#been playing everyday since EN launch
ladyazurith · 4 months
I think I have an addiction problem.
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turnupbrock · 5 years
Meeting the Parents// Colby Brock x Reader
Requested by a beautiful anon:  “ can you do one of colby and you both go to Kansas and spend time with his family” 
I changed it to meeting his parents because that idea was just easier to write, I hope you still liked it. Thanks for the requests babes!🖤
"Colby, I'm scared" my voice came out shaky as I exited his passenger side of his red corolla. "Don't be nervous baby, their going to love you," Colby reassured placing his arm around my neck, leading me to the front door of his beautiful Kansas home. I didn't reply but I continued to let him pull me to his door. We stopped at the nicely white painted door, " No, Colby, I can't. What if they don't like me? What if they think I'm not good en-" I was cut off by the feeling of my boyfriends soft lips pressed to mine. I sunk into the kiss as his arms wrap around my waist. Except  the moment was cut short when the door came flying open, "Yup, mom I found him." I heard a guys voice call out making me and Colby jump back from each other, I felt my cheeks heating up and Colby bringing his hand up to scratch the back of his neck. "Umm, hey Gage." Colby finally spoke up. Great. My boyfriends brother just walked out on us kissing, what a great first impression. I internally kicked myself for agreeing to even come here. It's not like I didn't think that they were going to hate me, it was just that I was afraid they were going to hate me. Dammit, I should've said I had the flu or chicken pox. Why didn't I just say that I had chicken pox? I groaned in my head, internally face palming.
"Gage, this is my girlfriend, Y/n. Y/n, this is my older brother, Gage." Colby said grabbing my hand and pulling me to his side. I brought my free hand up and held it out, "It's nice to meet you, " my voice was soft and I felt the heat on cheeks still present. Gage smirked and glanced at Colby for a second before returning his attention to me. He grasped my hand and shook it slightly while his eyes trailed over my jean clad legs and white sweatshirt. I didn't like the way he was looking at me, it didn't give me butterflies like when Colby did. It made me uncomfortable, "Yo, Gage, eyes up." Colby growled at his brother. Gage's eyes snapped to Colby and laughed, "What did I do?" he asked coyly. Gage looked back at me and smiled, "You are a very pretty girl, Colby's lucky" he turned around and walked into the house but I could've sworn I heard him mutter something that sounded a hell of a  lot like, "lucky he got to you first" but I didn't want to assume anything. He was probably pulling on Colby's leg, trying to get a rise out of him. Since according to Colby I'm the first girl he has brought home, that doesn't put pressure on me whatsoever.  
Colby and I walk into the house and I'm automatically met with a delicious aroma that was spilling through the house. "It smells good," I whispered to Colby as both of us started to take off out shoes. He laughed and nodded, "It does, my mom is making dinner," he sounded so fond of his mother. Sam was right, he is such a mama's boy. That made me laugh, "What's so funny?" Colby asked standing up straight, I followed after placing my shoes next to his. I shook my head, biting down on my bottom lip for second to suppress some laughter, "You really are a mama's boy," I giggled out. Colby chuckled and shook his head, throwing his arm around my neck, he pulled my tight against his figure. I tried to wiggle out of his grasp before he started trickling me. I was too slow as his free hand went straight to my sides, digging his fingers into the skin making me laugh and squirm harder against him. "O-Okay, I-'m sorr-sorry," I gasped out trying to grab his hand in mine. Colby intertwined his fingers with mine, "That's what I thought," he murmured into my hair before placing a quick kiss to the top of my head. He removed his arm from around my neck but kept our hands interlocked with one another.
"Let's go meet my parents," Colby started to walk without waiting for a response. My stomach did a flip every step that we took, my hands suddenly grew sweaty, which Colby took notice to. When we finally stepped into the kitchen, I saw Gage sitting at the breakfast nook, "Hey mom," Colby called out from our place in the arch way of the kitchen. The women that had her back turned to us suddenly whipped around, she had a big, friendly smile on her face. "Hey Cole," her gaze turned to me and her smile grew, "and you must be the infamous Y/n that Colby never shuts up about" she giggled slightly. I laughed softly, "She's not lying," Gage said taking a bite of a carrot that was sitting on the cutting board. Colby's cheeks reddened as he glared at his older brother, "Shut it Gage," he hissed. I smiled and shook my head, turning my attention back to his mom. I stuck my hand out again and smiled, "It's so nice to finally meet you Mrs. Brock." She looked at my hand for a second before brushing past it and pulling me into a soft hug. I was stunned for as second but I swiftly unlaced my fingers with Colby and brought my arms around Mrs. Brock's waist. She pulled away after a second and tool both of my hands into hers and squeezed them lightly, "I'm so glad that I finally go to to meet the wonderful young women that my little boy loves so much." her voice was so fond and soft. I felt my cheeks heat up once again and smiled at her, Mrs. Brock returned it, squeezing my hands one more time before she dropped them and walking back over to the stove. I turned to Colby, who had a soft smile playing on his lips. He opened his arm and I gladly tucked myself under his embrace, wrapping my own arms around his back, gripping onto the fabric of shirt on his side.
"your father should be home soon," Mrs, Brock said looking over her shoulder at us. I saw the smile that grew on her face before she turned back to the pot on the burner. It was almost like he was summoned, Mr. Brock walked in from in the garage door. "Hey dad," Colby called out to his father. Mr. Brock spun around and was now facing us. I swallowed hard and smiled at his dad. Mr.Brock smiled back at me, his own dimpled going deep. It was crazy how much his smile reminded me of Colby's. "You must be Y/n" he said. I shook my head and stepped out of Colby's embrace, holding out my hand towards his dad. "That's me. It's nice to meet you Mr. Brock" his smile grew and he gripped my hand. I gave his hand a firm shake, Mr. Brocks eyes and smile widened again, looking past me he looked at Colby, "She has a good grip." I laughed and let my hand drop to my side when he let it go. "My dad made me practice for like an hour everyday for the past week, said he didn't want my boyfriends dad to think he raised a rookie." I giggled after. Mr. Brock laughed with me, "I want to meet your dad," he said walking over to Mrs. Brock and kissing her head. "I can arrange that," I replied. Colby chuckled and reached his arms out again, gripping my waist he pulled against him like before.
"How long have you been dating again?" Gage asked spinning in his chair but instead of stopping himself, he fell off the chair with it following him. I couldn't help it, laughter bubbled out of me and I broke away from Colby again. I walk over to Gage who is still lying on the floor, pure shock written across his face. "Gage, how many times has that happened to you? And you still don't learn." Mr. Brock said chuckling, making his way over to where Gage was. I shook my head my laughter dying down, I bent down and picked up the stool and lifted it so it was standing again. Mr. Brock pulled Gage up and patted his back, "One too many hit to the head kid, I swear." Colby laughed loud at that, "I agree dad," "Oh, really? Get over here," Gage said launching at Colby. His eyes widened, his laughter catching in his throat. "Uh oh" Colby said before moving behind his dad, "Dad he's going to hurt me! I'm only a kid. I haven't even graduated yet!" Colby exclaimed from behind Mr. Brock. I gasped when I felt arms go around my waist and pull me away from where I was still standing, "Look, you left your girl unprotected, How rude," Gage tsked at Colby. I laughed but struggled against Gage's hold. "Alright, not funny. Let her go." Colby said moving from behind his dad. I looked up, my eyes meeting Mr.Brock's, he busted out laughing causing me to laugh as well, still struggling against Gage.
"Yeah, what if I don't?" Gage baited Colby more but before Colby could reply, "Alright boys, she's not a rag doll. Let her go Gage." Mrs. Brock said pouring the soup she was making into bowls. I nodded my head and pushed against Gage again, "Yeah boys, listen to your mom," I said. Gage chuckled and released me, I stood up straight and fixed my hoodie and jeans. Colby walked over to me and wrapped his arm around my neck, "To answer you question, five months," Colby said nodding at Gage. His eyes widened, "Woah, I didn't think you could keep a girl for more than a week," Gage insulted. "Gage, leave your brother alone and let's eat," Mrs. Brock warned her oldest. We all grabbed a bowl of soup and sat at their big dinner table located in the dining room, next to the kitchen. Colby set his bowl down before pulling out my chair for me, I smiled brightly at him, muttering a quiet 'thank you'. Eating dinner with them was like I knew them forever, which was weird because I went from being overly nervous to joking around with them while eating some bomb ass soup. Once we were done eating, "Here, Mrs. Brock let me help clean up," I offered while grabbing some of the bowls off of the table. She shook her head, "Nope, you put those in the sink, it getting late I'm sure your parents will want you home soon." Mrs. Brock said while she picks up the rest of the of the bowls. I nodded my head, a smile crossing my face, "Yes ma'am" I said making her laugh.
"Babe, when do you have to be home?" I felt Colby's warm breath pass over the back of my neck as his arms encircled my waist. A smile crossed my face before I turned around in his arms, "Not till 8," I replied bringing my hand up and fixing his 2008 Justin Bieber haircut. Colby's lips tugged up into a soft smile, " Aw how cute, I think I'm going to throw up." I turned my head to see Gage standing there, staring at the both of us. Colby chuckled and kissed my lips quickly, "Oh god, I'm gonna -" Gage pretended to gag. Colby and I started laughing, I shook my head, "So dramatic." I said. Gage's head snapped up, his eyes wide, "I've seen you two kissing twice. TWICE! My eyes are starting to burn." He replied. "Yeah, like I haven't walked in on you and your girlfriend doing things," Colby suggestively shot back. Gage's eyes once more and he pointed at Colby, "You shush, we promised we would never bring that up again," he exclaimed in a hushed whisper making me snort. My own eyes widened and I threw my hand up to cover my mouth, muffling my embarrassed laughter. Both Colby and Gage busted a gut laughing, bent over at the waist Gage was gasping for air while Colby covered his face with his hands. My head felt like it would burst into flames with how hot my cheeks felt.
Once they calmed down, "Y/n, my dad wanted to play pool, wanna join?" Colby finally managed to say without giggling. I nodded, "Yeah, I'm down to beat you guys at pool." I said flipping my hair behind my shoulder. Colby narrowed his eyes at me, "Cocky are we?" I shook my head, "Nope." I said popping the 'p'. Gage and Colby chuckled while Colby's arm came around my back leading me out of the kitchen and down into the basement where his dad and mom already were setting up the table. Once we walked in, Mr. Brock's head shot up, "So who's playing first?" Before I could say anything Colby replied for me, "Y/n said she'll play." His voice was filled with humor. We stopped in front of the table, "Well okay, grab a stick," Mr Brock pointed at the wall besides me. I nodded and moved out from underneath Colby's arm, grabbing one of the sticks that was hung up on the wall, I walked back over to where Colby was still standing. He handed me the little rubber chalk holder, I gave him a small smile and ground the blue dust against the blunt end of the stick. "Why don't you go and break Y/n," Mr. Brock suggested. I handed the rubber holder to him, "Are you sure, Mr.Brock? You can break if you want?" I asked him. He shook his head and motioned towards the table, "Nope, go ahead." I agreed and positioned the stick in between my fingers and sent the stick forwards, breaking the pyramid of stripes and solid colored balls, making them spread around the maroon felt top table.
" I call top left pocket," I said positioning my stick between fingers once more. For a second I stalled, looking to make sure that I got the perfect angle to win the game. I nodded to myself even though they all could see me and sent my stick forwards, making the white ball hit the black 8 ball. I waited with a baited breath, watching the ball carefully. The 8 ball rolled right into in pocket, I jumped up from my spot, "No way!" I screeched. Gage's and Mr. Brock's mouths were agape, looking from the table to me. Colby laughed and wrapped his arms around, hoisting me up, he spun, both of us laughing. When he set me down, Mr. Brock was hanging his pool stick onto the wall, " Well, good game." He said turning towards us again. A smile was plastered on his face as he shook his head, "I did not think that would happen," he chuckled. I giggled with him and stuck my hand out, "Good game Mr. Brock." He grasped my hand, "Goody game Y/n." I nodded and smiled at him before turning back towards Colby, "I have to be home soon," I said softly. Colby flashed me his bright smile and nodded, " I know, let's go." I agreed and turned towards his family again. "Thank you guys for having me and for dinner." I said making my way over to Gage. He opened his arms, taking me into a friendly hug, when I went to pull away he held me tight for a second, "Thank you for making him less annoying" he whisper-shouted. "Hey!" I heard Colby call out. I laughed and pulled away and moved to his mom, "Thank you for coming over honey. It was so nice to meet you." She said wrapping her arms around me. "It was  so nice to meet you guys as well," I said moving from her embrace to Mr. Brock's. I pull away from Mr. Brock and stepped back just for Colby's arm to come around my waist, "Alright, I have to get you home," I nodded and smiled once more at his family. Before we could make it out of their basement, Mr. Brock called out, "Next time your here, we'll have a rematch." I laughed and looked over my shoulder at him, "Will do Mr. Brock."
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bunysliper · 7 years
you should write a story about the tags you did in this post post/149522438811 because oh my god yes to that
Soooo, it has been about a million and a half years since you prompted this, but I hope you like it, Anja!
Bouncing Baby Girl
Inspired by this post
 Lily wakes her not long after her husband slips from thecocoon of their covers. It's still early – very early by vacation standards –but her daughter seems unbothered by that fact as she pulls herself up with a vicegrip on the comforter and plops onto the bed by Kate's chest.
 "Hi Mama."
 Kate yawns, looping an arm around her wiggling child."Hi, baby. It's not time to get up yet; come cuddle me."
 Lily evades her attempt to pull her closer, rolling towardRick's side, a bright peel of laughter spilling from her lips. Kate hums; Lily'salways such a happy kid, so eager to see the world, and Kate's happy to see itthrough her eyes – even happier after coffee.
 "No, Mama. S'go."
 Kate's fingers creep across the sheets, tickling hertoddler's side. "Where are we going, honey?"
 Lily squeaks, then stills, looking at Kate's from the otherpillow. Kate grins, using Lily's moment of contemplation to her advantage,drawing the girl closer and tucking the covers around her.
 "I see da ocean."
 Kate smiles, brushing soft fingers over Lily's hair. "Youknow, I think Daddy wanted to go to the beach with us after he has his booksigning, baby. Can we wait for him?"
 Lily squirms away from her hands, giving her a nod after asecond of thought.
 "Okay, so why don't we rest here until he gets back,and then we can put our bathing suits on and go see the ocean."
 Her daughter sighs, flopping across Kate's torso. It's anagreement, mostly, but Kate doesn't waste the opportunity to close her armsaround her, keeping the baby against her chest. Lily settles after a moment,though she makes sure Kate knows it won't be for very long.
 "That's okay," Kate murmurs, stroking sleep-clumsyfingers through her daughter's hair. "Mommy just needs long enough for herbrain to be able to work with her body to make coffee."
 Thankfully, she's a little more with it the next time Lilysquirms in her arms.
 "Yes, yes, yes," Kate answers, giving in to herdaughter's demands that she get up, leaving the bed on careful legs."Let's get you changed and have some breakfast, then we'll play untilDaddy gets back."
 Lily whines as Kate scoops her off the mattress. "Nochange, Mama."
 "Yes change," she argues, stopping at the dresserto send Rick a text telling him they're up and moving for the day. "Youdon't want to sit in your wet diaper all morning."
 Lily doesn't argue that point, which comes as a relief. Shedoesn't fuss while she's being changed, either. She does, however, follow Kateinto the bathroom when she's done, her little feet slapping on the tile withevery step.
 "Mama potty too?"
 Kate bites her lip, remembering a time when she'd been ableto walk into the bathroom without a pint-sized shadow.
 "Yeah, baby, I'm going potty too."
 She also remembers a time when she hadn't used the word'potty' in everyday speech. How she'd taken that for granted. Then again, shealso hadn't had this sweet, beautiful little girl to make her life so much brighter.
 She would pick Lily every time.
 Although she braces herself for further questioning, Lily'scontent to leave it at that, and then to leave the bathroom altogether. Katemakes a mental note to ask Jenny if Sarah Grace had displayed similar interest,and if that had meant it was time to start toilet training.
 She emerges from the en suite to the sound of giggles,finding Lily bouncing on her knees in the center of the bed.
 "Are you having fun, crazy girl?" she asks, forgettingthat perhaps she's supposed to be stern and put a stop to this before herdaughter launches herself off the bed and cracks her head open.
 Lily squeals, jumping with a little more force. "Mama,wash!"
 Affection warms her veins as Kate hums. "I'm watching,Lily. You're a little grasshopper today, aren't you?"
 Her daughter giggles, hopping in a clumsy circle beforecollapsing in the center of the bed. Kate lifts a hand to spot the girl andhelp her to her feet, but Lily is unbothered by her fall (and uninterested inthe help). Lily tumbles again on her next jump, but despite getting way tooclose to the edge of the bed for Kate's comfort, the girl doesn't seem at allfazed; she just gets back up and bounces some more.
 Kate barely has time to brace for impact before Lilylaunches herself off the bed. Her arms shoot out, plucking the girl out of theair.
 "I caught you," she breathes, willing herheartrate to slow to a normal rhythm. Lily's fearless, just as Kate's fatherassures her she had been at this age. "You just love to fly, don't you?Well, let's fly."
 Shifting her in her arms, Kate zooms Lily around the room,delighting in her happy – if not loud – giggles.
 "Okay," she exhales after they've made a few lapsaround the suite, "ready to come in for a landing?"
 "Ya, Mama!"
 Nodding, Kate flies her over to the bed, feigning a bout ofturbulence before gently tossing her onto the pile of blankets. Lily lands on asqueal, jumping up with arms raised for her to do it again.
 And again.
 And again. At least ten times she tosses the girl back intothe center of the bed, only to have her pop up again, her cheeks flushed andher eyes sparkling blue – just like Rick's.
 "Two more throws," she says finally, leaning overto blow a raspberry on her daughter's belly. The move only serves to make Lilylaugh harder, to clutch at her hair and squirm. "And then it's Mommy'sturn to jump on the bed with you."
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junker-town · 4 years
Carlos and Khalil Davis explain how their twin rivalry pushed them to the NFL
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Photo by Steven Branscombe/Getty Images
The Davises grew up with a built-in rival — and a way to sharpen their game off the gridiron.
The Buccaneers selected Khalil Davis with the 194th overall pick in the 2020 NFL Draft. His brother Carlos remains on the draft board. Here’s what Christian D’Andrea had to say about the twins ahead of the draft.
It’s difficult to separate Carlos and Khalil Davis as NFL Draft prospects. The two defensive linemen are identical twins. They went to the same school. They play the same position. They both showed out with strong workouts at the NFL Scouting Combine.
But the two brothers who dropped anchor on either end of Nebraska’s defensive line are much more than a shared bloodline and all the quirks that come with it. The experience of spending 22 years alongside another elite athlete helped breed the sense of competition that’s made each twin a possible draft pick.
The moments they haven’t been together may define who they become at the next level, though. Each Davis brother steeled himself in the discus circle as a member of the Cornhuskers’ track and field teams en route to All-American honors. That determination and ability to execute under a spotlight may be the fuel that pushes them from potential Day 3 picks to NFL starters.
Growing up with another NFL prospect helped mold the Davis brothers
The Davises were typical twins in many regards. They forged their own unspoken language in which they could tell what the other was thinking. They pretended to be each other in class and, occasionally, in practice. They competed in just about everything.
But most twins don’t tip the scale at more than 600 pounds between them while maintaining the quickness to bust out a sub-4.9-second 40-yard dash time. The brothers were athletes from a young age, and having a perfectly matched equal to face off against built them into NFL prospects.
“It was so competitive,” Khalil told me at this year’s combine. “It took over a lot of things. It’s not often you get someone who’s just as good as you in practice and then at home too ... I’m a little more serious than him. But I love getting under his skin, getting him more competitive.”
“He looks quiet, but he’s not,” Carlos added in a separate interview in Indianapolis. “He’ll let something slide, but if it gets on his nerves, he’ll say something to you. You take it past that point, we’ll use it on the field.
“[Sometimes we] just took it too far, but it helped us become the people we are today.”
The people they are today are two All-Big Ten honorees on the field. Khalil became as one of the FBS’ top lane-cloggers in 2019, posting career highs of 11 tackles for loss (in 11 games) and eight sacks. While he’s the shorter of the two brothers, measuring in at 6’1 to Carlos’ 6’2, he sees that as a feature and not a bug.
“Staying low is easy for me,” said Davis. “I’m a short D-lineman. That’s my advantage. I can play lower than everybody, especially when most tackles are 6’4, 6’5.”
Figuring out how to turn a perceived weakness into a strength helped Khalil emerge as the more productive player, but Carlos was still a formidable presence handling end duties in the Huskers’ 3-4 defense. His four sacks in 2019 were second-most on the roster, behind only his brother.
Those are solid numbers, but not necessarily ones that suggest stardom or even everyday roles at the next level. Fortunately for the Davises, they’ve got an extra gear they can drop into when it comes to making an NFL impact.
Track and field primed the Davises as athletes — and taught them to excel on their own
This year will likely mark the first time Khalil and Carlos have played organized sports on different teams. Fortunately, they’ve been preparing for their breakout for more than a decade.
Being big and athletic translated into weight-throwing careers for the brothers. Both turned successful track and field experiences into significant collegiate accolades at Nebraska. Carlos finished third in the Big Ten in the discus as a senior, and each twin qualified for the NCAA finals in 2019’s Division I Championships in the same event. Per Nebraska’s official website, each has earned All-American honors over impressive Cornhusker track careers.
A lifetime of stepping into the ring to launch discuses and shot put honed their explosiveness. Each brother shoots out of his stance with a fast-twitch blast like they’re the world’s heaviest sprinters.
Just like uncorking a shot put at a 45-degree angle, both brothers use a low center of gravity to blast upward. That creates the leverage and separation that turns running lanes into traffic jams and third-and-short into punting situations.
“Being able to move at 300 pounds through a ring, in a forward line, it helps us a lot,” Carlos clarified about using his shot put technique to blast through offensive lines. “It just helps you be nimble. It’s huge.”
That’s not the only trait the Davises have been able to translate from the field to the gridiron.
“The mental side. That’s been big,” Khalil explained. “In football, you’ve got 10 guys helping you out. In track, once you step in the ring you’ve got 30 seconds to put it all together. You’ve got to be perfect with your footwork, technique, hips. Being able to execute in that short amount of time and then translate it to football is huge. It’s a lot of pressure, but it kind of decreases when you’ve got 10 guys helping you out on the field.
“That gives us an advantage.”
That ability to showcase strength and athleticism under a solo spotlight shined in Indianapolis. After shooting for a time in the 4.8- or 4.9-second range, Khalil’s 4.75 40-yard run — a full half-second faster than Tom Brady’s time 20 years ago — was the fastest among all defensive tackles at the combine. Carlos’ 4.82 ranked third. The pair had top performances when it came to the bench press, which was the only other drill in which they participated.
Now they have to hope those numbers and some well-curated game tape will help mitigate relatively tame stats from their time at Nebraska, especially since a global pandemic has kept them from impressing NFL executives in pre-draft workouts.
While they’re ready to be split apart — “we’ve got our own things happening,” Khalil said in Indianapolis — the true key to combining their size and athleticism into a Pro Bowl tackle may just be consistency. Leadership changes defined the past five seasons of Nebraska football, and it took a toll.
“I had five D-line coaches,” Carlos opined. “Three head coaches. Three defensive coordinators. It was kind of a roller coaster; I’d get really good, and then they’d leave.”
The Davis brothers may not top-tier prospects in 2020, but they’ve got a unique background that will ease their transition from the Big Ten to the NFL. Their dynamic athleticism — the combination of centrifugal force, timing, and explosion that launches a discus or shot put — seeps into their football play like an overfilled ice tray.
There’s still plenty left for them to prove. As former redshirt seniors, they’re also older than many fellow prospects in 2020. They’re widely considered to be late-round picks. But operating under a microscope is just something else their second sport prepared them to do. With workouts in their rear view and pro careers ahead, the only thing left to see is which brother will hear his name called first.
“If he’s drafted before me, I’m gonna be on his butt until we’re done playing football,” Khalil confided. “It’s going to fuel me.
“But I’ll be happy for him, and he’ll be happy for me.”
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mrpeby · 4 years
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pyr0maniaccc-blog · 8 years
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jubjubinc · 4 years
Growth Of The 3D TV Market In 2020
 Growth Of The 3D TV Market In 2020
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They selected to focus on the very first three years of marriage, due to the fact that "relationship dissolution is front-ended,"said Bradbury; one in four ends in divorce. The dispute management group learned a strategy for discussing heated concerns that slows down the rate of the exchange and helps individuals focus on what their partner is saying rather of rushing to respond. Sometimes called active listening or the speaker-listener technique, the practice requires one spouse to listen and after that paraphrase back to the partner what they have actually heard to make sure the message has been effectively understood. Earlier studies on this technique have shown it to be effective at promoting better and more satisfying relationships over three to five years. The empathy and acceptance training cohort took part in an intervention developed by Rogge and his collaborators aimed at helping couples work together as a group and find typical ground around their similarities.Mobile phones are developed with the intension to make our life quicker & more comfortable. And they are successful in delivering top class handsets to make life basic & simple with strong connectivity. Everyday, many brand names of phones are launched with mind blowing applications and functions. Samsung, a company understood for their pioneer items & services, provides what customer anticipates from their handsets. Pixon 12 is an addition to the previous variation of Pixon family phone having 12 MP electronic camera with the capability to prove themselves as best CyberShot handset. It's being rumored till February that Samsung worked on increasing the capability of their electronic camera strength in mobile phones. 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hellofastestnewsfan · 6 years
In 2007, Poorvi Patodia was pregnant and felt like she was eating too many chips. Her cravings for salty, crunchy snacks were intense, but what moms should eat while pregnant is a touchy subject. “I had this thought of, What else could I be eating that’s better for me?” she says. “I remembered these roasted chickpeas that my mom used to make.”
Patodia started roasting chickpeas for herself. She had her baby and went on with her life, but the thought stuck with her. Her fellow Americans were missing out on something delicious.
Five years later, Patodia put her pregnancy cravings, Indian background, and professional experience in the food industry together and started Biena Snacks, which offers more than a dozen varieties of crunchy, flavored chickpeas. It was the right thing at the right time, even in a country that has long ignored the ingredient: The snacks are now available in more than 12,000 retail locations.
Biena is part of a constellation of American food companies, including Banza and The Good Bean, that has sprung up around the humble chickpea in recent years, ready to fully integrate a global staple food into the country’s diets. Now there are chips made with chickpea flour and vegan butter emulsified with the liquid waste of hummus manufacturing. There’s dessert hummus, which might be one of the more difficult sells in the garbanzo-food family tree. Beyond the grocery store, there are viral chickpea recipes to prepare at home, and maybe even some chickpea brine behind the bar at your favorite cocktail spot. (The substance, commonly called aquafaba, can be used to create a fizz without the threat of salmonella borne by a raw egg white.)
[Read: Recycling isn’t the answer: To save the planet, eat plants]
Trendy ingredients with health-centric pitches can be easy to dismiss as the domain of affluent coast dwellers overestimating the importance of their own preferences. But the spike in chickpea interest in the United States has been so profound that it’s even reflected in internet-search data: Monthly Google inquiries have more than tripled since January 2011, when hummus was already commonplace among the country’s more adventurous eaters. In a country increasingly wary of meat, more open than ever to non-Western ingredients, and anxious about climate change, the chickpea’s expanding role in the American diet is less a trend story than a logical inevitability.
First, there was hummus, the Trojan horse on which the chickpea rode into the American diet. “Hummus was one of the first prestige grocery foods,” says Ali Bouzari, a food scientist and culinary consultant who helps companies develop new food products. “Hummus was The Sopranos of the grocery store.” Because of new manufacturing and packaging technologies that had become available around the time of hummus’s 2000s-era ascent, Bouzari says, food companies were able to deliver a fresher, better-tasting product to consumers than the first time snack brands had tried their hand at bean dips—which is essentially what hummus is—in the 1970s.
Hummus’s American expansion was led by the Israeli company Sabra, which was so successful that PepsiCo bought a 50 percent ownership stake in it in 2008. But the involvement of giant food conglomerates is an indication of hummus’s success, not the cause of it, Bouzari says. “They could not just cram it down our throats if we weren’t going to buy it,” he explains.
The era’s growing stable of health-conscious consumers wanted something to dip their carrots in besides fat-free ranch dressing. Hummus provided a snack that wasn’t predicated on engineering the good parts out of something they liked, and it benefited from an American populace more open-minded about new foods than it ever had been. It appeared in grocery stores at a time when Americans had already started acclimating en masse to things such as sushi, which had been considered intolerably foreign by most Americans for decades. Comparatively, hummus was a small leap.
“It boils down to the fact that people like creamy, starchy stuff,” Bouzari says. “And at this point, the American learning curve for new foods is just insanely short.” He attributes that shift to the internet and travel creating a sense of broad familiarity to more types of food, but also to some fundamental differences in who gets to make decisions in the American food industry. People like him and Patodia, who grew up with immigrant parents and had food experiences that deviated from the long-held white American norm, have more power to shape what ends up in grocery stores, as both consumers and industry professionals.
Once hummus became a widely enjoyed grocery-store staple, people at every level of the American food industry saw opportunity in the legume’s versatility. In the Middle East, South Asia, Africa, and the Mediterranean, chickpeas have been a common ingredient in everyday cooking for thousands of years. “The reason chickpea is grown and consumed so heavily in those areas is because of its nutritional value,” says Douglas Cook, the head of the chickpea lab at the University of California at Davis. “It’s an import species, and we’re a bit late to the party.”
One of the chickpea’s biggest sells to modern American consumers is its protein and fiber content. Like Greek yogurt, another familiar but foreign food that took off at roughly the same time, the chickpea’s high protein—15 grams a cup when cooked—is seen as evidence of its superior food value in a diet culture obsessed with protein. Indeed, Patodia says that one of Biena’s two biggest consumer demographics isn’t characterized by a particular location or income level, but by a common goal. “They’re struggling or aspiring to eat healthier but have a hard time with it,” she says. “It’s the original problem I was trying to solve for myself.”
For those with food allergies or dietary restrictions, meanwhile, chickpeas are a utility player. They tend to trigger fewer reactions than wheat or soy while furnishing a similar stable of flours, extracts, and nonanimal protein sources. Plus, twice as many Americans believe they have food allergies as actually do, so an ingredient’s status as allergy-friendly can propel it to popularity beyond just those with diagnosable problems. Bouzari sees this as a big motivator for his clients that are developing new products. “Chickpea is one of the five or 10 ingredients that, universally, everyone is okay with putting in their stuff,” he says.
[Read: It may take a global vegetarian movement to combat climate change]
For vegetarians, vegans, or omnivores who want to eat less meat, the bean is handy and transmutable. “It’s available across cuisines, so it’s a pretty easy thing to adapt to people’s diets,” says Alicia Kennedy, a vegan food writer and the host of the Meatless podcast. “It takes on so many flavors on its own, so it’s kind of the chicken of the bean world.” Chickpeas are common in Indian, Turkish, Ethiopian, Middle Eastern, Greek, Italian, and Spanish food, just to name a few, so they’re an easy starting point for American cooks. “Chickpeas just aren’t an intimidating bean,” Kennedy says.
The number of Americans who eschew meat or animal products altogether has held roughly steady in recent decades, but the amount of meat eaten by Americans overall has declined: From 2005 to 2014, red-meat consumption in America dropped by almost one-fifth. The concerns about health and the environment that drove that drop have only intensified in the five years since. Chickpeas are inexpensive and broadly available, and the global cuisines they commonly appear in are ones that de-emphasize meat in ways that Americans are starting to see as more valuable. People in the United States aren’t trying anything new. Instead, they’re regressing to the global mean after generations of profligate meat consumption that many now consider unwise.
In the maybe-not-so-distant future, getting closer to that mean might be more necessity than choice. In a climate that’s getting hotter and drier for many Americans, sustainable and nutritionally dense crops such as chickpeas will likely play an important role in feeding people, as exactly what America can cultivate changes. Chickpeas haven’t dominated global diets for millennia by coincidence, according to UC Davis’s Cook. “Chickpea is very efficient in terms of water use, and in most of the world, it’s grown as a rain-fed crop,” he says. It also enriches the ground it grows in: Chickpeas, like other legumes, release nitrogen into the soil. Cook says that reduces the need for one of the most expensive and environmentally damaging elements of industrial food cultivation: fertilizer made by burning fossil fuels.
Its particular combination of cultural and nutritional circumstances makes the chickpea’s expanding popularity a different phenomenon than Millennial trends that might be dismissively associated with it, such as avocado toast or gluten avoidance. It’s less of a fad, and more of a new norm in what people expect from the food they buy. “People up and down the whole chain, whether it’s people going to the stores or buyers for the stores or product developers, there’s momentum,” Bouzari says. Americans at large are just ready to eat a little differently, he explains. “If someone tried to launch hummus in the American market in March 2019, it would be a phenomenon by September, and you’d be writing about it right when football season started.”
from The Atlantic https://ift.tt/2W3KKUn
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ionecoffman · 6 years
In the Future, Everything Will Be Made of Chickpeas
In 2007, Poorvi Patodia was pregnant and felt like she was eating too many chips. Her cravings for salty, crunchy snacks were intense, but what moms should eat while pregnant is a touchy subject. “I had this thought of, what else could I be eating that’s better for me?” she says. “I remembered these roasted chickpeas that my mom used to make.”
Patodia started roasting chickpeas for herself. She had her baby and went on with her life, but the thought stuck with her. Her fellow Americans were missing out on something delicious.
Five years later, Patodia put her pregnancy cravings, Indian background, and professional experience in the food industry together and started Biena Snacks, which offers more than a dozen varieties of crunchy, flavored chickpeas. It was the right thing at the right time, even in a country that long ignored the ingredient: The snacks are now available in more than 12,000 retail locations.
Biena is part of a constellation of American food companies like Banza Pasta and The Good Bean that have sprung up around the humble chickpea in recent years, ready to fully integrate a global-staple food into the country’s diets. Now, there are chips made with chickpea flour and vegan butter emulsified with the liquid waste of hummus manufacturing. There’s dessert hummus, which might be one of the more difficult sells in the garbanzo food family tree. Beyond the grocery store, there are viral chickpea recipes to prepare at home, and maybe even some chickpea brine behind the bar at your favorite cocktail spot. (The substance, commonly called aquafaba, can be used to create a fizz without the threat of salmonella borne by a raw egg white.)
Trendy ingredients with health-centric pitches can be easy to dismiss as the domain of affluent coast-dwellers over-estimating the importance of their own preferences. But the spike in chickpea interest in the U.S. has been so profound that it’s even reflected in internet-search data: Monthly Google inquiries have more than tripled since January 2011, when hummus was already commonplace among the country’s more adventurous eaters. In a country increasingly wary of meat, more open than ever to non-western ingredients, and anxious about climate change, the chickpea’s expanding role in the American diet is less a trend story than a logical inevitability.
First, there was hummus: the Trojan Horse in which the chickpea rode into the American diet. “Hummus was one of the first prestige grocery foods,” says Ali Bouzari, a food scientist and culinary consultant who helps companies develop new food products. “Hummus was The Sopranos of the grocery store.” Because of new manufacturing and packaging technologies that had become available around the time of hummus’s 2000s-era ascent, Bouzari says, food companies were able to deliver a fresher, better-tasting product to consumers than the first time snack brands had tried their hand at bean dips—which is essentially what hummus is—in the 1970s.
Hummus’s American expansion was lead by the Israeli company Sabra, which was so successful that PepsiCo bought a 50 percent ownership stake in it in 2008. But the involvement of giant food conglomerates is an indication of hummus’s success, not the cause of it, says Bouzari. “They could not just cram it down our throats if we weren’t going to buy it,” he explains.
Instead, the era’s growing stable of health-conscious consumers wanted something to dip their carrots in besides fat-free ranch dressing. Hummus provided a snack that wasn’t predicated on engineering the good parts out of something they liked, and it benefited from an American populace more open-minded about new foods than it ever has been. It appeared in grocery stores in a time when Americans had already started acclimating en masse to things like sushi, which had been considered intolerably foreign by most Americans for decades. Comparatively, hummus was a small leap.
“It boils down to the fact that people like creamy, starchy stuff,” says Bouzari. “And at this point, the American learning curve for new foods is just insanely short.” He attributes that shift to the internet and travel creating a sense of broad familiarity to more types of food, but also to some fundamental differences in who gets to make decisions in the American food industry. People like him and Patodia, who grew up with immigrant parents and food experiences that deviated from the long-held white American norm, have more power to shape what ends up in grocery stores, as both consumers and industry professionals.
Once hummus became a widely enjoyed grocery-store staple, people at every level of the American food industry saw opportunity in the legume’s versatility. In the Middle East, South Asia, Africa, and the Mediterranean, chickpeas have been a common ingredient in everyday cooking for thousands of years. “The reason chickpea is grown and consumed so heavily in those areas is because of its nutritional value,” says Douglas Cook, the head of the chickpea lab at the University of California, Davis. “It’s an import species, and we’re a bit late to the party.”
One of the chickpea’s biggest sells to modern American consumers is its protein and fiber content. Like Greek yogurt, another familiar-but-foreign food that took off at roughly the same time, the chickpea’s high protein—15 grams per cup when cooked—is seen as evidence of its superior food value in a diet culture obsessed with protein. Indeed, Patodia says that one of Biena’s two biggest consumer demographics isn’t characterized by a particular location or income level, but by a common goal. “They’re struggling or aspiring to eat healthier, but have a hard time with it,” she says. “It’s the original problem I was trying to solve for myself.”
For those with food allergies or dietary restrictions, meanwhile, chickpeas are a utility player. It tends to trigger fewer reactions than wheat or soy while furnishing a similar stable of flours, extracts, and non-animal protein sources. Plus, twice as many Americans believe they have food allergies as actually do, so an ingredient’s status as allergy-friendly can propel it to popularity beyond just those with diagnosable problems. Bouzari sees this as a big motivator for his clients who are developing new products. “Chickpea is one of the five or 10 ingredients that, universally, everyone is okay with putting in their stuff,” he says.
For vegetarians, vegans, or omnivores who want to eat less meat, the bean is handy and transmutable. “It’s available across cuisines, so it’s a pretty easy thing to adapt to people’s diets,” says Alicia Kennedy, a vegan food writer and the host of the Meatless podcast. “It takes on so many flavors on its own, so it’s kind of the chicken of the bean world.” Chickpeas are common in Indian, Turkish, Ethiopian, Middle Eastern, Greek, Italian, and Spanish food, just to name a few, so it’s an easy starting point for American cooks. “Chickpeas just aren’t an intimidating bean,” says Kennedy.
The rate of Americans who eschew meat or animal products altogether has held roughly steady in recent decades, but the amount of meat eaten by Americans overall has declined: Between 2005 and 2014, red-meat consumption in America dropped by almost a fifth. The concerns about health and the environment that drove that drop have only intensified in the five years since. Chickpeas are inexpensive and broadly available, and the global cuisines they commonly appear in are ones that deemphasize meat in ways that Americans are starting to see as more valuable. People in the U.S. aren’t trying anything new. Instead, they’re regressing to the global mean after generations of profligate meat consumption that many now consider unwise.
In the maybe-not-so-distant future, getting closer to that mean might be more necessity than choice. In the a climate that’s getting hotter and drier for many Americans, sustainable and nutritionally dense crops like chickpeas will likely play an important role in feeding people as exactly what America can cultivate changes. Chickpeas haven’t dominated global diets for millennia by coincidence, according to UC Davis’s Cook. “Chickpea is very efficient in terms of water use, and in most of the world it’s grown as a rain-fed crop,” he says. It also enriches the ground it grows in: Chickpea, like other legumes, releases nitrogen into the soil. Cook says that reduces the need for one of the most expensive and environmentally damaging elements of industrial food cultivation: fertilizer made by burning fossil fuels.
Its particular combination of cultural and nutritional circumstances makes the chickpea’s expanding popularity a different phenomenon than millennial trends that might be dismissively associated with it, like avocado toast or gluten avoidance. It’s less of a fad, and more of a new norm in what people expect from the food they buy. “People up and down the whole chain, whether it’s people going to the stores or buyers for the stores or product developers, there’s momentum,” says Bouzari. Americans at large are just ready to eat a little differently, he explains. “If someone tried to launch hummus in the American market in March 2019, it would be a phenomenon by September, and you’d be writing about it right when football season started.”
Article source here:The Atlantic
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junker-town · 4 years
Carlos and Khalil Davis explain how their twin rivalry pushed them to the NFL Draft
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Photo by Steven Branscombe/Getty Images
The Davises grew up with a built-in rival — and a way to sharpen their game off the gridiron.
It’s difficult to separate Carlos and Khalil Davis as NFL Draft prospects. The two defensive linemen are identical twins. They went to the same school. They play the same position. They both showed out with strong workouts at the NFL Scouting Combine.
But the two brothers who dropped anchor on either end of Nebraska’s defensive line are much more than a shared bloodline and all the quirks that come with it. The experience of spending 22 years alongside another elite athlete helped breed the sense of competition that’s made each twin a possible draft pick.
The moments they haven’t been together may define who they become at the next level, though. Each Davis brother steeled himself in the discus circle as a member of the Cornhuskers’ track and field teams en route to All-American honors. That determination and ability to execute under a spotlight may be the fuel that pushes them from potential Day 3 picks to NFL starters.
Growing up with another NFL prospect helped mold the Davis brothers
The Davises were typical twins in many regards. They forged their own unspoken language in which they could tell what the other was thinking. They pretended to be each other in class and, occasionally, in practice. They competed in just about everything.
But most twins don’t tip the scale at more than 600 pounds between them while maintaining the quickness to bust out a sub-4.9-second 40-yard dash time. The brothers were athletes from a young age, and having a perfectly matched equal to face off against built them into NFL prospects.
“It was so competitive,” Khalil told me at this year’s combine. “It took over a lot of things. It’s not often you get someone who’s just as good as you in practice and then at home too ... I’m a little more serious than him. But I love getting under his skin, getting him more competitive.”
“He looks quiet, but he’s not,” Carlos added in a separate interview in Indianapolis. “He’ll let something slide, but if it gets on his nerves, he’ll say something to you. You take it past that point, we’ll use it on the field.
“[Sometimes we] just took it too far, but it helped us become the people we are today.”
The people they are today are two All-Big Ten honorees on the field. Khalil became as one of the FBS’ top lane-cloggers in 2019, posting career highs of 11 tackles for loss (in 11 games) and eight sacks. While he’s the shorter of the two brothers, measuring in at 6’1 to Carlos’ 6’2, he sees that as a feature and not a bug.
“Staying low is easy for me,” said Davis. “I’m a short D-lineman. That’s my advantage. I can play lower than everybody, especially when most tackles are 6’4, 6’5.”
Figuring out how to turn a perceived weakness into a strength helped Khalil emerge as the more productive player, but Carlos was still a formidable presence handling end duties in the Huskers’ 3-4 defense. His four sacks in 2019 were second-most on the roster, behind only his brother.
Those are solid numbers, but not necessarily ones that suggest stardom or even everyday roles at the next level. Fortunately for the Davises, they’ve got an extra gear they can drop into when it comes to making an NFL impact.
Track and field primed the Davises as athletes — and taught them to excel on their own
This year will likely mark the first time Khalil and Carlos have played organized sports on different teams. Fortunately, they’ve been preparing for their breakout for more than a decade.
Being big and athletic translated into weight-throwing careers for the brothers. Both turned successful track and field experiences into significant collegiate accolades at Nebraska. Carlos finished third in the Big Ten in the discus as a senior, and each twin qualified for the NCAA finals in 2019’s Division I Championships in the same event. Per Nebraska’s official website, each has earned All-American honors over impressive Cornhusker track careers.
A lifetime of stepping into the ring to launch discuses and shot put honed their explosiveness. Each brother shoots out of his stance with a fast-twitch blast like they’re the world’s heaviest sprinters.
Just like uncorking a shot put at a 45-degree angle, both brothers use a low center of gravity to blast upward. That creates the leverage and separation that turns running lanes into traffic jams and third-and-short into punting situations.
“Being able to move at 300 pounds through a ring, in a forward line, it helps us a lot,” Carlos clarified about using his shot put technique to blast through offensive lines. “It just helps you be nimble. It’s huge.”
That’s not the only trait the Davises have been able to translate from the field to the gridiron.
“The mental side. That’s been big,” Khalil explained. “In football, you’ve got 10 guys helping you out. In track, once you step in the ring you’ve got 30 seconds to put it all together. You’ve got to be perfect with your footwork, technique, hips. Being able to execute in that short amount of time and then translate it to football is huge. It’s a lot of pressure, but it kind of decreases when you’ve got 10 guys helping you out on the field.
“That gives us an advantage.”
That ability to showcase strength and athleticism under a solo spotlight shined in Indianapolis. After shooting for a time in the 4.8- or 4.9-second range, Khalil’s 4.75 40-yard run — a full half-second faster than Tom Brady’s time 20 years ago — was the fastest among all defensive tackles at the combine. Carlos’ 4.82 ranked third. The pair had top performances when it came to the bench press, which was the only other drill in which they participated.
Now they have to hope those numbers and some well-curated game tape will help mitigate relatively tame stats from their time at Nebraska, especially since a global pandemic has kept them from impressing NFL executives in pre-draft workouts.
While they’re ready to be split apart — “we’ve got our own things happening,” Khalil said in Indianapolis — the true key to combining their size and athleticism into a Pro Bowl tackle may just be consistency. Leadership changes defined the past five seasons of Nebraska football, and it took a toll.
“I had five D-line coaches,” Carlos opined. “Three head coaches. Three defensive coordinators. It was kind of a roller coaster; I’d get really good, and then they’d leave.”
The Davis brothers may not top-tier prospects in 2020, but they’ve got a unique background that will ease their transition from the Big Ten to the NFL. Their dynamic athleticism — the combination of centrifugal force, timing, and explosion that launches a discus or shot put — seeps into their football play like an overfilled ice tray.
There’s still plenty left for them to prove. As former redshirt seniors, they’re also older than many fellow prospects in 2020. They’re widely considered to be late-round picks. But operating under a microscope is just something else their second sport prepared them to do. With workouts in their rear view and pro careers ahead, the only thing left to see is which brother will hear his name called first.
“If he’s drafted before me, I’m gonna be on his butt until we’re done playing football,” Khalil confided. “It’s going to fuel me.
“But I’ll be happy for him, and he’ll be happy for me.”
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nancygduarteus · 6 years
In the Future, Everything Will Be Made of Chickpeas
In 2007, Poorvi Patodia was pregnant and felt like she was eating too many chips. Her cravings for salty, crunchy snacks were intense, but what moms should eat while pregnant is a touchy subject. “I had this thought of, what else could I be eating that’s better for me?” she says. “I remembered these roasted chickpeas that my mom used to make.”
Patodia started roasting chickpeas for herself. She had her baby and went on with her life, but the thought stuck with her. Her fellow Americans were missing out on something delicious.
Five years later, Patodia put her pregnancy cravings, Indian background, and professional experience in the food industry together and started Biena Snacks, which offers more than a dozen varieties of crunchy, flavored chickpeas. It was the right thing at the right time, even in a country that long ignored the ingredient: The snacks are now available in more than 12,000 retail locations.
Biena is part of a constellation of American food companies like Banza Pasta and The Good Bean that have sprung up around the humble chickpea in recent years, ready to fully integrate a global-staple food into the country’s diets. Now, there are chips made with chickpea flour and vegan butter emulsified with the liquid waste of hummus manufacturing. There’s dessert hummus, which might be one of the more difficult sells in the garbanzo food family tree. Beyond the grocery store, there are viral chickpea recipes to prepare at home, and maybe even some chickpea brine behind the bar at your favorite cocktail spot. (The substance, commonly called aquafaba, can be used to create a fizz without the threat of salmonella borne by a raw egg white.)
Trendy ingredients with health-centric pitches can be easy to dismiss as the domain of affluent coast-dwellers over-estimating the importance of their own preferences. But the spike in chickpea interest in the U.S. has been so profound that it’s even reflected in internet-search data: Monthly Google inquiries have more than tripled since January 2011, when hummus was already commonplace among the country’s more adventurous eaters. In a country increasingly wary of meat, more open than ever to non-western ingredients, and anxious about climate change, the chickpea’s expanding role in the American diet is less a trend story than a logical inevitability.
First, there was hummus: the Trojan Horse in which the chickpea rode into the American diet. “Hummus was one of the first prestige grocery foods,” says Ali Bouzari, a food scientist and culinary consultant who helps companies develop new food products. “Hummus was The Sopranos of the grocery store.” Because of new manufacturing and packaging technologies that had become available around the time of hummus’s 2000s-era ascent, Bouzari says, food companies were able to deliver a fresher, better-tasting product to consumers than the first time snack brands had tried their hand at bean dips—which is essentially what hummus is—in the 1970s.
Hummus’s American expansion was lead by the Israeli company Sabra, which was so successful that PepsiCo bought a 50 percent ownership stake in it in 2008. But the involvement of giant food conglomerates is an indication of hummus’s success, not the cause of it, says Bouzari. “They could not just cram it down our throats if we weren’t going to buy it,” he explains.
Instead, the era’s growing stable of health-conscious consumers wanted something to dip their carrots in besides fat-free ranch dressing. Hummus provided a snack that wasn’t predicated on engineering the good parts out of something they liked, and it benefited from an American populace more open-minded about new foods than it ever has been. It appeared in grocery stores in a time when Americans had already started acclimating en masse to things like sushi, which had been considered intolerably foreign by most Americans for decades. Comparatively, hummus was a small leap.
“It boils down to the fact that people like creamy, starchy stuff,” says Bouzari. “And at this point, the American learning curve for new foods is just insanely short.” He attributes that shift to the internet and travel creating a sense of broad familiarity to more types of food, but also to some fundamental differences in who gets to make decisions in the American food industry. People like him and Patodia, who grew up with immigrant parents and food experiences that deviated from the long-held white American norm, have more power to shape what ends up in grocery stores, as both consumers and industry professionals.
Once hummus became a widely enjoyed grocery-store staple, people at every level of the American food industry saw opportunity in the legume’s versatility. In the Middle East, South Asia, Africa, and the Mediterranean, chickpeas have been a common ingredient in everyday cooking for thousands of years. “The reason chickpea is grown and consumed so heavily in those areas is because of its nutritional value,” says Douglas Cook, the head of the chickpea lab at the University of California, Davis. “It’s an import species, and we’re a bit late to the party.”
One of the chickpea’s biggest sells to modern American consumers is its protein and fiber content. Like Greek yogurt, another familiar-but-foreign food that took off at roughly the same time, the chickpea’s high protein—15 grams per cup when cooked—is seen as evidence of its superior food value in a diet culture obsessed with protein. Indeed, Patodia says that one of Biena’s two biggest consumer demographics isn’t characterized by a particular location or income level, but by a common goal. “They’re struggling or aspiring to eat healthier, but have a hard time with it,” she says. “It’s the original problem I was trying to solve for myself.”
For those with food allergies or dietary restrictions, meanwhile, chickpeas are a utility player. It tends to trigger fewer reactions than wheat or soy while furnishing a similar stable of flours, extracts, and non-animal protein sources. Plus, twice as many Americans believe they have food allergies as actually do, so an ingredient’s status as allergy-friendly can propel it to popularity beyond just those with diagnosable problems. Bouzari sees this as a big motivator for his clients who are developing new products. “Chickpea is one of the five or 10 ingredients that, universally, everyone is okay with putting in their stuff,” he says.
For vegetarians, vegans, or omnivores who want to eat less meat, the bean is handy and transmutable. “It’s available across cuisines, so it’s a pretty easy thing to adapt to people’s diets,” says Alicia Kennedy, a vegan food writer and the host of the Meatless podcast. “It takes on so many flavors on its own, so it’s kind of the chicken of the bean world.” Chickpeas are common in Indian, Turkish, Ethiopian, Middle Eastern, Greek, Italian, and Spanish food, just to name a few, so it’s an easy starting point for American cooks. “Chickpeas just aren’t an intimidating bean,” says Kennedy.
The rate of Americans who eschew meat or animal products altogether has held roughly steady in recent decades, but the amount of meat eaten by Americans overall has declined: Between 2005 and 2014, red-meat consumption in America dropped by almost a fifth. The concerns about health and the environment that drove that drop have only intensified in the five years since. Chickpeas are inexpensive and broadly available, and the global cuisines they commonly appear in are ones that deemphasize meat in ways that Americans are starting to see as more valuable. People in the U.S. aren’t trying anything new. Instead, they’re regressing to the global mean after generations of profligate meat consumption that many now consider unwise.
In the maybe-not-so-distant future, getting closer to that mean might be more necessity than choice. In the a climate that’s getting hotter and drier for many Americans, sustainable and nutritionally dense crops like chickpeas will likely play an important role in feeding people as exactly what America can cultivate changes. Chickpeas haven’t dominated global diets for millennia by coincidence, according to UC Davis’s Cook. “Chickpea is very efficient in terms of water use, and in most of the world it’s grown as a rain-fed crop,” he says. It also enriches the ground it grows in: Chickpea, like other legumes, releases nitrogen into the soil. Cook says that reduces the need for one of the most expensive and environmentally damaging elements of industrial food cultivation: fertilizer made by burning fossil fuels.
Its particular combination of cultural and nutritional circumstances makes the chickpea’s expanding popularity a different phenomenon than millennial trends that might be dismissively associated with it, like avocado toast or gluten avoidance. It’s less of a fad, and more of a new norm in what people expect from the food they buy. “People up and down the whole chain, whether it’s people going to the stores or buyers for the stores or product developers, there’s momentum,” says Bouzari. Americans at large are just ready to eat a little differently, he explains. “If someone tried to launch hummus in the American market in March 2019, it would be a phenomenon by September, and you’d be writing about it right when football season started.”
from Health News And Updates https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2019/03/chickpea-products-have-exploded-popularity-us/584956/?utm_source=feed
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hodldrgn-blog · 6 years
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New Post has been published on https://cryptomoonity.com/announcement-on-slack-community-migration/
Announcement on Slack Community Migration
Announcement on Slack Community Migration
Dear global supporters of Waltonchain,
Since its establishment, Waltonchain’s official Slack channel has been one of our most active public channels where the most loyal Waltonchain supporters discuss daily Waltonchain news and witness many exciting moments.
However, in light of a recent phishing attempt and potential security flaw with Slack, and to provide a consistent experience and increased security for our community members across social platforms, the Waltonchain Slack Community will be migrating to Telegram on October 31, 2018. We believe that access to advanced and automated features and bringing together community members to a central platform will allow for an overall better community experience.
We want to thank the Slack community for the continued support and intelligent discussion that took place here. We will continue to use Telegram as our official public channel for everyday discussion. You are welcome to join our official Telegram channel (https://t.me/waltonchain_en) for discussion and interaction with the community and Waltonchain team members.
We value each and every Waltonchain community member for your contribution to the growth of our community and we hope to keep this growth in the coming future.
Security Reminder: Waltonchain will by no means send our community members any requests for cash, digital currencies, private keys or other confidential information. Please stay alert to fraud/scam/phishing emails in the name of Waltonchain and always refer to our official Twitter account (https://twitter.com/Waltonchain) for all on-going events.
Waltonchain Team
Oct. 10, 2018
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kriterium3-blog · 6 years
Dell Studio 1749 Battery all-laptopbattery.com
Apple's new battery case looks odd. It's like the Apple's silicone case for iPhone, but with a weird growth on its back.Other battery cases with fully rounded backs, like Mophie's Juice Pack Air for iPhone 6s, actually look better than the "protruding growth" look Apple went with.And the early reviews weren't kind about the design. Lauren Goode from the Verge said " It looks like you tried to shove a few too many credit cards and ID cards into the back of your iPhone case." What's even stranger is how the battery indicator light is only found inside the case while most other battery cases have the indicator light on the exterior. Part of what makes the case "smart," however, is that it's linked with your phone so you can check the case's battery charge through by waking your phone's display. It's an OK solution, but why not just have the lights outside?
It's surprising to see Apple put so much effort into its accessories only to be outdone by third-party competitors like Mophie and Logitech.They're not terrible products, but they compromise too much: the Magic Mouse should be able to charge while it's still in use, and the new iPhone Smart Battery Case looks so awkward that you'll wish Apple had just made the iPhone slightly thicker in the first place in order to give you more battery life. As a tentpole for innovation, it's surprising this is the best Apple can do.Microsoft has released an update for the Surface Book and Surface Pro but failed to fix many of the issues users have had with the laptop and tablet, according to a blog post from Paul Thurrot.Thurrot, one of the most well-respected Microsoft bloggers, recently coined the term "Surfacegate" for the issues facing Surface users, which include faulty screens, poor software performance, and a recall of chargers because they pose a fire risk. "Microsoft has maintained complete radio silence on the rampant reliability issues that dog Surface Book and Surface Pro 4," Thurrot wrote.
The new update doesn't fix these issues, however. According to a Microsoft blog post, the update fixes a battery issue, a Wi-Fi issue, improves the detection of the Surface keyboard, and improve the stability of the graphics on a small number of Book laptops. "Today, Microsoft has finally delivered something—anything—for beleaguered Surface Book and Surface Pro 4 users who are happy to accept even a partial fix for the many issues they are seeing," Thurrot writes. "And this does appear to be a partial fix: There's no hint that any of this will fix the single biggest issue, which is related to the new power management states that come from Skylake," he continued.The power management issue means the Surface loses a lot of battery during sleep, when it should lose none. Other Surface users took to Twitter to complain that the software update did not fix many of the issues they have with the Surface. Microsoft released a new, high-end version of the Surface Book and Pro recently and recently published a blog post entitled "Surfacing the Facts" which, as Thurrot notes, "has to do with the already-explained Surface/NFL incident from last weekend," rather than addressing the issues users face.
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Business Insider has reached out to Microsoft to ask when the issues will be fixed. We will update the post when we hear back. In each of the past three years, Microsoft has made the same bold claim: The Surface is the perfect replacement for your laptop and your tablet, a dreamy all-in-one miracle device.But I've never agreed with Microsoft. Even though the Surface technically had a lot of laptop and tablet features, it didn't execute them particularly well. The track pad and keyboard felt cheap and unresponsive. There weren't great apps to use in tablet mode. And Windows 8 was a disaster.On Tuesday, Microsoft unveiled the Surface Book, a laptop with a clever hinge that lets you detach the screen from the keyboard and use it as a tablet. This is the kind of computer I've been waiting for, something that can do it all without compromising design or usability.It's light and powerful, has incredible battery life, and looks good to boot. I spent about 15 minutes playing around with a Surface Book after Microsoft's event in New York on Tuesday, and I can tell the company is on to something. This is the device Microsoft should have originally launched when it began making the Surface three years ago.
It's also a blow to Apple, which recently unveiled its own take on a Surface-like device with the iPad Pro. I used the iPad Pro briefly at Apple's launch event a few weeks ago, and I wasn't exactly blown away. It feels like a niche product whose appeal will mainly be to people like graphics artists. The keyboard cover wasn't that great either. It felt cheaply made and was difficult to type on, as with the original Surface.The Surface Book feels much more refined. Though it's technically a laptop-tablet hybrid, it's the first in the category that doesn't feel like one. It's a laptop when you need it, or a big-screen tablet when you need it. There aren't any obvious compromises as there are with other Surfaces.(By the way, Microsoft did announce another new Surface, the Surface Pro 4, which looks like an updated version of what we've seen before. I'm not into it.)To be clear, these are only first impressions. Microsoft made some bold claims Tuesday, saying the Surface Book was 50% more powerful than the MacBook Pro. We'll have to wait and see about that.
The Insider Picks team writes about stuff we think you'll like. Business Insider has affiliate partnerships so we may get a share of the revenue from your purchase.As Apple exec Phil Schiller has likely been reminded of, good laptops are expensive. There are a few reasons why 600 million people currently use PCs that are at least five years old, and none of them involve outdated hardware suddenly being en vogue. Not everyone needs the latest and greatest, and in many cases, the price of a higher-end notebook is simply prohibitive. That said, those that can afford to upgrade don’t have to drop four figures just to get something nice. The Asus Zenbook UX305CA is one relatively affordable notebook that proves this, and today, Microsoft has it down to $600. While it’s hit this point in the past, that’s still about $100 off its usual going rate, and almost as low as it gets for an Ultrabook that looks as refined as this.We’ve explained why we like the Zenbook UX305CA in our budget laptops buying guide, so head there for a full rundown. To put it briefly, though, the Zenbook UX305 line is one of the best values among Windows PCs today.
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Whereas most sub-$700 notebooks — Chromebooks aside — are chunky and meant for a desk, the Zenbook comes off like a budget-friendly MacBook Air, measuring just under 0.5 inches thick and weighing 2.6 pounds. It’s as attractive and portable as you’ll get for the money, and it’s supplemented by ample specs: a 13.3-inch 1080p IPS display, a 256GB solid state drive, 8GB of RAM, and a decent 9 or so hours of battery life. And since Microsoft sells it as a Signature Edition device, it comes with a bloat-free version of Windows 10.The only major hangup with this particular model is its Intel Core m3-6Y30 processor. It’s a sixth-gen chip, but a Core m, while improved, is still generally less powerful than a Core i3 in practice. It is capable of getting things done, but gaming is a reach, and you don’t want to push too hard with media editing. For everyday browsing and less professional desktop apps, though, it’s competent. Not bad at all, just closer to what you'd expect for the money.
If you want this design with a more powerful chip, you can pay up for a Core i5-packing Zenbook UX305LA, but at that point you’re a ways away from the budget range. If you need something a little bit stronger, there’s the $550 Acer Aspire E5-573G, but then you’re doubling the thickness and weight. Ultimately, we think the UX305CA is the best compromise for most people in this market, especially at this price.Disclosure: This post is brought to you by Business Insider's Insider Picks team. We aim to highlight products and services you might find interesting, and if you buy them, we get a small share of the revenue from the sale from our commerce partners, including Amazon. Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon, is an investor in Business Insider through his personal investment company Bezos Expeditions. We frequently receive products free of charge from manufacturers to test. This does not drive our decision as to whether or not a product is featured or recommended. We operate independently from our advertising sales team. We welcome your feedback. Have something you think we should know about? Email us at [email protected].
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eugeniorlh5950-blog · 7 years
Einstein Influences Imagination
Each of us has innovative cleverness most of which is actually likely untrained and also consequently untapped. The aspect therefore, lies in the innovative writer's capability to pinpoint exactly what sort of atmosphere as well as mood causes motivation to circulate and to earn deliberate initiatives to court such conducive atmosphere and also haven done this, protect each circulation off excessive interruptions that would certainly lead to the Pablo Picasso's Male off Pollock" adventure.
And also although splitting complex conditions in to white as well as dark containers can result in catastrophe, our company still do it. It is actually an innate attribute of individual psychology to desire assurance, yet this's the creative thinker which denies the inaccurate convenience of quality when that's certainly not really appropriate.Ambiguity is your pal if you're wanting to introduce. Having said that, thinking away from package," in my viewpoint is actually CERTAINLY NOT an upside-down to consider. I presume merely this is actually even more helpful to think that there is a trap purchase in order to get away from our comfort zones to remove our dust, it works as a trigger, imaginary talking. Random Input is making use of cement nouns from irrelevant industries for hooking up one believing design to yet another. Often the only thing that is actually had to be actually innovative is to create a commitment to innovation and also to take the time for this. Our team narrowed down those developments into tiny program projects and also my trainees' staffs succeeded numerous money awards to implement their innovative suggestions. Your thought processes power all your core opinions, actions as well as imaginative channels. In her research hereof, Bonn claims that strategic thinking should be addressed at various, however interrelated, degrees: at the individual and group amounts as well as at the organizational amount. There are several misrepresentations about ingenuity and the imaginative person, which I will certainly currently clarify. To conclude this factor: the call for the creativity strategy is neither the organic best choice nor the 'inclusive' trait to accomplish. To determine these clients to remain with you or even to buy additional off you, you need to educate your personnel on important thinking. Typically, our key goals are actually guided at maintaining children healthy as well as safe, showing intellectual abilities such as condition as well as different colors awareness, motivating prosocial behavior, and also launching standard literacy and also numeration skills. There is actually one thing regarding making believe to become someone else and also funneling somebody else's feelings which is actually amazingly releasing as well as may trigger hugely creativity. When you are battling to handle an imaginative trouble, this can easily be actually particularly beneficial. Tough psychological self-management is actually frequently needed so as to permit innovative assuming conditions to arise. The MA Creativity has actually been actually especially made to accommodate the needs of part-time provision via range discovering. If you cherished this article and you would like to obtain far more information with regards to yellow pages advert; linked resource site, kindly stop by our web-site. You may not expect to become a fantastic creative thinker if you're averse to have risks and also handle with what average individuals call failure. Inning accordance with this investigation, this might create the problem much more available and can easily motivate much higher amount thinking. Second, if you are interested in user-friendly reasoning skills, that you are actually a person along with adequate specialty to handle the prospective troubles that might emerge coming from presuming in a brand-new style. Even those that don't think about on their own as artistic will definitely surprise on their own - as well as others - when they are actually complimentary to do work in a creative environment. You could download and install free of charge video games coming from the designers to play them often times as well as evaluate some particular working from the game. First of all, in the lighting of creative analytic, you need to be broad-minded to that there could be more than simply one remedy to the complication. Moreover, imaginative article writers for novels, papers and magazines need be actually cautious that many individuals read while en route and at such opportunities, thesaurus are actually not useful. Publications such as this, with brain-candy-short phases aimed to burn up bare opportunity rather than boost the reader's life. If your competitors participate in certainly not inning accordance with the policies or if the typical known methods that have been actually already employed performed certainly not result along with the counted on turn-arounds that your manager anticipated, decision for imaginative methods is justified. The pc skill-sets and also email assignments are usually incredibly basic and have little attempt. The results from an association stands on the ventures from each private working in that. Every worker possesses a special set from skills as well as expertise that makes this vital for a CEO to attempt and involve as lots of people as feasible while inviting concepts to cultivate an innovation-based provider. When interest is switched coming from one angle from a problem to yet another, a lot of creative advances happen. If that student does not display skills in these capabilities to his or her employer, remedial education and learning is actually supplied. Marketing experts have to be able to deal with the cautious detail of their everyday work and also still have the capacity to take new, imaginative thinking to bear on the challenges they experience. Parents which are incapable to efficiently place their kids on a strict diet plan could select sporting activities, exercises and also video games to aid shed excess fat in a healthy and balanced means. You will certainly be shocked at the cascade of imaginative tips that stream coming from your mind with your palm and also onto the newspaper. The best opportunity to find out creativity is actually during our childhood years while our minds are actually expanding. However, a lot of companies want creative thinkers regardless of whether they do certainly not point out therefore in those words. Yet as I have actually presented that does not take a considerable amount of believing to multiply ideas, as long as you perform it systematically, making use of tested tools and techniques. A center goal from the Academy is to assist PhD trainees in recognizing the abilities they require for the growth and also interaction from their analysis. Innovative people not only do better in their job, but possess much more meeting personal lifestyles as well, since they could deal with concerns extra effectively, as well as discovering means to typically create lifestyle more interesting as well as delightful. The analysis on this one is actually still little, however one study revealed that for university student, those which travelled abroad scored much higher on creative thinking exams compared to those which remained at their principal university. In order to promote imagination, educator needs to reformalize the idea behind pedagogical direction. Difficult thinking about the trouble-- doing your best to incorporate the different aspects in to a practical solution. As i have actually explained before imagination is actually a steel perspective its the very same for any kind of endeavour an individual take part in, whether you are actually an organisation person, a sporting activities person or a developer. They are actually no other coming from you, therefore also you may start making your brains presume in an artistic method. This capability combines 2 types of reasoning: vital thinking as well as creativity. Through performing that, you are actually being actually a forerunner, as well as you are establishing your youngster's leadership abilities. Extensive concerns benefited most off an additive counterfactual point of view: dealing with just what could possibly have been actually contributed to the situation. Read more to learn ways to beat these restraints that limit your imagination and endanger your results. The future comes from thinkers which understand style thinking and could harness its own potential. Well, I still carry out go through many of words that are featured in the e-newsletters I obtain, guides and also magazines that are set up at reading stations around my apartment, as well as the threads blogged about in the conversation teams to which I appear day-to-day. Yet another technique from utilizing the artistic side of the mind is actually making one thing, perhaps away from balloons, or aged cardboard boxes huge as well as small, or even Lego.
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pardontheglueman · 7 years
Social Murder
In the aftermath of the Grenfell Tower Fire, a man-made tragedy for which the death toll presently stands at 80, Labour’s Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell took part in a debate at the Glastonbury Festival during the course of which he made the sensational claim that the victims of the fire were ‘murdered by political decisions’. Regardless of the fact that McDonnell was echoing views already expressed by some of the victims’ families and, indeed, by some of the survivors themselves, his comments were bound to spark outrage.
There is no doubt that by levelling the charge of murder directly at the political classes, McDonnell was leaving himself wide open to a barrage of criticism. Already a bogeyman of the right-wing press, the hired hacks of Murdoch and Dacre didn’t need to issue any ‘stop or I’ll shoot’ warnings before firing off both barrels in the general direction of Labour’s Marxist messenger. Nadine Dorries, Tory M.P for Mid-Bedfordshire, told the Daily Mail that “It would have been nice if he had let the dust settle, bodies be identified and given people time to grieve before he played politics with the lives of those who suffered”. Her colleague Andrew Bridgen, M.P for North West Leicestershire, was singing from the same hymn sheet (no doubt helpfully circulated by Conservative Central Office) when alleging “I wonder how the friends and relatives of the victims feel when their recently deceased loved ones are used as political pawns by the hard-left. With the hard-left, the end always justifies the means - no matter how much upset they cause”.
McDonnell stands accused, then, of using the horrific deaths of men, women, and children as a political football with which to gain a sordid electoral advantage. Leaving aside the fact that the accusations come directly from a party who cheered David Cameron to the rafters at the 2014 Welsh Conservative Conference when he launched his notorious attack on the Labour’s stewardship of the NHS in Wales-
“I tell you - when Offa’s Dyke becomes the line between life and death, we are witnessing a national scandal. There are people who have seen the ones they love waiting far, far too long for treatment, sometimes dying and these grieving families are in pain. It’s the same old socialist mantra: the system knows best”
Cameron is himself clearly guilty here of using the death of Welsh patients as a political football in order to score cheap party political points over an opponent; so having duly noted the hypocrisy of the Tory party’s response to McDonnell’s comments, let us examine the statement in closer detail. Here is the key sentence –"The decision not to build homes and to view housing as only for financial speculation rather than for meeting a basic human need made by politicians over decades murdered those families”.
It should be clear to anyone reading the above passage, that McDonnell isn’t attempting to pin the blame on any one political party, indeed the very opposite is true. He acknowledges Labour’s own culpability by recognising that ‘politicians over decades murdered those families’. McDonnell is attributing the blame, where it surely belongs, at the door of neo-liberalism, whether practised by Blair/Brown, Cameron/Osborne Clegg/Cable or May/Hammond. In a subsequent interview with Andrew Marr, McDonnell stood by his comments, drawing on Friedrich Engels 1845 treatise ‘The Conditions of the Working Class in England’ to amplify his argument. In the key passage below, Engel’s proposes his theory of ‘social murder’,
‘When one individual inflicts bodily injury upon another, such injury that death results, we call that deed manslaughter; when the assailant knew in advance that the injury would be fatal, we call his deed murder. But when society places hundreds of proletarians in such a position that they inevitably meet a too early and an unnatural death, one which is quite as much a death by violence as that by the sword or the bullet; when it deprives thousands of the necessaries of life, places them under conditions in which they cannot live - forces them to remain in such conditions until that death ensues which is the inevitable consequence - knows that these thousands of victims must perish, and yet permits these conditions to remain, its deed is murder just as surely as the deed of the single individual’.
Even as the Grenfell fire was still burning, a blog by the Grenfell Action Group, from November 2016, was heading T.V news bulletins. Its opening paragraph can’t but be compared to the conditions Engels was describing in his classic text,
‘It is a truly terrifying thought but the Grenfell Action Group firmly believe that only a catastrophic event will expose the ineptitude and incompetence of our landlord, the KCTMO, and bring an end to the dangerous living conditions and neglect of health and safety legislation that they inflict upon their tenants and leaseholders. We believe that the KCTMO are an evil, unprincipled, mini-mafia who have no business to be charged with the responsibility of looking after the everyday management of large scale social housing estates and that their sordid collusion with the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea Council is a recipe for a future major disaster.’
McDonnell was, of course, at the heart of Jeremy Corbyn’s campaign for the Labour leadership in 2015, a campaign which was built around a principled and, as it turns out, remarkably prescient decision to turn Labour into an anti-austerity party. Labour members who had been uneasy with Ed Miliband’s decision to fight the general election of 2015 as an austerity-lite, lesser of two evils version of the Tories were ready to quit the party en-bloc when caretaker leader Harriet Harman instructed the parliamentary party to abstain on the second reading of the Tories’ Welfare Reform Bill, a bill that would have condemned the sick, the poor, the disabled and, particularly, disadvantaged children, to another package of brutal cuts running into the billions. Ordinary members couldn’t, in all conscience, continue to endorse those vicious policies. Had the Labour Party fought the 2017 general election on the bogus platform that one spoonful of austerity, not two, would secure the nation’s recovery it may well have been wiped out as a genuine political force in precisely the way that Scottish Labour was in the wake of the 2014 referendum on Scottish independence.
It is entirely plausible to argue, then, that McDonnell, as Corbyn’s chief lieutenant, and architect of the anti-austerity strategy, not only saved the Labour Party from a crippling defeat but also salvaged what remains of the welfare state too. May’s minority government will now have to scale back its onslaught on the public sector, while there is also a very real possibility of a Labour government being elected in the near future with a mandate to reverse austerity. Labour’s manifesto For the many, not the Few, inspired millions of young voters, outraged by the levels of inequality in the U.K, to participate in the political process for the first time. Try to imagine (remembering that the Liberal Party’s call for a second Brexit referendum led to an actual fall in their share of the vote), what else Labour could have run on in 2017, if not their anti-austerity programme. McDonnell has certainly earned the right to be heard with respect on the subject of austerity.
Austerity is a well-oiled killing machine and the Conservative Party knows it. There are countless government reports, House of Commons’ committee investigations and independent submissions from charitable organisations and pressure groups that testify to the many and varied ways in which the ideology of austerity kills British citizens. The Department of Work and Pensions, just to take one example, suppressed 49 internal peer reviews commissioned to look into the suicides of benefit claimants following their sanctioning by the department. It was only through a succession of Freedom of Information requests that the scandal of how the most vulnerable people in society were being driven to their deaths finally came to light.
The death toll resulting from a decade of austerity almost defies belief. It’s a painful task to reduce the individual lives of men, women, and children to a set of grim statistics in order to paint an exact picture of Britain in the summer of 2017:
The Health and Safety Executive has had its budget cut by 46%, leading to a drop in inspections of more than a third since 2011.  https://www.healthandsafetyatwork.com/hse/business-plan-reveals-further-budget-cuts
Between 2003 and 2013 domestic energy prices increased by 150%  (www.jrf.org.uk)
Since 2008 real wages have dropped by 10.4% in the U.K. compared to a 14% increase in Germany and an 11% increase in France.   https://www.tuc.org.uk/economic-issues/labour-market/uk-workers-experienced-sharpest-wage-fall-any-leading-economy-tuc  
Hate crimes against people with disabilities doubled between 2008 and 2014.   https://hansard.parliament.uk/
Between 2009/10 and 2010/11 there was a 31% cut in Local Authority funding for domestic and sexual violence support.    http://www.research.lancs.ac.uk/portal/en/publications/measuring-the-impact-of-cuts-in-public-expenditure-on-the-provision-of-services-to-prevent-violence-against-women(dfd8ea40-b589-4f75
A study in 2015 found evidence that an additional 1,000 suicides had occurred in the U.K. between 2008 and 2010 as a result of the Global Financial Crash and the onset of austerity. https://www.theguardian.com/society/2015/nov/12/austerity-a-factor-in-rising-suicide-rate-among-uk-men-study  
According to the Office for National Statistics, in the winter of 2012/13, there was a 29% increase in deaths compared to a 15.5% rise the previous winter. The ONS report contradicted Public Health England’s claim that the rise was due to influenza. Danny Dorling, Professor of Geography at Oxford, attributed one of the largest increases in overall mortality since records began in the 1830’s to the fact that many pensioners were too poor to heat their homes. (’Austerity and Morality’, contributing essay to The Violence of Austerity edited by Vickie Cooper and David Whyte)  https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/birthsdeathsandmarriages/deaths/bulletins/excesswintermortalityinenglandandwales/2013-11-26 https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/birthsdeathsandmarriages/deaths/bulletins/excesswintermortalityinenglandandwales/201415provisional  
A study published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health showed that for every 10,000 Incapacity Benefit claimants reassessed between 2013 and 2015 there was an additional six suicides and 725,000 more prescriptions for anti-depressants.
Between October 2012 and the end of 2015, there were over 1.9 million decisions taken to sanction claimants.  https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/dwp-statistical-summaries-2016  
The U.K infant (0 to 1 years) mortality rate, at around four deaths per every 1,000 births, is higher than all but two of the nineteen Euro area member states. Half of these deaths are linked to short gestation and low birth weight, both of which are highly associated with deprivation. (Growing up in the UK 2013, pp 37-55)                              http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/search_auth=tZoMC4JS&p_p_id=estatsearchportlet_WAR_estatsearchportlet&p_p_lifecycle=1&p_p_state=maximized&p_p_mode=view&_estatsearchportlet_WAR_e
An April 2016 House of Commons report on air quality estimated that up to 50,000 deaths every year are ‘brought forward’ by pollution.                      (House of Commons Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee 2016 p.3)
In England and Wales, there were 42,000 evictions in the rented sector in 2015. A rise of 50% over the past four years and the highest level since records began in 2000.                                                                                          (Ministry of Justice: Mortgage and Landlord Possession Statistics Quarterly).  
A Swedish study in 2015, found that tenants losing their home were up to nine times more likely to commit suicide, compared to the general population      http://jech.bmj.com/content/early/2015/11/04/jech-2015-206419
A study, Homelessness Kills: An Analysis of the Mortality of Homeless People in Early Twenty-First Century England, states the average age of death for a homeless person to be 47 years old.
In 2016, a total of 22 deaths of women in prison custody were recorded. This is the highest number on record.                         http://www.inquest.org.uk/statistics/deaths-of-women-in-prison  
Rates of self-harm in prisons are running at record levels with 32,313 recorded attempts in 2015, a rise of nearly 40% in two years.                                           (Prison Reform Trust, Prison: the Facts, Bromley Briefings 2016)
In the year to 2016, self-inflicted deaths in prison rose by 28%.                  (Ministry of Justice, Safety in Custody Statistical Bulletin England and Wales, 2016)
Austerity-driven cuts to the prison service budget between 2011 and 2015 amounted to £900 million, or 24% of the service’s overall budget.               (Prison Service Journal November 2015)
Between 2010 and 2015 mental health trusts lost £598 million from their budgets each year.                                                              http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-31970871
These figures are just the tip of an austerity iceberg which threatens to sink the ship of the welfare state; how, for example, do you quantify the number of women who may have died as a result of the closure of domestic violence centres, or the tens of thousands who have surely died as the social care budget has been slashed and the NHS pared down and part-privatised?
Austerity, it is worth recalling, was always an ideological choice and not a political necessity. A global financial crash, caused by the greed of private sector banks, insurance companies and hedge funds (coincidentally, a roll call of donors to the Tory Party!) was used as camouflage by a Coalition government intent on dismembering the welfare state. As Sure Start centres, libraries and care homes were being closed down across the country, the rich continued to salt away their untaxed wealth in Panamanian tax havens; the wealthiest 1,000 in the U.K. population have, according to the Sunday Times rich list, doubled their wealth to more than half a trillion pounds. Although austerity is now disowned by former cheerleaders like the International Monetary Fund and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, there are still some members of the May cabinet, such as Michael Fallon, wedded to an utterly discredited method of stimulating economic growth. Austerity was only ever a ruse for systematically shifting wealth away from citizens and toward the corporate tax havens of the super-rich.
As Cooper and Whyte point out in their introduction to The Violence of Austerity, a compendium of true life horror stories that should be filed alongside your well-thumbed copy of The Complete Poe, ‘It is not normal to subject the most vulnerable sections of the population to such pain, humiliation and degradation’. The madness doesn’t end there, because, in addition to its policy of austerity, the Conservative Party’s deranged obsession with deregulation, together with their constant undermining of Health and Safety law in Britain endangers every one of us as we go about our daily business. No wonder, then, that former Trading Standards Supervisor Pippa Savage, while disputing McDonnell’s use of the word murder, felt able to declare in her column for The New European that McDonnell’s ‘sentiments ring true’.
As to whether McDonnell can be justified in his headline grabbing charge of murder, the law of joint enterprise has been used increasingly in recent years to secure convictions in murder cases. The controversial law does not require a member of the group accused to intend to kill or commit serious harm, simply requiring them to foresee that another member “might” kill, or at its lowest level of culpability, “might” inflict serious harm.
When the Conservative cabinet next assembles, to rubber stamp its latest tranche of welfare cuts (there are a projected 10bn of “savings” still in the pipeline), ministers will be aware, from all the evidence cited above, that the decisions they take that day will cause countless deaths. Of course, ministers won’t know which babies, which mentally-ill teenagers, which benefit claimants, which workers on building sites, which families trapped in blazing tower blocks, which pensioners on hospital trolley’s and which of the significantly disabled will die. Horrifyingly, the only conclusion it’s possible for us to reach is that they simply won’t care.
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