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zoe-oneesama · 1 year ago
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It's a tough decision when you've got so many options!
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ladybug-thoughts-and-ideas · 2 months ago
How I would have written Miraculous:
The Miraculous Choose their Holders. Gabriel got the Butterfly Miraculous, because Nooroo felt drawn to his Love for his Family.
Chloé is still the Mean Girl, but she has an actual reason for why she hates Marinette. I would use the main character and mean girl used to be best friends, but then they had a falling out plot.
Instead of everyone being impressed by Lila’s stories. Most of the characters would either be skeptical or irritated by her. It would be like that episode of W.I.T.C.H. with the exchange student from Switzerland who at the end was revealed to actually be American.
Chloé still picks on Marinette, but she will defend her if someone else does. Nobody gets to pick on her except for Chloé.
Sabrina often Insults Chloé under her breath.
Alya actually verifies her sources and doesn’t post anything she hears about Ladybug on her Blog.
Andre and Audrey are Divorced, due to Audrey’s Toxic Personality and because she cheated on Him.
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that-one-fandom-girl · 5 months ago
Rating Miraculous Super Names Based on Their Creativity
(Not based on whether I like them or think they’re catchy—just creativity. Personally, I like/love most of the characters and their names (and really wouldn’t change them at all), so that’s not going to color my thoughts on them, really. Also, I will talk about cultures and languages in this post and I’m not making any comments about them themselves or anything like that—just the creativity of the characters that may *have* said cultures and languages—using the knowledge of them I know or looked up. This post is also both slightly serious and very much not at the same time, lol)
Ladybug: Marinette had several little pet-names in the Origins episode; Wonder-Bug (my personal fav), Bug-Lady, and Clumsy-Girl, and she took the one thought of “well, Tikki said I get magical ladybugs to fix everything and I have a red and black motif, so I’ll call myself Ladybug” (while Alya took the same information and made the most complex names known in existence 😆). I’d say, about 4-4.5 out of 10 for her main super name; it’s not the most creative, but it’s not the worst on this list, lolol.
For her other names:
Ladynoire: (They both named each other for the Kwami-swap if you watch the episode, so those two names are really a judgement on the other person’s creativity, lol). Adrien mushed both his own super name and Ladybug’s super name together and recreated their ship name, basically. Eh, I’d say probably maybe a solid 6 out of 10? More creative, but he could’ve just read all their in-universe fans’ discourse and gave their ship name to her, which would fit with his crush on her 😆.
Multi-Mouse: 6.5? She used the fact that she used *multiple* miraculous *multiple* times and that she was a mouse for her name.
Her other names are basically just putting other miraculous or power-ups with the name ‘Ladybug’: soooo…3? 4?
Cat Noir: for him, it depends on which of the two main dubs you watch; if you watch the English dub, Adrien went, “well, two of the languages I’m most fluent in is English and French, and I am a black cat, so I’ll honor both languages and call myself Cat Noir”, which is slightly more creative. But if you use the French dub version of his name, Chat Noir, it sounds like he just went “I’m a black cat…I’ll just call myself ‘Black Cat’”—which *is* an actual character in other superhero media (The Black Cat in Marvel Comics)— but he’s not even *the* black cat, he’s only ‘Black Cat’ 😆. So my vote is English dub = 4.5, French dub = 4.
Mr. Bug: Marinette took her base name and gave him the male prefix instead, which, okay, it does work and she brought something else to the table; but if I’m being honest, we could’ve gotten the name ‘Lord Bug’, and that would’ve been funny, lol (jk). 6-6.5 out of 10.
Cat Walker: 9.5-10. Yes, I rate this as one of the highest (if not the highest) in this list—here’s why; he’s acting more like his ‘perfect Adrien’ golden boy model persona, a.k.a. he’s putting on a show, and his name is a play on the word ‘Cat Walk’…which is all three, a way to walk on the runway, the runway itself, and an elevated bridge walked on above a stage for behind-the-scenes work. All that meaning in his name AND it’s a pun??? Absolute freaking amazing job, Adrien; you rocked it!
His other names are again, pretty much just putting his main super name with the various other miraculous and power ups: so again, 3? 4? EXCEPT for his ice power-up which is called ‘Ice Noir’, which translates to ‘Black Ice’ which is a dangerous type of ice and fits into his destruction motif, so that one gets a bit more; I’d say about 6 out of 10.
Rena Rouge; depending on what you take it as, it’s either a play on the words “red fox” in French (Renard Rouge)—it’s creative because it’s a *play* on the words, not the actual words themselves—or Alya used her both her Creole roots and French language as inspiration and used the Creole word for ‘fox’ (Rena) and French word for ‘red’ (Rouge). First possibility: 5, second: 6-6.5
Carapace: Nino used his knowledge of turtles and his super ability of protecting people as inspiration for his name—Carapace, which is the word for a turtle’s shell. Ehh, 5?
Queen Bee: Chloe used both the animal super she is and her status as inspiration for her name—plus it’s also a pun, which makes it even more fun. She’s a bee, she’s the popular girl in school (a.k.a. a ‘queen bee’ in school), it fits her personality, and she ran with it. A solid 7, maybe
Hawkmoth: I mean, he’s not very creative here—but at least Gabriel chose a *type* of moth to use as a name…why he chose a *moth* name in the first place when he’s a *butterfly* is another thing, tho, lolol! But I did read that Hawk Moths are known for their fast flying, so I guess that works for the Akumas. If it was a contest for catchy, I’d give it a higher rating, but for creativity? Less than our main heroes: 3. I wouldn’t give him a ton because he’s a butterfly instead of a moth, but he did choose a fitting type so…
Bunnyx: Alix literally just put an ‘X’ after the word ‘bunny’; she gets, like, a 1 😂.
Caprikid: Nathaniel used him being a goat-inspired superhero, the goat horoscope, the fact he is a kid, and the fact that goat children are called ‘kids’ put together to make his name. Pretty awesome, actually. 7-8? It just fits very well.
King Monkey: I gotta admit, I wasn’t gonna give Kim a very high score ‘cause I thought he was basically just the miraculous version of Donkey Kong, lolol; but I looked him up on Miraculous Wiki, and it says his name was inspired by an ancient Chinese legend and the novel has been adapted into a show called “Monkey Magic”, which is kind of a pretty cool fitting-sounding reference. So if Kim actually thought it through like that, 7-7.5? But knowing Kim, and if he just went, “dude, imma be like Donkey Kong! What sounds like Donkey Kong???….. King Monkey!”, then I’m only gonna give him like a 3-3.5 as well 😆.
Viperion: Luka did alright; not amazing, but it fits. ‘Viper’, a type of snake, for a snake-themed hero. 4-4.5?
Purple Tigress: …all Juleka did was was describe herself 😆. But she did do better than Alix, so I’ll give her a 2, lolol!
Miss Hound: I feel like Sabrina is in the group of heroes who went really literal, but still tried, so I’ll give her the same rating—4-4.5.
Minotaurox: Ivan used the animal words Minotaur and Ox, and put them together; an ox is, well, an ox, and a Minotaur is a tough creature from Greek mythology that is half-man and half-bull, so it does have some coolness to it. 7-7.5
Pegasus: Max did use a cool figure for his name, but he only used the fact that he was a horse and the very well known figure of Pegasus together for his name. Don’t get me wrong, it’s pretty cool, but after some of the other names on this list, and how some of them fit together; I feel like it’s just not *as* creative of a name. I think I’ll give him maybe a 5?
Polymouse: Mylene used the word ‘poly’ which means ‘many’ and mouse, so I’ll give her the same as I gave Multimouse, since they’re very similar—6.5
Ryuko: I didn’t know what this meant until I looked it up on Miraculous Wiki, and it says that while it can have many meanings in Japanese; it’s most likely that it means “child of the dragon”, and that just sounds cool as heck. To me, it sounds like Kagami pushed the ‘having a pun or fitting mythological/cultural figure as part of the name’ thing to the side and just made up a cool-sounding name on her own, which is pretty cool and creative! 8? 8.5?
Pigella: I feel like Rose just put a feminine suffix to the word ‘pig’, which…doesn’t seem as creative. To be fair to her, I don’t think it’s very easy to make a cool, creative sounding name incorporating the word *pig* into it. It does sound like she tried, and the flair she put at the end does fit her personality, so I’ll give her a little more credit. 5?
Rooster Bold: Marc tried, like Rose, but…. It doesn’t feel like a creative name; just his animal and what he becomes after being a hero. 3, maybe?
GUYS, I did NOT know what ‘Argos’ meant, so I looked it up on regular Wikipedia, and it’s a ship from Greek Mythology that carried the Argonauts on their quest to get the Golden Fleece and that, quote, “some sources state that since people had not seen a ship before, they described the Argo as a monster”, unquote!! 😭😭😂😂😂 Does that NOT sound like Felix? Okay, that’s it; Felix wins this whole thing!! Cat Walker was a good second, but, sorry Adrien! Your dramatic and showman cousin wins the competition! He gets an 11 out of 10.
……I absolutely love how half of these characters just literally used their animal names as 3/4’s of their super name, and then there’s freaking Felix who uses his entire backstory/character arc as a super name 😂. It really shows the range of the show, fr fr!
P.S. I realized I forgot about Mayura and Vesperia.
I looked it up and Reddit says that ‘Mayura’ means ‘peacock’, so…4.5-5?
Miraculous Wiki says that Vesperia’s name is derived from the Italian word ‘Vespa’, which means ‘wasp’, so her name means the female wasp. Sounds kinda cool and she added specificity to her animal, so 6?
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marckurtzberg97 · 7 months ago
Marc with the Bee miraculous (Pollen puff) and Nath with the Snake miraculous (Cobra hiss)
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Here they are! I hope you like it.
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artblooger19moon · 6 months ago
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Miraculous Ladybug Tales of Ladybug & Chat Noir
Season 1: December 20 2015 - August 6 2016
Season 2: December 11 2016 - November 18 2018
Season 3: May 5 - September 18 2019
Season 4: April 3 2021 - March 20 2022
Season 5: October 6 - December 14 2023
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immaturityofthomasastruc · 7 months ago
Seeing people point of this recently but Evillustrator going after Chloe instead of Mandeleiev really did not make any sense.
I mean of course Chloe ain't no saint here since she did reveal he had a crush on Marinette, but Mendeleiev literally yelled at him in front of the entire class for drawing and further humiliates him by telling the entire class he's failing science before demanding he goes to the principal's office over drawing in her class.
Maybe he wanted to stop at Chloe's first before going to get revenge on his teacher? Either that, or he didn't know where she lived, so he stuck with Chloe.
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areanoodles · 23 days ago
Miraculous Ladybug Rewrite
Finally posting this. My rewrite for miraculous.
Ive been working on it for a while and just adding to it slowly. So, this is what I have for it so far. I'm deciding that I'm most likely going to make a second blog for just my rewrites (I currently have two I'm working on). So there will probably be a more polished version of this if I make the second blog.
Without further ado, here is my miraculous rewrite (so far..)
●Marinette and adrien are still both the main protagonist
●Adrien will actually have more of a focus, if not being more of the main character than Marinette
●Adrien's vocals will be added in the theme song as backing vocals (like in the full version of the theme song)
●Chloe will have a redemption arch
●Marinette and Adrien's romance will sort of be slow burn still, but will happen a lot faster in a way. Instead of dragging it on, they’ll start off having more of a friendship/some platonic banter, and as it progresses they’ll slowly start to realize their affection for one another
●In the umbrella scene (in origins pt. 2), we know marinette develops her crush on adrien from there, but, for this rewrite, marinette may question if she truly loves adrien. She may think she has a little affection for him, but, her crush for him will only slowly develop over time
●so, from the umbrella scene, she won’t actually have a huge crush on him
●adrien will actually be the same since the umbrella scene. He’ll consider Marinette a friend at first, but as time progresses, he’ll also develop a crush on her. He may not recognize it at first when he actually has feelings for her. Marinette will be more likely to detect her feelings for Adrien once she has feelings for him
●Zoe may be given a role in the show if I can properly give her development or any type of character
●not everyone of marinette’s classmates will be given a miraculous (such as Marc, Nathaniel, Ivan, Sabrina, max, Zoe, Kim, rose(?))
●Ladybug and Cat noir will still be the main super heroes. But if they develop a group over time, they’ll have queen bee (chloe), carapace (nino), and Rena Rouge (alya)
●temporary holders that will be recruited time from time will be, viperion (luka), ryuko (kagami)(?), purple tigress (juleka)
●bunnyx will always be a miraculous holders regardless since she has to deal with the timeline and time travel and her as a holder is a lot older (before current alix gets the bunny miraculous)
●Not sure how ill do lila’s (or cerise) character, but I want to figure out what I could do with her just like Zoe
● Gabriel (hawkmoth) won’t akumatize every single day. I think it would be better if he took time to pause from doing destruction, maybe trying to improve his powers during these times he’s not akumatizing, or just doing his job as a fashion designer, or any other lore that could be explored of the agreste family. I also feel like those episodes or times where he doesn’t akumatize anyone, could also give us time to know adrien and marinette better as main characters, can give them more exploration in their civilian lives
●Since I’m most likely keeping zoe in the Rewrite, I might have something that’ll make her more interesting(?)
●Chloe and Zoe don’t know about their existence before they actually meet
●Audrey purposely never told any one of them that they had a half sister in a complete different country
●Audrey was there for chloe, then left to new york
●I guess I’d like to go with the idea Audrey cheated on Andre (since it’s not really explained much in the show)
●Audrey has zoe in New York
●I think Audrey would’ve been flipping back and forth between going to new york and Paris for both of them (while also telling zoe and Chloe that she has to leave because of work and for fashion shows)
●zoe is more cold in this rewrite ●She holds a huge grudge towards audrey for leaving her all those years (and neglecting her for when she was there)
●Zoe for the most part cares less about Audrey. She feels there’s no need to care about something that hasn’t been there for her. Chloe on the other hand is pretty similar if not the same to her season 2 counterpart. She wishes for Audrey to praise her, to acknowledge her. She grieves the mother she wished she had.
●Audrey was more in zoe’s life, but even then, was still neglected by her. Audrey barely paid any attention to her, and didn’t take any time to spend with her
●Chloe also didn’t have a parent to spend time with. Andre was always busy with something and barely took time to hangout with her.
●When chloe and Zoe do meet, they are kind of distant to each other
●Chloe holds a slight grudge towards Zoe cause she feels like she got the better end of the stick (having a mother figure with her, especially since all chloe’s ever wanted was for her mother to be there with her and acknowledge her existence)
●Though, she’s totally oblivious to how much Audrey has affected Zoe too, and that Audrey isn’t as great as much as she gives her credit for
●Zoe really left her boarding school because of the homophobia that she got
●The main reason why cockroaches were eventually put in her locker
●Master Fu dying
●Sometimes characters need to die, and maybe mater Fu being that one character during the time of the show
●I think this will really effect marinette even more than just master Fu losing his memory
●Maybe by the time Master Fu dies, the superhero group would be a thing (ladybug, cat noir, carapace, Rena Rouge, and queen bee), and it'll all greatly affect them
●this will take a toll on them, but marinette especially. The one mentor, the only mentor she had, is now gone, and she’s going through another mental spiral
●she began off in the series with no guidance, finding Master Fu, finally have some sort of guidance, now doesn’t have guidance anymore
●Maybe even the celestial guardian can be introduced this way. With Fu now dead, he presumes the miracle box is still out there, and then figures out a teenager is in possession of it
●this is obviously still close to in show canon, so its not too different
●But, instead, the miracle box isn’t passed down to marinette at all. So marinette’s put in this weird position where she has to take charge and care for the miracle box
●I do want to do something where Marinette/ladybug isn’t the only one taking care of these things, but also has adrien/cat noir to help
●I’ve also been thinking that at some point Zoe will know Chloe is queen bee (as well as the rest of the teams identities)
●Kagami will definitely know some how
Thats it. That's what I have so far, this is a really long post.
When I said earlier in the post that adrien will have his vocals added to the theme song, I was in the thought process of if this rewrite were to be animated.
Question marks are put near certain names because I might be unsure of my idea for them for the rewrite
If anyone would like to see more, I can definitely make another post for this rewrite. I do have some more ideas but I will be adding them on slowly
Thats all
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twinklestarss · 1 year ago
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“Well, you can call me Auntie Bee.”-Beatrix
Candela Obscura Chapter 2 Episode 2: Flesh and Blood
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utilitycaster · 1 year ago
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Candela Obscura 2x3 & Final Girl by CHVRCHES
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dailymarisharay · 1 year ago
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Jean: If you bite it and you die, it's poisonous. If it bites you and you die, it's venomous.
Nathaniel: What if it bites me and it dies?
Sean: That means you're poisonous. Fucking hell, LT. Learn to read.
Marion: What if it bites itself and I die?
Auntie Bee: That’s voodoo.
Marion: What if it bites me and someone else dies?
Jean: That’s correlation, not causation.
Marion: What if we bite each other and neither of us die?
Sean: That’s kinky.
Nathaniel: Oh my god.
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astoriacolumnstaircase · 1 year ago
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I like Auntie Bee so much. Her costume is impossible for me. I need a full run down on those layers
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beezonia · 8 months ago
No one else is singing my song but it’s Adrien Mari and Félix
do you see the vision
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moons-amber · 1 year ago
big fan of the choice this table/circle made to have their characters be this deeply entrenched in each other's lives, these folks have known each other for years and that shows!!
Sean yelling at auntie Bee, her holding a grudge against Nathaniel, him falling back on his boys, Marion and Jean reliving those memories together etc etc
it's so juicy!!!!
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marckurtzberg97 · 5 months ago
Hi could you do Nathaniel for bee (aster) and Marc as bunny (Blitz bunny)?
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Here it is!
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endervoide · 4 months ago
My Fic: Flames Of Knowledge
Marinette gets the Cat Miraculous when she is seven... But the Order of the Guardians have forsaken the ring, believing it to be evil. Marinette will have to prove to both Fu and Paris that she isn't evil.
Featuring Chloe/Marinette, Adrien/Luka, a bit of Adrien/Kim, Nathaniel not getting paid enough to deal with Alya's Shit, and Worldbuilding!
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