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Bembo-Visconti-tarot-arcanum-10-wheel of fortune.jpg
English: A major arcana card in Visconti Sforza tarot deck, beautifully drawn in the mid XVth century by Italian artist Bonifacio Bembo for the Visconti and Sforza dukes of Milan. Four cards (out of seventy-eight) are lost from the deck (the fifteenth and sixteenth major arcana—respectively the Devil and the Tower—, the Knight of Coins, and the Three of Swords), thus seventy-four cards remain.Datemid XVth centurySourceThe card images were scanned by David Madore and published on the internet in 2003-09. They are scans of a fac simile version printed by AGMüller in Switzerland, though US Games Systems also seems to be somehow part of the editing process, which David bought in 2003-08 from an online store (broken link).AuthorBonifacio Bembo (1420–1480) Alternative names
Bembo, BonifazioDescriptionItalian painter and illuminatorDate of birth/death1420 after 1477Location of birth/deathBresciaMilanWork period1447–1477Work location
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#bembo#alice liveblogs#that would be hilarious if that was how it was solved in that new baulders gate game or others#(i mean technicadlly you lose your arm in DAI but that's a ltle diff XD )
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PRIMA PAGINA Corriere Delle Alpi di Oggi martedì, 22 ottobre 2024
#PrimaPagina#corrieredellealpi quotidiano#giornale#primepagine#frontpage#nazionali#internazionali#news#inedicola#oggi blue#verona#indagato#ucciso#ecco#produttivita#leader#vittimismo#universita#bembo#comune#sale#corsa#solo#piano#cabinovia#avra#droga#nella#credenza#addio
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La Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Roma alla Fiera del Libro di Francoforte 2024. Un viaggio nella letteratura del ‘900 e nella storia della lingua italiana con preziosi manoscritti e prime edizioni in mostra
Roma: Dal 16 al 20 ottobre 2024, la Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Roma parteciperà per la prima volta alla 76esima Fiera del Libro di Francoforte, uno degli eventi più importanti del panorama letterario mondiale
Roma: Dal 16 al 20 ottobre 2024, la Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Roma parteciperà per la prima volta alla 76esima Fiera del Libro di Francoforte, uno degli eventi più importanti del panorama letterario mondiale. L’Italia sarà il Paese Ospite d’Onore, e lo stand collettivo italiano, organizzato dall’ICE – Agenzia per la promozione all’estero, sarà inaugurato alla presenza dei Ministri della…
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ockham’s razor[s]
set in monotype bembo—vide ‹bembismo›.
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“I will write love letters to you that will still be read a century after we are gone.” — Pietro Bembo to Lucrezia Borgia, July 1504
A lock of Lucrezia Borgia's hair displayed in a glass case at the Pinacoteca Ambrosiana in Milan. It was discovered around 1680, was preserved along with love letters between Lucrezia and Pietro Bembo.
#there's also a book (which i'm about to read very soon) that transcribes their love letters !!#it was said their love letters to each other were considered the most beautiful love letters of all time#and when i do some historical revisionism and make them about lucrezia and cesare instead then what...#jokes on bembo though !! even juan's letter to lucrezia about loving her and missing her were more romantic aww don't make that face#hopefully bitter history nerds won't be taking what i say in the tags very seriously#lucrezia borgia#the borgias#history#italian renaissance#borgia#pinacoteca ambrosiana#renaissance#borgias#historical#historical figures#milan#italy#tb text post
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Italian literature tournament - First round.

Propaganda in support of the authors is accepted, you can write it both in the tag if reblog the poll (explaining maybe that is propaganda and you want to see posted) or in the comments. Every few days it will be recollected and posted here under the cut.
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Bonifacio Bembo - Tarot Card. 1455 - 1460
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what the dog doin
(i never post my art on here but im actually extremely proud of this one. please clap)
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we should make a second italian lit tournament except we get all the losers and see who's worse
#Final round Pietro Bembo vs Gabriele d'Annunzio#because they're two bitches who gave way to commercial literature
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Kenneth Mackenzie - The Refuge - Sun - 1969
#witches#refugees#occult#vintage#the refuge#sun books#kenneth mackenzie#monotype bembo#melbourne#australia#hong kong#toppan printing#lloyd fitzherbert#sydney harbour#isolation#1954#novel#1969
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“I rejoice that each day to increase my fire you cunningly devise some fresh incitement, such as that which encircled your glowing brow today.* If you do such things because, feeling some little warmth yourself, you wish to see another burn, I shall not deny that for each spark of yours untold Etnas are raging in my breast.”
—Pietro Bembo to Lucrezia Borgia [“f.f.”], Letter IX, 14 July 1503
*Encircling Lucrezia’s brow was a jeweled ferronière, from which a large emerald dangled. She also draped herself in dark-velvet dresses to accentuate the rubies and pearls that she wore, as well as her famous golden tresses.
(Source: The Prettiest Love Letters in the World: Letters between Lucrezia Borgia & Pietro Bembo, 1503-1519 / translation & preface by Hugh Shankland; pub. Collins Harvill, 1987.)
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james wardrop tells us in The Script of Humanism [clarendon press, oxford, 1963, p48] of the cancellaresca testeggiata as written by the milanese gianfrancesco cresci: «It is not difficult to detect, in its contours and flourishes, the prefiguration of Victorian copperplate: less easy, perhaps, to evoke from them the serene and comely form, ‘Noble and nude and antique’ in Swinburne’s words, ‘castigata et clara’ in Petrarch’s, that the Tuscan saw in the pages of Horace.» the context for swinburne is his poem «Dolores»; for petrarch’s words vide ‹humanist eyestrain›.
set in a custom fount of bembo italic—vide ‹tagliente italic›.
letterpress on kitakata.
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