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lovevalley45 · 15 days ago
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happy valentines' day y'all here's some behrastra memes in the year of our lord 2025
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timeisnothing · 15 days ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: DC's Legends of Tomorrow (TV) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Astra Logue/Behrad Tomaz | Behrad Tarazi Characters: Astra Logue, Behrad Tomaz | Behrad Tarazi Additional Tags: some other friends mentioned, Season/Series 07, Post-Episode: s07e12 Too Legit To Quit (DC's Legends of Tomorrow), during retirement, During Canon, Trauma, Hurt/Comfort, Drug Addiction, Past Drug Addiction, Pillow Talk, Nightmares, Established Relationship Summary:
“It was Atropos,” he whispers after a moment. “Atropos?” Astra frowns. “Yeah,” Behrad sighs. “She killed me. I don't know if you ever knew that.”
 or a late night conversation
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sarakiz · 6 months ago
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talas-first-lady · 10 months ago
Right back atcha: Legends for the fandom asks thing :D
 I’ll tell you:
The first character I first fell in love with: Amaya (I started with season 2)
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now:  Mick. He is the exact opposite of everything I look for in a character.
The character everyone else loves that I don’t:  Snart and Constantine
The character I love that everyone else hates:  Mona
The character I used to love but don’t any longer: I don't know that I ever loved him, but I did really enjoy Constantine before he met Zari 2.0.
The character I would totally smooch:  Anyone played by Tala or Maisie, but if I must pick one I'm going for Zari 1.0 for her intensity and also because if she kisses you, you know she means it.
The character I’d want to be like:  Sara. I could really use some of her confidence, leadership skills, and overall swag.
The character I’d slap:  Rip
A pairing that I love: Zarlie 1.0
A pairing that I despise: Obviously Hellstar, but I also want to call out Behrastra for having no business being a ship. At least Hellstar has chemistry.
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jasonsthighholsters · 1 year ago
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blueberryexistence · 3 years ago
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Season 5 Astra v.s Season 7 Astra
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ravipanikar · 3 years ago
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'Cause from where I stand, I see a woman who is not afraid to speak her mind, who not only fights for herself, but fights for others.
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mymycorrhizae · 3 years ago
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Behrastra kisses in the finale (requested by anon)
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princesstarazi · 3 years ago
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inthetemporalzone · 3 years ago
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Let’s celebrate love and friendship with our favorite found family! 
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lovevalley45 · 5 months ago
#fictober24 - day nine
"Is this normal?"
fandom: dc's legends of tomorrow
word count: 815
a/n: just in case it wasn't clear, zee is zari 1.0 and zari is zari 2.0... having characters who are literally the same person from different timelines is so confusing for modern AUs!!
Astra had heard enough about the Tarazis to know she would be in over her head when they invited her to dinner. 
"You'll love them," Behrad told her. "Nate and Zee are great." 
"Right. I'm sure I will." She'd grown up an only child, and certainly not with a pair of twin older sisters who were different in every way - aside from looking eerily identical, that was. Astra had met Zari Tarazi - the Zari Tarazi, influencer and surprisingly easy to get along with - a few times, since she also lived in California. 
But Zee and Nate lived in Seattle, doing whatever a white-hat hacker and historian did to keep themselves busy. Visits from them could be rare, which meant she hadn't yet met the third Tarazi sibling.
That changed tonight. 
As they walked up the steps of Zari's mansion, Astra was more worried than she thought she'd be. What if they hated her on principle? What if Zari had made too many jokes about her being Behrad's sugar mama and they'd think he deserved better?
Behrad knocked on the door before she had too much time to spiral. They barely had to wait before the door swung open to reveal a buff white man with too much hair gel and a giant smile. '
"Nate, buddy!" Behrad opened his arms wide for Nate to give him a hug. 
Astra raised her eyebrows. "Should I be jealous?" 
"Maybe," he admitted, pulling away. "Nate, this is Astra. My girlfriend." The way he grinned, both wide yet sheepish, made her feel all warm inside. "Astra, this is Nate." 
"Hey." Nate held out a hand - thankfully not going in for the hug. "B's told me all about you." 
Astra had also heard a lot about Nate: he had a PhD in history and the random facts up his sleeve to prove it, that he used to be Behrad’s stoner buddy before he moved to be closer to Zee, but most importantly, that he was a giant sweetheart. She didn't doubt that last point as she shook his hand. "It's nice to finally meet you." 
“Ooh, strong handshake,” he said. “Come on in, Zee and Zari are in the kitchen reportedly getting together some snacks for us to munch on while we let B do the real cooking.” 
“Tell me; why didn’t we just host this at my apartment again?” Astra asked, following him inside.  
“Because you hate having company,” Behrad said. 
That was true. It wasn’t that she hated having people in her space, it was - actually, it was exactly that. 
“Better than your place,” Nate teased, with a shrug. 
“Hey, I clean,” he said. “My kitchen is spotless.”
“And your bathroom?” Astra asked. 
Behrad spun on his heel towards the kitchen. “Let’s see how Zee and Zari are doing, shall we?” 
Nate turned to Astra with a conspiratorial grin. “Been that way since we were roommates.” 
She shuddered. “I hope you’ve improved your quality of living since then?” 
“Yeah. Helps when I’m living with the Tarazi sibling who sheds the least.” 
Behrad had beat them to the kitchen by the time they came in, right at the heart of… whatever siblings got up. Zee was sitting on the counter, taking nuts from the snack tray Zari was trying to assemble as their brother puttered around the kitchen. The three of them were too busy to notice Nate and Astra approaching the doorway.
“Seriously, how am I supposed to prep dinner when you’re both all in my space?” Behrad was asking. 
“Don’t mind B, he’s just nervous about us making a good impression on his little girlfriend,” Zari told Zee. “Stop stealing my almonds.” 
“No one else is gonna eat them,” she said. “It’s gonna be fine. We won’t scare her off.” 
Zari pulled the snack tray out of Zee’s reach. “You sure you aren’t going to hit her with the ‘if you hurt my brother, I’ll kill you’ routine?”
She stretched over to try and snag another almond. “I thought you had that covered.” 
Behrad turned from where he had looped an apron over his nice clothes. Astra was momentarily distracted by how hot and domestic he looked in an apron to miss what he was saying, only catching, “...so embarrassing, oh my God.” 
Zee jumped off the counter. “We’re your older sisters. That’s what we do.” 
Zari turned to face him, pinching his cheek. “Yeah, B.” 
“Seriously, guys-” He tried to push Zari away gently, but soon found himself dogpiled by the twins. 
“Is this normal?” Astra whispered to Nate. 
“Totally.” He sized her up. “You an only child?” 
“Me too. It takes some getting used to.” Nate patted her shoulder. “Welcome to the family.” 
As he stepped forward to join in the joshing, Astra smiled to herself. She was definitely in over her head with this bunch. But she found she didn’t mind it too much.
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timeisnothing · 5 months ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: DC's Legends of Tomorrow (TV) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Astra Logue/Behrad Tomaz | Behrad Tarazi, Astra Logue & Behrad Tomaz | Behrad Tarazi Characters: Astra Logue, Behrad Tomaz | Behrad Tarazi, Zari Tarazi | Zari 2.0, John Constantine Additional Tags: Episode: s05e15 Swan Thong, Pre-Episode: s06e01 Ground Control to Sara Lance, Pre-Relationship, Recreational Drug Use, Smoking, Canon Compliant, Missing Scene, i love a loose definition of canon compliant we know this Summary:
Behrad takes the card, squints at the address printed on it. “Okay,” he shrugs. Why not? He could use the fresh air, and who’s he to say no to a pretty girl?
or, between group catastrophes, Behrad and Astra go for a walk. (or, between the finale and the morning)
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thehangerson · 9 months ago
Seconding the other anon on your psych fics. They’re so so good!
late on this one but yall have to stop being so kind you're reminding me i have fics to finish
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nubesvioletas · 3 years ago
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Maybe that girl has a little crush on you, too.
My babies ❤️
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wvrdr100 · 3 years ago
Lego Behrastra
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that-cartoony-villain · 3 years ago
Okay so after this mid season episode of legends I wanted to say some things about the whole spooner x astra x behrad situation because I've seen many people comparing them to the zarlie situation and I just wanted to throw my thoughts out for whoever wants to read this...
Starting with the fact that I adore all three characters and even if I got a bit attached to esperastra, I am not completely against behrastra happening. So with that out of the way keep in mind that I'm not that good at explaining things so sorry if nothing makes sense :/
Anyway I said in my last episode commentary that I really like the behrad and astra scene in the last episode, it wasn't completely forced, like some of their previous scenes seemed, and it showed how they are complete opposites in terms of personality.
My main take for this is that my issue with behrastra is the way the show is trying to make them happen, we've had them being in the same side since s6 when they both became legends, so why did the writers decided to make them canon just now?
I love their dynamic, girlboss and malewife is the best, but if the show had tried to work on their friendship from the beginning and then made them slowly fall for each other it would've worked so well. The scene in the office really showed us the reason why Behrad started to like Astra and how she has been getting closer to the other legends.
Astra never had a childhood, she was raised in hell after all, so I think she isn't used to romance in the way Behrad probably is. He cooks things for the people he likes because those are his friends and they deserve a hot meal, he pays attention to how stressed they are and helps them by having a zen moment, he even tells dumb jokes to take off the tension, that's how he shows love and appreciation. She was raised to be the best and to take no shit from anyone, the only reason someone is nice to you is because they want something from you, she's not used to quiet touches and smiling so hard your cheeks hurt, but she is getting better.
And their contrast in personality is really good, like how Behrad stood up for himself because Astra told him it was okay to say no to a rude person and how she thought about inviting the first lady to the factory because he said that nice guests make nice hosts. They are very well balanced and I would love to see the show explore more of that dynamic, platonic or otherwise.
And then we have Spooner, our badass country girl who just joined the team and already struck a fast friendship with the team loner that was Astra. Their relationship is really amazing and it's thanks to the actresses that we probably even have them on screen together so much.
But yeah, she came along, didn't want to make friends, was ready to go away as soon as she wasn't needed and then she was stuck on a mission with Astra. Honestly we can't blame anyone for liking their dynamic immediately, enemies to friends is a very good trope, and their personalities are very similar and connect very well.
Most people jumped on the Esperastra ship (me included) and since then we've had so many great moments of how they've become best friends and how much they care about each other, my issue is that a lot of shippers are quick to say that they're queerbaiting when I haven't seen any scene where it couldn't be interpreted as platonic.
Like I get it, I want more than anything to have another queer couple on the show, but both Astra and Spooner never really had any sort of relationship, and them being extremely close doesn't immediately mean they love each other romantically. It's okay if you don't agree with me but as someone who has had very close friends that act like that, I have to say that you just don't get mad if all the show decides to do with esperastra is make them be best friends for the rest of the show.
Okay now onto explaining why I don't think this is like the Zarlie situation. For me nate x zari was forced because of how their friendship was before they began to see each other as love interests.
When Zari 1.0 came on the ship she was very into less "girly" things, and I don't know how to properly explain this without making it very stereotypical but her friendship with the guys was very much dude bro. Like she had a lot in common with them and I'm not saying that's a problem, what I'm trying to say is that her dynamic with Nate suddenly changed in that mid season and it left me confused.
Their platonic dynamic was very good, I loved their interactions, the Here I Go Again episode in season 3 was extremely fun and showed how great Zari and Nate were as a duo, except it was extremely platonic and after that I didn't see them as anything other than "bro" friends.
So when the show decided to put them together as a couple it left me very mad at the time because of the potential of Zarlie. Because that was very much queerbaiting (i will always be mad about the show not giving me genderqueer charlie but thats another story) and a lot of people got mad, I sometimes still have a hard time thinking of them as a couple if they're not kissing on screen because they still have a really great dynamic but I see it very platonically.
And also now that we know about the kiss scene that will never see the light of day it just makes this situation more messy.
The point is, I wouldn't compare esperastra with zarlie for those reasons that are completely my opinion on both ships and if you have anything to add or say please feel free to do so, I am always happy to see other people's perspectives.
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