#belgium x ukraine
f0rgetf0rgetting · 1 month
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day two: royalty / wedding
the kingdom’s favorite baker and the princess :3
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wallpapersdehetalia · 8 months
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They're so cute! For anon
Characters: Belgium + Ukraine
Theme: Rose Garden, Roses, Pink Rose; Pink
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hetalia-fannn · 2 years
wlw ships are 👌
And this one is just so feminine. Pure respect, cuteness and lovely moments! Since they are both big sisters, I'm pretty sure they would relate to each other and talk about their lil bros. They would go on many dates with different places each time, but they have that one special café where they never miss to go. Also, I view both as a lesbian extra points for them haha. So 10/10!!
Send me ships and I'll rate them.
Asks are open!
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koolkat9 · 2 months
send an emoji to my inbox and i will draw
✏️ a nation i would redesign
Well...I have a whole ass OC for Ireland but that may be a little more than a redesign. So I also included Seychelles because girl needs more melanin and textured hair. So here is Michelle and my version of Ireland Niamh.
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🌸 my favorite wlw pairing
My first favourite is probably Nyo Canada x Ukraine (mostly due to Maddie being an easy self insert but shhh). Not including Nyos I have to go with my first wlw ship ever: Belgium x Taiwan. I just feel they have similar personalities being both cheerful and bubbly, so I think they'd get along well.
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madam-of-lithuania · 1 year
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Happy birthday Laura(Hws Belgium)my girl
So i drawn my another OTP BelgUkr
Katyusha is celebrating her girlfriend's birthday 🎂 🥳 🎉
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hwsfemmephenomenon · 4 months
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Check out our preemptive FAQ here!
Without further ado, here are the answers to your questions from the interest check:
☆ I would like to apply to be an art mod, but my Hetalia fanwork is a bit old and not up to date with my current skill level? Can I submit some non-Hetalia fanwork for my mod portfolio?
If this is the case, submit any work you're proud of, regardless of its relevancy to Hetalia!
☆ What does "spread" and "page" mean?
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☆ Where do I sign up?
Contributor applications will be opening July 1, 2024. We’ll make a post with the link to the contributor apps at 3PM EST on July 1, but you’ll also be able to find a link to the apps on our Carrd when the time comes! Right now the button on our Carrd is a placeholder, but if you press it now, you’ll be rewarded with a cool and funky video :]
☆ Will page size/formatting guidelines be given?
Yes! At the moment, there are placeholder measurements in our info-doc. Proper formatting will be finalized before contributor apps open once we’ve onboarded our formatting mods and discussed what sizes are best!
☆ Can my contribution include multiple HetaGirls?
YES!!! Let them interact!
☆ Are ships allowed?
Yes! As of right now, our only restrictions are no Belarus x Ukraine and no NSFW content.
☆ How many contributors will you accept to the zine?
At the moment, we’re a bit unsure! This is both Soph and Arson’s first time hosting a zine so we don’t want to bite off more than we can chew. As of right now, we may accept up to ~30 visual contributors and ~10 writing contributors, but those are estimates. We’ve gotten a ton of support for this zine, but we need to find our footing first! Ultimately, the final number of contributors will depend on what the mod team feels they can handle and how many applications we get!
☆ Why are you putting limits onto how Nyotalia characters can appear in the zine?
This zine originally came to be with the canon women in mind. We want the zine to focus on Ancient Egypt, Belarus, Belgium, Czechia, Hungary, Liechtenstein, Monaco, Seychelles, Taiwan, Ukraine, Vietnam, and Wy, as much of their canon material treats them as supporting roles to the male characters. We additionally would love to see submissions for Ancient Greece, Kenya, and Zimbabwe!
The Nyotalia characters are understandably very popular because they're a different take on the main cast. While we also love Nyotalia, we worry that very popular characters, like the main 8, will overshadow the characters we created this zine for in the first place. Nyotalia women are allowed in supporting roles because it would understandably be a little difficult for the writers if they were only limited to a specific set of 12-17 characters.
Some examples of work featuring Nyotalia characters would be:
A frying pangle fic where Hungary interacts with Nyo!Austria and/or Nyo!Prussia
A group illustration centering Vietnam’s interactions with Nyotalia ASEAN
An AmeBela illustration where Belarus interacts with Nyo!America
Some exceptions may be allowed on a case by case basis.
TLDR: You can draw Nyotalia women so long as they play a supporting role to one of the canon ladies.
☆ How many OCs will be allowed?
It depends on how many applications we receive! So long as they're a nation & aren't already canon to Hetalia, it's fair game. We want to see ladies from all over the globe!
☆ Why do you want more than one pitch?
We don't want to force people to make work they're disinterested in, but we also don't want there to be a disproportionate amount of material for one girl over another. As of right now, Hungary is in the most demand with 69.2% of responses, but Wy (34.6%) and Monaco (42.3%) have the least amount! We want to encourage more work for the more neglected ladies!
☆ Can I make more than one submission?
As of right now, yes! So long as everyone isn't doing more than one piece and if the contributor thinks they can handle two pieces during the time frame, we wanna see those HetaGirls!
More on this to come when acceptances roll out and we start working on pitches...
Got more questions? Submit them to our inbox!
Thank you all for the love and support you've shown the zine thus far!
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sandeebridges · 5 months
Hetalia x TNO Headcanons
This is basically just a present for the wonderful @hetalia-newbie-butnotreally, enjoy!
Basically an elderly man, much more cynical and hostile than he is in Hetalia, with a good deal of cold, emotional detachment thrown in for good measure. When the Civil War begins, he splits into 4 separate Germanies, which are somewhat kind (Speer), similar to the old one (Bormann), angry and self-centred (Göring) and a total psychopath (Heydrich).
Belgium is the character used to represent Burgundy, and in fitting with her new source material, she is completely demented, obsessed with the black sun, and making sure it never sets. She’s essentially suffering from massive guilt- under all the layers of fanaticism, that is- and wants to keep the sun alive so that all the death, horror and murder wasn’t all for nothing.
Each RK is just the country it’s based on, but tired and ill, Ukraine and Moskowien (Russia) especially. Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia have forgotten their individual names and just go by the shared title of the Ostlanders. All RKs serve Germany directly, apart from Kaukasus and the Afrikan colonies, who are busy elsewhere most of the time.
Japan is much more cruel and unforgiving than normal, having split China into several to serve him as house-servants. Despite this, he keeps a relatively loose leash on the Chinas, only really forcing them to accept his customs and culture rather than their own. When the Yasuda crisis hits, he ends up getting consistently worm out and exhausted from simple tasks, relying on the also-ailing Chinas to do things for him.
There are now an absolute ton of Russias, each of who has their own ideas and personality, though some do share some similar traits (WRRF and Sverdlovsk, for example). Special mentions go to Taboritsky’s Komi, which acts like Burgundy except even worse, the Black League, who absolutely despises Germany in every possible way, and the Black Army who is the embodiment of chaos in one character.
Spain and Portugal have moved into one house, but are struggling to agree on even basic decisions together. Both are a decent bit less kind than they are normally, and end up collapsing into a dozen little statelets, some of which are backed by America and the OFN, some of which are backed by Germany, whenever he’s gotten himself back together.
I know Gibraltar is basically irrelevant in TNO, but I find Admiral Fernando to be incredibly funny, so we ended up creating a Gibraltar HC. He’s basically a stuck-up old man who thinks he’s way cooler than he is, and is constantly hanging out with other micronations like Sealand and Seborga, the former of whom is consistently falling for his stories. He lives with the Iberian brothers, though they often try to ignore the fact he exists, for the simple fact of convenience.
Yes, I know I didn’t do America, that’s because there are so many different paths for the US in TNO, and I don’t know enough about any of them to give you a good view. Maybe I’ll do a second list with America, Britain, France and Italy/Romano at some point…
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Can we hear more about your version of Ukraine? I've never heard anyone else use Lazarenko for a last name
She's borrowed chiefly from a Ukrainian friend who's no longer in the fandom, only slightly tweaked as one of the first ships I ever wrote was Hungary x Ukraine waaaaay back when but in essence, she's like most of my version of hws characters in that she's.... somewhat refurbished.
The way canon sort of equated emotion to being a weak crybaby really fucking rubs me the wrong way. The line where Hima called her fearsome and could stand her ground is much more my speed. This is fucking Ukraine we're talking about. Unlike half of her neighbours, her people are defined by their ability to hope for a better future. Where Russians and Belarusians might look permanently broken to us in the west (they may not be, time will tell), the Ukrainians are defiant, full of hope and willingness to change and embrace a better future. She is defiance itself. She has kissed and slid a knife into the ribs of every empire that dared speak her name. That name itself means borderland, and she is strong enough to endure all that word means.
I didn't choose the name Lazarenko, but I can explain why. Lazarus in the bible was raised from the dead by Christ himself. And when that name was chosen, Ukraine's continued existence seemed like a miracle, much less now. Poland draws comparisons to their experience to that of the phoenix. Katya's story is much the same, but Lazarus seemed more appropriate for her than the firebird. This is a woman who has ruled the steppe from horseback. Her patron saint burned cities to the ground, and she wields a trident on her seals. For much of her life, every breath she has taken is a resounding fuck you to those who would see her dead. She is the east's answer to Belgium in the west. She is a land where the soil is rich with the blood of all the empires who dared use her land as their battlegrounds.
Her hope is hard and fierce, and she wears it as her armour. So my Katya isn't a crier, and she keeps her affections close. But under that armour is a woman who cares so much it it might stop her heart with the intensity of it. She's had to cram it down to survive, but there is so much love in her to give, and someone has to be fucking important before she lets go of her reservations and loves them. Her people are her children, and her maternal instincts are primarily reserved for them. All the same, compassion and love run through her as crucially as the Dnieper.
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luderailing · 2 years
BelgUkr (Hws Belgium x Hws Ukraine)Coffee date
coffee shop AU ♥☕
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They are on a date.
Again not sure if this is exactly what you were thinking anon, but ahhh here you go :]
I’ve probably?? Only ever heard of this ship like once or twice if I have,,I didn’t really pay attention lmao❗️ buuut it’s actually adorable I hc them both as lesbian already but I’d never thought of them together lol. It’s cute I think
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kitratre · 1 year
BelgUkr(Belgium x Ukraine)
D1 please
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hugs are always welcomed here.
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vino-shumuye · 2 years
BelgUkr (Aph Belgium x Aph Ukraine) please?
they said gaslight gatekeep girlboss
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                              2ps are known to lust for blood and power.
Below lies are those that have allowed themselves to be made know, though not without a PRICE.
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           Ancient Egypt 
           Ancient Greece
           Ancient Persia
  ��        Cyprus
           Czech Republic
           Holy Roman Empire 
           Hong Kong 
           S. Korea
           New Zealand 
           Niko Niko Republic 
           None at this time
           Principality of Wy 
           None at this time
           Republic of Kuglemugle
           Turkish Republic of Cyprus 
           None at this time
           None at this time
           None at this time
                                            Return to Masterlist
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aijamisespava · 22 days
The ESC In My WIPs
One thing that doesn't feel so secret on this page, aside from the fact I'm a Eurovision fan, is that I'm a writer. Of course, being a writer who loves music leads to me making soundtracks for everything that I write. And since I joined the fandom, I've been putting some songs in my playlist! And now, I'll share which ones have "made the cut" so far.
To begin, these are official by me (official being that the chapter is done and has a home. So even though I have a piece for Belgium's 2024 entry, the piece does not have a home yet so we won't be counting it). Also not counting non-ESC songs by ESC artists (sorry). And this isn't complete as I'm a young writer and have a full career in front of me, so expect this list to GROW! So let's get to it!
Czechia 2023: "My Sister's Crown" by Vesna
Sweden 2022: "Hold Me Closer" by Cornelia Jakobs
Italy 2014: "La Mia Città" by Emma
Finland 2014: "Something Better" by Softengine
Ireland 2020: "Story Of My Life" by Lesley Roy
Turkiyë 2010: "We Could Be The Same" by maNga
Austria 2022: "Halo" by LUM!X/PIA MARIA
Czechia 2022: "Lights Off" by Domi
Ukraine 2017: "Time" by O. Torvald
Sweden 2015: "Heroes" by Måns Zelmerlöw
Serbia 2023: "Samo Mi Se Spava" by Luke Black
Well, that does it! These 11 of course won't stay as 11 as I mentioned (especially with the piece to Belgium 2024), but it's a fair amount of pieces. I can't wait to see how it grows later!
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paleangels13 · 1 year
maybe I'm still salty about Germany getting last place so now you'll have to deal with the stats from this article by esc kompakt
Sorry, my English might be a bit wobbly here but we move
Order of the countries on the lists (translation): Albania, Armenia, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Greece, Island, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Moldova, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, San Marino, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Ukraine, United Kingdom
The jury vote:
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Yes, lord of the lost really didn't do too well here BUT they only ended up on the last place in two countries... (Latvia & Malta) overall they are kinda in the lower middle I'd say, definitely didn't do so well but that was expected I guess (I am a little disappointed by Finland tho, shouldn't you like metal/rock guys? 😔)
Anyway on to the brighter side of this...
The televote:
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Yes, yes, I know how the voting system for Eurovision works. Can we still talk about this?? The audience liked Lord of the Lost! Yes, they only got actual points from Switzerland, Austria and Finland, but looking at this the last place really wasn't deserved... Germany would be somewhere in the middle according to this and definitely not last place.
I know this happens often and it's due to the voting system but it bothers me, especially because Lord of the Lost are facing quite some backlash and hate since Eurovision for "embarrassing the country", "being a huge flop", "being shitty musicians", etc (oh and of course a bunch of homophobic comments as always and some other things that are so, so, SO wrong, I don't even wanna talk about it).
Anyway, rant over.
Last stats are the ranking Germany (and everyone else) would have had according to the numbers above and how it differs from the actual ranking during the show (Jury left, televote right; -x meaning being x ranks further down in the final's results (show) / +x meaning x ranks better in the final's results (show))
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(translation left to right: country, mean value by rank, ranking/place by rank, ranking/place by points, difference)
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gaymer-hag-stan · 5 months
Eurovision 2024 Final Ranking Prediction After 2nd Round of Rehearsals
1. 🇨🇭 Switzerland - Nemo - The Code
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2. 🇭🇷 Croatia - Baby Lasagna - Rim Tim Tagi Dim
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3. 🇮🇹 Italy - Angelina Mango - La noia
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4. 🇺🇦 Ukraine - alyona alyona & Jerry Heil - Teresa & Maria
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5. 🇳🇱 Netherlands - Joost Klein - Europapa
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6. 🇬🇷 Greece - Marina Satti - ZARI
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7. 🇫🇷 France - Slimane - Mon amour
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8. 🇧🇪 Belgium - Mustii - Before the Party's Over
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9. 🇳🇴 Norway - Gåte - Ulveham
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10. 🇱🇹 Lithuania - Silvester Belt - Luktelk
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11. 🇦🇹 Austria - Kaleen - We Will Rave
12. 💀 War Crimes - Propaganda
13. 🇸🇪 Sweden - Marcus & Martinus - Unforgettable
14. 🇮🇪 Ireland - Bambie Thug - Doomsday Blue
15. 🇬🇧 United Kingdom - Olly Alexander - Dizzy
16. 🇬🇪 Georgia - Nutsa Buzaladze - Firefighter
17. 🇦🇲 Armenia - LADANIVA - Jako
18. 🇷🇸 Serbia - TEYA DORA - RAMONDA
19. 🇪🇸 Spain - Nebulossa - ZORRA
20. 🇸🇮 Slovenia - Raiven - Veronika
21. 🇫🇮 Finland - Windows95man - No Rules!
22. 🇨🇾 Cyprus - Silia Kapsis - Liar
23. 🇪🇪 Estonia - 5MIINUST x Puuluup - (nendest) narkootikumidest ei tea me (küll) midagi
24. 🇱🇺 Luxembourg - TALI - Fighter
25. 🇩🇪 Germany - ISAAK - Always On the Run
26. 🇵🇹 Portugal - iolanda - Grito
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madam-of-lithuania · 1 month
Favorite Hetalia ships beside LietCan (and excluding anything that includes Liet or Matt in the ship?) Just curious!
My favorite another Hetalia ship is BelgUkr(Hws Belgium x Hws Ukraine) I think they are cute and adorable together ❤️💖😍💕♥️ I love them both together ❤️💖♥️💕💙💗
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