#been working on this for four days straight hhhhhhhhh
RWBY TorD Arm Wrestling Tournament - First Round
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First Round Matchups: Blake v Coco, Nora v Ciel, Ruby v Ilia, Yang v Penny, Emerald v Neon, Weiss v Pyrrha, Velvet v Cinder
Weiss: Ugh. Arm wrestling? How barbaric.
Yang: Says the girl with toothpick arms.
Weiss: I have very toned and healthy arms!
Ruby: Yeah Yang, shush!
Blake: I’m with Weiss on this one, this seems to really favor those of us who have significantly more upper body strength.
Weiss: And we have to take off our underwear when we lose?! That’s even more unfair!
Yang: Shoulda lifted more.
Weiss: I have no need to “lift.” I am a person of finesse and grace.
Ruby: No offense, Weiss, but I don’t think you’re going to finesse your way out of this.
Weiss: Why?
Ruby: You’re up against Pyrrha first.
Weiss: P-Pyrrha?
Pyrrha, waving: Hello again!
Yang: Yep. She definitely lifts.
Weiss, letting her head fall forward, sighing: I guess my fate is sealed, isn’t it.
Ruby, putting a hand on her shoulder: Weiss....sometimes....you just gotta lift.
Weiss, smacking her hand away: Stop saying lift!
Weiss v Pyrrha
Weiss: How does one....arm wrestle?
Pyrrha, chuckling: It’s rather simple. I would arm wrestle with classmates all the time back in combat school. Well, until the school made me stop after I accidentally broke someone’s wrist. I still feel bad about that....
Weiss: Not helping....
Pyrrha, smiling: Sorry. Really all you do is lock hands, elbow on the table, and try to push your opponent’s arm so far that the back of their hand hits the table. You can’t lean to the side or put any of your body weight into it, just arm strength.
Weiss: Okay.
Pyrrha: Are you ready?
Weiss: Can I just forfeit?
Pyrrha: Forfeit?
Weiss: Yeah. I have no chance at beating your strength, so why even bother?
Pyrrha: Weiss...I’m—
Weiss: No no, I have accepted this, I am fine with taking off my underwear, it’s all fine. This is my life now and there’s nothing I can do about it.
Pyrrha: That’s a tad dramatic...
Weiss: I concede victory to you. *bows*
Pyrrha: Well....hurray?
Yang, whispering to Ruby: Quite a rousing start to the action.
Weiss, sighing: Okay. *reaches beneath her skirt* No one stare! *takes off her light blue panties and hands them to Pyrrha* Your trophy?
Pyrrha, chuckling nervously: Maybe don’t call it that.
Nora: Woo, go Pyrrha!
Pyrrha, smiling: I didn’t do anything.
Weiss, pushing the front of her skirt down a bit: Can I, like, go sit down now?
Pyrrha: Of course. And I’m sorry you felt you had to do that. *steps over to her and kisses her cheek* You are very gracious.
Weiss, blushing: Ohh.... *smiles* Thank you.
Advancing to the Quarterfinals: Pyrrha
Blake v Coco
Blake: Adel.
Coco: Belladonna.
Blake, extending a hand: Shall we?
Coco, locking hands: Oh, we shall.
Nora: Any bets, anyone?
Ruby: My money’s on Blake, they can swing Yang around with their ribbon when they do their Bumblebee team attack! That takes some strength.
Velvet: But Coco carries a massive Gatling gun with her everywhere. That thing is heavy.
Blake: And....GO!
Coco and Blake begin to strain against each other’s arms, but it quickly turns in Blake’s favor, until pinning Coco’s arm.
Nora: Blake wins!
Blake, sighing and putting their hands on their hips: Don’t sleep on these guns. *shrugs*
Coco, shaking her hand out: Not bad....so I guess this means I give you my underwear?
Blake: I’m afraid so. What, are they super-expensive designer panties?
Coco: How’d you know?
Blake: Wait, they are?
Coco: Why are you surprised? *undoes her belt and pushes off her pants* Did you think under this meticulously assembled outfit I would just wear generic underwear? Please. *pushes down her black panties, all while discretely pulling her shirttail in front of herself* Here.
Blake, taking Coco’s panties and studying them: These are designer. Is this....gold stitiching in the waistband??
Coco, sitting down while keeping her shirt pulled forward: Gold and copper, actually.
Blake, sighing: Wow. Okay then.
Velvet, reaching over and poking Coco’s butt: Boop!
Coco, flinching: Hey!
Velvet: Heheh ^~^
Advancing to the quarterfinals: Blake
Nora v Ciel
Ciel: Nope.
Nora: What?
Ciel: I have no chance.
Nora: Oh, c’mon, you have to at least try!
Ciel: I once saw you open an aluminum can with your bare hands because you couldn’t find a can opener. I do not want to be your next can of pears.
Nora: Hey, I would go easy on you.
Ciel: Would you?
Nora: No....
Ciel: Then I concede.
Nora: WOO I WIN! Gimme your underwear.
Ciel, blushing and sighing: Oh right, that. *reaches beneath her skirt and takes off her white panties, handing them to Nora* There.
Nora: Well that was easy.
Advancing to the quarterfinals: Nora
Ruby v Ilia
Yang: I wonder who’s gonna win this one—the girl who carries around a massive metal scythe, or the girl who carries around a glorified taser.
Ilia: I’m about to taser you, Yang. Besides, I think I’ve got a shot!
Weiss: Really?
Ilia: Shut up, toothpick arms.
Weiss: Again, my arms are—!
Ruby: Let’s just have a good, fair arm wrestling match! *offers her hand to Ilia* Ready?
Ilia, taking her hand: Heh, only if you’re ready to lose.
Ruby: Ready, and....GO!
Ilia: Ow!
Ruby: Oh.
Nora: Ruby wins!
Ruby: That was....
Ilia, on the ground, turning blue: I have been humiliated....
Ruby: I, uh....I didn’t mean to....beat you so quickly.
Ilia, sniffling: It’s fine, I deserved it. You were right, Yang, it is a glorified taser.
Yang: Well now I feel bad....
Weiss: Oh, get up you drama queen. You lost fair and square, and besides, your arm strength doesn’t even matter. You’re a perfectly capable fighter without such physical strength.
Ilia: Aww, thanks Weiss, you’re so sweet.
Weiss, stuttering: I, uhh....
Ilia, getting back to her feet: I guess I, uhm.... *pushes down her pants* I guess since you won...?
Ruby, blushing: Okay, awkward....
Ilia: Yeah, speak for yourself.... *sighs, then lowers her underwear and tosses them to Ruby* There! *quickly sits down, draping her pants across her lap to cover herself*
Ruby, catching Ilia’s gray trunks: Uhh....yay?
Advancing to the quarterfinals: Ruby
Yang v Penny
Yang, hands in the air: Okay, first off....robot girl.
Penny: Yes.
Yang: Versus....my robot arm.
Penny: It seems so. Are you concerned about fairness?
Yang: It’s not that, it’s just—
Penny: Because I can adjust my strength settings so I—
Yang: No no no! Gimme all you got!
Penny: You are certain?
Yang: Certain.
Penny: Well, okay then. *offers her hand*
Yang, taking her hand: Let’s do this!
Penny: Commencing in 3....2....1....begin!
They both begin to strain against each other.
Yang: Damn....you’re....sturdy....
Penny: Speak for yourself, Friend Yang.
Yang: You know....both my arm and you...are Atlas manufactured....so isn’t this just an even matchup?
Penny: I feared as such.
Yang, blinking: Wha....
Penny: It appears my wrist joints were not properly fastened.
Yang, with Penny’s detached hand in her own: Uhhh.... *places Penny’s hand on the table* Pinned?
Ruby: Penny, what the heck?!
Penny: I have a maintainance appointment tomorrow, don’t worry!
Yang: I win, right?
Blake: Considering you ripped her hand off, yeah, I’d say so.
Yang: Then don’t I get your....do robots wear underwear?
Penny, chuckling: Oh, silly. Of course I wear underwear.
Yang: Should that be obvious?
Penny: I suppose not.
Nora: Okay, hold up. I have been wondering about this forever. Penny, forgive me for such a weird question, but how....anatomically correct are you?
Penny: Hm? Oh, in terms of genitalia?
Ruby: That word sounds so wrong coming out of your mouth.
Nora: Yeah, like....yeah.
Penny, laughing: Friend Nora, Why would I be designed in such a way? I’m an android, I have no use for such things.
Nora: Okay, good point.
Yang: And yet you wear underwear?
Penny: It makes me feel cute.
Yang: Okay, valid.
Penny, tugging down her light green underwear from beneath her skirt, then handing it to Yang: There. Congratulations.
Yang: Thanks. And here, lemme hand this over.
Penny, taking her hand back: Yes, thank you.
Advancing to the quarterfinals: Yang
Emerald v Neon
Neon: Yeah I’m about to lose.
Emerald: Really? I’m pretty sure you’re going to beat me.
Neon: I’m pretty sure I’m not known for upper body strength.
Emerald: Well neither am I.
Yang: Girls, I think the point of the is to prove who’s more strong.
Neon: Yeah, but....c’mon, look at me. I have trouble opening ketchup bottles.
Emerald: Same!
Yang: Just go for it! One of you has to win!
Emerald, sighing: Alright, I guess. Let’s go for it.
Neon: I’m warning you, if by some miracle I do win, I will be so extra with my celebration.
Emerald: Sure, go off. *they lock hands* Ready?
Neon: Set....
Emerald: Go!
They both begin pushing against each other, grumbling and growling, but their hands won’t budge.
Yang: Woah, you two are pretty evenly matched.
Emerald: This....is so hard.....
Neon: Ehhhhhh...!
Emerald: EHHHHHH!
Neon: Nonononono!
Emerald forces Neon’s hand back far enough for it to touch the table.
Yang: Nice one, Em!
Emerald: I won?!
Emerald: Holy shit I won!
Ruby: Go Emmy!
Neon, cartoonishly crying: And I had so many dreams....dreams of victory, fame, fortune....
Emerald: Shut up and give me your underwear.
Neon: Wow. No one’s said that to me in weeks.
Emerald: Wait....who’s said that to you before?
Neon: Not important. And fine, I guess since you won and all... *sigh* Fine. *pushes down her shorts from beneath her skirt* Bet you think you’re pretty lucky getting your hands on these, huh?
Emerald, blushing: I mean, “lucky” probably isn’t the word for it.
Neon, quickly pulling her pink underwear off before covering herself with her skirt: Here. *tosses the garment to Emerald* Enjoy your prize.
Emerald: I don’t know what that means but okay.
Advancing to the quarterfinals: Emerald
Velvet v Cinder
Velvet: Uhm...you aren’t going to use your robot arm, right? That wouldn’t be fair.
Cinder: I’ll use my real arm, don’t worry. I’m still going to beat you, though.
Velvet: We’ll see. *offers her hand* Let’s go.
Cinder, taking her hand: Yes, let’s.
Velvet: Ready....and....go!
Cinder takes an immediate advantage
Velvet: Oh no....
Cinder, successfully pinning Velvet’s arm: Haha!
Velvet, pouting: *whines*
Cinder: Hey, I won fair and square. No sad bunny eyes.
Velvet: *whines some more*
Cinder, frowning: Goddamnit....
Velvet, giggling: I’m just joking with you. *sighs* And I guess I have to give you something.
Cinder, blushing: Oh yeah, that.
Velvet, taking off her shorts: But seeing as how I’ve already had to do a dare that involved much worse than this, this is nothing. *takes off her brown and black striped panties and hands them to Cinder* Congrats.
Cinder, even more blushing: Yeah, thanks....
And thus ends the First Round! Here’s the updated bracket!
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The Quarterfinals will commence soon with these matchups:
Neo v Blake,
Nora v Ruby,
Yang v Emerald, and
Pyrrha v Cinder!
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