#because they has so so much potential to be there for each other here
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casscainmainly · 19 hours ago
What I find interesting about Cass and ballet in Tynion's Detective Comics (2016) is not so much the communication or artistic expression aspect, but what it means for Cass' relationships to women.
From the beginning, Cass + ballet is heavily tied to her relationships with women. In Batman & Robin: Eternal #7, she first watches the ballet with Harper Row:
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Ballet isn't just about "understand[ing] everything" (as Harper says), but about the physical and emotional connection Cass forges with Harper in this moment. The way their hands grasp onto each other symbolises the potential for ballet to form women-to-women bonds. Since this is N52, Cass' relationships with Babs and Steph have been sadly obliterated, so this is her very first connection to another woman.
Then, in Detective Comics #950, we meet Christine Montclair:
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Christine is a ballerina who has been "handed" a key to the main stage by "the late Elaine Torsky," and who hopes to hand "that key to another young girl." Ballet becomes linked with a feminine legacy, one tied to "know[ing] exactly who she wants to become." The ideas of a female legacy and coming into one's identity strongly echo Cass' relationship to the Batgirl mantle, and the importance of female relationships to Cass' sense of self.
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Ballet is, also, a storytelling medium - Tynion emphasises the importance of storytelling through #955's scene between Christine and Cass, where Christine reads her a story. She mentions that her mom used to read this to her. This is clearly an allusion to Shiva (since this arc is about Shiva), but more broadly this scene points to matrilineal connection through stories, something that Babs and Cass actually do in DC First: Batgirl/Joker. In that issue, Babs tells the story of her first encounter with Joker, which inspires Cass to do the same. Cass' mimicry - something she also does with Christine, copying her movements in the ballet school - showcase her desire for connection with other women.
(The book is also written by Carolyn Wu-San, another connection between women, stories, and family.)
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And it's this connection to women that allows Cass to say her name, harkening back to Babs giving her her name in NML. This scene is also funny to me because Tynion created Orphan but he's aware the name is not something Cass actually likes - if anything, 'Orphan' feels like a punishment Cass imposed upon herself (especially in this arc, which doesn't reference that Orphan came from her dad).
It's just interesting that ballet and storytelling are mediums in which Cass finds an expression of herself, but it's not because of the communicative aspect - she never actually performs in front of anyone. Instead, it's the feminine community and legacy that allows Cass to discover herself beyond Orphan.
All this to say it's a shame Cass couldn't be Batgirl here because I really like the parallel of female legacy between ballet and Batgirl, but it gets lost without acknowledging Batgirl (2000) and DC First: Batgirl/Joker. But conceptually, Cass and ballet is about so much more than her 'communicating' via dance, and the role women and stories play in her love for ballet should be acknowledged more.
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jinjeriffic · 12 hours ago
DCxDP Persephone 2.0
(Somehow, even when I come up with an angsty scenario it turns into zany comedy hijinks. Send help.)
Cassie, Tim, Kon and Bart are hanging out, just chilling, when a glowing green minotaur pops out of nowhere and yoinks Wonder Girl into another dimension.
Obviously, Cassie is so not down with the whole kidnapping thing, so she starts beating up all the Greek mythological monsters in sight. Soon enough, Pandora pops out of the woodwork and orders everyone to stand down.
Pandora: *sigh* I ordered you to escort her here, not drag her kicking and screaming. Ugh, it's impossible to hire competent help these days. Come child, we have much to discuss.
Cassie: Uh, it's an honor to meet you ma'am, but why am I here?
Pandora: It's quite complicated I'm afraid. To make a long story short, a few years ago the tyrannical ghost king was defeated by a young ghost hero, and by right of conquest the crown passed to him. However, since he has not yet reached the age of majority a regency council was put in place until he is old enough to be formally crowned.
Cassie: What does that have to do with me?
Pandora: You see, your father, Zeus, wishes to make an alliance with this new power...
Cassie: Oh no
Pandora: ...and so he has offered your hand in marriage to the young prince, as he once did Persephone's to Hades.
Cassie: That fucking asshole!
Pandora: And the regency council has accepted on the prince's behalf.
Cassie: *cracks knuckles* So, what's your opinion on patricide?
When Cassie meets Danny, she fully expects him to be some pompous asshole.
Danny: I am so fucking sorry!
Cassie: Huh?
Danny: *wrings hands* I'm sorry you got dragged into this mess! This was not my idea! But the council are a bunch of stuck-up jerks who think this is for the good of the realm and...
Cassie: So the wedding is off?
Danny: Well... unfortunately Clockwork is the one who floated the idea? And he only gets directly involved if it's like, end of the world kind of stuff...
Cassie: Who's Clockwork?
Danny: The Master of Time. He uh, helped me prevent a potential future where my soul got merged with that of my arch-nemesis and I miiiight have wiped out all life on Earth. But uh, that timeline is gone and you don't have to worry about it!
Cassie, muttering: Chronos?
Danny: So I think we might be stuck with each other, unless you have an idea on how to get out of this?
Cassie: Well my friends are bound to come rescue me, so...
Danny: Stall?
Cassie: Stall.
Queen Dora, popping in with a dozen handmaidens, a measuring tape and hundreds of dress and fabric samples: ~ Who's ready for a makeover? ~
Cassie: Oh gods just kill me now
Cassie and Danny both go full Bridezilla in an effort to delay the wedding, nitpicking everything from the clothes to the flower arrangements.
Cassie: I am not wearing some poofy monstrosity to my wedding. I want a tux! If anyone's gonna wear a dress it's gonna be him.
Danny, posing in front of a mirror: What do you think, can I pull off a mermaid cut?
Eventually, they can stall no more and the day of the wedding arrives. Zeus is there to give her away as the father of the bride. Cassie tries to stab him with the cake topper.
The wedding proceeds, they are standing in front of the Observant who is officiating. Cassie is glaring murderously at Zeus. Danny just looks resigned. Suddenly, there's a loud screech and a bang. The team has arrived to crash the party...!
...by literally crash landing the stolen Specter Speeder on top of Zeus.
*smash cut to a flashback of Tim reading the Drs Fentons' research and breaking into Fentonworks*
Tim, Kon and Bart pop out of the smoking wreckage.
Tim: We object!
Observant, outraged: On what grounds?!
Kon: Wonder Girl can't marry the ghost prince, because... because I'm marrying her!
Tim and Bart: Wait what?
Danny: Oh thank fuck *rips off his veil and dress and chucks it at the Observant* Cassie, do you want to marry Superboy?
Cassie: I do!
Danny: Then by the power vested in me by the Crown and Ring, I now pronounce you Super and Wonder. You may kiss the bride or whatever.
Cassie dip kisses Kon in front of the assembled ghost citizenry. Tim and Danny disappear into a broom closet during the wedding reception. Bart demolishes like 90% of the buffet by himself.
In a dark room, Clockwork is repeatedly watching Zeus get pancaked in slow motion and chuckles to himself.
Roll Credits
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butterflydm · 2 days ago
WoT rewatch thoughts (1x5-1x08)
Still has spoilers through the s3 information that we have so far and book spoilers through a memory of light.
Both beginning and ending this episode on funeral rituals worked so well. Great structure.
Time skip for traveling! Mark a month off on the calender.
We can really see how Mat has deteriorated in the last month by the way he snaps at the kid who runs into him.
Love the shot of Dragonmount looming behind Tar Valon. They exist always with that reminder of what the Dragon did.
Mat has no appetite. Poor sad wet cat.
The betrayal of there being Two Beds in this inn room, lol. Why are we not respecting the classic fic tropes?
Rand reassuring Mat that he didn't kill that little girl or her family. Rand believing so hard in Mat's goodness maybe partly because he can see that Mat is having a difficult time seeing it in himself.
Even with Nynaeve's coat off, she's still half Green and half Yellow.
Moiraine trying so hard to mentor Nynaeve and she Does Not Want It.
Man, Perrin and Egwene had a much more cheerful journey than either of the other sets. But they get plenty of trauma right now, so they don't need to be jealous.
Once again, the show does such a good job showing us the strength in the Tuatha'an. And this thread will continue into Perrin's storyline in s3, with both Whitecloaks & Tuatha'an. They've done a solid job of tying Perrin to them both.
Loial shows up and immediately calls Rand an Aielman, lol. Poor Rand!
Oh, I see you, Fain!
Oof, people throwing food at Logain and mocking him. Baffled at the people who say the downsides of being a man who can channel weren't shown.
The promise scene between Mat & Rand is so good. Ultimate sad wet cat Mat. I really do love everything about this scene.
I really like our exploration of Stepin's utter and compete grief and emptiness after Kerene's death. How much the other Warders try to help him, how Nynaeve tries to help him but it isn't enough.
Love love what they did with the old rings being melted down (to create new).
Between what happens with the Whitecloaks here and then the Seanchan in s2, Egwene reacting by being as fiercely independent as possible makes all the sense in the world.
The Whitecloaks and Tower novices both wearing all white seems like it might create some emotional dissonance for Egwene, but I understand why the show didn't go there. That's just down to Jordan making too many groups of people wear white.
Oof, the Whitecloak stuff with Egwene & Perrin is hard to watch.
But our first hint of Perrin's golden eyes.
I note how Valda feels about all channelers similarly to how Liandrin feels about male channelers. And then we can get into the Seanchan's dehumanization of channelers as well.
Liandrin trying to bond more with Nynaeve. Has she been having ta'veren dreams? Ishy has had a month to try to figure out at least some of the places where his potential ta'veren have gone.
Our first reunion! It's always such a relief when any of them get to reunite. Man, Mat really does look on the verge of death.
Nynaeve can now join Rand & Mat in the Not Trusting Aes Sedai or Moiraine squad. Oops.
She tells Rand a story about Egwene to reassure him of Egwene's strength, never realizing that it's also the moment when Nynaeve likely channeled for the first time (to heal Egwene).
Perrin shares his deepest shame and secret with Egwene here - that he killed Laila by accident during the battle. So Perrin & Egwene's journey ends up being also very traumatic but the trauma was concentrated into the last day or so of the journey.
And just like was hinted at with the fire, Egwene & Perrin are finding their power at the same time. I wonder if this will happen again with their TAR training in s3? I really hope they run across each other in TAR. Let the characters stay connected!
Liandrin definitely got shot down by Moiraine at some time in the past.
Love the whole "shrine to ward off the Forsaken" thing. Great touch.
Siuan has been off in Caemlyn - was she talking to Elaida about Elayne, or was it about politics?
Moiraine: the White Tower's Woman of Mystery. Everyone wants to know what she's up to!
Alanna got such a glow-up in the show compared to the books. She's great here.
We get another nod to accepted poly relationships (amid the Green Ajah, at least).
Great conversation between Stepin & Lan. And a heartbreaking conclusion to Stepin's little mini-arc of grief and the Warder bond.
Little baby Siuan! ❤️ ❤️
Our first look at Tear as well.
Such a great way to introduce Siuan, considering they wouldn't have her for more than one episode this season.
And we learn in some places that it's dangerous for a woman to learn to channel - it's not only the Whitecloaks who assume that everyone who can channel is a Darkfriend.
Given that we know now (as of s2) that Moiraine & Siuan are older here than in the books, I wonder if that means her dad has already passed on.
Much like Egwene, Siuan is strongly associated with the water.
(This scene made me tear up too. I've cried three or four times today, I think)
Leane wearing light colors here vs the darker colors she wore in the s3 sneak peek to bash a Darkfriend's head in.
Another scene that gains so much depth on rewatch- knowing about Moiraine & Siuan's relationship & knowing about Liandrin being Black Ajah.
We just saw Stepin choose death in the previous emptiness of losing his bond, now Logain seeks and is refused death while suffering the emptiness of losing his connection to the One Power.
Everyone does still look good here, but the costumes definitely got a glow-up in s2 & again in s3.
The only main player in this scene not playing an elaborate game is Alanna. Siuan and Moiraine are pretending not to be in cahoots, Liandrin is pretending not to be Black Ajah - Liandrin trying to fracture the divides between the Ajahs, and also throwing Moiraine under the bus. A lot of Daes Dae'mar going on.
I also feel obligated to note that around this time frame is the jumping off point of my (now over 500k!) fic series: voice in the back of my head (archiveofourown.org/series/2688649). It is Cauthor-focused (Mat & Rand romance), though it does bring in the canon romances for Rand later on and we have some fun poly relationships going on, and it is currently spoiling through the twelfth book, but each fic in the series says how far that particular fic goes with regards to spoilers. The fic premise is: Liandrin found Rand & co instead of Moiraine finding them, and Rand is motivated enough to instinctively Travel himself, Mat, and Nynaeve to Tear because he wants to escape her.
This fic has been a lot of work and I am pretty proud of it so if you feel at all inclined to read an AU of the series that starts with the idea of "what if we gently slid Mat into Rand's romance situation?" and is a mix of show and book canon... give it a try. If you like it, please let me know your thoughts. <3
Anyway, Moiraine be spying on Rand & co., waiting for Nynaeve & Loial to leave to go talk to Rand & Mat.
Rand's protectiveness over Mat on this scene is really what threw my shipping switches on for them. He pulls a sword on Lan, despite knowing he had no chance against him!
"The world doesn't need a Dragon like me."
But Moiraine has figured out this is something else, not going mad from saidin, and Mat gets healed of the dagger's sickness.
So... was Rand using the One Power to help keep Mat from succumbing to the dagger's pull? Moiraine thinks that Mat shouldn't have been able to resist as long as he did.
We get some Tower politics, and we get the first hints of the Seanchan.
Moiraine is just encountering so much weirdness with these kids. Now there are wolves, she must be thinking to herself. Wolves!
The romance reveal scene! I like this change for several reasons- it's better romance than either gets in the books, it follows naturally from the NS relationship setup, and it adds drama for Moiraine, who did get a bump from mentor figure to being a protagonist.
It also gives the show a chance to show softer and warmer sides to both Moiraine & Siuan. Plus the nice play between duty & love bodes well for other romances.
I love how they reunite and only afterwards does Moiraine let Siuan know about the Dragon. Priorities!
And it makes so much sense that Moiraine has been doubting their prophecies after all this time on the road, while Siuan hasn't been out there with disappointment after disappointment.
This conversation also (unintentionally, given that it was a last-minute change) sets up Moiraine deciding she'd rather have the Reds potentially gentle the Dragon than risk Mat choosing to join the Shadow, because she thinks he's not strong enough to resist.
Ishy deliberately sent Siuan that dream. 😭
Liandrin knows too much. She definitely has been getting Ishy dreams.
Another reunion!
And the convo with Siuan is great. Nynaeve not bowing still cracks me up. Egwene going "wtf, nynaeve can channel? and she's stronger than I am?" with just her face is also hilarious.
Egwene & Nynaeve get a much kinder pep talk from Siuan than poor Rand gets in s2.
Moiraine's exiling is another great, emotional scene. And it also teaches us more about how the Oath Rod works, and sets some reasons in place for the Hall to be wary of Siuan. And sets up some precedents for the future.
And Moiraine trusting and giving more to Siuan than she was asked to give in the Oath - not just exile but obedience. That's gonna hurt a lot when we get to s2.
Even though she literally asked for it, it's obvious how hard it is on Moiraine to see her Sisters turn their backs on her.
But now we do (briefly) get our full Two Rivers reunion, and that is lovely. Hugs all around! Fond teasing! They love each other!
So we know that it wasn't actually the Dark One who was trapped at the Eye, so... it sounds like the knowledge of the location of the Dark One's prison is lost to time. It does make sense that Darkfriends would target that info specifically.
Moiraine not able to tell them that she trusts them, due to her Oaths, is a. so funny and b. makes it mean so much in s2 when she is willing and able to say that she trusts Rand (this is the real reason why it's difficult for me to get on board with The Ruse (TM) theory - because it feels like it would retroactively ruin that 2x07 moment between Moiraine & Rand).
Now that he's pretty sure Mat can't channel and isn't the Dragon, Rand knows deep down who it really is.
But then we lose Barney-Mat at the Waygate and I'm sad!
You can tell this very last scene was shot after the post-covid shutdown, because Maddy (Egwene) lost some roundness in her cheeks during those in-between months and it makes her eyes look a lot bigger.
I adore Donál's Mat but also miss Barney's. The feelings are both very present.
The Blood Snow! So epic. I love everything about this scene.
I will say, given that we have a stabbed pregnant Tigraine in the side here and it looks like we're getting a flashback to pregnant Morgase in s3, it does feel fairly likely that we will get pregnant Elayne as well, later on in the series. Tigraine gets stabbed the same way that Elayne is described as being stabbed in one of the super-late books (can't remember which, so I'll tag through AMoL) iirc.
Tigraine really did give every ounce of herself to her destiny, and I'm so glad the show version of her got a moment of kindness and compassion at the end.
Moiraine's cynicism about Mat vs Rand's rose-colored glasses about Mat: fight!
Nynaeve doing her job as Wisdom to keep all the kiddos together and make a promise to find Mat later.
"The one thing that we cannot afford is for the Dragon to turn to the Shadow."
Lan trying to cheer Nynaeve up is very sweet.
Egwene wants to sleep near Rand and he lets her this time (contrast to 1x02, when he pushed her away).
I like negging Machin Shin better than the version in the books, I admit it. It's more personal! Just relentlessly dunking on everyone's deepest fears.
Everyone looks so haunted. Poor kiddos.
I don't understand the people who don't understand the big fight. Everyone is so on edge from what they just went through! They are all overly emotional and vulnerable right now. The fight could have been MUCH uglier and still been valid tbh.
Uno! Congrats on your s2 upgrade to Hero of the Horn!
Another confession: I find this Lord Agelmar & Lady Amalisa much more interesting and memorable than the ones in the books. And I was kinda relieved that the show took the whole Five Great Captains thing off the table right away.
I also love their outfits.
Oh, hi, Fain! I suspect we'll get to see more of him in s3.
Min is so much better in the show than the books, omg. Just... on every level. She actually is jaded and world-weary.
"There is a man they must find. A boy, really."
Given that we saw Mat visibly recoil at hearing the Red Ajah mentioned in that s3 clip, I wonder if we're going to see him & Moiraine actually talk about it. I mean, it's in character for both of them to avoid that particular convo, so we will see!
Egwene's little quip at Rand's cooking is cute but I bet contributes to that feeling of Rand's that she doesn't see him as a man but as a boy.
I like how Min's visions were used here. And that she does what Moiraine blackmailed her into but holds back enough to protect what she knows would be the biggest secret (that Rand is the Dragon) because she doesn't feel like it's hers to reveal.
I really love how the shot with the three kids is framed to show the empty chair at the back to emphasis Mat's absence.
Anyway, I like the fight. Characters should be allowed to be messy and argue. Each of them has a perspective and is stubborn about that PoV.
Egwene is right that Moiraine can't lie, but the others are right that she can mislead or withhold.
And I love that the tipping point for the actual fight is Mat & his absence.
And then Nynaeve lobbing a bomb into the conversation as soon as it gets heated enough that she's getting uncomfortable. I mean, they aren't arguing about Mat anymore, at least?
Perrin's super-close "the only woman I've ever loved is my wife" and the hot five seconds that I shipped Perrin & Rand (but then Mat was mentioned in Rand's 1x08 fantasy world and I was right back to Cauthor lol).
I like that Lan had Malkieri friends alive in Fal Dara & I'm pretty stoked about the s3 Melindhra spoilers as well. Very cool to dive more into those relationships than we did in the books. Nynaeve getting an introduction to Lan's people & culture! After he got to know hers in 1x01! Very nice.
Jump-scare Lan does crack me up.
Anyway, good for Nynaeve and Lan for hooking up when they think there's a chance they might die in the morning.
Rand struggles with coming to terms with being the Dragon but Egwene thinks this is all about the big fight earlier. So they are having two different conversations right now.
Hey, in light of this convo- Rand is going to go to, well, Tar Valon anyway. Maybe not the White Tower itself. We'll see if he gets a doorway visit or not.
But this is Rand's big final burst of denial before he goes and talks to Min, confirming to himself that he's the Dragon, as he's tried not to believe that he is. So we've now had two instances of Randgwene sex used to delay or avoid an important conversation.
I am... very curious if the pattern continues in s3. Pretty sure they'll sleep together again, from what we've gotten in the trailers & such, but I am curious about the framing & context.
This montage of Rand accepting the truth about himself gives me chills.
Min's exhaustion here makes her so relatable.
I am so glad Tigraine had someone to hold her hand at the end. That she saw that her son would be taken care of.
"Rainbows and carnivals and three beautiful women." 😍
Elayne only three episodes away (2x02, right?), and Aviendha a little bit after that, but they are on their way! And this is our first hint about them.
3000 years ago, whoo!
Love their outfits.
Love the choice to have the AoL scenes in the Old Tongue.
LTT is perfect. Genuinely so good.
And the gut punch of seeing how technologically advanced the world used to be. It was a magitek utopia (or at least seemed that way to them).
I do wish that Rafe & co could have brought their original vision of this episode to life, because it is so devastating to go over all the things they lost (a principal actor! Their original Blight location! Their stunt team! Even more that I can't recall at the moment too I bet) but they did so much with what they had. I am so fucking impressed.
"I love him, Perrin." And then she thinks he died to save all of them. Yeah they do need to finish things off properly in the show.
Lan 100% thinks that going after Moiraine right now means his death, hence the sweet but flowery speech to Nynaeve here.
Ishy and Rand come face to face. I wonder who Ishy thought the Dragon was (he says he didn't expect it to be Rand). I love the reveal of Ishy's true face. And trying to touch Rand's face right away lol.
"Stubborn as ever, Lews."
The convo between Moiraine & Rand is interesting (all of them are) but partly because Moiraine doesn't actually say that she believed it was Egwene. I think she hoped it was Egwene but that's not quite the same. And Rand doesn't ever really think it was Egwene either, except maybe at the start, because we know he was worried it was Mat during that month of them journeying together.
Hey, the horrible bully from Moiraine's story! We're gonna meet her in s3. Because that story is about Elaida. She beat a novice with the One Power to force her to channel.
Min is very amusing in the show. I like her a lot. I really like that we get to go on an emotional journey along with Min about the downsides of having her viewings in s2, instead of it all happening before we show up in her life.
Again, really like the relationship between the siblings here - Lord Agelmar & Lady Amalisa. It's sweet.
"Let us hope we will buy the women and men of this world enough time to stand a fighting chance."
Rand recognizes the place where he locked Ishy up years ago. Love that we get to see that moment in s2.
Moiraine talking about the Tower's histories getting destroyed by Darkfriends. Very important note, I feel.
And Ishy springs his win-win trap. There was no actual way for Rand to win here, because he didn't know who he was fighting.
I've mentioned this before but I love that the show split up the battle into philosophical (Rand) vs physical (everyone else) because that's the Last Battle too. Rand's fight is a philosophical one and it always was. The Power is there to get him to where he needs to be to make that choice.
Our mention of Mat in Rand's temptation world, where Egwene is clearly being fondly exasperated but not truly annoyed. So, you know, like how Rand feels about Mat.
Ishy plays with his food, taunting and shielding Moiraine.
Perrin and Loial's friendship being a throughline for all three seasons, getting to know each other here, spending more time together in s2, and Loial going home with him in s3.
Rand struggling against a hollow perfect reality. Major, major foreshadowing for the endgame so I'm glad I already listed amol spoilers.
And Rand also needs to forcibly let go of Egwene and his dream of their life together in order to wake up from his encounter with Ishamael, something that Egwene doesn't get the opportunity to do, because the boyfriend she recently reunited with heroically died in order to save the world (to her understanding). So Rand and Egwene go into s2 (and presumably s3) with very different contexts about where their relationship left off.
You know, in retrospect, it's so appropriate that the Horn was being guarded by one of the Heroes.
Ishy is so smug here because he really does win no matter what. Tbh I feel like waking up Lanfear was his big mistake in s2. Because her agenda is different enough from his that they ended up conflicting, even though they share an LTT obsession.
That being said, even though this is a win-win for Ishy, what Rand learns here can/will help him win the Last Battle. So it works out in the long run.
Rand & Moiraine believe that the Last Battle is won, so she's willing to let him wander off to die in the wilderness if he wants... and then she kicks herself forever when she realizes how wrong she was. Like, it's Moiraine & Siuan's plan that fully releases Ishy. They thought they could do an endrun around the prophecies (which Moiraine has to be fully aware that Rand has not accomplished!).
As Moiraine might say "the arrogance".
Love the setup here at the end by Fain.
"Rand may be the Dragon but all five of you have a part to play."
And Moiraine. "This wasn't the Last Battle. I fear it was the first."
And our great intro to the Seanchan and how wildly different they are to anything we've already seen.
Tomorrow, I'll start rewatching s2 and see how far I get!
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solaris-amethyst · 16 hours ago
Ahhhhhhh new chapter omg!!
San on purpose being a little shit and talking to her as much as possible not only because he’s interested why she’s not that interested in him but also because he enjoys seeing how it riles Yunho up, idk man not entirely surprised he’s enjoying Yunhos reactions to it all😅
I also feel like San is more perceptive than we might give him credit for, like he seems to gather up a lot of information just from watching people in class and such and how they interact which is why it doesn’t surprise me when he clocks Yunho with how he spends more time with his girl-friend than his actual girlfriend!
Also omg! We got our first fight😱😱 I genuinely didn’t think we’d get a fight during the third chapter but I’m so here for it!! Of course Yunho would get so angry at San and mc for “flirting” with each other when in reality it’s just one sided flirting which any sane person can see. I think Yunho was hoping to intimidate San with the way he was threatening him and thinking it might work solely because he’s taller than San but that might just be me reading way too much into that part😅
I also kinda low key found it sweet that Wooyoung held mc back from getting in between the two of them when the fight broke out. Dunno if he did it because he wanted to see Yunho get his arse kicked or if he didn’t want her to get injured, I’m gonna allow myself to believe it was the latter of the two! Or perhaps he didn’t want Yeosangs friend to potentially get hurt because despite it all he still cares for him even if he says he doesn’t.
And I feel so bad for her, like everyone witnessed how Yunho pretty much confirmed by swinging first at San at the mention of his girl-friend that Yunho cares more about her than he does his actual girlfriend and it must be mortifying hearing someone confirm they also notice what she’s been gaslit into thinking it’s not really something between the two of them😖😖 I also really loved that San actually in a way defended her against Yunho and low key stood up for her in that moment when he called Yunho out like that!
Oh bless both Yeosang and Seonghwa for following her when she walks away teary eyed and for them to go to her after the argument with Yunho, (give me one second with him and I’ll give him a piece of my mind😡) I’m so glad she has those two to be with her and get things straight like telling her that Yunho is an idiot etc.🥰
Ohhhhhh her actually going to the party with Yeohwa!! I’m so excited to see if she’ll bump into a certain bad boy there or if he’ll perhaps come to her “rescue”🧐🥰
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chapter 3  jealousy is a disease     ୨୧  previous chapter  ◦  series masterlist
pairing     badboy!san x reader  genre     high school au, mostly angst... my bad word count     4.1k -ˋˏ✄┈┈┈┈ warnings     jealousy!!, quick mentions of tragic historical events, swearing, physical fights + mentions of blood and bruises, verbal arguments, accused cheating, manipulation, gaslighting, mentions of sex but no actual smut
❝ you know you're better than this, can't make a start, got your heart in a headlock ❞ 🎧 now playing   headlock ; imogen heap
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Avoiding San completely was going to be impossible, you knew that, but even the slightest ounce of rejection towards him proved to be beyond the limits of impossibility. 
Everywhere you looked, there he was. And the funny thing is; he didn’t even attend class regularly, always spontaneously showing up. But as the weeks passed, you noticed his attendance change, his presence in almost every class and always right next to you. And even though you made it your mission to try and stay away from him, he made it his mission to have your attention at all times. Whether it was his daily pencil borrowing, or his constant need for help in class, he always demanded your attention.
Some of the other girls in class were quick to notice too, all sending disgusted and jealous glares in your direction, all wanting San to borrow pencils from them or ask them for help. But his eyes remained on you, only ever garnering their curiosities when he needed a release, taking one home for the night and acting as if nothing happened the next day. And even when this was a running theme with him, the hit it and quit it, they didn’t care — all of them lacked enough self respect that even after he would humiliate them in front of his friends, acting as if he didn’t know their names (never caring to remember them), they’d still run back to him at the sound of a 2am notification.
Today was no different, death glares forged into the back of your head as San took his seat next to you, the familiar question falling from his soft lips as soon as he sat down. “A pencil please, princess?”
You had given up on correcting him, the nickname never faltering in the two months he’d been using it. Handing him a pencil and sending him a small smile, just because you are meant to avoid him doesn’t mean you need to be completely rude to him for no reason. He sent you a smile in return, not a smirk, a genuine smile with dimples denting his cheeks. A strange feeling tingled in your belly, a feeling you hadn’t felt in a long time, but you were quick to push them away.
Luckily, the sound of Mrs Waltz’ voice beginning the lecture pulled you away from San’s gaze, moving yours to the front of the class. “Everyone, the history project for this semester is to be done in pairs. Now I will let you choose your partners but please don’t make me regret it, choose someone you’ll work well with. Once you’ve decided on partners and a historical event, please write them up on the board.”
The classroom began to shuffle around, everyone now sitting next to their friends instead of their designated seat partners, all relieved that they got the choice, the room quickly filled with chatter. San was quick to move to the back of the class, following a whistle that came from Wooyoung. You turned to see Yunho ushering you over with two fingers, having fully expected him to stay with his designated partner but she seemed to move over to another friend. Grabbing your books, you wandered over to Yunho’s table, momentarily forgetting that Wooyoung sat right behind him. Not only Wooyoung, but now San as well.
“Damn princess, you really can’t keep away from me, can you?” The two boys snickered behind you as you sat down, the immediate tension growing underneath your boyfriend’s shoulders.
You lightly held his hand with assurance, whispering to ignore the boys behind you and steadily moving to brainstorming project ideas. The two of you settled on the Attack on Pearl Harbour, both of you having an interest in the historical event, walking up to the front of the class — San shortly followed behind you.
Writing in your neatest writing, even though one of the hardest things to do is to write neatly on a whiteboard, you wrote yours and Yunho’s name along with your chosen subject. The student next to you passed the marker back to San, now stood closely next to you, your shoulders grazing lightly and that strange feeling in your stomach fluttering once more.
“The Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand?” You questioned as he wrote it up on the board. “That’s quite intense, isn’t it?”
“Wooyoung chose it, he’s kind of a history buff.” He clarified, struggling to spell the last name. It was quite adorable to see how focused he was on it, eyebrows scrunched and tongue slightly poking out as he whispered the letters to himself.
“F. E. R. D. I. N. A. N. D.” You spelled out the last name for him and watched as he wrote it down, returning you with that silly dimpled smile for a second time today.
The more time you spent at the front of the class with San, the more time Yunho spent carving daggers into the back of his head. His eyes were dark with anger, still manageable but getting ready to snap any second. Luckily for you and anyone else, you swiftly returned to your seat next to him, pulling out your laptop and beginning your research. The majority of the class was calm, all partners focusing on their conversations and their projects. Thankfully this project wasn't an oral presentation, the thought of standing in front of the class was still just as daunting and anxiety-inducing as the first time since the start of high school. Tripping on your way up there, fumbling all your words even after practicing them; the thought of it terrified you.
Building up your research and filling out a shared document, the beginning of questions being answered with information and photos of the tragic event. Though your table was quiet and focused, the two boys sitting behind you were quite the opposite. Both of them either bickering about the work or talking about something completely irrelevant to the class, their growing boredom visible at a glance. That wasn’t until San decided he wanted some fun, his ‘curiosity’ on your relationship seeming to develop all of a sudden.
“So when did you two start dating?” He leant over the desk to garner your attention. Yunho turned around confused at the sudden questioning.
“Last year, not that it’s any of your business.” He hissed, but San only chuckled.
“Wow princess, you’ve dealt with him for an entire year?” San cocked an eyebrow as you looked at him, the muddled expression on your face tickling a heat built within his stomach. “Props to you, I’d get bored of him after a month.”
“Do you mind? We’re trying to work.” Yunho growled, sending more daggers through his stare. “And don’t call her that.”
San’s lips curled into a familiar shit-eating smirk, the effect he was having on Yunho evident in his body language. His body was tense, ears painted a crimson colour, steam invisibly emitting off his aura. San savoured every minute of it.
“I mean seriously, you must have a massive dick for her to stay with you this long.”
The comment made you grow flustered, your cheeks heating under your touch as you hid your face slightly from San’s view. The truth is, you and Yunho hadn’t been super physical in your relationship, only ever making out with a little bit of clothed friction. You wanted to do more but were too nervous to make the first move, and he never did so you just accepted it.
Yunho’s fists grew tight, his knuckles tuning a shade of white as he held back the urge to throw San across the room, not that he could. You held his hand lightly and told him to ignore the comments, turning back to your work and blocking out the dark-haired boy behind you for the rest of the class. And it managed to work, somehow, he had left you alone. It might’ve been because the teacher called him out on distractive talking in class but it didn’t matter why to you, as long as Yunho was calming down, that was your only concern.
The class continued smoothly until it finished. The bell chimed loudly throughout the school as students barged their way into the halls, all preparing for the race to lunch. The tension within Yunho had grown immensely as the class continued, the earlier comments made by San still racking around in his brain. Though you were sitting next to him the entire class working on the project, his eyes couldn’t keep away from the back of San’s head, daggers shooting their way into his skull. 
And the worst part? San knew.
San knew the anger he was riling up in Yunho, enjoying the way every comment he made provoked him to the point of his face turning red with hatred. Every flirtatious remark, every wink, every sly smile he sent your way boiled under Yunho’s skin. The way a dark red would creep up Yunho’s neck anytime San spoke, even not directly to you, made him want to burst into laughter. It was his own comedy show.
You could feel the heat of Yunho’s anger radiating off of him as he leapt out of his seat and burst into the hallway, quick to follow him and even quicker to lose him is the business of the school. That was until you saw the crowd surrounding a group of lockers. Immediately finding the bulked, leather-jacket wearing figure, Yunho gripped his collar tightly and slammed him against the locker, a loud bang shattering through the air as students lined up to watch — their phones snug in their hands and pressing the red recording button.
Curses and shouting voices filled the room but you couldn’t see anything, attempting to squeeze your way through the thick crowd. With a few elbows to the ribs, you finally got to the front and saw your boyfriend standing tall above San, yet there was no fear in his eyes. You wanted to stop them but knew that wouldn’t work; you could never stop Yunho from getting angry without gaining a small bruise in the process. Yet you didn’t want to see anyone else get hurt either. Before you could move to stop it, a strong hand gripped your shoulder tight, pulling you back and holding you in place.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” The male voice mumbled against your ear.
The unfamiliar voice caused you to spin your head around quick, being matched with the grimacing glare of an oreo-haired boy; he who shall not be named. Squinting your eyes at his very insincere concern for your safety, you shrugged away from his grasp and turned your attention back to the physicality in front of you. Wooyoung only rolled his eyes at you, crossing his arms watching as Yunho slammed San against the locker once more.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” Yunho spat, holding San with all his strength. “Flirting with her right in front of me, are you fucking kidding me?”
“Aww, is the valedictorian afraid that the southside scum is gonna steal his precious girlfriend?” San taunted, smirking as the red tint grew up Yunho’s neck. ‘Oohs’ and ‘ahhs’ filtered out of the students' mouths, this being the most interesting thing to happen in the school ever.
“San stop, please-”
“I mean, how precious is she really?” He cut you off, watching your expression change from concern to confusion along with Yunho’s. “Considering you seem to spend more time with your girl-friend than your girlfriend.”
Your face dropped as Yunho looked at you, the reality of the comment hitting you like a truck. Someone else had noticed it and brought it up, the unusually close relationship Yunho held towards Hiraya. Steam practically blew out of Yunho’s ears before he threw a punch towards San’s direction, but the bulkier boy was fast and dodged the flying fist, Yunho’s hand dinting the innocent locker door. It was then you realised he was no longer angry at San for flirting with you, but for bringing her up. He started to throw punches the moment she was brought up, not you.
Before you knew it, the two were roughing each other up, striking any part they could reach — most landing on Yunho with San’s advanced aiming, landing every punch he threw. You watched in shock, unable to move as other students pushed around to get the best view. Wooyoung still stood next to you, enjoying the action just as much as the rest of the students, fully knowing what the result would be. You watched as San’s fist landed on Yunho’s jawline, cheeks, eye, and a few hits to the stomach making him curl over slightly. The worst punch smacking against Yunho’s bottom lip and splitting it straight through, blood began dripping down his chin. Though Yunho was taller, San was obviously stronger and much more experienced in the aggression of a physical fight. It was only minutes before teacher’s split the two boys up, holding them back desperately as they tried for more.
“Enough!” Principal Kim shouted, ushering students away and making his way to the centre. “Everyone out, now!”
Students hurried away in whispers and giggles before the halls were empty — you, Yunho, San and the teacher’s remained, Yeosang and Seonghwa hiding in a classroom door but peeking out slightly. With hands on his hips, Principal Kim began lecturing the two boys on their behaviour, the usual ‘this is a highly respected school’ and ‘reputations can get ruined if you continue’ speeches occurring as the boys stood still glaring at each other.
“Did you start this?” Quickly turning his head towards San, who held an unreadable look.
“What, because I’m from the southside it automatically makes me the issue?” San scoffed, his head tilting to the side as he narrowed his eyes at the older man.The principal sighed before excusing Yunho to leave, waving him away and turning his attention back to the sharp eyes that glared at him. “Choi San, in my office. Now.”
Yunho stomped off and out the doors, rage firing his every step. Standing there in disbelief and hesitation, thoughts were overflowing your brain as you processed everything. The fact that Yunho was so angry he started a fight, which he had never done before. The fact that the one comment that actually caused injury to his ego was about another girl and not you. The fact that you would now face the blame from him.
San made his way to the office passing you, pausing slightly and moving his gaze over you. There was no shit-eating smirk on his face, no flirtatious wink, only a seriousness you hadn’t seen him hold before. “You’re welcome for being the first person to bring that up.”
Shock masked your face, quickly replaced with a disgusted expression, yet eyes were watery. “Fuck you.”
“Hmm… maybe next time, princess.” There it was, that familiar sly as a fox smirk curling onto his lips.
You rolled your eyes exaggeratedly before running off to find Yunho. Yeosang and Seonghwa exited their small hiding spot and were quick to follow you, both sending San glaring looks as they passed each other.
Scanning the empty front courtyard, you finally landed on the tall figure storming down the path, his tense back facing you as you chased after him. With every call of his name, he refused to look behind him, set on a mission to get away from everything. It wasn’t before you finally caught up with him, running ahead of him and stopping directly in front. He stopped and turned, that same displeased expression masking his face from the day you met San.
“Yunho, baby please.” You practically begged for him to listen, almost falling to your knees. “You know I have no interest in him-”
“Well, that’s not what it looks like.” His tone was serious, emotionless. “Especially when you avidly let him flirt with you for the entire class.”
“I can’t stop him from doing that though.” You mumbled, looking down at your fiddling hands before returning to his eye contact. “You know I ignore it, right?”
A silence grew between the two of you, nobody uttering a word but thinking so many thoughts. Yunho thought about it intensely; he knew you ignored it so why was he letting it get to him so much? Why was he so afraid to lose you to someone so far below him, knowing you had no interest and only had eyes for himself. Truthfully, he held himself in extremely high regard, and if he were to lose you to someone like San — a southside scumbag who’s in a biker gang that runs illegal drug businesses — it would be the biggest insult on his self worth.
But all you could think about was what San said, pointing out the fact that Yunho and Hiraya seemed physically closer to each other than the two of you.
“I mean, how precious is she really? Considering you seem to spend more time with your girl-friend than your girlfriend.”
You had brought it up a couple of times throughout your relationship but your theories were constantly shut down. And Yunho knew you were insecure about it, yet he would still use her to make you jealous and expect later an apology from you for ‘making him do it’. And the small ruffle the boys had in the hallway proved enough to you; that Yunho would defend her faster than he would ever defend you, but you wanted to hear it from his mouth.
To break the silence, you asked one simple question. “W-why did you only punch San after he mentions Hiraya..?”
Maybe it was a not-so-simple question.
“Are you kidding me, Y/N? You’re still stuck on this bullshit?” He huffed, eyes rolling almost out of his head at the absurd accusation.
“I didn’t punch him because he mentioned her, I punched him because he’s a dickhead! God, why are you so obsessed with the idea of me and Raya? I mean, you constantly bring it up even after I deny it! But of course, it’s my fault like always, right? It’s never your fault, right?” Yunho was too busy yelling at you to notice the way your body was shrinking under his gaze, your eyes growing glassier with every raise of his voice, the way your fingers picked at the skin of each other.
“I can’t deal with you right now, Y/N.” And with that, he walked right past you and ignored your presence for the rest of the day, for the rest of the week.
You finally let the tears escape, quickly streaming down your cheeks as Yeosang and Seonghwa ran up towards you, both watching the argument from afar but not wanting to intervene. Yeosang wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into his chest and stroking your hair to lull you. Seonghwa’s concerned expression showed through his furrowed eyebrows, watching you and empathising your sadness with small rubs on your back as Yeosang continued to hold you tight. The two boys shared a look between one another, silently agreeing to distract you with lunch.
Yeosang pulled you away from his chest, watching the hurt carry in your eyes before wiping your tears with his sleeve. Before you knew it, they were leading you back through the empty school and out to the middle courtyard, taking your familiar place under the promise tree. They waited patiently in silence for you to open up, telling them about the accusations he made at you, both boys quick to begin to defend you.
“Does Yunho seriously know anything at all? I thought he was meant to be the smartest kid in school.” Yeosang scoffed, hearing about how he thinks you’re interested in San.
“Yeah, and why would he not believe you? It’s very obvious you don’t see San as even a friend.” Seonghwa added on, crossing his arms in disbelief.
The more they continued to defend your honour, the more you began to let out small giggles at their low-key dramatic antics. But they didn’t care if you were laughing at them, they were just happy to distract you from the situation.
Another thing they had distracted you from unintentionally was San’s presence at the table behind you, the table his group have claimed since the first lunch. You weren’t aware that San was intently watching you, noticing your tear stained cheeks and your reddened eyes and nose, and having a growing feeling of guilt build in his body. If he hadn’t engaged in the fight with Yunho, would he have upset you at this time? He didn’t regret it though, only regretted you being in the middle of it. Yunho deserved every punch he got, especially the split in his lip. His glances continued to be unnoticed by you throughout the entirety of lunch.
“Anyways~” Yeosang sang, preparing to change the subject ever so obviously. “There’s a party this Friday, at Hyunjin’s house…”
“Noo, Yeo…” You cried, the introvert in you praying for a secluded Friday night to yourself and your favourite tv show that you watched at least seventeen times. And it’s Wednesday, you need a minimum of a week to prepare for such a large social event. “Please no…”
“We’re going!” He cheered, blocking out the guttural complaints that fell from your lips, Seonghwa just giggling to the side of you.
Parties were never really your thing, only ever attending if Yeosang was going. But after what happened earlier, you could already tell you weren’t mentally prepared for a party in two days. But also, now that Seonghwa was a part of your friendship, you might actually have someone who would stay on the couch with you, admiring as drunk people threw themselves at each other. Yeosang always said he would stay with you, but thirty minutes into every party he would follow a random girl or guy into an upstairs bedroom, neither of them being seen for the rest of the night.
“Who knows Y/N, it could be fun?” Seonghwa smiled softly.
“That’s the spirit, Hwa!” Yeosang clapped, a few other tables looking judgingly in your direction. “I knew there was a good reason we became friends.”
Before you could properly deny, the ending lunch bell rang loudly through the speakers, students quickly heading inside for their final classes of the day. You told Yeosang you would think about it, which automatically was a yes in his ears, running off giggling before you could stop him. Seonghwa reassured you that everything would be okay before following the redhead to their homeroom, you making your way to your own.
Until the end of the day came, you distracted yourself with your work and the idea of the party, aiming to keep any attention of yours away from Yunho, and further away from San. Surprisingly throughout the last class, he hadn’t talked to you much, only asking his usual ‘can I borrow a pencil?’ before turning to his work. It was strange, he didn’t seem scared of Yunho when they were arguing but now he’s cautious to talk to you — surely he hasn’t become afraid of the taller boy. You pushed away those thoughts, not wanting to give attention to anything dealing with the two boys at the moment.
It wasn’t until you were curled up in your bed later that night that you began to ponder on everything that happened. How Yunho and San fought in the hallways, only one of them truly defending you, and it wasn’t your own boyfriend. How Yunho once again accused you of aiming to cheat on him, accepting flirtatious remarks the biker sent your way. How he once again denied there was anything happening between him and his girl-friend. How he refused to talk to you for the rest of the day, no goodbye, no calls or texts — nothing.
It was too much to think about, anytime an idea came into your head and pulled you away from some much needed sleep was stressing you out more. Maybe a party full of drinking and bad decisions was a good idea, but that could be your slight sleep deprivation talking.
It wasn’t.
Because on Friday evening, Yeosang’s car was driving up the long gated driveway to Hyunjin’s house, Seonghwa sitting in the back and you anxiously but also excitedly sitting in the front.
    ୨୧  next chapter
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author’s note   this chapter is not as thoroughly proof read as the other two so please let me know if there is any spelling mistakes (not including ones that are american spelling mistakes, i purposely write with british/australian spelling)
  ୨୧  taglist    @morethingsfandom  @solaris-amethyst  @felixs-voice-makes-me-wanna  @baby-stay92  @autieofthevalley  @liveloveseonghwa  @dejatiny  @mortal-advocate  @dreamsoffanfics @my-atiny-kookie-rkive  @dalsuwaha @nevieatiny  @woateez  @choizlover  @foreveryxunggg  @woosmaid  @yeosannie4  @auroras-colors  @mintchocosan  @jjongbearsies  @frzzenfrxg  @sanniebabes  @cyberpvnk-enthusiast  @eyesonlyformingi  @sannies-tiddies  @honeyjongie  @rainteez02  @robertsbbygirl  @mingisgf999  @atzz8  @moonlight-hwa  @chrryjoong  @sanhwalvr  @cloudysannie  @atxxzist  @choisansplushie  @starz-choisanii  @slowitdownmakeitb0uncy  @jerseygirlzzzxx  @mzngi  @sparda1234  @babigriin  @marvolos  @snapcracklen  @posseup  @justineasian
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toastytrusty · 1 day ago
ok so. class/imperial dynamics between hickey and crozier. they each represent a different side of imperialism and a different way it affects people. very important to note that the major messaging of the show emphasizes how there are no "good ones" or "bad ones" within imperialism; the WHOLE SYSTEM is rotten and destroys everything it touches. the men on the expedition don't just damage and destroy the people and world they meet, the men are damaged and destroyed by the expedition itself. the whole ordeal was wretched and made everything worse for everyone. Which leads to the fundamental difference between hickey and crozier: hickey recognizes this, and crozier doesn't. Kind of. They both have similar lower class backgrounds, and looked to the navy for social mobility. Crozier played by the rules and achieved power and status through it, and he believes in the sanctity of naval bureaucracy and hospitality, if only they go about things the right way. Hickey, however, was so far removed from the prospects of this social mobility that he had to lie and commit identity theft to gain access to it. He has suffered at the hands of the british empire, and never held any illusions about the nature of it; he recognizes the class system as oppressive and the imperial system as violent. He tries to use this to his advantage and to gain power over others, but he still recognizes it and hates it. While crozier is certainly Doing His Best and has Good Intentions and all that, all of his decisions still end up being harmful or disregarding, and all the harm done by anyone else on the expedition (including hickey) is done in his name, because he brought them here and he is their leader. When hickey kidnaps silna and brings her to the ships, crozier is disgusted at the way hickey makes the violent nature of their presence so apparent, and yet he Does Keep silna on the ships afterwards. hickey is punished for insolence and dereliction of duty moreso than the actual harm he caused. Crozier’s issue was with the way he went about his actions, rather than the actions themselves. It still serviced crozier, even if he was, on the surface, put off by it. And hickey did it because he expected crozier to appreciate it. He thought crozier recognized the same things he did. But he didn’t, and that’s where the break between them happens, moreso than during the lashing. Hickey realizes that crozier Doesn’t understand the same things he does, or see things the same way he does. He has assimilated into the naval structure far too much and, in hickey’s view, lost touch. Which is ironic, given that hickey’s whole identity theft was quite indicative of him abandoning his lower class background and any perspective it gave him. There’s a very interesting dichotomy there, of crozier always being honest about his lower class background, and yet achieving status regardless, and becoming fully entrenched in the imperial machine because of it, and hickey never being honest about his lower class background, never achieving status regardless, and still resenting the imperial machine the entire time.
Hickey views crozier as the embodiment of the british empire, and the ups and downs of his respect for him are indicative of the ups and downs of his feelings towards his own potential for betterment through the imperial system. I might be stretching here but to meeee hickey’s mutiny is representative of something like a bourgeois revolution. He views crozier’s command, and the larger system, as oppressive, and he views himself as entirely separate from it in some way, when really he just wants to take crozier’s place and implement a near identical system within his own camp. Hickey’s delusions of personal exceptionalism are quite significant all the way to the end, when he tries to fully sever himself from his britishness and sacrifice crozier to the tuunbaq. He thinks he is different, and that him recognizing the empire’s brutality makes him any less implicated in it. Of course, it doesn’t; he is still british and cannot separate himself from that, so the tuunbaq kills him. However, crozier kills the tuunbaq. He is still concluding the devastation the british cause here. Also crozier’s “you could have just joined up” is really interesting because it shows that even then he still believed in the accessibility and positive potential of the navy. He thinks hickey is foolish for his reservations and ill will, and is almost denying the idea that there would be anything preventing that.
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mothstvrnz · 2 days ago
ʚ♡ɞ・"WHAT'S UP DANGER?" 0.5・ʚ♡ɞ
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"Before we begin, I'd like to say something, well, maybe two things. Possibly three, or four, or maybe even five things-?" The hero says awkwardly while you put your mask on. "Listen carefully, I'm sure you're aware I have a powerful quirk, it's called 'Black Hole.' I can use it to suck up anything and turn it into dust." Thirteen explains, holding her hand up. "That's right! You've used Black Hole to save people from all kinds of disasters before, haven't you?" Izuku asks while Uraraka is eagerly nodding her head at everything that's said. "That's true, but my quirk could very easily be used to kill." Thirteen says grimly. "Some of you also have powers that can be dangerous. In our superhuman society, all quirks are certified and stringently regulated, so we often overlook how unsafe they can actually be. Please don't forget that if you lose focus, or make the wrong move, your powers can be deadly." Thirteen continues to explain with a short pause.
"Even if you're trying to do something virtuous, like rescue someone. Thanks to Aizawa's fitness tests, you have a solid idea of your quirk's potential, and because of All Might's combat training, you likely experienced how dangerous your powers can be.when used against other people. Carry those lessons over to this class.Today, you're going to learn how to use our quirks to save people's lives. You won't be using your powers to attack enemies or each other, only to help. After all, that's what being a hero's all about, saving others." She concludes with balling her fist up. While she was talking about that, you couldn't help but think of how your quirk could be dangerous. Sure, Bakugo's could easily be dangerous, he has explosions for heaven's sake, but you? You've got spider webs, sure you've got that adrenaline boost thing, but, what good is that?
You're freed from your thoughts as your classmates around you cheer with excitement. "Right, now that that's over,-" Aizawa begins before the lights around the facility begin to short circuit and buzz out, and the fountain stops. You squint your eyes to see below what was appearing, but to your surprise, it's a portal with a man stepping out. "Stay together and don't move! Thirteen, protect the students!" Aizawa yells. "Whoa, what is that thing?" Kirishima asks upon seeing people step out of the portal. "Has the training started already? I thought we were rescuing people?" Kirishima asks and takes a small step forward. "Stay back!" Aizawa snaps. "This is real, those are villains." He says while putting on his yellow goggles.
"What the fuck is that thing?" You ask nobody in particular as you see a giant monstrous thing step out of the portal. It's clearly strong with bulging muscles, but that's not what's scary about it. Its brain is exposed and instead of a normal mouth, it has a yellow beak with sharp teeth poking out. Its eyes are wide and the only human-like thing about them is a black pupil.
"The only real heroes I see here are Erasure Head and Thirteen. Perplexing, according to the schedule we retrieved from UA,, All Might was also supposed to be here." The giant purple smoke with yellow eyes said with a deep voice. "So you scumbags used the press as a cover and sneaked onto campus." Aizawa accused while getting into a fighting stance. You watch as Aizawa's hair and scarf flare up while the rest of you sit back and watch.
Fear strikes through you like a rattlesnake would its prey, except the villains are the rattlesnake and you're the prey. However, as soon as that fear freezes your veins, the ice is replaced with the familiar intense heat of adrenaline. This isn't the normal adrenaline you cherish so much, it's the kind of adrenaline that courses through your veins to keep you on your toes, but in all reality, you can't get enough. Your brain tingles as your body shakes with the urge to fight the villains in front of you and your class.
"What? Real villains? How could so many of them get into a UA facility this secure?" Kirishima asks from somewhere in front of you, and Yaomomo is quick to chip in. "Yeah, Thirteen, why aren't the alarms going off?" Thirteen looks around the facility before replying. "Good question. I'm not sure." Thirteen answers with fear evident in her voice. More of your classmates speculate about the situation, but a voice next to you distracts you.
"Bug, you alright? You're shaking like a goddamn chihuahua." Bakugo scoffs from your side. Your (e/c) eyes look at his crimson ones, and if you look close enough, you can see a small, teeny-tiny hint of fear. You had heard he was attacked by a sludge villain a while back, was he scared because the thought of villains brought him back to that danger?
"Yeah, I just haven't felt adrenaline this good in a while." You admit while shaking your hands out and grinning like a mad-man at the villains. You feel his gaze harden as he looks at you, but he scoffs and looks to the fight ahead. You're about to turn and say something to Katsuki, but Aizawa beats you to it.
"Thirteen, get them out of here and alert the main campus. Actually, if they've got the ability to block the censors, then they might be jamming our regular communication system as well. Kaminari, try using your quirk to contact the school." Aizawa instructs, Kaminari doing as told immediately. "What're you going to do? You can't fight them on your own! There's too many of them, even if you can nullify their quirks, your fighting style's not suited for this. Your power works best in stealth and one-on-one fights. That's not gonna help against a group." Deku tries to reason.
"You can't be a pro if you only have one trick." Aizawa says while readjusting his goggles. "I'll leave it to you, Thirteen." He says before jumping down the flight of stairs and in front of three people. In a matter of seconds, he ties them all up in his scarf and hits their heads together with enough force to knock them out. He goes on to knock out villain, after villain, after villain with such ease it's incredible.
You're sitting there watching the group of villains as you stand next to Izuku. You're just itching, twitching, basically freaking out that you can't go down there to fight. When adrenaline courses through your veins, it's never normal adrenaline. It's always boosted in a way, never fades away like normal, and always lasts longer than it would with any normal person. Not only that, but it's so, so incredibly more influential than a normal person's adrenaline. You don't hear the voices of your classmates around you, the only sounds coming into your brain like fuzzy radio signals.
Upon noticing Izuku begin to run, you force yourself to follow suit, the little voice that you like to think belongs to Adrenaline Rush screams at you to go down there, use your current adrenaline and then continue to fight using your special ability. Adrenaline always feels odd in your body, like fire and ice clashing in an internal battle as it tries to make you run away or stay and fight. You get close to the entrance, but get stopped by the same purple portal freak that brought all the villains here.
"There is no escape for you. It's a pleasure to meet you, we are the League of Villains, and I know it's impolite, but we decided to invite ourselves into this haven of justice to say 'hello'. And besides, isn't this a fitting place for All Might, the symbol of peace to take his last breath? I believe he was supposed to be here today, and yet I see no sign of him. There must've been some change in plans we could not have foreseen. Oh well, in the end, I suppose it doesn't matter, I still have a role to play." The purple cloud of smoke finishes as he begins to grow in size, but you see two of your friends begin to get into a fighting stance, clearly about to launch at the villain.
The loud commanding voice of your adrenaline screams and screams, yells and yells. 'Go fight with them, use the pent up adrenaline. Go fight with them, use the pent up adrenaline. Go fight with them-' it gets louder, and meaner every time until you can't take it anymore. Fuck it. Who's going to stop you besides yourself? You bite your lip and jump up at the villain just behind Bakugo and Kirishima, the two boys let out an intense yell, which you're biting back laughter at the feeling of finally being able to burn off your adrenaline. Bakugo lets off blast after blast, and you make the mental note to thank your friend in the support course to thank her for making your suit more blast and fire proof.
"Did you think we were just going to stand here and let you tear this place to shreds?" Kirishima challenges with a toothy grin. The grey smoke from Katsuki's explosions fades away, and the voice of the villain fills the air. The same loud voice of your adrenaline is yelling at you for more, more, more, more, more, but you don't get to do such a thing. "You live up to your school's reputation, but you should pay more attention, children, otherwise, someone might get hurt." The void says before Thirteen gets the chance to speak.
"You three, get out of the way, right now!" She says in a panic before the villain speaks once more. "I'll scatter you across this facility to meet my comrades, and your death!" The purple smoke laughs. "You guys, hold on tight!" You yell to Bakugo and Kirishima as you shoot as many strong strands of web you can spare to the ground and at the two boys next to you to hold on. "I don't need your damn webs, bug!" Katsuki yells over the raging wind, but hangs on tight despite his complaining. Around you, classmates are thrown up into the air, and around the facility, one by one, you're all separated. "Bakugo, (L/N)!" Kirishima yells as the webbing breaks apart, thread by thread until everyone of you are thrown from each other.
"Fuuuuuckkk!!" You yell as you begin falling through the sky with Kirishima and Bakugo falling not far from you. "Okay, assess the situation. Where are you?" You think to yourself while looking around at the environments you're about to land in. You recognize the area as the collapsing zone Thirteen had pointed out upon your arrival. "Kirishima, Bakugo!" You yell as you send a line of web to the ground to help bring yourself closer without damage. "(L/N)!" Kirishima yells out as Bakugo carefully lands onto the ground.
You get to the ground and send out a bundle of webs to help soften Kirishima's fall, which does a great job. "Bug? You got thrown here with us?" Katsuki asks while you three circle up with backs facing each other, villains circling around you three. "No sweat, we'll squash these guys with ease!" Kirishima confidently while throwing up his arms, skin turned into jagged points. "Heh, no fucking problem, let's show them what happens when you mess with Class 1-A!" Katsuki cackles while his hands begin to fizzle and pop with explosions. "Hah! They're delusional if they think they've got a fighting chance at killin' us! Fucking losers. Make sure to keep up boys!"
You cackle with excitement while sending out webs to pick up two of the villains in front and hit their heads together, tossing their knocked out bodies to the side as the villains begin to charge with yells. Katsuki lets out a yell of his own as he begins to blast villains left and right, while Kirishima charges, punching villains without mercy. You know everyone around the facility is fighting for their lives, and reminding yourself of that only makes the adrenaline pushing through your body louder and meaner in your head.
Your vision begins to blur from the adrenaline rush of fighting real villains, blood begins to seep onto your abused tongue, the sweet taste of metal invades every inch of your mouth as you either knock out, or tie up each villain that's within your reach. Your heart feels like it's being both electrified and doused into a pool of acid within seconds after the other. You shake yourself from your intense adrenaline rush after feeling Kirishima's hand on your shoulder.
"Yo, man, are you okay? You were shaking, like, super badly." Kirishima asks as you turn to face him with a shuddering breath pushing past your lips. "Yeah, just.. Just fine." You say as tingles of what feels like static energy pulse through you. "If you say so.. Let's hurry and find the rest of our class. If us three are still in the USJ, then everyone else probably is, too. Not all of them have the offensive skills we do. We gotta make sure they're safe, especially since we screwed things up when we got in the way earlier. If Thirteen had been able to suck up that villain, then we never would've been separated like that. We have to help the others" Eijiro explains with a huff.
"If you wanna track down the others do that, but i'm going to destroy that warpy bastard." Bakugo snarls, getting a confused look from both you and Kirishima. "What in the world are you going on about? Our physical attacks didn't do a thing to that purple bastard." You say with confusion. "Would you shut up? I'm going to take him down because he's their way in and out! If I cut off their escape route, they'll be stuck here and have to pay for what they've done. We'll just have to figure a way out." Katsuki says, snapping in your face, canines peeking past his lips.
Suddenly, he reaches over and sends off an explosion at a villain that was invisible. You feel your eyes widen from astonishment at the fact he knew the villain was there. "Anyway, if all these villains are small fry like these guys were, then our classmates can handle 'em." Katsuki explains as he holds up a guy with a chameleon quirk. "Woah, that reaction time was insane, also, since when do you act so calm and rational?" Ejiro asks. "Bad question there, Kirishima." You mumble to him before Katsuki can reply.
"I'm always calm and rational, you red-haired loser!" Katsuki angrily barks. "Yeah, there you are!" Kirishima laughs before Katsuki scoffs. "Go find the others if you want to." He says while he begins to walk away before he's stopped by the redhead next to you. "Hey, I think what you're really saying is that you believe in our classmates, and that's thinkin' like a man, Bakugo." He says with a toothy grin and clashing his fists together.
You bite back a small laugh as he rolls his eyes and grumbles something incoherent to you. "What was that?" You tease as you hear the voice in your head begin to quiet down. "Nothing ya' damn bug." He grumbles.
"Oh my... All Might!" You basically cry as you, Kirishima, and Bakugo step out of the zone you just cleared, but how are you supposed to feel now that you see what that Nomu freak is doing to him. Katsuki is already blasting off, letting out a yell. "There, the fight is just right there!" Adrenaline rush yells at you, and you feel so forced to use it now because, what the hell, it's either the bird fuck kills you, or you kill it. That's just how it'll go, no way around it. You feel tears spill over your eyes from the adrenaline pushing through your entire body.
It feels so good, so painfully good. Your vision blurs as your heart rate increases and breathing speeds up. Fuck. The adrenaline just feels too good to ignore. Your body shakes with overwhelming power as raw energy zaps rhythmically through your body. You open your eyes and shoot web after web towards All Might. You fail to notice the way you slowly begin to catch up with the blasting blonde boy, and Izuku running towards you guys just the same.
Because of the sweet static pulsing through you you're so much faster than normal and you almost want to laugh because how can something feel so good? As you get closer, and Midoriya's hand gets in range of the purple smoke freak, Katsuki lets off an explosion, "Get the hell outta my way, Deku!" He yells as you watch Bakugo pin the body of smoke to the floor, and ice rakes up the entire body of the Nomu. You help by webbing the metal piece that must be protecting the body of the warp villain and move on to web the arm of the Nomu to the ground. You turn to see the half-and-half haired boy, eyes glaring at the villains. "One of your poorly trained thugs told me you're here because you think you can kill All Might." Todoroki says bordly.
All Might pries himself free of the Nomu's grip, his hands now laid flat to the ground because of your webbing. "Are you okay?" Deku asks All Might with tears in his eyes while Kirishima jumps from the air and lands less than a foot away from the hand fetish villain. That desirable acidic burn you can only get from using your ability starts whispering things to you again. It begs and pleads for more, and you want to listen, you really do, but what else is there for you to attack?
Words are muffled from your friends as you feel your body shake and hands fly up to your mask. "Oh this feels so, oh so good!" You say with a small laugh to yourself. You're broken from your thoughts as the blue haired villain begins to talk. "Kurogiri, how could you let this brat get the best of you? You've gotten us into a real jam here." He complains, ah, so the purple warp has a name.
You hear slight muffles of voices around you, but you're so focused on the Nomu, it's hard to hear. That hand villain says one simple word, its name, and suddenly the bird monster is back to life. It moves itself out of the portal even at the cost of its right arm snapping through the web and breaking off because of Todoroki's ice. It snaps your strengthened webs as if they're nothing.
You want to vomit as it regenerates half of its body. The way you watch as each necessary thing falls into place, being created from nothing is sickening. You aren't able to decipher what the voices around you say. The little voice of adrenaline gets louder, telling you things you don't want to listen to, but hey, what's the point of it telling you things if you're just going to ignore them? While it speaks, a particular sentence sticks out from the rest. "Watch as they prepare to fight, they're not prepared for killing if it's necessary." Now that's one hell of a thought.
"First we need to free our method of escape, get him, Nomu." The head villain instructs, to which the Nomu heads straight for Bakugo."Katsuki!" You scream, sending webs around him as quickly as you can, you lower the density so they move through the air faster. In a matter of seconds, you wrap him in webbing and yank him towards you guys all while a flash moves to Bakugo at the same time.
"Woah, (Y/N), you managed to save him!" Deku says with shock, but you know for a fact that you didn't do that yourself. "No I didn't, All Might had to have helped in some way." You say from your spot on the ground as you undo the webs around Katsuki's body, his crimson eyes are widened slightly with his skin a tone paler. "These are kids, and you didn't hold back?" All Might asks with disgust in his voice, followed by a glare. "I didn't have a choice, he was threatening my companion, besides, these kids are no angels. The plain looking one? He tried to kill me with a maxed out punch. What kind of 'hero' does that? You think you can get away with being as violent as you want, as long as you say it's for the sake of others." The man hidden behind a hand says with his scratchy voice filling the air. "Well you know what, All Might, that pisses me off. Why do people get to decide that some violent acts are heroic and others are villainous? Casting judgement as to what's 'good' and what's 'evil'. You think you're the symbol of peace? Ha! You're just another government-sponsored instrument of violence, and violence always breeds more violence. I'll make sure the world understands that once you're dead."
As the villain rants about heroism, you feel a deeper part of your adrenaline say something that sounds so far away, you're not sure what it is, like a sudden gust of wind that leaves no signs of ever coming, but before you can make any guesses, it's gone again. "You're nothing but a lunatic. Criminals like you always try to make your actions sound noble, but admit it; you're only doing this because you like it, isn't that right?" All Might asks the scrawny man in front of you.
"We've got them out numbered." Todoroki says from beside you. "Right, and Kacchan figured out the mist guys' weakness." Izuku adds before Kirishima speaks up. "These dudes may act really tough, but we can take them down now with All Might's help. Let's do this." He says, flashing a few of his sharp teeth. "Yeah, let's kick some villain ass." You add with a challenging smirk, the eyes on your mask showing your expression perfectly.
"Don't fight. Get out of here." All might instructs, holding his arm out to show that you and your classmates won't be sitting here fighting the big fight. "You would've been in trouble if it weren't for me, remember? You need our help." Todoroki says coldly while holding out his hand, preparing to launch more ice if necessary. "I thank you for your assistance, but this is different. It's going to be alright, just sit back and watch a pro at work." All Might argues.
"But you're too hurt. You're bleeding, and you're almost out of-" Midoriya says, pointing out the obvious, but cutting himself off at the end. What did he mean? 'Out of time, out of energy'? You're pulled from our thoughts as you see the hand freak come running towards your group of five. "Heads up, guys, looks like we're fighting after all." Kirishima says, getting into a fighting stance and activating his quirk. You all do the same, but things change up in an instant when All Might begins to fight the Nomu with a renewed determination.
"Didn't you hear me, idiot, one of his powers is shock absorption!" The blue haired villain yells, but All Might simply ignores him and begins throwing punches faster than your human eye can follow. Wind pressure begins to build up from the fight, causing the villain that was just running at you to fly a bit away, leaving you and your classmates struggling to stay in place. You hold yourself down with a bit of webs as you feel the first sign of Adrenaline Rush leaving your system. "No! No! No! Not now! Now has got to be one of the worst possible timings!" You yell internally as your eyelids feel heavy after a simple blink.
"He's going to fight that brain guy head on!?" Deku asks out loud while struggling against the wind pressure. You notice a small stutter in Nomu's punches, small, but still a stutter. "A real hero will always find a way for justice to be served!" All Might yells as he throws Nomu into the ground; before speaking once more. "Now you may have heard these words before, but always go Plus Ultra!" He yells as he punches the monstrosity up into the air and out the glass dome of the USJ. "That was like a finishing move in a video game. He beat the shock absorption right out of him. I've never seen that kind of brute strength!" Kirishima says in astonishment, while you sit there staring at the hole in the glass. "Hell yeah, All Might beat the shit outta' that bird freak" You say with a chuckle before Bakugo speaks up. "Imagine having that kind of strength, he must've been punching that monster so fast, he couldn't regenerate" Bakugo says with his mouth slightly left open.
"You've been bested villains, surrender. We all want to get this over with quickly" All Might instructs as you watch smoke come off from his body. You watch as the scrawny villain begins to grumble and mumble to himself as he intensely scratches his neck. "What's wrong? Not attacking? Didn't you say you were gonna' clear this level earlier? Well, come and get me, if you dare." All Might threatens despite clearly being tired.
"Man this is... intense." Bakugo says from your side, causing you to turn and see his widened eyes. "As I expected, there's no reason for us to fight now, he'll handle this." Todoroki says as they begin to walk off, with you sticking behind to try and get Midoriya to follow. "C'mon Midoriya, (L/N), we should regroup with the other guys, last thing we want to do is be taken hostage or get in his way." Kirishima says with the other two boys.
"Deku?" You try to ask, nudging his shoulder a bit, but it's no use. Whatever he's thinking about, it's intense. By now, you're so close to passing out on the spot it isn't even funny, you're fighting a whole other battle to keep your eyes from closing and from keeping your body from collapsing.
"What, are you scared?" You hear All Might's voice boom before Kirogiri speaks. "Tomura Shigaraki! Please do not fret. Look at him, he has definitely weakened, Nomu's attacks were successful. He's on his own, the children appear to be frozen in fear, and look, our underlings are recovering. We likely still have a few minutes before their reinforcements arrive. If you and I work together, we can do this. We haven't missed our chance to kill All Might." The mist says, getting Shikiraki to calm down
"Shit, okay, not good. You're about to pass out and there's more fighting to do. Wonderful." You think to yourself while you shakily prepare yourself into a fighting stance. You're not sure how strong your webs will be now, but it'll have to do. "All Might can hold his own against those two main guys, let's make sure these dudes don't hurt anyone else." Kirishima says, preparing himself for battle.
You watch as Izuku disappears and reappears right next to All Might. "Woah, Midoriya!" Kirishima calls out after you all find him in the air. He yells something you can't understand before a hand reaches out of Kirogiri's must and aims right for Izuku's face. The hand is mere inches away from Deku before a gunshot goes off and shoots a hole straight through the pale hand More gunshots go off before you turn to see principal Nezu standing with more heroes than you care to count with Iida straight in front.
"Your class rep has returned! I've fulfilled my duty, and I've brought reinforcements!"
Chapter .06 teaser quote: "Fine, if he wants to be rivals, I'll be waiting."
Chapter .06 will be posted on March 8, 2025
Taglist: @mystic60@cupkiki
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the-kingshound · 2 hours ago
hi there.
i just finished playing the demo on itch and so far i really like the story, lore and the characters.
beside this i also have some things, i didnt like/critique:
1.) i was playing as a intimidating&cold MC. unfortunately the flavour text (aka the story/text between choices) didnt really reflect this. the whole time i was reading it felt like the story was written with a caring MC in mind and the cold-option was only added last minute to have a "counter" to the caring-"personality".
2.) following up i didnt really like how mordred was introduced and because of this his following scenes. i really wished that there was an choice about how MC´s opinion is about children. for example, i dont think my cold MC would be so overexcited in meeting a child. and even if children were her "weakness", it would be a choice i, as the player want to make. i mean, there is a choice we can make about how touch averse our MC is (disclaimer: not complaining about this), but no choice about their stance towards children? and yes, i understand that mordred seems to be important to the story and thats why there cant be a choice like "i hate you/children". here is an idea: before meeting mordred the player gets the following choice, where we set Mc´s opinion about children. we have the options: you love children/\you are fine with children/\you dont usually like children much, but mordred has something special. this choice and potentially MC´s personality (cold/caring) would influence how MC reacts towards mordred. as another example; at some point you can ask gwyar about mordred and the text then states: "Everything Morien just said melts your heart. Since you’d like to get closer to him you ask, “is he passionate about anything?���" this like i already said, feels quite forced to me.
also another issue i had with mordreds first scene was the choice on how to react to the gift he gives MC. there are 3 choices, which imo boils down to: thank him overexcitedly/\thank him excitedly/\thank him with a smile. once again in my opinion none of these fit with a cold MC. and just to clarify, this isnt something specific towards mordred. in general there should be options for all personalities in important situations; and not all of them need to increase the counter in them. so if someone wants to play a caring MC, they should still be able to take cold options without risking to change their personality.
3.) more options for the purpose of roleplay. i explain it at the following example:
during ch.2 after the meeting with the nobles, you meet arthur and he asks you how it went. currently there are 2 options: either "it went well" OR "it didnt go well". i propose adding 2 more, so that we have 2 "it went well" and 2 "it didnt go well"-options. in that case one of each could lean more into the cold personality, while the others are more caring. none of these would increase the respective stat and wouldnt change the following text/outcome. lke i said, simply for roleplay purpose.
i apologize if it comes off as too hostile/insulting. its just these points for me are rather big/important and i admit, if the demo was longer i would probably had stopped it early.
anyways i have one question: maybe i missed it but are all mounts dragon of different kind? so is the venegard mount a water dragon?
thank you for your answer.
I am glad you liked the overall story! I'll answer each point as best as I can
1)unless it's a general feeling that persists through the whole game, I'd be very grateful if you (or anyone with the same grievance) could give me some specific examples, just because it would be easier for me to edit the text and try to make the cold character trait feel more integral.
I structured the cold/caring intimidating/unassuming traits to be equally important to each Hound, so I'd hate if one of those trait was preponderant over others. Note however that some reactions are set, for example:
2) I mentioned this a good while back so many of you might not know, but it is canon that MC is soft for kids. Your suggestion honestly would be implementable, but unfortunately it wouldn't make much sense with other set encounters MC has/will have with children in the story (one example being the ship kid). Although, one thing I can promise is to revise the text around Mordred and perhaps add choices that let MC be less outwardly attached to him, and maybe take this relationship slower (so to be more cautious of Mordred, at lest at first, also considering his relationship to Arthur).
3) very honestly, the reason why I do not provide many choices like some other IFs is that on one side, the Hound is slightly more set as a MC, on the other side (the most important reason) I cannot offer more variations than I currently have - because I already struggle to write and I don't want to overwhelm myself. Perhaps in the future I can edit the game and add more things, but for now I am at my limit, I'm sorry.
4) don't worry, I actually like receiving critiques, it helps me be more objective on my work and potentially improve on some points. The House mounts are all horses, though with peculiar characteristics: the Pendragon mount has dragon like scales, while the Venegard mount is basically a Kelpie
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youhavethesun · 6 months ago
jess and rory s6 in her bedroom at her grandparents house,, I don’t know why I do this to myself but I just watched a clip of that scene and I have tears in my eyes. i’m not even saying this for exaggeration i’m genuinely tearing up.. I feel so nauseous like what we could have had !! they were both so happy to see each other. jess’ “you graduate already doogie?!” like he is so completely ready to be overjoyed for her and rory’s little speech about finding the subsect in bookstores and writing her own recommendation notes is just… I am beside myself at how happy they are around each other here :((((
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bixels · 9 months ago
What did/do you like about Pharah?
Uh, gameplay-wise, I really love characters in shooters who rely on three-dimensional movement techs. Chaining together hover and jump to stay in the air for as long as possible and keep momentum is so satisfying, and picking enemies off from the sky made me feel like a bird of prey. I was a good Pharah main.
Story-wise, there unfortunately isn't much to canonically go off because Pharah is so underutilized and neglected. Her personality's pretty boilerplate "heroic hero" (she's literally inspired by Captain America).
But it's the crumbs/bits and pieces that I really latched onto. Pharah's a confirmed lesbian; her short story with Baptiste implies she harbors a crush on Mercy (fucking thank you.). She's biracial Egyptian/First Nations. She has major mommy issues, having grown up both admiring and resenting Ana. She's the bridge between Old Overwatch, inspired by the idealized heroes who surrounded her childhood, and New Overwatch. She's one of the only inter-generational characters in the cast; someone whose experiences span the gap, which is why I seriously believe Pharah would make a great main character.
There isn't much to go off of, though; she's a very uncomplicated character (she's a soldier for a private military corporation, lol.). But that just means she's a blank slate character, so I've seen fanfic writers run wild and create some really interesting takes on her. My favorite interpretation of her's a dense, herbo gym-bro type (a lot of her liens are about work outs, exercising, and playing sports) who's easily excitable under her seemingly self-serious, armored visage. We see how she tends to gloat and hype herself up when she's on a streak too, so Pharah definitely has a competitive and boastful side under her more professional and militant performance.
Now Mercy? Mercy is a real complex character.
#i was a diehard pharmercy shipper back then btw#the inherent homoerotic experience of pharmercy gameplay.#the homoerotic experience of looking to the skies to fly to safety under the protection of your knight in shining armor#the homoerotic experience of feeling white hot murderous rage at an enemy trying to pick off your pocket mercy#i still kinda despise gency lmao. you cannot convince me mercy would be in love with genji. at all.#he'd make her feel so uncomfortable and guilty. in my head. the canon is obviously different#gency is sexless. absolutely zero bite or tension.#i could go on about mercy and how her character has so much missed potential#i'm no longer in my overwatch fandom phase but#i still think about that new flirty line they added in ow2 where mercy goes “ahh you're like my knight in shining armor!”#and pharah goes “that's what i'm goin for ;)” and i sigh dreamily#really happy that pharah outright says she's a lesbian too but it's hard to feel good about rep when you know blizzard uses it for pr#to be honest i'm willing to bet cash that blizzard's keeping pharmercy in their back pocket as ammo for the next controversy#last year we already saw logs about pharah fretting and taking care of mercy and the two talking about how good it is to see each other#tbh pharah has the same energy/demeanor as applejack. cheerful and competitive in a can of whoopass#but yeah overall pharah's a pretty shallow character. i have IDEAS on how i'd go about deepening her but. whatever#that's sorta what happens when you have to juggle a cast of 40 characters. a lot get left with the bare minimum#ok so i wrote this entire post up saying that pharah isn't in ow2's storymode when she is. she's in the story i just. forgot#because she doesn't do or contribute anything interesting#ok i'm stopping here. overwatch's story is such an interesting narrative mess i could go on for hours#i dunno how you come up with such incredible character designs and give them such an unincredible story#it's also so so so interesting seeing the conflicting takes on characters the writers have#mercy in gameplay and voicelines is peppy and cheerful and optimistic#but mercy in the storymode journal logs is tired. jaded. a total shut in who forgets to leave her room and social#and YES! THAT'S WHAT I WANT!!! THAT'S MERCY TO ME!!! THE DOCTOR WHO FORGETS TO TAKE CARE OF HERSELF#ask me#anon
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softquietsteadylove · 1 month ago
Thena. A movie premiere with Gil. Very intrusive Paparazzis. For the actor au 👀
It was a barrage of flashes as soon as they were out of the car. Of course they couldn't expect otherwise. The movie was a huge hit, and with them playing leads in a studio hit again, they were bound to have press at their heels.
But this was insane. Gil wasn't sure if he'd ever been swarmed by fans and paparazzi alike in such a way. There were cameras everywhere, people holding out things for signing, screams on all sides.
Gil reached back before Thena put her feet to the red carpet. His hand closed around hers. "Don't let go."
Thena had done some modelling work over the summer, and with a few other projects she'd done coming out, she was the hottest commodity of the year. She had always been a star, but it really seemed like she couldn't take a step outside without being photographed.
And that wasn't good. It meant he had a harder time seeing her outside of work.
Gil held his hand out. Security was already on either side of them, flanking their exit and direct route into the building for the screening. He kept Thena's hand in his, tight but not enough to hurt her.
"Thena! Thena, can you sign this? Thena, we love you!"
All the voices blended together into one monstrous hivemind. Thena did her best to sign a few things. She couldn't see from all the flashes in her face, and he could tell she couldn't.
Fighting through as best he could, he eventually made it to the doorway. He looked around. A few of his security guys were with him, but Thena's weren't. And Thena wasn't either.
"What the hell?" he glared at them.
They looked affronted. They were hired for his security, after all.
But Gil growled at them, "you just left her there?!"
They had no response. Gil pushed back into the crowd, which was a hellish mass of undulating bodies at this point. Thena was surrounded on all sides. He could barely see the top of her blonde head amidst the chaos.
"Please, back up, just-" Thena was trying to reason with them, but they were pushing and shoving and deafeningly loud. There were placards and books and magazines being shoved at her from all angles. "Back up!"
Gil shoved a few people out of his way. This was beyond out of control. "She said back up!"
"Hey!" the guy most in her personal space protested to being pushed. He had some big photo of her printed on a canvas, shoving it at her for it to be signed. "What's the-"
Gil tossed the thing aside, grasping the jackass by the front of his shirt. "You don't fucking crowd her like that."
The dirt bag was easy to toss, like the trash he was. The security guys around her were trying to keep people at bay, although he didn't know how hard they were trying, since they certainly weren't fucking succeeding at anything.
He took Thena's hand in both of his, refusing to let it slip away from again. He pulled her with him, closer, keeping people away by any means necessary, if it meant kneeing, elbowing, shoulder checking.
He didn't pause at the doorway, either. Only once they were inside and the door was closed did he lean away from her at all. He glared at her security, who were shaking out their jackets. "What the fuck were you doing out there?! Because it certainly wasn't your jobs!"
"Gil," Thena put her hand on his chest.
"How the hell did anyone get that close to her?!" he bellowed at them. Although, by the second time Thena called to him his eyes were on her. He smoothed down the odd hair of hers that had gotten tousled in it all. He tilted his head. "Are you okay? You didn't get hurt, did you? Did anyone put their hands on you?"
His hands would be laid on anyone who did, was his point. But Thena shook her head, straightening herself out after the anarchy. He could see on her pale skin where people had pushed and shoved and grabbed.
Thena looked up at him as he slipped the fallen strap of her dress back onto her shoulder. Finally, she managed a small smile for him. "Thanks for the save."
He was happy to save her. But he had never considered it saving her before because there hadn't been any peril quite like that. He looked at the security again. "I'm serious, how was anyone able to just come up and get that close to her? Isn't your job to keep people away from her?"
"Look, it's crazy out there," one made a pitiful attempt at defending their poor performance. "We did what we could."
"Really?" Gil's face darkened. He put his hands on Thena's arms. He could feel her shaking. "Because I seemed to do a lot better than you guys at keeping those animals off of her, so tell me right now why I shouldn't ask each and every one of you to be replaced?"
No one had an answer to that.
He could try to beat it into their skulls how useless they were all night. But he had more important priorities. He pulled his jacket off, leaving himself in the mockneck sweater he had worn underneath. Once it was on Thena's shoulders - completely dwarfing her tiny frame - he put his hand at the small of her back.
"You'll get a reputation," she said, either chiding him or amused by him. "Acting like a beast while you're ushering me away from people."
"I think 'people' is being kind of generous in this situation," he scoffed, letting his disgust ring out loud and clear. "That's no way to behave."
Thena sighed. "It is the craziest I've seen it in some time. I may have to stop signings again, just until people can calm down. Unless the studio can arrange barricaded carpets."
They were going to work out something, Gil was certain of it. Because he wasn't going to watch Thena's bodily safety come into question like it just did. He leaned closer. "Are you sure you're okay? It was pretty scary in there."
She smiled, and he could tell she was trying to put on a brave front. But he knew he had felt her trembling when he'd touched her arm. "I admit, when they came over me like a tidal wave I didn't quite know what to do with myself. The others were there with me, but in one instant--I don't know, I lost sight of everyone."
How it was possible for her security to allow her to lose sight of them, he didn't know. But Gil swallowed that feeling. It wasn't constructive and it wasn't what Thena needed now.
"So, when I say thanks for saving me," she continued, putting her hand on his arm as they started climbing the stairs. "I mean it, now more than ever."
He put his hand over hers, letting her hold onto his arm properly while her other hand pulled her dress just enough to allow her to walk up each step. "I'll always be here to save you, Thena."
She let out a fluttery kind of laugh, although he couldn't see when she was looking away from him. "Don't say things like that."
"It's true," he protested. He could feel some of the tension leave her the further away from the screaming they got. "Those security guards may not be worth shit but I'd like to see anyone try what they tried tonight if they know I'm there."
He thought he was making her laugh; putting on a front, flexing for her like some dumb, macho tough guy. But she eyed his bicep in the half sleeve of the sweater, then looked up at him. And then she was blushing, out of nowhere.
He cleared his throat, finding himself flustered as well. Once at the top of the stairs, Thena didn't really need to hold onto him anymore. He paused, letting them catch their breath. "Are you ready?--to go in there, I mean."
She sighed, smaller than the last one, though. She nodded, her expression solidifying into more of the fearless Thena he had come to know. She looked at his jacket swaying around her like a cloak. "Won't you need this back? I'm sure your stylist will have something to say about me stealing it."
He kept imagining that creep's hands, how they had come so close to grasping her pristine ivory skin. He shook his head, helping her fan her hair out. "The oversized blazer look is a thing, and everything looks good on you."
Gil blushed again; he really had to stop saying these things to his very trusted and respected colleague.
Thena gave him a more sheepish smile as she adjusted her hold on his arm. "It's my armour, to protect me from the wilderness outside."
#Thenamesh Actors AU#an oldie but a goodie!#so this is a few things here#first that video of Joseph Quinn fixing Lupita Nyong'o's strap for her#second the videos of Angie being swamped by paparazzi just because...poor Ange#and third is the video of Tom Holland coming to Zendaya's rescue#basically Gil sees Thena get absolutely swamped and he is not here for it#not in the least#because also what is security there for if they can't actually create space for her#or do they need a dozen guys at once just for her if so make it happen#they make it to the screening#it's asked if they got through the crowds okay#Thena has a diplomatic answer while Gil says people are acting a fool#they ask about Thena's look#it's a silk gown with spaghetti straps completely swallowed by a men's blazer with the largest shoulders anyone has seen#but she's like oh I was cold Gil lent it to me isn't that sweet#meanwhile his stylist is like I swear to god just wear what I give you#and I mean Kingo is basically his stylist too since he's with Thena so much#and Kingo knew this was coming#and Thena plays it off like oh he's such a gentleman it's really sweet#meanwhile Gil is glaring at everyone on their Q&A panel so hard#of course the headlines are about a potential romance#Thena's jealous costar dares anyone to so much as look at her in a way he doesn't like#the tabloids are all WEARING EACH OTHER'S CLOTHES NOW???#Sprite is just like ugh get a room#Thena: he's just protective!#Gil: try to touch her I dare you I'll rip your arm clean off your body
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wizardnuke · 9 months ago
now a dnd party with a strong bond and synergy is great and all and i'm confident that my party will get there but as of right now only about 5-6 sessions in we've had multiple shouting fights, countless threats, and one instance of pvp. now. i hope this changes. me and one guy are sort of working to fix that. but it's so fun don't discount the joys of you and your friends pretending to hate each other
#william is arlocks apprentice no one has an issue with william other than that he's a giant gecko and we dont know if he needs pants or not#arlock is. arlock is a giant situation of a human soul that was beamed into a robot body in a failed ritual to put a god in there#old enough to be avalon's dad. likes to think he's intimidating (he IS avalon just doesn't CARE)#he and avalon have an uneasy truce because they realized they have similar situations#azazel is possibly not of this realm but very sweet and told us what he knows so he's okay. similarly alister seems to be pretty up front#id say they're the normalest but that is extremely situational. they know how to communicate. alister is a bloodhunter/cleric so. shrugs#hanari is jester if jester was a mad scientist. arlock Liked hanari and then got put off by their tricks and riddles#meanwhile avalon thinks hanari is the funniest mf in the world (also i'm just super close to hanari's player and i think she's hilarious)#saint/mav the rogue-barbarian jekyll/hyde normal man and infernal patron in a human body that's a little nuked#he turns into the hulk when he's mad. saint is also very nice. maz is. maz sure is. he likes hanari and azazel#arlock and azazel got into a fistfight but it was my fault 👍 i wasn't At Fault tho. me and arlock talked afterwards hes essentially a vet#avalon's just a rat bastard. unreliable narrator#there is so much potential in here we just need to learn how to not put each other on edge#thinks about last session where we spent an hour yelling at each other on how to handle an imp that wasn't supposed to be there for that#long. our poor dm. we keep catching little demons and trying to befriend them#me and arlock are gonna kill that thing when maz and hanari aren't looking tho
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Existing in Prime fandom is seeing posts about Nine and 99% of the time either thinking "congrats, you fell for his act" or "...and you just believed what other characters said about him over his pattern of actions?"
#i just be ramblin#not tagging this with any fandom tags#The sequel to this is the sheer amount of people who either wer#were mad that he wasn't evil and irredeemable enough or mad that his 'redemption arc' wasn't done well or mad that he didn't die in the end#And you can just tell how many people either chose to read into him as shallowly as possible or underestimated the writing from the getgo#and then called it bad writing when the show didn't go the direction they wanted it to#fandom wank#Buuuuuut if I complained in detail about all this there'd be no point so I'll refrain#Although I do want to say this. I've found a surprising amount of people act like they're doing this super profound media analysis for#characters or ships. But then the extent of their 'analysis' is basically putting in some screenshots for good measure‚ taking a really#shallow read of the characters/ship‚ and then acting like it's deep or a hot take#Like as an example. Imagine you like a ship. You're happy because so many people are posting analysis of the ship in the show you're#watching with screenshots to boot.#You're expecting profound analysis of their expressions and goals and roles in the story and why they act the way they do.#What do you get? People doing the barest minimum of paralleling this ship to their appearances in other media to celebrate the moments#they've accumulated‚ finding other dubs just to see if they said 'I love you' in that one‚ !#and posting some screenshots so they can say 'omg they secretly care each other🥺'#And of course this is usual fandom behavior. But we're talking this from people who within their own posts or community are acting like this#posting is indicative of them proving just how much canon potential the ship has.#So it makes you frustrated because like. There is substance here that one could dig deep into but no one does while pretending they do
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gibbearish · 10 months ago
ok i finished the first chapter and am gonna take a break now but im v excited to keep reading im really liking the way the author looks at things so far
#there are parts ive kinda disagreed with either what shes saying or how shes saying it but i mean given the whole point of the book i doubt#that the author would take offense at that and would in fact encourage it esp given that its a book and not a convo#like. i should hope i have some disagreements with just the introductory chapter‚ she hasnt had a chance to fully explain herself yet and#i feel like having a written record of my disagreement before potentially changing my mind is very much in the spirit of the ideas this book#is offering yknow#like at one point shes talking about religious perspectives on wrongness and says some scholars believe its abt like#our wrongness comes from eden‚ our lack of understanding of absolute right and wrong that god has#but its like. ok but the whole point with the garden of eden was that the lack of knowledge of right and wrong /was/ the extra knowledge#god had and we didnt that prevented us from sinning#eating of the tree and Gaining the knowledge of good and evil was what gave humans the ability to sin in the first place#because if we cant know something is wrong and choose to do it anyways then what is the sin?#its like how with animals we don't see them killing each other as wrong#because they dont have 'morals' like we do‚ they dont have a sense of right vs wrong so the things they do cant be classified that way#so idk if its like. thats just a difference in how my church taught us vs the scholars the author checked out#or just like. a misunderstanding in the story of eden?#i just dont get presenting eden as the example for 'we dont have the knowledge of right and wrong god does so thats what makes us able to#do wrong' when the whole thing with that story was like.#gaining the knowledge of right and wrong was what gave us that ability. like thats just backwards#(also disclaimer that i am not a christian and do not actually believe in these things‚ im just using the language as if i do here to kinda#speak from the perspective of my past self who /did/ believe it)#so im excited to find out if like. shes gonna expand further on that (next chapter is abt history so maybe) and ill be like#ohhhhh ok i see what that meant#or if ill be like 'hm yeah you just maybe had a misconception abt how the garden of eden story worked'#and like i can kinda see room for the first one already in that it said like 'we dont have gods /absolute/ knowledge of right and wrong'#so theyre saying like. we were given /some/ of the knowledge of good and evil‚ but that that in and of itself didnt /actually/ bring us up#to gods understanding of it#idk its been a while since i reread the bible‚ i do kinda remember there being a second tree? but i dont think it was like#'tree of full onniscience' i thought it was the tree of eternal life or smth#or maybe im just mixing up the bible and the narnia remix of it? i know there is a tree of eternal life in the magicians apprentice#origibberish
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ridingtorohan · 3 months ago
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𓇻 ft. tulpar crew x gn reader
𓇻 request. the crew's reactions to walking in on reader touching themselves.
𓇻 content. 18+ content, minors dni. potential second hand embarrassment, reader is gender neutral (no genitalia specified), getting caught, masturbation, semi-public masturbation.
𓇻 enjoy! feel free to like, reblog, or send in asks!
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By all accounts, Curly is a respectable captain. He respects boundaries and doesn't cross the line. He's the captain, after all. Not having locks on the door is a safety issue, he knows. Just as he knows to knock. It just wasn't on his mind; he needed your help with something and you're technically available.
So he breezes right in, words on his lips and - there you are.
Holy shit, there you are. In all your lewd glory. "Oh." Then, oh. "Sorry, I'm just-" and he doesn't even finish the sentence because he backtracks and shuts the door behind him.
The thing is, that image haunts him, later. Wriggling like an infestation inside his skull. When he sees you, he acts every bit the proper superior, doesn't bat an eye. Internally, he sees flashes of skin, the way you moaned and sighed.
It leaves a lasting impression in his mind and he's so painfully aware of it. Aware of it in more ways than one because he knows nothing can come of this. It's awkward enough walking in on someone, awkward even more when everytime he knocks on your door afterwards, he's praying that you'll be nude and waiting for him.
Late at night, he remembers it, stroking himself and pressing his face into a pillow as his hips jerk, spilling himself over his fingers, wishing that it was your hands on him.
Sometimes, he wishes you'd walk in on him too.
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Even Jimmy knows better than to poke through doors, especially when everybody is awake. He's never felt the need to, not with the open door policy and frankly, until this, he's only noticed you in passing.
Nimble as ever, he opens your door, irritated over something that one of the crew members had done the other day. Sometimes, he just liked to vent and rage about the injustice. You're easy to talk to, but he's never really sought you out for anything else before.
The door shuts behind him and he just stands there, previous irritation set to the backburner. Because there you are, uniform discarded and showing off your form, hand between your thighs as you nursed your arousal.
Above all else, Jimmy is a certified voyeur. He likes to watch and admire, drilling inside his head about the way your hand moves, the curve of your spine. Each individual sound. But even Jimmy has his limits.
When you're close or have already come, he slides up behind you, hot breath at your neck, thick hands skimming over your waist, to your thighs, only to settle on top of yours. "As much as I enjoy the view, pet, I'm going to take it from here." And he makes damn good no his promise.
He makes a mental note that to visit your room far more often.
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Anya really just needed an answer to a quick question, relating to your latest check in to the medbay (or your duties). She knocks on the door, too softly to be heard over the sound of your activities.
It takes her an embarrassingly long time to even realize what was going on. All she sees is your huddled form. First comes the concern, her hand reaching out for your shoulder, "Are you oka-"
And you let out such a noisy sigh that she freezes. She's gotten laid before and suddenly it hits her like a truck just what she walked into because she knows what those sounds mean. Furiously backpedalling, her hand raises to her mouth. "I'm so sorry."
Quietly, she excuses herself from your quarters, ears a little red and hands shaking.
For a long, awkward time afterward, she can't even meet your eyes, even going as far as delegating the psych eval to Curly.
If you ever get injured, she performs it as meticulously as she can, her eyes tracing over every ounce of your body, trying to forget the way you moved.
Frankly, at one point, one of you would have to address what happened. But she's more than eager to ride this bumpy path until then, even if it strains your relationship with her.
Everytime she sees you that familiar, yawning ache simmers in her gut.
As much as she tried to deny it, what she walked in on affected her.
When the tension becomes too much, she finds herself sitting on her leg, grinding herself against her calf, biting the inside of her cheek as she imagines you there.
As stupid as it is, she might have maybe done it in your presence, hands trembling as she tries to keep a conversation going, desk separating you two. Other times, when it becomes unbearable, she rubs her thighs together or slides her calves against the leg of her chair, praying to god that you don't see her. (But half of her hoping that you will.)
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He's been looking for you for the better part of half an hour; usually, he finds you in obscure places or with his intern, so the last place he thought to look was in your bedroom. Really, that should have been his first guess. You two were supposed to talk about something and it's been on his mind like a nagging hornet.
Sure, walking into another's room is technically frowned upon, but with all the mishaps of Daisuke barging into people's rooms (much to the disgruntlement of, well, everyone) that for a split second he didn't even consider it.
He just opens the door and - okay, so you're doing that. No wonder you were absent, so engrossed in self pleasure that you didn't even hear him stepping in.
Swansea feels too old for this, seeing your twisted figure, your cries of pleasure. So he just turns around and shuts the door, leaving you to it.
He tucks himself back into a latest project and perusing Daisuke's homework, busying himself until you're finished and in public. Not that he planned to publicly confront you about it, but because he knew everybody needed a little time alone. As small as the Tulpar was, he knew any time and space should be well spent. Even if he silently questioned your methods.
But he does bring it up. He doesn't let it slide (not like how your hands slid between your thighs and-).
Despite whatever personality conflicts you two had, he had eyes and all working parts, thank you very much. He also had needs.
Once the original topic was out of the way, he crossed his arms, expression serious when he says, "Now, it's all my doin' for bargin' in like that, but I saw something of you that I shouldn't have." He'd elaborate if he had to, "If alone time is what you're after, we've got socks for that. Toss it on your door handle and be done with it; I ain't gonna let nobody disturb ya during it."
As awkward as that conversation was, he's handled it before. He has grown kids, after all. But you're not his kid, and you're certainly grown - he's seen that. Noticed it off-hand a few times before too.
He sighs, leaning back, letting you decide when he adds, "But if release is what you're after, I know a thing or two, and I can help you with that."
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All but acting like a lost puppy, Daisuke often turned to you for help in locating his missing items. Batteries, dust pan, his gameboy cartridge. (Swansea was so mad the last time he lost the screwdriver and thanked you profusely with your help locating it.) So popping in for a quick minute into your bedroom to ask for your help in locating his soap was a mindless task.
He pops in, door banging, energetic words on his lips. His brain all but sputters when your eyes connect, nude form on the bed, sprawled out, light sheen of sweat on your body, looking like a tribute straight from the gods.
Despite your hasty attempt to cover and a spew of apologies from Daisuke's lips, he can't take his eyes off you. It's like he can't even blink, so absorbed in your image that half of what he's saying doesn't make sense.
You'd have to forcibly remove him because he is rooted to his spot, unable to vacate of his own free will. He'll be banging on your door, pleading to be let back in, to talk it over. He's not sure what he wants to say - more apologies? Explain why he's there? He wants to offer help so badly.
If he's not pushed out at all, his brain ceases to function. Despite being a handsome lad, and being twenty, he's hardly been with anyone. Sure, he knows exactly what you're up to - he's done it himself plenty of times-- but all those words die in his mouth.
"Soap, I swear I'm just looking for soap," he explains, trying to rush into an explanation, the only coherent thing he can say.
He'll eventually manage to sputter, "I was going to go shower, but nowIwannaknowifyouwanttojoinme" is strewn in with "ohmygodpleaseletmehelpyou".
He's all jittery, achingly hard in his pants, wanting to touch and hear you make those sounds again. Daisuke feels like he'll go insane if he doesn't. Hands fidgeting, his fingers curl in, unconsciously taking a few steps in. He'll finally manage a coherent, "Please let me stay."
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alohaasaloevera · 7 months ago
LMAOOOO NO FR I think it’s funny to have the HC that Keith had a tiny crush on James during Garrison times and like. I’m a klance shipper so he’s gonna. Have some sort of attraction to Lance too and I’m like “uhhhh 🤨🤨🤨 are you seeing what I’m seeing??”
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Looking at jaith and klance i think keith has a type
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yeah-thats-probably-it · 10 months ago
Hot take maybe but I think Bertie would be FAR more likely to survive the first two months of Dracula than Jeeves would be. Bertie has a healthy sense of self-preservation. Jeeves consistently underestimates how dangerous a situation might get (Steeple Bumpleigh, the club book) because he’s overconfident about his level of control over any given situation. He'd handle Dracula masterfully if they faced off in England, but on Dracula's home turf? Much more doubtful.
I realize this might be a tough sell, so I will explain further (or it's not a tough sell, and I'm going to explain further because I want to). (criteria taken from @canyourfavesurvivecastledracula) Without further ado.
Would Jeeves and Wooster survive Castle Dracula?
Jeeves' survival will depend on how long Dracula finds him more entertaining than irritating. On that basis, I don't think he's long for this world. On the one hand, he has a huge wealth of knowledge about English society and culture that he can recite perfectly from memory. That should buy him at least a little time with noted teaboo Dracula.
On the other hand, he would be absolutely no fun as a vampire plaything. Jeeves cannot be got. Sneaking up on him while he's shaving will yield zero reaction (though that's at least good for his short-term survival--given that, although he DID take the crucifix from the old woman out of politeness, he certainly isn't going to wear it. The rules of fashion don't go out the window just because you're in a spooky castle). Then, although managing the whims of rich jerks is not an insignificant part of a valet's job, Jeeves usually does this by bending his employers to his will. Dracula is not the sort of employer this will work on. It'll just add insult to injury when on top of being impossible to scare, NOW Jeeves is telling Dracula that his favorite cloak is several centuries out of fashion and he's not allowed to wear it anymore.
Jeeves will 100% go exploring in the areas he was told not to go-- though to be fair, he MIGHT actually get away with this, what with his superpower of appearing in rooms without being seen or heard. Said superpower might save him from the brides as well (though this is by no means guaranteed). Since I find it doubtful that Dracula would come to rescue his annoying ass, not being noticed is his best defense.
There are a couple other things working in Jeeves's favor; the question is just whether they'll be enough to save him.
He DOES know shorthand, and could try to send coded letters. He might even have the foresight to squirrel away some extra stationary where Dracula can't find it. But could he get them posted? Would it even do him any good?
He certainly has enough cultural literacy to figure out what his new boss is pretty quickly. If he didn't chuck the crucifix out the carriage window, he might start carrying it around in his pocket.
Psychology of the individual, sure, but the individual in question is a 400-year-old vampire who lives in an isolated castle in a foreign country and is regarded as a terrifying mythological figure in the surrounding villages. Jeeves has never come up against anything this alien before, he's cut off from his normal resources, and opportunities to play people against each other are limited.
He probably has enough upper body strength from all that shrimping and fishing to climb the wall, so he COULD escape if he wanted to, if he survived long enough. It's just, again, that overconfidence, and also Dracula has a vast library full of rare old books that are entirely at his disposal. He's keeping his eyes and ears alert for potential escape strategies, of course, but I don't see him being as desperate to get out as Jonathan was.
There are just a lot of "depends on"s here, and I'm not convinced that luck would shake out in Jeeves's favor, all things considered.
Bertie is so perfect for the job of Castle Dracula Prisoner it's like it was made for him. Think about it. Being held against his will in big manor houses comes more naturally to him than breathing. He's afraid of things that are scary. A lifetime of dealing with Aunt Agatha has made him the world's preeminent expert in "curl[ing] up in a ball in the hope that a meek subservience [will] enable [him] to get off lightly." He will NEVER go exploring in places he's been warned away from if nobody is forcing him to (Rev. Aubrey Upjohn's office notwithstanding. There were biscuits in there). He's both fun to talk to and easy to toy with (and extremely English). A+ prisoner. Dracula adores him.
In my opinion, Bertie is at Castle Dracula either because Aunt Agatha got some wires seriously crossed and thinks he’s going to meet an eligible potential bride (I mean, there are certainly brides there), or because Dracula has something Aunt Dahlia wants him to steal (far less likely, given that one of Dracula’s THINGS is famously not owning anything silver). Either way, he's shown himself entirely willing and able to escape down drainpipes if a sitch gets too scaly.
He DOES take the crucifix, and DOES wear it (which is what will save him during the shaving scene, because you KNOW he's going to jump a foot and cut himself like the dickens). He's read enough supernatural goosefleshers to be genre savvy about terrified old women cryptically pushing crucifixes into one's hands. I also think his sunny disposish endeared him to the villagers, and they were particularly vehement about urging him not to go. He doesn't speak German or Romanian, but he's empathetic enough to recognize Pure Terror. So by the time he actually gets to the castle, his imagination is already running wild and he's plenty aware that he is in imminent danger.
I think the biggest risk to Bertie will be the brides; whether or not he's susceptible to trances, if he thinks they're trying to marry him, it's against the code of the Woosters to turn them down. But that only becomes an issue if he comes face to face with them, which, luckily, I think is unlikely on account of the aforementioned "won't go exploring" (and if he did, Dracula would definitely rescue him).
I'm inclined to say due to his drainpipe-escape habits that he WOULD be able to climb the wall and MAY attempt to sneak into Dracula's room to look for the keys if his desperation grows to outweigh his fear. Whether he does or not, though, he does NOT have the stomach to attempt shovel murder, and therefore won't get magic brain fever, and may very well simply walk out the front doors when the people come to take the boxes away. OR he climbs his way out like Jonathan did. Either way.
When Bertie tells this story at the Drones later, Tuppy will say that no doubt it's been greatly exaggerated and all that probably happened was that he spent a couple months in an oldish house entertaining a weird loner.
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