#I also have every SR and R card released so far
ladyazurith · 4 months
I think I have an addiction problem.
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actualbird · 1 year
pardon me! I wanted to try the game tears of thermos, but I’m a little nervous since I don’t play these type of games. Do you have any advice on how to best enjoy myself and invest in its world/characters?
hi anon!!! im so glad you wanna try out tot!!! i do have some tips, but before i go there i must inform you that autocorrect mustve done something to your message because you said tears of thermos and i cldnt rest until i edited a meme of that
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im particularly interested in how you worded this ask!! ive had a lot of people ask me tips on how to start tot (and the relevant ones, i'll link in this ask too) but never on a narrative investment/immersion angle. so my tips for this will be a bit different
but before that, here are my past tips from my tot tips tag
general tips for a newbie (gameplay tips and story tips)
how to "predict" upcoming events
tot stories in chronological order (only updated til july 2022)
now for your question i guess my biggest tip would really just be to treat tears of themis like a visual novel that just so happens to update with more stories.
idk how much of a newbie you are to this genre, but when i got into this game i had NEVER played any other otome before in my life. so it was all new to me!! and i basically treated it like an updating visual novel, this is My Method, and that got me quite invested (as is obvious from my entire blog). so when i say "treat it like a visual novel" i mean:
im personally not particularly a card completionist or a gacha enthusiast. which, hell yeah, this game wont bankrupt me LOL. but also, since cards are the main way where new nxx boy stories are released through, for any card i dont have, i just watch it on youtube. because basically every card, event plot, minigame, etc gets uploaded by someone a little bit after its release. so if youre bummed you missed an event card but you dont really Want the card, you just want its story, just search it on youtube!! search [card name/event name] + [whichever language dub you prefer] + tears of themis and voila! new story for you to read!!!
if you want plot = read Main Story. this is where all the heavy main plot happens and it is SO GRIPPING AND RIVETING.
if you want character development and relationship development between mc and each boy = read Personal Story Bloom Chapter, and then the respective nxx boy's Anniversary 1 card, Personal Story Sweet Chapter 1 and 2, and then the respective nxx boy's Anniversary 2 card. the personal story routes (aka the routes where mc eventually ends up with the boy romantically) are where a BULK of characterization and character development happens, imo
if you want romance and oneshot dates = explore the available cards!!! the tot wiki has an archive of all the available cards per boy on each of the characters' main pages. for example, here's luke's page. scroll down to the cards section and Behold. Luke Stories As Far As The Eye Can See
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these pages dont have the story transcribed in them, but theyre great to use as a directory or a map of cards. so if any of the cards catch your eye, then take urself to youtube to find the card and voila (again)! new story for u to experience!
(note: SSRs always have a full 6 act story. SRs either have a 6 act story that is unvoiced, OR 2 voice messages. MRs always have 2 voice messages. R cards have no story and no voice messages)
if you want nxx team dynamics = read and/or play the events!!!! this is my favorite thing, the tot events are a treasure trove of fun cases and awesome team dynamics. in the game itself, some of the big events are available as DLC for anybody to play themselves at any time. to get there, X-NOTE Story -> lower and rightmost button Event -> upper and rightmost button Past.
if theres anything i would reccommend the MOST, itd be to download and pllay the event Mysteries of the Lost Gold. it's so good. it's my favorite event story. trust me on this
i hope these tips can help!!! happy playing :DDD
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thescentoflavender · 4 years
Hello! I hope you’re doing well :) Sorry for wasting your time if this has been answered already, but how do you decide which MLQC events and karmas to go for? I’ve been using your guides as a reference since I started playing on the EN server, but since you’re ahead, how do you gauge what‘s worth getting? Love your work a lot, and thanks for giving us all of these awesome tips and guides!
Hello and thanks! I’m a little tired but still staying afloat! I’m glad you like the guides. 
You ask a good question, and happily it’s one I can answer! When it comes to playing MLQC, I spend more time predicting and strategising what events and karmas I should invest in than actually playing the game itself. That’s one of the reasons why my interest has lately shifted to writing guides rather than translating stuff—what I initially set out to do when I started this blog. 
Before I digress any further, let’s get about to answering your question. Generally, the type of events I invest in are as follows:
Birthday events. I invest in these for the heart clefs you get for ranking. For the events I’ve participated in so far, I’ve managed to rank within the top 5% (= 6 heart clefs), spending only 7000 gems or so. If you have the VIP card, one heart clef is worth 500 gems, so that’s 3000 gems already just for ranking. Spend another 4000 gems and you can get at least 2 birthday karmas and quite a few other nifty rewards.
SP events. See my lengthy post here: https://thescentoflavender.tumblr.com/post/623985677816758272/since-sp-karmas-are-about-to-drop-in-the-en
Events which will never be revived. I don’t think I need to elaborate on this as well.
Events which have “a good deal”. An example of this would be the Season 1 Chapter 37 SSRs, which came with a free limited-edition ASMR and a 20% discount on the first day. I stand by my original post that it’s hyperinflation, but it can be a good deal if 1) you’re not downright unlucky; 2) you have the resources, i.e. 20k gems, to spare) and 3) you aren’t particular about getting a particular suitor’s card.
Events that I really, really like and don’t fall into any of the above categories. For me, there hasn’t been one in this category so far. But if such a Harry Potter event drops, then let it be said for the record: I won’t rest till I’ve bagged all the event karmas. (I suspect this won’t happen, though, since a Harry Potter event is likely to fall at least in Category 3.)
ER events. Kind of a mixed bag since this whole system is pretty new. I’ll wait to see how it goes. 
Of course, deciding which events to invest in is one thing; being able to invest in them is another. That’s where predicting when and which events will drop comes in. With the CN server, each of the major Chinese festivals (CNY, Qixi) will have a major event, with the CNY one being the larger of the two. Then there are the chapter karmas, now once every two months. Season 2 this year was a bit of a surprise. I was expecting the “big, game-changing event” to drop around the time of MLQC CN’s anniversary in Dec, but apparently it happened mid-year. With the recent One Hundred Days of Company shenanigans, I’m still expecting something shocking (and probably unpalatable) to drop during its anniversary.
What about the rest of the events? Sometimes you can get hints of what’s going to drop looking at the messages released in the server/official Weibo posts.  *cough Harry Potter cough*  It’s also suspicious when the official Weibo channel stops posting stuff for a few days and when it’s been a bit quiet on the CN server on the events front. If it’s the latter only, it might just be a free R karma event, or if it’s an SSR, a single-character SSR. In either case, if there isn’t much hype leading up to it, it won’t be an event with high-ranking karmas, i.e. a skippable event for me. 
The birthday events are standard. They’re SR karmas, and when they drop is pretty much fixed. So if you’re planning to invest in them, it’s probably good to remember the general timings they’re in and do the necessary preparations a few months ahead. It’s also a good idea not to stretch your gems too much and have at least a few hundred to spare for any event, in case you so happen to need a few more. 
Li Zeyan: Early Jan
Zhou Qiluo: Early Apr
Ling Xiao: Mid June 
Bai Qi: End July
Xu Mo: End Nov
*Ling Xiao got his own birthday event this year in the CN server, so expect it next year in the EN one!
I decide which karmas to go for based on a few factors: the karmas I have, the karmas I need and the karmas that are available. If you’re like me and investing in karmas because of their stats, that makes our decision a lot easier on which karmas to get: high-ranking karmas in the attribute we’re trying to clear for the Heart Trials.
Another important thing to remember is that there’s an inevitable conflict between choosing to invest in karmas now and saving up for future karmas. Investing in karmas now means possibly gaining enough resources by clearing more stages in Heart Trials, but investing in future karmas means you’ll be able to get the karma with the highest-stats available at that time. This conflict arises from the devaluation of karmas with each passing year. Starting from the Valentine’s Day event this year, the four-people event/chapter SSRs have all been of the so-called “5939″ series. The karmas in this series are higher-ranking than SSRs released in the previous year, and so and so forth. I would expect the average stats of the SSRs (and possibly SPs) released next year to be better than those this year, so those are things for me to consider too when planning the karmas I should get. 
And this is just for the “regular” gem-intensive events. I haven’t even started on the top-up events and the free events (yes, those require planning too!) but I think I’ve said enough for now. I swear I’ve gotten a few more strands of white hair just by playing this game. 
So. Thanks for coming to my TED talk and happy karma planning!
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rigelmejo · 4 years
march 3/15/2021
im trying to read through tae kim’s grammar guide right now because i’m officially further in the nukemarine LLJ  memrise decks (there’s tae kim grammar guide sections in there) than i am in actually reading the grammar guide. And obviously these example sentences in the memrise deck would teach me more if i CLEARLY understood why they’re like how they are. which i... need to read the grammar guide section to understand lol.
my goal rn with japanese is? to get further in the nukemarine LLJ decks than i did last time. I’ve already mildly accomplished that (have done officially MORE of the tae kim section than before, have NOT redone the 190 common words i did last time i did this though). there are about 400 more cards in this tae kim section (LLJ 4) and then 1000ish cards in the common word section (LLJ 5). I would love to get them done. 
it would be sweet if i could get them done before April 22?/24? whenever Nier Replicant comes out because then I could play that baby in english and japanese! Then Nier Automata! ToT The Entire thing that kicked me back into wanting to study japanese was my old love for certain video games and desperately wanting to know what their stories/characters are like before translation/localization. So it would be cool if I could play them a little ;-; or at least check out lets plays. 
(which, checking out the kh2 lets play has been going pretty well so far... also that part where namine says “we aren’t meant to exist” and roxas says “how could you say such a thing? even if it were true” he says in japanese like “thats brutal/harsh to say. even if its true.” ...great to know that line is equally raw and heartbreaking in japanese lol. KH2′s localization did real good on like equal vibe to original just like ‘less nuanced’ if that makes sense. also thanks to the chinese hanzi i know now watching the KH2 lets play means i can figure out a lot of noun’s writing even though i don’t catch the pronunciation... also i’m catching a lot of words that mean like ‘beautiful/good’ as in like ‘great move’ and ‘dang’ lol.)
i had to stop myself from redoing the chinese flashcards i’ve done in the past! because i get ‘into a zone’ lol. And i really don’t need to waste time redoing those 2000 cards. i also needed to stop myself from doing the hsk 5-6 cards. because realistically? i know half of them, i should just set a lot to ‘ignore’ on the computer but im too lazy, and i’m learning a lot of vocab from reading right now. i don’t need hsk words to pass any test. The words i’m learning right now in reading are a lot more applicable to the actual shows i watch/things i listen to/things i read. its more useful to me to keep reading. and also to not sidetrack my japanese lol. i have read... 39 chapters this month... this month is only half over! hanshe is truly motivating ToT it also helps the story CONSTANTLY ends on cliffhangers so i keep clicking next chapter. who knows, maybe hanshe will help me kick up my reading speed. it already shaved off 10 minutes per 20 pages - now my 20 pages are down to 30 minutes to read, which is better than a few months ago. hanshe has 155 chapters so i HOPE it speeds up my reading lol.
hanshe is increasing my vocab though, its definitely noticeable over time. and hanshe has really good repetition of vocab which helps with learning and later the payoff means i never have to look up the word in future once its learned while it remains useful to me and i keep being reminded of it. after i get bored of hanshe OR i finish it, whichever comes first, its either back to a priest novel or into another pingxie fanfic written by hanshe’s author. The author did one fanfic that’s only 33 chapters so that would be NICE to do after this one lol ToT
summary of what’s turned out to be my studying methods this month:
reading through grammar guides (the one yue-muffin made and tae kim’s). so just grammar explanation reading.
doing nukemarine LLJ decks (in the ACTUAL order they are in the deck to completion - last time i did like 3 per time and never finished any lol. this is bolded because it’s the primary activity i’m prioritizing). so SRS flashcards. it’s working well right now because i can just put this activity in anytime i have downtime, like when i pause shows (since we know me i gotta take a break from a show every 20 minutes lol). i am bafflingly in a flashcard mood and i’m trying to take advantage of it while i got it. 
*when i feel like it: watching kh2 lets play. so some immersion where i look up words. (and when Nier Replicant remaster releases next month I’m likely to at least a tiny bit try to play it in japanese ToT lol we’ll see)
so grammar reading, srs flashcards covering some grammar/listening/reading/vocab, and some optional immersion.
(a note: i gave up on the japaneseaudiolessons for now because i got bored. its a great resource! i just don’t feel like it right now. and from an efficiency perspective, nukemarine LLJ decks cover vocab, grammar, audio, reading - so I don’t need another resource for that right now).
reading through hanshe. so immersion reading, intensive reading looking up unknown words. (unknown words are happening less so its getting less ‘intense’ lol)
listening to Chinese Spoonfed Audio. so listening to audio flashcards. for building up listening comprehension/repetition to pick up some more common words. (i’ve been doing this during daily walks making it much easier for me to consistently do, doing it mainly to supplement the Reading Heavy study i’m doing, i can drop this and pick it up later if i want since its mostly easy background listening)
*I am slowly rereading the grammar guide on www.chinese-grammar.com for explicit grammar clarification. but this is not a high priority, since I sort of implicitly understand a lot of this and i’m not working on fixing production mistakes yet. i just... miss knowing wtf is going on in the grammar lol.
*when i feel like it: Listening Reading The Glass Maiden/Love and Redemption Novel. I’ve done 2-3 hours of it this past week, but i don’t know when or if I’ll just stop. Thankfully l-r is beneficial somewhat even if i switch up books later. i WANT to L-R you have no idea (to Silent Reading and Guardian REALLY badly lol). But its so time intensive, and requires a lot of focus, and i have to really plan to do it for an hour at a time usually. I am so bad at doing stuff for that long consistently. I was in the mood earlier this week! ToT 
*when i feel like it: watching chinese shows raw. I was super in the mood this month because Word of Honor came out, and Killer and Healer came out, and Rattan came out, and I didn’t want to wait for subs. As a result I watched a LOT of raw episodes this month. However, english subs have caught up and since I’m lazy I’m inclined to just watch the subs - especially since youku ITSELF just put english subs on their most-ahead viewing schedule version of the eps on youku vip. so guess who’s buying youuku vip today? -3-)/ That said... even if I stop for a while, if Rattan subs move too slow I’ll probably watch those raw. And as SOON as 2ha’s drama Immortality drops I am highly likely to watch the raws for that since I likely won’t be able to wait. Watching shows is pretty highly dependent on how much I want to watch something and if subs take a while lol. 
so reading, and listening. and a little listening-reading method too. mainly just working on reading, listening, vocab acquisition. chinese is going good - for a few months now i’ve just had the plan ‘read often while looking up unknown words, and add some listening study activity when i have time.’ It’s simple, and its been working well.  later on down the road i’ll need some explicit grammar clarification again, but this is bare bones enough of a study plan at the moment. i’m clearly picking up words and phrases and hanzi at a reasonable pace. its not the Fastest obviously, but it is causing improvement over time and since i’m enjoying it i see no reason to change it up.
ending things
...who knows WHY i am so well focused this month with so much energy... tbh... i track how many chapters i read a month/audio i listen to/show episodes i watch etc, and this month is like as much as 3 other of my usual months combined. also my japanese has been basically ‘dabbling only’ prior to this month.
 although... maybe in part its how i’ve gotten better at reading hanshe? Reading being easier certainly motivates me TO read more. And watching shows was MUCH easier this month (still not ‘easy’ but following the main plot is) which definitely makes me Want to watch more. Also i am... unbelievably motivated by a challenge. I think i got it in my head that i ‘really want to do more of Nukemarine’s LLJ courses and see how much i understand after them’ and now... i really want them DONE. so maybe the current things motivating me will hold out for a while. 
(On the listening-reading front meanwhile, that activity takes SO much concentration its hard to do if i’m tired, BUT i have so many TRANSLATED novels i want to read recently and honestly its fun hearing the chinese narration and audiobook actors so like... i very much Want to do l-r so i can hear them as i read the translation... immovable object of me tired versus how much i’m interested in them lol ToT).
also thank u thank u @a-whump-muffin for sending me those lets plays because honestly it got me so excited again and its so cool to see them!!! <3 <3 and its so much easier to watch them versus committing to playing a whole game myself just yet ToT 
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villainqueen · 5 years
Event Help
So I’ve come across some people who feel troubled by the current A3! Event so I thought I offer some help. However, since the current one is almost over, I decided to use the next one as an example to show how to create a team that is best suited to earn the most amount of points with the least SP investment.
Next Event should be :
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Again we will get 3 Cards that have a bonus. 
Kazunari,(Comedy SSR), Tenma, (Drama SR) and Misumi (Action R)
If you can, you should always try to roll for those bonus cards if you plan to rank high in an event. Next is about team composition, you need to factor in 3 aspects; 1) you want the event bonus card in the team. 2) the skills should be in your favour and 3) you want the card of the right attribute if possible. 
So let’s build a Team for the comedy shows for the next event:
The event Kazunari [The Cat's and My Secret ] SSR should be your leader. level the card up as much as you can, bloom it, train it and skill it up to the max! The raw stat should be 6190 if you can max everything, however it gets even higher due to the event bonus.
For every other cards there are currently two really good team option which depend on what cards you have.
Team A)
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Kazunari [The Cat's and My Secret] SSR, Tenma SSR, Muku SSR, Misumi SR, and Yukis SR [Heart of Dancing] which is currently in the gacha. 
(Note: I don’t have Yukis yet and Kazunaris isn’t released so I have placeholder cards in the picture).
This will activate the Link Skill; Summer Troupe! which gives a CO boost of ++++ to your group, should be about an 50-60% increase. But I’m not sure about the exact number. With all of them being Co cards and ideally maxed leveled it should be one of the strongest teams you could build. You could also switch out Tenma and Misumis cards for the events ones if you get them, however at the moment I can’t do the math to say which would be better, that is something I should be able to test once the event is going. But I think the event ones have the advantage.
Tldr; Maxed out this team has about 28012 in comedy + a link skill boost of lets say 50% that is 42018 co points. Without taking the leader skill, support member or any event bonus into account.
Team B)
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Again a Team with the event Kazunari as a leader. Together with the Yuki SR [Heart of Dancing], Muku SSR, a Sakyo and a Homare card. Neither of these two have a comedy cards above R and no event bonus, so it depends on what you got. You can use their Co R cards, if you have leveled them to the max but it’s not recommended using anything below SR if it has no bonus if you have better options.
This Team gives a boost of +++++ so about 60 % to comedy. As it has 3 different link skills, the Shojo Manga group skill for 28%, St. Flora Team for 28% and Artists for another 12%. So it has a higher boost than team A, however it has not that strong of options for two out of 5 cards, at least not at the moment.
This team would have 26697 as a base + 60% link skill boost making it about 42715 points. Higher than team A.
If you got all the event cards building Team A would be better using the full boost of 3 cards with the event bonus.
Team B would be better if you only got the event Kazu, as it has the better link skills.
There are other factors that play into account when creating a team, like guest leader, seasonal bonus ect. but I think that would go too far at this point. I just wanted to showcase what to consider while you make a team. It’s not about taking your strongest co cards together and call it a day. Think about the skills and how the characters synergize with each other and it will save you some good SP. Also you have to whale if you want to rank high in an event lol.
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a3tree · 4 years
1st Anniversary and Exclusive Cards
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It’s been a few months since this announcement now!
What would the new original cards be and what would implementing them into the EN server look like? 🤔
I think we’re still a long few months away from getting these cards but I can’t say I’m not excited to see what we get! In order to think about how this will happen in EN server, let’s take a look at how the other servers implemented their own server exclusive cards!
For all of these servers, the cards were usually announced around or tied into the 1st Anniversary event, “3 Cheers for Mankai Company!” (as named in EN, the original name in JPN being “Let’s Bloom! Cheer MANKAI ☆”. As per rule on this blog, I will be referring to it by its EN name and shorten it to “3 Cheers” from here on.) The only server to not have “exclusive” cards from this event was the JPN server, being the main server and already having many cards that have not been distributed outside of Japan through events, collaborations, and album releases.
3 Cheers first ran in the JPN server from January 12th 2018 to January 22nd 2018 to celebrate the 1st Anniversary release of the game (January 27th 2017). This was the first (and only) “Cheer” event (“Support” in JPN), which was unique even to Anniversary events because of the exclusive voting, or “cheer” mechanic. During the event, alongside earning points, you could earn cheers to send to your favorite boys and unlock special badges for them. They also counted as votes towards the character, and the top 10 characters’ vote rankings were posted partway through the event on January 16th, and final rankings were announced February 4th following the event.
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The top ten characters got special character goods and the top three characters got “Choice Scout SELECTION” gachas! A Choice Scout is a one time only paid scout with rate ups of previous gacha cards of the specified character! Along with the ten cards from the gacha, you would also receive a “Choice Medal” to exchange for any of these specified character cards at the Trading Post (ex. if you pulled from the Itaru Choice Scout Selection, you would be able to exchange your medal for SSR [Office Worker Santa] Itaru Chigasaki or SR [Don’t Jinx It] Itaru Chigasaki, among other Itaru cards).
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In this case, the top 3 characters were Itaru in first, Banri in second, and Misumi in third, so all three of them got Choice Scouts! Itaru’s Choice Scout ran from March 1st to March 5th, Banri’s ran from April 2nd to April 6th, and Misumi’s ran from May 1st to May 4th.
Not only that, but the top ranking character from each troupe were added as the cast to A3!’s first ever Mixed Troupe event, “I Come with the Night.” with Itaru in the starring role, Banri as the co-lead, Misumi as supporting cast A, and Tsumugi as supporting cast B. With this being a performance event, Itaru and Banri also got SSRs drawn by Ryo Fujiwara! This event ran from October 17th 2018 to October 26th 2018.
(Side note: this Anniversary event seemed to be a bit stressful for fans since there were only rewards for half of the cast, and many were disappointed to let down the boys that did not win. This could be one of the reasons that following Anniversary events do not have this character ranking element.)
The next server that held 3 Cheers was the TN server, with the event running from August 15th 2019 to August 25th 2019 to celebrate the 1st Anniversary release of June 2018. (It possibly came a bit late due to other event/gacha scheduling conflicts.) The event ran virtually the same as it did in JPN with the ranking results announced on October 25th. Where this event differs from the JPN version is that it was announced that the top three characters got region exclusive cards to the TN server, with first place Itaru getting an SSR, second place Masumi getting an SR, and third place Misumi getting an R card!
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(Funnily enough, the results mirror the midway results from the JPN server, with Itaru, Masumi, and Misumi being the top three.)
The TN exclusive cards were released in the same Choice Scout SELECTION gachas that the JPN version had. These were only obtainable through the Choice Medal at the Trading Post. Misumi’s Choice Scout ran from February 13th to February 18th 2020, Masumi’s ran from March 4th to March 8th, and Itaru’s ran from March 13th to March 17th.
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The TN server also got the I Come with the Night event from April 7th to April 16th and all the cards that came with it, despite the featured characters being the winners from the JPN server’s ranking contest (If the winners were to match the TN server’s ranking, the cast would have been Itaru, Misumi, Tsumugi, and Sakyo). This of course makes complete sense as I imagine it would be difficult to implement a full exclusive event for each server, especially with how long it took to release the event story and play in the JPN server and with the differences in scheduling that each event has.
(Side note: the Masumi banner seems to be an error with the colors and flower motif being Itaru’s gerberas rather than Masumi’s violets.)
The CN server was released November 14th 2019 and celebrated its anniversary July 22nd 2020 to August 1st. (It seemed to celebrate the anniversary early in order to preserve story chronologic order because they’re going through events much quicker than the JPN server did.) The ranking of the top ten characters was announced August 3rd 2020. Like the TN server, the top three characters in their rankings got CN server exclusive cards made by the Japanese dev team! The top three were once again Itaru in first place getting an SSR, Masumi in second place getting an SR, and Misumi in third place getting an R card!
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The CN server also got a special illustration drawn by Ryo Fujiwara and an exclusive special event PV written by story writer Tom was released online!
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The exclusive cards were announced February 8th 2021, as part of their Chinese New Year/Spring Festival campaign! They were once again released in the Choice Scout SELECTION gachas, with Itaru’s, Masumi’s, and Misumi’s Choice Scouts all running February 12th to February 18th. Just like the TN server, these cards were obtainable through Choice Medals exchanged at the Trading Post!
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So far, the I Come with the Night event has not dropped in the CN server but it seems likely that it will proceed as a normal event with the JPN ranking cast.
So... what does that mean for the EN server?
The EN server was released October 23rd 2019 and celebrated its Anniversary with the 3 Cheers event running from October 15th to October 25th 2020. The event was nearly identical to every others’ server with the notable distinction of there not being a cheer ranking component to the event. It is unclear why this part was not included into the Anniversary event, (maybe Cybird had difficulty working under COVID restrictions or they wanted to avoid the popularity vote?) so many fans cheered for as many characters as they could rather than pouring all their cheers into their favorite. Around this time, Cybird also released a survey in-game asking fans how they felt about certain elements of the game. Some questions in particular asked what were your top three characters from the game.
Towards the end of the event, Cybird revealed the above announcement that Ryo Fujiwara would be designing “new original cards for the English version scheduled for a 2021 release!” on October 23rd. Since then, there have been no announcements on what these cards will be like, who they are of, how they will be released, etc. But, based on what we know of the other three servers, we can make some educated guesses:
(These guesses are just for fun, please do not believe anything I say to be absolutely true)
So, who will the cards be of?
Since there was no voting announced in the Anniversary event for EN version, I don’t think they will use the Cheer points to determine who gets exclusive cards. This is probably for the best because the cards won’t be determined only by the players who spend the most in-game. However, because the survey asked for players’ top favorite characters, I believe they would use these results to determine the characters who get exclusive cards. This is a much more fair way to “vote” for characters because even F2P players and players who do not use social media were able to vote for their favs, and avoided mass voting because it was accessed through the players’ game.
Another option would be for Cybird or Liber themselves to decide who gets the cards. This doesn’t involve the players so I don’t know if they would actually do this but it’s still a possibility.
The last option would be for them to give new cards for all the characters. This would be the most fair and would probably generate the most money for them if all of them were available for paid gems, but it would definitely be a lot of work for a server that isn’t the main JPN one.
Of these all, using the survey results makes the most sense to me because they specifically asked for your top three characters (I wish I still had screenshots O| ̄|_). Once again, it would make sense to eliminate the problems with the cheer rankings. Deciding on their own does not seem like something they would do and as much as I’d love every character to get a pretty new card, I don’t see why the EN server should get special treatment over the CN or the TN ones that only has three each for this event. It’s still a possibility though because the EN server is available across more countries, but I don’t think it reaches more players than the CN or the JPN server. So for now, let’s assume the new cards would go to the most voted characters of the survey.
The hitch to this idea though is mentioning Ryo Fujiwara, the lead character designer of A3! I think they did not draw any of the other exclusive cards, and only contributed to the CN server’s commemorative art. Their art is also only used in SR and SSR cards, I believe. They’ve done album covers that have been redeemed as SR cards in-game and does all of the performance event cards, which are all SSRs. If Cybird are having them draw these cards, these cards would definitely be very special and would most likely not include any R cards. This would mean that these exclusive cards will already be very different from the other servers’ cards.
How will these cards be implemented?
One theory I saw come up is that maybe EN server will have an exclusive performance event like how I Come with the Night was created as a result of the 1st Anniversary. While the fact that Fujiwara-sensei is drawing these cards support that idea because both the gacha and event SSRs would be drawn by them, I don’t know if Cybird has the liberty or capability to add something as major as a whole in-game event. The CN server had an interactive PV hosted on bilibili even though the scenario was written by Tom, the main story writer of A3!, which shows that even semi-canon events in other servers are not usually added to the game outside of the backstage stories of said exclusive cards. It would also be put in the middle of the timeline which would make formatting the server weird (already there have been some oddities from the timeline being off from the release dates of the JPN server) and would have to not further the characters’ development in a way that contradicts whats farther ahead in the timeline. What I love about A3! is that a lot of the interactions and conversations are remembered and referred back to in other cards and event stories so to have a whole event and not furthering the characters and have it not affect the three years the JPN server has on the EN server seems difficult to me. Plus, performance events in particular usually end up voiced and have play songs which I think would be a hassle to have to record for in a server the actors themselves don’t even play. I’d love it if they did and it would explain the wait time for these cards (plus it wouldn’t be too hard to skim over character development anyways since the I-Chu and PSYCHO PASS events were exclusive and I think the I-Chu event at least isn’t even canon?) and maybe it doesn’t even have to be a performance event but I do not think it will go this way.
Until we get more information, I assume that the exclusive cards will be released in the same way that the TN and the CN exclusive cards were by trading in a Choice Medal obtained from the Choice Scout SELECTION gachas. I also assume that the previous survey will decide which characters will get these exclusive cards. If anything, I hope the only difference the EN server gets is that since the cards are designed by Fujiwara-sensei, the cards will all be SRs and SSRs. I’m still unsure completely about the number of cards, but hopefully there will be more of them.
When will we hear more about these cards?
The JPN server concluded 3 Cheers on January 22nd 2018, announced rankings on February 4th, and had character Choice Scouts starting with Itaru in March. The highest voted character from each troupe were featured in I Come with the Night which ran in October. So ranking was announced under two weeks, Scout gachas started the month after, and the Mixed Troupe event ran nine months after the Anniversary.
The TN server concluded 3 Cheers on August 25th 2019, announced rankings on October 25th, and had character Choice Scouts starting with Misumi in February. I Come with the Night ran in April. So ranking was announced two months later, Scout gachas started four months after this announcement, and the Mixed Troupe event ran eight months after the Anniversary.
The CN server concluded 3 Cheers on August 1st 2020, announced rankings on August 3rd, and had character Choice Scouts all starting Febuary 2021. So ranking was announced two days later and Scout gacha started six months after this announcement.
The EN server concluded 3 Cheers on October 25th 2020. It has no rankings as of now (February 20th 2021, four month later) and therefore does not have Choice Scouts yet.
JPN had the shortest amount of time between the end of the Anniversary event and the beginning of Choice Scouts with only about a month in between. However, JPN did not need exclusive cards and did not implement the winners until I Come with the Night nine months later. Meanwhile, even though it took TN server two months to announce ranking results, both TN and CN servers started Choice Scouts six months after the Anniversary event. There’s no ranking in EN, so I can only count from when the event ended and the cards were announced at the end of October. If it were just exclusive cards, I would assume it would take six months like it had the TN and CN servers, which would mean sometime in April. But if they are doing something special with Fujiwara-sensei designing the cards, it would take some time, but not nearly as long as it did for them to come up with a whole new event scenario, so unless the EN version is getting an exclusive event, it should not take nine months which was as long as it took JPN server to get I Come with the Night. So before July.
So, based on all that and assuming scheduling is about the same as it is for all the other servers, we might be seeing these cards sometime between April and July.
What will these cards look like?
The JPN winners were cast members for the I Come with the Night play event, with the play being school themed. The TN cards were boba themed to reflect how boba has nearly become the national icon of Taiwan. The CN cards were Chinese themed with Shanghai and pandas included in the designs, fitting for Chinese New Year.
Basically my answer is I have no idea what EN exclusive cards would look like. The EN server isn’t exclusive to one specific region like the others are. Many different countries are encompassed in the EN server, so it’s difficult to say. But they will definitely be gorgeous with Fujiwara-sensei designing them.
LONG story short, I’m guessing the EN cards will be added sometime between April and July, via the character Choice Scout SELECTION gachas. They will not be determined by cheers but instead will be cards of the highest voted characters from the survey released around the 1st Anniversary. The number of cards, the rarities, the design motifs, and the characters are still unknown as of now.
I don’t know a lot so this was a pretty long winded way to say “I don’t know” and give the most basic of guesses but seeing the history and predicting based on the data was super fun. I feel that having an approximate date guessed is better than nothing but unfortunately that is about all I can surmise.
Hopefully we’ll hear more about these cards soon! I’ll be keeping my eye out for them in April 😉 Thanks for reading!
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otomechuchu · 6 years
Personal walkthrough/how to play - Love and Producer EN (Mr Love Queen’s Choice)
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Here’s my personal walkthrough/how to play, Love and Producer EN (Mr Love Queen’s Choice)
This is my first attempt to write a “How to Play” guide, so it’s a little messy and all over the place. I tried to make it sound connected and divide it into sections, but it could need some cleanup. It would be nice to add pictures to make this look less like a big block of text, but we’ll see. Maybe I’ll change it later...
I have played this since it launched in China back in 2017!
*Will/might update, but it’s kinda finished* <-- I realize some things feel “normal” to me, but might be confusing to others, so I’ll try to explain them step by step when I get the time!
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Before I start, I would like to point out that although there are a lot of functions and things to do, it’s not as intimidating as it seems. It looks intimidating at first glance, but if you take your time instead of rush through the game, it will be easier. I would like to point out that the mechanics are very much like Love Nikki (another Chinese game also by Elex). It has almost all the same functions, plus a few extra. So if you already play Love Nikki (or played it before), then that will help a lot.
NOTE:  After progressing to a certain point, you will unlock more features. That means, not everything is unlocked when you start, so it’s not too overwhelming.
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First, what is the “point” of the game?
You (main character), 22 years old, takes over your fathers TV production company and you wish to produce amazing TV shows. It’s not doing well and the sponsor is pulling out. Along the way, you get the help from four men (love interests): a 28 years old CEO named Li Zeyan (Victor), a 24 years old police officer/agent named Bai Qi (Gavin), a 26 years old scientist named Xu Mo (Lucien), and a 22 years old idol named Zhou Qiluo (Kiro).
Ok, so even though the game is Chinese and released by the original Chinese company, the English version does not include the original Chinese voices! It’s dubbed into English. But once you start playing, you can download a Japanese voice pack? Makes no sense. So here’s a list of what the characters are named:
Li Zeyan - Victor - Zen Bai Qi - Gavin - Haku Xu Mo - Lucien - Shimon Zhou Qiluo - Kiro - Kira
In addition to the main story, you have “side stories” (kinda) for each guy. These happen by going on “City Walks” where you help people or do other types of missions. This will make the love interest like you more, and will result in more “Dates.” These “Dates” are dates/romantic scenarios with him. You need certain cards as well. NOTE: There are different types of “City X”, look further down the page.
As for the main story, you have to do “Shoots”, as in you shoot episodes of your show. This is where “Karma” (cards) come in. You collect cards and other items to advance. You want to make successful TV shows, and getting good cards is the way to go. These are ranked as N (normal), NH, R (rare), SR (super rare), and SSR (the most rare and best). These cards can be evolved, star up, and lvl up. As for the story, you can go back and re-read/watch the story any time you want. See “Missions & Rewards” for more information.
Cards, called Karma, are your units to do everything in the game. You use them to “fight” and progress throughout the story. 
Collecting cards can be done through different ways, but the “easiest” way is by paying real money. I’m not saying you have to pay money! You can easily play the whole game for free. I’m just saying it’s nice to support things you love, right? You can also pay a monthly subscription fee, it’s $3,99 USD (30 yuan). Other than that you can get them through the gacha (Wish Tree), special events, or merging Shards together.
These cards has a lot of functions. You need to level them up to make them stronger. Every 10 lvl will give the chance to Star Up that card, giving it bonus stats. When reaching the cap, you can Evolve the card, increasing the lvl cap and changing the appearance of the card. 
Then there are “Experts” you can hire for your company to finish quests. You get these by either reading the main story or by exchanging “Medals” in the “Talent Market.” These can be upgraded with coins/gold (free in-game currency), and will up the score of your company, which is useful in “Shoots.”
All “Shoots” and “Footage” will be rated with 1-3 crowns (3 being the best). You will always have the chance to re-do to get a better score, or all the crowns if you didn’t get them all on the first try. When you succeed one, also have a chance to receive special items. These also costs stamina (hearts) to do, which are replenished as time goes by. Doing one once costs 5 stamina. Also note that they got “Keywords” or “Strengths” on the description. Selecting Experts with those Keywords, or cards with those Strengths, will up your success. This will also give your cards exp. Rewards are items to star up cards.
This will unlock after Chapter X (forgot which). This is just like the normal Shoots, except they’re harder and give “better” rewards. These rewards are items to evolve cards. Each has a limit of 3 per day. In terms of Love Nikki, “Elite” is the same as Princess Stage. These are more difficult but will give greater rewards. Each costs 8 stamina.
Footage is like Shoots and Elite. It has a cap of 10 but will regenerate one every hour. Each stage has a max of 3 and there are 6 parts so far. Doing these will give Shards as rewards. 
Sometimes you get “Shards” and when you have enough shards, you can combine them into a card. These Shards can be obtained when doing “Footage” or from the gacha. “Footage” has a limit of 3 per day. However you use Film, not Stamina, and that has a max of 10. It regenerates every hour.
After progressing to a certain point, you will unlock more features.
When reaching Chapter 3, you will be able to do “Training.” Once you finish training a Card, you receive rewards and lvl up. You can also Train your company stats. 
Shards are given from “Footage” or from “Wish Tree” (gacha). You can combine them into a card (Karma) for gold (free in-game currency). 
R card = 15k gold
SR card = 30k gold
SSR card = 60k gold
When you have a certain number of shards, you can combine them into a card (Karma). Combining them costs Gold (free in-game currency). Here are the requirements:
R card - 30 shards - 15k gold
SR card - 50 shards - 30k gold
SSR card - 80 shards - 60 gold
Then there’s the Phone. You can call, send messages, and post on social media or comment. Doing these things will increase intimacy with the love interests. Remember to check your phone often to see if there are new posts on social media or text messages. Phone calls will be notified. You do not have to be awake at specific times to receive these and you can open them whenever you want without them disappearing. 
The “Wishing Tree” is the gacha. There are two types of gachas, the “Gem Karma” and “Gold Karma.” The Gem one is free once every 48 hours and will cost Gems otherwise (Gems cost real money). The Gold one is free once every 24 hours and will cost Gold otherwise. Also, each time you do one, you will get  “Heart Petal” (think of it as a shard) and when you have enough, you can combine them into a “Flower”, which can be exchanged for limited cards.
Sometimes you get more than one of a card, or you simply don’t care for it. When this happens, you can “shred” it. Basically, you can exchange it for Memory Stardust, which is used to Evolve cards. Just press the Karma Pass button (it’s yellow).
Achievements give you daily rewards for completing specific requirements daily.
Just like Love Nikki, you will also recieve free Stamina twice a day, at 12-14 and 18-20. This is either 30 or 60 Stamina! And like all mobile games, there are daily login rewards.
Lastly, there’s the “Box Office Contest” and “Achievement.” The “Box Office Contest” is like a PvP where you “fight” other players and receive medals. There are 5 free tries every day. The next day you will receive a gift depending on how high you ranked.
You need to finish ch X to unlock this (I forgot which). This is a minigame that depends on your 3 strongest cards (Karma). You pick 3 (they will be by default, so if you get stronger cards later, you need to switch them out manually), and they will give a combined score. When “News” pop up, you go to investigate and “help” people. You get 3 questions and you click one of three choices for each. This can be re-done unlimited times, so don’t worry if you answer wrong. Between each question you have to tap the screen as quick as possible (repeatedly, think of a gauge bar, where each tap will fill it). As you finish more and more of these “News”, you lvl up your detective? skill and receive items as you progress. As your level up in detective skill, you can unlock even more experts, get better rewards, and you can use more than just 3 cards. 
You need to finish ch X to unlock this (I forgot which).
Events happen often enough. In the beginning of English release, it might be slow, but it should pick up over time. During events, you can get free SR cards and maybe SSR cards if you’re lucky. Events vary in content and are done differently. Some can be limited Wish Tree cards, some can be collect items from doing Shoots, or from doing Strolls, etc. or other things. It really depends on the event.
You need to finish ch X to unlock this (I forgot which). 
In order to Evolve a card, you need a certain amount of items, Memory Stardust, and gold. Here are the amounts: 
R card - 30k gold
SR card - 60K gold
SSR card - 120k gold
Your avatar walks around meeting the love interests and other citizens, helping people or having mini scenes with him. Helping people will increase his fondness of you (intimacy), which lets you go on dates more often. It also gives you bonus rewards and items. No need to rush with this, it refreshes once a week. 
Challenge 24 other players around your lvl/strength. Each stage will give rewards. When clearing at least 12 stages, you can quick clear, meaning you can skip X number of stages but still get the rewards from these. Doing this will not weaken your cards either, making it possible to clear stages that were too hard. You can only Quick Clear a specific amount, at max it’s 16 stages or 18 stages (VIP). Any more than this you have to fight manually. 
These battles are done by using 1-3 cards that are at least lvl 20. Look at the requirements (card strengths) to know what cards you should use. Doing these battles will “damage” your cards, meaning their strengths will decrease. When reaching 0 strength they will be 100% damaged and can no longer fight. 
You can reset this once every day, doing so will put you back on Stage 1, and all rewards you didn’t claim will disappear. 
VIP Supply (Monthly Subscription)
Pretty cheap, it costs the same as a cup of coffe. For $3,99 USD every month, you get this:  - 30 gems every day, lasts 30 days.  - double rewards on the login card - 20 max stamina increase - 50% extra exp  - 300 gems instantly
So far only chapter 1-10 are out in English, so this doesn’t exist yet.
So far only chapter 1-10 are out in English, so this doesn’t exist yet.
So far only chapter 1-10 are out in English, so this doesn’t exist yet.
So far only chapter 1-10 are out in English, so this doesn’t exist yet.
So far only chapter 1-10 are out in English, so this doesn’t exist yet.
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drowningotometrash · 6 years
Tips to Mr Love Queen’s Choice (Love and Producer)
So since I also started playing not too long ago, I don’t have a full on guide yet, but here’s what I’ve picked up so far.
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1) Do NOT waste your diamonds on the wishing well until there’s special cards or events. It’s very very VERY hard to get SSR cards in the wishing well, no matter from the diamond or coin one. In fact you get a free roll for the coin pool every 24 hours and every 48 hours for the diamond pool.
2) If you get ANY SSR card, level it up asap. SSRs win over SRs by a HUGE margin.
3) Do as many daily tasks as you can. It’s the fastest way to gain exp to level up your company. If you just rely on going past stages to gain company exp you’ll take forever and a decade to even cap the maximum level. I’ve only been playing for about a month and a half and I’m already only 6 levels away from the maximum level, and that’s even AFTER the new update where the maximum level was raised from 50 to 60. Plus daily tasks give you 50 diamonds daily. And with more daily tasks completed theoughout the week, you get additonal content (statuses and messages) from the 4 characters.
4) Get past 2-9 to unlock the mailbox. The mailbox is where you get stamina from friends (max 20 times per day) and all gifts from the system.
5) Always remember to Login, unlike with many other otome games, you need to manually click on the dates to be regarded as having logged in. You also get an R card each month after logging in for 28 days.
6) Always remember to grab 30 free stamina during 12:00 - 14:00 and 18:00 - 20:00.
7) If you’re willing to, get the monthly VIP card, its about 4~5 USD and it’s very worth it. You will get 30 diamonds per day and you will be also be able to buy a package for a dollar that gives you 60 diamonds, 180 Stamina, 10 paper crane chains and 10k coins. You will also get double the exp for any stage you pass and also double the login bonuses. But the most important feature of the monthly card is that it allows you to unlock the speed up function for “City Strolls”.
8) Complete all 150 rounds for all 4 characters for the “City Strolls” (unlocked after 4-9). This is where I also missed out on at first. Since the first 50 rounds are free and as I was low on coins I didn’t want to pay the extra 15k each for the additional 100 rounds. But the extra 100 rounds actually give a LOT more gifts and it gives you 30k coins, so you actually earn 15k. Plus you get 100 diamonds for each 150 round. Just put it on autopilot mode and MC will go through all the tasks without you having to do anything. You get 100 relationship points for just strolling around.
And if you have got the monthly card, the speed up function will be unlocked so you can go through it faster and automatically.
9) Level up at least 1 card of each field for each character, as when doing side shoots for the characters, you are only allowed to use the cards of that specific character.
10) Don’t evolve cards just because you like the cover or character. First focus on cards that will actually boost your score and progress through the game. You’ll soon find out that stardusts are incredibly hard to get and save up on.
11) When you first pass through the first few chapters, it will offer you limited time deals for paper cranes, stamina and coins. It’s worth it and not too expensive. These are also things you will need sooner or later. Though of course if you don’t want to pay it’s totally fine. You will get there with a little more patience, I also didn’t get them but now I wish I got at least one just to help out at first.
12) The first charge bonus is doubled so lets say you buy 6480 diamonds, you get double the amount for the first time. And these will reset after new chapter releases.
13) I’d recommend spending a little money at first just to get the 白起/Bai Qi/Gavin card you can only get through purchasing diamonds. You get the card regardless of the amount you spend, and SRs are definitely useful to get through stages at first.
Will update more as I remember. I’ll also update the top SR cards for passing stages soon.
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shiningliive · 6 years
How do I know if I have already max leveled a card? (Got the 20 prisms already?) Or can I get prisms every time I max it?
Anon: How do I know if I have already max lvl. a card and got the 20 prisms in the past? :/
Anon 2: I'm finally getting too full of photos -- is there any reason to keep R photos that you've maxed leveled? Is there a way to tell that you've already maxed them when you draw that card again? In a perfect world, I'd like to keep all the cards so I wanna try to make sure I'm not missing anything with choosing to get rid of some ;;
Hi yall, answering these three together because theyre kinda similar.
You cannot get prisms every time you max the same card, and as far as I know there is no way to know to tell (in a Lesson tab) if you have already maxed a card when you recieve it again. There could be some way to check this somewhere else in the game, but if there is, I can’t find it. If/when Maji.Love is released, this will help you keep track of your cards. 
Sidenote, the project is currently on hold due (I believe) to a lack of developers. If you want to give some of your time to this amazing website please apply as a developer here. I am not involved in this project at all though, so please contact them if you want to knwo more or check out the SIF version as an example of what it could be. 
There are a few reasons to keep R’s that you have maxed out, but its usually not necessary or too important. I like to keep them for as long as I can for collection purposes, but I’ll probably practice or sell them away when I max out all the current R sets. This also helps me know if I have previously 
When you’re at an early point in the game, maxed out R’s can actually be stronger than weaker or lower rank SRs, so it can be useujful to havwe them on your teams. They can also be used for raising a bond with a certain member if you don’t have enough UR’s and SR’s of them to fill a team.
Keep in mind as well that you can buy more card slots. They are avilable at Other>Shop>Other>Photo slots x5. It’s 10 prisms for 5 new slots, and although I obviously don’t recommend spending all your prisms on this, it can be worth doing it when you’re running low once or twice. 
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mey-rin-is-fabulous · 2 years
Love Live SIF definitely feels like a dying game. Every other game in the genre has a thing set up with their tickets where you can use 10 at a time SIF still doesn't have that with the green tickets and I sent them a thing a few years ago like maybe you guys should have a 10 ticket option(I have 80 and doing 1 at a time is far too tedious)
They're throwing the idolization portion of the cards out too as well as R's SR's and SSR's and just releasing Idolized and UR cards
And it doesn't feel fun anymore. Like Fes A Live is fun Idolish 7 is fun even UtaPri is fun
I've had to stop playing SIF anyway because I'm out of space on the second phone(I really need to get a tablet SIF is also a major space hog and it doesn't even make a folder so you can move it from internal to SD and back again)
Just something that's been on my mind for awhile. 9 years and they haven't really done anything to the actual game besides the waiting room and the server integration
0 notes
yasuragi-hotaru · 7 years
Uta Pri: 6th Stage Report Pt. 1
By now, it’s no surprise how deep into Maji Love Live hell I’ve fallen. So it didn’t take long for me to get into my head that I would, in one way or another, make it to the event in person one day. 
The moment this post hit my dash, it made me think, “Man, I would hate to miss seeing that! I feel like that will definitely be a reality for 6th Stage. Wouldn’t it be cool to be there for it?” 
“One day” could be a reality, if, with a little faith and a lot of hope, I tried.
Was by far one of the most exhausting things I’ve ever gone through. And that is saying a lot as I have been going to concerts, in local venues and arenas, rock and pop, both domestically and internationally, for 13 years now. Without a doubt, there is nothing, nothing like the process of getting tickets in Japan. 
I researched extensively throughout the entirety of the ordeal reading up as much as I could (reference links later!) before I fully committed to take the plunge.
For 6th Stage specifically, there were 4 chances to get tickets: 
5/27 Lottery w/code from Legend Star vol. 1 in January
5/28 Lottery w/code from Legend Star vol. 2 in February
5/27 + 5/28 Open Lotteries on eplus in early March
5/27 + 5/28 General Sale on eplus in Late March
As luck would have it, I went through each and every one of these before securing my ticket. That’s right, I lost out in all 4 lotteries and somehow, by the grace of God, scraped the bottom of the barrel to snag a rare ticket from the general sale. Now. I’m pretty sure this took years off of my life, so here’s some things I learned along the way for each entry point. 
5/27 Lottery w/code from Legend Star vol. 1 in January
Purchased through CDJ, shipped as Registered Air Mail - this was definitely mistake #1. I barely got my package in time to send the proxy service my code for the entry period orz orz orz
I used a proxy service (Japan Concert Tickets) and they were incredibly helpful, professional, and upfront throughout the whole process!
I was overly optimistic here, totally thought it was a shoe in, NBD, so losing the first time stung pretty badly ngl
5/28 Lottery w/code from Legend Star vol. 2 in February
As soon as I received MLLS1, i immediately updated the shipping for this next order to EMS. I received my DVD the day of the release. Yay! 10/10 recommend this shipping option if you need something right away from CDJ.
Still worked with JCT as the proxy service, but obviously lost out on this one, too
5/27 + 5/28 Open Lotteries on eplus in early March
This was probably the most stressful of the lotteries. probably because of the finality of what losing on these lotteries meant. SIGH OTL HERE WE GO.
I worked with JCT to enter, too, and they were a little less patient with entering on my behalf vs. the previous two times. Probably because they were helping more people this time than with people who made the purchase to enter in Jan and Feb.
They sent their confirmation of entering the lottery the day before the entry period ended. Cue anxiety. Woof.
I found out afterward that I could have also entered myself (I made my own eplus account after the fact), but I didn’t. I mourned over this for a while once I lost out on these lotteries, too. Oh well.
When JCT sent the losing notification, it was a blanket BCC email saying due to the extremely low chances of winning tickets, they will not be offering lottery services for future Utapri shows, for the time being. So FYI for prospective MLL attendees. Otherwise, they were very very easy to work with, and i totally understand it’s not the best use of their resources. Alas, off to fend for myself. Onwards to the general sale!
5/27 + 5/28 General Sale on eplus in Late March
At this point, i was pretty defeated, ngl. Everywhere I read, everywhere said don’t even bother with the general sale because there’s no chance.
I, obviously, refused to believe this. I believed there was a chance, even if it was a sliver of a chance. But it wasn’t over yet. Despite myself, I kept the faith and stuck it out.
eplus does not recognize international credit cards, which is ANNOYING. As a work around, I set up my account to pay/pick up at Family Mart. I figured I could figure this payment part out if I got to it. SHRUG
I have NEVER used eplus before, so I tried to poke around to other ticket pages to get a feel for how the application process works. 
Spoiler alert: the 6th stage ticket application was NOTHING like the other ticket pages I poked around on D:
I was really scared to have my browser translate the page to English in the event it messed with the loading time or cookies on the page. I tried to memorize the fields so I could at least have some muscle memory with the first page on what goes where.
At 12:00:01 JST, I refreshed the page. And eplus told me I lost my place because I had another eplus page open. I did. it was my member page bc i was checking randomly for something else.
 r u srs. 
I went to go back, and the site crashed. 
wtf the fuq.
I spent the next few minutes compulsively refreshing the page. F5 F5 F5
by 12:07, I assumed that tickets were already sold out.
I still kept refreshing
by 12:10 i officially resigned i had no chance, ready to close the browser window
I still kept refreshing
Suddenly, the application page loaded with options
I started toggling between either day, as the page said tickets were available for both
the page kept loading
the entry fields continued to show up
i kept hitting enter
i frantically just kept trying combos
then finally….the next page loaded
i s h i t y o u n o t I blacked out. i straight up blacked out, i don’t remember what i thought, what i saw, what I did, WHATWASAIR, my mind just blanked because I DID NOT THINK I WOULD GET THIS FAR.
all i remember is that i just skimmed through the page, scrolled to the bottom and it was a blur of letters i didn’t recognize and then a big pink button. 
i clicked it.
the next page just said application complete
what. that’s…..it? that’s it…..?!?!?!??! that seemed too easy. wasn’t I supposed to confirm my name for the ticket? what did I miss? WHAT WAS ON THIS MYSTERIOUS SECOND PAGE. I may never know.
By 12:30 i received an email from eplus with a Family Mart code and a message to redeem the ticket in 48 hours.
with the help from my friend, I was able to track back track the steps that led me to getting the confirmation code 
thankfully, she was able to help facilitate the transaction in Japan, so by Monday afternoon my time, I got a note that my ticket was secured.
For a long time, NONE OF THIS FELT REAL.
General sale was, by far, one of the most INSANE experiences I have ever put myself through. I truly feel for all other fans who’ve tried and either succeeded or failed. It’s GRUELING. The eplus interface was not intuitive, the entire process was not user friendly at all, and if Japanese is not your first language, it is definitely a challenge. 
However, if you are not weak of heart (or just downright stubborn like me), then I absolutely encourage you to try it anyway!!! I knew that this was my last chance and I am convinced getting my ticket was a fluke. I especially knew it, given how late I got in after the tickets went up for sale that I would be VERY VERY VERY FAR AWAY.  But it didn’t matter. 
Out of sheer dumb luck and blind determination. 
was going 
to Maji Love Live 6th Stage. 
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Things I referenced as my guide:
@aishiteruitsumo6‘s 5th stage reports
@otokogizenkaigofight‘s ask about 5th stage tickets
Bernie’s summary of Getting Concert Tickets in Japan (and overseas)
@sincerely-shine‘s How to Get Tickets to Seiyuu events
A Momokuro forum discussion page specifically for oversea fans
good ol’ Reddit
I would say, more or less, these posts definitely set the foundation of the beginning of the process, if you’re curious! (and a massive thank you to all of you, you have no idea how much all of your details helped me!)
(Continues on to Goods Line & Trading @ Sunshine CIty)
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actualbird · 2 years
Omg I just started playing tears of themesis and its a lot of fun! I like that you actually have to find the clues, and actually solve the crime I think that's interesting. Any tips for a newbie lol
I'm so excited especially for the fact that I'm going to understand all the Luke posts on my dash because I love him already XD
wAAHH, hello and welcome to tot!! i hope you have a fun time playing :D (and yes, ur taste is Exquisite, luke is SO GOOD,,,I LOVE HIM SM,,,,,)
and i guess off the top of my head, i do have some tips!! feel free to take whichever u need and discard the ones that dont spark joy!
gameplay tips
do the daily and weekly tasks!: these give rewards each day/week that will help you in card leveling, overall player leveling, and collecting s-chips. sometimes events happen which add new tasks to do for certain rewards so like, basically whenever you see an Exclamation Point Icon anywhere, check it out! theres gonna be stuff to do and rewards to get from it
level up your cards!: if im remembering my own experience starting out, i recall that the debate power increase through the main story was a little bit steep in the beginning jHVKSJHDF. i used to get on by just fine with the EXP from debates itself leveling cards, but that quickly didnt give my deck enough juice. level em up with oracles so u can smoothly go thru the main story :D
take ur time exploring not just the story but also just the sheer amount of other stuff going on in the game: i was overwhelmed when i started, and i started on this game's Release. there was Less Stuff. idk how it must be for ppl coming in now, when theres More Stuff omg. but it's chill, take ur time, theres a bunch of neat stuff to discover
story tips
(idk how intuitive/already obvious these might already be, but when i started out i had no idea how these types of games worked so it took me a while to realize there were MORE STORIES JHSDJFH so i'll mention these tips too, aka tips i wish i knew in august of 2021, HAHA)
read card stories/content: every card you have that is not an R card (so the SSR, SR, and MR), has either a 6 part story in them to read or 2 audio messages for you to listen to and they are Wonderful. dont sweat it tho if u dont have a card and u wanna know its content, by this point, nearly everything is recorded on youtube so u can easily watch what u dont have!
play the boys' personal stories!: aside from the main story (which are the cases and investigations) each nxx boy has personal stories u can find by going to Ur Phone In The Game -> Click On Guy Of Choice -> Lower Right Corner.
if ur interested in nxx team plots outside of the main story, check out past events and their plots on yt!: the event plots are a Treasure Trove of interesting case stories And full ensemble cast interactions. i love this game the best tbh when i see the whole team interacting with each other, so i adore event plots. sadly, nearly all of the events that are done cannot be accessed anymore to newcomers in the game itself, but they can still be watched on yt. buuut thats just nearly all of the events which leads me to my next tip that rlly isnt a tip but simply just my personal recommendation as an intense enjoyer of this game---
download and play through the Mysteries of the Lost Gold event: the Lost Gold event originally ran through september of 2021, but it's been made available permanently as downloadable content in the game no matter when you start playing!! i highly recommend this event. it's by far still my favorite event in this whole game (everything from interesting plot/case to fun gameplay to delicious characterization, I REALLY LOVE LOST GOLD OK!! THIS IS A LOST GOLD STAN ZONE!!)
anyhoo, this event can be accessed by going to X-NOTE Story -> lower and rightmost button Event -> upper and rightmost button Past -> download Mysteries of the Lost Gold
really, i cannot recommend lost gold enough ajhfvjkahfa this is the One Thing i hope all players can experience it's just...I REALLY ADORE IT OKAY!!!
i hope some of these tips can help!! and i hope you enjoy playing this game :D
if ever uve got more questions, pls dont hesitate to shoot another ask hehe. it takes me a while to respond sometimes but i am Always down to be a tot-enabler thru sharing any info i can OwO
(also: jahsvfkjHVKJH SCREAM, have u been enduring my kilometric length luke posts prior to this with no context?? IM SO SORRY AJHVFKJAHSFASF HES JUST....I LOVE THAT GUY...)
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banyaro-eng · 7 years
[Event]  Cure2tron Memorial Covered GIGS One Night Carnival
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An event centered around Cure2tron, looking back on everything that has happened thus far! ※ Event stories are not voiced.
Duration: 2017/06/15(Thu) 17:00JST ~ 2017/06/29(Thu)
Event Details
A Band Memorial Event will be held. This will be a developing event, putting one band on spot at a time. The third part is Cure2tron!
Cover Song Project, START! Band Yarouze! cover song project is currently on its the third part. This time, it will be Kishidan’s “One Night Carnival” covered by Cure2tron! Let’s experience a new charm brought on by Cure2tron’s song cover.
Event Scenario Sequential Release
During the event, BLAST’s first main event scenario will be released on 04/15(Sat) 00:00 JST. A new main event scenario will be released the following days every 00:00 JST.
Ep.1 06/16(Fri) 00:00JST Ep.2 06/17(Sat) 00:00JST Ep.3 06/18(Sun) 00:00JST Ep.4 06/19(Mon) 00:00JST
How To play
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※ Date & Time shown is GMT+8
Get Hachimaki (Japanese stylized headbands) by clearing Duel Gigs. You can use these to exchange for event reward items. ・The type and amount of Hachimaki you can get varies depending on the difficulty of the song and your clear rank.
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Select your favorite character from the event page and give them Hachimaki to increase points. Communication with the bandman will then start. ・Event items will be given as you acquire event points. ・Acquired points and scenarios can be viewed on the event page of each character. 
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Event Strategy-1
During the event, A “One Night Carnival” pick-up gacha will be available. Cards from the said limited-event gacha has the special effect to increase the number of oranges earned. The higher the rarity, the more oranges you can get.
SSR Shelly [Dress-up for the Occasion*] ・1pc Gold Hachimaki (Large) SR Yukiho [Deceiving Eyes*] ・1pc Red Hachimaki (Medium) SR Mint [Dokidoki Guard] ・1pc Red Hachimaki (Medium) R Miley [Otokonoko Backyard] ・1pc Silver Hachimaki (Small) R Shelly [Trial and Error] ・1pc Silver Hachimaki (Small) R Yukiho [A heart of hospitality] ・1pc Silver Hachimaki (Small) R Mint [Part-time for the cutie] ・1pc Silver Hachimaki (Small)
※ The card visuals indicate how much more Hachimaki you get. ※ The Hachimaki increase when you Break the cards.
Event Strategy-2
Cure2tron EXP Cards will be given out as rewards for this event. These cards are specifically aimed to raise the card’s Main Skills. Strengthen the skills of your favorite cards and gain advantage in LIVEs!
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Event Rewards
Each character has their own set of event point rewards. Miley will have double the Reward Card upon reaching 35,000pts.
Event Rewards Card
SR Miley [Pursuit of Masculinity]
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Event-Limited Song
“One Night Carnival” Covered by Cure2tron Vocals: Tomoyo Kurusawa (Miley) Lyrics ・ Composition: Show Ayanocozey (Kishidan) Arrangement: Chiba “naotyu-” Naoki
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※ Event-limited songs will be unplayable after the event ends. ※ Event limited songs might reappear during future events/campaigns.
One Night Carnival Event Limited Gacha
Duration: 2017/06/15(Thu) 17:00JST ~ 2017/06/30(Fri) 10:59JST
Line-up: SSR Shelly, SR Yukiho, SR Mint, R Miley, R Shelly, R Yukiho, R Mint
The number of acquired Hachimaki will increase upon use of event cards for clearing LIVEs.
SSR Shelly [Dress-up for the Occasion*] Leader Skill: All Member’s GROOVE/BEAT/MELODY Boost by 35% Main Skill: [Pierce through the heart] 40% chance of activation upon 50 successful taps, boosting score by 20%. ※ Stats are at level 90
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SR Yukiho [Deceiving Eyes*] Leader Skill: All Member’s LIFE Boost by 15% Main Skill: [There is no correct answer] 20% chance of activation upon 15 successful taps, boosting combo bonus by 16%. ※ Stats are at level 75
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SR Mint [Dokidoki Guard] Leader Skill: Acquired Spirits Boost by 55% Main Skill: [Mischievous Cat’s Curiosity] 40% chance of activation upon 50 successful taps, boosting score by 16%. ※ Stats are at level 75
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※ Cards from this gacha are going to have a max level of 90 for SSR and 75 for SR upon Break. ※ It is possible to pull regular cards other than the Event limited gacha cards. ※ Event limited cards might reappear during future events/campaigns. ※ Signed cards will be discharged with a certain probability. (only SSR and SR cards will be signed) ※ The signed cards are ultimately the same as non-signed cards except for the signature.
*Shelly’s card title, Hare ni Matoi; I translated it as ハレに纒 in which Matoi means wrapping (or costume). in Japan there’s a phrase “ハレとケ/hare to ke,” and is like a philosophy where one can endure living through everyday (Ke) as they look forward to the special days (Hare) to break the monotony of daily life. Another meaning for Matoi would be target shooting (with bow and arrows) so this also works with Shelly’s main skill although matoi here is an obscure term. I chose dressing up as in Hare-day, one would go about wearing something special to signify how special the day is (like wearing a yukata for festivals.)
*Yukiho’s card title, Azamuku Hitomi; hitomi here specifically means the pupil of the eyes but can refer to eyes in general, especially when it’s being referred to as looking within them.
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reuska · 8 years
do you know how many more cipher cards are left to be revealed?
From my previous experience they never reveal all of them. They tend to start a month before the respective release and then reveal one to two cards (of the same character) per working day, usually switching between the “borders”/games/whatever you call it, that are included in the wave, every day. (That’s why I deliver Awakening cards just every other working day. In the gaps there is Geneology and I haven’t played that game yet so it would feel awkward to cover those.)
There are also two livestreams, one at the start of the “month of revealing” and one at the end. There they always reveal a bunch of new cards plus merchandise, bonus goods and art for the upcoming waves. I don’t have this confirmed yet but since this wave is scheduled to release on March 16th, there should be the second livestream this weekend.
But of all the 100 cards that are in each wave, they still never show all of them so when the wave is finally out, I always go and check the official website for those unrevealed. However, I believe they’ve always revealed all 12 SR cards and most R cards during the revealing period so far, so the unrevealed stuff are usually some not so important N and HN cards.
If you wonder about my sources, this is the official Fe Cipher twitter account where the daily revealing takes place.
Theprinceofiris is a useful twtter account to watch as they follow and retweet someone covering the livestreams on twitter in real time.(Plus they love and support Chrom so it’s really refreshing for someone like me after all this hate everywhere xD)
Serenesforest always does a weekly recap of released cards and with a slight delay they also cover the livestream news (that’s useful for anyone who doesn’t understand japanese as they have people who DO xD).
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