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break-the-stereotype · 4 years ago
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If you have HBO Max, I highly recommend you watch Benh Zeitlin’s latest film, “Wendy.” It will definitely be in my top films of 2020 list! It’s so moving, captivating and magical! From the director of “Beasts of the Southern Wild” comes a reimagining of the classic Peter Pan and Wendy tale. You won’t regret watching this film! #benhzeitlin #wendy #wendymovie #zeitlin #devinfrance #hbo #hbomax #movie #film #greatmovie #greatfilm https://www.instagram.com/p/CJOjcTBMRlp/?igshid=1rxc6r541k1uz
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kathleenkaiser · 5 years ago
WENDY – Rated PG-13 – 1 hour 52 mins.
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This Review is brought to you by Kathy Kaiser
   WENDY – Rated PG-13 – 1 hour 52 mins.
WRITER:  Eliza Zeitlin
STARRING:  Yashua Mack, Devin France, Gage Naquin, Gavin Naquin, Ahmad Cage and Shay Walker
From the Writer and Director who brought you the Academy Award nominated Beasts of the Southern Wild(2012), comes a wild reimagining of sorts, as we venture to a…
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paraphrasedkulchar · 5 years ago
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I also saw Wendy which made me wanna grow up. Link below or on the bio, and more reviews at @intheseats! #BenhZeitlin #JMBarrie #PeterPan #Wendy http://intheseats.ca/no-respectability-our-review-of-wendy/ (at Toronto, Ontario) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9c448mAeiL/?igshid=vbl1lk15ydxg
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thebestmoviesmade-blog · 8 years ago
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Beasts of the Southern Wild (Benh Zeitlin, 2012) - “Once, there was a Hushpuppy”. 
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thebestmoviestvseries · 8 years ago
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Beasts of the Southern Wild http://www.icflix.com/eng/movie/pw1x97ss-beasts-of-the-southern-wild #BeastsOfTheSouthernWild #icflix #QuvenzhanéWallis #DwightHenry #LevyEasterly #BenhZeitlin #DramaMovies #AdventureMovies #FantasyMovies #AfricanAmericanMovies #BeautifulMovies #MoviesToWatch
Drama Movies Adventure Movies Fantasy Movies African American Movies Beautiful Movies Movies To Watch
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makoss · 8 years ago
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Las gangas que uno encuentra en Walmart #movies #movie #cinema #cine #filme #film #pelicula #walmart #bluray #starwars #tiefighter #beastsofthesouthernwild #alfredhitchcock #hitchcock #quvenzhanewallis #benhzeitlin
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tramp963 · 5 years ago
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#Wendy, #2020s, #Trailer, #directedby #BenhZeitlin https://buff.ly/35s0kh1 #movieby #TommieLynnMilazzo, #ShayWalker, #StephanieLynnWilson  #foxsearchlight
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iliabold · 5 years ago
October 14 Famous BirthDays People Celebrities https://youtu.be/T_Hrd-AQsR4 1890 Dwight D. Eisenhower #Eisenhower 1925 Наум Коржавин #НаумКоржавин 1927 Roger Moore #RogerMoore 1934 Михаил Козаков #МихаилКозаков 1944 Udo Kier #UdoKier 1944 Вадим Спиридонов #ВадимСпиридонов 1946 Павел Чухрай #ПавелЧухрай 1963 Lori Petty #LoriPetty 1965 Steve Coogan #SteveCoogan 1979 Тимур Родригез #ТимурРодригез 1965 Вячеслав Разбегаев #ВячеславРазбегаев 1965 Алексей Девотченко #АлексейДевотченко 1970 Jon Seda #JonSeda 1971 Alexandra Lamy #AlexandraLamy 1980 Ben Whishaw  #BenWhishaw 1982 Ирена Понарошку #ИренаПонарошку 1982 Benh Zeitlin #BenhZeitlin 1988 Max Thieriot #MaxThieriot 2001 Rowan Blanchard #RowanBlanchard #october14 #14октября #FamousPeople #Celebrities
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intellectures · 5 years ago
22 aufschlussreiche Filme über Rassismus
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Wie soll man in einem traumverlorenen Land in einem schwarzen Köper leben, in dem es Tradition ist, »den schwarzen Körper zu zerstören«, fragt Ta-Nehisi Coates in einem Brief an seinen Sohn. Wie lebt man überhaupt in einer Welt, in der Rassismus, Gewalt und Diskriminierung für manche Menschen zum Alltag gehört. Diese 22 Filme von Spike Lee, Ava DuVernay, Raoul Peck, Steve McQueen, Burhan Qurbani, Jordan Peele, Danis Tanovic, Melina Matsoukas und vielen mehr erzählen auf ganz unterschiedliche Weise vom Rassismus und seinen Auswirkungen in den USA, Europa und Deutschland. Sie ermöglichen den aufschlussreichen Blick in den menschlichen Abgrund. Read the full article
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kezabelle2 · 12 years ago
The Beasts of the Southern Wild is worth a watch for the music alone. 
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yasennaberya · 12 years ago
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thelatrout-blog · 12 years ago
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#oscars prediction game! For #BestPicture what do you WANT to win, what SHOULD win, & what do you think WILL win? #Amour #argo #beastsofthesouthernwild #djangounchained #lesmis #lifeofpi #lincoln #silverliningsplaybook #zerodarkthirty #michaelhaneke #benaffleck #benhzeitlin #quentintarantino #tomhooper #anglee #stevenspeilberg #davidorussell #kathrynbigelow
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thevacantskeleton-blog · 13 years ago
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Movie marathon today @ the #grandcinema in #tacoma seeing #moonrisekingdom and #beasts of the southern wild #wesanderson #benhzeitlin #movie (Taken with Instagram at Grand Cinema)
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benutty · 13 years ago
I see that I am a little piece of a big, big universe, and that makes it right.
Hushpuppy (Beasts of the Southern Wild)
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theenthusiasticcinephile · 13 years ago
Beasts of the Southern Wild
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1 hour 31 minutes
Rated PG-13 (Thematic Material Including Child Imperilment, Some Disturbing Images, Language and Brief Sensuality)
Directed by Benh Zeitlin
Starring Quvenzhane Wallis and Dwight Henry
4 out of 4 stars
Beasts of the Southern Wild is the best movie I've seen in 2012 so far. If you're not a movie buff then I doubt you've heard of it. Well, PLEASE WATCH A TRAILER NOW AND SEE IT! It's a movie of incredible beauty, utter originality, poetic lyricism, and an extraordinary performance from a little 6 year old girl named Quvenzhane Wallis (and don't even ask me how to pronounce it. Note that there is an accent on the last e in her name but I don't know how to do it on my laptop. I just don't wanna disrespect her because I love her so much!). And yet it's a small movie filmed on a grainy handheld camera with only minimal special effects. The fact that a movie this small feels so big is just amazing. It's rare for a small movie to succeed at feeling so epic but Beasts of the Southern Wild nails it. The movie won the Grand Jury Prize at Sundance last January as well as the Camera d'Or at Cannes last May. It's already getting Oscar buzz, as well it should.
It's a fable as well as a moving drama about a father and daughter's relationship. Wallis plays Hushpuppy (love that name), a little girl living with her father, Wink (Dwight Henry), in a Delta community "at the edge of the world" blocked off by a levee with the whole rest of the world on the other side. WOW. Immediately I love that idea. This community is called "the Bathtub" and holds many other people. They hunt by themselves, go to school, have a hospital, and live perfectly happy lives. Yet the people living across the levee view the Bathtub people as savages. Hushpuppy soon has to learn to grow up and defend herself as three catastrophes approach her life. First off, her father has a mysterious illness that is making him weaker every day. Second, there's a huge rainstorm that's just happened that's flooded the whole community and left them floating in cars and moving houses. Oh yeah, and lastly, the polar ice caps have just melted releasing a group of prehistoric wildebeest-looking creatures called aurochs (which according to wikipedia actually existed and are the ancestors of cattle).
I was so moved by Hushpuppy's relationship with her father. He is an alcoholic, boisterous man but he has a right to be so strict with his daughter. Her life will always be in danger! She's living in a community that's basically eyed upon by the whole world! Also, her mother left the family by swimming across the water (so did she drown? You'll find out). In one great scene a friend of the father teaches Hushpuppy how to cut open a crab. The father freaks out, slams the table, and yells at Hushpuppy that she should never cut open a crab but should pick it up and rip it apart with her strong muscles. She does so and he cheers like he's the happiest person on Earth. Most of all the father is being so strict because he knows that he won't be out there to look after his daughter for that much longer. There's a heartbreakingly beautiful scene between the two of them at the end that left me as teary-eyed as ever. Wallis and Henry had never acted before this film. It looks like we're gonna be seeing a lot more of them now.
So I've pretty much already emphasized how much I loved the originality of Beasts of the Southern Wild but I'll say it again. I loved the originality of Beasts of Southern Wild. Movies don't get more imaginative than this. I don't know the director of the movie, Benh Zeitlin (probably because this is his first feature length film), but he understands how to make a shot simple yet beautiful. Just look at the picture at the top. It's only a photo of Hushpuppy running with sparklers in her hands but seriously, I'd pay to have that photo blown up so I could hang it on my wall. The movie was filmed in southern Louisiana so it has the advantage of using the gorgeous jungle location of the state to make for a beautifully photographed motion picture. Best of all this is one of those great movies because it's everything. It feels epic in scale. It's funny. It's moving. It's sad. It's thrilling. It's quirky and unique. All of those qualities make for an incredible cinematic experience.
So obviously I can't say it enough but it's imperative that you check out this movie. I was lucky enough to see an early screening of it with one of the producers, Dan Janvey, in attendance for a Q & A. Just wait a few more weeks and you'll be blown away.
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