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travelbinge · 5 months ago
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By Bellingencanoeadventures
Bellingen, New South Wales, Australia
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oceaniatropics · 10 months ago
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Dorrigo National Park, New South Wales, Australia 
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yourdaughtersrealdaddy · 1 year ago
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reecardfarcheisgod · 10 months ago
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dorrigobushpepper · 2 years ago
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Indulge in a blissful retreat where nature's symphony blends seamlessly with your well-being. Dorrigobushpepper awaits your arrival.
To Know More@https://www.dorrigobushpepper.com.au/
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thunderelectricalservices · 2 months ago
Coffs Harbour Electrician - Thunder Electrical Services
How to become an electrician in NSW?
To become an electrician in New South Wales (NSW), Australia, you need to complete formal education, on-the-job training, and licensing requirements. Here's a step-by-step guide:
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1. Complete a Relevant Pre-Apprenticeship Course (Optional)
Although not mandatory, a pre-apprenticeship course can make you a more attractive candidate for apprenticeships. These courses provide basic skills and knowledge about electrical work.
Relevant courses include a Certificate II in Electrotechnology (Career Start).
2. Find an Electrical Apprenticeship
Secure an apprenticeship with a licensed electrician or electrical contractor. This is a mix of hands-on training and theoretical learning.
Apprenticeships typically last 4 years.
Use platforms like NSW Training Services or job boards like Seek or Indeed to find apprenticeship opportunities.
3. Enroll in a Certificate III in Electrotechnology
During your apprenticeship, you must complete a Certificate III in Electrotechnology Electrician at a registered training organization (RTO), such as TAFE NSW.
This qualification covers the theoretical aspects of becoming an electrician, including safety, wiring regulations, and electrical systems.
4. Gain On-the-Job Experience
As an apprentice, you'll work under the supervision of a licensed electrician. This hands-on experience is crucial for developing your skills.
5. Obtain a White Card
A White Card is mandatory for anyone working on a construction site in NSW. It involves completing general construction induction training.
6. Apply for a Provisional License
Once you complete your Certificate III, you can apply for a Provisional Tradesperson Certificate from NSW Fair Trading.
This allows you to work as an electrician under supervision while preparing for your final licensing exam.
7. Complete the Licensing Requirements
Pass the Capstone Assessment, which tests your competency as an electrician.
After passing the Capstone Assessment, apply for your Electrical License through NSW Fair Trading.
8. Obtain Your Full Electrical License
Once you meet all the requirements, you’ll receive your Electrical Contractor’s License, which allows you to work unsupervised or run your own electrical business.
Additional Tips:
Stay Updated: Electrical standards and regulations change frequently. Regularly update your skills and knowledge through continued professional development.
Specializations: You can specialize in areas such as renewable energy systems, automation, or electrical design for additional qualifications.
Would you like information on any specific step, such as training organizations or apprenticeship opportunities?
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markgraeflerin · 9 months ago
Maibowle und ein Wochenrückblick - Ende April, Anfang Mai
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marcowalker148 · 10 months ago
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Are you searching for the Best Lighting in Bellingen? Then contact Hack-it Electrical Solutions. Visit them for more info:-
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sawtellaustralia · 9 hours ago
14 Hill Street, Bellingen, NSW 2454
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Hidden Oasis
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australilia · 2 months ago
Wie ich meinen Geschmack und meine Lauf-Pace aufpeppte
Montag 11. November
Auf dieses Abendessen haben wir uns seit Wochen gefreut: Ein komplett veganes Restaurant namens "No Bones". Wir bestellten beide die Spaghetti Carbonara und ein Gericht mit Brussels sprouts. Ich hatte keinen blassen Schimmer was das war und ließ mich einfach mal überraschen. Als ich dann sah dass es Rosenkohl war, war ich kurz ein bisschen traurig da ich das eigentlich nicht mochte. Aber hey! Es war das Leckerste, was ich je gegessen habe. Und auch die Carbonara war ziemlich genial. Da ich sonst eher als "schleckig" bekannt bin, haben wir die Theorie aufgestellt, dass ich einfach einen sehr teuren Geschmackssinn habe. Zum Abschluss des Abends gab’s noch richtig leckeres Eis. Ich entschied mich für Himbeere-Limette und ja, auch das war köstlich.
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Am nächsten Tag klingelt der Wecker um 4 Uhr. Der frühe Vogel fängt bekanntlich den Wurm, also schälen wir uns aus den Decken wie zwei müde Schnecken und machen uns auf den Weg zum Leuchtturm in Byron Bay. Der Weg führt uns durch die Dunkelheit, nur das schwache Licht der Sterne und der Mond begleiten uns auf unserer Reise. Die Landschaft ist in ein geheimnisvolles Dunkel gehüllt, und der Klang der Wellen, die an die Küste schlagen ist das einzige was uns den Weg weist. Es dauert etwa 50 Minuten bis wir den Gipfel erreichen.
Oben angekommen, begrüßt uns das erste Tageslicht, das langsam die Dunkelheit vertreibt. Das Meer glitzert im Morgenlicht und der Sonnenaufgang sieht aus, als ob der Himmel in Flammen steht. Wir setzen uns hin, als Cat plötzlich wie ein aufgeregter Detektiv in Richtung Meer zeigt. Und tatsächlich, ein Wal! Der riesige Koloss taucht aus dem Wasser auf, als würde er uns begrüßen. Wir verfolgen ihn fasziniert, während der Buckelwal majestätisch Fontänen in die Luft schießt und seine Bahnen zieht, als wäre er der König des Ozeans.
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Nach einem gelungenen Start in den Tag starten wir den Motor und machen uns auf den Weg nach Bellingen. Ein kleines Dorf, das trotz seines deutschen Namens keine Geschichte in dieser Richtung zu bieten hat.
Jetzt ist es an der Zeit kurz etwas über das Auto zu erzählen: Der Honda Civic fährt wie ein gut geölter Blitz, und wenn die Musik laut genug ist, hört man das Quietschen der Bremsen nicht was natürlich praktisch ist wenn man keine Lust auf nervige Geräusche hat. Doch das Radio scheint die Kurven nicht zu mögen. In jeder Linkskurve wird der Sound für einen Moment still als würde das Radio sich überlegen ob es wirklich mit uns weiterfahren will. Schlaglöcher machen die Situation noch dramatischer. Das Radio verstummt komplett und wir brauchen ein weiteres Schlagloch um es wieder zum Leben zu erwecken. Es fühlt sich an als ob das Radio kurz davor ist die weiße Fahne zu schwenken.
Trotz der Musikunterbrechungen, bei denen wir einfach weiter sangen wie eine gestrandete Karaoke-Truppe, haben wir es schließlich nach Bellingen geschafft. Eine unglaublich hübsche kleine Stadt, die aussieht, als wäre sie direkt aus einer „Vampire Diaries“-Szene entlaufen.
Wir schlagen unser Zelt auf einem ziemlich idyllischen Campingplatz unter einem Dach auf da für die Nacht wieder der Regen angekündigt ist. Ein großer Danke geht raus an die Campingplatz-Manager, die uns diesen Luxusplatz besorgt haben. Unsere Nachbarn, die offenbar schon seit Ewigkeiten an diesem Fleckchen Erde wohnen, begrüßen uns freundlich, wobei man eher das Gefühl hat sie hätten in ihrer eigenen Welt gerade einen langen, sehr bunten Tag hinter sich.
Am Abend beschließen wir in eine Pizzeria zu gehen um wenigstens ein bisschen Internet zu schnappen da es hier draußen quasi kein Netz gibt. Zufälligerweise haben wir einen echten Italiener erwischt und der Abendessen war so gut dass ich fast vergessen habe das es in der Nacht Katzen hageln wird.
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Wir verbringen die Tage mit entspanntem Bummeln durch das Städtchen, wie zwei Schmetterlinge die von einem schönen Moment zum nächsten flattern und entdecken dabei wunderschöne Gläser. Sicherheitshalber habe ich ein Foto gemacht, falls ich mich später doch für den Kauf entscheide, oder sie auf meinen Wunschzettel setze ;).
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In der Gegend gibt es den bekannten „Waterfall Way“, den wir fahren wollten, weil diese Straße wie ein lebendiges Gemälde aus Kühen, Bäumen und Bergen beschrieben wurde. Sie endet in den Bergen, wo wir einen Wanderweg im Regenwald finden. Wir entscheiden uns ihn zu joggen, es war wie ein kleiner Ausflug ins Paradies! Wir entdecken Wasserfälle, unzählige Vögel und riesige Bäume. Zum Schluss belohnen wir uns mit einem Saft, dessen Geschmack mich an den erinnert, den meine Mutter mir früher gemacht hat.
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Auch diese Zeit in mitten der Natur vergeht und wir machen uns weiter auf den weg nach Sydney (15.11.2024)
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jackbwilson · 1 year ago
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Bellingen //
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reecardfarche · 1 year ago
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colourshade · 2 years ago
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@fromforestsforthesoft floating down a creek somewhere near Bellingen, NSW. Dev and scan from @yourlocalfilmlab #pentaxk1000 #shotonfilm #konicasuperior400 (at Bellingen) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpBabHghubb/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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reecardfarcheisgod · 10 months ago
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Anklepants / Reecard Farche fan art by me!
(no profit made from this sticker, for Anklepants appreciation only)
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charlesandmartine · 2 years ago
Friday 17th February 2023
This and the previous property's water supply comes from the sky. Huge tanks in the garden harvest rainwater for drinking as well as all the other household requirements. These tanks here are running low, and if significant amounts of rain are not delivered soon, they will need topping up by truck at cost. This is not seen as being a popular pastime. Rains are forecast in 4 weeks time.
We had set targets for today that could be considered unrealistic. Our journey from Tuncurry to Yamba was to be something slightly less than 5 hour straight and 430kms up the fast A1 Pacific Highway, which is a long way for us in one day. Complicated of course because we wanted to stop on route to take a look at a couple of places. The first must see place had to be the lunch spot in Nambucca Heads, conveniently situated at the head of the Nambucca River but an absolutely delightful collection of sandbanks and natural harbour. Ham & egg sandwiches are an excellent match for the scenery on offer. What with the visit to the bakery added to the consumption time I think we are now talking overall 6 hours with less than halfway. Our next stop was to be Bellingen at the start of the Waterfall Drive. This unsurprisingly involved driving down a road surrounded by waterfalls and comes well recommended. Bellingen is a town that absolutely confirms everything we like about Australia! It is a comely mainstreet of old traditional shops with covered walkways, banks and cinema; balconies with delicate regency iron fretwork which adds a real charm to it. Apparently some town planners are keen to rip the lot down and replace it with modern stuff identical to everywhere else. Thankfully there is sufficient opposition to this viewpoint to hold this sacrilegious act at bay. But for how long we ask? The tourist information lady was very helpful when asked where best to sample the loveliest of her waterfalls and she immediately began scooping copious piles of leaflets, printouts, maps and instructions suitable for a fortnight stay. Another approach was proffered; if you could do just one of these places, which would it be? So that was how we ended up driving up the Dorrigo Mountain to see the Crystal Shower Falls Walk in the Dorrigo National Park Rainforest. This involved a 3km round trip along tall canopied forest paths winding steadily downwards passing palms and yellow cedars until we heard the sounds of running water. The Crystal Shower did not disappoint, especially the ability to clamber behind the falls to view the falling water from the other side. Fantastic and well worth the hike back up the winding forest path, although now making the overall journey time approach 8 hours.
Thus it was that we arrived in our superb Samsara Bush Retreat cabin just before dusk, tired and very hungry. We didn't fancy cooking at this point so we emptied the Nissan and set coordinates for what looked essentially the nearest thing to a fish and chips restaurant. This somewhat morphed into a hotel by the motorway bridge over the river. Dispell all cosy thoughts of country hotels straightaway. Think more in terms of cowboy town hotel, cattle rustlers and karaoke. Then combine this with trying to converse over a cacophony of country music (term loosely applied) with a Sheila, who's already had a tough day sheep wrestling, with an intention of ordering take away F&C. What did come across in clear dulcet tones was: 30 minutes, busy and that'll be 50 bucks! Waiting the required 'go out and catch fish, fillet and cook' time we investigated the possibility of a supply of SB. This was to romp in at 38 bucks a bottle! Well you have to crush the grapes, ferment etc, all costs I suppose. So we approached what must have been Sheila's sister behind the bar to enquire if she might possibly have a bottle of beer. What do want, what you got, no what do you want? This circular discussion continued a while until we suggested Four X. Then with a look, she disappeared out back somewhere (not the outback, although by the amount of time it took it could have been) she emerged with a cold one.
Our landlord suggested later this was the best place to go in this sugar mills district where clearly the entire town of millers come out on a Friday evening to let their hair down.
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sanctobin · 2 months ago
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Stefan Peters from Hasselt, Belgium.
Fired by a fixed fascination with the language of painting, Stefan Peters (1978) has for some years been aspiring to fathom reality by disclosing the mechanics of representation. The artist makes uses of rhetorical devices such as reversals, mirror imaging and cutting to undermine the elegance of his painting technique. This results in scenes characterised by fairy-like as well as apocalyptic elements. Using indirect lighting, scenic shadows and brush strokes that refuse to take on any descriptive function, Peters dissects what is familiar to us. In his recent work, dream world and reality merge into one another. In his paintings, animations and installations, Stefan Peters not only creates images, but also sets out in search of their process of origination: the formation of the image. He explores the imitative qualities of painting, but knows that reality can also be evoked through alienating effects, image fragments or even the futility of a brush stroke. Just as silence makes the finest sound audible, Peters creates quietude in his paintings, so that even the smallest ripple becomes visually visible and acquires meaning. This is why, for Stefan Peters, creation does not only encompass the search for something new; using painting as his principle expressive means, it is for him always a rediscovery through which that which already exists is poetically revealed. Stefan Peters (1978) lives and works in Hasselt. He studied at the MAD Faculty in Genk and at the Jan van Eyck Academy in Maastricht. (Stef Van Bellingen)
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