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adawe-store · 1 year ago
The Belt and Road -- Long lasting friendship
Some people believe that Africa is a country, but in reality, Africa is an extremely diverse continent composed of 54 independent countries. Both China and Africa are the birthplaces of human civilization, renowned for their ancient, profound, colorful, and distinctive cultures.
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economyportals03 · 1 year ago
Is China's Belt And Road Initiative A Global Game-Changer Or A Debt Trap?
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China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) has emerged as one of the most ambitious and controversial infrastructure projects in modern history.
Launched in 2013 by President Xi Jinping, the BRI aims to connect Asia, Europe, Africa, and beyond through a network of railways, roads, ports, and pipelines.
While it promises significant economic opportunities and improved connectivity for participating countries, it has also garnered criticism for its potential to create unsustainable debt burdens and geopolitical tensions.
In this blog post, we will delve into the complexities of the BRI, exploring its objectives, benefits, challenges, and the global impact it has had thus far.
Understanding The Belt And Road Initiative
The BRI comprises two main components: the Silk Road Economic Belt, which is a land-based network, and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road, which is a sea-based initiative. These routes are designed to enhance trade and connectivity between China and other regions of the world. To achieve this, China has committed massive financial resources to fund infrastructure projects in more than 140 countries.
Key Objectives Of The BRI
Economic Expansion: China seeks to open up new markets for its goods and services, stimulate economic growth, and reduce overcapacity in domestic industries. By connecting markets in Asia, Europe, and Africa, the BRI aims to facilitate the flow of goods and promote international trade.  
Geopolitical Influence: Through the BRI, China aims to expand its influence on the global stage. By investing in infrastructure projects and fostering closer ties with participating countries, China can wield significant political influence in these regions.  
Infrastructure Development: Many countries along the BRI routes lack modern infrastructure. The initiative aims to bridge this infrastructure gap by building roads, railways, ports, and energy facilities, which can promote economic development and poverty reduction.
Benefits Of The Belt And Road Initiative
Infrastructure Improvement: Participating countries benefit from much-needed infrastructure development, which can boost economic growth, create jobs, and improve living standards.  
Trade Facilitation: The BRI promotes trade by reducing transportation costs and transit times, making it easier for goods to move between regions.  
Foreign Direct Investment: Chinese investment in BRI countries can attract other foreign investors, potentially leading to increased capital flows and economic development.
Challenges And Concerns
Debt Sustainability: One of the most significant concerns is the potential for participating countries to accumulate unsustainable debt. Chinese loans for BRI projects can lead to a debt trap, where countries struggle to repay their obligations, leading to loss of assets or even geopolitical concessions.  
Lack of Transparency: Critics argue that the BRI lacks transparency, making it difficult to assess the terms and conditions of loans and investment agreements. This opacity raises concerns about corruption and unequal partnerships.  
Environmental Impact: Large-scale infrastructure projects can have detrimental environmental effects, including deforestation, habitat destruction, and increased carbon emissions. Balancing development with environmental sustainability is a challenge.  
Geopolitical Tensions: The BRI has led to geopolitical tensions, particularly in regions where China's expanding influence clashes with the interests of other global powers, such as the United States and India.
Global Impact Of The BRI
The BRI has already had a substantial global impact, shaping the economic and geopolitical landscape in several ways:
Economic Growth: Participating countries have seen increased economic activity, with improved infrastructure supporting trade and investment.  
Debt Challenges: Some countries have faced difficulties in repaying their BRI-related debt, leading to concerns about China's debt diplomacy and the potential loss of strategic assets.  
Geopolitical Realignment: The BRI has prompted realignments in global geopolitics, with countries seeking to balance their relationships with China, the United States, and other regional powers.
China's Belt and Road Initiative is undoubtedly a global game-changer, but whether it is a positive or negative force depends on various factors, including transparency, debt management, environmental sustainability, and geopolitical dynamics.
As the BRI continues to evolve and expand, it is crucial for participating countries to carefully assess the risks and rewards of their involvement and for the international community to closely monitor its progress.
If managed effectively and responsibly, the BRI has the potential to bring about transformative economic development and improved connectivity for millions of people worldwide.
However, if mishandled, it could lead to economic vulnerabilities, geopolitical tensions, and environmental degradation. The path ahead requires careful navigation and international cooperation to ensure that the BRI fulfills its promise as a global game-changer rather than a debt trap.
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der-saisonkoch · 1 year ago
Der Tag 140823-2 - Niger, Indien, BeltandRoad, Fidel
Dem gestürzten nigerianischen Präsidenten Mohamed Bazum könnte Hochverrat vorgeworfen werden. Dies gab der nach dem Putsch gebildete Nationalrat zum Schutz des Vaterlandes bekannt.Dazu müssen wir sagen, ein Rommel und die NATO – Kinderfickerkiffer haben im Niger keine Chance. Die „Entstehung“ von Indien und Pakistan.14.08.47 Ein Kinderfickerresultat. Die Entwicklung in Mali, Burkina Faso und…
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backlink12 · 2 years ago
وسيط علي بابا  , الشركات اللوجستية في السعودية , شركات النقل في السعودية , أسماء شركات خدمات لوجستية , شركة جلوبال للشحن , كيف اعرف شركة الشحن من رقم التتبع , شركة خدمات التسليم
استيراد بضائع من الصين
استيراد بضائع من الصين و أهم عشر نصائح حول الاستيراد ، يقدم الموردون في جميع أنحاء العالم مجموعة متنوعة من السلع التي يمكن أن تناسب عملك.
قد تتمكن من العثور على إمدادات منخفضة السعر ، مما يمنحك ميزة تنافسية ، أو إمدادات جديدة تسمح لك ببيع منتج مختلف تماماً.
في يناير 2017 ، كانت الصين ثاني أكبر مستورد إلى المملكة المتحدة (بعد ألمانيا) بقيمة 3.68 مليار جنيه إسترليني.
عند الاستيراد ، هناك عدد من الأشياء التي يجب عليك مراعاتها. قد يتراوح هذا من إدارة العلاقات بعيدة المدى إلى تنظيم النقل الدولي والتخليص الجمركي.
إذا كنت تفكر في الاستيراد من الصين ، فاقرأ أفضل عشر نصائح لمساعدتك على البدء.
أهم النصائح
نصائح استيراد بضائع من الصين
1) خطط لأهداف الاستيراد الخاصة بك
قبل أن تبدأ في الاستيراد ، من الجيد أن تكون واضحاً بشأن ما تحاول تحقيقه.
ربما تبحث عن الصين للعثور على مصدر أرخص للإمدادات ، أو لاستيراد المنتجات التي لم تتوفر بعد في المملكة المتحدة لبيعها لعملائك.
في نفس الوقت يجب أن يتناسب الاستيراد مع إستراتيجية عملك العامة.
2) تحديد مورد جيد وشرعي وموثوق
تحقق من أن المورد جدير بالائتمان ويمكن أن يفي بمعايير الجودة الخاصة بك.
يجب عليك تقييم جودة المنتج والتحقق من أن السلع التي تشتريها مناسبة.
تحتاج إلى معرفة ما إذا كان المورد يستعين بمصادر خارجية لأي عمل لمقاولين من الباطن.
ستحتاج أيضًا إلى فهم ثقافة السوق الصينية لتأسيس علاقة ناجحة مع مورديك.
أصبحت لغة الماندرين (اللغة الرسمية في الصين) لغة ��ات أهمية متزايدة.
يتحدث بها أكثر من مليار شخص في جميع أنحاء العالم ، و��و عدد يفوق أي لغة أخرى.
إن بذل جهد لتعلم بعض العبارات القصيرة يمكن أن يساعد في بناء الثقة المتبادلة.
3) تفاوض على الصفقة الصحيحة
يساعدك فهم نقاط القوة والضعف الخاصة بك ، وما هي أولويات المورد الخاص بك ، على التفاوض بشأن أفضل صفقة.
على سبيل المثال ، إذا كان لديك وضع نقدي صحي ، يمكنك أن تعرض الدفع بسرعة أكبر مقابل سعر جيد.
يعتقد الصينيون أن شركاء الأعمال المحتملين يجب أن يبنوا علاقة ، وإذا نجحت ، ستتبع المعاملات التجارية.
الهدف من تطوير العلاقات الوثيقة هو بناء ما يسميه الصينيون جوانكسي (وضوحا جوان شي) ، والتي هي في الأساس روابط اجتماعية أو تجارية تقوم على المصلحة والمنفعة المتبادلة.
4) تقليل المخاطر من خلال وجود عقد واضح
من المهم أن يكون لديك عقد واضح يحدد بالضبط شروط الدفع والتسليم التي وافقت عليها. يساعد استخدام مصطلحات التجارة الدولية المتفق عليها دولياً في تقليل مخاطر مشاكل التسليم أو سوء الفهم.
يجب أن يشمل العقد أيضاً الدفع المطلوب ، ومتى وبأي عملة ، وطريقة الدفع التي سيتم استخدامها.
5) اختر طريقة النقل التي تستخدمها عند تحديد اختيارك لكيفية الاستيراد ، ستحتاج إلى تحديد ما إذا كنت ستتعامل مع الخدمات اللوجستية بنفسك ، أو الاستعانة بمصادر خارجية للعمل إلى وكيل الشحن.
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nexthlive · 3 years ago
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francescomaringio · 3 years ago
La BRI 8 anni dopo: i benefici della Belt and Road
Nel terzo Simposio sulla costruzione di “Belt and Road (BRI)” tenutosi il 19 novembre a Beijing, il presidente cinese Xi Jinping ha sottolineato gli obiettivi di sviluppo ad alta qualità dell’Iniziativa, tra cui il “miglioramento della vita del popolo”.
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Otto anni dopo
In realtà, il “miglioramento della vita del popolo” coincide con l’intenzione originale della Cina, che ha lanciato l’Iniziativa Belt and Road otto anni fa. Negli ultimi 8 anni, dal Corridoio economico Cina-Pakistan al Corridoio economico Cina-Mongolia-Russia, dalla ferrovia Mombasa-Nairobi alla ferrovia ad alta velocità Jakarta-Bandung, la “Belt and Road” ha apportato alle popolazioni dei paesi lungo la Belt and Road benefici tangibili tramite le varie misure specifiche.
L’approfondimento di fiducia politica reciproca, interconnessione, commercio senza ostacoli, integrazione finanziaria e scambi culturali, “l’ampliamento della dimensione del commercio con i paesi limitrofi e l’incoraggiamento dell’importazione dei più beni ad alta qualità”, “lo sviluppo dell’e-commerce Belt and Road e la costruzione del quadro per la cooperazione digitale”... Nel Simposio, il presidente Xi ha fatto un’importante disposizione relativa allo sviluppo ad alta qualità dell’Iniziativa “One Belt and One Road”.
Lo sviluppo della BRI
Si vede che questa disposizione è basata sulle esperienze di successo degli 8 anni passati e presenta anche delle modifiche per adattarsi all’attuale situazione. In questi 8 anni, “Belt and Road” ha fatto prosperare delle parti del mondo, diventando un prodotto pubblico internazionale popolare e una piattaforma dove la Cina mostra gli suoi impegni per ampliare l’apertura all’estero e promuovere la costituzione della comunità umana dal futuro condiviso.
Ciò ha spinto dei media occidentali prevenuti a cambiare l’atteggiamento. La rivista statunitense “News Week” ha definito “Belt and Road” come “uno dei progetti economici di maggiore successo e massima influenza". Secondo le statistiche, negli ultimi otto anni, la Cina ha investito quasi 140 miliardi di dollari nei paesi aderenti all’iniziativa, e nei quali le aziende cinesi hanno creato 330.000 posti di lavoro. Inoltre, nei primi 10 mesi del 2021 sia il numero di treni della China-Europe Railway Express che il volume delle merci trasportate a bordo hanno superato le quantità raggiunte nel 2020, realizzando una doppia crescita dei treni e delle merci.
Numeri da record
Da gennaio a ottobre hanno operato in tutto 12.605 treni che hanno trasportato 1,126 milioni di TEU di merci, con un aumento rispettivamente del 26% e del 33% su base annua. Negli ultimi anni China-Europe Railway Express opera in modo stabile e sicuro ed è favorita dal mercato internazionale della logistica, diventando un importante canale strategico per il commercio internazionale.
Il discorso pronunciato da Xi Jinping durante la terza Conferenza sulla costruzione della “Belt and Road” ha avuto ampia risonanza in Cina e tra il personale proveniente da molti paesi stranieri. Wu Jianguo, capo del Dipartimento degli Investimenti Esteri e della Cooperazione Economica del Dipartimento del Commercio della Provincia dello Shandong, ha detto che il prossimo passo è quello di approfondire la cooperazione economica e commerciale tra lo Shandong e i paesi aderenti all’iniziativa “Belt and Road”, in modo da dare maggiori contributi alla costruzione della “Belt and Road”.
La direttrice del Dipartimento del Commercio della provincia dello Shaanxi, Zhao Jing, ha sottolineato la necessità di continuare a promuovere lo sviluppo di nuove industrie e nuovi modelli di innovazioni del commercio estero ed espandere nuovi spazi di cooperazione internazionale.
Tra vantaggi e benefici
Ivona Ladjevac, vice direttrice dell'Istituto serbo di politica ed economia internazionale, ha osservato che negli ultimi otto anni l’iniziativa Belt and Road ha apportato benefici ai paesi partecipanti. Secondo lei c���è la possibilità che in futuro aumentino e si espandano i campi inerenti alla costruzione della Belt and Road, all’interno dei quali lo sviluppo verde a bassa intensità di carbonio diventerà un nuovo nucleo di crescita della cooperazione.
Francesco Maringiò, presidente dell’Associazione italo-cinese per la promozione della Nuova Via della Seta ed esperto di questioni cinesi, ritiene che Il rapporto tra Italia e Cina lungo le Vie della seta è destinato ad essere speciale: “Il Belpaese, oltre ad essere un membro fondatore dell’Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank è lo storico terminale della Via della Seta e dispone di alcuni vantaggi competitivi evidenti rispetto ad altri partner europei, perché capace di assommare convenienze logistiche (sia quella via mare che via terra) a competitività industriale e a innovazione tecnologica e anche con la cultura. E questo non è un aspetto secondario: Italia e Cina si percepiscono come civiltà culturali e quindi dispongono di un patrimonio artistico che meraviglia il mondo intero e che arricchisce la cooperazione bilaterale e lo sviluppo della BRI in una dimensione culturale unica.”
“Il discorso che il Presidente cinese Xi Jinping ha dato in occasione di questo simposio sulla Via della Seta è molto importante perché ci aiuta a comprendere la visone globale della Cina per la risoluzione dei problemi internazionali, e soprattutto ci aiuta a capire come loro vivono questo progetto della Via della Seta. È molto spesso qui in occidente lo vediamo legato principalmente a questioni commerciali e economiche, o logistiche, che invece nella diligenza cinese più dimensioni che vengono tenute in considerazioni. Per esempio, è interessante notare che il presidente cinese abbia più volte parlato della transizione ecologica, dei contributi che la Cina può portare ai vari paesi per aiutare questo processo di transizione ecologica, è legato a questo tema della salvaguardia dell’ambiente e del rapporto tra l���uomo e la natura, anche il tema della sfida comune nel contenimento nella sconfitta della pandemia. Sono degli approcci che mettono in qualche modo l’uomo al centro, cercando di offrire delle soluzioni comuni a problemi che l’umanità vive nel suo complesso”, ha aggiunto Francesco Maringiò.
Fonte: https://www.ilgiornale.it/news/mondo/bri-8-anni-i-benefici-belt-and-road-1991131.html
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ssibelts · 4 years ago
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Dodgers Belt in process Here is the center plate for dodgers belt. Shinning like a champ. #AEW #Champs #AEWDynamite #boxing #Buckeyes #wwf #Championship #BeltandRoad #picoftheday #christmas #beauty #lockdown #valentines #Alabama #universitybelt #secchampionship #ncaafootball #wwehalloffame #Pakistan #love #intercontinental #awa#newyear #dodgers #la https://www.instagram.com/p/CM86aH4pI46/?igshid=14b0z2l31l6fc
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proste-stredni-asie · 4 years ago
Tip na data: projekty BRI ve střední Asii
OSCE academy v Biškeku publikovala v roce 2019 sérii data-based textů na téma čínských aktivit v regionu. 
Není to samozřejmě kompletní přehled, ale pro představu “co se zhruba děje” je to pěkný. https://www.osce-academy.net/en/research/cadgat/
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patternsoftruth-blog · 4 years ago
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China has quickly risen to become the second largest economy in the world, poised to overtake the US within 5-10 years. They are a nation of nearly 1.4 billion people. They have nuclear capabilities, and they are ruled by the communist party of China. Apart from these facts, westerners don’t know much else about the sleeping giant. This three part article will attempt to cover China’s current position relative to the rest of the world by unpacking the most relevant factors; their economy, their government, and their society. The goal, though ambitious, is to be a rough primer on China’s current position. Coursing throughout this piece will be the underlying question of what the implications are of a strong communist China as the 21st century unfolds. The best place to begin this investigation is with how China has become so successful economically under communism, rivaling the capitalist giants of the west. >Link in my bio to the full article on China's economy. >Follow to see Part 2: the Chinese Government and Part 3: The Chinese Society and my conclusion on what a growing China means in for the 21st century. #demography #foreignpolicy #internationalnews #geopolitics #globaleconomy #globalmarket #economicgrowth #macroeconomics #marketnews #globaltrade #uspolitics #tradewar #politicalcompass #beltandroad #southchinasea #businessnews #worldpolitics #geopolitica #geopolítica #financenews #worldeconomicforum #uschina #boycottchinaproducts #globalaffairs #worldhistory #worldpolitics #worldeconomy #xijinping #politicalnews #politicalscience (at China) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEVFOG-nGHp/?igshid=fk0jz3px1yp4
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gordoncheung · 5 years ago
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Megalopolis, 2020 Financial newspaper, archival inkjet and acrylic on linen Beijing, Tianjin and Heibeiji are metropolises merging to form a Megalopolis called Jing Jin Ji of over 130 million people connected by high speed rail. At the base is the human scale of the holdout house, otherwise called a nail house, the last property to sell in a development, so-called due to the phrase ‘if a nail sticks up hammer it down’. Infamously nail houses went viral resulting in internet censorship for symbolising resistance. Within the context of this painting it becomes a meditative space to contemplate the existential relationship to civilisation. A deer in the left corner represents nature vs civilisation, Capitalism’s exploitation of nature and mythologically the messenger of Gods. The mid ground is the harnessing of the landscape for civilisation; the 3 metropolises merging into a megalopolis. Hovering over the megalopolis is 1 of the sacred mountains the Emperor would have traditionally visited to sanctify his divine right to rule over his subjects. Mythologies centralised onto nature’s monoliths help unify people to form civilisations. In the sky is the future map of the largest human project in history; the Belt and road initiative, the revitalisation of the silk roads connecting over 70 nations through investment to infrastructure. 💧 #GordonCheung #BeltandRoad #EdelAssanti (Edel Assanti) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8esymmFSw9/?igshid=9yp7t4wgnp98
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mokuhyoushinbun · 5 years ago
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Xi Jinping chega á Mianmar em "visita histórica" http://ow.ly/mdKi50xYMaM #Asia, #BeltandRoad, #China, #Genocídio, #Infraestrutura, #Mianmar, #Notícias, #Politica, #rohingya, #Win #Myint, #Xi #Jinping https://www.instagram.com/p/B7dGg9xAXzY/?igshid=1asvcfhw0vnzt
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ropucha0000 · 5 years ago
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#SebastianJurgiel #翻译 #tłumaczenie #tlumaczenie #translate #podróże #Azja #旅游 #beltandroad #Yunnan #kunming #tlumaczprzysiegly #CAEXPO #Chiny #językchiński #wintersolstice #żarcie #autumnvibes (w: Poland) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7b24TGhalv/?igshid=1cxm198dxmtq6
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brandoabroad · 5 years ago
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Khmer sculpture on a fishing village pier on the Cambodian island of Koh Rong Sanloem. This will probably be gone in a year or two with massive Chinese resort development taking over this end of the island. #kohrongsamloem #cambodia #beltandroad #khmer #sculpture #culturetravel #culture #asia #travelcambodia (at Koh Rong Sanloem) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7bKavKBE-2/?igshid=14y81vo7wbmgx
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polemicsnpedantics · 5 years ago
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Railroad Rush of the 21st century? As China expands it's geopolitical heft with the Belt and Road Initiative, what does it mean for the rest of the world? Should the world really be joining into an infrastructure spending spree bankrolled by a Communist Oligarchy? Anuttama Banerjee from @thepeacebuildingproject pens this intriguing column on the Belt and Road Initiative. Link in the bio. #china #usa #europe #infrastructure #belt #obor #onebeltoneroad #beltandroad #cpec #ports #railways #rush #moneymoneymoney #dollar #project #construction #communist #oligarch https://www.instagram.com/p/B1_rRfwnqWg/?igshid=1u4jdhj8dj6bk
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tilesdepot · 5 years ago
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新中源集团 #巴丹石材 @菲律宾 工厂探访 #BandanCorpPh #factoryview When buying from our factory in The Philippines for USA market, you’re exempt from anti-dumping duties #exemptfromantidumpingduties #addexcemption #beltandroad #quartz #quartzcountertops #quartzsurfaces #WanFengStone #stonitequartz #stonitesurfaces #kitchencountertops #benchtop #石英石 #tradedeal (at Badan Building Materials Corporation) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1nHx_JgPxH/?igshid=185xgwba554kh
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emceefixz · 5 years ago
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Today marks yet another history in the making to improve the road standards in Malaysia. Professor Dr Chen Zhong Ping, the director of Guangdong Shengrui Technology of China introduces a new technology for civil engineering and the first in Malaysia, Cast-in-SITU Foamed Lightweight Soil. The application and benefits of the Lightweight soil will tremendously boost the speed of road production and also cost efficiency in comparison to the conventional methods. Pan Asia Energy Sdn Bhd will be the pioneer bringing in the tech to our home ground. Event: MOU Signing between Pan Asia Energy Sdn Bhd and Guangdong Shengrui Technology, Seminar on the innovation technology and application of Cast-in-SITU Foamed Lightweight Soil. Date: 20/8/2019 #event #events #emcee #emceefixz #fixz #fixzentertainment #mc #eom #host #emceesofmalaysia #pengacara #pengacaramajlis #awesome #corporate #mou #signingceremony #china #beltandroad #civilengineering #road #technology (at VE Hotel & Residence) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1YeYIZpNHg/?igshid=ngc1u4vkmc38
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