#behrad x charlie
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gothamgirlgayngs · 2 years ago
I'm workshoping a tribute gif series to Legends that I'm calling The ABCS OF LOT
Astra / Amaya
Behrad / Bishop
Constantine / (Ava)Clones / Charlie
Damien Darhk / Desmond
Firestorm / Fates
Gideon / Gary / Gwyn
Hell / Heywood Family
Kendra / Kauasa / Kidnapping
Leonard / Lita / Legion of Doom
Mick / Mona / Mallus
Nate / Neuron
Professor Stein / Period Costumes
Rip / Robot Legends / Rebecca Silver
Sara / Spooner/ Space /
Tarazi Siblings / Time Bureau / Time Bros
Unicorn / Undercover /
Waverider / Wolfy / Witchcraft
Yee Haw Legends
I'd like to have at least three sets for each letter. Please help me fill out this list.
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afaimsarrowverse · 2 years ago
Personae Dramatis:
 Und auch für mein letztes Verse im Arrowverse  - und damit die Fics „No Future, Just Legends“ und „Flashes of the Future“  - eine Aufstellung der wichtigsten Personen:
Die Legends und ihre Feinde:
 Sara Lance, Co-Captain der Waverider, White Canary, Alien-Mensch-Hybrid mit geklont verbesserten Körper, ehemalige Assassine, schwanger mit Ava Sharpes Baby, der Paragon des Schicksals
 Ava Sharpe, Co-Captain der Waveirder, Ava-Klon-Modell aus der Zukunft, ehemalige Zeit-Agentin, verheiratet mit Sara Lance
 Zari Tarazi, Influencerin aus der Zukunft, Schauspielerin und Sängerin, gab ihr Windtotem an Nate Heywood
 Behrad Tarazi, Zaris Bruder, Eigentümer des Windtotems, guter Sänger, hat vor in Zukunft auf Drogen zu verzichten, geht endlich mit Astra aus
 Astra Logue, wuchs in der Hölle auf, beherrscht Magie, hat Gideon ihren neuen Körper verpasst, beste Freundin von Spooner
 Gary Green, ein Necrianer(das ist ein Alien), trägt eine Brille, die ihn wie einen Mensch aussehen lässt, ehemaliger Zeit-Agent, ehemaliger Zauber-Lehrling, schwer verliebt in Gideon und hat geschworen keine intelligenten Wesen mehr zu verschlingen
 Esparanza „Spooner“ Cruz, wurde als Kind von Aliens in die Zukunft versetzt, ihre Mutter lebt noch immer in der Vergangenheit
 Gideon, ursprünglich K.I. der Waverider, die durch Magie einen Körper aus Fleisch und Blut erhalten hat, zwischenzeitlicher Captain der Waverider, schwer verliebt in Gary
 Gwyn Davies, Wissenschaftler, der das Zeitreisen erfand, ehemaliger Soldat des 1. Weltkriegs, sieht aus die John Constantine
 Alun Thomas, walisischer Soldat des 1. Weltkriegs, enger Freund von Gwyn
 Booster Gold ,auch bekannt als „Mike“, Zeitreisender Bastard, der von seinem Posten am Fixpunkt floh, die Waverider stahl, und sich Zeitverbrechen schuldig gemacht hat
 John Constantine, Magier, ehemaliges Mitglied der Legends, Besitzer des Hauses, in dem sich die Legends breit gemacht haben
 Nate Heywood, Steel (I), Superheld und Historiker, verließ die Legends vor ungefähr 5 Minuten
 Zari Tomaz, auch bekannt als Zari 1.0, ehemalige Besitzerin des Windtotems und Hackerin, deren Zeitlinie ausgelöscht wurde, lebt jetzt im Totem mit Nate
 Bishop, Wissenschaftler aus der Zukunft und Erfinder der Ava-Klone, schon zwei mal verstorben
 Ray Palmer, the Atom, Wissenschaftler und Ingenieur, ehemaliges Mitglied der Legends
 Nora Darhk, Gute Fee, Ehefrau von Ray Palmer
 Mick Rory, Heatwave, Pyromane und Bestseller-Autor, ehemaliges Mitglied der Legends
 Kayla, necrianische Kriegerin, hat einen Haufen Kinder mit Mick Rory
 Professor Martin Stein, Wissenschaftler, eine Hälfte von Firestorm, verstorben
 Jefferson Jackson, zweite Hälfte von Firestorm, ehemaliges Mitglied der Legends
 Leonard Snart, Captain Cold, ehemaliger Dieb, ehemaliges Mitglied der Legends, verstorben
 Leo Snart, Cititzen Cold, ehemaliges Mitglied der Legends von Erde-X, verheiratet mit Ray Terril alias The Ray, vermutlich tot, Doppelgänger von Leonard Snart
 Amaya Jiwe, Vixen, ehemaliges Mitglied der Legends
 Charlie, eigentlich Clotho, ehemaliges Mitglied der Legends
 Mona Wu, ehemaliges Mitglied der Legends
 Rip Hunter, ehemaliger Timemaster, Gründer der Legends, verstorben
 Skeets, ein Freund von Booster Gold
 Hank Heywood, Nates Vater, hohes Tier in der US-Regierung, verstorben
 Direktor Bennet, ehemaliger Direktor des Zeitbüros, verstorben
 Agent Soran, Agent des Zeitbüros
 Damien Darhk, Noras Vater, langlebiger Magier, ehemaliger Bösewicht, manchmaliger Verbündeter, tot
 Neron, ein Dämon
 Tabitha, eine Hexe
 Mallus, ein Zeitdämon
 Vandal Savage, ein zeitreisender Tyrann
 Beebo, ein blaues Wesen
   Team Flash und Verbündete und Feinde:
 Barry Allen, der Flash, ein Speedster, der Paragon der Liebe, hat viele Verluste in seinem Leben erlitten
 Iris West-Allen, Barry Ehefrau, eine Reporterin, war lange zeitkrank
 Joe West, ehemaliger Polizist, Vater von Iris, Ziehvater von Barry
 Cecile Horton, Anwältin, Joes Lebenspartnerin, besitzt diverse ständig wachsende Psi- Kräfte
 Jenna West, Tochter von Joe und Cecile
 Caitlin Snow, Ärztin, immer schon Mitglied von Team Flash
 Frost, Meta mit Eiskräften, Mitglied von Team Flash, Zwillingsschwester von Caitlin Snow, die vor kurzem verstorben ist
 Allegra Garcia, Mitglied von Team Flash, Mitarbeiterin von Iris, hat Lichtkräfte
 Chester P. Runk, Tech Support von Team Flash, verknallt in Allegra
 Kristen Kramer, Polizei Captain mit Meta-Kräften
 Mark Blaine, Chillblaine, Kryogenetiker, Geliebter von Frost
 Carla Tannhauser, Ärztin, Mutter von Caitlin Snow (und Frost), hat auch Eiskräfte
 Tinya Wazzo, Mädchen mit Meta-Kräften und einer komplizierten Beziehung zu Team Flash
 Meena Dhawan, Fast Track, Wissenschaftlerin und ehemaliger Speedster
 Cisco Ramon, Mecha-Vibe, ehemaliges Mitglied von Team Flash, arbeitet für Argus
 Kamilla Hwang, Fotografin, Ciscos Freundin, ehemalige Mitarbeiterin von Iris
 Ralph Dibny, Elongated Man, Mitglied von Team Flash, das lange auf einer Undercover-Mission war
 Sue Dearborn, Einbrecherin und reiche Erbin in einem, Partnerin von Ralph – sozusagen
 Julian Albert, ehemaliges Mitglied von Team Flash, steifer Brite mit medizinischen Kenntnissen und dank Savitar auch einer alternativen Schurkenpersönlichkeit
 Harrison Wells, Timeless Wells, Wissenschaftler, Dr. Wells von Erde-1/ Earth Prime, war tot, lebt wieder, besitzt die Erinnerungen all seiner toten Doppelgänger und Zeitkräfte
 Nora West-Allen, XS, zukünftige Tochter von Barry und Iris
 Bart West-Allen, Impulse, zukünftiger Sohn von Barry und Iris
 Wally West, Kid Flash, ein Speedster, Bruder von Iris
 Joanie Horton, Ceciles Tochter
 Ronnie Raymond, eine Hälfte von Firestorm, Caitlins verstorbener Ehemann
 Eddie Thawne, Cobalt Blue, Polizist, Vorfahre von Eobard Thawne, starb als Held
 Ryan Choi, ein Wissenschaftler, Paragon der Menschlichkeit
 David Singh, Polizeichef von Central City
 Jay Garrick, Flash von Erde-3 und Wissenschaftler, Doppelgänger von Barrys Vater
 Joan Garrick, seine Frau, Doppelgängerin von Barrys Mutter
 Patty Spivot, Barrys Ex-Freundin
 Die Speed Force, „Nora“, Kraftquelle der meisten Speedster
 Deon Owens, die Still-Force, Kraftquelle für Zeitreisen
 Alexa Rivera, Fuerza, die Strenght Force, Kraftquelle für Stärke
 Bashir Malik, Psych, die Sage Force, Kraftquelle für Psi-Kräfte
 Die Negativen Forces, es gibt negative Gegenstücke zu allen vier Forces
 Avery Ho, Negative Flash, eine Wissenschaftlerin
 Tracy Brand, Wissenschaftlerin, ehemalige Verbündete von Team Flash
 Henry Allen, Barry Vater, verstorben
 Nora Allen, Barrys Mutter, verstorben
 Harry Wells, Dr. Wells von Erde-2, Lieblings-Wells von Team Flash, verstorben
 Jesse Wells, Jesse Quick, Tochter von Harry Wells, ein Speedster, verstorben
 H. R. Wells, der Wells, der das StarLabs-Musuem gegründet hat, getötet von Savitar
 Sherloque Wells, der größte Detektive des Multiversums, verstorben
 Nash Wells, Abenteurer und Ersatzvater für Allegra ,der Wells, der sich geopfert hat um die künstliche Speed Force herzustellen
 Fred Chyre, Joes ehemaliger Partner bei der Polizei, verstorben
 Breacher, Josh, ein multiverseller Polizist, vermutlich verstorben
 Eobard Thawne, ein Speedster, der die Gestalt von Harrison Wells angenommen hatte, Barrys Erzfeind
 Eva McCulloch, Mirror Monarch, Gebieterin über das Mirrorverse, hatte Iris und Kamilla gekidnapped
 Ramsay Rosso, Bloowork, ein Feind vom Flash, der todkrank war
 Savitar, Zeitrelikt aus der Zukunft, das Iris töten wollte
 Hunter Zolomon, Zoom, Feind vom Flash, eigentlich tot
 Clifford DeVoe, der Thinker, Feind vom Flash, mit Stuhl, der Psi-Kräfte verstärkt
 Cicada, ein Feind des Flashes über die Jahrzehnte hinweg
 Thomas Snow, Icicle, Caitlins Vater
 Deathstorm, außerirdisches Wesen in Ronnie Raymonds Leiche
 August Heart, Godspeed, ein böser Speedster aus der Zukunft
 Psycho Pirate, körperloser Psi-Feind vom Flash, der zwischenzeitlich Besitz von Cecile Horton ergriffen hatte
 Rosa Dillon, Top, Frenemie von Team Flash mit Psi-Kräften
 Mark Mardon, Weather Wizard, ein Feind des Flashes
 Clyde Mardon, sein Bruder, wurde von Joe West erschossen
 Despero, ein Außerirdischer, der dachte der Flash bringt allen den Untergang
 Der Monitor, ein sehr mächtiges Wesen
 Der Anti-Monitor, ein gottgleiches Wesen, das das Multiversum zerstört hat
   Die Superfriends in National City:
 Kara Danvers, Supergirl, Kryptonierin, Reporterin und Heldin, Paragon der Hoffnung
 J’onn J’onzz, Martian Manhunter, grüner Marsianer, ein Held, Paragon der Ehre
 Alex Danvers, Sentinel, Soldatin und Ärztin, Karas Adpotivschwester
 Nia Nal, Dreamer, eine Heldin
 Querl Dox, Brainiac-5, Brainy genannt, außerirdischer Held aus der Zukunft, jetzt in der Gegenwart
 Lena Luthor, eine Wissenschaftlerin
 Kelly Olsen, Guardian, Psychologin und Heldin, Alexs Lebenspartnerin
 Mon-El, Daxamit, Held, Karas Ex-Freund
 Eve Teschmacher, Mitarbeiterin von Lena Luthor
 Oliver Queen, Green Arrow, Spectre, ein Vigilant und Held, tot, vermutlich
 Laurel Lance, Black Canary, Saras Schwester, verstorben
 Laurel Lance Erde-2, Black Siren, Black Canary, ehemalige Schurkin und Heldin mit Schallschrei von einer anderen Erde
 Quentin Lance, ehemaliger Polizist, Vater von Sara und Laurel Lance
 Dinah Lance, seine Ex-Frau
 Dinah Drake, Black Canary, Polizeicaptain, Vigilantin und Polizistin, Erinnerungen und Aufzeichnungen über sie ausgelöscht
 Felicity Smoak, Olivers Ehefrau, Mutter von Mia
 William Clayton, Oliver Queens Sohn
 Mia Smoak, Tochter von Oliver Queen und Felicity Smoak
 John „Dig“ Diggle, Spartan, hohes Tier in Argus, ehemaliger Soldat und Held
 Tommy Merlyn, Oliver bester Freund, Ehemann von Laurel Lance aus einer anderen Zeitlinie
 Nyssa al Ghul, Saras Ex-Freundin, Assassine
 Chas Chandler, Freund von John Constantine
 Clark Kent, Superman, Kal-El, ein Kryptonier, größter Held seiner jeweiligen Heimaterde in fast jedem Universum
 Lois Lane, Clarkes Ehefrau, berühmte Reporterin
 Jonathan Kent, Sohn von Clark und Lois
 Jordan Kent, Sohn von Clark und Lois, besitzt Kräfte
 Sam Lane, Leiter des DODs, Vater von Lois
 Lucy Lane, Schwester von Lois
 John Henry Irons, Steel (II), Held von einer anderen Erde
 Natalie Irons, seine Tochter
 Morgan Edge, Tal-Rho, Supermans Bruder
 Ally Allston, Parasite, eine Sektenführerin von gleich zwei verschiedenen Erden
 Jefferson Pierce, Black Lightning, ein Held
 Kate Kane, Batwoman, eine Heldin, Paragon der Tapferkeit
 Bruce Wayne, Batman, Kates Cousin, erster Vigilant
 Ted Kord, Blue Beetle, ein Geschäftsmann und Held
 Courntey Whitmore, Stargirl, eine Heldin von einer anderen Erde
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jalapenyochips · 3 years ago
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realistically i just dont think they’d have waited until after heyworld to hook up and what better time than after nearly destroying the timeline?
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zaritarazi · 4 years ago
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behrad: that’s what you want to talk about? nate: a hundred percent, but we don’t have to.
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mistressvera · 5 years ago
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greta--gill · 3 years ago
and for me, it’s always you
Rated: T
Words: 10k
Status: 1/1 (Complete)
Ava moves to the block the summer she turns seven, freshly adopted and terrified of the prospect of calling somewhere home permanently, but Mr. Hunter, her social worker, told her that it isn’t the worst thing in the world – to have a home, to find a place where living doesn’t have to hurt all the time.
Within the first week, she decides that he was unbelievably, hilariously wrong.
Kids on the street have already made friends, and it’s hard to make her way into dynamics that already exist. Besides, she's convinced herself she doesn't really need to get close to anyone. In fact, she's decided she doesn't want to.
But, two weeks into summer, when the sweltering heat has driven most kids inside or into their sprinkler systems and pools, someone comes to the door. Of course, she hasn’t heard Ava’s rule about people.
(Or, a childhood best friends AU. There's such thing as love before you know it's love. There's such thing as love that terrifies you. There's such thing as love that makes you tell the truth. Snapshots in the lives of Sara and Ava until they're finally ready to be honest.)
[read it on ao3]
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draw-back-your-bow · 4 years ago
Extended Vacation | Legends
My Masterlist | Request Guidelines | Send a Request
Pairing: Legends x reader
Request: “Can I request a oneshot where the reader(preferably female but it doesn’t actually matter) by accident ends up on the Waverider while the Legends (season 5 team plus Nora and Ray) are not there and stays until they return (so basically an encounter) but they only notice it when they are already in the temporal zone?” | Requested by @/FCsilla (On Wattpad)
A/N: Please excuse my poor attempt at writing John Constantine’s accent. I tried to make you interact with all the legends, but it’s kinda difficult writing for such a big group so I apologize.
Summary: While the Legend’s are out on a mission, you take an extended vacation on the Waverider.
Warnings: Broken tech? (Idk if that’s a warning), mention of almost being stranded in a big city
Word Count: ~2k
Wiping off the interdimensional extrapolator Cisco made you, you huffed when realizing that it might be broken.
He made it look like a bracelet so it wouldn’t draw attention, and you took it off the day before when it started raining, not knowing if the device was waterproof. You didn’t bother putting it back on this morning, thinking you would simply have to use it one more time just to get back to Central City. 
But now, because of your carelessness, you were stuck in Los Angeles, having dropped your only way home onto the concrete sidewalk. The second you got back, you were definitely going to lecture Cisco about the fragility of his inventions.
However, your luck seemed to turn around when after numerous failures, a breach successfully appeared in front of you.
Grinning, you jumped into the portal, your mouth already open and ready to complain about the issues you had with the device.
But when you came out the other side, your face morphed into a frown, panic beginning to set in once you realized you had no idea where you were.
“Hello, I wasn’t aware that you would be visiting.” A voice spoke from seemingly nowhere.
You jumped at the sudden sound, frantically looking around, trying to identify where the statement came from.
Taking in more of your surroundings, you eased as recognition dawned upon you. You were on the Waverider.
“Gideon?” You asked, hoping you got the name right. Team Flash had a similar artificial intelligence unit, and you figured the name might be the same. 
You hadn’t been on the Waverider more than once, and that was a brief visit. But as far as you could tell, the voice of this A.I. and the one at S.T.A.R. Labs sounded the same, and for all you knew, all robots could have the same voice.
“Yes?” The voice answered.
Relaxing now that you knew where you were, you once again smirked, thinking about how your vacation was just extended. L.A. had nothing on a spaceship.
“Hey Gideon, when and where are the Legends?” You asked.
“Currently, they are in fifth century Beijing.”
“How long will they be there?”
“They recently departed for the mission, so it is expected that they will be absent for at least three hours.”
You beamed, already looking around to see what this ship had to offer.
“Thanks Gideon. Would you mind giving me a tour?”
“It would be my pleasure. Let us start with the bridge.”
Grinning at the assistance from the intelligence unit, you skipped over to the first room on your stint. Already planning all the things you could do on a futuristic spaceship.
About four hours later, you were sticking your tongue out in concentration, furiously thumbing at the controller. You groaned when your virtual enemy on the television announced “Defeated” in the stereotypical baritone. 
Tossing the controller to the side, you slumped onto the couch shoving a handful of popcorn in your mouth. Not noticing the footsteps advancing towards you, you lazily watched the movie that was streaming on another screen.
“Hello?” A voice from behind you asked.
You whipped your head towards the noise and jumped up off the couch, only relaxing when you saw that it was the team.
Awkwardly smiling at Sara, you shuffled your feet, offering a shy wave. “Heyyy Sara, I didn’t expect you guys to be back so soon.”
She crossed her arms, an eyebrow raised in question. “We live here.”
“The more important question is what are you doing here?” A blonde standing next to her asked. 
She also had blue eyes, but the way Sara was standing closely in front of her, suggested a personal relationship. Possibly family, but you didn’t know of any Lance sisters other than Laurel and Sara, so it was most likely romantic. 
You took note of this discovery, making sure to remember to tease Sara about her love life later, and hopefully not get any fingers cut off.
A brunet man in the back spoke up, “Do we know her?”
You opened your mouth to introduce yourself but Ray walked into the room and beat you to it. “I didn’t know you’d be here! Long time no see,” he cheerfully greeted.
He walked over to you and gave you a hug, which you returned, thankful that there was at least someone happy to see you. But in their defense, you did kinda break into their ship.
“That still doesn’t explain why ya here love.” A man with some sort of European accent commented, you tilted your head at his outfit choice, a tan trench coat over a white dress shirt and loosened red tie stood out from everyone else’s suits, but you did admire the casualness.
A frown morphed onto his face when Ray fretted, “Wait, is there some huge threat that you need our help with?”
You shook your head, “No, nothing like that. I just… came to visit.”
Thanks to what you assumed were her assassin skills, Sara knew something was up. “Are you sure there’s no other reason?”
“Well,” you started, pulling out your cracked extrapolator, “My portal thing kinda… broke, and when I pressed it, I was sent here.”
A brunette walked up to you and took the bracelet from your hand, “It’s cute.”
Pushing past everyone to grab the accessory from the brunette, she complained, “Hey-” The man who shared some of her features only stuck his tongue out, reminding you of an argument between siblings.
Looking at the object now in his hands, the man looked up at you, in awe of the device, “Is this an-”
“Interdimensional extrapolator?” Ray interrupted.
You held back a chuckle at their exchange, “Uh, yes. It is.”
Ava piped up, “So… like a time courier?”
You tilted your head at her, not knowing what that was. But Ray pointed at her in agreement, “Exactly.”
“Wow, I’ve never actually seen one of these in person before. Only heard about ‘em” The man with your bracelet commented.
You nodded, not fully sharing his admiration for something that almost stranded you in L.A. “Yep. It’s impressive” You said in an emotionless tone.
“Not really,” he remarked, which took you aback, “I’m from the future by the way.”
Before you could ask any follow-up questions, Sara cut in, “Anyways, Ray, Behrad, can you guys fix it?”
Ray, and the man you now knew to be Behrad, nodded, the latter holding up a mock salute before heading off to the lab that Gideon had previously introduced you to.
“Well until then, you’re welcome to stay with us.” Sara invited.
Opening your mouth to thank Sara, the blonde standing next to her gestured to all of them, “Well since you’re here, you’ll have to know all of us and I can show you around. I’m Ava, that’s Mick, Astra, Zari, John, Nate, Charlie and Gideon is our A.I.”
“We have one of those, her name is also Gideon.” You added, pretending like you didn’t explore the entire ship while they were gone.
The lady who previously admired your bracelet, Zari, pushed past Ava and looped your arm in hers, “And before you fall asleep thanks to Ava’s snoozefest of a tour, let me give you a proper one.”
About twenty minutes later, you were back on the bridge. During your so-called ‘tour’, Zari showed you two rooms, them being their (one) bathroom and the kitchen, before she introduced you to a third, her closet.
For the next fifteen minutes, you proceeded to listen to her drone on about her various outfits, plethora of accessories, and excess amount of shoes.
But like a respectful guest, you remained with a smile on your face, and nodding when appropriate.
The one known as Nate, switched on the TV to input where you were previously playing a video game on. To your confusion, he gaped at the screen, sputtering out broken sentences, “What-, how-, who played-,”
Mick walked past him, slapping his hand on Nate’s back, which seemed to “reset” the man. Then Mick continued on his way, taking a large swig from his beer bottle.
Gesturing towards the television, Nate yelled, “Who had the controller last, and more importantly… How did you beat my high score?!”
You shuffled forwards, slowly raising your hand into the air, “Uh, that would be me. And it wasn’t actually that difficult.”
“Wasn’t that dif-” Nate scoffed, repeating your words to himself, “For your information, that was the highest score ever accomplished on this ship.”
You shrugged, still not understanding what you did that required so much effort. “Sorry?” You half-heartedly apologized.
From the other side of the room, Astra remarked, “Don’t be, he spends way too much time on that virtual piece of junk anyways.”
Nate crossed his arms, briefly glaring at Astra, “Well, you could make it up to me and the hours I’ve invested in this game by explaining how you did it.”
Before you could take a seat on the couch, and possibly beat your previously created high score, Ray and Behrad came out from the lab.
“We have repaired your extrapolator.”  Ray announced, “By the way, tell Cisco to send me the specs on this, I have so many ideas for improvements.”
You nodded in appreciation, “Thanks guys, and I’m sure Cisco will be thrilled to nerd out with you.”
Behrad looked over to the TV, which was still showing your score, “No way, you beat Nate?”
The man in question once again scoffed, “It’s not really that big of a deal.”
“Sure...” Behrad agreed, his tone laced with sarcasm.
Before his ego could be further bruised, Nate departed from the bridge, frustratedly muttering under his breath.
You sighed, not wanting your mini-adventure to be over just yet, but you knew that your team probably had another threat they could use your help with.
Sara and Ava walked over, and Ava’s red face confirmed your suspicions of the two of them. “Well, it was nice seeing you again. You are welcome onto the Waverider any time.”
You smiled, spinning around one last time to admire the ship, “Thank you, I will definitely be coming back. I haven’t taken the food fabricator for a spin yet.”
Sara chuckled, holding her hand out, which you shook.
“Well Captain Lance,” you started, fiddling with the newly mended device, “I think it’s time that I make my departure.”
Ava spoke up, “It was very nice meeting you.”
Pressing the button in the middle of the extrapolator, a portal opened up in front of you. Hopefully this time, it would lead to S.T.A.R. Labs.
With a nod to your hosts, you walked into the portal, breathing a sigh of relief when you stepped into a familiar workplace.
“There you are!” Cisco yelled at you, sprinting around to different computers, “Where have you been?! Barry’s fighting a massive meta in the park. Suit up!”
You chuckled at the chaos that was your home. While it didn’t have a bottomless fridge or a massive closet. It did have more than one bathroom and your friends.
So spaceship or no spaceship, you were glad to be back. Because L.A. and the Waverider had nothing on S.T.A.R. Labs. Except for a food fabricator, which you would definitely have to consult Cisco about.
“On my way, Cisco.” You replied, running over to your suit, “I’m glad to be back”
▣▣▣▣▣ Thanks For Reading! ▣▣▣▣▣
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gayshipsandanxiety · 4 years ago
how i sleep knowing there’s an alternate timeline where zarlie and naterad are canon
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allison480 · 4 years ago
Ok, but hear me out...
We know that Nate can go into the totem (that one time he helped Amaya with her totem problem), so I vote in season 6, the Tarazi siblings lend him the air totem once every week so he can go visit Zari & be with her.
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youngthiefindarkness · 4 years ago
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Sara: “Aww, (Y/N). Are you blushing?”
(Y/N): “NO!” 
Nate: “I mean she is singing right to (Y/N) and she did just wink at you.”
(Y/N): “Oh my Gods, I hate you all.”
Constantine: “She’s motioning you to go on stage.”
(Y/N): “I will not, Behrad put me down, Don’t you dare!”
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supercatavalance · 4 years ago
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My family🥺💕
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poc-movie-supremacy · 4 years ago
Mosaics are made of broken pieces
Surprise @missing-tony! MERRY CHRISTMAS TUSH! I hope you like this fic :)
With no mission nagging at them, most of the legends take the opportunity to have a movie night. Chaos still follows them, as it always does. Luckily not the deadly kind though.
What is family? What constitutes a family? People have proven that blood doesn’t determine family, after all, the blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb. Some have said family is a bunch of broken pieces that make up a beautiful mosaic. There’s some beauty in that, that through hard work you’ll form a hard-earned relationship with a group of people.  
“Is the movie ready Gideon?” Sara asked.
“Of course Captain.”
“What did they choose?” Sara checked herself out in the mirror making sure nothing was amiss with her outfit. Ava came up behind her wrapping her arms around Sara’s waist. She rested her chin on her shoulder and pressed a kiss to Sara’s cheek. A light blush tinged Sara’s cheek.
“I think you look great, sweetheart,” Ava whispered. 
“Thanks.” Sara stared at themselves in the mirror. Ava’s thick red sweater was tucked into a pair of blue jeans. Her feet were snuggled in gigantic matching red socks. Sara had on a pair of black sweatpants and an oversized dark green hoodie. 
“They chose a marvel movie captain.” Gideon informed the two ladies.
“You would think, considering what we do for a living, they wouldn't like high scale action movies.” Ava commented.
“Maybe it’s escapism. All the movies end well, from what I remember, and they are on a level of fantasy that it probably doesn’t remind them of our lives.” 
Ava nodded her head. “You ready to go sweetie?” Sara grabbed Ava’s outstretched hand and let herself be led to the Movie Room in the Waverider. Most of the current crew and some others were already waiting for them. 
Ray and Nora were sitting on one end of the couch talking to Charlie and astra. Sara noticed Charlie mindlessly running her thumb over Astra's hand and smiled. Beside them was zari and John. Zari had her legs in John's lap as she told him about gossip happening in her time. Mick Mona and Lita were sitting in the hammock quietly waiting for the movie. Ava waved at lita who smiled back at her aunt. Sara and her stepped around the three boys on the floor, Gary, Behrad and Nate. They were in an intense thumb battle with behrad looking like the winner. 
“Is this everyone? Weren’t some of the others going to come?” Sara asked. She and Ava settled in the neighboring chair, ava in the seat and Sara sitting haphazardly in the chair.
“Well Carter doesn’t seem keen on coming to anything legends affiliated after the breakup, I heard Kendra was busy with her new job… being a lawyer I think, and Jax and Lilly had to decline after they realized today coincided with their kids singing concert.” Ray informed them. 
“What about Nate's new boyfriend,” Charlie teased, “Mr. Mystery couldn’t make it?” 
Nate blushed red and shook his head. “He was busy, His job got in the way.”
“His job.” Lita teased in an obnoxious voice. Everyone laughed out loud while Nate glared daggers at Lita. Lita just stared at him challengingly, asking him to try her through her haughty look and quirked eye. Nate just rolled his eyes and flipped her off in response, earning more rowdiness from his family. They jeered at him berating him teasingly for making fun of a child. 
“Ok ok, in truth, when will we meet him ,man?” Behrad asked him when the room calmed down.
“I think we already have,” Astra said. “Dionysus,” she explained when they all looked at her confusingly.
Nate shook his head, but his face was obscured so they couldn’t see if he was blushing or not. “I’m not dating Dion.”
“Are you sure, you seemed pretty infatuated with him, from what I’ve heard?” Mona asked. Sara snorted and quirked her eyebrow up at him. 
“Why are we focusing on me? I know Kendra has a new girlfriend and Mona has a hot partner.” Nate exclaimed defensively.
“This isn’t about me, and stop talking about my partner.” Mona chastised. “And don’t bring up Kendra when she can’t even defend herself.” Nate rolled his eyes and was about to defend himself further, when someone interrupted him. 
“Speaking of new love,” Nora started, giving a sly wink to Garry, “I know-”
“No!” Garry shouted, interrupting her. New interest was piqued. Everyone turned to look at Gary and Nora.
“Nora, please.” Behrade begged, making puppy dog eyes at her.
“Nora, what do you know?” Sara asked. She leaned forward in interest, clasping her hands together like an old-timey villain who just finished telling their master plan. Gary and Behrad silently, and quite animatedly, pleaded with Nora to keep her mouth shut. They knew what she wanted to tell the others, and they didn’t want that getting out. 
Nora wasn’t planning on being merciful though. “Well I had left my room to go get a snack when I heard curious noises from Gar and B’s room. I quickly peaked in to make sure they weren’t being attacked when I saw... a broken bed,” Nora finished with emphasis. The group erupted in chaos. Charlie and Astra were pissing themselves laughing. Astra gave Gary a sly smile that made him blush. Behrad was trying, in vain,  to defend him and his boyfriend. Ray was similarly blushing red and rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment. Nate jostled Behrad and Gary and congratulated them. Constantine and Zari looked like they would rather be anywhere else. Sara and Ava were both quiet, but for different reasons. Sara was fist-bumping Nora and nodding approvingly at Behrad. Ava was just shocked silent, she’s had sex before, but this took her off guard. Lita looked disappointed, Mona was intrigued and Mick’s facial features have not changed during the entire conversation.
“I’m definitely telling Jax and Lilly this, they need something to get through that children’s concert.” Nate said excitedly, while whipping out the phone. 
“Won’t the concert itself be enough, since its their children?” Ava asked incredulously.
“Oh absolutely not, I remember the ones I had to go to for my cousin’s kids. Let me tell you, it was awful. Those kid’s sucked.” Nate remarked with a scoff. His thumb hit the screen, sending the message. Immediately Behrad and Gary’s phone started buzzing with texts. Gary put his head in his hands while Behrad glared daggers at Nate. He quickly sent an explanatory text to the two parents. 
Nate’s phone buzzed. “Dude! Why did you tell Lills and Jax I lied.” Nate once tried to call Jax JJ only for Sara to glare at him. He learned his lesson. JJ was only reserved for Sara. 
“Cause you did. Last night, yea Gary and I did break the bed, but not because of sex! We-” Behrad sighed, and ran a hand through his hair. “We wanted to see if the air totem could make jumping on the bed better.” Everyone was shocked silent. Behrad took a breath. “It did make it better… and also more powerful.” Behrad finished. Gary scooted over to him and linked their finders together. He rested his chin on Behrad’s shoulder and gave him a small smile. 
“Behrad! That’s what you used the totem for? That seems objectively worse.” Zari said while wrinkling her nose.
“What do you mean? That’s hilarious! Can I have the totem to do meja-jumps on the bed?” Lita asked excitedly. Mick shook his head no behind her at the two boys. They nodded solemnly at him. Lita saw and glared at her father. 
Mick only shrugged. “Too dangerous, your mother would never let you.” Mick muttered. 
Before they could get into a real argument, Ray interrupted them. “Ok let’s start the movie. Gideon! Cue up Black Panther please.” 
“Right away Mr. Palmer.” Gideon’s cool technological voice called out. The group settled in to watch the movie, quite considerably calmed down. The lights dimmed and the movie began. 
Sometimes family is a mosaic that has to go through fire to fit together, but  fire isn’t always necessary. Sometimes time and an low burning spark is all that’s needed to bring people together.
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zaritarazi · 4 years ago
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ray: youre in his dms, i gave up my body and soul to save his life, we are not the same
once again a joke stolen fully from @pencilscratchins zukka comics see the original here
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mistressvera · 5 years ago
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kassies-take · 5 years ago
Freak Turned Legend
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Whilst on a mission, Sara and Ava save reader. They very quickly start to form a bond with reader and eventually ask to adopt them!!! thanks:))
A/n: I’m going to mix in a bit of Legends of Tomorrow 5 x 03 and Batwoman 1 x 10. Hey look at it this way, Avalance is getting another kid.
Warning: Homophobia & Hate
Avalance, Sara Lance x Reader, Avalance x Reader
Word Count: 1118
“We’re in 2014, a mysterious murderer roaming the halls of another school dance.”
“Babe, is now really the time to get intel for your murder board?” Sara harshly whispered.
“Right sorry,” Ava put away her recorder.
“I don’t think it’s an encore this time, nothing like this has ever happened in history.” 
“Crisis may have changed some things.” 
“Wait Wait Wait,” Ava pulled Sara against the lockers.
“What is it?”
“I think someone just went into the restroom,” Ava whispered.
“Aves, it’s a school dance people are bound to go to the restroom.” Sara rolled her eyes.
“Yeah, but not alone. No girl goes to the restroom alone, not even on prom night.” 
As Sara and Ava neared the restroom they overheard a conversation. 
“I don’t need you to kill anyone, just scare them... you can hurt them but you can’t kill them.” You said on the phone.
“Look I’m not willing to take the blame for you, if you want something done you have to do it yourself.” 
“Fine,” The call ended but you kept the phone at your ear as a presence made themselves known. 
Sara looked at Ava when the automatic paper towel dispenser went off.  When Sara looked back towards your direction you were gone. Sara marched towards the last stall as her eyes darted all over the place to find you. 
“Where did she go?” 
The room slowly flooded with darkness, with that, you slid behind Sara’s leg and slashed at her calves. Sara hissed in pain as Ava tried to get to Sara. You took your escape. Once you left the lights turned on, Ava supported Sara as they both went to go find you. 
They were not that far behind you when Sara threw a dagger past your biceps. Ava and Sara gasped at the white and yellow glowing that replaced the usual dark red liquid. With the power to absorb and create photons of light, heat and energy, a powerful ray of light blinded the Captain and Co-Captain. 
The two covered their eyes as you made another escape. It wasn’t hard to follow once their eyes adjusted, as your blood trailed towards the gym and the fact that it was glowing. 
The dance decorations began to burn which caused a whole gym of idiots to run out screaming. 
“Behrad! We need your totem in the gym. NOW!”
Behrad couriered in using his totem to put out the fire. You planned to make your escape when you ran into a metal man. He had a lot of confidence for someone who didn’t know your powers. He grabbed your wounded shoulder and pulled away his hand at the burn. You grabbed his forearm as your hands glowed, letting Nate fall to the ground from the heat. 
The Legends returned to the Waverider defeated. 
“Do all missions turn out this badly?” Zari asked from the control center.
“Pretty much, not a Legends mission if there’s no mishap, Z.” Charlie explained
“I’m having Gideon track the blood sample, from Sara’s dagger.” 
“Captain it seems our suspect is, (Y/n) (Y/l/n). Not much is known about her.”
“Isn’t she like super hot?” Zari asked as the Legends gave her questioning glances. Zari rolled her eyes. “Her powers or whatever. Can’t you use a thermal scanner?” 
“That could work,” Ray smiled. “Her blood glows at the same light as her powers do. We can have Gideon search the city for it.”
“What about all the other metas that got their powers earlier this year?” Nate asked. 
“Well we have her blood, can’t we just track that?” Charlie asked. 
The process worked and now Sara and Ava were walking into an abandoned workshop. You ran when the two spotted you, but like the great partners they were they trapped you on both sides with a meta dampener on the perimeter. 
“You burned a whole school full of innocent kids,” Ava crossed her arms behind you. 
“I wasn’t going to burn the school.”
“My air-bender friend says differently.” Sara stated. 
“I was there, controlling the fire with my bare hands. I was gonna stop it, absorb the heat. But you stopped it first. Whatever, it doesn’t even matter anymore.”
“What the hell were you thinking?” Ava growled.
“I’m sorry okay.” Sara stalked closer to you. “Look I really am sorry. I just thought that if I could scare the school, that they would forget that I am a freak.”
“You’re not a freak.”
“I am to them, I’m uh... gay. And these powers don’t help me with that! I wanted to be out, I didn’t want to hide this from my mom anymore. We were close, and when I decided to tell her she told my dad and it all changed. THEY ERASED ME FROM RECORDS. PAID PEOPLE OFF TO CHANGED ALL THEIR PHOTOS. THEY BURNED MY BIRTH CERTIFICATE, SOCIAL SECURITY CARD AND THEY EVEN TRIED TO BURN ME! Then there was the school, this is a safe zone, no bullying here, you’re accepted here.” You mocked. 
“That sucks and that’s not fair, but that does not give you the right to put innocent lives in dan-” 
“Society wants me to be someone I’m not! Do you know how that feels? I hate myself okay. So spare your ‘it’s going to get better speech’ because we know that I am going to grow up hiding who I am, if it isn’t my sexuality then it’s going to be my powers. And you were probably the cool kid in school, and now you’re here being a hero,” tears clouded your eyes.
“We’re more in common than you think.” Ava spoke. “That woman behind you, that’s my girlfriend. We might not know what it’s like to be discriminated against  because of an accident that gave you powers to make a difference. But we know what it’s like. I more than anyone can relate to how you’re feeling. I am a clone from 2213, factory made. Set to be perfect. There are hundreds like me but the one thing that makes me, makes us different is choosing to live the life we want.” Ava grabbed both your hands as you sniffed. 
Sara moved to caress your back. “A friend of ours, is a fairy godmother. Yes, they exist. She once stated ‘Being yourself is more powerful than any wish.’”  
“Being comfortable with myself, scars and all, is how the right people found me.” Ava smiled at you. “I know you’re going to be okay kid.” 
You smiled back at her. 
“You’re definitely going to be okay kid, cause we have room for an intern Legends” Sara smiled. 
“Don’t worry kid we got all the time in the world to tell it to you.” 
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canary-warrior · 5 years ago
Legends finds a way to make crazier and crazier episodes and I love it. I feel like at this point, thw CW just lets them do whatever they want as long as they keep the PG-13 rating (or whatever this show is rated).
-Zari and Astra? Sign me up for this duo
-Since Charlie needs her sisters to use the loom, will Sara (and maybe Astra) take their places?
-Sara fighting while blindfolded was awesome
-Zari, Nate, and Charlie are the chaotic trio we need to see more of
-The Avalance in this ep was so great, my heart
-Lita must be protected at all costs
-Mick is really trying to be a good dad
-Only Gary would adopt a Hellhound
-Charlie choosing to bring Behrad back first- she finally has a famil and her first choice was to bring a member of that family back to life, my heart
-Also that quick moment where John said he needed help with research and looked at Zari who didn’t want to be around him at the moment.... my heart (again) (I’m really shipping them)
-I wanted Zari to use her memories to fix the ship but at least we got her hacking (also if Zari was fixing the ship with Sara and Ava, we could’ve gotten a Hellhacker scene when John came to the engine room)
-Next week’s episode looks crazier than this one, can’t wait!
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