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Tolkien only mentions people's absent mothers or wives if they're dead
...so about that:
dead, named
nimloth (of doriath)
finduilas [girlfriend]
eilinel [girlfriend]
finduilas (of gondor)
assumed eventually dead (mortal), named
andreth [girlfriend]
elros' wife
rian (of gondor)
morwen (of gondor)
morwen (of the dunedain)
not dead (as of last mention), named
meril [existence uncertain]
amarie [fiancee]
fluithin [existence uncertain]
nimrodel (of lorien) [fiancee]
rose (other one)
lily (other one)
vaire (of tol eressea)
nerdanel's mom
maglor's spouse [gender uncertain]
caranthir's spouse [gender uncertain]
celebrimbor's mom
ilion's wife
indis' mom
fingon's possible wife [existence disputed]
finduilas' mom
earwen's mom
denethor (of the laiquendi)'s mom
celeborn's first wife/amroth's mom [existence uncertain]
saeros' mom
cirdan's mom [existence disputed]
celeborn's mom
galadhon's mom
thranduil's mom
legolas' mom
nimloth (of doriath)'s mom
wives of beor, baran, belen, boron, baranor, beldir, boromir (of the beorians), bregor, beren (other one), bregolas, baragund, belegund
anduir's mom
amdir's wife/amroth's mom [existence uncertain]
wives of marach, imlach, magor, hathol, haldan, halmir, hundar, hunthor, haldad, haldar
bor's wife
ulfang's wife
gorlim's mom
dorlas' wife
aerin's mom
wives of vardamir, tar-amandil, nolondil, veantur, tar-elendil, earendur, axantur, hatholdir, caliondo, cemendur, hallatan, tar-anarion, tar-surion, isilmo, tar-minastir, tar-ciryatan, tar-atanamir, tar-ancalimon, tar-telemmaite, tar-alcarin, tar-calmacil, tar-ardamin, ar-adunakhor, ar-zimrathon, ar-sakalthor, tar-palantir, tar-gimilkhad
wives of valandil, earendur (second one), numendil, amandil, elendil, isildur, anarion, valandil, meneldil, eldacar, arantar, tarcil, tarondor, valandur, elendur, earendur (third one), amlaith, beleg, mallor, celepharn, celebrindor, malvegil, argeleb I, arveleg I, araphor, argeleb II, araval, araphant, aranarth, arahel, aranuir, aravir, aragorn I, araglas, arahad I, aragost, aravorn, arahad II, arassuil, arathorn I, argonui, arador,
wives of cemendur, earendil (of gondor), anardil, ostoher, tarostar, turambar (of gondor), atanatar I, siriondil, tarciryan, earnil I, ciryandil, ciryaher, calmacil, romendacil II, calimehtar, vidugavia, castamir, aldamir, hyarmendacil II, telemnar, minastan, tarondor, telumehtar, narmacil II, arciryas, calimehtar (other one), calimmacil, ondoher, siriondil (other one), earnil II
wives of marhari, marhwini, forthwini, frumgar, fram, leod, eorl, brego (of rohan), aldor, frea, freawine, freca, goldwine, deor, helm, hild, frealaf, brytta, walda, folcwine, fengel
wives of pelendur, vorondil, mardil, eradan, herion, belegorn, hurin I (of gondor), turin I (of gondor), hador (of gondor), barahir (of gondor), boromir (other one of gondor), cirion, hallas, hurin II, belecthor I, orodreth (of gondor), egalmoth (of gondor), beren (of gondor), beregond (other one), belecthor II, thorondir, turin II, turgon (of gondor), ecthelion II (of gondor)
wives of adrahil I, galador, agalahad, angelimir, adrahil II, elphir, imrahil
smeagol's grandmother
ibal's mom
beorn's wife [mortality uncertain]
ghan's wife
wives of girion, bard, bain, brand, bard II
wives of baranor (of gondor), beregond, borlas, berelach II
grima's mother
dunhere's mother
aghan's mother
mim's wife
wives of durin I, durin II, durin III, durin IV, durin V, durin VI, nain I, thrain I, thorin I, gloin (other one), oin (other one), nain II, dain I, borin, thror, thrain, gror, nain, farin, fundin, groin, dain II, gloin, thorin III
isengrim II's wife [mortality uncertain]
wives of isumbras III, ferumbras II, fortinbras I, isumbras IV, isumbold, isembard, adalgrim, flambard, sisigmond, adelard, ferdinand
wives of odo, olo, polo, ponto, dudo, adalgar, jago, gundahad, vigo, bosco
wives of gorhendad, sadoc, saradas, orgulas, marmadas, hamfast, wiseman, holman, cottar, hobson, holman, andwise, halfred, frodo (gardner), holfast
wives of woden, heden, eoh, tulkastor
if we include implied mortality (orange), we have our totals of:
total named: 129
dead, named: 43 not dead, named: 86
total unnamed: 273
probably dead, unnamed: 230 not dead, unnamed: 43
obviously the eventual mortality of the gazillion numenoreans does impact these numbers quite a bit, but it still does stand that more of the unnamed mothers/wives are dead than the named ones (84% vs 33%)
other notes:
orange = implied eventual death due to mortality at some point up to the end of the TA
[gender uncertain], [girlfriend], and [fiancee] characters were counted as wives
[existence uncertain] and [existence disputed] characters were included
[mortality uncertain] characters were counted as not dead
actually not only is Legolas’s mother still alive, post-quest she was like ‘Aragorn I’m your mum now’ and Aragorn was like ‘that’s kind of you but no need’ and she was like ‘NO. I AM YOUR MUM NOW.’
& Legolas was solemnly like ‘this means we are brothers now. I take my brotherly responsibilities very seriously. Family game night is on Tuesdays.’
that’s what happened.
#silm adjacent#not art#geneaology#names#please appreciate this it took me three hours ;-;#hobbits and numenoreans took two hours to untangle#side note why are there so many berens.#anyways headcanon that legolas' mom died sometime in the angmar war era#please let me know if i misplaced or forgot anybody#except the time travel isekai people from lost road. i have no clue whether their families count as dead so they don't get to be on here lo
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the line of elros ❖ stewards of gondor ❖ headcanon disclaimer
Mardil Voronwë was the son of Vorondil, and became the first Ruling Steward of Gondor. He served as the third and last Steward to Eärnil II and after him his son Eärnur. Upon Eärnur’s inheritance, the Witch-king of Minas Morgul, whom Eärnur had faced in the North, challenged him again to single combat. Eärnur, rash and humiliated by his failure in their first encounter, was eager to answer, but all his counselors clearly saw that it was a trap. It took the combined persuasion of Eärnur’s mother, lover, and his Steward to convince him not to go at that time, but after his lover was slain in a skirmish, not even the wisdom of Mardil could prevent him from answering the Witch-king’s third challenge. Eärnur left his crown upon the lap of his father in the Houses of the Dead, where it would remain until Steward Faramir would pass it to King Elessar nearly a thousand years later. Eärnur rode past the gates of Minas Morgul with a small escort of loyal knights, never to be seen again. As his fate was for a time uncertain and Eärnur had named no heir, nor were there any obvious lords of royal descent to step forth and make their claim, no new King was selected. Thus, with a heavy heart, Mardil took up the leadership of Gondor, first of the Ruling Stewards. He began his rule with the promise to lead “until the King returns,” at first with the hope that Eärnur would ride back to Minas Tirith in glory, and later as but a formality. Mardil ruled Gondor with wisdom and patience during the time known as the Watchful Peace, earning the epithet Voronwë, “the Steadfast.” He was an even-tempered and practical man who paid close attention to even the minutiae of bureaucracy. His wife Anoriel was likewise a fastidious scholar, and it was at her suggestion that Mardil established a Stewards’ Reckoning of time, inserting two leap-days in an effort to maintain a coherent calendar. The son of Mardil Voronwë and Anoriel was Eradan, first of the Stewards to be named in Sindarin save for those who had taken names from great heroes of the First Age. Eradan was a solitary man who preferred quietude and the company of books. His wife, Gilwen, was of a similar mind, and together they agreed to leave one another alone as soon as their only son Herion came of age. Unlike his father, Herion was a lively and boisterous man eager to enter the social circles of Gondor. He wed the dancer Cadwareth, a beautiful woman whom he adored despite her own inconstant affections. Their son Belegorn was a hunter like his ancestor Vorondil, and though he never brought down a beast so mighty as the Kine of Araw, he carried the Horn of Gondor with a reverence matched only by his love for his wife Lossendil, a healer-woman of Ithilien he met on his travels.
#tolkienedit#oneringnet#lotr#silmarillion#gondor#mardil voronwe#mardil#oc anoriel#eradan#oc gilwen of gondor#herion#oc cadwareth#belegorn#oc lossendil#my edit#my writing#headcanons#tefain nin#stewards of gondor#line of elros
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Impossible LotR Quiz Answer sheet with explanations!
As an addendum, since people have been doing the quiz I’ve seen a few mistypes and awkwardnesses that are my own fault so I’ve corrected them. This means some people got a higher score than was shown, know that when I looked over your answers I saw your actually right answers and fully appreciated them! It’s good to not that the ‘fill in the blanks’ questions will not take two words in one space, so I’ve had to get creative with how I apply two named folk like Mardil Voronwe, or people who have numbers like Hurin I.
I would also like to say, to everyone talking about how they’ve never read the Silmarillion, this quiz is very purposefully almost entirely based outside of the Silmarillion. This is Appendices stuff! Indeed there is only 1 question even tangentally related to elves in here, this is by design.
@magaramach, @brynnmclean and @apojiiislands asked to be tagged in this! Answers under the cut.
Q2. Who was Dora Baggins in relation to Bilbo Baggins? - Second cousin on his father's side Dora Baggins is a very elderly woman who was the daughter of Bilbo’s father’s brother. She likes writing people a lot of unsolicited advice! THIS WAS WRONG AND SAID FIRST COUSIN FOR SO LONG AND I AM DEEPLY SORRY FOR IT.
Q3. How many pairs of biological twins are mentioned in the whole of Arda's timeline and what races do they belong too? - 2 for men, 1 for elves and 3 for half-elves Fastred and Folcred, Haleth and Haldar (men) Amrod and Amras (elves) Elured and Elurin, Elrond and Elros, Elladan and Elrohir (half-elves) Now, admittedly Elladan and Elrohir are never actually described as twins. However they appear completely identical and have the same birth date, so it is assumed.
Q4. Baldor is who the skeleton scratching at the door used to be. When Aragorn and co pass through the paths of the dead they find a skeleton clawing at a door to the mountain. It is finely dressed and described as mighty and was later essentially confirmed to be Baldor, the eldest son of King Brego of Rohan, also called Baldor the hapless, who foolishly wandered into the paths of the dead on, apparently, a dare. (the answer to this was originally Brego because of a foolish typo from me, many apologies!)
Q5. When was the Ondonóre Nómesseron Minaþurie written? - During Meneldil's reign. “Enquiry into the Place-names of Gondor” was a text written by settled numenoreans about their new kingdom during Meneldil’s reign, who was the first sole King of Gondor after both Anarion (his father) and Isildur had perished.
Q6. Farmer Maggot's particular friend was Tom Bombadil It is stated that Farmer Maggot sometimes peacefully passes through the Old Forest to go and meet Tom Bombadil, who very much enjoys his company. However! Those who answered Merry or Pippin still deserve excellent recognition, Farmer Maggot was indeed fond of Pippin and respected Merry greatly.
Q7. What was the office of the Steward originally created to do? - Keep the Tradition of Isildur When Romendacil I went to war in the east, he realised that if he died then the secret of the Tradition of Isildur would die with him. Hence he wrote it down in a sealed scoll and gave it to a trusted confidante, to be given to his heir if he should perish. This tradition was maintained by further kings and those trusted confidantes became the Stewards of Gondor. This, admittedly, is a more suggested progression than explicit, but it’s a Impossible evil quiz so :) Q8. What was the 'Tradition of Isildur'? - Remember where Elendil was buried. Elendil had been secretly entombed in Calenardhon, supposedly the midpoint between Gondor and Arnor. This was a hallowed space for only Kings at first, but in later years when the Stewards came to rule Gondor they also were permitted the secret. Cirion had the remains moved when Calenardhon was gifted to the Eotheod to eventually become a part of the Kingdom of Rohan.
Q9. At the time of Pelargir's founding, is the world flat or round? - Flat. Pelargir was founded as a ‘Faithful Numenorean’ haven on the river Anduin. Therefore it was built before Numenor’s destruction in the Akallabeth, the reason for which being that Eru turned the world from flat to round.
Q10. Which of these monarchs were indolent and had no interest in ruling? - King Atanatar I - King Narmacil I - Tar-Vanimelde King Atanatar I ruled during Gondor’s richest generation and seemed to believe that meant he didn’t need to put any work in. Narmacil I, his son, didn’t want to put any work in, but he at least assigned his nephew, Minalcar, as ‘Karma-Kundo’ or regent during his reign. So he at least did something to keep the country going. Tar-Vanimelde had no interest in ruling and allowed her husband to do most of the governence. This backfired when she died and he organised a coup against his son to hold power.
Q11. When looking back on the Ship-Kings of Gondor, King Tarannon Falastur began the invasion of Harad and expanded Gondor's borders, King Earnil-I finally took Umbar but died at sea shortly afterwards, King Ciryandil spent most of his reign trying to defend Umbar and died in it's seige and King Hyarmendacil defended Umbar against seiges for 35 years before making war upon all Harad and claiming Harondor as a province of Gondor, ending the line of the Ship Kings.
Q12. What happened during the reign of King Romendacil II? - I don't know! Nothing? Yes I know this is particularly evil of me but Romendacil II was originally called Minalcar, yes the same Minalcar who became REGENT of Gondor due to Narmacil’s indolent nature. Minalcar indeed did everything else listed as answers to this question, but none of them happened during his reign as king. Indeed, his reign was said to be peaceful and we have no real information on it, so technically saying we don’t know, and suggesting nothing happened, is actually the most correct answer :)
Q13. Who succeeded Tar-Telperien of Numenor? - Her nephew, Minastir Tar-Telperien was a lesbian Queen of Numenor who never married and never wanted too and did an excellent job and I love her. Her nephew built a tower to mope in about how much he wanted to be an elf. They are not the same. Absolutely terrified about what Amazon could do to her.
Q14. Whilst his brethren, the nazgul, were attacking the Prancing Pony, The Witch-King was waiting in the Barrow Downs and probably had a really nice time. Not much to this! Witch King was chilling with the Barrow Wights.
Q15. Which of these characters are described as 'beautiful' at least once in the Lord of the Rings? - Galadriel, Denethor, Eowyn, Frodo, Elanor, Celeborn, Boromir Yes, Arwen is never described as beautiful, but Denethor is :)
Q16. We all love Boromir II, select the similarities he and Boromir I did NOT share. - Renowned relationship with the Rohirrim. - Destroyed the Bridge of Osgiliath - Feared by the Witch King - Retook Ithilien. - Had a brother. In case you’re wondering, yes, I love both Boromirs. But this question is a fun highlight of how many similarities Boromir II has with his namesake. These are the only things they didn’t both do. Although! Boromir I’s son was Cirion who allied with the Eotheod and created Rohan in the first place, the Uruk-Hai destroyed the Bridge of Osgiliath in Boromir I’s lifetime, Boromir II was PROBABLY feared by the witch-king we just don’t know, Boromir II held Ithilien and Boromir I had two elder sisters like Denethor II did.
Q17. Hey, did you know that, from Boromir I's war with the Uruk-Hai of the Morgul Vale, Gondor didn't know peace until Sauron's death on the 25th of March, 3019? Hah hah! How gut wrenching is that? About how long do you think it has been since Gondor knew peace then? Hey wait does that mean Boromir I's valiant victory that came at a personal sacrifice was the beginning of Gondor's wars and then Boromir II's valiant sacrifice was the end- oh god... oh fuck - 550 years To everyone who answered the crossed out answer,,, you’re correct in my heart. You get bonus points. Also hey! What the fuck :)
Q18. Who was Borondir? - The rider sent to find Eorl who made it to him after starving himself for two days but who then rode to the Celebrant with Eorl anyway and died in that battle. Literally couldn’t love this fellow more. Big Hirgon energy. A hero of Gondor for time immemorial.
Q19. The Ruling Stewards, from first to last (with their numbers typed as so Turin-I Hurin-II etc), were as follows; Mardil ; Eradan ; Herion ; Belegorn ; Hurin-I ; Turin-I ; Hador ; Barahir ; Dior ; Denethor-I ; Boromir-I ; Cirion ; Hallas ; Hurin-II ; Belecthor-I ; Orodreth ; Ecthelion-I ; Egalmoth ; Beren ; Beregond ; Belecthor-II ; Thorondir ; Turin-II ; Turgon ; Ecthelion-II ; Denethor-II ; and for like two seconds ; Faramir ; Alrighty, we had a bit of a fight in my discord about this but eventually I did relent in agreement that Faramir IS... very briefly... legally considered a RULING Steward. Ruling Stewards being Stewards that ruled a Kingless Gondor. But! With Aragorn RIGHT THERE is just seemed very redundant. Still! I’ll allow the pedant to win out, ten minutes is still a Ruling Steward. ALSO! I decided that having an extra box for the ‘voronwe’ part of mardil voronwe was just mean as it set everyone’s answers off kilter, so I removed that. ALSO for all of those calling me a bastard for adding this question, @illegalstargender was the one who requested it! I wasn’t going too!
Q20. The Stewards, despite ruling through very tumultuous and violent periods, were often known for boring things (because they simply ruled better than the Kings did, I said what I said) But what boring thing was Steward Turin I remembered for? - Being the only monarch of Gondor that married twice This skeezy bastard really did marry a second time during his OLD age just to father a son. I can only imagine what a dreadful cultural and social effect this had on this prude country. It’s so unnecessary! He had daughters, many of them! One of them certainly had a son before he did. He was just being a controlling arse, down with Turin I!!!!
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Third part of the Stewards’ wives series.
Tinúviel - wife of Eradan and mother of Herion. Tended to embrace her namesake a little too far, much to the suffering of her husband’s feet! Menelwen - wife of Herion and mother of Belegorn. A surprising match, as her home had a bit of a reputation in the rest of Gondor when it came to its women and she struggled a lot at court due to that. Brennil - wife of Belegorn and mother of Húrin I. Product of an incredibly scandalous relationship, she was raised by her grandparents after her mother died when she was very young. Her name was actually given by her grandfather as a sign of acceptance of her. As a result, she was well-known for her rigid observance of social customs and norms which often put her at odds with her mother-in-law.
#legendarium ladies april#unreasonably attached to my ocs#fun with dollmakers#vaguely silmarillion related#gondorian ladies are great#idk where menelwen's from exactly#but it's the fun part of gondor
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Belegorn was the younger son of Elmo and Tînu, widely considered to be one of the greatest warriors of the Doriathrim. But at the time of the Second Kinslaying he could not stand against the might of the Ñoldor, and was slain by Maglor Fëanorion.
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Been taking some free requests over on flightrising to help me work through some stress aha. Have a lot of rly nice designs to work w/ so probs gonna keep working through them when im too lazy to design my own OCs :’v (hint: 90% of the time)
top girl belongs to rowanox on fr
seahorse/guppy merboy belongs to JonathonJoestar on fr
golden gal belongs to Belegorn on fr
Reminder that commissions are still open!
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the line of elros ❖ stewards of gondor ❖ headcanon disclaimer
Húrin I was the son of Belegorn, and was the fifth Ruling Steward of Gondor. He often accompanied his father on hunting trips, though he was less interested in catching game than he was in taking joy in the art of bowcraft. Húrin wed the scholar Beril, whose studies focused on the great heroes of the First Age. Invested in the poetry of First Age names, Beril pushed to name their children after the children of Húrin Thalion for whom her husband was named (though he was also named in honor of Húrin of Emyn Arnen, founder of the House of Húrin). Thus their eldest daughter was called Urwen, after Urwen Lalaith, and her sister was known as Niënor, after Niënor Níniel. Unlike the family of the Húrin of the First Age, Steward Húrin’s children endured no dreadful curses nor tragic fates. Urwen was a skilled artist whose work was greatly admired by the upper class of Minas Tirith, though she was dreadfully shy and presented all her work anonymously. Not until after her death did the city learn that the Steward’s daughter was the gifted artist they so admired. In defiance of her name, Niënor was a joyful woman who found delight in gardening. She disliked her dour name and instead called herself Lalaith, the nick-name of the first Urwen, meaning “laughter.” Though she had many sweethearts throughout her life, she never married, perhaps out of a desire to not tempt fate. Húrin’s only son was Túrin, a proud young man who rebelled against his mother’s historical teachings and scorned his father’s mild temper. He would name his own children after relatives and friends of his famous namesake, Túrin Turambar, but did so without regard to the historical implications.
#tolkienedit#oneringnet#lotr#silm#silmarillion#gondor#hurin i#hurin i's wife#oc beril of gondor#hurin i's daughters#oc urwen of gondor#oc nienor of gondor#turin i#my edit#my writing#edit writing#headcanons#tefain nin#stewards of gondor#line of elros
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Line of Elros Edit Series: Appendix E
Continued from Appendix D. This section will contain information on the the Stewards of Gondor.
Appendix A: Royalty of Númenor Appendix B: House of Andúnië, Royalty of Arnor Appendix C: Royalty of Gondor Appendix D: Princes of Dol Amroth, Chieftains of the Dúnedain Appendix E: Stewards of Gondor (you are here!)
Are you ready for a bajillion names reused from the First Age?! The Stewards loooved to name their kids after First Age heroes - and I decided that the ladies shouldn’t get left out of that tradition either, so I scoured the family trees of the Three Houses of the Edain for some names to give their wives and daughters :)
Astorion ft. Astorion (OC), Húrin of Emyn Arnen, Idril of Emyn Arnen (OC) Though Astorion himself is an OC, everything about the appointment of the first Steward is canon or strongly implied by canon. The rules surrounding who could be Steward are also canon, though the exact circumstances of how they came about are my headcanon. Húrin of Emyn Arnen was indeed Minardil’s steward, and the stewards were chosen from his House after this, but the details about his role in these two succession crises are all headcanon. The House of Húrin was related to Anárion, though this relation being through one of his daughters is speculation on my part. See the linked Kings for details about the canonicity of their stories.
Pelendur ft. Pelendur, Meleth of Gondor (OC), Vorondil, Anwariel (OC), Mardil Voronwë The details of Pelendur’s friendship with Eärnil, and Eärnil’s ambitions toward royalty, are my headcanon; check out Eärnil’s edit for more on that. The conflict between Eärnil and Arvedui is canon, as is Pelendur’s influence in choosing which would become King. Vorondil’s hunting of the Kine of Araw and making of the Horn of Gondor is canon, though I made up the bit about it being part of a matched pair.
Mardil Voronwë ft. Mardil Voronwë, Anoriel (OC), Eradan, Gilwen of Gondor (OC), Herion, Cadwareth (OC), Belegorn, Lossendil (OC) Mardil’s ascension to power is canon, but the details of Eärnur’s demise, while canon, have been embellished (see his edit for more info on that). Mardil’s work on the calendar is canon, but his wife’s influence on its creation is headcanon. Everything about Eradan, Herion, and Belegorn is headcanon.
Húrin I ft. Húrin I, Beril of Gondor (OC), Niënor of Gondor (OC), Urwen of Gondor (OC), Túrin I All of this is headcanon; we have practically no information about Húrin I save that he had two daughters before Túrin I.
Túrin I ft. Túrin I, Andreth of Gondor (OC), Lalaith of Gondor (OC), Nellas of Gondor (OC), Níniel of Gondor (OC), Meldis of Gondor (OC), Hador of Gondor All we know about Túrin I is that he had “several daughters” with his first wife, and was the first (and only) leader of Gondor to take a second wife, with whom he had a son. Since Hador was born a year after Túrin became Steward, I think it’s reasonable to assume he had to wait ’til he was in charge to change the law to allow him to remarry, but that’s not canon. All other details are headcanon. Sorry for making him a massive dick. Túrin Turambar deserves better than being remembered like this; I’ll try to make up for it when I get to Túrin II.
Hador ft. Hador of Gondor, Maerion (OC), Barahir of Gondor, Taweneth (OC), Dior of Gondor, Rían of Gondor, Bellmund (OC), Denethor I Hador did canonically add a leap day to the calendar, and he was also the last Steward to have the “lifespan of a full Dúnadan.” Dior canonically had no children and was succeeded by his nephew. I made up literally everything else here. I’m baffled by the decision of Rían to name her son after an Avarin king when all the other names in her family that were taken from the First Age are from the Edain and the occasional Noldor or Sindar royal; there’s no reason why she would have picked that name, so I tried to give her one here.
Denethor I ft. Denethor I, Felucaliel (OC), Lalwen of Gondor (OC), Emeldir of Gondor (OC), Steward Boromir Denethor canonically had two daughters before Boromir; I changed one to be nonbinary. It was also during his rule that the Watchful Peace ended. Everything else is headcanon.
Steward Boromir ft. Steward Boromir, Amathael (OC), Círion, Hirwen of Gondor (OC), Hallas, Thalieth (OC), Húrin II, Beldis of Gondor (OC) Boromir did canonically do all that fighting, though we know nothing about his wife and sibling fighting with him; his decline after receiving a Morgul wound is also canon. Almost all of Círion’s story is canon. Hallas did indeed come up with the names “Rohan” and “Rohirrim.” Everything else is headcanon.
Belecthor I ft. Belecthor I, Glóredhel of Gondor (OC), Orodreth of Gondor, Morwen of Gondor It’s canon that the Corsairs reared their heads again in this time, but we don’t know of any major battles so I decided a stalemate made sense here. Everything else is headcanon.
Orodreth ft. Orodreth of Gondor, Beleth of Gondor (OC), Ecthelion I The only canon thing here is that Ecthelion did rebuild the White Tower. Also, you know I’m gonna make all the childless Stewards gay and/or aspec :p
Morwen ft. Morwen of Gondor, Dammoron (OC), Adanel of Gondor (OC), Faeleth (OC), Egalmoth of Gondor All of this is headcanon, except that Morwen was canonically the grandmother of Egalmoth.
Egalmoth ft. Eglamoth of Gondor, Hareth of Gondor (OC), Beren of Gondor, Gildis of Gondor (OC), Steward Beregond, Bregil of Gondor (OC), Belecthor II, Thúliel (OC), Thorondir, Helheth (OC), Túrin II, Eregil (OC), Turgon of Gondor, Mírdholen (OC) As usual, everything with the women in this edit is headcanon. The wars with the Dunlendings, Corsairs, orcs, etc. are all canon, as is Saruman’s appearance in the narrative. The recovery period after the war has been greatly embellished; everything about Belecthor II and Thorondir is headcanon except for their lifespans and the death of the White Tree (and Belecthor being an only child, weirdly enough that’s specifically noted in canon lol), though I made up the reasoning behind Thorondir’s declaration. Túrin I’s deeds are all canon, though with the exception of the Rohirrim the supporting cast’s involvement is mostly my headcanon. Nothing significant happened during Turgon’s rule except for Sauron’s declaration; his reaction to that event is headcanon.
Ecthelion II ft. Ecthelion II, Narwiel (OC), Denethor II, Taeneth (OC), Beniloth (OC) Everything about Ecthelion and Thorongil/Aragorn is canon (and leaves me wondering if they fucked...) Ecthelion canonically had two unnamed daughters. Taeneth and Beniloth are Sindarin names I adapted from the Quenya “Terenis” and “Vanyalos” given to them in LOTRO; I also poached their backstories from LOTRO. (Disclaimer that I haven’t played the game, I’m getting this all from Tolkien Gateway.)
Denethor II ft. Denethor II, Finduilas of Dol Amroth, Boromir, Faramir This is pretty much all canon, though details have been embellished here and there.
Faramir ft. Faramir, Éowyn, Elboron, Rohiril (OC), Silevegil (OC), Barahir of Ithlien All of this is canon, though it’s been slightly condensed, up until the details about Faramir and Éowyn’s descendants. It is canon that Barahir wrote the Tale of Aragorn and Arwen, but we don’t know if he was the son of Elboron or of some unknown sibling of Elboron. I ship Elboron and Eldarion, so I chose to go with the latter possibility :)
My Peoples of Arda Edit Series continues with the Three Houses of the Edain Edit Series!
#line of elros#headcanons#gondor#my meta#tefain nin#loe appendices#stewards of gondor#peoples of arda
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Family tree of all Boromir’s large extended family including names for unnamed woman and filler characters that I just made up for flavour.
This has a little extra than the timeline like the Steward’s connection to Pinnath Gelin and some more of Rohan’s royal line.
Timeline pertaining to Boromir and his extended family and Gondor and Rohan as a whole below the cut.
Begins with Turin II becoming the ruling Steward of Gondor. If you see inaccuracies then please give me a bell.
2882 Death of Thorondir, Turin II becomes ruling Steward of Gondor. 2883 Birth of Lord Faelon the Fisher, Lord of Pelargir. 2886 Birth of Ecthelion II, son of Steward Turgon. 2899 Death of the unnamed eighteenth Prince of Dol Amroth. The eighteenth Prince's son, Aglahad, becomes the nineteenth Prince of Dol Amroth. 2901 Most of the remaining inhabitants of Ithilien desert it, owing to the attacks of Uruks of the Morgul Vale. The secret refuge of Henneth Annûn is built. 2903 Birth of Mesgiel of Pelargir, Wife of Ecthelion II, sister to Faelon. Death of Folcwine, Fengel takes the sceptre of Rohan. 2905 Birth of Thengel, son of King Fengel of Rohan. 2907 Birth of Gilraen, mother of Aragorn. 2911 The Fell Winter, Wolves invade Eriador. 2912 Devastating floods in Minhiriath and Enedwaith, death of Argonui, Arador becomes Chieftain of the Dúnedain, Tharbad deserted. Saruman discovers Sauron is searching the Gladden Fields. 2914 Death of Túrin II, Turgon becomes Ruling Steward of Gondor. 2917 Birth of Prince Adrahil of Dol Amroth. Birth of Cardir, Seneschal of Tumladen. 2920 Prince Thengel leaves Rohan’s court due to a break with his father and is welcomed in Gondor. 2921 Lord Faelon the Fisher weds Tinnoril of Pelargir. Birth of Sirgon, son of Faelon. 2922 Birth of Morwen Steelsheen. 2924 Birth of Lady Arasser of Lamedon. Mesgiel of Pelargir weds Steward Ecthelion II. 2925 Birth of Lady Terenis, eldest daughter of Steward Ecthelion. Birth of Laegeth of Cair Andros. 2927 Birth of Lady Vanyalos, youngest daughter of Steward Ecthelion. 2929 Arathorn II weds Gilraen. 2930 Death of Arador, Arathorn II becomes Chieftain of the Dúnedain. Birth of Denethor II 2931 Birth of Aragorn. 2932 Death of Prince Aglahad, Angelimir becomes Prince of Dol Amroth. 2933 Death of Arathorn II, Aragorn becomes Chieftain of the Dúnedain. 2935 Birth of Forlong, Lord of Lossenarch. 2939 Saruman discovers that Sauron's servants are searching the Anduin near Gladden Fields, and that Sauron therefore has learned of Isildur's end. He is alarmed, but says nothing to the White Council. 2941 Sauron driven from Dol Guldur, Battle of Five Armies. Dáin II becomes King of Erebor. 2942 Sauron returns in secret to Mordor. 2943 Prince Thengel of Rohan weds Morwen Steelsheen. 2944 Birth of Princess Eadoina, eldest daughter of Prince Thengel. 2945 Birth of Princess Éadwara, second eldest daughter of Prince Thengel. Prince Adrahil weds Lady Arasser of Lamedon. 2946 Birth of Princess Aldwyn, third eldest daughter of Prince Thengel. 2947 Death of Faeron, Sirgon becomes Lord of Lebennin. Birth of Ivriniel, first daughter of Prince Adrahil. 2948 Birth of Théoden, Son of Thengel. 2950 Birth of Finduilas, second daughter of Prince Adrahil. 2951 Sauron declares himself openly and gathers power in Mordor. He begins the rebuilding of Barad-dûr and sends three Nazgûl to reoccupy Dol Guldur. Gondor. 2952 Aragorn discovers his true name from Elrond and goes into the Wild. 2953 The Dark Tower rises again. Last meeting of the White Council. They debate the Rings of Power. Saruman feigns that he has discovered that the One Ring has passed down Anduin to the Sea. Saruman withdraws to Isengard, which he takes as his own, and fortifies it. Being jealous and afraid of Gandalf he sets spies to watch all his movements; and notes his interest in the Shire. He soon begins to keep agents in Bree and the Southfarthing.. Death of Steward Turgon, Ecthelion II becomes Ruling Steward of Gondor, Saruman begins to fortify Isengard, death of King Fengel, Thengel returns from Gondor to take the throne of Rohan, Theoden accompanies him. 2954 Mount Doom bursts into flame again. The last inhabitants of Ithilien flee over Anduin. 2955 Birth of Imrahil, son of Prince Adrahil. 2957 Sirgon weds Laegeth of Cair Andros Aragorn begins his great journeys as Thorongil. 2960 Birth of Siriel, daughter of Lord Sirgon. 2961 Birth of Lorvegil, eldest son of Lord Sirgon. 2963 Birth of Théodwyn, youngest daughter of Thengel. 2964 Birth of Falathran, youngest son of Sirgon. Lady Vanyalos weds Lord Forlong of Lossenarch. 2967 Birth of Tathrenes, eldest daughter of Lord Forlong. 2969 Birth of Lothuial, second eldest daughter of Lord Forlong. 2970 Lady Terenis weds Cardir of Tumladen. 2973 Prince Theoden weds Elfhild of Rohan. 2974 Birth of Collas, youngest daughter of Lord Forlong. Birth of Eradan II, eldest son of Lady Terenis and Cardir of Tumladen. 2976 Denethor II weds Finduilas 2977 Birth of Halas II, youngest son of Lady Terenis and Cardir of Tumladen. Death of Angelimir, Adrahil II becomes Prince of Dol Amroth. 2978 Births of Boromir and Théodred. Death of Elfhild in childbirth. 2979 Death of Falathran in the sudden increase in Corsair hostilities. 2980 Attack on Umbar. Death of Thengel, Theoden takes the Throne of Rohan. Adventures of Thorongil end and Aragorn and Arwen are betrothed. About this time Gollum reaches the confines of Mordor and becomes acquainted with Shelob. 2983 Siriel weds Beinor of Minas Tirith. Birth of Faramir. 2984 Deaths of Ecthelion II, Denethor becomes Ruling Steward of Gondor. Denethor II begins to use the Anor-stone. 2985 Birth of Hirgon, son of Siriel. 2988 Death of Finduilas after a period of illness. 2989 Éomund weds Théodwyn. 2990 Saruman begins breeding Orcs. Birth of Erchirion son of Prince Imrahil. Birth of Belegorn, son of Tathrenes out of wedlock. 2991 Birth of Éomer, son of Eomund. Lady Tathrenes weds a Knight Barahon of Imloth Melui. 2992 Death of Cardir, Seneschal of Tumladen, killed defending the fords of the river Sirith. Eradan II becomes lord of Tumladen. 2993 Birth of Cúlalf, second son of Lady Tathrenes. 2994 Destruction of Balin's colony, birth of Amrothos, son of Prince Imrahil. 2995 Births of Falasser, son of Lorvegil. Birth of Eowyn, daughter of Eomund. Birth of Cordover, third son of Tathrenes. Lothuial weds Lord Rondil of Arnach. 2998 Siriel killed whilst helping evacuate the city, Beinor leaves Pelargir and raises Hirgon in Minas Tirith. 2999 Birth of Lothíriel, daughter of Prince Imrahil. Birth of Cúdulus, youngest son of Lady Tathrenes. 3000 The shadow of Mordor lengthens. Saruman dares to use the palantír of Orthanc, but becomes ensnared by Sauron, who has the Ithil-stone. He becomes a traitor to the White Council. His spies report that the Shire is being closely guarded by the Rangers. Birth of Celebros, daughter of Lorvegil. (79) Birth of Rhossolas, daughter of Lady Lothuial. 3001 Bilbo's birthday feast. 3002 Easterlings attack the Eastemnet of Rohan aided by the orcs of the White mountains. Death of Éomund battling Orcs at Emyn Muil. Death of Théodwyn, Eomer and Eowyn are adopted into King Theoden’s house. Bilbo comes to Imladris. 3006 Birth of Pelilas, youngest daughter of Lady Lothuial. Death of Rondil of Arnach during a corsair siege. Death of Collas, daughter of Vanyalos, killed in an ambush whilst tending to the wounded refugees. 3007 Death of Lorvegil in ship combat, Sirgon takes in Celebros and Falasser. 3009 Gandalf and Aragorn renew their hunt for Gollum at intervals during the next eight years, searching in the vales of Anduin, Mirkwood, and Rhovanion to the confines of Mordor. At some time during these years Gollum himself ventured into Mordor, and was captured by Sauron. 3010 Death of Adrahil II, Imrahil becomes Prince of Dol Amroth. 3012 Eradan II weds Gladhriel of Lamedon. Death of Arasser, mother of Prince Imrahil, at the age of 88. 3014 Théoden begins to fall ill after a wound and his counselor, Gríma Wormtongue, begins to gain power over the King. Birth of Faeleth, daughter of Eradan II. Death of Mesgiel, mother of Denethor II, at the age of 111. 3015 Prince Elphir weds Síloril of Dol Amroth. Death of Morwen Steelsheen at the age of 93. 3017 Birth of Lenneth, Falasser’s daughter out of wedlock. Her father claims her. Birth of Thorondir II, son of Eradan II. Birth of Alphros son of Prince Elphir. Gollum is released from Mordor. Aragorn captures Gollum in the Dead Marshes. On his way to Mirkwood, Aragorn crosses the Anduin assisted by the Beornings. Gandalf visits Minas Tirith and reads the scroll of Isildur. He then leaves for the Shire. On his way northwards, Gandalf gets word from Lothlórien that Aragorn passed by with captured Gollum, and changes his course to meet him. Aragorn brings Gollum to Thranduil in Mirkwood. Gandalf comes to Thranduil and questions Gollum. Gandalf leaves Mirkwood and resumes his course west for Hobbiton. 3018 Boromir and Faramir receive the riddle in their sleep. Sauron attacks Osgiliath. Death of Eradan II and Cúlalf, killed defending the bridge of Osgiliath beside their cousins Boromir and Faramir. Thorondir II becomes lord of Tumladen with his mother acting as his regent. About the same time Thranduil is attacked, and Gollum escapes. Boromir sets out from Minas Tirith for Rivendell. Gandalf imprisoned in Orthanc. Sauron learns of the treachery of Saruman, Frodo reaches Rivendell, the Council of Elrond is held and the Fellowship of the Ring formed. Belegorn, son of Tathrenes, engaged to a healer of Arnach. Birth of Alwed, son of Rhossolas out of wedlock. 3019 Deaths of Gollum, Boromir, Denethor II, Dáin II, Brand, Lotho Sackville-Baggins, Saruman, Théoden, Nazgûl destroyed, One Ring destroyed, End of Sauron, Bard II becomes King of Dale, Thorin III Stonehelm becomes King of Erebor, Aragorn takes the name Elessar, Aragorn takes the Sceptre of the Reunited Kingdom, Mirkwood renamed Eryn Lasgalen, East Lórien founded. 3020 Drúedain destroy remnant of Saruman's Orcs, Faramir and Éowyn wed. 3021 Éomer and Lothíriel wed. Elrond, Galadriel, Gandalf, Bilbo and Frodo pass over the Sea.
#gondor#lotr#lord of the rings#tolkien#boromir#denethor#erran vs tolkien#soap operas in mannish sindarin#text post#timeline
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