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(via "ChooseJoy" Pet Bandana for Sale by TruGrowth)
#findyourthing#redbubble#selflove#loveyourself#bekind#bejoyful#motivation#art#artists on tumblr#fashion#emotions
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Morning Mantra: “The healthiest response to life is joy.”
Most people think happiness is attached to pleasure, but the truth is happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. These result in temporary feelings that are outside of yourself. As quickly as they come, they can leave and so does your joy.
Happiness is an inside job. It's the joyful spiritual experience of living in the now with love, grace, and gratitude. This joy-full existence does not simply happen to us. We have to choose it every day and keep choosing it over and over.
#BeJoyFul #BeHorsey #BeHippie #HorseHippie #MorningMantra #WordsToInspire #InspirationalQuotes #HorseHippieBoutique #SmallBusinessOwner #WomenOwned
Quote: Mark Twain

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From His abundance, we have all received one gracious blessing after another. - John 1:16 NLT #verseoftheday
#christianbible #christianfaith #christianlife #christianlove #faithinChrist #faithinthefuture #faithinGod #faithinJesus #faithintheLord #faithinyourself #godisgood #goodnessofgod #holybible #holyspirit #jesuschrist #LordJesusChrist #LoveofChrist #LoveofGod #LoveofJesus #LoveoftheLord #LoveofmyLife #Newbeginnings #Newblessings #NewTestament #2024NewBeginnings #2024NewBlessings #BeBetter #BeBlessed #BeBold #BeBrave #BeChristlike #BeFaithful #BeFearful #BeFearless #BeHoly #BeHopeful #BeHopeless #BeJoyful #BeLoved #BeNice #BePoliite #BePositive #BeProud #BeProudofwhoyouare #Beproudofyourself #Bezealous #verseoftheday
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Be Joyful
We all want to live a life full of joy, right? How can we be joyful amid heartbreak, suffering, and disappointment? How are we to be full of joy always as Paul instructs us in 1 Thessalonians 5:16?To answer this, let’s first take a step back and define what joy is.
When Paul tells us to be full of joy, he is not talking about a superficial kind of happiness. Paul means something deeper, a trusting hope rooted in Christ. Joy is more than a feeling. Joy is an attitude of the heart and spirit shaped by contentment and confidence in Jesus. In the New Living Translation (NLT), 1 Thessalonians 5:16 says, “Always be joyful.” This counsel from Paul is an encouragement to let our faith, not our feelings, dictate our joy. When Paul tells us to rejoice always, he is asking us to choose to respond to external circumstances with inner peace and confidence because we know God is in control - no matter what life looks like at the moment.
Here are three keys to help us make this seemingly impossible goal to “always be joyful” possible. First, we make God the boss of our life. When we follow His leading, He produces joy in us. Second, be connected with others. Following Christ includes belonging to a global family. God wants us to be a vessel through which His joy flows into the people around us. Finally, be who God has called you to be. There is a unique, special way that God designed each of us to spread contagious joy.
Joy is not elusive, and a joyful life is sustainable. If we want to be joyful, we need to stay in communication with God, our boss, and our creator. Then, follow His instructions, connect with the people He has strategically placed in our lives and allow Him to transform us more and more into the masterpiece He designed us to be.
Here’s a truth to treasure: You can choose to live joyfully, whether you’re in a terrific season or a terribly painful one. Begin by following Jesus, connecting with others, and being who God called you to be. We cannot wait for everything in life to be perfect to begin living a joy-filled life. Being joyful is a journey, not a destination. Start the journey to living a joy-filled life today. Start with Jesus.
Prayer: Dear God, thank You that my joy is not dependent on any person or circumstance. Help me begin to see life as You truly intended it—full of abounding joy! I want to live joyfully.
Reflect: How do you define joy? What small steps can you take to find joy today?
Source: #beJOYful: Day 1 • Devotional https://www.bible.com/reading-plans/30106/day/1?segment=0
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Life may be tough, but there is always a positive side to a problem. Vent to release stress, but also to show appreciation. By definition, to vent means - the expression or release of a strong emotion, energy, etc. This means that you should release you anger and sadness, but also release your happiness and gratitude.
#dailyquotes#inspirational#motivational#venting#bejoyful#joy#notjustsad#aesthetic#lifelessons#release yourself
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Send you all a heart full of thankfulness for your presence in my life. Thank you. #thanks #thank-fullness #gratitude #hope #faith #inspiration #motivation #heart #life #begood #bejoyful (at New Jersey) https://www.instagram.com/p/CHngA7XDH0w/?igshid=9ham78gcdjz0
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the last design I did for this very beautiful verse 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, and today was a challenging one,I got so wrapped up with all the pressure and negativity - - - have to constantly remind myself to pray, whatever I’m going through I say “Thank you Lord God, thank you although this situation does not make me feel good at all I will just lift this all up to you and I trust that you will help me get through this...sooner or later I’ll be okay with your help and also in the name of your Son, Jesus Christ who’s my Savior, thank you Lord God”
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My prayer today and every day is this... Lord, let me be in Your Will... Not in Your way. Help me to be a better me; the me that You planned from the start. Help me to show Your love to someone new today and to encourage those who don't know the love You have for them. And help me to make someone smile today. Thank You Lord, in Jesus' Name, Amen.
A Heart Still Beating
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Everyday @sadhguru will chat with everyone about 12:30pm (UK time) on FB, IG and other platforms. Do yourself a favor ☺️ Today he shared some lovely and funny wisdom which I’ll gladly describe in my next words. We always say to do something but now you can do nothing by staying at home AND save the world 😁 we also say “home sweet home” when we go back home but now seems such a terrible place to be, so make your home a wonderful place to be 🌞 Let’s understand this, this is a serious situation but we don’t have to get serious faces 😊 We have to be a JOYFUL, SENSIBLE and RESPONSIBLE human being. That will give you more chances to stay away from the virus, as your immunity system increases 😻😏 . We’re in times when life is giving us lemons, so squeeze them well if you please, join bits of ginger and eat them as well, join warm water, garlic tea, eat tons of pure garlic(just make sure you let some for everyone else in the supermarket 🤦♀️🤷♀️😅), fruits and veggies, vitamin C and protect yourself and others in the most creative way as well. That’s right, be creative. I KNOW it’s not easy specially because our educational system it’s created in a way that leaves us with only 5% of creativity by the age of 15 😯 BUT you have a huge chance to work on it now 🙈 isn’t that a blessing? 🤩 listen to your favorite music, work towards an open mind, think about places you want to go and understand that you will need to be responsible now to be able to get there and see your people. I’m sharing some memories from my city back in Romania, which I’d like to see again, will you be helpful on this one please ? 😊 GOOGLE ANYTHING if nothing’s on your mind 😊 . I know you’ve been getting yourself busy because that’s how society transforms everyone unconsciously and we don’t know how to be with ourselves and the silence can be SOOO LOUD 🙉 remember there are people in more vulnerable situations than you are 🙏 I recommend @sadhguru @radhanathswami @jayshetty and many more for some wisdom so that you can deal with any self matter😊🙌🤗💓🙏 . . . #bejoyful #besensible #beresponsible #coronavirustoday #world #lovelyplaces #creativity #stayhome #takecareofyourself #takecareofothers (la Parcul Rozelor) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-CdqDvBrae/?igshid=1viwankr69nu7
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Happy Sabbath!!!
Exodus 20:8
[8]Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.
#SabbathRest #KeepItHoly #Congregate #Commandment #Delight #BeJoyful
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Always be enough for #YOU !!! #BeSmart #BePretty #BeHappy #BeAlive #BelieveInYourself #BeTrueToYourself #BeJoyful #BelieveInYou #BeYourself #BeYou https://www.instagram.com/p/B2mghe0JBCg/?igshid=1ofb8vgpsa2u6
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Just to share my thoughts. Everyday people come and stay a while in our lives and share their lives to us. Like in an office settings. We all know that our job is not permanent but a temporary. We as an individual. We always look for something that will make us happy or satisfied. But we always end up in NOTHING. Why? Because we have our own standards. We have our own measures of being happy and being successful. Like the people who stay with us for a while, we are like them. We are looking an outlet to people that who will adjust for us? That will alwaya praise us and comment to us. We always forgot the real essence of life. The real purpose of our lives. And that is to be who we are. If you really want to be happy. Disconnect your self to the world of Social Media and CONNECT to the real world of people sorrounded you. EXPLORING IS THE KEY.
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The busy bee has no time for sorrow. - William Blake . . . . . #bejoyful #adventurous #behappy🐝 #savethebees #ecofriendly #greenlivingtips #greenproducts #ecoconcious #theelitesuite #empowersocial #allthingsgreenliving #theressomuchtobethankfulfor #beegracious #beegrateful #earthday #earthgrounding #crunchymoms #norwexconsultant #cleanwithwater (at Santa Maria, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwOqwVPDfUL/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=pv4uu5uczglk
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Today got off to a rough start, was running late (without realizing it) couldn’t find my keys or purse, and then struggled to find my footing once I got to church for practice. Now that being said I could move and beat myself up, as usual, but someone told me once that we make our happiness, we choose to be joyful. So despite circumstances that are outside my control and are in the past I am choosing joy this morning. Who’s with me? #choosejoy #iamanovercomer #bejoyful #beyondallcircumstances #overcomer #readyforsomejesus https://www.instagram.com/p/Bv9IUkEH0xM/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1nm8qpxxnh0lr
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GOOD MORNING; HAVE A SUPERRIFIC SUNDAY!!! #beablessing #begrateful #bethankful #bejoyful #eatpraylove (at Houston, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bu1GpCBH0GG/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ejom2nmp7y1k
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