#because whumper is not nice
serickswrites · 1 year
Two Birds, One Bullet
Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
Warnings: restraints, captivity, threat of torture, threat of death, gun, falling from a great height, defiant whumpee, forced to choose, potential mcd (emphasis on POTENTIAL)
Whumper circled Whumpee and Caretaker, waving their gun in the air as they spoke. “Well, well, well, looks like I captured two little birds in my net instead of just the one I was wanting.”
Whumpee struggled against the rope around their wrists, barely noticing the painful chafing as they tried to break free. They pushed against Whumper’s goons as they held Whumpee down. “LET CARETAKER GO!”
“Whumpee, it’s ok, it’s ok,” Caretaker whispered. 
Whumpee knew Caretaker was lying. Knew by the fine tremor that wracked their frame. Knew by the look in their eyes. Knew by the way their held their mouth. They knew that Caretaker was terrified and it was all their fault. 
“Why would I do that?” Whumper rounded on Whumpee. “I only wanted you and now I have something precious to you. Maybe then you’ll give me what I want. Just give me a few moments with Caretaker.”
“I will never give you what you want. You hurt one hair on Caretaker’s head, you can kiss this source of information goodbye.”
“Everyone always talks, Whumpee. It’s only a matter of time.”
“I will never, ever, ever tell you.” Whumpee spat the last word out with such venom that Caretaker flinched back and deeper into Whumper’s goons’ arms. 
“We’ll just see about that,” Whumper muttered. They took a deep breath. “Don’t you think this is such a pretty view?” They gestured around them, giving a quick twirl. “Perks of owning a castle.”
“Bit pretentious if you ask me.”
“Whumpee!” Caretaker hissed as one of the goons dug nails into their arms. 
“If you hurt them, I won’t tell you a thing, Whumper! I mean it! Let them go!”
“You are so stubborn,” Whumper rolled their eyes. “Very well, I’ll make you a deal, Whumpee. You get to pick. What happens to my two birds. I only have one bullet in my gun, the bullet that was meant for you.” Whumper grabbed Whumpee by their shirt collar and dragged them to the edge. “You choose, who gets the bullet and who gets to answer my questions.”
“CARETAKER DOESN’T KNOW ANYTHING! LET THEM GO!” Whumpee struggled against Whumper.
Whumper tightened their grip. “Ah, but I can’t be sure. I can’t be sure they don’t know. And letting them go isn’t one of your choices, Whumpee. So do you want me to shoot Caretaker in the head?”
“NO!” Whumpee roared, “LET THEM GO NOW! I WON’T TELL YOU A THING IF YOU HURT THEM! LET THEM GO!” Whumpee yelled, surging forward and headbutting Whumper in the process. 
Whumper put a hand to their forehead. “I wouldn’t say such things if I were you.”
“LET. THEM. GO.” Whumpee’s words were so full of rage that Caretaker flinched back. They had never heard Whumpee act like this before. 
“Bullet for you or for Caretaker.” Whumper got in close once more, running the gun along Whumpee’s jaw. “It could be quick for them. Just a one, two, and poof, Caretaker’s gone. It won’t be quick if you pick you. Can’t blame you though. It would be the cowardly thing to pick you and let them suffer in your place.”
Whumpee growled and surged forward once more, headbutting Whumper even harder. With a roar of rage, Whumper shoved Whumpee backwards. “Fine. No bullet for you.”
Caretaker looked on in horror as Whumper shoved Whumpee once more towards the edge and Whumpee toppled over backwards. “NOOOOO!”
As Whumpee sailed through the air, they could hear Whumper’s laugh. Could hear Caretaker’s screams. And they hoped that Caretaker would be alright. That they wouldn’t pay for Whumpee’s defiance. And that the team would make it in time to save Caretaker. Whumpee couldn’t do it. And the team wouldn’t be in time for them. Because Whumpee was out of time. 
Whumpee closed their eyes a breath before they hit the ground and knew nothing more. 
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cepheusgalaxy · 7 months
I had an idea for a story a few hours ago:
(Bbu setting.) Carewhumper is a Pet Owner, who had a stable income and thus could afford one, Whumpee. Onde day, they lose most of their money and are thrown in misery. Almost nowhere to go, no food, no money, just their loyal Pet who is the only thing that they own now, and they can't bring themselves to sell.
The story would be relatively short, with the Owner and Whumpee trying to find food for Owner and Whumpee servicing them loyaly, struggling to survive. In the end, however, Owner doesn't manage to survive and the only one left in Whumpee.
End :D
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whump-in-the-closet · 3 months
The Small Moments
its the small moments in whump for me, those glimpses right before and after your character loses it all in no chronological order
-- the hitched breath after a blow to the face
-- the sound of footsteps in the hallway, and the flinching when the door opens
-- the soft sound, more animal than human, when whumpee pulls a blood-drenched hand away from their side
-- caretaker leaning over whumpee, whispering assurances that they cant keep
-- when the curses catch in whumpee's throat and all they can manage is a strangled, don't...please
-- when whumpee stumbles and clings to the doorway. better when they look up and meet caretaker's eyes. The slow, dreaded realization. caretaker lunges forward, but not in time to catch whumpee
-- when whumpee's head hits the tiles with a thud
-- the panic they swallow down when they see Whumper for the first time
-- the added details of used knives, splattered with dried blood, faded from crimson to rusty brown
-- the dead, hollowed-out light in whumpee's eyes after they're rescued
-- coughing that turns into whumpee doubling over, and desperately, so desperately trying to hide the fact they coughed up blood
-- a still hand, palm up on the floor, and no semblance of consciousness. The pool of blood around them is growing
-- caretaker pausing-- oh. oh god-- when they rush through the door to rescue whumpee, their eyes widening and stomach dropping, before cutting whumpee down from their restraints
-- Whumper tracing whumpee's jaw with the tip of their finger. "Now, isn't this nice."
-- When Whumper kicks Whumpee when they're already down and all Whumpee can manage is a small curse.
-- When Whumper yanks Whumpee's head up by their hair and Whumpee has to squint because of the sudden, sharp light
-- whumpee clutching a sink for a long moment before turning on the faucet and splashing water in their face to hide the fact they've been crying
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whump-bunny · 7 months
Whumper overestimates how much torture Whumpee can take. The once-defiant Whumpee is broken and catatonic, not speaking or reacting to anything anymore. And Whumper isn't happy about it. Though they loathe to admit it, they liked Whumpee's defiance. It was entertaining. Whumpee was entertaining. With them not speaking anymore, Whumper realizes that they miss the sound of Whumpee's voice. The snarky little comments, the sarcastic jokes, the curses screamed in rage.
Now Whumper is desperate to get the old Whumpee back. They're being extra "nice," giving Whumpee medical treatment and food, anything to make them go back to how they were before. Anything to fix their favorite toy.
Because like it or not, Whumper doesn't have anyone else.
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defire · 2 months
Phases of breaking a defiant whumpee
Physically fighting every chance they get even if it's hopeless, watching themselves fail over and over and struggling to keep up hope
If whumper gives them an order, "you're gonna have to ask nicely, whumper." *Cue punishment*
Starts to just block instead of attacking back, knowing it's useless to really try. Maybe blocking is pointless. One last attempt to prove they have some power.
Malicious compliance
"Take off your jacket, whumpee." Whumper brandishes a whip. "Oh sure, and I guess I'll take off the rest of my clothes while I'm at it, you pervert."
That fire in their eyes when they're given an order, darkening to smoldering anger
Fake obedience becomes real obedience because... Whumpee's beginning to think they'll never escape
That moment when the rage at being forced to comply turns into this dead silent frozen state. They won't interact. Not even if there's a caretaker there.
Rageful tears as they do exactly what whumper wants
When they're finally rescued, that charismatic spark of boldness has been crushed down to the darkness of someone who's seen too much.
Their defiance might take new forms after this. Sarcasm? Passive aggression? Outright yelling instead of just a simple "no"? Overcompensating?
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🎃➷ 13 Scary Prompts for Friday the 13th ☾ 𓆩☻𓆪ੈ✩
1. whumpee is trapped in a dark forest with caretaker or whumper (your choice). doesn’t matter if they’re friends or enemies, they both have to work together to find a way out before midnight, because that’s when it awakes and begins to hunt.
2. two characters who are enemies are trapped in an abandoned asylum. they soon learn they aren’t alone in the building; or, patients who are locked up here — when the staff suddenly fled one day — are in fact murderous cannibals.
3. characters throw a Friday the 13th party, everything goes well until someone — an old friend — shows up, an old friend who’s been dead for years.
4. there’s a myth that goes “something bad will happen within 7 days if you kiss someone under the moon on Friday the 13th”. character A and B think it’s bullshit and do exactly that. they’re about to find out the hard way that the myth — the curse — is real.
5. whumpee gets killed on Friday the 13th and wakes up amongst the dead, all of them have also been murdered on Friday the 13th.
6. whumpee is kidnapped. in order to save their life, caretaker has to kill 13 people before midnight of Friday the 13th.
7. on the night of Friday the 13th, caretaker finds a black stray cat at their front porch and decides to adopt the cat. it must be a coincidence that people in the neighborhood start disappearing after this mysterious cat shows up.
8. every Friday the 13th, character A is visited by a ghost who claims to be their lover from the past life. the ghost can only communicate with them when it’s Friday the 13th.
9. character A is immortal… unless they died on Friday the 13th. their enemies know this. so all character A has to do is stay alive until midnight, easier said than done. it doesn’t help that they happen to have a lot of enemies.
10. character A is cursed, so every Friday the 13th, they will be possessed by a demonic entity whose goals are death and destruction of innocent people. to try to prevent this, character A has to chain themself up and lock themself inside their house. but the devil is smart.
11. the purge. I don’t need to say more, but every Friday the 13th, murder and all type of crimes are legal in this town.
12. a group of tourists visit a small village located deep in the woods. it’s a lovely, peaceful village with nice villagers. only that they all turn into bloodthirsty murderers every Friday the 13th at nighttime. too bad our tourists don’t know about this, they’ll find out soon enough though.
13. Character A summons a demon on a dare. they don’t expect it to work, but it does. only character A can see the demon, turns out it just lonely and wants a friend.
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Whumpee thinks Caretaker is their new master. Good trope, right? But check this out;
Caretaker doesn't notice.
Because the morning after the day they were rescued, all Whumpee did was get Caretaker a cup of coffee. It was only after then that Whumpee realized new master new rules, and Caretaker might not like coffee at all. So after an hour or so of a panic attack, Whumpee decides to stay put and not do anything.
But Caretaker didn't say anything about that coffee, so Whumpee should probably keep doing that?
And so, every morning, Caretaker gets a cup of coffee, says thank you, that's a nice gesture, and gets done with the day, while Whumpee tries to stay as quiet and unnoticed as possible. Not angering Caretaker is their top priority. Caretaker notices Whumpee is really, really quiet, but hey, they might just like it quiet. They do seem a little scared, but they've been putting off well, so Caretaker is positive that they'll get better with time.
Then Caretaker hears Whumper liked a cup of coffee every morning.
That's.. a strange coincidence.
I hope that's a coincidence.
And they finally try to talk to Whumpee about it, and Whumpee breaks into tears and Caretaker realizes what a mess this is,
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screams-n-shackles · 5 months
I like tied up Whumpees as much as the next person but you know what I love?
Mental Restraints
Whumpee being forced to hold still while they are beaten to a pulp while their s/o is held at gunpoint. Locking their arms behind their back, digging their own nails into their skin as to not make a move.
Whumpee who cannot scream or make any other sound because rough punishment awaits if they do.
Whumpee who is guaranteed to come back after tasks obediently because Whumper has something or someone they want.
Whumpee who cannot hurt someone else because their morals hinder them. Leading them into an even worse situation.
Whumpee having to do anything Whumper asks of them because blackmail material exists and got into the wrong hands. Or even better, has been faked but is good enough to ruin Whumpees whole life if they don't play nice.
The helplessness of being aware that they are physically capable to end all of this in a bloody mess. But the price is too high.
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oliversrarebooks · 1 year
listen to my Voice, hero
TW: mind control, hypnotic induction, intimate whumper, restraints, corruption
Are your bonds comfortable, Hero? I wouldn't want to cause any damage to your precious muscles and nerves. You are the city's shining hope, after all. Or at least, you have been until now.
Good, now we can have a proper chat. You can just listen carefully to everything I have to say. 
Oh, don't glare at me like that. How many times have we clashed now? And every time you manage to resist my lovely compelling Voice just enough to stop my plans, just enough so that I must escape by the skin of my teeth. You must have known it might come to this eventually, a time when my compulsions are too strong for you to fight, a time when my Voice finally brings you to your knees.
I've been training, dear hero, training especially for you. Training for you, because you're really the only one in this city worth controlling. You're better than all of them. We both know that. And I know how you feel about me, because I've seen the look in your eyes when my compulsions take hold of your pretty little mind.
No, no, be quiet. Be quiet.That's it, there you are. Oh, the delicious expression on your face when I use my Voice on you. I'll never get enough of it.
Most heroes look terrified, you know, to have their thoughts pulled out from under them, to find their body out of their control. Terrified, angry, defiant -- that's how the other heroes look. But you're different. In that moment when I weave my spell on you, when you feel your mind go hazy and your body stop obeying your commands, I see something else in your eyes. I see relief. Deep, unmistakable relief.
No, don't try to deny it. I've tangled with you too many times to be wrong about this. You're relieved when I compel you. You'd never admit it, not even to yourself, but you long for the way it feels. You long to have your choices taken away. You long to not have to make decisions. You long to not have to fight any more.
But every time, you fight. Every time, you break free of my Voice. And I can see the toll it takes on you. That's why I've been training so hard, Hero. So that you couldn't resist my Voice, wouldn't be able to break free. So that I could give you what you want more than anything. 
I've seen you, Hero. I've seen you at your best and at your lowest, haven't I? I understand you better than anyone else in the city. You know it's true. And I can see how exhausted you are. How you've been worked to the bone. How you never get to rest, never get a vacation. I even tried cutting back on my evil schemes in the hopes that you'd take a break, but all you did was pursue other villains twice as hard. 
There are deep bags under your eyes, Hero, marring your beautiful face. There's resignation in your tone that was never there before. I can't stand it, can't stand the way the city treats you. You're destroying yourself to save this ungrateful, useless population and all they do is criticize you. It makes me sick.
And I know what you do once you've defeated me and I escape back to my lair. I know you return to your cold, empty apartment, and curl up on the couch with some convenience food, trying to relax. I know how you toss and turn at night, wondering if you're doing the right thing. I know how lonely you are, Hero. I'm lonely too, you know.
I wish you could see how glassy and dazed your eyes are right now. It's beautiful. Listening to my Voice is so nice, isn't it? Yes, that's it, just relax.
Oh, your hair is so soft. I bet you haven't had a tender touch like this in a while. I saw you lean into it before you caught yourself. Let me run my hand through your hair, there's a good, relaxed hero. Is that a sleepy little smile I see? You like that, don't you?
In fact, you like all of this, don't you? You like having no choice but to relax and listen as my compelling Voice weaves a spell around you. You like the feeling as I slowly hypnotize your vulnerable mind, how your resistance slips away little by little. You've thought about this on those lonely nights, haven't you? What it would feel like if I won. What it would feel like to succumb to my hypnotic compulsions. What it would feel like if you stopped fighting and let me take charge of your mind completely.
Oh, don't struggle. Don't struggle. Relax.There it is again, that relief. My Voice feels good, doesn't it? It feels so good to have the fight taken out of you. Don't deny it, it's written all over your face.
You don't need to pretend you haven't thought about it. You somehow manage to always be the first hero on the scene whenever I try anything. Almost as if you're willing to drop anything to see me, isn't it?
But you were scared. I'm a villain, after all. I don't deny it. You must think I might hurt or humiliate you. Well, you can put all of your fears to rest, because I have no intention of that. I respect you far too much. I'm going to take good care of you, Hero. I'm going to give you the treatment you deserve. I'm going to help you relax. I'm going to take all your worries away.  It's going to feel amazing, Hero, I promise.
I'm sorry, were you trying to say something just now? Still trying to fight it? You'll have to speak up, it's too hard to hear you when you're so out of it.
"It's wrong"? Is that what you said, Hero?
No, what's wrong is how little reward you get for everything you do. That's why I had to do this, had to train my Voice to be strong enough to be irresistible even to you. Now I can reward you. I can give you everything you want, everything you need, beginning with the beautiful, relaxing oblivion of total and complete obedience.
You'll get other rewards, too, of course you will. Together we'll share in the riches of the city, bend everyone in power to our wills. It's what we both deserve. But this is your first and most important reward -- obedience. Nothing is more calm, relaxing, and peaceful than knowing you have no choice, than having every decision made for you.
And all you have to do is listen. 
I'm too strong for you now, Hero, my Voice too compelling. You're almost entirely under my spell, aren't you? I can see how drowsy you are, how my compulsions are putting your conscious mind to sleep.
Yes, that's it. You're too exhausted, Hero. Too tired. Too many nights with too little sleep. You need to rest. You need to stop fighting. You need to surrender.
No one will think any less of you. They'll see how powerful I've become, how easily I can command even the strongest and smartest. They'll realize you had no choice, that it was out of your hands. You won't need to feel guilt or shame. Everyone will know this wasn't your fault, that there was nothing you could do to prevent yourself falling under my villainous control. 
And the fact that you actually enjoy this, the fact that you long to give in so badly and fall under my hypnotic trance? That can be our little secret, Hero.
There we go. That's it, just a little more. Look into my eyes. Look nice and deep into my eyes while I stroke your hair and talk you down softly. Just like you've always dreamed of. No more fear, no more pain. Only sweet restful sleep and deep hypnotic trance. 
That's it, Hero. It's too late. You're too tired, too drowsy, too captured in my Voice to fight it. There's nothing to do. Nothing you have to do. Just feel yourself growing oh so dazed and sleepy as I weave my Voice around you. So comforting. So right. Exactly what you wanted. Exactly what you needed. Exactly where you belong. 
Tell me, Hero, tell me you want this.
That's it, that's it! Oh, how I've longed to hear those words from you. Tell me how my Voice makes you feel. Be honest.
Oh. Oh, my. That's... that's even better than I expected. Far, far better. You love my Voice that much? Oh, Hero, dear Hero, why didn't you say so before? You could have had this any time. I would have been more than happy to bring you to my lair and give you the hypnosis you deserve. You could have been listening to my Voice all day.
Well, it doesn't matter now, because now you can have my Voice all you want, stronger than it's ever been. Isn't that nice? Oh, look at you bob your drowsy head. I don't even need to compel agreement out of you. You're so deeply hypnotized, aren't you? Good, good. Good hero. 
My hero.
Now, why don't you go all the way under? Just keep listening and let your eyelids grow oh so heavy. Let those heavy eyes close. Don't open them again. That's a good hero. So obedient and docile. You're so, so beautiful to me, my drowsy, docile hero. 
Yes, docile. That's what you are, deep down inside. All your strength, all your determination to do the right thing, all of that is a mask that conceals who you really are. A docile and obedient little lamb. And no one needs to know that but me. I'll fulfill your deep craving to be hypnotized and controlled, and you can still be every bit as strong and determined when you're working under my orders. Doesn't that sound just perfect for you? 
All the way under, now, deep into hypnotic trance. Let your resistance fade, my hero. Let your mind fog. Let your mental defenses fall.
Surrender. Surrender and submit. Submit to me, just like you've always wanted.
You can finally feel that relief. You can finally take that rest. Because I have you now. You're mine. I'm in complete control now, my docile little hero. 
And I order you to feel nothing but bliss.
If you like this, you may like "the defiant princess" for more gentle, slow induction on a resisting subject.
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lumpsbumpsandwhumps · 9 months
we need more language barriers in whump because it's so fucking good no matter if you use it for whumper and whumpee or whumpee and caretaker or especially carewhumper and whumpee or any combination!!!!
Whumpee not being able to know what the fuck is going on no matter how many times they ask, only being manhandled into various situations because they don't understand how to comply with whatever is being told to them (gently or not is up to you >:3c)
Having to rely on tones and facial expressions to get a vague sense of what the other person is trying to get across, despite all the repetition of sounds and slow pronunciations and childish gesturing
Those little moments where a word just finally clicks for someone, the one piece of common ground, even if they can't fully repeat it back due to an accent that maybe earns them an amused chuckle or a scowl
Endless frustration and exploding so many pent up feelings for a rant that falls on deaf ears, because why is this so hard to comprehend, why can't you just understand my words, why do I feel like such a fucking idiot??? And what do they get in return? Silence...or more foreign gibberish.
Not bothering to keep quiet about their thoughts, agreeable or otherwise, vulgar or polite -- what does it matter? No one is going to understand a lick of it, they can say whatever the hell they want (unless maybe someone does catch a couple words or phrases hmmm)
Whumpers using sweet coos and nice smiles while saying the most awful shit. Caretakers being endlessly patient in trying to foster some kind of trust and feasible communication. Carewhumpers being stern and hands on because there's no time to waste in getting Whumpee to grasp what they need from them.
The longer they're in each others company, the more quirks and micro expressions they start to pick up, long before they ever fully understand a word of what's being said, including when someone is lying or when a nerve has been struck
Realizing which words mean "bad thing" and which words mean "good thing"
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a-living-canvas · 2 months
First One Out of The Bed
"Come on, let's go."
Whumper tugged Whumpee forward. Whumpee was sobbing and crying, their bodies trembling and they were walking on toes. They entered the bathroom and Whumpee shuddered as they stepped on the cold tile floors. "It hurts…I-It hurts, it hurts…"
"Shh…I know, Whumpee. I know."
Whumper left Whumpee for a moment to take a soap and shampoo along with a loofah. Whumpee slid down to the floor, knees pressed close against their chest as they wrapped their arms around their legs. Eyes hazy and blurry, occasionally letting out soft whimpers as the stinging feeling came back to them. They wanted out…out of…this place…
"Get up."
Whumpee opened their eyes weakly, cranking their necks to look up at Whumper. They just realised how big Whumper was compared to them. His broad shoulders and chest along with his muscular body. Suddenly, all the hope to escape faded from their minds.
Maybe they should just give up…
Whumper sighed at the lack of response. He put his hands under Whumpee's arms and lifted them off like a child before placing them in a bathtub. Whumpee winced as the water made contact with their wounds. They hugged their knees again, closing their eyes as Whumper started working on their blood-matted hair.
It felt…calming. Whumpee never felt this peaceful before since they lived with Whumper. Whumper soft humming along with the warm water slowly loosening their taut muscles and drifting them off to their slumber. Maybe if they imagine it's Caretaker's soft hands that were lathering shampoo in their heads, maybe they would—
"Whumpee? Are you that tired that you sleep in the bathtub?"
"C-caretaker?" Whumpee inquired, looking over their shoulders to see Caretaker standing behind them. They blinked a few times, not believing their eyes. Caretaker chuckled, "What were you dreaming of, hm?"
Whumpee shook their heads, "N-nothing…"
They faced the wall again, sighing. Looking at their skin, they didn't see any fresh cuts but rather, a ton of faded scars. Did they really escape from Whumper? Or is this a dream?
A good yet cruel dream.
After they finished showering, Caretaker wrapped their bodies with the towel and ruffled their hair dry. Sitting them on the edge of the bed, Caretaker opened the closet and rummaged through the clothes to find the suitable one for Whumpee. 
Whumpee watched them closely, smiling when they could tell it was Caretaker. Caretaker put on a hoodie for Whumpee. They chuckled, accepting the nice gesture. They sniffed the fabric, taking in Caretaker's scent when the smell made their stomach churned. They gripped the hoodie tightly, smiling nervously.
"Haha! Funny! This hoodie smells a lot like Whumper…"
"Oh yeah?" Caretaker asked, their backs facing them. "Maybe because it is mine."
@nothing-but-glitter-and-lashes @watermelons-dont-grow-on-trees @htavin87 @heyyitsworld @risk606 @jennyyy007 @valravnthefrenchie @theforeverdyingperson
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innocentwhump · 10 months
I love whumpers who own pet whumpees for companionship.
I love whumpers who talk kindly to pet whumpee but in a way where they are using whumpee for conversation and never giving a thought to whumpee ever leaving them because they are their pet.
Whumpers/masters who come home and talk to whumpee without even acknowledging that they bought whumpee from an auction.
Whumpers/masters that don't acknowledge that whumpee had a previous life without them.
Whumpers/masters that are nice to whumpee but they don't treat them as someone who has thoughts and feelings that are equal to their own.
Whumpers/masters who never mention the outside world apart from their own personal interactions with people which is too vague and specific to give whumpee any information.
Whumpees who are treated well, given the food, water and clothing they need but are not free to leave or make any of their own choices.
The person treating them so well and never laying a finger on them is also holding them captive.
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Whumpril Prompt #20
Touch Starved
Whumpee was alone.
Whumpee was nearly always alone now. Before, they had a life. They had friends. They even had a lover. But now, they were alone.
Unfortunately, there were times when they were not alone. It is unfortunate because the only times whumpee is not alone is when whumper is with them, and that is worse.
Whumper is a torturer. For fun. Who does that?
Whumper does the normal torture things, like cutting, and burning, and all the typical stuff. But their favorite is psychological torture. Whumpee is learning that the hard way.
In all the time that whumper has had whumpee, they have never touched, skin on skin. Whumper has always had a pole, or a whip, or something else similar. If they had to touch, whumper would wear thick, cold gloves.
And whumper never spoke. Whumpee found that out the hard way too. Speaking is not allowed. If whumpee speaks, they don’t get food for a week, and they are left in solitary. This happened so often in the beginning that when whumper finally came to let them out, whumpers face was like a terrible angel. Whumpee had never been so glad to see someone they hated so much.
All of this meant that when caretaker finally found whumpee, they didn’t believe it.
Whumpees door creaked open, and they looked blearily up from the floor. The light was bright behind the person, and all they could see was a silhouette.
The shadow walked slowly towards them, and their eyes adjusted to the light. This was not whumper.
Whumpee shrunk back into the corner, desperately afraid. They hadn’t seen someone other than whumper since before they were taken. They must be dead.
“Hey there,” the shadow said. Their voice was loud and grated against Whumpees ears. “I’m caretaker, what’s your name?”
Whumpee shook their head, eyes wide and frightened.
“That’s ok, you don’t have to tell me. Is it alright if I sit next to you?” Caretaker advanced.
Whumpee shrunk even further back, but caretaker was undeterred. They plopped down right in front of them, criss-cross-applesauce.
“I need to ask you some questions, but it’s ok if you don’t want to talk. Just nod yes or no, ok?” Caretaker assured.
Whumpee nodded.
“Have you been here a long time?”
Whumpee nodded.
“Have you been hurt?”
Whumpee nodded.
“Can we help you get out of here?”
Whumpee started. Get out of here? What do they mean, get out of here? That’s impossible. They tried. But… maybe these people knew how to? Speaking of that, how did caretaker even get in here in the first place? Who are these people? Maybe they aren’t with whumper after all; maybe they really do want to help them!
Whumpee slowly nodded. Caretaker smiled.
“Lovely. Can you stand?”
Whumpee shook their head. They hadn’t been able to stand up since whumper broke both of their legs.
“That’s ok, I can help you. Can I help you?” Caretaker was being awfully nice.
Whumpee nodded, and caretaker leaned over and took their hand.
Oh my. Caretaker was holding their hand. It was warm, and soft, and inviting. Whumpee was going to be sick. They pulled their hand back swiftly as if it had been burned, and cradled it to their chest.
“Oh, are you alright? Did I hurt you?” Caretaker was worried. For whumpee. Caretaker took their hand. And it felt good.
What was whumper going to do? Would they put them in solitary for weeks? Months? How much food would they get? Touching is definitely not allowed.
But before whumpee could keep stressing, they felt strong arms wrap around them.
Whumpee immediately tensed, freaking out. But it was so warm, and comforting, and soft.
Whumpee couldn’t do anything but melt into the feeling and allow caretaker to gently lift them up off the ground and carry them away.
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whumblr · 5 months
"You know what's a shame... Soon, people will not even remember you anymore."
"What's that even supposed to mean?" Whumpee snarled in return, watching with their hands bound behind their back, sitting on their knees as Whumper paced back and forth in front of them.
"I mean, hell, they'll definitely remember you," Whumper continued, ignoring the outburst. "But not in the way you'd want to. Like, how nice you were to them or how much effort you always put into things... how you helped them. Your smile, the twinkle in your eyes, your little preferences, the sound of your voi-- ah, no, wait, they'll definitely remember your voice."
He traced off ominously, a sly grin finally forming on his lips before he carried on.
"Instead, people will look away when your name falls, shudder at the memories the mere mention of you evokes. After a while, they will not even want to think about you. Because the image that comes along with you is too horrible to even think about.
All that you were, it will all be engulfed and you will be so much more. You, my dear, are about to become a warning."
He finally stopped pacing, looked at the stunned Whumpee who finally looked up with fear in their eyes.
"A warning not to mess with me," he said and knelt down in front of them, brushing a lock of hair from their face. "Don't you worry, darling, it's nothing personal."
General whump tag: @firewheeesky @myfriendcallsmeasickwoman19 @whumpawink @painsandconfusion @auroragehenna @chaotic-orphan
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mj-iza-writer · 7 months
Whumper came down the stairs and glanced at Whumpee.
"Come on, you smell horrible", Whumper stood at the bottom step.
"Yes Master", Whumpee worked to stand up. Their small naked frame shook with the exertion of moving. They fell forward, but caught themself.
Whumper watched them semi concerned, "you okay?"
"Um yes Master, just a little weaker than normal", Whumpee limped toward them, "think I'm a little cold, that's all."
"Mmm-hmm, so you get two options for bathing today. Option one, a warm bath with some medical attention, but you do not get a meal tonight. Option two, you get cleaned by the hose outside, but I'll give you a nice meal for dinner."
"Uhm, may I have a warm bath", Whumpee followed Whumper up the stairs.
"Yes you may, that was a fast decision", Whumper started to walk to the bathroom.
"Yes Mas-master it's cold downstairs, so I think it's cold outside", Whumpee watched as Whumper prepared the tub, they glanced at the toilet.
"You're right it is cold outside", Whumper started the bath.
"Master you said I was right", Whumpee gleamed.
"Yes, I guess I did. You're right occasionally", Whumper grinned.
"Master may I use the toilet instead of the bucket", Whumpee looked at the toilet again.
"Go ahead", Whumper watched them.
"Alright, try not to make too much of a mess, and enjoy.... it... hold on", Whumper noticed something.
Whumpee froze as they had just gotten into the water.
"I'm sorry Master did I do something that made you unhappy", Whumpee worried, 'was this all a joke', Whumpee thought to themself.
Whumpee's skin quivered as Whumper felt around their back.
"No, I think you have an infection on your back", Whumper frowned, "I'll take care of it when I do your medicine."
"Yes Master", Whumpee lowered into the water and exhaled a sigh of relief.
Later Whumpee waited for Whumper in the living room.
Whumper had already finished medical treatment and decided to trim Whumpee's nails.
Whumper came out carrying a steaming bowl of something that caused Whumpee to drool.
Whumper set it on the coffee table in front of Whumpee.
Whumpee didn't dare look at it, but they savored the smell.
'I don't get dinner tonight', Whumpee reminded themself, 'I chose this.'
Whumper sat on the couch and pulled out their phone.
"You can eat that if you like", Whumper didn't pay any mind to Whumpee.
"Master you said I didn't get any dinner", Whumpee sat up on their knees to get closer.
"I know, but that infection on your back is pretty bad. I think your body is weak because of it. It would be better to give it sustenance to help", Whumper watched Whumpee sniff at the bowl.
"You going to eat it?", Whumper frowned.
"I'm sorry Master it smells so good", Whumpee looked at Whumper, "I appreciate this."
"You're welcome, now eat it."
Whumpee almost fell over with how good the food tasted. 'I haven't had warm food in so long and I had a warm bath today even', Whumpee smiled to themself. It made them feel almost human again.... they didn't dare tell Whumper that though.
"I'll get you some better medicine tomorrow when I go out", Whumper eyed the infection again as Whumpee ate, "hopefully we'll get that under control."
Whumpee looked up happily.
When done, Whumpee followed Whumper down to the basement again.
"Why are you acting sad?", Whumper frowned, "I did more for you than I originally intended."
"Yes Master, I apologize. I enjoyed being upstairs with you", Whumpee looked at Whumper sadly, "I'm lonely down here."
"I have one more surprise down here for you", Whumper pointed, "but this is where you stay. Right?"
"Yes Master", Whumpee looked at where Whumper pointed and saw a blanket waiting for them.
They limped quickly to the blanket, "is this for me?"
"Yes for right now at least", Whumper turned to go back up, "don't make me regret my kindness to you."
"Master, thankyou so much", Whumpee looked up at them with a smile.
"Yep", Whumper called from the top of the stairs.
At the sound of the lock, Whumpee pulled the blanket over themself and cuddled into it. They limped to a corner of the room and laid down.
The next day, Whumpee overheard Whumper leaving.
They hadn't seen Whumper yet, so Whumper hadn't taken the blanket away yet.
Whumpee was going to soak in all of the warmth they could.
Whumper now stood in the medicine aisle, looking at all of the options available.
"Sorry, I'm coming beside you", someone stepped closer and grabbed something, "got an infection?"
"My friend does, they're not able to make it into see a doctor right now. I thought I'd help them out. I had no idea there were so many medications though", Whumper frowned.
"Coming from a doctor I suggest they get into see one, but these should help hold them over until they can", the person grabbed something off the shelf, "I always recommend these to my patients."
"You're a doctor huh?", Whumper reached for the products, "thankyou so much, I appreciate this."
"Yes the names Caretaker", they reached a hand out.
"Whumper", they extended their hand for a handshake.
"If your friend needs a doctor, here is my card", Caretaker offered a business card.
"Thankyou", Whumper felt the wheels spinning in their head.
During the next week Whumper watched Caretaker, he knew their routines perfectly.
The medicine that was recommended had cleared up Whumpee's infection perfectly.
"Master, I feel so much better", Whumpee smiled as Whumper applied more medicine to the infected area.
"It definitely looks better", Whumper studied Whumpee's backside, "I'm glad."
"So I'm going out for a drive tonight again", Whumper stood and started to go to the stairs, "what does that mean for you?"
"I am to be good Master", Whumpee smiled up at Whumper, while trying not to draw attention to the blanket that was still down there.
"Good Whumpee", Whumper turned to go, but eyed the blanket, making Whumpee's heart sink.
"Are you enjoying having a blanket?", Whumper turned to them.
"Y-yes Master", Whumpee nodded.
"Good", Whumper sighed as they walked to the stairs, "I'll see you later."
Whumpee cuddled into the blanket after Whumper had left. They were careful not to let it touch the medicine, Whumper would punish them harshly if they messed it up.
Whumper watched Caretaker leave the office and get into their car.
Whumper followed Caretaker to a store they often frequented.
On the way out Caretaker found his path blocked by a car, then noticed his car was on fire.
Before he knew it, he was pushed into the car and they were speeding off from the scene.
"What is the meaning of thi....?", Caretaker was met with a gun, "who are you?"
Whumper had hidden most of their face with a mask.
"Place your phone in your bag and put everything in the backseat", Whumper commanded.
Caretaker sighed as they followed orders.
"Are my things back here? You broke into my car?", Caretaker frowned.
"How do you think your car caught fire", Whumper handed over a set of handcuffs, "put these on, hands behind your back."
Caretaker frowned as a firetruck sped by, "you are twisted."
Whumper chuckled, "you have no idea."
Whumpee heard Whumper crash through the door, and force open the bars that locked the basement.
"Oh no, they're mad", they pulled blanket closer trying to get every ounce of warmth before it was taken away.
Whumper came down the stairs, but someone was with them.
"Whumpee I've solved your loneliness issues, and your medical issues", Whumper announced as they guided the person to a kneeling position, "I can't take you to the doctor, so I brought one to you."
Whumper yanked off a blindfold they had forced onto Caretaker.
Caretaker looked around and locked eyes with Whumpee.
"Where am I?", Caretaker then glanced up at Whumper, "you?"
"Yes, you should really be careful with your personal information", Whumper chuckled, "you never know what someone is capable of."
Whumper unlocked the handcuffs, "if you move before I am at the top of the stairs you'll regret it. Am I clear?"
"Yes", Caretaker felt his throat tighten, this couldn't be happening right.
The bars slammed shut, clearing Caretaker to move.
They stood and quickly went up the stairs.
"It's locked", they came back down and eyed Whumpee.
"How long have you been here? Are you a captive too?", Caretaker frowned.
"I've been here a long time.... yes", Whumpee nodded, "if I may give you some advice."
Caretaker frowned, but nodded.
"Listen and do what they ask, or you'll look like me", Whumpee wasn't brave enough to pull off the blanket yet.
Caretaker sat down in the corner across the room, "I-I'm sorry, I need a little bit to think about what just happened."
Whumpee nodded, "okay", they whispered.
After a while, Whumpee noticed that Caretaker was shivering. They still had clothes on, but it was still pretty cold down their.
Whumpee looked down at their coveted blanket.
'I'm more use to this down here, than they are', Whumpee weakly stood and cautiously carried the blanket over.
Caretaker turned quickly when they felt the blanket cover them.
They looked up and watched Whumpee limp back to their spot.
"I'm sorry, I didn't know you were naked under their. Please take this back, you'll catch a cold", Caretaker started to get up.
"No please, it's okay", Whumpee whispered, "I'm more used to it down here than you are. We don't always get a blanket down here."
Caretaker frowned, "what have they done to you?"
"I don't really want to talk about what I've been through", Whumpee looked down at their beaten body.
"Okay, I'm sorry", Caretaker sighed.
"Hey Whumpee", Whumper called from upstairs.
Whumpee got up as quickly as they could and went to the stairs.
"Yes master?", Whumpee limped up a few steps.
"Catch these", Whumper tossed down two bottles of water and another blanket, "I'm going to bed, don't be up too late."
Whumpee nodded, "thankyou so much Master."
Whumpee handed Caretaker a water bottle.
"This blanket is probably cleaner than that one if you want to switch", Whumpee showed the blanket off.
"It looks thicker though, you use it", Caretaker gave a weak smile, "if you like, I'll give you a full checkup tomorrow, I can't imagine the last time you've seen a doctor."
"It's been a while", Whumpee sat down again, "I take it you were the doctor Whumper said recommended the medication I've been getting."
"Yes that was me", Caretaker nodded.
"Thankyou so much, I didn't feel good. I feel better now", Whumpee smiled, "Master says my back is better as well."
"That's good, I'm glad it helped", Caretaker watched Whumpee curl up on the floor.
"I hope it's okay, I'm quite tired", Whumpee yawned.
"I'll probably turn in soon to", Caretaker sighed. "I guess I don't have much of a choice right now."
Whumpee nodded, before resting their head on the floor, "goodnight, um doctor."
"Goodnight", Caretaker felt their heart ache.
'How long have you been here, and no one knew?', Caretaker thought to themself, 'the world went on, and you've been in the basement of a madman.'
Whumpee stretched out as they made happy sighs.
"I'll take care of you, and I'll get us out of this... somehow", Caretaker whispered, "I promise."
Taglist. As always please let me know if you want to be added or taken off of the list. It's not a problem at all. @villainsandheroes @the-beasts-have-arrived @sacredwrath @porschethemermaid @monarchthefirst @generic-whumperz @bloodyandfrightened @freefallingup13 @notpeppermint @cyborg0109 @idontreallyexistyet @painfulplots @whumpbump @everythingsscary @skittles-the-whumpee @expressionless-fr @theforeverdyingperson @thebejeweledwatercat
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serickswrites · 2 months
Warnings: captivity, torture, restraints, scalding, defiant whumpee
"You can never go wrong with a nice cup of tea," Whumper said as they settled themself into their chair across from Whumpee. They had spent the better part of the morning torturing Whumpee and they were thirsty. They blew on their cup as they watched Whumpee twist in their standing cuffs to glare at Whumper.
"Fuck that, asshole," Whumpee spat.
Whumper blew some more on the cup. Their tea was still nearly boiling. "There's not need to be uncivil about this."
"Because kidnapping, restraining, and torturing someone is civil?" Whumpee rolled their eyes. "You are really crazy."
Whumper threw the contents of their scalding hot tea on Whumpee. Whumpee shrieked with pain. "Like I said," Whumper said as they stood up, ready to fill their cup once more, "you really can never go wrong with a nice cup of tea."
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