#because the only thing i know about the portuguese translation (which i have never found for sale...)
seekerbr · 2 months
Some very Wishshippy comments from the editor of the translation of the manga, Jason Thompson
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First one is from this interview, second one is from this one. I highly recommend that first one, he talks a lot about translating the manga and makes some interesting comments
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morgana-lefay · 3 months
Project: Rammstein Barcelona 2024 - The Review
It's been more than two weeks now and coming back to the real World hasn't been easy, so I'm only now managing to write about the concert.
I'm still very much living in my concert-bubble (ignoring many responsibilities, forgetting I'm a grown-up and such), but I'm not sure I can still remember everything, unfortunately. I will try my best. Heads up, as this will be extensive, detailed (as much as my memory can help me), not spolier-free, might contain off-topics about the city and, most of all, will be MY opinion and feelings about it all.
So let's start.
As some of you might know/have noticed, I traveled from Portugal to Barcelona, the day before the concert. It was the first time, in my 40 years alive in this World, I ever saw a band outside my country and it was also my first time visiting Barcelona, so I was very excited about it all! I was also ready to travel solo, but two friends ended up joining me. I did go to the concert by myself, though.
I arrived in Barcelona on Monday, early in the morning, which allowed me to compensate for concert day, since it would be pretty much dedicated to it, aside from breakfast and lunch. A friend and I decided to walk around "El Gòtic" (Gothic Quarter). A few cañas later, we needed to pee, so we decided to start looking for cool cafes to stop and have more cañas so we could use the bathroom (made sense to us). We found a lovely Plaza by accident, with a cafe in the middle and that was it.
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We ordered two cañas, talked about some serious stuff, some more silly, about the concert and the band and how do people find them in the street and how I wouldn't know what to do if I saw any of them. Time passed and we decided to leave, but first, my time to go to the bathroom. Coming back, something got lost in translation and the guy brought us two more beers.
THANKFULLY, as a few moments later, this guy with dark sunglasses comes riding a bike from one of the streets that led to the Plaza. I was siting facing said street and started panicking in Portuguese "Oh meu Deus, oh meu Deus!". My friend had no idea what was going on, until I managed to say "IT'S THE DRUMMER!". At that point, he was already at the end of the street and I thought he'd left, when I realised he turned around. My friend, to whom I will be grateful forever, got up and stopped him. I did nothing. Just stayed sited, like an idiot. She says he asked her if she wanted a photo and she answered no, because she wasn't a fan (the poor guy), but her friend, pointing at me, was.
Something clicked inside my dumb brain, I got up from my chair and moved towards him. I don't really remember what I said, aside from "Hi, Christoph", "I came from Portugal to see you", apologising for bothering him and wishing him a nice day, if I touched him even (my friend says I touched his shoulder, which I tend to do sometimes, talking to people) nor what he said, or if he even said anything! His face was one of someone so used to these things and almost kinda bored, but at the same time he had a nice and sweet energy about him (not sure if this makes sense). Anyway...it was surreal! I was nervous as hell and I think if I was by myself I wouldn't have approached him. But he is as beautiful in person, as in all photos and videos! (and so tall!). That out of the blue encounter made my day! (I won't share the photo because I don't wanna show my stupid panic ridden face and I don't want the photo to end up everywhere else).
Concert day:
I queued for about 4h30m, until doors opened a bit after 18h00 and it started raining pretty much the moment I got there and pouring like 30 minutes in and it never stopped up to the point I got home, 12 hours later (my friends where ever so kind to make this video 😅) .
There, I met this lovely Spanish girl from Canárias, a group from LIFAD Colombia and Lina, the creator of LIFAD International. All lovely people. I never spoke so much Spanish in my life. I didn't even knew I knew how to speak so much Spanish, although I must have some fucked up accent (I never formaly learned the language), as they pretty much never got what I meant at first try 😂.
I managed to get front row (at some point I didn't think I was gonna make it), on Paul's side and I don't think I've ever seen such a colourful audience in a Metal/Rock concert. I also had never been in a venue with umbrellas.
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Last photo is from last year, here in Portugal. I was standing in the back of the Stadium, which allowed me a privileged perspective over the beauty of the light, fire and music synchrony and I guess that made me love it all even more. This time, I couldn't see that part so well, but I could see them and their interactions, so I guess both concerts completed each other. I was also prepared for fiery hot, but, honestly, with all the rain, I barely felt the pyro.
They opened with "Ramm4", as we all know by now. Honestly, I had heard that song like 3 times before and it's not much my cup of tea (catchy chorus and rhythm, but I'm not that crazy about it as many seem to be). It was fun to sing along the "Ya, Nein! Rammstein!" part though, but it's no match to "Armee der Tristen" or "Rammlied" as an opener. Would have loved to hear the first one!
I felt Till's appearance on stage wasn't as powerful (although the explosion that revealed him was pretty cool), but his outfit is amazing! LOVE the feathers! I did enjoy the message at the beginning, the song and all of them appearing in the elevator together. To be fair, It might be that it's just different and we (I) were used to the old one.
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[second one became my phone's background image]
Me being me, I managed to, by one frame, not catch on video the part where Richard kicks the 🎹🤦‍♀️. But, honestly, aside from the interesting leg movement, it wasn't all that, as it just comes out of nowhere. But then again, we had completely drenched Richard™, so that was just a small drop of water in an ocean of wet awesomeness.
The first half (if I can call it that) of the concert, up until the Deutschland remix, was rocking like a motherfucker! "Keine Lust" sounds great live. It was, actually, one of my favourites. A great surprise! And Richard's energy made it even better.
I always thought I was gonna cry my eyes out during "Asche Zu Asche", as it's one of my favourite songs, but, the tears came during "Zeit"...That song had been hitting me in the guts for the last few months, but I honestly did not see that coming. It was just overwhelmingly beautiful! Till's voice...my Goodness...When he sang the "Ein jeder kennt den perfekten Moment" part, he added "es aquí!"/"aquí contigo" (it's here/here with you), which may or may not made me cry a bit more.
Still about "Asche Zu Asche"...as expected, every one of them has a different energy during that song, but it's still a very powerful one! I rocked my ass off to it and I'm very grateful to have been able to experience it live. Too bad there where no microphones on fire, though. 🙁
"Wiener Blut" sounded great live too! As haunting as I imagined. Till's voice, again...And all of them, honestly, sounded beautiful. These additions to the setlist are just perfect.
Paul was going all Metal on us in some backing vocals, I think during "Links" the most. And Till seemed pretty content with the rain, while adding some Spanish words/expressions to the songs or in between.
Richard's growling during "Du Riechst so Gut" sent me...⚰️I don't think I've recovered from that part yet. Everytime I rewatch the videos, there's shivers. And then there's the little synchronized headbangs between Paul and Till and with all of them. Even though Till seemed to struggle a bit during the one with Paul, particularly, it was so precious to watch up close! 😭Paul and RZK's arm pyro, unfortunately, didn't work. I also couldn't see Till with the arch pyro, as little Paul was standing in the way.
Till clearly used playback, at least in one song (can't quite remember on which one...maybe Wiener Blut...), which is something that always bothers me a bit, even loving him to death. It did not ruin the show for me in the slightest, of course, but I don't really appreciate it or get it.
(Also, my man, stop spitting so much! 🙈)
My greatest disappointment, though, was that the foam from the Pussy-canon didn't reach our side. 😭
Then there were all the little interactions they had going on. It's like Tumblr was turning real, right in front of my eyes! 😂Honestly, I thought a lot about you guys during the whole concert.
I also feel like I went through many phases: rocking my ass off and singing what I knew (and making up other parts 😅); standing still, being mesmerized, just taking it all in; crying during Zeit; laughing over their silliness and just thinking how these guys are so fucking good still after 30 years. 🖤
Other/specific favourite things:
Anything Till and Paul, to be honest, but mostly during Mein Teil and Ausländer (my heart almost melted in this last part, with Till caressing his Paule's face 🥹);
Olli having fun and throwing water at Paul;
The boats and how Schneider seems so happy during it. I focused on him so much, almost forgot there where two more boats coming.
Paul being his little clown self pretty much all the time 🙈;
Flake's little dances and his crown! So pretty!
Schneider setting the rhythm with his arm movements;
The Mein Teil background dancers;
Till's "peacock flames" moment during "Rammstein" is absolutely breathtaking to watch up close! 🥹
Till's rolled up sleeves and his tattoos peaking are also a beautiful sight to see in person. 🖤
Just watching Till in general...Even if I wish he was a bit more serious/stoic sometimes and not so clowny, I love that guy. I can't even put it right into words how it felt seeing him and hearing him.
But, to be honest, I think I have to say that my most favourite thing, even though he was opposite where I stood, was Richard being a badass rockstar! He rocked hard, even dripping wet (or probably even more because of). I liked how he still balances a bit of the more serious side with the silly one.
All in all, I would have appreciated a little less rain (it never stopped...), but I had a great time! There's nothing/no one like them! They're just beautiful to watch and it was incredible to get to see them so close. I'm still a bit overwhelmed and even though it was a different sentiment from last year's concert (my first and in my country), they made me very happy! Thank you, my boys!🖤
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smalltownfae · 1 year
Hi! From the book rec ask game, if you want to answer any/all of these :)
16. a book you'd recommend to your younger self
41. a book about nature
55. a book with a satisfying ending
69. your favourite mythological retelling
70. your favourite poetry collection
117. your favourite anthology
Hello! Thank you for the asks :)
16. Depends on how young. I wish I had read certain old middle grade and YA books when I was a kid, but tbh most of them weren't translated or even sold here so that would be impossible to begin with. I am sad that I didn't have any Diana Wynne Jones books, for example. We did have translated Discworld books at some point though because I found some in my library (that is how I discovered the series), but I never saw them being sold around before. In my small city there weren't any bookshops when I was a kid so I got my books from supermarkets and I visited the library a lot (even if it only had really old books for the most part). That is how I ended up reading above my years and rereading fairy tales for the most part. Two shops that sold books popped up in my teens and they even sold some manga and a friend and I were so happy about it even though that kind of thing was a given in the capital hahah I visited the capital a lot in my teenage years too because I made most of my friends there. I have a kind of hate relationship with my hometown for all the things it didn't provide and things would have been so different had I grown up somewhere else. One of those things were the lack of books available which I still believe contributed a bit to everyone being so close minded around here. My first visit to the city trully blew my mind xD I was like sheep in the big city. Sorry for the personal anedocte, but the truth is I didn't even had the option to read the books that would have interested me as a kid and I am reading them now as an adult.
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41. Upstream by Mary Oliver (which I am still reading...). Also a lot of Robert Frost poems.
“One tree is like another tree, but not too much. One tulip is like the next tulip, but not altogether. More or less like people—a general outline, then the stunning individual strokes.”
55. Howl's Moving Castle hahahaha it has a very nice happy ending, but I think I give this book as an answer way too much so I will try thinking of another one. I know satisfying doesn't necessarily mean happy but I always assume that is what that word means. The Goblin Emperor by Katherine Addison has a pretty nice ending too.
69. I haven't read many of those at all so I will have to go with the cliché answer The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller, which is the only book out of the 3 I read by her that I liked. I am not as interested in myth retellings as I am in reading the originals to be honest, but I am curious about The Silence of the Girls, which I only heard good things about so far.
70. I am only exploring poetry more this year so my options are limited. I am going through the complete poems by Robert Frorst and that book separates the smaller collections published before so I guess right now I would pick New Hampshire by Robert Frost, which has the most poems I like, including my favourite "Stopping by woods on a snowy evening". Collections are hard because I very seldom enjoy all the works included in the book and never at the same level when I do like all of them.
117. I do not read these either. I can only recall one anthology that I read from start to finish and that was The New Voices of Fantasy so I guess I have to say that even if it was just ok. Oh wait, this is a lie. I love "Histórias de Fantasmas" (Ghost Stories), but that is a portuguese one that has a selection of "ghost stories". I can tell which ones were included in it though. It's one of my favourite books and I did enjoy every story in it. Here's the list:
The Open Window by Saki
Afterward by Edith Wharton
The Ghost by Catherine Wells
Mr. Tallent's Ghost by Mary Webb
The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman
Nr. 17 by E. Nesbit
The Voice of a God by Winifred Holtby
A Spirit Elopment by Clotilde Graves
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iloveutoodeath · 9 months
recently i’ve been on a historical drama manga kick and as part of that i read rose of versailles and some of the side stories written for it, and i really fell in love with the mangaka’s art style so i wanted to check out some of her other works.. and even tho she’s got a huge catalogue of series written only a handful have been scanned and translated?? like i wanted to read the series abt napoleon and the one about catherine the great but neither of those were available on any of my usual manga reader sites (mangadex and mangasee123) which is crazy because between those two websites there’s such a hugeee database of scans and i’ve never not been able to find what i’m looking for, if it’s not on one website it’s usually for sure on the other, or the cool thing abt mangadex is that people upload scans in different languages so if i’ve ever been unable to find something in english i’ve at least found it in spanish or even in a pinch portuguese or even italian, which are similar enough to spanish that if i use google translate i can get like 90% of what’s going on (not ideal but i have read a few short mangas like this lmao..) anyways yesterday i read this series she wrote about prince jozef poniatowski and the history of poland and it was so good but so tragic.. and today i started reading a series called the window of orpheus which is just historical fiction drama, not rly about actual historical figures.. and it was soooo fucking good i was hooked on this story but it cut off at chapter 20!!! and there are supposed to be like 126 chapters of this series or something like that and i’ve looked all over different manga hosting websites and any of the ones that have this series all seem to cut off at ch20so i guess the group that was scanlating this series some years ago just stopped at this point😭😭😭 but i want to know what happens wtf wtff at this point i’m gonna have to learn japanese and get a hold of the source material myself and read it because i can’t find anyyyy of her stuff online…. BUT I WANT TO READ
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fujoreads · 9 months
The Mother // Spoiler-free Review
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This one took me a long time to read. Not because it was difficult or dense, I just have a hard time picking it up back again if I pause my readings for whatever reason.
But hey, I finished it in the first week of the year! The score...? I LOVED IT!
I have this habit of going through my parents’ attic once in a while and I always manage to find more books that interest me. This time, I found a very old version of Mother, gifted to my late grandfather back in 1971 (though the book itself was probably published around the 50s). It’s really fun to go through their shelves, because I’m able to find so many socialist authors.
It’s been a day since I’ve finished it, and I still feel kind of empty inside. It was such a good read.
Mother is a tale of Pelageya, a mother of a revolutionary, and how her worries for her son turned into love for all Humanity.
I’ve always loved Russian literature, but I had only read the big classics mostly before the Russian Revolution. It’s really interesting to see how Gorky approaches the miserable living conditions people had in Tsar times after the first attempt of the Russian Revolution and the struggle for the truth and justice.
In fact, I don’t think I’ve ever heard someone talk about Gorky around me or any post-revolution Soviet (or Russian, after the USSR’ end) work. It’s sad, the way you have to really search for them to even find something. I’ve never regretted reading them. Even Tolstoy’ Anna Karénina, which I didn’t love: I still managed to take something from it and enjoy a good story.
That said, I didn’t know what I was getting into. I only knew the author lived during the early years of the USSR and this was one of his works. Nothing more, nothing less.
This might become one of my favorites. Even if the ending destroyed me from the inside, it also filled my heart with a never-extinguishing love and passion for my way of praxis. For me, that is translating works I find important for other people to read/watch; this book managed to make me feel more accepted for not being able to do “more” than my local communist youth. Crazy.
For reference, I’m reading the Portuguese translation, not the Russian original nor the English translation (I did look for the English quotes in the review).
The writing is simple but burning with passion. It makes sense, since the focus here isn’t a noble or aristocratic family, but the working class as a whole.
The day was swallowed up by the factory; the machine sucked out of men’s muscles as much vigor as it needed. The day was blotted out from life, not a trace of it left. Man made another imperceptible step toward his grave; but he saw close before him the delights of rest, the joys of the odorous tavern, and he was satisfied.
While the description of the senses isn’t anything praise-worthy, the prose is. I teared up at times from the inner thoughts of Pelageya or the dialogue between comrades.
”Why, this is like a new god that’s born to us, the people. Everything for all; all for everything; the whole of life in one, and the whole of life for everyone, and everyone for the whole of life! Thus I understand all of you; it is for this that you are on this earth, I see. You are in truth comrades all, kinsmen all, for you are all children of one mother, of truth. Truth has brought you forth; and by her power you live!”
First things first: this is a semi-biographical work. If you can’t stand literary fiction or any work without the typical “beginning-middle-end” structure, you might not like this.
This is mostly a walk through Pelageya’s approach to life through her son Pavel, who becomes a revolutionary against the Tsarist power. It also deals with things which surprised me for the times this was written in—the 1900s—like domestic violence, how (Christian) faith interacts with socialism, and how comradery can make one be truly reborn.
The entire book is very heart-warming and full of love for people, so the ending got me by surprise. I had almost forgotten this was Russian literature. While its original purpose was to get people to recover from the defeatist mood they were in after the failure of the first attempt at a Russian revolution, I’m not sure I’d recommend this to absolutely anyone. If you need a light in your life, this is a 50/50 read. Overall though, I’d give it a shot. If you can take a medium-paced story without much super exciting happening, it’s a great read.
While I talked a lot about Pelageya’s character growth in the Plot section (since she is the true protagonist), The Mother has a vast cast, and many great characters.
The main characters here are obviously Pelageya, but also her son Pavel. We also have other characters, like the anarchist Rybin, the Ukrainian Andrey Nakhodka, and Anna, a revolutionary girl.
How we come to know these characters is mostly through dialogue and Pelageya’s perception of them. It’s really endearing how being a “mother” begins to change and morph into a more universal meaning—that being her motherly love and care for all her comrades.
While I enjoyed the cast as a whole, I will have to say that for the exception of Pelageya, all of them felt very one-dimensional and I didn’t feel any growth or change. It’s not too bad, considering the focus is almost always on Pelageya’s growth, but once you finish the book, it makes you think about those little factors.
Maybe I just enjoyed Pelageya so much because I too am a motherly person towards the people I care for and would probably be like her if I ever become a parent. Plus, the “found family” fits perfectly in here.
This book is set in our world—Sormovo, Russia. However, if it weren’t for the characters’ names and the constant mentions of the cold, I wouldn’t have known better. I did enjoy how grey and smokey the factory scenes are.
This might be the weakest aspect of the book. I do not have anything else to add.
I’ve talked about this a bit in the plot section, but I really see this as a hope manifesto: something to make you fired up and full of passion to change—yourself and the world.
That aside, there are also other themes: Pelageya’s love as a mother [figure]; how religion can chain you down if you have nothing else; and the importance of comradery in life, political or not.
Pelageya’s relationship with Christianism was one of the most interesting aspects of the book, even if it wasn’t a main focus over its entirety, but snipets showing how she was feeling and evolving.
Just like Marx said, Religion is the opium of the masses. No one blames the working class for being so dependant on religion for their life meaning, as we live a life devoid of true meaning, where we only work so we can survive, not thrive.
I’m not Christian but I deeply respect Jesus and what he stands for (personally, I believe all religious and divine entities exist, I just don’t worship him.) He was a comrade, and I believe being a Christian and fighting for the working class is not contradictory at all. In fact, it should be expected.
It was such a captivating book, and I found Pelageya’s development truly lovely. She inspired me: I can only hope I am as good as her in my future.
In summary: great themes, a wonderful protagonist with constant growth and in general, an uplifting story. The cast can feel a bit one-dimensional at times, but the focus is on the protagonist, Pelageya.
If you can’t stand stories where there’s nothing super exciting happening, then this is NOT for you.
However, if you want a heartwarming tale of a mother-son relationship blooming after a cold winter, do give this one a try!
After this, I’m very much wanting to read more of his works—and I do have another one somewhere in my shelf!
Overall, I will give this one a 8/10, or 4 stars!
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Thank you for reading it all to the end! Hey, kind stranger! Would you be so kind and consider giving me a little tip? It can be as low as 3 bucks and it’d make a huuuuuge difference!! If you tip 10€ (or higher), you can dictate my next read and be credited (if you’d like) on that review! Have a nice day!!
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somerabbitholes · 4 years
Indian Non-Fiction
A list of books on India, almost all of which are by Indian writers; most of them are about history in one way or other but they also involve politics, culture, and religion. (Doesn’t include writing in Indian languages because most of my non-English reading has been limited to fiction). I’ve also added links to online editions for ones I found.
Pre-, Postcolonial India (+ other assorted history)
Land of Seven Rivers by Sanjeev Sanyal - looks at Indian history through its geography; great if you want an introduction. it’s a small book but has very interesting insights; definitely would recommend. Also check his Ocean of Churn, which looks at Indian history in terms of the Indian Ocean
The Lost River: On the Trail of the Sarasvati by Michel Danino - looks into the research and evidence on the existence of the Sarasvati river and makes a case for its existence
Hooghly: The Global History of a River by Robert Ivermee - about Hooghly as a centre of a trans-Asiatic and trans-oceanic commercial network
Indians: A Brief History of a Civilization by Namit Arora - what it says, it’s new and was well-received; it paints a holistic picture to start you off
Modern South India by Rajmohan Gandhi - this one’s new, and I’ve only barely read it. It’s the history of south India from the coming of the Portuguese to modern times and it’s really important because we don’t study about this or even talk about this in mainstream conversations
India Moving by Chinmay Tumbe - on migration within India and how migrants and migrations has shaped history, politics, and policy
The Courtesan, the Mahatma, and the Italian Brahmin by Manu Pillai - a selection of stories (real ones) from Indian history; very engagingly written and very, very interesting stories. Also check other works by Pillai - The Ivory Throne and Rebel Sultans. He also writes a regular column for the Mint
Panipat by Vishwas Patil - (a translation from Marathi) a history of the Battle at Panipat in 1761, which basically created a vacuum for the East India Company to step in and grab power; really expansive and highly detailed
Rama and Ayodhya by Meenakshi Jain - on the Ramayana and its cultural spread across Indian since the ancient times; also about the Ayodhya movement
Decolonizing the Hindu Mind by Koenraad Elst - lays down the ideological and intellectual development of the broad umbrella Hindu revivalist movement; really good starting point to understand the rise and development of a significant chunk of Indian politics in post-independence years; really straightforward work, very clear in its objectives
1962: the War that Wasn’t by Shiv Kunal Verma - on the Sino-Indian conflict in 1962; haven’t read it yet, but it’s supposed to be one of the best ones on the conflict
1971: A Global History of the Creation of Bangladesh by Srinath Raghavan - on the creation of Bangladesh; places the history in a Cold War context and includes all stakeholders like the US, China and Russia; has multiple layers to its narrative.The Most Dangerous Place by Srinath Raghavan - on American foreign policy in South Asia right from the earliest times.
Cricket Country by Prashant Kidambi - about how cricket took hold in colonial India and the making of the first all-India cricket team; super excited about this book, I added it to my list too
A Corner of a Foreign Field by Ramchandra Guha - on the growth of cricket in India; takes into account race, caste, and religion in pre- and postcolonial times; looks at how the sport was adapted in local cultures and how it became an expression of resistance
Himalaya: A Human History by Ed Douglas - basically what it says; very thorough and very fresh; about more than India because it takes Himalaya as a unit and so it’s really transnational in its approach
Colonial India
Plassey by Sudeep Chakravarti - a very detailed study of the Battle of Plassey which kicked off the colonial project in India
India’s War: World War II and the Making of Modern South Asia by Srinath Raghavan - on India’s involvement and contribution in World War II
An Era of Darkness by Shashi Tharoor - about the economic impact of the British Empire in India; highly elaborate and detailed work on the economic drain in India during colonisation
Goa Inquisition by A. K. Priolkar - about the Portuguese colonisation of Goa and the subsequent evangelical campaign by the Portuguese crown and the Roman church; very, very, thorough and great if you (like me) know nothing about the whole thing
Hicky’s Bengal Gazette by James Otis - on the development and running of India’s first English newspaper; a fun read because honestly the story of the paper is very dramatic and full of political/colonial gossip; also tells you a lot about the early ideas of free press in colonial India
Sati: Evangelicals, Baptist Missionaries, and the Changing Colonial Discourse by Meenakshi Jain - about the discourse on sati and the need for reform; reviews the idea of the abolition of sati being a progressive act
Castes of Mind by Nicholas Dirks - about the intersection of caste, race, and colonial knowledge and policy
Politics, Sociology, Commentaries
The Indian Trilogy by V. S. Naipaul - a semi-autobiographical work on the kind of civilisation Naipaul sees India to be; very, very honest; paints a picture of postcolonial India over the years. the trilogy includes An Area of Darkness, India: A Wounded Civilization, and India: A Million Mutinies Now. I’ve only read the first one; but I’ve heard and read great things about them all
Republic of Caste by Anand Teltumbde - about caste in post-Independence India; looks at political and policy-related developments and their impact on caste dynamics; sort of subaltern history; it is a little difficult to understand if you don’t already have some amount of knowledge on Indian politics; also a very academic work so not exactly easy to read - I’ve only read parts of it myself
Annihilation of Caste by Dr. B. R. Ambedkar - technically a speech that was never delivered because it was thought to be too explosive; argues that caste is rooted in oppression and for the complete destruction of the caste system; an excellent work, although you do need to know about caste in its religious and political terms. Really just read all of his writing (it’s an entire 14 volume set), they’re excellent and far ahead of their time
The Idea of India by Sunil Khilnani - an analysis of sorts of what pre-colonial and colonial society and the freedom struggle mean for the republic and the kind of nation-building that has happened.
A New India of India: Individual Rights in a Civilisational State by Harsh Madhusudan, Rajeev Mantri - rethinks the “idea of India”; traces cultural and historical legacy in making of modern politics, and explores how individual rights are reconciled with the state’s goals; great thing is that it takes a fresh look at things; perfect to be read after The Idea of India 
10 Judgements that Changed India by Zia Mody - recounts ten most important legal cases and court rulings in India; good starting point at understanding how the law works and its development
Republic of Religion by Abhinav Chandrachud - about secularism and religion in India in light of colonial rule, and its implications in postcolonial India
India Unbound by Gurcharan Das - it’s a history from the Independence to 2000 that focuses largely on the political economy and unpacks the kind of growth we’ve seen; it mixes the personal with the political/economic progress and it’s really easy to get into; best when read with his India Grows at Night
Kanshiram by Badri Narayan - a biography of Kanshi Ram, who pretty much laid the foundation of modern Dalit political movement in post-independence India; looks into how the movement developed under Kanshi Ram; a useful insight into both the man as well as early Dalit politics in India
Savarkar by Vikram Sampath - first part of a two-part biography (second part isn’t out yet) on V. D. Savarkar, one of India’s first revolutionary freedom fighter; looks at an insane variety of sources and highly detailed; a must read.
History Men by T. C. A. Raghavan - about the friendship of three of colonial India’s first native historians (Sir Jadunath Sarkar, G. S. Sardesai, Raghubir Sinh) and how they collaborated and supported each other in writing Indian history using scientific methods; also looks at their contributions to Indian history in general
Rammohun Roy by Amiya P. Sen - a biography of colonial India’s first social and religious reformers who reinterpreted Hinduism for modern times; very well-written, great for understanding how early reform worked out
Daughters of the Sun by Ira Mukhoty - about women in the Mughal dynasty. note that it only looks at women connected to and part of the royal household, but an interesting read nonetheless. Her other work, Heroines: Powerful Indian Women in Myth and History is a wonderful book on women in history right from the ancient times; also analyses and explains the changing perceptions of women
R. N. Kao: Gentleman Spymaster by Nitin Gokhale - really, really, really interesting book on R. N. Kao and the development of India’s espionage machinery
Indian Art by Partha Mitter - a history, he’s one of the best on Indian art, very useful
The Dance of Shiva by Ananda Coomaraswamy - a collection of essays on Indian artistic tradition in aesthetic and philosophical terms
The Spirit of Indian Painting by B. N. Goswamy - specifically about painting; explores different themes in different regionals tyles; also check other books by Goswamy, he’s kind of a big deal in art history
Indian Painting: the Lesser Known Traditions by Anna Dallapiccola - pretty much what it says; takes into account a ton of styles and traditions that are lumped together ‘folk art’
Cities, Travel etc
The Great Indian Railway Bazaar by Paul Theroux - four-month journey from London to India by trains only; explores themes like colonialism, American imperialism, poverty. One of my favourites
The Epic City by Kushanava Chaudhary - memoir on Kolkata as the author explores and re-discovers the city when he comes back to it after staying in the US for most of his life; a lovely book, delves in the history of Kolkata a little in relation to how the city still feels it, how its people are still negotiating with it, and the kind of future the author sees for Kolkata
Bombay, Meri Jaan by Jerry Pinto & Naresh Fernandes - a collection of essays on Mumbai by a wide collection of people from Naipaul to Khushwant Singh to Manto and Salman Rushdie, compiled by Jerry Pinto; one of my favourites on the city
No Full Stops in India by Mark Tully - writings from when Tully was a journalist in India; commentaries on things he witnesses, also includes a fair amount of personal involvement; explores poverty, postcolonial development, religion and culture in post-independence India
Mumbai Fables by Gyan Prakash - a history of Mumbai city; looks at colonisation, industrial development, the regional politics, architecture and art, as well as the underworld/mafia
Banaras by Diana L. Eck - on Varanasi (Banaras), probably India’s holiest city; tells its history from its conception to now; blends religion, mythology, politics, and history. Also check Eck’s India: A Sacred Geography
The City of Djinns by William Dalrymple - semi-autobiography about living in Delhi; looks at the legacies of independence and partition while thinking about its past
The Book of Indian Journeys by Dom Moraes - it’s an anthology of essays and excerpts from works of a bunch of writers on travelling in India, it’s a favourite when I’m travelling
This is not exhaustive and I will keep updating when I find the time. I’ve tried to keep it diverse (and organised) in its content; hope you find something you like :)
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shiroganeryo · 3 years
Komui's Discussion Room content (DGM 27)
Volume 27 has been released recently here in Brazil and I realized the remaining of Komui’s Discussion Room were nowhere to be found in English, but after reading all of it, I thought there are very interesting things hence why I wanted to share!
Please bear in mind this is not a direct translation, but a summary.
I have a lot of criticism when it comes to Viz Media’s release (official English), but I’m quite content with the work Panini, the distributor of D.Gray-Man in Brazil, has done so far with the official Portuguese release. If there are any mistakes, please bear in mind I translated the information directly from their version.
There are 11 questions covered in this summary. For the others, please check Jeidafei’s translations on them (totally recommend it!): Part 1 | Part 2 | Author's note & Thanks Corner | Extra
Without further ado, let’s get into it! This got very long.
≫ Kanda hasn’t reached the “critical point” in synchronization yet (+ why Allen isn’t a General)
In the question “How did Kanda hide having gone past the critical point”, Tiedoll answers that he actually has the potential it takes to do it but hasn’t done it yet. Still on the same question, they answer a related question about Allen’s critical point: “If Allen has reached the critical point, why wasn’t he appointed to become a general during the Order’s reconstruction?”
Allen replies that it was impossible at that time since Central was keeping watch over him. Tiedoll adds that he’s also too young and the only one able to operate the Ark, the latter making Central even more suspicious of him. General Cross’s reputation also seems to have played a part in this, having the higher-ups deem Allen as someone they couldn’t trust enough.
Ryo’s note: Allen thanks Tiedoll for putting his thoughts about Cross into words and Cross simply laughs it off. XD
≫ Sleeping positions
They get asked about their sleeping positions. Tiedoll describes how Kanda sleeps with detail (when younger, in fetal position; nowadays, he sleeps lying on his side, preferentially the right side).
Allen comments that Johnny sleeps sprawled on the floor or the desk and that everyone in the Science Division sleeps like this; when he first saw it, he got concerned thinking something tragic had happened. Johnny says it’s comfortable to sleep like this, but Allen isn’t so sure.
Cross comments on how Allen sleeps; he mentions he likes to sleep hugging something and when he can’t do it, he complains until falling asleep. Allen gets flustered and claims that he got used to sleeping with Tim because he used to be big, but is over it nowadays. Johnny remembers Link used to tell him not to sleep with the piggy-bank, to which Allen replies that it was “not a sleeping position, but survival instincts”.
Kanda comments on how he brought a ton of food to the infirmary one time and says it was annoying to listen to him eating nonstop. Allen replies with sarcasm (“sorry for needing to eat to recover my energies”).
Cross sleeps naked, with his arms open (according to Allen).
Tiedoll sleeps on his stomach, blanket over his face.
Ryo’s note: The time Kanda is referring to is in Chapter 135 (135th Night: Repose, Partly Cloudly).
≫ The symbol on the CROWs' foreheads
Cross replies that it’s probably the compulsory mark of the procedure that transforms regular people in CROWs. Tiedoll says that Cross knows a lot, as expected of someone who’s able to use magic –he shrugs off the compliment – and Kanda asks when and how exactly someone like him learned it. He angrily says he didn’t learn it anywhere and ends the question at Allen’s remark that he always gets angry when people ask.
Ryo’s note: This is interesting. Could imply he was the one to teach magic to Nea (and the Earl himself?), and not the other way around. But, it’s also possible he just didn’t want to answer.
≫ “What is something you find impressive on the other, but have never admitted?”
Johnny decides to start with Kanda and Allen, and the two exchange insults for several lines.
Johnny then passes the baton to the Generals, who do the exact same as their apprentices.
Johnny ends the question with a thank you and sweating nervously.
Ryo’s note: By “insults”, I mean things like Kanda calling Allen a crybaby, and Allen saying Kanda’s dumb. Tiedoll calls Cross a delinquent; Cross calls him “doting dad”. The list goes on…
≫ The time Kanda spent with General Tiedoll right after becoming his apprentice (+ Allen’s time with Cross)
They are asked what was the most outstanding episode from such a time, and Kanda absentmindedly says he forgot. Tiedoll seems disappointed, stating they had made so many marvelous memories together, to which Kanda replies “please stop talking in this weird way”.
Allen asks how the travels were, and Tiedoll says the most important at that time was to take care of mending Kanda’s heart. They spent much time talking about amenities, having contact with plants and animals and admiring beautiful landscapes. Tiedoll believes that getting in touch with beautiful things can help to connect with the world, despite carrying the burden of being a Second; he wanted Kanda to feel like regular people feel about the world.
Johnny and Allen are touched, and the latter comments how jealous he is. Cross then reminds Allen of how many bedsheets he had to wash because of him, making him flustered. He then goes on to remind how not only he did that but also had to feed him – Tiedoll comments on how it seems impossible to imagine Cross doing all that – and even help him change many times.
Allen’s embarrassment reaches the maximum and he threatens to beat Cross if he keeps talking about that.
≫ Stories of when Kanda and Lenalee were little
Kanda tries to shrug the question off, but Johnny insists they answer. Tiedoll says that the two of them were really cute, just like two lilies that bloomed inside the gray scenery of the Order; Kanda tells him to stop.
Allen is uninterested in Kanda, but wants to hear about Lenalee. Cross asks him if he likes her, and says he thought he had a girlfriend in the Asian Branch already. Allen denies it and says both LouFa and Lenalee are his friends; Cross laughs, saying he doesn’t judge, and Allen nearly snaps in irritation (again).
Johnny moves on to answer the question; Kanda is against it, but Tiedoll holds him in place. Johnny tells that Jiji told him that at first, Kanda would be asked if Lenalee could train with him, but he would shrug her off saying he didn’t want to train with a girl, which would make her cry.
Every time Kanda made Lenalee cry, she would run off to Reever. In reality, Johnny thinks she wanted to talk to Komui instead, but she thought he was busy and didn’t want to bother him, resulting in her crying at Reever’s desk. Tiedoll and Allen are weeping at it (they thought it’s cute).
While Reever comforted Lenalee, Marie would appear bringing Kanda along, who had no idea how to apologize, while Lenalee would bashfully hide inside Reever’s lab coat. This kept happening until he eventually accepted to train with her.
Johnny starts telling another story involving Kanda’s meditation and Lenalee coming back tired from a mission, but Kanda interrupts him. Allen says it’s being fun and tells him not to bother.
Kanda tells him to shut up, calling him a bedwetter. Allen snaps (again).
Ryo’s note: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
≫ “Who amongst the Noah would Allen best go along with? Hypothetically speaking.”
Allen and Kanda are worn out from fighting (see the previous question); Johnny is giving them calming tea. Tiedoll says that it seems Allen and Tyki Mikk looked friendly when talking to each other, and Allen interjects saying they’re not friends and that Tyki doesn’t respect the notion of personal space.
He then goes on to say he doesn’t imagine himself being friends with any Noah because they lack common sense. Cross mentions Road and how she’s always being flirty with him, which makes Allen tell him to stop implying things, while sounding unsure about being friends with her or not.
Johnny asks if Allen is embarrassed and reminds Road kissed him. He denies being embarrassed and says that kissing is just a form of greeting for her (he’s sweating nervously while saying so). He adds that, on top of that, he feels like Road sees someone else when she looks at him.
Cross seems amused.
Ryo’s note: This answer is very interesting. It seems to confirm the theory that Road had some kind of connection with past!Allen. We won’t know for sure until it’s revealed, but it does seem to imply such a thing.
≫ The taste of Innocence + the Crystal Type Innocence + Exorcist supplies + Cross suspiciously knowing about the Bookman clan
A reader asks how did Innocence taste like when liquefied; Kanda says it tastes like nothing, similar to water.
Johnny points out the wounds that formed after their Innocence became Crystal types and if they don’t hurt. Kanda says that at the time they don’t, but such wounds won’t heal even with his healing ability – which he concludes makes sense since it’s from where the blood comes out to form the weapons.
Johnny mentions that the Science Division (Komui, more specifically) made Lenalee pills that will prevent anemia. Still on that subject, Allen remembers people had asked what goes inside the bags the Exorcists carry on their uniforms. Johnny says they carry first-aid kits, disinfectants, anti-hemorrhagic meds, and things of the sort. Miranda and Timothy carry sweets with a high intake of calories, Krory carries Akuma blood sweets and Lavi and Bookman asked for migraine meds.
Tiedoll says they are nothing without the support of the Science Division and thanks them. Allen asks about Lavi and Bookman getting migraines. Cross mentions it’s probably from an occupational disease because storing that much information and memories can wreck your head over time.
Allen comments again that he seems to know a lot about the Bookman Clan, and that it’s very suspicious. Cross magnificently shrugs off the question.
≫ Allen’s cheating
Allen gets asked if he becomes bad at luck games (i.e gambling) in case he doesn’t cheat. He says that a bet on luck always rewards something even if gains are small, but Johnny says he’s really bad at things like rock-paper-scissors. Kanda thinks he was just in denial about admitting he’s unlucky.
When scolded by Kanda, Allen says it was a matter of survival and that he never cheated good people on; just bad people.
Johnny says living like this is dangerous and that he should stop; Allen apologizes and says he needs money, and if anything, he can use his Innocence.
Cross is amused and sounds proud. Tiedoll regrets Cross’s influence on Allen.
≫ About Link
Allen gets asked if he has ever seen Link smile, to which he responds he has tried making him laugh/smile, but never could do it. Johnny says that everyone from Central is very serious, especially Link. Tiedoll thinks that it might be forbidden to smile when their superior is Director Lvellie.
Allen goes on to ramble about how Link complained about everything: when he had food on his face after or during eating, asking him to redo reports because they were illegible despite Reever being able to read, scolding him for not drying his hair after going out of the bath because he could get a cold, and how he was a shame for not folding his uniform properly before putting it away.
Cross asks him, “what was he? Your mother?” and Allen says he didn’t get annoyed at him. He wonders if all moms are like this.
Johnny says people were worried when he was assigned to watch Allen, but in the end, Link went along well with everyone and confirms that Allen liked him as well. He also states that Allen’s reports became a lot easier to read thanks to him.
Ryo’s note: Ladies, gentlemen, and non-binary folks: it’s Link appreciation time! *tips hat* Also Allen wondering about how mothers treat their children was just precious, even if it’s a throwaway comment.
≫ The vibe at the Black Order
In the question “Who runs faster, Komui or Reever?”, Johnny says that he thinks Reever is faster; Allen adds that Komui cheats by using Komurin, though. Kanda gets annoyed and tells them they (at the Science Division) should make Komui behave accordingly to his role. Johnny sniffs and says that they try.
Tiedoll says that it’s actually good that Komui is cheerful because the Order used to be a very different place until he took over the post, and that he (Tiedoll) disliked the gloomy aura it used to have. Allen remembers Lenalee commented about it once and asks if the Order was really this different back then. Tiedoll says that even if it’s been built with a noble purpose, human beings aren’t perfect and a lot of things get distorted over a hundred years. He recommends Allen to ask For about it, as she has existed ever since the Order was founded and protects it to this day.
Allen is sad and comments he wants to visit the Asian Branch again someday. Johnny says he’ll go with Allen, but the latter says he would want to eat Jeryy’s food again before that. Cross sneers and wishes good luck.
They wrap it up at this, and both Kanda and Allen look very happy about being done with the Discussion Corner (as noted by Johnny). Tiedoll bids Cross adieu, and says “rest in peace, Marian” – to which he replies “don’t treat me like a ghost”.
Allen says he knows Cross is an illusion created by his weakness, but that he was happy to see him (in reference to the 222nd Night: Searching for A.W - Hypokrisis). Cross tells him not to exaggerate.
Johnny is content that they could finally keep it to the ideal number of pages – something the Discussion Corner is known to usually have trouble with. Tiedoll says that if they had gone overboard, the next issue’s Discussion Corner would be canceled, and wraps up thanking everyone who has cared about Yu so far and asks that people keep cheering for him.
Johnny thanks the readers for sending their questions. Allen and Kanda are relieved it’s over.
Ryo’s note: And that’s it! Man, this got LONG. Thank you very much for reading until the end. Can’t wait for the next Discussion Room, the way Tiedoll worded it makes it seem like it’ll be on the next volume, 28. I’m excited!
If you're interested in seeing more DGM content from me, feel free to check my masterlist here.
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ct-multifandom · 3 years
Theory about episode 21
[❗️spoilers obviously❗️]
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For those of you who don’t know, Gloob hosted a Miraculous Day event with the voice actors of the Brazilian/Portuguese translation dub. One of the things they did was read this spoiler scene from an unnamed season 4 episode.
Both of Marinette’s parents get akumatized together. It could be because of Marinette’s increased lying and how she never spends time with them anymore, like when she physically pushed Tom out of her room when he wanted to play Mecha Strike. (Which episode was that? I can’t find the moment for the life of me). It could also be because of something else like unreasonable customers or someone posing a threat to their daughter. Maybe Tikki was secretly but unintentionally messing up their orders from the start and they got upset because of that.
Anyways, according to Plagg, Tikki seems to be going through some sort of relapse of her devastating sugar addiction. I wonder if her saying, “spots on” is a translation error, or if she can actually force Marinette to transform. Since Marinette wants the opposite of what Tikki wants, and Tikki is threatening to operate without a holder, I would assume that that line should’ve been, “lucky charm”. Or maybe she’s just saying, “spots on” for dramatic effect like one would say, “it’s go time”?
If Tikki goes rogue, what can Marinette do? She can rely on Chat to catch Tikki and possible other allies to take care of Tom and Sabine, and she can get Rena Furtive to cover for her, but Marinette wouldn’t just sit out of a fight, especially not when her parents got akumatized since she knows them best and this is a brand new villain. The only other option would be pulling out one of the other 14 miraculous she has at home a la Multimouse in Kwamibuster.
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I had this post in my drafts before this TFOU trailer dropped, but the clip from this episode shows only (Astro) Chat taking care of the Tikki thing, which makes me believe they split up, and Marinette is fighting her parents. (Oof, this isolation visual symbolism thing is getting out of hand, and this is ep 99 too...) It’s possible that Plagg and Adrien can get Tikki to calm down quickly, but I think she’ll only come around in time for the end to do the purification/miraculous cure/magical charm sequence.
Which miraculous would Marinette use? My biggest candidate is the goat. I’ve always found it interesting that Ziggy is present in most of the kwami scenes and has many spoken lines, especially since her power hasn’t been used yet, and her future holder rarely ever has lines. @kisilinramblings made some really interesting posts about kwamis’ presence in certain scenes being symbolic to what they represent and how their power connects to whatever Mari and friends are doing at the moment. I’ll make a different theory post about the goat power later, but I’m guessing it’s something that can be applicable to a lot of problems as opposed to some of the really specific powers.
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Zag store posted this on Instagram and it also caught my attention. Why make merch of this? Marinette’s disguised goat miraculous from Kwamibuster? I assume it’s a lot easier to produce than most of the miraculous, and it’s cute, but it feels so random. There isn’t merch of any other disguised miraculous save from some of the major ones that correspond to their usual user, and there isn’t even merch of the normal goat clips yet, and those don’t seem too hard to produce either. Maybe it means nothing, but I’m curious as to why they chose to sell this. If Marinette wore them again in the show, I think it would make a little more sense.
Lastly, I brought this up to some other people and they mentioned the stickers on Marinette’s face in the photo collage intro where all the girls have stickers of their kwami animal. They said Marinette’s are black and white like Ziggy, so it could support my idea, but I believe that those are supposed to be a panda.
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atalho-s · 3 years
Sweet Sugar
1 | Subterranean Homesick Alien
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(gif it’s not mine! let me know if you’re the owner!)
pairing: tom holland x reader / tom holland x brazilian reader (she’s from brazil here, but you can picture her being of any place that you want! Since the story wouldn’t change bc of that) 
warnings: swear words, underage drinking (not much tho, nothing like “Skins” lmao), suggestive scenes in some chapters, not smut, but minors be aware. Fluff/angst/drama/ Y/n and Tom being stupid teenagers with feelings.
words: 2.4 k
Summary: Y/n has always been best friends with Harrison and Tom. Since childhood they've always been close, but what happens if after a break up with her first boyfriend, she starts to feel something more about Tom?
A conflict of feelings, the non-acceptance of falling in love and the fear of losing her best friend, all in the head of an 17-year-old teenager. And on top of that, still having to fear of not being accepted for college.
This is a series i have in portuguese on my wattpad! It’s kinda long and have 2 parts haha but i decided to translate to post here too :) 
It was my first fanfic ever, so be aware lol
I never been to europe, so i’m sorry for any mistake about city features or how school works...
I just want to thank @petesrparker​ : Gio you’re the best and thank you for always helping me and hype up this series since the beginning! Seriously, you’re the best, this story would be nothing without you 😭❤
She even did a playlist for this! ikr? She’s amazing 💕 you can check out here if you want! 
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It was 2 minutes to 7am and I was late for school. Running to put on my warm sweatshirt and getting ready psychologically to go out in a cold weather, I grabbed my keys and tried to lock the door almost dropping my backpack on the floor. It was almost summer, but my town wasn't disappointed in having very cold mornings and hot afternoons.
"Shit," I murmured as I kicked the door, insisting that didn't want to close it. "Why hasn't my mom called someone to fix this thing yet?" I spoke to myself and finally managed to close it hearing a click. Coming down the stairs practically running, I closed the small gate and strode down the street.
I lived with my parents in a town called Kingston-upon-Thames, in a tiny two-bedroom house, very close to the school. You just need to walk about 4 blocks and voilá, I could already see the entrance gate and the familiar faces of the gringos. I was in the last year of high school, just turned 17 and I was born in Brazil, but grew up in London, when my father had to move because of his work, when I was only 6 years old. Obviously we weren't rich, my father worked with woodwork, and my mother currently worked in a small flower shop in the city center. But when my father received an offer to move to another country, he didn't think twice. Learn another culture, a new language and still earn some good money?An offer that cannot be refused.
The first time we arrived it was very strange, only my father knew intermediate English and my mother and I obviously did not know a single word. But we quickly befriended a family that lived on our street: the Osterfields. Jenna and Carter were the parents of two children: Harrison, the same age as me and little Charlotte (newborn at the time). Harrison and I immediately became inseparable, and he became like a brother to me and our families became one.
Obviously with him, also came nothing more and nothing less than: the Holland family. Nikki and Dom had 4 male children, one my age: Tom, Harry and Sam twins, 3 years younger and Paddy who was born 2 years later. So the family just grew, our parents became best friends, and me, Harrison and Tom became an unbeatable trio. There was no Y/n, without Tom and Harrison and vice versa, we're always together.
We went to the same school since always. As Haz lived only a few houses below mine, we meet and go together and Tom, who lived on the other side of the school, met us at the gate every day.
I went down the street and saw Haz sitting on the wall in front of his house, fiddling with his cell phone with a earphone, as soon as I approached he raised his head and smiled.
- Finally, I thought you aren’t going to class today. - He said getting up and giving me a kiss on the cheek.
- Good morning to you too Haz. - I said laughing and hooking my arm on him, while we went down the street. - You know that now that my mom is working on the other side of town she leaves early and then I have to wake up by myself, which is clearly a problem.
- Sleepyhead, - he said and I playfully tapped his arm while he laughed.
- Well, i'm, what can I say? Sleeping is the best thing in the world. - I said. - Did you do the history homework?
- Wich history homework? - He stopped suddenly looking at me in shock.
- Harrison Osterfield, you are not going to tell me that you forgot the work that I talked about it every day for almost a month. - I said putting my hand on my waist scolding him.
- Well ... I completely forgot. - Haz said scratching the back of his head with the face of a stray dog. -I was busy decorating the lines from the play.
- Wow Harrison, that way you will fail and then you'll  came crying to me. 
- Ok mom, sorry! But was it for today? Can I copy it and give it to you later? 
- Ok, but just this time, and do me a favor to exchange practically all the words I used or i'll be in trouble. - I said taking out my briefcase, while he held my backpack and I handed him my work. 
- I love you... - he said giving me back my backpack and hugging me, kissing my head afterwards.
- And I don't love you at all, bummer. - I giggled and we rounded the corner of the school.
Tom was already leaning against the side of the gate with his backpack between his legs, talking to a guy who was doing theater with him and Harrison. He was laughing at something, wearing a black hoodie, his hair was a little messy under his hood and his nose was slightly red from the cold. For some reason my stomach did some flips as we approached.
Harrison and Tom were very handsome, there was no denying it, they were half nerds, half bad boys (in the sense of forgetting to study for the exam or not doing their homework once in a while), they did theater, they were nice and got along very well with girls since they started puberty. As for me, I was the nerd who was always concerned about grades and getting into the journalism college, I didn't always have excellent grades, but they were enough to pass or impress the professors when I felt inspired. I wasn't popular, but not a completely ghost too, because being best friends with the boys ended up calling attention in some way.
The only boyfriend I had was a guy named Steven, and also my first kiss, to at age 15, but we broke up last year. Steven was cool, but we had different views on things and use to think about completely different futures, so we thought it was best to broke up. And since then I'm alone and very well, thank you.
But since I broke up with Stev, for some reason I've started to have some weird feelings for Tom. Weird in the meaning of being shy around him, with whatever he does, or whatever words he exchanges with me. Which is ridiculous, because he's my childhood friend, and I never felt any of that with Haz, so why with him I feel? I always saw Haz as my brother, but with Tom it's different, and I never understood why.
Anyway, here I was with my heart beating faster and faster as we approached. As soon as we got close, Tom waved goodbye to the guy he was talking. He grabbed his backpack off the floor and patted Haz on the back, kissing my forehead afterwards, which I immediately feel my cheeks burning with embarrassing, but no one realized.
- Hey mates! Finally! I thought you weren't coming anymore.- he said as the three of us went through the gate towards the school.
- The madam here, was the one who ended up sleeping too much, I was also waiting a long time.- Haz said and I rolled my eyes, making Tom smile.
- I understand Y/n, I also love sleeping... By the way, I said I was waiting a long time, but actually I just arrived. - He laughed - Your mother started working on that flower shop, right?
- Yeah! She started today, so I'm still getting used to waking up just with the alarm without my mom pulling me from under the covers by my hair.- I replied and they both laughed.
- Which class do you guys have now? - Tom asked as we went up the stairs to the first floor where the class rooms were.
-Math- Haz said, rolling his eyes. - Actually, I really have to go, because if I show up a second late again Mr. Jones will kill me. - he said giving us a brief wave and running to the opposite side.
- I have philosophy, thank God, one of my favorite subjects.- I said raising my hands to the sky as a joke and Tom laughed.
- Wow y/n, I thought your favorite subject was biology and English.- he said and I stuck out my tongue, but feeling a little warm inside, these subjects were the ones we had together.
- Anyway, see you later? I have physics now unfortunately.
- Yeah, I'll be at our new favorite place. - I giggle, it had been a week since me, Haz and Tom found a perfect place to stay during the break, which was on the back of the school, on a hill next to a tree, where we had a full view of the students down there. It was perfect, because the warm morning sun was shining and we'd be left on the ground gossiping and watching what others were doing.
- See you there shortie. -Tom said kissing the top of my head, giving me a wink and leaving towards his class room.
- Look who's talking. - I said loudly for him to hear and he showed me his middle finger from a distance, laughing at my face.
I turned around smiling and headed towards my class. The first two classes were normal, nothing new, I was still a little sleepy, so I ended up almost sleeping in the second geography class, where I was almost kicked out by Mr Wilson, who let It pass this time. The alarm hit indicating it was break time and I thanked God, practically running to stay out in the sun.
I grabbed my phone from my pocket and my headphones, hitting play on Radiohead's Subterranean Homesick Alien song and walking outside. I saw Steven with his new girlfriend Lily right on the way out, they were talking, hugging each other and looked very happy, he saw me and gave a smile from a distance where I reciprocated. Our break up went very well, without resentment, which made me happy.
I walked up the small hill and saw Haz and Tom already at our meeting place. Tom was lying down looking at the sky while Haz was sitting propped up in the tree.
- Did you guys miss me? - I said sitting next to Haz.
- Yeah, we were even thinking about how we could handle living without you y/n- Haz said and Tom chuckled.
- I know you two love me. - I said shrugging.
- In fact, we were arguing when you're going to have a new boyfriend. - Tom said and I froze.
- And who said I want a new boyfriend? I asked raising my eyebrow.
- We know you y/n, you starting to have your head in the clouds lately, always retweeting couple things and posting romantic songs, I can see that you're falling in love again.- Tom said, still looking at the sky.
- I agree. - Haz said taking the side of my earphone and putting into his ear. - She's even listening to Radiohead! And you always listen to Radiohead when you're in love. - I gave them a sarcastic laugh and pulled the earphone of his ear turning off the music making Haz laugh.
- You guys are idiots, I'm fine alone thank you, I just want to focus on my studies from now on. - I said and they both made a "hmm" in unison, making me roll my eyes.
- Actually, we were discussing where we're going to celebrate my 17th birthday tomorrow.- Tom said changing the subject, turning his head and covering the sun with his hand to look at me.
-Tomorrow is your birthday?- I asked pretending to be surprise and Tom rolled his eyes playfully.
- I know you two always look forward to my birthday, because you love me and want to surprise me.- he said and Haz and I laughed ironically. - But Marcos offered his house, because his parents are traveling, so we could make a cool party there! So I was thinking about calling the theater people and some of our friends like Julian, Tuwaine and etc, maybe getting some drinks too... - Tom said sitting down and cleaning some leaves that were stuck on his hoodie.
- I think it's a good idea, I'm not much of partying or drinking, but with you both I always have fun.- I said and Haz rested his head on my shoulder.
- Good to know we make you happy Y/n. - Haz said and I giggle patting his head.
- So we meet tomorrow? You guys want to stop by my house so we could go together?
- Actually, I have to go to my granny first, so I'll go from there.- Haz said and Tom gave him a thumbs up.
- Y/n you can go? Around 7pm it's ok?
-Of course Tommy. - I said and he smiled at the nickname.
- Okay, I'll wait for you at 7pm and I'll send you the address, mate.- he said to Haz as we got up listening to the bell ringing indicating the break was over.
- Deal!- Haz said.
- Deal. - I also said as we went down back to class.
The last classes were history, the subject I had with Haz and he returned my homework, assuring me that he had changed the words. We spend the whole class sending notes talking about nonsense and making jokes. Haz and I were pretty good at sending notes without the professor seeing.
But I confess I was puzzled by what the boys had said earlier, how did they have the impression that I was in love? I wasn't, was I? Was I showing too much that i had feelings for Tom? I don't know, I just know that the whole story had left me with immense anxiety.
The class was over and I said goodbye to Haz, because he had theater with Tom and I didn't have any extra activities that day. The only days that i had something was on monday, tuesday and thursday, when I have a school reinforcement to improve my notes to enter college. Which was a relief, since I had to run to the mall to look for a gift to give Tom for his birthday. I had been looking for weeks and I didn't find anything interesting to give to my best friend. Best friend isn't it? Nothing more than this...
❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁ ❁
a/n: if you liked and want to be tagged on the next chapters let me know! 😊
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deadmandairyland · 3 years
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Guess who’s back with another tier list!
So I found another Black Lagoon tier list, this one including both Fabiola and Ginji, and this time I decided to go a different route with the list. Maybe some time I will use it to make a new, actual tier list, but today I decided to talk about probably one of the most confusing things about Black Lagoon (especially in the anime): the language barrier!
...So basically this list is just what languages the characters are speaking based on what I picked up on over the past decade of being a fan of this series.
This list was inspired by the fact that people watching the anime tend to be very confused on what languages the characters are actually speaking because unfortunately there is no perfect dub of Black Lagoon that actually shows what characters are actually speaking at any given time. Don’t get me wrong, still one of the best English anime dubs of all time, I’m in full agreement of that, but both the Japanese and English dubs of this anime fall apart when the language barrier becomes a key component in the series. And honestly it’s not their fault. I imagine translating this over to anime must have been hell for both dubs.
One important thing to mention: I do not claim that this is 100% accurate. This is what I’ve picked up on as I read the manga and watched the show, but obviously there may be other languages these characters speak that either I missed or was just never really addressed in the series. Also in several places I filled in the blanks myself because, well, obviously English isn’t going to be the first language for, for example, Ibraha.
I also remember reading in a few places that it was confirmed that English is a common language in Roanapur, but I cannot find the official source that said this. This is one of the reasons why I’m not claiming that this is 100% accurate, because while I do think this is probably what was intended for the story, no proof means no proof at the end of the day. But it’s also worth noting that--spoilers btw--the United States basically runs the city behind the scenes, so that’s something to keep in mind.
Another reason why I’m not claiming that this is 100% accurate is because human beings are fallible and as shown in some of my corrections below I know I’ve made a few mistakes here and there in the list, and there could be more that I’m missing or that I’ve got wrong. At the end of the day, this list is not to be seen as a definitive answer to the question of “What languages do these characters speak?” but rather something to look at to get a better understanding of some of the more confusing parts of Black Lagoon wherever language is a key component in the story.
One final note: at one point I refer to the main mob bosses of Roanapur as the Big Four. This is just a name I came up with to describe the balance of power among the four mob bosses, so it’s not an official name as far as I’m personally aware. I figured I should point that out to clear up any confusion.
So with that being said, here’s the breakdown. Expect lots of spoilers.
Revy speaks English, and a small handful of words or phrases in Cantonese (as mentioned in The Wired Red Wild Card), and that seems to be it. She is the most likely person to tell some to speak English when they speak another language to her, or to just say that she doesn’t speak whatever language they’re speaking. In the Japan arc especially, if you’re reading the manga or watching the Japanese dub, it’s clear that she doesn’t understand what most of the Japanese characters are saying. Canonically the vendor she has a shouting match with is actually shouting at her to speak Japanese and she thinks he’s insulting her (and her being unable to talk to the vendor is why Rock goes back and forth between them in the first place to talk about the fixed game), she never actually communicates with Ginji or the kids verbally (she talks to them, but they don’t understand each other’s words), when Rock asks her if she and Ginji can work together in the anime’s English dub when they enter the bowling alley he’s actually asking if they can communicate (Revy basically says when the action starts, they’ll be in sync without needing to talk to each other), and the dude who’s like “I GIVE UP, SERIOUSLY, I GIVE UP” is actually desperately trying to say he gives up in English. Also if you’re only familiar with the English dub, this video is a great example of why this arc is so confusing for everybody, and why the English dub was like “Fuck it, we’re not bothering with the language barrier subplot.”
Benny speaks English. He’s also Jewish, so it’s possible he may know Hebrew or another Semitic language.
Eda speaks English. She’s a CIA agent who claims to be from Alabama and is shown to be very patriotic when in CIA mode. Not that I’m saying this automatically means she doesn’t know any other language, but I haven’t seen any proof that she does.
Lotton... is mostly speculation based on everyone else, particularly Sawyer and Shenhua. I don’t even think he has an official nationality, he just... exists.
Sawyer speaks English. She is British and her name is of English origin. It is possible she speaks a Chinese dialect as well since she seems to do jobs for the Triad and befriends Shenhua, but she seems to be more freelance than a member of the Triad so this isn’t very clear.
Rowan is also mostly speculation. His name is of Irish origin, his last name is likely Pigeon, and Revy can understand him.
Chief Watsup is the chief of police in Roanapur and is the only recurring character in the show who is actually Thai. He can communicate with both Revy and Balalaika, so whether or not he speaks English depends heavily on whether or not Revy and Balalaika speak Thai (and given that Revy says in The Wired Red Wild Card that she only speaks English and a tiny bit of Cantonese, it’s more likely that he knows English).
Yukio and Ginji speak Japanese and do not appear to speak English. It is ignored in the English dub of the anime, but everywhere else it is often brought up that Revy can’t understand what they’re saying and they can’t understand what Revy is saying. To add on to what I mentioned above in Revy’s section, also consider that Yukio curiously asks Rock if Revy is Japanese when they first meet, with the thought in mind that the first thing Yukio and Ginji see when they first meet Rock and Revy is Revy shouting in English at a Japanese vendor who is yelling at her to speak Japanese.
Mr. Kageyama obviously speaks Japanese, and I assume he speaks English as well as he seems to be able to speak to both Dutch and Balalaika, the latter of whom is confirmed to not know Japanese.
Chaka canonically speaks both Japanese and English. Not only can he and Revy understand each other, but being able to speak English is one of the things he brags about to Revy when they first meet, saying something along the lines of “Can’t run a place like this without being able to speak English.”
Takenaka obviously speaks Japanese, more than likely speaks English as he’s able to communicate with Revy, and likely speaks Arabic as he has allied himself with Ibraha.
Ibraha obviously would have Arabic as his first language and he presumably speaks English as well (and possibly French as he’s from Lebanon, but this isn’t relevant). The important thing is that he does NOT know Japanese, because it is implied that THIS is the reason why he gets angry out of nowhere during the interrogation. Takenaka and Rock are speaking in Japanese during the interrogation (signified by a change in font in the manga, which would only be important if the language barrier is important to the scene) and Ibraha interrupts by saying something along the lines of “Even I know this is no longer an interrogation!”
All of the canonically English-speaking cast can understand Roberta, Garcia, and Fabiola, whose first language is obviously Spanish. Rock and Fabiola both act as interpreters in different points of the series. It’s also worth noting that Lovelace is obviously of English origin, which suggests to me that the Lovelace family in particular has a very ethnically diverse background.
Rico communicates with Revy and Eda, but judging by his name he probably can also speak Spanish (or possibly Portuguese, but Spanish is more likely as there are many Spanish speakers in town).
Balalaika and Boris obviously speak Russian, but they can communicate with the English-speaking Lagoon Company as well as Roberta.
Hansel and Gretel are Romanian, can communicate with several English-speaking characters including Revy and Eda, and are working for the Italians.
Verrocchio obviously speaks Italian, and presumably English as well as he’s part of the Big Four of Roanapur (this again ties into the idea that English is a common language in Roanapur). Also where IS Ronnie the Jaws? Or Abrego for that matter? This list said “All Characters.” False advertising smh
Bao is Vietnamese, but often speaks to characters that don’t speak Vietnamese (e.g. Revy).
Mr. Chang would likely speak Cantonese as a leading figure of the Hong Kong Triad and would likely know Mandarin as well. He can communicate with Revy, who according to The Wired Red Wild Card only knows bits and pieces of Cantonese and likely not enough to hold a whole conversation. He is also the CIA’s lapdog, so unless Eda speaks Cantonese they are probably talking to each other in English.
Shenhua is from Taiwan and as such would most likely speak Taiwanese Mandarin. She speaks with Revy who makes fun of her for her thick accent and way of speaking when she speaks English. She also might speak Cantonese as well since she works for the Hong Kong Triad.
Ahbe from the WWII flashback obviously speaks German.
Sir Alfred the old Nazi fuck would also speak German, but he’s able to talk to Dutch over the phone and he has American Neo-Nazis doing his bidding so he likely speaks English as well. He is also apparently living in Spain so it’s possible he might also speak Spanish.
Caxton and Yolanda speak English as they are constantly speaking with known English speakers throughout their appearances. Caxton in particular is about as ‘Murican as it gets without being a negative stereotype. It is unknown if they know any other language.
Jane is almost always speaking with English speakers. She is from India, so she likely also speaks Hindi. She is also part of an international team of counterfeiters, so it’s likely she knows other languages as well. After I made this tier list I remembered she also speaks German at one point and I think Theo was also from Germany, so she probably speaks German fluently as well, but I’m not redoing this list.
Leigharch speaks drugs... and presumably English and Irish as well.
Rock pretty much knows every language that ever existed in the history of mankind. He is basically the go to guy to translate anything. That being said, Japanese and English are the languages he’s most fluent in.
Dutch knows English, and--spoilers for L’homme Sombre btw--probably French as well, and also probably one of the many languages spoken in Burkina Faso, especially if he was born there (which I sadly didn’t think about until after I made the list). This arc is still ongoing in the manga, and more than anything I’m just excited to see Dutch's backstory being explored. It was long overdue. (Now we just gotta hope that the same happens for Benny.)
As I mentioned in that caveat, Roanapur is in Thailand, and it’s possible the people living in Roanapur may know Thai, but actual local Thai citizens are a rarity in Black Lagoon (with Chief Watsup being the only recurring Thai character), and American influence is so strong in the city that it’s probably the reason why people drive on the right side of the road with steering wheels on the left side, in a country where people drive on the left, and why US currency is accepted along with Thai currency, so that’s worth pointing out.
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Shoot your shot
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♡ AN: I got around to writing for Haikyuu! again and this time it’s for Oikawa, can you believe I hated this man so much that I ranted to my friend about him for a hour? Now I’m writing a smut for him the growth we love to see it~ I’m an anime only person and I know some spoilers so ignore any inconsistencies you might see because this is an anime only canon fic. 
♡ Oikawa x Brazilian Fem Reader : Playing beach volleyball is a cinch no problem right? But the sight of you in a bikini is too much to bear and having a hard on while playing volleyball is hardly convenient. So when Oikawa sees you in nothing but a towel in the locker room he decides to finally make his move on you. 
♡ Warning: Explicit shower smut with 27 year old Oikawa, voyeurism, semi public sex, and maybe a daddy kink at the end? Read at your own discretion. 
✯ ✯ -------------------------  ✯ ✯ 
➢ Portuguese translation
⇢ Y/N, você está aqui? - Y/N, are you in here?  
⇢ Sim, ainda estou aqui - Yes, I’m still here.
⇢ Fode me o meu amor - Fuck me, my love. 
“Yoohoo! Lucas, how you been?” Oikawa said, stretching out his o’s.
His Argentinean teammate said something, but the reception was terrible.
“Hold on! Let me take this outside.” He stepped out of his air-conditioned flat out into the humid air.
The voice garbled a few more sentences before it became clearer. “C-can you hear me now?”
Oikawa grinned hearing the familiar voice. “Yeah! What’s up?”
Though, he will always cherish his memories with his former team in Japan. Oikawa was now connecting with his national team as well as creating bonds and chemistry on par with his friends back home.
“Alright, amigo, I just did you a huge favor. You’re going to love me and I’m demanding more of that milk bread from you.”
He felt the familiar irritation every time someone claimed his milk bread. Oikawa only shared his milk bread with his teammate because he never tasted the magnificence of the treat. He almost suffered a heart attack when Lucas asked what was so good about bread.
“No promises, but I’m listening,” Oikawa replied as he looked over the night sky of Bueno Aires, it felt gratifying to know that a Japanese boy from a small town now lived in one of the biggest cities in Argentina.
“You remember telling me to help out with your little crush on Y/N, right?”
He rolled his eyes and pouted, “I don’t recall asking for your help! I just asked if she was single. That’s two different things!”
Oikawa remembered when he first saw Y/N at the 2021 Tokyo Olympics, he had been ecstatic to go home despite representing another country. It was his debut performance on a world stage. So, he walked around Tokyo for a while before heading back to his hotel to prepare for his match. When Oikawa turned on his T.V., he noticed it was the Women’s volleyball finals between Brazil and the U.S. It seemed like the Japanese women didn’t make it. He watched for a few minutes absentmindedly before he got distracted by player 24 from Brazil. She was the ace and was quite short, but it seemed like the average height for the female players. She was quite good, stealing point after point from their opponents. But that wasn’t what caught his attention. But rather her amusing victory dance each time she gained a point for her team. Y/N would obnoxiously dance in front of the net making her opponents furious.
Oikawa grinned childishly; he knew she was doing it on purpose as the U.S. team started making amateur errors as the gap between the two teams widened. It was a good strategy, one that he himself used on opponents that irritated him like his former kouhai, Kageyama. But his involved taunting, not twerking in front of his opponents. He didn’t think he would look half as good as she did.
From there, it was mere curiosity as to who the player was. She was quite pretty with her long curly hair and golden skin. He didn’t think he would meet her the very next day as she chatted with Lucas in Portuguese. He had no idea his Spanish speaking teammate even knew Portuguese. She had glanced over to him and introduced herself in rich accented English.
“Hello, I’m Y/N L/N. Nice to meet you.” She held out her hand.
He shook it, marveling at the softness despite the calluses he felt on her palm.
When she left to go find her team, Oikawa turned to Lucas and asked in a casual voice, “soooo… are you two together or something?”
Lucas just grinned at him and shook his head.
“Nah, she’s my how you say… my tomodachi.”
From there Lucas had taken it upon himself to get the two together, which didn’t work well after the Olympics were over as he returned to Bueno Aires and she to Brazil.  
“So, anyway I told her that you would do it in place of me! Isn’t that great?” Oikawa snapped out of his thoughts as Lucas continued.
“Wait what? Repeat that last part.”
He heard an aggravated sigh from the phone.
“Y/N participates in a beach volleyball competition every summer for charity. Her usual partner is gone, and she asked me, but I told her that I hurt my ankle. So, I volunteered you for the job!”
Oikawa blinked as the words registered in his mind.
“B-but I’ve never played professional beach volleyball before.”
Sure, he’s played some matches for fun every now and then. But surely a legitimate competition is different than screwing around with a beach ball.
“Ehh, it’s the same sport just with different rules. But don’t let that get in your way. This is your chance!”
Since he came back from Tokyo, Oikawa did sort of miss her and he hadn’t connected with any of the girls he met since.
“Alright fine. Let’s do this. How hard can it be?”
From there Lucas gave Y/N’s number to him. He immediately texted her and they figured out a schedule to practice together a few months before the actual tournament. Thankfully with the Olympics over, he no longer had to be in Argentina for the rigorous team practices and was free to go to Brazil as he pleased. So, a few weeks later he reached the coastal city Ubatuba in Brazil, ready to finally take a crack at beach volleyball.
Oikawa was munching away on his toast when he heard a knock in his hotel room. He quickly downed his breakfast smoothie and made his way to look through the peephole to see Y/N standing outside waiting patiently. He unlocked the door and let her in.
“Hey. How was your flight?” She asked as she kissed his cheek in greeting.
Oikawa felt his face get warm and tried not to get too excited over the fact that she had kissed him. He knew it was part of the friendly culture, but he couldn’t help the flutters that erupted from the gesture.
“Not too bad. Only two hours long.”
“Hope you’re ready to practice today. My friends and I have a court set up at Praia de Santa Rita. It’s a private beach we reserved and afterwards there are tons of restaurants we can go to for dinner,” Y/N said as she looked around the fancy hotel he had booked. He smirked at her reaction of course he deserved nothing but the best.
The two of them stepped out of the hotel and his eyes widened at the sight of her large jeep. Y/N jumped in and waved him inside. He carefully maneuvered himself in, hopefully, she wouldn’t drive too crazily.
“Put on your seat belt, you’ll need it!” Y/N screamed gleefully, and she revved up her jeep before pulling out of the parking lot. Oikawa’s nails dug into the seat’s handles while he held on tightly as she swerved around the tight corners without slowing down. His face continued to pale as she kept driving before finally pulling next to a beach. He carefully let himself out and his legs felt like jelly.
Oikawa gasped out, “y/n, please don’t ever drive again for everyone’s safety.”
He only heard the remnants of her door slamming and her giggles while she walked away. Oikawa followed her coming onto a rest area.
“Ok, this is where the restrooms and locker rooms are. So, get changed if you need to and then just follow the signs down to the beach,” she told him before heading inside herself with a small bag in her hand. He himself had brought along a change of clothes some shorts and a tank top with some sunscreen. Oikawa learned the hard way how important sunscreen was under the intense sun here when he turned into a lobster. After getting changed he found himself on the warm sand with the hot sun beating on his head. There was a volleyball net set up in the middle of the sand and there was a small group there getting warmed up as they spiked the ball from one side to the other.
“Hey! Good you’re here now we can get started,” a voice called from behind him. He turned around to see Y/N dressed in a small violet bikini which left little to the imagination. Her toned body and caramel skin caused his own body to burn with undisguised want.
“Are you playing in that?” He yelped.
Y/N looked down at her bikini confused, not seeing anything wrong with it.
“Yeah? What else would I wear? I mean sand gets everywhere. I can’t exactly wear a volleyball uniform on the beach,” she said with teasingly.
The flush on his cheek became brighter and he couldn’t exactly blame this on the hot sun either.
“So, what do you know about professional beach volleyball, Toru?”
His face immediately blossomed with a smile. He still wasn’t used to people openly calling him by his first name without honorifics despite being out of Japan for a few years now. But with Y/N it sounded natural and perfect coming out of her mouth. Though she didn’t exactly pronounce his name correctly, she rolled the rs too much. Oikawa never tried to correct her because he found her pronunciation absolutely sensual.
“Aren’t the rules mostly the same?”
Y/N shook her head. “Not exactly. A beach volleyball court is smaller and instead of six players, there are only two. Meaning only me and you are going to protect the entire court. There are no setters, liberos, or blockers. The two players usually divide it into two sides, protecting the left and the right. Beach volleyball games are usually faster, and it's usually played to 21 points instead of 25.”
Oikawa now understood why Lucas had readily volunteered him to become her partner. It would require time and dedication to become decent at the game which he was all too ready to bestow on her.
“Is that all?” he asked looking down at her.
Suddenly, he heard loud yells as the ball headed towards their area and he instinctively grabbed it before it hit either of them. But as soon as he touched it, the ball felt weird. It was lighter and bigger than the average volleyball.
“Oh, and the volleyball is different as you can see.”
Y/N patted his back and said, “come on. Let’s start.”
There were two other girls on one side of the court while he and Y/N occupied the other. She passed off the ball to him for his serve. Y/N went to stand in the top left while he served from the right baseline. He was just about to toss up the ball when he noticed something incredible.
Oikawa bit his lip to contain his groan, the sight was pure torture. It wasn’t fair to him and really any man. Y/N was standing in front of him with her knees bent, ready to receive any serve coming her way. There wasn’t anything wrong with her stance, in fact, if she was wearing her volleyball uniform, she would be doing her job like any other volleyball player professional or otherwise. However, in her bikini the forbidden scene made him feel like the worst type of peeping tom. But he couldn’t help it as he messed with the ball in his hand. Her position was perfect for him to saddle up behind her and press his cock against her clothed cunt. Her round ass cheeks were entirely exposed as the bikini bottoms were stretched against her body and the vaginal lips were apparent even against the dark purple fabric.
Which genius made it a thing to play volleyball in bikinis? Whoever it was Oikawa wanted to strangle and thank them from the bottom of his heart all at the same time.
He jerked his face away from Y/N’s body and tossed the ball in the air only to completely miss. The ball just tumbled a few feet from his person. Y/N turned around to give him a concerned look and gave him a thumbs up.
“It’s ok!” she yelled out before focusing back on her opponents.  “Keep going!”
‘Don’t look. Don’t look. D-O-N-T! LOOK! Ah fuck it,’ he thought as his eyes went right back to her ass. Honestly, he thought about possible sex with Y/N multiple times, but they were always fantasies with her on the bottom or on top riding him. But never from behind, clearly, he didn’t know what he was missing. His breath hitched when she bent down just a little further before righting herself again. He could probably call for an impromptu break and take her to the side for a private conversation. Maybe finally have that kiss they’ve both been craving for a long time before pushing her against a wall or a tree. He could hike her legs around him and fuck her until her voice was hoarse from screaming his name while her cunt creamed on his cock.
“Come on, Toru! Let’s go!” Y/N yelled as she effectively ruined his daydreams.
Ok, he had to focus now. Absolutely. The ball was once again in the air and he hit it with his palm only for it to hit the net. ….
Was it possible to bury only the face in the sand? He might have a need for that in just a few minutes.
Just as he was about to serve again his eyes wandered right back to Y/N’s backside, but this time she turned around at the same time to meet his eyes. His eyes widened and he quickly faced the front once more.
“Time out!” he heard Y/N say.
Y/N quickly walked towards Oikawa and stared him down.
“Have you been staring at my ass this entire time?”
He swallowed and coolly responded with a “no.”
“I’m not stupid, Toru! Is this going to be a problem for you?” she asked with her arms crossed and stern.
There was no point in lying, she already caught him red-handed so instead, he shrugged.
“It’s not my fault the view’s just too good. I’m only a man,” he said with a low voice.
“Y-you!” She seemed flabbergasted and amused at the same time. Y/N let out a snort and chuckled a few times before snatching the ball from his hands.
“Just go block for now. I’ll serve.” Y/N pointed to the same spot she herself was standing at. Oikawa being entirely shameless just ran his fingers through his hair and winked at Y/N before taking his spot at the front. The two women that were their opponents seemed to be hysterically giggling as well, guess he wasn’t as subtle as he thought he was. So, Oikawa just waved at them good-naturedly and readied himself for a rally.
It looked like Y/N wasn’t as distracted as him because she served without any problems and the game continued. It was much more difficult than he initially thought. While indoor volleyball was a team effort and everyone had to do their part, now Oikawa was responsible for everything. He was running around diving for the ball like a libero and even doing his own spikes as Y/N set a toss perfectly for him. Before he knew it, the game cycled through 6 sets faster than he was used to. That was another thing he noticed beach volleyball’s sets were much faster paced. Usually, he would take his time to dissect and figure out the opponent’s weaknesses before setting up tosses for his team. Now he had no time for that as he dived and ran after the lighter ball. Not only that he had to consider the weather, but the winds were also messing up his shots. Each time he aimed for the tight corners they would get blown out of bounds. Beach volleyball wasn’t harder necessarily, but it was definitely a challenge to learn.
After a couple more sets, Y/N called for a break. She handed him a cold-water bottle from the cooler while she drank some Gatorade.
“So, how long have you been playing beach volleyball?” he asked after swallowing the refreshing water.
“As long as I’ve been playing volleyball. It’s part of the Brazilian team’s routine. Playing beach volleyball actually makes you a better, well-rounded player,” she said as she put the tightened the Gatorade’s lid on and put it back in the cooler.
Y/N stepped closer to him and leaned into his face.
“Don’t think I’ve forgotten about you staring at my ass. I can’t have you missing your serves during the tournament,” She snickered, he felt her hot breath against his ears, causing shivers to erupt across his body.
Oikawa just leaned in even closer, deliberately eyeing her lips for a moment before staring back in her eyes.
“And what exactly do you plan on doing if I don’t stop?”
Instead of getting flustered and putting space in-between them, she instead stepped even closer to him and blinked innocently at him, her eyes dilating and enrapturing him.
“Behave and if you’re a good boy. I’ll reward you, promise,” she muttered just low enough for him to barely hear.
Y/N pecked his cheek and she lingered there for a moment, he could bask in her closeness and smell the remnants of the shampoo from her long hair.
“Y/N! Come on let’s play again,” her friend shouted from halfway across the court.
“Looks like time’s up. I’ll let you serve this time,” Y/N giggled and ran back to start the game again.
Oikawa felt embarrassment choking him on the inside and vowed not to mess up too badly again. He made his way back to the court and grabbed the ball, he deliberately didn’t look at Y/N as she once stood at the front to block. This time he hit one of his more powerful serves and found that most of the power didn’t transfer over to the ball, but he was able to slightly control the ball better this time. The rally continued on until the sun had turned orange and was about to set. Eventually, the group decided on another date they could meet up and practice again for the tournament.
When everything was packed up and put away, he and Y/N made their trek back up the beach to the resting area again.
“Hey, since we won’t be able to practice until next Saturday again. What say me and you practice by ourselves?”
Y/N looked up from her phone and nodded affirmatively.
“Sounds like a good idea. Practice matches once a week probably won’t help unless we get some practice of our own.”
Oikawa bit his lip, hesitating for a minute before asking her.
“Also, since I’m here, you mind showing me around? This is the first time I’ve been to Brazil.”
Y/N again nodded but with more enthusiasm this time as she regaled about tales of the amazing tourist spots and restaurants they could explore in their free time. The two of them went inside the rest area and he went into the men’s locker room to take a quick shower before changing into his clothes.  Just as he stripped down and stepped into the shower, he heard a crash and scream coming from the hallway. He turned off the water and tugged a fluffy towel around his waist before walking to track down whatever made the sound. When he walked out to an empty building, he heard Y/N’s voice distinctly cursing coming from the women’s locker room.
“Y/N? You alright?” Oikawa called out, he waited for a few minutes to hear her reply and when she didn’t respond he stepped inside. He peeked inside carefully just in case there were women walking around. He heard some clutter falling onto the floor a few feet away so following the noise he found Y/N in a towel trying to pick up her items.
“You ok?” he asked concerned. Y/N startled and lost her balance, tumbling onto the locker room’s floor.
“Toru, what are you doing in here? This is a woman’s locker room.”
“I know I thought I heard a woman screaming and then I heard your voice, so I came to check if you were ok.”
She sighed and pushed her dripping wet hair from her face. “Yeah, I’m ok I slipped in the shower, and then I realized I brought my phone into the shower, so I came to put it away, only to drop everything inside of my bag.”
Oikawa was about to bend down and help. “Here let me help.”
Y/N held up her hand and replied, “it’s ok I got it.” She gathered all her items and put it all away along with her phone.
Just as she was about to get up, the water that had been dripping from her body and hair gathered on the floor and made the tiles slick. Her foot slipped and she was about to hit the ground hard when Oikawa grabbed her in time before she could. However, Y/N lost her hold on the towel around her body and it exposed her chest and curves to his naked eyes. He quickly turned his head away while keeping a secure grip on her.
“Ahh! Don’t look!” she screamed and slapped her hands over her breasts. “Did you see anything?”
Oikawa swallowed and wished he could tell her no, but he sort of caught a glimpse at the body he had been craving to touch and feast his eyes on since he met her. So, he should opt to keep quiet.
“It’s ok, it’s nothing I haven’t seen before!” Except he panicked and opened his mouth.
“What does that even mean you jerk!” He could feel her try to pull away from his arms.
“Wait that came out wrong, I swear!”
Oikawa turned back around and felt blindsided by Y/N’s beauty. She was soaked to the bone, but never did she look more beautiful to him than in that moment.
“You’re so….” He trailed off. She looked at him a little confused and quit trying to pull away.
“So what?”
He leaned in and caressed her cheek. Oikawa didn’t finish his sentence and instead just connected their two lips. As he sensually captured her lips, Y/N eagerly responded back to him as if she had been desperately waiting for this just like he was. Keeping one hand on her chin to angle her face, his other hand traveled down to her naked bosom. He reverently caressed and tweaked her dusky peaks while expertly maneuvering the kiss. Y/N whimpered with want when his tongue brushed up against hers. He smirked at her reactions as her breathing started getting more erratic and her cute noises became louder and louder. They only broke apart when he heard people approaching the locker rooms.
Just as Oikawa was about to move away from Y/N, she grabbed his hand.
“The far-left shower at the end,” she jerked her head towards it.
He smiled with excitement knowing that she wanted to continue as much as he did. Grabbing and picking her up like she weighed nothing, he hurried to the shower and tugged the shower curtain shut.
Just in time too as he could hear women laughing and talking in Portuguese.
“Y/N, você está aqui?” a woman called out.
Y/N for her part looked startled at being addressed and pushed away Oikawa’s hands that were still playing with her chest.
“Sim, ainda estou aqui,” Y/N responded in a clear voice. She shot a warning look to Oikawa as his hands found themselves back on her hips and making their way back up. He only cheekily smirked at her and returned to pawing at her cleavage.  She waited for a few minutes to hear her friend’s footsteps retreating before pulling Oikawa closer and aggressively kissing him. He tugged the towel around his waist off and hiked Y/N’s silky legs around him.
He carefully maneuvered to turn the shower’s knob and set her against the wall while a jet of hot water poured over them. And Oikawa went right back to devouring her mouth and grinding against her hot cunt. As soon as his cock made contact with her tingling clit, Y/N’s body spasmed and she tried to tug him closer. Her ankles interlocked at his waist and she tried to thrust below to encourage him to enter her. But he only chuckled at her excitement and continued to slowly slide back and forth. Y/N forgetting for a moment where she was exactly, enraged by his teasing smacked his thigh loudly enough to echo in the locker room.  Oikawa let out a low grunt and thrust full throttle into her. Her eyes widened at the sudden entry and she couldn’t even contemplate the fullness before he withdrew quickly once again.
“Fode me o meu amor,” Y/N begged.
Oh, that just wasn’t playing fair. He didn’t know what she said but her breathless voice and her needy eyes made him helpless.
 As if he could no longer bear to be apart without the drenched enclosed intimacy, he reentered without warning. Oikawa fucked her with the same hell-bent concentration he played volleyball with. She covered her mouth with her hand to contain the moans, that only muffled the noises rather than stopping them completely. The faster pace caused Y/N to skid up and down on the shower walls. She tried to find purchase against the tiles, but the hot water droplets caused her to loosen the grip. His breathing got heavier and uneven, why was it he could handle hours of volleyball, but the vise grip of her cunt made him want to spill inside of her like an immature adolescent?  He removed her hand covering her moist lips and thoroughly kissed her. He swallowed her moans and they stood in the shower making love for god knows how long. His hand found her engorged clit and his middle finger started pressing slow circle while his thumb and point finger started pinching it in time to his thrusts. Just as she was about to cum, Y/N buried her face in his neck. She bit down hard on his shoulder trying to contain the shrieks she wanted to let out. It wasn’t long before her spiral started to pull him as well, the constriction creating a perfecting suction to swallow his juices. He placed a hand on the wall to stabilize himself just before he pulled out of her and came all over her thighs. The water soon washed away all the evidence of their tryst as it flowed down the drain.
“Does the hot water feel that good?” Y/N’s friend called out. Soon of the other ladies started giggling and laughing along. “We’re leaving! See ya, Y/N!”
The two of them didn’t move from their spot until they heard the sounds of lockers being shut and the ladies’ voices being fading further and further away.
“I think they knew…” Y/N gasped a little embarrassed and horrified.
On the other hand, Oikawa kept smiling like a goof. “I love beach volleyball now! It’s my favorite kind.”
She let out a frustrated groan. “Just get out of my way. I need to get dressed before I prune even more.”
“Maybe next time you should call me papi,” he hollered out as Y/N started to dry herself and got dressed.
“There won’t be a next time if you don’t get your butt dressed soon or I’ll leave you behind.”
Y/n when she was all dressed up and ready to go, waited for him outside of the resting area. He came out joyfully whistling away and ready to leave. Oikawa slung his arm over Y/N’s shoulder and pulled her close. He was finally taking the chance to get closer to her like he always wanted.
“You’re going to be a handful, aren’t you?” she asked tickled with his antics.
He leaned in and pecked her forehead. “You know it,” Oikawa said with a wink.
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ejzah · 3 years
Prompt: Ola.Meu nome é Claudia e eu sempre acompanho suas fanfics por aqui. Gostaria que vc escrevesse uma fanfic sobre a volta de David Kessler e a forma como Kensi e Deeks vão enfrentar isso
Google translation, Portuguese to English: Hello, my name is Claudia and I always follow your fanfics here. I would like you to write a fanfic about the return of David Kessler and the way Kensi and Deeks will face it
A/N: Hi Claudia! Thank you so much for your support. Yours is the first request I’ve received in another language, which is quite exciting for me. Since I’m only fluent English, I used google translate for your prompt. Hopefully the translation is accurate. I’ve taken a few liberties with this prompt. Sorry for the essay length note.
End It
“When did you get so strong?” Kensi gasped, desperately trying to free a hand to grab at Deeks’ arm as they grabbed on floor. Of course he’d always been strong, but she’d usually been able to beat him before.
“Three months with nothing to do but workout,” he answered, holding her arms behind her back as he tried to force her onto her stomach. “And FLETC. You should try it sometime, it’ll really get you in shape.”
She glared at him even though he couldn’t see it and redoubled her efforts. It wasn’t just that he was stronger, but he knew just about every move in her playbook which meant he could easily anticipate her plan.
“You are such an ass.” He just laughed at her frustration, the sound slightly breathless, proving that he was putting in some effort to keep her in place. She purposely pressed up against him, rolling her hips as much as she could and was rewarded with a gasp.
“Oh, you’re evil,” he breathed, not resisting when she pulled her arms free and rolled him onto his back.
“Do you want me to stop?” she asked, hovering over him. She saw his eyes drift down to the low crossover bodice of her sports bra.
“Not a chance.” He tugged her head down as she rose up to meet his lips. Just as they touched, Eric darted into the room.
Kensi lifted her head, expecting a comment about their current position, but his expression was completely serious. Deeks must have noticed it too because he sat up, gently pushing Kensi off his lap
“Guys, you need to get up in OPS right now. It’s Kessler,” Eric told them tersely, his fingers clenching anxiously.
“I don’t want to go back into hiding,” Kensi said, sitting on the edge of her desk and speaking in a low tone. Deeks stood in front of her, his thighs brushing her knees. The contact was comforting, needed after the last half hour.
Kessler had been inside their house. They weren’t sure how he’d breached their security, but he’d made no effort to hide. It was disconcerting, sickening, to watch him walking through their rooms, touching their things.
Callen wanted them to go to another safe house immediately. Fatima and Rountree would grab a few things for them and then provide security.
“It won’t be permanent,” Deeks reminded her.
“This time.” She pressed her lips together, feeling the same sense of frustration she’d expressed to Deeks a few weeks before. As much as she wished it wasn’t true, Kessler was in her mind. And when he wasn’t, he was disrupting their lives in some other way.
“Maybe this will be the last time,” Deeks suggested encouragingly, shrugging. She could tell he was trying to be positive and hide his own fear and need to protect her. Tilting her head, she took his hand, giving it a little shake.
“Babe, we both know that’s not going to happen. As soon as we go into hiding, so will Kessler,” Kensi stated. “And because he’s been pardoned, the team can’t legally seek him out. Not for this.”
Deeks closed his eyes, acknowledging her words with a nod of his head.
“I know. So what do you want to do?”
“Well...” She grabbed both of his hands now, drawing him closer. “Remember when you said you help me stop him?”
“Of course. And I will always be by your side, no matter what, but if we actively hunt him down, we’d probably be told to stand down or get arrested.” Deeks reminded her. “Not that I still wouldn’t do it with you.”
She smiled slightly, for the first time since they’d found out. Leaning forward, she kissed the corner of his mouth.
“I appreciate your willingness to break the law for me, but that’s not what I’m suggesting,” she said, hesitating before she added, “Instead of seeking him out or hiding from him, we wait for Kessler to come to us.”
“So basically make ourselves bate.” Deeks sighed, his eyebrows furrowing. “That has the potential to be really dangerous, Kens. We’ll have to be even more on guard every moment of every day.”
“We already are. And if it works, Kessler will finally be out of our lives. Plus it will be on our terms, not his.” She waited a moment and then asked, “So what do you think?”
Deeks didn’t answer right away, moving back slightly and hooking his thumb in his pocket as he rubbed his hand over his mouth. She could tell just how conflicted he was. His urge to protect her warring with his absolute hatred of Kessler.
“It’s not my favorite plan ever,” Deeks admitted, pressing against the desk once more and leaning his head against hers. “But I know that if we don’t do something, we’ll never move on with our lives. So, yes, let’s set a trap for Kessler. Let’s draw him in and send the creep back to prison once and for all.”
Kensi let out a breath. Relieved even though she was admittedly scared.
“Together.” She reaffirmed.
“Always,” Deeks said, linking their fingers and raising her hand to his lips. “In this and everything else.”
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smalltownfae · 2 years
Tumblr media
Title: I, Tituba... Black Witch of Salem (Moi, Tituba sorcière)
Author: Maryse Condé
Translator: Diogo Paiva
Pages: 260
Rating: 2/5
The best thing I can say about this book is that it was engaging. That is no easy feat, but that was often obtained because I couldn't believe what I was reading and I was curious about what other weird things would come next.
I must say that the translation also influenced my experience. I read this book in portuguese and I definitely do not recommend that. From the few words I could tell the original meaning of, there were much better translations to use. Even though the author is not at fault for this I can't help the fact that it influenced my experience and therefore my rating. With a better translation, there is a possibility I would give the book a weak 3 stars. With the translation out of the way, I am going to write about the rest.
The initial pacing is really fast, which is not my preference. It doesn't give the reader or the main character time to process feelings, but it does keep one curious about what is going to happen. After the first few chapters, it slows down a bit, but I still think overall the pacing is too fast for my taste. My guess is that the author was in a hurry to get to grown up Tituba and what her life was like so the childhood and most of the teenage years are quick mentions. I am surprised to see reviews that consider this book slow.
One good thing about the book is that it is informative in some ways. The author even uses an excerpt of Tituba's testimony during the trials, which I found really interesting. Still, as a work of fiction, many liberties were taken to feel in the gaps, including making Tituba see ghosts and giving her an ending that the author liked best.  This completely  imagined ending lasted for about 60 pages or more and I can't say it was the highlight of the book. More on that ahead.
The characters were, unfortunatelly, very one note. The only ones that had some complexity were Tituba and her husband. However, the author didn't seem to trust the reader to interpret their actions and had to explicitly write what those meant. Just adding more unecessary words to the book, I guess. All this did was make Tituba come off as dumb for not understanding why her husband and others acted in a certain way given the society they were in.
This book also contains love at first sight. It is also what I can only call extremelly heterosexual and it was so bothersome to read. The frequent line of "why can't women live without men?" got tiring really fast for someone that isn't heterossexual because we know perfectly well that they can. Other characters are also aware that Tituba can't spend too long without a man because she needs to have sex, which would be fine and dandy if that line didn't always come up. That also means that most men in this book are trash. Even the ones Tituba likes because she only cares about one thing coming from them either way and doesn't notice their awful personality.
One other thing that kept bothering me is how Tituba kept describing a man as deformed. It was like that was his main trait and even though he was portrayed more or less as an ok guy that's how she always thinks of him. Later, she also thinks of a man she has sex with as her son/lover and even mentions that it makes her feel incestuous. Can't you have sex with a younger man without this? Still, the first thing I mentioned bothered me way more than the later. This is part of the completelly made up ending by the author.
There were some lines about how Tituba cannot die because she is beautiful (something a lot of characters remark upon) and other two women deserve to die because they are ugly anyway. This type of childish thought process never works for me because it takes me out of the story when it comes from grown adults. I do not believe anyone past the age of 15 actually believes and says things like this.
There is an odd chapter where Tituba meets Hester Prynne from the Scarlet Letter in prison and admires and loves her just because they exchanged a few words and she called her pretty. Then, Hester is like "Have you read Paradise Lost? Milton is one of the few poets worth reading". More than anything, this chapter is in the book just so we know the literary tastes of the author. One of the weirdest things I read in a traditionally published book, especially because it came out of nowhere. It was kind of funny.
Now, this book is dark. There were two scenes that were really difficult for me to read so for anyone that needs content warnings I suggest to look these up, even though everyone probably knows more or less what happens in narratives about slavery.
Overall, I do not regret reading this book (I regret picking the portuguese translation though). It was a mess, but an interesting mess that I could talk about for hours. So, in that way is better than books that are alright and I have nothing to say about them.
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jinxedpanda4life · 4 years
Criminal Investigator AU HC
I would first like to start off by saying thank you to everyone. 
I honestly did not expect the response I got to my Damirae Hospital AU HC list. 
When I first woke up and checked tumblr ~13 hours after posting I had a holy shit moment. 
I felt powerful, should I? Probably not. 
But! Since I am noticing a lack of AUs in the fandom, whether on Tumblr, AO3 or FanFiction.net, whatever AU comes to my mind I shall jot down some hcs for! 
Thank you all once again!
(Also trying format changes for easy reading)
(Also Also, I am thinking the story is less fluid but more episodic)
Let’s get started:
- So I’m thinking this is some FBI, SVU, and FBI BAU mixture or whatever. Basically all the great shows we know in love shoved together. From Bones to Criminal Minds and everything in between.
- Special Agent (Dr.) Raven Roth is a lead interrogator and is the resident psych consult. 
She’s been educated in interrogation, behavioral science, psychology, forensic pathology, and criminology. 
She has combat training (hand to hand), she carries (for her job) a gun and at all times has a knife/dagger on her person (people have stopped trying to figure out where she keeps them). 
Her father was/is crime boss T. Trigon who is currently imprisoned. 
Was born in the states but fled with her mother to Romania when she was a newborn.
When Trigon found them he killed Arella and took Raven, she was abut 9 - 10 years old.
She took her mother’s last name when she turned 18. 
Knows two languages besides English; French, Romanian, Romani (various dialects but knows multiple), Greek and Latin
On more than one occasion some goon of her father’s tries to recruit her, every time she kicks their ass. (Damian was there for the most recent (he was still green though))
Lives by herself in a decent sized apartment, has a gun safe (gun safety is important!), a cat (Nevermore), and is a regular at a 24/7 bookstore &/ cafe
Can usually be found wearing some kind of jacket, sweater, cardigan
She once helped save some kids (Melvin, Tommy & Teether) and is now their surrogate aunt, she has photos of them at her desk @ work. (Damian assumes/ed that they were her kids)
She also, when she can, hangs out and babysits them on occasion.
Raven is part of a team consisting of Dick Grayson (unit leader), Kori Anders, Garfield Logan, Jaime Reyes, and very recently Damian Wayne 
- Special Agent Damian Wayne is a lead investigator (he is still a bit fresh to the unit), translator, sniper and combat coordinator
He’s been educated in martial arts, explosives, hand to hand combat, close range combat, and combat (basically he knows how to kill you 9 ways to Sunday), also, behavioral science, computer science, criminology, linguistics and language. 
He can easily translate (into English): Arabic, Mandarin Chinese, Russian, Hindi, Bengali, French, Polish, German, Spanish, Portuguese, he can also learn any language you put in front of him and know the basics within a day
(Having lived in many places around the world he needed to be able to speak and understand in order to survive) (wow dramatic much?)
His father is currently the director (or deputy director, whatever floats ya boat) of the FBI.
His mother was essentially a secret agent who worked for various agencies around the globe. (deceased)
His grandfather was the leader of a, um, well to be honest, terrorist agency. (deceased)
Was sent to live with his father when he was 15 (when his mother died) and has been in the states ever since
Lives alone, he has an upscale apartment that he truthfully spends little time in, has multiple locations in the home where various weapons are stored, his place has a very cold atmosphere
Is either in proper work attire or in work out clothing, there is no in between
Tries and fails not to take work home with him
He sees a therapist (who says he should probably try investing in relationships with the people at his job)
His only “friend” (he hates calling him that, more like close acquaintance) is Jonathan Kent who was in his class at the FBI Academy, Jon works in a white collar crime department in Metropolis
The only person he actually kind of sort of doesn’t dislike is in fact Raven Roth, she’s a no bull shit person, he likes that
He may know Grayson because of how he’s Bruce’s kind of son but it does not mean he likes him
He finds Logan annoying as all hell, even if he is somewhat useful
He picked a fight with Reyes first day and regretted it (he will never admit that), he respects him
Anders is overly friendly in his opinion, kind of acts like a secretary with all that positivity and grates his nerves, he tolerates her
(Unlike last time I am not going in detail about the rest of the team, this will be brief)
- Supervisory Special Agent Dick Grayson (Unit Chief) is basically Dick Grayson with a big fancy title but all the same skills
He is also obsessed with Slade Wilson and Red X (who is Jason in this)
- Supervisory Special Agent Kori Anders is a lead investigator and is also a go to for undercover work
- Special Agent Garfield Logan is a lead interrogator, is head of the unit’s K-9 unit and kind of has a thing for Roth (which she does not reciprocate) 
- Special Agent Jaime Reyes is a tactical analyst, tech analyst and is head of the unit’s SWAT team, he does not do well with talking with people, or change
The Scarab is a computing program that Jaime created himself
- When Damian first joins the team there is another member, Special Agent Terra Markov, she is revealed as a sleeper agent but she aligns herself with the team and sadly is shot and killed in a fire fight
- A couple weeks after Agent Markov’s death everyone is talking about what they are doing for an upcoming holiday, Damian says probably nothing, Raven invites him to spend it with her and her “niece” and “nephews,” he declines
- About a day after the holiday Damian is home looking through case files when someone knocks on his door
-- It is Raven. He asks how she knew where he lived, she says she asked Dick, she also says that she knows how it feels to be alone and that he may be insufferable but it doesn’t mean he can’t have a friend
-- His response is saying he isn’t the kind to make friends with co workers
-- “I’m not asking to be your friend Damian, I am asking you to be his,” She reveals a small black great dane puppy “I know that other people aren’t really your thing, but having someone in your corner and waiting for you is always nice, even if it isn’t human.”
-- Damian invites her in, names the dog Titus and thanks her
-- “Just make sure no one tries to kidnap and kill you, we don’t need you to go full blown John Wick.” Damian has no idea who that is. Raven tells him it is an action movie series that he should watch. She leaves. He does watch them that night with Titus on his lap. (after having gone to the local pet supply store to get everything he needs) The action is inaccurate but he enjoyed the movies none the less, and decides that he probably would go into John Wick mode if someone hurt Titus.
- SA Roth and SA Wayne are sent to a high security federal prison to interrogate a prisoner, who refuses to speak
-- When they get into the interview room the prisoner does start to speak, but not in English and not in a language Damian is fluent in
-- Raven on the other hand immediately responds to the prisoner (shocking the prisoner and Damian) “He is speaking Romani though not the dialect of those overseas, he learned it here.” 
-- Damian is fascinated by it and they are essentially switching roles the entire time
-- They leave having successfully interviewing the prisoner, and Raven leaves behind a written list of common words in Romani so that they can possibly communicate with the prisoner better
-- As soon as they are on the plane back Damian asks her a myriad of questions from “How many languages do you know?” to “When did you learn that?” and even “Are you a spy? Sleeper agent? Part of a terrorist cell?”
-- “Not as many as you, when I was a child, if I was part of any of that you wouldn’t be asking.” The rest of the trip is spent with her teaching him Romani and even some Romanian
- Dick & Kori eventually get together and after a while they break up. Kori takes some vacation time. At the same Dick has been temporarily reassigned to another unit.
-- Chaos ensues
-- Garfield thinks he should be the interim unit chief, Jaime thinks the same, as does, you guessed it, Damian (Raven doesn’t want to she is comfortable with her role on the team)
-- In the end they are assigned an interim unit chief, SSA Jason Todd, who usually works overseas on covert op missions (not gonna lie this could easily flow into a Jayrae thing)
-- Everyone kind of falls into line, except Damian, Damian doesn’t like him for two reasons
1) He doesn’t act serious about the job 24/7
2) He has been flirting and hitting on Raven the moment he stepped into their sector 
-- Damian hates the names he gives her; “Little Bird,” “Sunshine,” “Princess,” “Rae,” (no one calls her Rae, not even Garfield, at least not after the incident) etc.
-- (Little does Damian know, Jason and Raven have worked together before and are actually friends)
-- This all comes to a head when Damian and Jason are the only ones still in the office after a tiring case.
          “You shouldn’t do that you know.”
           “Do what? All I am doing right now is contemplating where Grayson                    keeps the liquor.”
           “Call Raven all those names, she doesn’t like it.”
           “Really? Because if you haven’t noticed she hasn’t exactly asked me to                stop.”
           “She gets uncomfortable, maybe not to the extent of asking you to stop,              but she tenses up and her body language becomes slightly more                        agitated.”
          “You seem to pay a lot of attention in how she reacts to thinks baby brat.             Seems to me that you like her.”
           “Of course I like her, she is a good friend and reliable teammate.”
           “No, you like like her.”
           “That presumption is juvenile.”
           “But you don’t deny it.”
-- If anything after that conversation Jason seems to doubled his advances. Which confuses both Damian and Raven. Damian because it is inappropriate and HR will be hearing about this. Raven because she was under the assumption that she and Jason were just friends. (Jason actually does have genuine intentions but is like 60% just egging Damian on)
-- Eventually (far too long for Damian’s tastes), both Dick and Kori return. At first it is sooooooo awkward. Like mom and dad divorced have shared custody but don’t hate each other but also cannot look each other in the eye. ((Was that a mouthful? Good)) No one can really look at each other the same? Though they do have a meeting to sort it out, get everything out in the open.
- Raven’s annual kidnapping/attempt to convert her/torture comes almost exactly one year after Damian joined the team (this is his 2nd time dealing with this)
-- This time Damian is prepared. By prepared I mean Raven doesn’t even leave her apartment before she is taken to safety. 
    “Damian what is going on?”
    “Christmas came early this year that’s what.”
    “Christmas? What in gods name are you talking about.”
    “God has no dealings in this matter.”
    “You do realize you are sounding like a bad action movie? It is not even 6 am and I am in your car going somewhere, I have had little to no sleep and I am barely dressed. What is going on?” Damian hadn’t payed attention to what clothing Raven was wearing. His mind was on one goal. Find Raven, keep Raven safe. His eyes glanced off the road enough to realize she was indeed not properly dressed. Her body was merely adorned with an oversized tee-shirt, tiny barely there shorts and a pair of fluffy socks.
    “I apologize, it appears in my haste I did not leave you time to properly clothe yourself. As to why you are here, it seems your father and his people have shortened their waiting time this year from one year to a little more than ten months.” Ravens hands fisted her shirt. “This time I was prepared,” last time he was still new to everything, last time he made mistakes, this time there will be no mistakes. “Since our last encounter with your demon, so to speak, I have been setting in place precautions and safety measures to ensure Nevermore and yours’ safety. I have also been tracking the movements of his big players. If any came close I would mark it down. Multiple are entering the city at this moment. Seeing as you we taken last time I have made plans to ensure that will not happen again.” The car made a snap turn down an unfamiliar street pulling Raven from her clouded gaze.
    “So I am going to be okay this time?” Her voice was faint and restraining against hope.
    “You’re going to be okay.” His hand lightly held hers. Only to stop the shaking, they told themselves, only to make everything better. “Nevermore is with Titus at my place being watched by a friend of mine. I have already walked Grayson through everything we will not be expected at work this week, but we can work remotely.”
     “I’m not going to leave you. Ever.”
-- ((Sorry for the blocks of text))
-- As Raven finds out they are at one of Damian’s safe houses. The one least likely to be tied to her. It is fully stocked with food, has security cameras and if needed weapons. The only problem is that the only clothes there are Damians.
    “Thought of everything huh?”
     “I was following their pattern, I expected to have more time to acquire clothing for you.” (he was looking away and blushing, you cannot tell me he wasn’t)
-- Raven just resigns herself to wearing Damian’s clothes, yes his brain does stop working for a hot second when he sees her in only his clothes.
-- All attempts to try and retrieve codename: Gem of Scath are foiled (like some good math)
-- So many bonding moments happen. Cuddling (pure accident *rolls eyes*), eating together, inside jokes, etc. At one point Damian answers her phone (he disabled and disconnected the tracer) to one of the mob guys after them.
     “You can hide the gem but we will find her.”
     “I’m sorry, is there a jewel you are looking for? I don’t think I have and any jewels that I am coveting.”
     “We know you are with her! It is but a matter of time until we collect her.”
     “I hope you do eventually find whatever you are looking for sir, but I haven’t the slightest idea the gem you speak of. If you could give me a physical description? Is it a ruby, diamond, onyx? Is it round or more of a pear shape?”
    “Well, I will look for it here, but I do not believe I possess what you speak of. Will you give me your number so I can call you back?” (The line cuts dead, and Raven can be seen laughing in the background, the phone was on speaker)
-- Once the team tracks down, arrests and interrogates all of the parties working for Trigon; Raven and Nevermore can go home. Though both are reluctant in their own way. Nevermore has grown attached to Titus, and Raven well Raven has feelings. Sadly, as Raven knows, feelings are dangerous to have in their line of work. 
-- Look at Dick and Kori they were together and then they fell apart and the team almost imploded.
-- What about Trigon if he finds out about Damian and how she feels towards him? What kind of danger will he be in then?
-- Like all of her feelings Raven puts them in a box and locks the box away. Not just figuratively, in her safe there is a box with: post its, torn papers, journals, etc. That box has a lock on it. Whenever she has a new feeling that she cannot ignore, like her feelings towards Special Agent Wayne, she takes out the box and writes her feelings down. They can range from a single sentence to pages worth. (Her feelings towards Damian fill a small notebook she has on hand). Once she has written all of her feelings out she places them in the box, locks said box and then places the locked box in her safe, which she then locks.
-- Is this a healthy way to cope with her feelings? Maybe not. But, it is way better than how Damian deals with his. Violence. Also art but violence comes first.
- At this point both Damian and Raven have caught the feelings (highly contagious I hear), which makes this a little awkward and a little not awkward. For one everyone but Raven knows how Damian feels towards her. He does things for her and with her that no one else gets the privilege to.
-- To list a few:
--- He brings her tea whenever he gets himself coffee or tea
--- He talks to her about what he does outside of work, even about his kind of friend definitely not enemy, Jon.
--- They socialize outside of work. Watching bad movies (some of them are not that bad), going to the park with Titus (they once got Nevermore in a leash and walked her), meeting each other before and after work to get breakfast or dinner.
--- He doesn’t glare at her
--- He allows physical contact between the two
--- He worries about her (hello he created an entire plan so that she wouldn’t get kidnapped, with contingencies and everything, garfield would be lucky to get a plan)
--- His eyes light up when she talks, or enters a room, or you know exists in his vicinity
--- He actually smiles around her (Dick caught him smiling once at Raven and he though Damian was having a stroke)
-- Even though everyone knows Damian likes Raven, very few know that Raven likes Damian back. (this only includes; Kori, Dick, Jason, Titus, Nevermore, and Melvin) She does do certain things that give herself away just like Damian.
--The list:
--- When Damian gets frustrated or angry she puts a hand on his arm, or holds his hand
--- She laughs at things he does (light chuckles, or little giggles)
--- She will talk to him about his interests and actively tries to have conversations with him about things unrelated to work.
--- She blushes when he does something unexpected (like a compliment)((Mostly she tries to hide it until he isn’t looking at her))(((Kori has caught the blush before)))
-- Luckily for them it does not take some cliche ‘One suddenly becomes in danger and the other one saves them only to be close to death and then they admit their love for one another and promise to go on a date when the other is healed’ situation. 
-- Damian actually asks Raven out after being tipped of by Jason and Dick that she may like him back. Damian finds out when they have days off at the same time and asks her while leaving work.
   “Raven, you have this weekend off correct?”
   “Yeah I do. I wasn’t planning on doing anything though. Did you have something in mind?”
    “Um, yeah, heh, I was wondering if you would do me the pleasure of going to dinner with me tomorrow.” *Awkwardly rubs back of neck*
    “Like a date or two friends going to dinner?” *Thinks she sounds harsh* “I am honestly fine with either since we are friends.” *nervous smile*
     “Like a date if that is okay with you of course.”
     “Yeah, yeah totally that is totally okay with me.” *Starts sounding like a teenage girl who only knows about 10 words, because she’s nervous*
      “Good, I’ll be by your place around 1830, if that is okay?” *nerve central, the central nervous system could never*
       “Yup that is totally fine with me.”
       “Good.” The elevator opens in the knick of time.
       “See you tomorrow evening Agent Roth. Have a good night.”
        “You too, Agent Wayne, you too.”
-- When Damian does pick her up he feels like his brain is going to explode. She looks absolutely breathtaking. This is just like all the other times they’ve gone to dinner, except this restaurant is slightly fancier and they are on a date.
-- Raven feels as though all her emotions are leaking out at once, she has no idea what she is doing.
-- In the end they have a good time and decide to do it again. Damian does bring up that all of the breakfasts and dinners they regularly do could now be considered dates. Raven does not oppose that switch at all.
- Fast forward a handful of years (like 3?), Damian and Raven are moved in together (Nevermore and Titus are happy about this, they even allow the humans to adopt another pet, a cat named Alfred). Damian is now Supervisory Special Agent Wayne and is in charge of their unit. Raven has retired from field work and now works at the FBI academy and at Virginia State University. In about 6 months Damian is going to propose and Raven will say yes. Their wedding will be small but happy and full of life.
Once again I would like to thank everyone and all the support the previous post got.
Like last time if anything is disjointed, out of place or seems wrong, please go ahead and tell me. I have been working on this since the last one, but have finally had the time to finish it.
I hope the new year will bring us all some good. Possibly more head canons to come.
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anachronisticcrab · 4 years
Nico and Portuguese
I don’t know if this bugged anyone else, but in the Hidden Oracle it didn’t sit right with me that Chiara and Apollo, who were both fluent in Italian, couldn’t understand Paolo when he spoke Portuguese, even though Nico could understand him because he speaks Italian (as seen in BoO when he read the Portuguese inscription in the Church of Bones, and when he was able to translate that Paolo wanted Apollo to have his lucky bandanna). At first I figured it was just weird Uncle Rick discrepancies and stuff, but then I figured why not do a bit of googling to see if I could find an explanation. I did a bit research on Italian dialects and second languages, as well as its connections to Portuguese, Catalan, and Spanish, and I think I discovered why Nico could speak with Paolo and understand Portuguese when no one else could
Just as a forewarning, I want to say is that I don’t speak Italian or Portuguese, I have never been to Italy or Portugal (or any other country that speaks Portuguese), and I am in no way an expert on the subject of any language. If you have any information on this topic, please correct any mistakes I make and feel free to add anything related to this. That being said, let’s get into this monster of a post
First of all, obviously Italian and Portuguese are very close together (they are both derived from Vulgar Latin, and have at least superficial similarities). However, this post will be looking into specific dialects and historical facts that would support Nico understanding Portuguese from Italian whereas the other two people who are confirmed to be fluent have no idea what Paolo says
I started trying to find out a bit more about Italian (because I knew there were differences in the language depending on where you are in the country, because everything in Italy varies from region to region). It turns out there are around 34 recognized spoken dialects within the country of Italy, and Standard Italian comes from Old Tuscany/Florence. The dialects vary from region to region, and even city to city in the country. All the different dialects are vastly different, especially between North Italy and South Italy. If you had a southern Italian speaking their native dialect and a northern Italian speaking theirs, neither of them would have any idea what the other was saying, unlike with different dialects in English, where you still know what the other person is saying. For example, in Venice, the dialect changes depending on the island you are on (ie. Burano to Pellestrina)
If we look specifically at the Veneto Region (where Venice and Verona are, and where Nico is from), one of the dialects is Venetian, although there isn’t a lot of information on the language that I could find, and even less about it’s roots. However I did find out that it is closer to Spanish, Catalan, and Portuguese than it is to Standard Italian (Tuscan), and the language isn’t just spoken in and around Venice, but also in Trieste, Croatia (which led me down the path of Croatia and Venice thanks to Nico visiting there, and I’m gonna make a post about that too now because it’s really cool to me and I’ve got ideas for that) , Slovenia, Mexico and Brazil
Apparently, in certain parts of Brazil, the Talian dialect of Venetian holds co-official status with Portuguese. (I couldn’t find a whole lot of info on this, so I’m not sure where or if this is a true/accurate fact). From around 1875 to the 1920′s, there was a mass boom of Venetian immigrants to Brazil, and of the largest place in the world for people of direct Italian descent is actually Sao Paolo, Brazil. The only article I could find on the Talian dialect cut off two paragraphs in and required a paid subscription to read more (which I couldn’t do since I’m broke), so all I know is that a Portuguese dialect of Venetian is spoken in some areas of Brazil, more of them down south from what I could gather
In my research on Talian, I found out about another dialect, this one of Portuguese. It is called the  Paulistano dialect, and is spoken in and around Sao Paolo, the city I brought up before. Paulistano has direct influences from the Venetian language, as it was created thanks to Northern Italian immigrants who spoke with think foreign accents, and a new dialect was created, and preserves characteristics from Venetian
Not gonna lie, I think that they might just be different names for the same language, but I’m probably wrong about that. As I said, I really couldn’t find a lot of information on this topic so I’m probably very wrong by saying that
On top of that, historically, Venice and Portugal (the places that created both languages) have had extremely close relations. In the 15th century, the Portuguese kings used Venice’s ports to help with the spice trade from Asia, South America, and Europe. There were Portuguese and Spanish people coming in and out of Venice’s docks all the time. This is presumably why Venetian is much closer to Spanish and Portuguese than it is to Italian
As you can see, Venetian and Portuguese have deep rooted histories and simmilarities, and show how Nico would be able to understand Portuguese. Nico would’ve grown up speaking a very similar language to Paolo’s, and Paolo may have grown up speaking a dialect inspired by Venetian
I did try to use Paolo’s name to see if I could get an idea of where in Brazil he might be from, but I have absolutely no idea. Montes was originally a French or Spanish surname, suggesting he might have had French or Spanish roots, but that could also be pure bullshit, because I genuinely don’t know. If he was Spanish somewhere along the line, he most likely lived towards the south, closer to Sao Paolo and probably knew either Talian or Paulistano
At this point, you might be wondering why Apollo or Chiara can’t speak or understand Portuguese, and my answer is the following:
Apollo was probably only fluent in Standard Italian/ Tuscan after the country unified in 1861. After all, Italy is the capital of music, art, and is well known for being sunny and warm all the time, and Apollo is the god of all that stuff. Therefore, he probably learned the standardized language, and didn’t bother with any local dialects (after all, most people don’t speak the individual dialects with tourists/foreigners)
Now Chiara was a bit different. She was from Italy, so she would’ve known a regional dialect, and I came up with an issue there. She could have been from Venice, and that would have thrown this whole thing into the trash. That would have thrown out this idea, and mean that my research would have been for nothing, and that it really was just a stupid error on Rick’s part
So I looked up the origins of her name to check this out, praying to all the gods I could think of that my two days of research and googling wasn’t for nothing. The first thing I saw was that most Italian surnames with an ‘i’ at the end are from northern Italy. Just as I was about to start crying, I found a link on ‘The Noble House of Benvenuti’, and it turns out she was most likely Tuscan. Therefore, she probably speaks a regional dialect of New Tuscan or something of the like, and wouldn’t know Venetian
Also, after a bit more digging just to double check some of the facts in this post, I found out that even if she was Venetian, she might not have spoken it. Since Venice is a dying city, apparently Venetian is a dying language, and most people who are fluent in it are older, and there are lot’s of other dialects in the Veneto region anyways. Nico probably only knows it because he lived in Venice before the city started really dying out! The only reason Paolo can communicate with someone could be because of the whole hotel thing!
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piracytheorist · 3 years
The first notation says "ここからぼろ泣きします" (~aprox "here is when I really started crying") and the other > "she was crying again and I'm pretty sure she also said "I love you" - or tried to; Rose said "愛してるよ""
yeah she said "うちも愛してるよ" ("I love you too") but it got a bit understandably messy by the crying (me too Harumaki-san, me too ;_;)
"yt ALMOST got me, as the video was age restricted... but thanks to some vpn loopholes, I found a way to watch it!"
Age restriction? but you're 27? youtube wut. Is it bc of laws in Greece or something? I know there are vids that get country blocked.
About the languages, I can't remember what it said in Spanish at that point but I very much remember the Heisenberg naming his siblings "la zorra chupasangre, la muñeca psicópata y el p*to besugo" (the bloodsucking bitch, the psychopath doll, and the f*cking fish/idiot (it's a common fish, but it's also an insult like dumb/dimwit/idiot - lmao it gets across the 'moronic freak' 'Moreau-nic freak' thing ig)
the way I never got that "Moreau-nic freak" pun in the first place
Like legit one of the reasons I'd love to play as Rose in a future RE game is because we know she loves Ethan so much 🥺 and only because she knows what he did for her (like ik I talk a lot about the first time I watched that cutscene and how I wasn't that invested in Ethan then, but EVEN THEN I was touched by how she told him she loves him. My heart!). I feel like I'll immediately connect with her through that 😭
Yeah, there's this stupid thing I get into some videos where yt asks me to verify my age. Because I do happen to be 27, but yt wants proof. In what form, you ask? By asking me to show them a photo of my ID card or give them my credit card info. I have no single clue where that came from and why it exists. It's legit, it's not a scam, it's gοοgle itself asking me for that info. And I know there are multiple people who haven't done any of those yet they can still watch age-restricted videos. It's stupid and super annoying. Why does gοοgle want such private information just so I can watch gameplays of a horror game? Certain ones, specifically, because most are not age restricted! I don't know what they're smoking in gοοgle, but it's crap.
I tried using a vpn to pass through it, but I was still blocked out, so I'm pretty sure it's not because of the laws here (though I have found videos that are blocked in my country, specifically, the videos with the soundtrack from Outlander are blocked here for some stupid reason, and I can watch them with a vpn enabled). The vpn I have has an autopilot mode, which I guess makes me appear... nowhere, I guess. Like, normally, without the vpn on, my yt logo looks like this:
Tumblr media
And if I put it on some of the few places it offers for free, I get the respective logo change:
Tumblr media
But if I put it on autopilot...
Tumblr media
I belong nowhere. yt doesn't know what to do with me, and it allows me to watch age restricted videos. Perhaps it thinks I'm on a Space Station and so I'm a legal adult so I am allowed to watch what I want. Idk. Really fucked up that they ask me ID or credit card info to allow me to watch "adult stuff", if you ask me, but that's how capitalism and megacorporations work.
And back to RE stuff, I don't know how "canon" the dubs are considered (I mean, the ones the game itself offers are official, but still), but I like looking around for any differences even in like, small things. Like in the Four Lords scene, when Ethan looks at his restrained hands and says "Don't I get a say in this?", in Italian, Spanish and I think Portuguese, he says "Isn't my opinion important?" and I may not be an official translator myself, but I do kinda wanna make unofficial Greek subs for the game (if I ever figure out how to change the game files), and in Greek I would translate that into (almost literal, because our way of putting accent on the "me" would be to kind of repeat the word at the beginning of the sentence) "Aren't you gonna ask me?" because that's how I feel someone would say that in Greek, like, a literal translation of "Don't I get a say in this" could work but it would sound a bit archaic and even too formal for the situation. In any case, with the dubs and what little I understand from them, it feels like I'm watching the same thing but from another perspective. I wish I could understand the Japanese version, I feel like it's probably the closest to what the writers intended.
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