#bella x lou
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The Howell-Goth Household: My Version
This is a little different than the other townie couples I've made up here. There's no luxury house on the edge of the region, and no established marriage of decades of centuries. This version of Lou and Bella found each other at the lowest point of their lives, fell in love, and ran away hand in hand from the trappings of their homes (a violent pack war and a suffocating marriage respectively).
Now they live in a two-bedroom fixer-upper in San Myshuno, with a little money and a LOT of old clothes (that the two share constantly). Lou is mastering his wolf on his own terms, and Bella is getting to know herself. So they might not have the right clothes for a courthouse wedding yet...but they do have freedom. And they're in love. Amidst all the guilt and fear and discomfort adjusting to a new world, this love is sacred.
Enjoy their photoshoot. :)
And a set of course....
"You sure you want me to have your necklace?"
"Of course I do! So you know I'm always with you wherever you go."
"C'mere." *nuzzle-nuzzle*
#sims 4#the sims 4#sims4#simblr#ts4#n0bodyremakes#invisible townies#lou howell#bella goth#lou x bella#bella x lou#lou howell x bella goth#bella goth x lou howell#howell-goth#so what's the ship name for this one?#Bellou?#Howelloth?#Gothwell?#Ooh#maybe it's that last one
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"a maneira que você rasteja pelo céu noturno" ☆ nicholas alexander chavez ☆ namorado rockstar ☆ one-short!
resumo: nico chavez é um puta de um putífero rockstar que está cada vez mais alcançando a fama internacional, mas que é extremamente fiel e leal a sua musa inspiradora (a leitora) ao ponto de adorá-la e devorar ela quase todos os dias - principalmente nas noites e madrugadas de shows, quando ele recebe toda uma descarga elétrica de adrenalina e tesão.
notas da autora: fiquei engatilhada quando me deparei com a foto do meio dele usando essa regatinha no que aprece um barzinho (???) e pensei: "por que não juntar uma paixão e obsessão minha antiga (o rock n' roll) com minha novíssima obsessão nesse macho suculento?", dito e feito!!! saiu essa historiazinha meio suja, meio depravada, meio assim não sei... coisas da minha cabecinha!!! espero que vocês curtam e boa leitura bebês ❤ (!!!)
avisos: MENORES DE 18 ANOS, NÃO INTERAGIR!!!, sexo desprotegido (a leitora usa método contracptivo MÃS se protejam na vida real!!!), uso de apelidos e referência em terceira pessoa a leitora (acho que assim é melhor para minha fluidez na escrita aassim como na composição estética do texto), palavras de baixo calão, o Nico sendo meio putífero e bobão ao mesmo tempo. SEM REVISÃO.
idioma: pt-br
contagem de palavras: 3530
playlist que escutei pra inspirar: deftones mix
Os dedos deslizaram ágeis pelas cordas da guitarra, pressionando-as enquanto a outra mão paletava, arrancando da gibson preta um som rasgado e distorcido provocado pelos pedais que ele pressionava com a ponta do tênis surrado, com a camurça puida e desbotada de seus vans pretos.
Braços expostos pela camiseta de mangas rasgadas com a logo de sua banda, uma camada de suor davam a sua pele bronzeada uma luz gloriosa. Fios de cabelos cobreados pregados na testa, o calor que a pequena multidão somadas ao espaço mínino comprimido seus pulmões já afetados pelos cigarros que fumava, um atrás do outro – era uma espécie de milagre ele ter um puta de um fôlego como o que tinha. Aliás o bendito cigarro estava ali, preso nas extremidades das cordas da guitarra, a fumaça formando uma final linha enquanto ele tocava seu solo.
Ele era um deus iluminado pelos feixes de luz amarelo-ocre, vermelho-pimenta e verde-menta, que se convergiam tocando sua pele, iluminando-a em um prisma magnético de cores que pareciam irradiar dele. Um deus encarnado.
Nicholas sorria deleitando-se do solo da sua melhor música – uma composição sobre um amor sereno que tocou-lhe a alma mas com um sexo surreal de humano que o fazia transcender enquanto fudia, era fudido e tremia enquanto gozava. A letra era tipicamente suja com palavrões aqui e ali e muitas citações sobre sexo, prazer e orgasmos de tremer o corpo. A plateia daquela pequena casa de shows estava em êxtase, muitas eram mulheres loucas para se jogarem naquele homem, porém como sabiam que a aliança no dedo anelar esquerdo dele não era apenas enfeite, a maioria se contentava em ficar estacadas no chão admiradas com aquele homem e jogar calcinhas e sutiãs (alguns usados) no palco. Lógico que haviam as mais ousadas que arriscaram tirar uma casquinha dele aqui e ali quando ele descia para a plateia, encostando em seu rosto, seus braços e peitos grandes, às vezes tentando abraçar ou beijar-lhe.
Nicholas estava acostumado com aquele comportamento, mesmo que muitas das vezes não gostava e dava um chega pra lá nas mãos inconvenientes, aquilo tudo fazia parte da performance do seu eu-artista: uma postura completamente maluca e sem pudores nos palcos, fumando e bebendo enquanto conversava com sua plateia dando o máximo de atenção, às vezes convidando pessoas para subir no palco e cantar com ele, por vezes deixando uma ou outra mão esfregar seu rosto e no seu torso. Tudo fazia parte para um bem maior: quanto mais a popularidade dele crescia nas redes sociais onde vídeos e mais vídeos dele sendo extremamente atencioso com seus fãs corriam, mais aumentavam seus números em suas redes sociais privadas, a da banda e o mais principal: o número de vendas e streamings dos álbuns musicais tinham uma elevação progressiva.
Logo logo Nicholas Alexander Chavez estaria abrindo shows para bandas de renome, se apresentando em festivais até finalmente sair em turnê liderando o Blasfêmius em shows e mais shows individuais. Para ele o que importava era a fama e o sucesso. Mas, mais importante do que aquilo tudo era a mulher da sua vida que estava nos bastidores do pequeno palco, olhando-o com o mesmíssimo olhar de admiração que lhe lançava todas as vezes quando o via se apresentar ao vivo, como pela primeira vez.
Ve-lo tão concentrado tocando sua guitarra a levava diretamente para o exato dia em que se conheceram: não poderia ser menos clichê do que num show de rock, onde Nico e seus amigos estavam na plateia para apoiar a banda que estava tocando naquela festinha de fundo de garagem. Assim que ele apareceu, alto e musculoso, com uma regata surrada preta, calças largas, tênis pretos, um cigarro entre os dedos longos segurando sua cerveja gelada, o coração da moça (e de mais da metade ali presente) congelou de paixão. Logo veio uma ardência ao vê-lo de perto quando o mesmo atravessou o cômodo da sala, exalando colônia mentolada, desodorante e nicotina; o nariz reto e fino, os lábios carnudos desenhados, os olhos escuros que fixaram nela por minutos a fez entrar em combustão instantânea. Naquele momento que olhos se cruzaram e sorrisos mínimos foram trocados, ambos sabiam que iriam sair daquela festa juntos. Em questão de minutos, Nicholas já estava puxando papo com a bela moça que roubou-lhe o coração e sua noite, a levando de volta para casa em seu carro, beijando-lhe com vontade, apertando-a e mordiscando-a com fome, ficando louco de tesão e paixão quando ela escreveu seu nome e número com uma caneta perdida entre as coisas dele no porta-luvas, dando-lhe um beijinho singelo de despedida com sabor cerveja e cereja misturados ao cigarro que ele fumou durante o caminho.
Desde então se tornaram uma só carne, um só espírito. Onde ele ia, ela o acompanhava e vice-versa. Foi natural a mudança para um apartamento maior com os gatos dela e as plantas e discos de vinis dele, assim como a troca de alianças e o planejamento para o casamento que viria logo após a gravação do disco deles em um estúdio profissional. A vida deles estava realmente acontecendo.
E tudo culminava na onda de sensações que eles sentiam um pelo outro, como sempre fosse uma repetição sem fim das primeiras vezes deles… Os beijos sempre tinham um sabor distinto, os carinhos eram sempre confortáveis e as fodas pelos cantos do apartamento pareciam sempre desdobrar em novos prazeres inimagináveis. Vê-lo tocando tão imerso a sua música, os olhos agora fechados enquanto finalizada a linha do seu solo de guitarra, ela percebeu o puta tesão que se encontrava: a calcinha deveria estar ensopada, estava se tremelicando toda ao associar a forma como seus músculos ondulação quando ele a dedava. As veias salientes das mãos esguias até os antebraços pulsava aquele sangue quente dele, a deixando inebriada.
Puta merda, ela precisava dar pra ele imediatamente.
Mas ela se controlou. O show acabou com uma música final ao violão, só a voz de Nicholas preenchendo cada espaço do local. Era sua nova composição feita especialmente para sua amada – ele cantava sobre uma paixão confortável e que ele iria carregá-la consigo até os fins de seu tempo na terra. Obviamente sua namorada se emocionou nos bastidores, encarando-o com um olhar de pura apreciação e amor por aquele homem.
Nicholas saiu do palco, pegou uma toalha que um dos assistentes lhe estendeu, a abraçou com um braço, carregando-a consigo em direção ao camarim, secando seu suor de qualquer jeito. Sua voz estava rouca e cansada:
— E aí linda? O que achou do show de hoje?
— Você merece o mundo e mais um pouco Nico! Sério! Puta que pariu que solo foi aquele!? Tu fudeu com tudo!
— Fudi é? — Seu tom era brincalhão mas ao fitá-lo atenciosamente, aquelas íris castanhos tão escuras que chegavam ser quase pretas, ela notou um brilho malicioso ali, guardado no fundo, prestes a se revelar. Sorrindo sapeca ela respondeu:
— Fodeu, mas acho que ainda dá pra fuder um pouquinho mais!
— Que bom saber isso. Muito bom mesmo!
Riu anasalado, dando um beijinho carinhoso no topo da cabeça dela, apertando-a de leve naquele abraço de lado enquanto iam para o pequeno lugar reservado aos artistas no fundo daquele lugar. Ali ele foi rápido: pegou sua mochila e a guitarra em seu case que um dos assistentes o trouxe, trocou breves palavras com os rapazes da banda, se despediu, pegou sua namorada pela cintura a arrastando até a área de trás da casa de shows, onde o Chevette SL 1980 em seu vermelho brilhoso os aguardavam. Era um dos xodós de Nicholas, um presente que seu pai lhe deu no seu aniversário de 18 anos.
Entraram e se acomodaram, Nicholas ligou o rádio dando o play no toca-cds que começou a reproduzir o cd que estava nele. Foram para o apartamento entre um silêncio confortável e breves comentários de como estava as ruas naquelas altas horas da madrugada; passaram em um drive-thru para terem o que comer rápido. No elevador ficaram agarradinhos, ela segurando as sacolas com o lanche quente, ele segurando o case da guitarra e sua mochila. Entraram no apartamento sendo recebidos pelos dois dos quatro gatos que tinham, Pudim e Lagosta, e um cheiro morno de casa limpa e plantas úmidas – Nicholas havia regado a maioria na parte da manhã e elas ainda estavam exalando aquele cheirinho refrescante de terra úmida.
— Você vai querer comer agora amor?
— Não — Nicholas respondeu enquanto sua namorada ia até a cozinha conjugada com a sala, ainda na porta de entrada, tirando tênis e meias do pés cansados: — vou tomar um banho pra relaxar primeiro… — Sorriu sugestivo, caminhando até onde a namorada estava, abrindo a sacola de papel pardo retirando as embalagens do lanche. Ele jogou a mochila no sofá, se espreguiçou todo sentindo alguns ossos estralar nos seus ouvidos. Encarou ela de cima a baixo: — Se você quiser me acompanhar…
— Pode ir na frente amor, to numa fome daquelas.
— Tá bom, se você diz… — Nicholas soltou meio frustrado, sentindo que sua namorada estava se esquivando dele de alguma forma. Foi tomar banho com a cabeça cheia de coisas, era como se ela estivesse o punindo por algo – na sua fértil imaginação, ela talvez ficou com ci��mes de alguns fãs naquela noite, uma calcinha jogada aqui e ali, uma tentativa de beijar ele… Nada fazia sentido. Saiu do banho renovado, exalando a sabonete de coco e os cabelos com seu xampu e condicionador de capim e limão. Vestiu sua roupa para dormir que nada mais era que um shortinho minúsculo de algodão preto de corrida e uma camiseta preta folgada, indo até a cozinha onde encontrou sua amada devorando seu hambúgure sentada na banqueta da ilha da cozinha deles. Sorriu, ela havia já deixado seu lanche preparado ao lado dela, se sentou e começou a pegar algumas batatas-fritas para comer:
— Carallho, isso é a melhor coisa do mundo, né?
— Comer porcaria em plena madrugada? Sim! — Ela riu, bebendo seu refrigerante de laranja. Nicholas a observou diante a meia-luz do lugar, sentindo o peito se encher de carinho e desejos por aquela mulher. Típico. Enquanto ela limpava as pontas dos dedos engordurados com a boca, seus movimentos sendo milimetricamente seguidos pelos olhos escuros de Nicholas, ele decidiu falar um pouco:
— Amor… O que você acha que será de nós daqui uns meses… Anos?
— Por nós você quer dizer eu e você, ou nós seria você e a banda?
— Tudo.
— Hmnnn, boa pergunta — ela largou o sanduíche quase terminando no prato, o olhou analisando seu belo rosto, muitas coisas passando em sua mente naquela hora: — pra ser sincera eu nunca parei para realmente pensar nisso de forma, hmnn, sei lá… muito específica, se você me entende… Mas bem, se você quer uma imagem, eu posso te descrever exatamente o que me vem na cabeça agora!
— Okay, fala! — Disse ele se empolgando com aquilo. As conversas aleatórias que eles costumavam ter, principalmente nas madrugadas pós-show, sempre o deixavam empolgado e otimista com os rumos das suas coisas. Ouví-la sempre era uma descarga gostosa de pensamentos novos, sonhos renovados e amores que ele sentia por ela. Ele se acomodou ficando mais de lado, seus joelhos tocando nas pernas dela, aquela intimidade prazerosa que eles tinham e os uniam. Deitou a cabeça na sua mão na bancada gelada, olhando-a com os olhinhos brilhando. Ela sorria enquanto descrevia o que vinha na sua mente:
— Vejo eu e você juntinhos e bem felizes na nossa casinha, uma de tijolos vermelhos com portas e janelas de madeira, um quintal enorme cheio de plantas e uma enorme árvore centenária nela, nossos gatos bem quietinhos dentro de casa, e é lógico… Uma Nicolhas bem fofinha correndo no quintal enquanto você tenta a pegar —
— Uma Nicholas?
— Sim! Vai ser uma menina com a sua cara! E você vai estar correndo atrás dela porque a sapequinha acabou de pegar a nova composição de mais uma álbum de sucesso que virá, depois dos Blasfêmius terem retornado de uma mega turnê mundial. E seremos felizes. Eu estarei consolidada na minha carreira, bem estabelecida, rica… Nossa filha será um anjinho e você… bem, você continuará talentoso, gostoso e completamente obcecado por mim! — Piscou pra ele, soltando uma risada gostosa que o levou a rir junto dela. Não poderia concordar menos. Ele a puxou para um abraço apertando, sussurrando no seu ouvido:
— Eu te amo pra um caralho viu? — Voltou a ficar reto, pegou as últimas batatas-fritas as socando na boca: — E essas são as melhores batatas-fritas da minha vida, puta que pariu! Não poderia pedir mais que isso!
Ambos voltaram a rir, se olhando com aquele brilho profundo de amor e companheirismo.
O ritual para deitar na cama era o mesmo, todos os dias: ela sempre era a última a tomar seu banho mas sempre a primeira a escovar os dentes e fazer seu pequeno momento em cuidar da pele. Ele a seguia, escovando os dentes, passando o fio-dental naquela linha perfeita que era seu sorriso alvo, lavando o rosto com um sabonete em gel para aplicar uma fina camada de loção hidratante na pele sedosa. Os cabelos já estavam secos e meio rebeldes. Nicholas a olhou pelo reflexo do espelho enquanto ela esfregava o rosto com seu sabonete em gel, que espumava branco na sua pele, achando a coisinha mais linda do mundo. Ambos costumavam se vestir com as mesmas roupas para dormir; ela com um blusão antigo dele e a calcinha de algodão. Querendo ou não aquilo despertava ainda tremores de desejo no corpo de Nicholas.
Deitaram-se de conchinha, ele sendo o maior, encaixando-se no corpo da namorada perfeitamente. Mãos unidas, a bunda dela encaixada no colo dele, a respiração quente e mentolada dele no pescoço dela. Não pregaram os olhos.
Havia uma sensação de dia inacabado pairando no ar quente e tenso. Ela sentiu a umidade no fundo da calcinha, o período fértil voltou com aquela onda cruel que irradiava ondas de prazer que pulsava logo onde ela sentia o volume do pau de Nicholas a tocar. Com a respiração pesada no pulmão e a voz rouca, Nicholas sussurrou atrás dela:
— Amor você já dormiu? — Ele sabia que não, o sexto sentido dele já havia o alertado disso. Sem precisar responder verbalmente, ela apenas se virou em seus braços, os olhinhos pidões o encarando com um desejo instintivo na imensidão daquele quarto onde apenas a luz fraca dos abajures iluminavam seus rostos. Nicholas sentiu um arrepio traçar sua espinha ao passo que suas mãos grandes percorreram um caminho da lombar até os ombros dela antes de se aproximar lentamente para beijá-la.
Beijo molhado, estralado, onde as línguas se tocavam e se lambiam, os lábios se devoraram, as respirações se fundiam, as mãos dele entravam por dentro da blusa, a quentura da pele dela o irradiava um calor surreal, seu corpo grande se sobrepunha ao dela, seu pau duro latejando no short. Sua boca deslizou da dela rumo ao queixo, descendo até o pescoço dela onde sua língua deslizou em movimentos, como se ele fosse um vampiro sugando seu sangue. Ela estremeceu debaixo dele, mãos apressadas indo até a barra da camisa a puxando sem jeito para tirá-la. Seu torso musculoso se expôs, os braços grandes de veias salientes ondulavam a convidando para se enterrar neles. Nicholas fez o mesmo com ela, sendo recebido pelos seios dela que saltaram da peça, convidando-o para cair de boca. No momento em que sua língua tocou o bico do peito dela, ela desmanchou ainda mais de tesão, a calcinha inundou e seus sentindo racionais – que na altura eram pouquíssimos – se tornaram fumaça, dispersando no ar quente do quarto. Ela sentia o pau duro contra o tecido da calinha dela e aquilo a estava deixando louca. Nicholas deslizou sua mão pela lateral do corpo dela, ainda mamando o peito dela com sucção e lambidas, procurando com os dedos esguios a buceta dela. Assim que adentrou no tecido da calcinha, sendo recebido pela pele molhada, a carne fresca e sedenta, seus dedos começaram a rodopiar no grelhinho dela sendo recebido com os gemidos gostosos amolecidos dela aos seus ouvidos e as investidas dos quadris dela contra sua mão, sorriu presunçoso, erguendo a cabeça para olhá-la no fundo dos olhos, o comentário saíndo rasgado:
— Você adora quando eu te fodo com os dedos né sua safada?
— Sim… Por favor continue… Não pare… — Gemeu, manhosa, segurando o pulso dele para manter sua mão ali. Nicholas sorriu mais ainda, devorando o prazer dela com os olhos. Seus dedos passaram a esfregar mais ainda seu grelho, os ruídos molhados misturando-se com os gemidos e súplicas sem sentindo vindo dela soando como música para os ouvidos dele. Quando ele parou para arrancar a calcinha dela, ela quase choramingou em protesto, mas logo teve sua boca ocupada pelos dedos lambuzados dele com sua própria lubrificação soterrados em sua boca.
— Chupa.
Ela chupou, babando o indicador e anelar dele que ergueu-se, ficando de joelhos entre as pernas dela, a buceta exposta completamente aberta e suculenta para ele, os olhos escuros entorpecidos de tesão, o pau latejando entre as penas ainda escondido pelo pano, levando os mesmos dedos molhados de volta para o grelho dela onde voltou a mexer, em movimentos tremidos e ágeis que a fez se contorcer e quase gritar de prazer.
— Isso, geme pra mim! Geme sua putinha! Minha putinha!
Sorriu com deleite enquanto ela contorcia as pernas, a tensão se formando em seu baixo-ventre, aquele acúmulo que o gozo tinha se projetando, ela na beira do precipício do prazer carnal, uma tempestade elétrica se formando ao redor da mente dela. Sem cerimônias, Nicholas parou o movimento abruptamente, os olhos ainda fixos nela que o olhou arrebatada pela interrupção ainda cheia de desejo, esfregando-se sem jeito para tentar alcançar o gozo. Ele a segurou, evitando que ela prosseguisse com o ato:
— Nada disso lindinha, eu que te farei gozar e berrar meu nome!
Tirou o short, o pau grande de cabeça em um rosa-queimado, quase vermelho pulou para fora, as veias grossas pulsando o sangue que parecia agora estar todo concentrado. A cabecinha molhada com a lubrificação, uma babinha escorrendo do seu buraquinho. Uma cena digna de dar água na boca. Ele bombou o pau antes de se encaixar na estradinha dela, respirou fundo, empurrando-se contra ela em uma metida longa que arrancou um longo gemido gutural dele.
— Porra! Que delícia!
— Mais fundo, por favor! — Choramingou ela, as mãos indo até os quadris do homem, apertando-os, insistindo que ele metesse mais fundo. Nicholas a obedeceu, bêbado de prazer, metendo seu pau o mais fundo que conseguia, a base de seu pau colando nos lábios grandes dela, o barulho de pele com pele estalando escalonando junto aos gemidos que ambos soltavam. Nicholas apertou as coxas dela com força, as unhas curtas resvalando na pele dela, o coração cheio de tesão quase não segurando toda aquela carga que ele levava dele para ele, nas metidas cada vez mais precisas e desreguladas, a cama rangendo, o suor pregando-os. Nicholas queria tanto se unir a ela que quase não descolava-se de seu corpo, que o abraçava em todos os sentidos, apertando-o contra si. A boca dele foi contra a dela, a beijando com sede, buscando-a tê-la para si mesmo, as mãos dela soterraram em seus cabelos, apertando-os na nunca, deslizando pelas costas largas, predendo as pernas ao redor da sua cintura em um enlaço que o prendeu mais ainda.
— Porra mulher! Vou gozar desse jeito!
— Goza pra mim! Goza junto comigo! — Sussurrou contra os lábios dele, mordendo e puxando-o para si. Aquilo foi a ruína dele, o fim que ele precisava para gozar. Meteu mais forte, segurando-a pela cintura para manter ela no lugar, o pau deslizando para fora e para dentro até ele sentir o jato sair dele, a preenchendo com seu leite quente, gemendo longamente, tremendo. Ela puxou o ar, sentiu a onda de orgasmo bater nela na última investida que ele deu contra si, arrepiando e revirando os olhos de um prazer inebriante que esquentou todo seu corpo.
Ele se deitou em cima dela, o pau ainda atolado nela, quente e macia, respirando fundo. Com um abraço carinhoso, ela envolveu ele em seus braços, beijando-lhe a testa úmida de suor, sorvendo o aroma da pele dele com o sabor do gel de limpeza, inalando o frescor dos cabelos limpos. Relaxados, corpos moles, sensação de alívio.
Nicholas se ergueu em seus braços, olhou para ele com um sorriso sapeca que irradiava para o brilho de seus olhos escuros:
— Eu te amo meu amor! Voce é a melhor foda da minha vida!
— Bobo! — Ela deu um tapinha no ombro dele, rindo, enquanto ele se retirava dele para se jogar ao lado dela: — Mas é recíproco.
— Até na parte que você me ama de volta?
Revirando os olhos, ela se aninhou nele em um abraço de lado carinhoso, a mão dele a segurando na base da lombar. Ergueu seus olhos para aquele homem:
— Até na parte de te amar de volta, bobão!
— Bom saber… Isso meio que me deu uma ideia de uma música nova.
Começou a cantarolar palavras desconexas para não perder a música de sua memória, soando como uma canção de ninar para ela que sentia-se derreter nos braços dele.
#nicholas alexander chavez#nicholas alexander chavez smut#nicholas alexander chavez x reader#nicholas alexander chavez fanfic#rockstar boyfriend#he plays guitar while i sing lou reed#before you shake my tomb#and then you crawl your knees off#fanfic em português#bella maia#balla maia fanfic
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awakened in a new era, ryomen sukuna found endless opportunities to hurt and maim others. he also found you, a sorcerer with an ever-expading soul bonded to oaths of pacifism and self-control. allured by the strength you decided to hide, sukuna realized this era could be far more fascinating than he expected.
PAIRING: ryomen sukuna x reader, satosugu, itafushi, chosoyuki, mechamiwa, nobamaki, inuokko, shokohime, hainana, momomai.
WARNINGS: fix-it; no major character death; canon levels of violence, blood and gore; eventual smut; enemies to lovers (he wants to kill you for fun, you want to defeat him to make a point); slow burn but they're fucking the whole time; cannibalism, hurt/comfort; murder couple; awful villains and insane sorcerers; miwa is not useless + i'll add more as we go.
THEIR SHARED PLAYLIST: ptolomea by ethel cain / i am an animal cannibal by mysteron / strangers by ethel cain / tear you apart by she wants revenge / void in blue by glare / me and mr wolf by the real tuesday weld / rule #34 by fish in a birdcage / oxytocin by billie eilish / killing butterflies by lou bliss / that unwanted animal by the amazing devil / relay by fiona apple / nowhere to go by bad omens
tell me if you want to be tagged!
check it on ao3! ★ check the pinterest board!
i. a blinding glimpse or the one you politely offered your heart to the king of curses in an attempt of mocking him.
ii. postpone or the one you threatened to obliterate satoru gojo.
iii. the first night or the one ryomen sukuna contemplated suicide.
interlude or the one ct is explained.
others to be add!
BELLA'S NOTE: we're solving plot points with power of friendship, mlm/wlw pairings and a gun toji handed me by accident. think of a dead character. wrong, they're alive. yes, even that one. yes, specially that one. yes, thank you for remembering about this random guy, he's also thriving. in this series i want to explore the quiet moments of jujutsu kaisen, battles within clans and how being perceived as a monster since birth can push people into paths they otherwise wouldn't cross. and blood. a lot of blood. and, of course, i want to make those characters happier. they deserve it. they will suffer a lot before reaching that point, but it'll be worth it.
all rights reserved to © madwomansapologist
#madwomansapologist#you love blood too much (but not like i do)#ryomen sukuna#ryomen sukuna x reader#ryomen sukuna x y/n#sukuna ryomen x reader#jjk ryomen#ryomen x reader#jujutsu kaisen ryomen#satosugu#itafushi#tomema#mamaguru#chosoyuki#mechamiwa#nobamaki#inuokko#shokohime#hainana#momomai#jjk x reader#jujutsu kaisen x reader#jujutsu kaisen#jjk#sukuna#sukuna x reader#jjk sukuna
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"slut" ! charles l. x ofc (filo!celebrity!ofc)
"we'll pay the price, i guess."
summary: charles leclerc's ex trashed on his new girlfriend, who was his friend first before she became a lover. charles and the fans didn't stand for that kind of behaviour.
OR his ex tried to compare herself to louella lourdes villar, but even charles knew that no one could compete with her. after all, he wouldn't write songs with anyone unless the melody fit perfectly with his rhythm. (based on this request)
content warning: use of explicit language, ofc's discography is based on taylor swift, toxic!fictional ex (maddie lisandro) is not a girls' girl, hateful comments from ex, charles and ofc being each other's "homie hopper", wingman!arthur mentioned
note: i've tried my best anon 😭 it's my reading week so i'm gonna get one more homework out of the way and try to write as much stuff as a girl can do!! enjoy xx
a - n masterlist
o - z masterlist
i. "homie hoppers" but it's just a vice versa thing
ii. charles the muse
iii. haters gonna hate, shake it off
iv. made in monaco
tagged charles_leclerc
liked by pierregasly, estebanocon, arthur_leclerc
arthur_leclerc when the songs aren't depressing and not charles-coded >>> liked by louellalourdes
lorenzotl congratulations ella bella!!! i hope you do well in the job! ❤️ liked by louellalourdes
louellalourdes merci enzo!
pierregasly new best friend on the grid 🤩 liked by louellalourdes
estebanocon see you soon mon ange! liked by louellalourdes
user1 she's doing side quests what-
user2 how tf do you go from being an actress in the philippines to writing and making songs to working for formula one? 😭
user3 connections. connections we don't have
user4 if girlie is a barbie she'd be a "you can do anything" type 😕 liked by louellalourdes
alpinef1team have fun controlling those two 😩 i believe in you lou! liked by louellalourdes
louellalourdes i already got them on a leash don't worry admin! 🥰
alpinef1team stan lou villar for clear skin 🙌
charles_leclerc glad to work with you, bebe ❤️ liked by louellalourdes
louellalourdes my favourite co-writer 💅
[translation: i'm very proud of my darling.]
tagged louellalourdes
liked by lorenzotl, arthur_leclerc, maxverstappen1
user2 my guy went from wanting to hop his homie to writing love songs with his homie-turned-lover ❤️
arthur_leclerc too many Ls and none of them belong to ella bella 😩
user3 it's okay you can say maddie lisandro
arthur_leclerc hehe
landonorris tell her that i love her new album please 😳 liked by charles_leclerc
charles_leclerc she said she can also sign the vinyl
landonorris can she give me new merch too?!!!
louellalourdes how much money do you earn per year again landonorris?
alex_albon i just want an autograph 👉👈
charles_leclerc since you asked nicely 🤩
maxverstappen1 charles stop exploiting her
charles_leclerc she has all of the clout 😕
user6 these millenials are making me cringe actually stfu charles 😭
user7 no deadass i'm actually physically cringing- don't say "clout" ever again
louellalourdes merci my love ❤️ liked by charles_leclerc
#charles leclerc fic#charles leclerc x reader#charles leclerc imagine#charles leclerc smau#charles leclerc social media au#charles leclerc x oc#formula one x oc#formula one imagine#f1 imagine#formula one fic#formula one fanfiction#f1 fic#f1 smau#f1 fanfic#charles leclerc x female reader#formula one smau#cl16 imagine#charles leclerc instagram au#f1 instagram au#💌 re:moony’s planner#formula one#charles leclerc fanfic#charles leclerc
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fics by crowstyping (that's me!) 🌿
HIS DARK MATERIALS (follow @dximonions)
apple heart: narnia/hdm crossover. lyra belacqua x lucy pevensie one-shots collection.
bauble: a tony costa x lyra belacqua flash fic.
it's a long way out to reach the sea (but i'm sure i'll find you waiting there for me): au where lyra is not captured at the end of the subtle knife. lyra and will play in the ocean of another world.
paradise dropped: high school/small town au. panjava. will has a crush on lyra belacqua, they sit in the park and drink wine, talking about prophecies.
novaturient: post-the amber spyglass lyra realises that while she might love will she wasn't in love with him.
symbol no.14: bird: pre-the secret commonwealth fix-it where lyra and pantalaimon talk things out instead of letting it fester.
this peppermint winter: written post-s1 finale. christmas special about lyra trying to make the holidays feel special despite everything she went through.
within walls: human experiments but with dæmons
kyparissos, run! kyparissos, cry: novelisation of thalia's death
pointed north: au about my ocs, campers luke's age post-battle of manhattan. pov my son of apollo oc with mommy issues and psychosexual problems.
the influence stars have: the lion king except it's humans who can shapeshift into animals
anatomy of an edelweiss flower: the secret of nimh except it's humans who can shapeshift into animals
《 possibly upcoming 》
power outage [ pjo / one-shot ]: throne room scene in tlo except thalia is there
lightning in a bottle [ pjo / multichap ]: au where luke does not join kronos. when thalia's tree is poisoned luke offers himself as volunteer to go on the quest for the golden fleece in an attempt to save her.
arkadia is gone [ pjo / multichap ]: broken trio lycanthrope au. in which it is lykaon instead of kronos.
smile to charge, hug to cast [ pjo / multichap? ]: my will solace and lou ellen are besties manifesto. backstory stuff and how they fared during the events of pjo
waking the oracle [ pjo / multichap ]: remember when we all were writing fics about will, lou ellen, cecil and nico going on a quest to reignite the oracle of delphi? i sure do
bellas aves [ pjo / multichap? ]: the one where will, nico, and lou ellen go on a quest looking for the nine muses that have been turned into birds
fixed star [ deltarune / one-shot? ]: following the events of the snowgrave route, instead of opening a new dark world kris goes to noelle and explains the situation. they think they might have a chance to find dess if they work together.
water lillies* [ merlin / two-shot? ]: freya is not dead. she and merlin got married, he visits her sometimes. he brings her flowers.
amphibious [ merlin / one-shot ]: merlin can think of no one better to look after aithusa than the lady of the lake.
the sorcerer's apprentice [ disney's wish / one-shot ]: i listened to my sibling complain about this movie for an hour and i got angry it didn't do fantasia 1940 sorcerer's apprentice like what the fuck
thaw & foredawn [ barbie / multichap ]: i rewrite magic of the pegasus but i let annika say fuck
recall [ loz / one-shot ]: totk being the "beginning" of the timeline makes me angry so i'm novelising a theory i saw refuting that
how terrifying to be aglow [ loz / multichap ]: totk + ss remix where i do my own take of the imprisoning war from skyward sword using tears of the kingdom worldbuilding. aka, hylia and the original hero are zonai
we'll be dead in the water [ thg / multichap ]: welcome to the 73rd hunger games! fanfic quality version of the ongoing rp between myself and @on-the-river-lethe. for more check out @laberinthos
waking up the giants [ tlg / multichap ]: my version of the backstory of the dead civilisation in the last guardian
wearing our remains [ trc / multichap ]: my adam/blue/noah manifesto + au where i remix trc to Not include gansey and ronan. die mad about it
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A recap of Bella's day till now (Dec 24):
Woke up with a bad flu like she does every Xmas and sulks bc she cant make a snowman (again) TvT
Remember it's Louis's birthday
Screeches giggling kicking my feet squirming
Having a Louis marathon
Somehow that turns into a 1D marathon
Watches every x factor video of them!?!?!?!
Cries bc they're so cute and lou was so bby how is he 32 now NOOOOOOOOOOO
Ate a brownie for Lou (I put a candle on there:000)
*cries again bc LOU IS 32*
Wondering how he still looks super good at 32
Blasts 1D and screams at the top of my lungs
Sorey hospital people
Cries over pretty pic of Louis ( which is basically every pic)
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Wednesday October 25/23- Peter Renewed his Driver’s License! He asked for 2 Cards ***
Peter and the gurls up around 6:45 a.m. and me at 7:05 a.m. I took my a.m******. 1. x T + Pink *****first thing when I got up with a full glass water! 💧 Peter and Bella left at 7:43 to go to the Vets so, Bella can have a Liver Test! Luca and I are at the bus! 🚌 Peter said he’s going to run around Burnaby Lake after dropping Bella at the Vet! So, he’ll be late maybe around 11:00 ! Time to go to Lou-heed to Renew Drivers at 12:26 a.m. ****I had 1 x T *******before leaving the houseLicense! His appointment time is 11:30 a.m. No bathroom yet? The weather had rained ☔️ thru the night ! Stopped now ! The weather is mixed today cloud ⛅️ Sun ⛅️!as I was making my bagel 🥯 Peter popped in at 9:30 and we both had bagels! He’s going to get his new license x 2 cards 🪪 🪪 today! I had a Large Poop 💩💩at 10:20 a.m. this morning! We went to the license place and peter got waited on at 11:26 a.m. Then off to walmart another*****1 x T at Noon *****! Home now for 12:10 p.m. ******1 x T at 12:19 p.m. ******! No plans for the afternoon I don’t 🤔! I laid down but did not sleep 🛌! Boy the sun ☀️ is out this afternoon! Peter is :asking a loaf cake for our dessert ! 1x T ‘’s at 3:30p.m. 2 x T at 6:30 and then 2 x T’s at bedtime!
0 notes
I got inspired by this
Anyway, I decided to make my own version of it. But since I’m such a useless piece of shit, I couldn’t stop in just one ship. No, no, no, no, no. So, let’s go!
Shaw fell in love slowly & gently; Root fell in love fast & without much finesse
Misty fell in love slowly & gently; Cordelia fell in love fast & without much finesse.
Andy fell in love slowly & gently; Miranda fell in love fast & without much finesse.
Zoe fell in love slowly & gently; Madison fell in love fast & without much finesse.
Lou fell in love slowly & gently; Debbie fell in love fast & without much finesse.
Rosalie fell in love slowly & gently; Bella fell in love fast & without much finesse.
Rachel fell in love slowly & gently; Monica fell in love fast & without much finesse.
Jane fell in love slowly & gently; Maura fell in love fast & without much finesse.
Olivia fell in love slowly & gently; Alex fell in love fast & without much finesse.
Bella fell in love fast & without much finesse; Alice fell in love faster & with even less finesse!
Fleur fell in love slowly & gently; Hermione fell in love slower and gentler!
#multi ships#multifandom#shoot#root x shaw#foxxay#misty x cordelia#mirandy#andy x miranda#zadison#zoe x madison#loubbie#debbie x lou#rosella#rosalie x bella#rizzles#jane x maura#monchel#rachel x monica#cabenson#olivia x alex#bellice#alice x bella#fleurmione#fleur x hermione#love#true love#a fell in love slowly & gently; b fell in love fast & without much finesse
750 notes
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‘tis the damn season - part ii
gif by @pcdrospascals
Pairing: Frankie Morales x female!reader
Summary: A year after getting back together with Frankie, you get a lovely surprise.
a/n: requested by anon!! i hope you like it!!!
warnings: pregnancy related topics and food mentions
word count: 1.6k
masterlist | part i
Frankie opens the door to his house and the smell of dinner immediately reaches his nose. He smiles as his daughter runs to his encounter, a Wonder Woman tiara hanging from her head.
“Daddy, come!” She takes his hand and starts pulling him towards the kitchen, “Mommy, he's here! Dad's home!”
You're finishing setting the table when Isabella barges her way to the kitchen, pulling Frankie by the hand.
“Can we have the cookies now?” She asks, lacing her fingers together to beg you.
“How about after dinner?” You suggest, as you walk to Frankie and give him a kiss on the lips. He frowns confused at you as Isabella whines and slumps her shoulders.
“But you said when daddy came home…”
“I know, honey, but if you eat them now, you're going to ruin your appetite,” you tell her as you kneel to be on her height, “Remember what I told you what we need nutrients for?”
“To grow big and strong!” She exclaims, trying to flex her muscles, “Like Wonder Woman!”
“Exactly!” You exclaim back and look at Frankie whose adoring eyes are watching you. But as soon as his eyes leave yours, he looks back at his surroundings, eyeing the kitchen with a frown on his face. The counter is filled with batches of your famous sugar cookies, some already decorated, some fresh out of the oven. Some are even missing from the trays.
“Christmas cookies?” He asks you, “In January?
You just sigh, snaking your arms through his shoulders and wrapping them around his neck, “I may have gone overboard, but I wanted to make tonight special.”
“Why?” He smiles at you as you press your body against his.
Shrugging, you let go of him, being as cryptic as you can, “You’ll see.”
The three of you sit down for dinner, Isabella tells about her day in school with excitement and Frankie indulges in the conversation, encouraging her to keep talking as they eat.
“Do you want to try the tomato today?” You ask her, stabbing a slice of tomato with your fork and showing it to her. The little girl pouts and shakes her head.
“I don’t like tomato,” she says matter of factly.
“I know, but… Just one slice?” You insist, “Look, daddy’s eating too!”
Isabella looks at Frankie who’s watching the scene unfold as he nods, showing her the tomatoes on his plate. She seems to think for a moment and then caves in, allowing you to slip a slice of tomato on her plate.
Before you came back to his life, Frankie couldn’t manage his time right. Isabella would stay with a babysitter after school and even then she wouldn’t eat a proper dinner, contenting herself with frozen food every night. When you moved in with them, you started cooking healthy meals and teaching her how to eat healthier. Frankie’s heart warms at the thought, both him and Bella were lost before you. You’re such a great mom to her, it makes him love you even more.
After dinner, Frankie helps you clear the table, putting the dirty plates in the sink and moving to wash them. Your hands come to hold his as soon as he turns the faucet on, making him look at you, confused.
“We have a surprise for you,” you say with a soft voice, turning the faucet off and gently pulling him back to the dinner table. On top of it, there's a package, wrapped up in Christmas wrapping paper.
“Is it my birthday?” He jokes, sitting back down on his seat.
“Well, consider this a late Christmas gift.” You sit beside him as Isabella runs to sit on your lap, sugar cookies already in hands, “Read the card first.”
Frankie chuckles as he takes the card from the top of the box and opens it to read it.
'Tis not the damn season anymore, but Santa has one more present for you.
He smiles, biting his lower lip as he tears the wrapping paper and opens the box without ceremony. Inside, he sees some of your cookies on top of the paper strips that fill the empty space on the box and under all that, there's something wrapped in tissue paper. Frankie takes the plastic stick and unwraps it.
Then, the smile drops from his face. He looks at you with wide eyes and finds you smiling expectantly at him.
“Does this mean–” He chokes out, feeling tears watering his eyes, “You're–” He shows you the pregnancy test with two blue lines on it.
“Yes,” you tell him before he can't finish, “Yes, Frankie, I'm pregnant.”
Frankie lets out a sob, letting the tears roll down his cheeks as he covers his face with his hands. You grab his shoulder with a hand, rubbing your thumb on the fabric of his shirt.
“Daddy?” Isabella's worried voice reaches both of your ears, “What's wrong?”
“Nothing–” He tries to speak, “I’m just–”
“Daddy is just too happy,” you explain, looking at her, “he can't contain himself.”
“Because, peanut,” Frankie chimes in leaning to press his lips on her forehead, “you're going to be a big sister!”
Isabella gasps, her little eyes widening, “What?! Really?!”
You laugh as Frankie gives you a kiss on the lips; you taste the salty tears on his lips, and he stands you evolve his girls in a tight hug.
“Really, honey,” he says, after letting you both go, and taking Bella in his arms, “aren’t you excited?”
“Yes, I am!” She nearly screams, making you both laugh.
Bed time seemed impossible tonight. The excitement and the sugar in Isabella’s system make her stay awake past her usual bedtime and, even when sleep finally hits her, she tries to fight it, playing with her toys until almost midnight. Thankfully, tomorrow is a Saturday and you hope she’ll sleep in for once.
With a sigh, you lay on the bed, beside Frankie after a long night of celebrating. You both stare at the ceiling in silence for a moment, smiles on your faces, hearts beating strongly. When you took the pregnancy test and found out it was positive, you were scared for a moment. You and Frankie have been engaged for three months only and you were afraid he’d freak out with the news. But his reaction made everything better.
And it’s not like it’s too soon to have a baby. You and Frankie might have been separated for ten years, but, deep down, you’ve always known you were meant to be together. You were meant to have a family.
“How do you feel?” He asks, taking your hand in his.
“Excited.” You smile, rolling your head to face him, “How do you feel? Knowing you’ll be a dad of two now?”
“Scared.” He admits with a laugh. You squeeze his hand, lacing your fingers together and bringing it to your lips.
“You’re gonna do great, Frankie. You raised Isabella on your own and she turned out great.” You assure him.
“Yeah, but it’s different now.” His voice is soft, “You’re here now.”
Your heart clutches as you remember what you’ve heard about Isabella’s mom. While you’ve never deeply talked about it with Frankie, you know he’s sensitive about the subject. So you try to change the subject.
“Do you think I’ll be a good mom?” you say quietly, in the dark.
Frankie rolls over to face you, “You’re already a good mom.” He reminds you, “You’re a great mom, what are you talking about?”
When you moved into Morales’ house, Isabella ended up becoming your daughter and you were surprisingly okay with it. You've loved that girl pretty much ever since you met her, she's caring and funny just like her dad. How could you not love a piece of Frankie?
“She told me she loved me today.” Your voice is even quieter than before as you roll to your side to look at him. His eyes widen and his smile grows wider, “When I found out I was pregnant, I started crying and she came to my rescue.” You smile at the memory, “She said, ‘Mommy, don't cry, I love you.’”
Frankie laughs softly and hooks an arm behind your lower back, pulling you against his chest. His lips touch your forehead as you bury your face on his neck, inhaling his scent deeply. You'll never get sick of it, of him. You couldn't be more grateful that you decided to stay.
“I'll never leave you, Francisco,” you tell him, all of a sudden. Your voice is muffled by the skin of his neck, but he feels the vibration of it on him. His heart leaps, beating fast with affection and adoration, “I'll never leave you or Bella or the baby, okay?”
He wasn't thinking about it, he really wasn't. The way Isabella's mother abandoned her, leaving Frankie with a fresh new baby to care all by himself was awful. He felt lost, betrayed, heartbroken. But he healed. He raised Bella to be a wonderful kid and he did his best to make sure she knew she was loved. And then you came into his life again and everything became even better. He knows you, he knows you're not going to leave him again. That's how much he trusts you.
“Okay,” he eventually answers, pressing a kiss on your hair and rubbing your back gently, “I love you so much, mi vida.”
“I love you too, mi alma.”
Eventually, both of your breathings even out as you fall asleep in each other's arms, like it was always meant to be.
please, fill this form if you want to be tagged in any of my stuff!!
general taglist: @huliabitch @mistermiraclee @gooddaykate @forever-rogue @bestintheparsec @hiscyarika @haildoodles-writing @aerynwrites @xserenax-13 @hayley-the-comet @manuphantom @giselatropicana @wonderfulfluffer @justanotherblonde23 @hereforthesunrise @mitchi-c @crossfitjesusinblackskinnyjeans @marvgrrl @nominbalnebula @theocatkov @opheliaelysia @buckysalefty @din-damn-djarin @the-wishmonger @spacenerdpascal @adikaofmandalore @goldafterglow @phoenixhalliwell @heythere80sbaby @petersunderoos96 @dinsbeskar @aerolanya @artsymaddie @rebelliouscat @lou-la-lou @notabotiswear @tatiadventures @aerolanya
Frankie taglist: @murdermewithbooks @kingpascals @jedi-mando @azem-thefourteenth @cyaredindjarin @demigod-dragonrider-schoolidol @mrsparknuts @autumnleaves1991-blog @astroboots @hugmekenobi @rosiefridayrogersunday @computeringturtle @amethystlily @emzd34 @thedevilwearsbeskar @littlebopper96 @sarahjkl82-blog @kennedywxlsh
#frankie morales x reader#frankie catfish morales x reader#catfish morales x reader#frankie morales#frankie catfish morales#pedro pascal x reader#pedro pascal x you#triple frontier#myfic
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I wanna see the Bella x Jade ficccc
inspired by this fanart by @jashtah
i never was ready so i watch you go
Lou Wright had said there was no time for goodbyes, but Jade breaks that rule for Bella. It is not the first time and it will not be the last. She skips the rest of class, runs right past Amaya and straight after Bella.
In another world, Jade might find that funny, because nothing is straight about her. But she doesn’t.
Jade finds Bella in their dorm room, packing her bags. When Bella looks up to see her, Jade can see her trying to force a smile on her otherwise perfect face but it doesn’t work. The plaster white walls feel sterile and hostile in the harsh light of this news. Bella had wanted to paint the walls rainbow colours like a set, but at Rainbow High, you cannot mare their walls.
“I actually did it. I’ve lost everything,” Bella whispers. “I should have listened to you—“
“Bella, I’m so sorry—“
“You have nothing to apologise for. Anyway, this expulsion is gonna do great for my permanent record.” Bella mutters. It’s like she can’t even tell Jade is there, not really, she’s staring off into some unknown point Jade can’t see. Bella usually packs light and neat but Jade can see her clothes are messily shoved into her suitcases, streaked with mascara. “Didn’t you say you liked a bad girl?”
She’s trying to make Jade laugh to avoid the topic of her expulsion. Jade sits beside her, puts a hand on her arm. “You haven’t lost everything. You still have me. You’ll always have me, B.”
Bella stands, defiant almost. She puts a hand on her suitcase, her fist closed. Bella is confidence and caffeine; Jade is daring and dauntless. Jade does not want her to go. She’s never even considered it.
“Ramona Barnes won’t care,” Jade promises, even though she can’t. “And if she does, I dunno, I’ll punch her. Or write her a bad review. Whatever it takes.”
Bella sighs, tucks a strand of her soft pink hair behind her ear. “You’re amazing, Jade. Don’t tell the others but I’ll miss you most.”
Jade wants to say I’ll go with you or Ms Morton will fix this or Don’t go. But she can’t. She can’t. She wishes this were all some horrible nightmare but it isn’t.
Jade looks away, as if she’s about to pull away, but Bella takes her by the shoulders the way she had the night before. Bella stares into her eyes. Bella looks as though she’s considering something impulsive, something she’s wanted to do for a long time.
Bella kisses her and Jade feels herself begin to cry.
“Sorry. I had to do that, just once.” Bella puts a hand on her check. “Try and graduate for me, Jade. And hire me, after. Promise?”
Jade kisses her again. “Promise. Don’t be a stranger. Keep in touch. I wanna see your sets, I want updates every day, you hear?”
“I’ll try,” Bella bites her lip. “Walk me out, will you?”
Jade nods. She holds Bella’s hand all the way through the halls of Rainbow High and doesn’t care who sees, who comments, what anyone has to say about it.
It’s Bella lets go first, kisses Jade on the forehead and climbs into the car. Jade watches the car until she can’t anymore and takes the rest of the day off. She lies on her bed and waits for Bella’s texts, staring at the ceiling, trying desperately not to think about their kiss.
Ramona Barnes posts a selfie of her and Bella a few days later and it’s the first time Jade has smiled all week.
#rainbow high#jella#jade x bella#bella x jade#jade hunter#bella parker#rainbowhigh#rainbow high fic#rainbow high fanfic#femslash fic#my writing#asks
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Howell-Goth : Formal Wear
"Uh....Lou? Your neck looks kinda long right now."
"It's this posepack that did it, Watcher liked the shot too much to scrap it."
#the sims 4#sims 4#sims4#simblr#ts4#n0bodyremakes#invisible townies#lou howell x bella goth#bella x lou#lou x bella#lou howell#bella goth x lou howell#bella goth#howell-goth#howell goth#so my headcanon is this#bella still loves the color red#but now the overly bright red that she used to wear in willow creek#she wants something darker and warmer#a little more understated#meanwhile lou is out here thrifting bright suits and shit#he's feeling himself way more than he ever did#and he loves letting a little stomach show#also new ship name suggestion#Louella#shrug
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gabriel x mammon
Anna Akhmatova, The Guest / Bella Akhmadulina, tr. by Stephen Stepanchev, from “Oh To Be A Bride,” / Princess Mononoke (1997) / Macbeth (Act 5, Scene 1) / a—z challenge : calcify / Federico García Lorca, tr. by Sarah Arvio, from Selections; “He Died at Dawn,” / Suzhou River (Lou Ye, 2000) / Euripides, from “Orestes”, An Oresteia (trans. Anne Carson) / Jamaal May, “Macrophobia” / 花樣年華 In the Mood for Love 2000|directed by. Wong Kar-wai / Ovid, Metamorphose / "earth my likeness," walt whitman
✨ send me a dynamic and i’ll make a parallels post for them! ✨
#prometheis#mammon x gabriel : knife me baby#well this hurt as I went through stuff but it hits so hard OOF I love them sm#claudia; an angel descended#tw knife
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You’re all I need (the air I breathe)
seven - in which Stella goes home
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love-at-first-sight, falling-too-fast, uni au that will make your heart ache (in a good way)
catch up here
“I could’ve drove, you know,” Louis told Stella as they sat side by side on the train.
“This is more fun,” Stella mumured, amused at his annoyance. And it wasn’t like he’d really said no to the train either.
“Yeah but we gotta get off at Leeds, get on another one,” Louis sighed, rubbing his head. “It’s a lot, stel. An hour longer than driving.”
“This is my birthday week,” Stella told him. “We’re all done talking about the train.”
“Okay,” Louis agreed. “Let’s talk about the hickey on your neck, then.”
Stella adjusted the collar of her sweater, shaking her head, “it’s not a hickey. It’s a bug bite.”
It was kind of like a bug bite except it wasn’t itchy and someone else had given it to her- not a bug. The events of her birthday night flashed in her mind. She never wanted to stop kissing him.
“Right,” Louis laughed, his loud cackle that made Stella laugh too. “You gonna tell your mum that?”
“Maybe,” Stella laughed, adjusting her bag on her lap. “That’s between me and her.”
“I’m surprised you didn’t ask Niall to come,” Louis commented, looking over at her. “You two have become inseparable.”
“Yeah well...” Stella trailed off. “Felt too soon. Besides we’re friends.”
“Friends?” Louis scoffed, reaching over to pull the collar of her sweater down. “He’s quite literally left his mark on you. I’d say that’s a bit more then friends.”
“Louis,” Stella sighed in exasperation, adjusting her sweater. “You’ve been sleeping with Eleanor and everyone knows it. I don’t make you label that, do I?”
“But you’re not me,” Louis emphasized. “Your you, the Stella that likes to put people in neat little boxes with labels that define the relationship.”
“Well maybe I’m different,” Stella retorted, crossing her arms over her chest. “I don’t really feel like talking about Niall this weekend, okay?”
“Anything wrong?”
“No,” Stella responded, shaking her head. But maybe there was. Or maybe there wasn’t. Tactfully, she added, “I just don’t want mum to catch wind.”
“I understand,” Louis agreed with a nod. Her mum was always kind of overbearing with Stella, what with being the baby and all.
Stella and Louis spent the rest of the train ride making conversation that didn’t have anything to do with anybody and who they were kissing. It was a relief for Stella not to be on the hot seat all the time.
Louis’s mother picked them up from the train station with overenthusiastic hugs and a million questions that they both tried to answer. They weren’t easy questions to answer either. Introspective ones that required Stella to think about how it feels being away from home for so long. And Louis gave her a look, silently, “how do you answer that in a way that won’t hurt your mother?”
They pulled up to Stella’s house and instantly she knew something was up. All the lights were off. “We’re gonna come in and say hi to your mum,” Johannah told her, turning the car off.
That wasn’t particularly weird but Stella had been on edge since the last surprise party. There was nothing she hated more than people jumping out at her. Louis got Stella’s bag out of the boot before she could.
“Thanks Louis,” Stella mumbled, shoving her hands into her coat pocket, rummaging for her keys. She found it, pulling it out as they walked up the porch steps.
The door was unlocked, though. She pulled her phone out, nodding toward the door, “you guys go ahead. Veda told me to call her when we get here. She has something important to tell me.”
“Stel,” Louis sighed, nodding toward the door. “Just go in.”
“You go in,” she retorted.
“I know you know,” Louis laughed, shaking his head. “Always two steps ahead of everyone else.”
“Oh bloody hell,” Johannah sighed exasperated, she opened the door, stepping inside. Stella heard the loud surprise and watched the lights flicker on. “She doesn’t want it!” Johannah yelled, dropping her purse on the floor by the door.
“Stella doesn’t want to be surprised.”
“Stella Marie,” she heard her mother say from inside.
Stella let out dramatic sigh, stepping inside. Louis was right behind her. It was a house full of people she knew and loved, and some that she didn’t know. She could tell her mother put a lot of thought into it, though.
“Happy Birthday, Stella Bella,” her mother smiled, adoringly at her, pulling her in for a tight hug.
“Thanks mum,” Stella laughed, wrapping her arms around her. Stella felt at peace in her mother’s arms. She’d be lying if she said the last couple of months weren’t confusing for her.
“And where’s Ms. Veda?” Johannah asked. “Would’ve expected her to come along as well.”
Stella gave her a shrug, pulling away from her mother’s hug. “Homework, I think.”
But Stella guessed they hadn’t heard about the fights her parents had gotten into since Veda left. It wasn’t a surprise she didn’t want to come home to that. Plus, Veda was busy with her own internal battles. Fighting certain feelings for a certain someone.
Stella’s phone vibrated in her pocket. She pulled it out, smiling as she read a message from Niall.
From Niall7:42 was the surprise party a surprise ? x
To Niall 7:42 absolutely not ! way too smart for these donnie games
Stella shoved her phone into her pocket, realizing she’d barely stepped into her own house. She scooped her bag up off the floor, carrying it upstairs to her room.
She tossed her bag onto her bed, shrugging her jacket off. For a moment she thought about Ludo. Where he was, what he was doing. Admittedly, she wished he was here. The thought of him hadn’t crossed her mind nearly as much as it should have.
Stella heard the bathroom flush down the hall which confused her. She listened for the bathroom door to open and she wanted to peak, see who it was. Hope blossomed inside of her as she opened her door.
“Fuck!” Stella yelled, nearly falling over. “You scared me.”
“Sorry,” Ludo chuckled, a smirk on his lips. “Were you trying to scare me?”
“No,” Stella laughed, not hesitating to wrap her arms around him. “I was wondering if you’d be here.”
“Well mum would’ve killed me if I missed it all,” Ludo told her, arms settling around her. “I heard you have a boyfriend.”
Stella’s eyes widened, pulling away from him, “where’d-“
“Lou, obviously,” Ludo laughed. “He can’t keep a secret.”
Stella shook her head, beginning to plot the ways to get him back. “Anyways,” Ludo laughed, “I got you a present. It’s under your bed.”
Stella let out an unimpressed sigh, squatting down to pull the brown bag out. Ludo’s gifts were notorious for a lot of reasons. “I’m scared to open this,” Stella admitted, setting it on her bed.
“Just open it,” he laughed, leaning against the door frame.
Stella groaned, reaching in. The items she’d pulled out were enough to make her roll her eyes. A bottle of vodka, a baggie with mysterious baked goods, and a box of condoms.
“Ludo,” Stella groaned, tossing the condoms back into the bag. “It’s like you want mum to kill me.”
Ludo laughed, shrugging, “just want you to celebrate safely.”
Stella laughed, “And the baked goods...”
“Weed brownies,” he clarified. “I know you don’t really get high anymore but every once in a while isn’t so bad.”
“Well thank you,” Stella smiled, closing the bag up. She stuffed it back under her bed, standing up.
“So really...” he trailed off. “This boyfriend of yours-“
“I don’t have a boyfriend,” Stella cut him off. “It’s complicated. And too soon to tell. Louis doesn’t know what he’s talking about.”
“Oi!” Louis shouted from the hallway. He appeared in the doorway behind Ludo. “So you’re talkin shit, are ya?”
“Why did you tell him I had a boyfriend!” Stella exclaimed. “You just talk out of your arse.”
Louis laughed, squeezing into the room, “sorry. Not really, though.” He looked at ludo as he said, “she doesn’t have a boyfriend. They’re just friends.”
“Right,” ludo chuckled, “well I’m gonna grab something to eat and then I’m heading out. I have a date. Try not to have too much fun tonight.”
Stella couldn’t have stopped herself if she tried. Louis gave her that grin of his and she just knew that she was in for the worst. “My god,” she mumbled, shaking her head at Louis.
“I know he gave you weed brownies,” Louis laughed, holding her by the shoulders. “We should eat them all.”
Louis Tomlinson was singlehandedly the worst influence influence. Though Stella was now 19, she’d act like she was 17 and reckless just for the night. Besides, there wasn’t much she’d deny Louis of.
taglist: @niallsguitarsthings @exoticniall @jadore-lamer @nannav47 @coconutdawn @stayclose-holdsteady
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#Niall Horan#Niall Horan Fanfic#Niall Horan Fanfiction#Niall Horan Au#YAIN#One Direction Fanfiction#1dFF#1D fanfiction
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Mama - Cordonian Ruby chapter 7
Pairing: Ruby Rys x Beau Larkin; Jo Ellen Larkin (OC)
Word count: 1,023
Warnings: just a little angst and fluff
Summary: Ruby and Beau talk to Mama Jo.
A/N: picks up the same day, a little after Beau proposes.
A/N2: sorry this chapter is short guys, nexts weeks will be longer. Want a little get to know you for Ruby and Beau this weekend?
A/N3: A major thanks @sirbeepsalot for all your graping, prereading, editing, and telling me when to let go. I love you boo! Thank you to my snippet reader @loveellamae who screamed appropriately.
Series warnings: character death, blood, surgical procedures done by non medical personnel, may go NSFW in the future. May contain gun violence, knife violence, threats, not sure how dark this will go. By requesting to be tagged you acknowledge you are at least 18 years of age.
Let me know if you want to be added or removed from the taglist.
Disclaimer: I own Ruby, Galen, Lovett, and Beau, I’m borrowing Bastien and Olivia from PB.
Beau slipped his hand in hers, lacing their fingers together, pulling her from her daze. “You ready?”
“For your mom to hate me? Never.”
“She could never hate you RuRu.”
She rolled her sapphire eyes in annoyance, though she was unable to keep the smile from her lips. “You know that’s not fair!”
“Maybe, but I need to use whatever I have,” he leaned forward pressing a kiss to her forehead, “how else do I stand a chance against a queen?”
The smile slipped from her lips. “This was a bad idea, everybody is gonna hate me.”
“Ruby,” his voice and eyes soft and full of love, “I promise they won’t hate you. If anyone is about to be hated it’s me.”
“How do you figure?”
“AnnaBeth is gonna be so mad that I’m gonna have a title.”
She fought to keep the laughter bubbling in her from spilling out. “Stop making me smile all the time.”
“Why would I want to do that and miss out on the beautiful sight.”
“You are such a cheeseball!”
“But I’m your cheeseball.”
Ruby shook her head. How could I have ever doubted him for a minute? “Okay,” she sighed, as much as she wanted to hide in the truck for eternity she knew she needed to face her fears or she’d never be able to serve her people as queen. “Let’s get this over with.”
- - -
Jo Ellen placed her wooden spoon next to the stove and turned as she heard the back door swing open. Her eyes narrowed, though the weight in her chest lightened. “Beau Larkin, care to tell me why you rushed out of here like a bat out of hell?! You left in such a hurry you forgot the ri—” she trailed off, her voice softening and turning to confusion as her eyes landed on Ruby. “Ruby!” Her eyes darted between Beau’s sweetheart and her son. “I thought you two were having dinner with the Johnson’s.”
Beau gave a half shrug and scratched the back of his neck. “Uh — where’s dad?”
“Oh no Beau Larkin, you are not going to get out of explaining to me why you gave me a near heart attack!” She pointed towards the kitchen table, “sit and explain.”
“Mama Jo, maybe it would be best if we waited for Papa Lou.” Ruby said, her stomach so tangled and twisted in knots she wasn’t sure she could explain to Beau’s parents twice how she was taking him away.
“Lou is helping Pop, now tell me what I want to know.”
Ruby chewed her lip, eyes welling once more with tears as she sank into the closest chair. “Beau rushed out because of me. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare anyone.”
Jo Ellen felt her heart sink with worry as she slowly lowered herself into a chair. “Ruby dear, what’s wrong?”
“Ruby’s parents gave her a letter from her biological parents, she was worried about my reaction.”
Jo Ellen looked at him inquisitively, unsure what could upset her son’s girlfriend so deeply. “Okay.”
“I’m a queen.” Ruby blurted, quickly covering her mouth with her hands.
Beau softly rubbed circles along her back. “She means that her parents were royalty and killed in order to seize the crown. Ruby was worried about my reaction, she plans … we plan to hopefully take it back. Her parents said it would take at least a month to plan before we could leave so I don’t know exactly how …”
“I’m sorry Mama Jo.”
“She’s worried you’re going to hate her because she’s putting me in danger.”
Jo Ellen gave Ruby’s hand a comforting pat. “Now I know both of you well enough to know that this one,” she nodded towards her son, “isn’t innocent in this.”
“Thanks mom … but yea I told her I couldn’t live worrying about her and screwed up all my plans and proposed.”
“Beau Larkin, you did not propose without a ring!”
“Ruby was so worried that I’d hate her, I couldn’t wait.
Mom, I’ve never seen her so broken. I wasn’t sure how else I could make her understand just how much I love her.
It’s a little unorthodox but not unheard of and I did get her parents' blessing.”
“Wait … is that why Papa kept saying it would all work out?”
Beau smiled squeezing her hand, “I think he knew that nothing could stop me from asking you, not even a title.”
“Well I guess we have a wedding to plan.” Jo Ellen chuckled at her son and future daughter-in-law’s stunned faces. “I understand why you both need to do this, and I’m proud, even if I’m also scared out of my mind that something will happen to you.
While I support your decision, I cannot and will not accept my only son getting married without his momma.” She stood, pulling a black velvet box from her apron pocket, “I’m going to go call your Nan … tell her to send your father home,” she placed the small box in front of her son. “You forgot this.
Ruby, I’m so excited that I will get to call you my daughter.”
“Thanks Mama Jo.”
Beau pulled Ruby into his side, kissing the top of her head, “see? Nothing to worry about.”
“Did we really just agree to a wedding in a month?”
“Do you want to go against her?”
“No … it just seems so fast, but not soon enough.”
“I know what you mean … I was, am ready to spend my life with you, but everything is happening so fast.” He lovingly brushed her hair back from her face, “I won’t lie, I’m worried about what will happen, but I also believe in you.”
He picked up the ring box, “Ruby I love you so much and know that we can face any obstacle that may come our way,” he opened the box revealing a white gold band with delicate Celtic knots on either side of a modest ruby, “together.”
“It’s perfect,” Ruby whispered as he carefully slipped the ring on her finger. “And you’re right, together we can accomplish anything.”
Feedback fuels me, please like, comment reblog or send an ask. Feel free to scream, I promise I can take it.
Masterlist can be found in my bio.
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#ruby rys#trh au#trh au fanfic#the royal heir au#the royal heir#mama#cordonian ruby#mama: cordonian ruby#CoRu#chapter seven#angst#long post#maleficent writes
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Kitty Cat & Tweety Bird (Part 15) - Jason Todd
Gif: Dxnninja on Tenor
Word Count: 1.4K
Paring: Jason Todd (Titans) x (f)Reader
Summary: Bruce suggests that Y/N, now officially declared the heir to the Wayne Fortune and Company, meets the board of Wayne Enterprises.
Warnings: N/A
A/N: This is a little series I am doing about Jason Todd in Titans. I don’t know Comic!Jason very well so I’m taking all of this from the show, and at the moment he hasn’t been in very often, so please forgive any mischaracterisations.
Tagging: @bella-0104-123 @ninergirl1d @httpfandxms @rosybrock @attackonnat @reclusive-chicken-nugget @demoiselle-en-detresse00 @young-psychos @thesleepykaijuu @thescottpack @nightlygiggles @rougestorms @sinon36 @acvrosstheuniverse @friedchickening @chillybabe
For three whole days the press surrounded Wayne Manor trying to get a comment from anyone they could – the most they got was Jason flipping off the camera as he closed the curtains. The news that Bruce Wayne’s unknown daughter was swooping in for the CEO position was international news, after all, there were a lot of board members trying to butter Bruce up so that the position would be theirs, or their sons – not their daughters though, sexist pigs. Y/N screwed up all their plans, and of course the press wanted every single detail of it all.
“You know,” Y/N said as she and Bruce sat in the home study, “I didn’t think it’d turn out like this…” she confessed
“Well, it’s a big deal,” Bruce said sympathetically with an awkward smile as he sat next to her on the uncomfortable sofa used solely for decoration in meetings. “I’m sorry this is happening to you though,” he said, rubbing her back gently. “It’s certainly throwing you into the deep end here, isn’t it?”
“Bet board meetings after this will be a piece of cake,” Y/N joked.
“Speaking of which…” Bruce said hesitantly, “I was thinking that maybe the next step would be meeting the board.”
“Oh… okay,” Y/N nodded, “Um… when were you thinking?”
“Next Thursday, if you’re up for it, that is.”
“That soon?”
“If you aren’t comfortable with it, then we can postpone it.”
“No, no,” Y/N shook her head with a frown, “I just… can I have some time to think?”
“Of course, dearie,” Bruce smiled and leaned over to kiss his daughter’s forehead. “It’s late, let’s head to bed.”
“Just a minute, I want to find Mum and talk with her.”
“Living room,” Bruce told her, “with a cup of tea.”
Y/N just watched her mum for a moment. Selina hadn’t seen Y/N enter the room, staring into her cup instead, clearly deep in thought. Her mother was typically a woman who was completely and utterly aware of her surroundings, never ever being one to be sneaked up upon, but Selina was obviously distracted.
“Mama?” Y/N spoke softly. Selina’s head shot to look at her daughter, blinking hard like a deer in headlights. “What’s up?”
“Nothing, nothing, Baby,” Selina gestured for Y/N to sit next to her. As Y/N took the spot on the sofa, Selina wrapped her arm around her. “Just thinking,” she said stroking Y/N’s hair.
“What about?”
“The press reaction… I never paused to think of the aftermath,” the woman sighed.
“Well, it could’ve gone down much worse than it did.”
“We had to be escorted out by Wayne Security,” Selina pointed out.
“But no one was hurt – silver lining!” Y/N grinned, “Anyway, the security was there to protect the board members from Harley and Ivy.”
“Y/N…” Selina tried to remain serious but couldn’t help giggling. “They did put the fear of Christ up some of those suits, didn’t they?”
“It was hysterical!”
“I think one of them pissed himself.”
“Wouldn’t you if half-pint Harley Quinn threatened to kick you out the window on the fourth floor?”
“Don’t let Harley hear you call her ‘half-pint’, Kitten, no matter how much she loves you, you will not like her reaction.”
“Speaking from experience?”
“Riddler made the mistake once,” Selina explained with a reminiscent chuckle, “that Cain he carries with him he used for real for quite some time…”
“Wow,” Y/N laughed as she rested her head on her mother. Selina wrapped her other arm around her daughter and kissed the top of Y/N’s head.
“How have you been coping with the reaction of the media?” Selina asked.
“Please, I’ve dealt with Joker, nothing scares me anymore!” Y/N joked as she chuckled, waving off the subject.
“Kitten, you can’t lie to me and you know that.”
“It’s nerve-wracking, got the world watching me all of a sudden,” Y/N confessed, “now Dad wants me to meet the board of Wayne Enterprises. When I’m ready, of course, but still…”
“Overwhelming, I imagine.”
“Understatement of the year,” Y/N sighed as she inhaled her mother’s expensive perfume.
“Well, considering you were kidnapped by the Joker two months ago, I thought that would be a more traumatic experience for you than the idea of meeting a bunch of suits.”
“I’d gladly take Joker over some assholes that are part of the 1%.”
“Don’t say his name again,” Selina chuckled darkly, “he’s like Beetlejuice – never say it three times.”
“As long as he doesn’t try and force me to marry him, I’m fine,” Y/N laughed as she felt Selina’s laugh shake her entire body.
“You’d look nice in that red dress though.”
“It’s very eighties though.”
“Anyway, I’ll be the one she’s marrying,” Jason chuckled from behind them, causing the mother and daughter to jump and turn to see the cocky young man. “Made you jump?”
“Christ, Jason,” Y/N sighed, “Knock or something.”
“The living room doesn’t have a door, just this obnoxiously large archway,” Jason gestured at the arch in question. “I can’t believe I snuck up on Selina Kyle undetected.”
“I can’t believe you’re going to live afterwards,” Y/N rolled her eyes and smirked.
“No, no, I won’t hurt the boy,” Selina waved him to approach after seeing his hesitant expression, “after all, you’re attached to him, aren’t you?”
“Thanks, Mum,” Y/N laughed as Jason sat in the arm chair.
“Heard Bruce wants to introduce you to the board.”
“Yep, whenever I’m ready, but he was thinking Thursday.”
“Yikes, that’s soon,” Jason grimaced. “I don’t envy you right now.”
“Tell me about it.”
“But hey,” Jason leaned over and took her hand, “you’ll do amazing!”
“Thanks, Jason.”
“He’s right,” Selina nodded in agreement, “if anyone can handle the suits, it’s you, and if you have any problems, Harley and Ivy will sort them out.”
“Fuck, they were terrifying after the Gala with the paps,” Jason shuddered, “I thought Harley was gonna shove that camera up his ass!”
“She was going to if the security wasn’t there,” Y/N chuckled, “And good thing there weren’t any plants around, otherwise a camera up the ass would be the least of their problems.”
“Thank God I managed to convince them to leave Bud and Lou at home,” Selina said, “those hyenas protect Y/N like she were their cub. It would’ve been a bloodbath…”
“Selina, you still here?” Bruce called walking around the corner, smiling upon seeing his love, his daughter and his protégé.
“Hey Dad,” Y/N smiled, “can you organise the meeting for Thursday?”
“Course, dearie,” Bruce nodded, “I’m heading to bed, thought I’d let you know,” he said to Selina.
“I’ll be up in a minute,” Selina smiled back, “Night, Kitten,” Selina leaned over and kissed her daughter’s cheek as Bruce walked over and stroked her hair before kissing the top of his daughter’s head.
“Night, Dearie,” Bruce mumbled into her hair.
“Night, Mum,” Y/N said, “Night, Dad.”
“See you both in the morning,” Jason smiled after Selina and Bruce as they left the room. Jason moved next to Y/N and slid his arm around her, “you coping alright, Kitty Cat?”
“As well as I can, given the situation, Tweety Bird,” Y/N smiled tightly.
“Well, you’re coping amazingly, if you don’t mind me saying,” Jason assured her, “you’re being so strong. It’s admirable. But if you need to have a break from being strong and just be, you know I’m here for that!”
“Thanks, Jason,” Y/N smiled and sighed as she rested her head on his shoulder, “I needed to hear that. I just wish we didn’t have the media outside the house all the live long day. It’s like I can’t breathe with them out there waiting like vultures.”
“Maybe we could sneak out?” Jason suggested, “There is one exit they don’t know about. The Batcave.”
“What? You wanna sneak out and risk getting caught out?”
“What’d you say? Put the suits on and ‘patrol’ for a bit?”
“You’re a bad influence on me, Jason Todd.”
“Is that a yes?”
“Come on, before Mum and Dad get an idea about what we’re doing.”
“Don’t even think about it,” came another voice. Dick Grayson stood there, folding his arms and cocking an eyebrow.
“We’re getting Cabin fever in here, Dick,” Jason groaned.
“And I just want to go out for a minute, that’s all.”
“If you’re going out, then I’m coming too.”
“We’re adults here, we don’t need a babysitter,” Y/N told Dick.
“Technically, you’re my sister, Y/N,” Dick said, “consider this me being the lovely, caring big brother you always wanted,” he said in jest, “get your suits then.”
“More like the annoying, protective big brother I never wanted,” Y/N mumbled to Jason as they got to their feet and followed Dick.
“I heard that,” Dick called over his shoulder.
#Jason Todd#jason todd robin#jason todd fanfiction#robin jason todd#jason todd headcanon#jason todd x reader#jason todd x y/n#robin#robin titans#robin imagine#jason todd imagine#robin one shot#jason todd one shot#Titans#titans fanfiction#fanfiction#titans dc#titans headcanon#fan fiction#fanfic#fan fic#imagine#imagines#oneshot#one shot
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Not Alone: Famous Bisexual People
A couple of years ago I posted this little thing thinking it would get a few likes and then vanish into the inter webs. Thank you all so much for the overwhelming support for this little piece! I’ve taken your suggestions and have done some research. Some names have been taken off and some have been added. As before, please let me know if some if you see a misspelled name or a name that shouldn’t be there or don’t see a name that should be there. I will take your input and do some research and update it as needed!
Names included:
|Frank Ocean |Demi Lovato |Lady GaGa |Nina Simone |John Maynard Keynes |Giorgio Armani |Megan Fox |Janis Joplin |Edna St. Vincent Millay |Rebecca Sugar |Lord Byron |John Forbes Nash |Nathaniel Hawthorne |Marilyn Monroe |Malcolm X | Fred Rogers |Walt Whitman |Oscar Wilde |Daphne Du Maurier |Sir Alec Guinness |Zoe Saldana |Margaret Cho |Ke$ha |Alexander Hamilton |Oscar de la Renta |Frida Kahlo |Jessie J |Ezra Miller |Billie Holliday |Josephine Baker |Ethel Waters |Shailene Woodley |Freddie Mercury |Joan Crawford |Alice Walker |Aubrey Plaza |Raúl Esparza |Bella Thorne |Billie Joe Armstrong |Sharon Osborne |Nicola Adams |Tamara de Lempicka |Angelina Jolie |Cynthia Nixon |Evelyn Mantilla |El Hedi ben Salem |Bessie Smith |John Lennon |Fergie |Kate Brown |Gina Rodriguez |Virginia Woolf |Alan Cumming |Sia |David Bowie |Ani DiFranco |Azealia Banks |Alfred Kinsey |Sister Rosetta Tharpe |Michael Chabon |Farley Granger |Orlando Jordan |Rebecca Walker |Bai Ling |Dorothy Thompson |Mike White |Christian Lacroix |Conner Mertens |James Dean |Fritz Klein, MD |Marielle Franco |Amy Winehouse |Lou Reed |Rabbi Debra Kolodny |Kyrsten Sinema |Nicholas Ray |Katherine Mansfield |Michael Stipe |Dusty Springfield |Dolores del Rio |Kristen Stewart |Amber Heard |Gillian Anderson |Anna Paquin |Evan Rachel Wood |Michelle Rodriguez |Andy Dick |Jillian Michaels |Joan Baez |Kathy Najimy |Carrie Brownstein |Jane Wiedlin |Amanda Palmer |Vanessa Carlton |Clive Davis |Sapphire |Meshell Ndegeocello |Frenchie Davis |Sara Ramirez |Charles M. Blow |Amandla Stenberg |Halsey |Monica Raymund |Bryan Singer |Lauren Jauregui |JoCasta Zamarripa |Roxane Gay |Cara Delevingne |Megan Mullally
Names added to the list:
Fred Rogers
Alexander Hamilton
Names removed from the list:
Brendon Urie
Janelle Monae
You can find the original post here.
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