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fdelopera · 1 year ago
If only Marvel had brought back Alan Zelenetz to write that run, instead of Max Bemis!
Marvel are so dumb they can't tell the difference between a Jewish person and an antisemitic Messianic Evangelical Christian. (In case people aren't aware, Bemis was born Jewish, but converted to Evangelical Christianity, aka he's a Messianic. And Messianics are useful idiots for the Evangelical movement, and they can go fuck off.)
Not only does Bemis write about the Spectors' Rabbi and mentor, Yitz, committing blood libel in secret, Bemis also suggests that MK System's DID is a result of Satanic Ritual Abuse (also committed by Rabbi Yitz).
SRA was part of the "Satanic Panic." It was an antisemitic conspiracy theory. It was popularized in the 1980s by certain sects of Christianity, including the LDS church.
Some Mormon psychs (like Barbara Snow) claimed that DID was caused by SRA. Barbara Snow claimed that a cabal of evil Jews were overseeing the kidnapping, torture, and sometimes murder of children.
Barbara Snow was literally accusing Jews of modern day blood libel.
The Satanic Panic and SRA are part of the same blood libel conspiracy theory that has morphed into the beliefs of the QAnon cult.
This is not to say that kidnapping and trafficking don't happen. Because they absolutely do. And it's horrific how often they do happen. I'm just referring to the antisemitic conspiracy of SRA.
And then Barbara Snow's popularization of the SRA conspiracy theory was used by the psychiatric establishment to discredit systems' experiences of abuse. It's taken YEARS for the psychiatric establishment to get its head out of its ass and admit that just because Barbara Snow's Satanic Panic theory for DID was wrong, doesn't mean that systems don't exist. It's taken years for psychs to just begin to listen to systems.
So yeah, Bemis suggested that *that* was MK System's "origin." Fucking hell.
Oh, and it's worse, because then Bemis wrote that Rabbi Yitz wasn't Jewish by birth. (He wrote that Rabbi Yitz was really a Nazi who had infiltrated the Jewish community.)
This means that Rabbi Yitz converted to Judaism. There's literally no way for someone to "sneak in" to Judaism, like there is with certain Protestant sects of Christianity, for instance. You can't just "say" that you're a Jew, and become one. Especially not if you're a Rabbi. We are very official about people converting. We are even more official about our Rabbis. So, Yitz would have had to convert at some point.
So Bemis is simultaneously being HIDEOUSLY antisemitic, and also spreading the most DISGUSTING lies against Jewish converts.
Again, Messianics can go fuck off.
Oh, yeah. And the Anon mentions the "Collective." What I call the "Plural Creature." That was Bemis' way of shitting on systems who have just started to realize that they're systems. By saying that newly realized systems are "faking." FUCK YOU, BEMIS!
And that's not even BEGINNING to address the extreme racism in the run, with the way he treats Raul Bushman's character!
Bemis. Just. Go. Fuck. Off.
I could go on, but I won't.
Tl;dr Bemis' run is hot garbage.
Is that pic your reaction to The Collective thing?
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I wish it was
The reaction pic in this post refers to the issue before, the one with a questionable take on Judaism and the flashback about uncle Yitz doing some problematic shit in the basement
You know
Thank you for the ask!
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hcrrifying · 2 years ago
( @eziocore )
"drink up champ - keeps you fucking young," they pass another shot towards the younger man, downing their own; they've taken their self-declared babysitter status seriously, clearly, number of drinks lost somewhere in the depths of their memory. "you're so fucking stiff, gotta loosen your shit up - you ever have fun before?"
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25thcenturyshark · 2 years ago
Still reading the Moon Knight 2016-2018 run (past the good one) and I was so so excited to see some like genuine Jewish culture in it. And then the Rabbi was a Nazi. Hey what was that about
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bittersweetbluejay · 2 years ago
Tw: suicide mention
I hadn't thought about Say Anything for years. I found self titled back in high school when I was volunteering at the local library.
That day I was in a particularly lonely, isolated, and just dark mood but also interested in finding new music. I was drawn in by the track list; tracks like Hate Everyone and Death For My Birthday just kind of spoke to my angsty teenage self so I brought it home and ripped it to my home pc.
Everything was just so good to me. Something about the harshness of the singers vocals and the energy and rage you can feel pouring from the lyrics was soothing to me.
Some of the songs even reminded me of the people who, at the time, I had considered friends. Actually this album helped kickstart me realizing those people were FAR from my friends.
I remember singing to Do Better, feeling like the song was speaking to me personally. That was my fight song for a few months, since I felt like I was absolutely trash at everything for a while.
Death For My Birthday, though. That song saved me.
I really wanted to die back then. I was a fucking coward, just hoping there would be some kind of accident that would take me out. Every birthday since I was like 12 was me hoping I wouldn't make it to the next. But I was getting really close to just jumping in the nearby lake (that has a current that drags you under if you go in) and just ending it. When I first heard it I cried. I felt seen for the first time.
But then the final verse of the song kicked in, hopeless and begging at the end of his life for just a little more time and I cried harder.
I'm still here almost 10 years later with a 3 year old, absolutely exhausted from her, school and work and happier than I've EVER been. Still kicking.
Thanks, Max Bemis. I don't know jack shit about you but you saved me back then.
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shaunashipmn · 3 years ago
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I need to tell you something. I love you. I have loved you since we carved our initials in that picnic bench. I've loved you for the 19 years we've been married, and I'll love you for however long we have together. So...you be whoever you need to be. Just because something's changed doesn't mean it's not still beautiful.
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jameshurleyhateblog · 5 years ago
Stoned in the tub thinking about how the one good thing my ex did for me was bring Max Bemis back into my life.
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mcrtyrdomsarchived · 2 years ago
they can't do this today - they can't, they can't. deadlights is more packed than usual, and the customers are particularly more asshole-ish than usual; and gabe's exhausted, their insomnia at an all time high, practically feeling like the waking dead. they considered digging up an old popper at the back of their closet, saved from their last big apple visit, but forgot. fucking memory - it's worse, these days, all blurry lines. instead gabe settles on a cigarette, or two, nothing like chainsmoking outside of the bar for that brief nicotine high; head feels lighter now - but not better. "can i?" they press their last smoke against the stone wall behind them - pockets the bud, because littering is for assholes and gabe is trying his very best to not explode into a fit of emotions - though their eyes still slightly water at the aspect of petting a dog in these trying times. "hiii baby dog," they greet blue, crouching with a heft creak of their knees and scritching behind her ears. "what's her name? she looks like - she kinda looks like the um, dog from that dog show - you know the one? it's like, a baby dog and then a babier dog, and then their dog parents. it's like family guy, but like, really not?"
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the dog likes to stick by his sides, mostly. ezio is sure that maybe because blue has better people - sense than they do, but even still, it's rare to see him without the four - legged creature by his side. they're sitting outside of deadlights. the kid doesn't like to go in, for obvious reasons ( drinking is not his thing -- for now? ) and he may get a few weird looks for being on the sidewalk outside of the establishment, even if a few feet away to get away from all the foot traffic - but it's better than walking around aimlessly like they tend to do. blue moves over to sniff at gabe, ez keeping a watchful eye out of the corner of his peripheral, shoving another cold french fry into his mouth. "you can pet h-her ---- if you want." only speaks because they feel as if it's polite, to let the other know blue wouldn't hurt a fly. or maybe she would, he can't read her mind. ( @mcrtyrdoms )
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conways · 6 years ago
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|| Killing people is hard. I used to think that was a good thing. ||
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hcrrifying · 2 years ago
( @eziocore )
the hearse is heard before seen - the low grumblings of a bass-heavy song covering up squealing wheels as viktor turns a corner without so much as a hint of yielding. for a second it doesn't feel like they're going to stop - until they do, miraculously, just a few feet shy of where ezio would've crossed. "'sup virgin," viktor rolls the window down, first half of their greeting muffled by glass. "got you some shit - you look like a, fucking, ye olde victorian child just before smallpox set in - catch!" they grab the mcdonald's bag sitting pretty on the passenger seat and toss it towards ezio, balancing their own half-eaten cheeseburger between their hand and steering wheel. "- even got you a mcflurry. i'm fucking babysitter of the year - now get in the car."
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irvinghq · 4 years ago
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* enzo bemis ( anthony turpel ), found at eastrnhighway, requests a older half sister / parental figure. brianne howey, phobe tonkin, dianna agron, any fc 30+ . 30+ . you are not required to reach out to the mun before applying. tw for neglect / her and enzo are half siblings, but she was tasked with essentially raising enzo on her own when their mom began to check out. he looks at her like a parental figure and for guidance which ISN’T negotiable.
* howard sellier ( finn cole ), found at eastrnhighway, requests a half sister. any female fc, 20 - 21. you are not required to reach out to the mun before applying. hoodie and their sister have never met, but she’s probably been with their mom their whole life. maybe she knows about them, maybe she doesn’t. hoodie’s looking for answers why their mom was never in their life. which isn’t negotiable.
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shaunashipmn · 3 years ago
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I don't want to be Dan's hired assassin. I'm just settling into being a real estate broker who kills people. And the only thing I like about that job is I get to be my own boss.
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fdelopera · 1 year ago
Bemis deserves the threat of being hanged, drawn and quartered for slandering Jake like this, and by extension slandering systems. and i say the threat of it because Jake is such a mensch that he would never stand by and let someone suffer such cruel and unusual punishment his behalf, even though that same person perpetrated character assassination on him.
Fuck Bemis.
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luxshine · 3 years ago
Moon Knight Primer, Part Fifteen
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Moon Knight (2016) #194 -200
Prologue, Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV, Part V, Part VI, Part VII, Part VIII, Part IX, Part X, Part XI, Part XII, Part XIII, Part XIV
Ok, so we arrived to the controversial part of the Bemis run, aka: the current official reason of the guys’ split, issue 194, titled: Moon Knight Origin.
I say current because as you may have noticed in the past 193 issues (Well, bit more than that, counting West Coast Avengers, Secret Avengers and Heroes for Hire), is that there’s never been a moment in which any writer has said “HERE, this is why Marc, and Steven and Jake exist”. We’ve had the vague “Oh, Marc created identities for his job and they became real” from Moench, except Moench never once treated Steven and Jake as less real than Marc so there was no… show to that tell. We’ve had the “Co-existing with an alien entity caused brain damage” from Ellis, but that also didn’t explain WHY Steven, Marc and Jake, nor which roles each played in the system. And Lemire, in his almost perfect run, only told us that they had been there for a lot longer than Khonshu, but never told us why -and, to be honest, I think that is part of what it makes Moon Knight very good general Plural Representation, besides the fact that there’s no “Evil” alter (at least not when Bemis is not writing, and even his Jake is not evil in the ways of, say, Typhoid Mary who is possibly the worst example of Plural Representation that the MU has) because it never said “THIS is how you become Plural and it’s the ONLY right way”.
Of course, Bemis had to be Bemis.  
And here I have to make another pause to explain some things because given the subject matter I can’t in good consciousness continue without giving you this info.
Maxim “Max” Adam Bemis is the lead singer of the bands Say Anything and Two Tongues, besides writing for Marvel. He is also jewish, and his maternal grandparents are holocaust survivors, he has called himself a Jew who is also a Christian, but the end of the day is that he is Jewish.
Which means that, no matter what I, a gentile, think about how he went about writing the System’s origin, I can’t say that he is “wrong” because he choose to do it this particular way, when he tied it completely to the Spector’s jewish roots. Because at the end of the day? It’s HIS experience, HIS culture and HIS roots too. Just as I can’t speak over the Plural community and have been careful to ask about the things I don’t quite get before launching into an analysis of the comic? I can’t speak over the Jewish community.
Who also happens NOT to be a hive mind.
I have jewish friends who really loved this origin and were angry that the tv show didn’t go this way (Even if they agreed it would’ve been also bad if they had used it since time-wise in the episode, it would’ve been a side note easily ignored. And, well, we don’t know if the writers included jewish people and including gentiles writing hate crimes against jewish people is always tricky); I have jewish friends who hated the origin and loved that the tv show went a completely different route as they also felt that this origin retreaded some nasty stereotypes. And I have jewish friends who couldn’t care less either way. Funny thing that happens when you have a community with more than one person in it, people will disagree.
So I will not make a moral judgment on this origin, because I can’t. I can assume certain things are highly auto-biographical -especially the way Marc learned about the Holocaust from his elders, how he at first didn’t quite understood how horrible it was- and a way for Bemis to explain his own feelings about his own faith (It all begins with Marc telling Jean Paul that if he could live without living in fear? He wouldn’t be jewish. Which… yeah, quite telling).  I can, and will, criticize the way he choose to narrate it, but not the content on itself because, again, not my place to do so.
And, for a change, I will start with the good things:
Jean Paul Duchamp and Marc’s friendship is back. And in a loving, sweet way in which we again see how close these two are, as Marc tells Jean Paul something he NEVER discussed with anyone: Not his parents, not his rabbi, not his (granted, terrible) doctors, not even MARLENE. That show of trust is part of what made Jean Paul’s Marc’s confident and I missed it so much.
The initial introduction of Rabbi Yitz Perlman -the funniest guy Marc ever met in his life- and the subsequent explanation of what it was like to grow up jewish, why jewish people love to make jewish jokes where they are the butt of the joke, how people had differing ideas and points. The page where Rabbi Elias finally tells Marc what the Shoah was, and how his father, Marc’s grand father died… well, that is powerful, even as we see that Marc is NOT getting it at first… especially because we see Marc is not getting it.
The subtle implication that Rabbi Elias himself disassociated at some points, made even more clear with Marc narrating that he wishes he could go back in time, to tell him that he understood? Wonderful and adding a little bit more depth to the System’s family ties. That Rabbi Spector is not just Marc’s father, but their Father. Unfortunately, that page also suggests that his father knew how bad Rabbi Yitz really was, which… is not supported by the rest of the story. Again, Bemis.
The juxtaposition of Marc FINALLY understanding what the holocaust really was, as a nazi serial killer tells him about how much he enjoyed working at the camps, with images of Marc imagining a happy and peaceful life with Marlene and Diatrice? One of the most powerful pages in the whole Bemis run.
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And while Diatrice looks like a teen in the page where Marc explains to her the System’s condition and not like a 5 year old? That page is adorable, bit of ableist language not-withstanding, even with the callback to Marc not understanding the holocaust when his father explained it to him.
All that? Wonderful and some of the BEST in the whole Bemis run, right there with the System actually interacting in a healthy way.
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The bad? Well, I will leave someone else, preferably someone who is actually jewish, to decide if “Nazi criminal pretending to be a Rabbi to escape to the USA, becoming a respected member of the community, while at least ONE person suspects or knows about his crimes -specifically our hero’s father- , tortures and kills children in his basement and witnessing this is what caused the Moon System to split” is a good narrative choice or a bad one. And the same goes to the fact that despite being a Nazi, some artists decided to draw Ernst as the worst antisemitic caricature possible.
HOWEVER, there is one very important thing that, added to what we already have read of Bemis? Makes this not only baffling, but also contradicts what Bemis himself wrote, not 4 issues ago.
See, as Marc narrates to Jean Paul what happened, right after the Nazi who pretended to be Rabbi Yitz tells him that people like him, like Mengele, like Hitler, will always be there, waiting to get them, we see Marc go wild, bite and hit the man, hard enough to be able to run away and save his life. And the narration of the next page says “I wasn’t strong enough to take him, I knew it, but in that moment I became… something else. I became strong enough to fight.”
So of course, the implication was that right then, we saw the first split: Not, as we always have been told, of Marc and Steven… but of Marc and Jake. There was no amnesia, no black out, no typical narration cue of disassociation… but the implication is clear: Jake came out, for the first time, to SAVE Marc’s life from something horrible.
And yet, Bemis will continue to tell us that Jake is the worst of the worst. A little boy, no older than 10, who only wanted to help his other self to Survive, to escape so he wouldn’t be tortured and killed? Is maligned and demonized through the whole run.
So yeah. That is why the Bemis’s origin leaves a bad taste in my mouth, regardless on how offensive or not the rest of it may be.
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Well, that and the return to the song of “Marc is sick, that’s what makes the system be the system, and it’s so tragic he can’t be cured” that is implied all over the run despite Bemis also writing the system interacting beautifuly.
In any case, issues #195 to #196 are a quite disgusting affair, not because of the story, but because of the art and the villain. A collective consciousness called, well, the Collective, that is a mass of moving flesh that absorbs everyone it touches into themselves.
Once again, the good of these issues? The Inter-system interactions. From Marc completely zooning out in a movie to go fishing with his boys (And Khonshu fishing out Marlene’s disembodied head) to later on as they are separated within the Collective, how they work together to figure out the problem even if it meant staying in that unified mindscape with at least other 50 people besides them 4? Gorgeous -Steven giving Jake permission to knock out the real bad guy? Perfect given that it was not a “violence is the solution” but a “let’s be pragmatic about this, instead of just talking about it”.
Marc, Marlene and Diatrice going to the movies? Beautiful even if it should’ve been Jake and I will forever hate that Jake can’t be the father to his little girl.
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But then… the bad.
The hard on hate on Jake keeps going on, like when Marc and Jake argue about Marc not killing Sun King and Bushman (this time). Because once again, every single time Moon Knight has killed Bushman in the past? Marc was fronting. And the fact that a writer of the series can’t even get that little fact straight really angers me. Especially when it’s one of the few writers who gets that Moon Knight is a system and not a singlet who occasionally changes names.
The continuous casual ableism of other characters referring to Moon Knight as “The crazy one” and, of course, bringing up that one time he ripped Bushman’s face off is still present, despite that one being MARC, not Jake. Oh, and Moon Knight’s identities as Marc, Steven and Jake? Are either only known by the police and the villains... or by everyone depending on the PAGE. Bemis is... not good at keeping track of that.
Oh, and the utterly bizarre.
Within the mind-scape of the Collective as I pointed out, the four guys (That is to say, Marc, Steven, Jake and Khonshu) are separated and Marc is, AGAIN, identified as the one who fronts as Moon Knight. But then the Collective allows him to “Create” new and different Moon Knights, all the “versions of themselves” that they have imagined and… some are downright confusing. As there are multiple female knights, a lot of non-humanoids, and at some point, they beat “Toxic Masculinity” by confronting the sufferer with multiple copies of Steven in a speedo.
I honestly don’t have the mental strength to try and unpack all what that says of BEMIS as a writer, because for Moon knight It is really treated as a one off joke that makes absolutely NO sense.
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With that, we enter the last arc of the Bemis run, 197 – 200 which brings back Sun King, the Truth and that Nazi Rabbi who, I forgot to mention, keeps himself immortal by killing Jews. Not as a sacrifice to evil gods or anything, no. It’s that he found a way to turn serotonine into immortality and what he enjoys the most is killing jews.
Seriously, if Bemis was a gentile, he’d be run out of town with pitchforks and torches.
So, “Uncle Ernst” who for SOME ungodly reason knows that Moon Knight IS Marc Spector, the child that he traumatized so badly way back then? Is now the leader of a sadist underground cult and invites Moon Knight to a ceremony of sorts. Moon Knight goes, of course, to try and detain all the inductees (That includes a tattooist serial killer, a snuff photographer,  a mafia princess serial killer, and a “common” man who happens to be a serial killer and a mass murderer) and then forces Moon Knight to undergo a ritual to become the Society’s pet killer.
Yes, this is Bemis trying to be edgy for the sake to be edgy as he begins the ritual with Moon Knight (We never know who the hell is fronting, but given how Bemis writes? He probably wanted us to believe it was Jake) fighting and KILLING a “rabies infected” DOLPHIN, and then “Not killing”  a man who was “the worst case of animal cruelty in the history of California”.
Oh, he also gets diagnosed by YET ANOTHER super villain psychiatrist, in this case, Foolkiller, with Bipolarity and addiction to sadism, because why not just throw words at Moon Knight to see what sticks?
Morpheus returns and if this starts sounding like me summarizing an outline? Is because at this point I got out-edged.  Something that not even the 2006 run managed to do because THIS has Moon Knight crowned “A prince of Death” and decked with a purple version of his outfit.
I will come back to that in a second, when we continue my rant on how Bemis tried his best to ruin Jake completely, but I just want to point out that I can’t summarize issue 199 because I have no frigging idea of what was going on there besides a sort of metaphysical hallucination that Marc was having while fighting Ernst the Nazi that May or may not have happened in the real world because there were flying Cthulhus around, and Bemis was trying to be Lemire and failing HARD. (The only GOOD panel of that mess? Khonshu hugging and protecting Jake and Steven from the outside. It makes NO sense given that they should've helping Marc, AND that Bemis TOLD US that Khonshu doesn't like Steven or Jake but... I take the panel as something nice out of context)
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The last issue, 200 is special only in the fact that they asked the previous Moon Knight artists to draw some pages each (not Greg Smallwood, thank goodness, because his art is way too good for this crappy script) including one last pinup by Bill Sienkiewicz of Marc in the rain.
Basically, Marc -because now we know it’s Marc- managed to kill Erntz in his hallucination in issue 199, then had to face Sun King again as he was freed by the Society of Sadists as an “ace in the hole” against Moon Knight, but for some reason, Sun King decided that nope, he’d rather team up with Marc against the Sadists, and they round out the crazy cult from the island who is now on Moon Knight side -Dr. Emmet included- and leave THEM to protect Diatrice while Marc, Sun Knight and Marlene for some reason, go and fight the Sadists and free the Truth, who was becoming a villain convinced that he had been created by Erntz, but they fixed that like, in one panel.
It is THAT bad.
And well, as I said? Bemis REALLY tries to demonize Jake Lockley every step of the way. During the “Prince of Death” trials? We’re SHOWN that Marc is fronting, as we see Khonshu -now for some reason identified as the spirit of the system-, Steven -identified as the mind- and Jake -The “roboust undercarriage” because he doesn’t get a fancy title- as witnesses for all of it as Marc “wanted to handle this himself”. Which means Marc Killed a Dolphin, tortured a man so badly that he made Foolkiller puke after he described his actions, and almost killed ALL of the Society's new inductees and was ready to become Erntz slave... UNTIL the last trial, where Erntz tells Marc that unless he kills the little girl they kidnapped as part of the last trial? They will kill Diatrice. And he is still "Better" than Jake.
Oh, Erntz also says that he “Seeded” the violence in Marc through “the undesirable” sources of Jake Lockley (You know, Gena and Crawley. Because Bemis is not classist at all)
ANYWAY, Marc obviously doesn’t want to kill the little girl -whom we don’t see at the moment because  Bemis thinks he’s clever- and in the Inner world? Jake Lockley, whom until Bemis got his grimy hands on him had ALWAYS been Moon Knight’s moral compass? ARGUES in FAVOR of killing an innocent, and YELLS at Marc for “taking” Diatrice  for himself because he’s the hero of the story, but still won’t do the “hard” thing to save her. Because Marc is a coward, and is going to leave the choice to Jake.
And while JAKE also decides NOT to kill the little girl? The narration immediately switches it to MARC in control again as the defender of said girl.
Because Bemis can’t let Jake be good.
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So... here are the only TWO good pages of #200 in my opinion. Diatrice's fan art of her family, and Sienkiewicz's final pinup.
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And so, Moon Knight #200 ends up a mess, where while the System is still a System? There’s nothing of real substance from the last 12 issues. Yes, we now have the “almost victim of a hate crime” origin for the boys, but that was one issue. Oh, and the meme panels of the guys inner world. But as far as story goes? This is the worst let down after the high soar that was Lemire’s run because we have nothing that will last.
Sun King and his connection with Ra? Will never get mentioned again. The Moon Knight cult will have a role in the next Arc, which will take us to the Avengers’ book rather than Moon Knight’s next title (The far better Mackay run in 2021, which, while no Lemire and with its own problems, is HEAPS better than Bemis). The Truth? Gone. And, even worse, Marlene and Diatrice? Will pack up their bags and leave Moon Knight due to the events of our next arc. So really, all that we have from Bemis is what I mentioned which will not get repeated later as yeah, say bye to the System for a while too.
But once again, I am getting ahead of myself. See you next time as we enter the Age of Khonshu, in Avengers #33 to 38, and then back to Moon Knight for the Mackay run... Oh, and probably Devil's Reign. Sorry about THAT in advance)
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dreamdstate · 5 months ago
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⤑  23,  non - binary,  they / he   𓇢𓆸   enzo becker  just hasn’t been the same since  janurary 2024.  i thought they would get even more  softspoken  and  intelligent  after they got the reason they were abandoned as a child after all own investigations turned up short,  but they’ve only become more  guarded  and  skittish.  i’ve known them for  twenty years,  and i see them all the time at their job as a  i.t technician  at  blackwater town hall,  but something just seems… different.
full name — enzo josiah bemis - becker.
nickname(s) — ?
date of birth & age — september 20th -– 24.
gender / pronouns — non - binary, he/they.
sexuality — bisexual.
species — empty. previously human.
occupation — computer technician at great bear library, otherwise living life as gods fucked up little ken doll.
notable features — various scars – in particular, a bruise looking scar on left knee, scar on face from the accident, in the middle of his forehead.
ABANDONMENT & FOSTER CARE TW born  in  god  knows  where,  united  states,  enzo  has  never  felt  like  he’s  belonged  -----  here,  there,  or  anywhere.  a  constant  search  for  something  more  than  himself,  there  was  never  any  answers  he  could  find,  himself.  born  to  two  anonymous  parents  who  were  much  too  young  to  have  a  child,  enzo  was  found  in  the  typical  fire  station  baby  in  a  basket  kind  of  way.  burnt  to  a  crisp  birth  certificate,  barely  making  out  his  first  name  attached  and  just  about  ready  to  crumble,  he  was  placed  into  the  foster  system  after  a  few  week  stay  with  a  firefighter  family. 
FOSTER CARE & DEATH TW was  placed  with  a  family  for  a  few  months,  then  another,  then  the  becker’s  (  hi  mom!  )  and  he  never  left  after  that.  was  eventually  adopted  by  them  when  he  reached  pre  -  school  age.  this  was  around  the  same  time,  coincidentally,  that  damien  had  passed.  it  was  then  when  he  began  to  shy  away  –  hiding  out  by  himself,  withdrawing  from  what  few  preschool  friends  he  had,  keeping  to  himself.  always  the  meek  kid,  it’s  not  like  they  tried  very  hard  to  break  out  of  their  shell.  enzo  knows  that  this  ever  -  lasting  loneliness  is  probably  his  fault.
schoolyard  blues  hit  him  hard.  spends  most  recesses  inside,  in  the  library,  using  the  shitty  computers  to  play  games  or  just  attempt  to  bypass  the  schools  system  and  google  random  things.  people  interested  him,  but  the  world  did  moreso.  threw  himself  into  his  hobbies  and  interests.  ever  the  collector,  there  was  many,  often  encouraged  by  his  family,  to  continue  to  persue  literally  whatever  he  wanted.  and  so  he  did:  room  filled  with  random  things.  books,  research  that  he  still  doesn’t  quite  get,  eventually  fell  in  love  with  computers  and  all  things  electronics.  started  by  taking  them  apart,  putting  them  back  together,  going  to  junk  yards  and  finding  random  things  and  mashing  them  together  and  failing.  his  own  frakenstein  computer. 
kept  to  himself.  involved  himself  in  the  nerdish  things,  which  also  didn’t  help  him  gain  many  friends,  but  he  was  actively  with  people  and  that’s  all  that  mattered.  time  grows  longer,  enzo  grows  larger,  and  the  fear  subsides,  if  only  a  little.  a  bit  more  self  trusting  and  confident  in  himself. 
graduates  high  school,  doesn’t  go  to  college.  uncertainty  in  himself  about  who  is  he  and  what  they  want  to  do,  enzo  does  what  they  do  best:  fuck  around  with  technology  until  make  it  work,  or  fuck  it  all  up.  it’s  working  so  far  –  working  at  the  town hall is  peaceful. occasionally  crafts  websites  for  those  who  ask,  does  bug  bounties  when  he’s  bored.  tries  not  to  be  too  much  of  a  reclusive  —  trying  to  make  friends.  please  god  please.  maybe  going  to  college?  who  knows.  not  enzo.
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now playing — burial  plot  (  dayseeker  )  ,  night  vision  (  drives  the  common  man  )  ,  how  big  is  your  brain?  ( super  american  )  ,  bottle  rocket  (  briston  maroney  )  ,  thinkingoutloud  (  kenny  hoopla  )  . 
last watched — none. movie night ???
inspo — tbd.
highly  empathetic  due  to  his  lonely  nature,  tries  to  see  the  best  of  people  even  when  he  so  badly  wants  to  be  a  pessimist.  so  very  kind,  but  extremely  skittish.  approach   like   a   feral   kitten   you   found   on   the   side   of   the   highway   at   3   am   while   interstate   traveling.   occasional   shakes   of   a   treat   bag   are   welcome   and   encouraged. 
if  he  likes  you,  you’ll  know  –  the  jokes  and  quips  he  keeps  locked  up  come  out,  and  he’ll  try  to  get  your  references  and  jokes  (  key  word  on  try:  he’s  trying!  )  .  will  blab  a  bit  about  his  favorite  things  and  do  not  get  his  ass  started  on  computers  and  technologies.   on  the  other  hand,  you’ll  also  know  if  he  doesn’t  like  you.  constant  death  stare  and  acting  like  he  doesn’t  hear  you  when  you’re  talking.  playing  the  silent  game  and  he’ll  win  every  time.  neutral,  you’re  fine.  he’ll  only  stare  a  little  bit  when  he  doesn’t  know  what  to  say,  which  is  always. 
extreme  mama’s  boy  —  after  damien  passed,  he  kind  of  clung  to  pearl  like  a  lifeline.  and  she  was.  his  biggest  cheerleader  and  confidant.  often  feels  like  he’s  worrying  her,  like  he’s  doing  something  wrong  and  not  being  like  his  sister  …  but  he’s  trying  his  best  to  make  her  proud. 
so  very  lonely  by  his  own  design.  but  is  trying  to  stop  doing  this.  blah  blah  blah  something  about  watching  life  go  by  and  see  all  these  people  having  fun  while  he’s  like  squidward  staring  out  the  window.  get  really,  buddy,  and  put  the  mouse  down.  very  much  socially  challenged.  it  used  to  be  a  lot  worse  -  hiding  behind  his  sister  and  mother  in  public  settings,  whereas  now  if  you  catch  him  off  guard,  he’ll  likely  take  a  minute  for  his  brain  to  catch  up,  then  reply  with  only  a  few  words.  does  not  like  to  be  ambushed  or  bombarded.  crowds  freak  him  out,  and  small  talk  gives  him  hives. 
scared  of  his  own  strength,  and  keeps  a  low  profile  —  despite  his  desperate  wanting  for  friends  and  more  people  to  connect  with,  he’s  often  afraid  he’ll  be  the  reason  something  bad  happens  to  them.  a  double  edged  sword.  he  doesn’t  want  to  face  the  blade  the  other  way,  so  he’ll  point  it  at  himself  instead. 
scared.  always  scared.  extremely  stubborn,  and  can  get  lost  in  his  own  head  almost  all  the  time.  please  ensure  he  is  paying  attention  before  you  say  anything  important. 
often  can  be  found  wearing  funny  tshirts  or  big  jackets.  treats  them  as  security  blankets,  like  he’ll  be  able  to  hide  in  them.  he  can,  but  it’s  the  principal  of  it.  has  worn  the  same  thing  for  years,  and  will  continue  until  they’re  simply  a  piece  of  fabric  barely  stitched  together.  tends  to  not  spend  money  on  himself  and  instead  his  family  or  friends.  sentimental  object  holder. 
DEATH  TW         /      a  listener,  not  a  talker.  didn’t  talk  for  almost  a  year  and  a  half  after  damien’s  death  –  being  in  the  house  at  the  time  was  traumatizing,  and  often  near  the  anniversary  and  holidays,  shuts  down  in  a  similar  manner.  grief  does  not  bode  well  during  full  moons,  and  enzo  can  often  be  found  in  his  room  and  away  from  others  during  this.  mildly  concerning,  yes,  but  as  a  child  it  often  lead  to  many  many  meltdowns  –  no  handle  on  his  emotions  and  how  to  keep  himself  in  check.  it’s  gotten  a  lot  better,  but  he’s  not  perfect. 
will  take  any  kind  of  electronic  device  apart  and  out  it  back  together.
includes  but  not  limited  to:  any  apple  product,  any  microsoft  project,  any  nintendeo  product,  walkie  talkies,  phones,  laptops,  mp3  players,  keyboards,  roku’s,  game  controllers,  wiis,  car  radios,  car  steering  wheels,  tablets,  desktops,  radios  /  stereos,  and  the  occasional  hand  held  vaccum.
carries  around  a  tablet  they  stole.  from  who?  aha,  well--  the  screen  is  cracked  to  shit,  and  it  hardly  works,  but  he  loves  it  and  has  had  it  for  a  solid  5+  years.  his  fines  must  be  crazy  on  that  thing.   carries  it  with  him  everywhere.  has  multiple  portable  batteries  just  in  case  there’s  no  way  to  charge  it.  loves  that  thing  like  it’s  a  real  person  and  it  is  like,  unironically  his  best  friend. 
obsessed  with  many  things  actually:  postcards,  pokemon  cards,  limited  edition  coca  cola  bottles,  movies  nobody  else  has  ever  heard  of,  star  trek,  old  sitcoms  from  the  70’s,  wolf  biology,  wolves  in  general,  national  parks,  and  also  cats  for  some  reason. 
obsessed  with  names.  probably  has  a  list  of  his  favorites  in  a  google  document  or  notebook  with  meanings  /  origins  /  etc. obsessed  with  notebooks.  collects  them.  has  some  from  2000’s  he’s  stolen  from  his  mother,  tore  out  all  the  pages  that  had  writing  on  them.  keeps  them  blank.  for  what?  he  doesn’t  know.
takes  things  maybe  a  little  too  literally.  does  not  fully  understand  sarcasm,  thinks  it’s  a  waste  of  time  and  when  he  tries  it,  it  usually  doesn’t  make  sense  or  falls  super  flat,  which  makes  it  funny. 
distrusts  the  government  and  social  media  and  all  that,  but  uses  it  anyways.  likes  to  be  in  with  the  kids  and  what  not.  loves  video  games  despite  this.  plays  minecraft  on  peaceful  and  does  NOT  go  under  ground.  he  likes  to  farm. 
maladaptive  daydreams.  a  lot.  it’s  a  bit  of  a  bad  habit,  now,  and  he  doesn’t  quite  know  how  to  stop  —  tries  to  play  it  off  to  little  avail  because  dude  doesn’t  have  a  cool  bone  in  his  body. 
friends.  dear  god  get  this  guy  something!!!!  jsut  kidding.  but  i  think  it’d  be  fun  to  explore  actual  genuine  friendships  ..  maybe  they  went  to  school  together?  maybe  theyre  neighbors?   maybe  they’re  new  and  town  and  want  to  take  him  as  their  pet  dog?  idk.  the  worlds  our  oyster. 
older  sibling  /  parental  figures.  i  think  this  is  also  rlly  fun  bc  he  is  a  very  concerning  individual  so  unfortunately  he  attracts  the  kind  adults  around.  maybe  knows  his  sister  and  mom?  family  friends  he’s  known  since  bebehood?  ..  a  sweet  kid  but  god  damn  it’s  like  watching  paint  dry  with  you  boy.  would  probably  try  to  cause  a  ruckus  in  their  home,  however.  watch  your  dvd  players  closely. 
mutual  dislike.  perhaps  something  happened  and  they’re  just  like  >.>  at  each  other?  it  takes  a  lot  for  enzo  to  actively  dislike  someone  and  try  to  bore  holes  into  their  head  by  staring  so  this  would  be  fun.
good  /  bad  influences.  those  people  who  are  like  brother  ..  my  friend..  you  need  to  be  at  the  club.  and  try  to  get  him  there.  devil  and  angels  on  their  shoulders,  if  you  will.  people  who  try  to  get  him  out  of  their  shell  either  way. 
grump  x  sunshine  dynamic  is  my  fave.  so  hello.
one  sided  crush  wld  be  cutesy  ..  like  boy  get  real.
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mcrtyrdoms · 2 years ago
it's good, to go outside - at least that's what gabe's been trying to convince himself for the past week or so, now; the thought of leaving the safety of their four walls left them a little nauseous - and worried they were developing agoraphobia. or just the phobia of all their friends becoming dead or murderers, even after everything being over now. they couldn't even go down to their favorite smoke spot, anymore - because toby was found there, too close to the ruins for gabe to smoke without feeling a little weird about it. "oh - thanks," they didn't mean to intrude on ezio's ipad baby time - just found himself wandering aimlessly, lost in thought, but takes a seat besides him anyways. "where's bluey?" gabe asks - after a moment, knees drawn up and arms wrapped around them, despite the sweat already beading at their forehead from the heat.
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LOCATION: echo beach , mid morning …
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it was a bit too noisy for their liking -- maybe coming here near afternoon wasn't the most rational thought, but it felt suffocating in his own home. though ez much preferred indoors ( bugs are a bitch, first and foremost ) outdoors is where he felt .. the most safe, believe it or not. there's no four walls to get trapped in --- more room between you and some off the wall killer , no corner to be trapped in. the more open the space, the more space he has to run. just in case. the sound of feet against the the ground pulls him away from his tablet, barely able to see the screen against the glare of the sun. "you can --- can sit, if you want." unsure if the other actually is looking for a place to sit, but ezio has learned that maybe sparking up conversation isn't a bad thing. sometimes. / @nightreststarters
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