#beset kagon
rhotanored · 5 years
negative personality traits [pt.1]
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Rules : bold traits that apply always. italicize occasional or situational traits.
Renh: aggressive | arrogant | authoritarian | bitter | brutal | callous | cannibal | careless | cold/cold-hearted | compulsive | controlling | corrects others constantly | cowardly | critical | cruel | delusional | demanding | disillusioned | domineering | envious | emotionally stunted | greedy | grim | guarded | hard | harsh | hypocritical | impatient | impolite | intimidating | irritable | kidnapper | lazy | liar | lustful | manipulative | materialistic | mean | merciless | messianic | mistrusting | murderer | narrow-minded | obsessive | opinionated | over-bearing | over-critical | over-emotional | over-thinking | patronizing | proud | remote | repressed | rigid | rules with an iron fist | ruthless | sarcastic | self-righteous | self-indulgent | serial killer | taciturn | torturer | touchy | traitorous | unsympathetic | unpredictable | uptight | vain | vengeful
Beset: aggressive | arrogant | authoritarian | bitter | brutal | callous | cannibal | careless | cold/cold-hearted | compulsive | controlling | corrects others constantly | cowardly | critical | cruel | delusional | demanding | disillusioned | domineering | envious | emotionally stunted | greedy | grim | guarded | hard | harsh | hypocritical | impatient | impolite | intimidating | irritable | kidnapper | lazy | liar | lustful | manipulative | materialistic | mean | merciless | messianic | mistrusting | murderer | narrow-minded | obsessive | opinionated | over-bearing | over-critical | over-emotional | over-thinking | patronizing | proud | remote | repressed | rigid | rules with an iron fist | ruthless | sarcastic | self-righteous | self-indulgent | serial killer | taciturn | torturer | touchy | traitorous | unsympathetic | unpredictable | uptight | vain | vengeful
A’mariss: aggressive | arrogant | authoritarian | bitter | brutal | callous | cannibal | careless | cold/cold-hearted | compulsive | controlling | corrects others constantly | cowardly | critical | cruel | delusional | demanding | disillusioned | domineering | envious | emotionally stunted | greedy | grim | guarded | hard | harsh | hypocritical | impatient | impolite | intimidating | irritable | kidnapper | lazy | liar | lustful | manipulative | materialistic | mean | merciless | messianic | mistrusting | murderer | narrow-minded | obsessive | opinionated | over-bearing | over-critical | over-emotional | over-thinking | patronizing | proud | remote | repressed | rigid | rules with an iron fist | ruthless | sarcastic | self-righteous | self-indulgent | serial killer | taciturn | torturer | touchy | traitorous | unsympathetic | unpredictable | uptight | vain | vengeful 
Pt 2: [x]
Tagged by: @regalblossom​ (thank you!!♥)
Tagging: :eyes: @ some folks who follow dis blog @placesyoucallhome, @ofdancingballads, @sedatayuun, @koi-x-fish, @huntspeak, @kiara-nocturne, @seda-xiv, @secretsmokeandmirrors, @crowsaerie-rp, @fatewalker, @merosmillionmains​, @vysaldhe, @pocketninja-ffxiv, @an-honest-waltz, + like anyone else who sees this and hasn’t done it already, I’m sure this has done the rounds before!!
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tsundozer · 5 years
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rhotanored · 4 years
✍ For everyone!
@placesyoucallhome HSDJKLHGS YOU ASKED FOR THIS I’m so sorry it took so long, combination of I S H G A R D  R A N K I N G  H E L L followed by animal crossing, but better late than never!!
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Renh stares vaguely in the direction the query had come from (insofar as much as his bandage-covered eyes will allow staring), a scoff already past his lips as soon as ‘motto’ reaches his ears, which flick back in a fit of derision.
“To the ‘ells wiv a motto, I’ve no words t’live by,” he mutters, too quickly to have given the question any real thought. A beat later, and his head cocks slightly sideways, shoulders rising in a defeated shrug as he amends his statement.
 “Leastways none yer gonna want t’hear from me.”
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Clawed fingers rise to carefully unclip a pince-nez from where it sits across the bridge of her nose, the pads of her thumb and forefinger of her other hand rubbing gingerly at the pressure marks it had left behind. It seems to be a gesture to buy her a moment of thought.
“Do ye know, there’s a tribe ‘o Xaela what refuse t’speak, on account ‘o words bein’ so treacherous?” She chuckles quietly, lowering her arms to fold them across her chest. The pince-nez, still clasped between her fingers, taps lightly on her arm.
“Anyroad, shite ain’t black an’ white enough for me t’boil down how I deal with it int’ a neat wee phrase.” Her mismatched eyes narrow slightly.
“If I had t’figure one, s’pose it’d be ‘don’t cross me, or mine.’ That’s where yer trouble starts.”
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The question is met with a baleful, golden stare from the crimson-skinned Xaela, and as she turns away dismissively, it seems an answer will not be forthcoming. A keen eye might catch the slight furrow to Beset’s scaled brow, along with the pursing of her lips, as though it were something she’d chew on in order to perhaps discover a personal answer in her own time.
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Islin reaches up to tuck strands of her dark hair behind the partially pointed tips of her ears, her scarred brow rising. 
“A motto?” She repeats, lifting one of her hands to run her knuckles back and forth against the underside of her jaw pensively, but her expression is quick to brighten.
“I cannot say I have ever truly thought on it, but Ishgard’s own is rather compelling, is it not? ‘Of the Sky, From the Sky, For the Sky.’ Seems almost entirely antithetical when you consider their society.” She flashes a broad grin, then, something warm lighting up the steely grey of her eyes.
“And yet, the freedom in those words speaks to me.”
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A’mariss pauses mid-stride, her ears flicking in the direction the question had come from before the rest of her follows. Her eerie, pallid green eyes turn downwards for a moment, the shadows of a fathomless kind of sorrow creasing her brows and tugging on her lips. She’s silent for long enough, still for long enough that it nearly seems that she might give no answer at all.
“I… I yet seek a purpose. A clear one has ever been elusive.” A soft, mournful smile tugs at the corner of her lips even as she averts her gaze, withdrawing from the conversation to vanish back into the crowd.
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The scratch of quill on parchment does not stop in the wake of the question, a pointed, disdainful silence emanating from the seated Au Ra.
“Unless you intend to pay me my regular fee for occupying my time with your inane survey, I suggest you let yourself out.” The practiced motion of his hand never ceases as the deep rumble of Kazushige’s words cuts across his office, while his long, pink hair slides further over one shoulder with the movement. Eventually, his hand ceases and his head lifts; the sharpness of his gaze is not at all mitigated by the pastel colour.
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rhotanored · 5 years
😏: What angst tropes are you a sucker for? n 👿: What are your muse(s)’ fatal flaws? Any wishlists to do with them?
1a) HURT/COMFORT HURT/COMFORT HURT/COMFORT1b) Self-sacrifical dumbfucks too blinded by their own crippling lack of self-worth that they’ll throw themselves in the line of fire for worthy cause/person after worthy cause/person who gives them the time of day and all the delicious angst that comes from the fallout of them a) hurting the people around them, and themselves, and dealing with those consequences and b) eventually having it drilled into their thick skulls that they have worth and are loved1c) just gut-wrenchingly awful villain redemption stories where, regardless of driving motivations they have left a swathe of pain and suffering in their wake and have to fight themselves and their guilt and their victims and those who can’t and probably shouldn’t ever forgive them back every step of the way--and maybe they make mistakes (so many mistakes), maybe they never get acknowledgment (but that’s not why they’re doing it, this time, they’re trying to do it for good, they’re trying to do it for the right reasons, they don’t want to make the same mistakes they already have too much blood on their hands and any more would break them) but maybe all it takes is someone saying thank-you to know they’ve made it out of the dark2) AH FUCK
This is actually kind of a difficult question????
Renh: Self-sacrificial dumbfuck #1. Recently paid for past mistakes by getting himself Real Fucked Up™ aka blinded as the result of Bad Decision Making™. Ran back to the only person who he knew wouldn’t turn him away with his tail tucked between his legs, and while he’s not being as openly bastardous as he was, is nevertheless Kind of a Dickhole Anyway™ and a Whole Ass Mess™. It’s a work in progress that isn’t. really progressing. at all.Bucket list: someone legitimately kicks his ass that isn’t an eldritch horror from the deep woods who already had a grudge anyway so it doesn’t count (...™) and tells him to get over himself.
A’mariss: Self-sacrificial dumbfuck #2. Succeeded in self-sacrificing vs a BBEG in a plot a while back and as a result no one she loves remembers her (but they also didn’t die terribly and become the thralls of a high rung voidsent. win/win??) kind of still just wants to die, but is trying, ok and also some of the people who don’t remember her cheated and wrote shit down so now she’s gotta explain herself and battle with but they’re better off without me vs we have a second chance ive never had a second chance before.Bucket list: SOME DANGER SHIT!! SOME INJURIES!! and then honestly just. someone taking care of her for once LMAO
Kazushige: A softe BASTARD!! No one’s unlocked his backstory yet except for those In The Know™ (and even then they ain’t know shit)Bucket list: would love some Too Good For This World, Too Pure™ and/or just general do-gooder character(s) for him to be a distant, bastard lizard who Does Crimes™ around except oops here come some feelings and also the reminder that maybe the world’s not such a shithole ah shit and alsor e d e m p t i o n  a r c
Beset: Self-sacrificial dumbfuck #3 except like, only for the Boss and also her ffffffffffriend???---- it’s complicated. measures herself by how useful she is (mostly to the Black Beast Corps), and doesn’t have/understand many feelings, they’re not necessary!!!! she’s Good At Fight that’s all that matters!!!Bucket list: make her have feelings. make her deal with her PTSD. give her EVEN MORE feelings, and friends to have feelings over, and then HURT THEM and watch her lose her absolute shit  andmaybeawakenherDarkside?? :ok_hand:
Islin: her fatal flaw is that she’s just. the epitome of altruistic good. she’s practically begging the universe to fuck her day up in some tragic way, except she’d probably just take it on the chin and keep going. and going. and going. like the dragoon version of the energizer bunny!Bucket list: being able to throw her directly in the face of some cantankerous, jaded bastard villain(s)? whose plans she continually foils and/or gets in the way of--not necessarily succeeding every time, but she takes the losses, and just keeps??? going?? it’s probably aggravating. maybe a little secretly surprising, especially when things go particularly poorly for the villain(s) and/or henchmen and/or whoever and instead of taking the opportunity to put them in the ground where they (probably deserve to) belong she extends a hand, instead.
P’tajha:  tbh at this point taj’s fatal flaw is her penchant for hyperfocusing on things outside her control to make them UNDER control.Bucket list: Most of the boxes for Taj’s angst and character growth have been ticked by now (she’s been through A LOT™ in her life as a character) but i’m always down for putting her through the wringer re: her family getting hurt and her going on a fucking CRUSADE to END THE MOTHERFUCKERS WHO DARE
so this got long but bless u for the ask, i thank angst 4 my life
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rhotanored · 6 years
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P’tajha Kett Islin Arceneaux Beset Kagon A’mariss Renagh Renh Whittler Kazushige Asayama
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tsundozer · 5 years
comin’ up with a ship tag be like
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@rhotanored has left me to fend for myself and do this for my own like the cruel, awful, no good, very bad friend they are. this was the result.
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tsundozer · 5 years
Gazing Upon Belah’dia
"Called it th’Greater Record of Chuthrain. It can do things y’ain’t never imagine, but it’s a spiteful thing, an’ it’s--it’s got a hefty price. You. Your existence, the mark you’ve left in the hearts of others--ain’t a soul to mourn, when all’s said an’ done. Ain’t never use that godsdamned book, or ain’t a soul gonna cry when you die.” @rhotanored
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tsundozer · 5 years
A Blade
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rhotanored · 6 years
3, 6, & 12!
3. which muse is the trickiest to get into character for? 
OOF. It can be hard for me to get into any character if I’m not feeling it, but right now I’d say it’s a toss up between Kazushige and Renh: Kazu is a calm, collected, stand-offish individual who really doesn’t want anyone to waste his time, so it’s hard buckling down to try and get him invested in a scene when he’s already going into things with the mindset that he doesn’t want to be there, or doesn’t care what the other characters have to say, so it’s my job as mun to steer his interactions, and it can get exhausting.
Renh is my trash son and I love him dearly but he is a mess and I really haven’t wanted to crawl into his headspace lately. I’m working on a plot to get him moving upwards, so hopefully I’ll be back to playing him regularly soon!
6. which one of your muses have you been playing the longest? 
Renh! He started as a character on a NWN persistent world RP server, and I liked him so much that he followed me through GW2 and eventually into FFXIV. This has been the most difficult iteration of him to get into, and sometimes I regret making him a Keeper (I think I probably should have stuck with Hyur, but none of the faces looked right!), but I’ve been plugging along trying to craft up his back story and see where the themes his character was built around get him here. He’s a lot more volatile, and a lot more vulnerable in this iteration.
12. what is something everyone should know about your muses before interacting?
...Almost all of them need individual warning labels, probably. 
Renh is volatile, inflammatory, WILL piss people off to where they want to throw his ass in the nearest dumpster (and he’ll deserve it). He’s not a bad guy, he’s loyal to a fault, but he just really doesn’t want anyone to think he cares, because it might mean they start to care about him. He can’t have that. He’s made his sweet childhood friend cry so many times. He really needs to work on his own garbage before he can be a decent person.
Tajha cares a whole lot more than she lets on. She might be flippant, dismissive, and business-oriented, but truth is she doesn’t want to see Eorzea going to the hells in a handbasket, so she’s doing her best to make it a better place the only way she knows how (through crime??). She also dabbles in forbidden artifacts and dark magic, is technically an alchemist, and a doctor if you’re desperate. Just don’t fuck with people she cares about.
Islin is a spunky go-getter who just loves to be in the right place at the wrong time to kick ass and take names. She’s warm, she’s cheerful, she’s probably going to flirt with the ladies--don’t take it personally--but she’s also young, and naive, and believes in second chances. She’s definitely a dragoon and there’s definitely something weird about her aether. She’s way stronger than she looks, has a good moral compass. Don’t ask her about her connection to Ishgard (but please do).
Beset probably doesn’t have time for you if you didn’t hire her or aren’t a target, but she might humour you anyway. She’s my most “anime” character because she was technically created to be a sub-boss for a running plot arc, so I tend to keep her out of combat plots (and she won’t fight any schmoe off the street, anyway). I desperately want her to develop as a thinking, feeling person, however, pls try to befriend this weird red lizard.
Kazushige is a tough nut to crack. He has a dark and sordid past he doesn’t talk about. He has a job he doesn’t talk about. He basically has a life he doesn’t talk about. Rumour has it he’s a book fixer and if you need the red out of your ledgers, he’s the guy to ask in and around Kugane. It’s honestly probably easiest to get in touch with him if you’re established as part a recordskeeper, crime syndicate, or Garlean, and need something vanished out of official(or unofficial) records. Of all my character, he’s the one I’m most keen on crafting pre-established relationships with because honestly it might be the only way to get him talking. Note that he is 110% a noncombatant.
A’mariss is .......................my metagame/plot device character. She has a busted Echo that is constantly bombarding her with visions past, present and future, at random and without warning. Sometimes she projects these visions on other, poor unfortunate souls. Sometimes she gets called places, and she doesn’t know why, until that scratching at the base of her skull goes quiet. Sometimes she calls other people to her, and they have no idea why. Sometimes she’s met two, three different iterations of the same person because of her visions and you could get greeted with “which one are you?” She is vaguely an astrologian. She hunts Voidsent because it puts coin in her pocket, and coin in her pocket means she can drink, or buy somnus to block out the visions for a time. None of the above applies for unplanned RP because I don’t pop that stuff on folks on a whim, but if you need to explore some weird aetherial bullshit or need to have your character/some folks go on a WHAT IF scenario, I am so down to plot it out. She also has a huge, kind heart and doesn’t like to see any suffering because she sees so much, she doesn’t need to perpetuate it.
Kouga is a naive kid with an inherited sword who really, really wants to be an adventurer so he can gain experience and join a mercenary group and learn how to be a badass. He doesn’t really come with any warnings except that he’s sweet and genuine and basically a puppy. Love him.
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rhotanored · 6 years
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it’s too hot
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rhotanored · 6 years
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tsundozer · 5 years
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Professor Gray & @rhotanored 's Beset Kagon, by the lovely and perfect and super duper cool @shadottie .
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rhotanored · 6 years
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Send 🔫 to see my muse with their favourite weapon(s) @shadottie
“My favourite...?” Beset’s golden eyes peer from beneath long strands of red, slightly narrowed either in confusion or consideration at the question. Once she ascertains there seems to be no ulterior motive or unspoken message within the query, her gaze lowers to the plain katana at her hip. Deft fingers untie it from her waist, and she presents it with both hands partially outstretched for further inspection.
At a closer glance, the black scabbard’s myriad layers of lacquer is crackling beneath the top-most coat, indicating its age. The faded, dark purple woven bands around the hilt are well worn, and the wood beneath looks as though it’s been replaced at least once. She doesn’t draw the blade, but it’s likely safe to assume it as well-kept and well-used as the sheath seems to imply.
“I prefer simple blades, but there is a proper tool for every situation, and I will use what is necessary to gain the advantage.” Beset shrugs, reattaching the katana to her side.
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