Time to burn stuff!
13 posts
  Hello!~ im a young cook thats trying to learn there way around cooking and baking, im mostly self taught and exited to start writing about my journey to becoming a young chef!  
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its-time-to-cook · 5 years ago
Pizza is super yummy btw!
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The BEST thing about cooking my own food from scratch is that no one can come over with their grubby gross paws and take my PRECIOUS pineapple pizza.
I can tell them to fuck off and it's 120% okay because it's MY pizza. I made the dough, the sauce, I cooked and even GREW most of the veggies so kindly go and eat your chips in the corner like the common scum you are Karen
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its-time-to-cook · 5 years ago
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its-time-to-cook · 5 years ago
My new hobby: cooking in high heels because I'm short and it makes me feel powerful.
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its-time-to-cook · 5 years ago
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The end result. (I like mine with some bread and butter )
Homemade tomato And mushroom based ramen broth.
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I don't really do exact measurements a lot I mostly just sorta wing it. So I can't give measurements but I can tell you what i put in it.
About half a pot full of water
A large spoonful of tomato paste
A splash of soi sauce.
A splash of teriyaki sauce
Paprika, garlic powder, onion powder, celery seeds, thyme, salt and pepper
A handful of cheese and blob of butter
Some diced onions and chopped mushrooms
Allow to boil until there's a slight orange layer at the top of the broth
And your done~!
Top with some cheese and parsley and dig in
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its-time-to-cook · 5 years ago
Homemade tomato And mushroom based ramen broth.
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I don't really do exact measurements a lot I mostly just sorta wing it. So I can't give measurements but I can tell you what i put in it.
About half a pot full of water
A large spoonful of tomato paste
A splash of soi sauce.
A splash of teriyaki sauce
Paprika, garlic powder, onion powder, celery seeds, thyme, salt and pepper
A handful of cheese and blob of butter
Some diced onions and chopped mushrooms
Allow to boil until there's a slight orange layer at the top of the broth
And your done~!
Top with some cheese and parsley and dig in
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its-time-to-cook · 5 years ago
10 Coffee ideas/tips
1: add a little salt to your coffee for better flavor and teeth protection 
2: freeze your coffee creamer and scoop it into your coffee to make a yummy ice coffee or to just cool it down.
3: boil a mix of half cream half milk until it gets bubbly and frothy and add it to your coffe to create a makeshift cappuccino (!!!you must stir the whole time!!! don’t leave it alone or else it WILL burn and stick to your pots and there will be no saving it!!!)
4: put cold/cool coffee, ice, frozen creamer, and a little bit of caramel or chocolate drizzle into a blender to make a yummy frozen frappe
5: get some cream (not coffee creamer just plain cream) and whip it with a electric mixer until light and fluffy~ add some honey/powdered sugar/stevia and fold it into the fluff to make whipped cream to go on top of your coffee! (don’t over whip it or else it will become butter) 
6: boil plain black coffee in a pot for lets say about 20-30 minutes. let it cool in your fridge for 10-15 minutes and mix it into frosting to make coffee flavored frosting.  ( i haven't tried this yet its just an idea)
7: drink coffee a lot? do you have a lot of coffee grinds left? don’t throw it in the garbage use it for compost! if your soil is low on acid then throwing your left over coffee grinds in a compost bin or just chucking them into your yard will help your soil be healthy. helping the planet one cup of coffee at a time. :)
8: ya’know that thing where you fill your cup up with coffee and then add your cream after? but then you added too much coffee and not enough cream and now it tastes bitter and gross but you cant add any more cream or else it’ll overflow?? add your cream first instead. depending on how sweet you like your coffee. 1/4 of a cup for sightly sweet slightly bitter. 1/3 of a cup for more sweet then bitter. 1/2 of a cup for very sweet no bitter. 
9: do you like the taste of coffee but it gives you anxiety? try decaf coffee it wont make you all shaky or jittery, but it tastes the same. or have something to eat before you drink coffee.
10: mix hot chocolate powder and a dash of cream into your coffee for the best coffee ever. 
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its-time-to-cook · 5 years ago
Sprinkle a little salt in your coffee for a yummy unique flavor, salt also helps get rid of the acid in your coffee so it dosnt effect your teeth as much.
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its-time-to-cook · 5 years ago
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Just made a DELICIOUS and simple beans&rice with a blob of sour cream in the middle~
Black beans
Sour cream
Green onions
Yellow onions
Hot sauce
Onion powder
Garlic powder
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its-time-to-cook · 5 years ago
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Some simple and delicious bread with some balsamic vinegar on the side (not a great picture I know, but I ate it so fast I couldn't take a better one)
What you'll need:
Bread. (For best taste and general fanciness use a baguette) 2-4 garlic cloves, fresh parsley, fresh Basel, parmesan cheese, small tomatos, butter, (optional) balsamic vinegar.
How to make it:
Spread a thin layer of butter on your bread and add some freshly minced parsley and Basel. Stick it in the oven untill the butter melts, then take it back out.
Then add some fresh garlic and sprinkle some parmesan cheese on top with some diced slightly sour tomatos. (though almost any tomato would work just fine) throw it back in the oven untill the cheese is melted. Should take about 5 minutes or less.
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its-time-to-cook · 6 years ago
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A yummy half chocolate half vanilla cake with a brown sugar crumble!
Tastes great!
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its-time-to-cook · 6 years ago
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Freeze coffee creamer or milk and put it in your coffee to make a delicious ice-coffee without diluting the flavor!
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its-time-to-cook · 6 years ago
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Here’s my “attempt” at making a stir fry. i added the sauce to the veggies waaayyy to soon and made them a bit mushy... but i fixed it by adding some more freshly chopped cauliflower and mushrooms at the end and just letting them sizzle for a bit. leaving a perfect mixture of crunchy and mushy vegetables to go on my rice! 
I started with adding some butter an just a bit off soy sauce to my pan and left it until it started to bubble and sizzle then i slowly started adding my vegetables, i first added my chopped cauliflower and green peppers, then after about 5 minutes i added my chopped red onions and mushrooms.                              Now my mistake was after i added the mushrooms i also added my teriyaki sauce and a bit more soy, witch made my veggies waaayyy too mushy. so i poured the leftover teriyaki sauce  from the pan into a bowl and then mixed it with a little bit of sweet an sour sauce, some seasoned salt, garlic powder, and a pinch of cayenne pepper . when my vegetables where done i added the makeshift sauce and waited for my rice to finish cooking, when everything was done i added just a tiny bit of diced parsley to my veggies and started plating my dish. then added some freshly graded cheese and paprika then added a few more parsley leafs to the top of my dish for fun!~ 
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its-time-to-cook · 6 years ago
Hi, im a young chef thats leaning there way around a kitchen. a few years ago i could hardly make a simple box of Mac&cheese. but as i grew so did my cooking skills. it started when i baked my first cake from scratch out of boredom. oddly enough it was a complicated recipe with a lot of steps. i threw it in the oven and waited for about an hour and when i pulled it out it was a beautiful golden brown! it tasted amazing. i remember i was so proud of myself when my family tried it and they told me i was a good cook and should do it more often, so i did! it took a lot of work and trial and error. lots of salty soups and burnt bread but im now proud to call myself an amateur chef! XD
I started a blog so that i could write down my experiences, teach, and learn new things. but more importantly be able to show my growth.
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