#beginning fitness journey
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pokemon-npcs · 4 months ago
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Sunkern's Fitness Journey (2/?)
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thestobingirlie · 2 years ago
post s4 steddie fic where eddie, finally free of high school, realises he doesn’t know who he is without the rigid cliches he’s defined himself by his whole life. he doesn’t know who he is if he’s not performing and loudly declaring himself to be a freak just to desperately grapple for attention and respect.
eddie who, like steve, realises it’s all bullshit.
eddie, who’s jealous that steve so easily understands who he is and how he fits into his life, regardless of any jokes other people make at his expense. who accepts people wholeheartedly, despite the fact that cliches would have them hate each other.
steve, who helps teach eddie how to be himself, regardless of the ‘munson doctrine’ and what other people would define him as. who teaches eddie that being a ‘freak’ doesn’t actually define him, and he can find and enjoy interests outside of what society dictates he can.
eddie, who gets into sports, and enjoys drama, and music, and tv shows that teenaged him would’ve mocked and bullied him for years ago. eddie who grows and changes as he gets older, and isn’t constantly trapped in his performance of ‘the school drug-dealing freak’.
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*thinking about the villains' tragic fates*
You know, their routes never really talk too much about their fates and how it effects them mentally. Or how the MC feels about it, and dealing with the fear and angst of it with the slight exception of William's route
*eyes widen*
... I think I know what the sequels are gonna be about
#I am scared both because it will be angsty and because they might not do this and mess up the sequels#from what I can tell Ikemen sequels can be pretty hard to do right#partly because the playerbase has over a year to imagine their own post-route and get attached to that#and because added onto an already finished story can be difficult without potentially accidentally undoing the efforts of the characters#I haven't read a lot of ikemen sequels so I could be wrong#but Ikevil doesn’t have this problem so much because it feels like there are some loose threads left with their relationship and character#not enough that it leaves you unsatisfied but enough that you could definitely expand upon it#I guess the tricky thing then would be expanding upon it in a way that people like#but for me I noticed some of the routes don't feel like one full finished story in terms of their relationship#it feels like the beginning of something#specifically I get that feeling for Liam's and Harrison's route#like the story ends with them getting together because we spent the whole story getting to know each other and learning their backstory#but it still feels like there's stuff to untangle and figure out in a relationship with them#I just hope that some of the sequels will be more slow paced#and whatever Crown mission going on is only meant to enhance the character journey like in Elbert's route#instead of being the main source of drama#but it could depend with the character and what type of story a sequel for them would be best for#like William's sequel being more action-packed and stakes while Liam's is more soft#I feel like that would fit them#thank you for coming to my ted talk#...in the tags#ikevil#ikemen villains#ikemen series
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hyohaehyuk · 5 months ago
leticia22ma: ‘working with sam is like slipping on a glove that fits really well….wait, is that dirty? An old sock’
More angle of this moment (x) (x) (x) 
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pencil-ing · 1 year ago
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imagine working out with your sporty f/o. ♡ | the way your f/o pushes themself harder to show off for you. sweat beads on their brow as they go for an extra set. they glance in your direction occasionally, hoping you're watching. your f/o is always there to spot for you, fully focused on their task as you lift. imagine wearing matching outfits to the gym, having matching colored gear (sweatbands, water bottles, pedometers, etc). how they always pack an iced water bottle for you, whether you request it or not. the soothing experience of massaging each others' sore muscles when you get home. ♡ | bonus: if you're just beginning your fitness journey ... the way your f/o gently corrects your stance, their practiced hands guiding you lovingly. your f/o never fails to congratulate you on your progress - they watch you closely, and notice things you might fail to. there isn't a single milestone they miss. prøship/cømship/ant!-ant! dni.
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eyes1nthewoods · 2 months ago
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this man is the greasiest, nastiest motherfucker to walk golarion.
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charbon69 · 9 months ago
💀Apocalypse Fest💀
-Team Save The Day. WE DO NOT GO QUIET INTO THAT GOOD NIGHT. RAGE RAGE AGAINST THE DYING OF THE LIGHT. In other words, Nah I'd win. Even though we lost fest lmao :> saving the day multiple times is at the top of my bucket list idk what yall doin hehe same'ol had a nice color but I don't wanna die stuck here.
-Just got to ruler :<
-Won a 100× before halftime :>
-They have never given us an actual red other than world premiere. ○-○ weak.🩸
-Congrats to frye on her 2nd.. 3rd Win? I PROPHESIED IT LAST FEST, PhSYCHiC🔮
-I think bout this hypothetical to much
-✨️I like 🎆Fizzbangs🎆 can I hold more 🎆Fizzbangs🎆 ✨️please✨️sir✨️
-sumthin missin.
Let's say mm 6.5/10 theme was fun :>
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anyway I've been keeping this on the low on socials but I've lost 25lbs since August 5th, and I'm halfway to my first weightloss goal :)
I gained a lot of weight after moving away to go do my doctorate; it was a double whammy of living on my own and having the "I'm an adult, I'll buy what I want!" attitude, but also winter depression hit me hard in 2022 because where I live now on the coast tends to be pretty grey and rainy, and miserable also.
However, after hitting a point where I went up a couple pant sizes and where even just walking uphill was becoming a challenge, I decided to make a change for me to look at my diet and continuing to go to the gym/playing rugby in the fall.
I follow Calories In, Calories Out (CICO), which is basically just calculating your baseline TDEE, then taking note of what you eat in a day, and finding a comfortable deficit. At first it was hard (The first week I was also PMSing and so I felt very hungry) but nowadays I find it quite easy to hit my mark. I still also enjoy eating the things I like or having 'cheat' days now and again, but just in smaller proportions!
Anyway I'm marking this milestone, and hoping that in another 3-4 months, I return to the weight I was before I moved out. After that, I plan to continue but also really incorporate building muscle and improving strength. :)
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the-npd-culture-is · 1 year ago
Questioning NPD culture is thinking "Man I feel like i'm faking it." and panicking slightly because what if you were faking some shit for attention and you aren't actually as egodivergent as you thought you were.
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pokemon-npcs · 5 months ago
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Sunkern's Fitness Journey (1/?)
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naimavibez · 1 year ago
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Mid March 2024
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itspileofgoodthings · 1 year ago
also I am not an Austen heroine but I might be if Bingley were a woman and also inherently and of necessity smarter and much further along in my character journey (all love to Bingley)
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fictionadventurer · 1 year ago
It is so much fun watching Roseanna M. White be Catholic.
For one thing, she tells you cool history stuff about Christmas music.
#for another thing this is such a satisfying end to a years long saga#of me trying to figure out if she converted or not#it started when i found a blog post of hers explaining why scripture can't be the only source of christianity#and i was like 'honey you just point-for-point presented most of the catholic arguments against sola scriptura'#but other posts made it clear she was still protestant#so i could hope this was the beginning of a journey but didn't really expect anything#then a long time later she posts about how she and her family have found a church that fits their needs better#which is more how you talk about switching protestant churches and not going through rcia#so i dismissed all but the wildest hope#then she mentioned speaking at a catholic writer's conference#which doesn't necessarily prove anything because ecumenism is a thing#even the fact that she had a catholic branch to her small press didn't prove anything#it was run by her catholic friends and i know of protestants who work very closely with catholic initiatives while remaining protestant#so the evidence was piling up but there was nothing absolutely conclusive so it was driving me bonkers#and then FINALLY for advent she started talking about the liturgical year#and said 'now that my immediate family is catholic we celebrate advent'#AT LAST! CONFIRMATION!#(pun not intended but still appreciated)#and now she's had several blog posts making it clear she's very excited about catholic history and spirituality#and i'm so proud of her#i can see why you'd be coy when you have a very protestant audience but i'm glad she finally went public with it#not least because i get to find out cool stuff about christmas carols#catholic things#christmas#roseanna m. white
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crescentmp3 · 2 years ago
love planning out an entire video game that will take me years of learning to get started on making.
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lunar-years · 11 months ago
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spitefulfitness · 11 months ago
Do yourselves a favor.
Get this guy:
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Then fry up some stir fry steak cuts in some olive oil and your choice of spices.
Add that to your salad.
You will then have the most kick-ass salad I've had in ages.
Literally it's so good.
Treat yo self.
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