bekmadethis · 2 months
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bekmadethis · 28 days
That meme kid but it’s Donatello
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bekmadethis · 1 month
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Don: And there it is. You know, history will say they were very best friends.
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bekmadethis · 1 month
Why is he so small
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Studies I did in the first 10 minutes out of excitement ahaha. I don’t know if I’ll get used to the style but it’s fun!
Using colour is actually awkward for me but I really liked trying to sight them.
Of course Leo would choose a costume he could use his swords with.
New trope, Leo in a garbage where he thinks he belongs.
Did you notice how Tales Leo drew himself in his comic WITH BLUE EYES. They all have brown eyes in mayhem, and only black pupils in tales except for that.
On second watch I noticed how good Nicolas Cantu actually is as a VA, that kid can really push dialogue.
I wanted to post this version too so happy bonus to anyone who opened read more love u bye
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bekmadethis · 1 month
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…I didn’t mean to make Leo that small. He’s just a small boy. A little lad.
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bekmadethis · 25 days
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Which brother did this?
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Original post
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bekmadethis · 2 months
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“Perhaps you could tell this story with fewer words, and more clothing.”
Because Usagi never nude-shamed the guys enough.
Eeeee I think I figured out my Usagi design. Long ears are loooong big arms are biiig.
This Leo calls Usagi “Bounce”.
You know that song that goes “Don’t stand, don’t stand so close to me”. Yeah, just that line, in my head the whole sketch.
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bekmadethis · 1 month
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bekmadethis · 21 days
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bekmadethis · 1 month
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Don is >this< close to calling them out for babying Mike this excessively but I haven’t figured out just how I’ll characterise him yet- which is wild because this was just supposed to be a drawing exercise and now I’ve literally designed him a battle shell. I think I’ve definitely decided ‘mean dancer 1’ is Karai but I’m not sure if purple-hair-Leo-bestie is April. Uh. I think she’s a potential Donatello romantic interest? What is my brain doing. I guess the reason Leo is in dance class sorted itself out.
I kind of just let the wind take me this still has no plan at all, not awful for my third ever comic page? Idk maybe when something cool happens it’ll be more interesting poses and stuff.
As I was determined to put a red ear on Leo the others got more in line with their Rise type markings and characterisations too. I’m actually in love with this Raph shell. Have you seen an actual soft shell turtle they are nightmare fuel. My whole “everyone should be more scared of Donatello” thing just got way more serious.
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Wat dafuq is dat he so long he loooong he so so long
Leave comments, ask questions, and as always; if you know me in real life, no you don’t.
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bekmadethis · 1 month
Caption these
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bekmadethis · 24 days
Just close-ups
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bekmadethis · 2 months
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A Usagi-Earth based story meets Rise meets my twisted little brain that keeps making me sad and idk if this is helping. Beware the white rabbit, he’s a Lamborghini. Lol idk idk. Here’s this because I’m really lame ^_^
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bekmadethis · 3 months
On the road to master. I’m deep in the comics and my Leonardo appreciation has only blossomed. Still learning still sketching, and I love the Rise designs.
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bekmadethis · 2 months
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Quick sketches
Breaking out of Leo defaulting with a no-erase challenge, and why not use a super hard brush I’m unfamiliar with to do that, sounds great, I don’t regret any of my decisions. These are just the poses that came out.
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bekmadethis · 1 month
This is the best Raph and Leo I’ve ever drawn actually.
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Yes there’s so much Rise influence in their emerging designs but ?? The rise were just so good. Leo’s red ears are here to stay looks like.
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