sesttalgi · 29 days
to my first - sungchan.
part 1.
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synopsis: you and sungchan have been inseparable since childhood but as your friendship deepens, unspoken feelings begin to surface.
this is kinda based on nct dream's first love series.
pairings: sungchan x reader , giselle and shotaro as the readers friends.
im still writing this so anything can happen really.˙ᵕ˙
genre: friends-to-lovers , fluff , slow-burn. possibly angsty down the line.
cw: none.
word count: 2.5k
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he was your childhood friend - the one who would always share his last candy with you, despite also being a sweet-tooth himself. the person who pushed you on the swings at the playground until his arms were sore.
sungchan was more than just a friend, he was your best friend. the person you would share everything with, whether it was good or bad. he saw you through all your seasons and you saw him through all his.
when you won your first gold medal in athletics, he was there, cheering you on. he always accompanied you to training, and in turn, you attended his soccer games, serving as his personal cheerleader.
whenever you injured yourself from practicing too hard, sungchan was always there to comfort you. he was protective, although sometimes too much and he never failed to give you a stern talking to whenever you accidentally hurt yourself.
"why do you always push yourself so hard?" he would ask as he gently inspected your injuries, careful not to cause you any more pain. "you need to be more careful. i cant keep patching you up like this."
his tone was firm but there was always a softness in his eyes that showed how much he cared. despite the scolding, he would tend to your wounds with utmost care, his fingers lightly brushing over your skin as he applied the bandages.
"promise me you'll take it easier next time," he would say. "i cant stand seeing you like this." and so even though his words were stern, his actions were always gentle.
"i'll be more careful" you would promise. "i dont want to worry you."
years went by and your friendship with sungchan remained unwavering. you were still each others confidants, sharing your hopes and dreams together. through the good and the bad, you were there for each other - a constant presence in each others lives.
you were in highschool now everything seemed to be changing - everything except your bond with sungchan. while others drifted apart, lost in the whirlwind of new experiences and friendships, the two of you remained inseparable.
but as time passed, something unspoken began to grow between you - a tension that you couldnt quite define.
it started subtly without even realizing it. you were too caught up in the routine of your friendship, too used to the comfort of sungchans presence. when his hand brushed yours or when his gaze lingered, you thought nothing of it. it was just sungchan - your best friend.
when your heart fluttered or your cheeks warmed in his presence, you dismissed it as nerves or maybe just the stress of athletics and your academics. you chalked it up to anything but what it really was, never suspecting that something deeper was beginning to stir.
"what is happening to me?" you would think to yourself.
you thought love was meant to be a fairytale. that prince charming would come sweeping you off your feet, but instead you found yourself developing feelings for the person you had been friends with since you were both in diapers - the friend who had seen you through every milestone and every flaw. it wasnt the grand, dramatic romance you had imagined but it was something far more real and intense.
you tried to rid yourself of the feelings youd developed for sungchan by keeping your distance from him for a while. spending time with your other close friends instead - giselle and shotaro. they were surprised to see you though because they knew you usually spent your free time with sungchan.
"finally remembered us, huh?" giselle said with a teasing smile while scrolling through her phone. she was always attached to that damn phone - whether it be listening to music or stalking herself on instagram. "i started to think youd forgotten about us."
shotaro on the other hand looked rather concerned as he noticed that you werent your usual lively self - too consumed by your thoughts about your sudden realization of your feelings for sungchan.
"whats going on? we havent seen you much lately..." shotaro asked, raising an eyebrow. "did sungchan finally join a circus and forget to send us the memo?"
you forced a laugh, trying to brush off their concern. "i just needed some time to myself... i figured it was time for us to catch up though"
giselle and shotaro exchanged a glance - the kind that said they were onto you.
"come on, spill it" giselle said, her tone shifting from teasing to serious. she set her phone aside, her full attention now on you. "youre about as subtle as ningnings laugh."
shotaro nodded in agreement. "yeah something is definitely bothering you, you know you can talk to us?"
feeling cornered by their concern, you sighed - feeling the weight of your predicament.
"its sungchan. i dont know whats going on with me but for some reason my heart keeps racing every time im around him" you admitted, frustration creeping into your voice. "i thought i could ignore it, but the more i try, the more it feels like my emotions are on overdrive."
giselles eyes widened in shock. "wait, hold on. you and sungchan? the guy we've known since like, forever?"
shotaro looked equally stunned, his expression a mix of surprise and amusement. "seriously? i had a feeling something was up, but i didnt think it would be this."
you slightly chuckled at their reactions, feeling a bit of relief despite the shock they expressed. "i know, right? its been so weird trying to make sense of it all."
giselle grinned mischievously. "well, if we had to bet on which of us would end up falling for a best friend, youd be at the top of the list. its almost poetic."
shotaro laughed, shaking his head. "yeah, poetic and a bit cliché but honestly, it makes sense. you and sungchan have been joined at the hip since forever. if anyone was going to catch feelings, it would be you."
you rolled your eyes, but there was a smile on your face. "great, so im the cliché character in your drama."
giselle chimed in, her tone playful. "hey, clichés can be fun and besides, its not like we didnt see this coming. we've all noticed the way you two are around each other."
you interjected - confused, "and exactly how are we around each other gigi, enlighten me please?"
giselles eyes sparkled with mischief. "oh, you know, the way you both get all soft and gooey when youre together. its like watching a romcom unfold in real life."
shotaro nodded, adding, "and dont forget how sungchan is practically your walking first aid kit, always ready to patch you up whenever you push yourself too hard."
"you really need to stop doing that though, you cant keep running yourself into the ground like that" giselle interjected, her tone concerned yet a bit serious.
you chuckled, rolling your eyes. "yeah, yeah i'll stop." you responded to giselle, somewhat dismissive.
getting back on topic you responded to shotaro, "yeah, sungchan is definitely the overprotective type. sometimes i think he forgets im not a delicate flower that needs constant tending."
"come on, you know you like it, i mean youre in this predicament for a reason" giselle teased.
you raised an eyebrow at giselle. "oh, really? and what exactly is that reason?"
giselle responded, "well, if youre asking, its clear you dont mind having someone whos always looking out for you."
shotaro added, "yeah, and if youre honest, you probably appreciate the attention even if it drives you a bit crazy sometimes. its part of why youre feeling this way about him."
you sighed, smiling slightly to yourself. "okay, maybe youre right. its hard to ignore the fact that he is always there for me, even if he can be a bit over the top."
giselle nodded. "exactly. its kind of sweet, really and it makes sense that your feelings would evolve with someone who has been such a constant presence in your life."
shotaro leaned in with a smirk. "so, whats the next step? are you going to confess your feelings, or are you just going to continue this romantic subplot in your own head?"
you laughed, feeling a bit more relaxed. "im not sure yet. i guess i need to figure out how to handle this without making things awkward."
giselle gave you a reassuring smile. "whatever you decide, just remember that we're here for you, whether its for the drama or just to help you sort things out."
you hung out with your friends until it was time for you to go home. you knew you would possibly bump into sungchan because you lived in the same neighborhood but you assumed he would be at soccer practice so you walked home feeling light.
however, there he was - standing right in front of your house, seemingly waiting for you.
you continued to walk towards your house, surprised to see him, "sungchan... what are you doing here?"
sungchan looked at you, a bit annoyed that youd even ask. "i havent really seen you much these past few days, so i came to check if you were alive and well" he said, reaching out to pat the top of your head, slightly ruffling your hair. he continued, "seems like you are."
you couldnt help but smile at his familiar gesture even as a slight flutter of nerves hit your stomach. "i have just been busy, thats all" you replied, trying to sound casual.
he raised an eyebrow, clearly not buying it. "busy avoiding me, maybe?" he teased, but there was a hint of something more serious in his tone.
you looked away, suddenly feeling the weight of the situation. "its not like that" you said, though even you werent sure if you believed it.
sungchans expression softened as he studied you. "if somethings bothering you, you know you can talk to me, right? im here for you, always."
his words, so sincere and caring only made the feelings youd been trying to suppress come rushing back. you nodded, forcing a smile. "i know. thanks, sungchan."
he gave you a small smile in return, his hand lingering on your head for a moment longer before dropping it to his side. "good. now come on, lets get you inside before you catch a cold or something."
as you walked towards the door, you couldnt shake the mix of emotions swirling inside you. it was all starting to feel different and you werent sure what to do about it.
you made your way to the bathroom to refresh yourself, needing a moment to collect your thoughts. as you splashed cool water on your face, you stared at your reflection in the mirror, the reality of the situation sinking in.
drying your face with a towel, you took a deep breath, trying to push down the feelings that had been bubbling up ever since you realized your heart had started to change.
you couldnt deny it anymore - the bond you shared with sungchan was evolving into something deeper, something that both excited and terrified you.
but how could you act on these feelings without risking the friendship youd cherished for so long? the last thing you wanted was to make things awkward between you two, especially when he was such an important part of your life.
with a sigh, you left the bathroom, feeling a little more composed but still unsure of what to do next. as you stepped back into the hallway, you found sungchan leaning against the wall, waiting for you with that familiar, gentle smile on his face.
"feel better?" he asked, his voice warm and soothing.
you nodded, offering a small smile in return. "yeah, just needed a moment."
sungchan straightened up, his eyes searching yours for a moment longer than usual. "you know, you dont have to go through whatever this is alone. im here, whether you need to talk or just… be."
his words, so simple yet so full of meaning, sent your heart racing. "i know" you managed to say, your voice barely above a whisper.
there was a silence that stretched between you, filled with unspoken words and feelings you were too afraid to express.
finally, sungchan broke the moment with a soft chuckle. "come on, lets go grab something to eat. you look like you could use a good meal."
you smiled, grateful for the distraction. "sure, lets go."
you and sungchan made your way to a little fast food place in your neighborhood, one of your usual hangouts. the familiarity of the place brought a sense of comfort, easing some of the tension youd been feeling. you slid into a booth by the window while sungchan headed to the counter to order - two burgers and fries, just like always.
as you watched him, you couldnt help but notice how natural everything felt. even after all the confusion and the mixed emotions swirling inside you, being with sungchan was still as easy as it had always been.
sungchan returned with the tray of food, sliding into the seat across from you with a smile. "here you go, your usual. i even got extra fries because i know how much you like to steal mine."
you laughed, grateful for the lighthearted moment. "hey, sharing is caring, right?"
he chuckled, shaking his head as he unwrapped his burger. "you keep telling yourself that."
as you both started eating, the conversation flowed easily, just like old times. you talked about everything and nothing - school, sports and random things that had happened during the week. for a while, it was like everything was back to normal and the confusion youd been feeling faded into the background.
but as the meal went on, there were moments when your eyes would meet and the unspoken tension between you would flare up again. it was subtle, but it was there - the way his gaze lingered a little longer, the way your heart skipped a beat whenever he smiled at you.
at one point, sungchan leaned back in his seat, looking at you with that familiar, warm expression. "you know, i've missed hanging out like this. it feels like we havent had much time together lately."
you looked down at your fries, feeling a little guilty. "yeah… im sorry about that. i've just had a lot on my mind."
he nodded, his tone softening. "its okay. i just want you to know im here, no matter what."
his words hung in the air, and for a moment you wondered if this was the time to finally open up about everything.
but before you could say anything, sungchans phone buzzed on the table, breaking the moment.
he glanced at the screen and sighed. "coach wants me to come in early tomorrow for practice. guess i'll have to cut our night short."
you nodded, trying to hide your disappointment. "thats okay. we can hang out another time."
sungchan smiled, reaching across the table to give your hand a quick squeeze. "definitely. we'll catch up properly soon, i promise."
as you both got up to leave, you couldnt help but feel that there was still so much left unsaid. but for now, you were content with the familiarity of your friendship, even as the unspoken feelings between you continued.
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sesttalgi · 30 days
such a pretty boy
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sesttalgi · 1 month
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omg, thank you to everyone who got me to 100 likes!
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sesttalgi · 1 month
he looks soooooo good, let me go revisit nct sungchan 😚
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sesttalgi · 1 month
currently writing a sungchan fic, guess the vibes from these photos ...
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4 notes · View notes
sesttalgi · 1 month
roses - song eunseok.
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synopsis: this is based on jaehyuns recent song 'roses'. eunseok is the ex boyfriend of the reader and unfortunately the reader has moved on to someone new - sungchan. eunseok cant find it in him to move on so he is determined to get the reader back through a bouquet of roses.
pairings: eunseok x reader. / sungchan x reader.
genre: angsty / ex to lovers (?)
cw: angsty, cheating, smut etc.
word count: 3,2k.
~ this is my first fanfic! when i heard 'roses' i just had to write something! hope you enjoy. <3
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it had been almost a year since your break up with eunseok. youve been focusing on your new relationship with sungchan, but the memories of your time with eunseok still occasionally flickered through your mind. lately though, you had been finding it easier to push those thoughts aside and focus on the present. you were happy with sungchan, and you didnt want to dwell on the past.
sungchan was everything you wanted in a boyfriend. he was attentive to your needs and he always had all the time in the world for you. he was quite the opposite from eunseok, who never really had time for you as he was always caught up with his academics. he tried though, anytime he was free he would spend his time with you but it wasnt enough. your ideal boyfriend always had time for you and unfortunately that wasnt eunseok. 
sungchan would always buy you your favorite flowers - roses. you have always loved roses and the colour red. these were things eunseok seemed to not take note of, so you thought. however, eunseok was well aware - or rather reminded due to your instagram stories where you would post the roses sungchan would get you.
eunseok found himself frequently checking your instagram. every time he saw the vibrant red colors of the roses and the smile on your face as you held them, feelings of jealousy and regret would wash over him. he now remembers how he had never bothered to take note of your favorite flowers or your love for the color red when you were together. 
eunseok thought he was a good boyfriend but he realized that he was far from it. he berated himself for not noticing these small details that could have made a difference in your relationship. but now the memories are hitting him differently. every time he sees the colour red he is coldly reminded of you. and seeing you with those roses that sungchan bought you had him feeling devastated. it killed him to know that someone else had been buying you roses. 
eunseok couldnt escape the reminders of you, no matter how hard he tried. every time he saw the color red, a flood of memories would wash over him, reminding him of the times you wore that red dress he loved so much or the red lipstick that you would wear - and the sight of roses, your favorite flowers, made his heart feel sore from pulling out the thorns - reopening the mended scars from your break up. the thought of you with someone else, receiving the love and attention he had failed to give, was unbearable.
as valentines day slowly approached, eunseok found himself increasingly restless. the thought of you spending the day with sungchan, receiving roses and other gifts filled him with a burning sense of jealousy. he knew he had no right to feel this way, but he couldnt help but wish he could make it up to you, to show you that he had remembered all those little details about you. so he planned to surprise you with a bouquet of roses as well as your other favorite things at your doorstep. 
eunseok spent the days leading up to valentines day meticulously planning his surprise for you. he carefully selected a bouquet of the most beautiful roses money could buy. he also picked out your favorite chocolates and a small plushie that you had once mentioned you wanted.
valentines day finally came around and you had nothing planned as sungchan had to unfortunately work that day. sungchan told you that he would make it up to you though so you werent worried. you spent your day snuggled up under your blankets because it was a gloomy and rainy day. very fitting for your lonesome self. you found yourself rewatching '10 things i hate about you' - your favorite romcom, remembering that it was one of the first movies you watched with your ex boyfriend, eunseok. 
as you settled into your cozy spot on the sofa, rewatching your favorite romcom, the doorbell suddenly rang - interrupting your movie. confused, you made your way to the door, wondering who could be visiting you on this rainy valentines day.
as you opened the door, your eyes widened in surprise as you saw a bouquet of roses, and a few other gifts, waiting at your doorstep. the person who prepared this surprise for you though wasnt your boyfriend but rather your ex boyfriend - eunseok. 
eunseok stood right before you, slightly wet from the rain, his hair stuck to his forehead. he stood there, a little sheepish, as he looked at you as he said "happy valentines day, y/n." you were surprised to see him, especially after not speaking to him for almost a year.
"eunseok... what is this?" you asked him, feeling overwhelmed by the situation. "why are you here out of the blue and with all these gifts on valentines day of all days?" you asked him.
eunseok looked at you apologetically, realizing the shock and confusion his unexpected appearance had caused. "i know its been a long time since we've spoken" he began, his voice soft and sincere. "but seeing its valentines day... i couldnt help but want to do something nice for you." he glanced down at the gifts he had brought, his expression laced with remorse. "i know i wasnt the best boyfriend back then" he continued. "but i wanted to make up for it now." 
you felt a mix of emotions swelling within you - shock, confusion, and a hint of sadness. you stared at him, the memories of your time together flooding back, but mixed with the knowledge that you had moved on to someone else.
"why are you doing this now?" you asked, your voice slightly trembling. "you know im with someone else" you said to him.
"yes i know youre with someone else. youre with sungchan. i tried forgetting about you but i just couldnt. i missed you so much, every single day. it killed me to know that you moved on with someone else while i couldnt stop thinking about you." eunseok declared to you.
you took in his words, your heart clenching at the mention of sungchan. the rain continued to pour down outside, continuing to leave eunseok looking like a drenched puppy. you couldnt help but feel sorry for him, seeing him in this state. 
"eunseok," you began, your voice barely above a whisper. "you cant just show up after all this time, giving me gifts as if nothing has happened. we broke up, remember?"
eunseok took a step closer, "i know we broke up" he said, his eyes fixed on yours. "but do you even realize how much ive thought about you since then?" the rain outside seemed to get heavier, as if it were echoing the storm between the two of you.
"thinking about me doesnt change anything" you replied, your voice trembling despite your efforts to stay strong. "i had my reasons, eunseok. you never had time for me, you could never give me what i really wanted and walking away was me just putting myself first" you continued.
eunseok didnt back down, his gaze intense and unwavering. "maybe youre right" he admitted, his voice softer now, "but that doesnt mean i stopped caring. i never stopped caring, even when it hurt like hell seeing you move on to someone new." 
eunseok reached out, his hand hovering just inches from yours, hesitant. "im not asking for everything to be perfect" he said "im just asking for a chance. a chance to make things right or at least to try." you looked at his hand, then back into his eyes and for a second, you saw the eunseok you fell in love with.
"i dont know" you said finally, your voice breaking. "i just don't know, eunseok."
he nodded, understanding the weight of your uncertainty. "im here" he said quietly, "for as long as you need to figure it out. i'll wait" 
eunseok glanced at the rain, still getting soaked. his hair was plastered to his forehead, and his clothes were soaked through. he shivered slightly. 
you hesitated for a moment, torn between your feelings for sungchan - you knew he wouldnt like you being inside your apartment with your ex on valentines day but you couldnt let eunseok continue to get drenched by the rain.
finally, you sighed and stepped aside. "come in" you said softly, opening the door wider. "youre going to catch a cold out there."
eunseok hesitated, unsure whether to accept your offer, but then he stepped inside, dripping water onto the floor. he placed the roses and the other gifts on your coffee table. you closed the door behind him, the sound of the rain muffled now, creating an almost intimate silence between you two.
he stood there awkwardly, looking around as if the apartment had changed in his absence. it had, in small ways. a new plant in the corner, different photos of you and sungchan on the wall - subtle signs of your life moving forward without him. 
"here," you said, handing him a towel. "dry off before you make a mess" he took the towel, wiping his face and running it through his hair. "thanks," he mumbled, glancing at you as if searching for a sign of what might come next. 
he noticed that you were watching your favorite movie, "10 things i hate about you .. its still your favorite" he said. you glanced at the screen, where kat and patrick were in the middle of their witty banter. reminding you of your relationship with eunseok. a part of you wanted to smile at his remark, but you held back, unsure if this was a moment to share in nostalgia or to keep your distance. 
"it is" you admitted quietly, crossing your arms as you leaned against the edge of the coffee table. "some things dont change, i guess" 
eunseok looked at the tv, a wistful expression crossing his face. "we used to watch this together all the time" he said, his voice soft as if he were recalling a memory he wasnt sure he had the right to revisit. "i never really liked romcoms, but i made an exception for this one… for you."
you felt a dagger to your chest at his words, memories flooding back of nights spent on this very sofa, laughing and quoting lines, sharing popcorn and stolen kisses during the quiet moments. those were the good times, the times when everything felt easy and right between you.
"i remember" you replied, trying to keep your voice even. "but that was a long time ago, eunseok. things are different now." he nodded as if expecting your response but there was a hint of sadness in his eyes. "yeah, i know" he said, almost to himself. he sat down on the edge of the sofa, careful not to get it wet, his eyes fixed on the tv but not really watching. 
you knew in your heart that you still had strong feelings for eunseok. he was your first boyfriend, your first time, your first everything. despite moving on to someone else you knew that you would always have a soft spot for him. your relationship with sungchan was fairly new - three months. you too had struggled moving on from eunseok, it took a lot for you to open up to someone new and seeing eunseok right in front of you had you forgetting all about sungchan.
the tension between you and eunseok continued to grow, the air thick with unspoken words and unresolved feelings. the rain continued to pour outside, adding to the intimate and intense atmosphere. you watched him sit there, looking different yet so familiar. 
"eunseok" you began but you couldnt seem to find the words.
he looked at you, his eyes searching for yours in that moment. he stood up and his gaze locked onto yours. he moved closer and closed the gap between you two.
his lips made their way to yours. he pulled away to make sure that you were okay and you nodded slightly. 
he continued to kiss you, filled with all the passion, the hurt and the longing that had built up over the time you had been apart. it wasnt gentle but rather desperate, a collision of emotions that neither of you could control.
his tongue flicked against your lips seeking entrance and as you parted them, he deepened the kiss. his hands roamed over your body, pulling you closer as if he couldnt get enough of you. 
without breaking the kiss, eunseok guided you backwards until your legs hit the edge of the sofa. you sank down onto the cushions pulling him with you. his hands roamed your body, reacquainting themselves with every inch of your skin and you couldnt help but respond, your hands exploring him with the same urgency. 
he could feel the heat of your body and the way you trembled slightly under his touch. "eunseok" you whispered against his lips. he pulled back just enough to look into your eyes with intensity. "i need you" his voice murmured rough with emotion.
you kissed him again and he deepened the kiss, his tongue delving into your mouth with a desperation that mirrored your own. 
as the intensity between you two kept growing, eunseoks hands travelled down your body, slipping under your shirt as he unclipped your bra with ease like he always did in the past. you shivered at the familiar sensation of his hands against your skin, memories of your past together flooding back.
you responded, lifting your arms to let him remove your shirt, exposing your bare skin to his gaze.
"youre still beautiful as ever"
he leaned down, his lips trailing hot kisses along your collarbone, worshipping every inch of you. 
his hands made their way to your shorts, gently slipping them off and he shifts your red panties feeling your wetness, eager for him to please you.
"you still wear the red panties that i love" he muttered.
he slipped two fingers into your slit before slowly starting to move them, his thumb finding your clit and circling it with ease. your breath hitched as he worked his fingers inside you, building a rhythm that made your body tremble with anticipation. 
"eunseok" you whispered, barely able to form any words as the pleasure began to overwhelm you. his name on your lips seemed to spur him on as his movements became more and more urgent. he added a third finger, stretching you in a way that felt almost too good. 
"look at you" he muttered, his voice laced with desire. "so responsive, just like before" 
his words sent a shiver down your spine. you were a moaning mess as your body arched into eunseoks touch as he continued to play your body like a well practiced instrument.
you were on edge, so close to release, when he suddenly withdrew his fingers, leaving you gasping at the loss. before you could protest, he was sliding down your body, his lips and tongue leaving a fiery trail of kisses until he settled between your thighs.  
eunseok looked up at you, his eyes dark with lust as he hooked your legs over his shoulders. "i wanna taste you" he said, his voice filled with eagerness.
he leaned in, his tongue flicking out to taste your arousal and you moaned at the sensation. 
his mouth worked wonders on you, his tongue moving in tandem with the fingers he reintroduced, pushing you closer and closer to the edge until you couldnt hold back any longer, crying out his name as your climax washed over you in waves. 
he didnt stop until you were trembling, only then did he crawl back up your body, capturing your lips in a slow and deep kiss, letting you taste yourself on his tongue. 
"i missed you" he whispered against your lips, his voice tender now, filled with emotion that mirrored your own.
as you lay on the sofa, the weight of everything that had just happened pressed down on you. the warmth of eunseoks body beside you was both comforting and unsettling. you couldnt deny that the connection between you was still there, strong and undeniable but at the same time, it felt like a step backward - like you were treading on old ground that had long been left behind.
eunseoks fingers traced lazy patterns on your skin, his breath still slightly uneven. "i missed you" he whispered again, but this time there was a hint of something deeper in his voice - hope, maybe, or something even more desperate.
you closed your eyes, letting the words hang in the air between you. part of you wanted to stay in this moment forever, wrapped up in the familiarity of eunseoks touch and the memories of what you once had.
eunseoks arms were wrapped around you, holding you close as if he feared you might disappear if he let go. 
"y/n" he murmured, his voice thick with emotion. "im sorry for everything - for not being the boyfriend you needed back then… for not showing you how much you meant to me."
you felt your heart ache at his words. you turned slightly in his arms, looking up into his eyes, which were filled with regret and a deep longing.
"im sorry too" you whispered, reaching up to gently touch his face. "i never really stopped loving you, eunseok. even when i tried to move on, a part of me was still holding onto what we had."
his eyes searched yours, as if trying to find the truth in your words. "do you think we can try again? start over?"
you hesitated, the weight of the decision pressing down on you. you thought of sungchan but in your heart, you knew where you truly belonged. sungchan was kind and attentive, everything you thought you wanted, but your connection with eunseok was something different - deeper, more complex, and undeniable.
"i want to" you finally said, your voice steady. "but we cant go back to what we were. we have to be better for each other this time."
eunseoks face lit up with a mixture of hope and relief. he leaned into you, capturing your lips in a slow and tender kiss, one that felt like a promise - a promise to do things right this time, to be the partner you deserved.
when you pulled back, you rested your forehead against his, breathing in the closeness between you. "we'll take it slow" you said softly. "but im willing to try if you are."
"im all in" he whispered, his voice full of determination. "i wont let you down again, y/n. i'll be here for you, always."
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sesttalgi · 10 months
shotaro: gift giving + physical touch.
shotaro loves spending money on all kinds of accessories and he loves spending on his members so naturally he would do the same for you but even better and more special/intimate. when he really likes or even loves you, he wouldnt think twice to spend his money on thoughtful gifts. shotaro is also a very playful person and a cuddly person. he would always cling onto you. he loves to hold your hand any chance that he gets and loves to caress your arm while talking to you. he would be fully engaged in your conversations and make you feel heard. he loves cuddling with you while watching movies. he would always make sure to get you snacks whenever he comes from a long day of practice.
eunseok: acts of service + quality time + teasing/playfulness?
eunseok isnt really expressive but if he really likes you he wouldnt let it go unnoticed. he loves to tease, so he would playfully tease you as a way of affection. he isnt scared of anything so he would always be there to protect you from any of your fears. he would tease you for those fears tho lol. eunseok loves to cook and he loves food so he would go out of his way to cook anything you want. he would always have a meal ready for you and take note of your favorites and your least favorites. eunseok is a simple guy so a home-cooked meal at home in pajamas would be the ideal date for him. he just wants to be comfortable with you and have you to himself. eunseok also expressed himself through the music he listens to. he would make you playlists and allow them to convey his feelings for you.
sungchan: quality time + acts of service/words of affirmation.
sungchan is also very playful and would also find joy out of teasing you. he does get scared sometimes but he would hide his fears in order to make you feel safe. he would always check up on you and make mental notes of what you like and dont like & make sure to keep them in mind. for example if you're scared of thunderstorms, he would probably be scared of them too but he would hide his fears so that he can protect you. sungchan would always shower you with beautiful words like "i feel so happy when im with you" and "you look amazing". sungchan would love going on all kinds of dates with you and having new experiences with you.
wonbin: physical touch + quality time + gift giving.
wonbin loves his accessories and he has some sentimental ones aswell. if he really likes you he would allow you to wear his star necklace. that necklace is significant to him because he got it from his parents. wonbin is also a comfy and snuggly person, he would want to always be at home with you. he would want to have you for himself and always cling onto you. be is very big on physical touch so he would always touch you whether it be your arms or clinging onto your entire body. he would always shower you with kisses and show you affection through physical touch. he is quite the coward but for you he would muster up the courage to let go of his fears so he can be protective of you.
seunghan: words of affirmation + acts of service +physical touch.
seunghan is the ultimate boyfriend. he would shower you with all the pretty words in the world. you would be the only girl in his world. he would make you feel so special by always complimenting you and adoring you so much. he is also big on physical touch. he would cling onto you and never want to let you go. he would shower you with kisses because he just finds you so adorable. he would always make it known that he is in love with you. he would take note of all your likes and dislikes and work around them. he would always tend to you when youre sick and baby you so much. he would be so in love and never let you doubt it.
sohee: acts of service + quality time.
sohee would always lend a hand to do whatever for you. if you have a problem, he would always be there to fix it for you. he would always do whatever it takes to make you happy. sohee is also introverted so he would prefer a cozy environment where he can have a your attention to himself. he would always listen to what you have to say and be fully engaged. he would take note of the little things and surprise you with your favorite things like preparing your favorite meal and your favorite movie. he would gladly cuddle up with you while you watch your favorite movie. he would be engaged in the movie and show genuine interest.
anton: words of affirmation + quality time.
anton would always make you feel heard. with anton you would have a deep connection. he would always be there to listen to what you have to say and you both would confide in one another. he would always make sure to make you feel loved by complimenting you and showering you in affirmations. he is also a cozy person so he would enjoy spending time at home with you. he also doesnt mind a little adventure so he would love trying new things with you.
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