#behr family
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simstorian · 1 year ago
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The residents of the Olde Platz neighborhood in Windenburg and the characters they are based on for my savefile! The Specter family from Sims 2's Strangetown and the regular Partihaus and Behr households.
(I think I'm also gonna make a different Yuki sim that looks more like the Mysim, maybe for Candy to..)
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megalizardon4736 · 5 months ago
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Yuki Behr Makeover 💙
Hair -
Milla Hair AF146 by Saurus
Eyes -
Contacts #119 by sims3melancholic
Eyelash v5 by MMSIMS
Skin Details -
Tinsel Face Overlay by lamatisse
Clavicle Overlay by Sunivaa
Cleavage Overlay N01 Banana by Pralinesims
moomoo blush by squeamishsims
Makeup -
Wedding Nails by Zeussim
Eyeliner 29 by RemusSirion (TSR)
Cyanotype V2 Eyeshadow by RemusSirion
Beachy Eyeshadow by RemusSirion (TSR)
Gaia Shiny Lips by PYXIS
Genesis Lipstick by RemusSirion (TSR)
Clothes -
qt headphones v2 by arethabee
Downtown Necklace by okruee
Stormy Boots by Quirky Introvert CC
Kingdom Choker by Pralinesims
1930s Evening Dress 01 by HappyLifeSims
Stamina Cap by simkoos
Jenny Shorts by Serenity
Low Top Sneakers 08 by Jius-sims
Dreamy Duo Top by CreamLatteDream
Pajama Pants by Caio
Female Crop Top by AdrienPastel
I Put A Spell Undershirt by Blue Craving
Roselyn Skirt by HuiEn
Moonlight Socks by MakeSims
Anklebiter Booties by greenllamas
Miranda Swimsuit by Serenity
Top by Sentate
Emily Shorts Solids by aharris00britney
Wedges Redux by Nolan-Sims
Elaine Turtleneck Graphics by aharris00britney
Elle Jeans Denim by aharris00britney
Tiny Toddly Snow Boots by Renorasims
@notsunivaa @squea @pralinesims @lamatisse @remussirion
@pyxiidis @saurusness @sims3melancholic @zeussim @simkoos
@sentate @renorasims @qicc @okruee @nolan-sims
@makesims @happylifesims @jius-sims @huiernxoxo
@greenllamas @caio-cc @creamlattedream @bluecravingcc
@aharris00britney @its-adrienpastel @arethabee
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toshisims · 1 year ago
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EN The Behr sisters have moved from Windenburg to an old apartment in San Myshuno. It doesn't look much, it's got mold and rat problems, and yet they feel perfectly at home here!
FR Les sœurs Behr ont quitté Windenburg pour s'installer dans un vieux petit appartement de San Myshuno. Il paie pas de mine, a de la moisissure et des petits problèmes de rats, et pourtant, elles s'y sentent parfaitement bien !
Google drive : Download tray EA Gallery : Toshiki84
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maxispremades · 1 year ago
Выпускной начинается!
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Юки и Кенди пришли на мероприятие в числе первых и спокойно заняли удобные места. Как можно заметить, кто-то из гостей уже успел покинуть аудиторию, оставив после себя пару пустых тарелок на полу и стакан, висящий в воздухе.
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Среди гостей школы Коппердейла затесалась шпионка Тхи Лин, приехавшая на спецзадание аж из самого Томаранга. Ее экстравагантное поведение и устрашающий бинокль вкупе заставили Юки нервничать больше, чем когда-либо.
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Юки произносит речь!
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Молодой девушке было очень страшно выступать перед большой аудиторией...
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...но она справилась, и справилась блестяще!
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Прощай, школа!
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Вернувшись домой, Юки не стала откладывать важные дела в долгий ящик и сразу же поступила в институт Фоксберри на специальность «Информатика». Также она приняла решение оставить (во всяком случае, на какое-то время) карьеру стримера и записалась в университетскую команду киберспортсменов.
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bohollama · 2 years ago
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Behr Family makeover :)
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simmerforever93 · 2 years ago
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Redesigned Candy and Yuki Behr. Most CC included. Links provided for cc not included per T.O.U's of creators. Download at
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cowplantcalamity · 9 days ago
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Maegan met Silas on the Cupid's Corner app and they hit it off immediately.
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mannylikessims · 11 months ago
The True Story of the Villareal Family [3.15]
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Luna had just abandoned her brother Hugo in a coffeeshop with a girl that he'd barely ever talked to before.
How could Luna do this to him? Trick him into socializing like this?
Typically, Hugo liked to spend his time alone and saw no reason for that to ch–
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Yuki suddenly glanced up shyly, her eyes as wide as a doe’s, her cheeks turning scarlet when she met his eyes.
“Hi,” she said.
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Hugo started.
Then, just as quickly, she looked back down and began hiccuping violently.
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“Hi,” he replied, barely managing to slip the word in between hiccups.
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She suddenly blurted out, “Sorry about the – hic – hiccuping, I can’t control it – hic – when I get nervous…” Her voice trailed off. “And sorry – hic – about – hic – stalking you at the – hic – Von Haunt Estate.”
“Oh!” Hugo’s eyes suddenly widened. “Were you the knight chasing me around the hedge maze?”
“I’m sorry – hic,” she said. “You looked so – hic – lost, I just wanted to help…”
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So Yuki was the knight in the hedge maze with him, huh.
Hugo felt himself dissociate for a brief moment. He was remembering being trapped in the hedge maze all night, convinced he would starve to death in there.
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“I dragged you out when you fainted,” she explained, and that snapped him back. Ah, that explained how he woke up on a bench outside the estate the next day.
“Well, you saved my life,” said Hugo. “So thank you.”
Yuki gave a small smile at the table and hiccuped.
They fell into silence as neither could think of anything to say. Well, not quite silence. Yuki was still hiccuping uncontrollably.
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“Ok, so…” Hugo racked his brain for conversation starters. He really was not good at this sort of stuff, but he was kinda hoping she would look at him again.
“Do you like cooking?” he asked.
“No,” she said, then hiccuped.
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“Uh…” Hugo hesitated, about to exhaust his list of conversation topics. “Do you wanna trade Voidcritters?”
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Yuki looked straight at him,
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and lit up like a beacon. “Yeah!”
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While Hugo and Yuki found themselves knee-deep in an animated trade negotiation concerning Hugo’s Dicoatl, Luna was sauntering home – and that’s when she spotted a familiar crop of hair on the other side of some bushes.
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What was the boy doing?
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theamberplumbob · 9 months ago
If I had a nickel for every time a very talented simblr creator made an extremely in depth story about a premade family from Windenburg that builds on and expands their lore to the point where they feel like TS2 premades (the highest honor)...
Well... I'd have two nickels, but its weird that it happened twice.
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behrjbehr · 2 years ago
I’ve got Fae sbi thoughts again. And it was from a 2 sentence horror post too.
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megalizardon4736 · 5 months ago
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Candy Behr Makeover 💖
Hair -
Brookelle Hair by Kamiiri
Eyebrows n10 by Rheallsim
Eyes -
contacts #46 by sims3melancholic
Skin Details -
Pufferfish Skinblend by Ruby Bird
Lily Contour by peachyfaerie
Nostrils Nose Mask by obscurus-sims
misc. face details by okruee
Face-kit No.1 by Miiko
Makeup -
Passion Nails by Redhead Sims CC
Fantasy Nails by Redhead Sims CC
Positions Nails 002 by Redhead Sims CC
3D Eyelashes NO.2 by TwistedCat
Eyeliner n8 by poyopoyo
Carli Bybel Eyeshadow by crypticsim
Blush n55 Priscilla by Pralinesims
Powerpuff Eyeshadow by crypticsim
Eyeliner 06 by Kijiko
Wedding Kit Eyeshadow by TwistedCat
Burt's Bees Lipsticks by Nolan-Sims
Annabelle Eyeshadow by peachyfaerie
Lip n142 Claudin by Pralinesims
Clothes -
Sheena Top by Sentate
Leather Skinny Pants by Regina Raven
Nancy Boots by Caio
Macrame Necklace by Simandy
Paris Dress by Sentate
Claudia Tights by Serenity
Nicole Classic Pumps by astya96
Talia T-Shirt by AdrienPastel
Booty Bike Shorts by Caio
Low Top Sneaker 04 Female by Jius-sims
Amber T-Shirt Dress by Sentate
Denim Shorts by Renorasims
Eden Tights by Kamiiri
Maresia Hat v1 by Serenity
Megan Sunglasses by Madlen
Sulani Swimwear by Renorasims
Emily Shorts Denim by aharris00britney
Kuroo Sneakers by Qicc
@missrubybird @twisted-cat @thepeachyfaerie @obscurus-sims
@miikocc @okruee @pralinesims @poyopoyosim @kijiko-sims
@crypticsim @kamiiri @sims3melancholic @rheallsim @nolan-sims
@redheadsims-cc @astya96cc @serenity-cc @sentate @renorasims
@regina-raven @qicc @jius-sims @caio-cc @aharris00britney
@its-adrienpastel @simandy @madlensims
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toshisims · 1 year ago
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EN The Behr sisters are now back in San Myshuno, in a tiny apartment in the spice district! I loved their makeover and find them much more at home here than in Windenburg. By the way, Candy is having a little affair with Salim Benali 👀
The teenage geek Yuki totally idolizes her ultra-hip DJ sister, Candy, but Yuki is just as brilliant in other areas. Sure, she's not a cutting-edge electronic music genius like Candy, but she can pulverize anyone at Blic-bloc. What's more, she's also fast becoming San Myshuno's most notorious secret hacker.
FR Retrouvons les sœurs Behr qui sont maintenant à San Myshuno dans un tout petit appartement du quartier des épices ! J'ai adoré les relooker et je les trouve beaucoup plus intégrées à cette ville qu'à Windenburg. D'ailleurs, Candy y vit une petite histoire avec Salim Benali 👀
L'adolescente et geek Yuki idolâtre totalement sa sœur DJ ultrabranché, Candy, mais Yuki est tout aussi brillante dans d'autres domaines. Bien sûr, elle n'est pas un génie avant-gardiste de la musique électronique comme Candy, mais elle peut pulvériser n'importe qui à Blic-bloc. De plus, elle est aussi en train de devenir rapidement le pirate informatique secret le plus célèbre de San Myshuno.
Google drive : Download tray + cc EA Gallery : Toshiki84 All my sims are in their french version (name and description) and make sure to activate custom contents
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maxispremades · 1 year ago
День рождения Юки!
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Гости торопятся на праздник, превозмогая холод и метель.
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Хьюго Виллареаль пришел самым первым и сразу же набросился на именинный торт. Этому бесстыднику не помешали даже зажженные свечи!
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Став молодой персонажкой, Юки вернулась к своей первоначальной ЖЦ «Компьютерный гений» и обзавелась новой ЧХ «Недотрога». А еще она выросла ответственной девушкой с хорошими манерами.
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Несмотря на замкнутый характер и высокую социальную тревожность, к концу подросткового периода жизни Юки обзавелась достаточно большим количеством верных друзей. На дне рождения был клуб «Аванархисты» в полном составе и трое школьных подруг — Саванна, Олив и Криста.
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Большую часть времени гости тусовались на кухне, даже когда торт уже давно был съеден. Вайбы подростковых посиделок!
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А вечером с работы вернулась Кенди и поздравила сестру с наступившим совершеннолетием.
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lolathelotus · 1 year ago
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The Behr Family Round 6
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Candy teaches Lennox to ride the bike Raj bought him.
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Raj asks Candy if he can move in to help with Lennox now that Candy's career is beginning to take off. She reluctantly agrees. Lennox is super happy to have both of his parents in the same home for the first time in his life.
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Yuki maxes out the Programming Skill.
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Her new skills pay off quickly.
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Start Previous
TL;DR: Raj learns to ride a bike. Candy gets a promotion and Raj moves in to help take care of Lennox. Yuki maxes out the Programming Skill.
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oh-my-peach · 2 years ago
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First and second generation portraits 📸
40 of my 80 playable sims at the moment. This is not all of them, but the main characters with their kids ― the future heroes of my dynasties
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simfuldelights · 3 months ago
Goddamn MCCC moving all my sims out the second I play another household??? Changing all the settings is so TEDIOUS im so annoyed that I OBVIOUSLY MISSED SOME 😭
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