#been waking from overnight but it just fell asleep while open cause *i* fell asleep
softgrungeprophet · 2 years
every reviewer who wrote that the acer aspire 5 is a good budget laptop owes me $700
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20thcentutygeek · 7 months
Meet the team ... Scott Weatherly
When asked about whether I’m a believer in the paranormal or supernatural I explain that I’m an open-minded sceptic.  I am open-minded to the possibility and love reading about encounters, and theories and watching top 5 evidence videos on YouTube. However, I am still sceptical about the truth of it all and take all evidence with a pinch of salt. I really do want to believe, but I need to see and experience more. That isn’t to say I haven’t experienced anything, but even my own experiences I don’t fully understand.
So, let’s not bury the lead and I will explain my own possible encounters.
I attended a secondary school in Coventry called Coundon Court. The school was centred on a large Victorian building, we called the Old House, that was originally built as a house for the Singer family in the 1880s. There had been stories from several teachers and staff who had reported strange events such as hearing music from rooms no one was in, hand prints appearing overnight in fresh paint and even shadowy figures walking from room to room. There was even a legend of a maid who was killed when she was pushed over a bannister from the second floor. When I was 13, I was helping at a parents' event at the school one evening. I was with a friend, Stuart Bentley, and we were in the old house getting something from one of the classrooms (it was the English department). At the end of the corridor outside the classroom was a fire escape door. It was a heavy door, made to only open out, and only accessible outside from a secured fire escape staircase. As Stuart and I stepped into the corridor, the fire door started to shake loudly in its frame. The glass was rattling, and the door banged in the frame. We didn’t know what was causing it, so we ran out of there as fast as we could. Once outside we stopped, and Stuart asked why I had pushed him as we ran out. I explained that I was in front of him the whole time, but Stuart was convinced he felt two hands on his back pushing him as we left that corridor at speed. Did we encounter one of the ghosts that resided in the old house?
My second brush with the weird came while I was in university (2001 – 2003). During my second year, I experienced sleep paralysis for the first time. I was living in a house in the Evington area, my room was on the second floor. One night I woke up and couldn’t move. I could see the wall and feel the duvet, but I was not able to move. As the panic started to set in, I was convinced I could hear someone at the far end of the room. Not knowing what else to do I think I must have fallen to sleep.
After this, there were two experiences in quick succession. First, I fell asleep on my bed one evening and woke to see a figure huddled by the far wall. I convinced myself I was seeing a bundle of clothes or something similar, but then the figure stood up. I rationalised it as being a dream, so I closed my eyes and woke up in my room in the dark. Quickly turning on the light the room was normal, and I was alone.
This was soon followed by the final experience in that house. It started much like the last encounter. I woke up and saw the bundled figure. Knowing what to do I encouraged myself to relax, knowing it was a dream, so I would wake up. I did and all seemed normal, so I went to leave my room, and as I opened the bedroom door the figure, I had seen, charged at me up a short set of stairs just outside the room. The shock shook me awake and I was in my bed. I stayed awake the rest of the night, but I there were no more encounters in that house.
It was the following year in a house two streets over that I had the next round of similar experiences. I had three consecutive nights of sleep paralysis, each night I would be facing the wall and could sense movement in the room behind me. However, I felt I had this sorted. Each time I would relax and slip back into sleep. However, on the fourth night, I woke, lying on my back I was facing into the room that seemed darker than I was used to. Nothing moved, but I was convinced there was a presence. I don’t remember falling asleep again, but I do remember waking up in the morning in daylight.
In 2013 I moved to my current house in the village of Oakthorpe, a former mining village. While here I have walked a lot of the rural public paths across fields and woods. It’s a beautiful location with a lot of history. Over the years I had two odd experiences that occurred within a single week in 2018. One early evening in the summer I was walking my dog, Skye, along a path with thick growth of trees on either side. As the lights started to dim, I could see a man sitting back from the trees about 50 or 60 metres ahead of me. He was sat on the embankment on the right of the path with his back against a tree. I could see the movement of his clothes and his head slightly. He was wearing a long coat and had shoulder-length hair. I was conscious of him being there as Skye was off her lead and has a tendency to jump up when excited.
However, as I got within 10 metres, I noticed that the man was gone, and the shadow of the trees did make a similar shape. It was like the figure had blended in with the shapes being made by the trees and their shadows. Even to this day I am convinced that there was a tangible person there to begin with.
Two evenings later while walking Skye closer to home down a street in the village I again spotted a figure standing at the entrance to an entryway, that leads to a public path that passes through a field. The figure was a similar height to me, wearing a long coat and a flat cap. The figure didn’t move at all. It just stood there, not even looking at me, almost indifferent to mine and Skye’s presence. Skye knew the figure was there and quickly moved on. I was uncomfortable, so did the British thing, gave a brief nod and moved on. Even as I walked past, I looked back and noted that the figure was still in the same position, not having moved at all.
I have walked those paths and streets hundreds of times over the years and at different times of day and never had these experiences again.
Of all these potential encounters mentioned, I couldn’t say any of them are actually supernatural. There are explanations, misconceptions and simple human nature that could explain them. However, these are the experiences that stick with me and have kept me interested in the supernatural and the weird. Doing Weird Country I hope to delve more into these experiences and challenge them and myself.
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earlgreydream · 3 years
| loki x reader | smut | fluff |
anon requested. Loki is punishing his little but maybe he takes it way too far. Like he make her put a vibrator in overnight, she cums too many times and it's painful and she's overstimulated and says her safeword. When he realized how scared and exhausted she is, he feels bad and fluffy aftercare
* my ddlg content does not include age regression
cw: mentions of spanking, forced orgasms, overstimulation, mentions of alcohol, d/s, ddlg (daddy, sub)
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“Daddy, I’m sorry,” you wept, tears blurring your vision and staining your cheeks.
Loki’s expression was full of disappointment. He hated to have to discipline you, but left over anxiety and frustration reminded him why he was doing it. He watched as you winced from your backside brushing the mattress, red welts raised on your skin from where you’d been spanked a few minutes before.
You’d just been set on the bed after being bent over the edge of it, your legs spread to expose every inch of your tender skin to Loki’s painful blows. He didn’t let up until you were shrieking every time his hand cracked down on your ass, trembling as your skin turned a deep crimson. 
Your sobs made his chest ache, but it wasn’t near as bad as the fear that had shot through him when you’d nearly gotten alcohol poisoning. You’d gotten way too drunk at a party, one you weren’t even supposed to be at in the first place. On top of that, you’d put yourself in danger, and Loki had to pick you up, leaving a business meeting too early.
Loki was furious once the fear had ebbed off, and he sat awake all night by your bed, making sure you were okay. The morning after, he’d fed you toast and made you drink nearly a gallon of water and coffee, trying to wash it all out of your system. You were miserable, from being hungover, the threat of punishment hanging over your head, and Loki’s disappointment. 
His anger wasn’t loud, or violent, Loki never even raised his voice at you. It was silent and worried, making him eerily calm. Somehow, that made you feel a million times worse.
“I know you’re sorry, darling,” Loki’s smooth voice comforted you, despite the fact he wasn’t nearly finished with correcting your misbehavior.
“You know I don’t take pleasure from punishing you?” Loki’s gaze locked with yours.
“I know daddy, but I deserve it,” you answered tearfully.
Loki bit the inside of his lip. Your voice was meek, and you looked so frightened, even knowing you had a safeword--Valhalla-- and Loki would never hurt you beyond your consent.
Loki had already made you come multiple times, and you jumped when you heard the sound of a vibrator turn on. 
“I’m sorry, I just want to sleep,” you begged, sobs interrupting your speech.
“You’ll sleep with it in.”
You continued to sob, but you opened your legs obediently. Your ass already burned like fire from Loki’s hand, and you didn’t want to give him a reason to flip you over and lay back into you with his belt. 
You choked, gripping the sheets as he slid it inside of you, prolonging your suffering. He hushed you quietly, telling you that you’d be done when you woke up in the morning. His tone was stern, and you swallowed your cries, wincing as you tried to get comfortable, finally deciding it was impossible with the unyielding buzzing inside of your throbbing core.
Your body tensed as you orgasmed again, unable to stop with the constant stimulation. You ached, and a pained whimper escaping your lips. Your head rested on Loki’s chest, and you winced as his touch ghosted down your spine, any stimulation unwelcome. You snuggled tighter into Loki, not wanting him to think you were afraid of him.
Your body finally gave out from exhaustion, sleep winning over your discomfort. You woke up less than a couple hours later, pain dragging you back to consciousness. You’d been forced to orgasm far too many times to the point it was painful, a sharp ache throbbing through your abdomen. You were terribly exhausted, and the intensity of the punishment frightened you. 
“Daddy, please wake up!” you whined desperately, your hand gripping his as tremors caused you to shake.
Loki woke up, immediately pulled out of sleep at the sound of your fear. 
“What is it, baby?” He sat up, turning on the lamp.
“It’s too much, please, I’ve had enough. Valhalla,” you wept, and Loki’s heart sank to his stomach. He pulled the vibrator out of you, shutting it off and tossing it aside. 
“I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have been so hard on you, I should’ve been more careful. You’re okay, darling. I’m done, it’s over,” Loki felt terrible, pulling you into his arms, being careful of your tender skin. 
Loki held you until you were no longer shaking and your sobs had ceased, leaving you limp against his chest. You leaned into his arms, trying to snuggle deeper into him. You were still out of it, deep in subspace and clinging to the safety it brought you.
“I’m going to clean you up, okay? We’re going to take a bath.” 
“Darling, I need to hear that pretty voice,” Loki encouraged softly, kissing your forehead. 
“Okay, daddy,” you whispered.
“Loki,” he corrected, kissing your temple. 
Your face scrunched up, clinging to your subspace. He sighed softly and lifted you out of bed, carrying you to the bathtub and setting you down. You squirmed away as the hot water lapped your skin, stinging a bit. 
“Y-you said I was done,” you stammered, startled. 
“You are, I’m sorry, I know you’re sensitive. I’ll be quick,” he explained, turning down the water temperature. He pushed down on your shoulder, kissing your temple and letting the water rise. 
He knelt beside of you, washing your hair and body, promising you would get to sleep after your bath. Loki was incredibly gentle, whispering how much he loved you and how proud he was of you. 
He squeezed the excess water out of your hair and pulled the train. He helped you stand, and you held his hands as you stepped onto the soft bath mat. Loki dried you off, his large hands massaging lotion into your skin. 
He helped you dress in silk pajamas that matched your eyes, the fabric soft on your skin. You were coming out of your haze, coaxed back to yourself as Loki went through your aftercare, protecting you when you felt fragile. 
“Are you still upset with me?” you asked, finally breaking your silence.
“No, Y/N, of course not. I stopped being upset with you when you woke up yesterday morning. I was just worried. I love you so much, more than all the stars in the universe. I would be devastated if anything happened to you,” he promised, cradling your face before tenderly kissing your lips. 
“I didn’t realize how much I had. It was an accident, but I know I shouldn’t have gone alone.” 
“It’s alright, you’re safe now. That’s all that matters. And I love you, my beautiful, sleepy girl.”
“I love you too, Loki,” you wrapped your arms around his neck. He hugged you, kissing your head. 
“Can I get you to drink some tea? Your voice is a little gravely,” he asked, and you nodded, holding onto his arm as you walked to the living room. 
The bath and being taken out of bed had woken you up a bit, and tea sounded amazing. Loki handed you the box, and you sifted through the teabags until you found lemon tea. You placed it in Loki’s hand before wrapping your arms around his waist, your head resting against his back.
He mixed honey into the tea and circled around in your arms, hugging you tightly.
“Do you hate me?” Loki murmured against the top of your head.
“No, never.”
“It was not my intention to hurt you,” he confessed when he saw you limp slightly on your way to the couch, wincing as you sat down.
“I know. It’s okay,” you said, settling against his chest while he turned on an old sitcom. You held the warm cup, drinking it as Loki’s hand slipped under your shirt, gently resting on your abdomen. His fingers rubbed your skin, his arm draped around you.
You fell asleep, relaxing against Loki. You slept through the night this time, much more comfortable. Loki fell asleep listening to the sound of your breathing, not letting himself relax until you were deep into your sleep.
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tzuyuscloud · 2 years
It's Kim Lip's Birthday!! So I was thinking if I can request an idol kim lip scenario where her gf is a known singer-songwriter released a song "Lover" (by Taylor Swift) exactly on 12 am of lippie's bday as a gift. Overnight it charted on different music streaming platforms, many fans left a heartwarming comments and praise their relationship as a couple. Later that day, her and kimlip had a date for her birthday. They talked a lot since lip was busy the past few weeks then the reader's gift was brought to the topic.
Sorry this took so so longgg
Y/n counted down the seconds until midnight when her new song that she wrote for her girlfriend, Jungeun, for her birthday. She stayed up for a while to watch the reviews and all the comments filling the chat for the lyric video, but before she knew it she was waking up to over 10 millions views in only a few hours.
"oh my goodness" she gasped. Scrolling through all the positive comments and seeing the attention gain she got on her social media from the one song. Y/n read through the many comments that were about her relationship with Jungeun. Despite y/n being a well-known singer and songwriter, everyone adored her relationship with Jungeun.
After going through everything, responding to comments and emails from interviews, y/n got up from her spot in the bed and gathered her stuff for her shower. She was planning on making dinner for Jungeun tonight since it was her birthday.
Y/n: Happy birthday baby! Dinner at my house tonight. I'll pick you up at 6 ♡
Meanwhile, Jungeun had just been waking up from her deep sleep, being that she was up all night waiting for the release of y/n's new song. She knew the song was about her the minute she looked up the lyrics, replaying it multiple times after until she fell asleep listening to it.
It was two minutes before 6 and Jungeun was running around the house like a chicken with no head looking for her shoes. Right as she found one of her silver heels the doorbell had rang. She whipped her head towards the door, probably giving herself whiplash, before sprinting to the door. Checking her hair in the nearby mirror and making sure she looked nice before opening the door for y/n who stood with a bouquet of assorted chocolates and flowers.
"hey gorgeous! Happy birthday" y/n leaned in placing a kiss on Jungeun's soft lips. "Thank you, love" she blushed. Y/n walked into the house while Jungeun got her shoes on and placed the flowers in a vase with water so that they would survive for a while.
Y/n knew Jungeun was bad with plants, but you still wanted to give her a few. Soon enough, they arrived at y/n's house where y/n had set up a whole meal for Jungeun. Jungeun was in shock as she admired the decorations, food and record player that had y/n newest single playing on a loop. "Aww baby. You already got it on a vinyl?" Jungeun's hands covered her mouth dramatically while tears threatened to spill.
"you are so special to me, love. And I will do anything for you, and I'm also very very happy that you liked the song because you inspired every word. I will write you a million more just to show you how much I love you" Y/n confessed before pulling the blonde into a tight hug where her body started shaking from the tears.
Jungeun sniffed out a small, "I love you so much y/n" causing the other woman to smile widely.
"I love you too, baby"
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parkerslatte · 3 years
Tough Times [two]
Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Warnings: none
Word Count: 2k
Summary: After a tough case, Y/N begins to question whether her friendship with Spencer is something more. Penelope, helps Y/N put things into perspective.
Part One // Part Two // Part Three
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When the BAU got home from their most recent case, Hotch let everyone have the full weekend to recharge and rest. Y/N bid goodbye to everyone and headed into the bullpen and over to her desk. She needed to pick up a couple of things before she headed home. She sat down in her chair and leant back. Y/N wasn’t aware of anyone else in the room until they cleared their throat behind her. 
Y/N spun around in her chair to come face to face with Spencer. He clutched the strap of his bag tightly. She gave him a small smile as a greeting. 
“What are you still doing here?” He questioned, he hesitated before taking a small step towards her. 
“I’ve just got to pick up a couple of things first,” Y/N responded, “I’ll be done in a minute.”
“Okay, well I’ll see you on Monday.” Spencer said before giving Y/N a parting smile and leaving.
Y/N sighed and leaned back in her chair. Normally, Y/N and Spencer would practically spend the entire weekend together. They were best friends at work as well as outside of work. Where one of them would be, the other wouldn’t be too far behind. However, since the both of them woke up in her hotel room, things had felt slightly different between the two.
The alarm on Y/N’s phone went off, causing the quiet hotel room to fill with noise. Y/N let out a groan as she was rudely awoken by it. Slowly, she opened her eyes, letting them adjust to the light. She was laying down facing the door, a completely different position she remembered falling asleep in. In fact she didn’t remember going to sleep at all. Y/N went to move to get out of the bed and it was then she noticed an arms wrapped tightly around her waist. 
Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion before she turned her head slightly to see the sleeping face of Spencer Reid - how her alarm hadn’t woken him up, she didn’t know. Her back was pressed tightly against his chest while his arms were locked securely around her, preventing her from moving too much. Y/N didn’t know why but she had a weird feeling in her stomach...butterflies?
Spencer’s hair was messy from sleeping and he had a peaceful expression on his face. To Y/N, he looked completely and utterly adorable. A soft smile spread across her features. She almost didn’t want to wake him up. One reason being that she was very comfortable wrapped up in his arms and the other reason being that it was most likely going to be incredibly awkward when he woke up.
Y/N gripped onto Spencer’s wrist and tried to gently pry his arm away from her waist. It failed horrendously. Spencer only pulled her into his body more, his head burying itself  in the crook of her neck. Y/N felt herself blush. 
Trying another tactic, Y/N gripped onto his forearm and began to shake him slightly, “Hey, Spencer, wake up.” He lightly stirred but didn’t wake up. Y/N shook him a little more, “Hey, wake up.”
Y/N could feel Spencer sigh into her neck before he began to open his eyes. At first Spencer was confused, but then he realised what he was doing. He quickly woke up and unwrapped his arms from around Y/N and sat up on the bed spouting out apologies. 
“No, it’s okay - totally fine.” Y/N said, sitting up as well, feeling her bones crack. She instantly felt the cool morning air get to her skin. She instantly missed the feeling and warmth of Spencer's arms. Spencer missed the feeling of her wrapped in his arms.
“No, I shouldn’t have-” Spencer began.
“Spence, it’s fine seriously. We both fell asleep. It’s okay.” Y/N said, getting up from the bed, collecting clothes to wear on the plane journey home.
Ever since waking up in that position, things had been slightly awkward between the two best friends and Y/N couldn’t stop thinking about it. Unbeknownst to her, Spencer couldn’t stop thinking about it either. 
The rest of the team could tell something was up as well. They know that on practically every journey home from a acse, Y/N and Spencer would sit on the couch and read, Y/N legs thrown over Spencer’s lap. However, on this journey home, the two were sitting at two opposite ends on the plane. Spencer was sat by Rossi and Y/N was sat by Emily. Everyone could tell that something was up with the both of them but they knew better than to question it.
Y/N grabbed what she needed out of the drawer of her and headed home. 
As soon as she entered the threshold of her apartment, her phone rang. She closed her door and threw her bag down on her couch before flopping down on it and answering it, not bothering to look at the caller ID.
“Hello?” Y/N answered.
“Hey Y/N!” Penelope answered. 
“Oh, hey Pen,” Y/N greeted happily once realising who it was, “What’s up?”
“Do you have any plans this weekend?” She asked, “If not do you wanna go shopping and get a coffee or something. If you don’t want to go that’s completely fine, I know you just got back from a tough case and you want to rest. I can ask someone else if not-”
“Pen, slow down, I’d love to go, what time?” Y/N questioned.
“Uh, noon at the cute little coffee shop we always go to.” She answered.
“I’ll see you there.” Y/N said and bid goodbye to Penelope before hanging up the phone.
The next day, Y/N made her way to the coffee shop she was meeting Penelope at. It was a cold day so she had her coat wrapped tightly around her and a scarf around her neck. What she originally failed to realise was the scarf wasn’t hers - it was Spencer’s. He had left it at her apartment a week prior, she had just forgotten to return it. By the time Y/N noticed that she was wearing Spencer’s scarf, it was too late to turn back and swap it out for one of hers. 
Y/N entered the coffee shop and she instantly clocked Penelope. As usual her friends was wearing bright and colourful clothing so she was easy to pick out in the crowded coffee shop. Y/N headed over to Penelope and greeted her. Penelope quickly jumped up and threw her arms around Y/N.
Penelope had already gotten drinks and due to her knowing Y/N so well, she knew her usual order, “I got your drink already so you don’t have to wait in line.”
Y/N smiled gratefully, “Thanks Pen. The next set of drinks are on me.”
The two fell into easy chatter for the next hour - they never ran out of anything to talk about. That was one of the reasons why Y/N enjoyed talking to Penelope so much, it kept her mind off of the whole Spencer situation. Well, until Penelope brought it up. 
“So what’s going on with you and Boy Wonder?” Penelope asked.
“What?” Y/N asked, “Nothing’s going on, we’re fine.”
“Then why did Derek call me and tell me that on the way home, you two were acting strange?” 
“We were just tired, that’s all.” Y/N lied.
“Y/N, sweetie, I’m not a profiler but I can tell when you’re lying,” Penelope said, her eyebrows furrowing, “Tell me what’s wrong.”
Y/N sighed and took a sip of her drink before answering, “Well, things have just been slightly awkward between us.”
Y/N grabbed her overnight bag and threw it on the bed. Spencer had awkwardly left after their little incident after waking up, saying that he should go and grab his things before they left. Y/N offered to go and help him once she grabbed her things but he refused, saying that he can do it himself. 
Y/N didn’t know why she was feeling the ways she was. Spencer was her best friend - she shouldn’t be feeling these things for him. Y/N made sure everything was in her bag and that she had everything before leaving the room. On her way down to the hotel lobby, she ran into Spencer on the elevator. At the moment, she didn’t want to be alone with him but she knew that it would make things even more awkward if she went to another elevator or took the stairs. Reluctantly, she stepped in after him. 
The two were silent the entire way down. Both of them wanted to say something but they both stayed silent. Y/N rocked backwards and forwards on her feet while Spencer fiddled with the strap of his bag. If this were any other day, the elevator would be filled with chatter but it was now filled with deafening silence. The elevator seemed to be going extra slow, causing Y/n to let out a small groan.
“You okay?” Spencer spoke up.
“Oh yeah, I’m fine,” Y/N said, “Just tired.”
Spencer only nodded before the silence fell upon the two yet again. Finally, after what felt like forever, the doors of the elevator opened. In her head, Y/N let out a sigh of relief. The rest of the team were already in the lobby waiting for the two. 
“There they are, let’s go.” Hotch said, before they left the hotel.
Y/N caught up to Emily and JJ while Spencer stayed near the back with Morgan and Rossi. Everyone gave Y/N and Spencer weird looks, which they ignored. The two of them would always walk at the back of the group chatting up a storm that sometimes someone would have to tell them to lower the volume. The two not interacting was out of character for them.
Even more questioning glances were thrown around once they got onto the plane. Y/N sat next to Emily while Spencer sat next to Rossi. Two completely opposite sides on the plane. At one point, Y/N went to get up and get a drink for herself but when she noticed Spencer doing the same, she sat back down and waited until he had sat back down to get one. Now everyone knew for sure that something was up with the two geniuses.
Y/N finished telling Penelope what happened with her and Spencer in the hotel room and Penelope sat there, mouth wide open. 
“You two are completely oblivious.” Penelope stated.
“What? Oblivious how?” Y/N said.
“You love each other!” Penelope exclaimed, maybe a little too loud since many people looked over to their table. 
“Love each other? Penelope, what are you on?” Y/N questioned, “We’re best friends, that’s all.”
“Yeah, best friends who love each other. And I don’t mean that in a platonic way, I totally mean it in a huge, romantic, lovey dovey way.” Penelope said, exaggerating her statement by moving her hands wildly. 
“Penelope, I don’t love Spencer and he doesn’t love me,” Y/N said, “If we did love each other, why were we so awkward interacting?”
“Because you both finally realised it!” Penelope stated, “It’s so obvious Y/N. The two of you always spend practically every waking moment with each other, I’m surprised you aren’t with him right now. You know how Reid is with germs, have you noticed that when it comes to you, he doesn’t care. You flirt all the time, even if you don’t realise you’re doing it,” Penelope rambled on, “I can give you a list of many more reasons if you want.”
Y/N sighed, swirling the little bit of drink that was left in the bottom of her mug. She didn’t have any words. Y/N hadn’t really been in love before, sure she has had partners in the past but she wouldn’t necessarily say she loved them. Now thinking of Spencer, she can see where Penelope is coming from. 
“You’re realising it now aren’t you?” Penelope questioned.
“I don’t know, I guess I just need to think it through.” Y/N said.
“Y/N, you overthink things too much. Don’t think, just do.” Penelope said.
Y/n didn’t reply.
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trenchcoatimpala · 4 years
Hey guys! It’s been a hot second since I wrote something, so I’m here with a little ficlet. I am still writing something bigger (4k words currently and still going) so that is coming. But in the meantime, enjoy this little one-shot filled with established relationship Destiel and Dean in a hospital. 
wc: 1.2k
Also on archive
Dean found himself drifting off to the sweet litany of beeping monitors. The sound was like a lullaby in his head, the slow beep beep beep beep nothing more than a whisper, telling him to sleep. It rocked him on gentle waves and coaxed him closer to unconsciousness, although, a Dean that wasn’t pumped full of pain medication would understand that the beeping had nothing to do with his drooping eyelids and everything to do with said pain medication. 
Sleep was welcome to his aching body. He knew it was bad, it had to be if he was in the hospital and not some rundown motel, but his mind was foggy enough not to worry about just how bad. 
He came and went from consciousness, only waking when a nurse came to check on him or the drugs wore off and the pain started to creep in. His head hurt like a motherfucker and there was a throbbing ache in his leg and ribs that caused his breath to stutter every time he inhaled. 
“How are we doing?” a nurse asked, she was blond, petite, and was exactly Dean’s type, but unfortunately, being bedridden and out of it meant that he couldn’t exactly turn the charm on easily. Not to mention, he was already taken, he had no reason to flirt.
“‘M’kay,” Dean slurred in response.
The nurse checked his eyes, changed his bandages, and the whole time Dean let his attention fall in and out of focus. The nurse was wearing some kind of flowery perfume that made Dean want to sneeze, but somehow he managed to keep his bodily fluids to himself. 
“Don’t worry, we’ll have you out of here in no time,” the nurse said as she gave him a pat on the cheek, checked over the monitors one more time, and then left the room. 
“Who’s worried,” Dean mumbled to her retreating back as he let himself flop back against the pillows, smiling as the morphine she’d given him reached his system. 
The next time someone came into his room, he was pleased to see that it was Sam, with Cas in tow. 
“Hey Dean,” Sam said as he sat down in the chair by his bed. 
“Heya, Sammy,” Dean replied with a smile.
“How’re you feeling?” Sam asked. 
Dean shifted his gaze to Cas and couldn’t help but let his smile grow. “Peachy.” 
“Do you remember what happened?” Cas asked as he sat down in the chair on the other side of Dean’s bed. 
“‘S a little fuzzy,” Dean admitted, still only having eyes for Cas. 
“That ghoul threw you good,” Sam said. 
“Straight through the window,” Cas chimed in. “You hit your head pretty bad on the concrete.” 
“But not before the ghoul kicked out your leg,” Sam added. 
Dean groaned. “No wonder I feel like I was just run over by a stampede.” 
“We’re working on your discharge papers,” Sam said as he clapped a hand down on Dean’s shoulder, Dean winced at the impact. “Sorry.” 
Dean waved him off with a grunt. “When do you think I’ll be out of here?” 
“They’ll probably want to keep you overnight to monitor you,” Cas replied. 
“Awesome,” Dean mumbled. 
“I’ll go see if I can negotiate a change to that plan,” Sam said as he stood up. 
Once Sam was gone, Dean grinned lazily at Cas. “Hi.” 
“Hello, Dean,” Cas replied warmly. 
Dean reached up a hand and gently ran his fingers over Cas’s face. Stubble scratched at the pads of his fingers but Dean liked the pull of it. He took in the bags under Cas’s eyes and the scab forming on his left cheek, but in searching Cas’s blue gaze he found concern there.
“You look worried.”
Cas huffed a broken laugh. “Of course I’m worried, you’re hurt.” 
“‘S nothin’, ‘ve had worse.” 
“You haven’t had a concussion to this severity before, I know that much,” Cas said as he reached out and took Dean’s hand in his own. 
Dean liked the feeling of Cas’s warm palm fitted into his, and he said as much, leaving Cas to laugh in amusement. Dean felt a dopy grin spread across his face and he let himself get lost in those blue eyes again. 
“I love you,” he blurted out, unable to stop himself. 
Cas squeezed his hand. “I love you too.” 
Dean drew his lips into a pout. “What, no kiss?” 
Cas rolled his eyes. “I’m not kissing you while you’re this drugged up.” 
Dean’s pout grew. “Why not?” 
“Because it would be inappropriate,” Cas replied. Dean crossed his arms like a petulant child, of course that proved difficult due to his broken ribs, but he tried anyway. “Don’t hurt yourself,” Cas warned. 
“It’s not like I’m not aware of my actions,” Dean argued. 
Cas sighed. “Dean, we’re in a hospital, I’d much rather kiss you once we’re back in our bed, preferably after you’ve brushed your teeth and taken a shower.”
Dean uncrossed his arms and nodded slowly. “Okay, that’s fair.” 
Cas did kiss the back of Dean’s hand to make up for it and Dean let his fingers thread with Cas’s. 
“I wish I could heal you,” Cas said softly. “I hate that I can’t.” 
Dean squeezed Cas’s hand and put on his best reassuring smile. “It’s okay. Besides, if you healed me I wouldn’t get you doting on me like this.” 
Cas frowned but there was a small twinkle in his eyes. “Still, I hate seeing you in pain.” 
“‘M not in pain.” 
“You might change that sentiment once the drugs wear off.” 
Dean didn’t have enough energy to respond so he let his eyes close and when Sam returned to the room, he found them like that, Dean dozing off and Cas sitting resolutely by his side. 
“Dean’ll be good to go in a few hours,” Sam announced as he plopped into his previously vacated chair, tearing Dean from his almost-slumber.
“Super,” Dean yawned as he cracked open an eye to look at his brother. 
Dean spent the rest of his hospital stay eating pudding and watching crap TV and when he was finally wheeled out of the building and helped into the backseat of Baby, he let out a sigh of relief. 
“I hate hospitals,” Dean grumbled as he leaned into Cas’s shoulder. 
“I know,” Cas replied as he ran a hand through Dean’s hair. 
The car ride was silent after that, and when they got back to the bunker Dean was practically carried down the stairs and into his room. Cas helped Dean clean up and then he collapsed onto their bed and Cas joined him. 
“You owe me a kiss,” Dean said as he looked over at his husband. 
Cas smiled and scooched closer to Dean, placing a hand on his cheek and drawing him in. Their lips met in a soft kiss, but Dean deepened it the first chance he got and Cas grinned into his mouth. 
When they pulled apart, Dean felt like he was floating. “That was worth the wait,” he said. 
“I’m glad,” Cas replied as their hands tangled together under the sheets. “Now try to get some rest.” 
“Okay, Mom,” Dean grumbled. 
“I certainly hope you don’t see me as an equivalent to your mother,” Cas said, slightly affronted, but teasing. 
Dean shoved gently at him, which caused his ribs to twinge painfully, but he ignored it. “No way in Hell.” 
“Love you,” Dean said over a yawn as he squeezed Cas’s hand. 
“Love you, too.” 
Dean fell asleep with a smile on his face, despite the throbbing pain of his injured limbs. Cas was the only medicine he needed. 
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apocalypseornaw · 4 years
Keep Me From You
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For the square "Temporary amnesia" on @girl-next-door-writes make me feel bingo
Warnings: mention of injury,cursing
Word Count: 10,201
Smidge of angst but lots of fluff
“Dean I’m fine. A few scratches but I’ll be home soon and you’re more than welcome to play nurse” You’d left a few days before to help Claire out on a hunt and had called him to say you were only about an hour out from Lebanon. “So you want me to wear the uniform and all?” he teased and heard you laugh. That was a sound that he’d always loved. “Of course I want the uniform, why would you even ask?” A smile slipped onto his face as hearing just how truly happy you sounded to be coming home to him. He’d never imagined getting this. Someone who really did love him and not only understood the life but lived it as well. “I’ll see you soon sweetheart” “Better be waiting for me at the door….” Your sentence was cut short by the sound of tires squealing then a hard hit. 
Dean knew a wreck when he heard one and his heart fell to his feet “Y/N!” when you didn’t reply he screamed your name again which brought Sam running into the room. “What’s wrong?” Dean was already on his feet grabbing the keys to the impala “Y/N’s been in a wreck. We gotta get to her”
By the time Dean and Sam rolled on scene a passerby had called 911. Multiple cop cars, a couple ambulances and even a fire truck had the night lit brightly. Dean barely stopped the car from rolling before he was jumping out. Your car was on it’s side, the driver door crumpled in. “Y/N!” before he could get close Sam grabbed him along with three of the firemen on scene “Sir! We already got her out! She’s in the ambulance!”
Dean looked to see the ambulance in question pulling away “Is she alive?” The firemen nodded solemnly “She’s in critical condition but she’s alive”  Sam pulled him back towards the impala “C’mon we’ll beat them to the hospital. We know her Dean she’s strong” Sam nodded to the firemen that he had Dean so they headed to finish cleaning up the scene. Dean looked at your car once more before following Sam “If the other driver isn’t in bad shape..I’ll kill em”
Sam took the lead to speak with the doctors because by the time they got to the hospital he didn’t really trust Dean to not throw a punch. “Mr Evanson..your sister in law is in critical condition as you were told at the scene. She was hit by a drunk driver that ran a red light. She’s got multiple contusions, a fractured skull and a dislocated shoulder” the fake names had you as Dean’s wife should something like this happen and Eileen as Sam’s. Helped to have insurance and provided a cover story so all of you could get updates on each other should injuries ever occur severe enough to warrant a hospital trip.
Before Sam could open his mouth to ask any questions further about your condition Dean spoke up “Let me guess the bastard that hit her is just fine right?” Sam couldn’t really blame Dean. You were one of his best friends and knowing you made it out of a hunt just fine to turn around and get hurt this severely by an idiot who drank too much and chose to get behind the wheel was more than upsetting. “Mr Evanson I know you’re upset but I assure you we’re doing everything for your wife we can” Sam could tell Dean was doing what he did best which was to lean into anger more than any other emotion so before he could fire off threats to a doctor or worse Sam grabbed his arm then looked back at the doctor “When can we see her?” “As soon as she’s settled into the room I’ll send a nurse out to get both of you”
The moment the doctor stepped away Dean spun around and hit the wall hard enough his fist left a hole in the plaster. “She was talking to me Sam. What if I distracted her? What if she would’ve seen him sooner if she hadn’t been on the phone?” “Dean, don't do that to yourself. This isn’t your fault” It shocked Sam more than anything to see Dean wasn’t trying to hide the tears in his eyes when he faced him “I can’t lose her Sammy” “You won’t. I’m gonna call Eileen and Jody to let them know. She’ll be ok. Let the doctors do what they can then if need be we’ll find other means to help her. She’s strong, she’s a fighter and honestly I think it would take a lot more than a wreck to keep her from your side” “Let’s hope you’re right”
A little over an hour passed with Sam and Dean pacing across the waiting room. The other inhabitants of it and staff alike were giving both men a wide berth, Dean even moreso. The air around him was thick with the mixture of anger at you being in this shape and fear at the possibility of losing you.
When a nurse finally walked in and asked “Mr Evanson and brother?” Dean snatched his head up “Over here” she smiled warmly at him “Your wife is out of surgery and stable. Would you and your brother like to see her?” “Please” Dean managed trying to remember it wasn’t this woman’s fault you were hurt.
The walk to your room felt longer than anything Dean had even endured. When he walked in to see your still form he could feel his hands ball into fists. You were the single most important person on the face of the earth to him besides Sam. Your head was bandaged, your left shoulder was in a sling and both arms had gauze nearly covering every surface. “When’s she gonna wake up?” Sam asked knowing Dean needed an answer but also knowing his brother wouldn’t be very good at communicating at the moment. 
“That’s a tricky question. It’s really up to her. She’s in stable condition, there’s no bleeding on her brain. Now it’s just up to her body” “Thank you. Can we stay with her a while?” “You both can stay an hour but only one can stay overnight” “Thank you” the nurse walked away and Sam turned back to see Dean was motionless at the foot of your bed.
“Dean?” Sam called jarring him out of his thoughts. “She’s a hunter. I’ve seen her hurt and I’ve known that there was always a possibility of something happening to one of us but she was fine, she was headed home and laughing” Dean had walked up next to your bed and left his fingers barely brush against the leather bracelet tied around your wrist. It was a gris-gris gifted to you by a witch in New Orleans three years before, just a couple months before you and Dean had gotten together actually. 
You’d helped her out and it was supposed to protect you from evil. You hadn’t taken it off since citing that it was a lucky charm too considering you hadn’t gotten seriously injured on a hunt in quite a while. Turned out it only worked on supernatural beings not human actions.  “She’s gonna be ok Dean” Sam repeated as Dean gently took your hand in both of his and sat down in the chair next to the bed before looking up at his little brother “How can you be so sure?” “I’ve seen her fight and I’ve seen how much she loves you. She’s not leaving us like this”
The two of them stayed like that for the next hour barely talking, simply watching you breathe. When the hour passed Sam headed back to the bunker while Dean stayed rooted in the chair holding your hand. “Remember when we first met? God I thought you hated me because of my dad..he had a habit of turning people into enemies. I’ve never seen Bobby laugh as hard as talking about the time you backed dad down on a hunt by calling him a washed out jarhead that didn’t know a vampire from a rugaru. Baby you’ve survived so much..you’re stronger than anyone I know” he didn’t even realize he was crying before the droplet hit your hand.
“Please come back to me. I don’t want to do this without you. I love you” he nearly whispered the last part willing you to hear him and open your eyes. 
For three days Dean sat at your side. Sam would bring food and clothes. Eileen had of course headed back to Lebanon when she heard what happened and Jody along with all the girls had been in near constant contact. You had so many people behind you but the horrifying reality was it didn’t matter how much backup you had this time. This fight was a solo one.
The nurses and doctors assured him that you were healing. Your body was simply mending itself and keeping you asleep to save energy to do so. He didn’t care about anything they said he needed you awake to see for himself that you were ok.
It was during visitor hours so Eileen was sitting across the room flipping through a magazine while Sam had gone after coffee. The hardest thing for any of them was simply being forced to sit around and wait to see if you’d wake up on your own. Of course Rowena was digging around to see about some spells to help speed up healing but those were a bit fragile and out of her usual wheelhouse which was to cause damage to someone instead of healing them.
“Dean they were out of sugar so I had to put artificial sweetener in yours” Sam spoke from the doorway as he walked into the room. Dean shrugged “I don’t care” Sam shared a look with Eileen when he handed her coffee over. She signed “I’m worried about him” so Sam nodded and mouthed “Me too” before walking over to hold Dean’s coffee out to him. 
Dean took it then looked back at the bed “Why isn’t she awake yet Sammy?” “Head injuries take a little more to heal Dean” Sam offered but knew it was of little solace. All of them wanted nothing more than for you to wake up. Sam walked back over to stand next to Eileen but a movement of your hand had all of them on their feet and next to the bed “Y/N?” Dean spoke first and when you opened your eyes they all shared a sigh of relief “Thank god baby” Dean breathed moving to press a kiss to your lips but you snatched your head away “Dean, what the hell?” 
Your head felt like it’d been run over by a truck. You felt like you were drunk and there wasn’t a body part that didn’t hurt.  When you finally forced your eyes open you realized you were in a hospital room. Sam, Dean and Eileen was next to your bed meaning you must have gotten hurt on a hunt but you couldn’t remember how.
“Thank god baby” baby? Did Dean just call you baby? Before you could ask he leaned forward as if to kiss you so you snatched your head away not missing the look on his face as you said “Dean, what the hell?” 
“Y/N? What's the last thing you remember?” Eileen asked stepping closer to the bed while Dean backed away obviously hurt but you weren’t sure why he’d called you baby or tried to kiss you. You were friends yeah but he’d never acted like he had those feelings for you. You realized your head hurt even worse when you tried to think of why he would be hurt but a memory finally came to you of you and Eileen working a shifter case in Austin. “The shifter?” you asked hesitantly and saw her eyes widened.
“Eileen? What’s wrong?” you asked grimacing when you tried to sit up further only to realize your left arm was in a sling. Sam moved to help you and you noticed Dean looking rather lost standing off to the side of the room. She looked over at him sympathetically before finally saying “Y/N that case was over three years ago”
 Three years? You’d lost three years worth of memories. Dean had slipped out the room after alerting the Doctor Rhodes you were awake and once Eileen assured Sam she’d stay at your side he went after his brother. You were only half listening to the doctors as they gave a run down of the wreck you’d been in and the injuries you’d received. “Well if you’re saying my brain is fine why the hell do I have a three year gap in my memory?” you knew you were being a bit blunt but given the circumstances you felt it was warranted.
“Mrs Evanson this is common in an injury like yours” the nurse nearest you spoke so you cut your eyes at Eileen silently questioning the name they’d called you. She smiled and touched Doctor Rhodes on the shoulder. When he turned to look at her she motioned to you “Can I have a few moments alone with her before you take her for tests?” he looked back at you then nodded. After he and the nurses finally exited your room giving a warning that transport would be there in twenty to take you down for a cat scan Eileen came over and sat gently on the side of your bed facing you “Ask” You looked around the room eyes settling on Dean’s jacket that he’d left draped over the back of one of the chairs “What have I missed?” she followed your line of sight over her shoulder then smiled sadly before looking back at you “The shifter case was only a month before you and Dean got together” “We’ve been together three years?” you asked making sure you were facing her fully as you spoke. “Yeah. For the insurance he’s listed as your husband and Sam’s listed as mine since me and him have been together two and a half years” 
You felt tears sting your eyes as the realization of why Dean had looked so hurt when you pulled away from him hit you at once “Why don’t I remember? God he must hate me” She covered your right hand with hers lacing your fingers together and the familiarity of that small action bought a smile to your face as she leaned down to look you in the eye before saying “Believe me when I say there is nothing on earth you could do to make that man hate you sweetie. Now I’ll be here when they get you back from the tests but I’m gonna go find him and Sam in the meantime ok?” you nodded not trusting your voice at the moment so she kissed your forehead then nodded to the nurse that had just just stepped into the door before walking out.
Eileen found Sam and Dean outside in the parking lot. They were leaned against the side of the impala staring at the entrance of the hospital. When they saw her they both pushed off the car Sam getting to her side first while Dean was a little slower to approach “How is she?” Sam asked and Eileen shrugged “She found out she’s missing three years. How would you be?” Then her eyes drifted over to Dean “She’s afraid you’re gonna hate her because she doesn’t remember being with you” “I could never hate her especially for something that’s not her fault” he quickly replied and she nodded “That’s what I told her but I think you need to be in the room too when she gets back from having her scans done” 
You were in short terrified. The scans showed that your skull was healing quite well actually and as far as structural wise your brain was in good shape and according to Doctor Rhodes your memory loss was more than likely temporary. The bad news? In cases like yours those memories could return in a matter of weeks or a matter of years. There was no way to estimate the amount of time it would take from one person to the next.
“When can I go home?” you asked adding in your head the fact that you weren’t exactly sure where home was these days. “In a couple days at this rate and I’d say within two to four weeks you can return to normal life” There was a knock on the door and one of the nurses peeked her head in “Her husband, brother in law and sister in law want to come in” Doctor Rhodes looked back at you so you nodded with a small smile “Do you remind going back over what you’ve told me?”
“Of course” he nodded to the nurse so she stepped back out and a moment later Eileen walked in trailed by Sam then finally Dean “Mr Evanson your wife asked me to go over the findings from her test with the three of you” you barely met Dean’s eyes while he listened to Doctor Rhodes despite the fact that his gaze never left your face. When the doctor mentioned you’d be going home in a couple days if you stayed healing at this rate Dean shared a look with Eileen that you didn’t miss before the three of them thanked the doctor then he excused himself.
“So turns out I was right Dean, you do have the harder head” you tried to tease but heard your voice fall flat at the end. You wanted nothing more to remember the last three years of your life. The three people standing in front of you meant the most to you yet you could only remember so much and apparently now shared your life with one of them but couldn’t so much as remember ever sharing a kiss with him. 
“Y/N..Eileen told me what you said” Dean spoke, stepping closer to the bed. He tapped the bed close to your leg but didn’t touch you “Sweetheart there’s nothing that could make me hate you. I was on the phone with you when the wreck happened. I’ve never been more afraid in my life and just seeing you awake? That’s a win for me” “I want to remember if that helps any Dean.I wish I did because it seems we’re happy” “I’d like to think we are” he replied with a small smile. You moved your leg closer to his hand so he took the hint to gently touch you near your ankle.
“While we’re all here talking..can someone tell me where is home for me?” you asked embarrassed over not being able to remember such a small detail “Um you live at the bunker” Sam answered cutting his eyes at Dean who nodded “You’ve been living there for about two years full time” “Oh then I guess we’re really serious then huh?” your voice was low enough you weren’t exactly sure Dean had heard you until he said “Yeah” meeting your eyes for a second before clearing his throat “Um visitation is over in an hour. I was gonna stay but if that’s weird for you I’m sure Eileen or Sam would” 
“Of course” they both spoke over each other then shared a small smile. Your heart ached seeing the look on Dean’s face at the two of them so in sync while you didn’t remember him. “Maybe Eileen could stay? She can help fill in some blanks since I remember hunting with her last?” you offered and Dean nodded “Of course sweet..Y/N” you noticed how he stopped himself from calling you sweetheart. Christ you’d been friends with Dean for so long. He was the best man you’d ever known but you also knew he had the self worth of a grape and you could only imagine what this was doing to him. “Thank you Dean” you whispered and he smiled slightly “Of course”
Dean didn’t really talk much before him and Sam left for the night but he did ask if you wanted him to bring you a change of clothes since the nurse said you could shower with assistance the next morning. “Please” you told him and with a sharp nod he was out of the room. Sam left a quick kiss on Eileen’s lips then one on your forehead before quickly following after him.
You watched the door where they’d disappeared for several seconds before Eileen touched your arm gently and you jumped which pulled a small smile to her face “Are you ok?” she asked so you nodded then turned your head to look at her fully “I was in love with him wasn’t I?” she slowly nodded. You let out a breath then leaned your head back against the pillows before asking “How did that shifter case turn out anyways?” she laughed then went into the story talking and signing what had happened trying to catch you up to speed without overwhelming you.
Sam found Dean sitting in the library at one of the long tables around three in the morning. There was a bottle of bourbon in front of him and a glass with a piece of ice watering down what of the brown liquid was in it. “Couldn’t sleep?” he asked, pulling the chair out across from Dean after grabbing himself a glass. Dean cut his eyes up at him “Would you be able to if it was Eileen?” “No” Sam wasn’t even going to attempt to lie, Dean knew him too well. “I don’t want to put any stress on her because she doesn’t remember” 
“You’re not. She knows now that you’re not mad that she doesn’t remember. Give Eileen a little time to ease her into the last few years besides Doctor Rhodes said her memory could be fully back within a couple weeks” “Or a couple years” Dean interrupted which earned him a glare from Sam “If you’ve ever had faith in anything..have faith in Y/N” “What if this is nature’s way of a course correction? She deserves better than me and maybe this is the universe trying to say that” 
Sam reached over and pulled the glass out of Dean’s grip then moved the bottle for good measure before saying “The only thing this says is that assholes shouldn’t drink and drive. She’s coming home in a couple days Dean and the familiar setting may help her memory..Rowena is getting there with the spells especially now that she knows to tweak it to memory wise. We’re gonna get her memory back Dean..we will”  “I hope you’re right Sam, I really do”
Today was a big step in the right direction. You were finally checking out the hospital to head home. Eileen had mentioned Cas would be at the bunker when you got there so that meant at least for your physical wounds you could get healed, who knows maybe angel mojo would effect your memory as well? Not likely but it didn’t hurt to hope did it?
When the nurse knocked on the door she smiled to see you were tying your sneakers onto your feet. Eileen had stayed in the room with you while Dean went to pull the impala around to the exit you’d be coming out of. “Must I ride in the wheelchair? I mean I think I’m capable of walking” you asked and she grimaced “Sorry Mrs Evanson it’s hospital policy” Eileen winked at you then teased “Besides you get to ride in style out” riding in style was the collection of get well soon items that had found their way to your room from your friends. The one you liked the best was the little stuffed wolves that Garth and Bess had sent by Donna. The nurses didn’t quite understand the significance of them but you’d seen even a small smile work it’s way onto Dean’s face. Over the next few days though it was only supposed to be the four of you at the bunker well plus Cas. You weren’t being anti-social but you could also only bare so much guilt at a time from not remembering certain things.
Eileen bumped your arm and when you glanced her way she signed “Stop it” “You don’t read minds” you replied and she winked “No but you I can read” you sighed and climbed into the wheelchair while Eileen grabbed the bag carrying your presents. Sam was back at the bunker apparently switching your belongings to a different room. Eileen had let it slip that he offered to do it so Dean wouldn’t have to.
“Take me away” you told the nurse who smiled “I can say you have remained in good spirits the entire time you’ve been here and that bodes quite well for your recovery” you shrugged your good shoulder as she pushed you out the door “I can wallow or deal. I always work better by gritting my teeth and doing what I gotta do regardless”
The sun was bright in the sky when you finally were wheeled out of the exit. When Dean saw the three of you he quickly came around to open the passenger door and moved to help you but stopped just sigh of touching you then looked at your face for the ok. When you reached for his hand his whole body seemed to relax slightly “Mrs Evanson you have a follow up for a scan in three weeks but if any new symptoms occur such as headaches, blurry vision, dizziness feel free to come in before and if any pain outside the expected occurs feel free to come back in” 
“She will” Dean and Eileen answered in unison so you shot the nurse a smile “I have a lot of people looking after me. I’ll be fine”
After you were in the passenger seat the nurse waved then headed back inside. Eileen climbed in the backseat behind you and reached up to pat your shoulder reassuringly while Dean walked around to climb in the driver’s seat. “Ready to go?” he asked and you nodded “Let’s get home”
You vaguely remembered the internal set up of the bunker. You’d been there a time or two and even stayed the night once but as far as knowing it as well as you should considering how long you’d apparently been calling the bat cave home? You were far from it.
Eileen headed down the stairs first followed by Dean then you walking slowly down. Everything in the map room was pretty much how you remembered it including the angel sitting at the table talking to Sam who smiled when he saw the three of you “Y/N” you pulled him into a hug as best as you could “You’re a sight for sore eyes there Cas” he ducked his head and started to explain “I couldn’t exactly come to the hospital to heal you” “I understand Cas. Just saying it’s good to see you” he nodded then looked to your left arm “Can I?” “Please” you replied with an excited smile.
Cas had healed you before but it was always a bit surreal. He laid his hand palm down on your forehead and you felt the warmth spread throughout your body. You closed your eyes and felt your shoulder stitch itself back and the tender spot in your head from the fractured skull fade to a dull ache then disappeared all together.
When you opened your eyes everyone in the room was staring at you expectantly. You tried to force memories of being with Dean into your mind but they refused to come. You shook your head sadly “Healed me physically” “I’m sorry Y/N. Memory is something different than physical injuries” Cas apologized but you shook your head “No Cas. Thank you. Since the physical part is no longer an issue I can start trying to concentrate on my memory”
You didn’t miss the disappointed look in Dean’s eyes and apparently neither did Eileen because she touched your arm “Y/N why don’t I show you your room?” you smiled appreciatively at her “Sounds good. Cas are you staying?” he shook his head “No I’ve got to get back” you hugged him again “In that case be careful out there and thank you again” 
You heard the three guys talking while you let Eileen direct you down the hall and tried to block it out. One worry at a time. She pointed to one door “That’s mine and Sam’s room” then pointed to the next door “This one is empty” the door a little further down the hall she pointed to “Um this is Dean’s room” you swallowed hard at the unadded words which were “Until a few days ago this was your room as well” and followed her down to the room right to Dean’s “This one is yours”
You walked in behind her and looked around the room. You recognized the weapons laid about as your own. That was definitely your jacket tossed across the chair in the corner. A black blanket with red swirls was folded on the foot of the bed. When you touched it she smiled “That’s your blanket you usually want. Dean’s been using it but he got me to wash it and fold it for you” you nodded feeling very much overwhelmed “Um Eileen is it ok if I say I want to be alone?” she nodded “Of course. I’ll be in the library with the boys, your phone is on the charger so if you need me cause you know hollering for me won’t work” you managed a small laugh at that and signed “Thank you” since you know had use of both hands again.
She walked out and shut the door gently behind her. You sat on the edge of the bed and looked around the room. There was a since of familiarity tugging at you being in the bunker but you weren’t sure if it was true or just the fact of your own desire to remember. After a while you started feeling tired so you laid down across the bed pulling your blanket over you. A small nap wouldn’t hurt then maybe you could wander around a bit after everyone else went to bed.
You weren’t sure how long you’d been asleep when you heard a small knock at your door. You sat up smoothing a hand over your head “Yeah?” then kicked yourself when you realized it could be Eileen but the door opened before you could cross over to it and it was Sam standing in your doorway instead “Dean and Eileen ran into town to grab some food and a few other things we needed. I had to convince them both I would check on you” you smiled at that then stepped back so he could come into the room.
He sat down on the chair that your jacket was draped across so you sat down on the foot of the bed right across from him “How is he?” you asked and Sam raised an eyebrow “How are you?”
You sighed “Apparently I am in a stable relationship and can’t remember past being friends. At least Cas could get the wounds on the outside healed?” he nodded then glanced around before rubbing at the back of his neck “He’s ok” “Sam” you warned so he half smiled “He’s blaming himself of course. You were on the phone with him when the wreck happened” “Christ could it get any worse?” you groaned and Sam leaned up to gently touch your leg “Yeah. You could’ve died. We can deal with this. I know we can” you nodded and laid your hand on top of his “Thanks Sam” he smiled “So do you want to check out the rest of the bunker while it’s just the two of us or go back to sleep?”
“Can I sneek a peek in Dean’s room?” he shrugged “Hell why not?” You followed him out into the hall and stopped him right as he put his hand on the door leading into Dean’s room “Are you sure I should?” He nodded “Yeah. It may help” you took a breath and followed him in. The room didn’t look that much different then the one they had moved your things into at first then on second glance the differences popped out to you.
There was your shotgun on the wall underneath Dean’s. A photo of you, him, Eileen and Sam was on the nightstand. A few albums that were clearly your taste in music was next to his radio and there were two sets of headphones instead of one. You walked over slowly and picked up the photo. The boys were sitting on Jody’s couch and from the looks of it had pulled you and Eileen down into their lap probably seconds before the photo was snapped considering you and her were both laughing. “It was the day Alex got into nursing school” Sam explained coming to stand next to you looking over your shoulder at the photo. 
“We all look so happy” you whispered running your fingertips across Dean’s face. “You’ll get your memory back just give it time” he replied and you sighed then sat the photo down “I know. Let’s check out the rest of the bunker so maybe I can have my nerve enough to face Dean by the time they get back”
You had made your way into the library by the time Dean and Eileen came back from town. The few times you could remember coming here you’d been impressed by the extensive collection of lore this place held. You trailed your fingers along the spines of the books reading different titles. “I think you’ve read most of the books in here at least once” you heard from behind you and turned to see Dean leaned against the doorway watching you with a small smile on his face.
You sighed and said “Hopefully I’ll actually remember reading them sooner rather than later...well and other things too” the last part you added in a whisper but you saw the way his expression changed “Y/N I don’t care how long it takes I’m not going anywhere. You may not remember the last few years right now but I do, I know this is worth fighting for” “So you don’t blame yourself then?” you asked crossing your arms over your chest and saw the barest hint of a grin pulling at his lips again “Ok that look is too familiar and I’m guessing by you asking me that you’ve talked to Sam while we were gone?”
You nodded “Dean they said a drunk driver hit me. It wasn’t your fault hell if I hadn’t been on the phone with you it could've been a lot before all of you knew what had happened to me.” He nodded slowly “Not like you have always had a habit of kicking my ass if I’m too hard on myself” that made you laugh lightly “Ok that I do remember and yes someone needs to!” 
He nodded back towards the kitchen “We got some food. Eileen tried to remember what your favorite was but couldn’t quite remember so we got a few different things” You smiled “I’m sure I’ll like whatever I’ve never really been picky” the two of you stood there after that staring at each other for a few heartbeats before you heard Sam call yours and Dean’s names “Guessing that’s our cue to come eat?” “Guessing so” 
You sat next to Eileen at the table turned halfway towards her so if you said anything she wouldn’t have to turn to read your lips. Sam was sitting across from her and Dean was across from you. You always loved california rolls but now you were simply pushing them around in the little tray. “Not hungry?” Sam asked motioning to your plate. You shrugged “Guess not. Want them?” Eileen reached over before Sam could move “I’ll take them” you laughed at the look on Sam’s face “Snooze ya lose Winchester”
You glanced over at Dean’s plate to see the burger in front of him was barely touched as well “Dean you’re not gonna eat?” he shrugged “Not that hungry” you sighed and drank the last little bit of your lemonade then stood up “I think I’m gonna grab a shower and call it an early night” “If you need anything” Eileen started and you nodded then signed “I know”  Dean glanced up so you smiled “Night Dean” “Night Y/N” “Night Sam” you called over your shoulder before you walked out the kitchen and heard him say “Night” as you stepped into the hall.
Everything felt wrong. The bed felt wrong, your clothes felt wrong. There was a gaping hole craving the memories of the last three years and there was nothing you could do. You tossed and turned most of the night until finally calling it.
You dug around and found a thicker pair of socks so you pulled them onto your feet then grabbed the black and red blanket to wrap around your shoulders before stepping out into the hallway. You weren’t sure what part of the bunker you were headed to but you hoped maybe to clear the confusion in your head. The library called to you so you let your feet carry you in that direction.
You walked aimlessly around the rows of books letting your fingers graze some of them. God there was everything from classic literature that book collectors around the world would sell their souls for all the way to books describing just how bad of an idea that would be and why. You ended up not picking a book and instead just pulled out one of the chairs at the table and sat down.
You smiled when you saw Sam and Dean’s initials carved into the tabletop. It matched where they’d carved their names in the impala back when they were kids. You traced Dean’s initials and seriously considered waking him up to talk but decided against it. Just like you needed time to adjust you were quite certain he needed some time too. One moment he’d been with a woman for three years the next that woman didn’t even have a memory of a shared kiss.
You sighed and pushed away from the table. You had seen a laptop in your room hopefully it wasn’t password protected,maybe you could watch a movie or something.
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Within a week and a half of being released from the hospital you were going absolutely stir crazy and what was even worse you knew everyone was sitting out of cases to be there with you.
You walked out of your room after grabbing a shower and headed towards the kitchen. Sam and Eileen were normally up before Dean you’d learned so you were hoping it was just the two of them again. When you walked around the corner you nearly froze in your tracks to see Dean pouring a cup of coffee. He cut his eyes up and almost smiled when he saw you then motioned with the coffee in his hand “Want a cup?” You mentally kicked yourself as a reminder to speak and forced a small smile onto your face “Please” 
He nodded and turned to grab another cup. You stood there not missing the looks Sam and Eileen were sharing while Dean poured the coffee and held the cup out to you. You took it from him letting your fingers barely touch his hand “Thanks Dean” “Sugar’s on the counter and creamer’s in the fridge” he replied with a tight smile then walked over to sit next to Sam.
You couldn’t help but over the conversation between the three of them which consisted of the fact that Donna apparently needed help and that Garth had asked Sam if him and Dean could check in on some strange occurrences. “Why don’t you all go?” you asked turning to face the three of them and repeating yourself in asl for Eileen. “We don’t want to leave you alone” you nodded slowly then said “I have a cell phone. Sam just gave me a new one all set up yesterday. Not to mention I’m in literally one of the safest places on earth. I think I can manage for a day or two. Seriously I feel horrible that I’m keeping all three of you cooped up, go I’ll be fine”
The three of them knew you well enough to know that if you had your mind set on something you were far too stubborn to let it go that easily. Sam and Eileen shared a few hushed words followed by Sam and Dean having a whispering match before Dean finally sighed loudly “Fine! I’ll meet you outside in twenty”
You watched him walk out then glanced at Sam questioningly “What was that about?��� “He still doesn’t feel comfortable leaving you but he agreed to go check out Garth’s lead” Eileen looked up from her phone with a grin “I texted Donna that I’ll come help her and she said to tell you and I quote can’t wait till Y/N is back in action. I miss her face” you laughed lightly and said “Well be careful and tell Donna I miss her face too”
Sam and Eileen left to go grab what they needed so you wandered back towards your room but stopped when you saw Dean’s bedroom door was open. You knocked lightly on it and half a second later he stepped around it and stopped in his tracks when he realized it was in fact you and not Sam or Eileen. “Y/N..something wrong?” you shook your head “No I was just wondering if maybe I could talk to you just for a second?” 
He stepped to the side and waved a hand into the room “Of course” you walked in and sat in one of the chairs at the small table in his room so he sat across from you. You took a deep breath before saying “Dean..if my memory doesn’t come back” “It will” he cut you off and you couldn’t help but smile at just how certain he sounded “Please let me talk” “Sorry go ahead”
You reached across the table and grabbed his hand. He stared down at your intertwined fingers as you started to speak again “If my memory doesn’t come back and you want to move on there’s no hard feelings” his eyes flew up to yours “Sweetheart I knew you’d hit your head hard but damn I didn’t realize it’d done you that bad” “What?” you asked with a shocked laugh. 
He slowly raised your joined hands up to his mouth before just barely letting his lips brush across your knuckles “Y/N listen to me good here darling....I love you more than I ever dreamt possible. A future for me? Naw I never really thought about it before you but since the moment you first told me you love me I feel like maybe one day I can actually be the man worthy of you. I’m never walking away from you. If it takes two months or twenty years, I’ll still be right here” you had tears in your eyes by the time he’d finished talking “Christ no wonder I’m in love with you. Who would’ve thought Dean Winchester is a romantic at heart” he chuckled before saying “Only for you sweetheart..only for you” 
You pulled your hand from his and saw his face fall slightly before you said “Come home in one piece?” “Nothing could keep me from you” he replied and you had a sense of almost dejavu as if that was something that was said a lot between the two of you but you didn’t want to ask and get his hopes up just for dejavu. 
“Dean..you ready to go?” Sam called from the hall but stopped when he saw the two of you sitting across from each other “Or we can wait. A few minutes wont hurt” you held Dean’s eyes as you said “No Sam, you two need to get going. I’m gonna go see Eileen off” you stood to walk out but stopped to pat Sam’s shoulder “I expect you both back here just the way you’re leaving”
“Bye Dean” “Bye Y/N” you smiled at Sam then headed to tell Eileen your usual parting and wish her a safe hunt.
Everyone was due back to the bunker within a few hours so you were currently folding laundry in your room. Things were starting to hold a sense of familiarity to them but you weren’t certain if it was true or if you were simply wanting to remember so badly you were tricking your own brain into saying it remembered when it truly didn’t.
You’d started texting with Jody, Alex and Claire. You felt horrible that you didn’t remember Claire’s girlfriend Kaia or the newest addition to the wayward daughters as you called them Patience but the girls were more than understanding and were wading in little by little to catch you up on any and all memories involving them. 
Your phone chimed from where it sat next to the bed so you walked over to pick it up and saw a text from Sam which read “We’re two hours away and Eileen is an hour out” you smiled knowing everyone was safe and texted back “Make it back in one piece and then I’ll be happy” then sat the phone down and returned to putting your laundry away.
You pulled out one drawer and stopped. Your socks and undergarments were in it but you had a flash of t-shirts being in the top drawer. Must have simply been mistaken. You finished up then headed into the library where you’d been scrolling through news websites to catch up.
You must have been invested in the article you were currently reading because when Eileen tapped on your shoulder you jumped. When you looked up she said “You’re a hunter and I scared you!” “You didn’t make any noise! Besides my guard is down in here” she shook her head but laughed “Nice to see you in a good mood” you motioned around “It’s starting to feel like a sense of being at home here” you knew you could confide in her without it reaching Dean and possibly getting his hopes up for nothing.
Her smile grew as she pulled out the chair next to you and sat down “That’s really good news” you and her sat there talking for the next while and were still talking when you heard the bunker door open so you signed “Our boys are home” she smiled and glanced over her shoulder about the time Sam and Dean walked down the stairs but both of your faces fell when you saw the cuts and scratches littering both of their faces.
She was on her feet to Sam’s side and without hesitation you were at Dean’s side before you could even think about it. “What the hell happened?” you asked gently touching the deepest cut that ran right across Dean’s left cheek “Couple witches hexed a couple vamps. Made them a little harder to kill. No big deal sweetheart” he replied flinching slightly as you turned his head to look at the different cuts and you shook your head then glanced at Eileen “You got your idiot cause I’m gonna go patch this one up and call Cas to see when he came come through the heal them” she nodded so you grabbed Dean’s hand and pulled him behind you out of the library and down the hall to his bedroom.
Dean sat on the side of his bed while you fussed over the cuts on his face and neck. “Did you kill the witches? Because if not I’m gonna find them and shove their damn broomsticks up their asses” you finished cleaning the cuts and stopped when you realized he was staring at you
“What?” he shook his head letting just the barest hint of a smile play on his lips “I love when you’re all fiery” when you dipped your head just enough that hair fell in front of your face he knew that was one of your tells that you’d gotten embarrassed so he reached up to push the hair back gently and felt his heart flip when you actually leaned into his touch “I love everything about you Y/N. I don’t mean to embarrass you or make you feel weird about it since you can’t remember but you patching me up and fussing about me being hurt? It feels normal or normal for us anyways” you covered his hand with your own and smiled “I want us back Dean”
“We’ll get there sweetheart. Rowena said a few more days and a few more continents she should have her hands on everything she needs” you nodded then pulled away from him slowly “I need to put this first aid kit up” he watched you move around and wanted to say something that would make you feel better but really didn’t have an idea as to what to say.
You stopped at the doorway and glanced back at him “Is it weird if I ask you to take me for a ride in the impala?” he shook his head “Not at all. When do you want to go?” your smile pulled one to his own face “Let me grab my jacket” you glanced at his dresser for a second then added “Are your t-shirts in the top drawer?” he looked between you and the dresser then nodded slowly “Yeah..why?” “No reason” you replied then went in search of your jacket and to return the first aid kit to the kitchen.
You weren’t sure where Dean was headed but sitting next to him watching him drive felt so natural. You’d known him for years but it was like your heart was remembering even when your brain was refusing to. “Want to pull over or just keep driving? It’s a quarter moon but it’s pretty bright out if you want to park and talk?” he suggested and you nodded “Please”
You watched as he found a pull off and drove back to an open field. When he killed the engine he cut his eyes at you “You coming?” you smiled and climbed out behind him. He walked to the front of the car then sat on the hood leaned back against the windshield so you sat next to him making sure your boots were hanging off the side to not scratch the paint. Thousands of stars were dotted across the sky and although the moon was only a quarter it was bright. You could hear a few crickets far off and a slight breeze was in the air not enough to make it cold but enough to make your jacket comfortable.
You cut your eyes at him twice before he said “You can lean your head over on me Y/N. I won’t bite” “What if I asked you to?” you joked but had another sense of dejavu hit you. He pulled you over onto his chest leaning further back while you got comfortable “You know you said that to me the first night we slept together” he spoke after a moment.
It was the first time he’d actually talked about your relationship. You knew it was because he didn’t want to push your memory. You had your head laying against his chest and could hear his heart beating steadily under you. “Who kissed who first?” you asked and his answering laugh vibrated through your entire body “Believe it or not you kissed me first” you turned to look at him and he shrugged so you asked “Tell me?” 
He nodded and leaned his head back to stare at the night sky “We were fresh off a possession case. Me and Sam had been working it and you rolled through nearby. Eileen was with the twins working a case so you offered to help us. After it was all said and done Sam headed back to the hotel but me and you decided to grab a beer” you hadn’t realized just how much you were hanging onto his every word until he grinned “You’re staring there Y/N” “Oh hush. You’re telling me about our first kiss I get to stare” 
“Fair enough” he replied with a nod then continued “Anyways. We got to the bar, grabbed our drinks and then headed to a corner table. We were talking about the job, the life we live. You were the most beautiful woman in the place and you were sitting there in jeans and one of my flannels since your shirt had gotten torn during the fight and you had a scratch right across the top of your collarbone that flashed when you moved just the right way. I’d been trying to figure out a way to ask you if you’d ever consider being with another hunter for weeks by that point. You got up to grab us another round and I admit I watched your ass while you walked to the bar but you hadn’t even gotten the beer yet when some drunk asshole decided to grab your ass”
“How did that go over?” you asked pretty much already knowing the answer. Dean tilted his head with a hint of a smirk “I may have broken his jaw in a few different places. Luckily the bartender saw everything so she snuck us over the bar and out the back about the time the police were coming in the front. We hightailed it out of there and headed back to the hotel. I walked you to your door even though you were right next to us. You told me you could’ve handled it and at first I thought you were pissed at me for stepping in but then you added that you thought it was the sexiest thing you’d ever seen. You kissed me then asked if I wanted to grab coffee the next morning before we all headed our different directions”
The happiness in Dean’s eyes as he spoke about the two of you made your heart ache. You loved him, that much you were sure of even if you couldn’t remember the details as to why. “Was it just me for you from there on?” you asked and when he looked at you god your heart skipped more than a few beats at the emotion those green eyes held “No one else would’ve stood a chance” you leaned closer to him and just barely let your lips brush against his in a tentative kiss. When he didn’t push you away you deepened it moving closer to him. He groaned into the kiss when your hands slid across his chest coming up to play with the hair at the nape of his neck.
One of his hands came to grip your thigh closest to him and he gave it a tug pulling you on top of him never breaking the kiss. You straddled his waist breaking from his lips to kiss down his neck. The grip on your hips tightened when you kissed on top of his pulse point “Y/N...sweetheart..baby stop” you froze the moment he said stop and looked at him in confusion “What’s wrong?” he swallowed hard before saying “Don’t get me wrong because fuck I’ve missed kissing you but we can’t do this. Not until you get more of your memory back. The moment you do I promise to keep you in bed for days but for now we can’t”
You nodded and left another quick kiss on his lips before sliding off of him and the hood of the car. He stood up after you and wrapped both arms around you “I love you Y/N” you nodded leaning back against him “I know Dean” the two of you stood there in silence for the longest just enjoying being close to each other until you shivered. “Let’s get back” he said so you nodded with a sigh “Will you watch a movie or something with me when we get back?” he nodded and kissed your cheek “Of course”
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You paced across the floor glancing towards the table in the center of the room every now and then. The redhead working over the large silver bowl stopped in the middle of a movement “Y/N..dear I have grown quite fond of you actually but if you don’t stop that incessant pacing I will lock you out until I need you” 
You held your hands up defensively “Sorry Rowena. I guess I’m just nervous” “Understandably but just take a breath” you nodded and sat down at the table across the room. She smiled then went back to her work. You looked up when the door opened and gave a small smile to Eileen “The boys are on their way back” “It’ll be done before they get here” Rowena said not looking up so you repeated it to Eileen who questioned why your eyes got wider.
Eileen sat down next to you and drew you into a conversation about a few hunt years back and that managed to keep your attention until Rowena cleared her throat. The both of you looked up so she waved you over “It’s time” Eileen walked next to you so you gave her hand a small squeeze before stepping over to the table “Give me your hand” Rowena spoke so you held your hand out palm up. She picked up a silver dagger and slid it across your skin. You watched as your blood dripped onto the mixture in the bowl and it glowed a deep silver.
Rowena spoke the incantation of which you only caught half the words because while some was latin the rest was a language you didn’t recognize. After a moment the silver turned to a shimmering black. Rowena dipped a red wine glass into the bowl and held it out “Drink it all” you looked at the liquid and swallowed hard. You’d drank worse before. You looked at Eileen who nodded so you toasted her and Rowena “Here’s to our health ladies” then tipped the entire glass back in one go. “How do you feel?” Eileen asked and you started to say you felt fine then the world took on a fuzzy haze and you felt yourself falling right before your vision went black.
“Y/N..wake up..sweetheart” you could hear Dean’s voice and forced your eyes open. “She’s awake” he breathed in relief. You were laying on a makeshift pallet in the armory. “Told you I know what I’m doing” Rowena chastised then crouched down into your view. “Y/N..how do you feel dear?” you looked at Dean before answering Rowena “I feel amazing. I remember everything” you could hear Eileen and Sam both thanking Rowena but your eyes were glued to Dean who whispered “I love you Y/N” you pulled him down into a kiss before whispering “I love you too Dean. Nothing could keep me from you either”
Tagging @girl-next-door-writes for the bingo challenge and @akshi8278 cause it's Dean
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andraaste · 3 years
I am not your enemy - Lance fanfiction part 14
And finally, it’s doooone ! Forgive me for the wait 💕
Chapter 14 : I just stopped hoping for your awakening
- Andraste, is everything okay ? Nevra asked, somewhat surprised at my sudden reaction.
I was about to tell him that it was none of his business when the pain, much more throbbing, resumed again, literally cutting my breath. Without warning, panic started to take me over and it was with confusion that I stood up and dodged his piercing gaze as he remained leaning over me, being too ashamed to tell him everything that was wrong with me.
The vampire still maintained the idea of ​​helping me to stand up completely and, when his hand finally let go of my shoulder, I immediately stepped back in order to establish sufficient distance between us, which didn’t escape him.
- Yes, it's nothing, I finally replied, feigned levity.
Falling back into the void, his hand remained inert along his side as his mouth opened and closed again without any sound coming out.
A wind much colder than before I fell asleep began to blow between us, causing my hair to fly and goosebumps on my bare arms. In order to warm myself up, I put my hands on them as the chills that ran through my skin burned my back unpleasantly.
I think my head was starting to spin.
- Are you sure everything is fine ? Didn't you hurt yourself somewhere or anything ?
- No, don't worry, I replied quickly. I hadn't planned to doze off here, the ground was too hard and I must have hurt a bit, but nothing serious.
I especially didn't want Nevra to know what was happening to me, I didn't think I would be able to bear this shame again in the eyes of another person.
Much to my dismay, the vampire didn't seem convinced. He took a step in my direction, reducing the distance I had deliberately created. An eyebrow raised, his gaze fell on mine.
- Do you know that I still know you by heart ? I can see you're in pain, there's no point in trying to hide it from me.
I breathed out as much air as possible against my poor acting skills. He would never let go, I was sure.
We had left each other angry earlier, though, so why didn't he take his eyes off me right now ? I felt confused, I didn't know how to react.
What's more, I had to admit that I was seriously starting to wonder if constantly blowing hot and cold wasn’t an Eldaryan custom.
Or maybe I was drawn to complicated relationships, who knows.
- Really, it's my luck, I said ironically. So you decided that I existed in your eyes, today ?
His features imperceptibly hardened as his gaze darkened so quickly that I thought I was dreaming for a moment.
- Andraste...
- What Nevra ? Are you going to tell me to pretend nothing has happened ? I was starting to get carried away. It's all well and good to behave towards me as you see fit, but it doesn't work that way.
It was his turn to exhale for a long time. Coming even closer, he took me completely by surprise, lowering his head until he came to rest his forehead against my shoulder, his dark hair brushing my shoulder blade. I remained frozen in place, unable to make the slightest movement as his breath caressed my skin.
I could no longer get my ideas clear.
- Listen, I don't know how to behave when I see you anymore, he finally blurted out, his voice slightly muffled by his probably uncomfortable position. You were the center of my world and overnight I had to relearn how to evolve without you by my side. Everyone was only talking about your sacrifice, he almost spat, but all I wanted was for you to come back to me.
He slowly lifted his head from my shoulder and came back to fix his gaze on mine. I was hanging from his lips, totally mesmerized by the words he finally addressed to me.
- Every day, for a little over a year, I didn’t stop making this wish, however selfish. Sometimes I would spend hours watching you, convincing myself that at any moment you were going to wake up. Except that it never happened, he added quietly, as if saying it out loud could shatter the dreams of this memory of him. I ended up decreasing over time my visits to the Crystal Room, I could no longer distinguish a vague sleeping figure. So to protect myself, I think I just stopped hoping for you to wake up.
The emotion Nevra was feeling at that moment overwhelmed me. I suspected that he must have suffered from this situation, but given his behavior towards me since I woke up, I had difficulty in realizing how he felt. On the other hand, I hadn’t imagined for a single second that it could still affect him at this point now.
- I didn't know all this, Nevra, you never told me about it until now. I never imagined you could feel this, I'm so sorry...
A wistful smile appeared on his lips.
- It's in the past now, even if I don't hide from you that I thought I had serious hallucinations when I saw you again.
Following these words, the vampire leaned down until his face was only inches from mine, allowing me to admire his scarred gaze under his thick black hair.
- I was a complete idiot to you, Andraste. I only took my feelings into account regardless of yours, but it was the only way I found to protect myself again. I'm terribly sorry, you absolutely don’t deserve this indifference, he confessed to me while placing a light and icy hand on my cheek. I hope you will forgive me.
Nevra was standing close, way too close for my breathing to calm down. I swallowed the air with more and more difficulty and, seized by strong emotions, the currents of energy began to circulate again in anarchy under my skin.
The young man finally withdrew his hand before standing up to his full height. Looking up at the sky, he quickly returned to plant them in mine with deep attention.
- Night has almost fallen, we better get back to HQ, he said softly.
I nodded and turned in the direction of HQ when his hand grabbed my arm the same way it had several hours earlier.
I was taken aback to find that his face had suddenly closed completely, brows furrowed.
- You're bleeding, what's happening to you ?
I widened my eyes.
- What ?
- I can smell your blood, it's not normal, he explained to me while making me rotate back to him.
Instinctively, I slapped a hand on the small of my back as my fingers slid over the thick streaks of liquid that flowed against my top.
Not now, it wasn’t possible.
Nevra only took a fraction of a second to react when he saw my fingers red with hemoglobin.
A strong concern marked the tone of his voice as he spoke again :
- What's the matter with your back ? You tell me that everything has been fine since earlier, and now you start to piss blood !
- It's nothing serious, I promise. I just have to go see Eweleïn, she'll know what to do.
I still had the words he'd had when he saw me come out of the infirmary, but I think I just had no choice but to have to go back.
- I'll take you there immediately.
Binding action to word, he grabbed me under the knees and lifted me off the ground to carry me in his arms. The journey was surprisingly short to the entrance of the large building of the HQ while the abundant loss of blood finally got the better of my lucidity.
When they reached the door of the infirmary, Nevra began to pound forcefully on the door. It opened wide, revealing an Eweleïn with suddenly astonished features.
- Nevra, what happened to her ?
The vampire quickly explained the facts to her as he laid me down on the bed. The ground was turning dangerously, or maybe it was just my head that couldn't follow.
- Turn around, the nurse ordered him with authority, before leaning over me. Andraste, we're going to have to take this garment off.
I let her withdraw my sticky top without flinching before falling into a deep sleep.
I blinked several times in an attempt to focus, only seeing blurry elements around me. It was far from the first time I had woken up in this bed in the past few days and it made my lips pursed in frustration.
How did I end up in the infirmary again ?
Head heavy, I struggled to sit up on the soft mattress, looking for any sign of life in the room. But no one seemed to be standing here. Swallowing my saliva with difficulty, I realized that my throat was so dry that no sound could have come out anyway immediately, I felt like I had swallowed razor blades.
Feeling obstructed, I lifted my top and found a large bandage wrapped around my chest, with red spots marking the fabric as far as I could see. I was really hoping that my miraculous healing system had reactivated, like the time my stomach wound closed on its own in a very short time, because I wasn’t going to put up with this situation much longer. Moving slightly, I noticed that the pain had practically disappeared. I lowered the garment over my wounds then stood up slowly. The world was still spinning a little too fast for my liking, but I felt fit to get out of here.
I was finishing putting on my shoes when the door finally opened, revealing a long white hair in my field of vision.
- Oh hello Andraste, you're finally awake. How do you feel ? the elf asked with a soft smile.
- Hello Ewe, I think I’m okay. I’m not feeling at my best, but I’m no longer in pain.
- Perfect, I'll give you a quick test but I think you're fit to go out.
Sitting back on the bed, I let the nurse auscultate me without batting an eyelid.
- Your back is much better, even your skin has started to reform normally. I hope this story of stuck wings will get better soon.
- Oh reassure you, I hope so too, I said in a mirthless laugh. Can I go, now ?
- Yes, just a second.
She grabbed the same jar of cream as the last time and handed it to me, a smile on her lips.
- Here, you’ll have to brush your back with this until your skin is better.
- Very good, but it may be rather complicated, since it’s not an area necessarily accessible for me...
I saw Eweleïn's smile widen even more.
- Oh, I understood that someone could take care of it for you, but if it doesn't, you just have to come see me and I'll take care of it.
I narrowed my eyes at her suspicious expression.
- What are you talking about ?
- Nothing at all, and hurry up to see me if it starts again, don't wait any longer to bleed ! Come on, go, she ordered me with a wink.
Too tired to try to understand, I opened the door to rush into the hallway. But how long had I slept, exactly ? It was still dark !
Entering the guard corridor, I walked past several doors until I reached Lance's room, just before mine. I paused for a moment, hesitating, observing thoughtfully the image of the dragon towering over it at full length. Was he busy, right now ?
Heart pounding, I was about to knock when my arm caught in the air.
I didn't have to turn around to see who it was, letting myself be completely taken in by his mere presence.
- Good evening, my little dragon, his voice whispered with an amused grin.
Light streaks of ice were already drawing a multitude of abstract shapes on my skin as my lips stretched on their own.
Giving way to a huge smile on my face.
(Chapter 15)
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willowandfog · 3 years
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Summary: Kagome has been struggling with her disability most of her life but she's never felt anything but normal with Inuyasha always steadily by her side. But when her neurologist approaches her with the chance to recover full use of her leg, she takes it.
A childhood friends to lovers, soulmates AU
Read on AO3 or Below the Cut
Inuyasha was already awake and drinking a cup of strong black coffee when his father arrived. Touga chuckled at the sight of Kouga sleeping on the floor, curled into a ball with his tail wrapped around his waist. Miroku was still obviously unconscious on the couch, lying face down, with mouth open and drool slowly pooling below. 
“You boys had a nice evening then I take it?” Touga asked him as he poured himself some coffee into a mug.
Inuyasha laughed slightly. “Sure. You could say that. We all got drunk, well Miroku got absolutely pissed, and then Kouga tried to fight me.”
Touga raised a brow at that. “For the fun of it or for a specific reason?”
“Cause he still wants Kagome. Told me that if he could beat me that he would be the one to marry Kagome today.”
“I take it that went...well? The furniture all seems to be intact.”
“Oh I was all for the fight, then I just said no and went to bed.” Inuyasha set his now empty mug in the sink before heading back to the living room. “I’m sober and my hangover is almost gone so I imagine Kouga is fine and just sleeping in, lazy bastard. Miroku will be feeling like crap if he’s even sober by now.”
Inuyasha knelt by the couch and gave Miroku a shake. “Miroku, buddy.” Inuyasha shook him again when there was no response. “Miroku, time to wake up.”
Miroku groaned, rolling onto his back “Go way.” He muttered.
“Well you can wake up now and have some coffee and we can hit a drive thru for some greasy food for you and you can still stand by me today as my best man or I’ll ask my dad to stand in your stead. Which would you prefer?”
Miroku’s eyes fluttered open. “There was no option in there for you to kill me so I’m on the fence.”
Inuyasha rolled his eyes, rising. “Kouga. Wake up, either come with us or go home. You’re not staying here.”
Kouga flipped Inuyasha the bird from his place on the floor, but still opened his eyes and ran a hand over his face. Groaning, he sat up. With a heavy sigh he stood before making his way towards the bathroom. “I’m coming, wouldn’t want to disappoint Kagome by not having her favorite youkai in attendance.”
Inuyasha let out a warning growl just before Kouga slammed the door closed. 
“You guys aren’t friends right?” Touga questioned as he handed a fresh mug of coffee over to the now sitting Miroku.
“Nope, I put up with his existence because Kagome has a soft spot for sad lonely wolves.”
“I heard that!” Kouga yelled through the door just before the sound of the toilet flushing came through. 
“Good.” Inuyasha called to him. “I’m gonna go grab some socks and mine and Kagome’s luggage. We can head out after Miroku finishes his coffee.”
Inuyasha sat in the passenger seat, munching on a hashbrown as his father drove and Miroku and Kouga sat in the back, both chowing down on breakfast sandwiches from the drive thru. 
“Did you have to go home first?” Inuyasha asked his father as he sipped coffee from his paper cup. 
“No, we are stopping by the Higurashi’s; Kagome left her overnight bag there and your mother texted me and asked me to grab something she left there as well.”
Inuyasha nodded, looking out the window and watching the scenery pass by. He thought that he would be feeling nervous by now but found that he was more antsy and anticipatory for the whole event to begin. 
When the car pulled into the short drive and came to a stop, both Inuyasha and Touga climbed out and made their way to the house. Inuyasha used his key to let them inside, he proceeded towards Kagome’s old room while his father went towards the kitchen. He immediately noticed Kagome’s bag, resting on the computer chair in front of the desk. He glanced around the room and peeked into the bathroom to make sure she hadn’t left anything else lying about. After snagging her hairbrush off the bathroom counter and tossing it into her bag, he noticed that one of his shirts was tucked underneath her favorite pajama bottoms. 
Inuyasha pulled the shirt free, bringing it to his nose he inhaled deeply, the sweet scent of Kagome was strong on the fabric but there was a hint of his own as well. The combination of the two scents had Inuyasha’s youkai ‘purring’ as Kagome liked to put it. Upon the realization that she must have worn it to bed during their night apart, he clutched the shirt to his chest and bowed his head over it. While he wished that she didn’t have to deal with having such a hard time being apart, Inuyasha was slightly ashamed to admit that he was also glad that he wasn’t alone in the feelings. Bringing the shirt back to his nose he took one final whiff before tucking the shirt back into the bag and zipping it closed. 
Bag slung over his shoulder, he met his father by the front door.
“Dad, can I ask you something?”
“You know you can.”
“How did you and mom do this? Stay a night apart, I mean. I feel it shouldn’t be this...difficult to sleep away from Kagome for one night. I mean, we are apart for a majority of the day during work.”
“Well, mainly, your mother and I were already bonded before we got married, so that helped. It still wasn’t easy, trying to sleep when your mate isn’t there is extremely challenging. Being full youkai, I don’t think I could’ve handled sleeping apart at your mother’s request if we hadn’t been bonded already. But you made it through and it should get easier here soon, just knowing your mate is in the same vicinity as you, surrounded by family. And just keep in mind that by this time tomorrow you will be a husband, mate, and soul bonded, and your mother and I couldn’t be more proud.” Touga clasped Inuyasha tightly on the shoulder, squeezing lightly in affection. 
Inuyasha gave an almost shy smile. “Thanks dad.”
The pair shared a brief tight hug before heading out. 
Inuyasha finished buttoning up his dress shirt before reaching for the cufflinks that his father had worn on his wedding day. He turned as he slipped the first one into place, taking in the sight of Miroku sitting on the sofa in the ‘man cave’ as the venue called it. He was nursing another bottle of water, head resting on his open palm.
“So, care to tell me what all the excessive drinking was about last night?”
Miroku rotated his head slightly in the semblance of a head shake. “I… had a date with Sango last week and I fucked it up.”
“How did you manage to fuck it up, haven’t you two been going on dates for months? Haven’t you already had sex?”
“Yes. I did something really stupid, panicked and ran out of there; leaving her with the bill and all alone in the middle of the restaurant. And I haven’t responded to any of her calls or texts and I just don’t want to face her today.”
“What did you do?” Inuyasha chuckled, straightening his sleeves after pinning the second cufflink into place.
“Don’t want to talk about it.”
Inuyasha rolled his eyes. “I’m sure it’ll be ok, you guys have been doing this dance since junior year. Off and on, someone always says something to screw things up, you guys fight or don’t speak. Then one of you apologizes to the other, or you guys get drunk and make up.”
As Miroku opened his mouth to reply, the door to the room creaked open, and Izayoi’s bright smiling face appeared. 
“How’s it coming in here, boys?”
“We’re great, mom. You can come in.”
She slipped into the room, letting the door snik shut behind her. Her eyes quickly took in the room, scanning everything before settling on Miroku. 
Inuyasha looked over his mother as she studied Miroku for a moment. She wore a floor length midnight blue sheath dress that Inuyasha knew perfectly matched the markings that graced his father’s cheeks. The bodice had a layer of flowery lace in the same shade, cinched at the waist before flowing to the floor in a shimmer of satin. 
“Miroku, dear. Would you mind helping Touga outside for a few minutes, please?”
Miroku’s brows met his hairline for a moment as he looked back and forth between Inuyasha and Izayoi. 
“Ummm, yeah, sure.”
“Thank you, dear.” Izayoi gave him a sweet smile as she watched him go. 
Inuyasha turned back to the floor length mirror, picking up his pale golden tie from the side table. Looping it around his neck, he watched his movements in the mirror as he began tying the Windsor knot. He was halfway finished when his large hands were cupped by smaller delicate ones. 
Izayoi took the tie into her hands and resumed Inuyasha’s work as his hands dropped to his sides. 
“Kagome looks lovely.”
Inuyasha gave her one of his rare genuine smiles. “She’s always lovely.”
“Transcendent then.” Izayoi stuck her tongue out at him before giggling and folding down his collar, adjusting his tie into place. 
Izayoi stretched up to her toes and placed a kiss on his cheek. Dropping back onto her heels she made her way over and sat on the sofa Miroku had vacated. Waving him over she pointed to the floor in front of her. 
Inuyasha stopped in front of her. “Sit on the floor? But I’ll wrinkle my pants.”
She rolled her eyes and smiled. “They’ll be fine for a few minutes, sit please.”
He sat on the floor between her legs, crossing his legs and instantly relaxing. He had always found sitting on the ground, comforting.
Izayoi picked up the hairbrush that was resting on the side table and began to brush Inuyasha’s hair in gentle, slow strokes. 
“I remember,” she said softly, “doing this when you were a little boy. You were always so excited for it. You’d come running to me with the brush and you would instantly climb into my lap when I would sit down. Oh, how it used to lull you to sleep, you would slowly start to slump over more and more until you fell asleep right there in my arms. I would just rock you in your sleep until your father came and scooped you up and carried you to bed.”
Inuyasha smiled fondly at the memory, eyes drifting closed as the sense of peace came over him. “You used to hum too.” He murmured.
She hummed her acknowledgement before beginning to hum a soft lullaby under her breath. When the song was finished she leaned forward and planted a kiss to the back of his head, setting the brush down on the cushion beside her. 
“I love you, mom.”
She ran her fingers through his hair. “I love you too. You know, you have been and always will be my little boy; but you’ve belonged to Kagome just as long. Your father and I are so happy that this day is here and we are so proud of the man you’ve become. You’ve always done whatever you can to take care of and provide for Kagome, and those are amazing things to receive from a mate.” She kissed him again before rising.
Inuyasha stood and turned towards her, quickly moving to wipe her cheeks when he spotted the dampness there. 
Izayoi smiled tenderly at him. “Today is a joyous day. One of the happiest days of my life was marrying your father, tied with the actual mating, and having you of course.” She lovingly stroked his cheek. “Now. Let’s get you in your jacket and outside.”
Inuyasha nodded slightly as he pulled her into his arms, tucking her under his chin and holding her tightly. He held her for several long moments before he released her.
“Ok. I’m ready, let’s do this.”
Kagome had been pampered, massaged, prodded and poked all morning and she was ready to be done. While the beginnings of the day had felt great, she was ready for the hair pulling, fidgeting, pins poking her head, and the fussing to be over with. All she wanted was to walk down the aisle and tell Inuyasha how much he meant to her and then be whisked away as husband and wife and spend the night in his arms. 
She missed him something fierce, and she felt like she was starting to itch under her skin. She couldn’t quite figure out if that was the bond making her extra antsy and on edge being away from him or if it was just in her head. She could only imagine how Inuyasha was feeling about the separation since he had always felt the effects of the bond much more strongly than she had.
“Your hair turned out so beautifully.” Her mother stood directly behind her, stroking a gentle hand across her shoulder.
Kagome noticed Sango, her friend since freshman year of college, and Ayame, her good friend she was a new start with at work, standing behind her mother in the mirror she was sitting in front of, both nodding their agreement. She hoped to introduce Ayame and Kouga later at the reception, she had a feeling that they would get along and she hoped that they would hit it off pretty well. She had always felt a little guilty that Kouga still carried a torch for her even after finding out that she was Inuyasha’s mate. 
Turning her attention back to the mirror, she turned her head back and forth, taking in her seemingly simpler hairstyle that had cost more than she had been willing to pay. A relaxed french braid started at either temple, forming a crown of sorts around her head and met together in the back to form a low messy bun. Loose tendrils fell from her bun and more were deliberately left out framing her face with slightly wavy strands. A simple gold leaf and pearl hair vine comb was pinned up against the side of her bun. She really did love it but still felt that the style could’ve been achieved without paying the amount that they had but her mothers had insisted that a wedding day was a day to splurge for the finer things, like having someone else to do your hair and makeup. Kagome was happy to have talked them out of insisting that she hire a makeup artist as well, pleading with them that her friends had asked and wanted to participate by being the ones to do her makeup. They had done a great job, her skin looked smooth, and she was shining in all the right places, her eye makeup was noticeable with the winged eyeliner and the shimmering gold shadow but it was all light enough to still look closer to a natural style. 
“Alright, let’s get you into your dress.” Izayoi came over carrying a shoe box that she set on the vanity.
Twenty minutes and eight overly helpful hands later, Kagome was finally tucked into her dress. Izayoi and Sango guided her over to her chair and helped her sit, rucking up her dress as her mother and Ayame knelt on the floor, each bearing a shoe. 
“Guys.” Kagome protested. “I can put my own shoes on.”
“Don’t be silly, darling.” Izayoi spoke by her side. “It’s hard to reach your own feet in a wedding dress, besides we enjoy helping.”
Kagome held back any further comments as each of her feet were worked into her crochet lace pointy toed flats with a sheer organza lace up ribbon. Although she was able to walk without her crutch now and almost always had a smooth gait when she walked, she wasn’t able to get much practice in with heels and had decided that it would be safer to wear flat shoes. But that hadn’t stopped her from taking Sango and trying to find the prettiest flats she could, and she thought the ballerina lace up shoes were to die for. After they finished criss-crossing and wrapping the ribbon around her leg and tying it into a neat little bow at the back of her calf, both Ayame and her mother stood. 
“There.” Her mother beamed. “Now, let me grab my phone before you get your first look in the mirror.”
All four of her helpers reached for their phones at once. There were no blinding flashes throughout the day so far, no intruding presence, the photographer they had hired had been snapping photos throughout the process, occasionally disappearing to where Kagome could only guess was the ‘man cave’ where the boys were getting ready. Even though the photographer, Lacy, Kagome thought her name was, had been amazingly silent and unobtrusive, everyone else was still insistent on taking photos on their phones. 
Kagome had been avoiding her own phone for most of the day, fighting the urge to text Inuyasha. But she came to the conclusion that having some hand taken photos and selfies of her wedding day would be a nice addition as well. Rising, she made her way to the vanity, careful not to look into the mirror. Pulling her phone out of her bag, she opened up the camera and turned to snap a few photos of everyone else digging their phones out of their bags, except Sango who was explaining some app she had to Kagome’s mother. 
“Ready? Will someone take some photos with my phone too?” Kagome unlocked her screen, her lip quivering slightly at the sight of Inuyasha’s grinning face gracing her wallpaper. 
“Yeah I got it, Kagome.” Ayame said as she came up beside her and gently took the phone from her hands, patting her softly on the shoulder. “You’ll see him soon, he’s fine and you’re doing great.”
“Thanks.” Kagome murmured as she sniffled before turning away. 
Shaking herself out of her momentary lapse she slowly made her way over to the floor length mirror in the corner. She gasped when she saw herself. She had loved the dress when she saw it in the catalog but she was amazed that it looked as great as it had before. Knowing she was being ridiculous since she had seen herself during her fitting, this felt different, more final. 
The intricately embellished bold lace bust delicately embroidered with sequins had a deep v-shaped neckline showing off just the right amount of cleavage. The bust flowed into a voluminous silk chiffon circle skirt, ending as it graced the floor. Turning slightly she caught sight of the low open back that ended with a small silken bow. Smiling, she turned to face the mirror again, reaching up to finger the delicate hand-beaded shoulder detailing with strings of thin spider-silk-like beaded strands dangling off her shoulder in drooping half circles. 
Kagome was vaguely aware of exclaimed praises and comments about capturing good photos but it was all background noise. She shook herself from her daze and turned back to face the group, the sooner she was done fawning over herself the sooner she could walk down the aisle. They snapped a few more photos before taking turns taking selfies with her then gathering for group photos. They asked the photographer to also take photos with all their phones of the small group of women. 
Kagome’s mother pulled her aside and hugged her, stroking a tender hand across her shoulder.
“I wish your father was here to see how beautiful and happy you are. I know he’d be so proud of the woman you’ve become.”
Tears filled Kagome’s eyes, her gut clenching as it always did when she remembered the accident that took her father from her. 
“Thanks mom, I love you.”
“I love you too, sweetheart.” She pulled her into another brief tight hug as Izayoi stepped up beside them.
“I’m going to go check on the boys and make sure Inuyasha is ready and get him out there. Take a few minutes to yourself, your mother and Sango will wait for you outside the door.”
Kagome nodded, giving her soon to be mother in law a hug. As the door closed behind the group Kagome let out a sigh of relief at finally being alone for the first time that day. She gathered up the couple items of hers that were strewn about the room and piled them into her bag; sneaking at glance at Inuyasha’s photo on her phone before tucking that too away and zipping the bag closed. Her mother had mentioned coming back to the room after the ceremony to grab her bag for her so Kagome wanted to make it as easy as possible on her.
Walking over to the vanity she sat, taking a few calming breaths. When she stood again she felt her weak leg give a little tremble. Sighing, she went back to her bag and extracted her brace. Sitting down she hastily pulled her skirt up and with difficulty managed to get her shoed foot through the brace and pulled up into place. After a stern glare at the brace, she stood, smoothing her skirt back into place. She gave one last glance into the floor length mirror before making her way to the door. 
Inuyasha escorted his mother down the aisle, a symbol to their guests that it was time to find their seats as the ceremony would be beginning shortly. Kagome and Inuyasha had opted to not have a long drawn out intro to the ceremony, not wanting to wait what would feel like forever as bridesmaids and groomsmen walked down the aisle. So Sango and Miroku were already in place at the end of the aisle, standing to either side, ready to support and be witness to the union of their friends. In truth, Inuyasha hadn’t wanted anything to draw attention away from Kagome being presented and walking down the aisle.
Inuyasha studied the trees that they had picked to get married under. They were beautiful, far reaching weeping willows, standing slightly apart. Leaving the perfect amount of space for the couple to stand together in front of everyone and declare their love for each other. Kagome and both of their mothers had come out the day before and helped the venue string up fairy lights all along the tree branches. Allowing some to hang down from the branches towards the ground. The effect was almost magical as the sun began to set and the light a little lower, drawing more attention to the lit tree. 
As Inuyasha reached the end of the aisle with his mother he stopped. Izayoi withdrew her arm from his before stretching up and placing a kiss on his cheek. She gave him a tender smile before moving to take the empty seat beside his father.
Moving to take his place beside Miroku, Inuyasha clasped his hands tightly together in front of him. His nerves spiked as his senses were suddenly overwhelmed, finally feeling Kagome’s presence nearby again.
Oh, how he had missed it, the feel of her gentle, loving presence brushing up against his. Her smiling face, her love filled eyes as she looked at him with adoration. He was hard pressed to believe that they had only spent a night apart, it felt like it had been days, weeks, years even. His yearning for her had grown so strong that when she stepped out from the tent flap beside her mother all breath and coherent thought left him. 
She was the most divine creature he had ever laid eyes on. He glanced over her. Yes, the dress was beautiful and her hair was nice but he was more interested in her face. The brightness in her face and the smile that showed her absolute happiness of the moment. It spread to him, her joy, and he felt it reach him deep down into his soul, soothing his youkai.
He noticed the tightening of her hand wrapped around her bouquet, the catch in her breath and the speed of her already rapidly beating heart kick up a notch when she glanced up and met his eye. Hers a warm chocolate from a distance but he knew them intimately. Knew that they held many shades, shades of whiskey and a crystallized honey. Eyes focus solely on him, the bright gleam in her eyes only for him. Eyes that saw everything of him, that pierced through any gruffiness he might have had at the world and saw straight through to him. 
When Kagome and her mother reached him, he stepped forward, placing a kiss on her mother’s cheek before taking Kagome’s hand and leading her the rest of the way to the front. As they stopped in front of Totosai, his father’s long time friend, they turned to face each other. Kagome, still smiling and Inuyasha suspected that he had a goofy grin planted on his face. 
Totosai spoke a few words of welcome to their guests, speaking the meaning of marriage and how happy he was that Kagome and Inuyasha were coming together; but Inuyasha didn’t hear the words, all his attention on Kagome. Inuyasha’s mind finally registered the words that were being spoken when Totosai spoke again.
“Kagome and Inuyasha have asked to incorporate a handfasting into their ceremony. And have asked that Inuyasha’s father, Touga, step forward and honor them in officiating the ritual.”
Inuyasha’s attention was drawn away from Kagome for the first time since she had appeared from underneath the tent to walk down the aisle. He glanced over at his father, who was rising from his seat amongst the front row, surprise clearly written on his face as he straightened his coat. Kagome and himself had decided not to mention including the handfasting into their ceremony to anyone other than Totosai, wanting it to be a surprise and a gift for his father. 
Handfasting was an old tradition, something developed not from their heritage but was adopted early on in youkai society as an additional symbol of a soul bonded match. It was considered a great honor among youkai to be chosen by a bonded couple to perform the ritual. 
As Touga walked around the couple, Totosai pulled him aside. They talked in hushed murmurs for a few moments before separating and Totosai stepped off to the side, standing near Miroku, with a smile on his face. Touga took his place behind the couple, facing them and the gathering, holding three satin cords in one clawed hand. 
Though he had to clear his throat before beginning, Touga spoke loudly and clearly. “Though not originating from the youkai, handfasting was quickly developed into mating and marriage ceremonies as a perfect outward display of a soul bond. It is considered extremely fortuitous and rare to find your soulmate as well as a blessing to witness the joining. I am beyond honored to stand before you all as I guide my son and my new daughter into their union.”
Turning his attention back to the couple, Touga spoke to them. “If you would join right hands, please.”
Kagome turned, handing off her bouquet to Sango before turning back to Inuyasha and offering up her right hand. Inuyasha gently clasped it with his own, his eyes roving her face, taking in every detail.
“With full awareness, know that before this gathering of witnesses you are not only declaring your intent to be bound before your friends and family, but also by joining hands you are representing your willingness in the union, if one of you is unwilling to be bound to the other, please now lower your hand.”
Inuyasha and Kagome both held on tighter, staring into each other’s eyes as they spoke together. “We are both aware and willing.”
Inuyasha turned his attention to their clasped hands as Touga laid one of the satin cords, in a vibrant shade of forest green, across Inuyasha’s wrist. “This cord represents Kagome’s commitment and acceptance of Inuyasha in the union. Kagome, would you like to say a few words to Inuyasha?” 
Kagome glanced at Touga, nodding slightly before turning and looking into the pools of melted honey that were Inuyasha’s eyes. “Inuyasha, we’ve been best friends for twenty-one years and you’ve been the love of my life for a dozen of those. That night when we were eight and you convinced me to sneak out of my house to watch the meteor storm with you, we both made a wish. And I think it’s finally time to share my wish with you; I wished for us to be able to stay together forever. My wish is coming true and that makes me the happiest-” The emotions clogged her throat and she covered her mouth with her free hand for a moment as she took a ragged breath. When Inuyasha squeezed her hand in support and encouragement she cleared her throat and looked back up to him with tear filled eyes. “The happiest person in the world. Inuyasha, I promise to always love and respect you. To support you and cherish you. And I promise to try to be everything to you that you have always been to me.”
Kagome looked to the side as Sango stepped up beside her, offering up Inuyasha’s ring on the palm of her hand. It hadn’t been hard to figure out a way to mix the traditional handfasting with the modern wedding ceremony. Taking the ring in her left hand, she turned back to Inuyasha as he offered his left to her underneath their clasped hands. As she slid the cool platinum band onto his finger he kept his gaze on her face, and when her watery eyes flicked back up and meet his, he mouthed ‘I love you,’ and she beamed, the motion spilling her tears out of the corners of her eyes to track down her cheeks. 
Touga laid the crimson satin cord across Kagome’s wrist. “This cord represents Inuyasha’s commitment and acceptance of Kagome in the union. Inuyasha, a few words?”
Inuyasha took in a deep breath, he had written vows but they seemed a cheap imitation to what he knew his heart wanted to say. The breath he had been holding came out shakily as he slowly released it. He had so much he wanted to say and he was afraid he’d say it wrong. She had said such wonderful things that caused a warmth to bloom in his chest and he was the one that always fumbled for the right thing to say when it mattered most. 
But he knew. He knew. 
That no matter what he said in this moment, Kagome would know. She would know what he was trying to say, what he wanted to convey, what was in his heart. She always knew, she always understood, she knew him better than he knew himself.
“Kagome, you have been my entire focus and ever present constant since I looked out the window twenty years ago and saw a little girl fierce in her determination to make it from the car to the house on her own. I think even then I knew, I sensed something within me reaching out to you, urging me to befriend you, protect you, love you. I’m happy with the man I’ve become and that’s all because of you; because of your gentle hand and your guiding words. The strength and kindness of your heart never ceases to amaze me. I strive to be as good to you as you have always been to me. I promise to be your guiding light in the darkness, a warming comfort in the cold, and a shoulder to lean on when life is too much to bare on your own.” 
Inuyasha looked down as a hand appeared at his side, Kagome’s delicate rose gold band lay on Miroku’s open hand. Inuyasha plucked the ring off his friend’s palm, mindful of his claws. When he turned back to Kagome she had more tears on her cheeks but her smile was dazzling, warm, accepting, and happy. Her offered left hand was already waiting for him, as he slid the ring onto her finger, he felt the youkai within him sturing. The need to throw her over his shoulder and carry her away from prying eyes and finally claim her as his mate washed through him with such force that he had a hard time resisting. But when his father began speaking again, he tried to tamp down even harder on the urge, knowing that later that night, Kagome would be his in every way possible. 
“This cord represents their union, the joining of not only Inuyasha and Kagome but of each side’s family coming together.” Touga draped the gold cord across the top of their joined hands before moving both the other cords up to rest alongside it. “Today on your wedding day, as you promise to love each other forever, you are holding the hand of your best friend. These are the hands that will work alongside yours as together you built your future.”
 He spoke as he held one side of the strands steady in one hand and began to wrap the other side around it. “These are the hands that will love you and cherish you through the years. These are the hands that will celebrate with you when you feel happy and comfort you when you feel sad.” He tucked one side under the other, pulling to form the knot on top of their clasped hands. One end of the cords dangling down on each side of their hands. “These are the hands that will give you strength and support whenever you need it. As your hands are joined together now, so your hearts will always be.”
Inuyasha and Kagome each took hold of one of the ends of cords, making sure to maintain eye contact. Slowly, they slid their clasped hands along each other’s as they separated them, pulling on the cord ends at the same time. When their hands fell free, the cords came together, forming a tight infinity knot. 
Totosai stepped up beside Touga. “By the authority vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife.”
Using the cord as leverage, Inuyasha wasted no time in yanking it, pulling Kagome towards him, wrapping his free arm around her waist and crushing her to him. Still maintaining his hold on their cord he pressed his lips to hers. He’d kissed her countless times before, but the tingle of blissful tranquility that flowed through him felt new in a way he could not describe. He moaned slightly at the feeling, deepening the kiss. Stroking his tongue across her lower lip before dipping it inside her parted lips. 
Only when he let out a low possessive growl did he remember the crowd; pulling away just enough so their lips were still touching.
“I love you.” He whispered against her lips.
“I love you, too.”
It was only then that he heard the crowd, they were all cheering and clapping, some rising from their seats. Inuyasha took Kagome’s end of the cords from her, turning and handing the knot over to his father. 
“Guard this for us till later?”
Touga nodded, accepting the duty.
With a large grin Inuyasha tucked Kagome’s arm in the crook of his elbow, beginning to lead her away from their position at the front and down the aisle. His eyes were fixed on his luminous mate even as she watched the crowd, a shy but ecstatic smile on her face. There were a few clicks and flashes of cameras going off but Inuyasha’s attention never wavered. Flower petals rained down upon them, creating a lovely effect but other than causing Inuyasha to blink more often as sone petals hit his face, he never looked away. 
When they reached the end of the aisle, he scooped Kagome up into his arms and quickly dashed off, looking for a place where they could extract a couple of quiet moments to themselves and bask in the joy they were feeling. 
@ruddcatha @superpixie42 @lavendertwilight89 @clearwillow @dawnrider @mamabearcat @fawn-eyed-girl @smmahamazing @bluejay785 @i-dream-of-soup @liz8080 @zelink-inukag @malditamigs @shinidamachu 
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anonsservice · 4 years
Wake Up!
|Prompt: Nightmare Comfort | request fill | Jade West x Reader | gender neutral!Reader| Jade, and Reader go to a sleepover at Tori's house prompted by Cat, and You have a nightmare. Jade comforts you. | fluff and a tiny little bit angst | 
    You had been getting night terrors since you were little. Anything would set them off back then. A stranger on the passing sidewalk who looked at you for a moment too long, the ladybug who had one too many spots, really, everything could have sent you down one nightmare after another. It got better in your teen years, but they still happened, still jolted you awake in a cold sweat, crying nine times out of ten. This is why you were reluctant to accept this slumber invitation. You really almost said no, but Jade had convinced you to go. After all, who would say no to an honest 'please' coming from the normally stone-cold gank.
    Jade would have said no as well and just spent the night with you instead, but Cat was tearing up and going on a long-winded speech about how senior year was almost over and how college would separate you all. All of which led up to this moment. You were packing your small overnight bag. Clothes, deodorant, hairbrush, toothbrush, toothpaste, etc., etc. Jade would pick you up and the two of you would face this horrid night together. You did in fact like spending time with Cat and Tori, but your nerves got to you and all you could think about was 'what if I have a stupid nightmare? Like a child! Wake up crying and ruin it for everybody.'
    This is what caused you to stare at your shoes the whole ride over, only looking up when forcefully brought back to earth by Jade.
"What were you thinking about?"
"It's nothing, Jade. We should go in now, better get it over with-"
"Y/N were not leaving this car unti-" She was cut off by Cat bounding over from the front door of the Vega's house and over to your passenger side door.
"Hiii!" Cat yelled while twirling a strand of her hair around her finger.
"I tried to stop her!" Tori yelled while following after her, panting.
    Jade rolled her eyes and pointed her finger at you.
"We're talking about this later, Y/N. Now let's go, I got your bag."
    Jade, You, Cat, and Tori all walked in together. Jade holding both of your bags. (whipped? more likely than you think.)
    Cat was the first to jump onto one of the couches, sitting on the right couch, Tori followed her and sat next to her. You and Jade took up the left couch, you laying your head on her shoulder. And every time Cat or Tori sent an 'aww' look your way she snarled.
    "So! we should start off with hmmm- oh oh I know! Truth or dare!" That was Cat, and she was buzzing with excitement. You could practically see the happiness seeping from her tone.
    "What are we? Ten? No, Cat."  Jade hated truth or dare, or well most times she did. It was only fun when it was in her favor of looking for gossip or stirring up drama.
    You, however, were open to the game. Having played it growing up to pass time you didn't mind the small request from the red-headed girl.
    "Cmon' Jadey! Please-" Cat tried to speak but Jade cut her off.
    "No!" The one word Jade said multiple times a day. It seemed to be her only reaction to things.
    You didn't want to see Cat sad or hear for that matter. Cat would start to cry and then all hell would happen, so you took things into your own hands.
    "Jade, don't be rude! It's a sleepover! Just play the game, please. For me?" You sat up to look her in the eyes right as you said please. Crossing your eyebrows a touch and only slightly pouting your lips. A look you've perfected to get the girl sitting in front of you into a puddle.
    Jade grumbled a 'fine' and the four of you played for an hour. One of the 'truths' being asked by Tori to Jade was "Is it true your whipped for Y/N?". It took you and Cat lots of tiring effort to pull Jade off Tori.
It was two hours since the game. You four were now watching a movie and poking fun at the cliches, well you guys were until Jade reminded you all that every single one of you guys fit into one or another cliche. After a movie or two, you guys ate dinner and just talked until the time came for sleep. Tori slept in her bed, Cat, You, and Jade played a human game of Tetris and managed to fit on the floor
    You tried to sleep, you did, but you just couldn't. So once you thought that everybody was asleep you grabbed your phone and scrolled endlessly through Twitter. An hour later and your eyes were getting more and more sensitive to the light, your arms slowly let go of your phone, and you fell asleep.  
You woke up in school, you heard nothing but your ragged breath. Everything around you was blurred, and from what you could see there were thick layers of fog. You could make out the familiar bright student decorated lockers that lead you to find out you were in the school. You stepped forward but all you saw was the fog. You walked the familiar way to your favorite acting teacher's room. You walked forward through the classroom door until you almost tripped over something on the floor. You knelt down to get a closer look, but you wished you hadn't. You had thought you just tripped over a chair or miss placed item, but what you tripped on was far worse. It was jade. A bloody Jade. A dead Jade. Your heart stopped, and you stopped. All you could do was stare. You wanted to scream, to run, to hug her, to help her. But all you could do was stare. Eventually, it stopped. You leaned forward and grabbed onto Jade's shoulders.
"Jade?!" Your voice echoed as if in a cave.
"Jade!" You shook her and screamed and cried.
"What happened? Jade? Fuck! No no no!"
    Her lips, looking both pale and blue but also a blood-red moved slightly, saying something.
Tears freely flowed down your face as you leaned in.
"Jade? What is it? Jade!"
No response.
You held her body close and cried, just cried. Although you heard a voice that only got louder.
"Wake up."
"Wake up!"
You felt as if there was an earthquake and shut your eyes.
But once you opened them all you saw was black and blue hair that you knew to be Jade's. The same Jade that was just dead in your hands. Your arms flew around the familiar body and you held her close while your body shook in tears.
"cmon, Y/N. Up." She gripped your torse and helped you up from your makeshift sleeping bag on the floor to the living room.
You two sat on the couch, you were still crying, silently this time. And Jade was holding you. Long arms wrapped firmly around you, rubbing the small of your back. You weren't sure how long had passed since you woke from the horrible dream. but finally, your tears had dried and you pulled away from Jade.  
"Wanna talk about it?"
You didn't. Not one bit. But you knew she would be ever so worried if you didn't. So you pulled it together and nodded.
"It was um a dream- well no- a nightmare."
    Jade merely nodded along with every few words you said.
"I get really bad um nightmares, ever since I was little, that why I was in a bad mood when we arrived. Scared of doing what I just did."
"So what was this nightmare about?"
"I was uh in school, there was a fog, and uh I went to Mr.Sakowitz's room. You were there on the floor-" You started to tear up again. The image of your girlfriend on the floor flooding your mind once more.
"It's okay, Y/N."
"You were there on the floor... bloody, blue, and dead. And I wanted to scream I wanted to do something but I couldn't. All I could do was cry silently and stare. It was horrible Jade! Horrible!"
At this point, you were full-on crying again.
"Here how about this, you go wait in my car, I'll grab our things, and we can go to my house. Okay?"
"But I don't wanna impose- Cat was so happy for this."
"If you don't want to stay you don't have to, if they say anything about it I'll cut em up with my scissors. Okay? Now go," Jade fished through her purse that was thrown on the couch from earlier and handed them to you.
You took them and walked as quickly as you could to Jade's car that was parked out front.
After Jade climbed into the car and drove you back to her place, she made you tea, got out chips and other snacks, and took you down into what she likes to call her 'demon lair'.
You slowly sipped the hot tea while you pushed your body as far into Jade as it would go. You watched a silent film and slowly fell into a dreamless sleep.
Jade took your tea cup and put it on her side table, tucked you in, and held you close to her.
    The next morning you woke up to Jade staring at you. "You watching me sleep, spooky lady?"
She shook her head at you and pressed a kiss into your cheek. "Morning,"
You tried to kiss her on the lips but she pulled back. "Morning breath, Y/N!"
Your own face scrunched up and you sat up.
"Sorry," With that you went up the stairs and into the bathroom to brush your teeth.
Jade took the time to call Cat, who she assumed would be up by now.
"Hi, Jadey!"
"Don't call me that, Cat"
"Don't baby talk me either Cat!"
"Anyways. I was calling to say I was sor- sorr- I can't do it- I just- we left early because Y/N's mom needed her and I drove her home. I just didn't come back because it was my chance to escape."
"Okee Dokie! Is Y/N's mom okay?"
"Yeah just, bye."
Jade hung up and turned round to see you smiling at the foot of your bed.
You and Jade ended up meeting back up with Tori and Cat for a day out.
A/N: Woah! me updating- at a semi-decent time? Who knew that was possible, I didn't. I also completely forgot the men in this show existed for a hot second and forgot to write them in. Oops? I only went through this once so- do with that as you will. That is all from me! 
-tooth >:)
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softyoongiionly · 5 years
Will You Make a Mess Now?
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Jungkook’s never been touched before and, after a hectic end to his semester, he thinks he wants that to change...
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Genre: Virgin! Jungkook, established relationship au, college au, smut, fluff.
Word Count: 4.7k
A/N: HELLO YES I MISSED YOU. Guys, I swear i’m working on updating my series (plural) but, I’ve been out of writing for a while and, I needed something to get me back in the groove. What better way than to continue to affirm that my love for Jungkook is unavoidable and, unstoppable. i love youuuuu. This is unedited for now, please forgive any mistakes, I was too excited. 
Warnings: smut, language, 18+ only please.
After 4 grueling months of relentless studying and lectures, you can finally say that your second to last semester of university is finally over.
Finals week is still at the entrance of your subconscious as its literally all you’ve been able to think about for quite some time. You haven’t been able to unwind or see your friends and, if you’re being honest, you don’t remember the last time you actually slept for more than four hours at a time.
The good news is…
All of that is now behind you.
The exams have been taken, the textbooks have been returned or re-sold, the mountain of instant meals have been cleared from your kitchen (for now) and, you are currently on the subway headed to celebrate with the only person in the world that could properly bring you out of your post-exam haze:
Your boyfriend, Jungkook.
Jungkook is a kinesiology major, whom you met in one of your labs nearly two years ago. The two of you were friends for a long time before you finally got up the courage to kiss him at a party 5 months ago. And by courage, you mean you had a little too much to drink and, Jungkook looked way too good in his university crew neck so, you awkwardly leaned in to kiss him and he, being the absolute angel he is, pecked you on the lips before explaining to you that he wouldn’t kiss you properly until you were sober.
The next day, you woke up in his bed, alone. Your first response was to panic but, upon slowly sitting up in his sheets, you find Jungkook curled up on the floor amongst a pile of blankets. After a few slightly uncomfortable conversations, the two of you arranged a date and, started…you know…falling in love
Or whatever…
Fun fact: Given the fact that you’ve only been with Jungkook for a few months, the two of you have yet to be intimate. Jungkook stated early on that he wanted to take things slowly and, of course you were more than ok with that.
He’s been more and more comfortable with heavier petting so to speak as of lately but, the farthest you’ve ever gone was having his hand down your panties, and your hand over the seam of his jeans. And you’re fine with the progression of your sex life with Jungkook but, he’s only ever made you cum before and, every time you try and return the favor he politely declines.
“It’s ok, I just wanted you to finish jagi…”
“I’m ok, don’t worry, it will go down soon. Do you feel good though? Did I do it right?”
“Soon baby, I promise, it’s just not the right time yet.”
Once again, you’d never push him into something he didn’t want to do but, you were slightly confused as to why he never wanted you to reciprocate. 
Jungkook is quite frankly the best boyfriend in the entire world. He’s all of the cheesy stuff and, more. Things have been progressing slowly but, you didn’t mind. Whatever you have with him, it feels real.
And to be completely honest, you miss him so much that it’s starting to really get to you.
20 minutes later and, you’re in front his place and sending a quick text to let him know you’ve arrived.
You: I’m outside
You: please save me, it’s freezing  :’’’(
Not even a full minute goes by before you hear the fumbling of the lock and, you quickly prepare yourself to latch onto your boyfriend like a freaking spidermonkey.
It’s been almost a month since you’ve seen him face to face so, you can imagine your confusion (and disappointment) when you’re met with the face of his older brother instead.
“Hey,” Namjoon’s dimpled smile is a sight for sore eyes but, it does nothing to wane your confusion, “Kook is passed out upstairs but, he told me earlier to be on the lookout for you in case he fell asleep, which he did.”
A smile is passed to Namjoon as he holds the door open for you, “Of course he did, thanks Joon, is it just you guys right now?”
Jungkook has six brothers and, they all live under the same roof, so the rent is split in seven equal parts.
It’s the only way for them to afford a house off campus.
“Nah Jin and Tae are upstairs too, everyone else is out.” He murmurs and, its then you notice the dark circles decorating the space beneath his eyes.
“Gotcha, are you excited to be done with finals? I feel like I could sleep for 15 years…” You jest, nudging him gently, knowing full well that Namjoon was feeling the same sense of exhaustion you were.
He chuckles and nods immediately, walking with you to the bottom of the stairs, eyes flitting eagerly towards his bedroom.
“That is literally my plan for the rest of the day. I have an adjustment on my project and, after I get that submitted, I’m falling asleep and not talking to anyone for at least 24 hours.” He declares, the seriousness in his tone causing you to giggle.
“I’ll make sure to thwart any of the guys that try to fuck with your beauty sleep…” You vow, placing a hand on his shoulder.
“You’re one of the good ones Y/N…” He laughs, jerking his chin towards Jungkook’s door, “he’s missed you a lot.”
Namjoon’s response is unexpected and it warms you from the inside out.
“Yeah? Did he say something to you?”
You feel like you’re in middle school again, attempting to figure out if your crush likes you.
“He was whining about it the other day, he’s really into you.” Namjoon smirks, before sending a pointed look your way, “don’t tell him I told you that though, he’d kill me.”
The smile on your face probably looks a little ridiculous but, you don’t care, you’re only concern is getting up these stairs and into your boyfriend’s bed.
“I wouldn’t want to expose you for breaking the bro-code.” You return his smirk, passing him to ascend the staircase, “Get some rest, thank you for letting me in.”
“You got it. Have a good night.” Namjoon disappears behind his bedroom door rather quickly, eager to pass out and, you suddenly feel your heartrate increase as you grow closer to Jungkook’s room.
You really did miss him and, the urge to jump into his arms is stronger than you’d like to admit.
Especially given that you know he’s asleep and, you’d have to wait for him to wake up. And you would, cause you know, he deserves to sleep as long as he wants.
You’re not certain that you won’t fall asleep with him.
The door to his room is opened carefully and quietly and, shut just the same.
His bedroom is almost too dark due to the blackout curtains that hung over his windows; a birthday present from his brother Yoongi, they are his new favorite thing.
Jungkook must have shut them in a haste however because, there is a tiny sliver of light shining through which thankfully provides you with a clear path way to his bed.
Soft snores emit from the pillow closest to the windows and, all you can see is Jungkook’s mop of black hair peeking out from underneath his covers. The hum of his noise machine is a comforting sound and, paired with the woodsy vapors coming from his diffuser (a gift from Namjoon), you could feel the sleepiness beginning to tug at your body.
With your overnight bag placed on Jungkook’s gaming chair, you make your way to his bed and slowly peel the covers back.
Despite the fact that it’s freezing outside, your boyfriend has unfortunately decided to sleep shirtless, his toned body clad only in his favorite grey sweatpants and, a pair of black socks.
He looks like a god but, you know, that’s totally fine and, not at all distracting.
His brows are furrowed in deep sleep, his cherry lips formed into a slight pout, snores still rumbling deep within his chest. One of his arms is bent at the elbow and, tucked firmly underneath his pillow, his other arm stretched out across the expanse of his bed.
Which of course, poses an issue for you since you don’t want to disturb his sleep but, you want nothing more than to snuggle up to him.
Jungkook is a pretty heavy sleeper so, the likelihood of waking him is pretty slim and even if you do, you can at least take comfort in the fact that he’s expecting you.
So you slowly lift his arm, quickly tucking yourself into the warmth of his bed and, move the covers back to their original position. It isn’t super comfortable but, you’re afraid to move anymore in fear of waking him up.
Your hands absentmindedly trail over his forearms, admiring the warm, caramel undertones in his skin and, the veins which protrude gently underneath the surface.
His hand is still covered in the temporary tattoos he got nearly two months ago.
Being the Virgo that he is, Jungkook wanted to insure he liked the chosen designs before deciding to get the real thing. You certainly aren’t complaining but, you are secretly hoping he decides to keep them.
Jungkook and tattoos: a lethal combination.
You lay like this for awhile, admiring your boyfriend, listening to the various white noises echoing off the walls, enjoying the scent of his freshly washed sheets.
He washes his bedding once a week.
Sure enough, you feel your lids grow heavier and heavier, the temptation of sleep growing ever so slightly at the back of your mind.
However, Jungkook’s hand twitches at your side and, you feel movement beside you, causing your head to tilt in his direction.
You’re met with a sleepy smile and, a gaze so endearing, you might just die right then and there.
“You’re here…” He murmurs, voice raspy and decorated with sleep.
It doesn’t take you long to get closer to him, his free arm not leaving your body in order to hug you against his bare chest.
“I’m here…” You answer, a smile in your voice, pursing your lips to place kisses on  his skin.
Jungkook smiles properly now but, you don’t see it, your face tucked firmly into his neck.
He’s so happy you’re here.
His arm moves out from underneath his pillow to envelope you completely, shy lips pressing a few kisses to the top of your head as he shifts onto his back, taking you with him.
“Missed you..” He mumbles almost, coy and unsure but, genuine.
As he usually is.
A smile erupts on your mouth now, as you look up to face him and, for whatever reason you’re overcome with the need to feel his lips against yours. So you do just that and, secure your mouth to his, letting a deep breath out through your nose. His quick too, big hands sliding down your back to hold onto your hips.
“Missed you more” You whisper against his lips, a little breathless from the depth of the kiss you’ve just shared.
His nose wrinkles in disgust as he shakes his head, leaning in to kiss you again, “No…me…”
The childish nature of his response makes you giggle, accepting another kiss eagerly.
“If you missed me so much, why did you make Namjoon let me in hm?” You tease, still kissing at his mouth, one of your hands sliding over his ribcage.
He nibbles at your lip in retaliation, a slight smirk on his mouth, “Cause I was tired and, you were taking forever…”
Jungkook chuckles at his own whining and, you follow suit whilst shaking your head in disbelief.
“You’re only further proving my point, I rode the silver line to get here, just because it was faster and, I walked through the cold just so I could see your stupid face…”
By stupid, you mean beautiful but like, he doesn’t need to know that.
Jungkook laughs harder this time, its higher pitched and more genuine, his hands that are on your hips squeeze in retaliation.
“My face isn’t stupid….you’re stupid…” He chuckles, teasing you because, its one of his many ways of coping with how he feels for you.
Before you can respond, he kisses you again, your comeback dying in the back of your throat as your hand comes up to rest against his cheek.
The two of you can’t stop smiling and, giggling as you indulge one another, ignoring the clumsy way your lips connect.
“You look so beautiful like this…comfy…” He adds, his tone taking on a shyer tone as he nudges your nose, eyes half open, “I really did miss you jagiya…”
His words send emotion careening into your chest and, you can’t help the way your lips respond more eagerly against his.
“You make comfy look like a Calvin Klein campaign…” You retort before adding, “I missed you too. You’re staying home this winter too right?”
It’s a rarity for both of you stay on campus during winter break but, this year your families had decided to come to you.
He nods, eyes still soft as he tucks your hair behind your ear, lips pouted that you stopped kissing him for a moment, “Mhm…we’ll be here together…”
Jungkook has his moods like most people do but, there is a certain way he gets that you swear he reserves only for you. Being the youngest of seven boys, he’s used to being the source of a lot of banter and, teasing so, being with you is no exception but, recently he’s been getting softer and softer.
Sweeter and sweeter…
And you’re not complaining…
“We will.” You affirm, pecking his lips again, “we can go on all those dates we’ve been promising eachother.”
He nods, pulling the duvet up higher over the two of you, “Yeah, I have a lot of ideas but, I want to hear your ideas too…but I’m excited for mine…”
Another giggle leaves your lips at his almost jovial tone, his competiveness sneaking through a bit.
“I’m happy I get to spend the night with you more, you keep me warm.” You hum, delighting in the fact that Jungkook blushes at your statement.
“I keep you warm?” He checks, securing his teeth to his bottom lip, nibbling on it nervously.
With a nod of your head, you snuggle into his body, taking in the scent that was uniquely Jungkook: woodsy and clean, free of any harshness.
“So warm.” You whisper against his neck, pressing a gentle kiss there.
Though, as gentle as the kiss was, it doesn’t stop Jungkook from immediately plumping up from within the confines of his sweatpants. His neck is his weak spot.
You don’t feel him yet but, you do notice a reaction from him: his head tilts back ever so slightly, feet rubbing together at the end of the bed. The teasing words stay trapped in your throat as you decide to push your luck and, kiss him there again, letting your lips linger longer than before.
He doesn’t stop you when you place a third kiss into the sweet spot on his neck, or a fourth or a fifth but, soon enough he feels his dick filling out the empty space in his sweat pants, the sensation of your lips beginning to get to him.
“Jagiya?” He croons into the darkness of the room whilst his heart beats wildly in his chest, his hands sort of fidgeting against your hips.
“Hm?” You hum, kissing up his neck towards his lips, “Are you ok?”
He isn’t, he’s hard and, there is four months of stress sitting on his shoulders that he is certain your lips will melt away but, he’s so nervous.
“Uh…I’m…” He stutters for the right words but, you already know what he’s trying to say because, you can feel him now, pressing into your hip.
“Do you want me to stop?” You place a gentle kiss to his stuttering mouth, wanting to check with him before you continue.
“No…yes, shit I-“ He looks torn, glancing down towards his dick before looking back at you, “I don’t know jagi, I’m sorry…”
Immediately, you shake your head, pulling back to look at him, “Hey…hey it’s ok, you have nothing to be sorry for ok? We don’t have to do anything until you’re ready. I should have asked you if it was ok to kiss you there…”
He shakes his head now, pulling you closer, “You didn’t do anything wrong, I want you to kiss me and…touch me, I just wish I wasn’t so…” He sighs, biting his lip, dark eyes flitting nervously around, “I’ve just never…let anyone make me cum before…”
You have to admit, this shocks you.
Jungkook was obviously a campus heartthrob, literally everyone had a crush on him, even the Dean and, while you didn’t think that made him into some kind of Casanova, you had been certain that he had some sexual experience before meeting you.
But clearly, you were wrong.
Reaching out to touch his cheek, you pull his gaze back to yours, “There’s nothing wrong with that babe. We all do things at our own pace. The two of us have all the time in the world, you can wait as long as you need to…”
His fingers curl slightly against your hips, shifting you until your sitting in his lap, causing you to ignore the way his length feels pressing into your core. A deep breath is needed but, it doesn’t last long because, Jungkook speaks again, surprising you.
“Noona I-“ He kisses you again, trying to focus on anything other than his throbbing dick, “I don’t want to wait anymore though…I’m just really nervous.”
It hits you like a ton of bricks but, you remain focused, allowing him to take all of the time he needs.
“That’s ok, it’s ok to be nervous.” You assure him gently, kissing between his eyes, “Can I ask what you’re nervous about?”
“I just don’t know what it’s going to be like and, I don’t know…my hyungs say it feels amazing but, I don’t want to do the wrong thing or what if you use your mouth and, it tastes bad or something, fuck I sound really dumb, I swear…I’m ….”
You cut him off with a gentle kiss to his forehead, smiling fondly into his skin as your hands come up to rub tenderly at his back.
“Slow down for me baby.” You whisper and, the words along with your touch are enough to calm him slightly, “you say you don’t want to wait right? So, what would you be comfortable with us doing right now? It doesn’t have to be all at once, we can take things slow.”
His fingers explore the skin on your hips, as he wears a nervous but eager expression, “I don’t want our first time to be…here or like…after all of this.  I don’t think I’m ready for the way you’ll make me feel, I can barely hang on when you’re sitting on me like this but, I…”
His eyes flit down to your center for a moment, as if the thought of being inside of you overwhelms him. He looks back up at you, lips swollen from all of the kiss, his timid expression tainted with lust.
“I wanna feel what it’s like to have someone touch me…I want you to touch me really bad.”
The world could be ending beyond Jungkook’s blackout curtains and, it still wouldn’t be enough to stop you from honoring his request.
Your finger tilts his chin towards your lips, “I want to touch you too. Can I touch you right now?”
He nods immediately, swallowing around a dry throat and an unsteady heartbeat. To soothe himself, he kisses you again before, nudging your nose playfully, trying to ease the tension he feels.
“Ok, I’m going to get behind you alright?”
Your response confuses him and, you can tell but, you know he’ll catch on soon enough. He leans forward, allowing you sit directly behind him, your legs on either side of his silhouette, your body encircling him with your warmth.
“Lean back against me…” You whisper in his ear, causing him to shiver as he obliges, his bare back now flush against your chest. “Comfy?’
He chuckles, his cheeks on fire at the position you’re both in but, he nods none the less, his hands moving to the outsides of his thighs and, then to tops of your knees, rubbing the skin there.
“Now, I want you to show me how you touch yourself ok? So I can see what you like and, then, whenever you’re ready, I’ll touch you.” You explain gently, kissing around the shell of his ear, your hands coming to brush over his hips.
Jungkook already feels like he could cum, he just can’t believe you’re about to touch him.
He has no idea what to expect.
“Ok…” He tilts his lips to mumble against your mouth, his tone boyish and jovial, “ You promise you won’t laugh right?”
At his question you giggle, kissing him and shaking your head, “Of course I’m not going to laugh babe, I’m here to make you feel good.”
He chuckles too, relishing in the way you make him feel: comfortable and comforted.
“OK, I’ll uh…I’ll start now…” He whispers, his shaky and quite frankly clammy hand leaves your knee and, slowly travels to the band of his sweatpants, tucking underneath for a moment before bringing his dick out from it’s confines.
It’s bigger than you anticipated and, as hot as any dick can be. Swollen and curving slightly at the reddened tip, it makes your mouth water; literally every inch of your boyfriend is beautiful.
Jungkook takes a shaky breath in through his nose as he encircles a hand around his length, squeezing tentatively right underneath the tip, the sensation makes his head spin.
He stays silent as he finds a rhythm his comfortable with and, you admire the way his toned stomach trembles with his own ministrations. You take note that he pays careful attention to his  frenulum, his thumb rubbing over it continuously as he strokes himself.
After a few moments, you start pressing kisses into his neck, allowing your hands to wander over his hips, tracing patterns into his skin.
“Jagi…I-“ He mutters before his words catch on the softest moan, the sound of course caused by you nibbling on his neck, “You’re making it so good for me…”
He sounds helpless, like he knows that you touching him is going to ruin him because, you touching on him whilst he jacks off is already fucking him up.
“Yeah? It feels good?” You reaffirm before sucking gently on his sweetspot, a motion that causes his hand to stall right underneath his tip, his head falling back against you.
“Mhm…” He hums and, if he wasn’t reigning it in, he would be whining but, he stops himself, trying to gain some sense, “Do you know how to touch me now?”
He’s starting to feel impatient, because he knows the way your hands feel on him now and, his dick is so hard he feels like he could burst.
You smirk fondly against his neck as you nod slowly, your hand trailing over his wrist which is still working on his length, “Are you ready?”
“Yes…” He answers immediately, letting his hand fall to the side, his eyes closing tightly as he prepares himself for your touch.
“Just relax for me ok? I’m going to make you feel so good.” You coo into his ear before slowly resuming the touch on Jungkooks length.
At the first squeeze of your hand, he’s quite certain he has never felt more pleasure in his entire life, as you slowly drag your fist up his aching dick, his mouth falls open in complete awe but, when you begin the same rhythm he had just performed on himself, Jungkook swears his going to melt into a puddle on the bed.
“Oh-“ He huffs, his eyes popping open to zero in on your hand because, watching you touch him is enough to fill up his spank bank for the rest of the year. “Oh my god…Noona…you’re touching me…”
He’s in disbelief. In 22 years, his never let anyone touch him like this before and, although he can’t believe he ever lived without it, he’s glad it was you who touched him first.
“Mhm…” You hum in his ear, kissing gently on the side of his face, “Does it feel good baby?”
As your thumb repeats his early movements, his brown eyes roll to the back of his head, his adams apple jumping around his throat as he swallows.
“I can’t…feel anything else but, your hand on my dick I-oh my fucking god…” He whimpers, his eyes popping open again to watch your pace increase.
His words surprise you, he’s never been so vulgar before and, now you know why but, you’d be lying if you said you didn’t want to hear more.
“Nothing else huh? Do you think you’re gonna cum for me baby?” You’re egging him on, wanting him to cum his brains out for you.
You gotta make a good first impression after all…
He nods, his hair stuck to his forehead with sweat, his abs trembling even more so with your motions, his toes curling painfully against the sheets.
“Yeah…really soon…for you..” He gets out, not thinking clearly enough to form full sentences.
“Yeah? What if I went a little faster hm? Would that do the trick baby? Will you make a mess now?”
Oh he’s fuck now.
As your pace increases on him, you focus more attention on his throbbing tip, pulling and squeezing him to the point of no return. Jungkook feels nothing but, pleasure as he starts to rock his hips up into your touch.
“I’m gonna cum…I’m gonna cum…oh my god you’re so good…” He mutters before a whimper takes over his speech, eyes squeezing shut as his head falls back against you once more, “fuck….thank you Noona…god thank you so much…”
Those are his last words before his release comes, the sweltering pleasure consuming his entire being, starting up from his balls and, shooting up his length. Jungkook knows in his heart he’s never cum so hard in his life. Nothing could ever compare to the way you make him feel.
“There you go…let it out baby…” You whisper, kissing at his cheeks as you stroke him through his release.
Once his hips begin to twitch with sensitivity, you slow your pace on him, easing off his dick.
Jungkook’s breathing his erratic and, he feels drunk off of the pleasure he’s just received but, he knows for a fact that he came all over himself and, all over your hand.
You wait for him to open his eyes so, he can watch you lick his release from your fingers, taking time to show him the skills of yours he’s yet to experience.
“holy shit…” He mutters, eyes completely glazed over before leaning in and capturing your lips between his and, kissing you with everything he has.
You giggle against his lips before, squealing unceremoniously into the kiss as Jungkook turns quickly in your grip, falling back towards the foot of the bed and, taking you with him. He just chuckles, kissing you harder as he lets his hands run a little more freely over your body.
“I’m guessing you liked it?” You tease into the kiss before he leans back, his expression completely offended.
“Liked it? You’re guessing I liked it???” He blazes dubiously before, pinching your sides and, suddenly leaning into kiss all over your face, nibbling on your cheeks, “You almost made me cry…”
“You cry all the time…” You point out, pinching his side back, causing him to gasp in mock horror.
“Shut upppp…” He whines, smirking as he tucks his face into your neck, nibbling on the skin again and, while it seems innocent, soon enough Jungkook’s nibbling turns into kissing and, his playful touch on your hips turns to caressing.
“Noona?” His tone has shifted lower, it shoots straight down to your core.
“Yeah?” You breathe, eyes shut against the sensation of his lips.
“Will you make a mess now?”
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eveningstar1516 · 3 years
Rise of the Demon King ~ Chapter 11
Rise of the Demon King
Fic: Multi Chapter Paring: MC x Everyone (Mostly Lucifer) Type: Angst with a Happy Ending Total Word Count: 26,758 TW: Major Character Death, Reader gets stabbed with a sword through their chest so..., Abusive Parents, Past Child Abuse, Demon Hunters, Loss of Control Summary: You’ve done it. You’ve finally done it. You’ve managed to anger the demon king. Now you hold your head high as he hands down your sentence. AO3 Portal: https://archiveofourown.org/works/27065362 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A/N: I gotta Discord server guys! It's primarily Obey Me but other fandoms are welcome as well. It's kinda baby and dead so me and the other members are looking to revive it and we'd love for you to come join us. A roleplay area is included :) https://discord.gg/F3YEmDZCPS Please remember to read and accept the rules once you join for access to all the channels. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Previously:
After that day, Beel would take responsibility for waking the youngest whenever he slept for too long and Belphie took responsibility for making sure Beel ate whenever he was awake. From that day forward, you’d never find one twin without the other close by. Their relationship strengthened, one relying on the other. Always being there when needed. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CHAPTER 11 - 2 Realms, 2 Families (2003 words)
Making my way up the palace steps, I took notice of the lack of angels tending the gardens or palace. Oh well, I thought to myself. It is still too early for any of them to get to work. Michael led me through the castle towards the throne room. It was the same route we took on my first day here, only this time, I had a sneaking suspicion that it was about to be my last. Stopping in front of the door, Michael announced our presence and waited for the angels inside to open the doors for us. I’ve been in the throne room a small handful of times since my first day. Today, however, the atmosphere felt a little off. Normally, one would feel a sense of dread walking into this room, as it usually meant punishment. All ceremonies took place in the garden, the throne room being deemed as an unofficial courtroom. Today the atmosphere felt almost, denser than usual. Michael and I made our way towards the throne and kneeled before Father.
Both of us responded with a “Thank you Father” as we stood. God turned to face me.
“I apologize for calling for you this late. I do hope I didn’t wake you.”
“Not to worry Father, I was actually up finishing this week's work when Michael came to get me. If I may ask, why did you want to see me?”
“I called you to make an offer. I have observed how you ran the council this past millennium. I’ve seen your leadership and your dedication to your job. I’d like to offer you a permanent spot on the council.”
“Father, I’m sure-”
“I’m well aware of our initial deal. Bear in mind that this will not impede on your ability to see the Sins again. As head of the council, it will be your job to oversee business in the Devildom as Michael had been while you were here. You will be able to travel between the realms for business and visit the brothers while you’re there.”
“But I’d have to return and continue serving you, won’t I?”
“That is correct. You are a unique individual Y/N. You are a human with the blood of a fallen, you accepted the demons and was still elevated to the Celestial realm. As such, you have experience from all three realms. This is a powerful tool to have.”
“For you. I’m sorry to disappoint you, but I am not interested in staying, nor am I interested in allowing you access to this “tool” as you so crudely labelled my experience. I made it abundantly clear that I serve you under the condition that I return once Lord Diavolo has been crowned. As the Father of the Celestials, I expect that your promises would be kept. Unless that is your telling me I’d have more luck trusting a demon if I wanted promises kept?”
“Y/N! While you’re here, you still serve Father. You cannot speak to him like that!”
“I’m not wrong though am I? If that is all, I’d like to get some rest before reporting in. Good evening, or should I say morning?” I didn’t wait for a response as I bowed to Father and walked out of the throne room without so much of a glance back.
“I apologize Father. I will see that they don’t speak that way to you again.”
“That’s quite alright Michael.”
“I find it to be one of their more enduring qualities. They don’t take anything from anyone, regardless of their position. It’s a valuable trait to have, if used correctly.”
“Father, you weren’t really going to cement their position as the leader of the council, were you?”
“No, I knew they wouldn’t have agreed anyway. I wanted to test them. By offering the position permanently, they would have gained an abundance of power and authority.”
“Instead they turned it down to be with Samael and his brothers. I still don’t understand what they see in them.”
“It would be wise to re-think your opinion on Lucifer and his family. Contrary to what you think, they haven’t changed much. If you looked at it from an outsider's perspective, perhaps you’ll find that they’re still very much angelic.”
“Are you seriously telling me that with a straight face? I appreciate your suggestion Father, however, I highly doubt my opinion on them could change.”
“I am not telling you to change your thoughts about them overnight.” Standing up God stepped down and put a firm hand on Michael’s shoulder.
“I’m just reminding you that Pride is a sin.” God exited the throne room towards his personal chambers leaving a perplexed Michael standing in the throne room.
“I’m not prideful.” Somewhere in the back of his mind, he knew he was wrong.
~3 Months Later~
“That is all for today. Does anyone else have anything that needs to be brought to attention before we leave?” I looked around the council table and took note of Azrael's continued absence. The angel of death was called for a quick meeting with God before the start of this meeting and had yet to return.
“Alright then. This meeting is adjourned. If anyone has anything they’d like to drop off, I’ll be working by the fountain." The council of 7 stood and started chatting amongst themselves as I packed up and left. A few weeks into leading the council, I found that much like the Devildom, I couldn’t find much peace anywhere indoors. As such, I turned to the gardens, in particular, the stone fountain. It reminded me of the one in my old village square back on earth and found a sense of peace here. I’m guessing the other angels got the hint of me needing some peace and quiet to complete my work as I’ve never been disturbed while I worked here. Anywhere else though, and it’s anyone’s game.
About halfway through my work, I decided it was a good time to take a break and get something to eat. Making my way to the makeshift kitchen area in the council building, I passed by Azrael and Michael conversing with each other. We exchanged some polite hello’s when something Azrael said caught my attention.
“I apologize for not making the meeting. There was an issue with a soul’s candle that was fluctuating that I had to deal with.”
“Fluctuating? I was under the impression that a soul’s candle can only slowly burn until the soul’s time runs out and the candle burns out or someone snuffs them out. How can a candle fluctuate?”
“It’s more like the candle was shifting, evolving. The flame itself is fine but the stick itself was changing. You see, the flame is just that, a flame that will never burn out until its designated time, or if as you put it, someone snuffs it out. It’s the stick that holds most of the magic. The type of wax used identifies the soul, its nature, and where it’s destined. Only angels of death, or reapers, can tamper with the stick and alter it, however, it seems this stick is changing itself without outside interference from myself or another reaper.”
“The stick is evolving on its own and this is a cause for concern because this type of thing shouldn’t be possible and has never happened before?”
“What did you do about it?”
“For now, nothing. We’ve tried manually altering it ourselves but it keeps rejecting the change. I have a junior reaper watching it now. He’ll update me if anything changes. That is all I can tell you for now.”
“That understandable, thank you for sharing anyway. Good luck with the candle.” At that, my stomach rumbled.
“Go enjoy your lunch” Azrael replied, walking away with Michael.
“Why did you tell them all of that?” Michael demanded of Azrael.
“They have a right to know. Besides nothing would be gained by hiding it from them. It’s best they are aware of the situation.”
“That’s not your call to make Az.” Michael responded angrily as he stopped. Azrael turned to face him, a calm mask slipped on.
“Yes, it is Michael. It’s my call as the leader of the reapers and the overseer of their candle. What isn’t right is how you keep insisting that they be left in the dark, blissfully ignorant. Despite what you may think, they are a bright soul and have brought much light with them, even to the brothers. I understand why you feel about them the way you do, but times have changed. They have changed, and so have the rest of us. Everyone but you. It’s time you change too before you do something you’ll regret.” With that, Azrael left, leaving Michael standing there thinking about what the reaper had said and thought back to what their Father had said 3 months ago. Threading his fingers in his hair, he made his way to his office, hoping to distract himself from these thoughts with some extra work.
~7 Years later~
“Y/N'' I woke up realizing that I fell asleep at my desk again. Looking up, I saw Uriel looking down at me. His hand on my right shoulder shaking me awake.
“Father would like to see you. Go get dressed please. I’ll be waiting outside.” Uriel left, closing the door behind him. I leaned back thinking about why God would want to see me, especially this early in the morning.
Not wanting to Uriel waiting for too long, I tidied up the papers at my desk, and sleepily made my way to the bathroom to take a quick shower and get ready. Once I finished, Uriel and I set out except this time, instead of heading to the palace, we headed for the gates.
When we arrived, I found that the rest of the council including Azreal and Simeon were already there and waiting for us. We landed and bowed our respects towards Father. Uriel joined the council in a semi-circle behind God.
“Y/N, as I’m sure you realized, the time has come for you to return to the Devildom. I offer you one last chance to stay here. You should know that once an angel falls, they’re not allowed back. Y/N, if you through with this, you will be cast out from the Celestial realm. Are you ready to make that sacrifice?” Looking to the council standing behind God. I recalled the past millennia I spent with them. While I tried to keep a professional relationship with them, they ended up growing on me and we became a little family of our own. I realized that I was going to end up missing them. None of that matters though, not anymore. I’m finally going home, to my real family. To the brothers. Ignoring God, I addressed the angels gathered behind him.
“Thank you, all of you. Despite our differences, you all still accepted me and let me into this little family of yours. I’ll be sure to remember all you’ve done for me and I hope we could meet again someday. Oh and Mike.” Michael looked at me, surprised that I singled him out. “You don’t belong down there. Don’t forget that.” I turned back to God giving him my answer.
“Yes, I am willing.” Giving me a nod of affirmation, God addressed me for the last time.
“Y/N, Virtue of Loyalty and former leader of the virtues.  I hereby strip you of your angelic status and cast you out into the Devildom for the sin of misplaced loyalty.” I faced the edge, ready to jump when I realized I had forgotten something. Turning around, I looked God straight in the eyes and threw the strongest right hook I had ever thrown in my life before jumping backwards, tucking in my wings and closing my eyes. A content sigh leaving my lips as I let the darkness engulf me whole.
I’m coming guys. Wait up for me
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The New Hampshire House (Trap House Imagine)
Summary: You and the trap house boys decided to travel to New Hampshire for a week to film Sam and Colby’s new series. Trouble arises on the first night.
Written: 2020
Word Count: 2,250
Warnings: Swearing, murder, haunted house
Slowly sliding through the mist came a faint human-like figure and went into the new house. I shrugged it off as my imagination and helped the guys carry everything inside.
When Sam, Colby, Jake, and Corey invited me on this trip, the last place I expected to be was in a haunted house in the middle of nowhere in New Hampshire. I knew we would be doing the typical stuff for the week: haunted overnights, explore videos, and midnight rituals. What I didn’t know is that they lied to me about our lodging situation. I was told we were going to be staying in this nice Air BnB in a cute little neighborhood. They even showed me pictures. But when we flew in Colby announced to me, because he had already talked to everyone while I was asleep on the plane, that there was a problem with the original house and he had to book this one last minute. We’ve been at this house for about 20 minutes and let me tell you, Bradford, New Hampshire looks and feels creepy. 
“Y/N, come in the living room, we have to talk.” I heard Sam shout from probably the living room.
“Coming!” I exclaimed. I walk into is what I think is the kitchen and spot Colby walks into a different room. I follow him and find everyone sitting around together.
“Y/N, we have to get a few things for this week and we need you to stay here and set up some stuff,” Sam explains when he sees me. 
“What? No way! I am not staying in this creepy house by myself! Why can’t we all go or one of you stay we me?” 
“We’re going shopping for food and supplies for the week. The rental is small and we need to get a lot of things.” Colby explains, patting the seat next to him for me to sit.
“Sure leave the four of you in charge of getting the food we’re going to be living on for the next week. You know what, I’m willing to put feminism back a few years for this. I’m the woman here and I’m probably going to be doing all the cooking anyway. I’ll go grocery shopping, Jake can stay home.” I sit on the armchair by myself and cross my legs; I’m not going out without a fight.
“Y/N, you know if we leave Jake, we’ll never get the deposit back.” Corey jokes. 
“Fine, then you stay Ye Rock.”  
“Fuck that, I’m not staying here.” 
“Then why do I have to?” 
“Please, Y/N, we’ll all owe you big time. We’ll be gone for an hour—two hours tops. We just need someone to charge the equipment and double-check that we have everything.” I throw my hands up and sink into the couch. There is no way I’m going to win this argument.
           I wave goodbye to everyone as they pull out of the driveway. I scan the street one more time before locking the door. We’re really the only house out here. Nothing but dirt and trees for miles. If I didn’t know any better, I would think we were in the middle of the suicide forest. I check all of the equipment that Sam and Colby left behind for me to charge. I stay downstairs for 20 minutes after that before going upstairs to my room to unpack a bit. I close the door and start putting my clothes away. 
Knock, knock, knock. 
I go and open the door, knowing that I’m the only one home, to find nobody there. It’s probably just one of the guys trying to scare me. Maybe they wanted to get a prank video done and make me the subject of their torture. I close the door and go into the closet to start putting some clothes on hangers again. I see a box probably, from the owners, tucked away in the corner. I know I probably shouldn’t open it, I’m a guest in this house. But my curiosity gets the best of me and I get the desk chair and climb on it to reach the shelf. After a few misses, I grab the old dusty brown box. I blow the dust off and open it to find old newspaper articles about this house.
Mark White (Age 37) was murdered in his home today. He suffered head wounds and had multiple stab wounds. His wife (Arianna White, Age 35) found him dead in the family room with the possible murder weapon. Police officers found no fingerprints on the evidence… 
Out of all the houses in the area, Sam and Colby had to choose the murder house. They probably did this on purpose. I go through the box I see pictures of a man and a woman, probably Mark and Arianna, standing in front of the house. Then I pick up another newspaper article.
Arianna White (Age 35) was murdered in her home today. She has suffered gunshot wounds to the head and chest. Mrs. White’s husband was murdered last month in the family room and his wife was found there dead. Her children found her dead when they came home from school and called 911. The family was in the process of moving.
           They have to be fucking with me. There is no way that this group of people, the group that is always doing spooky shit, just happened to book an Air BnB where two—possibly more—people have died. On top of that, them leaving me home along with wouldn’t be a coincidence either. There have to be hidden cameras around the house. How did I find the one room in the house that conveniently just had this box in it?
“No, absolutely fucking not. Nope. Fuck you guys. I’m over this, you picked the wrong bitch.” I shout to nobody in particular and put the box back. I grab my laptop and head to my bed to binge the series I started yesterday.
I must have been tired because I fell asleep while watching the show. It’s dark now and the house is unusually quiet. I sit up and turn on the light to look for my phone. I grab it and unlock my phone to a text from Colby saying that they dropped off the groceries but had to head out for something. He said that they didn’t want to wake me up, so they left without me and would come back with dinner. I rolled my eyes and head downstairs. I pass by the thermostat on the way down and turn on the heat. For the middle of summer, it’s oddly cold. 
When I get to the kitchen I check to see what the four dumb asses managed to get us for provisions. Surprisingly, they got things that we can have for actual meals, on top of snacks. I grab the stovetop popcorn and begin to make it. I turn around and hear a loud crash behind me. The bags on the dining room table were now on the floor. 
“Y/N,” I heard a faint voice say. This has to be a prank. They guys have to be home and hiding filming me somewhere.
“Get out of our house, Y/N.” Now I hear two faint voices one sounded like a man and the other sounded like a woman. This getting weird. Maybe they hired a woman to help prank me. Or maybe one of them finally nailed their fake woman voice.
“You guys can stop now! I’m actually scared so you won. You come out and welcome me to the prank war.” 
“Nobody’s here, Y/N. No one is going to help you.” The voices are getting closer. 
“I’m never doing another video with any of you, ever again. If you don’t— if you don’t come out right now I’ll move out.” 
“Then leave!” Something else falls somewhere else in the house, causing me to scream and jump back into the hot stove. If it’s not the guys, then the ghosts of this house are still here holding a grudge against their killers. I start getting goosebumps and the hair on the back of my neck as I turn off the stove.
“Sam, Colby, Jake, and Corey you better fuck off right now!” I yell as I start running to my room. This house is huge it’s easy to get lost. 
While I’m running things are flying and falling behind me. I’m going to kill them when I see them. After what seems like forever I finally get to my room. I lock the door and slide my back down it. I grab my phone from my back pocket and dial Colby’s number. As I call, I feel things getting thrown at the door.
“Are you guys fucking with me right now?” I ask as I move myself to the closet.
“What do you mean? We’re not even home right now.” He sounds only mildly panicked, I don’t even know if he’s faking or not.
“Cole Robert Brock, are you and your asshole friends somewhere on property pulling a prank on me?” The banging on the door stopped and I poked my head out of the closet door.
“No, we’re on our way home from a witchcraft store for some ritual ingredients that we couldn’t find at the store. What are you talking about?”
“I don’t know, things are weird here and I’m over—” A loud bang at the door causing me to scream louder than I think I’ve ever done in my entire life.
“Oh, shit. Okay, we’ll be right there.” I hear Colby and everyone else running in the background. I don’t know if it was my scream or if they heard the bang in the background, but now they’re done fucking around.
Colby stays on the phone with me while I go back to hiding in the closet. A few minutes later I hear footsteps approaching my door. When the footsteps get close enough, that when the loud banging started up again, causing me to scream.
“Oh, fuck, sorry. Y/N, it’s just us, open the door.” Colby says on the other line.
I take a few deep breaths and open the door to reveal my idiots, scared out of their minds. I drop my phone and wrap my arms around Colby. I didn’t even realize I was crying until Colby hugged me back and started stroking my hair. Normally, I hate it when he does this because his rings get stuck in my hair, but right now I just need this hug from my best friend.
“What the fuck happened to the house?” Jake asks, breaking the silence.
“What do you mean? It was your guys’ prank.” I pull away from Colby and look at the four of them in disbelief. 
“Uh, not it’s not. The box in your closet, the stuff in your bathroom, and the two dummies outside are our pranks. All this other shit was all you.” Corey says, picking up broken glass and dropping it on the floor. 
“No, it wasn’t. Do you honestly think I’m that good of an actress? I broke character like two months ago when I tried to convince Sam that Colby fell into a ditch the last time we did an overnight. Do you genuinely think I could sit here, screaming and crying for fun? Or that I would somehow have the time to break all that shit and stage the knocking on my door.” I wipe my face and step back to finally let the boys in my room.
“She’s not wrong guys, she does share a brain cell with us. I don’t think she could pull this off. She didn’t even know we were coming here until this afternoon and she can’t think that fast.” Jake says before flopping himself on my bed.
“You know what Webber, I may be scared, but I’m not scared to throw these hands—”
“Guys! Let’s think about this. Couldn’t it have been an earthquake or something? Or the movement of Y/N running. It’s a pretty old house.”
“It can’t be an earthquake dude, I’m pretty sure New Hampshire hasn’t unlocked those yet,” Corey explains.
“Okay, first of all, Sam I’m pretty sure you called me fat but I’ll deal with that later. Second, Corey, you’re so fucking stupid, I swear to God. I’m constantly worried about your well being. And thirdly, Colby either you’re sleeping in here with me or I’m sleeping in your room with you because I refuse to sleep alone tonight.” I explain, sitting down on the floor.
“Wait, can we talk about this seriously. If none of us set up this prank, then who the fuck did. Do you think the owners of this house are doing this? Because if they are, I vote we get the fuck out right now.”
“Why would they even do that?” Sam asks, now joining me on the floor. 
“To scare us before they murder us, brother,” Jake says jokingly from my bed.
“Will you shut the fuck up?” Corey says from the door.
“Can we be serious for one second—” Sam is cut off by the lights going out, covering us in a deep velvet of pitch black. Not even the windows are helping. All five of us scream but dare not move.
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demxters · 4 years
When There Was Me and You-Part 1
jj maybank x reader 
summary: When the reader finally awakens from a coma, JJ Maybank’s world gets turned upside down.
word count: 3.7k 
warnings: swearing, mentions of a car accident (?), descriptions of a panic attack 
series masterlist  
my masterlist  
a/n: i’m so excited to share this with you all! i worked on this all night so i hope you guys enjoy! i’m not sure how long this series will be yet, but i hope to get the next part out soon! 
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(not my gif) 
Beep. Beep. Beep. 
JJ felt like he was in purgatory. The constant beeping of the heart monitor was currently the only thing giving him hope. It’s been three weeks, 504 hours, 30,240 minutes, and 1,814,400 seconds (he may or may not have begged Pope to do the math) since he’s last heard your voice. His sweaty hand was firmly grasping yours, afraid that if he let go you would slip away. JJ didn’t dare go further than the hospital cafeteria while you were there. The Pogues and your parents had to practically drag him out of there every other day to get him to shower, get a change of clothes, and eat some food. And every time he left, he made sure that whoever was watching you promised to call him for even the slightest change in your state. Because the hospital only allowed one overnight patient to stay with you, your parents were kind enough to give that privilege to JJ. 
“JJ, it’s my turn to take over,” Kie’s voice breaks the unbearable silence. 
He lets out a shaky breath. He goes through this routine every time he has to leave your room, even if it was just to use the restroom. He squeezed your hand, and silently counted to 10 in his head. 
He places a kiss to your palm. 
Then one on your wrist. 
Another in your hair, 
On your forehead,
The apples of your cheeks, 
Your chin, 
The spot behind your ear that you loved so much, 
And finally your lips. 
JJ’s lips leave yours, his tears falling onto your cheeks. He wipes them away and leans his forehead against yours. “I’ll be back before you know it, my love,” he whispers. “I love you.” He turns to face Kiara who’s patiently waiting by the door. “If anything changes, anything at all-” 
“I know, I know. Call you right away,” Kie says. 
JJ nods, walking past Kiara and giving her a hug. He buries his head into her neck and mumbles, “Thank you for being here.” 
At this Kiara feels her eyes begin to water, her heart aching for her two best friends. “Of course,” she whispers to him. 
JJ lets Kiara go and gives you one last look before walking out of the room and into the dimly lit hallway. On his way down the hall, he sees your parents sitting a little ways outside your hospital room with their heads pressed together as they spoke in hushed whispers. 
Your mom notices JJ walking their way and nudges your father who looks up from the catalog in his lap. “JJ,” your mom says, with a small smile. 
“Mrs. Y/L/N, Mr. Y/L/N,” he greets back with a small nod, shoving his hands into the pocket of his shorts, stopping in front of them. 
Your dad stands up and shows the catalog that was in his lap to JJ. “We’re thinking of ordering Y/N a bouquet. Which one do you think she’ll like best? Y/M/N thinks that she’ll like the lilies, but I completely disagree. I think she’ll like roses.”
JJ doesn’t even have to look down at the catalog to know which flowers to get you.“Sunflowers,” he states. “You should get her sunflowers.” 
“That’s an excellent choice JJ,” your mom says. “Are you heading out?” 
“Only for a little while,” JJ says. “Just for a quick shower and a change of clothes. I’ll be back before the nurse’s rounds.” 
Your dad sits down, clearing his throat. “JJ, thank you for being here for us, for her.” 
At your father’s words JJ feels the need to cry once again. He harshly swallows the lump in his throat. He can only bring himself to nod before walking away to his bike in the parking lot. 
As JJ rode home, he couldn’t help but think about the last time he spoke to you. If only he hadn’t let you go. If only he had begged you to stay. But he didn’t. And he has to live with knowing that what happened to you was all his fault. 
“JJ, I have to go,” you say with a laugh as the blonde haired boy pulls you back into his chest. 
“Noooo,” he whines. “Just stay with me tonight, please.” He places an arm around your waist and uses his other hand to keep you firm against his chest. 
“You know how my mom gets,” you say with a sigh. You slightly push back on his hand, his grip loosening a bit, and rest your chin on his chest looking up at him. “I promise, tomorrow it’ll be just you and me out on The Pogue. No John B constantly pestering us to keep the PDA to a minimum, no Kie and Pope bickering, and no Sarah constantly bugging us about reapplying sunscreen. Just us.” You give him a quick peck on his chin then move your lips to his. 
JJ immediately reciprocates the action, his lips moving with the familiar rhythm of yours in a kiss that you have both shared a thousand times before. Barely pulling away, JJ mumbles against your lips, “Fine. But promise me you’ll text me when you get home.” He gives you a stern look, one similar to a parent scolding their child. 
“Of course I will.” You knew JJ would be on your ass about it if you didn’t. You unwrap your arms from around his neck and quickly give him one last kiss on his lips. You laugh as he leans forward trying to capture your lips with his once more. You walk backwards towards the front door of the Chateau and blow him a kiss, exaggerating the noise when your palm hits your lips. “I love you!” you say with as much enthusiasm as you can muster. 
“And I love you, baby!” JJ responds back with a laugh, pretending to catch your kiss and stuffing it in his pocket. He watches you go, with the biggest smile on his face, wondering how the hell he got so lucky to have someone like you to love him in his life. 
JJ walks into the Chateau like a man on a mission. The longest he’s ever spent away from the hospital since you were admitted was thirty minutes, and he plans to keep it that way. 
“Hey.” JJ hears John B’s voice say the second he pulls the door to the Chateau open. “How is she?” 
JJ sighs, running a hand through his hair. “The same.” He harshly tugs at the roots of his hair. “The doctor said the wounds on her ribs are healing fine and that he’s confident she’ll wake up within the next week or so.” 
“But you think it’s bullshit,” John B responds before taking a sip from his beer. 
“I don’t know what I think anymore man,” JJ says, his voice wavering. “All I know is that I want her to wake up. I just want everything to go back to the way it was.” JJ’s voice breaks towards the end of his sentence, tears openly streaming down his face, unable to keep it all in anymore. He’s been breaking down more and more as each day passed with your absence. 
“JJ-” John B starts. 
JJ doesn’t give him the opportunity to finish. “I need to go shower.” 
JJ fell asleep in the guest room waiting for your text when it happened. The first time his phone rang, he ignored it thinking it was spam. The second time it rang, he declined the call without even opening his eyes. The third time it rang, he forced himself to open his eyes, slightly squinting from the brightness of his screen. The second he read the caller id he knew something was wrong. Your mother never called JJ. The only reason why she had his number was to help him plan your surprise birthday party last year. A sick feeling fills his stomach as he answers the phone. 
“Mrs. Y/L/N?” 
“Oh, thank god,” your mother lets out a sigh of relief. “JJ, it’s Y/N.” 
JJ feels his heart rate quicken in fear. “What’s wrong?” he frantically asks. “Is everything alright?” 
He hears your mother let out a choked sob before she responds. “She got into an accident on the way home,” she releases a shaky breath before continuing. “Some drunk idiot was on the road and…” She trails off letting out another sob. “And he hit her head on. When the paramedics got to the scene, Y/N was unconscious. She’s in the ER right now but we haven’t had any news about her condition.” 
JJ can barely process the words coming from your mother’s mouth. It’s as if his body began moving on autopilot as he tells your mom that he’ll be there as soon as he can. As JJ pulls on his boots, he accidentally knocks into the dresser behind him causing various objects that were sitting on top of it to topple off. “Fuck!” JJ lets out in frustration. 
Hearing the ruckus from the other room, John B is awakened from his slumber and stumbles down the hallway and to JJ’s room. “JJ? What the hell is going on? It’s nearly one in the morning,” John B says with a groan, leaning on the doorframe. 
“It’s Y/N, man. Sh-She got into an accident and she’s at the hospital and-shit!” He says as his foot got caught in one of his loose articles of clothing that was scattered on the floor. 
John B is suddenly wide awake when he hears that you’re in the hospital. He swiftly turns around running back to his room and grabs his car keys off his dresser. 
JJ nearly bumps into John B on his way out of his room and questions, “What are you doing?” 
“Coming with you, of course. You know you can’t drive in this state right?” John B knew just how reckless JJ could be and with your life at stake he knew JJ wasn’t in the right headspace to drive. 
JJ just frantically nods, quickly making his way to John B’s van. Sitting in the passenger’s seat as John B makes his way towards the hospital, JJ couldn’t help but wonder if this was all his fault. If only he had driven you home then maybe you wouldn’t be in the hospital right now. Maybe it would’ve been him who got hit head on instead, and you’d be safe on the passenger’s side. If only he had not taken no for an answer then you’d still be here, safe in his arms where you belonged. 
“Dude, she’s going to be ok,” John B says, feeling the anxiety reeking off of JJ in waves. He noticed that JJ hadn’t stopped bobbing his leg up and down ever since he sat down in the car. 
JJ doesn’t say anything. He just stares out the window, hoping that everything’s going to be ok. 
A series of knocks coming from outside the bathroom snaps JJ out of his thoughts. 
“JJ!” he hears John B hollar. “JJ hurry your ass up! She’s awake!” 
JJ shuts off the water, standing rigidly still for a moment. 
“She’s awake,” John B says, slightly softer. “Y/N’s awake.” 
JJ is out of the shower and changed in record time. He steps out of the bathroom with his hair still dripping, droplets of water visible on his dark blue t-shirt. “Damn it!” JJ says, running out of the Chateau, John B hot on his trail. “I said I’d be there. I promised her I’d be there when she woke up!” He slams his hand into the passenger side door of the van.
“Hey!” John B scolds, standing face to face with JJ. “Calm down, man. What matters right now is that she’s awake. Now get in the van.” 
JJ practically throws himself into the passenger’s seat, his heart racing at the thought of seeing you conscious again. To finally see your y/e/c eyes staring into his and to just be in your presence once more…
“Where is she?” JJ shouts, walking into the ER. He sees your mom standing by the front desk with her arms tightly wrapped around herself. “Mrs. Y/L/N,” he says with a quieter tone. 
Your mom looks up from where she was staring at the floor to meet JJ’s stare. She lets out another sob before walking over to him and engulfing him in a hug, squeezing him tight. 
JJ hesitantly reciprocates the hug. When your mother finally pulls away JJ asks again, “Where is she? Is she ok?” 
She swallows down another sob. “She’s with the doctors right now. There’s no news on her current state. Why don’t you come with me to the waiting room? Y/D/N is there waiting for word on her condition,” your mother says putting a hand on JJ’s back and leading him to the waiting room. 
Your father looks up at the sound of the approaching footsteps and gives JJ a slight nod when he walks into the room. 
“Any news?” your mother asks, sitting in the seat next to your father. 
“No, not a word.” 
JJ settles himself a couple chairs down from your parents. He’s not sure if he leaves the space for them or for himself. The silence is deafening, leaving JJ with nothing but his thoughts to run a mile a minute. You were going to be ok, he tried to convince himself. You had to be. His girl was a fighter and you would get through this. JJ rested his elbows on his knees, holding his head in his hands as he held in the tears that threatened to spill. He couldn’t lose you. Not when you were the only thing he loved more than anything in this world. You were his rock, his anchor. You kept him from spiraling out of control. Whenever he found himself acting impulsively, you always crossed his mind. He always tried to think about the consequences and how it would affect you. And though there were times he couldn’t help himself, you were always there to take care of him, to keep him safe, to love him. Without you, everything would fall apart. He would fall apart. 
The sound of two knocks on the waiting room door catches JJ and your parents attention, causing the three of you to stand up. 
“Mr. and Mrs. Y/L/N?” the doctor says, stepping into the room. 
“That’s us,” your father answers, stepping forward with your mother. 
JJ silently stands to the side, listening to the whole ordeal. 
“I’m Dr. Kavanaugh,” he introduces himself, giving them a hand to shake. He then turns to JJ, with his hand still extended. “And you are?”
“He’s Y/N’s boyfriend,” your mother answers for him. 
“Ah, nice to meet you,” Dr. Kavanaugh replies, still waiting for JJ to shake his hand. 
JJ reluctantly takes his hand, giving it a firm squeeze. 
“So, what’s the news Doc?” your father asks. “Will she be ok?” 
Dr. Kavanaugh looks to your father before giving his reply. “The good news is, her condition is stable. Other than the bruises on her ribs and the cuts on her face, her body’s in good shape.” 
“Oh, thank god,” your mother says as your father wraps an arm around her shoulders.
“So what’s the bad news then?” JJ abruptly asks. He doesn’t mean for it to come out so harsh, he was just tired of the doctor taking his sweet time to tell them what’s wrong. “You said that was the good news, so what’s the bad?” 
Dr. Kavanaugh turns to JJ before letting out a sigh and looking back to your parents. “The bad news is, she’s currently in a comatose state.” He pauses before continuing. “We don’t know how long she’s going to be like that or when she’s going to wake up. The best thing we can do for now is watch over her and look for any signs of complications.”
A coma. The love of his life was in a coma. It felt like the walls were closing in on him as JJ suddenly began hyperventilating. He was lightheaded and unable to comprehend what was going on around him. He pushed his way past your parents and the doctor ignoring their calls for him to come back. He stumbles down the hallway, leaning against the wall for support. The only thing that was running through his head was the thought of you being in a coma. That they didn’t know when you were going to wake up, or if you ever were. JJ feels himself crash into another body and almost falls to the floor, but the person hoists him up by his elbows. 
“Woah, JJ, you good?” John B’s voice sounds like it’s miles away. 
“I think he’s having a panic attack,” another voice says. Female. JJ identifies. The voice is female. 
John B moves JJ to one of the chairs that are lined up in the hallway and steps aside so Kiara can bring JJ back to reality. 
Kiara crouches down in front of JJ, holding onto his knees to keep herself steady. “Hey, JJ, can you hear me?” 
JJ slightly nods, his mouth too dry for him to respond.
“Good,” Kie’s voice soothes. “Now I need you to breathe with me ok? Can you do that?”
JJ nods again, beginning to follow Kiara’s instructions to breathe in and out. 
“That’s it, there you go,” Kiara says. She waits for a moment, letting JJ regain his senses come back to them. “You don’t need to talk now. Just let us know whenever you're ready.” 
JJ blinks a couple of times before finally being able to see clearly again. He sees Kiara crouched in front of him with a reassuring smile while Pope, John B, and Sarah stand behind her with looks of concern on their faces. JJ swallows, before telling them the news. He chokes up as he begins to tell them what happened, starting from when you left the Chateau, to the accident, and finishing at where you are now. 
Pope takes off his hat, putting his hands behind his head as he tilts his head back trying to stop the tears that are threatening to fall. Kiara lets out a small gasp as she starts to cry. Sarah buries her face into John B’s neck, sobs shaking her form. And John B just stares blankly at the wall, trying to stay strong for the rest of them. But JJ doesn’t miss the small tear that escapes from his right eye. 
At the sight of all his friends breaking down in front of him, he begins to break down too, his sobs becoming loud gasps for air. JJ buries his face in his hands and whispers, “It’s all my fault,” over and over again. 
Kiara is the first to move, capturing JJ in a tight hug as the others are close to follow. The five friends hold each other, sobbing for their best friend and the uncertainty that’s to come. 
John B dropped JJ off in front of the hospital so he could go in first while he looked for a parking spot. 
JJ walked through the hospital dodging other patients, visitors, and nurses as best as he could as he made his way to your room. He could see Kiara standing outside of your hospital room with a faint smile on her lips. 
The door to your room was open and he could hear your faint voice talking to your parents and the doctor. God, how he missed your voice. JJ makes his way inside the room to see you sitting up and sipping some water out of a straw. “Y/N?” he whispers, his voice slightly shaking at the thought of you being awake again. He takes in your appearance thinking you look as beautiful as someone possible could from coming straight out of a coma. There’s a slight tinge of pink on your cheeks that have been pale for the past few days and your hair looks like it’s been groomed, probably by your mother. He takes another tentative step into the room, unable to help the smile that comes across his face. “Y/N,” he states this time. 
“JJ-” your mother starts, but he cuts her off.
JJ’s eyes well up with tears as he makes his way to the foot of your bed. “Thank fuck your ok,” he says with a small laugh getting a look of disapproval from Dr. Kavanaugh. “I’m sorry I wasn’t here when you woke up. I know I promised I’d be here but I had to run to John B’s to shower.” He pauses and smiles at you again. “God, I missed you.” A look that JJ can’t decipher crosses over your face. He thought you’d be at least a little more excited to see him. 
You look to the doctor, then to your mom, as she nods and encourages you to speak. “Thank you. That’s so sweet of you to be here but…” you trail off trying to gather your thoughts. “I’m sorry, I don’t quite know who you are.” 
Your mother looks down at her lap, while your father puts a hand on JJ’s shoulder whispering to him, “JJ, come on, I need to speak with you outside.”
JJ shrugs your father’s hand off his shoulder and steps away from him. This had to be some kind of sick joke. “Very funny guys,” JJ says with a dry laugh, turning from your parents, to the doctor and then back to you. “Y/N, if this is your way of getting back at me for all the pranks I used to play on you then it worked. You got me good. Now come on, drop the act.” He desperately looks at you as the look of confusion on your face only grows. 
“JJ,” your father whispers to him again. 
“No,” JJ whispers. “No, this can’t be happening.” 
You push a strand of hair that fell in your face behind your ear before looking at JJ once more. “I’m really sorry,” you say softly. “But should I know you?”
JJ felt a sharp pain in his chest at your words. Those five goddamn words that broke his heart.
taglist: @sunflowerbecca​ @write-from-the-heart​ @5sos-xmalumx​ 
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Luke doesn’t believe that the house is haunted but you know for a fact, that it is. 
Luke Alvez x Reader 
Warnings: mentions of ghosts, talking to ghosts, mentions of death, kissing, Luke thinking that you’re slightly crazy, cursing
Category: fluff with a little angst :) 
Word Count: 3.2k
Author’s Note: idea came to me while watching crimson peak so here we are :) and did I use Thomas Sharpe as the ghost ? yes I did, and what ? Anyways, this is purely to indulge myself so idk it’s probably shitty :) 
Luke had been with you for the last two years and he’s heard many stories of the “amazing family home” that you have so many beloved memories in. You figured it was finally time to take him on a trip. As soon as he could get a break from work, the two of you packed up and started your drive to the house. 
“So why do you call it the Red Estate ?” he asked you as you made a turn down what looked like a road that led to nothing. 
“Well, It belonged to my great great great grandparents who bought it from the family who had originally built the house” you told him as you drove. 
“Okay, but what does that have to do with the name ?” he laughed, you smiled 
“I'm getting to that. The family that had originally built the house, the Sharpes. His wife loves roses, red roses. The whole estate was covered in them, the rooms had rose wallpapers, the furniture had roses on them” you explained. 
“That's interesting” he looked out the window. “There’s more baby.” you chuckled, he turned to you, waiting for you to explain. 
“Well, Lady Sharpe had gotten sick and she passed away. When she passed, her husband remarried and he brought his new bride to the house” you looked over at you, his brows furrowed. “What? did she haunt them?” he chuckled, making you smile. 
“The roses that were in full bloom seem to die overnight, things changed around the house. It was thought that she did haunt them, whispered to them, tormented them until she eventually killed them” you smiled at Luke. 
He rolled his eyes playfully, “you don't actually believe that nonsense, do you ?” he asked you. “My family bought the house after they died, I'm just telling you what I've heard darling” you laughed as you pulled into a long driveway. The drive down was good 2 minutes, you drove through the large iron gate with the rose insignia on it. 
Luke’s mouth hung open as you drive towards the house. “This is the ‘little house’ that you spent your summers in ?” he asked. 
The house was much bigger than you had led him to believe, it was more of a manor than a house. There were large stained glass windows in the front, with of course, roses on them. The manor has vines running up the side that had dried up. 
The two of you stepped out of the car, you tumbled through your pockets for the key while Luke grabbed your bags from the car. “Is it just me or did it get cold all of a sudden ?” a cold breeze blew through the yard as Luke finished his sentence, you chuckled. 
“It’s always cold up here love” you smiled at him as you walked towards the door. “It’s only 6 o'clock and it's September.” he stated, following you to the doors. 
“Lady Sharpe baby, she’s the reason it’s cold” you told him as if that was a known fact, he rolled his eyes again. 
You unlocked the door and pushed it open, Luke and yourself walked into the empty foyer. There was a large round table in the middle, the sun from the hole in the roof shining through. You looked up and smiled, Luke looked up too, “why is there a hole in the roof ? Lady Sharpe caused that too ?” he joked, earning him a playful hit to the arm. “No, rainstorm” setting your keys on the table, you sat on the chair beside it and slipped off your shoes. 
“Tom!” you shouted, Luke looked at you. “I’m back and I've brought a guest!” you walked into the kitchen and Luke followed behind you, 
“Who’s Tom ?”
“Oh, Tom. As in Thomas Sharpe, the guy who built the house.” 
Luke began laughing, hysterically. You filled the kettle with water as Luke was laughing and set it on the stove. When he finally settled down, he turned to you. “You talk to the dead guy ?” “his name is Tom and yes I do. This is his house, be respectful Luke” you rolled your eyes and turned your attention back to the stove. Luke wrapped his arms around your waist, hugging you from behind. “I’m sorry baby, I'll be nice to Tom” he chuckled, “thank you. Now get the cups from the cupboard” 
The two of you turned so you could show him which cupboard but the cupboard door was already open. “That one” you patted Luke’s hand that rested on your stomach. 
“That was closed when we walked in right ?” he asked 
“That’s correct” 
“How did it open?” 
“Tom” you smiled 
“Uh huh, just the wind then” 
Luke headed to the cupboard to get the mugs and returned the table as you took the kettle off the stove. The two of you sat at the table just talking for a few hours, before you knew it, it was dark out. 
Luke followed you up the stairs and into a room. He sat on the bed watching as you pulled some clothes out of your bag when he realized that he didn’t take the bags upstairs.
“Did you bring the bags up here?” 
You shook your head as you changed into your pyjamas. “So how did they get up here?” 
“To-” he cut you off “I don’t want to know” he got off the bed and changed too. The two of you settled in bed, his arm around you and your head rested on his shoulder. “Good night baby” he whispered, “good night love” you leaned up and gave him a kiss. 
“Good night Tom” you mumbled, you could tell Luke’s eyes on you. “Don’t even say anything” he chuckled before kissing your head. 
Sometime throughout the night, Luke was shaking you to wake up. “Huh stop lemme sleep” you mumbled. “Y/n, wake up. c’mon it’s not funny, get up please” he begged you while shaking your shoulders. You groaned and sat up, “what Luke ?” he looked at you, “okay something keeps knocking downstairs and it won’t stop” 
“Okay, what am I supposed to do about that?” 
“Can you come with me to check ?” 
“Mhm okay, let’s go” you rolled out of bed and headed into the hallway. Luke followed you, you looked around “nothing’s happening” you mumbled, still half asleep. 
“It was coming from downstairs” you sighed. The stairs creaked as you walked down. “You check the kitchen and I'll check the hallway, okay?” you told him, he nodded. You could tell he was just putting on a brave face for you, something had genuinely scared him. You walked down the hallway, nothing seemed out of place. 
“I swear if it’s you scaring him, I'll burn this house down” you whispered quietly to yourself, mostly as a warning to Tom. Turning on your heels, you headed into the kitchen quietly, Luke stood by the window looking outside. He hadn’t heard you come in. 
You creeped up behind him and grabbed his shoulders, “boo!” he jumped. “Y/n! what the hell babe!” you laughed. “Sorry sugar, but I didn’t see anything. Did you see anythi-” a loud thump came from the hallway causing the two of you to turn around. 
“Yeah, that” Luke said. You stuck your head out, a vase had fallen over and shattered all over the floor. You knew that vase, it was the one that in your room but you didn't tell Luke that. 
“Let’s just go back to bed Luke” you stretched your hand out for his, he reluctantly grabbed yours. “What about the vase?” he looked at the broken pieces of glass as you dragged him up the stairs with you. “I’ll clean it up in the morning baby” you pushed him in the bedroom, you stepped in after him and turned around to shut the door.
You had a feeling that someone was there even though you couldn’t physically see anyone other than Luke. You glared into the nothingness before shutting the door. 
Luke came in and shook you awake once again, only this time he came with coffee. “Morning love” he handed you the cup of coffee as you sat up in bed. “Sleep well ?” you asked him, he smiled and nodded “I did actually. Thank you for getting up with me last night” you squeezed his hand and took a sip of the coffee. 
“Did you get up after I fell asleep and cleaned up the vase?” he shifted on the bed to between your legs, his head on your thigh. He pulled your legs over his shoulders as you ran your hand through his hair. “No, I didn't. Why ? It’s not there?” he shook his head, his hair rubbed against your thighs making you giggle. 
“It’s gone” 
“Hm, he probably felt bad for scaring you and cleaned it up” 
“You really think that’s what happened or are you fucking with me?” 
“I’m fucking with you Luke. How would a ghost pick up glass?” 
Luke let out a laugh, you smiled at him. “Wanna go for a walk ? I can show you around the property?” he rolled onto his stomach, his cheek against your thigh. 
“Sounds good, can we have breakfast first ? I'm hungry” he asked you sweetly, and who were you to deny such an adorable man.
“Of course, let me change and I'll be down” he pressed a kiss to your thigh before hopping off the bed and heading out the room. Stretching as you got off the bed, you headed to the bathroom to brush your teeth and get dressed. When you came back to the bedroom after changing, you felt a presence in the room. 
“Now, I don’t appreciate the shit you pulled last night” you mumbled as you fixed your hair, the lights flickered in response to your sentence. You looked in the mirror, “He’s a good guy, I promise” you set the hairbrush on the dresser before going to open the door. 
The door wouldn’t open. 
“Are you serious ?” you pulled on the door, still no luck. 
“Stop acting like a child, let go of the door” you said a little louder. “Babe? You alright?” Luke called for you from downstairs,  “yeah, give me a sec, I'm coming!” 
“What do you want me from me dude?” you asked, hoping that you’d get some response or the frickin door would unlock. The window flung open and a cold breeze blew into the room, some leaves from the yard blew in as well. A single red rose petal landed by your foot. 
“Okay, I know what you want. Can I go now?” you tugged on the door and this time, it unlocked. You headed down the stairs, Luke stood at the end of the staircase. 
“Were you talking to someone up there?” 
“Just a phone call” you smiled and grabbed his hand. 
“Did you eat ?” you asked as you put on your shoes
“I did, don't you want to eat ?” he asked
You shook your head and pulled him outside with you. You walked with Luke to the back of the property, you showed him the stables, even though they had been empty for years. The two of you sat by the lake for a bit before heading to the end of the property line where the roses grew. 
“I thought the roses died?” Luke looked at you as you walked closer to them. “They only grow back here for some reason” you told him as you picked a few from the bush. “Does anyone even come this far ? you know, to take care of them” he leant down and smelt them. You smiled as you watched him. 
“No one’s been back this far for years. Everyone kinda stopped coming here since my grandfather died. My grandmother came once and us kids come every so often but that’s it. We just come to tidy up and make sure everything is still locked up” 
The two of you hung around outside until the sun began to set, you made your way back with the bunch of roses. You set them in a vase when you got back into the house. It was your last night in the house since Luke was needed back on Monday, you figured you'd make him dinner before you guys head out tomorrow. 
Luke sat in the kitchen as you cooked. “You’re sure you don’t want help?” “for the 100th time, I'm okay love” The kitchen was quiet other than the sounds of you cutting and stirring the contents of the pot ever so often. A sudden drop in temperature and the candle flame going out caused Luke to call for you. 
“Is that your friend Tom again ?” he joked, you smiled at him and brushed off the eerie feeling you had. 
“Probably” you went back to cooking.
Luke knew you believed that there was a ghost named Tom living in the house but he thought you just bought into the story because you had been told that your entire life. The window flung open and rose petals blew into the kitchen as the wind made its way through the kitchen. 
“What the hell ?” Luke stood up, brushing the petals of himself and the table before shutting the window. You turned off the stove and looked at him. 
“Believe me now?” 
“Freak accident darling, there’s no one here” He made his way over to your pressing a small sweet kiss on your lips before helping you set the table for dinner. “He’s just gonna keep bothering us until you believe” you looked at Luke who was too busy eating to even pay attention to you. 
Now you knew how Tom could get and you knew it seemed crazy, like way crazier then you talking to a ghost so you didn’t bother telling Luke. You remembered the summer then your cousin refused to believe Tom was actually real. Your cousin came down one morning gushing about how he had slept with this girl and she was so amazing, and how he even had the hickeys to prove it. When he lifted his shirt to show you, there was a “T” across his chests made by hickeys. You giggled as you took a sip of your water, Luke looked up at you from across the table. 
“What ?” his head tilted to the side
“Nothing” you smiled at him
The two of you finished dinner and headed up to the bed. Luke made sure to check all the doors and windows before going up with you. “You know, I had a good time, despite all the strangeness” Luke chuckled as he got into bed. 
“I’m glad you did” you were standing by the mirror taking off your necklace. Something cold touches your shoulder which made you turn around. “You okay?” Luke looked at you, his brows furrowed into a face of confusion. You ran your hand down your shoulder for your arm, “yeah, just a piece of hair on my arm. Made me feel weird” you chuckled and looked into the mirror. 
You could feel him in the room, it was much colder than it was then you stepped in. Seems like Luke had noticed too, he shifted in the bed. “Come cuddle with me, it’s cold” he shivered, pulling the blanket up to his chest. You smiled and made your way over to him, getting into bed and curling up beside him. 
“I love you, you know that ?” Luke looked down at you, your head resting on his chest 
“I love you too” you smiled up at him.
The next morning, you had both woken up much later than expected. The house felt warm. You had never felt the house this warm before, you went to roll out of bed but Luke’s arms pulled you back towards him. “Mhm, hi baby” he  covered your cheek in kisses, you giggled. “Good morning to you too. We gotta get going love, you need to get home for work tomorrow.” he groans at your mention of work. “Can we stay here forever?” he mumbled into your neck. “Me and you and Tom ? Sure we can” you joked, he sat up. 
“On that thought, let’s go” he got out of bed, you laughed and got up too. 
The two of you got ready to head out. You made one last check through the house while Luke took the bags to the car. He waited for you by the car as you stepped out. 
You took one last look inside, whispering to yourself. “Bye Tom, take care” you smiled at the empty house and locked the door. You walked to Luke and gave him a hug. 
“What's this for ?” His arms pulled you closer to him 
“For putting up with my ghost stuff all weekend” you smiled up at him 
“Ready to go?” he asked as he opened the door for you, “thank you” you got into the passenger seat. 
A single rose laid on the seat, you picked it up and smelt it. “Where’d you get that?” Luke asked you, looking at the rose in your hand. “It was on the seat. You didn’t put this here?” you looked back at him, he shook his head. You rested the rose on your lap, Luke backed up before pulling out of the driveway. You took one last look at the house before he left the driveway, a figure of a man stood in the window. He smiled at you and waved at you and you smiled back at him.
“What are you smiling at ?” Luke looked over at you with his own smile on his face, “oh just the house” you smiled at him. 
The drive back into the city was quiet, the two of you got back earlier than expected. You dragged your bags into the room as Luke went to pick up Roxy from the neighbours. You unzipped your bag to find a note on top of your clothes, Luke probably left something for you. 
You unfolded the paper, it wasn’t Luke’s handwriting. It’s one that seemed oddly familiar but you still weren’t sure why. 
“Thank you for bringing love back into this house. 
T.S, Who was T.S? 
It hit you, T.S was Thomas Sharpe. 
Turns out ghosts were real. 
Taglist: @luke-alvez​ @iconicc​ @aaronhotchnerr​ @mac99martin​ @aaron-hotchner187​ @tclaerh​ @lieberhers​ @pumpkin-reads​ @ssa-holmes​ @katexrichardson​ 
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Please Don’t Leave Me
Sirius Black x Reader Fluff
Warnings: Panic attacks, sad boy hours, two swear words
A/N: Got some Sirius comfort for you, also (Y/p) means “Your Patronus“
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After how long you and Sirius had been friends you’ve developed a special bond, you would stay up late and talk, he found it so easy to talk to you and be vulnerable with you. He loved that you wouldn’t push him, or bring it up the next day, you just helped him how and when he needed it.
And after your chats you’d go with him go up to the marauders dorm and kiss him on the forehead and say one last “You’re safe” and he’d be able to sleep. No matter what time it was you’d be there for him. And the next day he would go back to being his flirty, confident self.
One day he had gotten a really bad letter from Walburga (You refuse to call her ‘Sirius’s mother’ or ‘his mum’ she doesn't get that right after what she’s done to him)
It was just after the dinner feast and the ancient most noble house of assholes’s ‘Bitch bird’ had flown off after Sirius untied the letter from his so called family, ripping it open, he just looked at the page for a bit, only half reading it before getting up and running from the great hall with his hand over his mouth to stop himself from crying. Merlin, he hates crying. 
The group watched him leave, you and James looked at each other as if telepathically talking about who should go after him. The two of you knew the most about his trauma. You ended up going after him.
You knew exactly where he would be, on the 2nd floor in a little secret room that you and Sirius have practically claimed as yours. The marauders had found it while making the map, Sirius started to go there when he was overwhelmed with feelings, one day you had found him there, and you just sat together, and for the first time, he was ok with crying. That was the day he started to open up to you.
“Siri?” walking in you saw him in the back corner. His head was buried in his knees, holding his hair so tight it would definitely be pulling some out and he was crying, the kind of crying where you feel like your suffocating, where you swear you’ll become dehydrated from all the tears, where no matter how much time passes that day your eyes will still be red.
You sat crossed legged next to him, didn’t move to touch him or talk first, after doing this for how long you had, you’ve picked up on what helped him best.
The main being, let him move first. Not only did it give him a bit to collect his thoughts but it made him feel more in control in a safe space. Growing up in his household he had no control on anything in his life and he was told to never show emotion as it showed weakness, told to sit straight, keep your head down and do as you're told, or else. So giving him a chance to feel and think and register that it is ok to show emotion and that he does have control of things.
He slowly started to shuffle over to you. Taking his hands from his hair and holding yours in one, and wrapping the other around his knees, he was still curled into himself and crying but he could breath now. It was a start.
Ever so slowly he leant on your side, you just held his hand in both of yours. After around five minutes he had gone from sitting in the back corner to leaning on your side and holding your hand. A year ago, he would be sitting alone, crying and hating himself.
He fully curled into your side, his other hand going looping around your arm and basically hugging it and he buried his head into your chest. Kissing his forehead you slowly move one hand from his and into his hair, running your fingers through it, making him melt into you.
The two of you sat there for a while, just holding him and humming to yourself, he always liked the small vibration it made in your chest.
You both just sat there calmly, blocking out the world, you had no clue how much time had passed. In this room, you were in your own world. There were no obligations to be anything other than yourself, you didn’t have to worry about school work or ‘family’ or anything, you could just exist.
You’ve even brought pillows and blankets to the room so you could sleep there overnight, when leaving the room was too much for him.
Peter had asked why you guys didn’t just go to the room of requirements. The room of requirements isn’t just for you and Sirius, everyone could get into it, only you and the marauders knew about this room. It was hidden behind a statue in the back of a corner of a dead end hallway no one else really went to. Other than to snog for ten minutes before class.
Taking your hand from his hair, you grab your wand and look up to the roof for a moment before looking back at Sirius and smiling softly.
“Expecto Patronum”
A thin wisp of silver poured from your wand and hovered like mist before you before moving off around the room transforming into a (Y/p) and continuing to play around the room.
“Wha’d you think of?” Sirius mumbled watching the wispy animal dance around the room, since he mumbled it into your shoulder it sounded a bit more like ‘whadyoinkoff’ but you got the jist of it.
“When I met you” Putting your wand back in your robes, you rake your fingers through his hair again.
Sirius lightly scoffed “Don’t lie, surely that’s not one of your most happy memories that you can cast a corporeal patronus. We met because me and the boys pranked you and got you sent to the hospital”
“Trust me, I remember, and adore that day” 
“Well, for start I met you four, and for the two days I was in the hospital wing, a certain boy with majestic hair, perfect grey eyes, and bad jokes” you tilt your head slightly so you could see his face a bit better
“Hey! My jokes are amazing and you love them” he scrunched his nose up with a tiny smile 
“Yeah, yeah, anyway this amazing person sat with me until Poppy would kick him out, cause he felt bad”
“I like that memory too” he sighs, your patronus had vanished at that point, as you had stopped focusing on it, but it had done its job, it made him feel better. It always made him feel better. Which is why you were able to cast it.
Sirius had calmed way down to the point he was a puddle on your side. “You’re all melty” you smile resting your head on his and he hummed in agreement and a small head nod.
You stayed like this for a little longer but your arm started to fall asleep “Siri, I love you, but my arm is ‘bout to fall off. So why don’t we take these obnoxious capes off and cuddle with the blankets and pillows?”
He nodded again moving off you (rather reluctantly) before giving you a little smirk “Sounds like you just want me to take my clothes off” 
With a sigh, a smile, and a shake off your head you throw your cape to the other wall “Sirius, I will leave” You joke, before quickly realizing now was not the time for that kind of joke, you had just got a bit distracted as he was joking as he does when he’s feeling alright, before you can ‘fix’ what you said he grabbed your wrist a stressed look on his face.
“Please don’t leave me” 
“’s ok love, I’m not going anywhere” you give him a soft smile, moving over to the pile of blankets and pillows in the corner, grabbing some and making a nest like bed pulling one of the softest blankets up.
“Come here” you open your arm and pull the blanket back and he basically leaps next to you and attaches to your side like a koala.
You give a soft chuckle, shifting so you're comfortable, Sirius basically engulfs you, tangling his legs with yours, his head resting on your chest so he can hear your gentle heartbeat, while you wrap your arms around him holding him close, making him feel safe. Keeping him safe.
“You're not gonna leave, right?” he mumbles, eyes drooping  “I’m not going anywhere”
“You’ll keep me safe?” he yawns “I’ll always keep you safe”
“And you love me?” “I love you so much” “I love you too”
“Sleep now Siri, I’ll be here, keeping you safe, and I do so cause I love you” He slowly nods falling asleep in your arms.
You were finally about to doze off yourself when there was a soft knock and the door cracked open, James’s head popping around it “He ok?” he whispered  “He’s ok now, if you wake him up, I will hex you into the next millennium” you whisper back
James just nodded and slowly closed the door, he knew how much you loved his brother and didn’t want to disturb that. He left smiling with the picture of a calm, sleeping Sirius, with a small smile on his lips.
“Who 's that?” Sirius grumbled going to move, but you gently moved his head back to where it was. “Was just James” “Should I say bye to im’ tomorrow? For wakin’ me up?” “Yes,” you smile “now shh, go back to sleep, I’ve got you”
He just nodded and fell back asleep as you did shortly after.
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