#berena rp
honeycombwerewolfe · 2 months
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Mother. Surgeon. Veteran. Excellent Poker Player.   Utterly besotted with one Serena Campbell.   
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Holby City Roleplay Blog: Bernie Wolfe
Adaptive Writing style
Crossover and OC friendly
Mun and Muse are over 21
ABOUT | RULES | OPEN STARTERS | MEMES | (reblogs of this post welcome and encouraged <3)
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The Book
The morning was bright and fresh. A crisp frost had settled on the ground overnight. The warmth of her bed had been so inviting that Serena had put off getting up until the very last moment. That meant she was now in a rush. Having made her bed and showered, she had been quickly munching on some toast when she heard her doorbell go. 
Hurrying over to the door, toast sticking out of her mouth, Serena opened it to see Bernie on the other side. Beckoning her inside, Serena took the toast out of her mouth so she could speak.
“Sorry, running late. Shouldn’t be too much longer.”
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doctorjameswatson · 4 years
Tagged by: @pers-books
Sanctitatem (AO3 and fanfiction dot net)
doctorjameswatson (my main tumblr blog which includes some RPing of James Watson)
bisexualsurgeonextraordinaire (my Serena RP blog which is really only of any interest if you want to read my RP writing or are interested in the gif/photo sets I reblog there). 
I have other RP blogs, most of which are inactive, but the ones listed are the current important names/blogs.
Otherwise just call me Vicky :)
Fandom(s): Mainly Berena, Sanctuary, and Stargate, right now. A life long Star Trek fan. I generally dip in and out of anything science fiction or fantasy based. Doctor Who, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Marvel Universe, DC Universe, Firefly, Warehouse 13, and Highlander, are some of my past and present interests. Plus almost anything that has a wlw theme.
Where you post: For fanfic - mainly AO3 although my Sanctuary and Stargate fics are also on fanfiction dot net. RPing and general ramblings on tumblr.
Most Popular One Shot (by kudos) this year: 
Autumn Leaves (Berena/Holby City)
Most Popular One Shot (by kudos) overall: 
Autumn Leaves (Berena/Holby City)
Most Popular Multi-Chapter (by kudos) this year: 
Perhaps, Love (Berena/Holby City)
Most Popular Multi-Chapter (by kudos) overall: 
Bonding (Stargate SG1)
Favourite story you’ve written so far: Probably one of my multi-chapter fics from this year. I enjoyed working on them both. So that’s Perhaps, love or Finding a way home (Berena/Holby City)
Fic you were nervous to post: Probably ‘Perhaps, love’ as it was my first fic for the Berena fandom and I could see how protective people are of these characters and I really wanted to do them justice. Plus it was the first time I’d written for a f/f ship. It took me out of what I’m used to writing so I just hope I got it right.
How do you choose your titles?: Generally whatever seems to work for the context of the story but this year some of them have been song titles. 
Do you outline?: Usually I do a bullet point list of things I’d like to happen in the story, mostly so I don’t forget. Plus I’ve taken to noting down any lines of dialogue that come into my head that I think would be good to use later on. It really depends on how long I plan on working on a fic. Autumn Leaves, for example, took me 3 hours to write so I didn’t plan any of that. But my multi-chapter fics, and Secret Santa one, I have planned because I want to make sure I pace them correctly and get them right.
Complete: Currently I have 14 complete works on AO3. Plus one that is complete but has yet to be posted.
In-Progress: I have 2 incomplete works on AO3. I am working on two Christmassy fics and have possible ideas for more depending on time. So, four in-progress for now.
Coming soon/not yet started: Possibly more Christmassy fics depending on time. I also have a vague idea for a Carnival Row AU but that is still very much up in the air.
Prompts?: I love prompts. Once I have an idea and a start then I find coming up with the rest of the story relatively easy. It’s coming up with the initial idea that I struggle with more often than not. If anyone ever wants to send me prompts then I’m more than happy to take suggestions! XD
Upcoming work you’re most excited about: I’m actually really happy with my Secret Santa fic. I hope people will like it as much as I have enjoyed coming up with it :)
Tagging: I won’t tag anyone this time as I’m late to the party and most have probably already been tagged. If you’d like to do this then consider yourself tagged!
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would anyone be interested in reading some Berena fluff? Got an rp starting with a friend...but don’t tell her any spoilers lol she is new and we’re working our way through one episode at a time...she has yet to know pain XD
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adrenalineascending · 4 years
hehehehh working my friend slowly through the Berena episodes of Holby City so I can 1: use Berena gifs on here 2: infect her with the ship and 3: for the possible Berena rp to come.  waggles eye brows
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honeycombwerewolfe · 9 months
"I live every day in a world where I did everything different. When you cried in the car and instead I really listened. All those times I felt love and I'd just fucking admit it. Give you the whole of my heart, the same that you were giving. And when I moved overseas and you said you'd wait for us. I really gave it a chance and not ran away from love. A world where I'm not scared every morning just waking up. Now I make it up. There's a place inside my mind I make believe Where the story doesn't end in tragedy And now the only way I feel you close to me Is to hide inside a ghost reality." -Ghost Reality by Moncrieff
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honeycombwerewolfe · 4 years
Warmup Fluff RP Thread
"Well, that was one hell of a shift..." Bernie said with a brusk laugh, letting out a bit of tension with it now that the long shift was over with. "Albie’s?"  (full rp below the read more to keep this post trim and tidy)
@bisexualsurgeonextraordinaire:  “You definitely could call it that,” Serena chuckled softly as she finally turned away from her computer screen and looked at Bernie. “You read my mind. I could murder a large glass of Shiraz.” 
@honeycombwerewolfe "Only a glass?" Bernie chirped with a face that did a piss poor job of looking innocent. She was already turning away to grab her coat, casting a look over her shoulder to catch Serena's reaction. 
Serena side eyed Bernie but couldn’t completely stop the corners of her mouth from twitching upwards - the only signs of her amusement that she’d let show. “I’d say bottle but people do tend to frown upon that sort of behaviour.” Turning off the monitor in front of her, she copied Bernie in grabbing her own coat. “Unless you’d like to share, of course.” 
Bernie smiled wryly back at Serena, something in their eyes connecting over the office. She loved their banter; no better way to mend a rough day...even if it did occasionally get them  shushed at staff meetings by a perturbed Rick Griffin or the ever calm Hansen. "Ah, yes of course..." She played it up, jacket on and adoring grin focused on Serena. She frowned in mock concern over the suggestion. "Nonsense. Wouldn't dream of coming between you two." She shrugged her brows over a smile she had to bite to keep from spreading as she walked out the office. 
"Good," Serena agreed. "Wine is my first love, after all. Fantastically attractive and brilliant surgeons come ... a very close second." She teased the other woman with a soft laugh before following Bernie out of the office, which she locked behind her. 
Bernie looked away, poorly concealed smile giving her away. "I can live with that...so long as you're alright waking up to a Reveille call." Bernie waited to keep in step with Serena on the way out of Holby. 
The side eye this time was real as Serena fell into step with Bernie. "You'd better be prepared for my reaction if you try that." She added with a smirk: "I have my own torture techniques, you know." Her meaning was far from innocent and she knew that Bernie would know that too. 
Bernie was really struggling to keep her mostly straight face now as she walked, eyes front. "I'm shaking in my boots..." She couldn't help stealing a glance over, sly smile making it clear Serena's meaning was crystal clear. 
Huffing quietly, Serena shook her head even as she smiled. Catching a glimpse of the sly smile, she still couldn't get over what Bernie's smile did to her. Her breath caught in her throat and her comeback was perhaps a little more tame than she had originally planned. "We'll see if you're still so confident later."
Bernie gave a low chuckle in her throat as she held the door open for them and the damp night air struck her face. Once in the parking lot she pulled her scarf and jacket collar closer. Despite her sass and flirting...her heart pounded furiously as they crossed the dark parking lot. Not fear but anticipation...nerves maybe...wanting something so badly but not wanting to act too soon, to want too much. But it was late and the parking lot mostly empty...perhaps Serena would be okay with it...she was sometimes as long as no one was around to see. Timidly, she rose her hand. The back of her fingers almost touched Serena's, hanging there in silent request.  Her voice was quieter now with traces of a stutter. "I..I wish I could have spent more time in theater with you today...but it was so busy..."
The decidedly cooler air hit Serena in the face and the relief of finally getting some fresh air that day was clear to see in her features. There had barely been time for a coffee break let alone to have the privilege of going outside. Hand hanging by her side, the feeling of Bernie's hand against hers sent a rush of emotion coursing through her as she looked around to see who else was about. It wasn't that she was ashamed or embarrassed by what she felt for Bernie. She just didn't want to become hospital gossip, however unavoidable it really was. Stretching out her fingers, Serena loosely interlocked them with Bernie's as they walked. "I know. Barely time to breathe. You'd think the one advantage of being in charge of AAU would be the freedom to organise our own work schedules. We'll have to work on that."
Bernie inhaled, chest filling and smile blooming as she took firm hold of Serena, thumb brushing over the other. Another amused chuckle stole forward. "Yes, we'll have to give the patients a firm talking to about coming in all at once like that..." It didn't take long for them to reach Albie’s: perks of having a bar across the street from the hospital. Bernie opened the door for Serena and followed along with her over to the bar. "Scotch neat please and Shiraz for the lady?" Leaning her arms on the bar she looked over to Serena just to check, head lulled to the side, ear to shoulder as she grinned. 
It was such a simple thing, holding hands, and yet it felt like the biggest thing in the world at that moment. She was too busy giggling at Bernie’s remark to really reply before they were back inside. Serena felt sad in letting go of Bernie but that was tempered by the promise of a good drink. “Yes, and please make it a large,” she smiled at the bartender before turning to face Bernie. Leaning on the bar, she let her eyes look the other woman up and down while they waited. “Cheeky,” she commented on the reasoning behind Bernie’s grin and she lightly batted the woman’s arm. 
"Me? Never."  Her face and tone said otherwise. Albie’s was easy...old habit now, having a glass or two while laughing away the stress of the day. When the glasses were empty and it getting late enough for her stomach to protest she reached out to lay her hand on the  back of Serena's shoulder, other hand wiping away tears from the dying laughter. "Serena, we should head out or the fish n chips shop will close up." It was Wednesday...and Jason did not handle changes to the schedule well. 
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honeycombwerewolfe · 4 years
Open Starter
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“And you thought that was a good idea, did you?” The blonde couldn’t quite tamp down her smirk.
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honeycombwerewolfe · 4 years
Not enough ibuprofen in the world to turn this day around
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The blonde groaned into her hands as they slid upwards, firmly massaging her forehead in the process.
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honeycombwerewolfe · 2 years
They’d been sitting on the couch for a while, with nothing but the sound of a crackling fire to fill the quiet. Serena had been watching the flames, trying to quiet her mind. But instead, all thoughts led to Bernie. Turning her head, Serena watched Bernie for a while before breaking the silence with her voice. “May I ask you a question?” (Post cam death verse)
The sound of Serena's voice pulled Bernie's mind back from the fog and she pulled her head up from Serena's shoulder. There was curiosity in her somber eyes, bags beneath more stark these days. It was both an unspoken question and permission granted.
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honeycombwerewolfe · 3 years
Love Enduring
There really was nothing quite like a near death experience to make a person evaluate their life choices. Bernie should know, she's had a few. She also had a very long time to think about things: three hundred and ninety three days to be precise. Three hundred and ninety two days to plan nearly as many ways she would make things right...if she ever got the chance. When the chance finally came, Bernie took the first flight she could and found herself on the side of the road, cab door still held open, as she stared at a daunting For Sale sign staked in Serena’s front yard. Everything quieted as Bernie struggled to breathe. It took a moment to collect herself. It would be fine, she could still salvage this. No phone with saved contacts...all her belongings either sold, tossed out or God knows if her kids had bothered to keep any of it. They certainly wouldn’t have kept her address book. Fine. There was always another solution to a problem if you looked hard enough. Back in the cab, she told the driver to take her back to her hotel. Email. Thank God for email. When she logged in to type an email she had no idea how to compose...she found something unexpected.
Love letters: months worth. Bernie sat and picked through them word by word from beyond her own grave. The pain and the confessions made clear in Serena’s words....Bernie clasped her hand over her mouth to catch a sob as she kept reading through tears. Her heart ached for Serena, for the time together they’d both been robbed of, for the pain they’d both been through. All she wanted as she sobbed on the floor of her dark hotel room was for the same thing she’d been wanting for over a year now: for this past year to have never happened and to be with Serena now...to have her there to stroke her hair back with calming words whispered over Bernie’s cheek...to hold Bernie when exhaustion dragged at every muscle. Exhaustion. Bernie felt it in swollen eyes and complaining joints the next morning. It took four fingers of whiskey and an hour before she finally managed to hit send on the email. ______________________ To: Serena Campbell Subject: Fraulein  Hello Stranger. I don’t know where to start. I read your emails and I’m so sorry Serena, for not fighting harder for us, for not coming back, for this whole bloody mess. I’m sorry. There hasn’t been a day that’s gone by that I haven’t thought about you. Something happened in Mogadishu and it’s the root of all this. I promise I’ll explain. I don’t have my cellphone but you can reach me at the Hilgram, ring room 245. ______________________ It took only seconds for the responding email saying it could not be delivered because the email was no longer in use.  A bit longer to get herself back together and send out a different email. Jason: would tell Serena himself...in maybe not the way she most needed. Rick: that big mouth? No. In the end, there really was only one person: one person close enough to Serena, level headed and responsible enough to give Bernie the chance to tell people herself, in person. Henrik. At long last, Bernie found her way to where she needed to be. Turns out that where was a villa in Spain. Setting her roller luggage aside, she rang the bell and waited. She held her hands together tightly, afraid her heart beat surely had her trembling.
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honeycombwerewolfe · 2 years
What was Christmas like, after you got rescued?
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"...I, uh..." She couldn't remember if...did they have a Christmas after? They must have done... A heavy breath moved her chest as a slight shake set into her hands before both hands joined to pick at each other. She cleared her throat and straightened with a slow inhale before giving a breathy reply. "Nothing of note."
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honeycombwerewolfe · 2 years
Leah stares at Serena across the room with a smirk that just shouts - I screwed that woman and it was good!!
Bernie clocked it in her peripherals mid sentence, bringing her attention back to finish up her examination of the patient before excusing herself with another pump of hand sanitizer. She made eye contact with Leah as Bernie fell into place beside Serena and filled her in on the patient. The way Leah backed down nearly immediately was, to say the least, a bit satisfying.
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honeycombwerewolfe · 2 years
Edward Campbell here 👋
Nightmare scenario--Bernie came back from secondment to find Serena had moved on and was now dating not Robbie, but Edward Campbell.
And with that I shall leave you in peace. It's been real fun playing with you (aside from creeping myself out 😂✌️)
Edward may return in future. I'd personally love to see/ read someone absolutely just break his nose (especially after what I made him say 😆)
Bernie couldn't deny it hurt but she only had herself to blame this was why she gave Serena the time, and space, to figure out if this was really what she wanted. Bernie could have done a better job at handling her reactions to watching the two of them all over each other on the ward, if the dressing down Serena had given her was anything to go by... "You're the one who left!"
"Didn't take you very long to get over it though, did it?" Bernie muttered under her breath, jaw tight and glare directed straight through the computer screen she was pretending to read.
"Excuse me?! You've no right! No right to be upset with me for moving on when you made it perfectly clear you wanted nothing to do with me. You pushed me away. You left...the country might I add. You ignored my calls, my texts...my emails....You, Bernie, not me."
“A good thing too, if you were just going to go running back into your ex-husband’s arms. I thought you hated him? I thought you hoped his new wife would, what was it you said? Ah, yes, bleed him dry and leave him an empty husk. But, hey, it’s your life. If you want to stay with a drunk who will personally take on any training needed by the latest nurse who walks through the ward...that’s completely within your right.” “You have some nerve bringing up loyalty Ms. Wolfe...”
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Bernie went silent, shame settling heavy in her gut...grinding down her sharp edges. The feeling remained as she grew more aware of her body and long after she opened her eyes.
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honeycombwerewolfe · 2 years
When you found out that Serena had cheated on you, were you at all reminded of when you cheated on Marcus? Feel any worse about what you did now you know what it’s like to be on the other side?
"I already felt pretty bad about it at the time..." Bernie mused in bleak jest, eyes darting off to a corner as her brows lifted and a pathetic attempt at a smile twitched at one side of her lips. She took a moment before continuing, face turned towards her shoes and hands now firmly wedged against crossed arms. "It did cross my mind."
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honeycombwerewolfe · 3 years
What's your favorite thing about doing the rumpy-pumpy with Serena?
Her eyes grew big. "I..I'm sorry" - half a laugh escaped before she caught it, looking away with a strained expression as she tried in vain not to smile. - "the what now?"
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