#ben 10 omnitrix oc
cool-cube · 2 months
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Hirsu's last 3 transformations: Slug-Eyes, Cruciform & Tidbit
if you've seen my initial post of Hirsu, you might remember there being a Dracosian transformation being listed. I ended up scrapping them because they weren't very interesting. I did end up making art for the Dracosian form, Fritz, but I thought it looked pretty bad so i scrapped that as well.
Anyways onto the actual aliens. I won't explain Cruciform since it's basically just Surge but yellow.
Slug-Eyes is the same species as the Enforcer Alien that sorta looks like Stinkfly from The Big Tick. He has 6 eyes on his body: 4 on his face and 2 on the back of his shoulders. This lets him see a full 360 degrees around him at all times, but can move each eyestalk closer to each other to focus on something. Aside from that, he's the physically strongest out of Hirsu's transformations, but is still outclassed in strength by other transformations like Four Arms, Humungosaur, Rath or Kickin' Hawk.
Tidbit is the same species as those martian, gold-shitting goats from Fools Gold. Eating any kind of meat as this alien causes him to transform into a much larger, more physically powerful "primal form", where he also gains the ability to absorb energy for sustenance. Tidbit can also poop out gold when he ingests popcorn, but Hirsu hasn't actually learnt this ability yet. Aside from those abilities, Tidbit can also jump fairly & has relatively sharp claws & teeth. He can also consume almost anything that isn't meat or sillicon (since it makes him nauseous), but he digests it as quickly as any human. His smaller frame & uncontrollability when he needs to be strong leaves this alien as slightly undesirable, at least according to Hirsu.
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helido24 · 8 months
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~Let's chill together~
Never posted it here lol
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aimez-the-dragon · 10 months
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I drew this for a uni exhibition late last year, the theme being 'dreams'. Seeing as my childhood dream was to have my own Omnitrix, and I'd been designing my own alien transformations for the past few months, this was the logical outcome 😅
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itzalbedo · 4 months
More of Ben 11’s Omnitrix ( Glitrix )
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I'm sorry if it doesn't make sense 🙏😭
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zaezz-zaets · 11 months
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now I can bother Albedo in his own species
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haridkrish · 4 months
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So yeah, I made this slightly modified Diamond head illustration. Would love to hear some feedback!
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st6nbones · 2 months
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What's this? An unarmored transformation? I really wanted to draw a version of NRG. I haven't thought of a name for this guy yet, but something will come to me.
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junk-jester · 30 days
"Your choice of warriors is based solely on brute strength, with little regard for any planning or strategy. Do you even pause to consider your actions at all?"
Meet the Universe 77 counterpart of The Last Petrosapien and the Guardian of the Omni/Sigmatrix, Tetrax Shard.
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Profile can be found [Here].
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cj-doodlez · 4 months
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"Mirror, mirror, how amazing is my figure? Your visitors they fall apart before my pictures."
Name: Cris Netherfall Age: 13 Birthday: 2006 Biological Parents: Unknown (deceased), Unknown (abandoned) Background: half-Puerto Rican (via unknown biological father) & half-British (via unknown deceased biological mother)
A seemingly quiet, yet at the same time loud teenager, he's quite the mystery. Wandering alone after being the sole survivor of an accident which granted him the Omnitrix, he has yet to get a grasp on its capabilities and the mysteries it will unfold. One notable thing is that he's very into emo subculture, as well as very much a lover for rock & metal, as seen by the 'Mudvayne' hoodie he can be seen wearing, alongside the many belts that he wears. His hair is a curled mess, usually kept in a fringe to the right.
Personality-wise, not many can exactly say much, since he tends to be quiet and secluded around everyone else. The only ones who could really speak on how he is and acts would be his adoptive family, which can't really speak as they're all dead. The only other source of information for how he is as a person would be his bandmates. He does tend to be hyperactive at times, especially when doing live shows with his band, but outside of that, and outside of talking to his bandmates, not much is really known.
One thing that he is notorious for is getting into fights often; both out of people in school targeting him, and out of having the desire of serving justice for other unfortunate kids. But nobody knows of the new power he has acquired; which will both be a blessing, and a curse.
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rednarokavatar · 6 months
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Emo x Bubbly sunshine is one of my fave tropes. And Negative ben is my fave ben TBH <3
I also wanna draw Kumori x Ben prime and Bad Ben bc Villain x Hero is always neat.
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drkmattervik · 5 months
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Lim Sejun is a sorcerer that have a special grade cursed tool, Skin-Stealer. It can transforms him in cursed spirits. In his base form, Sejun's fighting style is focused in close combat using his fists.
Iblis(Jogo form), Majoris(He is a big sun based curse that controls gravity and can become a pseudo-black hole with his Maximum Output), CatapultAR(catapult and air in portuguese, he can throw himself like a bullet and make a nerve gas by the impact), Xand(future and past vision, time portals that summon dinosaur shikigami), Jagga(Writer in Korean, make talismans), Isoladuke(conductivity and insulation manipulation), Hallow(named after Hallow from Skullgirls; hospital object, cursed tool and shikigami creation), Kekkai(barrier in Japanese), Vita Plantis(Hanami form)
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Lim Sejun é um feiticeiro que possui uma ferramenta amaldiçoada de grau especial, Rouba-Peles. Ele pode transformá-lo em espíritos amaldiçoados. Em sua forma base, o estilo de luta de Sejun é focado no combate corpo a corpo usando os punhos.
Iblis(Forma Jogo), Majoris(Ele é uma grande maldição baseada no Sol, que controla a gravidade e pode se tornar um pseudo-buraco negro com sua Potência Máxima), CatapultAR(Pode se atirar como uma bala e fazer um gás asfixiante pelo impacto), Xand(visão do futuro e do passado, portais do tempo que invocam shikigami de dinossauros), Jagga(Escritor em coreano, cria talismãs), Isoladuke(manipulação de condutividade e isolamento), Hallow(nomeado em homenagem a Hallow de Skullgirls, criação de objeto hospitalar, ferramenta amaldiçoada e shikigami), Kekkai(barreira em japonês), Vita Plantis(forma Hanami)
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cool-cube · 2 months
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2 more of Hirsu's transformations: Underling & Sniffer.
Underling is Hirsu's Omnitrix Sample of a Pickaxe Alien. As Underling, Hirsu's eyes become lamps, allowing him to see in the dark. He's also great at digging fast. He can't burrow as fast as other aliens, such as Ditto or Wildmutt, but he's still faster than most. He is, however, extremely outclassed in strength by most threats. A strong enough human could beat him in a fist-fight if they put in the effort. For some reason, Hirsu gains an obsession with mining gear like helmets & pickaxes as this alien. It feels almost like instinct to use it for his own. Hirsu has yet to figure out why.
Sniffer is Hirsu's Maxatomar transformation. Maxatomars have a very powerful sense of smell, allowing them to track down anything with a scent from a mile away. They also have pretty sharp claws, as well as above-average strength. Since Maxatomars are born with their powerful sense of smell, they become used to it. Hirsu wasn't born a Maxatomar though, and often finds being able to smell absolutely everything in his vicinity all at once EXTREMELY overwhelming. As such, he only ever uses Sniffer when he's absolutely necessary or if he mistransforms into him.
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duckapus · 8 months
Had an idea I'm gonna write at some point: Abyssal, Mira and Amy are working together to try and catch one of Worm's escaped Viruses (Amy's there because she volunteered to help test Susie's High-Code-Density stabilizer prototype, her and Mira used it as an excuse to go out to this one restaurant Mira likes in a Code-Level server, they saw Abyssal chasing the Virus past and Mire recognized its code so they jumped in to help), and it leads them into a Meme Cycle-based Universe that isn't one of the SMG Universes... but also isn't one of the ones you're thinking of (because the Celestial Twins would not let that happen and you know it).
Instead, it's the Ben 10 Universe of all things.
It turns out that somebody just trying to make some goofy fan animations accidentally stumbled upon the formula necessary for a Meme Cycle Mod. Ben's obviously the Avatar/Anchor equivalent (who else would it be?), and the SMG/MRU equivalents are a purple Galvanic Mechamorph named Rewind and somebody from a fanmade species (which I haven't come up with yet) named Zenyn. Rewind handles the Living Memes, Zenyn handles the dead.
Also, there's technically a USB Admin/Supervisor equivalent, but not in the way you'd expect. Basically, there wasn't an actual, physical External Drive in this case, so no Pod, and it turns out those are actually kind of important. So, the code that should have created a Pod but didn't have a physical template to work with instead connected itself to the Omnitrix. And the combination of the Pod code working best when it has a Program monitoring it and the Omnitrix having a rudimentary-by-Galvan-standards semi-sentient AI caused the Omnitrix itself to become the new Program. Sort of. The actual physical Omnitrix still stays on Ben's wrist at all times, but now its computer has opinions and can manifest the typical Hologram Body typical of Programs separate from the base model while somehow still inhabiting both, though this initially takes a lot out of her before she gets more used to it, and the further away from Ben she is the weaker her connection to the Omnitrix becomes (though she can get pretty damn far before the effect is noticable) and she absolutely hates it. She goes by Trixie because of course she does, but her proper designation is still Omnitrix.
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emberarmy · 6 months
So, I had slowed down a bit on RNA herself because I had become focused on a new character with Next Gen concepts with RNA's successor as a little creature of indeterminate gender who calls themselves Star, a Biomech Helper and Celestial Seeker hybrid, with RNA and The Splicer being their "parents". If anyone has any questions about them, I would love to hear and answer them!
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In her older age and from extensive damage to her body over the years, RNA was slowing down and was slowly becoming more and more unable to protect her home, but she had become so much more stubborn with it. The Splicer saw this and decided she couldn't let the world go without someone to protect it once she was gone, so she took matters into her own hands. So she took samples from both RNA and herself and got some help from a certain Galvan scientist with it. Thus, they were able to make a little hybrid being that would come to be known as Star. Someone who has a mixture of RNA's and The Splicer unique traits to be the best of both of them, and a true hero in The Splicers eyes. They were made as a living interface for the Omnitrix so they would never be without it and to let it build off of them and their power. And RNA hated all of this. It was too much like her own creation for her liking and she has never been a fan of being replaced or kids being put in danger. So, it rekindled her and The Splicer fighting. The biggest problem throughout all of this wasn't that though, it was that Star was their own person and didn't want the horrible responsibilities that they were burdened with before they were even born. Overwhelming power and abilities lie deep within them, and they want nothing to do with it and fear what they could do if they decided to stop holding back. They want to help people in their own way, not how others think they should. All of this made them value freedom above all else, because that's what everyone is trying to take away from them. They have found some solace with others though, RNA's kids quickly accepted them into their family, and they ended up befriending that universes version of Ben, who never got the Omnitrix even though he was meant to, and he's basically their cool uncle who goes gets smoothies with them while RNA and The Splicer fight over their existence.
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Gave a random oc of mine an omnitrix for fun, might do it again.
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zaezz-zaets · 11 months
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Hey hey hey I decided to draw myself as an omnitrix wielder! Also my alien playlist + my own alien - NightHare!
Hope you'll like it :>
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