#toshiki makeover
toshisims · 9 months
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EN Let's take a trip to San Sequoia to meet the Michaelson family! I've grown quite attached to this adorable little family, especially since their slightly more colorful makeover 😊
Celeste and Christopher met at a start-up company. When they went for coffee together for the first time, they were amazed at how much they had in common! After their marriage, they adopted Atlas and soon began to spoil him. Now they've also adopted Orion, and the young boy doesn't seem to take kindly to the arrival of his new little sister.
FR Faisons un tour à San Sequoia pour découvrir la famille Michaelson ! Je me suis pas mal attachée à cette petite famille adorable, surtout depuis leur relooking un peu plus coloré 😊
Celeste et Christopher se sont rencontrés dans une start-up. Quand ils sont allés prendre un café ensemble pour la première fois, ils ont été ébahis par tous leurs points communs ! Après leur mariage, ils ont adopté Atlas et ont vite commencé à le gâter. Désormais, ils ont également adopté Orion et le jeune garçon ne semble pas bien accepter l'arrivée de sa nouvelle petite soeur.
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dracoverlord · 5 years
"toshiki-kun, you're so beautiful." aichi always had a hard time taking his eyes off of kai, but now even moreso. he was even more attractive with makeup. he was utterly enthralled. ren had done a good job. "absolutely breathtaking." he pulled him down, kissing him deeply. when he pulled away, he grabbed kai's hand. "let's go home. now." he said, then started dragging him by the hand.
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                                     “ aichi ... ” kai felt his face heat up before aichi could even finish his first sentence. he was stunned speechless listening to aichi talk. he was already embarrassed with ren’s makeover -- these types of things didn’t suit him, after all -- but aichi’s reaction made it worse. better. more embarrassing. but kai couldn’t deny that he was nervous about what aichi would think. 
                                                     when aichi pulled him down, though, kai forgot about all of that. the world disappeared around him, leaving just him and aichi. every moment he spent with aichi seemed to last forever, and he didn’t want those moments to end. “ ah ... home- ” kai mumbled, mind having a hard time catching up to reality after aichi’s kiss. aichi really was his weakness ( and his strength ). feeling his face heat up again, he slowly nodded, though aichi was already dragging him away. “ ... yeah. ”
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Kamen Rider Ex-Aid Cast Reflects on the Series and Upcoming Heisei Generations Final Movie
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Recently, the Tokyo Metropolitan Festival “Midnight Festival Level 99” was held for the Kamen Rider Ex-Aid True Ending movie. Cast members from Kamen Rider Ex-Aid were in attendance, including Hiroki Iijima, Toshiki Seto, Ukyo Matsumoto, Tetsuya Iwanaga, Ruka Matsuda, Hayato Onozuka, and Reina Kurosaki.
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At the event, the audience cheered when it was announced that Sota Fukushi and more would appear as “Legend Riders” in Kamen Rider Heisei Generations Final, which is coming to theaters on December 9, 2017.
Iijima was asked how he felt when he would be acting alongside such legends stated “I was really surprised, but I couldn’t lose to my Seniors. It was really energetic work.”
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Seto stated “Fukushi, who is also a Senior in the office (Ken-On), was a gift but I felt I would get along with him. Matsumoto stated “It was great, but I wanted to work on Ex-Aid, so we worked hard together.”
When asked about memorable episodes, Iijima said “Because there were a lot of scenes in the rain, it became a symbol of Ex-Aid. There were good scenes, but it was hard.” He confessed, “I’m human and the water was cold.” And the audience laughed.
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Seto said “The tensions raised with each episode. Because I got to transform, I thought that each time was precious.” Matsumoto commented, “I’ll always remember when I became the great Cronus.”
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Matsuda commented on her role as Poppy Pipopapo, “There is plenty to Poppy, like going CM narration, singing a song and dancing.” She lowered her head and said “It was a big deal to be able to transform from the opposite side. I thought I would just watch the others fight from the side, but I was delighted to be able to participate in battle. Transforming was impressive, as well.”
Kurosaki, who was another heroine in Kamen Rider Ex-Aid, said “Maybe people thought I’d have a special makeover pose, or different suit as the Ride Player.” I thought, “I’m just happy to be able to transform.”
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Article Sources: ModelPress
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newstfionline · 6 years
Japan’s Akihito Pushed Imperial Boundaries to Reach Out to Asia
Reuters, Aug. 12, 2018
TOKYO--When Japanese Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko stood, heads bowed, at a seaside cliff on Saipan 60 years after a bloody World War Two battle, their silent prayers conveyed a message many felt resonated louder than words.
On that June 2005 visit--one of many war-related trips during Akihito’s three-decade reign--the royal couple paid their respects at memorials not only for Japanese but also American and Korean war dead.
“I think the emperor felt heartfelt pain and mourning for those who died, and that we must not forget the tragedy of the war and should convey that to the generations who have not experienced it,” Shingo Haketa, former grand steward of the Imperial Household Agency, which manages the monarch’s affairs, told Reuters in an exclusive interview.
Haketa and a half-dozen other associates of the emperor recounted to Reuters how after the death of his father on Jan. 7, 1989, Akihito carved out an active role as symbol of peace, democracy and reconciliation.
Although he cannot directly influence government policy, Akihito has created a broader consciousness of Japan’s wartime past, experts say.
That is a sharp departure from the legacy of his father, Hirohito--once revered as a “living god” in whose name Japan fought World War Two. Hirohito’s comments about the conflict were vague after Japan’s defeat, and he remained a divisive figure because of his role.
Akihito, 84, will abdicate next year. On Aug. 15, he will for the last time as reigning emperor take part in an annual memorial ceremony honoring war dead held on the anniversary of Japan’s surrender.
His retirement comes amid tensions with China and the Koreas, and his legacy appears threatened by a Japanese drift to the right mirrored in Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s conservative agenda.
Japanese political leaders have expressed regret, remorse and apology for their country’s wartime actions. But remarks by the emperor have a different weight, experts say.
“Emperors are like popes--their gestures carry a symbolic message,” said Andrew Horvat, a visiting professor at Japan’s Josai International University.
Politicians have sometimes undercut official apologies, but Akihito’s message has remained consistent.
“People see (Akihito and Michiko) as sincerely and respectfully trying to reach out to wartime victims in a deeply symbolic and very reconciliatory way,” said Jennifer Lind, a Dartmouth College professor who has written about apologies.
Friends and scholars credit Akihito’s post-war education with laying the foundations for how he forged his role. Influences included Quaker tutor Elizabeth Vining and former Keio University head Shinzo Koizumi, who saw many of his students die in the conflict.
“Currently, most Japanese people think that the emperor is gentle and kind,” Mototsugu Akashi, a former classmate, told Reuters. “But that is clearly a post-war phenomenon.”
The makeover of the monarchy began after Japan’s surrender in 1945, when Akihito was 11.
In theory, the emperor can say what he likes as long as his remarks don’t violate the post-war constitution, which defines the emperor as “the symbol of the State and the unity of the People”, devoid of governmental power and unable to interfere in politics.
In practice, Akihito’s public remarks are carefully vetted to ensure they don’t violate those rules, with delicate discussions determining how forthright he can be.
Akihito strained against those limits, say those who know him.
“I know that for one or two speeches, he was angry with the Imperial Household Agency and foreign ministry about the words to be used,” said Michael Barrett, who knew Akihito while head of the British Council in Japan during the 1990s.
“It was said that they (the imperial couple) were birds in a gilded cage, but he opened the door of that cage,” he added.
In one early example, Seoul in May 1990 wanted the new emperor to apologize for Japan’s often brutal 1910-1945 colonization of the Korean peninsula.
Ruling party lawmakers objected, and prime minister Toshiki Kaifu offered to apologize instead to South Korean president Roh Tae Woo.
Akihito, however, had his own ideas.
“The current emperor wanted to make clear that it was Japan that caused the suffering of the Korean people,” Makoto Watanabe, a former imperial grand chamberlain, an aide to the emperor, told Reuters in an interview.
Ultimately, Akihito had his way after private negotiations with government officials.
“I think of the sufferings your people underwent during this unfortunate period, which was brought about by my country, and cannot but feel the deepest regret,” he said at a banquet for Roh.
On the 70th anniversary of Japan’s defeat, Akihito expressed “deep remorse” over the war, a nuanced departure from his annual script.
Many liberals and moderate conservatives saw it as a subtle rebuke to Abe, who a day earlier had expressed “utmost grief” for the suffering Japan inflicted but said future generations should not have to keep apologizing.
Months later, Akihito told a news conference to mark his 82nd birthday: “I believe having thorough knowledge about the last war and deepening our thoughts about the war is most important for the future of Japan.”
Akihito’s heir, Oxford-educated Crown Prince Naruhito, 58, holds similar views on teaching about the tragedy of the war.
“It is important to look back in a humble way on the past and pass on correctly the tragic experiences of war ... from the generation that experienced the war to those who have grown up without first-hand knowledge of it,” Naruhito told a news conference ahead of his 55th birthday.
But it is unclear how much impact Naruhito will have, partly because like most Japanese, he did not experience the war.
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recentanimenews · 7 years
The Best Manga You’re Not Reading: Star Wars
I was five years old when Star Wars: A New Hope blasted its way into movie theaters. Like most members of Generation X, the film cast a long shadow over my childhood, dictating my Halloween costumes, afterschool play, Happy Meal purchases, toy collections, and clothing; I had Princess Leia action figures, Star Wars drinking glasses, Star Wars t-shirts, and a Star Wars beach towel. One of the few tie-in products I didn’t own, however, was a comic book adaptation of the movie. I’d purchased The Star Wars Storybook at a Scholastic book fair in 1978, but never knew that Marvel Comics or manga publishers were peddling something similar.
That’s a pity, because Star Wars has a long and fascinating history in print. Marvel’s six-issue adaptation of A New Hope, for example, was cooked up by a Lucasfilm executive in an effort to drum up business for the film — in essence, it was a trailer for comic geeks, arriving on newsstands a month before the movie opened. Though Marvel executives had been reluctant to license Star Wars — according to former editor Jim Shooter the “Prevailing Wisdom” at Marvel was that “science fiction doesn’t sell”  — it proved one of the company’s best business decisions of the 1970s. “The first two issues of our six issue adaptation came out in advance of the movie,” Shooter observed:
Driven by the advance marketing for the movie, sales were very good. Then about the time the third issue shipped, the movie was released. Sales made the jump to hyperspace. Star Wars the movie stayed in theaters forever, it seemed. Not since the Beatles had I seen a cultural phenomenon of such power. The comics sold and sold and sold. We reprinted the adaptation in every possible format. They all sold and sold and sold.
By contemporary standards, Roy Thomas and Howard Chaykin’s version is skillful but a little stodgy, relying on voice-overs to introduce key characters and explain plot points, rather than allowing the art to shoulder the responsibility of telling the story. Nonetheless, as Star Wars fever crossed the Pacific, Weekly Shonen Magazine republished Thomas and Chaykin’s comic, touching off a Star Wars manga blitz in Japan.
Japan caught Star Wars fever again in 1997, when the Special Edition trilogy hit theaters across the globe. Kadokowa’s MediaWorks division churned out a new set of Star Wars manga, hiring Hisao Tamaki (A New Hope), Toshiki Kudo (The Empire Strikes Back), and Shin-Ichi Hiromoto (Return of the Jedi) to handle the adaptations. And while all three are good, faithfully reproducing the main beats from each film, Tamaki’s version of A New Hope is that rarest of tie-in products: it captures the look and feel of the movie without slavishly copying it, offering both a fresh perspective on a canonical text and a point of entry for someone wholly unfamiliar with Star Wars. 
Part of what makes Tamaki’s version so fascinating is how he compensates for the absence of a soundtrack — no mean feat, given how noisy the Star Wars universe is. While Tamaki uses plenty of hand-lettered sound effects, he never uses them as a crutch, instead finding nifty ways to help us imagine the sound of a landspeeder skimming the desert floor or a Stormtrooper firing his blaster. Tamaki’s most effective tactic is careful attention to the velocity and direction of moving objects; through deft placement of speedlines and artful manipulation of the panels’ shape and size, he conveys the same information that a well engineered roar, squeak, thud, or electronic rumble might.
Then there’s the film’s lush, Wagnerian score, the kind of movie music that had been fashionable in the era of Ben Hur and Lawrence of Arabia but was considered unhip in the gritty, naturalistic world of early 70s cinema. The opening fanfare and dense web of leitmotifs are unquestionably part of A New Hope‘s appeal, goosing fight scenes and capturing the melancholy of a young Luke Skywalker as he gazes at a Tatooine sunset. Absent those musical prompts, however, Tamaki is forced to think about how to elicit the same emotions in words and pictures. One of the most dramatically successful attempts to bridge sound and silence occurs in volume one of Tamaki’s adaptation, right after R2D2 and C3PO land on Tatooine:
In the film, John Williams accompanies C3PO’s trek with music cribbed from The Rite of Spring — a decent choice, as Stravinsky’s dour ostinati and octatonic harmonies imbue the harsh landscape with an otherworldly quality. Tamaki, however, distills this two-minute scene to an evocative two-page spread in which a wide-angle view of the Tatooine desert unfolds beneath the individual panels, reminding us just how small and vulnerable both droids are. These images track closely with Lucas’ own vision, but the implied silence of the first and final panels in this sequence more powerfully conveys C3PO’s isolation than any musical gesture could:
The absence of sound has another unexpected benefit: minus the actors’ desperate attempts to make George Lucas’ dialogue sound… well, like conversation, the script has more room to breathe. Tamaki plays the earnest stuff straight and ramps up the comedy whenever someone is surprised or indignant. Luke, in particular, benefits from such an approach, given his age and naivete; in Tamaki’s hands, he’s Monkey D. Luffy with a lightsaber, freaking out over chores, the Millennium Falcon’s shabby appearance, Obi-Wan Kenobi’s death, a kiss from Princess Leia… you get the idea. Tamaki’s elastic deformations of Luke’s face transform him from blandly handsome farm boy to Shonen Jump hero, equal parts brave and ridiculous:
One of the manga’s other great virtues is its ability to expand and contract time in ways that a purely temporal medium like film can’t. The ability to speed up and slow down the unfolding the plot isn’t unique to comics, of course; filmmakers can use slow motion imagery or cross-cutting to manipulate the viewer’s perception of time, but a good manga artist takes advantage of the fact the reader can, in fact, stop time by poring over an image or a scene for minutes, savoring small but telling details that would otherwise get lost in the cinematic flow. Writing for Animerica in 2004, Patrick Macias offered a thoughtful explanation of how this kind of creative expansion of time adds new layers of meaning to Tamaki’s story:
It is in Tamaki’s take on destruction of the planet Alderaan that he really shows off his stuff. A scene that took mere moments to depict on-screen is drawn out to fill half a dozen pages. He inserts images of the Alderaan populace looking up to the heavens, and you can almost hear those “millions of voices suddenly crying out in terror” with more dramatic impact in the manga than in the film.
Of course, none of this would matter if Tamaki lacked the precision to bring Lucas’ vision to life on page. Again and again, Tamaki delivers amazingly detailed drawings of space ships, aliens, and weapons that pulse with the same life as Katsuhiro Otomo’s AKIRA and Shirow Masamune’s Ghost in the Shell; if you’d never seen or heard of Star Wars, you might reasonably infer that Tamaki dreamt up this world on his own. Tamaki proves equally adept at staging deep space dogfights, too, conveying both the dizzying speed with which the ships are moving and the maze-like surface of the Death Star:
For readers coming to the manga from the films, the biggest stumbling block will be the character designs: did Tamaki get them right? The short answer is yes, if you can tolerate a little artistic license with hairdos and body types. Not surprisingly, R2D2 and C3PO look most like their big-screen counterparts — no pesky noses or mouths to draw — but the rest of the cast bear a passing-to-strong resemblance to the actors who portrayed them, though Obi-Wan Kenobi has gotten a beefy makeover as Chuck Norris. Tamaki does an even better job of bringing Darth Vader and his Stormtroopers to life on the page, adding an extra touch of menace in the way he draws their helmets; you can almost see the soldiers grimacing under their plastic armor from the way he draws their browlines.
If I’ve sold you on manga Star Wars, you’ll be happy to know it’s a relatively inexpensive way to relive the original trilogy. The digital versions — currently available through Amazon and ComiXology — retail for $1.99 per volume. There’s also a Phantom Menace manga for the morbidly curious; Kia Asamiya is the author, and he’s been given the truly thankless task of condensing that stinker into two volumes. At least it won’t be as interminable as the movie.
Macias, Patrick. “Star Wars, The Manga.” Animerica, VIZ LLC, 7 Apr. 2004, http://ift.tt/2C9euK1. Accessed 27 Dec. 2017.
Rickard, Ron. “Retro Foreign: Japanese Weekly Shōnen Magazine #18 – 23 (1978).” Star Wars Comic Collector, 20 May 2016, http://ift.tt/2lpIFkQ. Accessed 27 Dec. 2017.
Shooter, Jim. “Roy Thomas Saved Marvel.” Jim Shooter, 5 July 2011, http://ift.tt/2C8vHDo. Accessed on 28 Dec. 2017.
Spellman, Ron. “A Long Time Ago: The Strange History of Marvel’s Original Star Wars Universe.” Comics Alliance, Townsquare Media, 28 Jan. 2016, http://ift.tt/1PI3KCV. Accessed 28 Dec. 2017.
Tamaki, Hisao. Star Wars: A New Hope, adapted from an original script by George Lucas, Marvel Comics, 1998. 4 vols.
By: Katherine Dacey
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toshisims · 10 months
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EN How could we not share with you the one and only Don Lothario after showing you the Caliente sisters? He's accompanied by his mama, the only woman in his life for whom he's faithful haha.
Who wants to marry my son? Adriana Lothario dreams of a worthy offspring and is looking for the perfect wife for her son. Demanding as she is, she has yet to find a suitable suitor… What she doesn't know is that her beloved Don is chasing after conquests with no desire to put a ring on his finger.
FR Comment ne pas vous partager le seul et unique Don Lothario après vous avoir montré les sœurs Caliente ? Il est accompagné de sa mama, la seule femme de sa vie pour qui il est fidèle haha.
Qui veut épouser mon fils ? Adriana Lothario rêve du descendance digne de ce nom et est à la recherche de la femme parfaite pour son fils. Exigeante, aucune prétendante n'a encore trouvé grâce à ses yeux… Ce qu'elle ne sait pas, c'est que son chère Don enchaine les conquêtes sans avoir aucune envie de se mettre la bague au doigt.
Google drive : Download tray + cc EA Gallery : Toshiki84 All my sims are in their french version (name and description) and make sure to activate custom contents
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toshisims · 9 months
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EN The Behr sisters are now back in San Myshuno, in a tiny apartment in the spice district! I loved their makeover and find them much more at home here than in Windenburg. By the way, Candy is having a little affair with Salim Benali 👀
The teenage geek Yuki totally idolizes her ultra-hip DJ sister, Candy, but Yuki is just as brilliant in other areas. Sure, she's not a cutting-edge electronic music genius like Candy, but she can pulverize anyone at Blic-bloc. What's more, she's also fast becoming San Myshuno's most notorious secret hacker.
FR Retrouvons les sœurs Behr qui sont maintenant à San Myshuno dans un tout petit appartement du quartier des épices ! J'ai adoré les relooker et je les trouve beaucoup plus intégrées à cette ville qu'à Windenburg. D'ailleurs, Candy y vit une petite histoire avec Salim Benali 👀
L'adolescente et geek Yuki idolâtre totalement sa sœur DJ ultrabranché, Candy, mais Yuki est tout aussi brillante dans d'autres domaines. Bien sûr, elle n'est pas un génie avant-gardiste de la musique électronique comme Candy, mais elle peut pulvériser n'importe qui à Blic-bloc. De plus, elle est aussi en train de devenir rapidement le pirate informatique secret le plus célèbre de San Myshuno.
Google drive : Download tray + cc EA Gallery : Toshiki84 All my sims are in their french version (name and description) and make sure to activate custom contents
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toshisims · 10 months
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EN We're leaving Willow Creek for a bit to introduce you to other iconic Sims characters, the Caliente sisters! Personally, I removed Katerina from my save (rip) and our two sisters are competing for the favors of the handsome Don 😏 (who you will see soon).
Dina and Nina have always competed with each other since they were very young. Who will be the best, the most beautiful, the best boyfriend… everything was there. Newly arrived in Oasis Springs, both are infatuated with their handsome new neighbor, Don. Which of the two sisters will succeed in capturing the heart of the handsome neighbor? Or is it just a smooth talker playing with them?
FR On quitte un peu Willow Creek pour vous présenter d'autres personnages iconiques des Sims, les sœurs Caliente ! Personnellement, j'ai retiré Katerina de ma save (rip) et nos deux sœurs se disputent les faveurs du beau Don 😏 (que vous verrez bientôt).
Dina et Nina se sont toujours mises en compétition depuis leur plus jeune âge. Qui sera la meilleure, la plus belle, le meilleur petit ami… tout y passait. Fraichement arrivées à Oasis Springs, toutes les deux s'entichent de leur beau nouveau voisin, Don. Laquelle des deux sœurs réussira à s'emparer du cœur du beau brun ? Ou ne serait-ce qu'un beau parleur qui se joue d'elles ?
Google drive : Download tray + cc EA Gallery : Toshiki84 All my sims are in their french version (name and description) and make sure to activate custom contents
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toshisims · 9 months
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EN In the introductions to the Behr sisters, I told you about the little relationship between Salim and Candy. So here's my version of our favorite San Myshuno procrastinator. He lives among books and empty bottles with his dog, Leila. Salim is struggling to write his book and has a bit of a drinking problem. Candy seems to be the only thing that gets him off the couch.
Salim has grown up in the Arts Quarter, surrounded by poets, musicians and artists. He's determined to become a great writer… right after he's finished that book. Oh, and that video game he needs to beat. Come to think of it, he needs a nap too.
FR Dans les présentations des soeurs Behr, je vous ai parlé de la petite relation entre Salim et Candy. Alors voilà ma version de notre procrastinateur préféré de San Myshuno. Il vit au milieu des livres et des bouteilles vides avec sa chienne, Leila. Salim peine à écrire son livre et a des petits problèmes de boissons. Candy semble la seule chose qui arrive à lui faire lever les fesses du canapé.
Salim a grandi dans le quartier des arts, entouré de poètes, de musiciens et d'artistes. Il est bien déterminé à devenir un grand écrivain… quand il aura terminé son livre. Ah, et il aussi une partie de jeu vidéo en cours. Et puis à bien y réfléchir, il doit aussi faire une sieste.
Google drive : Download tray + cc EA Gallery : Toshiki84
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toshisims · 1 year
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EN We're staying in Willow Creek with the iconic sims 2 family, the Broke! In my save, we find the family in mourning for Skip, whose grave is in a small cemetery of the town.
After Skip's death, Brandi finds herself raising her three children alone. Between Dustin's teenage crisis, Beau's overactive imagination and the youngest, Cindy, who can't stand still… In their little caravan, the young mother struggles to keep her family afloat.
FR On reste à Willow Creek avec la famille emblématique des sims 2, les Hasseck ! Dans ma save, on retrouve la famille en plein deuil de Steve dont la tombe se trouve dans un petit cimetière de la ville.
Après la mort de Steve, Brenda se retrouve à élever seule ses trois enfants. Entre Kevin en pleine crise d'adolescence, Brandon et son imagination débordante et la petite dernière Cindy qui ne tient pas en place... Dans leur petite caravane, la jeune maman peine à maintenir sa famille à flot.
Google drive : Download tray + cc EA Gallery : Toshiki84 All my sims are in their french version (name and description) and make sure to activate custom contents
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toshisims · 1 year
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EN To continue in the Willow Creek's townies, I present to you the emblematic Pleasant! Obviously, the Broke and the Dreamer will be there too. We do not forget the boyfriends of Lilith and Angela. Even the pretty housekeeper Laylynn adds her two cents.
On the surface, Daniel and Mary-Sue Pleasant seem to have the perfect life, but is their love a flimsy façade? Will Mary-Sue discover her husband's many affairs, and will their daughters be able to make the right choices in their love lives?
FR Pour continuer dans les foyers de Willow Creek, je vous présente les emblématiques Simpa ! Evidemment, les Hasseck et les Dourève seront de la partie aussi. On n'oublie pas les petits amis de Lilith et Angela. Même la jolie femme de ménage Kérine met son grain de sel.
En apparence, Daniel et Mary-Sue Simpa forment un couple idéal, mais leur amour ne serait-il qu'une simple façade ? Mary-Sue découvrira-t-elle les nombreuses tromperies de son mari et leurs filles réussiront-elles à faire les bons choix dans leurs vies amoureuses ?
Google drive : Download tray + cc EA Gallery : Toshiki84 All my sims are in their french version (name and description) and make sure to activate custom contents
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toshisims · 1 year
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EN Hello ! This is my first post for this blog and I hope you will love my makeovers and builds for this save of mine. I could only start with the iconic Goth family. I really want to providing you with complete families with defined relationships, skills and activities.
The Goth are a family of aristocrats whose fortunes have been handed down from generation to generation. Mortimer is a famous poet whose poems have thrilled and brought tears to the eyes of many. His inspiration, his muse, the woman of his life is none other than the mysterious Bella. A wild flower who, despite disappearing several times, always comes back to her lifelong love and her children. So what is her secret? Why does the pretty brunette go out at night? Will their child prodigies manage to grow up healthy and find their place in society, despite their unusual upbringing?
FR Salut ! C'est mon premier article sur ce blog et j'espère que vous allez aimer mes relookings et constructions qui peuplent ma nouvelle sauvegarde. Je ne pouvais que commencer par l'emblématique famille Gothik. J'ai à cœur de vous fournir des familles complètes avec des relations, des compétences et des activités bien définies.
Les Gothik sont une famille d'aristocrates dont la fortune se succède de génération en génération. Vladimir est un grand poète célèbre dont les textes ont fait vibrer et pleurer plus d'une personne. Son inspiration, sa muse, la femme de sa vie n'est d'autre que la mystérieuse Sonia. Fleur sauvage qui malgré ses diverses disparitions, revient toujours auprès de son amour depuis toujours et ses enfants. Quel est donc son secret ? Quelle est la raison des sorties nocturnes de la jolie brune ? Leurs enfants prodiges réussiront-ils à grandir sainement et trouver leur place dans la société malgré leur éducation peu commune ?
Google drive : Download tray + cc EA Gallery : Toshiki84 All my sims are in their french version (name and description) and make sure to activate custom contents
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toshisims · 10 months
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EN It's been three months, but I've got lots of townies to show you! We continue with Willow Creek (again and again haha) with the Pancakes family 😊 Eliza and Bob are in better therm thanks to their daughter Iggy although their differences still weigh on the couple in everyday life.
Iggy has managed to bring back the flame in the Pancakes couple. Bob dreams of becoming a great chef, while Eliza carefully corrects her students' papers. Their differences are always a challenge in their daily lives. Will they manage to stay happy, or will their relationship fall apart again?
FR Cela fait trois mois mais j'ai beaucoup de townies à vous montrer ! On continue avec Willow Creek (encore et toujours haha) avec la famille Pancakes 😊 Eliza et Bob sont en meilleur therme grâce à leur fille Iggy bien que leurs différences pèsent toujours sur le couple dans le quotidien.
Iggy a réussi à ramener la flamme dans le couple Pancakes. Bob rêve de devenir un grand chef pendant qu'Eliza corrige soigneusement les copies de ses élèves. Leurs différences sont toujours un défis dans leur vie quotidienne. Réussiront-ils à rester heureux ou leur couple battera-t-il de nouveau de l'aile ?
Google drive : Download tray + cc EA Gallery : Toshiki84 All my sims are in their french version (name and description) and make sure to activate custom contents
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