psiidmon · 1 year
Hey yall, had to spend a Lot of dosh at the start of this fortnight - 90 bucks for a replacement battery for my tablet, shouted roommate fuel which ended up being 60 bucks, then got like 4 days worth of groceries which was another hundred (fuck me they're expensive now) which didnt include any frozen meals cuz i didnt want to make roommate stress about potential mess
can i get some help so i can get more groceries for the erest of the fortnight please? especially as im having an awful flareup of pain in my foot
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isaacsapphire · 1 year
Joe is an Armenian-American leftist vet who moved back to Armenia a while back. He's been running a high quality podcast with a Patreon for years. He's got a program to give cash directly to refugee families in Armenia. I know that folks in this corner of Tumblr like charities that just give people cash, so I think it's worth putting before you.
"Introducing the Legion For Armenian Refugees Program...
In late September 2023, Azerbaijan invaded what was left of the Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh/Artsakh after starving the population and holding them hostage since December 2022. Over 100,000 people are now in Armenia after they have been forced to flee upon fear of death or worse. The Armenian state on its own cannot handle the immediate needs of this many refugees.
Our goal is to give a targeted monthly grant to the families most in need. Those with many young children, widows, the disabled, and others in the amount of 100,000AMD (253$) for 6 months per family. We can expand this program as funds allow. They can use this money any way they see fit. Mostly to cover rent in a country where rental costs have gone up over 300% in the last 2 years.
If... you would like to... make a one-time donation, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
In this show we always talk about the people caught within the grinding gears of history, those who have been allowed to fall through the cracks of blind military violence, international apathy, and the brutality of empire.
Together, today, we can choose deeds over words unlike so many other international organizations, governments, and world powers that we have tasked with doing so.
If you would like to make a 1 time donation via PayPal you can do so to the Podcast account at [email protected]"
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dorkass-nerd · 2 months
Begpost for disability aids, not an emergency situation or anything but help would be appreciated
So I posted a begpost on my mastodon already but figured maybe I'd try here too, I don't have much of a following yet but maybe it'll reach the right places.
In a tragic series of unfortunate events, I'm actually allergic to the tape I've been using to hold my fucked up knee together. Not a terrible reaction, just uncomfy and annoying, but an allergy nonetheless.
I've been toying with the idea of getting a body braid, which is essentially KT tape for your joints but its fabric (and therefore reusable) instead. The only problem was the price, at $260USD.
I was gonna wait until I got paid this month and just say fuck it, after i saw a creator I follow get one and do an honest review kinda thing. This creator, knowing their audience, saw the response to that and got in kahoots with body braid to try and get some kinda affiliate discount code so with that it's ONLY $247USD now. /eyeroll
I've been able to foot the bill myself because I was planning for it but its a massive blow for the limited income I get on benefits and it leaves me with not much to get through the rest of the month. I'm lucky that all my bills have gone through for the month but if any folks here would like to help out and help me recuperate some of that cost, I have a kofi and a cashapp if you'd like to help out.
Much appreciated guys, love y'all
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this is a beg post, i am broke and in debt. i can't pay debt and bills faster than they pile up. anything would help. my internet was cut this morning and my powerbill is grossly overdue. i am a disabled trans woman working through trauma that has left me unable to work this past year.
idk what best payment platforms are for this.
pls help me, i have no funds and i must live.
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Hi there, trust you are having great Thursday Morning, and here is wishing a happy new month in advance. I'm a victim of abuse from my grandmother and dad, I don't want to go too much into detail, as it's highly triggering, i worked on getting some evidence to press charge against them(going well so far) but i need to move out of the house of my abusers as soon as possible and seek justice. I need all the help i can get (please see my pinned post for my frequently updated "beg-post"). I beseech(beg of) you to donate towards my moving/getting justice if you can. Also, if you can, please consider boosting my pinned post (a detailed beg-post)(if you have already seen my post somehow before now, there's been a recent development/progress)- that will help reach more potential helpers. please don't ignore me, please!. I'm open to suggestions/corrections, you can send an inbox/ direct message if you have concerns/questions, and i will answer in no time. Thank you for hearing me out.
Unfortunately I can't donate because I am a minor sorry but hopefully I can boost this post with tags so it could reach more people!
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autumnwyvern · 1 year
Y’all know I don’t do like “real” begposts I like to keep it sillay but to be genuine for a moment if someone could spot me like $20 (transportation costs, round trip) that’d be great. Unexpected dentist next day re-visit because uh oh! Mouth stitch is loose
And if you want to do more than that and help contribute to the general costs of my teeth getting better well I won’t say no to that. Regular doodle request rules still apply as well
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reinterlacing · 1 year
I just worked out a deal for a week long "sabbatical" by myself in a really nice campground a ways down the coast. I have needed this so badly for so long. A week isn't really long enough to recharge, but it's enough time to get some serious productivity done with no distractions.
If anybody feels like donating or leaving me a tip, I need $75 to pay for a data plan for my cell modem so I can work from the campground, there's no wifi there so I can't use my wifi rig. I've been assembling #vanlife gear for 2 years, I have a solar panel and a large power bank so power is no problem.
I know it sounds crazy to be going to a campground to do cyberpunk shit but that's my life, I can't work where I currently live, so this is my 1-week shot to build as much as possible on my projects and on the web site business I'm building with my friend.
It's been 10 years since my shit went off the rails, I think this summer is where I get my life back towards something resembling balance ... and autonomy.
Any help would mean a lot to me. You can tip this post or hit my donate link: https://coindrop.to/scatter-gather
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angel-starr · 7 months
We just got a call from our electricity provider that unless we can pay $216, our power is getting shut off. We can technically pay this, but it'll eat up all the money we were saving for our upcoming move. If anyone can send anything to help make the difference, it'll be deeply appreciated!
DM for Venmo or Cashapp
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Does anybody here live in the general Oakland/Berkeley CA area and have an old spare dresser, bed, or window curtain they don't want anymore and would be willing to give to somebody else? My family could use one.
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psiidmon · 1 year
hey ive been skipping meals today and not really leaving my room. could yall chip in so i can get some hot food in?
kinda didnt begpost ahead of groceries this fortnight so im feeling the crunch now
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puppystyle · 7 months
Hi! I'm disabled and trans in a dificult situation and I can't really afford anything right now so if you could help me i would be so grateful
here's my ko-fi where i do drawing commissions
and here's my etsy where i sell fursuits
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dorkass-nerd · 2 months
my body braid arrived today
(just in time to go on holiday woop woop)
the first thing i was shocked about was the customs fee was either waived because it's a disability aid or body braid themselves paid for it, which i think is pretty lit either way
the person that i got the discount code from, The Mother Moon Program (on tiktok), was absolutely right.
it definitely does feel like you're walking on the moon
everything feels so much
and the straps really do the job of holding your shit together
i've only had it on for a little bit, just to try it on, but man
i'm gonna live in this thing i stg
again, if y'all want to help me recuperate some of the costs from that my links are, as always, down below. but cashapp only has another couple of days or smth before the uk cashapp shuts down so the kofi is a safer bet for now.
and i did film a video of it all going down but idk how ready i am to show my face off on my public socials yet so i'll either find a way around that and blur my face but eh, i only filmed the video for my fiancee anyway so maybe it won't see the public eye.
but so far so good, maybe this will help with being on holiday and doing what im assuming will be a lot of walking
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awaywithillusions · 2 years
hi im jobless & waiting for a psych eval for getting on state disability & housing benefits, i got on EBT so im in the clear for food but i still have to pay rent soon plus other expenses, anything helps
vm+ca: @$/morbidsymptom
pp: @/trotskywiseau
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gayserblast · 14 days
Hey I might open emergency sketch commissions soon once I find out if I'm going to Mayo clinic or not, so be prepared to see that kind of post in the next week or so
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otatma · 1 year
gently explaining to a parent that no, i will not be making a living as an artist because the money sucks on median and i haven't had any hustle left for at least eight years
this is what the facts look like.
I got about 300-400 actually useful hours in any given year. out of 8,760 total. just to hit 75k — which is a lowball in this fucking economy, scarcely enough to make rent — I've got to keep someone convinced for years on end that my time is worth something like $250 per hour.
to call my resume 'thin' would be quite a stretch. I haven't worked in any verifiable way in nearly ten years. and when I did, my wage was like $13. and I still only had 300 real hours, so just padding those out to the full 2,080 expected of typical wageslaves was enough effort to compromise the other efforts.
did i ever mention i'm wildly burned out?
what the actual fuck are we even doing talking about employment anymore.
no wonder people hate math, these proportions are fucking terrifying.
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anarchopuppy · 11 months
The Van Fund, or "Help Pops become homeless so they can finally stop begging for rent money every goddamn month"
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Hey y'all! I'm Pops (they/them), a broke-as-hell nonbinary autistic anarchist. People who follow me will know that earlier this year I got a full-time nonprofit job, which I truly believed in and did my best at while I was there. Unfortunately, my best wasn't good enough, and by the end of my term there I was getting lectures from my boss daily (same as all my previous jobs - being autistic enough to suck at work but not autistic enough to get any sympathy or accommodations is hell). Eventually I was so ground down and burnt out that I quit, and I've spent the several months since paralyzed with depression. On top of that, while working there the partner I was living with dumped me forcing me to move into a shitty one-bedroom apartment, and shortly after moving there my motorcycle (my only vehicle) was stolen. Needless to say, being trapped in this tiny space alone with no transportation has not been good for my already historically bad mental health
At this point, the thought of ever working a capitalist job again genuinely makes me suicidal, so I've been looking into other ways of living. After talking to some very helpful folks and looking through various resources online, I've decided to get a used contractor van and live in it for the time being. I intend to dedicate the extra time, energy, money, and freedom that'll give me (plus the van itself, when it can be useful) to mutual aid and the broader anarchist struggle as much as possible
To summarize: capitalism sucks, I'm gonna live in a van and do anarchy instead
Like I mentioned before, I'm completely broke. I know how I'm gonna make money once I have the van, but without transportation I don't have a lot of options. That's why I'm asking you guys for help
After looking around online, I settled on a goal of $3000 to buy a van outright and have it delivered here. If you're in a comfortable enough financial position to help me out, you can contribute to the goal on my ko-fi. I also have a patreon, and you can DM me for my venmo, paypal, or cashapp. Hopefully, unless something unexpected happens down the road, this should be the last big begpost I'll ever have to make
Thank you for reading, and thank you all for your help all these years. Reblogs are appreciated
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