#become youtuber biography
the-joy-of-knowledge · 9 months
Becoming an Intelligent Woman
My Dears,
There is no greater goal than being a fine woman who is intelligent, kind, and elegant. As much as we all want to be described with these adjectives, it takes a great amount of discipline to get there. It is very doable only if you are ready to put in the work.
Here are steps you can add to your routine in the next 4 weeks that will make you 1% more intelligent than you were before. This is a process that should become a habit not a goal. It is long term, however, I want you to devote just 4 weeks into doing these steps first and recognize the changes that follow.
Watch documentaries: This is the easiest step, we all have access to Youtube. Youtube has a great number of content on art, history, technology, food, science etc that will increase your knowledge and pique your curiosity. I really did not know much about world history especially from the perspective of World war 1 & 2, the roaring 20s, Age of Enlightenment, Jazz era, monarchies etc but with several channels dedicated to breaking down history into easily digestible forms. I have in the last 4 weeks immersed myself into these documentaries. Here are a few I watched:
The fall of monarchies
The Entire History of United Kingdom
The Eight Ages of Greece
World War 1
World War 2
The Roaring '20s
The Cuisine of the Enlightenment
2. Read Classics: I recommend starting with short classics so that you do not get easily discouraged. Try to make reading easy and interesting especially if you struggle with finishing a book. Why classics? You see, if you never went to an exclusive private school in Europe or America with well crafted syllabus that emphasized philosophy, history, art, and literary classics, you might want to know what is felt like and for me this was a strong reason. Asides that, there is so much wisdom and knowledge available in these books. In these books, you gain insights to the authors mind, the historical context of the era, the ingenuity of the author, the hidden messages, and the cultural impact of these books. Most importantly, you develop your personal philosophy from the stories and lessons you have accumulated from the lives of the characters in the books you read. Here are classics to get you started:
Animal Farm by George Orwell
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë
The Great Gatsby by F Scott Fitzgerald
Candide by Voltaire
Paradise lost by John Milton
3. Study the lives of people who inspire you: I dedicate one month to each person that fascinates me. I read their biography (date of birth, background, death, influences, work, style, education, personal life) For this month, I decided to study Frank Lloyd Wright because I was fascinated by the Guggenheim Museum in New York. I began to read about his influence in American Architecture (Organic architecture, Prairie School, Usonian style), his tumultuous personal life, his difficult relationship with his mentor (Louis Sullivan), his most iconic works etc. By the end of the year I would have learned the ins and outs of people I am inspired by through books and documentaries. Here are other people I plan to learn more about:
Winston Churchill
Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis
Ada Lovelace
Benjamin Franklin
Helen Keller
John Nash
Isabella Stewart Gardner
Caroline Herrera
Ernest Hemingway
Catherine the Great
Ann Lowe
My dears, I hope you enjoyed this read. I cannot wait to write more on my journey to becoming a fine woman. I urge you to do this for four weeks and see what changes you notice. Make sure to write as well, it is important to document your progress.
Cheers to a very prosperous 2024!
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james-a-b · 4 months
the TATINOF experience
ok so. i've wanted to make a post about this for a While now; i feel like a lot of people don't really understand or appreciate how unprecedented TATINOF really was, and for me, watching it in Seattle in 2016, it was the best day of my life.
So here we go.
(I've put the rest below a readmore bc this is an 18 paragraph post lmao)
On March 26th, 2015, Dan and Phil revealed TABINOF via a trailer set in the distant future. The book itself was not entirely unprecedented- other youtubers had written and were writing books, but for the most part (at the time) these were either fictional works or serious biographies; TABINOF was a time capsule of Dan and Phil's youtube brand, and a glimpse into parts of their lives we hadn't seen yet. (For example; Phil's hamster breeding adventures) But tucked into the pages of the book in the trailer were a pair of tickets to The Amazing Tour Is Not On Fire. This was insane. No youtuber had ever gone on tour before, save perhaps for a few musicians; no one had done a stage show. No one knew what to expect.
And, as they asked the audience of each show not to share spoilers, most of us went on not knowing what to expect until we'd seen it ourselves.
I saw the show on June 18th, 2016, near the end of the US leg of the tour. I went in knowing three things:
There were set ways in which we the audience could participate: there was Crafty Corner, Weird Kid, Phone Support Hotline, and a 7 Second Challenge submission box. (I submitted art to Crafty Corner, and I was thrilled just knowing they'd see it)
The set was a giant microwave. What this meant, I could not imagine.
Everyone who'd already seen the show said it was incredible.
I remember having had a dream that I was at the show like a week before it actually happened, and I woke up just as the show was about to start in the dream because my brain couldn't come up with anything they might do onstage lmao.
I can't even begin to put into words how incredible the atmosphere was before the show even started. Phannies were lined up for two blocks outside the theatre, and I'd never felt so welcome anywhere in my life. The doors opened. I believe Cornelia was working the merch stand pre-show, though I don't remember for sure- I got a signed copy of TABINOF and then I took my seat.
The set was incredible, and the pre-show playlist was amazing. Everyone sang along to every song, and when Troye Sivan's Wild came on, everyone screamed. Seriously, if you've never looked at the pre-show playlist for TATINOF you should. Finally, All Star by Smash Mouth played. Everyone was singing along, and laughing because of course Dan put that in there, and then, halfway through the song, the music stops and the lights go out. Everyone screamed, and the opening sequence began to play on the microwave. I understand why they opted to edit that directly into the beginning of the recording, because it would've been a little difficult to see in the recording otherwise, but at the same time it hit so much better when it played directly on the microwave.
And then they came out on stage, and they were so much more awkward than I expected. Dan kept squatting slightly, like he was trying to be shorter, and Phil moved almost like a marionette. They said their hellos, and then they addressed the microwave being there, and the plot started to become apparent- Phil had microwaved his laptop.
I'm not going to get into too much detail on every bit of the show, because I've already written about eight paragraphs and I could write about twenty more going play-by-play through every aspect of the show, but that's not the point of this essay, so I'll attempt to keep things at least a little shorter than that.
The first truly unprecedented thing was when Dan said they were "having a bit of a domestic" when Phil said he couldn't get off the lion. This was the very first time they'd come anywhere near addressing the elephant in the room (their relationship) publicly since the V-day vid. Obviously, compared to the things they've said in 2024 (we've never fucked on youtube, etcetera), "we're having a bit of a domestic" is incredibly tame, but this was huge. Everyone screamed.
And then, shortly after, Phil started singing, and everyone screamed much louder. They did little songs all the time in baking videos or while playing the sims, but this was different. This was on stage, with a spotlight and everything. It was not a surprise to me when Dan cut Phil off; I thought the song was for sure a joke, that there was no way they'd come back to it (spoiler alert, they did).
And then there was the 7 Second Challenge bit, and Reasons Why Phil Was A Weird Kid, and Uncle Dan's Phone Support Hotline, and the PINOF 75 bit. And it was all weird and crazy and amazing. But the next thing I really want to focus on is Fanfiction Live.
Fanfiction Live was... absolutely insane. My show chose cowboys on the moon, and the script they wrote for it was.... so undeniably gay? Like. "Should Phil draw Dan like a French girl"? Are you kidding? This really happened???? They wrote this in 2015. Four years before they came out. This was so far beyond unprecedented. This was unthinkable.
And then, immediately following this insanity, they began Smashing Plates and then they were like "IT'S DIL" and by this point i was hoarse from screaming but when I tell you I screamed...
And then Dil said all those things about Dan feeling like nothing he did was worth anything, but that it meant a lot to Dil and to the audience, and that Phil felt like he had to change who he was to please others but that we appreciated him for who he is... I melted. It was a moment of such genuine honesty, and they'd saved my life, and I loved them so, so much.
And then Phil started singing again, and Dan didn't stop him, and Dan started singing too, and the song was so them, ironic yet genuine, and I was out of my mind because I couldn't believe they were Singing On Stage like that, like, they were youtubers. Not professional singers. No one asked or expected them to go that far. But they did it.
it was the best day of my life.
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zyxwl2015 · 1 year
Excerpts from Lando Norris biography - part III
(There aren't too many behind-the-scenes stories anymore — mostly stating things everyone knows, F1 was postponed due to Covid, online racing happened, F1 resumed, Lando did this in this race, Lando had a new teammate, Lando moved to Monaco, etc etc)
Every one was extremely happy for Lando after his first podium at Austria 2020, including Trevor Carlin: "He is doing everything right and the results are coming and I am very proud of him" and "Lando is the nicest person you could ever meet"
Charlotte recalled in Eifel GP 2020, the marketing team's office was right next to the drivers' room and the walls were paper-thin, and —
We were working in the marketing office and we could hear this giggling from the drivers’ room next door… I went into their drivers’ room to speak to them and they were both lying on the massage bed watching YouTube or Instagram videos together. We all started pissing ourselves laughing at first, but I then said to them, “What the fuck are you doing? Why aren’t you in the garage? Everyone is looking for you!” I was like an ogre telling them off all the time. But that was the point where I and some others in the team realised that they actually enjoyed spending time together.
(Oh my Carlando heart 🥰)
Going into the 2021 season, he started to become more strict with certain things, especially diet and training: he stopped eating pizza, started to do more training and running (even though he "still hates it with a massive passion"), etc, to step up his performance. By summer break there's a noticeable change physically from when he first entered F1
Charlotte on Lando at that point:
When Carlos left, I think Lando got a bit nervous again, because he was a bit like, “Well, this guy’s obviously won seven races. He’s a known quantity, and he’s got a really good reputation.” I felt like Lando’s confidence had grown so much over the two years he had with Carlos. When Carlos left and we signed Daniel, Lando was a bit like, “I’ve really got to step up.” That was when I noticed that Mark, his manager, and Jon, his trainer, were building a positive environment by explaining that Norris had all the tools and experience and should not be putting pressure on himself… I used to call him kiddo, in fact I still do, but that was the time when I thought this guy actually could be really good and it will be really interesting to see the comparison. Some thought Dan would just come in and absolutely smash him, but he didn’t. You could certainly see a change in Lando, just the way he carried himself, the way he spoke, his whole demeanour. He was just so much more confident in himself while being self-deprecating.
(I love Charlotte 🥹)
Charlotte on Lando and Daniel's relationship:
At first, they were both definitely trying to suss each other out. We never thought they would not get on, but they just didn’t spend any time together… There was never any animosity between them, it was just they didn’t hang out. Andreas Seidl would have a meeting with both drivers before the race every Sunday. It’s called a “pre-race objectives meeting” and he would basically lay the law down and tell both drivers they are in it together. You drive for the team, no driver is better than the other, no one gets preferential treatment, you do what’s best for the team result, that kind of thing… Both drivers were team players and we needed that because we knew we were struggling and that Ferrari would be back up there again. Both of them then started spending more time together in engineering meetings and worked really hard on it. I can’t fault either of them. Both their work ethics are just unbelievable … but they started to work together quite a lot and from then, their relationship started to change and they started to get on really well.
McLaren keeps the Monaco 2021 trophy (as always), so Lando keeps the presentation box "because it is the coolest thing, a bespoke Louis Vuitton number" (😂)
Charlotte on Lando's relationship with McLaren team members:
He had worked with the boys for a long time by now, but he knew everyone, not just them by name, but their girlfriends, their wives, their kids, their families, their situation. He’d take the team out bowling or for dinner. I think he really understood the value of trying to galvanise people around him and that made him part of the furniture.
After the accident when he got mugged at Wembley Stadium, Charlotte messaged him saying she's so sorry. The whole McLaren team was being very supportive as well. When Lando went to the factory, he was really subdued, "he was worried because he thought he was going to be in trouble because of the watch getting stolen." Ofc Charlotte gave him a big hug
Charlotte described how different the mood was post Monza vs post Russia, especially during the last few laps, "It felt like the slowest time of my entire life, like watching a slow train crash."
[rumour] Ben Hunt says according to rumours, the contract he signed in mid-2021 (just before Monaco GP) was worth £6m a year, the one he signed beginning of 2022 (current one) was £50m for 4 years
[The End]
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sout999 · 2 months
adhd talk
the third truly unsung project alongside my film and dissertation was the weird amount of targeted effort i had to put into Completing Anything Big As A Neurodivergent Person Whose Brain Is A Crazy Off The Rails Train Staffed and Patronised Entirely By Multiple Exact Copies Of The Squirrel From Ice Age
which is a description like 99/100 people reading this can relate to, but i think a sentiment i see less often and therefore feel kind of stupid and stubborn and lonesome about is "adhd is innate but is also exasperated by hectic lifestyle/modern instant gratification machines so if i fix my habits around those i can cure myself forever". which is silly and wrong but also i feel abit disconnected from adhd social media culture and cant cope just relating to it (which is all it seems to be sometimes) but learning to harness or tame it to do the things that are really important to me
i felt really cringe tbh having to look up youtube videos of HARVARD STUDENT REVEALS PRO STUDY TRICK and then narrowing it down to specifically adhd-focused study videos and keeping a planner and setting aside specific time to study studying and practising anti-academic meltdown journaling techniques and reading fucking atomic habits but i really didn't want to contribute to my abhorrent academic record following me all through undergrad. in fact i wish i had done this sooner but i was not self aware enough to consider the fact
probably the best change i made was severely cutting down or being mindful of social media time, i don't backread my tl anymore and have more moments of awareness when i find myself dumbly scrolling and realize i dont want to be doing this, and then wondering what i actually Do want to be doing. i keep a book nearby to read, and have also swapped a lot of social media time to sketching-off-pinterest time. reading about the psychology behind social media apps is also super interesting, although i always feel like a paranoid wacko conspiracy theorist talking about it. stuff like how negativity and judgemental behaviour is good for engagement (and therefore ad revenue), and how if all posts on your tl were interesting you wouldn't be as addicted to social media as you are, therefore microblogging employs a slot machine/gacha system where you "roll" for posts by logging on and hope to get a good one. it's a little full on but the more i think of it as a revolting and evil machine the more incentive i have to do something else with my time ^q^
a harder thing to do was, in the late stages of the project, the real crunch time month, avoid everything that could become a huge hyperfixation, and then eventually even minor distractions or fixations. because i know if i got super obsessed with something i'd just be up posting about it or drawing fanart. i had to bar myself from persona 3 remake and elden ring dlc and all these other shiny new releases, and the mobile games i was playing... i look forward to catching up on them now. i took up reading books a lot more because unfortunately thats just not as exciting. in the last month of film work i stopped listening to music on my computer so i wouldnt get drawing or animation ideas to distract me from film work. as of writing this i havent listened to music in like 40 days guys 😱 at the same time i am the kind of person who needs background noise to work, so i have:
watched novum's four hour hereditary video essay three times
watched novum's seven hour midsomar video essay three times
watched that one five hour bojack horseman retrospective twice
listened to audiobooks of the Britney Spears biography, Jennette McCurdy biography, three Playboy Bunny biographies (i was on some sort of lady bopgraphy kick i guess), and a few fiction books
rewatched all of bojack horseman
started on House MD and got a few seasons in before i finished the project, amazingly the perfect show to look away from bc of all the medical stuff, how many lumbar punctures do you need to show like seriously
honorable mention to the learned skill of communication and being honest and picking your battles and killing your darlings which is a larger part of managing mental illness than i cared to admit but one of the hardest ones because it involved confronting things and making big painful drastic changes and then having to tell the faculty about them. sometimes i'd be stuck on a piece of animation work for weeks/months, then go back and change the underlying idea to one i'm actually passionate about, and do the animation work in one day using newly found magical hyperfocus passion power. it's crazy! but being able to be confident about taking those steps rather than keeping on with what you're "supposed" to do went a long way.
i very much look forward to listening to a music and playing some video games properly now and being pulverized like a small victorian child from the sheer amount of fun i'm having. i'd say it was all worth it and a fun experiment in channeling the magical humours of passion and boredom and i hope it will help me with future projects too. i Am super burnt out though x__ x thanks for reading and for all your support up until now!
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splashclan-clangen · 10 months
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more info below, potential spoiler warning! I use these character bios as a way to keep track of my SplashClan game which means that all the information is up to date with the current in-game events, not where I left off with the youtube series
Gannet was a rogue who was taken in and raised by an older cat named Mint after the death of her mother. They both decided to join the clans and Gannettalon was later chosen to become the leader of SplashClan, thanks to Mintshade’s guidance and teachings of self-preservation above all else. Leadership proved to be a challenging task for Gannetstar which led them into feeling lost.
To prove themselves, she became involved with a long-lasting conflict with HazeClan. The loss of her children, strained relationships with their clanmates, and pursuit of power took a toll on not just Gannetstar’s leadership, but their mind. Gannetstar’s time as leader was marked by war, the deaths of her family, the mistreatment of their own apprentices, and their own transformation into a ruthless and manipulative leader. Gannetstar ultimately died and joined the dark forest to scheme against the clans.
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Names: Gannetstar (leader name), Gannettalon (warrior name), Gannet (birth name)
Current Affiliation: The Dark Forest, formerly belonging to SplashClan
Past Affiliation: None, former rogue
Gender: Demigirl (she/they)
Sexuality: Pansexual
Age: 172 months at death (14 years; born 79 months before SplashClan's founding)
Nine Lives: Whorlnip (protection), Jaggedpath (clear judgement), Shrewkit (adventure), Snaptangle (sympathy), Leafpaw (mentoring), Unnamed elder (persitence), Speckletoe (unity), Vixenswoop (devotion), Mintshade (leadership through the darkest times)
Deputies: Brackenshade (months 0-91; retired), Lightspots (months 91-93; succeeded as leader)
Cause of Death(s):
Life One - died from a broken bone + various injuries recieved from a dog attack (month 84)
Life Two - bitten by a venomous snake (month 92)
Remaining Lives - succumbed to old age (month 93)
brown ticked tabby-and-white cat with long fur and eyes of sunlit ice; has a scarred tail from when Lightspots challenged her and a bite wound from a fight with a gray fox
Traits: Bloodthirsty and a good speaker (leader)
Role: Leader (formerly a warrior)
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Adoptive Mother and Mentor: Mintshade
Former Mates: Striker and Snapfern (broken up with both; became mates with Snapfern in month 47)
Kits: Tornrun, Icywhisker, and Jellyfishspeckle (with Striker; born in month 13) + Patchouliprickle (with Snapfern; born in month 67)
Apprentices: Sagepeak (months 0-6), Quietpaw (months 65-68), and Patchouliprickle (months 73-78)
Romantic Feelings: Snapfern and Lightstar
Platonic Love: Snapfern, Lightgale, Thunderisle, Brackenshade, Lightstar, Tornrun, Jellyfishspeckle
Admiration: Lightgale
Security: Snapfern, Brackenshade
Reliance: Brackenshade
Detailed Biography
Gannet was born as a rogue but doesn’t remember much from her early life, though they’re unsure if that’s because of how young she was of if she had unknowingly blocked the traumatic memories out. When Gannet was only a few months old, her mother died, leaving her all alone. She nearly died of starvation before she was found and rescued by an older rogue named Mint. Mint took her in and from then on raised them as if she was her own kit. Throughout Gannet’s life, Mint trained them to survive just as she had under the philosophy that “no other cats matter, protect yourself and only yourself.” 
Years later, after Gannet had already grown up, the two continued to live together for protection. Though they were better off together, things still weren’t perfect and winters were always harsh. During one winter they discovered the clan cats and decided to stick around for protection and easier food. As time passed they relalized that there was a clear leader for each of the four clans except for one, SplashClan. Mint and Gannet decided to step up, deciding to permanently join the clans as Mintshade and Gannettalon in hopes that they could take leadership of SplashClan themselves. Eventually, Mintshade’s age got the better of her and she stepped down to become an elder, advising Gannettalon from the side in order to have the best chance to become leader.
Eventually, the BloodClan-affiliated rogues were chased out and with Rootmask’s dying words he chose the new leaders of the four clans; Tawnystar of DeadClan, Curlstar of HeatherClan, Amberstar of HazeClan, and Gannetstar of SplashClan. Gannetstar went on to receive her nine lives, one of which being from Mintshade herself for “leadership through the darkest times.” They later elected Brackenshade as their deputy as he was a young but fierce and abrasive cat who would grant her the approval of her clanmates. He was also picked with a darker motive in mind, at the time he was the youngest warrior in the clan and clearly respected Gannetstar's judgement and authority as leader, meaning he wouldn't oppose her. Desperate for more approval from their clanmates, Gannetstar gave themselves an apprentice so she could appear as a responsible, rule-following leader. Sagepaw was the apprentice she chose but they didn’t do much work in training him aside from what was required of her due to her lack of care and how overwhelmed they were as leader initially. 
Gannetstar had only gotten where she was because of Mintshade’s guidance and without her, they felt as though they had no idea what they were doing. Many times they tried to reach out to StarClan to talk to Mintshade but she was cut off from StarClan due to them disaproving of her as leader. Gannetstar questioned her ability to lead the clan and needed something to prove her worth not only to her clanmates, but to herself. This eventually came in the long-running conflict between SplashClan and HazeClan. It started out small, as nothing more than a prey and border dispute but Amberstar’s anger towards the situation frustrated Gannetstar. She couldn’t understand the HazeClan leader’s anger and she felt the urge to take the situation into their own paws, killing Amberstar herself. Of course, this never ended up happening as she was too desperate to prove herself and gain the approval of her clan.
Thunderisle and her own apprentice, Sagepeak were made warriors however later this same month he died while out on patrol and ultimately Gannetstar never realized how much he wanted her to notice him. It was during this time when they met Striker, a rogue who had belonged to one of the BloodClan-affiliated rogue groups that had been occupying the clan territories before. She fell in love with Striker and the two began to secretly meet at SplashClan’s border. As time passed between them however, Gannetstar grew continuously bored of Striker as she found something more entertaining. In their dreams, Gannetstar began to visit the dark forest and would continue to train there throughout her life. 
In the end, Gannetstar found out they were expecting kits and cut off her relationship with Striker, abandoning him and telling him to never come back. Though she was excited to have kits, they didn’t like the idea of having to care for them for very long, hoping she could apprentice them at four months instead of six. Thankfully though, Brackenshade told her not to do that. Eventually, Gannetstar’s three kits were born, Tornkit, Icykit, and Jellyfishkit. She loved her kits but it was clear from the beginning that they were going to pick favorites. She spent more time with Jellyfishkit than the others and this did not go unnoticed by Tornkit and Icykit. 
Eventually, Gannetstar’s kits are apprenticed and she was able to leave the nursery but they were back to feeling terrible about leadership. She had been trained her entire life to only care about herself, to only put effort into making sure that she survives, and now she was alone in leading an entire clan of cats. She made her kits warriors way earlier than she should have and only two months later she learned terrible news. One day, her daughter, Jellyfishspeckle went on patrol but didn’t return. Jellyfishspeckle had been taken away by twolegs. Gannetstar, after having already been under a lot of stress, broke down as a result of their daughter being taken away. They encouraged fights on border patrols and even began picking fights with cats from her own clan. Lightspots at one point stepped up to confront her about this and she took to physically punishing him with the help of Snapfern, a cat who’s allegiance to not only SplashClan, but herself, she was questioning. The three cats were left injured by the fight but in the end Gannetstar felt as though they could trust Snapfern more. 
Gannetstar began to feel as if they were going crazy and she began to feel numb with pain, both from the loss of Jellyfishspeckle and her tail injury. Over the next few months she failed to recover, struggling to fight off the infection in their wound and this only worstened when her other daughter, Icywhisker, died as well. Though she recovered from her injury shortly afterward, she could harldy react to her daughter’s death due to her numbness. Months later, Gannetstar even repeated what she had done to Lightspots to Clovefreckle after he similarly spoke out against them, though thankfully it wasn’t as harsh. Gannetstar’s trust in their clanmates began to dwindle and she soon sought out Snapfern to spy on the cats of SplashClan for her. Eventually, her trust in Snapfern became so great that she confessed to Snapfern about their own romantic feelings towards her. Snapfern agreed, sharing Gannetstar’s feelings and the two became mates. 
Over the next few months, things between SplashClan and HazeClan became worse and worse and Gannetstar even began to ask the other clans to form an alliance but in the end, neither HeatherClan or DeadClan were willing to help. As tensions rose things only became worse for Gannetstar with the death of her son, Tornrun. Though she didn’t play favorites with Tornrun, preferring Jellyfishspeckle, Tornrun had been the only one of her kits that still remained in SplashClan. It was only a few months after this when finally, Jellyfishspeckle returned to SplashClan. Though Gannetstar should’ve been happy, they weren’t the same cat they were when Jellyfishspeckle had been taken away and apart of them began to blame their daughter for abandoning their clan in a time of need and felt as though she was cursed, somehow causing the deaths of Icywhisker and Tornrun just as she left the clan and returned. The pain of Tornrun’s death and Jellyfishspeckle’s return finally caused Gannetstar to break and officially declare war on HazeClan. The war lasted seven months and four cats died however SplashClan was the clear loser of the war. Ever since Gannetstar had been leader, they had been searching for the perfect opportunity to prove her worth as leader and in the end they failed, they failed terribly. 
During the war, Gannetstar decided to distract themselves by taking on their second apprentice, choosing the kit, Quietpaw for that position. Gannetstar was a bit more involved with Quietpaw’s training than she was with Sagepeak's since this time she had willingly taken him as an apprentice, but things ended up just as badly. Under Gannetstar’s training, Quietpaw was trained to exhaustion every single day and was hardly recognizable as his former self not long after becoming an apprentice. Similarly to Sagepeak, Quietpaw wanted to make Gannetstar proud of him and he would do anything to make that happen. At one point after the war had ended, a bunch of HazeClan apprentices began to bully Quietpaw from across the border. She encouraged Quietpaw to fight back, even if he was clearly outnumbered. Quietpaw made it out of this encounter, but was mildly hurt and Gannetstar praised him for this. Quietpaw’s apprenticeship came to a sudden end in leafbare. He was so painfully hungry from there being a lack of prey that he attemted to calm his hunger by eating some red berries he found, these ended up being death berries. Though Quietpaw died, Gannetstar didn’t seem to care much. 
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Before Quietpaw had died, her and Snapfern’s son, Patchoulitkit was born. When Gannetstar wasn’t too busy training Quietpaw, they would spend time with Snapfern as she was the only one who they felt could bring them comfort. As a result, Patchoulikit didn’t get to spend a lot of time with his parents and began to look up to and chase after Gannetstar for their attention. Gannetstar decided to mentor their son herself. Though the clan spoke out against this, Gannetstar didn’t care. They spent the most time and care training Patchoulipaw compared to Sagepeak and Quietpaw, influencing him to use violence over words and to make impulsive decisions. Just like she did with her previous kits, she made him a warrior early, granting him the name Patchouliprickle. He took after Gannetstar’s bloodthirsty nature but died too quick to acomplish anything. 
Patchouliprickle, Snapfern, and many other SplashClan cats disappeared into the night and wound up in StarClan, their cause of death unknown. Gannetstar was left devistated and broken by their loss. Only three months after this, Gannetstar lost her very first life to an injury they had recieved months prior from a dog attack. Shortly after, she decided to move on from Snapfern but in the end they never took another mate. Throughout the rest of their life, Gannetstar seemed to become more and more lost in their own mind and their previously shown agitation and aggression towards others, even in their own clan, grew and grew. She later lost her second life to a venomous snake bite before slowly beginning to lose her remaining seven lives to old age throughout the 93rd month of SplashClan’s existence. As they lay dying, Gannetstar laughed in her deputy, Lightspot’s face and told him-
“Hah! I’m glad you of all cats are becoming the next leader. There isn’t another fool alive who i’d be more willing to see cursed with the role of leader.”
Gannetstar, having already entered the Dark Forest in their life, was brought there in death and realized that she would’ve been able to influence the cats below. She began to scheme and soon figured out her plan. If they turned the young cats against the clans, she could turn them to her side, destroying SplashClan in the process and proving that all along the idea of ‘clans’ were cursed to fail. Ever since their death, they’ve reached out to many of SplashClan’s younger cats and brought them to train in the Dark Forest, some even becoming loyal to her already.
Fun Facts
Gannetflight was named after Gannetstar by her mother, Emberfreckle who's one of the most involved and loyal dark forest trainees.
Gannetstar's original in-game warrior name was Gannethorse but this was changed to Gannettalon later on since it made more sense and wasn't as goofy
Their favorite food is frog but they also liked rabbit and shrews
Their character song is Ain’t It Fun by Paramore
Gannetstar’s voice claim is Lady Dimitrescu from Resident Evil: Village (voiced by Maggie Robertson)
Dark Forest Events
The first cat Gannetstar influenced to begin training in the dark forest as Sparkstep. They contacted him in his dream only a month after she had died.
Gannetstar feels regret for some of their actions, though it's unclear which ones
Gannetstar considered walking in Old Deuteronomyplume's dreams but decided against it, realizing they wouldn't have accepted her proposal to train
From the dark forest, Gannetstar never contacted Lightstar but always kept an eye on him, smiling slyly how much he likely hated being leader at such an old age and how it was herself who put him there
They considered bringing Brackenshade's son, Brightsnap into the dark forest but decided against it, knowing Brackenshade had likely taught him too many negative things about Gannetstar to want to accept
Gannetstar indirectly killed Brightsnap, Rippletuft, Littlebat, and Sardinefuzz. She had instructed some of the HeatherClan dark forest trainnes to attack them on patrol in order to specifically kill Sardinefuzz, the current deputy of SplashClan so Emberfreckle, a prominent dark forest trainee could potentially be chosen as his replacement.
Gannetstar feels distain and malice towards Hailtorrent, a high ranking dark forest trainee from SplashClan becuase they believes that he has the capability to turn against her and completely destroy her plans
Throughout Snailshell's apprenticeship, Gannetstar continued to whisper in his ear as they couldn't fully walk in his dreams due to his connection to StarClan. In the end thankfully, he was able to block Gannetstar out.
Mudember, Emberfreckle's son was one of the cats Gannetstar had an eye on birth but in the end it's likely she was never able to contact him due to his stronger than average connection to StarClan.
Gannetstar had their eyes on Brackenshade's son, Laurelstep from kithood but it's unclear if he was ever reached out to
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saintmeghanmarkle · 9 months
Lady C Tea YouTube 1/9/24 (a few nuggets paraphrased by me) by u/daisybeach23
Lady C Tea YouTube 1/9/24 (a few nuggets paraphrased by me) Greetings from Castle Goring,Lady C, I can’t wait to hear your comments on the Golden Globe disaster for MoneyGan and Harry’s continuing decline. – LOL…..AH HA…..LOL….oh dear. Oh dear. Well, I am going to tell you a secret. Gina Torres cast some serious shade when she says the Suits cast has been involved in serious group texting. Then she said that she does not have Meghan’s number. Do we believe this? Isn’t Abigail Spencer her friend? Doesn’t she have Meghan’s number. Doesn’t Ari Emmanel have Meghan’s number? Doesn’t Ted Sarandos have Meghan’s number? Why is she unattainable? I will tell you a friend of mine who is connected to “everybody in Toronto” said that Meghan is loathed in Canada. She has a reputation that is undesirable. She let everyone know how undesirable they all were because she was being courted by a Prince and she was going to become a Duchess. Meghan was not popular on the set of Suits. The more successful she became, the more impossible she became. Is it any surprise she is not welcome in the group? Also, isn’t she a bit long in the tooth to be playing the ingenue? Isn’t she too old to be lapping it up in the supply room with Patrick J. Adams? As for the Golden Globe awards, there were some amazing jokes. One joke about Harry and Meghan getting paid millions by Netflix for doing nothing. Another joke about Imelda Staunton’s portrayal of the Queen on the Crown being so good that Harry called her and asked for money. And then it also came out that Sandhurst has released a book of its 200 most notable attendees. Harry was left out of the book and William was included and wrote the foreword. They have left out a blood Prince who served for 10 years and they were very proud of him initially. Oh dear. This year is not off to a good start. I can’t wait for whatever else is coming and I know some of what is coming. Just desserts.Lady C, Meghan’s biography on the Harry Walker website is beyond grandiose. Have you read it? I have. I don’t know why are waiting for the Messiah to come again when we have Meghan.Lady C, I don’t think Meghan will ever divorce Harry because she is technically in waiting to become Queen if there is an accident. She probably daydreams of this scenario. She will never allow Harry to leave her. We have to wait and see what happens. I am not a fortune teller. I have witnessed similar relationships. Harry is caught in the jaws of a Barracuda. Have you seen her teeth? I am not making any predictions. This observation is a valid one.Lady C spoke more about Prince Andrew’s Epstein scandal, the post office scandal in the UK, King Charles upcoming visit to Australia and concerns he will be too political regarding climate change.Toodles Sinners! post link: https://ift.tt/OymaICj author: daisybeach23 submitted: January 10, 2024 at 12:15AM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit
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artaphant · 2 months
I think the most disappointing moment for me in Downfall was when Brennan first calls for a "Bio break" after playing the Schism and all the gods getting flung out of Tenga, and it smash cut into gods-as-mortal characters meeting each other outside Aeor. I spent the past week scouring Beacon and YouTube for some hidden biography reels describing each of the characters, first as the omnipotent gods shrinking their scope to become a mortal.
Like, why did it have to be a biological break.
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i know i already posted this but, i finished and the ending is important.
so the first paragraph is biography. second is the good things hes already done and the third is what he can do better...i hope im not judge by what i finished with.
Wilbur Soot is an english musician and Minecraft Youtuber/Streamer. Popular for his part in the “Dream smp” and his position in the indie rock band “Lovejoy”, With 1,622,433 Followers and 1,212,540 monthly listeners on spotify. But before that, he had his own channel of music, was a former member of a channel called “Soot House”, and is the creator of the infamous “Editor Wilbur ARG”. It was Wilbur's presence as Lead editor and Co-Founder in 2017 in the comedy channel “Soot House” that began his rise to fame. His music career started in 2018, writing comedy songs, his first EP in 2019 being 13 minutes (four tracks/songs) long called “Maybe I was Boring”. The most impactful thing(s) Wilbur has done, would be in my opinion, His release of “Your City Gave Me Asthma” and supporting and creating several Fundraisers for multiple occasions and events. The main Fundraisers would be Stand Up To Cancer, The Sarcoma Foundation of America, and The WilburSoot Pride Fundraiser. These fundraisers are now over, having been able to successfully raise and distribute the money to those in need. “Jubilee Line” from the album “Your City Gave Me Asthma” is about all the pollution in the London underground transit system and how many take their lives and are ignored by the many commuters. He said in a Twitch stream once, “after experiencing people take their lives on the London underground only to receive disgruntled groans by commuters who will now be late for whatever it is they’re going to, one becomes quite jaded to the human condition in general. I guess this last line was me putting blame on the city rather than those commuters or the poor people who committed suicide.”  
For things he can do better, is just be himself. I feel like he has provided enough and to want more from someone like himself, it would be selfish.  He already makes so many people smile, his music makes so many people happy, he’s donated to so many causes, why would we ask for more? We know nothing of how fame affects him, of how he feels… and by not asking more, we are respecting him. Grade me what you may, but I stand by what I believe.
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post-futurism · 1 year
Thank you for tagging me in the Get To Know Me tag game @monstrousteaparty - i am starting a new post because the long post is... very long. 
Last song: Two Weeks by FKA Twigs 
Currently watching: Star Trek: Strange New Worlds. I also just finished the Sex Life Of College Girls s2 which i really dug, although i thought it was really weird that it wasn’t mentioned at all that Pauline Chalamet’s character lost a bunch of weight? like i thought it was really cool that she wasn’t as stick thin as her brother in s1 but in s2 she seems to have lost so much weight to the point where her character is almost unrecognisable and nobody says anything?? america explain. 
Currently reading: I’m reading Cynthia Nolan’s biography by M. E. McGuire which has actually been kinda boring in the way McGuire has put the historical information together but i’m reading it for the drama. frankly obsessed with the heide circle and everyone involved so i’m reading about Cynthia’s life with a v queer lens and taking from it what i want. thinking about writing a fictional historical take of the polyamorous drama that happened within the heide circle but not sure i want to be crucified by the historical puritans so not sure if this will just stay in my dreams or become a reality lol. anyway that’s kind of my purpose for reading this book. 
Current obsession: for like two (2) days it was the Millau Viaduct (read about it on wikipedia it’s WILD) but i think genuinely my long time obsession since may last year has been soulwax. every time i think i’m normal about them, one of their songs will weed it’s way into the youtube algorithm playlist and im like o ya they rule. they just *clenches fist* they make such cool sounds. 
Tagging @peter-weir (i already love you but want to know what you’re up to lately), @submalevolentgrace @bodyholly @tvmilfs @borderlinemediocre @chikyful @wateryblasts @captainreverie @insanewizards @broccoliwave @harrringtons @mrrrl
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lukechweiss · 3 months
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Introducing LUKE C. H. WEISS. Word on the street is they are a C.E.O, PODCASTER, INFLUENCER, having been around for 10 YEARS . Despite an otherwise clear record, sometimes they are known to engage with SYNDICATE ( CON ARTIST ) ’s affairs. Though they are UNPREDICTABLE and CLUMSY , they can also be CREATIVE and INTELLIGENT. In the chaos of New York City, they’re sure to fit right in.
Name: luke charles hal weiss
Nickname(s): hal
Age / D.O.B.: 29, november 5, 1994.
Gender, Pronouns & Sexuality: Male, he / him, demisexual, biromantic
Hometown: london, u.k
Affiliation: syndicate / con-artist
Job position: podcaster, influencer and c.e.o
Education: superior complete + 1 p.h.d.
Relationship status: married. single.
Positive traits: (5) open mind, kind, intelligent, trustworthy, charismatic
Negative traits: (5) obsessive, compulsive, impulsive, enigmatic, reckless
Personality:  INTJ  architect
Height: 2,01m / 6 ft 7"
Since he was a little child, Luke couldn't remember being around his parents that much. They were always busy with their respective jobs ( or leisure ) , and his memories were being surrounded by nannies with his elder sister.
He studied in a boarding school, after all his parents always believed each of their kids would be doing greatness in the future. He had the privilege of traveling worldwide, and getting to know new people and cultures. But there was always a little pressure on him to take over his family business when he got older.
At school he was a great student, despite not having the best behavior in class, he was talkative and charming and loved by everyone. One thing he learned about his traveling is his passion for taking pictures and making short videos as if he wanted to make little memories of where he visited, this is how she started his YouTube channel.
He was fortunate enough to be successful on his channel, it was something he worked up over the years, eventually, he made a podcast about lifestyle worldwide.
And then… He took over one of his family's ( cosmetics ) businesses, little did he know that the company was nearly failing ( before taking over ) and his father wouldn't accept any failure. And he wanted to make his family parents proud, somehow… This is when he ended up doing business with the wrong people. Being now part of the Syndicate. Ah, and who wouldn't say no to a pretty face and, a big smile? Always takes it to his advantage.
He has a cat named Leia.
Weiss family has business in all Europe and United Kingdom apart from a few states in America.
Nepo baby af
Basically, made deals with the wrong people to make parents proud.
He is married, but he has no contact with his wife ( it is kind of recent, a night in Las Vegas ) .
He's really good at sports. Despite having money, he won two scholarships in his practice of Tennis. But never had an interest in becoming a professional player.
He has a horse, named Uni because he was a fan of Dungeons & Dragons and collects Pokemon cards.
His favorite board game is chess.
And always down to fish and chips.
He's an excellent pilot.
Ex-wife: Luke married in Vegas she met her at the party he was attending and married on the same day and he annulled his marriage once the sobriety kicked him . Although, he isn't much of a party person. ( Bonus if she's affiliated with a gang. )
Via D'Angelo. Ally / Syndicate. He adores Via, and always brings something special for her. He sees her as a good ally.
Archer. Friend. From high society.
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harmonyhealinghub · 8 months
How I Spent January 2024: Exploring the World Through Free Audiobooks on the Libby App
Shaina Tranquilino
February 7, 2024
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As we kick off another year, many of us find ourselves seeking new forms of entertainment that are engaging, enriching, and easily accessible. In January 2024, I embarked on a personal challenge to listen to one audiobook each day using the Libby app connected to my local library. Little did I know that this simple decision would lead me down an incredible path of free entertainment, clutter-free living space, and a wealth of information.
1. The Power of Audiobooks:
Audiobooks have been gaining popularity in recent years, offering a convenient alternative to traditional reading. With busy schedules and limited time for leisure activities, listening to books has become increasingly appealing. By utilizing the Libby app, which connects users with their local library's vast collection of digital content, I discovered an extensive catalog of audiobooks waiting to be explored.
2. Free Entertainment at My Fingertips:
One of the most significant advantages of utilizing the Libby app was the cost-effectiveness it offered. Unlike buying physical copies or subscribing to audiobook platforms, borrowing from the library through Libby allowed me to enjoy countless hours of captivating storytelling without spending a single penny. This not only saved me money but also opened up doors to genres and authors I may not have otherwise considered.
3. No Clutter, No Problem:
Another unexpected benefit I experienced during my month-long journey was the absence of physical clutter caused by accumulating books at home. As someone who appreciates minimalism and values a tidy living space, relying on digital copies eliminated any concerns about storage limitations or adding unnecessary bulk to my shelves. It was liberating to indulge in diverse literature without worrying about where to store it all afterward.
4. Gaining Information and Expanding Horizons:
Beyond mere entertainment value, my audiobook challenge allowed me to gain knowledge and broaden my horizons. Each day, I delved into various subjects, genres, and perspectives, ranging from biographies to self-help books, historical fiction to science fiction. My understanding of the world grew exponentially as I absorbed insights from different cultures, eras, and ideologies – all while going about my daily routine.
5. Developing a Daily Ritual:
Listening to an audiobook each day became more than just a challenge; it turned into a cherished ritual that enhanced my overall well-being. Whether accompanying me during mundane tasks or providing solace during long commutes, these narrated tales transformed formerly monotonous activities into moments of inspiration and intellectual stimulation.
My January 2024 journey spent listening to one audiobook per day through the Libby app connected to my local library was nothing short of transformative. Not only did I uncover a vast array of free entertainment options but also found myself immersed in captivating stories that expanded my understanding of the world. Moreover, by embracing digital copies instead of physical clutter, I maintained a clean living space without sacrificing literary exploration.
If you're looking for an accessible way to enjoy an abundance of literature while minimizing expenses and decluttering your home, I highly recommend exploring the wonders offered by your local library's partnership with apps like Libby, or even Audible, Spotify, and YouTube! Embrace this modern form of reading and embark on your own adventure through the power of audiobooks!
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deadcactuswalking · 4 months
REVIEWING THE CHARTS: 08/06/2024 (Eminem's "Houdini", Fred again../Anderson .Paak/CHIKA, Chappell Roan)
It’s been over two decades for Eminem and his new lead single is still debuting at #1 on the UK Singles Chart, becoming his 11th overall. It’s stupid as all Hell, but it might be worth to have some lightening up in the rap world after, well, you know. As for whatever else is charting… well, welcome back to REVIEWING THE CHARTS!
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content warning: language, death, gay sex, uncomfortable age gaps, The Real Slim Shady, transphobia, cancel culture, 70s Italian cinema, RuPaul
As always, we start with our notable dropouts - songs exiting the UK Top 75, which is what I cover, after five weeks in the region or a peak in the top 40. This week, we bid adieu to some rap as “Malicious Intentions” by Poser drops out - a shame it couldn’t last or reach the top 40 since I do really like that as a follow-up - as well as Future and Metro Boomin’s work naturally dampening off with “Type Shit” featuring Travis Scott and Playboi Carti, and “Like That” featuring Kendrick Lamar. Our three other notable dropouts, unless I’m missing anything, are older pop hits: “Teenage Dreams” by Katy Perry, “Tears Dry on Their Own” by the late Amy Winehouse and finally, “Everywhere” by Fleetwood Mac. Again.
As for our notable gains and returns, we see the resurgence of “Without Me” by Eminem, as his newest single actually landed his biggest first-week sales since that track hit #1 back in 2002, according to the Official Charts Company’s article about “Houdini”… and looking at the top 10 it spent one week on top of, yeah, I’m happy Em took that one. That is a rough week, imagine if I was doing this show in 2002. The new song of course makes reference to and interpolates “Without Me”, yet another one of his goofy lead singles that tend to be really fun highlights of any of his albums, but the original is back at #38. Notably, it spent some time at the very bottom of the chart in 2004 and 2022. Oh, and Becky Hill’s #3 album gave “Outside of Love” the chance to re-enter at #73 though none of the deep cuts ended up debuting, which is a bit of a shame.
Then of course, there are some more predictable boosts for songs already on the chart like “on one tonight” and “one of wun” by Gunna at #57 and #30 respectively, “Thank You (Not So Bad)” by people who should know better at #55, “Addicted” by Zerb, The Chainsmokers and Ink at #54, “360” by Charli XCX at #41 - wonder if the Yung Lean and Robyn remix has anything to do with it - “The Door” by Teddy Swims at #28 and finally, “Pink Skies” by Zach Bryan at #25. Most of these are ones I cannot really complain about, good stuff.
As for our top five, we start with pretty much seeing Billie Eilish’s single choice switch in realtime as “BIRDS OF A FEATHER” remains at #5 whilst “LUNCH” falls right below, then we have “A Bar Song (Tipsy)” by Shaboozey at #4 - shame the album didn’t seem to have much of an impact - followed by “BAND4BAND” by Central Cee and Lil Baby at a new peak of #3, “Espresso” by Sabrina Carpenter dropping off to #2 and of course, with over 100,000 sales, which is a pretty big deal for the UK, Slim Shady at #1 with “Houdini” which we’ll get back to after these messages.
New Entries
#69 - “Carry You Home” - Alex Warren
Produced by Adam Yaron
Okay, I’ll bite: who’s Alex Warren? Well, he’s a young singer-songwriter from California who struggled in childhood due to his parents’ troubles and having to leave home as a teenager, dealing with homelessness for a while, but has channelled that into both a music career and as an Internet personality and YouTube vlogger, which has given him some viral circulation but nothing enough to chart until this year, where after two other tracks bubbling under, he has his breakout new song, “Carry Me Home”, which sticks with me for an interesting reason.
Whilst given that it’s mentioned on his Genius, his Wikipedia and Spotify biographies, and articles by Distractify and Forbes, that his come-up, probably regarded by the more cynical as a “sob story”, is in some way integral to the public image he wishes to portray, it’s clear that it’s embedded in these lyrics as well. One could take them as generic loving platitudes, but the emphasis on a long, going-the-distance relationship that is as passionate in the future as it is in the present, feels very immersed in a guy trying to improve on the example of relationship his parents left him, or really lack thereof given his mother’s addiction and father’s untimely death due to cancer. He mentions not having a place to sleep in the second verse and the song is mostly about marriage, mentioning his mind being on his mother when he says “I do”, bringing that joy of a “traditional” relationship and wedding to a family he never really got the “perfect” version of. Lyrically, I really like these notions, yet I don’t find much to be inspired by in musical execution. The reverb-drenched vocals in the pre-chorus are distracting and he doesn’t have the most unique voice in the world, and the sequencing overall is a bit wonky: there’s very little effective build-up into the stomp-clap frolick of the sing-a-long chorus. Additionally, it just feels a bit rote in its choice of vocal melodies and musical elements, like a factorial way of constructing this kind of song, which sucks considering how personal the lyrics are to him. I’m sure this means more to long-time fans of him, but on a sonic level, I’m not really feeling it at all. Sorry.
#68 - “Red Wine Supernova” - Chappell Roan
Produced by Dan Nigro, Noah Conrad and Lixa
Whilst “Good Luck, Babe!” was the breakout hit for Chappell Roan, it was a new release that took advantage of existing hype solidied from existing releases, particularly on her album The Rise and Fall of a Midwest Princess which is an album revolving around an overexaggerated pop persona whilst also heavily including narratives surrounding her own identity as a queer woman. More LGBT-related concept albums about famous people are coming on this chart week and it’s just funny that I can say that over-specific thing happens not once but twice in these debuts... and I’m not sure she’d like the comparison. Regardless, her two songs that have been bubbling under for a long time are now in the top 75, acting as some of the strongest singles from that album - commercially, at least, I have yet to listen to it in full - that helped prep the fanbase and now general audience for the sleeper smash that was to come.
I was excited when I heard the jangly guitars mixed with Roan’s almost cabaret voice on the intro to “Red Wine Supernova”, before the synth bloops came in almost immediately and whilst the buzzing clash of the two elements later in the track is compelling, it does really disappoint me when a song crashes into synthpop pastiche like that. This is a song about particularly passionate and envigorating lesbian sex, so the dissonance of the somewhat static, distorted electro-rock groove with the point of blissful, organic euphoria in the chorus shouldn’t be that difficult of a metaphor to figure out. The cute back-and-forths in the verses are pretty funny, the pre-chorus is maddeningly catchy… but I still don’t vibe with the main momentum of the song, it feels predictable past its main trick and once you’ve heard that first chorus, her pre-empting the drums coming in during that moment with a goofy ad-lib just feels extraneous the second time, and I really don’t like how the drums mesh with it anyway, it feels too… obvious, I guess. And much like “Good Luck, Babe!”, there’s a disruptive bridge but this one isn’t narratively disrupting, going for a bit of a disco-rap pivot that is equally reminiscent of the “Shake it Off” cringe as it is the natural fall into faster and sassier vocal deliveries you can hear in a surprising amount of queercore and riot grrl punk. One of my favourite examples is the back-and-forth between the vocalists on Team Dresch’s “Yes I Am Too, But Who Am I Really?”, where the two topics of expressing yourself amidst discrimination and being submissive in the bedroom intertwine chaotically and playfully but really make you think about sex’s place in queer identity, whilst also just having a fascinating relationship between the song’s groove and where the words are placed. Chappell Roan’s bridge goes for a similar idea and is just as effective, it’s just that the surrounding sonics aren’t as dynamic or really just to my taste. I can tell the passion is there, as well as crucially, the honesty, but it might not be reflected within the flashy pop production, which is a shame because unlike “Good Luck, Babe!”, the pieces are here for me to love this.
#61 - “She’s Gone, Dance On” - Disclosure
Produced by Guy Lawrence and Howard Lawrence
There are quite a few dance tracks to get through this week, and from many familiar faces, some less familiar than others, some less frequent chart fixtures, some more respected figures, but still a good deal of EDM debuted this week, probably due to it being slower in general and we start with wonky house duo Disclosure, who I generally like. This track has a somewhat peculiar choice of sample: “Dance On” by Italian composer Ennio Morricone, from the 1978 film Così come sei, or Stay as You Are in English. A European erotic romance drama with “ravishing” performances and songs like “Dance On” as the soundtrack, which is a killer slice of slightly dissonant-feeling disco, having a falsetto chant sharing space with synth freakouts but in a call-and-response format that is both fascinating and renders the track tense and almost instrumental, this seems like the kind of film I would consider a guilty pleasure. The lead actress, Natassja Kinski, who was… 17 at the time? Doing nude scenes with a guy in his mid-50s? And she now regrets this film entirely, disapproving of her scenes and saying she wouldn’t let her daughter do it? Okay, well, firstly, I shouldn’t have expected anything less from 70s continental Europe art films, but also, abort, abort, mission abort, let’s not think about the sample’s origins any longer.
Regardless of what sketchy film it tracks its way from, it’s a song that seems built for a French house flip, especially due to its extended instrumental breaks, and Disclosure do just that, with some glading tropical guitars, a steady if predictable house groove and an emphasis on bringing some bliss and transcendency out of a vintage, maybe dated-sounding sample, which is something Disclosure have always done when working with similar samples - “Love Can be So Hard” is a brilliant example of this. The added shuffling percussiion makes the moments of synth magic even more relieving, and the level of detail in sound design is expectedly immaculate and crafted to ridiculous degrees: the little moment in the pre-drop where the synth briefly wanks out in a zig-zag style before the beat comes back in fully is such a nice, goofy touch - there’s a lot of goofiness this week - and that bridge / outro with the glitched, screechier synth that gets shut off into a murmur is great. It’s almost weird to talk about a song like this on here - it feels like one of the many future funk songs I’d find randomly on Spotify and jam to them in my own time, never really thinking about how to review them. But I’m not upset it’s here - whilst I understand that my enjoyment of this pries on very specific genre preferences, it’s outstanding in its field, this is excellent stuff.
#59 - “Set My Heart on Fire” (“I’m Alive” x “And the Beat Goes On”) - Majestic, The Jammin Kid and Céline Dion
Produced by Majestic and Lee Tyler
Wow, been a while since we had a mouthful like this on the chart because dear God, what on earth is this? Let’s start with the artists, as that should be easier. Majestic is an English DJ known mostly for his hit remix of Boney M.’s “Rasputin” that I reviewed back in 2021 and thought was just okay, whilst The Jammin Kid is new to the chart, and seemingly new to streaming services entirely as he has no other work on even SoundCloud than just this track and its remix. What he does have, however, is a TikTok following so I think his social media presence may have led to a credit on this track, especially since I tracked down the mashup idea to a TikTok of his with a couple hundred thousand likes wherein he does the typical “pretend to do anything on a mixing board” as he dances around to an obviously pre-programmed mashup of the two tracks in this medley, which is probably not enough for a track on its own so took a cosign from Majestic to get on Spotify, who also probably helped with his connections to get the sample cleared.
The original mashup, available on The Jammin Kid’s SoundCloud, is a pretty straightforward mashup with a few additional production touches but no outright reworking, pairing Canadian legend Céline Dion’s 2002 hit “I’m Alive” with the soul group The Whispers’ 1979 classic “And the Beat Goes On”, their only #1 on the US dance and R&B charts, and one of their biggest hits in general, as it peaked at #2 in the UK in 1980, behind Kenny Rogers’ “Coward of the Country”, and is an iconic, undeniable funk track. If you think you don’t recognise it, listen to those first few measures and have all the memories coming back. Once again, it makes perfect sense for a French house remix. That’s not what The Jammin Kid did though, he placed the vocals of a Céline Dion song from beyond her biggest era and one that didn’t even chart on the US Hot 100. A big worldwide hit, of course, because it’s still Céline Dion, but at least from my experience, not one nearly as remembered as the instrumental he’s being paired with. I also don’t really like the song, frankly, it’s some adult contemporary schmaltz that wastes Dion’s iconic voice. It did peak at #17 in the UK however, whilst Blazin’ Squad’s cover of the Bone Thugs classic “Crossroads” was #1. Similarly to the Whispers, it is built for sampling and actually has a history of being made more upbeat and disco-influenced. A popular remix of the time places the vocal against a soundalike of Blondie's "Heart of Glass".
The mashup itself is fine if kind of lacking in much more of an idea than just “this song works on this song”, which is sometimes all you need, but I definitely prefer the more intricate house remix from Majestic, which phases out its isolated instrumental elements from “And the Beat Goes On” is a very wispy way that absorbs the smoother elements of the original mashup rather than fully reimagining it in sped-up house form, which does help it go down a bit easier considering all the glitz and saccharine nature of mixing two very famous and shimmery songs together. Interestingly, The Jammin Kid is replaced as a producer by industry co-producer and writer, Lee Tyler, which goes to show just how little idea or involvement he had in developing the track any further - it’s not unrecognisable in this form, far from it, but it has such a clearer sole identity from Majestic and Tyler’s reworking. There’s a lot of swell to the gospel choir, disco strings and trickling synth cascade as well as typical French house guitar riffs but it does feel a bit like, well, exactly what it is. TikTok backing music for a guy dancing around in his living room pretending to produce. I do like that a song with this interesting of a story and rabbit hole is charting, as well as it being notable that TikTok mashups if given the right push and clearance, can be successful risks for all companies involved, from the original labels to opportunist scene-familiar DJs, and make hits in themselves. I just don’t think this thesis of a flip is particularly inspiring.
#53 - “HOT TO GO!” - Chappell Roan
Produced by Dan Nigro
I was worried when I started looking into the lyrics of this track and their meaning, because it seems to be all about high school - the chorus is a cheerleader chant, and “HOT TO GO!”’s main conceit is about her school experience, wherein her appearance was dismissed as “pretty”, but not “hot”, with the Chappell persona absorbing the overt sexuality she was never granted during those times. Now, I was worried because of the perhaps bratty nature of the song which definitely is there and I can’t personally relate to much of the teenage melodrama anymore, but this might actually be my favourite of hers so far, mostly because I love this. The blooping new rave synth bop is still less interestingly textured than it should be but its taunting sing-songy loop reflects the almost condescending nature of her treatment as an adolescent, and the twinkling shakers in the chorus bring it to an incessant, mechanical level that I find a fascinating choice. The post-chorus, which should be the moment that feels like a release given its blast of guitars, is still stiff and constricted by its limitations, with the most catharsis coming from Chappell’s vocal outbursts within the verses, which are often just comically honest. She actually got a laugh out of me when she expressed her clear ulterior motives in the second pre-chorus that she made this song so that this girl would sleep with her, connecting the otherwise perhaps disparate themes of this song, which is mostly a dance track, albeit one that ropes in the potential tedium of those genres as a plot device, with that outro being a great way to end off the track; its awkwardness and lack of mutual response from the second party is the kind of skit you see in a 90s or 2000s teen comedy. Perhaps surprisingly, this one ended up being my favourite from the three, but still, I’m not fully convinced on whether that album would be to my taste, I suppose we’ll see if we get more debuting from it or her later works in the future.
#50 - “6 in the Morning” - Flex (UK) featuring Nate Dogg
Produced by Flex (UK) and Doc Funk
Yes, (UK) is in their official Spotify name, and I say “they” because this doesn’t feel like a chart placement for this specific song but more of a phenomenon because oh, boy, there’s a rabbit hole to go on with this one. I don’t actually know where our story starts, but an obscure loosie from the late rapper Nate Dogg was circulating at least as early as 2009, where a popular, unauthorised upload still remains on YouTube. There is artwork on Discogs of this being a physical, non-label, perhaps unauthorised release, but it’s not explicitly dated as far as I can find, so this being described as “new music” in June 2009 is as far as I’m getting. It’s a catchy, twinkly R&B-rap fusion with some uncredited female vocals and a lot of richly-voiced hooks from Nate, who was just the master of those, though the song doesn’t sound fully finished considering the sheer amount of chorus, a bit of an unmoving beat and vocal mixing not as layered as it could be until its meandering outro, but also sounding slightly unfinished was kind of the norm for cheap 2000s pop rap. In 2009, Nate Dogg was suffering from having experienced two strokes the years prior and was largely retired from music as a result, with this record not seeing an official release until long after his death.
After passing in 2011, Nate Dogg naturally fell victim of the pop music indutsry’s exploitation of its deceased, but not nearly as heavily as one would expect from a death that could be placed firmly in the dying moments of rap’s bling era, as hip hop tends to treat posthumous features even less gracefully than other genres. Hell, the only reason “Gangsta Walk” probably didn’t get an immediate posthumous re-release is that it had been on the Internet for a few many years and sadly, Nate Dogg had fallen into irrelevance… until 2016, wherein a remix of his song with 50 Cent, “21 Questions”, went viral on SoundCloud. As Mixmag reports, California producer SNBRN was granted access to an unreleased acapella from Nate Dogg’s estate for him to place a warm, vaguely tropical house beat under, speeding up the track to fit the tempo and placing some nice, yet very typical and now quite dated pianos and horns that fit how this genre really sounded for quite a while there. Whilst not charting, it was a viral enough success that this became retrospectively recognised as the original song, particularly due to reporting that, in my opinion, was misleading and did not do its due diligence in explaining the leak circuit around the track that had existing for nearly a decade at this point. Nonetheless, Genius does not have a page for Nate Dogg’s original and attributes samples of that vocal to the SNBRN track “featuring” Nate Dogg.
There aren’t countless examples but are now plenty of dance tracks using that Nate Dogg vocal, and now that 2010s nostalgia is in the midst, it makes all too much sense that yet another viral hit would be made out of flipping the sample on a house beat, so here comes Flex to do just that with a pretty boring house beat that does sound like a throwback to older garage tracks due to its bass and use of an acapella that’s kind of crusty at this point, ends up having to be drowned in reverb, but that and the wonky synth paired with the vocal make this feel less like a throwback and more just a cheap, dull and frankly lazy attempt at taking what was already a successful flip and throwing it into this producer’s style. Well, as far as I know that it’s his style because he has no other Spotify presence, but I understand that streaming doesn’t reflect club mixes, and this definitely feels like the kind of remix that gets thrown into one of those and promptly forgotten the morning after. The story behind this track’s success is so much more interesting than the song itself that it’s honestly humorous.
#35 - “places to be” - Fred again.., Anderson. Paak and CHIKA
Produced by Fred again.., Skrillex and Boo
A collaboration between Fred again.., Skrillex and Anderson .Paak is like a dream to me. I’m not surprised that it exists given how collaborative all these guys here, but I’m absolutely glad it does and yes, it lives up to all expectations, this is excellent in all the ways you’d expect and then some. Bringing the breezy blue skies of “ten” to the frenetic drum and bass of “leavemealone”, this is such an organic meshing of the styles that feels second nature to Fred again.. at this point, and the overall vibe is a transcendent rush of feelings, borrowing tiny snippets from Alabama rapper CHIKA’s commandeering, kind of sexy poetry and fusing them melodically to create hooks that feel way too obvious to have been reconstructed through samples of spoken word and not just be inherently there in the sample. I don’t know which one of the three it was to form a hook out of a 2017 poetry recording from an underground rapper, probably Fred’s given he’s done it before, but it’s just as cute and catchy as it is thematically fitting to the lifting of worries that this song embodies. The clipped percussion amidst a myriad of pitched-down vocal glitches and a loveable wave of vintage synths, delightfully slightly distorted to push this into a similar vapor feeling as a lot of the other EDM tracks debuting this week, allows this song to feel homegrown despite the big names involved and the disparate sample selections. It’s impressive to have a drum and bass song with this much immediate punch and drive still feel like such an airlift, and the first time I heard it, knowing that it would be special, I was still pretty awestruck by just how beautiful I found this track.
I could swear I’ve heard the pitch-shifted “down” / “I” hook from somewhere, maybe even sampled in another EDM track, but given WhoSampled haven’t found it yet, my immediate thought is just that it’s co-writer BEAM delivering ad-libs that were then implemented as one of the song’s many hooks, alongside the main conceit of the track that CHIKA’s got places to be, and they’re next to her partner for some intimate time. It’s adorable and loving, so when .Paak comes in with his familiar pre-verse child-like shouts of “yeah!”, I knew a special verse was coming. I understand that most chart fans will be familiar with his smooth jams alongside Bruno Mars as part of Silk Sonic, or even his funk and soul solo albums, but he has a pretty storied history of rapping over wonky electronic tracks by acts like KAYTRANADA so he’s not a surprise here and he’s also just a perfect fit. Going for a faster flow than usual, embedding inklings of promising melodies within otherwise rapid bars about just having fun with this girl, .Paak oozes an effortless and carefree charisma, and is fully at home with this subject matter - if you know, you know, the guy just loves women. Same. Anyway, even the lyrical details amidst the quicker, less noticeable parts of his rhyme scheme here, add to the otherworldly atmosphere created, referencing NASA and the fact that, hey, if they put a man on the Moon, the least he can do is make that ass shake, right?
In further choruses, CHIKA’s sampled vocals are warped and flubbered in a way that .Paak’s fuller vocal mix that fill in for, both in harmony and separately, making a song that could narratively feel quite distant due to an original verse being in combination with several samples, fall brilliantly into place. The level of care put into not just the sound design but the thematic, narrative elements of the songwriting that can be involved in what may sound like rote sequencing decisions, may not be unique to Fred again.. and Skrillex but they are masters at this, and .Paak is down to let those visions into reality as he hypes up the CHIKA sample with his ad-libs as if they were recording in a studio together. They literally complete each other’s sentences, it’s gorgeous. So where does it go from that perfect second chorus? It goes through the motions, but hardly in a negative way as it continues to soar further into the skies on the cover art, with a vocal chop from someone who is definitely BEAM panning from left to right and whilst being explicitly stuttered nonsense, somehow makes complete sense when .Paak or CHIKA pre-empt it with “You got that…”. Like, yes, sometimes that loving feeling is completely indescribable, and human relationships can only be expressed in a garbled emotive response, that eventually has to slow down into a rest as the night is over and you both need some sleep. CHIKA’s lines about adjusting her speed slow down and warp into a glitch but it doesn’t feel inhuman, it just feels like the inevitable winding down, and you can tell from the lyric chosen that there’s still a great deal of mutual comfort in that.
I have gone into way too much detail about this, probably, and the next review will be just as frustratingly long, but the care put into tiny little details like a stray chipmunk soul vocal used to transition between parts, a funny YouTube clip from 2020 they picked out and placed in the bridge, it’s all just so endearing and immersive. It’s everything I love about what can be done in this genre when taken to a pop format, and even without, and effortlessly intertwines the story and character of the artists involved to its sonic design. I know it’s only been a week since release but I can confidently say that if it isn’t my favourite song of the year so far, it’s close, and I understand that this is in large part because, well, of course a song like this would be to my taste, but I hope I’ve given more than enough valid reasons for that love not to be misplaced.
#1 - “Houdini” - Eminem
Produced by Luis Resto and Eminem
I am far from the biggest Eminem fan in the world, as is probably well-documented on this blog, but I’m well-informed enough and definitely nostalgic for some of his older material when he took himself less seriously. I knew that eventually he was going to come around fully to the goofy Slim Shady persona - his last album, Music to be Murdered By, was just teeming with dad jokes and “horrorcore” lyrics - but the sheer amount of self-referential humour and surprisingly smooth integration of the character into the modern day seems like both an ambitious project to take on and a cheap take on the nostalgia circuit. Nonetheless, there seems to be a higher concept to this all being the final nail in the coffin for that persona, with this lead single featuring Slim Shady returning by travelling to interact with the modern Eminem and make his typical irreverent comments about pop culture that he would back in the day. Lyrically, whilst it’s not exactly laugh-out-loud funny, he’s really bumped up the surrealism to some of the commentary as to ensure we know that this character should probably die: just full of pointless hatred and cheap dad jokes, but still comes back to pester the game.
The magician conceit doesn’t go very far outside of the cover art or that incessant chorus borrowed from the very prominently sampled “Abracadabra” by San Francisco group the Steve Miller Band, which fits in both the pop climate and Em’s discography as he’s sometimes been one to sample, at his leisure, cheesy choruses in incredibly obvious and corny ways. “Abracadabra” itself peaked at #2 for two weeks here behind Captain Sensible’s equally ridiculous “Happy Talk” and Irene Cara’s “Fame”, with their bigger hit, and only UK #1 being “The Joker”, an actually good song. Whilst I’ve never liked “Abracadabra”, its inclusion here is playful and almost mocking, I feel like Em doesn’t even like the song either, so there’s a snarky nodding of the head to the audience with how gratuitous its use is. As for Em’s flow and lyrics themselves, he has not sounded this smooth in a while and whilst still occasionally choppy, I think that comes from an intention to always be exactly on-beat outside of the funny, sing-songy melodic flow switches, as if you care to look back at Em’s plethora of goofy tracks, whilst a lot of them are just as choppy, he tends to take a more conversational and devil-may-care attitude towards its cadences, and that is somewhat present here but less so than when he was making tracks about shitting, pissing and cumming. I guess you could say that over time, he’s gotten less fluid.
The track even starts with a classic Paul Rosenberg skit where he finally gives up on trying to reel Em in, before he ends up taking shots at Megan Thee Stallion (no pun intended), modern technology, RuPaul, “wokeness” and even Rosenberg himself, and whilst I’m sure some people will take this at face value, not only are these kinds of anti-PC lyrics wherein you’re supposed to know he’s in the wrong Shady’s bread and butter, but they’re 1.) more clever than half of the edgelord memes you see on X nowadays and 2.) very obviously just as dedicated to dissing himself as those he mentions, and some of those people like R. Kelly might deserve the mockery. The Megan Thee Stallion joke is cheap, but part of the joke is that Eminem doesn’t have a chance of a collaboration - a “shot at a/her feat/feet” - in the first place, and when he calls Paul a male cross-dresser, he knows full well that you can look up the “My Band” video and a myriad of others and see Em doing the same. He even dedicates a lot of this song to criticising his previous drug addictions and whilst you may find that even harmless jokes about trans people would still be rough coming from a guy on Em’s level, that argument relies on the idea that anyone is taking the line “My transgender cat’s Siamese, identifies as Black but acts Chinese” as anything more than a throwaway non-sequitur poking fun at the idea that anyone can “act” like a certain race. If this is taken by any commentator from any end of the political spectrum as an attack on wokeness, they’re missing both that Eminem himself is very woke and that the song takes elements of wacky right-wing commentators, bringing them into the Slim Shady persona which would be very in-character for a character who slings around the F-slur, and by connecting them with such degeneracy as Slim, he’s absolutely parodying them. Is this line that far from how Alex Jones thinks the government is turning frogs gay using chemicals in the ocean? And plus, if we can hump dead animals and antelopes, then is there a reason that a man and another man can’t elope?
This is a certifiable entry into the now prolific standard of goofy, nonsensical Slim Shady tracks, and to nerd out a bit, this is exactly the kind of style I want from Eminem. My favourite album from his is the inexplicable and fascinating Encore and some of my favourite tracks from him like “Rain Man” or “Campaign Speech” are absolutely off the rails. A concept album about this character is really exciting to me and whilst some of the references to his catalogue are more surface-level, even in that first verse, he references deep cuts like “Evil Deeds”, implements one of the catchiest flows from “My 1st Single” - as soon as I heard that concentrated verse, I knew that he was finally back in that bizarro space I love and calculating it in a much clearer and funnier way. I’m weary to say it, but this is a hilarious, promising single and I’m genuinely really curious to where this album goes. Also, he shouted me out on the third verse. Always love a cactus bar.
It should be pretty evident, right? A good week, with a lot of insane rabbit holes, detailed, intricate productions and a whole lot of sampling upon sampling, just a lot to talk about overall, but if you read any of this, you’ll be able to tell that the Best of the Week goes to Fred again.., Anderson .Paak and CHIKA for “places to be”, whilst the Worst of the Week handedly falls in Flex (UK)’s hands for just a boring remix of a promising track from the late Nate Dogg in “6 in the Morning”. There’s nothing worthy of a Dishonourable Mention here so I’ll tie the Honourable Mention between Eminem’s “Houdini” and Disclosure’s “She’s Gone, Dance On” - sorry, Chappell Roan, “HOT TO GO!” was close, but it’s a lot of competition. As for what to expect from the next episode, RAYE’s on the horizon, as are Halsey, Sabrina Carpenter aiming to avenge the #1, Jung Kook of BTS and most importantly, Charli XCX has a new album. But for now, thank you for reading, long live Cola Boyy and I’ll see you next week!
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thebobby1432world · 2 years
Jenny Popach Wiki, Biography, Age, Height, Weight, Family, Net Worth
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Jenny Popach Wiki: Jenny Popach, also known as Roselie Arritola, is a famous American TikToker and social media personality. She has gained recognition for her incredible dancing skills and amassed a large fan following on her social media accounts. Jenny Popach Wiki Early Life and Background Career Beginnings and Rise to Fame Net Worth Future Plans Final Thoughts
Jenny Popach Wiki
This article will explore her background, career, and net worth.
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Jenny Popach Wiki, Biography WikiInformationFull NameRoselie ArritolaProfessionTikToker and Social Media PersonalityNationalityAmericanEthnicityHispanicReligionChristianMarital StatusUnmarriedDate of Birth15 November 2006Age16 Years OldBirth PlaceMiami, Florida, United StatesLive InMiamiHometownMiami, FloridaZodiac SignScorpioSchool/High SchoolLocal High School in Miami, United StatesEducation/QualificationPursuing High SchoolFather NameMr. PopachMother NameMaria UlaciaBrother Name–Sister Name–Boyfriend–Height (Approx)in centimeters: 155 cmin meters: 1.55 min feet inches: 5’ 1”Weight (Approx)in kilograms: 45 kgin pounds: 99 lbsEye ColourDark BrownHair ColourBlondeEmail ID–Residence AddressMiamiInstagram@jennyypopachFacebook–Twitter@JennyPopachSpam
Early Life and Background
Jenny Popach was born on November 15, 2006, in Miami, Florida, United States. As of 2023, she is 16 years old. She grew up in an upper-middle-class family and was raised in Miami. Jenny is an American citizen and practices Christianity. She completed her early schooling at a local high school in Miami, where she is pursuing higher studies.
Career Beginnings and Rise to Fame
Jenny Popach has always dreamt of becoming a celebrity since childhood. She started her career as a TikToker by posting dance videos on her TikTok account named jennypopach. Her entertaining videos went viral, and she quickly gained a large following. As of 2023, she has over 1.2 million followers on TikTok. Following her success on TikTok, Jenny Popach created a YouTube channel to post tutorials and challenge videos. She is also a talented gymnast and posts tutorial videos related to gymnastics on her track. Her YouTube channel has over 200K subscribers and is proliferating.
Net Worth
As of 2023, Jenny Popach's net worth is estimated to be $0.6 million. She earns her income from her social media accounts and other business ventures. Her TikTok and YouTube channels are her primary sources of revenue.
Future Plans
In an interview, Jenny Popach revealed that she aspires to become an actress and model. She is continuously working on improving her skills to achieve her goals. She plans to leverage her social media popularity to pursue her acting and modeling career.
Final Thoughts
Jenny Popach is a young and talented social media star who has captured the hearts of many with her excellent dance skills and engaging content. She is a rising star in the entertainment industry, and her future looks bright. She is sure to achieve all her goals and aspirations with dedication and hard work. Read the full article
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splashclan-clangen · 9 months
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more info below, potential spoiler warning! I use these character bios as a way to keep track of my SplashClan game which means that all the information is up to date with the current in-game events, not where I left off with the youtube series
Jadezinna was born as a rogue named Jade who initially found a sense of belonging in the clans and went on to become a warrior of SplashClan. In the clans he met Lightgale, a skilled healer. The two became mates and Jadezinnia’s devotion and love towards him led to him neglecting his warrior duties. Tragedy struck when a patrol he was on led to the death of a clanmate, leaving him in shock. He eventually suffered a bad leg injury and when his first litter of kits with Lightgale (Clovekit, Downkit, and Gorgekit) arrived, complications arose. Despite the challenges, Jadezinnia was able to fully recover.
After his injury, Jadezinnia retired to the elders' den where he spent the rest of his life. Lonely in later years, he found solace and companionship in a newcomer named Crunchwrap, the two forming a close bond. However, Jadezinnia became saddened by the loss of Crunchwrap as well as the realization that he might not live to see his second litter (Tidalkit, Thornkit, and Algaekit) receive their full names. In the end, he died of old age, leaving a lasting impact on his clanmates, especially Lightgale and their family.
General Information
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Names: Jadezinnia (clan name), Jade (birth name)
Current Affiliation: StarClan, formerly belonging to SplashClan
Past Affiliation: None, former rogue
Gender: Male (he/him)
Sexuality: Gay
Age: 163 months at death (13 years; born 93 months before SplashClan's founding)
Cause of Death: Old Age (month 70)
light brown tabby tom with short fur and green eyes
Traits: shameless and a good teacher (warrior and elder)
Role: Elder (former warrior)
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Mate: Jadezinnia (became mates in month 3)
Kits: Clovefreckle, Downface, and Gorgeflight (first litter with Jadezinnia; born in month 25) + Tidalwave, Thornheart, and Algaefreckle (second litter with Jadezinnia; born in month 59)
Grandkits: Scorchpaw, Quietpaw, Sparkstep, Rippleheart, Minkscratch, and Bushpaw (through Clovefreckle) + Streakpaw, Octopussplash, Crestedpaw, Fumblestreak, Lightheart, and Meadowwater (through Thornheart)
Great-Grandkits: Littlebat (adopted; through Sparkstep) + Hushkit, Chirpspeck, Hailtorrent, Splashpaw, Snailpaw, Frostypaw, and Leopardkit (through Minkscratch)
Great-Great Grandkits: Scalekit and Lotuspaw (through Littlebat)
Romantic feelings: Lightgale
Platonic Love: Snapfern, Gannetstar, Weedspeckle
Admiration: Weedspeckle, Lightgale
Security: Lightgale
Detailed Biography
Jadezinnia was born as Jade, a rogue who traveled from place to place, feeling the most free when he never had anything tying him down. This was his life until he discovered the clans. Even though he had previously felt the most free being on his own and without a community, he enjoyed it more than he had enjoyed anything before. He realized that living around other cats in a community where everyone was (for the most part) guaranteed to still be there was comforting to him and so he decided to stick around.
Eventually, he found his way to the horseplace near the temporary clan camp and met Gale, a friendly tom-cat skilled in healing who was a traveler like Jade had been before. The two became close friends almost immediately and it helped that the horseplace was the home to plenty of mice and rats for Jade to come and snack on, meaning he was over hanging out with Gale as often as he could be. 
One day while out hunting for the clan he stumbled across an injured cat named Snap. He rushed her to the clan however as the three medicine cats worked to save her none of their herbs were working. Jade ran to Gale and begged him for help and in the end Gale’s unique knowledge of herbs proved to be helpful and Snap made a full recovery. This event led to Gale deciding to stick around and join the clans officially as a medicine cat, making Jade incredibly happy.
The clans were officially formed after the rogues were chased off of their territory and both Jadezinnia and Lightgale took their full clan names, joining SplashClan. It was only a few months into the clan's existence when Jadezinnia and Lightgale began to see each other differently. They could no longer consider each other friends, they felt much more for each other than that. The two loved each other and when they were together they both felt the happiest and so they decided to officially become mates.
After this, Jadezinnia would do anything to ensure he could spend time with Lightgale. Since he was a medicine cat he didn’t need to leave camp that often, meaning that Jadezinnia wouldn’t feel the need to leave camp either. However, this led to him beginning to slack off and ditch his warrior duties in order to stay in camp with Lightgale. Though he was well liked by his clan mates it was clear his behavior was annoying them. There were only three warriors in the clan at the beginning (not counting the deputy, Brackenshade) and everyone in the clan needed to help out and yet Jadezinnia just wasn’t. 
Gannetstar and Brackenshade began to personally go to him and tell him to go out on patrol to ensure he was actually doing his work. Jadezinnia hated going on patrols but he put up with it to make his clanmates happy, however this led to him experiencing something terrible. One day, he was sent out on patrol with the newly made warriors, Thunderisle and Sagepeak and while out it began to rain, causing the river to flood and sweep them all away. Though Thunderisle and Jadezinnia were able to escape the raging river, Sagepeak wasn’t and he drowned. Jadezinnia was horrified by this and was sent into shock as a result. 
He became even lazier, not wanting to go on patrol again due to his fear of witnessing another terrible thing. He was frequently caught napping and spending time in the medicine den with Lightgale when he should’ve been out on patrol or hunting. One day, after being yelled at by Brackenshade to go out and hunt, his leg was caught in a twoleg trap. Thankfully he was able to escape however he was heavily injured. What made this injury worse is that Lightgale and Jadezinnia’s first litter of kits were on the way, meaning that Lightgale was under an immense amount of stress trying to care for Jadezinnia and prepare for their litter. 
Eventually their kits, Clovekit, Downkit, and Gorgekit were born and the two couldn’t have been happier to finally be parents. However, Jadezinnia’s mangled leg suddenly became infected and Lightgale, in his immense stress of being the clan’s only medicine cat, now being a father, and trying to desperately care for his injured mate, didn’t know what to do. He frantically ran to the other medicine cats, begging for advice to save his mate. Thankfully in the end, Jadezinnia recovered however his leg was left permanently damaged and twisted. This didn’t bother Jadezinnia though as he was old enough to retire to the elders’ den once he had recovered.
Though Jadezinnia had suffered a lot, retiring to the elders’ den was the best possible place for him. He could stay in camp and be as lazy as he wanted to be and be around Lightgale and his friends without causing the clan to fall behind. As an elder, it gave him a chance to really notice things in the clan that no cat had ever seen before since he was now in camp all day and this led to him being able to save Longpool from a snake before it bit him. No cat had noticed the snake except for Jadezinnia which allowed him to be able to save Longpool’s life. 
Through the rest of his life, Jadezinnia spent his time how most elders do, telling stories to kits, giving advice to younger clanmates, and of course spending time with his family. However, Jadezinnia was the only elder which left him feeling a tad lonely. This was until Crunchwrap arrived in the clan. After experiening a terrible disaster she fled to the clans for saftey and companionship and Jadezinnia couldn’t have been happier to have found her. The two became close friends and together they frequently spent time with the kits, Crunchwrap telling them stories with Jadezinnia’s help. Jadezinnia at one point even saved the kitten Shadekit from the river after she had fallen in, showing how much he truly cared for the kittens of the clan.
Jadezinnia’s love and appreciation for kittens became even more evident when he and Lightgale had their second litter of kits, Tidalkit, Thornkit, and Algaekit. Though he was so happy to be a father again he was incredibly saddened by this. He was getting older and older and knew that it was likely he wouldn’t be around long enough to see his kits recieve their full names. What made him even sadder is that only a few months after Crunchwrap joined the clan, she died while trying to escape from camp when HazeClan attacked them. He began to feel like he was missing out, that so much was happening and so much would happen in the future and because of his age he wouldn’t be able to see any of it.
Eventually, Jadezinnia died of old age and went to StarClan, only two months before the first of his second litter became warriors. He was mourned by many in the clan, Lightgale, Snapfern, Thunderisle, Lightspots, Clovefreckle, and Downface were all the saddest and mourned the longest after he had died.
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Fun Facts
Jadezinnia's favorite foods are mice and frogs
He was the 13th cat to die and join SplashClan
He's currently the SplashClan cat (along with Lightgale) to ahve the most decendants
Jadezinnia was the oldest of the founding members of SplashClan and he was the first cat to retire to the elders' den
Jadezinnia's voice claim is Thomas O’Malley from the Aristocats (voiced by Phil Harris)
StarClan Events
From the cats he's watched over from StarClan, he's the most proud of his son, Thornheart and the warrior, Flitfoot (may be elaborated on more once I flesh out Thornheart and Flitfoot)
He knew about Thunderisle and Jellyfishspeckle's plan to ascend to leadership and wanted to warn someone about it
Jadezinnia has strong feelings about relationships and so when he found out that Thornheart had been in two relationships with two seperate clan outsiders at the same time (with neither of them knowing of the other) he desperately wanted to tell someone
Jadezinnia watched over the warrior, Timberspeckle when they were an apprentice (may be elaborated on more once I flesh out Timberspeckle)
He juded the warrior Hailtorrent for training in the dark forest
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auranovabloggers · 5 months
Hsien-Ko and Mei-Ling Official Lore Project
Ever since I had watched this video, I have become inspired to make a video of a similar style and vibe:
First of all, please watch this video and check out Dan's other videos. Funny guys with a passion for Fatal Fury and SNK as a whole.
With that said, I want to discuss what I am planning and working towards in the future. I want to deep dive into making a detailed character essay video regarding both Hsien-Ko and Mei-Ling of Darkstalkers. While video making is not new to me as I did so in the past (roughly +10 years ago on Youtube), this will be the first time I have made a lore/character essay. Research to a higher caliber and script writing will be first times for me in video making. Understandably, there is very little in the Darkstalkers games to work with and many would say to look at the Darkstalkers wiki. However, from initial searches beyond the Fandom site, there appear to be errors or straight up made-up information on there. Not only that, but some information is also missing... which is not the fault of the people there.
As it turns out, a lot of the lore and biographies in the series are behind a language barrier that those outside of Japan can't easily access. While some would suggest using Google Translate and image recognition to get the job done, that is out of the question. That program is quite flawed in catching the nuance of the language that only a native speaker would know.
You might be asking, 'Aura, what are trying to say?' Well, what I am in the works of doing is gathering all the Japanese text from scans of official Darkstalkers guidebooks in order to fully get the scope that the developers intended for Hsien-Ko and Mei-Ling. I will do my best to detail all that is uncovered to help portray a cohesive narrative about the background and story of these two sisters in Darkstalkers. But not only that, I want to also head canon and analyze that information and every aspect of them to also draw out ideas. Their style of clothing, their names, their Chinese background, etc.
But not only will I use the official lore from Japanese texts, I also intend to use this:
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'What is this cover?' you may be asking. This is 'Vampire Hunter Gaiden: Lei-Lei Hen - Owaranai Haru (ヴァンパイアハンター外伝 レイレイ編 終わらない春)'. Translated as 'Vampire Hunter Tale: Hsien-Ko~ Endless Spring', it is written by Akihiko Ureshino (嬉野秋彦) with illustrations by Kohime Ose (桜瀬琥姫). While this is not canon to the games, it is a licensed light novel released back in 1996/1/1 that initial Google translations from Japanese wiki pages lead me to believe that I need to look into this story. There are mentions in how the personalities of the sisters, especially Mei-Ling, are similar to the Darkstalkers OVA versions of them, another licensed piece of media that released months after this novel and is one of the few rare pieces of media to leave Japan and be translated. To build a cohesive idea of who Hsien-Ko and Mei-Ling are, I feel it is important that I get this novel translated and read to figure out what the writer came up with for Hsien-Ko and Mei-Ling, one of the first pieces of licensed media to do so. It will certainly cost a lot of money as I have over 224 pages worth of text that must be translated, but I am willing to do it for these two characters I cherish dearly.
That, for personal Cryas Darkstalkers reasons, and because this novel inspired a doujin that means the world to me, 'Share':
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Overall, the scans from the official lore, the games, this light novel, and the OVA will be used to help try to build upon 'Who are Hsien-Ko and Mei-Ling? What are they like? Where did they come from? Their goals and thoughts, what are they?', along with other bits I wish to convey as I find them fun to bring up and discuss.
Hsien-Ko and Mei-Ling mean the world to me, and I wish to finally give them both the justice they deserve after nearly 30 years. Speaking of 30, I am planning to try and get this project finished by March 3rd, 2025, as that is the anniversary of Night Warriors: Darkstalkers' Revenge releasing into Japanese arcades.
I'll update of my progress as time goes on, so I'll leave you with what I have so far and my other plans for the video:
The scans of the novel have been fully finished and am in the process of getting a quote.
If you wish to see the novel yourself, whether out of curiosity or because you are fluent in Japanese, I'll let you have a look:
I am intending to commission artists to help illustrate aspects of the script when the time comes. Make it feel like a group effort by the community. 😊
If any of you are aware of good video editing programs that are cheap or free, please let me know.
For now, that is all I have for you. Cheers peeps. 😎✌️
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getjoys · 9 months
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A fallout from Brandybilly leaking OnlyFans videos
Are you curious about the latest scandal that has taken over social media? Well, look no further as we dive into the juicy details of Brandybilly’s leaked OnlyFans videos and the chaos that ensued. From privacy breaches to legal repercussions, this is a story that has captured the attention of many. So buckle up and get ready to uncover all the drama surrounding this controversial event. In this article, we will explore the background, biography, and facts of Brandybilly, the TikTok sensation that has captured the hearts of millions.
Brandybilly Brandybilly is a well-liked TikTok profile showcasing the amusing and touching video clips of Brandy Wiseman and Billy Engle, a married pair hailing from Kentucky. They have amassed over 4.5 million followers and 100 million likes on the platform, where they share their love stories, pranks, challenges, and daily life. They also have a loyal fan base on other social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
However, behind their online fame, there is more to their personal lives than meets the eye.  Brandy Wiseman was born on August 11, 1989, in Michigan, USA, and is 34 years old. Billy Engle was born on May 26, 1989, in Michigan, USA. He has blue eyes and blond hair and is 34 years old as of now.
Online Journey
Brandybilly started their online journey in 2020 when they decided to create a TikTok account to have fun and share their love story with the world. They began posting videos of them lip-syncing to popular songs, doing challenges, and pranking each other. Their videos quickly went viral and attracted millions of fans who loved their humor, chemistry, and authenticity. On other social media channels like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram as well, their presence increased, where they maintained regular engagement with their following and kept posting additional content.
Brandybilly has collaborated with other TikTok stars, such as Ryan Wiseman, Brandy’s brother, and Brittany Jade, a fellow content creator and friend. They have also received several brand deals, sponsorships, and endorsements from various companies and products. They have become one of the most successful and influential couples on TikTok, inspiring many people with their positive and uplifting messages. Personal Life Brandy and Billy are married. They tied the knot on May 21, 2022, at Parkside Resort, Tennessee, among their close friends and family. They had a beautiful wedding ceremony that was captured on camera and shared on their social media platforms. They also thanked their fans for their love and support.
You can watch some of their wedding videos on their TikTok account, @brandy__billy, or on their YouTube channel. They are a highly beloved and widely followed couple on TikTok, boasting over 4.5 million followers. Their content encompasses humorous and affectionate portrayals of their everyday lives, as well as pranks, challenges, and lip-sync performances. Their enduring relationship of over three years is a testament to their deep, loving bond and strong companionship, serving as an inspiration to numerous individuals who hold steadfast to the ideals of true love and joy. Children Brandy Wiseman and Billy Engle, the pair operating the TikTok handle Brandybilly, are parents to four kids.
They have 2 sons and 2 daughters who frequently make appearances in their clips and assist them in producing content. While their names and ages are kept private, they appear content and supportive of their parents’ digital professions. A glimpse into their family life can be seen in the snapshots available on their Instagram handle, @brandy__billy. They are a lovely and fun-loving family.
Social Media
Brandybilly’s Instagram account........Read More
Source: Getjoys
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