#being pretty autodale
je-lurk · 6 months
Following is the full transcript of "Being Pretty", the first video of the Autodale series, by David Armsby. Because I needed this in my life, so you might as well have it.
Are we sitting comfortably?
Welcome, citizens of Autodale, to this PSA.
Children, look around the room.
Look at your father. He likes to read the newspaper and kick his feet up after a hard day’s work. He provides for your family. Your father is pretty.
And then children, look at your mother. Isn’t her cooking splendid? She also keeps the house clean and she reads you bedtime stories every night. Your mother is pretty.
And now children, look at yourselves. You’re young, you laugh, you play. You may scrape your knees from time to time. You have friends! You and your friends get up to all sorts of playful mischief.
One day, children, you will grow up to be just like one of your parents. And you will build a family of your own. One day, you will be pretty.
Now, finally, my pretties, look outside, at your lovely neighbours. You’re pretty. You’re pretty. You’re pretty.
But alas, children, not everyone is pretty. Some are… ugly. We don’t want uglies, do we, children? You are ugly, you are ugly. You are ugly.
We take the uglies away so that you, and your friends, and your neighbours, and your family can stay pretty.
Remember that, children.
And this concludes today’s PSA, citizens of Autodale.
Children, like your parents, and their parents before them, remember to stay
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chaifootsteps · 8 days
Since we're talking other indie cartoons, I need you to check out the Autodale Series by Dead Sound. It's a sci-fi dystopian series that has a 1950's aesthetic. Think 1984 fused with Disney World and you get the idea.
In particular, the first short, "Being Pretty" sticks with me so much I constantly rewatch it (I rewatch the others as well, but this one sticks with me the most). It's short, only three and a half minutes long, but it's chilling and emotionally resonant.
The series overall is 6 episodes (so far, I'm not sure if the creator is making more or not), and all but two of them are under 10 minutes, but it paints a picture of a world that I suppose I could describe as beautifully bleak. I'll probably end up writing an essay on my thoughts on it.
I miss when I thought Hazbin's writing would be just as powerful.
We all do, and I will most definitely check that out!
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conradforrest · 1 month
Countrypapers x Autodale AU! :D
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First, I consider that I should stop being distracted by those games that come out in ads... second, the context of the AU is already done:
The world was devastated by a strange disease, leaving only small habitable zones (very far from each other, except for the two Grestin, those are next to each other) in charge of a mayor, those habitable zones manage to be self-sustainable thanks to the "matriarchs", goddesses that are kept alive thanks to the blood of the "ugly" or any other similar to them. Some areas are more self-sustainable than others, those of the federales for example; others were destroyed because they were not well managed and because their mayor was not "pretty" (CofCofKolechiaCofCof)
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autodale-handyman · 5 months
Be cautious of freaks. While we are making sure that nothing happens and the city is safe there are always some outliers. If you see a freak report it and do not interact with it. Keep being pretty Autodale.
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the-chaos-goose · 1 year
Dude fucking autodale
scary as shit sometimes
all the time actually
Like for background shit im disabled and trans and gay as is quite well known and i have honest to fuck heard people talk about killing all sick people and all not fun people or putting all sick people on an island and i just. oh my god? no? Seperating people into boxes of "worth living" and "worth dying" is a horrible method and it's shown so fucking clearly in the show it's insane
specifically in "Being Pretty" where you see just how much can get you killed
being "depressing" to being divorced or disabled or gay can get you to be seen as ugly
and thats horrifying
its funny out of context, the "depressing" part i mean, but when you think about seperating everyone into those 2 boxes, pretty and ugly (good or bad), depending on whether or not they get to live, when is it that you end up ugly? When is it that you'll end up being killed, by the ones that you taught?
idk man this show fucked me up
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flamingwailssss · 4 years
My ugly ass vibin in the pit
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Autodale: Making everything sinister
Black and white
Standing in lines
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void-echoing · 5 years
Citizens of Autodale,
Remember to Stay Pretty.
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craftyandy · 4 years
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VIDEO: https://youtu.be/CiCDUacMIY4 It must be nice to just fit in and just enjoy your comfort. How many people I meet who just passionately don’t care about anything important. I can’t find anyone that can enjoy a documentary, or a serious movie, everyone just want’s to talk about how awesome the latest blockbuster movie or video game is. Which is fine can’t be 100% on all the time between work and family life. Just so many people express how much they don’t want to hear about “politics” like it’s a virtue as if things like human rights and climate change are “political.” DeadSound Autodale https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=44Vh_w_Qb1A&list=PLZ5VEKOKH8PCjZJYvjlinBtjjmKV_-dk1
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tbiatc · 3 years
Things that are in both Arcane NetflixShow and Autodale YoutubeSeries:
the expendable nature of citizens in a currupt society and their dehumanisation
The way the powerful withhold progress from the weak while cultivating it for themselves
How at some point the rulers are no longer required to actively perpetuate the system
Hot women pretty
The violent, desperate demonization of outsiders being fed by —and feeding in turn— the fear of change happening to the current system
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theoscout · 3 years
Autodale is actually a pretty funny thing to happen for the most meta reason, I haven't invested much in the videos but every time I scroll to the comments I look for new depressed bigots to laugh at.
The whole point about Autodale is that it's wrong to be racist/ homophobic/ ableist/ ageist/ etc etc and fear people who are different. So when normal people with a brain view this piece, they think and say things like 'thank god we don't live like this' and 'it's sad that these citizens really think this is a good way to live'.
Then a bigot, who supports the batshit insane methods of normality in the series, goes "this is reality, reality sucks, my life sucks :(" because that's how they chose to live their life. The whole point of Autodale is that it's a bad way to live and we should be aware of that, and here in the comments we see a bunch of cyberbullies get butthurt because their fucked up view of the world is being shown as fucked up, and they refuse to acknowledge it.
it's like watching r/leopardsatemyface and r/selfawarewolves being best buddies, hiding in a secret bunker and concocting a plan to bring down a secret nazi organization in the most humiliating way possible
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natpetersoncore · 4 years
Anyway, if y’all are interested in autodale by dead sound, the videos in order are:
Being Pretty
No Monsters
Children’s Toys
Don’t Feed the Freaks
Model Citizen
Friendly Shadow
They’re all pretty short aside from that last one. Super good but it’s def creepy. It’s like a dystopia based on America in the 1950’s
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bluedragonfairy2000 · 3 years
Hello everyone
Just want to let you guys know that if you like dystopias then please go check out Dead Sound on YouTube his whole series is amazing
He has made a fantastic series called autodale
Here are the episodes and how long they are in case you want to check them out:
Being Pretty (3:21)
No Monsters (3:44)
Children’s Toys (4:47)
Don’t Feed the Freaks (6:18)
Model Citizen (5:04)
Friendly Shadow (18:45)
Immortal Machine (13:46)
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This is such obscure horror-fiction however. Friendly Shadow from the Autodale short films is v e r y breath-bound and no-one can tell me otherwise.
Also if you like horror and can withstand gore I highly suggest you check out the Autodale series pretty please because I adore it for it being so profoundly stunning. Also the lore. THE LORE!!
I’ll check what it is! I am fine with gore, but anyone checking it out because they’re curious from this post like me, be careful!
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