#beloved brat prince <3
sam-reid · 3 months
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Lestat de Lioncourt + outfits INTERVIEW WITH THE VAMPIRE SEASON 2 (2024).
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merotwst · 2 years
‹ . housewardens ›
. ficlets
⇝stuck in a failing and/or loveless marriage with them.
[ n: thank u for 600 followers, everyone! special thanks to @v-anrouge and @/love-thanatopsis for helping me so much with this fic i love u sm this is for u i hope u like it ! not proofread. ]
{ - - - → tw. angst. cheating, alcohol, arguments, aggression, mention of children on kalim's part, gaslighting, mentions of divorce, unhappiness and basically anything u would associate with marriages that just aren't working out exdee. just sad vibes here so stick around if ure in the mood to cry </3 }
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riddle rosehearts ‹ heartslabyul ›
he sat behind his desk, rubbing his temples in exhaustion. but despite the lingering tiredness of the day, you would think riddle would be ready to head himself to bed and get some proper rest, right? wrong. he feels like a man being sent off to war.
he'd have much rather spent the night in his office with a blanket and a pillow on the couch. the neck pain would be an easier form of misery to endure than having to spend an hour in a room with tension he often compares to a sinking ship with no lifeboats.
it almost seemed like you lived in separate worlds. he worked, you did whatever it is a dutiful partner does. only you did it far, far away. to your parties you went and talked to your friends, to his meetings he went and shared some good brandy with his own company. you both come home and head to your own separate chambers.
when you're out together you put on a good display of affections for everyone to see. holding hands, kissing each other on the cheek, smiling as if it were all just you against the world. how suffocating.
but behind the facade is an empty world. an empty house. empty hearts. just the clinking of sliver ware on the quiet dinner table sitting eight feet away from each other on both ends. silence was the only way to keep yourselves afloat. distance was your own form of a makeshift lifeboat because your vows at the altar were your own ways of saying it was ‘every man for himself’.
you were two strangers forced to live under the same roof.
and if it were not for his mother trying to salvage your miserable marriage—the marriage of her own engineering—by getting you both to sleep in the same room together, he would have been perfectly content with that dull, dreary, miserable lifestyle. the lifestyle once again, enforced onto him by his beloved mother.
the redhead leaned forward from his leather chair. a breath through his nose, exhaling through his mouth. his hand reached for the whiskey on the table and took one last sip before standing up, mentally hoping you were out to a party with your insufferable company of people. because if not, it's going to be another long night of sad, silent agony in a king sized bed—a sinking ship with no lifeboats.
leona kingscholar ‹ savanaclaw ›
“open this door right now, [name]! stop acting like a damn brat!”
as the prince yells out that last word he pounds on the door more aggressively than he initially did. it echoed across the halls. the sounds reverberate and bounce back to reach his ears reminding him of the torment of his existence. all his efforts, efforts he never wanted to exert, all come in for naught. this always happens to him. this was the bane of his existence. falena gets the light shone in his face and the cheers and acknowledgement of everyone around him, he gets to pound on a door trying to get his partner to come out of their bathroom because they are late to the party where it was essential they should attend.
‘it takes two to tango’, they say. how does one dance when the other party can't even sit down for one second and look you in the eye without making you feel like you're the biggest burden to have ever arrived in his life? how does one cope with the resentment that's so evidently there? the contempt held for you when you enter a room together and he immediately drops your hand the second everyone starts looking away? you aren't his partner. you are nothing but a prop to him. to get his family off his back. he couldn't even do as much as acknowledge you whenever you entered your chambers alone.
people surround you day after day but you've never felt more alone in your life.
and as leona banged and screamed and twisted the knob the way he twisted your heart up and squeezed it dry, you pulled your knees close to your chest. biting your quivering lower lip till the metallic taste of blood filled your senses.
the light from the open door illuminates the room. your comfortable corner in the bathroom invaded by the lion's dominating presence. and as he watched you, gripping the fabric of your attire like it was your only other anchor to sanity, you felt him soften. ever so slightly, his shoulders eased up. his eyebrows raised a little from their initial cross direction and his eyes showed a hint of melancholy—no... pity. his shadow loomed over your curled up form, cast from the light outside that only reached you and him.
he did not do anything else. he just slightly clutched the key he held in his hands that he used to open the door a little tighter. he watched you for a moment, as if he were observing a small animal being cornered by a predator. silence enveloped the room only broken by your occasional pathetic sniffle and sob. he then turned on his heels.
“change your clothes, they're all wrinkly now. we leave in ten minutes.”
he closed the door to the room and the darkness enveloped you once more.
azul ashengrotto ‹ octavinelle ›
the vase shattered as it hit the wall barely missing your husband's head. all the jewelry on your dresser tossed and strewn all across the floor. the clothes, the shoes and all the other vain things he'd given you as a consolation for never being home, never being available, never being a husband.
the thing about azul was that he could be a good actor whenever he wanted to be. it's essential for a businessman to know when to play a poker face, when to seem interested or whatnot. he'd mentioned that in passing back then when he would actually talk to you before you were married but now you forget the details. now that you think about it, back then he must have been acting, too. to gain your affections. to make you fall in love with him. so he can achieve his own greedy little goals. you look over at him and can't help a bitter laugh escape your throat.
he gave you a sharp look, “what is it that you find so humorous in this situation, darling?” the businessman asked in a mocking voice, “finally gone mad, have we?”
you turn to him, a small, resentful grin on your face, “oh honey you know i'm always mad for you!” you scream the last part as you hurled one of your favorite shoes at him. your husband was quick to evade this causing it to fly directly to one of your bedroom lamps. the two items fell to the floor with a clatter and smash. the sound of breaking glass mirrored your breaking heart.
azul opened his mouth, a string of insults flowing from his tongue so freely and you mirrored this by shooting your own painful words at his direction. the mingling angry voices bounced across the four walls of the room.
this was not the life you envisioned with him. where was the sweet, suave man that held your hand so gently and softly as he brought you to dinner? where was the kind, generous soul and took a short portion of his day to see you and personally deliver his flowers to you? where was the funny, charismatic person that charmed your family so much they were practically begging you to marry him? where was the husband that vowed to love and to cherish you at the altar?
that man was replaced by the empty space on your bed, the flowers delivered to you by random people you didn't know, the shoes and clothes and other ridiculous things he probably doesn't even pick out himself. and you would sit alone at your home, in front of a full sized mirror that reflected your pathetic state by showing you the tears that streamed down your face night after night that azul spent on his stupid company. the company which you made possible for him by marrying him. what a fool you are.
objects flew, tears shed, hearts broken.
but the saddest of all is that each and every one these things only seem to come from your side of the room and not his.
kalim al-asim ‹ scarabia ›
you sat in your bedroom, watching the seconds tick by. the clock's hands showed it was two in the morning. normally you would expect a married couple to be in bed together asleep at this hour, but not for you. these days, it seemed to be a somewhat better though. as of late, he was usually out because of the hectic pressures of being head of the family and jamil would attest to this fact.
he'd promised you he wouldn't see her anymore. you wanted to make it work. you begged him to try to make it work with you—even if only for the children. and he agreed. and somehow, this sparked some home in your bitter situation. and that made it bearable for you.
you sat, then stood, then paced, then sat again. restless energy built up in your body thinking of what to say to him when he comes through the door. things were looking up and you wanted to help him relax after another very stretched out day. it's the least you can do for him. after all, no matter what the situation, kalim was always kind to you. he always made you feel like you mattered and listened and made you feel valid. you are essentially the parent to his children and so he made sure he was treating you well to an extent.
but that... that just isn't enough. you're his partner. you needed to feel like his partner. someone he could turn to, someone he could talk to, someone he could run to whenever things got bad. but kalim always kept you at arm's length. he was your husband but he could never completely be a husband.
because he did not love you.
he loved—loves her.
it shows on his disheveled hair. it shows on the perfume that you smell on his clothes. it shows on the lipstick stains on his neck. it shows on the look of shock on his face when he sees you awake. waiting. disappointed.
your twiddling fingers drop to your sides the same way your heart dropped and shattered on the floor. the exhaustion evident on your features when you sit down heavily on the soft cushions of the sofa.
“[name]... i... i thought you were asleep...” kalim sputtered out. he sounded like a child who was just caught snooping around the kitchen late at night.
if only it were as simple as stealing cookies from the kitchen cupboard at two-thirty.
“and i thought we were trying, kalim,” you replied flatly.
he didn't respond. you didn't want to stay. you couldn't. so you stood up and looked him straight in the eye—they looked guilty. and... they feel sorry for you. you hated it.
you turned around, not giving him time to finish whatever ‘explanation’ he had come up with again. you couldn't bear it. you refuse to cry for him—not anymore. you're exhausted and you couldn't bear to be inside that suffocating room with him any longer.
“i'll sleep with the children tonight.” you say before heading to the door leaving your husband and your broken heart along with him.
vil schoenheit ‹ pomefiore ›
‘there's no business like show business!’
this is true for the most part. it has its ups and downs but vil personally never had much of a say in the matter of whether he would be in the public eye or not. all his life he'd been under the spotlight. the blinding flashes of the cameras, the bright lights of the stage, the softboxes and umbrellas that would make any normal person squint and and turn away don't even make him flinch. but that's not to say it wasn't exhausting.
of course that was the small price to pay for a profession such as vil's. he has made the many greater sacrifices to get where he is in life. and although people who don't live the lifestyle he had would feel the intimidation of the showbiz world, he was surprised you didn't seem like it bothered you much at all.
the people of twisted wonderland adored you when you both started dating. it all seemed like a perfect fairy tale whenever they saw you and vil liked that. of course they weren't really far off. at the beginning it did seem like a fairy tale. you were perfect and even to himself it felt too good to be true.
and sure enough, it was.
majority of your dating life with vil was private but later down the line, after you got married, you both became more public about it. posting more pictures, going out together, attending events.
headlines of ‘the perfect couple’ turn into ‘the luckiest man alive’(referring to vil), to ‘[name]! the real star of the show’.
wherever vil went, people would ask for you. even in movie interviews meant for him—starring him. they were looking for you. they wanted you. they, “only really came because we thought [name] would be here!” in events where he was supposed to be the main attraction.
it's always you, you, you.
and at first he didn't mind. he was proud to have you as his partner. he even did feel like he was the happiest man alive for a while. but the more people asked for you, the more he felt the disappointment and sadness morph into something more bitter. his years and years of endless hard work and silent suffering against neige all came crashing back down in a repeating dance of fighting for acknowledgement. to be recognized as himself. and he thought he was finally over all that. working twice as hard and feeling—being overlooked. but you... he knows you don't do it on purpose. it's not your fault you're so easy to love. vil knows you would never purposefully overshadow him but whenever he sees you in the red carpet waving and smiling at the crowds all cheering and chanting your name like you were some sort of otherworldly being, he couldn't compete.
the way they all run to you without even so much as acknowledging his presence beside you felt the same as getting thrown tomatoes at and booed to him. and he remembers he was even booed at some point for not bringing you along on a public trip!
he didn't know when the sadness fully morphed into bitter resentment but whenever you were alone he found himself criticizing your every move. his subtle, snide remarks of your (perfectly well) clothes turned into full on insults. sometimes he would even guilt you into not attending events you were exclusively invited to.
and he knows you would never betray him. so you take it all quietly. you knew leaving vil would only villanize him more in the public eye. no matter what, he was still your husband and you made a sacred promise on the altar.
you both smile for the cameras in public, the mirage of the most perfect couple to be advertised to the whole of twisted wonderland. but behind closed doors are the heated arguments, the endless screaming, the nights you spent alone in your once lovely home curled up in bed.
your husband might have loved you once, and this hurts him just as much to admit—but vil can never love you again in circumstances like this. but you're both given no choice but to bear it.
there really is no business like show business.
idia shroud ‹ ignihyde ›
there is no doubt idia shroud is a clever man. he’s a genius in more ways than one. he knows how to stand out in his own. he knows how to turn a situation in his favor and this isn’t just because of his years and years of experience in strategy games or looking for ways to try and escape social situations he hates so much, but also because he’s just a master at running away from situations.
the only situation people thought he could never escape from was standing with you at the altar. the “most horrifying” day of his life.
to think a hermit shut-in nobody like him would find himself in a lifelong commitment with someone is just absurd. but here you are in your miserable state of trying to get him to get out of his room. constantly bugging him to spend time with you—he’s already married you! is that not enough?
idia shroud is a clever man. he’s a genius in more ways than one. he knows how to turn a situation in his favor. and he’s spent enough time with you to know exactly how to break you without getting his hands dirty.
he finds himself buying a different house, far from where you are. under the guise of working better with no distractions. lies of saying he would call but never did.
endless nights of you pacing your room, phone to your ear hearing the ringing over and over and over again.
it just kept ringing and ringing and you wanted it to stop. you needed it to stop. you needed an answer.
and when the other line of your connection was the sound of company—of a companion—who was willing to give you the attention you deserved from such a cruel life, idia finally shows himself.
idia shroud is a clever man. he’s a genius in more ways than one. he knows how to turn a situation in his favor. and he’s always known how to win a game. you've fallen into his trap. he has the receipts of your conversations with the other person you were seeing, the photographs, the evidence. and as he slid the piece of paper and pen towards you on the other side of the table, a cocky grin on his face feeling like he'd finally got exactly what he wanted, he caught a glimpse of your sadness.
your melancholy in the way you picked up the pen and read through the divorce papers of his orchestrating. idia felt a tsunami of guilt wash him away as the sight of all the pain he caused you was so vividly clear to him now. but instead of signing, you drew a line across the piece of paper that was his path to ‘freedom’. and what idia saw that replaced the sadness in you was anger. resentment. betrayal of the worst kind.
there is no doubt india shroud s a clever man. he’s a genius in more ways than one.
but he is also a fool to think you were going to take all these hits lying down.
malleus draconia ‹ diasomnia ›
people had given you a heads up before you got married that malleus draconia was a serious man.
he married you, sure, but you didn't know what you expected out of this marriage. after all, a marriage arranged by two families didn't really promise much on the love department and your made peace with that.
but you didn't expect the lack of affection to be in this extent.
he wouldn't touch you, let alone even look you in the eye. malleus was constantly busy in his study or going out to attending other formal gatherings. The only times he would come around to spending a portion of his day with you was during dinner. and they were long, painfully quiet dinners.
he had a duty as the prince of briar valley, after all. but you understood that. but sometimes you lie around your empty bedroom thinking about how your life could have been so much more better. the agonizing silence, the awkward touches, the forced smiles. it all felt so terribly depressing.
surely your husband could at least pretend to be comfortable when he's spending the day around you. but somehow it's always just some form of... indifference. whenever you would show small forms of affection like touching his hand or giving him a kiss, he would just stand there, not returning. not reflecting the same amount of affections as you did with him.
and of course you tried your best to make it better. consulting those closest to him to you try to understand him whenever he talked about things he was interested in. you tried to show support on his projects and his interests. you even tried to get invested into the gargoyles and architecture he so dearly loved and finally you thought it worked.
the occasional invite to tea, the small acknowledgements, the small talks about the things he liked. you felt like all your hard work started to pay off.
but when you made your way through the long corridors of the castle with a box of something special in your hands picked especially for the prince one afternoon, your feet came to a halt in front of the mahogany double doors of his study.
two voices—muffled by the barrier between you and the people in the room but it was enough to hear the all important parts of the conversation.
“it all is such a pain, lilia,” he said, “they're constantly trying to catch ny attention. to show me affection. but it all just feels so... miserable.
“i have tried to take your advice. to be more open and responsive to their advances but it just doesn't work. i cannot love them the way they want me to.”
the conversation goes on but you could no longer listen. the ringing in your ears were far louder drowning out any other sound around you.
you made your way back to your chambers silently slipping away.
that night malleus asked about the present left in front of his study and you only sighed softly in response
“it's simply my misery, sir.”.
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© merotwst 2023 • do not steal, translate, copy or reproduce
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vampirefest · 11 months
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Dear companions in darkness, the wait is finally over! We'd like to thank everyone who participated in our little guessing game, we got a lot of interesting answers.
For the month of November, we bring you a fun low-pressure bingo inspired by Lestat, that you can fill up at your leisure throughout the month.
You can use the prompts on the bingo card to write fanfics, make fanart, amvs, edits or any other creative outlet to show your appreciation for our beloved Brat Prince.
You can find the rules and guidelines for the event here. The link to the collection can be found here.
Don't forget to tag with #vflestatbirthdaybingo and/or tag us at @vampirefest so that we can find your posts.
Here is the complete bingo card for our birthday boy!
You can find the full detailed prompts below the cut.
Happy Lestat Month!
1. "My lord, the Wolfkiller": The killing of the wolves, a moment that comes to define Lestat for all eternity. You can explore this fundamental event in Lestat's life, the way it altered the course of his life and his family dynamics, and the symbolism it came to represent in Lestat's later life.
2. First love I The witches' place: For Nickistat lovers out there, this is your time to shine! It's also a chance to explore another formative moment of Lestat's life—his experience at the witches' place—when Lestat came to the fundamental understanding that there is no meaning in the end - not to the cruelty, not to the laws of men - all that exists is the one life he's living and the aesthetic of it all.
3. The performer: Actor | Rockstar: Performing is Lestat's second nature, either to present an image of himself to others to earn their love, or to hide this true self. From the time he is a young man, Lestat is awed by actors and artists, they create worlds and life out of nothingness. Some of Lestat's best and happiest moments are on the stage, acting or singing for his adoring public.
4. Rue Royale era: For decades, 1132 Rue Royale was the home of our favourite little vampire family. A family that, according to Lestat, shouldn't have lasted as long as it did. Here you can explore the dynamics between the unholy family, between Lestat and Louis, and the highs and lows of this period in Lestat's life. As Lestat said, he has never been as happy as in that little house on Rue Royale.
5. Free Space: This is your chance to explore any themes or moments in our brat prince's life outside of the prompts proposed. Let your creativity run wild!
6. "I don't like myself, you know.! love myself, of course. I'm devoted to myself till my dying day. But I don't like myself.": Use this prompt to explore Lestat's insecurities and his complicated relationship with himself, from his abandonment issues to his reflections on his body, his monstrosity and so much more.
7. Lust for life: Here you can explore Lestat the dreamer, Lestat the hedonist, Lestat the embodiment of hunger. He has a lust for blood, love, adventure, for a better life filled with more excitement and lived to the fullest. Lestat takes what he wants and follows his every whim.
8. Resilience: Lestat is the metaphorical cockroach of the Vampire Chronicles universe. Whatever life throws at him, he rolls with the punches and finds a way to survive and make the best of every situation. He always finds a way to reinvent himself and to keep moving forward. With this prompt, you can explore Lestat's defiance in the face of obstacles and his resilience even under the worst circumstances.
9. The Brat Prince | Prince Lestat era: Set your creations in the Prince Lestat era or simply explore Lestat's bratty nature that earned him the moniker "The Brat Prince".
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blue blood - chapter 3 (an aemond targaryen x team black daughter fanfiction)
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reply to this post if you want to be on a taglist!
currently tagging: @prettyduckling22 @mamawiggers1980 @jadewaldorf2312 @omgsuperstarg
chapter 1: prologue chapter 2: the bells
chapter 3: the race.
Daella can feel Vhagar’s breath on her tail, the dragon far, far too close for comfort.
Aemond is relentless, not stopping for a second. She doesn’t know how or when he was made aware of the incident on Storm’s End, but he refuses to give up, the famed war dragon just as persistent as her rider. 
 “You are a thief, and you stole from me and the Realm, and now you will suffer your actions!” She can hear the sheer rage in his words, all niceties gone between the two of them. She, the thief from him and the Realm? The mere idea is laughable. Well, she has to have her fun somewhere in this whole mess. He cannot be the only one to hold the other’s emotional state hostage. 
“Me? No, no no, Prince Aemond. You are the thief. You, and that drunken, craven brother of yours,” she says with a loud laugh. “You two stole my mother’s birthright and by extension, mine.” Being a man gives those two no right for such kind of actions. “I will not let you take the Throne from me.” 
She expects him to be irate, to howl in his fury, but he simply laughs, and that is scarier than what she expected. It is cold, dead, and cruel in its sound. “I could simply kill you now, and no one would notice. Not your father, or your beloved mother.” He is wrong there, and she knows it. Her mother would cry in a way that would shake Dragonstone, her father plunging the kingdom into war. He keeps going, his words acidic in their tone. “I am sure she would be devastated to lose her impetuous, wild, bastard daughter. It would be such a tragedy for her. I can smell your fear, Daella Targaryen, and it is delicious.”
Just one more stretch, she thinks, Baelon racing towards Dragonstone at a breakneck pace. For the first time, Daella is well and truly scared of Aemond Targaryen. She knew he was not a man to trifle with, but what she did not know is that she would be now hounded by a madman until he got what he wanted or until she was truly out of reach. Daella hides in the clouds, bearing the freezing temperatures for the sake of hiding from the man. 
“You should have landed when you had the chance and the choice, my lady,” he calls out, waiting for her to respond so he can sniff her out. “Now you have only made Vhagar and I hungry.” She moves around in circles, drawing out her words so the dragon cannot pinpoint a location to fire at. 
“And you,” she says, turning and turning, “have only made me,” she keeps going, “more determined.” She has to figure out some manoeuvre, some feint that will successfully get the man off her tail. 
“And you,” he hisses, “are a stubborn little brat!” 
He is getting closer and closer. Daella has gained ground with her words, but the distraction will not last any long. Lightning will hit again, and it will illuminate her location. She has to make a strike, a pre-emptive one that will give her away, but also give her space and time. “Dracarys!” She roars, Baelon firing straight into Vhagar’s eyes as he shoots upwards, the two making a dash to Dragonstone. It is so close, the cliffs almost in full view. She sees Vhagar keen and roar, jumping back as the dragon almost throws its rider off his saddle. “You will come down here NOW, or you will burn!” Aemond roars, making his way closer and closer. 
You have one shot, she thinks. 
“Baelon, adere!” She cries out, and in one final dash her and the dragon barrel onto the cliffs of the desolate island as he throws her off the saddle and his back, the dragon swooping into a cave as Daella is slammed into an outcropping of rocks, her palms and cheek sliced open as she tries to protect her vital organs. Crimson liquid coats her hands and a cheek as she lies down on the wet ground, her back aching. The gold crown digs in her ribs, certainly bruising her chest. She’s broken and bleeding, but she is alive. 
She lies on the wet ground, laughing in relief, the taste of iron pooling in her mouth from her cut as she lingers in her victory. She knows Aemond is determined, but he is neither reckless nor foolish. He will not breach Dragonstone to get to her. For now, she is safe. Daella takes a while more to catch her breath, to steady herself and let some more of the pain subside before she lets herself get up to walk again, all the while keeping an eye on the sky to look out for Vhagar and her equally dangerous rider, who have thankfully disappeared from the sky. 
For now.  
She pats her chest once again to ensure that the crown is still there before she makes her way back to the castle, the terrain of Dragonstone highly detrimental to her current state. The sky goes from early night to the witching hour by the time she finally gets to the bridge, her legs wishing for her to simply stop and give up, to let herself succumb to the fatigue and the exhaustion and the pain. It takes her what feels like forever to climb the steps and walk across the stone bridge, the guards immediately opening the gates once her figure comes into sight. 
Their faces are surprised and concerned, a man rushing to put his arm under her. Maybe I am worse for the wear than I thought, she muses mentally as they support her bleeding, broken body, leaving a wet trail behind her as she is ushered into the war room. Daella pays no mind to the shocked looks and the hush that falls upon the room on her arrival, too much in pain and shivering to consider any of those. She collapses into the nearest open chair by the table, hissing in pain as the back of the furniture digs into her bruised and wounded body. 
Slowly, with shaking, bloody hands, she pulls out the pouch hidden on the inside of her riding coat, tossing it on the table. 
“I have it,” she says between labored breaths, teeth chattering as the fight fades and the pain catches up quicker and quicker, shooting through her veins like a creeping fire. Her mother rushes over to the girl, Rhaenyra’s face marred with anger and worry, mouth set in a tight line. 
“Daella,” she hisses before crouching to her level, gingerly hugging her as if worried she would break her daughter further. “You are alive,” she says, her voice shaking and relieved. 
“Yes,” the younger Targaryen responds, a shaky laugh leaving her own lips, body dripping down the water that is logged in her hair and her clothes. “And I have it. I got it.” 
“This was foolish,” Rhaenyra says, still worried and angry. “This was reckless. You could have been killed.” 
“It had to be done,” her daughter counters, ever as stubborn as her parents and twice as determined. “These wounds will heal, mother, but the Greens do not have the crown, and that is all that matters at this moment.” 
“And we would have lost our Crown Princess,” Rhaenyra replies, still irate yet clearly relieved to see her eldest living and breathing. “I would have lost my daughter,” her voice lowers, betraying the true level of her fear and worry. Daella feels a pang of regret and guilt, not wishing to hurt her mother more than she has already suffered in these past few days. Her father steps closer, Daemon inspecting his daughter and her wounds with a sharp, probing eye as he tries to rein in his own worry and relief. 
“Father,” Daella says, hoping the older man will back her up. “The job had to be done. You agree with that, don’t you?” 
He takes a beat, considering his next words. “I do,” he concedes. “But I wholly agree with your mother as well. We would not have forgiven ourselves if this had ended in another way, one I do not even dare voice into the wind. If that happened, war would have certainly ensued, because I would have made that one-eyed bastard pay for it.” She understands his reaction, the way his face is covered with a sharp glower, the need for revenge glinting like dragonglass in his eyes. 
“I’m just glad it was me instead of Luke,” Daella says, trying to alleviate their worries by showing what the alternative outcome could have been. Lucerys was at Storm’s End as well, she learns from her little brother’s tight hug and hushed words of worry and relief. She knows that brave as he is, he would not have been able to keep up with Aemond. Jacaerys might have, but he would have found it a near-fatal task just as she had. Lucerys and Arrax would simply not have stood a chance. 
Rhaenyra’s face looks stricken before she collects herself, nodding solemnly. “He would not have made it,” she confides in her daughter and husband. “They are still mere children, brave as they are. Vhagar is a battle-hardened war machine, and I am still surprised that you made it out of it with the few injuries you sustained.” 
“I suppose having Father’s temperament helps,” Daella chuckles, breaking the tension. “You can say it, mother,” she adds upon seeing her mother’s suppressed smile, “I am just as reckless as him, and just as petty and spiteful.” To that her father nods, his light laughter further easing up the atmosphere into a territory less fraught with worry and immediate doom. 
"You are truly a combination of us both," Daemon says, eyes twinkling slightly. "Brave, headstrong, and rash."
“Too much like us sometimes for my sanity,” Rhaenyra frets, calling for the maesters and physicians, who swarm Daella as they surround her with washcloths and tinctures, dabbing away as she winces at the strong alcohol rubbed into her wounds. She can hear the rest of the planning while her father retrieves the crown from the pouch she had left on the table, turning around the circlet of gold in his fingers before he turns to her mother, a proud smile on his face. "If I may, my lady," he says, her mother’s eyes an inscrutable emotion. 
Daella watches as the impromptu coronation takes place, her father placing the Crown of Jaehaerys upon her mother's head. The wounds have been dressed, but she’s in no shape to bow to the Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen, First of Her Name, so Daella gets up from her chair, gingerly walking as every muscle hurts, bowing her head. “Your Grace,” she says, gritting her teeth as she does a curtsy. “Apologies for the lack of decorum.” 
“Rise, my love,” her mother says, gripping her arms. “You do not bend to me, especially in this condition. I shall have your father take you back to your chambers at once. You are the daughter of our house. You will be no lower than us." Her face becomes more solemn, a hint of anger in her expression. “And you will not be usurped like I was.” No, you will not. Not if you have anything to do with it. 
“He shall have to kill me to get his hands on it,” Daella grits out, her jaw set in determination. The council continues to clap in celebration, and all of a sudden, a man rushes into the room, breathing heavily and out of breath. "My Lords and ladies, may I have your attention?" he says quickly, and the frown lines deepen on her face, mixing in with worry. Your happiness cannot be cut short. Not like this. Not so soon. 
"I have word from Claw Isle," the man says, her father wheeling around to face him, his arm still slung over the injured girl’s shoulders. 
“What is it?” Daemon asks sharply, eyes narrowing as he feels the situation fracturing further, and not in their favour. The man stays silent for a moment, gathering his breath and his thoughts as he looks around at the council with wide, nervous eyes. 
"Prince Aemond has arrived at Claw Isle. He is demanding the crown by threatening our vassal, Lord Celtigar. From what I heard, he intends to take it by any means necessary."
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emerald-notes · 1 year
Noona! Please! Help! - Part 1
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Fandom: BTS Characters: Younger Brothers BTS and Elder Sister Narrator Genre: A Little Dramatic and A Little Comedic Word Count: 1.7K Words Warning: Mention of BTS crackhead behaviors (I mean, why not? We all love their crackheadness), sickness, economic crisis, broken family, mention of emotional abuse, characters death etc. Note: It’s a siblings AU story of BTS with the narrator as their elder sister. I tried to write something different from what I usually write about. I had fun making this. Hope it makes you feel good too. Happy Reading Everyone :)
Summary: Her little brothers can’t attend to a single task without her help. Be it a dance competition or asking out a girl for a date, they always seem to be finding everything too hard to go through without her by their side. ‘Our lucky charm’; that’s what they like to call her. But what if she turns out to be a misfortune in different situations in one single day?
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - More to come
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I always wonder when Ma said that she wanted a big family the day Pa had asked her to marry him, if she had really meant it like a family of ten people. But one thing was clear. Pa took her words to his heart and fulfilled her dream without compromise.
The struggle of being the elder sister of seven messy and chaotic brothers can be something impossible to even imagine. Especially if you are growing up in a household where both your parents are too sweet to ever scold their children.
I wish I could be that person who can easily punish her younger siblings when they misbehave. But alas! God had other plans. He made sure that my seven precious brothers were treated kindly by my parents to the point of being spoiled.
Now don’t get the wrong idea. My brothers are not all spoiled brats. In fact, most of them grew up to be gentlemen. At least, in front of the people that matters. But when they are home together with no one to supervise them, they are the biggest crackheads to ever exist.
Even if they give me headaches that are almost similar to that of the migraine pain my best friend suffers from (I said ‘almost’ because no pain compares to her evil migraine, trust me!) the moment I look into their eyes, I can’t bring myself to be mean. I think they have somehow mastered the art of creating the most innocent puppy eyes that melts my heart within seconds.
I think I am giving you the wrong idea all along. It's actually because I can’t express my frustration with my naughty angels in real life. So, it is making me pour out all the complaints here in texts all at once. Maybe it's time for a proper chronological introduction of them. And I will not make you wait any longer.
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Kim Seok Jin:
The eldest and the handsomest, as he likes to be called, is none other than our Kim Seok Jin. “Just call me Jin. It sounds cool.” as our prince had once said. So, it had been maintained by everyone without a word. After all, he’s the hyung of the pack.
Three years younger than me, acts like the maknae more than the maknae does himself, Jin never fails to crack a joke at every family event. His sense of humor is unlike any other. No one would agree that his dad jokes are ever really funny. But you would never catch them not laughing even whenever Jin made one of his lamest jokes. My personal belief is that the mystery lies within Jin’s own laughing sound.
Kim Yoon Gi:
The only one who dares not to laugh, when the others are ready to roll on the ground, is our second eldest hyung, Yoongi. He even managed to come into this world as early as possible after Jin so that only nine months is their age difference.
My grandma used to tell a touching story of how my mother had lost her beloved cat during her pregnancy when she carried Yoongi. That’s how he ended up getting her cat’s name. Yoongi lives up to his name too. He looks like a cat, acts like a cat and I feel that he even thinks like a cat.
Kim Ho Seok:
Oldest by only seven minutes among the first set of twins mother gave birth to, Hoseok is the sunshine of our family. His bright spirit and reckless laugh puts everyone at ease. It is as if he had taken the responsibility of always keeping the good vibes in the family.
However, his angry side is just as scary. Nobody wants to deal with an angry Hoseok. Nobody! Not Jin, not me, not even Ma and Pa.
Kim Nam Joon:
Hoseok’s twin Namjoon is the brain of the team. Who said that it is always the middle child who gets ignored all the time? Namjoon proves every single one of them wrong. It is always Namjoon who comes to the conversation first whenever a relative of ours asks about us.
With all that demeanor like an older child, both physically and mentally, Namjoon still has a very childish side of him. That child is the God of destruction who breaks everything it touches. These contradictory qualities had earned him his nickname, ‘Giant-baby’.
Kim Ji Min:
The second set of twins produced Jimin as the oldest. Jimin, the comforter. Jimin, the lovely. And definitely Jimin, the flirt.
If cringe could be a person, he would be Jimin. He never shies away from his emotions. “Did I mention that I love you?” is something you would often hear him say. Even though others pretend to throw up at his words of affirmations, they have to agree that they can’t help liking it secretly.
Kim Taehyung:
Jimin’s soulmate, born with a face of a Greek God, Kim Taehyung runs the fashion industry in our home. “That lipstick doesn’t suit your eye makeup” , “The shoes made your whole fit cheap”, “Try to wear that and everyone will think you’re going through a breakup.” Taehyung doesn’t care to point them out.
Taehyung lives in his own world. Not in his mind exactly. I think it is an invisible world that coexists with ours. Because most of the time, we question his behavior and sometimes his sanity too.
Kim Jungkook:
The golden maknae, also the only one having a two years age difference with his closest elder hyung, is our bunny boy Jungkook. At first sight, everyone would think he’s the high school heartthrob. But once you get to know him, you’ll know how shy he is in front of strangers.
Whatever shyness he has in him, he uses them all outside our home. Because inside it’s always, “Party! Party! Yeah!” And that party is always him alone in his room doing karaoke till it's 3 in the morning. But who’s to scold him for that?
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The reason behind each of their varying personalities, I believe, is because we grew up in different households as children. Is it even surprising? Do you think it is really possible for two people to take care of eight kids without help? The answer to this question may be a little complicated.
But my parents were determined to raise their kids by themselves so that none of them ever feels left out. And they did it too, for almost 8 years. But Ma fell ill right after giving birth to Jungkook. And Pa was having some financial crisis at the same time. As it has been said 'Bad things come in threes', Jungkook was born with some complications.
So, Pa had to focus on him and him alone. It was still hard for Pa to do it without Ma by his side. That's when I decided to take charge of taking care of the youngest while Pa looked after Ma and his business. I know I was only 8 years old at the time, but our situation had forced me to be more mature than that.
After some discussions on our wellbeing and the family's economic condition, Ma and Pa decided to keep Jungkook and me only. They told me that it was only for the time being and that they would bring everyone together as soon as they could.
Poor Jimin and Taehyung had no idea when they were sent to live with Granma and Granpa. I learned later that little Tae had continually cried for days and Jimin had grown too quiet for a two year old.
Namjoon and Hoseok were sent to stay with Ma's elder sister, her husband and her little daughter who was just about the age of the twins. As far as the report went, I'm positive that among all my brothers they got to stay a little happier away from home.
The one who suffered the most was probably Yoongi. Being too innocent for this world, Pa had failed to recognise how cruel his brother's behavior could sometimes get. Maybe growing up with an emotionally unavailable adult made Yoongi the most outwardly cold. Mind you that I said 'outwardly' because I'm sure if you can see through his heart, you will find something quite the opposite.
Jin stayed with Pa's sister who had been raising kids her whole life. All of her kids were older than Jin. So I guess it's easier to understand why Jin acts like a maknae all the time.
The idea of bringing them home 'as soon as possible' remained an idea. Because by the time Pa had somehow managed to get into a reliable position with his business, Ma was gone. And Pa had no other choice but to follow her.
Since it would be impossible for a 13 year old to be taking care of her 5 year old brother on her own, Granma decided to take us to her as well. So, we were reunited with Tae and Jimin in her house.
One by one, my little brothers turned 18 and built their own life. Even though I am now a full grown 25 year old woman I still couldn't leave my granma's house. And it is because I couldn't give up on being a parent to the youngest who has still not crossed the line of 18.
"Just wait for one more year and I'll grow up and thrive in this world." Jungkook says that quite a lot lately. Even though it might sound a little selfish, I wish my Jungkookie never grew up. So that I could keep him all to myself like I had been doing for the past 17 years of my life.
But there is a bright side of them finally turning 18. One by one the hyung line among my brothers started to get in touch with me more and more frequently. Finally, after years of separation, I truly feel like I'm getting to be that older sister that I had to be. And I'm happy that they are allowing me to be just that.
You might get a little confused as to why I had complained about them in the beginning of this story as if they were little kids I have to look after when I didn't even get to live with them for that long. Let me get you out of this confusion. It's because now that I finally get to be close enough once again, I realized one very important fact that applies to them all. My brothers haven't really grown up.
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Next >
My Masterlist
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livealittleoc-cb · 2 years
Who’s Who~
TW && CW: one of the images uses the word slut && some are slightly suggestive
I hate the name for this but I couldn't think of anything else-
This became longer then I wanted it to T-T
I kept getting these on my Pinterest and Instagram so I thought it would be funny to just do this for my muses!
Doing this as a little fun post while I work on profiles and other bigger posts!
Do what you want with this post lmao, you can reblog or use it for something in our rp or if it gives you an rp idea~ I hope you guys enjoy it 🥰
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Picture 1:
Jooheon [giving]
He will definitely tease in public
Say good girl/boy/nickanme
Will say "be a good girl/boy/nickname for me and ...."
Deinitely lots of compliments!
Is protective
Will degrade if their partner likes it
Will whisper shit to you to make you squirm in public~ Does the chin lift thing like in movies!~ 🥰
Leo [giving && receiving]
Literally does everything
He doesn't mind degrading
He prefers to be degraded~
Loves to make his partner squirm and would be a massive tease if they try to do it to him
DOES THE CHIN LIFT THING! Your knees will go weak when he does it~
Very very very protective
If he's annoyed with you he will kiss you to shut up
Or if you're rambling
Just massive MWAH
Ace [receiving]
Will go weak and turn into putty in your hands if you do any of these
Say you're mine to this man and he will get heart eyes
He will melt if you're over protective too 🤧
Man just likes feeling like he's actually wanted and loved
Will blush if you tilt his chin up, obiedent bunny, will listen to whatever you say
Doesn't mind being degraded but does prefer it being mixed with praise Is a little shit so he might end up teasing back to push your buttons
Dionysus [giving]
Is over protective as hell
The type to have his arm wrapped around your shoulders or waist and death glare anyone who looks in your general direction
Will give you non stop compliments without even being prompted
"You look so pretty~", "Baby your outfit looks amazing.", "I'm so lucky to have you <3"
He will degrade if angered or annoyed
He does not tolerate brats~
Will tease the living shit out of you in public, will whisper nasty shit in your ear too!
Apollo [receiving]
Tilt his chin in public? Will melt on the spot
Tease him in public? He will become bratty as shit
Whisper anything in his ear? He'll do it ten times worse to you~
Be protective? He will get smug
There is no winning with Apollo 😭
Set [giving && receiving]
Any type of praise will make this man obedient as hell, he'll deny liking the praise though
He's the degrader and loves to be degraded
He's hella protective of the people he loves
Will bite whoever's hand he has to get them away from his love
Can get irritated and jealous kind of easily
Tilt his chin, you'll get two reactions; blushy Set or teasing little shit Set
He compliments in strange ways but I promise, it's a compliment Say dirty shit into his ear and he will melt on the spot and instantly take you away to do them
Ares [giving]
Over protective as shit
Will become a whole bull if you even smile at his beloved
Compliments are basically his love language
"My pretty baby~", "My beautiful prince~", "My little warrior <3"
Has to be in a mood to whisper stuff into your ear
But when he does...you're done for.
Will kiss you to get you to shut the hell up 🥰
Cupid [giving && receiving]
Biggest little shit ever-
Acts like a whole angel *whispers* he's not
He will do everything to make up squirm
Will send you dirty text, whisper shit into your ear, touch you
He's not super protective but will look at whoever is talking with you and just go 'pathetic' before walking away with you
Super bubbly is actually super scary
Loves being degraded and doesn't mind giving degradation
Will compliment you to no end~
Picture 2:
Emilia [giving]
She loves giving neck kisses, it's hr favorite place to kiss
Back hugs are a must, she will bury her face into your neck and just giggle happily
She says 'how cute' a lot especially when she's amused
Will kiss you when overly excited, which is rare so treasure it
Will say things like "my pretty boy/girl/nickname" to get you all flustered
Has a thing for deep voices~ 🥰
Ace [giving]
Loves loves loves giving neck kisses
If you kiss his neck he will squeal and run away his neck is hella sensetive
Back hugs~ He loves giving back hugs~ 🥰
Deep voice = melting
He will yell, tackle you and kiss you if he's excited
I think he would be a fast texter and answers quick
He also has his bratty moments where he goes make me 😤
Will steal all your hoodies, you may not get them back-
He will whine and tell you to leave and then whine more and tell you to come right back
Jay [giving && receiving]
Loves neck kisses will get shy if given to her
Will challenge anything you throw at her she will not back down either
If she’s amused she’ll go all ‘how cute~’ or ‘aren’t ya just so cute~’
She likes being given back hugs If she back hugs you expect to have to carry her around, she will not let go
Will excitedly kiss you but loves to be excitedly kissed
Will straight up tell you if she likes your music taste or if she thinks it’s shit
You will never have hoodies, she takes them all
Will leave you notes around the house, either just random I love yous or things to remember
Will tell you to leave and whine if you actually leave 🤧
Anubis [receiving]
Anubis is a good baby pup 🥺
He loves being given neck kisses along with back hugs he just melts
If he's in a bit of a huffy mood he'll get a tiny bit bratty but can instantly be put back in place with a look
Hearing things like "my pretty boy" or "my baby" makes him have heart eyes
As quiet as Anubis is having being excited over something will always amuse him
Kiss him with that excitment and he'll melt so hard and his tail will just wag so happily
Apollo [giving && receiving]
Apollo is the one who will throw himself at you with up most excitement
He will get annoyed if you do it to him
Excited kisses all the way 🥰
He has his good days with replies, answers super fast one minute then goes dead silent the next
He will leave notes around more so stupid things like 'Hey, you left your sock in the dryer. Get it before I stop talking to you.'
He LOVES deep voices
Just melts
He loves giving neck kisses, just a small peck here or a long one there
Will compliment your music taste if he likes it
Makes you playlist after playlist and will cry if you make him one
You shall have no more hoodies ever
You bought a new one? No you didn't.
If you are being hot he will shamlessly stare
Likes degradation mixed with praise
Is a brat and will tell you to leave him alone but whine the second after you actually do
Artemis [receiving]
As aloof and straight faced Art is I can see her more with a bubbly gf
One who'll get all excited over everything and just happily hug her
Back hugs secretly make her melt
Neck kisses too
If you tell her to leave you alone and take it back she will still walk away-
She will get so happy if you take any of her clothes
Like walk around in her shirt? Heart eyes right away-
Set [giving and receiving]
He is baby™️
Will excitedly kiss and hug you
If he's happy, he will scream in your face and run circles around you
Might also go into Jackal form
He also likes the same back but lowkey...he will not say anything about it but secretly enjoys being wanted
My pretty boy = 🫠
Will tell you to fuck off, if you leave he will crawl into your lap
Praise mixed with degradation makes for a happy Set
Only if it's in the correct atmosphere though
Will give you all his hoodies and smile when he sees you in them
*chin tilt* how cute~ *mischivious smile*
When brat will challenge everything you say
Has a sort of deep voice, love love loves deep voices~
Hel [giving]
She will hang off your neck, give you a billion kisses, and just stick to your side
Writes you cute notes to start your day off
Replies pretty fast
Will look at you, gaping and go "that was hot" at anything that is slightly hot
Gives the best back hugs~
Hecate [receiving]
My shy baby 🤧
She's too shy and scared to start anything so she prefers it done to her
She'll be so happy and with back hugs and neck kisses
Will wear your hoodies and just cuddle in them
Is not very bratty but will huff at you and challenge if she feels things are being unfair
Hades [giving && receiving]
Loves giving back hugs
Will dig his face into the crook of your neck and just plant a soft kiss on your neck
Will say things like "my pretty boy/girl/nickname" or "my good boy/girl/nickname"
He loves the return of being given back hugs and neck kisses
If you give him excited kisses you will see him smile
Like real smile
You brat him, he will not give in
"Make me" "Fuck off!" = a cold stare
Eros [giving && receiving]
Gives and loves excited kisses
"LOOK LOOK AT THIS!" *squeals and kisses happily*
He will steal your hoodies and hide away with it
Gives his hoodies away willingly and happy to see you in them
He loves receiving back hugs makes him go all 🥰
Likes getting cute little notes
Caves when you're a brat, likes to spoil
"MY PRETTY BOY/GIRL/NICKNAME!" *hug and twirl*
Cupid [giving]
This man is sassy as shit
But he is also jumpy and bubbly as hell
He's all about nicknames too
"My pretty little sugarcube~" "My lovely darlin'~" "Oh love bug! 🥰"
Excited kisses all the way
Like launches at you and kisses you
Will lead to making out-
"That was hot 🤤"
Take all your hoodies, ALL of them, every LAST ONE
Back hugs you and never lets go
Kisses your neck till you're a puddle on the ground 🥰
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Picture 1:
Emilia [giving]
Emilia is mommy-
You say something bratty she will stare you down
"Wanna say that again, sugar?"
Finds your brattyness amusing, will grin and snort
Jooheon [giving]
All the stops
When he's daddy he's daddy
*looks you over* "You want to say that again, baby?" *dares you to say that shit again*
Muttering when he's asking for an answer? "Speak up now or I'm walking away"
Want something from him? "Say please, I won't give it to you without the please."
Say some out of pocket shit? *tilts your chin up* "Mhm? Want to say that again dear, I didn't quite hear you?"
Leo [giving && receiving]
He will do all and be stern about it
But if you do it to him he'll be a little shit
Tell him to say please, he'll scoff at you and take what he wants
Tell him to speak up, he will stay quiet
Tell him to repeat himself, he'll laugh at you
Ace [receiving]
Ace is for the most part obedient
You give him a look and he'll stand straight and do what you ask
Butttt he has his moments-
There will be times he's impatient or whiney and will not listen to you
Sometimes he just wants to be a little shit
If you tell him to speak up or repeat himself he will scream or huff and look away from you
Start anything with "Mhm?" in a challenging tone and he'll mock you-
Jay [giving && receiving]
You test her patience and she'll glare you down
Grab your chin and force you to look at her
"Repeat yourself."
"Not giving it to you unless you say please."
"Say that shit again."
"Mhm?" *rolls her eyes*
Receiving it is different, she will challenge you until she stands down
Dionysus [giving]
Brat tamer™️
Will not accept a single ounce of brattyness
Will hold your chin/hold you down and make you listen to what he has to say
Does not hesitate to give a punishment if you misbehave enough
Anubis [receiving]
Will become shy as shit
Like will look at you with big eyes for whatever else you have to say or tell him to do
Whole face red
Hold his chin and he's putty in your hands
Apollo [giving]
Apollo will keep bratting
Not till you put him in his place/give him a punishment
He does not listen on first command
"Wanna say that again?" "Speak up" "Say please" = a straight laugh to the face
Artemis [giving]
Another mommy who hides that she is mommy-
Will look you in the eyes
Stare you down
And your knees will buckle and you'll become a puddle
No room for a brat
That is all~
Set [receiving]
You do anything and he'll laugh
Can not take you seriously
At first at least~
Once he finds out he'll get praised though...he'll listen right away~
Baby loves the praise 🥰
Hades [giving]
Daddy. I mean- Daddy. I mean-
He expects to be listened to
So if he tells you to speak up, do it.
That's all you need to really know 🥰
Ares [giving]
Another brat tamer~
Holds your face and will not let go till you listen to him
Won't hesitate to punish you in public
Cupid [giving]
He's a little shit
He's the bottom and the brat but will do it to you and will not allow anyone to do it to him
If you do it to him he'll laugh at you and walk away
He'll grab your collar and say something with the biggest shit eating grin
Picture 2:
Jooheon [giving]
Once you're dating this man he's all for you
Just you
Will call when doing things cause he wants to hear you speak
Kisses all the time
Says I love you a lot and means it every time
"My precious~" "My baby~"
Will look at you go "why are you so cute/pretty/handsome" and pout
You're all his 🥰
Diego [receiving]
Most definitely will love if you call him just to hear his voice
Wants all the cuddles
Kiss Kiss
Will blush and die if you call him cute, hides it well though
Leo [giving && receiving]
Loves both~
Will call you just cause he feels lonely and wants to hear you
Will melt if you say that to him
Loves physical touch so he will want to cuddle a lot
Says I love you not so often but does mean it and his heart just melts when he hears it
Ace [giving && receiving]
Bubbly baby~
Will call you at any time of the day just to hear your voice
Happy if you want to talk to him at all and ever
"Why are you so cute?" *cups your face and gives you a trillion kisses*
Melts when cuddled, loves cuddles
Dionysus [receiving]
Loves bubbly cute babes
Chuckles/giggles when you call him yours
Say you wanna hear his voice and he'll have heart eyes
Will gladly give you any cuddles you want
Anubis [receiving]
I said this before but he is baby
Shy adorable baby
You tell him you want to hear his voice he will cry in emotional way not sad way
He secretly loves cuddles
The minute you call him yours you have his heart
I love yous in a quiet dark room at night cuddling together EEKKK
Apollo [giving && receiving]
"My precious teddy bear~" will shower you in compliments
He will keep you on the phone just to listen to you talk
"Why are you so cute?" = Happy little sunshine~
Cuddles galore
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Had to cut down a few cause it was getting wayyy too long but if does well enough I might do another one 🥰
possible new residents: @monsterhigh-cb [🐟💙 && ⚡💖 && 👻💜] @faywithlove @theinvitation-bot @badbf-cb @welcome-to-maniac [🐇🖤] @darkmoonsiblings​  @clubwnderland @supernaturalcb @domxbot @ocmyths @fantasyaespa [💚🐈 && 💎☀️] @thepatchedpaw​ @redlight-cb @dawnswonderland-entertainment @k-pop-shelter @fantasy-teez @bluerosemafiacb [🔪❣️]  @beastfights-starting @divineblood-cb @cave-of-celestials @urtwice @welcometosector1​​ @9ateez-multiau-bot @wolfpackcb @mxthxbot @lunaaofthemoon​ @littleboywooyoungie @musiclovermino  [🎶💛]  @k-venturetime [🍓❣️] @multi-joong [🌧️🧡] @reve-rv @k-half-blood @multi-esme @the-hellhounds @kquestrian​ @minsena-oc​ @kingtaythecute​ ​@kardpackcb​ @redlights-speakeasy​ @3rachabot​ @kingdom-of-dicentra​ @starhunters-reign​ @glamrockpop-cb @dreampodcast @beaconhillsxbot [DM + / -]
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bluewavesofchange · 1 month
The guardians of the Pharaoh
The return of the Seal
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I don't own Yugioh or it's characters
This chapter is graphic and filled with gore. Warning for mature content.
This chapter is really long so I'm splitting it into to parts.
Chapter 4 part 1
Rozu was having a rather informative time since the mess up that was the pyramid of light…she would’ve been able to do so much more damage to the brat, she would’ve loved to take an eye, an ear or added a nice scar over his face…but then little Yugi would have to carry the injuries. And honestly she was unsure how she felt about harming the child her sister gave her life for.
She had to admit it made her feel uncomfortable whenever she saw the boy’s innocent face that held the same eyes Clarity once had. She wasn’t always found of the angelic girl but she had a quirkiness that the queen of darkness found…admirable. Her positivity, her willingness to see the best in other (even if it was naive at times), the way she wanted to build a relationship with her and try and comfort her at times. They may not have been a conventional set of siblings but they were still family…she had even tried to save Clarity’s adoptive fathers despite the jealousy she felt.
Why did everyone have a better life than what she had? The moments of happiness she had had were few but cherished them…her Terra that she had lost…the brief moment she held her boys in her arms…the satisfaction from killer her father…even her time with Atem. They had had some good moments together, the times when he would find comfort in her presence when he was alone…even after Heba arrived they still spent time together, she remembered an evening when she had taught him to summon his first monster from the shadows…the little puff ball bounced around the prince, annoying Atem as it kept trying to cuddle him. They had spent nights talking and messing around with magic. Even when he had grown infatuated with little Heba and pulled away from her, she remained close by his as much as it hurt to be thrown away…and she would’ve been fine with staying in the shadows if it hadn’t been for the 5000 years of torture and pain…her sanity getting ripped to shreds while he remained in isolated bliss.
She would make him pay…she would take away everything he held dear, make him know what real loss was…just like she did. Then his darkness would flow into the world once again, consuming souls and destroying lives…he would turn this world into a wasteland and she would leave him here to endure his greatest fear and pain…loneliness…
She would take the siren and little Yugi back home where they belonged…she would make the goddess of the sea bring back the dragons so she could harness their power so she could bring her children back from the dead…to give them the life they should’ve lived…and then she would abandon that world…take her sons somewhere safe to grow up…just the 3 of them…away from any pain or suffering…
But that would need to wait as an old evil has made itself known once again. Lillian may have thought the queen of darkness was gone but she remained at the girl’s side as her shadow…watching her every move…
She wouldn’t admit that she had some concerns when the siren had fallen ill…she had watched her lover boy taking care of her…the love and connection they shared brought a feeling of jealousy and anger in Rozu…she not only had snagged two loves in both her life time’s while Rozu had only had her Terra for a short time before he was torn from her life in the curliest way…and to make matters worse was the fish was carrying her beloveds offspring. How unfair was that?
The red head had to wander what the others mate would think when they eventually reunited and he discovered that his love had betrayed him and laid with another man…a pathetic human no less.
What had intrigued Rozu was the run in with the girl’s supposed father…the red head knew better though…she could see through the façade and knew who it was…the man that she had escaped her grasp when she forced her way into his palace when she and the others had fought against his army and the great leviathan…it was Dartz. She had seen him for a brief moment when she was fighting off his corrupted monsters when she made her way into the city of Atlantis…he stood on his balcony as he watched his minions fight and laid down their lives for him and his kingdom...he should’ve been on the front lines like a real leader, fought for what he wanted like a true warrior and not just source it out to filth and the weak.
Rozu had fought beside her army, the siren fought beside her sea warriors and even Clarity had fought alongside her sky beasts. Heck when the thief king had tried to burn down Egypt Atem had faced him head on. A true leader fights with their people, leading them to victory and even laying down your lives for them…but Dartz was nothing but a coward and Rozu would enjoy devouring him and his soul…
What she was not expecting was the Seal that the 3 goddesses had created being used in a duel between some random robed man and the pharaoh…how intriguing…she needed to learn more…perhaps she could use this to her advantage…slowly she took over Lillian’s body, pushing the girls consciousness to the back of her mind.
Yami and Yugi were not having a good day. The spirit wanted to learn more about his past, possibly find out how the demon that had attacked him was involved in his life and why she despised him so much…and if there was a way to get rid of her. The other reason was the version of Yugi he had seen in visions from his past. From what he saw they were close, possible as close as they were now…maybe even closer. And was Yugi a re-incarnation of his past self or was there more to it?
There were the unexplained powers his Aibou possessed; did they have something do with his past? They really hadn’t talked about any of it, seemingly avoiding it for the most part. There was no explanation for it. When the two of them had been to the museum and learned of the tablets that depicted himself as pharaoh, Ishizu never mentioned anything about a partner or anything that resembled Yugi. But then again all of this took place nearly 5000 years ago so it was understandable if information got lost throughout the years (as annoying as it was). There was only one person that possibly held all the answers and she was out to get him…
The duo had gone to the museum with the Egyptian god cards to try and do something with the tablet but the giant stone had frozen over somehow and sent a strange wave of energy through him before numerous monsters appeared throughout the city…around the world in fact. Yami had let out a loud groan of frustration, great, another world threatening event.
The two of them had gone back to the game shop with their friends who had been with them throughout the entire encounter, the group watching the news and seeing a report on the monsters that were attacking the world and the strange lights in the sky…apparently they put the blame on Kaiba and his company for all this…Yami had to admit it was entertaining watching the CEO grow frustrated at the reporters berating him and bombarding him with questions. It looked like he was about to explode when a wall of ice separated him from the news crews.
Yami heard his partner saying it was most likely Lillian, the spirit sensing the heartache his little one was feeling. The siblings had spoken in recent days but only over the telephone which was safer than seeing each other in person since the demon was possessing Lillian.
Before the group could discuss any theories on what was going on, when they heard grandpa calling for help from downstairs, the teens running down to see what was going on, only to discover that 3 bikers had stolen the Egyptian god cards and challenged the pharaoh to a duel to get them back…how original.
 The teens headed up to the top of an uncompleted building to challenge another stranger with a strange looking duel disk…the man playing a card called the Seal of Oricalcos that trapped both duellists in a glowing dome, the seal covering the field, the man explaining that whoever lost the duel would lose their soul. Yami didn’t like where this was going and tried to use the ambiguous powers of the Millennium puzzle to put an end to the duel but that didn’t seem to work for some reason…the heck?!
And to make matters worse the last person he wanted to see showed up…
The area filled with shadows as a wicked laugh echoes through the air, Joey, Tristian and Téa are surrounded by tendrils, their arms and legs getting wrapped in the shadows, Yami eyes widening as he sees Lillian walking over to the green dome, her hair turning red, her tattoos changing and her eyes becoming golden, her lips forming a sinister smile, “Well hello again my boy.” Yami snarled as Yugi appeared beside him, watching as his sister is taken over by the spirit that had hurt his…well Yugi wasn’t entirely sure yet what to call the relationship he and Yami had.
The other man in the dome frowns as he watches what was going on around them, “Who are you? We are in the middle of something.” Rozu ignores him as she hums as runs her stained fingers over the green energy, “I have to say this is impressive. You’ve manged to harness the seals energy to create a spell to gather souls.” Her eyes moved up to the 3 bikers standing a good distance away before retuning her sights on Yami’s opponent, “Your master has been busy.” She continues to examine the seal.
Yami is on the defensive, “What are you doing here?” the goddess snickers, “Wouldn’t you like to know?” she stops walking and stares the pharaoh down, “If you must know I am here to rescue you.”
“Ha I didn’t know you had a sense of humour.”
Rozu smirked, “You don’t know anything about me pharaoh...just like you don’t know anything about who you are or even who your little Yugi used to be…or should I rather say…Heba.”
Yami tensed up at hearing that name, his eyes widening as his mind flashes to the Egyptian version of Yugi he kept seeing…the pale beauty dressed in the finest white silks and golden jewellery…his amethyst eyes sparkling like gems…his soft sweet smile adorning his rounded face…he sees images of the two of them…walking through the halls of a large palace…sitting in the library while they go through texts…having meals together and telling stories…spending evenings together in a bed chamber practicing magic and making each other laugh, the sound of his Aibou’s voice was like the sweetest honey and freshest flowers…his face radiating with light and beauty…a warm feeling radiates through Yami’s heart…a dull ache quickly replacing it as the visions change…his little angel’s lifeless body lying strewn across the ground, blood seeping from the deep lashing on his back and from his mouth…
The spirit could feel something bubbling up inside of him as he couldn’t take his eyes of the scene in front of him, his breath growing quicker as the shadows started to swirl around his feet, traveling up his body as a glowing eye appeared on his forehead as he clenched his teeth, his fingers curling into a fist…glowing yellow symbols forming on his skin that was slowly turning black…
As a snarl leaves his lips he feels a gently touch on his arm, distracting him from his torment as he looked down and saw Yugi’s big beautiful eyes gazing up at him with concern and sorrow and he felt the torment he had been feeling melts away…reaching out and gently stroking the shorter teens cheek, a wave of calm washing over him...however it is quickly erased by a deep laugh…
The scene fades away as Yami is once again face to face with the red headed woman again, a smug smirk on her face, “Did I strike a nerve your majesty?” she laughs wickedly as Yami growls, the shadows at his feet writhing in response to his anger. Rozu notices this and her smirk falls for a moment. She knew the brat could create shadow games but his control of the darkness had been non-existent since he awoke after the puzzle was completed…Rozu’s eyebrow twitched slightly before regaining her composure and was supposed to taunt him more before the robed man interrupts her, “Look we don’t have all night. Could we get back to our duel so I can deliver the pharaoh’s soul to master Dartz.”
Rozu frowned before a thought comes to mind, grinning as she swirls her hand, the shadows around Yami’s feet starting to move, “Unfortunately his soul is mine…” she snaps her fingers, the shadows swallowing Yami into the darkness before spitting him out again into the mass of tendrils that had the other teens trapped. The pharaoh tries to get up and go at Rozu but the goddess twirls her fingers and the shadows capture the pharaoh as well. He snarls and is about to yell at her to release him but a tendril wraps around his mouth to silence him while another removes his puzzle from his neck and presents it to its mistress.
She carefully takes it, running her fingers over the golden object, “I believe your little lovers soul is within this stupid thing.” Yami struggles against the shadows, trying to get free as he panics, feeling dread at the thought of Yugi’s soul being in the hands of this witch. Rozu hands the puzzle back to a shadow and the things moves to the edge of the roof, holding it over the side, the red heads gaze returning to Yami as she walks over to him, grabbing hold of his chin, her sharp claws cutting into his skin, “If you behave, I will return your little angel to you…trying anything funny and..” she forces his head to look at the puzzle as the shadow swings it around, “…I do wonder if his soul will survive being shattered when it falls from this high.”
Yami breathed heavily as he was panicking more as the red head lets go of him. Beside him Joey snarls and squirms against the tendrils, “Let us go and fight fair! I could take ya!” Rozu rolled her eyes and snapped her fingers, summoning another tendril to stuff itself into Joey’s mouth, muffling his shouts of rage. She glares at the other teens, “Anyone else?” Téa and Tristian shake their heads, “Good. Now…”
She sinks into the darkness and reappears with in the dome, her attention on the robed man, “…I have something better to offer you than the brat’s soul…” the man raises a brow, “What could be better that his soul? Our master demands it for the great beast!” Rozu licks her lips with her forked tongue, “How about the soul of the creature that took down the leviathan?” This got Raphael’s attention, “Explain yourself witch!” he calls out, his eyes narrowing. He had been watching this woman since she arrived. Her powers were…intriguing.
“Well…I have the soul your master is looking for…the very siren that sent the beastie to the bottom of the sea…” she explains but could see that Raphael wasn’t convinced…she waved her hand and a tendril swirls around Yami’s leg, making its way up and slipping into his pocket, pulling out Lillian’s necklace which Yugi always kept with him. The shadow brings it to its master. The red head holds it up for the biker to see, the blue gem shimmering in the glow of the seal beneath Rozu’s feet, Raphael’s eyes widening.
Rozu grinned and hung the jewel around her neck as she turns her attention back to the man in front of her, “You can have her if you win…but if you lose…” she raises her hand, the markings on her arms glowing as the shadows swirl in her hand, taking shape and forming her bone scythe.  She grips it tightly, bringing it close and stroking the skull attached to it. She then raises it in the air before bringing it down swiftly, the blade embedding itself into the seal…the green glow bursting with red sparks and bolts of electricity…the symbols changing…the green dome turning blood red with swirls of black magic…the seal on the man’s forehead disappearing and reappearing as red on Rozu’s forehead.
“…Your soul is mine to add to my collection.” She giggles wickedly as she twirls her scythe before raising her free hand, 5 smoky cards appearing before her. The man’s eyes widen as he takes a step back, what the hell was all this? This shouldn’t be possible! The red head flings the cards into the ground and bursting into black smoke as the screams of the damned fills the air, 5 figures rising from the ground as Rozu glances back at the captured teens, “I believe you have met this fine gentlemen…” the figures take shape…Joey, Tristian, Téa and Yami’s eyes go wide at the horror before them…
Standing there hunched over was the Big 5…or rather what remained of them…Gansely’s eyes were pale green as well as his skin which was sagging and melting off as if he had been dosed in acid…his rotting flesh peering from beneath, a red purplish colour that stank like meat that had been left out in the sun for two weeks before being dozed in oil and burned…
Crump had a missing arm and leg, a large bite taken out of his side and head, blood and puss oozing from the wounds…bits of flesh and tissue hanging from the massive bite marks…
Johnson was covered in bite marks too, smaller ones that was flowing with venom and blackened blood…his skin looking sickly as his eyes were melting out of his skull…
Nesbit flesh was covered in severe burns, the skin bubbling with blisters and sores as his body was still smoking as if he was still on fire…the smell of sulphur surrounds him as bits of charred flesh falls off his bones…
Lecter had bits of broken bones sticking out from his flesh as his whole body was contorted, his arms and legs broken, his jaw hanging limp and lose by a thread…
Rozu hums to herself, “You little kids might be confused to see them again since you watched them get devoured by yours truly…well you see their souls may be gone but the essence of their spirits remain for me to do with as I please…Now…let’s have some fun.”
The duel is brutal as the man struggles to find a way to get rid of the zombified men that just kept coming back from the grave yard each time they were destroyed…however he managed to bring forth Obelisk to the field, the man look rather proud of himself, “This duel is over and I will return to my master with my head held high and present him with a soul he has been searching for years!” he laughs with excitement but Rozu remains unfazed as she starts to smirk…the cheeks slowly splitting open, revealing rows of sharp teeth as blood seeps from the wounds, running down her jaw and neck as a loud cracking sound fills the air as the flesh on her back rips open, large leathery black wings emerging from the large wounds…
“You think that thing scares me?” her voice sounds distorted and hissing as she swings her scythe, slicing off the heads of the 5 gruesomely disfigured men, blood and black ink spraying from their necks and forming long tendrils that shoot up and wrap around Obelisk, the Egyptian god struggling against it as it roars. The opponents eyes widen as his body starts to tremble at the woman’s beastly appearance, looking like something straight out of hell…he watches as her black wings spread open, flapping hard as she launches herself into the air and flies at the blue Egyptian god, laughing maniacally, “I’ve been wanting to do this for years big boy. You know what they say, the bigger they are…” she raises her scythe over her head, “…The more blood they spill!” she shouts as she decapitates the behemoth, his head crashing to the ground as she continues to slice into the beast, cutting him down to pieces like someone chiselling away at a large stone till there was nothing left but rubble…
Everyone watches as the goddess lands on the ground gracefully, a pout on her face as she slowly returns to normal, “Damn it…seems like he was nothing but stone…what a shame…I wanted a blood bath…” she shrugs, “Oh well…” she turns her gaze to her opponent, the man’s life points hit zero, “I still have you to play with at least…” she glides over to him as he works quickly to remove the god card from his duel disk and tosses it to Raphael, the stoic blond man looking on as he catches the card…
The loser tries to run but the headless remains of the big 5 corner him, each one grabbing a limb and holding him in places as Rozu reaches him, licking her lips, running the tip of her blade over his cheek before making the scythe disappear and grabbing his throat, “You lost…which means you are mine.” She licks her lips as her fangs grow long and sharp, she growls as she quickly bites into is neck, her teeth piercing the skin and blood spraying from the wound as she continues to bite…sinking her pearly whites deeper and deeper into his flesh until they reaches his jugular…pulling back as she rips out the long pipe of flesh, leaving the man to bleed out and choke on his one blood as the zombies disappear into the shadows…the red seal evaporating into nothing.
She spits out the flesh and wiping the blood off her face, “Your soul isn’t even worth eating.” She spits on his corpse before gaze up at the 3 bikers only to see that they had disappeared…oh well. She will get to them eventually…and then she will make a fine meal out of Dartz.
She finally turns her attention back to the horrified looking teens, walking over to them as she motions for the shadows to bring Yami to her, running her clawed fingers over his cheek, seeing the fear and anger in his eyes, the rage he had for her, “Oh don’t look at me like that sweet boy…after all, you did the exact same thing one…I would say you did worse...” the shadow that was holding the Millennium Puzzle over the edge brings the item over to its master, “I might hold the information of your past from you but I am inclined to share some details I suppose…the first being that the shadow games and monsters that plagued Egypt was all your fault…You were the reason some many lives were lost and people suffered…it was all on you my boy…and it was all because of a boy…”
In that moment a memory flashes through Yam’s mind…
Atem knew he was getting close to his beloved as he felt his light…heading down the stairs leading to the dungeon when he stops, hearing a horrific scream bounce off the walls…he dashed down the tunnel, reaching a room that greeted him with a nightmarish sight…he stood frozen…the world slowing down around him, he could hear muffled voices as the only thing he could focus on was the mutilated body of the boy he loved…
Atem couldn’t look away from the lashing that covered his white skin, the blood and spit pouring out of his mouth as the guards let go of the boy, leaving him lying unmoving on the cold blood stained floor. His eyes were shut and it looked like he was barely breathing…
Anzu’s eyes widen in terror as she backs away, her guards bowing to the prince, the one with the knife speaking up, “Your majesty you should not be down here…” the prince wasn’t listening as his legs slowly carried him towards the other boy. He kneeled down, reaching out a hand towards his beloved when the guard stopped him, taking hold of the prince’s arm, “You shouldn’t be touching filth your majesty…”
Suddenly a shadow like blade shot out of the floor, slicing off the guards arm. He screams in pain as he stumbles back, blood splattering on Atem…the prince’s face darkens as the room is engulfed by shadows and darkness, yellow eyes appearing in the blackness as the room echoes with snarls and growls. The other guards shook with terror as the dispersed, trying to find a way out but if wouldn’t help. They were trapped. Anzu tried to run but she was grabbed by several long black tentacles, each one of her limbs being wrapped by them in a tight grip before pulling her apart, ripping them from their sockets. She didn’t even have time to scream as her dismembered body was swallowed by shadows.
The guards cowered in a corner, some of them wetting themselves as the watched in horror as the prince’s body started to morph, his skin become black with glowing yellow symbols covering his body, his eyes turned gold with slip pupils, a third eye appearing on his forehead, two large leathery wings sprouted from his back, spreading out as they towered over the guards. Atem faced them, opening his mouth to speak, revealing a set of elongated and sharp canines, “The doorway of darkness has opened.” Two voices left his throat, reverberating through the shadows. His fingers becoming red claws as he flexed his fingers…
The guards couldn’t even move as the beast charged at them…ripping into their flesh and shredding their bodies as he devoured their very souls...his agony and rage spreading out into the upper floors of the palace, seeping into to the outside world and engulfing the city in darkness, several monsters formed out of the shadows and started attacking the citizens of city…but Atem didn’t care…his little light had been snuffed out…
He gasps as his mind returns to reality…his eyes focusing on Rozu…he remembers…everything had indeed been his fault…the red watches the realization was over his face, a soft chuckle leaving her lips, “The sooner you realize that everything that has happened is as a result of you and the sooner you accept that you deserve every bit of sorrow and pain that is coming your way…and that all you are good for is being alone…” she says it with so much spite and hatred…who she was saying it to remained to be seen…whether it was to the pharaoh or herself…
She took a step back and looked at the puzzle for a moment, the corner of her lips curling as she takes one last glances at Yami, she would ensure he betrayed the little one…she would make him break his heart and destroy the bond they had…and she knew exactly how…
It all happened so fast…a shadow retrieves the stone that was around the dead man’s neck as Rozu throws the puzzle off the side of the building…distracting Yami as the shadows holding him and his friends disappear…the tendril that had grabbed the stone gives the evil rock to its master…the red head placing it in the pharaohs pocket…while he tries to catch the puzzle as it flies through the air but he misses it…going over the edge…
However Joey jumps after it, catching it by the chain as he goes over the ledge, Tristian and Téa catching his legs, stopping the blond before he falls to his death. Yami rushes over and helps the teens to pull him back onto the roof, a massive wave of relief washing over the Yami as he sees that Joey had caught his puzzle…
The blonde walks over to him and hands him the object, the pharaoh quickly taking it, feeling his connection with Yugi again as he hugs the object to his chest…he had been so afraid to lose his precious angel…he had nearly lost him again if what he had seen was to be believed…he sinks to his knees as he cradles the artefact, tears falling from his eyes as Yugi apparats beside him, Yami whispering over and over again, “You’re ok…you’re ok…you’re ok…”  while his friends stare at him. Tristian is the first to look over at Rozu but the red head was gone…
A few hours later…
Lillian groans as she slowly wakes up, holding her head as she feels a wave a nausea washes over her as she sits up…finding herself in her and Seto’s bedroom, not remembering how she got there…
She rushes to the bathroom and throws up, coughing heavily as she chokes a little…her eyes widening as she sees the blood that she was bringing up…the memories of what happened when Rozu took control of her floods through her head, bringing on another wave of sickness…
But she didn’t have time to think this over as the ground shakes…a roar echoing through the night…a roar she hadn’t heard for 10 000 years…
Within the Millennium puzzle…
After the events of the duel, everyone had headed home as they were all genuinely freaked out by what they had witnessed…these kids really needed therapy…
Yami had disappeared into the recesses of the puzzle; Yugi had thought that the spirit would’ve wanted to talk about what had happened…heck Yugi wasn’t even able to see what had happened since he was trapped within the puzzle, his connection with Yami broken when the artefact had been removed from the spirit…
His friends had explained the whole situation and it was a little terrifying to think about…well a lot terrifying…he could feel the anguish Yami was feeling as he seemed to be restless with in the millennium item. But the he refused to talk to Yugi…
After the short teen had made sure grandpa was ok and put to bed, Yugi had gone to bed too…falling asleep quickly and going into the puzzle. He quickly made his way to Yami’s room to make sure the other was ok…but he wasn’t easy to find in the massive maze of madness…it felt like Yugi had been walking for hours when he eventually found heard someone groaning and punching something in one of the rooms…
Yugi slowly opened the door and gasped softly at what he saw…Yami was leaning against a wall that had splatters of blood on it…the spirits fists red and covered in blood too as if the pharaoh had been punching the wall for the last few hours. His forehead resting against the cold stone surface, his blond bangs hiding his face…his body was trembling ever so slightly as if he was silently crying…not even noticing that someone had entered the room…
Yugi slowly approached him…being as quiet as a mouse as he slowly touches the spirits arm…Yami reacting quickly as he grabs Yugi’s collar and raises his fist but stops when he realises who it was…the pharaoh quickly shoving the other away before he could hurt him…his red eyes wide and wet with tears…he sinks to his knees as he looks down at his bloodied and bruised hands…he had nearly lost Yugi again…the memory of what he had down and what he had seen was too much for him…the memory was too painful…too raw since he had nearly lost his little Aibou numerous times now…it was too much…he couldn’t do this…he couldn’t…
He was pulled from his thoughts when Yugi had kneeled down in front of him, gently taking his hands, running his thumbs over his knuckles as he tried to get Yami to look at him, speaking in the softest little voice, “It’s ok Yami…We’ll get through this togeth--” he is interrupted by the older teen grabbing him and pulling him against his body as he smashes his lips against Yugi’s in a desperate kiss, tears streaming down his cheeks as he sobs softly, gripping Yugi tightly as he starts to crack…
Yugi wraps his arms around the other slowly as he returns the kiss, his hands glowing as he tries to send soothing energy into the other boy, to ease the distress he was experiencing as he continues to say that everything was ok…
Yami eventually broke the kiss as he rests his forehead on Yugi’s shoulder, “Pl…please…please don’t leave me…” he begs softly as his fists tightens its hold on Yugi’s shirt…fearing for what would happen if he ever got separate from the other half of his soul…the light of his life…sun to his moon…the stars in his night sky…his everything…the most precious thing to him…
Yugi runs his fingers through the others hair, pressing a soft kiss to the side of his head, making a vow to never leave his side…to remain with him for the rest of his life…to love him till the end of time…
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okay, are you ready? here’s my be mine superstar melt:
1. I am unbearably obsessed with the personality “swop” that happened between these two actors. going from fiat our little sunshine brat in dsn to Ashi our regal serious actor in bms and Leo our serious big boy protector in dsn to actual puppy sunshine baby punn in bsm -> getting a swop like that shows me their range as actors but also just different sides to their acting personalities and how well they know each other which is pure magic in romance
2. I’m OBSESSED with the way they met. like yes punn is madly in love with ashi as a fan boy (the little poster kiss really ruined my life), but to have an accidental bump in meet-cute and then (as far as it looks like the plot is heading) to end up working together is a delightful start to their story (cause it alludes to plot directions like “oh fuck I’m in love with you what am I supposed to do with these feelings??” , and “secret relationship eras (my beloved)” and “how can you date him you’re just a student intern and he’s a superstar” and “but I love him. I love him.”. can you tell I’m ready for this?)
3. the sets for this show seem to be out of this world. not just in relation to the period drama ashi (and co) are acting in but also the cafe where punn met his friends, the bar where doctor and superstar met (HAH!), punn’s mom’s cafe, dad’s art studio. all of it is so good. and from what I can see they really seem to be using the lighting and set structure to show personalities which is incredible in and of itself. (e.g. if you notice the lighting and set is pretty light/airy/flowing when punn is the central focus (that shower scene speaks for itself); but quite dark/wood/sort of solid when ashi is the focus)
4. the costumes, oh good god, the costumes! firstly just how beautiful the period drama stuff is ! ashi’s white cloak? and title’s full princely (guard?) suit? IMMACULATE. but also their casual clothes. ashi being so neat, tidy, and elegant always. versus punn who is soft and comfy (that lil grey cardigan did so much for my heart). as far as I can see (and probably because there’s been so many costume changes as a result of ashi’s job), there hasn’t been any colour coding between him and punn (yet?). so not much to say on the blue boy/red boy (/other colour variations) connotations. they may just play this out in style more than colour which is always less obvious but satisfying all the same, but I guess that’s just a waiting game.
5. so so happy with all the touching we’ve had. and I don’t just mean punn and his delusional body pillow cuddling (although that’s so relatable). but also between doctor and superstar (I really need to get to their names lmao) -> their entire scene was iron melting! the thumb swipe across the bottom lip, the finger brushing against the hand, the dancing (holy fuck), and then naturally the sex. SO GOOD. but also yes punn and his little prayer to his ashi poster, punn and his brother pai fighting (ah sibling love), even the touching between the three superstar friends. I like that the intimacy of touching is already being shown in a full range of ways. parents to children, sibling to sibling, friend to friend, love interests, lust. EATING SO GOOD!
anyway, now that I’ve talked y’all’s ears off, I am so happy to have a Monday night (more like Tuesday morning) watch for the next few weeks and I’m beyond excited for wherever this one will take us !!
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umemiyan · 4 months
Hiiiii Robin it’s been so long since I’ve been a nuisance in your asks… I’ve missed you <3 I haven’t stopped thinking about brat taming Oikawa w/ Suga since yesterday btw that post was evil and sick and twisted
LEXI MY BOO THANG !!!!!!!! i’ve missed you so much and have been thinking about you omg i hope you’re doing well my beautiful my beloved ❤️❤️❤️
but lord have mercy…… i haven’t stopped thinking about it either tbh i’m glad my evil and sick and twisted brain waves have penetrated yours 🍆😈
it’s just….. i just…. oikawa always loves to sneak up on me. unfortunately i want him real bad 😔 it’s not even fair and i can’t let him know that or the ego level will go over 9000
and suga my beloved is just so very Sweet Mother. “mr. sunshine and rainbows.” but with a stern side. so imagine teaming up with him to create a dynamic brat taming duo to put none other than pretty mister prince of brattiness tooru oikawa in his place !!!!!
koushi does most of the soothing and acts as the stabilizer (although i think he has a Side 👀) while you get more room to be a little rougher around the edges if u so wish. you can spank tooru til his ass is purple while suga gives him a couple of fingers to suck on and/or helps him keep track of the number of spanks he gets.
you can pull tooru’s hair and koushi will kiss his forehead before using his mouth as a cockwarmer. it’s really such a wild time and tooru loves it, even if he’s sniveling and crying the whole time. he’d be so ruined yet so cared for that he wouldn’t even know what to do with himself. the brat would be tamed 😌
what i would give to watch him drool and cry on suga’s cock….. you tell him he needs to go deeper and koushi’s like “c’mon now, he’s doing his best” but then slowly pushes the last inch or so down tooru’s throat…. so gentle but still punishing
lock me up i need to be stopped
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teddybeartoji · 7 months
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— "i hunger to commit the act of touch" m.list (prince!gojo x gn!knight!reader, crack, angst, fluff)
— boyfriend!gojo m.list
— roomie!gojo m.list
— hybrids m.list
— pov: you’re megumi’s kindergarten teacher and his guardian is kinda cute and you feel like you were meant to meet him (gn!reader, fluff, 3k)
— making out with gojo and geto at a party (f!reader, suggestive, hc's)
— touching teeth with him (gn!reader, suggestive, 1.2k)
— coworker!gojo thoughts (office!au, 1k)
— making out with coworker!gojo at work (m!reader, mature, 0.7k)
— a meet-cute with a handsome stranger on the bus (gn!reader, fluff, 1.5k)
— going skinny dipping with best friend!gojo (gn!reader, fluff, 1.2k)
— random headcanons
— ways that the jjk characters show their love to their autistic beloved (headcanons, gn!reader, fluff)
— con-artist!gojo and con-artist!reader are scheming. are they doing it together though? (gn!reader, crack, 1.2k)
— puppy!gojo and blue balls (gn!reader, mature, 1.6k)
— toji the brat tamer vs you and satoru (gn!reader, mature, 0.6k)
★ - ☆ - ★ - ☆ - ★ - ☆ - ★ - ☆ - ★ - ☆ - ★
— a meet-cute with a handsome stranger in the park (gn!reader, fluff, 4k)
— roomie!suguru and his dirty thoughts (gn!reader, mature, 1k)
— spending a morning with roomie!suguru (gn!reader, fluff, 0.7k)
— a tired suguru dozing off on top of you (gn!reader, fluff, 1.2k)
— making out with gojo and geto at a party (f!reader, suggestive, hc's)
— afab!suguru headcanons (fluff, and like two paragraphs of mature content)
— ways that the jjk characters show their love to their autistic beloved (headcanons, gn!reader, fluff)
— hybrids m.list
★ - ☆ - ★ - ☆
— shoko might have an itty bitty little crush (gn!reader, fluff, 0.6k)
— ways that the jjk characters show their love to their autistic beloved (headcanons, gn!reader, fluff)
— "blinded by the light" m.list (apocalypse au, gn!reader, horror, crack, fluff, angst)
— bf!toji learns how to apologize (gn!reader, mild angst w comfort, 2.3k)
— toji goes grocery shopping with little gumi and miki (fluff, 0.6k)
— toji fucking you in prone bone (gn!reader, mature, 1.1k)
— toji finds out that you're a little freak (a little piss never hurt anybody<3) (gn!reader, mature, 0.8k)
— toji the brat tamer vs you and satoru (gn!reader, mature, 0.6k)
— toji loves "bad" blowjobs (gn!reader, mature, 0.7k)
— cat dad toji (all fluff, 0.9k)
— ways that the jjk characters show their love to their autistic beloved (headcanons, gn!reader, fluff)
— going to the club with bsf!roomie!toji (fem!reader, mature, 0.5k + thank u lunar for this treat ily)
— hybrids m.list
— toji's sensitive nipples
— toji and biting (gn!reader, mature, 0.6k)
★ - ☆ - ★ - ☆ - ★ - ☆ - ★ - ☆ - ★ - ☆
— ways that the jjk characters show their love to their autistic beloved (headcanons, gn!reader, fluff)
★ - ☆
— giving your cute virgin friend a handjob (f!reader, mature, 2.7k)
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deripmaver · 3 years
laurent is a good person - book 1 meta
one of the most amazing things about captive prince is how the reveals in book 3 recontextualize all of the scenes leading up to them, including about laurent himself. in book one, all we see is damen pov as he’s being abused and humiliated by this supposedly spoiled, vile ice prince. when the regent comes to damen and subtly (and not so subtly) insults laurent, calling him unfit to rule - well, why would he think anything different? laurent has insulted him, had him whipped within an inch of his life, and even attempted to (and later successfully lmfao) have him raped while drugged out of his mind. 
after book 3 we can reread most if not all of book 1 as a very traumatized boy who has finally been confronted with the man who killed his brother, leaving him alone with his abusive uncle, and who he clearly has made into a complete monster in his own mind. damen of course sees him as a complete bitch, but there’s textual/subtextual evidence that laurent is well liked, and that his behavior during book 1 was actually pretty out of character for him. i’d like to provide some examples of that now!!!!
“Laurent had stopped dead the moment he had seen Damen, his face turning white as though in reaction to a slap, or an insult. Damen’s view, half-truncated by the short chain at this neck, had been enough to see that. But Laurent’s expression had shuttered quickly.” Captive Prince, Chapter One
i couldn’t resist adding this one in hehe. laurent recognizes damen!! he’s come down, knowing his uncle has devised another truly horrendous and triggering “gift” and that he’ll lose support if he calls it our for what it truly is, only to find out that it’s fucking damianos of akielos sent to him as a sex slave. a jab at laurent’s trauma about auguste and also a jab at laurent’s frigid sexuality - which ofc is completely the regent’s fault. fuck that guy so much lmfao 
“‘It’s so rare to see you at these entertainments, Your Highness,’ said Vannes.” Captive Prince, Chapter Two.
this is right before the fight between govart and damen in the ring, of course. damen sees laurent as depraved and vile as the sexual sadism on display by the veretian court, and considers him to be a willing purveyor of it. this is wrong, of course, as said by vannes here. laurent has only shown up because he wants to humiliate damen lmfao.
“He did remember being supported by two of the guards, here, in this room, while Radel stared athis back in horror. ‘The Prince really . . . did this.’ ‘Who else?’ Damen said. Radel had stepped forward, and slapped Damen across the face; it was a hard slap, and the man wore three rings on each finger. ‘What did you do to him?’ Radel demanded.” Captive Prince, Chapter Four
this scene, to me, was the most telling lmfao. it’s right after damen is whipped. you could argue that radel is just a servant in the employ of the royal household, so is of course going to be loyal to the prince, but he seems genuinely surprised of the prince’s cruelty towards damen. not only that, but he slaps him and immediately assumes damen must have done something. which - i mean, technically he did lmao. not necessarily enough to deserve having the skin flayed from his back, but you know. if laurent was in the habit of torturing pets and slaves, why would the overseer react this way?
“The men guarding him were the Prince’s Guard, and had no affiliation with the Regent whatsoever. It surprised Damen how loyal they were to their Prince, and how diligent in his service, airing none of the grudges and complaints that he might have expected, considering Laurent’s noxious personality. Laurent’s feud with his uncle they took up wholeheartedly; there were deep schisms and rivalries between the Prince’s Guard and the Regent’s Guard, apparently.” Captive Prince, Chapter Four
laurents relationships with his guards are also some of the biggest indicators that he isn’t just a spoiled brat, but can insire a deep loyalty in his men. even if they do all want to fuck him. ah, sexual harassment. it’s also hilarious that damen immediately assumes they’re loyal to him because they want to fuck him - nice projection there, dude. we know a bit more about laurent and his guards thanks to green but for a season, but this little bit here is interesting.
“Laurent was indeed good at talking. He accepted sympathy gracefully. He put his position rationally. He stopped the flow of talk when it became dangerously critical of his uncle. He said nothing that could be taken as an open slight on the Regency. Yet no one who talked to him could have any doubt that his uncle was behaving at best misguidedly and at worst treasonously.”  Captive Prince, Chapter Five
idek what to say here. laurent my beloved <3333
“‘When someone doesn’t like you very much, it isn’t a good idea to let them know that you care about something,’ said Laurent. Damen felt himself turn ashen, as the threat sank in. ‘Would it hurt worse than a lashing for me to cut down someone you care for?’ said Laurent.” Captive Prince, Chapter Seven
this isn’t really relevant to my thesis lmfao i just love this exchange bc it gives SO MUCH information about laurent and his uncle in just three lines of dialogue. what has the regent done, who did he cut down just to hurt laurent? when and how did laurent learn that? p a i n 
“Laurent’s fussy horse began acting out again, and he leaned forward in the saddle, murmuring something as he stroked her neck in an uncharacteristically gentle gesture to quiet her.” Captive Prince, Chapter Nine. 
HORSEY NO- lmfao this scene just hurts so badly on the reread. especially later on, in book 3 i think, where laurent says something like “i provoked my uncle.” he’s really blaming himself for his uncle KILLING HIS HORSE, his horse that his murdered brother trained, one of the only living connections to auguste... all because his uncle could not let a single miniscule plan laurent had set go through without some kind of repercussion. literally all laurent did was do something to stop an innocent group of people from being abused, nothing to undermine his uncle’s rule, but because the regent is VILE he could not let laurent have even this. he’s so good with her, too. he must have known by this point and also known that there was no way to stop this. P A I N
“‘I know that you have somehow arranged this,’ said Erasmus. He was incapable of hiding what he felt, and just seemed to radiate embarrassed happiness. ‘You kept your promise. You and your master. I told you he was kind,’ Erasmus said. ‘You did,’ said Damen. He was pleased to see Erasmus happy. Whatever Erasmus believed about Laurent, Damen wasn’t going to dissuade him. ‘He’s even nicer in person. Did you know he came and talked to me?’ said Erasmus. ‘—He did?’ said Damen. It was something he couldn’t imagine. ‘He asked about . . . what happened in the gardens. Then he warned me. About last night.’ ‘He warned you,’ said Damen. ‘He said that Nicaise would make me perform before the court and it would be awful, but that if I was brave, something good might come at the end of it.’ Erasmus looked up at Damen curiously. ‘Why do you look surprised?’ ‘I don’t know. I shouldn’t be. He likes to plan things in advance,’ said Damen.” Captive Prince, Chapter 9.
this is the first in-text confirmation we have that laurent has a good heart beneath his layers and layers of trauma-induced lashing out. book one often skeeves people out because of its graphic and, honestly, yes, kind of sexualized depiction of rape, slavery, and depravity, but beneath it all you meet these two protagonists who are going to have all of their most deeply held views about each other challenged. laurent from very early on is shaken to his core when damen refuses to rape nicaise in the ring - it cracks the very foundations of the person he’d built up in his head as this horrible monster who killed his brother in cold blood. and damen keeps defying laurents expectations by being a good person through and through. on the other hand, laurent spends the first part of the book taking out years of anger on damen, but here for the first time we see him do something just because its the kind thing to do. yes, torveld is an ally against his uncle, but laurent has clearly been scheming with him for a while now, and he’s now overlooking his hatred of damen and working with him just because none of the slaves deserve whats happened to them. it’s such a sweet moment.
“One of the other men, eyeing them, approached a moment later. ‘Don’t mind Jean. He’s in a foul mood. He was the one had to stick a sword through the mare’s throat and put her down. The Prince tore strips off him for not doing it fast enough.’” Captive Prince, Chapter Nine.
HORSEY NO- pt 2. this is just another really sweet and sad detail - laurent being so upset that the horse’s death could have been more painless. it must have hurt so much to see her in pain, and to know that the only way for that pain to end was being put down as quickly as possible. i wuv him. im sad
that’s it, though there are still a few more chapters left in the book. this isn’t providing any new information, of course, the path of the three books is to show that laurent isnt the man we meet in book one, that he’s actually sweet, and earnest, and he’s been fighting his own battle practically alone against his abuser since he was fifteen years old. also, the reveal that laurent knew who damianos was from the start makes it clear imo that all of his violence in book 1 was supposed vengence, not... him being evil. he apologizes explicitly in-text, and also, all of the acts of violence he commits cause serious problems for him in terms of his future alliance which he then needs to fix. i just love how layered these books are, how there’s so much information in them that makes rereading almost more fun than reading them for the very first time!
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sam-reid · 2 months
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I can't help being a gorgeous fiend. It's just the card I drew.
--- The Queen of the Damned.
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jessikahathaway · 3 years
Taming the Beast - Part IV
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Thank you to @knjsnoona for the impeccable banner. Amelia, you are wonder. And thank you to @queenofthedamnit. My lovely beta Ryn, who puts up with my whining on the daily. Love you b.
But please enjoy! I worked hard on this chapter for you <3
Pairing: Kim Taehyung (V) X Reader
Genre: Romance, Prince!AU, Angst, Fluff, Smut (Haha, it's here).
Rating: 18+
Warnings: Violence, Gender inequality, smut in the form of: oral (f. receiving), penetrative sex, unprotected sex (don't do as I write peeps safe sex is great sex), dom/sub dynamics, dom!Tae, sub!Reader, dirty talk, he calls her princess. (If I forgot anything please let me know nicely, thank you!)
Words: 6.9k
Summary: You were the next in line to be the head of your village, when your mother gave you to the enemy to save your people from merciless slaughter. What happens when they try to Tame a Beast?
The guards separated you and Taehyung shortly after the wedding feast.
You were whisked away by the handmaidens and taken up to a different portion of the palace. You were no longer in your own wing, no, this was different. They shoved you into another bath, scrubbing exceptionally hard.
“Ouch! Hey, watch it!” you growled.
“Shush, you are about to be presented to the Prince and you need to be as perfect as we can get you,” one maid said.
You bit your lip. There was aggression in their movements. They were either jealous or angry that a ‘savage’ like you was going to bed their beloved Prince. How utterly ridiculous. Taehyung was probably going to be far too frightened to bed you.
They wrapped you in pretty fabric, but it was easy to undo. You tried to calm your racing heart as they fluffed your hair lightly, but kept it wet.
“How do you think she looks?” One of the maids asked, looking at you with an appraising stare. Like you were some kind of object. Your blood boiled, but you sat still.
“It’ll have to do,” one older maid said, “we must hurry, the Prince will be waiting for her.”
You look at the ring on your finger, and in this moment, you missed Elaine’s gentle touches. She may have disliked you, but she never insulted you. Well, at least to your face anyways. Or maybe she did.
Whatever, you liked Elaine better than these brats.
Soon, you were walking down the hall in your silks and bare feet.
There were guards outside Taehyung’s door. Ah yes, to confirm the consummation. Well, best to get it over with rather than agonize for months.
The door opened and you were practically thrown inside. You heard the slamming of the wood and knew you were sealed in for the night. Gingerly, you lifted your head and saw Taehyung sitting on the other side of the bed. He was in a white loose shirt, looking out the window as he sat still in the night light.
You didn’t know what to say. You knew he was aware of your presence. But you didn’t want to disturb him.
After a while of standing Taehyung spoke.
“Are you scared?” He asked.
“Not much scares me, you certainly don’t,” you answered.
“What scares you?” He asked. You wondered what this had to do with consummation of your marriage, but you played along.
You thought for a moment, what did scare you?
Taehyung waited for you to answer.
“Failure. Being a disappointment to my people. That scares me,” you answered honestly.
Taehyung seemed to mull your words over in his head.
“I’m scared of the same thing.”
“Of failure?” You questioned.
“Being a disappointment, failure… I’m scared of it all,” Taehyung whispered.
“Well, I can’t tell you you won’t fail. I’m not certain I won’t fail either. But, what matters is learning from your mistakes. Those who ignore their failures are ignorant, they only see their achievements, not their losses. People who take their losses into account, win more.”
Taehyung was silent.
“I’ve failed you,” he said. “I’ve been a terrible fiancé.”
“There’s nothing wrong with being in love, and I’m sorry you had to lose her the way you did,” you said. Taehyung had been mourning the loss of Elaine, but the wedding and planning had put a wrench in his grieving.
Especially now that they wanted him to bed another woman.
“I don’t know if I can do this,” Taehyung said weakly.
You’d figured this would be hard for him. But if you didn’t consummate this marriage then you’d both be in trouble. You’d be under more ridicule than you already were, and Taehyung would no doubt be in for another beating…
“Taehyung,” you whispered.
“What?” He asked, turning towards you.
“It’s okay to be nervous, but, it’s just me.”
“I know, but, Elaine was the only one I’ve ever-”
“Do you trust me?” You asked, looking at him from across the room.
Taehyung was silent for a moment. Your heart was in your throat.
“Yes, I trust you,” he said quietly.
“Then can I come closer?”
“Yes,” he said even softer.
You walked forward and sat down on the bed.
You’d never really been one for a delicate approach to anything, but you were slowly starting to understand this man. And your usual methods weren’t going to be helpful with him.
Generally you didn’t care about things like that, but with Taehyung you’d both gone through so much together. Even if it felt like you were alone in this huge palace, Taehyung was probably feeling the same thing right now.
And maybe you could change that.
“We don’t have to hide from each other. We’re married now. We should at the very least be allies with one another,” you stated.
“Allies?” he asked, softly underneath his breath.
“Yes. Your court isn’t too pleased I’m an outsider, your court is also not pleased that you’ve been in relations with a servant girl.”
Taehyung winced at that.
“Really, if you look at it, all we have is each other. So why not be allies at the very least?”
Taehyung thought for a moment.
“What do you want from being allies?” he asked.
“I want to see my mother again,” you said, soft and gentle. Like the word was the most valuable thing in your possession.
“You want to see your mother? I thought your tribe was to follow you now,” he said.
“Just because they follow me doesn’t guarantee me seeing my mother. I want you to find a way for me to see her,” you explained.
“And what would I get out of you being my ally?” he asked.
“My cooperation, and loyalty,” you announced.
“Yes, I will be a model bride for you. And I will be loyal to you. Only you,” you said with conviction.
“You swear it?”
“I swear on my father’s grave,” you declared.
“Very well, I will see about getting you and your mother reunited. But in the meantime, behave yourself,” he sighed.
“I will do my very best,” you said.
The room was silent for a few moments, before you spoke again.
“Shall we consummate our marriage now?” you asked, raising a brow and looking at the bed.
Taehyung choked.
“I-I don’t think-”
“We have to, don’t we? Lest they find our marriage null and void in the morning and you no longer have access to my warriors,” you asked.
Taehyung cursed, a sharp tone that made your ears perk.
“You’re right, but-”
You stood up and dropped your dressing gown, revealing your naked body.
Taehyung’s eyes bulged out of his head as he averted his gaze.
“What are you doing?” he asked, shocked.
“You're my husband now, aren’t you supposed to look?” you asked, confused.
“Well, yes but-”
“There’s no need to drag this out longer than we have to, so let’s just get to it,” you said, placing your hands confidently on your hips.
Taehyung’s eyes remained off of you.
“Have you ever... been with anyone?” he asked.
“No, but that shouldn’t be a problem, correct?”
Taehyung swallowed audibly.
“It’s painful for a woman’s first time,” he warned.
“I’m sure I’ve suffered worse,” you said, waving him off.
“When did you last bleed?” He questioned, his head turned away from you still.
“Why do you ask?” You wondered aloud.
“Because I’m not ready for children yet,” he whispered.
Your mouth opened and shut for a moment. Elaine had been claiming a pregnancy before she’d died, but there was no proof either way. You understood Taehyung’s wanting to wait, you weren’t ready for a child yet either.
“The risk is low right now,” you said.
Taehyung let out a shaky breath before turning his head and taking in your body. You stood still, letting him get acclimated to the sight. Slowly, he lifted his arm and placed a cool hand on your warm flesh. Taehyung rubbed over your scarred skin. Fights from your training as a child had marred your body, but right now instead of being disgusted like you’d expected, Taehyung was gently caressing every raised inch of your skin.
“You must have trained hard,” he said quietly.
“I trained every day, sometimes until well after sunset,” you told him.
You placed your hand on his head, running your fingers through his silky tresses. Taehyung leaned forward, placing a gentle kiss on your hip. A soft sigh escaped your lips as you watched his mouth trail along your lower stomach.
“Your skin is soft,” Taehyung said, looking up at you.
“Well, I was scrubbed like a stain on a dress, I’d imagine I would be,” you scoffed.
His once gentle hands tightened on you, making your face turn questioning.
“Who bathed you, and why were they rough with you?” He asked.
“I don’t remember Taehyung, there were several maids coming and going. Does it matter?” You wondered.
“Yes, I won’t let the staff abuse my wife. They’re meant to serve you, not treat you like an animal,” Taehyung said.
You couldn’t help the laugh that escaped you. It was now Taehyung’s turn to be confused.
“Quite a big change this ring has caused,” you said, holding up your hand. Taehyung frowned.
“It shouldn’t have been that way, I apologize. I should’ve seen you as an ally at the least, not a hindrance. But I want to change that, we can work together,” Taehyung said, looking up at you with his dark eyes.
Something in your stomach turned at the sight of him looking up at you. Not in a bad way either, but you felt almost feverish. Looking deep into the eyes of possibly the only person in this world that you could trust.
But what if he betrays you?
What if it’s all a ploy?
Do you risk it?
“Let me try, let me try to make it up to you,” Taehyung pleaded, lips finding your skin once more.
An involuntary noise came from you, a soft sigh, something so gentle and relaxed coming from your mouth. Taehyung’s brows shot up in surprise. You bit your lip and tried to fight the heat on your face.
“W-Was that you?”
“I-I’ve never-”
Taehyung cut you off by placing his mouth back over your lower stomach. He moved his hands to your thighs so you spread them apart slightly.
Encouraged by your movement, Taehyung got on his knees on the floor.
“Let me taste you,” he breathed against your center. His eyes flickered to yours for approval. You swallowed hard before nodding.
Carefully, Taehyung placed a gentle kiss to your womanhood. You felt his tongue come out and lick at you gingerly, as if he was afraid to scare you off. Never had you been handled in such a way. Taehyung’s hands on the backs of your thighs urged you closer.
You moved according to his direction, bringing your hips closer to his pink lips. You watched with morbid curiosity as he licked along your slit. Collecting your flavor on his tongue and bringing you sharp pleasure.
“A-ah!” You cried when Taehyung’s tongue found your entrance. He dipped inside for just a moment before going back to lave across your pearl. Your heart was beating so hard. You weren’t sure what this sensation was, but it was something you were becoming addicted to.
“Is it alright? Are you okay?” Taehyung asked, watching you with rapt attention.
He was beyond nervous.
You could see it plain as day on his face, but so were you. It was rare for you to feel so out of your depth, but right now you had no idea what to do.
“I think so,” you swallowed thick, focusing back in on Taehyung’s tongue sampling you.
“If something doesn’t feel good, tell me,” he said seriously.
“I will,” you promised.
“Good, do you want to lie down?” He asked, looking at his large bed.
“Yes, that’s most efficient,” you said, clearing your throat. You laid down on the bed, while Taehyung got up from the floor.
“It’s about what’s comfortable not efficient,” Taehyung said softly, trailing his hands along your legs, spreading them open so he could settle between them.
You gazed at him for a moment. He came back to your center, bringing his mouth to your wet core and continued to pleasure you.
Without meaning to, you let out a little gasp when he pushed his tongue inside you again.
“Do you like that?” He asked, licking his lips.
“I-I don’t know,” you flushed.
“I think you do,” Taehyung said, but there wasn’t smugness in his tone.
“Think so?” You asked softly.
“Yes, you’re still wet, getting wetter,” he said, rubbing his thumb through your folds gently, making your hips jut lightly.
“I can’t help it,” you frowned.
“Y/N,” Taehyung said quietly.
“Yes?” You raised a brow.
“Can I put my fingers inside you?”
“Why?” You couldn’t help but ask, why was he drawing this out?
“B-Because I need to prep you before I-uh… Before I put myself inside of you. Otherwise it’ll hurt,” Taehyung explained.
“I see, you think I can’t handle whatever-”
“It’s really not like that Y/N, I honestly just want to make this as painless as possible,” he said, looking at you with his deep eyes.
Taehyung knew you were going to be difficult.
But you were just nervous, Taehyung couldn’t fault you for that.
He was just as nervous. If not more so.
“Okay, do what you think is best,” you said, biting your lip harshly.
Taehyung nodded. Putting his fingers in his mouth before rubbing them along your slick gingerly. Slowly, Taehyung inserted one finger. You felt the stretch and burn, but it wasn’t painful per se. It was more of an aching feeling than anything.
“Does it hurt?”
“N-No, just…”
“Want me to move a little?”
“Just a little,” you breathed.
“Okay, just relax, it’s okay,” Taehyung said, moving his finger out a touch before pushing back in.
“Oh,” you sighed, resting your head back on the bed.
“Good?” He asked.
“Y-Yeah, feels good,” you said, letting the pleasure wash over you.
Taehyung nodded and pushed his finger back and forth within you, creating a terribly wanton ache within you. Taehyung kept moving slowly, stretching you out with his finger.
“T-Taehyung,” you hiccuped.
“What is it?”
“I-I want m-more,” you said, feeling the heat rise to your face. Taehyung smiled lightly, but nodded nonetheless.
“Okay, two fingers?” He asked.
“Yes,” you whined out.
Taehyung was trying not to smirk, but it was hard when you were such a submissive in bed. Wanting the pleasure, wanting it all. Taehyung didn’t expect you to be so demure when you got in here. But now you’re writhing underneath him. His ego inflated, he couldn’t help it. The cold Princess finally letting her guard down.
“Just breathe for me, Y/N,” Taehyung said, pushing another finger inside your entrance.
“O-Oh!” You cried, gripping the sheets tightly between your fists.
“If this is how you react to two fingers I can’t wait to see what you look like on my cock,” Taehyung growled lowly.
The room became silent.
“Shit, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to over step-”
“Please, I want it so bad,” you begged. Taehyung felt the cord within him snapping, slowly letting loose into his dominant persona.
“Yeah? Want this cock Princess? I bet you do,” he groaned when more of your slick gushed from your core.
“Give it to me Taehyung, please,” you pleaded.
Taehyung’s arm was starting to hurt with how fast he was thrusting it inside of you, but he wanted to make you cum at least once before fucking you. He could feel your insides tightening up, telling him you were close.
“Want you to cum, pretty Princess, cum for me,” he breathed, coming close to your face and placing a kiss to your lips.
“I-I feel-like I’m gonna fall apart,” you breathed harshly, wrapping your arms around his neck.
“Do it, do it for me Princess,” Taehyung almost pleaded.
“Oh shit, Taehyung!” You cried, before cuming all over his hand.
Your heart was pounding out of your chest and your eyes filled with tears from the intensity of your orgasm. Taehyung was breathing just as hard as you as he pulled his hand from your center, bringing it to your face.
“Taste yourself,” he said, tapping your lips with his slick fingers.
Opening your mouth slowly, Taehyung put his fingers in your mouth making you roll your tongue along his digits.
“Good girl, lick my fingers,” he encouraged. You licked and sucked with more enthusiasm. Taehyung groaned at the sensation, making your legs twitch with want. He pulled his cleaned fingers from your mouth and brought your lips together.
You traced your hands down his frame, finding the tie on his shirt and pulling it open. Cold palms found his warm flesh and you bit your lip in surprise. He was toned, but not overly so. His lower stomach was soft, but his arms were strong and firm when he pulled you on top of him.
Taehyung placed his hands gently on your sides, moving you against his warm body. You felt his throbbing cock through his pants. He was so hard…
“Move with me-oh, yesss, like that Princess,” Taehyung moaned.
“A-Am I doing it right?” You asked, looking down at Taehyung’s lust filled face.
“Perfect, doing so good,” he encouraged.
“Taehyung,” you whimpered out.
“Princess, wanna be inside you already,” he moaned.
“Yes, I want it, please,” you begged lightly.
Taehyung almost cried out when you ground down against his hardness.
“Want my cock Princess? Want it inside of you? Want my thick dick inside your tiny pussy?”
He was filthy. But it was doing everything to turn you on. You hardly could register the feelings swarming your mind right now. All you could feel was Taehyung, and he felt so good.
Taehyung brought you closer, kissing your neck and biting down on the delicate flesh there.
“Oh!” Taehyung frantically took his pants off while you pulled at his sleeves in longing.
“Soon Princess, soon,” he said, kissing you once more.
“Mmm, Taehyung, hurry and put it in,” you pleaded.
Taehyung pulled off his shirt and threw it to the side, now just as bare as you. You smiled and ran your hands over his body, the warmth of him bringing you further into the moment.
“Are you ready Princess? Ready for my cock?”
“Yes, Taehyung, please,” you beseeched.
“Okay Princess, you’ll get it,” Taehyung said, spitting onto your pussy and lining himself up with your entrance.
Slowly, he eased himself inside of you. You watched Taehyung’s face morph into what looked like pain but you knew it was pleasure. You felt the fullness overwhelming you.
“H-Hold on,” you said, breathless.
“Are you alright? Do you want me to stop?” Taehyung asked, frantic.
“No no, I’m fine. I just need a moment,” you said, breathing deeply.
“Okay, let me know when I can move,” he said.
You waited a few seconds, waiting to adjust to the intrusion. But Taehyung was patient, kissing your chest and up to your lips while he waited for your go ahead.
“Alright, you can move,” you said softly.
Taehyung nodded before giving a gentle thrust into your wet heat.
“Oh fuck,” he moaned, looking down at you with a light sparkle in his dark eyes. You found yourself drawn into his orbs, looking back at you with such gentleness.
“T-Taehyung,” you whimpered out.
“Yes Princess, what do you need?” He asked.
“Touch me, touch me please,” you begged.
“Where?” He questioned, looking for direction. Not answering with words, you took his hand and placed it over your breast. Taehyung palmed your chest, making you moan out in appreciation.
“Like that,” you cried, head thrown back.
“So pretty like this,” Taehyung muttered. You peered up at him with your big eyes and Taehyung felt his heart stammer.
He pushed forward a little harder, making a gasp fall from your lips with his urgency.
“Feels so good, mmm, fuck,” he growled. Taehyung was about fit to burst, but he held off, knowing that you would come first. He needed to see it again. The way your lips parted in a beautiful O that made him want to kiss you endlessly.
“Taehyung, fuck, oh Gods,” you moaned.
“Say my name, fucking say it. I want to hear you scream my name Princess,” he groaned.
“Tae-hyung, fuck, harder, fuck me harder,” you squeaked.
“I will baby, I’m going to fuck you so hard that you can’t walk tomorrow,” he moaned.
You gripped his shoulders tightly as he started rutting into you at an alarming rate. Taehyung seemed to slip away at this point, turning into a feral beast. Your heart was hammering against your rib cage, like a bird trying to get free. Your vision was going blurry as you tried to hold on.
“Look at me Princess, focus on me, let me see you cum. You’re so close aren’t you? Just wanna cum huh? I’ll give it to you, isn’t that right Princess? Fucked so silly for me, my bride, my wife. Going to make you my Queen,” Taehyung moaned out.
Taehyung sounded so sure, unlike any other time you’ve heard him speak. Generally the man was more reserved but, right now he was fucking you like a savage. You tried to keep your eyes open, but the sensations coursing through you were more than you could take.
“Taehyung, something-I’m-ah!” You cried, trying to keep your head on straight but your lower stomach burst into a fiery explosion that took your breath away.
“Fuck that’s it pretty girl, keep going. Cum all over me, want to see you make a mess,” he said.
Your thighs were starting to shake as he kept pushing forward into you. “Ah, Taehyung, w-what-oh!”
“So close baby, so close,” he whimpered, rolling his hips into yours seductively.
“Oh my fucking-Taehyung!”
“Y/N!” He yelped, pulling out quickly and warmth spread on your lower stomach.
“Shit,” you huffed, looking up at the ceiling.
Taehyung came into your field of view and looked at your face with concern.
“Are you alright?” He asked, timid nature creeping back in.
“What the fuck was that?” You asked, looking at him with confusion.
“Um, I’m also confused. What are you talking about?” He questioned.
“What did I just do?” You said, looking down at your mess with burning hot cheeks.
“You, uh, came?”
“What does that mean?” You asked.
“Have you never touched yourself?”
“Not like that, no,” you said, breathless even still.
“Well, it’s called an orgasm. But the slang terminology is to cum or you came,” Taehyung winced at the awkwardness filling this air.
“Can we do it again?”
“That was the best feeling I’ve ever felt in my life, I want to do it again,” you said, pushing him down on the bed and crawling on top of him. Taehyung couldn’t help but feel his lower stomach twinge in interest.
“Why aren’t you hard still?”
“Oh dear God,” Taehyung lamented, rubbing his face.
“Am I not attractive enough? No, that can’t be it, you were hard because of me before,” you muttered.
“Can we not have this conversation now, I-I can’t go again so soon,” he said.
“How long do you need?” You asked, eagerly.
“Maybe, ten minutes? Wait-no, hold on,” Taehyung gasped when you brought your mouth down onto him. A sharp moan came from his lips. You smirked and continued moving your tongue around his length, massaging it and covering him with more of your slick.
“God fuck me, I-I can’t, it’s too much,” Taehyung cried, throwing his head back. You planned to keep going but a strong hand grasping the back of your head had other plans. Yanking your mouth off of him, Taehyung flung you onto your stomach and landed a heavy thwatch to your ass.
“Such a needy little brat I have,” Taehyung smirked. You noticed he was already getting hard again. Your mouth watered at the sight, but Taehyung didn’t let you move. You yearned to reach for him, to touch him more. To have him touch you more.
“Enough, I told you to wait. And like a greedy little whore you couldn’t help yourself,” he growled.
His words didn’t sting, not at all actually. They brought a fire back into your belly that made your throat clench tight and your pussy scream for attention. Taehyung brought his hand down on your ass once more, making you jolt.
But instead of feeling humiliated, you moaned out loud. Letting him handle you as rough as he wanted. Taehyung gripped you and moved you to lean back on your knees and rest on your elbows.
“Ass up, Princess, I wanna see how drenched you are,” he said, giving your butt another swat. You did as he said, bringing yourself into a quite lewd position, ass high in the air. Taehyung groaned low in his throat as he massaged your tender flesh between his palms.
“Taehyung,” you mewled out, craving something inside of you.
“I think my little Princess needs to be louder. What do you want? Tell me Princess and you just might get what you desire,” Taehyung chuckled.
“Y-You, I want, you,” you pleaded.
“Yeah? What part of me do you want?” he asked, leaning down and brushing his lips against your ear in a tantalizing manner.
“Your cock, please Taehyung give it to me,” you begged.
Taehyung hummed in appreciation at your pleas.
“So desperate. I never knew you’d be such a whore for me,” he breathed against your neck, licking up to your earlobe and biting down a little hard.
“Oh!” you gasped, ass rutting into the cup of his hips.
Taehyung snarled when your pussy rubbed against his dick in a erotic fashion. He grabbed your hips and pulled you onto his cock, making you grind on him slowly. He seemed to like the build up, the way he could get your heart racing with just a few motions really made you wild.
“Going to shove myself so deep inside you that you won’t be able to breathe without my cock inside you. You’ll always need it. Whether it’s shoved down your throat, stuffed in your pussy or however I want to take you, Princess. Doesn’t that sound heavenly?”
You simply whined out a response, just wanting him inside you already.
“Ah ah ah, behave yourself Princess, I’d hate to leave you like this for the night,” Taehyung tutted.
“Please no! Please give it to me, Taehyung. Please, I’ll do whatever you want, just fuck me,” you cried.
You wanted to be ashamed of yourself. But you couldn’t help it. You’d never felt something such as this before. Your mind and body were overwhelmed with the sensations. Nothing could compare to the feeling you were experiencing right now. This pleasure that was burning you up from the inside out would surely be the death of you.
“My Princess, you want this?” he asked, stroking himself a bit before lining up with your entrance.
“Yes, yes I want it,” you gasped.
“Say please,” he teased.
“Please! Please please please Taehyung,” you sobbed.
“So eager, alright Princess. Take it,” Taehyung said, grabbing your hair and pulling you back onto his dick for the second time that night.
The full feeling made you want to suffocate, but at the same time you couldn’t help but cry out in blissful agony at the intrusion.
“Does it hurt?” Taehyung asked, looking at you for confirmation.
“No, it doesn’t hurt. Please, you can move,” you urged, bucking your hips back against him.
“Feels good?” he asked, reaching around you and rubbing your throbbing little clit a few times.
“So good,” you encouraged.
“Then make us feel even better Princess, move your hips-yes, oh fuck, like that,” he groaned as you swiveled your hips backwards and moaned into the sheets.
“Gods Taehyung,” you hiccuped, trying to keep yourself in check.
“Feels good doesn’t it Princess, my dick inside you feels good right? Want some more?” he asked, thrusting forward so hard he pushed your face into the beautiful satin fabric of his bed.
You turned your head and looked back, seeing his focused face and sweat pouring from his body.
Your heart clammed up in your chest. Had Taehyung always looked like this? So domineering and strong?
You brought your hands up and gripped a pillow tightly, wanting to scream at how good he was making you feel, but you couldn’t think of anything to say other than his name. So you blubbered his name and felt the tears streaking your face.
“Aw, Princess, are you crying? Is my cock that good that you’re crying over it? Pretty Princess, want more? Does your cunt want my cum?”
You almost choked at his statement. But you clenched around his length like a vice, Taehyung cried out in tandem with you. You both kept egging the other on, making the pleasure double, triple and so on.
But in the process you continued to fuck each other up even more.
“Tae-hnnn-hyung,” you moaned out as he plowed into you. Taehyung’s mind was on one track. To make the both of you cum.
“Fuck, Princess, I’m going to cum, your perfect pussy is going to make me fucking cum Jesus Christ, fuck!” he cried.
“Tae, me too, fuck me too!”
Your walls clamped down on him so tight he swore he wouldn’t be able to move an inch, but he did. Fucking you through your orgasm, Taehyung’s sweat poured down his face as he fell apart. Tears welled up in his vision as he came inside of you. You gasped, looking at the man above you. Tears fell from his cheeks and onto your neck as he shuddered.
“No, just... Call me Tae,” he whispered. “I like it when you say it.”
“Tae,” you said breathlessly. “You’re crying.”
“I think I’m just overwhelmed,” he said, wiping his eyes.
“Do... Do you want me to comfort you?” you asked, blushing harder than you did when he was fucking your brains out.
“Comfort me?” he asked.
“My mother, when I was sick or injured badly, would comfort me. Do you want me to try it?”
You expected the same kind of coldness he’d exhibited before. Or you at least expected him to deny you. What you didn’t expect was for Taehyung to lay his head on your chest, wrapping his arms around you.
You also didn’t expect the soft voice that he used.
“Yes... please,” he said.
Without much more thought your hands went to his beautiful curly hair. It was getting longer. You found that you liked it this way, there was something to play with. You soothed your fingers over his scalp, rubbing and scratching in just a way that made his toes curl in pleasure.
Softly, you started singing the Ancient’s song. An old village tune that had found a place in your heart since you left home. Taehyung seemed soothed, his breathing had calmed down and you didn’t feel the wet warmth of his tears.
But you didn’t stop either.
You continued scratching and playing with his hair, humming the slow song under your breath as Taehyung fell into sleep. Slowly, somewhere along the lines, you fell asleep too. The nights light illuminating you two as you slept peacefully.
The next morning you awoke to find Taehyung looking out over the Kingdom. His shirt and pants were tied on loosely. You saw the bruise on his neck, no doubt from his father. You’d seen it last night and tried to be mindful of not touching it. But there wasn’t any fear in his frame today, he seemed... Awake in a sense.
“Good morning,” you croaked, rubbing the sleep from your eyes.
“Good morning, Princess,” he smiled, turning back to you.
His smile was a blinding thing. Boxy yet so charming at the same time. You wondered if he got it from his mother, because certainly his father didn’t have such charm. Perhaps it was a gift his mother left him. Something beautiful to remember her by.
“When did you wake?” you asked, raising a brow.
“Not too long ago,” he said, turning back towards the window.
“I see,” you answered, pulling your dressing gown on and heading towards the balcony.
The castle had several, but this one was by far the largest one you’d seen.
Taehyung came after you, walking towards you slowly as you leaned over the edge.
“Did you sleep well?” he asked, turning his head in your direction.
“I did, thank you. And yourself?” you questioned back.
“I slept fine. I’m a little sore though, I must confess. You did a number on me,” he said, rubbing his shoulders.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to be rough with you,” you winced. Taehyung noticed immediately however, looking at your stance.
“I believe that should be my line, are you alright? I should’ve been a little gentler,” he sighed, rubbing his face.
“No, it was perfect, I enjoyed myself. We should do it again,” you chuckled at his shocked expression.
“Don’t worry, we’ll have to do it again. The Kingdom will need an heir eventually,” he said, looking down at the grass below.
“Let’s not worry about that now.’
The air blew through your dressing gown, making your knees knock together because of the cold.
Taehyung came over and wrapped his arms around you, making the chill leave momentarily. The heat in your cheeks came again and you adjusted yourself in his grasp. What’s with this reaction? It was just Taehyung...
Just... Taehyung.
“Are you cold? Should we go inside? Winter will be here before you know it. Probably best you don’t catch something.”
“I’m fine, Taehyung-”
“I told you last night, call me Tae,” he said, smiling lightly.
He said the nickname as if it pained him. But you did as he asked regardless.
“Tae, I’m alright,” you announced.
He nodded, but kept his grasp firm on you, not letting you go for a moment. You two stood there, basking in the morning light. Until a loud knocking came from the door.
“Your highness! The king is requesting an audience with you.”
“Tell him I’ll be there shortly,” Taehyung hollered back.
“Apologies, highness. We’re here to escort your bride.”
“Did you consummate the marriage with my son?” The King asked, looking at you like he was about to be sick.
“Yes, if it worries you that much,” you said blatantly.
“You will not speak to me in such a tone,” the King growled.
Remembering your deal with Taehyung, you bowed your head.
“Apologies Majesty. What is the reason for our meeting,” you asked, keeping your head down.
“Did fucking my son really give you manners? Or is there another matter at play here?”
“It matters not, what matters is your mother is withholding troops from me. You will tell her to give me these troops,” he said, as if it were the easiest thing in the world transporting Night Crawlers here into the Kingdom.
“My mother no longer controls them. They await my orders now,” you said.
“So you are the one withholding them from me?”
“No, Majesty. News of my marriage with the Crowned Prince will travel to my mother, and once she knows of our union, the warriors will await my command. Please, give it some time,” you said slowly.
“Insolent bitch!”
A sharp sting came to your face.
“Majesty!” Xavier said, coming to your side. “We only sent the bird for their union yesterday. Give it some time. She could be carrying the heir.”
This seemed to sober up the King, looking at your stomach with slight anger and frustration. “Fine, but if those troops aren’t mobilized by the next month, you and I will be having a different conversation,” he said with a sense of finality and walked out the door.
“Go, before he changes his mind,” Xavier said, ice coating his words.
You swallowed hard before turning and walking out of the room, not before you heard Xavier mutter to himself.
“All a part of the plan.”
“What did my father want to speak with you about?” Taehyung asked when you were brought back up to his quarters. He was dressed formally now. His back was facing you.
“He wondered why the soldiers weren’t here one day after our union,” you sighed, wincing as you rested your hand on your swollen cheek. Taehyung turned then, about to ask you another question when his face paled.
“W-What happened to your face?” he asked, coming forward to move your hand.
“Your father happened to my face,” you said plainly.
“What do you mean? He hit you?” Taehyung questioned, moving your hand away from your face so he could get a better look.
“And called me an insolent bitch, but words hardly matter at this point,” you sighed when Taehyung’s cool palm made contact with your flaming cheek.
“Maids! Get me some cold water, quickly please. And bring us up some tea,” he said, angling your face to get a better look at the damage.
“Taehy-Tae, it’s alright, it doesn’t hurt that bad,” you said, bringing his hand away from your jaw.
“I’m so sorry,” he whispered.
“What are you sorry about? You weren’t there, you couldn’t have done anything-”
“If I could just man up and let him stop pushing me around and-”
“Hey, stop.”
You took his hands in yours and looked him dead in the eye.
“Man, woman, dog-it doesn’t matter. No one deserves being treated the way you’ve been treated by your family member. It’s not about manning up, it’s not about being tough. It’s about knowing your worth, and knowing that you don’t deserve that kind of treatment.It’s hard when you’ve been bullied into thinking poorly about yourself for so long but, the fact of the matter is, you don’t deserve that. No one does. So, you can do something about it, or you don’t. It’s simple.”
Taehyung sighed. “If I challenge my father, he could question my right to the throne.”
“But the people, Taehyung, think of your Kingdom. Think of them, and how much they look up to you. You’re in good favor. Even if it may not seem like it. The people here, they respect you, they like you.”
“They’re mad I married a Night Crawler woman,” Taehyung sighed.
“Is the Jung threat-”
“Don’t, don’t ask questions you’re not ready to know the answer to.”
Taehyung’s voice turned cold as a winter’s night. It was as if you could feel the temperature drop in the room at his very words.
“And you know whether I’m ready or not?” you asked, raising a brow.
“Y/N, this is serious. This is something meant for the strategists and the King, not us. Not now-”
“Highness? We’ve brought some water for you and your wife,” a maid’s voice carried through the door.
“Yes, please come in,” Taehyung said, moving away to gather up the items brought in by the servants. A platter of tea and biscuits were placed in front of you, the aroma pleasing but not overpowering.
Taehyung brought the ice water over, setting the cloth inside of it slowly before wringing it out and approaching you. You stayed put, letting him tend to you. Gently, he placed the cloth on your cheek, watching your face for signs of pain.
All you felt was relief.
The heat from your swollen face diminished, and a heat of a different kind rose in your belly.
Taehyung’s tender side made you think of how he’d taken care of you last night as well. You bit your lip and looked at Taehyung’s features. Striking jaw line, beautiful eyes and a cute little mole on his face.
You brought your hand up to his wrist, gently locking your fingers around his arm.
“Tae,” you started.
“Yes, Y/N?”
“I-I want to have sex again.”
“Again? Already? Why?” he asked.
“I don’t know, I enjoyed myself last night and-well. I don’t bleed for another few days so why not?”
“I’m trying to be gentle with you, we’re not rabbits,” Taehyung chuckled. You pouted softly.
“Please, I want to, do you not want to? Because I don’t want to make you uncomfortable-”
“That’s most certainly not the case Y/N,” his voice was husky.
“Then why not?” you whined.
“Because, we have company,” Taehyung muttered, looking towards the door.
“That you do,” Jimin and Seokjin announced, walking inside your room.
“I think my wife has had plenty of meetings for one day,” Taehyung said, standing up to face the two men.
“Quite right, Prince Taehyung,” Jimin said. “That’s why we’re here for you.”
“Me?” Taehyung asked.
“Yes, you are to begin your training regimen once more,” Seokjin said firmly.
“Yes, you are to come with us to the courtyard. Princess Y/N is welcome to follow us,” Seokjin said, looking at you with a challenge in his eyes. “Perhaps she could even show us some of her techniques as a Night Crawler woman. We are meant to be fighting with them soon, perhaps we should see what one can do.”
“I don’t think she’s ready. She’s been out of practice, we wouldn’t want her hurting herself,” Jimin stated.
“Oh? Out of practice... Very well then, let me show you what I can do.”
@ladyartemesia, @lolalee24, @mawwnsterr, @defenestre-me, @musicalitae, @asifihaveaclue, @midnightsora, @mylifeisafxingmess, @jeonartemis, @coolmusicnut, @daydreambrliever, @chimchoom, @getmemyfries, @nikkiordonez12, @m00nchild-02, @creamberrypies, @delightpcy, @sanislifealways, @muqs-amer, @tutnotmytea, @pinkcherrybombs
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melsuki · 3 years
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐢𝐬𝐧'𝐭 𝐡𝐞?
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prince!oikawa tōru x princess!reader word count: 0.4k warnings: none a/n: special thanks to @ryesei for instigating royal au brain rot n proofreading <3
pt 2
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it’s been years since your allied kingdoms have met, and the last time you saw the crown prince oikawa, he was a little snotty nosed brat who liked to swipe sweet delights from under the baker’s nose, and have a tantrum whenever he lost a game of dice to you. the fond memories brought a small smile to your painted lips, but for some odd reason your heart was still racing at the thought of seeing him again after so long. you're mind wandered back to a couple days prior, when your ladies in waiting gossiped about his notable beauty, and how he’s one of the most sought after bachelors in his kingdom. even further in fact, some have whispered.
suddenly trumpets rang through the throne room, shaking you of your thoughts, and instinctively you raised your chin and straightened your back. no matter how impressive he may be, you are still the crown princess of your kingdom, and you weren’t going to let a man play with your nerves and make your knees buckle. you’ve dealt with much too much to let that happen.
the enormous doors embellished with swirls of gold, and carvings of mythical animals pushed open, revealing an entourage of various knights in gleaming silver armour, and footmen dressed smartly with splashes of the familiar pale teal colour adorning their chests. the fanfare of trumpets rippled through the magnificent room and reverberated off the soaring ceilings. you forgot how grand their entrances always were; the oikawa family really did love to have a splendid show.
the golden trumpets finished their welcome, and the noble people of the royal court took their cue to stand up in respect of the royalty about to appear. the mass of silver and teal parted and the beloved crown prince oikawa tōru finally emerged in all his glory.
the whispers were right. and you hated it with a growing passion in each of his assured steps. you hated the gentle tousle of his caramel hair, and how it shined under the golden sunlight. you hated the way he commanded the room with a cool poise, and cunning smirk. you hated how fitted and flattering his royal clothing looked on him, the ivory white and the accents of pale teal complimenting his fair skin so perfectly. you hated how as he strode to greet your parents, his clear brown eyes glanced over at you, and your heart seemed to stop for a moment. you hate how as he came to greet you and took your gloved hand with his own, looking up at you through his lashes as he gently brushed his lips against your knuckle with a knowing smile, you forget how to breath.
“it’s been a while, my lady.”
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thanks for reading ! reblogs are greatly appreciated <3
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hhoneyribbons · 3 years
Pet names heath ledgers character would call you
This a cute idea that I”d been thinking about lately and so I hope you enjoy it and also request are open and if theres any grammar mistakes please forgive me , luv ya <3
ₒ ˚ ° 𐐒𐐚 ° ˚ ₒ ∞ ° 𐐪𐑂 ₒ ₒ ˚ ° 𐐒𐐚 ° ˚ ₒ ∞ ° 𐐪𐑂 ₒ ₒ ˚ ° 𐐒𐐚 ° ˚ ₒ ∞ ° 𐐪
Patrick Verona  
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- Baby , babe- pretty much basic nicknames
- calls you girlie to annoy you- a lowkey brat
- he’d call you babydoll when he’d piss you off so you wouldn't be mad for to long
You’d call him- 
- verona { too piss him off as well }
- pat or pat pat { makes him big softie }
- baby boo
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- Flower - because Ur his beautiful flower 
-queen/ my queen
-silly girl when you piss him off 
you’d call him-
- handsome 
- Blondie ] to tease him
- prince/ my prince
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- darling 
- sweetheart
-my lady / which makes you shy 
- honey [ loves the way Ur cheeks turn rosy ]
you’d call him -
- cas / cas cas ] kinda like with Patrick
- Mr darling / I can image him calling you darling and you call him Mr darling on Ur wedding night <3
-beloved [ would make him very frustrated / if you catch my hint ;)
- Casey [ when ur mad at him }
- sir [ makes him melt ]
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- doll / babydoll / dolly - anything with the word doll- this man will call you it 
- angel / bunny ( loves making you feel smaller than him 
- princess ( but yet loves to make you feel like royalty 
- mine mine mine . all mine.
- would call you some 18+ names as well but I’m too shy so ill leave it to your mind :)
you’d call him
- J / mister j 
- sir ( would make him crazy
- my king ( only when you both are on good terms 
- daddy- don’t ask cause u know 
- jack ( only in a serious moment . when the joker is soft / is very rare 
-madman ( when you get mad . which doesn't end good
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- fairy / my sleeping beauty 
- beautiful ( jacob is the kind that finds everything about you amazing 
- honey / sweetie 
you'd call him
- Jake / Jakey
- baby boy ( which makes him even more soft then he is )
- fluffy boy / my fluffy boy ( because of his beard ) 
-bean boy ( when ur mad / which lets be honest is rare 
 Note : ahh that’s all of it . I hope you liked it and of course these nicknames aren’t set in stone , there just my opinion  
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daynada · 3 years
JJK Characters Rate Their Petnames Given By Their S/O
(And Their Favorite Petnames to Give to Their S/O)
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❥ Fandom: Jujutsu Kaisen
❥ Content: Headcanons
❥ Date: May. 25. 21
❥ Word Count: 758
❥ Content Warning: Suggestive themes, Humor, Fluff, grammatical errors
❥ Characters Featured/Mentioned: Itadori Yuuji, Kugisaki Nobara, Fushiguro Megumi, Nanami Kento, Gojo Satoru
❥ Notes: Wow I have a lot of time on my hands. Should I make petname hcs pt 2 for the 2nd years?
- Daynada ❧
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Itadori Yuuji
❥ Ita (6/10 - it’s cute nothing too unique)
❥ Yuuyuu (8/10 - he finds it adoring, a bit embarrassed only because you easily fluster him)
❥ Togepi (bc he looks like one) (7/10 doesn’t understand why you call him that but likes Pokémon)
❥ Baby-boy (9/10 yes he is your baby boy baby him pls)
❥ Romeo (10/10 honestly tho he likes whatever you wanna call him)
❥ Tiger (9/10 he likes it! Makes him feel like he’s baddd even tho he’s still bby)
Calls You:
❥ Mrs/Mr. Itadori (Itadori (y/n))
❥ Baby
❥ Mon Chou (which means my cabbage, apparently French people say this to each other and you have no idea why he’s calling you a cabbage - edit: there are two meanings of Mon chou: 1. term of endearment/adoration and 2. meaning “my cabbage” 🥬 !)
❥ My Lovah
❥ Dove
❥ Peach blossom
❥ My everything (cuuuteeeee)
Kugisaki Nobara
❥ Your highness/your majesty (100/10 because it’s facts)
❥ Baby-girl (8/10 depending on how you say it tooo oooh she’ll be all blushy tryna play it off)
❥ Princess (7/10 it’s not the first ones but she can make do - even though you might be saying it cos she’s a spoiled brat <3)
❥ My Flower (1000/10 she's just like aww babe 🥺)
❥ Carrot Top (-2/10)
❥ Vixen (10/10 she’s like “damn straight”)
❥ International Superstar Model Kugisaki Nobara (She will marry you/10)
Calls You:
❥ Lover Girl/Lover Boy
❥ Babe
❥ Babester
❥ Toots ;)
❥ The Baddest™
❥ My Property
❥ Baby boo
Fushiguro Megumi
❥ Umi (9/10 Umi means the ocean in Japanese, you explain his eyes are deep and blue as the ocean cutecutecute)
❥ Sweet Baby Boy (10/10 emphasis on “sweet” cos this boy blushin’)
❥ Gumi-drop/Gumi-bear/Gumi-ball (6/10 won’t admit he kinda likes it only cos you say it so sweetly and doesn’t want you to say it in front of his friends)
❥ My Sweet Prince (7/10 doesn’t think he’s prince-like but it’s flattering to think you adore him as such)
❥ Angel Face (8/10 a bit embarrassing only because he melts when you say it)
❥ Zookeeper/puppeteer (😐/10 haha you got the whole squad laughing)
Calls You:
❥ Puppy (I think we can all agree 🥺)
❥ Kitten (Suggestively oooh)
❥ My Moonlight
❥ Bunny
❥ Better/Other Half (😭)
❥ My Pretty girl/Pretty Boy
❥ Angel
Nanami Kento
❥ Ken (first 7/10 but now 6.5/10 bc he probably hates being called after Barbie’s boyfriend lMAOOO)
❥ Nana (8/10 lowkey because when you say it makes him feel soft awh)
❥ Darling (9/10)
❥ Kenny (6/10)
❥ Boss Man (4/10 he doesn’t know where that came from - “Dub so big I had to roll down the window to see it boss man” “Sure thing boss man” - Nanami:???)
❥ Dreamboat (8/10)
❥ Light of my Life (🫀/10)
❥ Soul mate (🫀🫀🫀/10)
Calls You:
❥ Beloved
❥ Beautiful/Handsome
❥ Princess/prince (on rare occasions 😳)
❥ All Mine
❥ Honey
❥ Dearest
❥ Sweetheart
Gojo Satoru:
❥ Stud-muffin/stud (9/10 yeah he knows)
❥ Toru (9.5/10 just feels more wholesome, yeah he likes 🙂)
❥ Sugar Daddy (10/10 honestly you stopped calling him that you know it’ll intensify his ego)
❥ Zaddy (9/10 this is the closest thing to ‘Zaddy’ with a ‘d’ instead of a ‘z’ as he really wants you to say it but you’re just like “r u h0rn¥ all the time or somethin’?" 😀 Like is this even a petname?)
❥ Papi (9.5/10 again. He really likes it. But you probably said it only a couple of times. He is desperate please. “getting kinda closer tho” “no, just no.”)
❥ Stinky (7/10 Gojo likes it as he knows you’re saying it when he annoys you)
❥ One-Third of the Three Blind Mice (0/10 he's had enough he's going to snap you’ve said it for the billionth time)
Calls you
❥ Lamb
❥ Big booty Judy/Jude (Judy/Jude won’t even be your real name but he’ll call you that because he seems to really like your ass)
❥ Babycakes
❥ Gorgeous/Hottie
❥ My boo/boo thang
❥ Pooster (wtf I just know he says this to you)
❥ Doll/doll face
❥ Smalls
❥ Snookums
❥ Sugar
❥ Queen/king
❥ This guy will literally call you anything and thinks it’s endearing. Please love him lmao.
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