#because these mods bring down my mood that much
Looking back on it...
I honestly think I dislike Hypno's Lullaby more than Mario Madness
Like, don't get me wrong, I hate both of these mods, but as sick as the ladder of these two were, it kept the focus moslty on BF and GF...only to stab them in the back and miss the whole point of them but I digress
Lullaby not only unceremoniously axed the two characters I cared most for here, but shunted them off to the side, to focus on characters I couldn't care less about.
And the fact it's one of the very, very few mods to put GF in the spotlight only to do that to her pisses me off to no end.
Oh yeah, and thanks for that Lullaby GF design, which every time I see someone draw her in that outfit, bc tbf, it's a nice outfit, I get reminded of that mod and just...really hate everything for a while
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lovemyromance · 10 days
I was on reddit, and I feel like the mods are Biased towards gwynriel but also saw a post where the person said something about Azriel's heart glowing of Gwyn? and him thinking about her smile? and them claiming its canon, when did that happen? but I'm a little scared what if they don't happen? I love them too much, saw a lot of support for Gwyn and Azriel? I feel like if Elain and Azriel don't happen my heart will break. What is happening ?
I have literally no idea what's going on on Reddit, I've never been on that platform 🤷🏻‍♀️
But fear not, regardless of how loud Gwynriels are and how much they love to gaslight others and straight up distort the truth sometimes, Gwynriel is a made up ship. Elriel is actually on the page.
Azriel's heart does not glow for Gwyn. He did picture his re-gift bringing joy and a beautiful smile to Gwyn's face. Now, if you ONLY read that part, I could see why you could be led to believe Azriel might have feelings for Gwyn.
However, that's not how we read books is it? We don't swipe through individual discrete sentences like flashcards.
We read things in the context of a greater narrative. A lot of other things happened in that BC, and in ACOSF that makes it clear that it wasn't ROMANCE on Azriel's mind.
If Azriel hadn't just been fantasizing about Elain, and then continued to be in a bad mood even after solstice and changed nothing about his interaction with Gwyn (who he sees every day) - then maybe I'd be more open to thinking he had feelings for Gwyn.
He's not someone who switches up on LIs that fast. He pined over Mor for 500 years for gods sake.
I could see the argument that he would immediately fall for his mate, but WHERE IS THE PROOF THAT GWYN IS HIS MATE. The mating bond would've likely snapped for Azriel in Sangravah 2 years ago when Gwyn was in danger and about to be violated - but clearly it didn't.
That should've been enough to prove they're not mates.
But then again - as if to drill down that point - Gwyn is again put into grave danger when she gets taken for the BR. And Azriel wants to go save ERIS instead.
And people can argue blah blah Azriel admires Gwyn so he wasn't worried - nope. That's not how a mate reacts when his mate is in grave danger.
See: Cassian.
Cassian also admires and respects Nesta's abilities. He also goes batshit crazy when Nesta got taken for the BR.
You also can't even say that Azriel is just calm. Because you know when he did show that batshit crazy same reaction?
When Elain was taken by Hybern.
Trust me, anon. Elriel is happening, whether they like it or not. Their theories and headcanons cannot change what is in the books. ELs ONLY have the mate thing, every other interaction of Elain & Lucien since ACOMAF is a NEGATIVE, a point against them.
Gwynriel has maybe like 3 interactions - and NONE of them are romantic. Not a blush here, no mention of Gwyn even receiving the necklace, no charged glances or touches.
They are desperately trying to turn a platonic friendship into something more - all because they
A) don't like Elain
B) Like Lucien more than they like Elain
C) Like Azriel but not Elain
What they don't seem to understand is that that no matter how hard they try to twist words and perform an honestly impressive level of mental gymnastics to invent this ship - it's not going to change what is in the books.
So rest easy, anon. Elriel will be endgame.
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silvery-bluish · 7 months
27 or 35 for the touching prompts, please. Whichever one speaks to you more
this has been sitting in my inbox AND my wips for far too long. whoops. but hey, I did both of them! they have ENTIRELY different moods.
Wordcount: 452 + 375
Contents: 27- post-reveal, mid-some sort of Catfiend fight. Flystep adjacent, but not resolved. Don't worry about the context I don't know what it is.
35- Chargeflystep. Nebulous don't worry about it future. Soft and sleepy. Just scars no bruises but I think it still counts.
27. pulling the other one towards them
It’s impulse, reaction, motion without thought and you never move without thought except--
Okay. One thought. One fallback. No— and grab for Daniel’s arm and yank, pull him directly into you for lack of anywhere else to go, claws and limbs and mind too-caustic too-sticky to get a good bead on, but you can see the edges of it and the way it’s headed, and it turns too quick for Daniel to read so--
Armor’s not the kindest thing to collide with, but it’s less sharp than the Catastrofiend’s blades. He winces, flinches back from you, more muscle spasm than actually fleeing but only because he caught the impulse and that feels like a blade, too. Slipped right between your ribs, deserved and welcome. 
You fire your jumpjets at the same time, he’s light in your hands, no real extra weight for the jumpjets, and you can’t afford to think about the fear-terror-anger that blares against your mind like a goddamned klaxon.
Blades catch the edge of your cape, slice through fabric like butter— too sharp, unnatural, Mortum doesn’t go in for cheap polyester— but you’re clear, for a few seconds. Balanced on a knife’s edge less literal than the Catastrofiend’s. 
Because as convenient as the jumpjets are for getting away, they’re not built to maintain altitude. A split second of free fall before Daniel — Herald he’s Herald remember that — catches the both of you. Hero reflexes, even now. Even with you. 
He doesn’t drop you. Arms flailing, briefly, to get a good grip, but gravity doesn’t yank you back. You’re torn between being-- so relieved that he didn’t drop you and so, so scared that he’s still trying to save you.
You still trying to save him was never even a question, to you. He’s got every reason to let you drop right back into those glinting blades, and you’ve never stopped caring for anything truly important in your life. At least you’re aware of how stupid your loyalty is, even if he deserves it. Even if he deserves so much fucking more than it.
No time for that now. You’ve got more immediate problems that need your full attention. 
“Going down,” he warns you, aloud, and you brace for the intensifying of the freefall drop, but it’s— measured, still, no stone’s fall to the ground here. 
There still no time for niceties, even if he wanted them, your face obscured by your helmet and his by his goggles, both of you persona and not person except Herald’s part of him in a different way than Anathema is a part of you. 
You refuse to let yourself hang onto him. He doesn’t let you go until you’re both on the ground. 
35. kissing their bruises and scars
There’s pressure to the side of your nose, warm, the sensation of something fuzzy brushing the space between your eyebrows. Open your eyes, find Ricardo on the exit, and you sigh, eyelids heavy but you want to see. 
“Didn’t mean to wake you,” he says, voice hushed, and Daniel’s shifting now too, bleary blinking sleep out of his eyes where he’s curled around your arm. It’s too early, you think, and a vague glance towards the alarm clock says-- yeah, too early. Early enough the resident morning person is just as asleep as you.
You catch Ricardo’s hand, bring it to your face, sleep-hazy press of it to your lips. You know where the scars there are, where his mods meet skin, as well as he knows where to find your scars in the dark. “You’re up early.”
“Things to do, people to see,” vague, annoyingly so, but you’re not awake enough to want to push right now. “Go back to sleep, Ars.” Daniel’s already taken the cue— or, not quite, but he’s shut his eyes again and is just listening. 
“Don’t get yourself hurt, idiot,” you say, but you can’t muster any of the bite you want in the tone. He laughs, steps closer again to kiss your lips and drops one to Daniel’s forehead, in convenient reach.
“No promises.” 
“Don’t end up in the hospital again,” Daniel, chiming in and on your side, even if he’s still groggy, too. 
“I’m just meeting a contact. She keeps weird hours, it’s fine, both of you.” Exasperated now, but fond. 
You start pulling yourself more awake, moving as if to untangle yourself from Daniel, “Do you want—“
“I want you to go back to sleep,” Ricardo says, laughing, pulling the blanket further around your shoulders and pressing another kiss to your cheek. Along the scar under your eye. “Ars, really. It’s fine. I’ll be back for breakfast.”
“You’d better be,” muttered, and he laughs. You’re sure you aren’t very— intimidating right now, sleep-mussed and disgruntled, but that’s alright. 
Ricardo doesn’t close the door all the way behind him, leaving a thin slice of hallway light falling into the room. Daniel tucks his cheek closer into your shoulder to block his eyes, and you settle back in. 
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samkat10423 · 11 months
Back in Sunset Valley
So, I'm back in Sunset Valley. I was playing in Twinbrook - even downloaded the hated CAW tool to edit it, but every time I tried to EIG with it, it crashed. So, after several days of cursing and drinking copious bottles of wine, I gave up. CAW hates me! Yes, it does! But not as much as I hate it. So, I guess it evens out.
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So, I came back to the old tried and true SV and have been editing lots - as I do. Today - among others - I moved Gobias Koffi from his house down by the bay, up into Shearwater. I found this house over on Youtube and decided it would be perfect for him. His original house was okay, but I wanted that lot for a lounge. (I put an edited version of that EA Business as Usual lot there and made it into a proper exclusive lounge complete with an upstairs bar. Then used Ani's mod to make everything work as it should). Anyway, this lot is pretty much as the creator made it on the outside, but inside I redecorated it for my family.
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I felt sorry for poor, old Gobias so I gave him a dog - a barkaholic schnoodle. Then - because I was in a really generous mood - I gave him a friend, Pierre Peacock. Pierre moved to SV from Banyan Bend with his cat, Cynus. He tells everyone that he's French (so I gave him that hidden French trait) and is bringing haute couture and fine dining to SV whether the locals like it or not. (They don't!) He's actually a swamp rat who grew up in the bayou, but Gobias doesn't care. Love is blind which is probably how he overlooks Pierre's fashion choices. Anyway, Gobias is all into saving Sim Nation, so he has a Twizzy - or whatever it's called - while Pierre gets around in a golf cart. They also have some 'guard' peacocks over by the garden area.
And then my game crashed.
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palialaina · 1 year
So, Jel's gonna be saying 'I told you so' a lot when he finds out how much I've burned myself...
But like...
worth it.
Everything in the Night Sky Temple now required glow worms, so I'm working on feeding my glow worm farm. Thank goodness for oysters, they really do make the trips to Bahari worthwhile. Things are a little more scarce on the beach, but I really do think we're dealing with a drought, and that's why we can't find as many things. (My house smells like fish again. Ugh. Maybe I'll try making a blueberry pie when I feel better...)
But yeah, Jell gets to say he told me so. I asked him what I should wear on a beach excursion, and hed advised me to cover up so I don't get sunburned.
So, guess who did not do that and got very sunburned?
This girl right here!
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I got a sympathy pie out of it from Auntie Dal when I went to talk to her about getting blueberries (I'm working on it! Ten high quality might be a little harder than I thought...), so that's nice. I feel like it's missing something... cold on top of it though.
On a bright note, ta-da!
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I picked up more mod kits from Tish, and I have begun turning my furniture into something more me. I haven't shown Jel yet (admittedly, it's my turn to hide, he's probably going to be so fussed when I drop by...), and I know it's not his style, but I'm really happy with it. Maybe I should show Tish instead? She seems like someone who'd love the whole pink theme I'm trying for...
Reminder; go get more wallpaper. I really want the starry night one for the bedroom...
Also, finished the living room area. Mostly. Working on a tiny bathroom space, and I want to put in a snack table somewhere. Just so that we don't have to troop to the kitchen for treats while in the middle of a chezzu game.
Something about this game is familiar, but also... it's weird in how different it is. Also, I suck at it. And cards. I am not a good game player, I think. I lose too much and I get pouty.
I have been advised to never play against Hassian, but like... he's not as grumpy as I first thought he was. I don't necessarily appreciate him taking his mood out on me, but I can use it to pick on him later, I think.
He's not a complete jerk. He's just extremely awkward, and also painfully forthright. Just like Reth needs to learn how to bluff, Hassian needs to learn himself some damn tact.
Ngeh. I feel like there's something about sunburn treatment I should know but am forgetting. Something... stinky, but workable. Maybe Lark knows, I should ask them.
That or own up to being too stubborn for my own good and see if Jel has something that can help.
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I do regret it a little though. I probably won't be going far from home for the next few days while I heal. I just kind of want to go back here and sit though. Not cause it'll fix it, but because this spot just seems to call me back to it. Something about it is... important?
It's just incredibly soothing to be down there, I guess. Whatever it is, or was, I just... find comfort in that space.
Maybe next time I'll bring a whole picnic with me, and a book, and just be lost for a few hours. Days. Maybe days?
Hm. Jel might actually get too anxious to eat if I'm away for days. And I would miss talking to everyone. So, I guess hours to a day it is.
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zydrateacademy · 1 year
My List O' Frames
I'm going down my "Usage" stat, though Warframe's tracking for most used items is... odd, to say the least. My Bolter Prime is still third on my most used weapons despite having not touched it in years. Bolter Prime was just... my first prime, if memory serves and it served well for a while.
The frames are kind of the same, with Ember Prime still locking down my "second", again, despite not having used it for years. As I use them they shift around so they'll be dethroned eventually.
I actually own -most- frames with several exceptions. I won't list them all here, like stuff I never play. Banshee, Nyx, Zephyr, etc. I just wanted to compile a list of frames I actually use and sort of document what kind of "mood" I am in when to play them.
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Saryn's my main girl and has been for a long time, even in her non-prime days. Generally my go-to for most missions with the exception of Spy/Capture/Assassinate. She has a very low sprint speed with no real mobility skills. She can handle pretty much everything else. I've recently rebuilt her into range so I can hit more of the map.
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Ember, as I said I haven't played her in years and don't see a lot of them running around. I wonder if her firestorm just doesn't scale well, but it's usually pretty fun to use.
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Titania is my "let me not waste my teammates time" frame. I bring her notably on Sorties and various steel path missions, specifically stuff like Spy and Capture because there's always some speedster Gauss or Volt just speedrunning the whole map because nobody wants to waste their time burning down bullet sponge enemies. Titania is third on my list not because of kills likely, but from missions completed AS her. She's basically my speedrun frame. Does almost no damage in her pixie form, despite having forma'd her special weapons a couple times and modded them as much as I really can. They're dual pistols that fire fairly slowly which can chunk some enemies but she really exists just so I can keep up with the pros and not take five minutes getting to extraction.
She can also cheese the treasure hunts and several mastery tests.
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Mesa is my "fuck around with lowbies/friends/low level missions" frame. I wish her Peacemaker scaled better because on 70+ missions, they can't seem to handle Eximus shields and domes very well (as they become more and more common). She mostly has to rely on the 3 and whatever primary weapon I'm using at the time. She's as built as I can feasibly get her, so I generally switch to fairly basic automatic/ballistic weapons on her to play into the gunslinger archetype. Sometimes I just want to Call of Duty this shit.
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Mirage, like Mesa, I wish scaled better. I have the explosive item augment on her which makes her great fun to play on defensive missions but it's immensely boring, and just recently bought the augment that increases her clone's damage so I may need to rebuild and forma her more towards that style of play. One or two of her skills are situational depending on if you're in light or shadow and that's a level if micromanagement I don't care for.
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I remember playing a lot of Protea, I tried to build into the Artillery turret in hopes to get it to last longer but even at the highest I can get it, it only stays up for 6 seconds at 201% duration. I think I can do better with mods now but haven't bothered. I like tossing grenades around but she joins some of the others in "play in low level missions" pile.
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Wisp will some day be second to Saryn. As she's both powerful, useful, and is along the same lines of Titania as my "let me not waste my team's time". Health regen and huge speed, I drop her motes down with 300% strength (raw, not counting various procs and perks). I generally play her on some of the hardest missions due to the health mote alone, and her passive to where she's invisible while flying through the air... She only really dies if I'm being stupid and trying to find a corner to cower in when I really should just be bullet jumping across the map with the speed mote. Not as fast to fly through the map as Titania but they both fulfill the same function.
In addition, her 4 remains fairly functional in high-ish level missions, up to 70 or 80. It's one of the most fun 4's to use, and at 300% strength why the fuck not drop it sometime?
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I built Nova to speed up defense missions and to look pretty damn awesome while doing it. I never use her for anything else. If I have no frames to level but I need to level 2-3 weapons, she's my go-to to get that shit over with.
We'll now be getting into two off-categories. One is; "I'd play these more if they were better" territory, with a couple of exceptions (like Hildryn and Garuda). The second is "I wish I really understood what their kit really did".
For a very long time, despite reading abilities over and over again it took me a long time to truly comprehend what a frame's kit actually does.
Take this ability for example;
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This is Mesa's 1. What the fuck does it mean that it "stores damage". What the fuck is a buffer limit. What do you mean "channeled" through the next gunshot. Is that for, a single shot? Is it just an ability for snipers? I have no idea, and many MANY frame abilities are worded like this. For a player who's just getting into the game you could read through entire kits and not fucking understand what's going on. That was my problem for a long time, and I'll explain more on this most as I run into them.
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Octavia is a Category 1. I wish she was better. She's fairly well modded, 3 or 4 forma, baseline energy costs but everything else is in the positives. Yet it seems like my Skyrim-tune thumping rollewheel only does like 300 damage per tick. She's basically along the same lines as Mesa and Protea in the sense that she's great fun to take on under-50 missions. Otherwise most of her damage comes from whatever primary weapon I'm using. At that point, what's the use of the frame itself?
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Ivara is Category 2, "I wish I knew what her kit was for". Her 4 is completely pointless because I have my own better bows I could use in place of it. Her 1 is a cycling of various arrow types. Making my own ziplines is cute but who cares? Her 2 does an Assassin's Creed style arrow control through the air but just equip some aoe primary and that fulfills the job ten times faster. Her 3, an invisibility and extra loot goblin type ability is the only real selling point, so she can be useful in spy missions. So much of what she is can be done with better tools.
She looks GREAT on a design standpoint.
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I've got Mag in some of the sickest drip but she's stuck in another Category 2 of "I don't really understand her kit". Her 4 is like a big aoe crush but my Saryn's 4 essentially does the same thing.
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Hildryn is the first of the exceptions to the two above categories. I want to play her a lot more and she has a purpose. She synergizes well with my brother's Nidus main (who needs energy to fuel his constant growth and damage potential). And at ~3700 shields with the adaptation mod on her (which puts her 'effective' health in the tens of thousands), she's a great go-to tank for when I just don't want to die. The problem is, Wisp also fulfills this task just as well. Wisp has a fraction of the health pool but a constant on demand regenerative ability. Hildryn can strip shields but what if the enemy doesn't have them, or what if they wander out of range of the ability. Various other drawbacks. Wisp is my "alright I won't die at all" frame, but I still understand and enjoy Hildryn's kit and I want to play her more.
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Xaku is another "I wish I understood what the fuck they do despite having read all their abilities multiple times".
Let me save some time here and name a few others that are in the same camp that I won't even bother screenshotting: Gara, Gyre, Equinox, Nyx, Valkyr, Citrine, and Khora.
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Voruna is awesome looking but her kit just feels like Garuda's with extra steps. But honestly I kind of want to play/forma her some more. I'm just not too hot on melee based stuff.
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I am actually surprised to see Garuda on the bottom of the list except I then remembered this is the prime variant. I played her standard form a bit more, whom has long since been eaten by my ship. She's generally my go-to when I actually feel like taking melee seriously, or for a melee based Nightwave. I do not yet know how well she performs on high level content and I haven't even forma'd her yet.
And that's it! I own several others that I never plan to play much. Excal Umbra, Loki, several other male-coded ones. I want Caliban some day. Maybe Revenant.
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originspeed · 10 months
I have finally beaten the main game of Pokémon Reborn doing my Red run thing. Ready for a wall of text? Here we go, SPOILER WARNING in case that wasn’t clear.
So before getting into my thoughts, I thought I’d share with y’all how I found this game. Back in 2013, I was 10 going on 11, my number 1 favorite YouTuber shofu started uploading his series on the game. I was also super into Corpse Party at the time if any indicator of the things I looked for back then. There’s currently 88 eps and I watched ALL of them, I think it was 2018 when he stopped playing so I ended up waiting so long for another video that the game got completed that I just started playing it myself earlier this year. Though, because I already saw most of the game through shofu, I figured I’d just do what I called “the Red run”, where I played as Red down to the sprites and the team. Someone from a now obliterated Discord I owned actually taught me how to resize some of the sprites ‘coz they were blurry and fucked up before them (thank you Renga.)
Anyways, I was originally going to just build up to Red’s team over the course of the game… but at I think Florinia’s Gym, I figured “Well if I’m playing as Red, wouldn’t he bring his Pokémon to the new region anyway?” So I got a Sandbox mod that allowed me to just have the Pokémon from the start. Now, you might be thinking having full evos at the start would have trivialized a lot of battles however, after Florinia it really didn’t matter all that much, this game is gen 7 after all and none of Red’s Pokémon are even close to high tiers anyways. Plus, I stuck to only level up moves and wasn’t EV training ‘til Radomus. After that, I needed new moves so I may have cheated a little and gave certain Pokémon moves they wouldn’t have in this generation, I did stick to moves they could actually have though don’t worry. The run probably would have been over at the Agate Circus if I didn’t have Iron Defense + Body Press on my Blastoise. When I got the Mega Z Ring, I then went and got the Charizardite X and Snorlium Z, though I hate to admit it, Charizard was kind of a jobber in this run. It’s okay though, I forgive him. Nothing massive massive happened after that, I used a LOT of healing items. I wasn’t running super competitive sets either so it might have been me who was the true jobber.
Anyways, time for my thoughts. The ending was a bit strange to me, I’m not sure if I got a bad ending or maybe it wasn’t even an ending and the “true” ending is somewhere in the postgame or what. The Victory Road puzzles kinda peeved me and I finished the game without a break so there’s a chance my mood was just stinky and effected what I thought of the end or something. Loved all the sidequests though, they really made the world feel alive I think. The characters are written so well too, my favorite character freaking died in my playthrough (unless?) I fucking miss his fruity ass. So far in the postgame, I’ve only done the Cresselia quest so who knows what can happen. In short, I’ve been watching this game for an actual decade and this was my first time playing it myself, I highly recommend. In my mind, it had always been THE game that comes to mind when I think about Pokémon fan games.
I think that’s all I got, I’ll probably post more about the game as I play through the post stuff. I did find the room with the devs so rest assured, no one is safe from the hands of Red pokomon.
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guesswhattimeitis · 1 year
9 people you'd like to know more
Tagged by @kalevalakryze (thank you!)
Last song: Let Me Down Easy by Daisy Jones & The Six (I’ve literally never heard this band or song until today lol, I happened to be listening to a recommended list and happened to like it)
Currently reading: I’m, uh, between books right now… I’ve got a list but I haven’t started anything yet, I think the last book I read was Every Tool’s A Hammer by Adam Savage, highly recommend btw
Currently watching: Technically I’m still in the middle of Beast Wars but I had to take a break because y’all it’s not super enjoyable lol it’s interesting and informative for what it did for Transformers lore but it’s still very much a 90s show to sell toys to children. But otherwise I’m not in the middle of anything, I’ve been largely watching youtube stuff the past couple of weeks (lots of food videos)
Next on my watchlist: Probably Ahsoka. I’m purposefully putting it off because I don’t have time to get neck deep in Star Wars again right this second, but we’ll see how long I can hold out… other than that, I’ve got a whole long list of older shows I plan to start working through one of these days, but I don’t have a specific order yet
Current obsessions: I’ve been up to my eyeballs in modded Minecraft lol, with a focus on the Create mod (despite the fact that I still haven’t finished totk… I can’t control every aspect of my adhd at once) but also I’ve been bouncing around with different fanfic and original story ideas recently. Mainly I’ve been thinking about Lancer again the past couple of days but that might change again in a day, also I’m trying not to get into a writing mood because I’m going on a trip next week and I’m not bringing my laptop so I won’t have access to a good way to write other than my phone… I could really go on with my current obsessions but I’ll leave it there lol
Tagged: uhh I don’t think I’m going to tag anyone specific this time, if you’re in my notifs all the time I tag you! No pressure but I do like to see this stuff from my mutuals, feel free to tag me like I tagged you
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overanalyst556 · 1 year
Hello, I wasn't expecting to make this today. I was originally going to do this tomorrow but due to some issues, I have instead decided to do this today.
As for those of you that have not seen the posts, I have been considering leaving Tumblr due to the chaos that was happening in the community. But while I have come to a decision, I guess I Should explain the reasons why 'm doing this.
First is my content. Now I understand that people are busy right now and that's fine, I'm not forcing you to like my content, But I just wish someone would give it a shot and check my essay on which I spend hours on it. The first History related thing I ever did, The Black Death essay got 9 notes while the Korean War essay only has 1.
While I mainly do the blog because history is my passion, It sucks to hear that people almost, if not pay attention to what I do. But that's the least of my problems, Although still a big one.
The second and possibly main reason is the Tumblronpa fiasco. Now, I haven't been here long enough to see how Tumblronpa works, But I have been told of it, Hell I made an oc. But after the drama that went down about that the last few days, I'm genuinely staying away from that now.
I don't know when this drama started, But I think it started when the mod for a Tumblronpa by the name of Dash started getting anon hate from a different source ( the person of which has never been found)
Now I bring Dash up because that might have been the start for me to think about the risks of being on a Tumblronpa, though not enough for me to quit. But things get stranger when another content creator by the name of Mentally Eli disappeared for a while ( She has since returned)
After this, I was starting to get a little nervous not gonna lie, but It still wasn't-enough. But then come the Aliza -chan situation and that's where my hope was shattered. Aliza almost died not once, but twice because of anon hate. It got so bad that she had to leave Tumblr, which was a smart move from Aliza not gonna lie.
But still, that situation and the fact that one of my friends and mutuals tried to off themselves because of anon hate, pretty much shattered my hope of ever being on a tumblronpa. I was fucking terrified.
If you don't know, I'm terrible with anxiety and stress since I was little. Often times I wonder why I exist if I just have no purpose. Keep in mind, I'm a teenager and this whole suicide situation scared the shit out of me.
And really It was the Situation with Aliza- chan as well as Mama Lexi( Although Lexi's was something entirely different from that and had nothing to do with Tumblronpa's or anon hate, Still I highly recommend that you don't disturb her now cause she's not in the best mood) That finally pressured me to make this post and have my overall thoughts on it.
I'm not in the best mood right now and the situations that have been going on have been increasing my stress levels up the roof and my fears of Tumblronpa hate altogether.
But let's get to the big question: Am I leaving Tumblr? Yes and No. Let me explain.
While yes, I said I thought about leaving Tumblr, I'm not willing to delete my blog because of the friends I made on this site as well as the fact that history is my passion. But I won't lie when I say that I Need some time off from this to calm down.
Starting tomorrow, I will be on a break from Tumblr. The ask box is still open, So feel free to send stuff there ( Though I highly doubt you will) and I will be sure to answer them When I come back.
My discord is still open as well, Though don't expect me to answer often on it. I will still answer If I have the time.
As for Tumblronpas? I'm done with it. I refuse to participate in one after what happened, and as well as my mental state not being the best right now, I don't think I can handle the death threats that come my way.
If this means I'm dropping out of Eden's Garden and Lumnieres roleplay blogs, then Yes, I Unfortualney have to drop out. Also, the picrew that I made Samuel in is no longer there, so I can't do any more sprites with him sorry.
But still, I'm staying the hell away from Tumblronpas in general now. If you want to ask me to join a Tumblronpa, I'm sorry, But I will have to decline. No Tumblronpas, No roleplay, I'm done.
Overall, I think that's my reasons for taking a break from Tumblr. I wasn't expecting to make it today, but I guess so. This year has not been kind to me, with some issues going on at home as well as some finals I have to finish up, Plus the fact that people don't care for my content and the whole Tumblronpa situation has broken my mental state.
Let's be honest, No one is going to care about this post or won't even see it. Honestly, I get so used to being discarded and ignored, That I just don't care anymore. No one cares and that is that, I just wanted to get my thoughts off my mind.
So, yeah I will be taking a break, I don't know when I will come back, but Maybe when I get my shit together. I hope you guys have a nice day and this is goodbye for now...
0 notes
dzpenumbra · 2 years
Today was a mixed bag. I woke up super early. I put that post up on here, YouTube was giving me really fucked up ads today. It really put me in a shit mood. I was seriously just looking up the history and tradition of Zen Gardens so I could get some inspiration for one I am planning on building in Minecraft. Let's get into this because it's pretty cool, then I really gotta go to bed because I'm still trying to fix my sleep schedule and it's already 2... which is huge improvement but... I'm really tired and the stage is set perfectly to fix my sleep right now.
So I watched a video on YouTube from this woman who did some videos about PTSD stuff that were really helpful to me. It had diaphragmic breathing and grounding stuff, and then focused on really building a mental safe place. A place where I know for a fact what safety and security feels like, so I can go there in my mind when I'm getting ready for sleep. It's an idea I've been brewing for a while, but I've really been struggling to get a mental image. See, I can be a bit... third eye blind? Nope, looked that up and that's definitely not it, but now I know what that means. Ugh... XD I meant I can't see things in my mind's eye sometimes. Very different! Which might be why I was really attracted to art. So in this safe place exercise, I was really struggling to get a detailed mental image of the location - a fictional Zen garden in my head that I never got to build. Either IRL, in a drawing or... in Minecraft. And I got inspired.
I figured I can actually make the place in Minecraft, in Chisels and Bits or something. Little Tiles, I guess, is a bit of a better mod overall, I've just not spent time with it yet. Welp... that's why I was googling Zen gardens this morning. Because I wanted to build that Zen garden. To make an actual model that I can visit whenever I want as reference material for my inner safe place.
I went skating, it was nice. I loosened my trucks and it wasn't too much of an adjustment. I was worried about pivots or manuals being weird, but they were fine. It was super cold but it was good. Hit the grocery store, settled in and went to study tarot for a bit. I got a TON out of my reading today, but I don't wanna get into it really. It's a lot of the stuff I've been talking about with social anxiety and bad relationships and stuff, and it just made perfect sense and helped me get a bit of clarity. Then therapy right after, which was great. I even have an audiobook to listen to when I do work now. Great to talk to someone on my level, very validating and reassuring. Then I made dinner for Max and I and went in and tried out Minecraft.
I tried a "Feed the Beast" builders pack or something. I don't know. There's a lot of mods in it. I mean a lot. So it'll keep me busy, sure. But there are just like... vanilla graphics. No shaders or anything. Which kinda brings the ambience down unfortunately. Maybe I can troubleshoot that tomorrow. I cruised and tried to find a place to settle in. I found a fir forest that was calling me. I set up camp, got iron for a bucket and scoped an area at the base of the hill that looked nice, had a nice view of the nearby river too. My only qualm was... I didn't want to mess up the scenery at all. I wanted this garden to be like... amplified organic. Like everything is just an embellished version of what organically formed. So I filled in the area at the base of the trees with water, then outlined the tree trunks with dirt and just... called it for the night. I was kicking my own ass about music.
I haven't been able to make myself make music. It's really frustrating me. I just... don't have a process anymore, I don't know where to start. So today I just plugged in a simple drum beat and tried to play drums along with it, and I just couldn't get in the pocket. It was really frustrating. I played along to a MrSuicideSheep mix to just... clear my pallet and get back into the groove, and finally got there. I was just off today. And music just didn't happen.
So... skating was good. Tarot was very good, 3 new card definitions in my study. Minecraft was started, kinda... but halted abruptly. Music was a bust. I kinda wish I had stayed with Minecraft and not considered it "wasting time I could be spending on creative things". Ugh. I just put a bad tone on the end of the day, overshadowed my accomplishments.
But now I have a vague idea of what the terrain looks like in my garden. Very vague but more than nothing. I'm going to try to use it in making a mental image safe place right now when I go to bed. I'm pretty excited for it. It's this weird idea of like... I can imagine changes I want to make to the place before I go to bed, then I can go there in my dreams maybe, then I can go and actually make changes in Minecraft the next day, too. It's a pretty weird art piece concept, but I like it a lot!
0 notes
genshingarbage · 3 years
I’m having terrible cramps and PMS here and in need of comfort and food here 😭😭😭 how do the members of DCKZ and 4NEMO deal with their s/o when they’re on their period/PMS-ing
Hello Miss Myrx, It’s lovely to see you in our ask box again my dear~ I hope your cramps start to ease up soon! Hang in there!! - Mod Kaeya
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- Diluc doesn’t really have any female or female born figures in his life except for maybe Jean and even she wouldn’t talk to him about things like this so he’s probably as clueless as most guys for for the most part…until you
- Yeah he’s lost on this, your mood swings are completely wack and honestly it scares him a bit how fast they can switch sometimes, he’s honestly worried he’s done something wrong at first
- Once you explain awhile later he’s very understanding about it but he’s gonna ask a lot of questions
- After that he’s gonna carry around toiletries for you in a satchel, he doesn’t care what others think if you need them you need them and adventuring isn’t kind to those unprepared
- He knows when to back off when you’re in need of alone time, he’ll just sneak you a glass of juice when you’re not looking for something sweet for you to drink later and work in his office until you need him
- If you need him closeby he’ll probably force himself to cuddle you until you’re feeling better
- He’ll listen to all your rants and offer advice on the subjects with his blunt logic
- Has probably invented new drinks purely off of your cravings inspiring him alone
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- He’s wayyyy ahead of you
- The guy’s stocking up on your favorite foods and extra blankets about a week ahead of any sort of signs of pmsing
- Childe has a looooot of siblings and a fair few of them are girls so he’s hella used to how those with uteruses be unlike our fair master Diluc
- Need some random ass snack you’re not sure of exactly but know you need something salty or something? Say no more he’s there
- For once when he wakes up way before you he leaves the curtains closed and makes sure the bed is warm
- Don’t expect him to cook something though because I’m convinced flavors are going to range from so underdone it’s still moving to charcoal but slightly burned
- Which is funny because he can be a good cook just not when he wants to
- He’a actually blackmailed people before but we’re not gonna get into that he’s a good guy
- Will ABSOLUTELY Dote on you
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- Honestly might skip town till you’re done if he’s pissed you off before your period because he’s so hung up on the “people are fucking scary on their period” aspect of periods
- Changes your sheets to dark ones, buys you slightly thicker underwear the works
- If he so much as senses that you’re going to be hostile though he’ll probably avoid you though
- His gut reaction to Hostility from someone is to stir the pot and stoke the flames so he’s quickly figured that it’s not really a good idea to be around you right now, especially if he’s in a cheeky mood
- If he does stick around though he’s a little quiet, occasionally grabs your hand and gives it a soft squeeze to let you know he’s still here but he knows you’d literally rather kill a hypostasis solo than be touched right now
- Always brings a cute little gift when it’s over, it’s usually anything from a little teddy bear to chocolate
- The best guy to ask to get you out of stuff because it’s always something suave that you’re angry you didn’t think of as an excuse before now, either that or he just straight up pulls rank so you can chill
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- Would definitely be the one to have the random long serious discussions about random shit with because he could pretty talk about anything and approach it with that beautiful serious analytical mind no matter how silly it may seem to you
- You straight up talked for 2 hours about the intricacies of celebrity drama and some how he knew who every single person you brought up was and actually corrected you on what went down
- Who needs a hot water bottle when you have the most comfortable Archon to ever exist by your side, dutifully holding you through the night
- Knows exactly what pain killers are the beat for this sort of thing, and the fay you start he just crops up with towels, feminine products and all sorts of teas and painkillers you’d never even heard of
- His time as a woman must’ve helped honestly because as soon as you drank the tea he’s prepared and laid back on the lil bed fort he made for you in the livingroom the cramps are fucking gone and you’re so relaxed it’s god damn orgasmic
- Would probably tell you to sleep through it as much as you can since that’s kind of his own default setting for this sort of thing
- Don’t be embarrassed around him he’s seen it all, lived through it all before
- If you’re dizzy whilst the two of you are iut he’s gonna just pick you right up and carry you back to your house
- He doesn’t get hurt if you snap at him just smiles reassuringly and waits patiently for you to feel better, however long that may be
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- He’s uh
- Not gonna be the BEST help because 90% of his impulse control is you so when it comes to taking care of you he’s not sure what to do
- But he’s adorable so you’re mostly okay with watching him scramble about, bring you something completely useless and then go back to scrambling
- He’ll sing to you if he thinks that might help
- Sometimes he’ll just go on a tangent serenading you with poems and make words rhyme with stupid things on perfect to make you laugh
- You’re scary when you’re in a bad mood though
- It’s alright though because if anything it gives him excuses to joke that he’s dating a dragon in disguise
- Eventually learns to just ask what you need but it’ll take him a sec
- If you need space he leaves the room…and then sits right by the door to keep a watch on you just in case
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- He smelt the change in your scent long before you even started showing signs and put 2 and 2 together
- Just kinda thankful you’re not pregnant gonna be real—
- Not really sure how to handle human PMSing but he’s 100000% the one you could absolutely rip into and he wouldn’t bat at an, if anything it’s charming that you actually think you could offend him for a change but he of course doesn’t say that out loud
- He’s scathing enough when you’re not on your period the last thing he wants to do is accidentally make you cry though he won’t admit that
- In the past he’s found it’s helped his mortal companions to exercise when they had cramps so he offers to train with you…it’s less training and more “I’m going to teach you to be able to defend yourself better because I don’t trust your ability to not be dumb”
- After the training if you’re still having problems he’ll take you to his secret spot but only if they’re damn near incapacitating because as much as he understands the human body he’s not only a guy he’s an Adepti, he by default thinks your pain is something you should be able to get through on your own
- Not that he doesn’t appreciate when he can help you with this, he really does
- He only goes to his secret spot rarely so no one knows where it is…until now. It’s a cavern with a lot of hotsprings inside he discovered with a fellow adepti almost millennia ago, it’s remained untouched all this time so the water’s still fresh
- Even if you don’t get in the water just laying down on the rocks helps because they’re so warm and the steam from the hot springs is relaxing as hell
- Basically, ya ask for a hot water bottle and he promptly gives you an entire underground volcano gg
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- Not gonna be the best at this but he’s the best at taking social queues he just chooses to ignore them unless that person’s important to him or his plans
- So when your moods start switching he starts complementing them accordingly to avoid angering you
- If your irritable he’s a little more standoffish to people so they’re less inclined to stay, if you’re manic he’s a lot more relaxed, if you’re feeling emotional he keeps you to himself and tries to help you get it all out before seeing anyone
- Would probably just default to asking Beidou if he doesn’t know something to avoid embarrassing you about it
- He’ll play with your hair a lot just so you can feel his touch without if being overwhelming
- Could play you a soft tune or two but he’s lowkey worried that might set off a migraine for you so he doesn’t offer but will do if asked
- Best hugs, would reccomend
- Also you’ve singlehandedly got the fastest delivery boy in the west so cherish the fact as soon as the words Mint Jelly leave your mouth he’s gone and back again
Special Guest: Aether
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- You’re talking to one of the only guys who maybe more capable than Zhongli I’m gonna be real
- The fucker’s spent 3,000 years with a woman and I’ll eat a hat if he hasn’t encountered a period at least once, alien, time traveler or not he knows women better than most might think
- Soon as you start your period he makes to head back to where you guys stay the most, be that Liyue or Mondstat and he checks you all into a hotel no questions asked
- Absolutely nothing but the best for his baby
- He’ll still need someone out on the field but he sends a different team of people to go explore around the city and just tells everyone this is a brief break to recuperate
- If there’s one thing Aether can do it’s tell jokes and ridiculously funny stories and when you’re down so he yanks you into bed and starts talking
- You’re used to him loosing focus and having a really roundabout way of doing things so it’s not really a surprise when he dumps like 10 different types of pad and tampon and then pulls out a magma slime wrapped in a thick leather bag
- It actually makes for a really badass hot water bottle and a stress ball at the same time
- You’ve named the slime Stevie and it sleeps by your bed every night now
-Thank you for your service Stevie
- He makes arguably the best pastries of the group so don’t be surprised if every morning you wake up to a plate of sugary stuff for breakfast to curb the stupidness that is periods
- Definitely the sweetest himself I’m not gonna lie
- He’ll talk shit despite that if you’re feeling cheeky though, your banter could last for days
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(to mod Shuichi) May I request Shizuku Hinomori and Airi Momoi with S/O, who have anger issues?
Ooooooo a sekai request! your wish is my command ^_^
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CW: none I think
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Airi Momoi
(my apologies if this one isn’t the best not done with mmj story yet)
Airi is typically pretty calm and will calm you down if something particularly makes you upset
If there’s things that will really calm you down then Airi will remember to bring that incase you start getting mad
Because of her past if someone says something mean to her at an interview or what not and she gets upset you go off on that person to the point the other group members have to get you to stop
“Hey S/O I know they said some not nice things to me but, I don’t want them to be yelled at too much from you. Besides they aren’t worth time being upset about.”
She is probably take you to a movie or somewhere that might make you less mad 
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Shizuku Hinomori
One thing that you could never understand was why Shizuku’s sister Shiho would never spend time with her
Through out the time you have been together your girlfriend has always been so nice to her sister, making her lunch, buying her small gifts, and so on but she almost never does anything back
One day you can’t take it and yell at your girlfriend’s sister Shiho didn’t seem to care that much but Shizuku looked hurt but didn’t say anything until Shiho left
“Hey S/O ,I know that Shiho has been kind of ignoring me lately. I think that she’s just in a mood and that she will be happier and more talkative soon!”
Often times she will sing to you as I would hope you really like her singing voice!
She will also give you tons of hugs and affection if that helps calm you down
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forbidding-souda · 3 years
can I maybe get some hcs with Makoto, Kyoko, Hajime, Souda, Gundham and Fuyu with an insecure s/o? your work is VERY comforting and I am in need of it akfbskfbsfnsjf thank you <3
Makoto Naegi, Kyoko Kirigiri, Hajime Hinata, Kazuichi Souda, Gundham Tanaka, and Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu with insecure S/O
All of you requesting soft things to make you feel better is so sweet as if it doesn’t take me like a month to write these JEDWNLKSAJ
-Mod Souda
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Makoto Naegi
❤ He would have never noticed the fact that you are insecure unless you tell him. He's just an optimist. He sees everything about you to be perfect. There's no way he'd even think you're insecure - especially since all the people around him aren't either.
❤ I can imagine him giving you an inspirational speech about how much he loves you. He can give you one all the time, no matter the setting nor time.
❤ Over breakfast, he won't be able to stop thinking about the reason you're insecure. It feels so minimal to him but he'll try to empathize with you.
❤ But he'll always be there to rub your back or kiss your forehead if you're not feeling good.
❤ There's a genuine excitement when you express to him you're in a non-insecure mood. It makes his heart beat fast. He loves hearing you feel good.
Kyoko Kirigiri
❤ When she notices you aren't feeling good, she'll always leave presents around the house for you. She's not much of a confrontational person. But she cares enough to leave you your favorite crackers or bags of teas (she loves teas).
❤ And she always tries to come home early, which is not early at all in your opinion, so she can sleep with you and hold you tight.
❤ She won't have very good words to share with you about it. And whatever she will say, she knows it won't help. So she'd prefer to silently console you through actions.
❤ She wonders if insecurity is even curable. Maybe there are things used to hide it.
❤ She rubs her fingers together, feeling the thin material of her cloves. Maybe.
Hajime Hinata
❤ He's dealt with a lot of insecurity, through others and himself. Hey, he's probably way more insecure than you.
❤ There will be no positive words or gifts of his love. He thinks insecurity is a natural part of being a person. When you tell him, he'll probably compare it to his own experience before changing the topic entirely.
❤ If it gets bad enough where you are unable to do certain things he will just sit you down for a talk. He'll just tell you that your thoughts are being silly and if you're going to do anything about your insecurity.
❤ If the answer is yes, he will gladly help you any way he can. That's when the stream of kind words and encouraging thoughts come in.
❤ If the answer is no, he's not going to do anything going forward. Why would he waste his energy trying to support something that has no motivation?
❤ He'll always treat you like he loves you, though.
Kazuichi Souda
❤ "What do you want to change?" He'll ask. And it won't even be a hypothetical. He's ready to help you with anything. When he was insecure, he changed everything he was insecure about.
❤ So, are you going to dye your hair? Get a tan - start new medications? He'll be here for you. And he loves change, so it'll be exciting for the both of you.
❤ He'll be with you through whatever you decide to do. What you do with your body is not his business, and it will never be. He has no opinions on what you should or shouldn't do.
❤ He's the best canidate to be with if you're insecure.
❤ He'll be the most supportive out of anyone.
Gundham Tanaka
❤ He doesn't understand. He's also wondering what your approach to being insecure is? Still, he's going to kiss your knuckles and tell you that even if you're insecure, everything is going to be okay.
❤ The animals can sense your distress. They'll curl up to you more often or give you their toys as gifts. It's cute when the rats will give you a portion of their food, leaving it on your lap to try and make you feel better.
❤ He will give you compliments, trying to make you feel good in the unique way he does. A lot of adjectives get added to "my beloved", words like exquisite and irresistible, are the words you understand. Sometimes you wonder if he makes some up.
❤ It's flattering of course, and it definitely does make you feel better.
❤ His attempts go straight to your heart. Just the fact that he really does care about you is thrilling enough.
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu
❤ Insecurity is a touchy subject. He might get a little mad at you for bringing it up. He'll avoid the topic entirely. There's no reason to talk about it. But he'll remember the attempt - and he'll try to help you without the need to talk about it.
❤ He'll buy you many rings and expensive clothing to make you feel better. It just makes you smile. This is his attempt? To make you look fancy?
❤ When you express to him that all you need is him - his efforts change.
❤ He focuses on spending more time with you. He'll play all your favorite games with you and just have the intent to make your mood a little better.
❤ He's also realized that he likes getting you gifts, so look out for more of them, because he's not going to stop.
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mlm-mod-taka · 3 years
Hello Mod Taka!! i hope you are having a great day! 💗💕💖💕💖 can i request Mondo Owada, Kiyotaka Ishimaru, Kaito Momota and Gundham Tanaka (seperately) x gn reader cuddling headcanons?? <3 if not thats okay! (ノ゙⌯'⌄'⌯)ノ゙*。⋆💓
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GENERAL CUDDLING HCS • mondo, taka, gundham, kaito x gn reader
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here you go! im sorry if this is a little repetitive, ive been half asleep the whole day and its only 8pm where i live. my brain didn't really help much with this, but i hope its decent enough! enjoy. hehe mondo owada <3
tws/cws: none that i can think of.
|| -> mod taka <3
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he's not the most touchy person at first, since he has some trouble showing affection and physical love. but after awhile, he gets very comfortable with it.
the time he hugs you the most is right after you two come home from school. after having to deal with multiple annoying personalities and getting frustrated with some of the classes. he just wants to hug his s/o at that time for some comfort and to ground himself.
whenever he gets angry, just hug him. whether its because of something small or something bigger, your touch has this ability to instantly calm him down, remembering that there is someone who loves him.
loves to hug you, no matter what your body type is. if you're generally skinny then he can easily wrap his big arms around your whole being. if you're plus sized, he'll always hug your stomach, if you're alright with it. he does this because he likes hugging your body fat, mondo thinks its cute.
he hugs you so often, that his body subconsciously goes to cuddle you whenever you two aren't doing anything important and you're close enough together.
with pda, it depends. he doesn't do more than hold your hand at malls because he gets flustered easily, but at school? he almost always has an arm around you. it comforts him knowing that you're there with him.
doesn't mind being the big spoon or the little spoon. he's fine with being the big spoon since it makes him feel big and strong, but there are times when he wants to be the one coddled and spoiled.
his favorite thing to do while you two are hugging each other, is watching dog videos. he has a whole playlist of his favorite ones, and he will share each and every one of them with you while you two are tangled together on the couch.
loves just being with you in general, it brings such relief and happiness to his life. bear with him at the beginning when he can't hug you for longer than five seconds, but eventually he'll enjoy it. he does love anything you do, after all, since its you. you're such an amazing and loveable person in his eyes.
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i'll admit, he doesn't touch you that much until very late into the relationship. kiyotaka isn't the best at handling physical affection, he gets very easily flustered. so he just avoids it for the most part.
when he does start to get comfortable with initiating touch, he still is very restricted, since he has his morals still bounded with them.
he will most likely not allow any pda, unless you're going through a rough time. thinks its inappropriate in a school enviornment, so he discourages it.
when you first start to hug him, he is so stiff. he doesn't know where to put his hands, so he just grounds his nails into his palms, since he doesn't know what else to do.
if you cuddle him when you two are alone, then after a moment or two, he'll slowly start to put his arms around you as well, his face going completely red while he did this. he wasn't very used to doing things like this, so please excuse his strange behaviour and movements.
it doesn't matter much to him about being big or small spoon. either way, he'll most likely be frozen in place for a good few seconds, not knowing how to handle it.
the first time he initiated physical contact, was when you were in a bad mood and started to tear up. out of panic, his body instinctively wrapped his arms around you. this shocked him as well, since he wasn't the type to do this. but it did help you, so that relieved him.
after that, he'll gradually start to do similar things like that on his own. the surprise and stiffness of his body slowly starts to melt away, until he doesn't react at all when you hug him. the only way he'll react is by hugging you back.
his favorite times to cuddle up to you, is when he's having very long study sessions. he'll encourage you to study with him, but he's just happy to have someone to keep him company. it does get a little lonely sometimes, but that has stopped after you got together with him.
yes, he's very nervous to express his love to you in a physcial form at first, and yes, it takes a very long time for him to get comfortable with doing things like this on his own, but he'll get there eventually. you're so cuddly and sweet, he was bound to break eventually. he just loves you very much, he'd do anything for you.
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acts like he's unbothered by your affections, but in the inside he's practically panicking. almost everyone on this list is not used to doing/being shown physical love, and he's not excluded from this.
gundham is very touch starved, but at the same time, he avoids any touch that other 'mere mortals' dare to give him. except you. you're the only person he allows to touch him in any way, even though his face is practically burning up any time you do so.
everytime you try to comment/acknowledge his reaction to this, he immediately pulls away from you and calls your claims preposterous, as his face was still flaming up.
the most he does to initiate this back to you, is by telling the dark devas to snuggle up to you. other than that, he'll practically shut down if he even tries to hold your hand. he's just very shy when it comes to things like this, being quite inexperienced with anything involving romantic relationships.
honestly prefers to be the small spoon. just likes to be cuddled. it feels like you'd still love him even if he dropped his whole "darklord" act. the man just loves the feeling of warmth and having loving arms around him, its very new and enjoyable to him.
you two often huddle together with the dark devas in a thick, warm blanket, all while watching old timey movies. gundham is a big fan of these types of movies, and he's even happier to share his interest with his lover.
even later into the relationship, he doesn't initiate it still. the boldest thing he'll do is hold your hand in public, which is very rare, and takes quite some confidence for him to do so.
when you want him to hug you, but he's shy because you two are in public, he'll very hesitantly put his jacket around your shoulder, covering his red face with his scarf.
im sure you can tell from what ive typed, but he does not like pda. its not something against you, he just gets very very shy whenever you touch him, especially in public.
he loves you, so he lets you touch him. while it may not seem like it at first, he really does like your affection, he just doesn't know how to handle it. he will show how much he loves you through other methods, so he'll show his appreciation for your love through these ways instead.
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honestly, even before you two were officially an item, he was already touching you a bunch, in a platonic way. if you're his friend, he is very comfortable with putting an arm around you and giving you a hug, and this still applies when he's dating you. even more so, actually.
is immediately comfortable with showing you physical love. doesn't matter where you are, he can and will hug you everywhere. just tell him when and he'll happily wrap his arms around you tightly.
that being said, pda isn't a big deal for him either. yes, he'll refrain from having full on cuddling sessions with you in public, but he'd happily still hug you around for everyone to see.
loves to hug you while you're wearing his clothes. kaito thinks you look better in them than he does, and he loves seeing you like that. it makes him happy to see you wear something that he owns.
definitely prefers to be the big spoon. when he's sad, he'd certainly want to be the small one for some additional reassurance and comfort, but for the most part, he wants to be the big spoon.
the man just really really likes to feel his arms wrapping around your whole being, its like nothing else matters whenever he's hugging you. nothing could ruin his mood during moments like this, he just loves you too much.
is such a good hugger. you don't know how to describe it, but theres something about the way he cuddles up to you that is different compared to others, and you mean this in a good way.
maybe its just his calming presence and aura but you just love everything about it. he's so special compared to everyone else, and it really does show.
his favorite times to have a long cuddling session is when you two are watching a space documentary that was recommended to him, or when he talks, rants, and rambles about interesting facts about the stars in space.
is immediately comfortable with showing his love for you in so many different ways, because you're the love of his life. you deserve everything and more that he has to offer, and he'll give it all to you.
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ibuki-loves-you · 3 years
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Gundham Tanaka General Dating Headcanons
Warnings: None
Mod Ibuki: Not a request! Enjoy!
It takes a lot to get into a relationship with Gundham. He isn’t one to jump into things. You have to earn his trust and slowly work up to a relationship with him. Although it may take some time, it will be worth it in the long run.
Gundham asked you out first. He came to you with a singular rose (keep in mind, his face was as red as that rose) and his Deva’s, of whom contributed to the proposal of sorts. He asked you to go with him to volunteer at an animal shelter, and although it wasn’t the most romantic date, he thought you two would enjoy yourselves. “M-Mortal, it appears you have c-captured my heart, which is no easy task! For that, I congratulate you. Now, as a reward, would you accompany m-me to a meeting in one of the devil’s centers? W-Where the most powerful of demons reside!?” “Is this your way of asking me out?” “...Y-Yes, yes it is.” “Aw, of course I will!” “E-Excellent.”
Gundham is very shy when it comes to physical and verbal affections. If you touch him in any way, he will blush. If you compliment him (or his animals) in any way, he will blush. He’s a very blushy boy, and if you point it out, he will get even more flustered (how is that even possible? Gundham explain.)
Y’know how in some relationships people meet the parents? Yeah, imagine that except with animals. The animals needed to approve of you if you were going to date Gundham. Luckily, every last one liked you! (Yes, every last one.)
Dates are usually at-home things with the animals. Sometimes you watch movies, sometimes you’ll play with them. When you watch movies, you and Gundham will snuggle up on the couch and basically all the animals pile onto you both (dogs, cats, bunnies, ferrets, any animal you can think of is probably on you at this moment.) When you play with the animals, you always bring out every toy in the house (which is a lot, Gundham spoils the animals rotten.) You’ll also be stuck there for a while since the animals will get sad if you move to leave.
Speaking of Gundham spoiling the animals, he will buy like 6 new toys every week. You can try to break him out of that habit, but it won’t work. Hell, eventually you’ll get into it because it’s so cute seeing how happy the animals get when they receive a new toy. “See, my dark monarch! This is their spell! They wrap you in their seemingly warm embrace, only to steal items of entertainment from you!” “Gundham, baby, they just want a toy.” “This ‘toy’ you speak of is one of their items of enchantment! Watch, I will throw this squeaky toy to the dog, and he will certainly play with it. Then, we will play with the squeaky toy with him. It is a curse, my love, a curse!”
Gundham isn’t a very good cook, so I hope you’re good at cooking. He can try to help you, but it never really works out well. He’ll hand you ingredients though! And he makes a pretty good taste-tester if you need one. “Ah, my love! This tastes wonderful! Absolutely heavenly! It has most definitely satisfied the appetite of the dark lord! Hahaha!”
If you’re ever upset, Gundham won’t really know what to do. He just kinda wings it. He’ll hug you and murmur reassuring words to try and improve your mood. One thing is for sure, he won’t leave until he has confirmed you’re feeling better. “My dear, you are a wonderful entity, you are aware of that, yes? No mortal could even compare to the likes of you. I care for you deeply and will stay beside you for as long as I see fit.”
Gundham is pretty minimal with cuddling. He likes some space while he sleeps, but he also wants to touch you. More often than not this leads to either one of you resting your head on the other’s chest or an arm around the waist. Not too much, not too little. It’s perfect for the two of you.
Yours and Gundham’s first kiss was very quick. You could barely feel his lips on your own. You probably made the first move since Atua knows Gundham wouldn’t. He got a bit scared when you first kissed him and pulled away, which is why it was so quick. But don’t worry, he gave you another after he calmed down.
Loveletters! Gundham writes you love letters all the damn time! You can find one on your nightstand, in your bag, on the table, anywhere! In these letters, he writes his undying love for you, since he is a lot more confident professing love on paper rather than verbally. “Did you find my most recent confession, my dearest?” “Yes I did, Gundham. It was so sweet!” “S-Sweet? T-Thank you, my love.”
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undercover-trio · 3 years
De request
First "I love you" with Team RWBY? The more tooth rottingly fluffy, the better. They/Them pronouns? Thanks, I love your works.
Aw shucks, thanks Anon, I’m glad my works are to your liking
I’ll make this as sweet as I can, so sweet even I feel the sweetness radiating from my phone.
o(-`д´- 。)
-Mod Pengie
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Art is by mistEcru
You twiddled with the music box in your hand, it was fairly small yet still quite beautiful. The rose design it had along with wines tracing along its silver surface, much alike the quality of those in stores.
Yet you made it, you created the music sheets after sleepless days, trying to translate Ruby’s favorite song into a music sheet. You studied the parts of music boxes through your scroll, you nicked your fingers many times as you shaped the metal for the box.
You worked hours on end to purchase the materials, sure it cost more to build a music box than buy one but you wouldn’t let yourself. Ruby had helped and supported you through so much, you wanted her to feel even a drop of the appreciation you felt towards her.
You did have many busts when it came to making them but you felt so proud the moment when you could make a successful one. Your head remembered the sound of her favorite song by memory given how much you played it on the music box to get it right.
As you walked towards Ruby’s dorm you felt nervous, not by the chance you’d be caught by the night guard, he already gave you permission to go.
You really hoped Ruby liked the gift, you put your all into it, it was in a cute red box with a f/c(favorite color) ribbon tying it.
The moment you knocked on her dorm door you felt all your worries wash away, you weren’t the type to have doubts. You knew Ruby, she was a precious and sweet girl who deserved the world.
You smiled at Yang as she opened the door, you looked slightly nervous and a bit tired with light bags under your eyes. It didn’t stop the genuine love she could feel coming from you, she opened the door wider to let you in as she smiled at the gift.
Ruby had her nose in a textbook, looking cutely focused as you chuckled, that caught her attention. She noticed her other three teammates walked out the dorm, leaving you and her.
“Y/N? What’s up!” She greeted cheerfully, you took off your shoes and stepped on Weiss’ bed. Ruby focused on how the candle light enhanced your features.
She looked curious as you handed her a box, you smiled and nodded at her to open it.
And she did, her eyes glossed up at the beautiful music box in front of her. She observed every detail, her being more flattered as she saw every thought you put into it.
“Play it.” You encouraged, your voice mellow from your tiredness, it was due to the hour and how much work you put into her gift.
She twisted the knob and listened to the song with you, while it wasn’t as professionally done as the ones she’d see in shops it was still welcoming.
She came to the realization you made this as her keen eyes observed the craftsmanship and details, it wasn’t impossible given you two first met in a workshop.
As the song ended her eyes were watery, this song was her favorite, it was her and her mother's song.
Red like Roses..
“I love you Ruby..I was just too nervous to say it till now, I wanted to make it special as well.
Her heart melted at your mannerism, your gift, your love, just everything in this moment.
She quickly jumped down from her bunk and tackled you into a heartfelt hug, you were a blushing and stuttering mess but she couldn’t help it.
She loved you so much in this moment.
She’s loved you for a long time.
“I love it- I love you- I just-“ Ruby was fumbling over her sentence, her feelings were overflowing.
You sat up and hugged her back, she tucked her head into your neck as she kept repeating how much she loved you.
You loved her too, and you felt fulfilled knowing that she knew.
-Before Weiss heads to Beacon cause I wanna be unique
Weiss… was perfect in aristocratic standards, she behaved impeccably, was talented and had the charisma.
Her silvery hair never failed to perk your interest, the way all her moves were calculated and graceful. Her eyes were a beautiful sky blue, they were probably what drew you in the most.
They were free, they were bright and daring, you weren’t sure when exactly you realized your fondness of her, it just happened.
While you weren’t the most poor aristocrat you certainly weren’t the most rich. It kept you grounded, you had always been level headed yet when it came to her.. you felt all sensible thinking fade.
Perhaps that was what made you follow her to the balcony that night, you remember how you froze when you watched her beautiful features be illuminated by the shattered moon.
Her expression made you pause for a second, with a defeated smile you could help but think she didn’t belong here. An angel can’t be kept in a cage after all.
“Why the long look?” You asked, your behavior genteel as always. Sky blue met e/c, your heart beat fast at the eye contact.
To think you were only 12 at the time.
You and Weiss became acquainted, slowly it turned into friendship, you couldn’t help but admire her.
She really was a beauty among thieves, you loved it when she laughed and joked. Your heart broke when she looked defeated or down, you always strived to be there for her as she did you.
Yet.. secrets can’t always be kept forever, white lies are soon seen through, you weren’t an opaque wall rather than a tinted glass.
“I’m leaving.”
Such a simple sentence from her managed to change your mood tremendously, yet even then as you turned to meet her precious blue eyes..
You couldn’t bring yourself to stop her, she deserved to be free.
“I see.” You couldn’t bring yourself to say more without your voice breaking. She raised her eyebrow at your seemingly relaxed response, yet Weiss was perceptive.
“I’m sorry Y/N.. I just can’t keep being grouped with my family anymore.” Her voice cracked with guilt and pent up aggression, you could feel her emotions about to overflow.
Two warm hands were placed on her cheeks, Weiss couldn’t help but lean into their comfort, you gently brushed away her tears.
“Weiss, look at me.” She hesitantly looked at your face, she didn’t say a word of how it made her heart skip a beat.
“I’ve known..for a long time you don’t belong here.” You started, Weiss could only listen to the cadence of your voice as she put her hands on both your wrists.
“You were made for adventure, a thrilling life with people who care about you.” The more you spoke the less coordinated your words became, she knew you cared about her. You wished for her to get the affection she truly deserved, with the amount of people she should.
It shouldn’t just be you.
“Weiss, when I look into your eyes I see the sky.. I see freedom.. I see many beautiful things.” Her cheeks tinted at the words, you noticed, she always got like that when praised.
“And freedom isn’t caged, it's the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint.” She smiled wryly as she knew you quoted the dictionary, you always did when it came to words that struck you.
“Therefore.. I support you, I’ll even aid you if need be.” Her heart warmed at your words, you were always there for her, speaking and looking at her as if she were the most precious thing.
She couldn’t help her next action.
Her arms wrapped around your shoulders as her lips made contact with yours, they were soft. Her lips were pushed against yours as she tried to convey how she felt to you, smiling slightly when you wrapped your arms around her waist.
When you two separated you met her eyes, they looked back at you lovingly, the way you would always look at her.
“I love you Y/N/N.” She admitted with a smile, you were surprised and delighted. You couldn’t help the way your face melted into a sweet grin.
“And I you, Weiss.”
You met with an Angel at twelve
And with your affections you delve
The closest of friends at fifteen
Something you’d never foreseen
A kiss goodbye at seventeen
As you watched her break from her routine
Blake was scared of your affection sometimes, not that she was scared of you as a person.
It’s just that she was hurt and emotionally scarred so many times and it was hard to heal. Her emotional state was equivalent to a paper that had been crumpled then straightened out.
The marks were still there.
She wasn’t sure she could recover if you turned out the same way Adam did, yet every time you looked at her with love in your eyes she just couldn’t help but stick with you.
She felt ashamed she would always lose her voice when she would try and say she loved you, it made her think of Adam.
You noticed this of course, and every time without fail you would give her a smile and tell her it’s fine. Sure it hurt a bit but you loved Blake, you knew of her past, her emotions and traumas.
You loved every bit of her.
She had come into your dorm late one night, she was busy at the library due to the Torchwick situations. Yet she felt her heart rate increase at your sleeping face, you always were the most beautiful person to her.
Then she heard it.
“...love you..Blake.”
You had murmured it in your sleep, she knew that you loved her, she knew that you refrained from telling her that because you loved her.
Her reaction wasn’t what she expected though, instead of the dreaded fear she thought she would have she instead had a feeling of comfort, ecstasy even.
Her emotions had already come to accept that you loved her, that you weren’t Adam.
She teared up a bit of the realization, they weren’t sad tears but ones of pure and genuine delight.
While she was on her high she sat next to your body and shook you awake, you drowsily looked at her. With a sleepy smile you lift up your hoodie a bit and let her sneak underneath it.
You called it ‘Hoodie Time’, Blake found it as a good way to calm down and relax if she listened to your heartbeat.
And the added bonus she liked being in small spaces.
She felt you stroke her hair as she listened to the cadence of your heart, it was slightly fast and it only flattered her.
“Want to talk Kitten?” You asked, Blake usually did this when she was stressed. You didn’t mind though, you thought it was quite cute.
She shook her head no as she kept her right human and cat ear on your chest.
“I just wanted to say” she started as you rubbed circles on her back to keep her calm. She felt slightly nervous but your action did help.
“I love you.” She got it all out in one breath, she grew slightly worried as she noticed you stopped rubbing her back. She shook her head, you weren’t Adam and you’d never be, you were Y/N.
Her worries ended when she saw how happy your face was, you looked as though you struck gold.
You looked at her as if she just gave you the world, you didn’t want her to worry, you quickly pecked her forehead since it was fairly close to your lips.
“I love you too Blake.” You began, then you started tearing up. “I’m glad you trust me enough to say this.”
She was flabbergasted at how genuinely loving your reaction was, it made her all the more warm inside, she loved your way of love.
She loved you.
She always would.
You smiled as you felt the wind brush against your hair, the city lights always looked perfect in the night. Unfortunately the police sirens weren’t that pleasant, then again, your favorite blonde is the one who is driving right now.
She took a sharp right as you grasped onto her stomach tighter, her muscles tensed at the feeling. The feeling of your fingers brushing against her stomach caused her to lose focus for a minor second.
At least until you snapped her out of it.
“Yang!! Bascule bridge is splitting right now!!” You alerted her, her lilac eyes noticed the ship trying to pass, she immediately increased the motorcycle speed.
Unlike with Ruby, Blake and dear oum.. Weiss, you wouldn’t get scared or mad when she invited you on a thrill ride. You enjoyed it and participated, it surprised her at first given you were a pretty mellow and sweet individual.
She smiled as she heard you gasp in excitement as you two were on the motorcycle mid air, the gradient of the bridge was more than enough to lose the cops and make it to the other side.
You treasured how her hair seemed to fly in slow motion, the moon illuminating the whole scene.
The landing was a bit rough, but thanks to your semblance, aerokinesis, you guys didn’t crash into oblivion. It did slightly exhaust you to slow the velocity you guys were falling at however the adrenaline sure helped.
Luckily there were only minor scratches to bumblebee, unfortunately you both just realized that the way back to Beacon was on the other side of the bridge.
“So Yang.. how would you feel sleeping on a random roof?”
Yang merely laughed at the question and slapped your back, she was on board with it.
That question eventually led to the two of you being on a flat roof, Bumblebee was hidden in a bush right below you guys. You could use your semblance to bring you and Yang up but the bike was a bit too much for you right now.
“Best Joy ride ever!” Yang laughed out with a huge grin on her face, you chuckled at her antics and gave her a fist bump. You guys relaxed for a bit, nearing sleep before Yang turned to you, her eyes looked determined.
“Serious though, I’m glad I have you Y/N/N, I’m not able to do these things with anyone else without being called brash and dumb.” You frowned at the last words, without speaking you merely grabbed her hand as you looked at the star signs.
Ursa Major, quite ironic given you have an overprotective bear hugging friend next to you at the moment.
“Yang.. before I met you I wasn’t able to be myself, while I’m not necessarily as… extroverted as you.. my parents didn’t like my need for thrill.” You told her as you grasped her hand tighter, she too frowned at your words.
“But then I met you… this amazing, lively person, the day you first invited me to a ride like this.. I felt happy.” She blushed at your description of her yet you kept going.
“You’re not dumb, maybe a little brash but you’re still a ray of sunlight that came into my life..and I love you for it.” Your face turned crimson as you admitted those last words, she paused as she came to terms with what you said.
The two of you were still lying down as she raised her arm, you closed your eyes as she patted your soft hair.
“Gee.. you could’ve just told me you loved me..then again you wouldn’t be my Y/N if you didn’t speak a lot to get a point across.” She laughed as you started snickering at her words too, her eyes caught sight of yours as they held contact.
“I love you too Y/N.” She smiled brightly as she brought you in for a kiss, you couldn’t help but beam with happiness as well.
You loved Yang a lot, you loved her thrilling, welcoming self. And she loved you as well.
Heyo! It’s me Pengie, sorry for the late upload of this, school kept me busy, luckily Fine Line by Harry Styles came in my life(slowed down cause I’m like that) added to the angst but nyeh
Anyways I hope your teeth rotted lol, I love you simps and have a good day!
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