. He couldn’t believe he was back here, years later. He’d missed this town, to be honest. And yet, at the time, his parents’ transfer had felt like a blessing. A way to escape from the pain he’d felt at your betrayal, as well as your sudden departure.
Felix had told him. You were his roommate. There was a lump in his throat, nervousness and anxiety at the thought of seeing you again brimming up. He didn’t know if he was ready.
The initial anger he’d felt when he saw you with Minho had faded away. All that was left now was disappointment, a faint sadness lingering in the back of his mind at all times. 
You’d been the one to show him what happiness felt like. He’d felt it when cuddling your small frame- skin pressed against skin, your radiant smile etching itself into his brain. He’d felt it when you took him to that museum, showing him what true beauty was. 
He couldn’t forget what you felt like. He’d tried to, with numerous people. And yet...all he could think about was you. Even now, as an adult. And here he was, mere minutes away from having to see your face again.
Just be quick. In, out. Greet Felix, catch up with him a little and that’s it. Come on, Chan. You can do this...
He parked the car, swallowing as he stepped out. This was it.
You pulled up your pants just as you heard the doorbell ring. “Coming!’ You shouted, zipping up as you ran over to the door, opening it and glaring.
"Ah, finally! You're late."
"I had to drop Dea at school." Minho shook his head, entering your apartment and heading straight to the kitchen, the enticing smells luring him in.
"Oh. How is she? It's been a while since I saw her."
"She's good. Misses you a little. She asked me when we're all going to hang out again."
"Soon." You assured, knowing you weren't that busy the following week. Following him into the kitchen, you watched Felix flip the pancakes, looking up as Minho entered.
"Hey, Min. Didn't know you were coming today. Want some?" He tilted his chin towards the pan.
Minho smirked and grabbed one of the strawberries Felix had set aside, popping into his mouth and shaking his head. "No, thanks. We've got a movie to catch, so we have to leave right away." You pouted at that, crossing your arms. "But I don't wanna be hungry! Want pancakes." You mumbled.
The two men looked at you, eyebrows raised at your sudden display. Felix cringed, chuckling as Minho cooed at you.
"You're so cute." He pinched your cheek, looking back at his watch. "Ah fuck, we really have to go now, Y/n."
"But-" You looked over at Felix, who flashed you an apologetic grin as Minho grabbed your hand, practically dragging you over to the door.
"Wait!" Felix suddenly called out, cursing under his breath as he remembered what he was supposed to tell you. Fuck, he’d almost forgot.
"There's no time to waste! We'll be back later, Lix-"
It was too late. Felix was secretly glad Minho was taking you away though. Maybe he could quickly get things done with Chan, and get him to leave before you come back? No...it would be unfair to keep the truth from you. He didn't want you to run into Chan on accident, and quite possibly murder him when you get home.
Calming down a little, he turned back to his pan, just as Minho opened the door.
Your eyes widened as your eyes landed on the man standing in front of you.
No. It couldn't be...were you hallucinating? Or was that really Chan, frozen in place with his finger hovering over the doorbell?
Unfortunately, it wasn't a trick your brain was playing on you. Minho was staring at Chan too, shell-shocked as the latter's gaze drifted down to your intertwined hands.
A mass of uncomfortable feelings and emotions you'd repressed for years bubbled up to the surface, almost making you want to throw up. This couldn't be happening.
Chan felt the same way. So you were still with Minho? Fuck, the regret in him was raw, painful as it resurfaced. Suddenly, the anger was back.
The prolonged silence was suspicious to Felix. "Hey, guys...?" He frowned and left the kitchen, stopping in his tracks as he saw Chan and you, icy glares evident as you stared at each other.
"Fuck." He gulped, inching closer to the three. "Um. This was what I m-meant to tell you, Y/n. Surprise! Chan's back!" He giggled nervously, the anger in your eyes scaring him slightly as you turned to look at him.
Chan gritted his teeth, eyes still trained on your hands. “I’m back.” He repeated, glaring at you.
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zaptap · 3 years
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ive made a few of these bingo sheets and theyre fun so i decided to make one not just for e3 but also JUST for splatoon 3 (not just for e3 but for like the whole lifetime of the game). also heres my updated list of characters id like to see in smash, ordered generally by which id like more and/or think are the most realistic
since min min got in i took out helix, and since i couldnt decide whether to add in waluigi or madeline i added another row (realistically i dont think any indies are getting in but i threw some in anyway). also i was like “oh yeah maybe theyd put in a gen viii pokemon” so i threw in hatterene since thats one of my favorites.
also as for waluigi (and shovel knight for that matter) i think it would be nice to see an assist trophy get in just to break that rule. also i remember being super surprised he wasnt in brawl (back then i thought he and wario were equally important) and even though that was based on a wrong impression ive still felt like he should be in there ever since
notes about the bingos under the cut
really is about time for those n64 games, especially now that mario is dead so theyre free to release sm64 on it. game boy games would be nice sometime too
would also make sense to include banjo-kazooie in that, nintendos had a good relationship with microsoft lately and the total absence of anything banjo-kazooie on the switch is odd since it’s a dlc character (every other one has a game on switch they can use for cross-marketing, even if joker’s took a while) and i think the best explanation for that would be that theyre holding off for the nso n64 app (this is easiest from a technical standpoint because all they have to do is make a deal to use the roms)
when are they putting octolings in mk8d
xenoblade chronicles x is one of the only wii u games left that they could port (aside from ones that wouldnt make much sense like splatoon and ssb4) so i guess that might as well happen sometime. also monolith soft might be doing something else besides helping with splatoon 3
im not ready for metroid prime 4 (im over halfway through mp2 and therefore the trilogy as a whole) but it’s been a while, they might show it and it could even come out this year
hal apparently recently hinted at a new kirby game or something
the upgraded switch is obviously going to be called the Nintendo Switch ͥ  since they already did the ds lite so theyre clearly naming everything in the family after the ds family, theres absolutely no flaw in this logic. idk if theyre showing it, but unlike 2019 they didnt say they werent showing new hardware (just that they were showing software, which could be taken as denying rumors, but they sometimes specify when certain things arent being shown)
metroid prime trilogy also might come this year. would make sense to release it before mp4 since not everyone is going to buy a wii u to get it (and at this point that doesnt get nintendo any money since they stopped making them)
where is detective pikachu 2. i hope it has the blue pikachu from that first tease they gave us in like 2014 (2013? that was a loooong time ago idk)
they said this was MOSTLY 2021 so i am absolutely getting my hopes up for splatoon 2
the two sinnoh games could likely be there
would be super cool if oddity came to switch. and almost as ironic as megalovania getting into smash
we havent seen the botw sequel for a couple years so we’re kind of due for an update on that
it’s ace attorney’s 20th anniversary this year so maybe theyre doing something. theyre already porting those games though so idk. maybe he’s getting in smash
whats with that watermelon mario render
i held off on watching a playthrough for ndrv3 on the off chance it came to switch and i could play a dangan ronpa game for real for once but it’s now been 4 years and we just passed the 10th anniversary of the series (albeit during a pandemic when i wouldnt expect them to have done anything) so it would be cool to see the series come to switch. i think if it still doesnt after this though i’ll just watch the playthrough, 4 years is long enough. amazed ive avoided spoilers this long, i still know next to nothing about the game
im about done with acnh but im still waiting on those splatoon items. and i ran out of storage in february so i need more of that too
nintendo did stuff for zelda’s 30th anniversary so i doubt theyre forgetting the 35th. maybe wwhd/tphd ports, idk
been a couple years since fire emblem, intelligent systems is probably up to something besides planning yet another paper mario spinoff
miyamoto forgot pikmin 4 in the oven 6 years ago and it got burnt to a crisp and thats why it hasnt come out yet because he had to start over
and splatoon
the inklings scared daft punk into quitting so now that theres no competition in the robot musician scene they should have a daft punk style group
i waited and waited and neither of my top two splatoon stages (flounder and d’alfonsino) came back in splatoon 2 so i hope just because splatoon 3 isnt in inkopolis doesnt mean they still wont return
would be sick as hell if there was a real hide and seek mode instead of just sticking to your own rules in private battles. havent played that since 2015 but it was super fun
show us the effects of the chaos world
i wanted mc craig to have a song in octo expansion and they didnt deliver. heres another chance
splatnet 3 baby
cant wait for nogami to do a funny 3 pose
abxy came back for splatoon 2.... am i gonna be that lucky again...?
salmon run doesnt make sense if youre friends with a smallfry but they could either change the story context (you just fight “evil” salmonids?) or replace it with an equally fun co-op mode
amiibo!!! i think i said this before but they should label them by weapons if these cephalopods dont have genders, would make more sense (the gendered ones had different weapons anyway)
returning characters!!!! would like to see everyone have a role of some kind
maybe #GearForAll wasnt successful in getting the emperor/spy/mecha gear, but perhaps theyll at least consider not making that stuff exclusive this time around
squid girl gear should be back. and they should call it a dress instead of a tunic because its a dress. and theres no gender now anyway
as ive said before... TRIPLIES!! you hold one in each hand and another in your mouth. and you can spin around like the tasmanian devil
remove splatfest tee annoyances: you should have a prompt at the end of a splatfest to pay to scrub your tee (to make sure you get the chunks) also it should be on a neutral brand so you dont end up with an overabundance of ink resistance up (or whatever else)
better online and cloud saves would certainly justify having a second splatoon game on the same console, as much as im loving that it exists
hopefully theres a global testfire again
sooner or later the workers will rise up and kill mr grizz
remember in splatoon 1 where if you had squid beatz (via the amiibo) you could “play” it in the lobby and change the music? then you were stuck listening to only bubble bath in splatoon 2? why did they take that option away they should bring it back
looking at those apartment buildings in the trailer i think it would be cool if you had your own room and could decorate it
an octavio redemption arc would be fun to see. in the manga he stole the zapfish because the octarians had an energy crisis, and in the end they worked out a deal to share the electricity
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simpleserendipity · 3 years
Corduroy Dreams | Min Yoongi
This one is inspired by the song Corduroy Dreams by Rex Orange County.
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Pairing: Min Yoongi x Reader (established relationship)
Word count: 1,770 words
Min Yoongi is the most hardworking man that you know. He is constantly and that's why you adore him so much. He is dedicated to his music, his family, his friends, his community and learning something new everyday. You couldn’t find a better man if you tried. You appreciate everything he does but of course with a busy schedule like that, you wish he would squeeze more time in for himself. You sat outside the studio in the lobby of the building, waiting for him to finish his dance practice, it's Friday and you are going to go out tonight as you both do every Friday night. As you both get busier, you decided to make Friday night, date night to guarantee time together. You saw the familiar blonde exit the elevator with a smile and was waving a goodbye to the other members.
He turns to you and you greet him with a smile, "How was practice?" You ask as you wrap your arms around his waist and rest your head on his chest.
His arms wrap around you, "It was very good," He looks very tired when he presses his lips to the top of your head, "Ready to go?" He asked, you pull away from him and look up to him.
"Yeah I'm ready." You nodded before you took his hand to take the short walk to the train together to go to his house for him to get a shower before you go out. The train station is close to the building. You head out of the building slowly, you shivered lightly at the breeze when you stepped outside.
“_______…” Yoongi’s voice trailed off as he pulled you closer, his hand rubbing up and down your arm to warm you up. He didn’t have to speak his thoughts for you to know that he wishes you would have worn a jacket today. You enter the station and Yoongi steps to the booth to get your tickets while you wait by the turnstiles. You wait for him, arms crossed tightly, shivering slightly. He gets the tickets quickly before coming back to you. He notices the shivering and immediately wraps his arm around your shoulders again. He leads you through the turnstiles.
You approach the platform, still shivering slightly you stop at the edge to wait for the train, "Hey Yoongi?" You ask as he shifts to stand behind you, arms wrapped around your shoulders and his chest pressed to your back.
He looks down at you, "Yes love?" He asks as the train pulls up.
"You look really tired," You put your hands up to hold onto his arms as you enter the train, "Maybe we should stay in tonight."
"_______," he spins you around to meet his eyes, "That's the 3rd time in 2 months. I can power through for one night."
"I don't care how much we've stayed in," You both move further into the train, you find the last two seats on the train, "I just want to be with you and I know you need rest." You take a seat, legs pressed against each other and an arm around your shoulders.
"You always sacrifice so much for me, let's just go out tonight." Yoongi pleads. You roll your eyes in response, he was always worried about doing things for you but you wished he would realise it isn’t just about going out. You both sat quietly, his arm dropped from your shoulder to your waist, head falling to your shoulder. The train stops at your station and you stand up immediately. You get up and expect him to follow but Yoongi slumps back into his seat asleep.
You lean down in front of him to kiss his cheek and shake his shoulders, "Get up sleepyhead this is our stop."
"I wasn't asleep," He says, stretching and follows you off the train, "I was just relaxing." You head out of the station and down the dark street. Yoongi’s arm was quick to find it’s way back around your shoulders.
"Yeah okay." You roll your eyes and wrap your arms around your waist as you walk to his apartment building. The walk to his building is short and quiet, Yoongi still fighting back how tired he is. You arrived at his house, which was empty except the sound of Holly running down the hall towards the door, scratching as Yoongi stood sorting his keys out. He gets the door open and you follow him into the apartment. You scoop Holly up and Yoongi heads down the hall to the shower.
You head to his room, Holly in your arms like a baby. you enter his room, set Holly to lay down on the bed careful. You move to sit on his bed after placing your bag on the chair at his desk. you hear the shower start and you walk back over to your bag. you open the bag to pull out your phone. you look at the dress you bought for dinner tonight and giggle. Maybe you'll get to wear that dress another time because you just know how much Yoongi will adore the dress on you. You decided to take things into your own hands and plan a night in.
You use your phone to order some take out for dinner from your favorite restaurant. While on hold on the phone, Holly looked over at you and began to whine. You covered the speaker of the phone before looking at Holly, “I’ll get you something too.” You whisper to the dog before turning back to the phone.
You toss your phone onto the bed as soon as you finish ordering before heading to Yoongi's closet. you pulled out one of his t-shirts for me and  a sweatshirt along with a pair of shorts for him. you close the closet and walk back to his bed. you begin to strip from your clothes and slip the t-shirt over. you're left in nothing but underwear and his t-shirt which goes down to your mid-thigh. you tie your hair up into a loose and messy ponytail. Then you lay down beside Holly, who immediately curled into your side. you play games on your phone until you hear the shower stop, Yoongi was much quicker than normal, probably ready to come out of the bathroom to get ready for date night. He wouldn’t admit it but he loved seeing you get all dressed up for him and that he got to show you off to everyone. It was the whole reason he loved date night, knowing everyone was looking at you but you only had eyes for him.
It's not long until the door opens and into the room steps Yoongi wrapped in nothing but a towel, "Hey _____, what are you wearing tonight?" He says turning to his closet, obviously not looking at you yet.
you get up and take a few steps over to him with the shorts in hand, "I'm wearing this," He turns before looking you up and down with a confused face, "You're gonna wear this."
"Why are you wearing that? I told you we don't have to stay in." He looks upset, more worried about you doing something for him than him doing something for you.
"Min don't give me that look," you put your hands on his bare chest and tiptoe up to kiss his cheek, "I ordered takeout for us tonight so you can rest."
"You didn't have to." He maintains his upset face.
"I wanted to," you wrap your arms around his neck, "I know how hard you work and I really admire that. I want to support you and if that means we don't go out on some fancy date then fine. All that matters is that I get to spend time with you. I just want to be the one who is with you through it all." you lean in close to his lips.
"You are the best ______," He leans in and kisses you slowly, “Are you sure about tonight?” He pulls away, hands coming to rest on your hips.
“Yes I’m sure.” You pull your arms from around his neck and shove the sweatshirt and shorts into his chest.
“Alright,” He nods, "I'm gonna go change." He collects the clothing from you before turning on his heels to change.
You head towards the living room to turn the TV on and Holly’s little feet pitter patter down the hall behind you. you queue up the tv and start to sit, cuddling under a blanket that was laying on the couch. Holly jumps up and cuddles into you. Yoongi comes walking into the room as the doorbell rings. you get up to go grab the take out but Yoongi's beaten you to it.
You pout at him, seeing that he paid for the takeout when you were going to do that, “I was going to pay for the food.”
“Too bad.” He sticks out his tongue out at you, “Go sit.” He waves you off with one hand, following behind you. He grabs the food and we head back to the couch. You take your seat from before right next to where Holly. Yoongi sits on the other side of Holly. You pull the blanket over the three of you, you two cuddle close under the blanket and the puppy falls asleep quickly between you both. You click the remote to start a random movie that you two have wanted to watch before opening up the bag of food. The movie plays and you both begin to eat, feeding little bits of food to Holly when Yoongi wasn’t looking since you knew he would be mad.
You reach for the remote and pause the movie. Yoongi gasps because of where I paused the movie. It was right at a suspenseful part. He looks at me with a surprised look, "What's wrong_____?"
"Nothing is wrong." you smile wide just watching his face.
"Why'd you pause the movie then?" He cocks his head to the side.
"I love you so much," you giggle, "So so so so so much."
"I love you too." He smiles.
“Did you, Min Yoongi, just say he loves me?” You tease him, poking his nose with your finger.
“Oh shut up…” He whines, rolling his head backwards, “Do you want me to take it back?”
“No, I just wanted you to know that I love you." you lean your head onto his shoulder.
"I'll always remember that," He kisses the top of your head, "Never forget how much I love you."
"I never will."
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cyber-flight · 5 years
Notes from the AHWM Explanation Livestream
This will be long, so fair warning! If you're on computer, you can press the spacebar to skip this post if you want!
There was CG smoke for the bomb
The last shot was running after the bomb goes off, filmed during the day
Many cursed images
(0:56 - Guns Blazing) November 5th = gunpowder treason & plot (a reference)
Ethan is the one yelling during the run
Helicopter/Car was filmed in a place formerly known as Spiderwoods (spiders, snakes, and bugs everywhere)
Mark's patented method to get rid of snakes is to tell them to fuck off
There was big black snake near the library
Chica snore-grumbles
Most of the choices were pretty evenly split in the video data
The guy who owned the field in Helicopter/Car also owned the helicopter
It was hard to get the cameraman to know that the camera is an interacting character
They filmed up to 10 pages a day
Prison was the first 2 days of shooting, as well as the part with the most characters/extras (12 people)
Mick gets typecasted in roles of authority
The Prison location is a functioning mental hospital
John was a Prisoner, first mate, and is a realtor IRL
There is no "why" to recording this to keep a broad audience and have fun after Mark was in a depression and made WKM
The Gregory Brothers / Schmoyoho made 2 renditions of I Don't Wanna Be Free (which is on Apple/iTunes/Spotify)
The musical was a production/recording nightmare on the 2nd day
They had 20 minutes max. to learn each segment; they had a choreographer helping them learn the dances
The original vocals didn't have the accent
Mark had to do the vocals, acting, blocking, etc. in 30 mins
Mick was supposed to cross frame during the top-hats-part, but they had already recorded it; the producers weren't comfortable telling Mark "no" yet, so they had Amy do it
The smashed bricks were styrofoam; Mark was typed to a rope that was pulled
The director of photography was Phillip J Roy; he took a pay cut to work on this project
Yancy's sleeve tattoo is the whole map again
Yancy's tattoos are Tiny Box Tim and Mark/Dark across his knuckles; those were Makeup's ideas
The Musical was only 1/4 of a recording day
There was 3 work weeks of shooting (15 days)
Day By Dave made a remix
Yancy was named "Prison Mark" until the fight scene started to be made in post-production, where he needed a name; Mark liked Yancy and Amy was very against it originally
Yancy killed both of his parents; Mark knew people were gonna fall in love with him anyway
"Yancy stans, go, march on"
Yancy has an emoji bandaid
Heapass (canonically) makes an appearance in Thanks and also Yes Please; he had "Heapass" on a cast, but it was on the wrong side from the camera
Holt Boggs (the cell guard) is an amazing man; he was overqualified ("soft hands")
The cell was in a green-screen soundstage, so there was more improve
Yancy was supposed to be hidden in the ceiling or beside the bed, but under the bed turned out better; he's hidden under the bed the whole scene
The Red Gemini was the camera that they used for this project
Mark just runs off frame in Thanks and also Yes Please
The audio-only part was very convenient for filming and fitting for a 1st-person perspective
Yancy's talk at the gate was Mark real-acting & the late shot of the 1st day of filming, which made all of them realize that the project could actually work
Yancy WANTS to be in prison; he knows all the ways out - he'd leave if he wanted to
The items in the box are more representational achievements
Mark needs our help to promote AHWM, through liking the video(s), commenting good things, and spreading the project; the performance of this dictates the ability to make another similar project
Mark worked for FREE for 5 months, taking no cut of the budget for himself
"Yancy is just Prison Mark with amnesia" "There could be a time-skip there; it could work"
Robert Rex, "a god walking amongst mere morals;" has always wearing the same thing; Mark didn't know that he was going to do different accents
Amy is the hand with the feather-duster
The Warden's desk moves into the hallway after a smash-cut
Mick's line had to be rewritten so it can be ambiguous; you can only tell if you were looking
The Warden embodies "big strong hands," something Mark writes into dialogue a lot (along with "trust you me"); everytime he touches something it cracks (his desk, Yancy's shoulder)
Pulling stuff from behind Mark's back was on-the-spot
The dirt joke was a prop-person and Mark throwing buckets
Mark helped Holt Boggs make a short video
The truck in Prison was a one-take-wonder; they actually bashed the truck through the wall in a such a cartoony, perfect way
The Bob/Wade skit was a reference to Prop Hunt
Mark comparing the disappointment of people not liking the video to a cup of dirt under the Christmas tree
The lid to the sewer says "a heist with markiplier"
The sewer was in an actual sewer treatment plant, which took about a week of filming; some parts were flooded so they couldn't film there; this place was scheduled to be torn down
Mark forces us to choose the Light Tunnel first
Cranbersher, GrittySugar, and Lixian collaborated for the Light Tunnel; it was originally going to be live action with a green-screen and a pre-made raft; Cranberser offered when he had a 3-month break from other projects
Amy notes that Mark did a lot of "falling"
Mark had to carry a 200 pound man and a heavy camera rig to carry Y/N
There was poison ivy, snakes, spiders, etc. on the island
The Game Grumps voiced the aliens; Erin originally was meant to play the Warden & Danny was meant to play one of the guards
Many roles fluctuated due to scheduling
Getting abducted is a reference to ADWM ("not again!")
Mark loves MatPat's scenes and acting (Build a Shelter)
There were so many mosquitos near the Cave and the actors couldn't put on bug spray because they had to preserve their makeups
There was a giant hole in the Cave from which grasshoppers rained down
They were a mile into the cave; they weren't able to staff them for 3 days, so they recorded for 2 days and had fo cut some shots
The Cave freeze-frame was unscripted; the camera director didn't tell cut and it was too funny
The Hermit was originally supposed to be Jacksepticeye but scheduling errors were in the way
Mick was originally supposed to be Crazy Ed
When the sound-guy didnt have a sound effect, one of them riffed something at the mic and it was modulated to fit as best as possible
Mark's camera loses signal/battery power
Mark has done the hot-wire-while-moving in Car before (van videos)
The blue flash during Car is you from the future/another timeline
Mark was actually driving the car; someone flashed the blue light so it was a bit dangerous
Tyler and Ethan make appearances as Zombies
Tyler actually let Mark hit him with a rock
There was a dead beaver in the shed during the Zombie Apocalypse
The Zombie Apocalypse shots were in VERY hot weather
The barricaded front door but very open back door was intentional humour
Ethan's zombie handshake was thought up on the spot
Moe was the man screaming from the fire and zombie attack, making everyone behind the camera laugh
Rosanna Pansino sings opera & speaks Chinese
The Scientist had to be broken up (the cuts are in the gunshots)
243 is a chemical identification symbol in an actual laboratory, nothing meaningful to the plot
The code leads to the AHWM website
What's truly inside the box is the real timeline, which is the team making the project
The room where the monitor was in (Amy, script manager, etc.) was locked out and no one could see what was going on, only hear it through headsets
Mark threw 2 dummies (main video, Absolutely Not!)
Chica likes to climb through the cords underneath Mark's desk
The true/canon ending is For The Greater Good, which leads to ADWM
SodaPopIn hasn't really done this before, but he went with it because he was told Mark was nice; he continued even during harsh weather, many planes, and a long take/monologue
The sandwiches are a callback to ADWM
The montage endings were inspired by the ones Amy made for ADWM
There was never any time set aside to get photos for the montages, so they had to continuously get pictures
Catherine makes an appearance in the Warfstache bit
Warfstache is just a meta joke > you respond by writing in the comments as a survey, producer Catherine is more powerful than the video-editing, ringing the bell for notifications
They rented the same place for the Warfstache bit that they used to film all the other previous Warfstache bits
Dark inserts himself wherever he feels like being
There is charity (#TeamTrees) merch for each of the egos/Mark characters in this project (including the new ones)
Edge of Sleep's last episode aired yesterday (as of the stream - 6/11/19)
A "reverse" charity livestream is happening soon
The next project(s) are already in the works
Amy originally wasn't going to work on this project until they went to Texas; she became Creative Producer once Mark put himself into too many places
Iba originally auditioned for the man in the burning truck, but his voice was so good he became the seer/guide
The project has been "cooking" since May
The next project would be a completely different project, not a continuation
Regular uploads start again tomorrow (7/11/19)
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theymakemegayer · 4 years
Reputation: Chapter 1
A Poppy x MC (Bea) Fan Fiction
Genre: Fluff, Angst, Romance
Description: Thoughts floated relentlessly, until a thought of you found me. Poppy Min-Sinclair. Oh hells. All I want this morning was to make my days here fun. What have I gotten myself to? 
Foreword: My own take towards Poppy Min-Sinclair’s character. Come and indulge in my journey as I explore writing Poppy’s character. The plot is inspired with Queen B, but in this short story, I will challenge myself to let Poppy’s character grow into something we wished had/can/will happen.
This is a short story that will contain a few chapters. 
For any TW or M rating, it’ll be announced for every chapter if there will be one.
It was a sunny day, so I decided to stroll around the luxurious campus of Belvoire University before classes start tomorrow. Everything still felt foreign to me. From my daily life living in a small town – all of a sudden I need to get used to being surrounded by towering and luxurious building in this city.
 It was still peaceful not until I started to notice the glances and murmurs the people around me are giving me.
 I tried not to show in my facial expression how their whispers and looks irritated me. Is something wrong with my clothes? Deciding to ignore them I continue with my stroll.
 “I AM GOING TO LOSE IT!” A high pitched shriek cut through quietness. At the picnic table my eyes landed on a platinum blonde hair girl sitting. She spoke again, her irritation towards the terrified girl evident. The terrified girl tried to reason out, but before she can finish the blonde girl cuts her off. I stared at them open mouthed. Is this how people here behave?
 Just then the blonde girl notices me. She swivelled, her lips curled into a smirk.
 “What the hell does a basic, tasteless – nobody like you looking at?”
 I tried to play nice, but her tone and rudeness irritated me. Raising an eyebrow I talked back, “Oh hell no. You can’t talk to people like that.”
 My parents, even though we didn’t came from a wealthy family – they taught me to treat other people with respect, but they also taught me to not let people step on me.
 “Who do you think you are anyway?” I crossed my arms in front of me as I asked her.
 “I’m Chloe St. James, and I’m ranked no. 2 here. How dare you talk back to me?”
Ranked number 2? What is she talking about? I was about to retaliate when someone beat me into speaking first.
 “Oh sweetheart, you don’t have to worry about who she is. But you should worry about who I am.”
 The crowd parted as she walked into the scene. My eyes finally landed on another blonde girl. My breath hitched. Oh… wow. She’s stunning, this spells trouble to me. I realized how the crowd goes dead silence. I dared to meet her eyes, slowly her lips curled into a smirk making me gulped.
 “And I’m about to become your first and last memory of Belvoire University.” She continued. I stare at her as she talked back to Michael. They mentioned something about ‘The T’ – what is that?
 “I’d rather ask about her shoes. They’re kind of cute, for something pulled from the dumpster.”
 I raised my eyebrow. This gorgeous girl had a sharp tongue. I took a step towards her. She glared at me as I continue to eliminate the distance between us. Once I was in front of her – so close our faces inches apart - I crossed my arms in front of my chest, holding her glare – looking and searching in the depth of those brown eyes.
 “My shoes?” I paused gauging her reaction at our closeness. I swear I saw her breath hitched for a second before scowling at me. “Should I be devastated you don’t like my footwear?” I continued not letting my eyes slipped away from her face.
 She chuckled humourlessly taking a step back then clapping slowly, “A nobody like you won’t last five minutes here at Belvoire.”
 I smirked, “Sorry to break your bubble Poppy, but I love challenges. Friendly advice,” I winked at her and beamed, “Take a seat and watch me, Ms. Min-Sinclair.”
 Suddenly I felt a tug on my wrist. “Bea! There you are! Look at the time. We need to go.”
 Before I can protest or something I was being pulled. We only stopped once we entered a dorm room.
 “Sorry to pull you out like that.” She started to apologized. “If I hadn’t step up who knows what Poppy might say or do.”
 “It’s alright. I was just caught off guard.”
 “I’m Zoey, by the way. Your roommate, and this is our dorm room,” we shook hands.
 “It’s nice to meet a gorgeous lady like you, Zoey.” I said making her laugh.
 “You’re not so bad yourself Bea.”
 “So…” I spoke, “Can I ask you questions I’m dying to know ever since I walked into the campus?”
 “What’s The T? And what’s the deal with Poppy and those people?”
 “The T is the school’s gossip blog.” She started to explain.
 “What? It sounds like some Gossip Girl wannabe site?”
Zoey chuckled. “You’re quite funny Bea, but yeah it might sound like that, but The T is big here. And they have a popularity ranking system which you should know.” She showed me her phone. Poppy was standing a top, while I’m at the bottom of the rank.
 “Okay that is some kind of shitty system?”
 Zoey sighed, “Tell me about it, but because of that ranking system those in top of the rank acts more entitled like they’re some kind of celebrity, but truth is they are way worse than celebrities. You saw Poppy and her minions walked around the school like they own everything and acts like it is okay to be rude and to bully anyone they want.”
 “I did saw that. I first hand encountered that too.” I sighed quietly, “Can’t believe an angelic face like Poppy can have so much bite in her attitude, and it’s not pretty at all. What a waste.”
 Zoey stared at me long and hard. “Don’t tell me you’re having a crush on Poppy?”
 “Wh-what are you talking about?” I panicked.
 “Oh God, no. Bea I don’t mind if you are gay, but as your new friend, please make sure you protect your heart. She’s a devil in disguise of an angelic face human. I hate people like her.”
 “Promise me Bea.” Zoey held both my hands looking into my soul.
 I swallowed the lump in my throat, “Okay…”
Zoey and I decided to celebrate our first day of being roommates and to unwind after that stressful encounter with Poppy in this Speakeasy in Soho. We were lounging at the far corner enjoying our drinks when she spoke.
“Hey Bea, I’m kinda curious about something.”
 “I hope you’re not offended with it though.”
 I chuckled, “Spit it out already Zo.”
 “I did read quite an information about where you came from because of The T, but how did you manage to pay the bills for the school’s tuition fee you know specially how expensive it is here?”
 “Ah, so that’s what you are curious about.”
 Zoey suddenly hides her face in her hands. “Sorry it’s an offensive and embarrassing question.”
 “It’s alright Zoey.” I took her hands away from her face.
 “I’d like to think you are my friend now and I don’t mind you asking me things like this.”
 Zoey exhaled in relief, “Whew, thank you Bea.”
 “Well to answer your question, my family is a caretaker of a ranch in my hometown. Ever since I was a kid I remember growing up on that ranch, so the owner really trusts us for so many years already. They offered to pay for my tuition fee with the condition to maintain a good grade.”
 “Oh like a scholarship?” Zoey interrupted.
 “Yeah, you can say that.”
“Sorry for interrupting you, please continue.” She said shyly.
  “They believed that I have so much potential since I had been a straight A student since I was a kid. They’re really generous and kind towards my family. Imagine how naïve and shock I am to encounter someone like Poppy a while ago.”
  Zoey frowned, a pout on her lips, “My poor Bea.”
 I chuckled, “I guess there are really different types of people huh.”
 Suddenly a drink arrived at their table.
 “You have anyone in mind where this came from?” Zoey asked eyeing me and the drink.
 I smirked. “Oh, I have. Let me go to her for a minute Zo. I’ll be back.”
 I walked towards the bar where the gorgeous lady from a while ago was clearly anticipating for me to come back. Her eyes glint a small smile in her lips.
 “Thought you’d never come back.”
 “And miss the opportunity to see your face again?”
 She chuckled. “Come sit with me?” The glint in her eyes never fades.
 I sat beside her our knees almost touching. I haven’t really dated a lot of woman in my hometown which is Farmsville. Even though we are now living in the 20th century I can’t say that Farmsville had been liberated with same sex couple. I’m a little bit nervous in the presence of this woman, but as I stare in her eyes – like a magnet something pulled me towards her.
 The next thing I knew I was kissing Ina. Why does New York City have too many sexy and gorgeous ladies? I’m weak for that. I felt her hands circling around my waist. Her lips peppering kisses on my jaw towards my ears before she whispered, “Want to stay the night with me?”
 At that moment my phone rings. I slowly pushed her back – the spell and of magic of our kiss dissolved with it.
 “Sorry I have to take this.”  It’s Zoey.
 “Hi Zo.”
 “Bea, where are you? Can we go home now?”  I look at Ina, her gaze making my knees weak. Thank God, I am sitting right now. I contemplated.
 “You still there at our table?” I asked her.
 “Okay, wait up for me.” I can see the disappointment in Ina’s eyes.
 As I hang up the call I smiled apologetically at Ina, “I’m sorry, but I need to go.”
 “Well Ms. No Name you clearly know how to make a woman want you.”
 I laughed before I tap her nose, “Something tells me we’ll see each other soon, Ina.” I stood up.
 “Crazy, but I guess I’ll trust that gut feel of yours cause I feel the same way.” She smiled.
“See you soon, Ina.” I winked before leaving her.
As I was lying awake in bed. The adrenaline from what happened today washing away from me, but my mind was still high. Thoughts floated relentlessly, until a thought of you found me. Poppy Min-Sinclair.
 Thoughts of our first encounter flashed by; and so thoughts of what I promised with Zoey passed by too.
 Oh hells. All I want this morning was to make my days here fun. What have I gotten myself to?
author’s note: please feel free to tag people who wants to read a poppy x mc fanfic.
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softjeon · 4 years
In love with your dark side | Pt.2
• Pairing: Beauty!Taehyung x Beast!Yoongi • Genre: Fluff, bit of Angst | Rating: Teen and Up | Beautyandthebeast!AU / Fairytale!AU • Words: 5k | AO3 | Gifset Trailer • Disclaimer: anxiety, mentioning of a curse
written with @cassiavioletblue​
↳ Yoongi had tried not to think about what would happen if someone saw him but his mind had wandered through all of their possible reactions anyway: screaming, laughing, shock… he’s had so many horrible encounters in his mind and yet the boy in front of him didn’t react like in any of his thoughts.
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“One black coffee, please.” Taehyung said as he searched through his wallet if he had enough money with him, ignoring the baristas weird look as he was already carrying a cupboard try with two cups from a different brand in them. He paid, thanking her sweetly and just as he slipped out of the coffee shop, the young barista closed the doors behind him, locking it firmly. 
It was late already, when Taehyung had closed up his own shop and had rushed to the upper side back again to still get one of the pricier coffees. With a bright smile and a naïve mind, Taehyung greeted the night shift receptionist with a smile, before pushing the elevator button with his elbow. Only when he stood in front of Yoongi’s office again, did Taehyung hesitate for a second, taking a deep breath, before he knocked. 
Yoongi froze.
Had he misheard or had someone actually knocked at his door? Before last night he would have simply ignored it but with Taehyung in the picture he was too curious to see who it was. Taehyung had no reason to come back, did he? And yet he hoped that the other still came back. Maybe he was the clumsy type and yet accidentally taken a letter from him again. Carefully he pushed the curtain a little aside, just enough for him to take a sneak peek without being too obvious about it. His heart jumped in his throat as he recognized the boy’s face. Outside of his door stood Taehyung - with a tray of coffee in his hands. Yoongi wondered briefly how exactly he had managed to knock without putting the coffee aside but then he hurried to unlock the door.
“Come in. No letter this time?” He greeted the other courtly - but with a small smile on his lips.
Taehyung’s heart did a jump when the door got unlocked and he carefully pushed it open. “No letter,” He smiled back at his boss, “But coffee. Two coffees actually.” Walking over to Mr. Min’s desk, he placed the tray down taking the two cups and placing it in front of his boss. “I wanted to say thank you for not firing me and if you work this late you might are in need of coffee.” A big smile appeared on his lips and he motioned to the two cups, “Though I wasn’t sure which kind of coffee you like...so, I bought two. One from my favorite place and one from the shop downstairs, the overpriced one.” Taehyung took the third cup from the tray and stepped away, “Oh and this is mine.” He never liked the bitter taste of caffeine and a hot chocolate was actually what he needed after a long day of work. “I wanted to apologize again for bursting in last night, so please...take this as an apology and a little thank you.”
He actually broke into laughter at that, a real if awkward laugh that made his gums show. Shocked he covered his mouth with his hand. He waited tensely for a reaction, but Taehyung did yet again surprise him as he didn’t take notice of his awkwardness at all. He just couldn’t figure him out! But coming over with coffee in the middle of the night to say ‘thank you for not firing me’ when it was Taehyung who had control over his life as well had taken him by surprise. However, it was quite a nice one. He reached for the coffee, looking at the logos that were plastered all over the paper cups. He didn’t knew any of them.
“So, what you’re saying is you brought two coffees for me and none for yourself?” He smirked as he went to the corner of the room, opening a shelf to reveal a compartment with a coffee machine inside, neatly stored away. “You can have a coffee in return if you want.”
Taehyung’s eyes widened, cheeks blushing in embarrassment. Of course, he could have thought about how his boss probably had his own coffee machine right in his office but he had been so happy to have something to bring him as a small ‘thank you’. He would have found it awkward to come back with nothing.
“Oh,…” Taehyung bit his lip, “I…I am sorry I didn’t know. You probably like your own better, right? I can take these back or…give them to Jaesung downstairs.” When Yoongi looked at him in confusion, he added quickly, “Your night shift receptionist? Jaesung?” Taehyung chuckled, “It’s okay, you have like a million customers. Though I can tell you each name and where they sit.” He smiled teasingly, “Do you remember mine?”
“Of course, I do remember your name, Kim Taehyung.” He could have added his age, his love for photography and everything else that he had found while searching the web for him. It had actually impressed him to see how present the other was and not in the usual silly social media stuff you found when researching someone in their twenties. His blog was artsy, intelligent and had piqued Yoongi’s interest right away. So, he was all the more curious about his young employee who seemed so fearless while ignoring the norm. “Don’t you dare gift my coffee away! Don’t you have manners? Gifting someone something means they get to keep it; you can’t just change your mind about that!” He snatched the coffees away so quickly that it was a good thing they had a lid on top or else the black fluid would have spilled over on the table. 
Taehyung couldn’t help but laugh, when Yoongi talked about manners while grabbing the coffees so quickly from him. “I’m glad you accept my gift then, Mr. Min.” He smiled at his boss and for the first time tonight, really looked at him. The long shirt he wore was nothing of what he usually would expect of someone being the CEO of a company, but then again: Yoongi didn’t expect anyone that late at night and he wasn’t even sure if his boss was still doing meetings. All he knew was the rumors people gushed about in the office and what Yoongi had told him himself, that his health mustn’t been great. The long sleeves reached over his hands, giving his boss sweaterpaws and Taehyung had to keep himself from cooing over the cuteness that the imagery had. 
He noticed how Taehyung’s eyes lingered on his hands and he quickly withdrew them, trying his best to not follow the urge to hide them behind his back or stuff them in his pocket. He had learned that showing weakness was the worst you could do because it was like serving your weak spots to others on a silver plate and they wouldn’t hesitate to use this to their advantage. So instead he turned around and stood before the coffee machine, his back to Taehyung. “So how do you like your coffee then? I don’t have fancy vegan milk, but I’m stocked up on the classics.” He liked to drink his coffee black, sometimes with sugar but he had still some coffee creamer left from when he had actually used his office properly.
“Oh, no, please. I don’t want to bother you and I have some of my hot chocolate left.” He pointed at the third smaller cup (he hadn’t enough money to get himself a bigger anymore). “Thank you though,” His cheeks dusted in a rose color at the thought of Yoongi wanting to do something for him in return, “You probably have to get work done. And there’s someone waiting for you to get home soon. I don’t want to bother.” 
Yoongi cocked his head. “Hot chocolate, I see. No coffee could compare to that.” The amusement made his eyes shimmer, but it was gone as quickly as it came. The thought of being left alone with his work made him feel all cold and the idea of his empty home - where definitely no one was waiting for him - left a bitter taste. “If that’s a polite way to tell me that you have other plans for the night then I got the hint. If not you are welcome to stay and help me, make some copies for example. It would be paid work, of course.” He quickly fabricated.
He didn’t need copies. But he needed company.
Taehyung’s smile reached his ears when he shook his head. He had no plans at all and staying sounded more fun. He took the coffee cup and walked over to Yoongi and leaned down just enough to look him into his eyes, noticing the habit of the other looking everywhere but him. “Drink this one. It’s not the expensive coffee but it tastes better, believe me.” He smiled, when Yoongi reached for it carefully and this time he kept his eyes on him. Tae had noticed how quickly he had retreated his hand before and did not want to bother him. “And please there’s no need to pay me. I’ll help you anytime.”
Yoongi shook his head. “I wonder how you made it through life so far with your honestly catastrophic sense for opportunities. I insist on paying you. I’m no charity and I don’t want to be treated as such in return. Besides, photography equipment is expensive, and you could use some extra lenses for that macro photography of yours. Money makes all the difference there, believe me, you won’t get satisfying results with cheap equipment.” He didn’t like feeling vulnerable and Taehyung helping him would have definitely made him insecure. He didn’t like owing people, be it money or time or attention. Like this is was a clean, clear business deal. Work for money, just like the hundreds of other employees that worked for him right now.
“My…my photography?” Taehyung stuttered as he was confused on how Mr. Min knew about his art. His heart was beating fast and he gulped against the lump in his throat. “How do you know about my photography,” His confusion was written all over his face. Taehyung couldn’t think of one reason why Mr. Min could know this about him. They hadn’t cared to know about what he did as his main job when he applied for the mail position, so there couldn’t be any papers. “Money doesn’t make all the difference, Mr. Min. You can have the most expensive equipment and still be a crappy artist.”  
“I’d like to be informed about my employees,” was his curt answer - which was a blatant lie. He didn’t know anything about most of the people working for him and the things he did know he had acquired by accident or because they had messed something up and therefore stayed in his memory. He had never googled one before Taehyung, but he definitely wouldn’t tell that to his face. “While that might be true it’s also difficult to be a splendid artist with ‘crappy’ equipment. Ideally you have both, talent and the financial resources to fund your dreams. So, stop complaining about payment please I won’t let you work without it.”
“My dreams,” Taehyung chuckled low and for a moment, he let Yoongi see through the façade of his happy smile, where there were too many broken dreams. He replaced it quickly with a grin again and nodded. “Okay, if you insist but I want to ask for something in return.” His heart jumped, when he suddenly felt nervous, but the thought had hit him the moment he had laid his eyes on Yoongi. He didn’t know how Yoongi would react, but he had learned to be trusting of his own instincts and if he saw something beautiful, the urge to take pictures of it was too big to deny. “Will you let me take a picture of your hands then?”
Yoongi’s face fell the moment Taehyung's question left his lip, flinching back as if he had been slapped.
“My …my hands? So, you do want proof for some shady expose! Of course, you do, no one is ever that selfless. Get out. Now!” It hurt. It actually hurt even though he barely knew the other and had only seen him twice but after so long of being lonely and all by himself in the dark he had latched onto the first person who pretended to still see him as human. He had fallen for it so easily. How pathetic he was. He should have known better. No one liked the ugly, everyone strived for beauty. He was an idiot for forgetting.
Taehyung startled effectively when Yoongi shouted at him, hunching up his shoulders in a reflex before he reacted. “No, no, Mr. Min you don’t understand.” He turned around to grab his bag and reached for his phone inside to open a folder filled with pictures and showing it to Yoongi, who was still furiously shouting at him. “It’s part of my new series, look! I just thought…” Taehyung took a deep breath, before he spilled the truth, “They are the most beautiful I’ve ever seen, very delicate and…perfect. And I’ve noticed the habit of little marks on your fingers from the pens you use. Right there on your hand.” Tae would have loved to reach out and show Yoongi, but instead he showed it on his own where Yoongi has smudged some kind of ink all over his palm. 
“You... you are crazy!” Yoongi had shrunk back when Tae had pushed the phone forward for him to look at it. He hadn’t lied, there were hands all over, delicate ones and ones with chubby fingers, some colored with something like turmeric and beetroot, others covered in scribbles all over. But they all had something in common: they were healthy, normal hands, not like his: spoilt and rotten and tainted with the darkness inside of him. “Please get out.” He didn’t shout any longer, but his voice trembled from too many suppressed emotions. He couldn’t handle this; he couldn’t deal to be confronted with his ugliness right now.
Taehyung’s eyes widened when he realized that he had cornered his boss with his simple request, completely disregarding how he could feel about it. He was his boss after all. He was in no place to ask such stupid questions. “I am sorry,” He pushed the phone deep in his pocket, “Again.”
Taehyung felt guilty and horrible for being so dumb to see that the other might not want to do this for him. “I should have asked more respectfully but I got excited and I have this stupid habit of talking too much when I shouldn’t.” He bit his tongue and cursed himself in his mind. “You’re way kinder than the people say, and I thought since you talked about my photography that you liked it maybe.” He bowed his head, cheeks red in shame. “I won’t ask again, I promise. But I won’t take it back about what I said about your hands.”
Yoongi stayed silent. He was too scared to talk; afraid he might actually start to cry if he did. The self-hatred tasted bitter on his tongue as it burned through his veins like acid. He was pathetic, weak... he didn’t deserve to be head of a company being like this. He couldn’t be moved by a simple request like that, he should have been impressive enough for Taehyung to not even dare to ask such a question and pull his ugliness out in the open like that. He should start to wear gloves again. Or be above his cursed condition or… or…
He just wanted to be alone right now to figure it out so he pushed a random pile of files in Taehyung's hands and asked him as calmly as he could to make some copies.
Taehyung stood a little awkwardly as he watched his boss disappearing up the stairs. He sighed and then looked down to see what kind of files he was holding, but he figured he had no clue about economics anyways. So, he walked up to the copy machine and started making copies of the files, sorting it perfectly, thinking that Yoongi just needed a little bit of time to see that he hadn’t tried to be mean or get too close. He hadn’t kicked him out in the end after all.
After a while Taehyung couldn’t help himself but yawn with every copy he made. He finished the last file, just like Yoongi had asked him to and put it onto the stack of papers, when a faint melody coming from the room above caught his attention, making him halt in his movements.
Without the noise of the copy machine, he could hear it a lot clearer now and it sounded like something familiar. A piano maybe, something classical. Taehyung bit his finger in nervousness as he tried to figure out what the right thing to do was. He had to tell Mr. Min that he was done with everything anyways and he wouldn’t hear him if he was listening to music. With a rapid heartbeat, Taehyung looked up at the closed door at the end of the staircase and took the first step. 
With Taehyung busy and his emotions still in uproar Yoongi did what he always did when his heart didn’t seem to calm: He went up to play the piano. He was sure that copying all those files would keep Taehyung occupied for a while, long enough that he could play one or two pieces and then come down as if nothing has happened. He didn’t want him to know that he lived up there even though he had a suspicion that sooner or later Taehyung’s curiosity would make him figure it out. The other was kind of crazy apparently - but he was just as much considering he was risking everything he had just to talk to someone. He pressed the key under his index finger down harder but instead of a sound there was nothing. His stomach cramped in apprehension of what was about to come and with horror he pressed the key again. Nothing. There was nothing even though he had played it like five minutes ago. Yoongi howled in desperation as he balled his hands into fists and slammed them onto the keys. “Can’t I have one fucking day without this stupid curse ruining everything?” His voice was a hateful hiss as he closed the lid violently, trying not to think about how many keys the curse had already taken from him and how little there were left.
Taehyung stood in awe, leaning against the doorframe as he listened. He had closed his eyes, letting the music embrace him and take him away, because Yoongi played with so much passion that it made it seem like he was telling him a story. It broke off so suddenly and it pulled Taehyung back into reality when the song abruptly stopped and instead Yoongi drew the most horrible sound from the piano as he slammed onto the keys. He didn’t really get what Yoongi was hissing to himself, so he just broke through his self-hatred (because he figured that much) with a sweet tone, “I think it sounded absolutely lovely, why did you stop?”
Yoongi flinched so hard he almost fell backwards over the piano stool. “What the hell? You don’t know the meaning of private, do you? First my office, now this.” It was biting and cold and only after he said it did he feel a little pinch of guilt. But he was angry and so he kept going. “Don’t hold it against me when I can’t take much from your compliment. You don’t play, do you? How much concerts have you been too? Classical ones, those with standards I mean.“ When Tae didn’t answer fast enough he groaned, wiping over his face, “This is a fucking waste of my time!” He could feel the tears way too close under the surface, just waiting for an opportunity to spill over and break his last resolve. He was nothing. All that he had built had started to fade the moment he had been cursed and now the curse slowly took his music from him. He couldn’t bear the thought of the day when nothing would be left, and he would be all alone in the darkness - forever.
Taehyung could feel the anger and frustration coming off from Yoongi in waves, the hatred that filling him up. And yet, it hurt when he talked about him so bluntly, judging him from what he thought he looked like: someone without any class.
“You really like to judge people, huh?” Taehyung spat back at him, “Why do you think I’ve never been to a classical concert before? Because I can’t afford it? Because I look poor?” He shook his head with a sigh, before an idea came into his mind as he stared at Yoongi’s back, who had turned away from him on the stool. If this were Jimin or someone else, he might have hugged the person, but from what he could tell Mr. Min wasn’t the kind of person for skin ship and yet, he needed comfort. And Taehyung was great at that.
Slowly, Taehyung came closer and sat down at the other side, pushing his back against Yoongi’s, facing the opposite direction. “My dad used to play the piano actually. I think that’s when my love for art came from. Do you know those finger paints that you can color windows with? I imagined I could paint a wonderful imagery, maybe a flower field or something and run into it.” He chuckled softly at the memory. “When did you start playing?”
The answer Yoongi wanted to spit back at the other (because he was the only outlet for his anger right now) stayed stuck in his throat when Taehyung leaned against him as if they were old friends. His pride told him to lean away immediately and yell at Tae how he dared to cross such boundaries. But the warmth that seeped through his back made him tear up and his throat feel tighter. When was the last time that someone had touched him? It must be almost a year and oh, how he missed it!
It wasn’t like he’s had any long term relationship in the last few years but he had always craved contact as much as he feared it and so he had indulged himself in regular hook ups, never with the same person twice. His voices sounded small and choked when he finally answered, far from the cold reply he had initially prepared. “When I was in high school. We had a piano that was very expensive, so I was never allowed to touch it. And I pretended to obey but whenever my parents were out I snuck in and taught myself how to play. When one of the maids told on me I could play enough to impress my mum, so she got me a teacher. I was punished for breaking their rules of course but it was worth it.”
“That’s very sneaky of you, Mr. Min.” Taehyung laughed, leaning his head back in the process, “That doesn’t sound like the well-mannered CEO I know now.” He let his mind wander, thinking about how a young Mr. Min had been like, if he had dreams, if he still had the same one’s now or if they had changed. “It was truly worth it. I really liked the way you play; it was almost like…you were telling a story.” Taehyung closed his eyes and hummed the melody he remembered, fingertips playing in the air. He could feel Yoongi straightening his back a little, hearing his soft laugh against his back and Taehyung took it as an invitation to just keep on talking and rambling until Yoongi’s voice didn’t sound as broken anymore and his answers were longer than a few words.
“...And then one day, I came home and Jimin had put up all of my photography in the hallway just like that and invited a few of our friends over. There was even champagne,” He was gesturing around as if he was showing Yoongi how it looked, although their backs were against each other, “The cheapest one he could buy though, from the discounter. And he pretended as if it was my first exhibition, interviewing me and my friends just played along. In the end we all just got very drunk but…we were young.” He laughed and raked a hand through his messy hair, before his voice dropped a little. “One day I’ll have my own though.” Taehyung bit his lip as he thought of his little dream and peeked over his shoulder just a little, “Do you still have a dream, Mr. Min?”
It was easy to listen to Tae. He spoke so lively and colorfully that the vivid images rose in his mind all by themselves and a soft smile had stolen its way on his lips without permission. “Dreams?” He sighed deeply. “Well, I’ve got one, to be honest. I long for it with my whole being and yet I can do nothing to achieve it. I want to be free from this… sickness.” He had almost said curse. Luckily when it slipped people just thought he spoke figuratively. “I wasn’t always like this. But I fear I will be now, for the rest of my life.”
“Is there anything you can do?” Taehyung asked carefully, “You must know good doctors, right?” He wasn’t sure how much he could ask without pushing Yoongi away again. “Is it bad for you? Will…will it affect your health?” He hadn’t expected the aching in his heart at the thought of Yoongi being in pain or losing his life to an incurable sickness – now that he had gotten to know him a little.
“Not… really. I guess I could ‘think positive’ and ‘be kind’ and all that new age shit…” He normally didn’t try to curse in front of others, but it slipped so easily from his lips whenever the frustration took over, “...but apart from that I can only wait and hope that something changes before my time runs out. And doctors can only cure what their schoolbooks taught them. As soon as you differ from the norm they’re lost. I might end up in a glass cage if I let too many people look at me. I tried, in the beginning I was naive and thought that there had to be someone who was able to help me, I’ve seen so many specialists. But in the end I had to give up. That’s the worst, isn’t it? Putting all your energy and time and hope into something just for it to mean nothing in the end.” He couldn’t answer Taehyung’s question fully without revealing what he suffered from so he stayed vague and talked only as honest as he dared to be.
Taehyung had turned around slowly, when Yoongi was talking not able to speak up and silence filled the room as he let everything sink in. It felt heavy on his heart to know what he had been through with no one by his side (at least he assumed it from what he knew now). “But you feel no pain from the disease?” He asked again, just to make sure, before shifting completely, so that Yoongi’s back was against his chest instead. Taehyung wasn’t leaning in, yet, giving Yoongi the chance to back away if he wanted to or lean back if he needed it. “C-can I?” Taehyung reached out slowly, hovering over Yoongi’s hand, while being so close that his breath was tingling Yoongi’s skin right by his ear. 
“No, I’m not in pain. Not physically.” His cheeks heated at the confession that he hadn’t really meant to share. Because he was hurting, just in places that were beyond the flesh. He tensed when he felt Taehyung shifting, waiting for the other to get up, preparing himself to do the same but nothing the like happened. Instead the warmth came back and suddenly he could feel Taehyung’s breath against his skin. He shuddered, his whole body vibrating with nerves as Taehyung reached out for him. Yoongi tried to mask the nervous tremor in his hand by tilting his palm up but he regretted it the very next second. He had forgotten how dark his palm was, for one single blissful heartbeat he had actually forgotten how ugly he was because Taehyung’s closeness had wiped everything else from his mind. He was about to take his hand back when Taehyung’s fingertips touched his palm and he instinctively held his breath.
The younger could feel it against his chest as he leaned a little closer. His touch was a careful one, soft and light as he traced along a line on the inside of Yoongi’s hand. He shifted closer as he reached around the man’s body towards the other hand and did the same: waiting for Yoongi to relax and then touch him again. Instinctively, Taehyung leaned his head on Yoongi’s shoulder as he drew patterns into palm of his hands; long forgotten that this was his boss he was sitting behind. It was like the moment they had stepped away from the office, it didn’t matter anymore. Right here, by the piano in Yoongi’s makeshift (very expensive looking) home, it wasn’t about the status anymore.
It was just them, in the middle of the night. 
Taehyung intertwined their hands softly, letting go again just do repeat the motion because his own big hands, fitted so nicely against Yoongi’s smaller ones. “I still think your hands are beautiful,” He whispered softly, before a yawn drew out of him and he wasn’t fast enough to hide it. “Do you want me to come back tomorrow,” Taehyung released his hands from his, soothing over Yoongi’s arms before he leaned back, “To do the work you wanted me to?” It was written all over Yoongi’s body that he was lonely, and Taehyung had taken a liking in his strange boss and if it would make it easier for him to decide to let him back in if it was “job” related, then so be it.
Yoongi bit his lip before the words could tumble out and he made the mistake of asking Taehyung to stay a little longer. It was amazing - and also a little scary - what some intimacy could do to him and if he was honest he already started to miss the warmth the moment Taehyung leaned back.
“Sure. If you have the time you can come over.” Telling him that he definitely wanted to see him felt like an inappropriate confession, so he tried to keep it casual. His hands twitched as he put them back onto his thighs without anything to hold onto.
“I’ll be there,“ The words were whispered, when Taehyung hugged Yoongi once, before getting up and rushing back to the stairs – this habit of staying up late was really messing with his sleeping schedule. “Oh and, you can call me Tae by the way.” He waited for Yoongi to turn to look at him before he waved, “That’s what all my friends call me.”
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A/N: Ohhh, what do you think? ;) Will Taehyung’s natural curiosity will be a mistake or the way through to Yoongi’s heart? ;) Thank you for reading!
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Texas Cities: Austin
We spent 1 week in Austin, working from home at an Airbnb with 2 desks(!) in North Austin near a yuppie food/shopping area called The Domain. Most of our exploring was limited to a Friday that we took off work, and we were grateful to have our car to explore different parts of the city. Austin seems like a good place to live, and a fun place to visit anytime besides the extremely hot summer, when we were here. Below are our recommendations!
Veggie Food
Tex Mex We really liked all of these places, but there are plenty of other options in Austin as well!
The Vegan Yacht (south of downtown): Has an especially delicious tempeh burrito called the “freeto” ($9) with fritos! They are a bit salty but add a great crunch. It’s combined with a vegan store that had a really fun selection of vegan items that aren’t always found in grocery stores. Parking: free.
Velvet Taco (multiple locations): We love their korean taco (with tofu) and the cauliflower taco (surprisingly tasty). We tried their other 3 vegetarian tacos and didn’t love them. They have meat options as well. This is a chain that we also enjoyed in Houston. Both locations we visited had outdoor seating and had somewhat of a Chipotle vibe (in a good way). Parking: Varies. It was free and easily available at both locations we tried.
Torchy’s (multiple locations): We really enjoyed their migas taco ($3) for breakfast, friendly service, and outdoor seating. If Velvet Taco : Chipotle then Torchy’s : Taco Bell. We would eat here again. Parking: Free and plentiful at the location we visited south of the river.
1886 Cafe & Bakery (Sixth St): This has turned into much more of a tourist attraction than it was when I was in Austin for SXSW 2012; it is listed as a top 10 Austin attraction on several lists online. While it used to have a slightly upscale vibe and involved full table service, now you line up to order at the counter, it’s more crowded, and the cafe feels slightly dirty. However, the Texas-shaped waffle with pecans, fruit, & whipped cream ($14) is still as delicious as I remembered, and eating in the lobby of the Driskill Hotel is pretty nice. Parking: Difficult. We lucked out and found street parking about a 5-minute walk away. You can pay for street parking using the ATX app or a payment kiosk.
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The Driskill Lobby - you can eat your food from 1886 Cafe here.
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Flower Child (The Domain): This is a great little vegan chain with True Food Kitchen vibes. We tried it in Dallas and really liked the Glow Bowl and a thai wrap. Parking: The Domain has free parking garages with plenty of space.
Pro Tip: Maybe avoid Indian food in Austin. We heard this from a friend, and tried a pretty highly rated South Indian restaurant in North Austin that was very mediocre.
To Do (Stuff We Liked)
Zilker Park Botanical Garden ($8 non-Austin residents, free with American Horticultural Society membership): This is a very pretty place to visit and walk around. In particular, the Japanese Garden has some stunning ponds and the Prehistoric Garden has a very nice waterfall. It opens at 9am - if you’re here in the summer, go as early as possible to beat the heat! The walking path throughout the garden is somewhat shaded but it is still very hot. And wear comfortable shoes - it can be a bit wet and muddy so sandals are not ideal. Parking: Free and plentiful.
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Texas State Capitol (free): We really enjoyed our visit. The building is beautiful and allows visitors to roam freely through the lobby and halls. There are free informational tours every ~30 mins, or you can take a self-guided tour using your mobile phone (you call a phone number and enter a code for each item you want to hear about). We enjoyed visiting the Senate and House chambers - there are even staff there to answer questions. It’s also neat to see the portraits of Texas governors lining the rotunda walls on every floor. The air conditioning makes this a great break from the summer heat, and the restrooms were very clean. 
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Parking: You can park at the Capitol Parking Garage for free for up to 2 hours, and rates after that are quite cheap. It’s also just a ~10 min walk from there to Sixth Street, so it could make sense to leave your car here rather than trying to find street parking or paying $30+ to use a downtown parking garage.
St. Elmo Brewing Company (or other breweries): There are lots of breweries in and around Austin! We happened to visit this one and thought the outdoor, shaded picnic table seating was very nice. Half pints were reasonably priced at $3.50-$5 and we really liked the “Since, Like, Forever” (a double IPA). There is also a food truck in the beer garden - we didn’t eat, but it was nice to have as an option. Indoor seating is also good if you need to cool off. Parking: Free and plentiful.
Walnut Creek Metro Park (North Austin): We somewhat randomly visited here on a Thursday evening for a scenic walk. The trail we walked was very pretty and right by a stream. This seems like a great place to visit if you live in Austin. Parking: Free and plentiful.
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Sixth Street (downtown Austin): If you’re staying downtown + aren’t as much of a grandma as I am, I can attest from my college days that this can be a fun place to bar hop in the evening and listen to live music. There is also a Velvet Taco on Sixth Street, which is an automatic win.
To Stay:
Our Airbnb was in North Austin, right on the North Star Greenbelt (which was very pleasant for evening walks). The neighborhood was a bit run down and the house seemed very old and run down, so while we didn’t feel unsafe, we don’t necessarily recommend this area. 
Downtown Austin is probably a fun place to stay, but parking is very expensive. We looked at a handful of Marriott Hotels, all of which charged $50 per night for parking. Given this, we were happy to stay away from downtown; the 20-minute drive wasn’t a problem.
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1831 Friday 7 October
6 55/.. 10 25/..
Fahrenheit 67°. and fine sunny but windy morning now at 7 35/.. - breakfast at 7 55/.. - pretty damp little place - au 1re [premiere] in front - but ruz de chanssée at the back - single house - the 2 windows opposite each other shewed the inequality of the ground - pretty rustic verandah in front and windows opening on to the ground -
Off from Freshwater gate Inn at 8 40/.. very steep up the down - all walked - I took George and close along the edge of the cliffs and walked 40 mins. [minutes] before we turned inland to the top of the down and the carriage came up with us - the white Freshwater cliffs (white and high and precipitous) are certainly very fine, but not so fine as the Dover cliffs - sea very rough - wind very high - had it been to the sea instead of from it, there would have been no walking on the seaward declivity of the down -
Drove along the open down as far as just turning down upon the little scattered village of Brook - left a little below us (right) at 9 50/.. a good looking brick house inhabited by Mr. Howe, Lord of the manor, and there seemed to be a few straw thatched cottages - all the village that we saw - at Mottiston at 10 - neat brick farmstead and 5 or 6 straw thatched cottages and a picturesque wood? steepled little old church -
At Brightstone or Brixton at 10 1/4 - very scattered pretty straw thatched well-gardened village - stopt at the neat yellow-white washed Inn to water the horse at 10 20/.. - neat little church just beyond the Inn, and a few neat cottages for small gentry? there seemed a neat good brick Squire's house at a little distance (left) a little out of the centre of the village - far the prettiest village we have yet seen, and really pretty - walked round the little churchyard and off again at 10 1/2 - the coast seems low from Brook to some distance beyond Brixton - St. Catherine's hill, the highest land in the island stretches finely ahead of us like a long barrier against our getting any much farther - the preventive watch tower and the light house look like 2 great gate posts as we rise the ground out of Brixton -
At 10 40/.. Westcourt a large brick gable ended ivy covered house, and Shorwell picturesque good little village with neat little old church - alight at the neat little old church of Chale at 11 3/4, and, leaving the carriage to go over St. Catherine's hill and thro' the village of Niton, took George and a young woman guide and turned down the cliffs and to Blackgang chine at 12 - merely a little cove or circular hollow in the black indurated clayey cliff - the little stream or ripple that falls from the top lost in rain before it gets to the bottom, tho' the depth it falls may be 60 or 70 feet Brannon's guide says 70 feet (the girls father says 55 feet) instead of 500 feet according to one of my guide books - really Blackgang chine is no great thing - but taking the whole height of the cliff to the top of St. Catherine's hill above the broad shelf or undercliff in which the chine is worn (and the water only runs over the chine) the height cannot be above 500 feet if so much - for it is not the highest part of the hill that is over the chine - Brannon mentions Chale and walpan chines as partaking of the character of Blackgang chine - Chale the girl said was nothing not near so big as Blackgang and walpan above a 1/4 mile to the westward quite out of our way and we must go along the sands to see it, and the water was too high and the sea too rough to admit that - besides the cliff was lately so fallen away the chine was nearly destroyed -
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Blackgang Chine c1910, the chine has since been destroyed due to erosion [Image Source]
We then walked along the cliffs to the aluminous-chalybéate spring called Sandrock spring - really a pretty strong chalybéate [according to Wikipedia: “waters, also known as ferruginous waters, are mineral spring waters containing salts of iron”] and plenty of the water - the present building over it quite new - the old one fell away last winter by the slipping of the cliff - then to the neat little cottage above the spring (a sort of dispensary) just under the Sandrock cliff - would not live there - there may be another land-slip as in 1799 - the Sandrock cliff begins a very little to the westward of this Sandrock spring cottage - the cliff very curious - in their horizontal strata where rooks and ravens, sea gulls, and falcon-hawks build their nests - fine, sea views - a little too hazy for the peep of Portland race from the point between Knoles and Buddle's farm -
We passed along there and came out upon Sandrock hotel at 1 - very pretty 2 story house with rustic jasmine and ivy covered verandah along the ground story, windows opening on to the ground - the house too on an eminence with very fine sea view - the prettiest hotel I ever saw anywhere - my Leghorn bonnet hat being all blown out of shape - my false hair taken off and put into the crown of my Leghorn - the driver having gone at once to the stables, and neither of my servants being in sight I can imagine the people wondered what I might be - I did not think them civil enough - looked about - wrote my pencil notes and walked off - went down to the stables to speak about the road etc. wanted a guide - the ostler would recommend a boy (who it turned out was his own son and I afterwards had him to a little beyond Mirables cottage, but he wanted me to pay the ostler, and I would have nothing to do with paying ostlers, so walked off - and at a little distance some neat little Lodging houses, and a few good comfortable cottages -
The village of Niton 1/4 mile off - but not worth going so much out there and back out of my way, so took the boy and walked forwards along the undercliff carriage road - soon came to the Orchard general Sir Willoughby Gordon - approached by a sunk road about 4 feet high rough large stone walling and top-planted slopes above - (there would be something of this sort on entering trough of bolland wood to Shibden) - the house a modern gothic 2 story high with a small castle tower or 2 quite in a hole - invisible till quite upon it - would not live there for all the island - but must look prettily upon the sea from the other side and may have pretty little grounds like Mirables, Mrs. Arnold's very pretty cottage which we soon afterwards turned down to see - she being gone out, a man we found in the grounds shewed us over them (very pretty - bowers of magnificent ivy growing over old shrubs and scraps of wall), and the neat little dairy, and the house too - really a cottage - some of the rooms surely not more than 7 feet high - very very low - but verandahs, and ivy covered covered windows and gables, and really very pretty - but no such cottage for me to live in - give me loftier and larger rooms - more elbow and more breathing room -
Sent back the boy a little beyond Mirables, and sauntered on (Cameron and George and I) by ourselves - just peeped in at the windows of the very small church of St. Lawrence not more than 20 feet long by 12 broad probably the smallest church in England - and the carriage over took us at 3 about a mile from Ventnor, and we all got in - Steep hill at 3 1/4 - we all walked up the hill -
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St. Lawrence Old Church - built in the 12th century and considered the smallest church in England until a 10 foot chancel was added in 1842 [Source]
Ventnor hotel at 3 23/.. - a neat, new, remarkably comfortable tidy-looking house, 2 storys, the lower 8 windows in front the 4 lower opening upon the ground - the house on high enough ground - not much wood about it - but beautifully diversified hill and down, and very picturesque pretty little scattered hamlet - the curious sandrock cliff seems to end at Ventnor, and a very high steep down to fence off the more irregular sloping undercliff - horse tired - so that we do not get on very fast - at 3 40/.. St. Boniface cottage (left) very pretty straw thatched gentlemans cottage - from here go down a steepish hill into a deep beautiful finely wooded dell or valley and come out upon the pretty little village of Bonchurch at 4 -
Go into the little church which Andrews (large guide page 96) thinks one of the oldest in the island or in England 'the entrance of the church is a beautiful and perfect Saxon arch; the portico is clearly of Norman architecture, being added after the conquest' - the church is not much larger than that of St. Lawrence - from this church walked the land slip (another land slip, a sort of chaos prettily and picturesquely planted with forest copse wood) to Luccomb chine which was shewn us by the proprietor of one 1/2 of it who happened to be standing by - has a neat little cottage (Luccomb chine cottage) 2 little sitting rooms and 2 bedrooms and 2 servants ditto and little kitchen stable and barn for coach house and a nice little pretty garden at the head of the chine with private way down it to the sea, - that he would let for 20/. a week now, and lets in the season for 50/. a week - season from May to now - but bad carriage road to it thro' the farm yard of a farm belonging to Mr. Atherly M.P. for Southampton - the front door of the cottage opens into Mr. A-'s [Atherly's] property that is entailed and cannot be sold - the man calculates his cottage at £22 a year has above 20 acres land with it and some cottages that altogether bring in above £40 a year and would sell the whole for £1200 - all these cottages too poky and stuffy for me - the Chine merely a pretty cleft in the cliffs down to the beach, - green and pretty well wooded - but really these Chines do not deserve to be made much fuss about - they are convenient passages to the sea - a sort of large Lord Bute's gaps as at Highcliff - the chine a mile from Shanklin -
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Luccombe chine in 2008 [Image Source]
Walked up the hill to meet our car - could not find it - walked to Shanklin there at 5 20/.. and the carriage not being arrived had to send after it - the very pretty Inn quite full - but Mrs. Williams very civil and got me a little lodging near - very comfortable - very pretty picturesque village - a good deal taken with it - could not resist going down to see the chine - a pretty wooded glen - prettier than Luccomb because topped by the neat gable ended white house of general Viney, and a pretty little bay and good sands below - fine hard sandy clayey cliffs shut in the bay - the winding down to it in traverses is pretty, and altogether Shanklin is a pretty little -
Met a couple of men who had been digging up sand eels - bought the whole lot of one of them (2 or 3 score, I think at least) for 6d. [pence] - gave him 6d. [pence] additional and he took them to the Inn and I ordered them for supper - back at 5 50/.. 2 basins (above 1 1/2 pint) of boiled milk but ate merely a mouthful of bread at 6 - then settled accounts and began this journal of today - at 7 my sand eels ate 5 or 6 and 20, and drank as much boiled milk as before with about as much bread and then finished journal of today -
The 5 miles walk from Sandrock hotel to Vintnor along the undercliff is really very fine the perpendicular wall of sandrock cliff left - the sea right - the gentlemens cottages and grounds - the finely varied prettily wooded and undulating undercliff, form a charming whole - once or twice looking only at the Sandrock cliff and the planting along I was reminded (a very miniature likeness) of the Gorge d'ortessa - but altogether, sea and all, I doubt if there are many finer walks in England or anywhere than these 5 miles of undercliff - the chaos from between Bonchurch and Luccomb chine and the copse wood among it reminded me for a moment (miniature likeness) of some of the tremendous chaos on descending the Splugen towards Chiavenna -
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Gorge d’Ordesa in the Ordesa y Monteperdido National Park, Spain [Image Source]
We met a Lady and gentleman at Bonchurch just returned from the chine of whom I inquired the way - the lady's ecstasies about the beauty of the wood leading to it - never saw anything so beautiful - I should be well repaid etc. etc. made me think how well it is to enlarge on ideas and accomplish one faculty of admiration by sights on ampler scale than we can have at home - very fine day - had just finished the above of today at 9 10/.. - came to my room at 9 35/.. - Fahrenheit 69°. now at 9 50/.. -
[Margin] From Ventnor to Bonchurch very pretty especially from Bonchurch cottage thro' the wooded valley -  
Reference: SH:7/ML/E/14/0129 - SH:7/ML/E/14/0130
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dimpledkoala · 4 years
Vanity (Pride and Prejudice AU) | KNJ
A/N: Hello new Readers! I’m a new Tumblr account and I thought about sharing my work on this platform, as I have fallen in love with many fanfic writers on this platform. I will post a masterlist soon to organize my story, but for now this account will strictly be BTS related. Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice is one of my favorite books of all time, and I’ve just gotten inspiration for this AU from none other than my own bias. All seven boys will be included in this story, so please enjoy!
Chapter 1
Word Count: 4,030
Genre: Kim Namjoon x OC (reader’s POV), slight angst
Quote: “It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife.”
As you always did every morning, you took an early morning walk amongst the grounds of your family’s land. Your family was not one of a high status, but your father was able to support a living for his wife and five daughters. You were the fourth child of the five, and all were still single. However, in comparison to your sisters, there was no hope of you ever being able to woo a man of great fortune.
There was Sophia, the eldest, who was considered to not only be the most beautiful creature in the land, but of the most amiable nature as well. Her beauty and singing voice captured the hearts of many men, though none had the courage to make her an offer of marriage. However, there was one man, Jungkook Jeon, who has been engaging her for the past few months, and the family expected the two to be a wedded couple soon.
Ah, then there was Jessie, the second oldest by only a year younger. She too had similar charms as her older sister, though others, including her own mother, have said her beauty is not as striking as Sophia’s. It might be due to her glasses, but her and her sisters knew that it would be poor of someone to judge her solely on her beauty. Jessie’s charm was found in her talents, such as playing the piano, drawing, and knitting, all which she could do at a high level.
Out of all the girls, Iris had been noted to compete with Sophia’s beauty. She is the most graceful and nonetheless the best dancer at every ball they attended. She did not have the talent to play an instrument, though she was very skilled at cooking and was personable enough to strike a hearty conversation with anyone in her company.
Tina was the youngest, and her youth struck the hearts of many young men. She shared the same talents as Jessie and Iris, but was considered to be the most enjoyable company. She was considered to be the most humorous, and competed with Sophia for being the most amiable.
And you. What was so interesting about you, the second youngest, having been thrown in the mix? You were caught in the shadow of your sisters. Your talents and personality were a combination of the other four, but failed to stand out in a unique way. Unlike the rest, you were of a witty and independent nature. You were not considered graceful at all, as you had a tendency to break things due to your clumsy nature. You did not fall easily for the first guy to try to win your charms, especially if they were at an inferior level of mind to yours. You were the last choice of marriage amongst the Bennet sisters, and honestly? You were okay with that. You had more freedom, and who gave a damn about romance anyway? Leave the burden your mother was oh-so worried about to your elder sisters, who were pressured to find a suitable husband with a great fortune. Being who you were gave you the freedom to explore like this on your own.
Reading was among your favorite pastimes, and on your early morning walks, you read of your favorite stories, particularly plays and poems that were written over a century ago. Shakespeare was undeniably a genius of his time, and his tragedies were among your favorites, especially Romeo and Juliet. It did not make you weep for the star-crossed lovers, rather it made you chortle at the naivety of the two lovers. Two people of a different class status, especially those who had rivaled families, would never be able to successfully have a relationship. You were inspired by these works, and attempted to write a few plays and stories of your own, which you always found inadequate. You were in the middle of reading the balcony scene in Act 2, which read:
“If thou dost love, pronounce it faithfully:
Or if thou think'st I am too quickly won,
I'll frown and be perverse an say thee nay,
So thou wilt woo; but else, not for the world.
In truth, fair-”
Your thoughts were suddenly interrupted by your collision with Tina, who immediately scolded you for not paying attention to your surroundings. By the way you two cursed at each other without proper manner, many would consider you two enemies. However, it was only for a hearty laugh, and as the youngest you both shared a playful nature. Your mother often scolded you for your immaturity, but it did not bother you one bit. Your playful bickering was put to an end by your eldest sister, who had suddenly hushed you.
“Quiet my dear sisters, Mama is telling our Papa of some news,” Sophia said in a low voice as she silently ushered her youngest sisters to come towards her and Iris.
“What’s going on?” Jessie inquired as she noticed her sisters crammed at the entrance to their father’s study. The four sisters silently ushered her to come to them. Immediately, Iris filled her in with what was going on.
“A Mr. Kim and his brother have established a living Netherfield Park,” she whispered excitably. “And both are single!”
“How many pounds? How many pounds?” you and Tina asked simultaneously, curious about the newest bachelors in town.
“5,000 pounds a year!”
This caused all five girls to cause a commotion outside the door, capturing their father’s attention, who opened it to acknowledge their presence. A stern look was etched on his features, but the girls still were lowly gigling as they bowed to acknowledge their parents’ presence. Their mother only sighed, but took no note of their daughters’ eavesdropping. She, like her daughters, were more interested in their father’s response to the situation, which must be dealt with urgently. It vexed her that Mr. Bennet had not even taken the slightest interest in the conversation she had struck with him.
“I do not understand why we must partake in this conversation, my dear,” Mr. Bennet grumbled as he made his way to the drawing room, with all six women in his life trailing behind him.
“Oh Mr. Bennet! You must call upon these gentlemen for the sake of our daughters! Surely you must know what I am referring to? At least one of them must be engaged with these gentlemen!”
“Indeed, Mrs. Bennet. But there is no need. I already called upon the two gentlemen,” replied her husband with a smug grin on his face as the girls cheered and thanked their father, immediately talking amongst themselves.
“Oh, Mr. Bennet, how could you? Have you no compassion for my poor nerves?” Mrs. Bennet regarded with a huff.
Mr. Bennet sighed at his wife’s usual, overdramatic remarks and replied simply with: “Indeed I do have compassion for your poor nerves, as they have been my constant companion for these past twenty years.”
The witty response caused the girls to giggle in amusement and all at once they began bombarding him with questions about the two gentlemen.
“Are they handsome?” Iris questioned. “Are they amiable?”
“Are they going to the ball?” Tina suddenly asked, stirring anticipation amongst the women.
“Papa, please tell,” you begged, knowing you can always get it your way with him. He had a soft spot for you, for you were the most similar to him in not only looks but in personality as well.
“They are amiable,” noted Mr. Bennet, “and quite the handsome gentlemen too. There is an elder Mr. Seokjin Kim, and a younger Mr. Taehyung Kim. They are currently living with their sister, Ms. Caroline Kim as well, and there have been speculations of a third gentlemen, their cousin supposedly. I have no problem with letting either of the two choosing whichever daughter they please.”
This caused the girls to heighten the volume and pitch of their conversations, and once again did Tina have to ask her question. “Papa, are they going to the ball at Mr. Jeon’s tonight?”
As if to drag on the suspense of the situation, Mr. Bennet kept a straight face before breaking into a soft smile. “I believe so.” He had somewhat regretted his decision to break the news to them, as all six women nearly bursted his eardrums at his announcement. The girls immediately made many changes to their outfits for the night, for it was not often for such an opportunity to come into their lives.
“You’ve been quiet all day, Kyra.”
You snapped from your gaze from the mirror and turned towards Sophia, who was doing your hair. Your lips shaped into an expression of uncertainty as you adjusted your slouched posture. “What good does it do to us competing for two men? You’re lucky you do not have to squabble for a man no longer. Jungkook is perfect for you.”
“There is a possibility of three men, might I remind you,” Sophia assured her younger sibling. “Do not lose hope, Kyra. You’ll find your man some day.”
“Only a fool would believe I would chase after him, and a fool would also believe they could win me over easily,” you murmured.
“Besides, you do not have to be burdened of finding a husband if one of us marries rich. And do not forget, if all goes well with the Mr. Kims, we will have connections with others with a high class status.”
At that thought you smiled and Sophia kissed the top of her sister’s head. “You’re so silly, you know that?” Sophia whispered. “Do not fret. I’ll experiment with a new hairstyle on you. You’ll be sure to charm all the men at the ball.”
Your gaze softened at your sister’s actions and thanked her as she continued to work magic with your hair. If none of the men wished to bother with you, you knew that tonight you at least had Yoonji Min to keep you company. She was your closest friend in a similar situation as yours. She was older by a few years. You were to be twenty-one this year, while she was to be twenty-five. You both shared similar personalities and tastes, and during the balls your favorite pastime was observing the crowds of people and soaking in whatever gossip you could find, thanks to Tina’s associations.
In a couple of hours, they had arrived at the Jeons’ estate. Mr. Bennet has claimed he was too exhausted to participate in any social activity, so he stayed home. Lucky him, you thought to yourself bitterly. But you could not let your sister’s efforts go to waste. It was not your best outfit, but it was enough to leave an impression. The inspiration behind the outfit was to have the appeal of a butterfly in the spring. Hopefully it would be effective for the night, or at least result in pleasurable company.
Like any other party they had ever been to, Meryton Hall was bustling with locals, who were already dancing. Iris and Sophia were quick to the dance floor as usual, as Sophia had quickly found the Jeon heir and due to Iris’ quickness on her feet. It usually took some time before the other three girls were asked out to dance, so they found Yoonji and began to converse about the special guests for the party tonight. 
“I heard of the three Kims. Is that whom you are referring to?” Yoonji asked the three of them as they all nodded eagerly. “I am surprised. They are of such a high status... I wonder why they would bother being at this commoners’ ball.”
“We all know that these balls are much better than the pristine ones held in mansions. Much more goes on, and the people are friendlier,” Tina remarked as she took a swig of her champagne. 
Jessie nodded as she took a sip of her drink. “This is a more preferable and comfortable setting. I am sure those boys would like to explore something new for a change, regardless of their status. After all, they are people too.”
“I have very little information about them, but I overheard some conversation between my family and Sir Jeon,” Yoonji proffered, sitting up in her chair.
“Oh yes, please tell us,” Tina said immediately.
“Do you find them interesting at all? Or are they just rich?” you asked Yoonji, whose typically stone-faced demeanor was replaced with a grin.
“Kyra, it is unwise to judge them based off their wealth,” Jessie advised her as she adjusted her glasses.
“But remember, my dear sister, we are only having this conversation because we need that wealth.”
“I have heard the eldest Mr. Kim is one of the most amiable men that people have ever come across. A classic gentleman, who will undoubtedly have all the ladies in the room fawning over him,” Yoonji told them as she thought of other details to relay. “They describe him as very princely. His younger brother is of the same reputation, though he is thought to be less sociably inclined. The younger Mr. Kim is not a hermit, however, and actually is said to have a better sense of humor than his brother, whose humor is noted to be old-fashioned. In terms of wealth, both are equally rich, as they inherit 5,000 pounds a year, which I am sure you have heard by now.”
“At least they have personality,” you said with a grin. “I trust Papa’s opinion of them being handsome. They cannot be worse than some of the men here. Look at these humorless poppycocks. If none of them fall in love with you Yoonji and the rest of my single sisters, then I have no more to say on others’ opinion of beauty.” You brought up a fair point. The other men in the ballroom were ghastly looking, but they were scarce in comparison to the amount of women, therefore regardless you would end up dancing with each common buffoon out there. They would try to hit on you and your sisters, but you knew better than to play around with people not worth your time.
“Kyra, one day you’ll find someone who will catch your eye and then you’ll have to watch your tongue,” Tina remarked, drawing a scoff from you.
Before you could protest, the room suddenly fell silent as the crowd parted for the four guests. So there was another after all, you pondered. The four individuals all had quite a presence, you had to admit. The individual who stood out amongst the rest was the only blond individual, who happened to be the tallest too. While the two handsome dark-haired gentlemen she assumed were the Kim brothers, this man was expressionless and looked absolutely miserable.
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“Okay, now who is who?” you whispered to Yoonji as Jessie and Tina focused more on trying to get a proper look at the long awaited guests.
“Mr. Seokjin Kim, the eldest brother, is the one with the elegant eucalyptus leaves on his suit. The taller dark haired male. His younger brother Mr. Taehyung Kim is on the right, whose suit is decorated in the white flowers. Of course, the only female among them is their only sister, Ms. Caroline Kim, and the man who looks and acts like their own personal guard is Mr. Namjoon Kim, their cousin.”
“The one with the quizzical brow?” you asked as Yoonji nodded. “He looks as miserable as me, poor soul.”
“He may be miserable, but he is anything but poor. Those four come from the same family, but Mr. Namjoon Kim is worth 10,000 a year.”
“10,000?!” the three sisters exclaimed in hushed tones.
“And he owns half of Derbyshire, in a beautiful estate known as Pemberly,” Yoonji related as Sir Jeon began to walk them through the crowd.
“The miserable half?” Your comment caused your own self and Yoonji to snort in disbelief at the rich man. Everyone had their eyes on these four individuals, but closely payed attention to the blond Kim upon the spread knowledge of his wealth.
You had come to meet Mr. Seokjin Kim as an amiable and charming individual. He was a flirt and reminded you of a cliché protagonist in the stories you had read. He was also a great dancer you found out quickly. It was no wonder why he drew in so many women. He also was a personable and casual gentleman and fit perfectly within the setting. He made sure you used no formalities when around him, which made you see Seokjin more as a friend than a stranger. You especially gained his respect when you saw the way he admired Jessie from afar and scouted her out, rather than she chase after him. The two of them engaged for the rest of the night, and you shared her pleasure.
The younger Mr. Kim was equally amiable and handsome, and you noticed the accuracy of Yoonji’s information when you found yourself in his company. The younger Mr. Kim was a quieter individual, but when he struck up a conversation with Tina, the two were inseparable. You too shared Tina’s happiness when you realized that not only the elder Mr. Kim, but the younger too took an interest in one of your sisters.
You did not engage at all with Ms. Kim, but found yourself in an amusing situation regarding Mr. Namjoon Kim.
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You had not been involved with him directly. You were tired from the endless dancing, and seeing as there were not enough partners, you sat down and observed the dance from afar. You watched in amusement Yoonji attempted to dance with an ill-mannered companion as you took a sip of your champagne. It was then when you noticed Seokjin step out of the dance and approach his cousin, who had only engaged in one dance with Ms. Kim. The two were only a table away within your vision, so you were able to clearly hear their conversation from where you were sitting.
“My dear cousin, I cannot have you standing around in this stupid manner! Namjoon, you must get up and dance. There are plenty of women to go around, and I have never been in the company of such beautiful women in my life.”
“You and Taehyung are in the company of the only pretty women in the room,” the blond noted, fixing his gaze on Jessie and then to Tina.
“Nonsense!” Seokjin exclaimed as he slapped his cousin’s back, causing him to wince. “Look, Namjoon, over there! She’s a rather beautiful creature as well, is she not?” It took you a moment to realize Seokjin was referring to you. “That’s one of Jessie’s sisters. I shall have my partner introduce you two.”
You had unintentionally made eye contact with Namjoon’s cool ones. The intimidating glare he gave off created tension in the air as you turned away. For the first time that night, you heard him speak with any ounce of emotion. “She is tolerable, I suppose, but not handsome enough to tempt me. It is useless to waste your time on me, Seokjin. Go find your partner and enjoy her smiles.” He walked off with an air of pride, leaving Seokjin frustrated and flabbergasted. There was nothing Seokjin could do, so putting on a smile, he went back to be in Jessie’s company.
Unbelievable. It was utterly unbelievable the way he spoke about you. Well, it could not be bothered if he did not want anything to do with you. In fact, you were becoming amused by the whole situation. You were itching to tell him off right on the spot, but that would make you as proper as he was. You could just bite your thumb at him, but what would that do? Instead, it ended up being quite a humorous discussion amongst your family and friends. It was vexing, but there was nothing you could do about it. You were just going to keep your head up high and find another man or woman worth your time. Yet you could not keep your eyes off that handsome man...
You and Tina shared the same room, as the two of you were the youngest. You were not sure if Tina was drunk or not, but her face was stained bright red and completely enamoured.
“He was just what a young man ought to be,” Tina sighed contently under the sheets. “He’s sensible, good-humored, lively. He had such happy manners, Kyra, something I have never seen before in my life. Of such good breeding too!”
“On top of all of that Teeny, he’s handsome. His character is therefore complete,” you stated confidently, pinching her cheek. Tina slapped your hand away and groaned.
“Do not call me that, dear sister,” she whined. “I’m not a child anymore. Unless in return you wish me to call you Kiwi.”
You scoffed and pinched her cheek lightly, and she mimicked the action. “You will always be a baby to me. You are the family’s baby. You will be stuck being called by your baby name at intimate family gatherings as long as we are stuck in this household.”
Tina raised her eyebrow and smirked at you. “Not if I get married before you.”
“Ouch, a real shocker!” You put your fist to your heart for a dramatic effect as you both giggled.
“I do not understand though why Mr. Kim would make such a tiring effort to put up with me.”
“You do not understand, but I do,” you argued. “If I were half as beautiful or humorous as you, Tina, I would not be as oblivious to why Mr. Kim took interest in you that night. You were ten times prettier than all the women in that room. I would think him a fool if he had not taken interest in you.”
“Thank you Kyra, but I think all the men were fools to not ask you to dance.”
You only adjusted your position in the bed by slightly curling in a ball with a sigh. It had somewhat bothered you that after the whole Mr. Kim incident that not a single person had asked you to dance that night. It could not be bothered due to the lack of men in the room, but you still felt slightly offended and irritated by the matter. “It might help if they realized I was a tolerable partner.”
Tina knew you well enough that your sarcastic remark covered your frustrated state. You both sought to ignore and downplay your feelings, which both of you understood about each other. “I did not know the comment affected you that much. I should have been there for you. You should know you are always welcome in the company of me, regardless of whom my partner is. Do not set on solitude, my dear sister. It is not right when you have four other sisters.”
You only grinned in response to her remark. “False. I enjoyed the solitude, and I spent my time making out this Mr. Kim’s character. What a cousin! To think I will be related to such a creature in some shape or form is a horrid revelation, yet unfathomable. You and Jessie are already so deeply in love with those brothers, as they most definitely are for you. You must unfortunately have to put up with him. But do not let my feelings and vexations restrain you or Jessie from your romantic adventures.”
Tina took your hand into hers and brought it up to kiss it. This was something you both did whenever you quarreled or were bothered by something. It was an action that soothed both of you. You did not need the gesture, though you welcomed it, as it expressed your sister’s worries and love for you. “One man should not dampen your spirits. There will be the militia coming to town in only a fortnight. Did you not hear Iris announce it?”
“Of course I did, but you do not understand, Teeny. Only the deepest love will persuade me into matrimony, which is why I will die an old maid. I will not settle, Teeny. Never.”
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scribble-bunnie · 4 years
soulmark | m.yg (2)
Pairing: Min Yoongi x Reader
Chapters: 9
Summary: in which, a girl and a boy without soulmarks learn what it means to have a soulmark and a soulmate.
02 || Behind Every 'Just Kidding'
(Y/n)'s POV
"He's here!" Jin cried, making me pause my table-cleaning. I looked up to see a guy in a olive green jacket and white t-shirt standing outside the glass doors and windows. He had purple hair that was mostly hidden under his black beanie and he wore ripped black jeans. Damn, he was hot. 
I cleared my throat at that thought. What? I'm sure Jin thinks way worse and farther than that. 
I dropped the rag in its place, making a mental note to clean it tomorrow. I washed my hands and quickly went to the bathroom to change into a red dress that Jin had kept here as an emergency. 
When I walked out, I saw the guy (who I took was Kim Namjoon) talking (flirting?) with Jin, who was blushing and slapping his arm. Namjoon just laughed. I couldn't stop the smile that covered my face as I walked over. Jin turned and looked me up and down before giving his nod of approval.
"Perfect," he said with a smile, trying to hide his red cheeks. I couldn't help but give him an amused look. "Jimin-ah! Min-ji-ah! Come on! What are you doing?"
"I'm here, I'm here," Jimin-ah rushed out, fixing his tie. In a white button-up and black pants, he looked.... beautiful. Jungkook-ah was one lucky man. Min-ji came out, her hands fisted around the hem of her black, sparkly dress. She looked at the ground as she walked towards me.
"Min-ji, you look so pretty!" I said, bringing her in for a hug. She hugged me back. I whispered in her ear, "You look great. Don't worry, it will all be fine. I'm sure Namjoon doesn't bite - unless we are Jin."
She giggled as I pulled back. She calmed down and gave a smile. Jin smiled even wider and clapped his hands once.
"Alright, everyone, let's go!" 
'Namjoon' drove us to the restaurant that was around ten minutes away. We entered and he asked for a reserved table for five and we were led to a nice table for six. 
Min-ji and I slid into one seat and Jin and his soulmate into the seat opposite to us. I grabbed Jimin-ah (who was confused where to sit) and pulled him beside me, so I was now in between Min-ji and Jimin-ah. Jin was across me and Namjoon was across Min-ji.
She shifted nervously in her seat. I patted her right thigh that was nearest to me to assure her that it was okay.
Min-ji was a shy girl when it came to new people. She became nervous when she is introduced to new people; but once you get to know her, she is a bubbly, happy soul.
"Okay, introductions are in order," Jin said, straightening up in his seat. "Guys, this is Kim Namjoon, my soulmate."
He gave Namjoon a big smile and I could practically see Namjoon melting in his seat. Before he could speak up, the waiter appeared.
"What would you like to order, sir?" He asked politely, the notepad in one hand, and a pen in the other. Jin asked around and soon rattled off some dishes. "Alright, we will need a minimum of 20 minutes to prepare the food, sir."
Jin nodded dismissively before turning back to us. 
"And Namjoon, this is Song Min-ji, (l/n) (y/n) and Park Jimin."
He bowed to us over the table, and we bowed back. 
"So, how long have you worked with Jin?" He asked with a smile. 
"I've been with him since he opened the shop five years ago, working full time. We both dropped out of college together to start the shop," I told him.
"She's practically the co-owner," Jin said jokingly, but I felt the seriousness in his tone lying underneath the joking exterior. "I honestly don't know what I'd do without her."
"Oh, pssh," I waved him off. "You would do just fine."
"No, I agree with hyung," Jimin-ah said, shaking his head. "Noona is the biggest pillar of the shop. I've been here from the start too, but I worked part-time for four years, and about a little longer than a year, I started working full time."
Namjoon nodded at that. I nudged Min-ji to speak up. She cleared her throat.
"I joined a year ago, about the time Jimin-oppa started full time," she said, trying to keep her voice smooth and stable. 
"I see, so (y/n) is your closest friend, right?" Namjoon asked Jin. Jin nodded brightly.
"I don't know what I did to be blessed with her, but she's a literal angel," he said. I tried not to blush, but I couldn't deny my cheeks were pink at that. Namjoon had an amused look.
"Your soulmate must be one lucky soul, huh?" The moment Namjoon said that, my smile dropped before I pulled my mouth into a small smile.
"Uh, Joonie, she's not...," Jin struggled to explain my situation. I placed my hand on top of his and gave him a smile. Jin looked at me worriedly.
"I don't have a soulmate, Namjoon-ah," I told him. His eyes widened before he bowed, about to apologise when I stopped him, "Don't apologize. I know you didn't mean it. You didn't know. I understand. Many just assume, because we are very less in numbers."
"Still, it was insensitive of me," he argued. I just gave a sad smile at that. 
"It's okay," I said. The waiter chose that moment to come with the food and soon, we were all eating and talking about other things.
For a while, I forgot the whole thing. When the bill came, Namjoon and Jin said they'll pay and I tried to argue but they ended up sharing the bill between themselves.
We piled up in the car and I was glad that Min-ji had eased into it and was taking part in the conversation in the car as well.
We dropped off Min-ji, then Jimin-ah. The ride to my home was still ten minutes away so the three of us chatted about the issue before.
"....So, what are you thinking?" Namjoon asked. "If you want, I can help you register for those places where they track up people without soulmates and you know, see for someone they might like."
"Hm," I thought about it. I didn't want to end up alone. One day, I wanted to go home and have someone waiting for me with a smile. Maybe someone who I can snuggle into when I feel sad. 
Suddenly, Namjoon looked at Jin with a look of epiphany. 
"Yoongi," he said. Jin who was driving the car, furrowed his eyebrows. 
"I'm Jin, remember?" He said bemusedly to the younger. Namjoon shook his head.
"No, Yoongi, my friend," he said. Jin suddenly realised who he was talking about and nodded. "Actually, they can..."
"Oh my gosh, you're right!" Jin brought the car to a screeching halt. We all fell back on the seats. "Sorry about that. Your stop's here, (y/n)."
"Who's Yoongi?" I asked them as I opened the door. They exchanged a look.
"He's a friend of mine," Namjoon said. "Works with me in my company. You two should meet up. You might hit it off."
His tone was teasing. I gave him a small glare. He raised his hands.
"Just kidding, just kidding," he murmured. "But no, seriously, you can atleast be good friends. He doesn't have a soulmate either."
Suddenly, I felt a pang in my heart. I knew that pain. I nodded weakly and waved at them from outside the car.
"Okay, I'll meet him," I said to them. They smiled at me.
"You won't regret it."
And then they drove off, leaving me alone outside my house as I watched them, trying not to get my hopes up about a guy I hadn't even heard about till two minutes ago.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
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baeklination · 4 years
구름 도시  (Cloud City)  pt.1
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Warnings/Contains: None really. Some light cursing. General talk about the case, but nothing explicit.
au: members of the justice system
Characters: Baekhyun, Kai, Suho, Sehun
Masterpost      Part 2
APRIL 17th
  Jun-myeon poked his head out of his office.
“Byun, we’ve got a girl reported missing, go talk to her parents will you?”
Baek-hyun grabbed the holster from his chair, out of habit more than anything
“How old?”
“She’s twenty-six, Cho Min-young, lives in Hammer Hill. Her parents are waiting”
Baek-hyun slowed down and raised an eyebrow at his boss.
“Jun, you know I’m not a star case- guy, but a missing twenty-six year-old..? I thought you meant a kid. She’s probably at a boyfriend's house-”
“Girlfriend then-”
“They’ve called everyone they can think of, and she didn’t show up for work this morning. Come on, Byun, as a favour; it’ll be in and out. Take the new guy with you, show him how the pro’s do it”. Jun-myeon shot a wide smile at him, knowing he’d won Baek-hyun over.
  In the middle of the stations commotion sat a young detective, trying his best to look as if he hadn’t overheard the conversation between Baek-hyun and the lieutenant, but he felt like a kid waiting for his fun uncle to collect him.
“Come on, Jong-in, you heard the boss”, Baek-hyun said, approaching him. “Is it alright if we drop the honorifics, can I speak informally to you?”
“Yes, it’s okay, Mr.Byun, you can speak informally.” Jong-in nodded with a slightly nervous smile.
“We, Jong-in. We speak informally. No mr, hyung, or nim, please.”
 Having reached the car, Baek-hyun waited for Jong-in’s reaction( although if anyone asked, he’d never admit to such vanity).
“Shit, this is your car? It’s a beauty!”, Jong-in exclaimed when he realized what ride was theirs. “You’re in to the classics?”
Baek-hyun chuckled and feigned embarrassment.
 “Yeah, this is my Old Betty”, but the charade only lasted a moment. “70’s Coupe Deville - Cadillac, obviously. My father brought it back from the States in the 80’s”. Seeing the question on Jong-in’s face Baek-hyun continued “He went to college over there, and saw this darling; dirt cheap if you ask him - a prettier penny than that if you ask my mother. He retired it a while back, and let me buy it. Actually, he would never let me buy it - I’ve been paying for their weekly grocery shopping without him knowing for the past two years now” he laughed, and Jong-in, now more relaxed, rolled his eyes in a I-know-the-type-way. Reaching in and popping the hood he gestured for Jong-in to follow him.
 “See” he pointed to the machinery “the engine was alright, but I know a mechanic, so I had it fitted with a V8, and the normal updates; better versions of things they had in the original. I know, I know, the original is the soul and all that - but I don’t want my girl going bust when I’m doing 110 on the highway chasing bad guys, you know”. Jong-in nodded, but this part was beyond him. “Now she’s got 600 HP and manages 130 km and hour, easy”, Baek-hyun shamelessly bragged as they got in the car. It wasn’t any wonder really, the car was in top condition; the body a dark, almost black, brown, grill and hubcaps gleaming like they were newly polished, and the inside a creamy dream of tan leather and red details. 
“So, do you also have a classic?”, Baek-hyun’s eyes were shining with anticipation. Jong-in might’ve opened a Pandora’s box here, and he didn’t want to make a bad impression on their first day together, but decided that honesty was always the best route.
“No, I wish..! If I knew anything about cars then maybe I could buy an oldie, fix it up myself, you know, but I’ve never been good at cars. And buying one in good condition…”, he sighed.
Baek-hyun whistled “Hell, I couldn’t afford that, and I’m a couple of pay grades above you..!”.
“Yeah, and with my kid, I think it’s better to save than splurge. Our Honda runs good enough.”
“Oh, I didn’t know you  have a kid. Boy or girl? Give me the deets.”
“Girl, Yong-sun. She’s eight months old, home with mommy - my girlfriend. We’ve been together seven years”, Jong-in said, almost stumbling over the last part, in case Baek-hyun would find it improper that he had a child before getting married.
“That long..! Congrats man, then you know it’s tried, tested and true”, Baek-hyun said, calming Jong-in’s nerves. Driving out of the garage he changed tone to a serious, albeit still relaxed, one “So, what d’you think; girl really missing or just out of reach? Pitch me some scenarios, rookie.”
  Having parked on the side of the street, Baek-hyun stepped out and surveyed the area for a while. Hammer Hill was a nice neighbourhood; not the highest echelons of society, but definitely upper middle-class. 
“Pretty nice place for a single twenty-something to live in, no?”
“Pretty nice for anyone”, Jong-in replied. “But those online stars make a lot of money, you know”.
“This much?” Baek-hyun frowned in disbelief. “You think she’s doing something on the side? Catering to a different audience, so to speak? Wouldn’t be the first time”, Baek-hyun sighed, while he started up the stairs. Jong-in, not wanting to offend anyone, erred on the side of caution 
“I don’t know, anything is possible. But making this much money in a…” he hesitated “...pure way is also possible”.
“First lesson passed, rookie: avoid jumping to stereotypical conclusions”, Baek-hyun said with a dunk on Jong-in’s back, as they walked up to the door. After ringing the doorbell Baek-hyun turned to Jong-in and hurriedly said:
“But don’t mention prostitution to her parents, okay? Don’t say anything to alarm them further. We want them to remain calm, so they don’t forget to mention anything. Besides, she’ll probably pop up in the next day or so. Just try to...get a feel for the situation. You’ll be doing a lot of these house calls, trust me”.
The door was opened by Min-young’s mother, a woman in her fifties, without any especially distinguishing features, except for the worry in her eyes. 
“Mrs. Cho, I’m detective Byu-”
“Oh, finally, thank god, come in”, Mrs. Cho exclaimed with relief, and moved so they could go in. “I apologize, it’s a mess, but I didn’t want to touch anything in case…” her voice faded. She ushered Baek-hyun and Jong-in to the living-room, where an older man - presumably Mr.Cho - and a younger man stood up to great the detectives. Baek-hyun gave it another try.
“Good afternoon, Sir, I’m detective Byun, this is my colleague detective Kim”, he said and took the man’s hand with a warm smile “you must be Mr. Cho”.
“Detective Byun, Kim”, Mr. Cho said with a short nod to them “Thank you for coming.” Gesturing to the young man he continued “this is Oh Sehun, Min-young’s friend”. They exchanged remaining pleasantries and sat down. 
“So, tell us, what’s going on; the lieutenant said you haven’t heard from Min-young - is it okay if I call her Min-young?” he interjected, remembering his manners. After getting the okay from Mr. and Mrs. Cho he continued “So, still nothing new from Min-young since...yesterday evening, was it? Tell us what happened”. Mrs. Cho, with a slight tremble in her voice started 
“Well, it wasn’t anything special yesterday, really. It’s not that we had plans and she didn’t show up. But I tried calling her in the evening, but she didn’t pick up the phone. We tried calling a couple of times, but when it got late we figured maybe she was just really busy, and decided to wait until the morning.” 
“But she hasn’t picked up today either”, Mr. Cho chimed in. “I tried calling at eight thirty, right before she goes to work, but she didn’t answer, so I tried her office...nothing. They still haven’t heard from her” he said, holding his palms up. Baek-hyun sensed Mr. Cho was more perplexed than scared, which would be helpful in locating her, as opposed to Mrs. Cho, who might overlook something because of the stress she clearly was under.
“Excuse me”, Jong-in said in a low voice, and the whole company looked at him with surprise, almost having forgotten about his presence. “You said she went to her office; wasn’t she a social media personality? She didn’t work from home?”
Good catch, Baek-hyun thought.
“Oh, no. She used to, but she felt a bit cooped up working from home, so she moved to a small office space in Rolling Hills; in the Gigamex complex.” 
  Baek-hyun let Jong-in take the lead, try his wings, so to speak, and focused more on scribbling down names and dates in his police issued notepad (he found that it made people feel as if he really listened if he used pen and paper instead of some smart device). This also gave him the opportunity to gauge their reactions to any questions, to make sure they were on the up-and-up. And what of this Sehun character? Up until now he’d been quiet, only a few nods and nervous hands clasped together. Interrupting his train of thought, Jong-in continued
“And who was it you talked to at the office?”
“Michelle. We don’t know her last name, but she’s Min-young’s assistant, she helps her with editing and her calendar, I think”. One could tell that world wasn’t Mr. Cho’s arena, but he was close enough with his daughter to have heard a bit about it. Mrs. Cho picked up her mobile, and after a few scrolls held it out for Baek-hyun to copy
“Here. This is her number. She couldn’t say much, but if you want to talk to her...” Baek-hyun received it with a barely distinguishable bow and took her number down.
“Do you know if anyone was...less than nice to her online? Did she ever mention anything specific?” Jong-in knew the price of putting yourself out there often was people being rude, nasty, or worse, so he wanted to make sure he covered at least some of the bases. And to be honest, as distasteful as it may sound it was exhilarating; his first interview in the field. And he seemed to know a thing or two more than Baek-hyun about this topic, so he got to shine a little. But her parents were adamant about her job not being an issue here. 
“Her channel is about arts and crafts, making things from scratch, baking and those kinds of things. The people who write her are kind. Sure, there are a some rude people, but most of them are so sweet”, Mrs. Cho said.
“What about a boyfriend, was she seeing anybody?”, Baek-hyun asked and looked at Sehun, as did her parents “Are you..?”
For the first time Sehun let go of his hands, and waved no. 
“No, no. We’ve been friends since middle school, she’s like my sister. And jogging buddy. We go running a couple days a week, have dinner or coffee after. We were supposed to go yesterday evening, but she cancelled”, Sehun explained.
“When was that?” Baek-hyun recognized the sign of voluntary M.I.A. Sehun unlocked his phone and showed the caller log to Baek-hyun “17.12. We usually meet up around five thirty, so it’s odd that she cancelled with such little notice”.
“Did she say why, or sound different in any way?”
“No. She said it wasn’t anything special, she just had something to do. But when I asked her again she wouldn’t say. I was kinda annoyed, but now...” Sehun shrugged his shoulders and looked so hopeless he almost made Baek-hyun think something had happened to Min-young. But being the veteran he was he knew the majority of these cases ended happily - a lost phone, a drunken night, or a secret boyfriend - so he composed himself and gave them a smile.
“I know you’re all very worried right now, but trust me when I say we get a lot of calls like these, and it almost always ends up being some kind of misunderstanding. But we’ll follow up on these tips you’ve given us when we get back to the station, of course. Could we just have a quick look around the apartment, to see if anything seems amiss?”
  Having seen nothing suspicious in Min-young’s apartment they assured the Cho’s that they would call them the next day, and said their goodbyes. 
“You did good up there, Jong-in”, Baek-hyun complimented his partner for the day. “What are your thoughts?”
“Thank you, Byu-Baek-hyun” Jong-in stuttered, making Bae-hyun laugh.”I feel bad for them. But like you said, they almost always come back. So...do we talk to her assistant, get phone records from Min-young’s cell provider?”
“Phone records takes more than...” Baek-hyun looked at his watch “than the two hours we have left. Let’s call the assistant, and you can run down locations of CCTV in the area”.
“To see when she left the apartment and which way she went…”
“We’ll take a closer look tomorrow morning if she’s still not back. So her friend, Oh Sehun…” Baek-hyun let the question hang in the air.
“Yeah. Do you usually see friends joining this early? He’s probably telling the truth, but…” 
“But..?” Baek-hyun echoed for Jong-in to continue.
“Well, he was the last one to talk to her. And did she really not say anything to him?”
“Exactly. I don’t think he’s hurt her, but it’s possible - likely even - that he might know more than he’s telling. Remember what I said about catering to a different audience? Let’s do a quick background check and talk to him tomorrow. Maybe he’ll be more open when the girl’s parents aren’t around.”
  Back at the station Jong-in started working on the CCTV footage while Baek-hyun went to update Jun-myeon.
“Hey, boss...”, he knocked on the frosted glass window, but didn’t wait for a reply before he opened the door. Jun-myeon was on the phone, but gestured for Baek-hyun to come in.
“...twisted baguettes, not ordinary ones, got it. Bye, love” he said, hung up and shared one of his life lessons with Baek-hyun “happy wife, happy life. Now, how’d it go?” Baek-hyun ran his fingers through his hair and sighed.
 “As expected, I’d say. They were worried, but it hasn’t been that long. We’re gonna run down some leads they gave us before calling it a day”.
“Okay, sounds good. And Jong-in?”
“Yeah, he did good, boss. And he likes my girl”, Baek-hyun smiled.
“Ah, Byun-ah..!”, Jun-myeon exclaimed “That’s why you like him, ‘cus he likes your car..!”
Baek-hyun choked a smile “No, he’s good, honestly. But why does he get to be “Jong-in” while I’m still my surname?”, he asked, raising an eyebrow. Jun-myeon countered by raising both brows.
“Because I don’t want nine guys in my office every time I ask for Kim, is why he’s “Jong-in”...”. Baek-hyun clicked his tongue and pointed at Jun-myeon.
“Got it. Well, I’m gonna do some digging with the time I’ve got left”, he said and stood up.
“You’re a star player, Byun. Fighting!”, Jun-myeon said jokingly as Baek-hyun closed the door.
  Baek-hyun and Jong-in had punched out after checking off their list. There wasn’t much to see, really; the assistant, Michelle, hadn’t seen Min-young so she couldn’t offer much assistance, ironically enough. And as far as Sehun goes, he seemed to be harmless; no citations, no odd-ball photos or rants on the internet...just a guy. Nonetheless, Baek-hyun had begun to feel a touch uneasy about the whole thing, so after shutting the engine off in the driveway he called the precinct and asked the officer on the night shift to send a request for Min-young’s  phone records. 
Better safe than sorry, he said to himself. Locking the car door was his queue to give his work mind a rest, and it wasn’t hard to do when he saw the note on his front door: 17.25 You have a houseguest, B!(Cover shift) It was signed with a winking smiley inside the O of the name “Veró”. Baek-hyun chuckled, spirits lifted. He had barely opened the door before a little corgi was upon him, tap-dancing around his feet with bright eyes. Baek-hyun put his blazer on a valet stand and bent down to greet his guest.
“Well, hi there, Mongi..! What are you doing here?” he said while playfully wrestling with the dog “Did you tell mommy to drop you of at the fun house?” He looked at his watch; an hour ago. “We might as well go out now, nugget. And then it’s dinner for the both of us - I’m famished!”. 
  With his parents living a couple of hours away, having Veró and Mongi was a real blessing to him. It’s not every day you meet someone you’re almost a hundred percent comfortable with; may it be in silence, changing clothes, physical interaction, crying or ugly laughing. Veró (short for Verónica) had moved in next door almost three years ago, and they instantly hit it off. Well, it wasn’t the right hit at first. They had dated for about four months when they both realized that they weren’t lovers’ material. The reason they felt exceedingly comfortable with each other was because they were best friends. They called it quits on the romantic part and now hung out as just friends; dinners, talks through the night, even sleepovers - and of course the semi-shared custody of Veró’s dog Mongi. Baek-hyun had fallen in love with him the first time he saw him, and insisted she name him Mongryong, but Veró was dead set on “Miguel”, a latin singer, or “the sun of Mexico” as she called him. They ended up having a marathon of games and soju to decide who would get the honours, and to Veró’s dismay Baek-hyun won, and the rest is history. 
  Since Veró left so late he knew she was covering for someone from the night shift and therefore didn’t expect her to be back until early morning at best, so after dinner they both curled up in bed: Mongi with a bone and Baek-hyun with the latest issue of Journal of Forensic Sciences.
“The things they can find out with forensics these days, Mongi, I tell ya...” Baek-hyun sighed, and Mongi looked at him, breathing heavily from his ferocious battle with the bone. “That’s right, pay attention, so you don’t go out in the streets acting like a fool.” He put the magazine on the nightstand as well as taking off his t-shirt before turning off the light - the queue for Mongi to curl up in the crook of Baek-hyun’s knees. 
“Good night, nugget.”  
APRIL 18th
  Baek-hyun was the quintessential morning person, so when the alarm went off at 06.00 he immediately got up. The same could not be said about Mongi.
“Rise and shine, Mongi. Time to do some laps”, Baek-hyun cooed while putting on his sweats. But it would take the sound of food being prepared for Mongi to bounce out in to the kitchen. 
“You try it every time, and I tell you every time: walk, then food.” 
  The air was chilly, a typical late spring morning, and there was an overcast hinting rain would come before long. He may not look it, but the dog was a top runner, so Baek-hyun could jog at a pace that made his heart rate go up a few notches, all the way down to the river, about twenty minutes away. He stopped by a drinking fountain, giving Mongi a few palms of water and splashed his face and water-combed his hair back. The clouds had lifted by the horizon, and the sunrise stained the clouds a yellowy apricot and Baek-hyun took it all in; these precious still and silent mornings were the favourite part of his day. He felt a tug on the leash, so he snapped out of it and they started back home for breakfast and a shower.
  He wrapped a towel around his waist, draped a second one over his shoulders and made his way to the kitchen. A lot of Baek-hyun’s colleagues ate at work, but he preferred to have a quiet breakfast at home before all the hustle and bustle, so he sat down with his cup of black coffee and rye porridge. He was halfway through his meal when his phone rang, so his slippered feet shuffled to the bedroom:
“A call this early is never good, boss.” He sat down on the bed with a sinking feeling.
“Sorry, Byun. We’ve got a body, female. Under Pioneer’s Bridge. She hasn’t been identified, but…” Jun-myeon paused.
“You think it might be her.”
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emmaniamh13 · 5 years
I can make it better, I can knead you tighter
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Summary: Yoongi has been working 24/7 lately and Namjoon has had enough of seeing his best friend resembling a corpse walk through their apartment door at ungodly hours. So he forces him to relax. Little did he know, Yoongi would find a more fitting stress reliever for his body but Namjoon really didn't need to know that much.
Tags: Semi-Public Sex; Rimming; Fingering; Anal Sex; Bottom Yoongi; Top Taehyung; Slight Dom/Sub; Unprotected Sex (Stay Safe Kids)
Part 01 ; Part 2
The door fell shut with a loud bang. Yoongi just wanted to get to his bed he was too tired to care about making too much noise
"Hyung is that you? God do you know what time it-"
Namjoon stopped in his steps after coming around the corner
"Dammit Hyung!" he cursed lowly "Have you looked in the mirror? You look like you've been hit by a bus. Multiple times" he emphasized with a frustrated huff
Yoongi just shrugged and tried to move past the younger, not in the mood for the other to pester him about his habits.
But Namjoon didn't let him, grabbed him by the arm and pulled him towards the living room. Before Yoongi could process, he had been pushed onto the couch and locked into place by Namjoon's frame.
"I'm not letting you do this to yourself anymore Hyung! You're gonna take a few days off and if I have to imprison you for that to happen then so be it" he spoke while folding his arms in front of his chest for emphasis.
Yoongi just stared up at him bewildered, his tired mind trying to figure out what his friend and roommate  expected from him right now. When it looked like nothing more would come from Namjoon he felt like he needed to respond.
So he did.
And he watched Namjoon deflate slightly
"Hyung" he whined
"Pay attention, will you? I'm not letting you go to work for the next few days that's what"
Now Yoongi had enough time to process and when the pieces slotted together, he literally jumped of the couch to protest only to be pushed back down by his dongsaeng, landing on the soft pillows with a huff
"Namjoon what the hell" he growled but the other just continued to block his way, unfazed.
"You have to promise me, you'll stay home tomorrow and actually sleep a little"
"The hell I will" the older threw back "I need to finish that project and you know it"
Namjoon nodded "Yeah I know" he answered matter-of-factly "but that project isn't due until the 20th and I know for a fact that you're nearly finished, so a few free days won't hurt" he stated
"Namjoon" he warned "Let me sleep I need to be out early tomorrow"
"You're not going anywhere tomorrow and that is final" Namjoon didn't move from his spot and his features seemed to brighten suddenly, and Yoongi sighed. That could only mean he had some sort of idea and most of them he's had, ended badly for Yoongi. Not that Namjoon didn't always have his best interest at heart, Yoongi was aware, but Namjoon's idea of fun and relaxation was quite different from his own- to put it nicely
"Except to a Massage Parlour"
Yoongi's eyes went wide
"You heard me. I'm gonna book you an appointment at this really good one not far from here. You'll love it I promise" he sounded excited but Yoongi just groaned
"Just please let me go. I'll try to take more breaks in between I promise" he started to whine, his body screaming desperately for much-needed rest
But Namjoon only shook his head "That's the plan and that's final. I'll drag you there if I have to"
"Okay. Okay I'll do it just let me get to bed. Please" if he weren't so sleep deprived he would have rather shoved his way through Namjoon's human barricade but well, that sadly wasn't the case
Namjoon lit up and immediately helped Yoongi off the couch to bring him to his room "Perfect! I'll ring first thing in the morning"
Yoongi only nodded slowly and waved him off, mumbling some curses under his breath as they walked into his room and as soon as Namjoon let go he let himself fall, sighing as he felt the familiar feel of soft mattress underneath.
He was out like a light.
He woke up to his alarm, groaning at the loud noise blaring through his ears and hitting directly against his brain.
A headache. Just great.
He didn't stop groaning, nearly falling off his bed in the process of trying to roll out of it. The all-nighters and dozen coffees probably weren't the best routine-idea he’s ever had.
He felt like shit. But he didn’t dwell on it.
He’s plan was to go to the kitchen to start his day with a coffee; the first out of another dozen he guessed; until he noticed that he couldn't. His door was locked.
Fucking locked.
Rattling at the door, he got more furious by the second. "Namjoon!" he barked "Did you lock me into my fucking room?" He yelled for him again when he didn't hear anything
"Yep" he heard the shout back
"What the fuck!"
"I told you, you're going to stay at home today and you agreed. Luckily I know you well enough to know that you'd try this" his voice sounded closer this time "You're going to stay in this room and do anything but work, then I'm going to drive you to the parlour. You'll feel better afterwards I promise. You're going to feel brand new in that worn-down body of yours" He was right in front of the door by now
"Open the door right now or I swear I'll-"
"I'm used to your threats by now so they're no use" Namjoon deadpanned "Go to sleep Yoongi or I'll knock you out so that your body has a chance to rest, you inconsiderate idiot"
"You can't just lock me in here! I'm a grown man and I can do whatever-"
"Yeah you might be but you're a man with absolutely zero consideration for the body you're inhabiting. So fuck off and rest for once.” he continued humorously “I'm going to work! See you"
He got pulled through the door so fast he didn’t even know what happened. All he knew was that Namjoon grabbed him, threw him into the car, drove like an idiot , nearly crashed into a fire hydrant, ended up here and yeeted him through the parlour door in a way Yoongi seriously started to question time, space and his life. All while managing to not utter a single word; which made the whole situation even weirder.
Namjoon was busy talking to the receptionist behind the wooden desk so all Yoongi could do was look around, analyse every nook and cranny just to find a meagre flaw to use as excuse and get out of here. He really didn’t fancy getting touched by a stranger; especially on areas that were anything other than his hands.
The reception desk was right at the front and beside it was a small, cozy looking sitting area. Past the desk led a hall to several doors on each side, probably various Massage rooms. It seemed clean and the receptionist friendly
Just like Yoongi had always imagined shops with services like this – basically using those he always saw on TV as his base of knowledge
Shit there wasn’t anything wrong with this place on first glance. And what the hell could he say anyway to make Namjoon let him off the hook?
The receptionist seems too friendly? The waiting area too comfy? The floor too clean?
Nope he was fuck-
Both Namjoon and the receptionist were looking at him expectantly
“Mr. Park asked you to wait in room 4” Yoongi met the Man’s eyes then flickered shortly down to his chest, where his nametag read Jimin Park
“It’s the second door on the right. Taehyung will be with you shortly so just get comfortable”    
“Taehyung?” was that a name they used for woman nowadays?
Jimin nodded curtly, showing a friendly smile “Your Masseur”
Yoongi blanked for a second before he gave a quick  "ok” as response and hurriedly scurried towards room number 4.
The room was smaller and darker than the foyer but nevertheless it gave off a rather warm vibe, a lavender scent in the room hitting his nostrils instantly and soothing him slightly. In the middle stood a massage table with a hole in the top – probably to squeeze your face through. The rest of the room was just filled with a cabinet and a stool.
He took a deep breath, inhaling the scented whatever that floated the room. He was really nervous.
How does this work? Should he already strip? How many clothing items should he even get rid of? Or should he just wait? Jimin did tell him to get com-
Upon hearing the door open he nearly tripped with how quick he turned.
And then there he stood, like a deer caught in headlights, staring with shock-filled eyes at a complete stranger. A rather handsome one, he had to admit.
“So you must be Mr. Min” he spoke with a smile “it’s nice to meet you. My name’s Taehyung and I will be the one who’s going to be touching you today”
Yoongi wondered if this was a dream and if he should just punch himself in the face despite the answer to that, muscles seizing up even more, eyes widening in plain anxiousness. His masseur seemed to catch on to that, eyes also parting a bit further as he watched the display of sheer terror.
“Uh..” he started awkwardly “I’m sorry I thought I was being funny. You know, break the ice and..stuff” he grimaced, scratching the back of his neck in slight embarrassment.
Yoongi just nodded but not trusting his vocal cords to fabricate words right now.
He realized that this was really happening. Unless he pukes all over the room or faints right on the spot he won’t be able to get out of this. Namjoon is waiting right outside and if he makes a run for it - he'll notice.
Taehyung shut the door and began walking further into the room, heading for the cabinet and setting something on top of it- probably ignoring the way Yoongi flinched at the sound.
“So what massage option did you choose?” he asked with his back still turned
“Uh” Yoongi had no clue “M-My friend set me up for this so I- I don’t really know”
Did he just fucking stutter!?
Taehyung hummed “Ok no problem I’ll just check your profile” he turned to face the other, eyes meeting
And Yoongi was able to really look at him for the first time. He looked like he was in his early twenties, black, longish hair that fell over his forehead casually, a straight nose, full rosy lips, ears that could’ve been too big but complemented him perfectly and tanned skin that reminded him of honey.
He was brought out of his thoughts by Taehyung starting to move back to the door “You can strip and get comfortable under the towel. I’ll be back and knock on the door, just tell me if you’re ready or not.” He spoke calmly, grabbing the handle
Yoongi froze again “Strip?”
Taehyung also halted and turned around halfway “yeah for the massage” he smiled warmly “we don’t have a massive variety of massages but for most of them I need to be able to reach as much muscle as possible. Unless you chose a foot massage?”
Would Namjoon make such a fuss just over a foot massage? Nah he doubted that. So he shook his head
The masseur huffed an amused laugh “Well then I’ll need you out of those layers” he pointed at Yoongi’s black jeans and sweater with a certain glint in his eyes that Yoongi failed to notice
“Again, I’ll knock so just tell me if you need more time” and with that he left the room
So he decided to do just that. Strip
But to what extend? He didn’t know. And for him it was another reason to have another inner crisis.
Down to his trousers? To his underwear? Or completely nude? He just started to undress and by the time the expected knock came from the door he stood there in only his underwear, not knowing how much the young masseur wanted him to wear and he only had a few seconds to decide. All in or chicken out?
“Mr. Min? Are you ready?”
“Yeah just, just give me a second”      
and Yoongi just yanked the only clothing item left on his body down his legs – flinging it to the rest of his poorly folded pile and hurrying to the bed to get under the white sheet. Again he was overwhelmed with the decision of how much of himself he should cover with the cloth but he just decided to pull it all the way up to his neck.
Taehyung can fix it, if he needs to
Another knock resounded through the room “Ready?” And Yoongi heard himself call out a short “Yes!” – Probably a bit too harsh for a completely relaxed client about to get a massage
The door opened and in strolled his masseur with towels and various bottles in hand “I see you’ve made yourself comfortable” he spoke in a light tone and Yoongi just stayed quiet, not knowing if Taehyung was expecting a response.
“So” he continued, lowering his voice, perfectly fitting into the relaxing atmosphere with his fruity voice “I’ve brought multiple scented oils with me. Do you have any preferences or should I read them out loud and you pick or how do you want to do it?”
Yoongi thought about if he wanted to smell anything in particular right now but his mind was blank except anxiousness and the feeling of the table hole straining his face. At least he knew that he wasn’t going to get any extra wrinkles by lying here.
“No not really” he remembered to answer “You can pick if you like”
Taehyung gave a hum of acknowledgement “Alright. I can do that” From his position on the bed he heard rustling, the water tab running and stopping again. Footsteps followed – wandering from left to right. Then suddenly he felt a touch at his shoulder and he flinched, not expecting it.
“Oh sorry I should’ve said something” Taehyung apologized but Yoongi laughed it off nervously “It’s fine. I should have been ready for it”
With that the touch was back “I’m going to move the sheet to your lower back ok?”
After Yoongi consented he started lifting the fabric, Yoongi tensing at the feel of cold air hitting his bare back. “Good? I’m going to start with your arms alright?”
Yoongi noticed that Taehyung now tried to talk him through all the movements – Probably noticing his hesitance which didn’t take a body language expert to say the least. He confirmed another time and so he felt Taehyung’s fingers on him once again, slicked up with a rosy-smelling oil and starting to massage down the side of his right arm with a pressure that instantly soothed him.
“The pressure okay? Just speak up if you want it harder or softer” and the other only grunted, too lazy to move his mouth The masseur continued to stroke his arm, sometimes wedging his thumb into a knot below his armpit and eliciting a groan from the older.
Once he was done with the first arm he moved to the other to repeat the pattern.
“I’m going to move to your back now. Feel free to mention any areas you might have problems with” he spoke up again, voice low
“Everywhere” the other deadpanned
“My back always hurts. Everywhere” when he didn’t get a response he continued “I work a job that requires a lot of sitting and -well – my friends like to say that I’m quite the workaholic” he elaborated further
“Alright” The masseur answered, sounding in thought “then with which part do you have problems the most?”
Yoongi mulled the question over in his head, thinking about different situations where he had to deal with back pain – which were a lot
“Well I think my lower back kills me a bit more than the rest” he chuckled drily “I have shit posture in general”
“Then I’ll do your upper back first and spend a bit more time on your lower back” the other suggested
“You’re the professional” Yoongi shrugged, which he assumed only looked like a light shoulder lift in his position but Taehyung got it anyway
So he started working his shoulders, feeling the other literally melt under his fingers and hearing him yelp once or twice when he tried to dig out a particularly tight knot. “Well even if you hadn’t told me about your back I would have felt it” he began “it’s like I’m massaging stone”
And he heard the older laugh for the first time, apparently finding the worrying state of his shoulders funny “Well it’s good that I warned ya then isn’t it?” he shot back playfully
Taehyung smiled and continued to press his fingers into different pressure points
“So what do you do for living then, if you don’t mind me asking?”
“Uhm I’m a producer” came the muffled reply
“Oh? Impressive” he grinned “Well did you work on any songs that I might know?”
“I work more with Rap Artists so if you’re into that scenery you might- AH”
“Sorry” Taehyung apologized sheepishly, moving away from the base of his neck for the time being. “I do like Rap actually” the masseur continued the conversation “It’s not my main genre but I do listen to a few artists. So shoot! Maybe I’ll know someone” he encouraged
“Okay uhm- do you know Zico for instance? Or J-Hope? I’ve worked a lot with them until now” he paused, thinking “I’ve worked with DEAN as well. I don’t know if you might know him he’s more in the R&B scene -uh and I did a bit of stuff for a few kpop bands as well.”
“I actually know all of those artists!” The other exclaimed “Wow so you are quite the bigshot huh?” he teased
Yoongi chuckled “Nah nothing like that”
Taehyung hummed “Someone’s being modest here I see." He smiled "If I’m allowed to ask, how was it working with J-Hope? I’ve heard quite a lot about him, isn’t he like - one of the biggest Rappers in Korea? I mean, I’ve listened to his music and the lyrics sound so sincere. Like he’s telling a proper story, you know? I also love how he's not so stuck on Rap, there are quite a few songs from his that are slower, more emotional if that makes sense. I like to say I'm a fan”
Yoongi chuckled quietly at Taehyung’s excitement
“He’s really good to work with. Knows what he wants but is always open for change or another’s opinion, which in return allows him to try new stuff and see a perspective of things that he’s not familiar with himself. So yeah Hobi’s an amazing artist and an even better person. Not to mention a literal ray of sunshine so I enjoy working with him every time” he felt his mouth pull into a smile at the thought of Hoseok. He should text him again some time.
Taehyung's hands continued down Yoongi’s back “Wow you sound like you’re very fond of him. So I’m guessing by how you just called him that you know him more than just a co-worker? You friends?”
“Yeah. He’s the total social type so he gets on with literally anyone – well if he wants to that is. Even if you’re the grumpiest human on the planet he’ll get you to like him.” He chuckled breathily as the memory of their first meeting flooded his mind. God did he want to lock Hoseok into the toilet back then so that he wouldn’t have to hear his laugh every fucking 10 seconds.
Now it was one of his most favorite features that came with Hoseok, that made him - him. “I feel like we complete each other, as cheesy as it sounds. He’s so lively and I’m- well not that much. We’re complete opposites but I could never get mad or annoyed with him because I know that he always wants what's best for me. Fuck sorry that got a bit too deep didn’t it? Didn’t even notice I was rambling..” he trailed off quietly
Gosh was he friend-whipped
“You really adore him don’t you?” Taehyung answered after a while of comfortable silence
“I guess.. Again sorry, you didn’t need to know all that”
“It’s more than alright Mr. Min trust me. I asked didn’t i? It’s nice to hear about a person living a life in public; how he’s in private and not just how the tabloids portray him. How you just described him makes me instantly want to meet him.” He laughed
Taehyung’s hands faltered slightly “Sorry?”
“Call me Yoongi. After what I just told you I would feel uncomfortable if you keep calling me Mr. Min” he huffed “But yeah maybe if you’re up to it someday I can introduce you to him. He’s always excited to meet new people”
“I’d be more than just up for it” He answered quickly, smile seeping through his voice “So I’m done with your back is it okay if we move on to your legs now?”
“Right yeah” Yoongi felt the sheet being lifted from his lower back and settle lower, right before his back rounded into his arse. He realized that his breath caught a little in his throat at the mere thought of being exposed like that.
He had to admit to himself that he hadn’t gotten laid in ages due to being pent up in his studio nearly all of the time.
Damn, fuck Namjoon and his fucking valid points.
Plus, he had no idea why that thought just crossed his mind in the middle of a massage, when the masseur wasn’t even near an area where it would be acceptable to have thoughts like this. Not that it was acceptable in the first place.
And once this thought had broken through the barrier it had created a hole for more. And Taehyung’s hands really didn’t make it any better. More like the opposite, funny enough
The young masseur was now busy with kneading the flesh around Yoongi’s hips, pushing his thumbs into the muscles. Sometimes his fingers would slip a little lower- maybe a milli-centimetre under the sheet to reach the skin and that alone made Yoongi’s thoughts spiral
And it just felt so good.
Taehyung was moving his hands perfectly, with expertise and found just the right pressure for Yoongi to feel it through his muscles straight to his core. And that’s when he didn’t catch himself fast enough to notice the sound that just escaped his mouth. Only when Taehyung halted, did his eyes fly open in horror, realising how that moan just sounded. He knew it sounded dirty. But the other must have recognized it as a moan of pain-relief or something along those lines because he continued, moving his hands as if nothing happened.
After that embarrassing incident Yoongi made sure to keep quiet before he made another fool of himself. But that caution flew out the window rapidly when the Taehyung first began massaging tightly into his calves, then moving up to the back of his thighs. He spread his thumb and forefinger and slid up to where he had lifted the white cloth off his legs and back down again.
And sometimes – just sometimes – his thumb would slip toward his inner thigh and Yoongi felt it every time with an intensity, he didn’t want to admit. He begged Taehyung in his head to let off that spot. To avoid it. But he didn’t utter a word and sadly the masseur was no mind reader. So after a few times of slipping, Taehyung just gave up and just let his thumb slide freely. Over his inner thigh.
And yoongi felt himself twitch. Fucking twitch on a fucking massage table in a massage parlour getting a fucking massage from an unbelievable handsome young man. Yep these thoughts definitely made it better.
He cursed himself. He never guessed he would be the type to get a semi hard-on during a massage but his fingers were just. So. Good. The way he pushed his fingers into sore spots and how he dipped into his skin just to soothen it back out afterwards.
“Is it ok?” he heard the soft voice “You haven’t said anything in a while” Yoongi could just grunt hoping he understood it as the consent to continue. And he did, to the elders relief. It even seemed like the feedback spurred him on, his fingers digging into his skin a bit harder, drawing circles a bitdeeper.
And then his finger ground hard against his inner thigh and it caught Yoongi by surprise. Which led a deep grunt to escape his throat. But this time Taehyung didn’t stop and only ground over the inside more often, with more pressure – obviously noting that Yoongi seemed to squirm whenever he let his fingers glide over the skin there.
Laying on the table he started feeling too restricted, too crushed and he really didn’t know how he was supposed to get out of this without the masseur noticing. The said man started to switch legs, starting the same routine on the other. But this time he knew which buttons to press.
Yoongi had been fairly quiet throughout the massage but once he pressed there, he saw the other tense. Felt it.
And he liked it. The way Yoongi was trying to keep it together but wasn't aware of how tight his grip on the cloth below him had gotten. The way his moans sounded absolutely filthy and Taehyung couldn't stop imagining how sweet he would sound if Yoongi let him touch him. Properly. Because Taehyung wanted too. Really wanted too.
He knew this wasn't professional and normally he wouldn't encourage this. This has never really happened before. Of course he had clients that were moaners, or had fetishes that Taehyung really didn't want to feed. But Yoongi was different. He was rough around the edges and looked intimidating as hell. But he had the biggest heart for people that he cared about, even if he didn't like to admit it.
And he was just so fucking pretty. He wanted to ruin that porcelain skin the moment he saw it without fabric blocking his sight. And just the thought of tearing him down, to make him leave his tough facade so that he's only left with broken sobs and a chant of Taehyung's name on his tongue. Yeah. Now that's what he really wanted to witness
So the same process occurred, Taehyung paying more attention to the inner thighs and Yoongi trying not to drool or rut against the bed. But the next thing Yoongi knew, he was letting out a long, guttural, breathy moan, not even trying to hold back and he felt himself leak onto the table beneath him. The young masseur had decided to take both his hands and deliberately press and grind up and down his inner thighs.
He did it again, just to test, and again Yoongi couldn’t help himself; The moan escaped and his breath was shaky, desperately trying to get his act together but it was just so hard
“Taehyung” he groaned, half-biting into the fabric of his face hole
The other hummed in acknowledgement
“W-What are you doing?”
“Why. Don’t you like it” it wasn’t a question and as to confirm, he ran both his thumbs down the inside of Yoongi’s thighs until he reached the bed underneath with both, so close to his already painfully squashed dick but yet so far. Yoongi nearly whined at how sensitive he was but was able to not embarrass himself entirely - though a whimper still made it past his lips
“Taehyung stop I-I’m going to-“ another swipe; this time back towards his ass, grazing it lightly with his nails
“Seems to me that you like it Hyung. I mean look at you. Trying to act like you’re not half-rutting against the fucking bed” Yoongi’s eyes flew open. He hadn’t even noticed-
“Oh don’t stop just because I caught you now. But if you really want me to stop…just say the word” His voice was sincere; the complete opposite of his fingers that wandered further and over his cheeks, giving them a good squeeze and spreading the oil over his ass at the same time. Yoongi could feel the fingers wander towards his crack slowly and then hesitating
“Can I?” Taehyung sounded unsure
“Please” came his strained reply. And from there on he knew it himself - he was oh so fucked
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