#because that worked just fine! it was clearly a good hug and they could have gone on like that
cats-obsessions · 10 months
If Durge Could Recruit Gortash Headcanons:
Once agreeing to ally with Gortash, Durge can convince him to join the party, but only if they agree to kill Raphael. If Karlach is in the party, this may be done in exchange for Gortash to fix her heart if Durge can pass the persuasion roll on Karlach.
• Upon joining the party, Gortash shows up in a more practical armor set, still gold and black but not as decorated as his robe. There’s scrapes and dents on parts of it, clearly having been worn before. Durge can ask him about it in conversation and discover he has chosen to wear the same armor as he did when they robbed Mephistopheles Vault. He never repaired it and can tell a story for each scratch.
• He does a lot to try to jog Durge’s memories, and it works a some degree. We hear little stories around the city, some more suggestive than others.
• Old habits never die. He’s constantly touching Durge, always walks next to them, has a lot of strong opinions but will only concede to Durge.
• Durge persuasion rolls on Gortash are DC10 and under. Anyone else it’s DC30.
• He absolutely compliments Durge a little too much. And he’s always the first at Durge’s side after the fighting ends. Grumbles if he has to rez anyone else but dotes on Durge.
• Gets along well enough with Astarion, Shadowheart, and Laezel. Respects Minthara and Gale, sees them both as potential allies if they know their places. Absolute bitch to Wyll. Actively the number one Ravengard hater.
• If Durge can convince Karlach to stick around, she will only be in the same party as Gortash once or twice. She’ll confront Durge about it after and either has to be kept separate or leaves the party.
• If taken to Astarion and Shadowhearts’ personal quests, he’ll be surprisingly respectful, and will tell them they’d make good Banites, particularly if Shadowheart resists Shar. (Kinda think he would tell Astarion not to Ascend but for his own advantage of not having to deal with an Ascended Vampire and not wanting the hells to gain power from 7,000 souls)
• Random gifts pop up in Durge’s inventory. He says nothing about them. One is definitely the hand of an enemy.
• When in the House of Hope, Gortash will only allow Durge to enter the prison with him until the warden is dead. He’ll tell them everything, but won’t let the others see it.
• Killing Raphael is very emotional. He’s proud, happy, relieved, but being there shakes him up. Durge can hug him in private when they talk about it.
• If Durge chooses to save Hope, she tries to hug ‘little Enver, all grown up’ before they leave. He does not like it, but part of him is happy to see her free.
• Durgetash romance can initiate after Raphael is dead. Sceleritas is so fuckin' pissed. Like, he kinda ships it, but he CANNOT handle Durge getting labotomized again for this Banite fool.
• He has random little personal quests and pop-up events like his formal coronation celebration ball, taking Durge to a fancy dinner, dealing with fans, and assassinating a rude journalist who called him not-so-young-and-handsome.
• If taken to Lady Jannath's estate, she flirts with him. Durge has an option to stab her for this- just once. Just a little. She'll be fine! Gortash approves. He apologizes to her, but he's absolutely into it.
• His two allied pathways at the end are to remain fully evil and control the brain/Faerun with Durge or absolutely still be, ya know, Gortash but destroy the brain and become archduke without the tadpoles' help as he’s now viewed as the city’s hero. This is his least evil option and requires a Durge romance or at least a Durge that will remain by his side regardless and saving Hope as pivotal moments.
• Durge's alliance or resistance of Bhaal would significantly influence this. Resisting Bhaal lowers the DC on any persuasion. Failing the duel with Orin would block any option except controlling the brain with Gortash as he sees it as the only way to protect Durge. Because controlling the absolute would offer them a large enough following to grant them literal ascension to godhood, freeing Durge from Bhaal's control. Plus, you know killing a god would only inflate Gortash's ego more, and that would be his new goal.
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roosterforme · 2 months
Yours Truly, Bradley Bradshaw Part 18 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: Short notice before the start of a deployment was bad enough, but Bradley was left worrying about so much more. And if he didn't figure it out quickly, he thought he might lose you. How would you and he make it through the worst kind of time apart?
Warnings: Fluff, oral sex, smut, angst, adult banter, desperate Bradley, 18+
Length: 4100 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female teacher!Reader
Check out my masterlist for more! Yours Truly, Bradley Bradshaw masterlist
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Your boyfriend was acting strange, and now you had the distinct feeling he was lying to you. You sat on your bed after work on Friday with tears in your eyes as you tried to process the fact that you barely heard from him after you sent the topless picture the day before. Usually that kind of thing got him going in a good way, and he kept telling you he was fine, but it didn't seem that way. You just couldn't figure out what happened. 
A few minutes ago, you texted him about the plan for the weekend. You really wanted to talk to him about your upcoming winter break, too. You were supposed to be heading to his house right now, but you were having second thoughts as you read the latest message from him again.
I know we were supposed to go to Salvatore's tonight, but I think we need to talk instead. 
This sounded so bad to you. It didn't sound like he simply had a long day and just wanted to relax on the couch with you. This was something that built up over the past two days, and now you felt tears in your eyes as you scooped up your overnight bag and headed out.
"Just get it over with," you told yourself as you drove. You tried to focus on your playlist, but your mind was wandering to the plethora of reasons why I think we need to talk spelled disaster.
After you fought your way through rush hour traffic and pulled up to park in front of Bradley's house which you were supposed to move into next month, you noticed he was sitting on the porch step, waiting for you. And he didn't look very happy.
"Hi," he greeted with a poor attempt at a smile as he slowly stood and made his way over to you. He looked tall, broad and handsome in his uniform, but he didn't call you Gorgeous. 
"What's wrong?" you asked, not even bothering to get your bag out of your car before you met him halfway up his walkway. 
He pulled you in for a hug, and you could feel his lips on your ear as he lied to you again. "Nothing's wrong."
"Bradley," you said, trying to pull out of his grasp. He let you go, but now he wasn't even pretending to smile. You swallowed and whispered, "You've been acting strange since yesterday. I thought maybe work was getting to you, or that you just needed a day of quiet to yourself. But clearly this has to do with me, so just tell me what's wrong."
"It's not you," he replied instantly, taking a step closer with a pained look on his face. "God, it's absolutely not you."
When you looked at him more closely, it was obvious he was exhausted. Like maybe he hadn't even slept last night. He had dark circles under his eyes, and his shoulders were sagging forward just enough that he looked almost defeated. 
He looked down at the sidewalk before meeting your eyes again. "I found out yesterday... I'm being deployed."
The wave of emotion didn't hit you as hard as it could have, because you'd given this a lot of thought, but you were still rendered speechless. You'd mentally planned for this. Deployments were a way of life for him. But the tears were back as you asked, "When?"
"Day after Christmas," he murmured miserably. "But that's not all."
Your voice wouldn't work as you looked up at him, vision blurring his handsome features into something that was almost frightening. "What?"
He paused while you swiped at your eyes, and just when you thought you were going to have to force it out of him, he said, "It's with the Atlantic Fleet. Out of Norfolk, Virginia. They... they said they want me permanently."
"No," you sobbed, realizing that your tears were starting to roll down your cheeks. Now it made perfect sense. You knew why he'd been acting so odd. "You want to break up before you leave."
"What?" Bradley replied, his voice sharp as he reached for you again. "No. No, Gorgeous. I don't."
You felt ridiculous, crying in his arms in his front yard, but all you could say was, "Then why didn't you just tell me yesterday that you're going back to Virginia?"
"Fuck," he grunted, tucking you tighter against him. "Does this mean you don't want to dump me?"
You inhaled the smell of his deodorant and jet fuel as you cried. "Why on earth would you think I'd want to dump you? I'm in love with you."
He started to back toward the front door, his hold on you never relenting as he murmured, "Now that I know you're not going to leave, let's go inside where we can talk and snuggle on the couch."
Bradley had been waiting on his porch step for almost an hour for you to arrive, thinking there was a real chance that you'd drive off again. He was tired and hungry, and he'd spent the last day and a half trying to figure out what was going on with his job. But more than anything, he was afraid you hadn't changed your stance on falling for a guy who lived on the opposite side of the country.
Shit. He made you cry. You were still crying as he led you over to the couch where you ended up sitting on his lap. He was trying to wipe your tears away as you just shook your head. "I'm sorry, Baby," he whispered. "I didn't mean to upset you like this."
You sucked in a few breaths before you managed to say, "Let me make sure I have this straight. You're leaving for Virginia. And you don't know when you're coming back, if at all?"
"Yeah," he whispered. There was no point in beating around the bush about it. "The deployment out of Norfolk is a done deal. Leaving on the twenty-sixth is a done deal. I'm trying my hardest to fight the rest of it."
"You can do that?" you asked, letting your forehead rest against his. 
Bradley kissed you softly. He couldn't stop himself with you this close. "I'm trying. I don't want to leave San Diego. Virginia used to feel like home, but it hasn't for a long time. Especially not since I met you. So a permanent change of station is something I will fight until they force it on me."
You kissed him this time, and he knew nowhere would feel like home without you. But he couldn't retire yet, and he didn't want to have to ask you to uproot your life for him. He just made himself dizzy, chasing his thoughts around in circles. 
"Is there anything I can do?" you asked.
He wanted to beg you to stay with him no matter what, but he couldn't do that either. "Remember when I was deployed last time and you told me you were afraid I was stationed somewhere far away from you? And how you would have to brace yourself to say goodbye instead of pursuing something?" You nodded against him, arms around his neck as he whispered, "I thought about that all night last night. About how this could be the end for us."
"Stop it," you said before pressing your lips to his. "I don't feel that way anymore at all. It wasn't even a deal breaker when I said it months ago, and I hadn't even met you in person yet. I'm not going anywhere, Bradley. We'll figure it out."
He eased himself down along the couch, keeping you firmly on top of him as he sighed in relief. Suddenly fighting for his job with the Pacific Fleet didn't seem as daunting. He had to figure it out though, because he wanted to stay here and get married. "Say my name again?" he asked, knowing exactly how much you could calm him down when he let you in.
"Bradley," you whispered, settling against his chest as he closed his eyes.
"I love you, Gorgeous."
He didn't realize exactly how tired and stressed he was until he woke up close to midnight, alone on the couch with a blanket draped over him, still wearing his uniform and boots. As soon as he opened his eyes, his head was pounding from the events of the week, but he could smell something cooking.
Bradley rolled off the couch while his stomach growled, and he made his way into the kitchen where you were wearing his sweatshirt and making a grilled cheese sandwich while you looked at your phone. "Hey," he murmured, wrapping his arms around you from behind. You quickly swiped out of the photo album and tossed your phone aside.
"I was going to wake you up soon. You have almost no food here, but you need to eat," you told him, turning to face him. He had no food, because he originally planned to take you out tonight, and now there was no point in going grocery shopping since he was leaving. Your expression was unreadable, and he didn't like that.
"What I need is to spend as much time with you as I can between now and Norfolk." Your lips curved up into a small smile. "I should have told you what was going on as soon as I found out."
You nodded. "I know we haven't been together long, but I'm taking this pretty fucking seriously, Bradley."
"Me, too," he promised. "And it's really hot when you swear." When you laughed, he felt so much better. "Listen, you're absolutely stuck with me now, okay? I'll figure this shit out, but you're stuck with me, and we're going to get married someday."
"Sounds good," you replied easily, still smiling. "But right now you need to eat."
You felt better with Bradley's arm around you than you had all day. You couldn't believe he'd been hanging onto your words from his last deployment. You were surprised he could still possibly think that distance would mean anything to you. Both of you agreed not to get ahead of yourselves. Uprooting your life and your career would leave you devastated, but you'd start over again for him.
"Were you just looking at the dirty picture you sent me?" Bradley asked as he bit into half of the sandwich while another one cooked.
"Yes," you whispered before nibbling on your own sandwich half.
"Shit," he mumbled, dropping his food back onto the plate where he stood in the kitchen. "I never even told you how much I loved it."
"No. You didn't."
He wiped his hands on his uniform shirt. "God, I keep fucking up. I got so sidetracked by the orders from Norfolk that I couldn't even think. I loved that photo."
You turned away to flip the second grilled cheese sandwich in the pan. "I thought you got tired of me sending them." Bradley's hand moved faster than his brain as he flicked the knob on the stove, turning it off. "Hey," you protested, turning to look at him again, but he pulled the spatula out of your hand and tossed it into the sink. "Bradley!"
He mashed his lips against yours, silencing you as his hands grabbed the backs of your thighs, pulling you closer until you were pressed tight to the front of his body. Then he let his hands slide along your bare skin from your legs, over your perfect ass, up until they were on your lower back. "I'll do better," he promised. "And right now, I want to show you how not fucking tired of you I am."
A minute later, you were on your back on the edge of his bed, legs thrown over his shoulders while he ate your pussy. Your fingers were tangled up in his hair as he knelt on the floor, and his sweatshirt was bunched up above your tits. "I will never get tired of you," he swore before licking a long stripe up to your clit. If you thought for a second that he would want to throw in the towel over long distance, he needed to make sure you understood he never would.
"Bradley," you moaned as he sucked on your clit. His insignia pins were digging into the back of your thigh, as was his name tag. He would figure this out. He would figure everything out. Leaving in a handful of days was not ideal, but as long as you still wanted him, he was all in.
"Oh my god," you whined, back arching as Bradley realized he was being a bit rougher with you than usual. But he couldn't stop. His fingers were digging into your hips, holding you in place as you tried to rock against him. 
His mouth was demanding as he sucked on and plucked at your clit, but you just kept getting louder for him. Your legs were shaking, heels digging into his shoulder blades, but he didn't stop until you came. With his tongue still swirling your clit as you yanked on his hair, Bradley quickly unzipped his khaki pants and pulled himself free. He positioned himself at your entrance as you tugged until his mouth was on yours.
"You liked it rough," he grunted between kisses slick with your arousal.
"I did," you answered, rolling your hips to take the tip of him. As your fingers trailed down to his pins, you asked, "Are you going to fuck me, Lieutenant Bradshaw?" He watched you gasp, mouth agape as he filled you with one deep thrust, and then your head tipped back as you moaned, "I'll take that as a yes."
His lips found that sweet spot next to your ear that he loved to kiss. "I just want to ensure that you'll miss me as much as I miss you while we're apart."
Your voice was softer as you said, "You don't have to worry about that."
Bradley kissed along your neck and told you how much he loved you before absolutely pounding you into the mattress. 
You and Bradley slept in so late on Saturday morning, you heard him wander out to the living room when Natasha arrived to go for a run to tell her he'd workout on Sunday instead. When he tried to slip back into bed, you rolled over toward him.
"Sorry. It was just Nat. I forgot I told her days ago that we could run." He gathered you against his chest and kissed your forehead.
You grinned and said, "I heard you tell her that the love of your life was more appealing today than working out."
"I sure did," he grunted and ran his big, heavy hand down your back. "You're always more appealing than anything else, Gorgeous. But if I don't run, I'll gain so much weight. You know how much I eat."
A smile found your lips as you thought about the rough sex followed by another round of grilled cheese sandwiches at two in the morning. "Can we skip Salvatore's again tonight? I'd rather stay here and feed you. We can go to Salvatore's when your deployment ends and you return to San Diego."
Bradley sighed. "And if I get told my new station is in Norfolk?"
You pressed your fingertip to his lips. "We're not humoring that thought yet. Instead, we're going to snuggle and fuck and maybe watch a Christmas movie. Okay?"
"Nothing has ever sounded better."
After that, Sunday was spent with the two of you trying to use up as much of his food as you could. You even managed to bake some cookies that he ate a dozen of in one sitting, and then you found a strand of twinkle lights in his hallway closet where you discreetly squished a spider without telling him. You helped him hang the lights on his porch railing as he laughed and said, "I don't usually celebrate holidays anymore."
"You do now," you informed him, making a mental note to have your students make some cards for him this week before he left. Bradley would be very busy over the next few days, and you didn't want to stress him out about the holiday. But just when you were about to ask him if there was a chance he'd want to spend Christmas Day with you before he flew to Norfolk, he said, "Maybe we can get Thai food on Christmas, and you can help me finish packing?"
You nodded and tried to keep the tears at bay, afraid to admit to him that the future you were so sure of was scaring you a bit. Being without him for a deployment was manageable, but the last thing you wanted to do was move across the country. At least you'd have your regular pen pal back while he was on the aircraft carrier; having Bradley in your email inbox on a regular basis again was better than nothing.
"That sounds perfect," you told him, knowing you'd do whatever it took to make this work.
When Bradley was called in to talk to Cyclone, he was exhausted for a different reason. Although the weekend started out laced with uncertainty between you and him, it bloomed into something sweet. On Sunday evening, you held his hand and walked along the windswept beach until it got too chilly, and then you helped him start packing. You'd had some tears in your eyes that he brushed away as you folded his clothes into tiny rectangles and stuck by his side.
Now the only uncertainty he felt came from the U.S. fucking Navy. With a deep breath and squared shoulders, he opened Cyclone's office door after he knocked. It wasn't surprising that Mav and Warlock were there, too, but he couldn't tell if that was a good sign or a bad one regarding a change of station. He raised his hand into the proper salute.
"Admirals. Captain."
The three men returned the courtesy before Cyclone sank into his office chair. "Have a seat, Lieutenant." His voice sounded gruff and perhaps even more annoyed than usual as Bradley slowly sat down opposite him. "Captain Mitchell," he barked at Maverick who procured a folder from behind his back and handed it to Bradley. Then he turned toward Bradley again and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Lieutenant Bradshaw, you'll report to the USS Gerald R. Ford in a matter of days to rendezvous with the air strike team."
Bradley nodded and skimmed the paperwork inside the folder regarding the sensitive nature of the mission, but he didn't much care about what they wanted him to do when he got there. "Sir, can you tell me where I'll be stationed once this mission is completed?"
Cyclone leaned back in his seat, brow puckered, arms crossed over his chest. "Naval Station Norfolk has, as you know, requested you specifically to round out their Super Hornet team permanently."
"Yes, Sir," Bradley replied, practically choking on the words. He would have never thought the promise of Virginia would feel like a threat to his happiness, but here he was. "I would really prefer to stay in San Diego," he added, trying to keep the pleading tone out of his voice.
Cyclone leaned forward in his seat with a weary sigh. "Admiral Simpson, Captain Mitchell and myself all agree that the Pacific Fleet is very well balanced at the moment. Losing a reliable pilot to the Atlantic at this point would not be ideal." The tension in Bradley's body eased up momentarily before Cyclone said, "But I can only do so much to keep the status quo when there is a clear need across the board."
Bradley wanted to ask why nobody else was even in consideration when Warlock cleared his throat and said, "There's a price to pay when you're the best of the best."
There was a beat of silent agreement amongst the four of them before Cyclone heaved a deep breath. "I'll do what I can," he said simply. "In the meantime, prepare for your flight to Norfolk. The information is in the folder. And prepare to be out of communication with any and all civilians for the duration."
Bradley's heart stopped. He opened the folder again, but his eyes couldn't seem to focus on the words in front of him as the pages all blurred together. His fingers scrambled as he swallowed hard, and finally he looked up at the older man seated behind the desk. "No communication at all. For the duration?"
Cyclone nodded once. "You are dismissed, Lieutenant."
It was just something silly, but when you saw it while you were out shopping, you bought Bradley another Christmas present. You wrapped it up in red and gold paper along with the Mira Mesa Elementary School sweatshirt you got in his size. Then you threw the gifts along with the collection of cards from your students in your overnight bag and tried to keep yourself calm as you drove down to Coronado.
You would have a few days with your boyfriend at the beginning of your winter break before you took him to the airport and sent him off to Norfolk. There would be plenty of things to keep you busy while he was away, including packing up your apartment before your lease ended. But now you'd be moving into his house without him there.
All of the twinkle lights and decorated trees gave you a bittersweet feeling in the pit of your stomach as you drove down his street, but at least this time when you parked, he jumped up from his porch step and met you at your car.
"Gorgeous," he breathed, wrapping his arms around you. His old sweatshirt was currently keeping you warm, and you really wanted him to have his new one for his deployment. You kissed him hard, noting the look of apprehension on his face, but chalking it up to the stress of the unknown.
You kissed him again and kept your arms around his neck as he picked up your bag. "I was going to say we should wait until Christmas morning, but I want you to open your presents now."
His voice was deep and raspy and right next to your ear as he led you inside. "You did not have to get me anything." He kissed your cheek and added, "I need to tell you something important."
"After you open these," you agreed, reaching into the bag and pulling out both gifts before he set it down.
Bradley studied your face before running his thumb along your cheek. "Sure. After I open these."
He took the wrapped packages as you tugged him toward the couch with your hands on his bicep, and you ended up halfway on his lap as he carefully tore at the paper like he didn't want to harm it too much.
"Just rip it," you said with a soft laugh, but he shook his head and looked up at you.
"It's too pretty," he replied. "And nobody gets me gifts, ever. Unless you count coupons for steak dinners from Natasha."
You laughed a little louder as you imagined the laundry list of weird gifts his best friend must have given him over the years. When he finally had his hands on the sweatshirt, he sat frozen with a smile on his face. "I love this. I kind of feel like an honorary faculty member at your school."
"You're a legend in my classroom, Bradley," you promised, snuggling a little closer as he set the shirt aside and carefully unwrapped the second item. This one would mean more to you while he was away, and you hoped he understood just how much you were going to miss his voice and his touch. But you'd still have something from your pen pal.
"Oh," Bradley said softly as he held the navy blue stationery set on his lap. It included note cards, luxuriously thick paper and a gold pen. You could already picture his handwriting on the pages.
"We can go back to being pen pals for a bit," you whispered. "I'll be refreshing my email inbox and waiting not so patiently for my mail to arrive. It'll be great. That's how I fell in love with you in the first place."
"Gorgeous," he groaned, setting the stationery down on his coffee table before burying his face in his hands. "That's not gonna happen."
Atlantic Fleet, here we come. But for how long? No pen pals. No email. No letters. This deployment already hurts. Thanks @beyondthesefourwalls
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cutielando · 6 months
driving around | l.n.
synopsis: in which you're too stubborn for your own good
a/n: thank you so much @rayaharper for requesting this !!❤️
my masterlist
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“You’re not driving”
“Why not??” 
“You’re sick, I’m not risking putting you behind the wheel just because you’re stubborn”
You had been bickering like this for nearly 10 minutes now, neither of you wanting to compromise for the other. 
It’s not like you were that sick, you were coughing a bit, with a runny nose, sore muscles and a little temperature. You were basically fine and good to go.
But Lando didn’t agree on that.
He blamed what he called the “Verstappen stubborn gene.” He always made fun of you and your brother, Max, for sharing that stubborn trait that he hated so much.
It was also because he was a stubborn person as well, which meant that you would oftentimes clash regarding pretty much everything.
Just like you were doing now.
You were insisting to drive you and Lando to the track so he could get some more rest and the boy was having none of it.
“Just because I’m a little sick doesn’t mean I’m incapable of driving, Lando” you complained, rolling your eyes which hurt right in your sinuses.
That should have been the first sign to stop you from being so adamant to drive, but you weren’t about to give up so easily.
“Little sick? You’ve been burning up for 2 days and can barely get any sleep without waking up in cold sweat. You hardly eat anything and your sinuses are clogged” he reasoned, making you look at him.
He was right. Everything he was saying was the truth.
But it still didn’t sway you.
“It’s just a cold, I can manage just fine” you said before opening the door and getting into the driver’s seat.
Lando sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. He hates how stubborn you were at times, and he knew that his attempts to get you to let him drive would be in vain.
With that being said, he just sighed once again and got into the passenger seat.
“Just so we’re clear, I don’t condone this and I’m really not okay with you driving in this state” he said once he buckled up, tracking your every movement with his eyes.
“Babe, I’ll be fine. It’s just a short ride, it’s not like I’ll be driving for hours” you attempted to soothe him, but it clearly wasn’t working.
He only hummed and looked back at the road, keeping an eye on you from the corner of his eye.
As you started the relatively short drive from your hotel and towards the track, you could slowly feel your eyes burning, the soreness in your muscles escalating with each minute and your headache coming in strong.
It was in those moments that you knew he had been right and you shouldn’t have insisted on driving. You could feel nausea coming quickly onto your body, making you swallow harshly in order to tame it for now.
You had barely made it to the track safely, Lando already knowing that you would be way too tired to even watch the race after this.
“I told you so” he said, standing beside you as you weakly managed to get out of the car.
You glared at him, the movement hurting your sinuses even more. 
“I just wanted you to get some more rest before we got here” you said, pouting at him with glossy eyes.
He sighed when he looked at you, bringing you into his arms right away. He kissed your forehead, frowning once he felt how hot you were and saw how sick you actually looked.
“I know you did, but baby, you’re sick. I don’t want to rest when you’re feeling like this, I want to take care of you. And I can’t do that when you argue with me and put me on the spot for wanting to help you” he said, gently trying to make you see that he only wanted what was best for you.
Deep down, you knew you had been wrong, and right now in Lando’s arms, you realized just how much you had needed his warmth and his hug.
“I’m sorry for being stubborn” your voice was small, but he still heard you.
“Come on, let’s get you to hospitality and find some medicine and a quiet place to rest for you” he let go of you and opened the door to take your bags, taking your hand and leading you to the McLaren hospitality.
He manages to avoid the paparazzi on the way to the motorhome, keeping you close to his body.
Once you got to the motorhome, Jon was waiting for Lando there, his eyebrows instantly furrowing once he saw the state you were in.
“What’s wrong with her?” Jon asked Lando once he sat you down at a table and wrapped his jacket around your body.
Lando sighed, looking back at how you were practically sleeping on the chair before he turned around to talk to his trainer.
“She’s been sick for the past few days and today she insisted on driving us to the track even when I told her she’s too sick to drive. We just barely got here okay because she got worse on the road” he explained, his voice hushed as he kept stealing glances at his passed out girlfriend.
“Have you talked to her doctor or something?” Jon asked worriedly, caring for you just as much as Lando ever since the two of you were introduced.
Lando nodded. “I did, she said we should just wait for it to pass, that she should get plenty of rest and shouldn’t do much, but you know how she is” he explained further.
“You have one stubborn girlfriend, mate” Jon joked, bumping his shoulder in order to help the driver relax.
Lando chuckled, nodding knowingly. 
Just as he was about to say something else, you whined as you started to wake up, trying to wrap the jacket even tighter around your body.
“Lan?” your voice was small, your eyes slowly blinking open.
“I’m here, baby. Come on, let’s get you to a room where you can rest up. Jon will look after you” he said while picking you up bridal style.
The three of you made your way upstairs to a free room, Lando immediately bundled you up in your blankets that he brought for you and helped you take your medicine.
Even in your current state, somewhere between reality and sleep, you realized just how much you needed to rest and how truly sick you were.
“Thank you for taking care of me and sorry for insisting on driving today” you said when he finished fussing over you and leaned down to kiss your forehead.
Lando shook his head, brushing a strand of your hair from your eyes.
“Don’t apologize, just get some rest and I’ll see you after practice, okay?” you nodded, settling into the tiny bed and allowing yourself to succumb to your sleep.
Lando left you in the room partly against his will, but with the reassurance that Jon would take care of you while he was in the car.
And, at the end of the day, he was always going to take care of you, no matter what.
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vivid-dreamscapes · 3 months
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Dragon King!Bakugou, who spent many night in secret with you before finally proposing, marrying you within the month after.
Dragon King!Bakugou, who is worried you’ll feel pressured to do the after-marriage consummation ritual, so he doesn’t bring it up. But his soreness certainly do—with good intentions, of course.
Dragon King!Bakugou, who makes sure the night is perfect, having spent the day preparing everything, making sure the room was arranged to his liking. The room you two had spent so many nights before had transformed, practically gleaming with the flicker of firelight from candles and scented incense. Soft silk sheets laid over the king's bed, the room filled with the sweet scent of roses. Even a small table filled with fruit and water to replenish energy midway through sits at the beside.
Dragon King!Bakugou, who waited for you in the room patiently and calmly, but internally freaked out. After all, he was nervous about preforming this ritual with you. Not just because not most people lived through having sex with dragon royalty (yes that idea came from the webtoon The Dragon Kings Bride), but because it was you.
Dragon King!Bakugou, whose eyes immediately widened once you entered the room. They drank in the traditional consummation nightgown you had been fitted into, consisting of silky white lace that hugged every contour of your body. The bodice of the dress embroidered with elaborate patterns, the material dipping low on your chest, revealing a tantalizing amount of skin. The back of the gown completely exposed, the delicate lace wrapping around to the front in the form of a tie. Your hair adorned in flowers of his favorite variety.
Dragon King!Bakugou, who has a traditional consummation outfit of his own, a set of clothing that could only be described as borderline ancient. A simple robe of deep red and black silk drapes his shoulders, leaving his toned chest exposed. Loose, dark silk pants of the same material hang low on his hips. His arms completely bare, showcasing the intricate tattoos that wrapped around them in swirling designs. His servants had even taken the time to weave a strand of pearls through his hair. The overall image he portrays can only be described as dangerously attractive.
Dragon King!Bakugou, who informs you without a second thought that you look like a goddess. When your reply is ‘don’t insult the deities like that’, he smirks and steps closer. “Careful, my lady. Blasphemy is a very serious offense."
Dragon King!Bakugou, who sees your nervousness and guides you to the bed, hand in yours.
Dragon King!Bakugou, who lays you down on the scarlet silk sheets with a surprising gentleness for being the King of dragons.
Dragon King!Bakugou, who smiles upon hearing your a virgin, his response mumbled it or he skin of your neck as his calloused fingers brush over you collarbone, taking down the nightgown. "So, you're a virgin, my lady. The gods have clearly favored me tonight."
Dragon King!Bakugou, who starts off slow with kissing and touching, only to find out your maids had done him the favor of recommending you don’t wear underwear in the first place
Dragon King!Bakugou, who fucks you so hard your left gasping and begging, even as he tries to do it slowly so he won’t kill you.
Dragon King!Bakugou, who in the morning is left with a very alive you, curled up naked in his arms.
Dragon King!Bakugou, who opens the door with a surprisingly happy look on his face, only to find the entire castle staff waiting to hear if you’re alive or not, raising an eyebrow lazily. “Calm down. They aren’t dead. They’re…they’re fine. A little sore, but otherwise fine.”
Dragon King!Bakugou, who falls in love on sight with the little baby prince that exists nine months later as proof of the ritual having worked.
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lessi-lover · 1 month
illicit affairs II l.williamson x reader
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votes are in and it's romantic szn, this is as much as my tiny brain can handle rn enjoy x
★ illicit affairs II l.williamson x reader
you jumped and let out a yelp as you heard somebody rap their hand roughly against your front door, the familiar voice of your sister ringing through the entrance as she twisted her keys into the lock and popped the door open quicker than you could even get yourself off the couch.
"mil! i told you to return those keys last week!" you groaned in annoyance, snatching the silver piece out of her hand before she could slither it away and tucking it into your backpocket with a shake of your head. the older blonde giving you an amused look before she made her way to your kitchen.
"just let yourself inside, no worries! it's not like i was in the middle of something!" you muttered sarcastically, pushing the door closed behind you as you followed your sister who had apparently decided that she was now entitled to entering your home whenever she wanted.
"oh sis! how wonderful for you to invite me over for dinner!" she cheered, yourself surprised at her sudden appearance as she enfluged you in a tight hug. "hi mil." you wheezed, using your hands to push yourself further away as she restricted your breathing.
"how are you?" she asked, grabbing your shoulders in her hands as she stepped backwards. "i'm doing good, why are you here mil?" you laughed and she only confirmed your suspicion with the way she danced around or more like ignored your question.
"you've really made this place up haven't you?" camilla admired as she walked around your living area, pausing to take note of the time you had clearly spent cleaning up your apartment over the summer break. the small decorations and framed photos that littered your house catching her eye as she filtered through the living room.
the last time your sister had been over was when you'd just moved out your childhood home and the place was filled to the ceiling with unpacked boxes and unpackaged furniture, which meant she promptly left accordingly when she saw your pleading eyes for her to help you carry some heavy things up the front steps.
"thank you? what are you really doing here camilla?" you questioned as camilla took priority on your couch, popping her sneakers up on the sofa, before you could push the dirty soles off as you grimaced at how in a total of five minutes your sister had completely ruined what was meant to be a lovely afternoon at home by yourself.
"what? your favourite sister can't come over just to see you? i don't always want something, i promise you!" she frowned, looking at you expectantly as she patted down the spot next to her. "mhm okay." you rolled your eyes, crossing your arms over your chest as you took the spare place on the sofa.
"first of all, you're my only sister. and second of all, you always want something from me, mil. spill it." your sister tutting as she batted her eyes in innocence, the girl notorious for always coming over to your flat with less than desirable intentions for things you most certainly were not in the right mind for to even entertain.
"fine i'll be honest. there's an event on at the sapphire and i planned to go with a friend from work but she messaged me saying she's gone down with the flu from the kids she was looking after and i need a fast replacement." the blonde rambled on, moving to sling her arm around your shoulder as you gave her an unimpressed look.
"and i thought it would be nice if you came with me instead?" she grinned, smiling as if you would magically agree to go to a bar you hadn't visited in years and in reason, squeezing your shoulder which only made you roll your eyes as you sat back up against the head of the couch.
"so let me get this straight, mil. you broke into my apartment to drag me off to some bar because your coworker went down with the flu and you have no other friends to go with?" you quirked your head in annoyance as all your sister did was smile and nod eagerly at you.
"pretty much, yeah!" she exclaimed, her smile widening as she rested her head against your shoulder. "you’re unbelievable," you sighed, running a hand through your hair as her eyes pleaded for you to say yes and you knew there was no point in arguing with your sister because history stands she always gets her way.
"come on it'll be fun! we haven't had a night out together in ages!" she said, flashing her eyes desperately as you shook your head knowing that she would get you down to the bar either way.
"fine, i'll come. but no funny business trying to set me up with any of your mates like last time. swear on it mil! " you yelled, pushing your finger into her chest in accusation at the last time she successfully got you out the house.
you let her know how much you appreciated her little dating experiment one last time as she crossed her fingers in the air in promise, your sister casually making her way to your bedroom before you could even register what you had agreed to.
as you walked her towards your room the blonde followed closely behind, already deciding which clothes she remembered you owned that she was going to rummaging through your closet to find.
"what are you doing, mil?" you asked, watching as she pulled out various pieces of clothing that you hadn't seen in ages, opting not to go to any clubs during the last few months and instead putting all your efforts into your new internship that you had moved down to london for.
"helping you find something to wear, of course," she said in an obvious tone, holding up different tops she had brought out from your wardrobe and holding them against your chest. you rolled your eyes as your sister continued to bring clothing piece after clothing piece off the hangers and carelessly throwing the ones she deemed 'not suitable' onto your bedroom floor.
"this would look great on you," she tried to convince you. holding up a tight black dress and a pair of ankle strap heels in her hand that you had probably not worn since you were out partying every free night in your first semester of college. "i can dress myself, you know. i'm not five anymore."
you sighed at her choice of clothing, flopping back down onto your bed when the dress in her arms and the determined look on her face didn't falter, only a few seconds later when the dress in her hands made its way to you as she tossed it over your face.
"great then if you're all grown up you can go put this on yourself and then we can go!"
"one strawberry daiquiri please," you ordered at the bar, tapping your phone against the pay machine as the bartender quickly got to work. giving a small smile to the man as he started making your drink you sat down on one of the stools, laying your hands on the table and immediately recoiling your hands from when you felt the stickiness of the counter surface.
"sure thing. you look like you could use something sweet tonight, darling." you nodded with a tight lip, keeping your smile friendly but small enough to signal that you weren't really interested in the man and that he better go try his unhandy pick up lines on another desperate girl tonight. besides he really wasn't your type anyway.
you slumped back into you seat, seeing the obvious guilt in your sister's eyes as she made eye contact with you from across the room. the guy she had met at the door had his arm slung loosely around her waist as they sat together in a barely visible corner by the window, the both of them clearly having had a few drinks and looked hazy as they spoke loud enough for you to hear.
looking around the crowded club although not one you had commonly visited before tonight you felt weirdly comfortable, but it still felt unusual to be back to the scene years later when during your college days you seemed to be here almost every night, chasing after your then boyfriend who came down with his close mates most free evenings.
that relationship had ended in shambles. leaving you with an all to bitter taste for the london nightlife which seemed to had stayed well and truly alive in your time away, as if time hadn't taken it's toll it seemed the same crowd was still hitting the club on a saturday like you could remember.
it was never nice to catch the person you trusted cheating on you only to find out from other club regulars that the affair had been going on for months and they weren't even aware that you were his girlfriend let alone that he had one to begin with.
the betrayal of the guy you had dedicated years of your highschool life to had cut you deep and even now you still found it difficult to fully immerse yourself in relationships that weren't purely just for sexual intimacy and rather deciding to relieve yourself with meaningless hookups and flings to save yourself the tears if somebody decided to break your heart again.
you took one more look at the guy your camilla was still talking to; his curt looks, arrogant smile similar to that of your ex and you couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy at how sure of herself your sister looked and how carefree she looked as she spoke to him.
the scars of your breakup were still fresh on your skin and looking at the man from across the room the memories of those nights spent trying to fix your irreparable relationship came flooding back.
the endless screaming matches, the tearful conversations, and the eventual breakup that had left you unable to feel the need for a relationship again.
"come on, can we dance?" you looked up to see camilla standing in your eyesight, you had clearly missed her walking over as you were so far gone in your thoughts.
the blonde was slightly out of breath and definitely a little tipsy, probably from the fact that as soon as you had entered the building she had been dragged off by the guy she had been stealing air time from for the last thirty minutes, you'd never seen him but he certainly seemed to know your sister.
"really, mil? you've just spent the last half hour with some guy and now you remember me?" you smiled in amusement, adjusting your position at the bar to properly tease the older girl as she almost knocked into the table when she moved closer subconsciously.
"could've sworn you invited me here yourself? or did i dream that?" you teased, poking your sister in the stomach as she declined the bartenders offer for another round with a curt wave of her hand. the blonde shook her head in determination as she continued to coax you out of your seat, her hand sliding around your wrist as she pulled you up.
"oh, come on, sis! it's just for a little fun! you can't spend the whole night sulking over your ex." she decided, grabbing your hand as you lifted the last remains of your drink to your lips and she pulls you away to the dance floor.
"leah you're being a stick in the mud! just go find a lay and quit sulking alone with a beer!" beth grinned, slipping her hand around her friends' ice cold bottle as she moved it across the table. "i was drinking that." leah seethed, giving the blonde a dirty look as her other friend, lia passed the pint back to the blonde with a small minded smile.
"besides. there isn't anyone here i want," she shrugged with a shake of her head. the blonde still not able to find a single person in the entire club that she wanted to take home with her, which was not a common occurrence she would find herself in.
the women kept looking more and more painfully straight the more time she spent in the bar and looking even lesser friendly than when she had first walked in.
and men she could quite easily call her mates all only interested in talking to her about football, which generally speaking was fine but the european champion was looking for any excuse to talk about something other than work, but it seemed she didn't have luck on her side tonight.
and it wasn't going to come any faster than her will to stay at the club for any longer as she continued to drink moodily in a booth behind the dance floor, the dance floor she would certainly not be hitting tonight.
admittedly it wasn't difficult for the english skipper to have a different hook up almost every night and it wasn't an unusual scene for her to have a meaningless hook up running out the back door of her apartment, heels in hand and a skimpy dress from the previous night pulled haphazardly across their chest as they tried to escape the discomfort after what would have been incredible sex had brought in the morning.
the blonde had clocked up quite the reputation at the small pub she and her friends were drinking at tonight and if it wasn't for her taken saturday nights she knows her free minutes would certainly be spent back at the bar with another random girl she hadn't even caught the name of hanging of her lap like every other night.
but something was off about tonight, as if the looks she'd received when her friends had entered the club were enough to tell her that she was known, and it probably wouldn't be as easy for her tonight as it had been the last.
beth leaned over to leah's side with a mischievous grin, her eyes trying to communicate with the blonde although she definitely could not understand what her friend was trying to say. the english woman gave her a raised brow, wondering what beth was up to as she cornered even closer.
the blonde leaned in even closer to leah, her breath fanning against her captain's ear as she pointed towards your hard to look at lonely self sat at the open bar. "what about that one? she's cute and alone and possibly waiting for somebody?" beth suggested, her voice dripping with intent as she nudged leah out of her seat with an insistent push that almost had her falling over.
leah followed beth's eyes, eventually taking in the sight of you sitting by yourself, looking ever so lost in thought as you traced patterns with your nails into the sticky counter beneath your drink, somehow entertained by the small indents that in made into the rough wooden surface.
"cmon. don't go fucking waitresses like usual, she's beautiful lee." beth pressured, nudging her friend when she tried to shrink further down into her seat.
"i don't know, beth." leah replied, glancing at the woman across the room. she really did think you were so gorgeous and maybe that was the thought in the back of her mind stop her from going up to a pretty girl like she usually would. "yes you are, she's exactly your type and she's all alone waiting for her charmer."
the younger blonde sighed, setting her beer down on the table in front of her friends with a resigned thud. "fine, i'll go talk to her," leah muttered, rolling her eyes at beth's triumphant smile and the way she wiggled her eyebrows in encouragement of the footballer finally getting up to talk to a girl like she usually would be found doing so.
straightening her jacket and running a hand through her hair, the blonde made her way over to you, her earlier moodiness dissipating as she approached you and could see your face clearer. noticing the distant look in your eyes and the way you seemed to be in your own world, not even glancing up when she stood in front of you.
leah cleared her throat to get your attention, offering a cocky smile as you finally looked up. "hey, i'm leah." she said, her voice dripping with confidence as she started a conversation you were clearly not looking for. "you're not a regular here are you? just coming down to check out the scene?"
you raised an eyebrow, barely hiding your disinterest in the blonde woman in front of you as she so easily read you like a book. "and if i'm not? do you know something i don't?"
leah leaned closer to you, her smile widening, her minty breath lightly fanning your skin. "just trying to figure out why a girl as gorgeous as you is sitting alone on a night like this one. it's not often I see someone like you in a place like this."
"well, aren’t you charming," you replied. your tone as cool as the drink in your hand. "but flattery won’t get you very far with me. i'm sorry but i'm not really interested." leah chuckled, her grin barely faltering at your words as she sat down next to you, silently signalling to the bartender for a refill of her empty glass, the man only nodding with a sneer as he watched her easily start a conversation with you.
"well, pretty girl." leah began, her eyes sharpened on your face as she tried to take in each any feature. "i promise you're not the first to underestimate how good i am and most of london can confirm that one for you."
"you’re not wrong, i've seen that you make your way around." you admitted, a slight smirk tugging at your lips despite yourself barely knowing anything but the girl's first name, you still found it humorous as she raised a brow in surprise.
"though i’m not sure your special charm is going to cut it tonight." you pouted demeaningly, watching as her jaw tensed and her eyes shifted cockily to her right.
leah tilted her head to the side, a smirk of her own playing on her lips as she shifted closer, her hand resting closely next to yours. "oh, is that so?" she gave you her own pout back, grinning when she watched your eyes swell in her direction again.
"well, you don’t strike me as a woman who turns down a good challenge. what do you say we test that one at home?" you eyed her skeptically, noticing the cocky gleam in her eye.
"are you always this confident at getting women into your bed, or is it just me?" you questioned, as the blonde's drink was finally read and she reached her hand over the bar to retrieve it from the bartender's hand.
"just you, darling." leah said, her smile widening as she finally slid her hand comfortably over yours and you let her lock your fingers together as she brought your entwined hands closer to her body.
"tempting offer." you smile, leaning back into the table and crossing your arms over chest. "but i’m not sure you’ve got what it takes to take me home tonight, leah." leah's eyes darkened, her grip on your hand tightening slightly as she leaned in closer, the warmth of her body radiating towards you.
her lips curled into a knowing smirk, her breath brushing your cheek as she whispered in your ear. “is that a challenge, baby? don't think i could handle you?” and you swore your heart may have fallen right there, her lips brushing against your ear as she pulled back to meet your reddened face.
you tilted your head slightly, eyes narrowing as you studied her face her piercing blue eyes that seemed to see right through you, the slight tilt of her chin that hinted at a confidence you were sure had been built from countless nights like this.
there was something undeniably magnetic about her, something that made it hard to look away from her perfectly sculpted face as she stared hard, begging you to look into her eyes even as your mind screamed at you to keep your distance.
“maybe it is challenge.” you replied steadily, though you felt the faintest flutter in your chest that threw you off, a feeling you weren’t quite prepared for as she took your response as a means to keep testing the waters.
you pulled your hand away from hers, the loss of contact making you feel strangely lonely, but you quickly masked it by wrapping your fingers around your glass, bringing it to your lips to take a slow sip.
“so, do you usually get what you want?” you asked, your voice teasing, but there was genuine curiosity beneath it. leah’s eyes sparkled with that recent mischievous glint, and she leaned in just a little, closing the space between you and looking straight into your eyes.
“more often than not.” she said bluntly, her voice poisoning you a dare that you couldn't help but accept. “but i’m always up for a bit of a challenge. keeps things interesting.”
you felt your breath catch, the intensity of her gaze on your body making you lose your focus and you find yourself stumbling to answer back. “i bet it does.” you mumbled before picking up your glass.
leah’s eyes flickered to your lips as you drank, her gaze lingering on the way your mouth curved around the rim of the glass, and she flickered her eyes away when you looked back at her, a gesture that didn’t go unnoticed by you.
“what do you do for work, pretty girl?” leah asked, her voice softer now, the cocky edge replaced by her genuine tone as she tried to make conversation with you.
she leaned back slightly, giving you space that wasn't nearly appreciated as much as she thought it was, in fact you missed the feeling of her touch on you from only a few moments ago when her hand was wrapped with yours.
“i’m in marketing,” you replied, your voice calm, though a small part of you wanted to reach out, to reclaim her hand and never let it go. you couldn't deny the feelings this mystery woman was making you feel since the moment she had sat down next to you.
“nothing too exciting, really. mostly just trying to convince people to buy things they probably don’t need.” leah’s lips quirked up in a small smile as she listened to you.
“sounds like you’re pretty good at it,” she admired, the blonde enjoying your company more than she initially thought she would. “i bet you can be pretty persuasive when you want to be.”
you couldn’t help but return the same smile, a low laugh escaping your lips. “i’ve had some practice.” you admitted, the relaxed edge creeping back into your voice as you allowed yourself to settle next to her, to let the conversation flow naturally even if you had some nerves.
“but i’m guessing you’re no stranger to persuasion yourself.” leah shrugged, “comes with the territory.” she replied, but there was something more beneath her words, something you just couldn't figure out.
“i play football," she told you, leaving out the part that she played for one of the biggest and most famous football clubs in europe and was a regular player for her country.
you found yourself studying her, noticing the subtle signs, trying to pinpoint whether she was interested in you, or if this was the same old ploy just to get you into bed with her. the way her shoulders were so defined caught your eyes, the slight marks on her hands, the way she carried herself. all the while, she watched you with curiosity, as if waiting to see how you’d react to being caught staring.
“football, huh?” you noted, “so that’s where the persuasion skills come from. contracts, trying to get the ball passed up the line, that sort of thing?” leah chuckled at your mocking words, her eyes narrowing playfully as she tilted her head in amusement. “something like that,” she replied.
“you know,” leah began, her voice falling lower, “this place is nice and all, but..” she trailed off, her gaze sliding over to the dance floor where people swayed drunkenly to the loud music, lost in their own world of liquid sourced endorphins.
“you want to dance?” you asked, trying to keep your tone casual, but there was no hiding the eagerness in your voice as you locked eyes with the footballer.
“something like that,” leah said with a grin, her hand reaching out to you again, fingers brushing against yours as she pulled you out of your seat, guiding you through the stream of drunken people.
as you found a spot among the other dancers, leah pulled you closer, her ands settling on your waist, the other still holding yours. the music thrummed around you, a steady beat that matched how rapidly your heart was pounding as she snaked her fingers into the cut at the back of your dress.
she was fucking intoxicating and you felt yourself drown in her scent as she pulled your face into her neck, swaying you to music that had slowed significantly since getting on the floor. you let the music guide you, the scene around you reduced to a blur of lights and sound and you ignored it.
leah’s fingers pressed gently against your back, her hands falling down to the curve of your ass as she grinned cheekily and kissed your cheek.
as the song reached its end, leah leaned in close to your face, her lips close to your ear, her breath warm against your skin. “want to get out of here, darling?” she whispered, the words carrying an invitation that sent a shiver down your spine as you thought about what the next few hours would entail.
you pulled back slightly, just enough to look into her eyes, searching for any hint of hesitation that you had read her wrong in the slightest way, but all you saw was that same confident look on her face, only this time her eyes were full of lust.
“yeah,” you breathed out, an excited smile tugging at your lips.
“take me home with you, leah.”
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russo-woso · 2 months
Snap || Leah Williamson
Request | Masterlist
Part of the Mini Williamson universe
Summary You snap at Leah due to the hormones
“Go sit, baby. I’ve got this.” Leah told you as she pointed to the simple pasta you were making.
You were doing two separate pastas, one that was just plain pasta and sauce, obviously for Leah.
And the other one was a lot more colourful and had a lot more flavour, obviously for you and depending on which one she wanted, Ami too.
You’d been in such a bad mood all day, exhaustion creeping up on you, your back aching, and your bladder being kicked every minute.
The last thing you wanted to do was cook dinner, let alone two separate dinners.
Although Leah was amazing at stuff, football, being a mum, and an incredible wife, she was no good at cooking, and was one of her downfalls.
“You cant cook, le.” You pointed out, stirring the pasta sauce.
“I can try. Go sit down.” Leah repeated, trying to take over what you were doing.
“Leah, you can’t cook. Let me do it.” You snapped angrily, taking back the spoon.
“Baby, you’re tired. Go rest, I’m sure I can do it.” Leah said softly, but you weren’t in the mood to keep discussing it.
“Fine. Good, I’m glad you’re cooking. Now you’ll know how it feels like to cook two separate meals every night because you don’t know how to eat normal food. You don’t know how it feels to have your wife come home from work and just sit down and eat, complaining that training was hard. My day was hard too, Leah. I had to look after a two year old, work from home whilst 35 weeks pregnant. I’m exhausted, Leah. I’m so so exhausted.” You snapped again, tears threatening to spill.
Leah was taken aback, you’d had your fair share of arguments over the years but she’d never seen you this honest.
“I’m going to bed.” You sighed, turning round and waddling up the stairs.
You laid in bed as the tears streamed down your face.
You were angry at yourself for saying all of that.
You knew how good Leah was and you made her feel so bad.
You knew how hard training was on her, and she didn’t deserve all of that shouted in her face, and although you exaggerated a bit, it was all the truth.
A small knock was heard at the door, as Leah peeped her head in.
“Can I come in?” Leah asked hesitantly, a bowl of pasta in her hands.
“Of course. It’s your bedroom too.” You replied, sitting up against the headboard.
Leah’s heart broke at the sight of your red and puffy eyes, clearly seeing the evidence of your tears.
“I’m sorry, I snapped. I shouldn’t have—” you began but Leah softly shushed you as she could see you were getting emotional again.
“It’s okay. I’m sorry. I put so much pressure on you every day when you’re so vulnerable carrying our baby. I’m so thankful for everything you do and I don’t let you know that. I’m sorry.” Leah said as she hugged you. “I promise, I’ll start doing cooking, I’ll take cooking lessons if it means I get to help you. I’ll do whatever. You’re carrying our baby and looking after Amelia, and I’m so grateful for that.”
“Thank you, le.” You told her. “The hormones got to me, and I took it out on you. Sorry.”
“Don’t say sorry, baby. I get it. Now, can you rate the pasta? I think it’s okay.” Leah asked and you nodded, a small smile appearing on your face.
You took a bite out of the pasta, humming as you tasted it.
“It’s nice, very nice. I think you should cook more often.” You joked, getting another forkful.
“I will, I promise.”
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undiscovered-horizon · 11 months
"Everywhere is good but home is..." - Mihawk x Reader
@thetempleofthemasaigoddess wondered why Mihawk doesn't quite get along with his mother-in-law and who am I to keep such secrets to myself?
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SUMMARY: Mihawk is not exactly fond of his in-laws. Nevertheless, he compliantly tags along whenever you pay your parents a visit. If it makes you happy, he's willing to bite his tongue. For a day, at least.
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Imagine, if you will, an angry boar. A large, stout boar with birse as dark as the night sky. As boars do, it will gore with its tusks to let out the frustration and get rid of whatever it was that made the animal seethe. Now, if you take away its tusks, what can it do? Angrily dig for truffles? 
Or maybe stand beside you, a scowl on his face and a begrudging “I am fine” every time you ask about the bitter expression?
Mihawk doesn’t like visiting your parents. It’s the sickeningly sweet familial atmosphere that suffocates him. Don’t misunderstand - he’s fond of the thought of having a family with you but the aura of your childhood home is a little too… overwhelming for him. A little too picture-perfect. But being the man he is, Mihawk has never outright talked about his dislike because he’s aware of how much that would hurt you. Still, you know your husband a little too well to disregard his sighs and frowns. This piece of secret knowledge always makes you love him more - he’s willing to suffer for a day or two just to make you happy. If it’s not love, what else could it be?
The farmhouse looks different than it did last year when you visited: the roof tiles have been changed, the outside of the building has been repainted and even some of the fence surrounding the land is new. Clearly, your parents have been busy with their retirement.
Despite the irate expression on his face, Mihawk silently overtakes you and opens the shabby wicket gate to let you enter first. He gives you a questioning look when you suddenly stop.
“It’s going to be fine, Mihawk,” you reassure him.
“So you’ve been saying, darling.”
Comforting warmth spreads inside his chest as you smile at him and kiss his cheek. He turns his head, hoping to catch your lips but you’re already on your way to the older man raking leaves in the distance. Mihawk clenches his jaw and lets out an exasperated sigh. With a loud bang, he closes the gate behind him. He follows you in slow steps, naively putting off the fateful moment of meeting your family.
Walking down the path leading to the farmhouse and the fields behind it, Mihawk looks around the desolate landscape. It’s quaint, he thinks to himself. Tall trees sway on the chilly, autumn wind. Right above their peaks, although far away, are mountains with their tops covered in snow. Uncut grass brushes against his clothes. A flock of cranes flies high in the sky, disappearing and reappearing as they fly through grey clouds. Their key is directed south, towards warmth that will shield them from winter snow. The area is a bit too colourful and bright for his liking but with a nice “please” from you, Mihawk could see himself settling down in a place like this.
Dracule just comes into earshot and has the displeasure of hearing your father yelling:
“Pumpkin!” The older man’s voice is filled with excitement. He lets go of the rake, letting it fall on the ground. Despite his age and clear exhaustion from the work, he wraps his arms around you and hugs you almost to death. “Honey, come out!” he shouts towards the farmhouse. “It’s Pumpkin!”
Mihawk almost can’t stop himself from rolling his eyes. You’re a grown woman, married at that, and they still call you by a nickname they had come up with while you were still in diapers. ‘When I asked where children came from, they told me that they found me between pumpkins in their field,’ you once explained to him.
The door to the building flies open. Soon enough, your mother is running to you. Her greying hair is braided into a plait. She’s wearing an apron with traditional patterns hand-stitched into it. Half of the motif had been done by a skilled hand, stitched with precision and perfection. The other part, however, is a lot more crooked and amateurish, probably done by a child’s hand. Your hand.
Tears glisten in your mother's eyes. Despite her older age, there’s vigour and youth inside those irises - a certain love for life that you’ve taken after her. She quickly wipes her hands on the apron and hugs you.
“Oh, Pumpkin!” A stray tear leaves her eye. “I haven’t seen you in ages! You could have said you’re visiting.”
“You’ve always loved surprises, mum.”
She lets go of you and redirects her attention to Mihawk. Her face lights up as though he’s her own son, beaming with love and pride. To his absolute horror, your mother puts her hands on the sides of his face. He almost pulls away to avoid the unwanted affections.
“Sweetie, you look handsome as ever!” she exclaims. Her expression falls as she looks him up and down. “But you’re a bit thin, aren’t you? And that open shirt, tsk. Winter is coming, sweetheart, you’ll catch pneumonia if you don’t cover up.”
“Delighted to see you again, ma’am,” Mihawk lies through his teeth. To some degree, you’re impressed with how honest he sounds.
"Oh, sweetheart, I told you to just call me mum!” She laughs. “We're family now."
You can see the relief in Mihawk’s eyes as your mother lets go of him. Some part of you wants to burst with laughter as you recall countless moments when you’re the one cradling his face and Dracule is more than overjoyed with the tender touch. It feels like there’s something beyond special about you, that he welcomes such intimate things. Although, truth be told, when it’s your hands on his face, you usually lean in to kiss him and that’s definitely not something he wants to think about while standing in front of your mother.
“He’s a grown man, honey.” Your father nags at his wife. He waves his hand in a dismissing manner. “Leave him be.” Mihawk’s terror returns when a heavy hand reaches for his shoulder. “Come, son, you’ll chop some wood for the night. I’m too old for this. The last time I tried chopping firewood, I got sciatica.”
“Pleased to help,” Dracule drones his words. He gives you a glance like a silent plead ‘Look what I do for you’. Then, he follows your father further into the garden.
You feel your mother put her arm around your shoulder. “Boys are off to have fun and we have a dinner to make.”
Something inside you stirs with excitement - cooking and baking used to be your bonding activities with your mum. Since you’ve married Mihawk, you’re not allowed to do any housework. Everything is taken care of by servants. You find that you’ve grown to miss the rhythm of mundane life, although it would be a lie if you said that you dislike the life you have with Mihawk. It’s just… different.
The sound of pots, pans and knives hitting the cutting boards is like a symphony to your ears. An aria to your childhood. If you closed your eyes, you could almost see the world as it used to be, your eyes right below the level of the countertops, always standing on a stool to help your mother.
But the thoughts of your younger years dissipate as you stare out of the kitchen window. You have the perfect view of your husband chopping firewood with your father raking leaves in the back. Mihawk’s skin glistens in the afternoon, autumn sun. There’s not a bead of sweat on his torso. He appears completely relaxed as he swings the axe with one hand. Some logs are already cracked or particularly dry and those he rips apart with his bare hands. Those same hands that tear pieces of wood into matches have caressed your skin with almost fearful softness; the arms that bring destruction have tirelessly shielded you from the dangers of the world. 
Your dad looks over his shoulder at the pile of firewood with a nod of awe. If Mihawk keeps up his tempo, he’ll prepare enough fuel for the next week.
“You remind me of your dad and me when we were younger.” Your mother’s face shakes you awake from your thoughts. Suddenly remembering that you were supposed to be helping her, you look down at the awfully chopped carrots. At least you didn’t cut off your finger. “Always stealing glances as though we weren’t already married.”
A sigh of yearning leaves your lips. What did you do in your past life to deserve a man like him?
“Dad still looks at you in an uncomfortably intense way,” you answer, a smile on your lips.
Your mother’s laughter brightens up the small, crowded kitchen. It’s not hard to correctly guess what your dad saw in her that made him want to spend his life with that woman. “He does the same when you’re not looking,” she says while vaguely pointing at Mihawk.
Her words make you blush. A deep shade of red covers your cheeks, making your whole face hot to the touch. “What do you mean?”
She looks at you with sympathy. “I saw it the day you introduced him to us. And each time you come over, he seems to be a little worse in his affliction, staring at you like you’re the one who hung stars in the sky. It made your grandma remind her of grandad so much, that she cried at your wedding.”
Listening to her, your longing gaze returns to Mihawk who appears oblivious to your undivided interest in him. “Mum, does it ever get boring?” you ask without looking away. “The sense of calm when you’re around him. Like everything could be ruined but it’s fine because he’s there.”
“It’s the only thing in the world that never gets tiring.” A flustered, juvenile smile decorates her face. Even with wrinkles and greying hair, she looks barely older than you at the moment, reliving the flame of love inside her that has never dwindled. “Now, let’s finish with the sentiments and stuff the duck, eh?”
Mihawk is reaching for another log when something makes him momentarily freeze. There, in front of the stump he’s been chopping wood on, sits a dog. It’s clearly a mutt, each feature taken from a different breed. The fur is an amalgamation of markings in different colours: orange, grey, white and black. As the dog notices Mihawk’s interest, it gets up, restlessly stomping in place or rather hopping as the pet is missing one of its hind legs.
“Gulliver,” Dracule recalls the name of the mutt you’ve told him so much about. Your first and only friend growing up in the countryside.
The name is taken as an invite and so the dog places a drool-covered, chewed-out ball next to the piece of firewood. The pet sits again, tail wagging as fast as it can.
For a moment, Mihawk is torn. He wants the dog to leave him be but that would mean he has to put his hand on the slimy toy. Then again, the pet is sure to continue disturbing him now that he has acknowledged its existence.
Cringing at the wet and warm sensation of the ball, Dracule picks it up, only furthering Gulliver’s excitement.
"This means nothing," he drones his words and throws the toy so far it almost disappears from sight. The dog, overjoyed, runs after the ball. 
Considering that your dad’s throw has gotten weaker with age, Mihawk might have dug his own grave with the distance he made the ball fly. Gulliver will probably want another run. Or ten.
For a moment, Mihawk goes back to the fantasy of settling down with you in a mountainous wonderland. Maybe you could have a dog too? Not a mutt but a hunting hound? They look very noble.
But he shakes those thoughts away and continues chopping wood.
The dinner went well. Homemade food, family you haven’t seen in a year, the cosy and sentimental atmosphere of your childhood home… And Mihawk didn’t look as miserable as he probably felt. Although you’re enjoying this little family reunion, you seize the opportunity for solitude when it arises:
Your parents go to the kitchen to put away the dirty dishes, plate the dessert and brew some tea. Tugging on Mihawk’s arm, you pull him outside the house.
The old flooring of the porch creaks under your weight. A bright, melodic tune is carried by the wind as it brushes against the chimes hanging under the roof. The sun has recently set and the sky is still in a lovely, indigo shade. Birds croak in the distance, announcing nightfall.
His warm hand rests on your lower back. The touch makes you momentarily take a deep, relaxing breath. Your thoughts become both orderly and fuzzy as though Mihawk’s presence turned all of your wandering, useless ideas into static you can easily ignore. How can a person have so much control over you? 
Mihawk is towering over you. He tilts his head downwards to look at you. Something about his looming aura makes you feel not only protected but also well-cared-for, as though you could give yourself up to him completely and you’d still live like a queen in a castle.
“If you keep frowning, your face will stay like that,” you say to him.
Mihawk’s expression relaxes at the mere mention of his visibly bitter mood. Or maybe it softens because he’s looking at you. “I was under the impression that you’re rather fond of my face.”
“And you’d be correct. But I do have to say that seeing you tear wood apart was much better.”
You lean closer to him as you put your arms around his neck. He welcomes the gesture, allowing his hands to travel an inch or two downwards, a little too low for when one is in the vicinity of others. Especially someone’s parents.
“So my wife likes to see me do manual labour,” he states, his warm breath brushing against your cold cheeks. There’s no surprise in his voice and there shouldn’t be. He’s noticed the way you look at him when he wields a sword and Mihawk would be an awful liar if he said he doesn’t enjoy those glances.
“I like seeing you, full stop. Chopping wood is just a nice variation to the scenario. Strong arms and all that.”
The said arms pull you by your hips into a kiss. Although he’s spent only a day in this part of the region, he already smells like fresh mountain air and pine needles. Mihawk groans, feeling the curves of your body against his. He will never get enough of this. Enough of you.
“Tea is served!”
Your mother’s exclamation makes you pull away from Mihawk. He instinctively chases after your lips before letting out an annoyed sigh. A chuckle rumbles in your chest. Dracule rolls his eyes but lets you thread your fingers with his and pull him back inside the farmhouse. There, you interrupt an interesting conversation:
“Darling, when’s the cake tasting again?” your father asks while flipping through the calendar, a pencil in his hand.
“On the 25th, honey,” she answers. The dining room is immediately filled with the aroma of bergamot as your mother pours the tea. “At 6 in the afternoon.”
“Cake tasting?” you repeat in confusion. “What’s going on?”
“Our golden wedding, of course!” the older woman beams with joy. “We’ve yet to send out the invitations, though, so don’t tell anyone. Especially your aunt. Gods know she runs her mouth like it’s a marathon.”
As though you’re thinking the same thing, Mihawk and you glance at each other. The miserable, irate expression in his eyes elicits a burst of bright laughter from you. He just can’t catch a break, can he?
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alixmarauders · 18 days
Love can be overwhelming | poly! marauders x reader
word count: 1.4 k
CW: mention of abusive household
tag list: @reggieswriter @call-me-mishi @moonyxoxo
part 1, part 2, part 3
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Losing a Quidditch game usually resulted in James and Sirius taking their anger out on you, which you didn’t mind at all, but today was different. This time, Remus wasn’t going to leave you with the boys, Sirius was clearly upset with you, and James was probably going to be pissed for the loss.
You took a deep breath, taking Remus’s hand in yours and going straight to your dorm, waiting for your other boyfriends. You were pacing the room in front of Remus, the anxiety eating you alive; what you hated the most was the fact that you knew for sure that Sirius was mad at you.
“I’m an awful person, Rem, I couldn’t give Siri the attentions he needed when he was in pain“
“That’s right, you didn’t!” Sirius entered your room, James behind him. “I thought that being in a polyamorous relationship meant that I could count on three people when I was sad, instead you left me with poor James, do you want to stop this relationship now? So that you and Remus can go live happily ever after?! What the fuck, Y/N”
You felt your breath quicken, you knew that if he kept this up, you were going to break. “Sirius, you have to understand that- “
“No! None of that, I don’t want to hear it! You know what, Y/N? You’re just as heartless as everybody says, I was just too blind to see how the rumours were true.” You felt a pang to your chest, you knew that Sirius didn’t mean what he was saying, but it hurt you still. You spent your whole life battling against the fact that you usually didn’t know how to show love to the people you cared about, but you thought you’ve been good to them, you thought that all your efforts were seen. “You don’t give a fuck about other people’s wellbeing; you didn’t even ask me what happened! If we lost today, it was all your fault, you’re a self-centred-“
“Knock it off, Black. You don’t get to treat her like that! Just because your family is treating you like shit doesn’t mean you have to make everybody else feel what you’re feeling.”
“Remus, you’re the one to talk” You whipped your head in James’s direction. “You are the reason behind this mess, if you could control your stupid instincts everything would have been fine, and we’d be here celebrating our victory”
He scoffed. “Yeah, because it’s my fault if you both suck at Quidditch, isn’t it?” They kept on bickering, but you weren’t listening to them anymore, your mind too focused on Sirius words. You hated yourself for not being enough for them, maybe Dorcas was right, maybe you should have thought about it before diving headfirst in a poly relationship; you weren’t even sure if you were made for a relationship, period.  
“What, Y/N, too focused on yourself to care about our feelings?”
You decided you had enough, you needed time to think, and Sirius anger wasn’t helping you at all. “You know what? Yes, I am, because the ones who were supposed to love me just treated me like everybody else. So go fuck yourself, next time you’ll need me, I’ll be gone” You stormed off their dorm, running to your room and casting a spell, leaving them behind.
As you were about to start sobbing, Dorcas entered the room, sighing as she saw you on your bed. “You were right, Cas, maybe I’m not made for a relationship”
She shook her head, hugging you tightly. “Shh, don’t think about it now, okay? Tomorrow you’ll have time to process all of this, now you just have to rest.” She started scratching your back, singing a lullaby, and you found yourself falling in a deep slumber.
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“Hey, Y/N” You mumbled something, covering your face with the duvet. “Y/N. It’s 2 P.M., you have to start studying”
That made you sit up so quickly, you felt dizzy. “Shit, the test” How could  you be so dumb?  Sacrificing all of the work you put to ace this test for a stupid fight was really pathetic, even for you.
“Yeah, the test, listen I finished your notes and made you some flashcards, now you just have to start studying, but first you should eat-“
The idea of seeing the marauders made you physically ill. “I don’t want to go-“
“Yes, I know, I brough you some food” She shook a paper bag in front of you. The fact that she spent her morning doing your work and even brought you food made you feel really close to crying, and she noticed it. “Nope, no more crying. I know you, you’re about to thank me, don’t do that! I’m your best friend, I love you and this is nothing, okay? I just want you to be happy, and I know you will feel like shit if you don’t pass this test. So, start studying, okay?” She kissed the top of your head. “I got to go, Marlene’s waiting for me. Love you, bye!”
She left you on the bed, staring at the now closed door.
You looked at the sandwich: she knew you too well, if she didn’t bring you food you wouldn’t have eaten, but since she brought it to you, you felt guilty.
You pulled out your flashcards and started eating, you could be heartbroken, but you wouldn’t allow yourself to fail for your stupid feelings.
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Meanwhile, Sirius just woke up. His head was feeling heavy, but most of all, he was regretting every single thing he said to you. Deep down, he knew that you were just trying to be there for everyone, and that it wasn’t an easy task. Remus didn’t control his instincts; he couldn’t blame him for being clingy.
“Someone’s decided to grace us with his presence” The werewolf was looking down at him, his brows furrowed: he knew that look, he was mad.
“I’m so, so sorry” And just like that came the tears. Remus was stubborn, but if there was something that made him cave, that was his lovers’ tears, so he hugged him close to his chest. “I was awful to you yesterday, Y/N is going to leave us, I know it, and I hate to be the one to do this to you. If you want to leave me I will understand”
James scoffed. “Leave you? You really think we are this heartless? We know you didn’t want to act like that, Sirius. We just want to know what is happening, and then we’ll go and apologize to Y/N”
Remus scratched his head. “Thing is, I don’t know how we will get to her. I went to her room earlier and Cas was about to physically fight me”
“She won’t fight us, Rem, for God’s sake we’re Y/N’s boyfriends, she can’t stand between us. Back to you, Sirius, can you tell us why you acted that way?”
The long-haired man sighed. “It’s just- You know how awful the relationship with my family is, and I know it’s wrong but when I get their letters I don’t want to talk about it, I just expect everyone to know how I’m feeling and what to do about it. So, when she wasn’t there for me this time, I lashed out. Rationally, I know that Remus wasn’t being clingy because he didn’t want to share her, but because he gets super protective during the full moon. I hate myself for treating her that way, for using her weakness against  her, but I didn’t know how to communicate how I was feeling, so I just took my anger out on her, in the wrong way” He chuckled sadly. “If I was her, I’d break up with me.”
James shook his head. “She’s too good for her own good, Sirius, you know she won’t ever leave you. But we’ll have to talk it out, you know? You’ll have to be vulnerable, and I know  it’s difficult, but you’ll have to try for us”
Sirius nodded, everything for you. James pulled out the map, but as soon as he saw your name, gasped.
“What? What have you seen?”
“Y/N is in the infirmary” They exchanged a look, running out of their dorm room.
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woso-dreamzzz · 5 months
Hardersson x Child!Reader
Jessie Fleming + Niamh Charles x Child!Reader
Part of The Big Adventures Universe
Summary: A day at the pool
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Pernille relaxes back on the sunbed, eyes closed in content.
The sun beats down on her and she hums.
"Magda," She says warningly," You better not try to touch me with your wet hands." She opens an eye.
Magda stands in front of her, a guilty look on her face with a hand still outstretched. She's been spending most of her time this morning in the pool, still dripping wet and Pernille appreciates the way droplets of water run down her abs.
"Sorry?" Magda offers up and Pernille rolls her eyes.
"How are the kids?"
Magda spares a look behind her.
Niamh is floating around the pool on a blow-up boat, legs hanging out and feet dragging in the pool. Jessie's in the shallow end with you, playing with your water toys and laughing when you pour water over her.
"They're fine," Magda replies," Can I give you a hug now?"
"Are you still wet?"
"Then, no. Dry off or go back to the kids."
Magda huffs. "Are you sure I can't tempt you to get in the water?"
Pernille closes her eye again, shifting on the sunbed so she's a bit more comfortable. "You said you would look after the kids. I'm not moving."
Magda wades back into the water.
"Are you having fun, princesse?"
You shrug, a pout causing your bottom lip to jut outwards. You point towards the blow-up boat. "Niamh's ignoring us!"
Magda laughs. "Well, we can't have that. Leave it to me."
She swims out to the deeper end, where Niamh is floating away. Upon closer inspection, Niamh isn't ignoring you and Jessie on purpose. She's just fast asleep.
"Niamh," Magda says," Niamh!"
"Huh? Wha-?"
Niamh awakes slowly, blinking a few times to adjust to the sudden light from the sun.
"Come on," Magda cajoles," Up you get. Enough stealing my kid's things."
You're still not completely comfortable in the water yet but you're at that stage where you think it's embarrassing to where your armbands so the floating boat had been Magda and Pernille's compromise.
You weren't allowed in the deep end without your floaties but you didn't want to wear them so the boat was the only way you could get there.
"Five more minutes," Niamh complains.
Magda grins. "Five more seconds."
"Hey! That's so unfair and-"
Niamh doesn't get to finish because Magda tips the boat over and she goes crashing into the water. She surfaces a few moments later, spluttering and pushing her now wet hair out of her face.
You giggle hysterically from the shallow end and Jessie hides her own laughter, though not well enough because Niamh clearly takes offence to it and drags Jessie under the water to wrestle.
"Morsa!" You say, lifting your arms up," Boat, please!"
Magda laughs, plucking you into her arms and placing you in the boat. She pushes you around the deep end for a while as Niamh and Jessie wrestle.
You shriek when Niamh accidentally splashes you and you splash her back, sticking your tongue out at her when she looks at you in betrayal. You splash her again for good measure just as Jessie leaps on her back and dunks her under the water.
You grin in triumph before turning back to look at Morsa. You lift your arms up.
"Want to swim please."
"You'll have to go back to the shallow end," Magda warns you and you frown, puffing out your cheeks in outrage.
"No!" You whine," In the deep end!"
"Then you have to wear your armbands. Do you want me to get them?"
You huff. "No."
"Then no swimming in the deep end."
You think for a moment and Magda can see the cogs turning in your mind as you try to work out how to get what you want. You raise your arms again.
"Carry, please."
Magda sighs but picks you up anyway, treading water in the deep end so you still end up getting what you want. You smile at her triumphantly and Magda rolls her eyes.
You know just how to manipulate her into doing what you want.
It's kind of impressive.
You get tired though and your fingers get all pruney so Magda sets you on the ground again and watches you carefully as you make your way back to Pernille.
She grunts when you jump on top of her.
You're all wet and cold and Pernille jolts in shock at the sudden temperature change.
She opens her eyes and looks down at where you've settled your head on her chest.
"You're all wet," She laughs, pushing back your wet hair.
"Was in the pool," You reply, tilting your head up so you can look at her with a big, wide smile.
"I can see that. Did you get bored?"
You nod. "Tired."
Pernille reaches for her phone. "Well, it's nearly time for your afternoon nap."
You were originally resistant to a midday nap while on holiday, wanting nothing more than to just keep going, going, going and enjoy your time but Pernille had been insistent.
You would nap for an hour before lunch so you could have the energy to enjoy the rest of your day. You were happy with it now, especially when you realised that Pernille would sleep next to you in the Big Bed and Magda wouldn't complain at all.
You hum against Pernille's chest.
"Come on," She says," Let's get you all dried off so we can nap."
"What about Morsa and Niamh and Jessie?"
Pernille casts her eyes back towards the pool.
Jessie and Niamh have teamed up against Magda, currently trying to dunk her under the water and take custody of your blow-up boat again.
"They'll be fine."
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cosmiiwrites · 5 months
OKAY SO I HAVE AN IDEA. What about established relationship domestic fluff with Adam?? Like waking up in the morning cooking breakfast that kind of stuff (I AM STARVED OF HAPPY ADAM CONTENT)
˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳ domestic life
.ೃ࿐ adam x reader .ೃ࿐
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⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ hc/drabble: how adam would be like as a domestic partner cw: cussing, fluff, established relationship, reader is lwk fem coded a/n: ME TOO ANON. ME TOO. sorry for the hold up on the adam fics btw😭🙏
alright SOO
if you're in a relationship with adam, you obviously mean a lot to him
sure, he brags about his groupies and hookups all the time, but he's never actually been in a serious relationship with any of them
and he never stays in contact with them unless he needs a quick orgasm
without a doubt he drops them all for you
so when you’re dating him, let alone living with him, you’re a lot more than a good fuck
at first, waking up and adam being the first thing you see in the morning took you a while to get used to
you’d always find an arm slung around your waist when you woke up, stopping you from leaving the bed
you found it cute at first, but it started to get annoying when adam literally would not let you get up
“adam, hon, babe, love of my life, i gotta get ready for work,” you yawned. “adaaam,” whining his name clearly did not work. unfazed, the angel only tightened his hold on you. his face buried itself deeper into the crook of your neck. “c’mon, sera won’t be happy if you’re late for the fourth time this week…” you reminded him.
“i don’t give a shit,” adam groaned, voice muffled and barely audible. you loved his morning voice: husky, low, less insufferable. “i jus’ wanna be here with you. i don’t want to hear sera’s bitching this early in the morning…” his last sentence made you laugh, earning you an annoyed growl. “fine, i guess that’s fair.”
you settled more into your shared bed, one arm slinging around adam’s neck while the other combed through his hair. adam gave you a low groan in response. “mmh… could just stay here in bed all day, with you, y’know?” usually, you would object, but this time you gave it some thought. laying in bed with your boyfriend, cuddling all day? hm. you let out a defeated sigh.
“fuck yeah!”
you had actually found a way to let adam release you from the bed without him bitching about you “abandoning him”
that is, by cooking him bomb ass breakfast
the first time you cooked him breakfast was when he was deep in sleep and you were able to sneak your way out of his grasp
he wasn’t happy about you not being in bed with him, but your cooking made up for it.
an unfamiliar smell woke up adam. “[name], what the fuck is that sme- [NAME]?!” he frantically looked around for you, scanning the bedroom, the bathroom, he even checked the closet. this dumbass didnt even try following the smell. finally, adam found you in the kitchen, back facing towards him as you flipped pancakes.
he gave out a sigh of relief. almost instantly, adam pulled you into a hug from behind, head resting on your shoulder. because of the unexpected gesture, you let out a squeak. cute, he thought. “calm down, babe, s’ just me.” he chuckled. “but seriously, don’t leave me alone… i thought you got murdered or somethin’.” you whipped your head around to meet his eyes. was he serious? “first of all, this is literally heaven. secondly, i left to cook you breakfast, dummy. now go sit down or you’re not getting any.” immediately he complied.
“holy fuck.” he said, munching on a pancake. you giggled. “do you like it?” adam stared at you like you had gone crazy. “do i—do i like it? sweetheart, if i knew you cooked like a god i would’ve forced you to make every dish in the damn book.” his praise went straight to your head. you didn’t think he was capable of complimenting anyone that much but himself! still, you weren’t complaining.
not only did you make breakfast for adam, but lunch and dinner, too
when adam came home from work and found ribs on the table, he went FERAL
“baaaabe, im home,” he announced rather loudly. adam scanned the kitchen for you, instead landing his eyes on a large plate of ribs. never had adam wanted to wife someone up so bad.
“oh, adam! i just made some-“
“marry me.”
i feel like adam wouldn’t be too keen on doing chores around the house
washing dishes, doing the laundry, taking out the trash? not quite his forte
once said that it was a “woman’s job,” and you gave him a firm smack to his head (well deserved)
“adam, you NEVER do anything around here!” you complained. adam only groaned in response. “c’monn, doing the dishes won’t kill you,” “i dunno, it might.” “ADAM!”
“fine, jeez! so fuckin’ dramatic i swear…” he muttered under his breath. he reluctantly picked up a sponge and a plate and began cleaning the plate profusely fast. you leaned on the counter next to him, a smug grin on your face to which he only tsked at.
he put away the last dish, finally. “there, you happy now?” he huffed. “very.” you grabbed his face and pecked his lips once, twice. adam was taken aback at your sudden movement, nevertheless kissing you back more fervently. “mph- shit, if this is what i get for doing the dishes, i might start doing it more often.”
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unclewaynemunson · 1 year
@bigskyandthecoldgun made this very big-brained post about the perfect miscommunication potential of Eddie's heart monitor betraying his feelings for Steve while he's recovering. @mostrizzaward asked me to write it and how could I say no to that :D
The first time Steve sets foot in Eddie's hospital room is terrifying. Eddie is as pale as a dead man. He has dozens of wires attached to his body, that are connected to just as many machines and monitors displaying complicated graphs, all softly beeping at varying intervals. Everyone in the room talks in soft, grave voices and all the nurses and doctors have matching serious frowns on their faces.
But what seemed to be impossible happens on a dreary Wednesday afternoon in April: Eddie opens his eyes for the very first time since he passed out in Dustin's arms. Steve is at work when that happens, but rushes to the hospital as soon as he can, and suddenly Eddie's room seems a lot less terrifying than before. Because Eddie is grinning at him from his bed, even though he's still pale and weak. He's not only alive, he's awake. It's a goddamn miracle. His wide grin is familiar despite the big scar that has marred his cheek. Fuck, Steve doesn't think he'll ever be able to put into words how much he missed that smile.
Eddie rasps his name as a greeting and Steve comes closer to the bed. But then, something weird happens.
The machines around Eddie's bed are still beeping, but there's less of them now. The electronic symphony of noises has been reduced to a duet of two different beep patterns that are clearly distinguishable from each other. And one of them speeds up rapidly when Steve leans over the bed in an awkwardly angled attempt to give Eddie a hug.
“You okay?” Steve asks, worried. He wonders if he should call for a nurse.
“Yeah, man,” Eddie mumbles. His eyes flash towards the monitor in question for a second and a blush creeps over his white cheeks. He seems ill at ease; Steve can't quite put his finger on it but there's something weirdly awkward about the whole thing. He seems otherwise fine, though, so Steve decides no nurses will be necessary.
He clears his throat and takes a seat in the chair next to the bed. For a moment, he wonders why he's even here. They weren't exactly friends before all of this happened. It would be perfectly normal for Eddie not to want him around – and yet here he is, visiting him in the hospital like it's the most normal thing in the world. What is he even doing here?
But then, Eddie starts talking about how his uncle was with him when he woke up and gave him this book he's been wanting to buy for ages.
“He cried, Steve, I've never seen him cry in my life, but he was bawling, I'm not kidding!”
Despite his animated tone, Eddie's voice is still weak and his eyes keep falling shut even while he is talking. Steve knows that he shouldn't overstay his welcome and let Eddie rest, but he finds himself too captivated in how alive Eddie is, even though his whole presence – his loud voice, his broad arm gestures, his expressive face – seems a little bit toned down. So when Eddie tells him with a vague gesture to his nightstand that he tried to read his new book, but found himself too tired to focus properly, Steve finds himself proposing to read it to Eddie before he even realizes what he's doing.
And then the weird thing happens again. Eddie starts smiling at the exact same time the heart monitor accelerates.
Steve chooses to pretend like he doesn't notice. Instead, he takes the book from the nightstand and flips it open on the first page. He starts reading aloud, but he can't really keep his attention on the words that come out of his own mouth. He can't help but feel like he made a mistake. Is the heart monitor signaling to him that his presence is making Eddie uncomfortable? Shouldn't he have left Eddie alone to rest when he started getting tired? Why the hell did he ever think it'd be a good idea to read to him in the first place? He's never been a good reader, and certainly not a performer like Eddie. So he awkwardly stumbles his way through the words on the pages, in no way able to keep up with the complicated plot and no doubt failing spectacularly in the use of voices and appropriately ominous pauses and whatnot. Whenever he glances up from the pages, he finds Eddie leaning into his pillow with his eyes closed and a faint smile around his lips, only to find out he's lost track of where he was when he directs his attention back to the book in his hands.
It doesn't take long until Eddie's breathing becomes audibly deeper and evens out. Steve softly closes the book. He allows himself a few moments to do nothing but stare at Eddie's face and be grateful for the absence of a breathing tube between his lips, showing that he's only sleeping this time. Then, he gets up and tiptoes out of the room.
The weird thing with the heart monitor keeps happening every time Steve visits Eddie. It happens when he greets him, when he starts reading to him, and especially whenever he helps him adjust his position in the bed he's still chained to. Every time they touch, every time Steve gets close to him in any way, like clockwork. And every time, it's paired with some kind of physical reaction on Eddie's part: a blush on his cheeks, a somewhat forced chuckle, or sometimes even a badly concealed flinch, away from where Steve's hands are touching Eddie.
Steve pretends not to notice it, for Eddie's sake, but it can only happen so many times before he has to face the clear and obvious truth here: his presence is making Eddie extremely uncomfortable.
One part of it still doesn't make sense, though: Eddie actually asks him to read to him or to help him sit up or lie down again, and the next thing he knows, Eddie will suddenly be avoiding his gaze and that goddamn heart monitor will make it sound like Eddie is trying to break a sprint record instead of lounging in his bed, and he'll recoil from Steve's touch like he doesn't want his hands anywhere around him.
Steve muses over Eddie's odd behavior for days before he comes to the only logical conclusion: Eddie is actually repulsed by him and is too polite to tell him the truth. It's the only explanation that makes sense. It's just like what Steve realized so clearly that first time after Eddie woke up: they weren't friends before this, so why should they be now? Steve has no business being at his bedside all of a sudden, and Eddie doesn't have the heart to be mean to him and spell that out for him.
He can't even blame Eddie for it. For most of the time they've known each other, Steve was a major asshole, everybody knows that. Sure, they're twenty now and Steve has moved past high school stereotypes when he got close to Robin, but still... Those stereotypes made up everything about who they were, how they were perceived and who they interacted with for four whole years of their lives – six even, in Eddie's case. Eddie doesn't have any reason to want to let that go like Steve did.
He would never admit it to anyone, but the conclusion he reaches breaks Steve's heart: he should stay away from Eddie. Eddie has every right not to like having Steve around and Steve certainly doesn't want to add to his discomfort. He has been through enough, Steve wouldn't want to make this whole long and painful process of recovery even worse for Eddie by imposing his unwanted presence on him.
It doesn't matter that Steve has started to look forward to his hospital visits like they're the very best part of his week. It doesn't matter that Steve's heart starts racing for whole other reasons than Eddie's whenever they're close, whenever they're touching or whenever Eddie is smiling that beautiful smile of his. It doesn't matter that Steve wants nothing more than to keep reading to Eddie even though he still doesn't have a clue what that stupid book is about. None of it matters, because that's simply the price one has to pay for being an asshole and a bully in high school.
It doesn't matter, because there are way worse things than the guy you've developed feelings for secretly harboring a grudge against you. He still has Robin, he still has his little nerds, he even has Nancy back; as a friend, this time, which is honestly better than things ever were between them. He has the knowledge that Eddie survived and will be getting better with each passing day. Maybe he can start dating again, find a cute girl with blue eyes and blonde hair who doesn't remind him of the one person he can't be around, and it'll all be fine again. It doesn't matter.
Update: there's now a sequel post :D
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deadghosy · 3 months
Platonic sliver trio (duo) headcannons && imagines
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Just random chaos. Literally, Ominis is wondering why you and Sebastian are having the “zoomies” in the common room.
Protective boys, doesn’t matter if you are in danger or not. They are there. 🤷🏾
You sliver trio, are just like the golden trio. Just a little bit older years ago though.
Ominis definitely drags you away from Sebastian if there is a dangerous quest. Ominis is sure to not love it down knowing you got hurt because of the sallow’s recklessness. Sebastian indeed a gets an earful while you just stand like a “good” child behind him.
Relaxing in the common room after classes is something they find you doing. So now they go with you to the common room. You three stick together just fine.
When you’re not with them, Sebastian and Ominis do this thing where they bet on where you are at. If Ominis is correct, he gets to hang out with you. Practically sleeping together is hanging out? Now if Sebastian wins, he takes you out for some honeydukes sweets and maybe go on another adventure.
Imagine you got injured only a little during an adventure, Sebastian is immediately helping you up. Finishing the cause of the injury towards you if they are a person or thing. He’s making sure you are okay while you try to tell him it’s only a small injury. Hoping Ominis will be the much more civil and calm one.
Nope he is not. He’s now panicking because of Sebastian SINCE he overreacted and made the explanation of your injury so dramatic. Ominis had to use his hands to hug you instead of using his wand to find your presence. The poor boys were just so chaotic while you stood there like “😐”
Usually if you are relaxing. Those two always somehow find you. Even if you are far away. It’s mostly Sebastian dragging your dear friend Ominis along.
“Y/N! I have a favor to ask of you.” Sebastian says, having a mischievous smile. Ominis was clearly behind him. Wand in hand with a tired expression.
“Please tell him no….” Ominis says with a frown
It’s just some classic trio things. Some Slytherin things.
Holding hands with you is a mandatory thing in the friendship of these two. Can’t anything go wrong with a little hand holding.
The mother of the group, Ominis. The badass child, Sebastian. The middle child that has to always be there to make sure the badass child isn’t alone in trouble. You. It just works that way.
Ominis is fr a single mother who works two jobs. Keeping you safe, and making sure that Sebastian and you aren’t in TOO much trouble.
When laying down with the two Slytherin boys. Sebastian has his arm around you while Ominis has his head on your chest. Loving how the sound of your heartbeat sounds. It makes Ominis feel comforted knowing you are still here.
You three for real could relax on days like those. It feels refreshing.
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outsideratheart · 9 months
You Should Have Told Me (Alexia Putellas x reader)
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Being away from Alexia was never easy. In fact it got harder as time went on. Luckily for you it didn’t happen often, only really when you went back to Australia whether it be for national team camp or to be with family. This time was the latter.
Like always, you and Alexia spoke to each other and found a way for it to work with the time difference. You were getting into bed and tried calling Alexia but she didn’t answer. You thought she might be busy so you text her and wait for a respond only one doesn’t come.
When you wake up the next morning you find the reason for her radio silence. A tweet which makes you feel sick.
Alexia Putellas will undergo arthroscopy surgery on 27th December.
You are filled with worry but you are also mad at your girlfriend. Why on earth were you finding this out in the internet and not by the woman herself.
Despite your mixed emotions you find yourself on a flight back to Barcelona after a length apology to your family. Funnily enough they knew it was coming as soon as they saw the news. They had only met Alexia once but the love you had for her was evident. They saw it on your face every time her name popped up on your phone.
It was the 27th by the time you arrived home or to your other home. Everyone was well aware of your relationship with Alexia so the nurses didn’t question it when you arrived at the hospital asking for her whereabouts.
“Y/N” Alba greets you with a warm hug “Alexia didn’t tell us you were coming”
“Clearly Alexia is going through a not telling people stuff phase”
Alba swallowed deeply. Your annoyance was clear and if that wasn’t a telling sign, you calling her sister by her full name was.
“Y/N I didn’t—“ Eli joins the two of you in the hall but stops talking mid sentence when she sees her youngest daughter shaking her head.
“I wouldn’t mama”
“She is in there” Eli point the door behind her “she didn’t want—“
Again she was cut off, this time by you.
“Don’t fight her battles Eli. She knew what she was doing. Feliz Navidad by way” you kiss both women on the cheek.
The two of them watch you enter Alexia’s room.
“You two need a lesson in manners. You know it’s rude to interrupt people” Eli says to Alba given that you are in the hospital room.
You get a sick sense of deja vu when you enter the room Alexia’s in. The same happened last summer and you stayed by her side for the entire thing. It’s why now didn’t make sense. You looked up the surgery, it was minor. Why didn’t she want you here now but happily had you with her then.
Alexia pays no attention to you when you enter and although she is there physically you can tell her mind is far away.
“I know I’m not your emergency contact but I would of thought being your girlfriend earned me a call or at least a text”
This got her attention. It was a good job she was already at the hospital because the speed in which she turned her head could have given her whiplash.
“Mi amorcito”
Her faces changed at this. You could almost see her wince at the formalness.
“I deserve that” she knows she did wrong by not telling you. Still, she pats the space next to her hoping that you’ll join her on the bed.
She watches each step you take, you get closer to her but stop at the foot of her bed.
“What? I don’t get a hug? I am in the hospital” she tries to get you to crack a smile but fails miserably.
“Repeat those last 4 words”
“I am in the hospital” she is slightly confused because you clearly heard her.
“We have been through a lot together Alexia. Yesterday you told me everything was fine, the medics had given you a green light and that you were packing for the trip. You lied”
“Y/N I didn’t mean to hurt you. I just wanted —“
“Miss Putellas it’s time” one of her doctors come in.
“Give me a minute” Alexia doesn’t ask, she demands “I’m in the middle of something”
“No. Take her. We’re done here”
At first Alexia panics. What did you mean by we’re done here. It sounded almost like a break up but before you leave you walk over and kiss her temple. It was a small sign that you were not breaking up with her.
Her eyes remain on you as you walk out the door. Her mother steps in her eye line and Alexia recognises the look on her face; she is in trouble.
“You didn’t tell her, idiota!” Alba appears from behind their mother.
“Alba not now”
“No Mija, she’s right. When you wake up you need to fix this. That girl is the best thing to happen to you and you know that you should have told her. Alexia, she is your girlfriend she had a right to now”
“Por Dios! I know I messed up. I thought I was doing the right thing”
Alexia truly did think that. You had been with her to every physio appointment since the champions league game. You hadn’t been back in Australia long when the decision was made for her to get surgery. You had played the most minutes this season so far and for the sake of your own health you needed to rest, to recover.
She wanted you with her and truth is she needed you with her but she sacrificed that solace for you.
The surgery took two hours which is within the predicted time or least that’s what Google told Alexia when she looked it up. She woke up and saw two woman, neither of them the one she wanted to see.
“She left, didn’t she?” Alexia looked defeated as she came to.
“She did” Alba replied with a wicked grin on her face.
“But then she came back” Eli told the whole truth.
Alexia watched as her mum and sister stepped aside revealing you curled up on the chair fast asleep.
“I think the jet lag must have caught up with her. I saw the girl drink three double espressos but even they couldn’t help fight the urge to sleep” Eli explained.
Your girlfriend knew the battle all too well. She saw the way the time difference affected you when you travelled for international camp. Sleep always won in the end.
“Do you think she’ll forgive me?” Alexia asks her mother specifically only to earn a response from her sister.
“Of course she will. Y/N loves you and I’m talking the type of love dad had for mama. I think you’re stupid for not telling her but knowing you, you probably thought you were doing the right thing”
“No, she was being stupid” your raspy voice gained the attention of all three Putellas women.
“I was and I’m sorry”
You and Alexia were given some privacy.
“I am sorry Y/N, I didn’t mean to hurt you”
“What did you think would happen? I found out my girlfriend would be having surgery on twitter. Strangers found out the same time as me”
“I wanted you here with me but you needed to be with your family“
“I needed to be with you. I love you and nobody comes above you Ale.”
“But you were supposed to be in Australia. You had plans to spend new year in Sydney. It had been planned all year”
“You’re wrong Alexia. We were supposed to be in Australia. We had plans to spend new year in Sydney. We planned it together. I don’t care where I am as long as I am with you”
“I should have told you”
“Yes, you should have. Are you able to squeeze up? I’ve had enough of being mad at you”
Alexia knows that she’s strong enough to move and does so happily. She would do anything if it meant having you beside her. It came as no surprise that you were the little spoon in the relationship so Alexia naturally holds you close.
“I’m scared Y/N. This wasn’t supposed to happen. I had the surgery and I put in the work. I was back and now look at me. I’m back at the beginning again”
“No you’re not. This isn’t like it was before. Your knee is stronger now. I called the physio on my way to the airport and he told me everything. The surgery was only an investigation”
“Would you still loved me if I’m not as good as before? If I never win another balón d’Or?”
“Alexia Putellas Segura, what silly questions those are. I loved you long before you won your first and I will love you long after you hang up your boots. I fell for the person, not the player and you’ll do good to remember that”
Alexia took a moment to take in what you had said. Her greatest fear was that you’d leave her but deep down she knew that wouldn’t happen. Your words only reiterated this.
“Did you return the outfit? Nurse Y/N might be needed again”
You jokingly gasped at her suggestion. When you look up you see that her eyes have darkened slightly. She did love you in that criminally short costume.
“I think I have it somewhere” you cup her cheek and Alexia leans into your touch.
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tooearlyforthis · 3 months
Be Mine
Pairing: Steve Harrington x reader
Synopsis: (5.8k wc) After what felt like forever pining after her friend, Y/n finally got asked out on Valentine's Day. Or, at least she thinks she did.
Warnings: friends to lovers, fluff, a little angst, no beta this already took too long
masterlist || steve harrington taglist
Happy Fourth of July! What better way to celebrate than posting the Valentine's fic I never finished in time cause life is crazy right now?
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The coffee shop bustled as the morning sun rose. Locals grabbed their cup of joe before the start of a long work day and while most groaned in protest, Y/n craved it.
The start of a new day and the endless possibilities it might hold excited her. Though, her days almost always ended in the exact same way. She would show up early, order the two coffee orders she memorized years before, and grab a table. Her companion was always late, on the days they drove separately at least. 
But still, she arrived at least 10 minutes before their scheduled time. Partly because the morning line could get crazy long, but mostly so she could people watch. Sitting and watching the daily lives of the people in her hometown made her see how vastly different people led their lives. 
She could be like Dr. Reinfeld who arrived in the first wave of the morning rush, quick to get his black coffee before running off to surgery. Or she could live more relaxed like Deborah McCallister who worked as a waitress at Enzo’s on Main Street. That woman was always so kind to her, coming over to talk most days.
“And the butcher shop is still going well?” Deborah asked, her hand leaning on the chair opposite Y/n for balance.
Y/n nodded. “Meat won’t sell itself,” she joked.
The older woman laughed, probably a little too hard as she reached for another sip of coffee. Y/n only smiled, offering a small chuckle in return.
“Well it isn’t my two favorite ladies!” 
The two women looked over by the door where Steve Harrington sauntered in with a grin. He was wearing a pretty basic outfit. Straight jeans, Nike’s, and a stripped shirt with his Family Video vest over top. But god, did he look good. Y/n couldn’t help but stare at the way his hair bounced with every step as he walked over to greet her. 
Deborah got to Steve first, engulfing him in a huge hug. “Oh Steven, you look taller every time I see you!” she exclaimed.
“You’re just saying that to be nice,” he told her, pulling away but giving her a wink. 
Deborah hit his arm slightly, clearly amused by the young boy. “I have to get going, you two have a lovely morning.”
“You too, Mrs. McCallister,” Y/n replied as the woman left. Steve quickly sat down in her absence, reaching over to grab the coffee Y/n had ordered for him. She knew his order by heart and Steve found that the drink tasted perfect against his tongue. “Wow, suck up.”
He put the drink back down, finishing his last sip with an emphasized gulp. “Hey, I’m not a suck up. The ladies just love me.”
“Oh really?” He took a sip from his cup, agreeing with a hum. 
Steve wasn’t wrong, though Y/n would never let him know that. Here she was, knowing him personally for only a few years and she already found herself falling for him. It would never happen, she was sure, and she was fine letting her infatuation stay just a silly crush.
But some days she wondered what her life would have been like if she hadn’t been babysitting Dustin that day in 1984. If his “pet” hadn’t escaped, if they didn’t look towards Steve Harrington for help. There would be less monsters in her life that was for sure. But then again, she wouldn’t trade it for anything else. She wouldn’t have known Steve had changed; wouldn’t have become close friends with him. And she wouldn’t be sitting in this coffee shop before work, chatting with the only other person in their party who wasn’t in high school.
“How was your night?” Y/n asked, pulling herself out of her thoughts. Her and Steve usually got dinner after work if their shifts matched, but last night he had to cancel for some unknown reason.
Steve’s face scrunched at her question, shaking his head vigorously. “Not really a topic I wanna visit right now…how about you?”
What about her? Steve canceled the only night she had been looking forward to in weeks. Her parents were always at work, the kids swarmed with school work. There was nothing but him.
She shrugged, trying to play it off like it was nothing. “You know, it was fine.”
“Do you wanna come over tomorrow?” He said it so nonchalantly she almost choked on her muffin. Tomorrow? Tomorrow was February 14th, Valentine’s Day. Y/n felt like her heart skipped a beat as she tried to hide her surprised expression. He just asked her out right? He totally did. “We can have dinner.”
She tried to stay calm, to not seem too eager to say yes. Spending Valentine’s Day with Steve felt like a dream come true. Never in a million years did she think that he would like her back.
“Sure,” she said, trying to stay calm. She looked down at her coffee to try and hide her reddening cheeks. “I would love to.”
“Cool,” Steve replied, not looking at her but rather his watch. “Shit we’re both gonna be late we should go.”
With no other mention of it, no more discussions of the night to come, they left for their respective shifts. But throughout the day, for Y/n at least, she couldn’t stop thinking about the night to come. This date would change everything about their relationship and she couldn’t wait.
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Her palms were sweaty. How did she get them to not be sweaty? Turning up the air conditioner in her car, she held her hands out, letting them dry against the air. How was a night like this even happening? She never thought someone like Steve would like her. He had the looks in high school and once he became nicer it was like a package deal. 
She spent too long that afternoon getting ready and deciding what to wear. She was nervous because she didn’t know what Steve planned for them. In the end, she decided on a pair of jeans and a low-cut shirt. It wasn’t out of the ordinary for her to be wearing something like that but it was sure to catch his eye. Walking up to the front door, she dried her hands on her jeans one more time. Then, she knocked.
Steve answered nonchalantly, wearing pajamas bottoms and a t-shirt. Y/n was a little confused. Was this how he showed up to all his dates? Suddenly, she felt overdressed, even when he glanced down at her chest -- the very reason she wore that shirt. Looking away quickly, Steve ushered her inside.
He cleared his throat. “Hey, come on in,” he said. “I ordered a pizza, it should be here soon.”
Nodding, she entered. She had been in the Harrington home so many times before but now it felt different. There were stakes with every step, every interaction could determine how the night would end. She followed him into the living room, watching as he lazily fell onto the couch.
“You wanna watch a movie?” he asked. 
It made her falter for a moment. Here she was with the man of her dreams on Valentine’s Day and they were doing what they would do any other night. He put no effort into it. Nothing to make her feel wanted on the romantic holiday. 
“Sure,” she said, sitting down next to him. She placed her bag on the coffee table before leaning back, trying not to get too comfortable. 
He put on Fast Times which wasn’t what she would’ve expected for a date, but then again Steve really liked the movie. She tried to enjoy it, tried to think that this date wasn’t letting down every expectation she set for herself. But as the movie went on and Steve’s interest was more in his lap than her or the movie, she felt her last bits of hope slowly fall.
“Is everything okay?” she decided to ask. Figuring that maybe something else would be the root of why this date was so shitty.
He looked up at her with a shrug. “It’s nothing, not something the two of us usually talk about.”
That made her perk up. What was the forbidden subject he was speaking of? “Try me.”
“Are you sure?”
She waved her hands. “Go for it.”
Sitting up, he turned to face her on the couch, crossing his legs in front of him. “It’s just- I went on this date with Nicole on Thursday and it was just another blah date you know? There was nothing special about it and it just got me thinking about if dating is even worth it at this point.”
He kept talking but the words began to muffle as Y/n’s thoughts took over her mind. He went on a date with Nicole. On the day that they were supposed to hang out. And above all this, he’s telling her about it while on a date with her. 
Steve went on about finding the one and how he didn’t think it would be possible in the small town of Hawkins but Y/n was focusing too hard on trying not to cry. This wasn’t a date at all. He invited her over on Valentine’s Day to hang out and she had made it out to be her dream come true. 
How could she allow herself to think this way? To get so worked up over a friend that she was on the verge of tears? She was frustrated, confused, even embarrassed that she had even assumed he wanted to date her. Y/n wanted to leave, to run out his front door and try to forget like the night had even happened. But still she remained frozen in her seat as Steve rambled on.
When Steve finally stopped, looking at her to answer a question she didn’t even hear him ask, his expression turned worrisome. Tilting his head, he tried to move closer to her. “Hey what’s wrong?”
Why was she still there? Why was she letting herself feel this way? There was nothing stopping her from leaving. She could get up and walk out the front door if she wanted to - and so she did. 
Standing up, Y/n grabbed her bag that she placed next to her. “I just remembered,” she said, clearing her throat. “I-I have to help Max with something just— I need to go.”
“O-okay,” he responded warily. Where was this coming from? “Do you need me to walk you to—”
“Nope!” She was already heading toward the door without a second glance. “See you later, Steve.”
The door slammed before he could say more. She didn’t want him to. Didn’t want him to see how she let the tears flow as she walked to her car. How she blasted the music loud on her drive home to distract her. She needed to distance herself from him. This felt like a wake up call, someone telling her to get over him and figure her own shit out before seeing him again.
She wanted to stay friends with him, she really did. But after tonight, she didn’t know how that was possible. 
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After Y/n stormed out of his house, Steve was confused. She had such a good memory that she never would have forgotten if Max needed help. Nevertheless he watched her go, unable to question her more before leaving. 
Steve was supposed to see her the next day anyway, picking her up for coffee before their similarly-timed shifts. But when he knocked on her door that morning, ready to see one of his best friends, he was confused yet again.
“I’m not feeling the best,” she told him. “I’m just gonna drive myself today.”
“Okay do you need—” The door closed before he could finish his sentence. “Anything…” he finished to himself.
Y/n’s behavior for the past two days was so unlike her that Steve began to question everything. What was going on? Did she need help? Did he do something to offend her? 
It wasn’t until an hour into his shift a few days later did Robin confront him about it. 
“Okay dude,” Robin began. “You’ve been in a sour mood all morning, what's up?”
“Y/n’s been acting weird,” he told her, knowing the two girls were also friends. “I-I don’t know why, I guess I’m just concerned for her.”
“Have you actually tried asking her?”
Steve rolled his eyes. “I’m not that stupid okay?” He jumped up on the counter, resting his hands on either side of his legs. “She slammed the door in my face last time I tried to talk to her.”
“Yeah, I know. And she hasn’t called me at all. She would always call me at night ya know? On day we couldn’t see each other? I don’t know what’s going on with her.”
The bell in the front of the store rang, indicating someone entering the otherwise empty store. “Well you can ask her again,” Robin told him, motioning to the door where Y/n had just walked in. 
He jumped off the counter immediately, fixing his shirt as she walked up to the counter. “H-hey how are you feeling?” he asked her.
“Fine,” she dismissed, barely making eye contact with him. When she finally glanced up, she was looking over his shoulder. “Robin, would you mind helping look for a tape?”
His coworker glanced at him for a moment before going back to their mutual friend. “Sure, yeah.”
Steve watched as they walked off toward the romance movies leaving him completely dumbfounded. What happened that was so bad she wouldn’t even look at him? As he contemplated to himself how to get his friend back to normal, the front doorbell rang again.
El and Max strode in, giggling to themselves as they made their way in front of Steve. He groaned when he saw them. “What do you two shit heads want?”
“Pump the brakes, dude, we just came in for a tape,” Max said with attitude though he guessed he deserved it.
“We already paid for it,” El chimed in. “Robin said it was here?”
He looked over to where Robin and Y/n had walked off to. Only Robin was visible from behind the shelves and he couldn’t make out a word or what she was saying. By facial expressions alone he could tell they were talking about what was bothering Y/n and it pained him that she wouldn’t tell him any details.
“Earth to Steve?” Max called out, making him realize he had been staring off, not answering the kids in front of him.
“Sorry, uh, I’ll go get it from the back,” he mumbled, walking away.
He didn’t know why it bothered him so much. But over the past two years of getting to know Y/n, it’s like he couldn’t remember life before her. The air felt lighter with her around, her presence never failing to put a smile on his face. 
So when that all suddenly disappeared, it felt like his world was falling apart. He had to know what he did. He had to know how to repair their relationship. Because if he doesn’t, well, he don’t know how he’ll survive.
By the time Steve emerged from the back room where the reserved tapes were kept, Y/n was gone and Robin say chatting with the girls from behind the counter. The stopped talking as he approached. 
“Here, girls,” Steve said, sliding the tape across the table. 
“Thanks,” El said with a smile. She took the tape, both girls turning to leave.
“Hey, Red,” he called out. Both of them turned around, but Max knew the nickname was directed at her. 
“Yeah?” Max said, slightly annoyed. He could tell she just wanted to leave and watch their movie.
“What did Y/n need help with on Saturday?” 
Max’s eyes furrowed, her nose scrunching up. “Saturday?” Steve nodded to confirm. “I didn’t see Y/n Saturday, I was with Lucas.”
“Oh,” he said, the pieces forming in his mind. Y/n lied to him. Actually lied. They had never kept things from each other but to flat out lie to get away from him? Steve felt more hurt than ever before. “Never mind, I must be remembering wrong.”
“Okay…” Max said, still confused. Nevertheless, she turned back with El, leaving with their movie.
There was a rage bubbling inside Steve and it felt like he finally reached his boiling point. As the door closed, the bell above it ringing out, he pivoted on his heel to Robin. She was still sitting behind the counter on a stool, looking down at a book she had brought to read during their shift. 
“She lied,” he announced.
Robin looked up confused. “Huh?”
“Y/n, she lied to me. When she left my house she said that she forgot she needed to help Max with something but she didn’t. Max said she was with Lucas.”
Robin raised an eyebrow, a knowing look across his face. He knew her long enough to know she was withholding her opinion.
“She told you, didn’t she? When she came in?” Shrugging, Robin ignored the question. “Come on, what did I do?”
She titled her head at him. “You really don’t know, do you?”
Steve sighed, hopping up on the counter. He rested his hands on either side of him at the edge. “No, I don’t.”
Rolling her eyes and with an unapologetic tone, she asked,” When was the last time you saw her?”
He shook his head, “Saturday.”
“No, Steve, what was the date?”
Today was the 16th so working backwards….Steve’s eyes went wide. “Shit,” he cursed. “I asked her to hang out on Valentine’s Day.”
“Yeah, dude.”
“Fuck, were we on a date?”
“I mean, her extremely attractive best friend who she’s been in love with for like ever, asked her out on the most romantic day of the year. How was she not supposed to think it was a date?”
Steve rubbed his hands over his face. How could he be so stupid? How could he make such a careless--
“Wait,” he paused, looking up from his hands. “She’s in love with me?”
“Well, yeah,” Robin said, like it was the most obvious thing in the world. “She’s been crushing on you since forever, did you not know that?”
“Of course I didn’t know that!” He hopped off the counter, surging toward her. Robin’s shoulder shot up in surprise as his hands landed on her knees. “I-gosh I messed up, Robs. Big time.”
“No shit, Sherlock,” she replied, pushing his hands off of her. 
He stumbled back, raking a hand through his hair. To think, one of his closest friends liked him, and he was oblivious. He had been crushing on her from the first time he laid eyes on her. He still remembered it like it was yesterday.
That little shit Henderson showed up at the Wheeler house, forcing him to come look at his basement at the demodog he stupidly was keeping at a pet. Y/n was there, his babysitter apparently. It was already dark out as they approached Dustin’s house, flashlights in their hands as they approached the basement doors. 
Y/n was sitting there with her own flashlight, waiting for help as she tapped her foot against the ground. When their lights shined on her, she stood up. Steve felt like the wind was knocked out of him. She was a natural beauty, that was for sure. The way she stood so sure of herself, so confident in every choice she made. It was hard not to fall for her. 
And in the days, weeks, years following, she only proved more lovable. She laughed at his stupid jokes, the ones the kids groaned and moaned over. She noticed when he wasn’t feeling well, remembered obscure things he was sure he had only brought up once. Steve had only started dating other girls to distract himself from the fact he could never be with her.
To think not only she liked him back, but they had already been on a date? It made him feel awful in ways he didn’t think possible. 
“Rob,” Steve began. “I gotta make it up to her. I-I can’t lose her, she’s the best thing to happen to my life.”
Despite his anguished look, Robin smirked. “I think I have an idea.”
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To say Y/n was having a tough week would be an understatement. She didn’t expect the rejection from her best friend to hurt this much. But there she was, a week after Valentine’s day, canceling yet another coffee morning with Steve. 
She had barely seen him since that day she stopped by Family Video, and was thankful that she didn’t need to see him in the following days. Work had been borderline unbearable 
Y/n had barely been home for five minutes after her Friday shift when there was a pounding at her door.  She recognized the banging immediately as Robin - it was not the first time this week she had done this.
“I know you’re home, L/m! I saw your car in the driveway,” Robin said, muffled slightly, by the door.
Sighing, Y/n walked over to the door, swinging it open wide. Her friend was quick to walk in, not waiting for an invitation. “You’re interrupting my ice cream dinner,” Y/n told her.
“No ice cream tonight!” Robin exclaimed. She pointed a out a finger. “No more wallowing over some stupid guy.”
Y/n crossed her arms. “That guy is both of our friends.”
“And he is still stupid. Nance invited me to a party, and you’re going too.”
Groaning, she said, “I don’t think I’m up for that tonight.”
“Well tough luck!” Robin surged forward, pushing on Y/n’s shoulders until she was forced to take a step up the stairway. “You’re going.”
Maybe Robin was right. Maybe a party was what she needed to get back on her feet. A night out with her friends, to get stupidly drunk and take her mind off things for a while. Knowing Robin wouldn’t stop pestering, Y/n reluctantly let her push her up the stairs.
Before she knew it she was dressed, standing outside a house she didn’t know. It didn’t really matter when a party was happening. If you knew there was a party you could show up, didn’t matter if you knew the person hosting it. 
It was loud as they squeezed through the propped open front door, music filling their ears at a deafening level. 
“Nance and Jonathan said we’d meet upstairs!” Robin yelled over the noise. “We’ll group up there and head down together!”
“Sounds good!” Y/n yelled back, desperately trying to grip Robin’s hand in an attempt not to lose her. The house was so crowded she was afraid if she let go, she wouldn’t find her friend again.
Robin seemed to know her way around the home, quickly navigating to the stairs. They climbed over a couple making out at the base, squeezing to one side to pass people descending from the second floor. The sounds of music grew softer the further up they went, less people making it easier to walk. 
They were finally able to speak at a reasonable volume. “She said it was a guest room,” Robin informed Y/n. 
She only nodded in response, still blindly following her friend. Robin opened a door, ushering for her to go in first. She was right it was a guest room, and she didn’t like the guest she saw in it.
Steve was perched on the edge of the bed. He was hunched over, playing with his hands as they rested against his thighs. When she walked into the room, she stood up.
Y/n felt all the color drain from her face. She turned around without thinking, trying to find an escape. Robin has already closed the door behind her, locking it. Still Y/n turned the door knob, hoping that with rapid tugging it would magically open - it did not.
She banged on the door with an open palm. “Rob, let me out, you can’t do this!”
“You guys need to talk!” Her friend shouted back, and Y/n knew there was no point in begging an further.
She slowly turned back around, a pit in her stomach. This was not how she wanted to face him. So soon, so suddenly. She tucked her hands behind her back, leaning until she was flush with the door. Looking at him was proving to be harder than she thought, but when she finally gazed up at him, she could see he moved closer. His was still fidgeting with his hands, swaying back and forth between his feet.
“I’ll be back later!” Robin yelled for the last time, footsteps slowly fading from earshot.
“I don’t know why Robin thinks she needs to lock us in a room to get us to speak,” Y/n elected to say, looking back down. Maybe ignoring what she felt would make their problem go away.
Steve scoffed. “Maybe cause you haven’t spoken to me in over a week. When was the last time we went that long without communicating?”
A beat. It was silent, the only sounds coming from the party still raging on outside. Y/n didn’t know how to respond to that. He was right, of course, but saying it out loud proved to be too much.
“I’m sorry,” he continued. “I didn’t realize it was Valentine’s Day and I should’ve known better—“
“It’s fine, really,” she said with a shrug, trying to seem as nonchalant as possible. The quicker she dismissed the misunderstanding, the quicker they could go on and forget how much she embarrassed herself. “It was stupid of me to assume it was a date anyways.”
When he didn’t say anything return, Y/n looked up. He was looking down at his hands, his eyebrows furrowed as his forehand scrunched down. She knew him well enough to know he was trying to gather his thoughts.
“Ever since Nance,” he began and Y/n thought she could die right there. Of course he was brining up his ex. They were all friends now, sure, but the mention of her in the context of his love life still made her grimace. “Ever since we broke up, it’s been hard for me to see the signs that a girl likes me.”
Oh, this is how he was choosing to let her down easy? She felt her cheeks reddened, her chest rising and falling at a rapid rate. She would give anything to leave, to run out of this room and never speak about it again. But of course, the door was still locked behind her.
Steve continued. “Even when I was actively on a date or hitting on a random girl at Scoops, I just never got my groove back….I think it’s partly because I was trying to get over you and I thought it would make me feel better.”
Something in Y/n’s brain short circuited as the words left his mouth. “W-wait,” she stopped him. He looked back up at her, meeting her eyes for the first time that night. “You liked me?”
He nodded, his eyes never leaving hers as he took a step forward. “I never stopped. Which is why I am so, so sorry for last week. I really hoped when we ever went on a day, I would be smart enough to know that it was one.”
Despite the hurt that he had caused, despite being angry with him for over a week, Y/n couldn’t help but let a small smile form on her lips. A small chuckle came out with it. She looked up at him. He was taller than her, standing a few inches above her own height, but that didn’t inhibit her from looking into his eyes. 
“Do you really mean it?” she asked him, her voice soft despite being the only two in the room. “Cause I-I don’t think I can get hurt like that again. You’re one of my best friends and I can’t lose you-“
She couldn’t finish her sentence as he leaned in. The taste of shitty beer filled her mouth as his lips slotted against hers. His woodsy cologne taking over all of her sense of smell. Steve’s hand rested on the small of her back, slightly pushing her into him as his other hand rested against her cheek.
Y/n thought that this is what princesses must feel like when they finally kiss their prince. The overwhelming sense of completion, like they didn’t know a part of them had been missing until that very moment. He took over every sensation of her body, like they were becoming one with every movement of his mouth against hers. 
When he pulled away, she couldn’t help but sigh at the loss of contact. Steve’s breath, still strong with beer, was against her as he stared at her from mere inches away. She found she couldn’t speak, couldn’t form a sentence. By the way he was smiling she knew she was blushing hard.
“You’ll never lose me,” he said, the hand on her back rubbing small circles to sooth her. “I’m yours, okay?”
Y/n smiled again, forcing herself to nod. “Okay.”
“Sooooo,” he began, drawing out his words. “Does this mean you can be my valentine?”
She chuckled, leaning down into his chest, the fabric of his shirt soft against her cheek. She could feel his lips pressed a kiss on her hairline. Gentle, tender, lovingly.  Looking back up, she did nothing to hide her smile. It etched across her face, her lips turning upward.
“Yes,” she said,  “I’d love to be.”
Their mouths reconnected so quickly, she barely had time to finish her words. She could feel Steve grinning against her mouth as he used on hand to cup the back of her head. The other found its way to her waist, pulling her flush against him. Lips danced in unison, slowly exploring each other’s mouths, but Y/n couldn’t help focus on the growing bulge pressed into her thigh.
Smirking, she pressed further into him. Steve groaned as she practically grinded into him, making him stumble back slightly. But Y/n didn’t stop there. She kept pushing, moving him back until his calves hit the edge of the bed. 
It one clumsy motion, Steve fell back, pulling Y/n with him. They both yelped as they hit the mattress, bouncing lightly before their bodies sunk in. Y/n placed a hand above his head to stop herself from falling onto him, her legs on either side of his body. Steve’s hand was still wrapped around her back, now clutching at the fabric of her shirt. 
After they finally settled in, the mattress becoming still, they couldn’t help but laugh. Steve’s head fell back as he chuckled, his neck stretching up so enticingly. Y/n wanted to suck there, find what made him tick. That spot that would make him crumble under her touch. 
Looking back into her eyes, she said, “I could get used to this view.”
Grinning, Y/n replied, “You and me both.”
She was about to lean forward, to kiss him on the part of his neck she so desperately wanted to feel when she heard the turn of the door lock. Y/n and Steve’s stares shot to the door, watching as Robin began to walk in.
“Okay has everyone made up- oh my god!” Robin covered her face. “My eyes! My eyes!” She shut the door without saying anything more. 
Steve groaned, making Y/n turn back to him. He had his eyes closed, eyebrows scrunched as his head fell back against the mattress. “Oh we’ll never hear the end of this,” he said.
Y/n slumped back against the bed next to him, the sheets creasing inward at her weight. “No, I don’t think we will.” She couldn’t help but let out an exasperated laugh. “I’m sorry it’s not funny.”
Steve chuckled, tiling his head to look at her. “It kind of is, we almost gave her a heart attack.”Y/n laughed again, pulling a hand up to cover her mouth. “She could use a little scare with all the Vickie shit she put us through.”
“Oh I can still remember those days before their first date.” 
“It was like a tornado went through my house.” 
As their laughs faded, she couldn’t help but stair into his eyes. They were so beautiful, despite being just a plain brown. To her, they were as rich as the coffee they drank most mornings. As warm as the setting sun when she would get off of a shift, Steve waiting to pick her up in his BMW. She could stare at them for hours on end.
“We…we should probably go back to the party,” Steve said reluctantly. “Before she starts blabbering.”
“Probably,” Y/n replied, though neither of them made a move to leave. They stayed on the bed, laying on their backs. Her arm was basically overlapping his and she could feel the most touch of his finger caressing her own. Looking down the length of his body, she couldn’t pull her gaze away from the bulge in his pants. “Will you be okay going back with that?”
He looked down too, realizing what she was talking about. He groaned, like he suddenly remembered the aching problem in his jeans. “Yeah yeah, I just have to think of something sad like hurt puppies or-“
“Or,” she interrupting him, moving closer against his side. She fully clasped her hand in his, bringing up her other to trace a line down the center of his chest. “We can stay up here for a few more minutes. I happen to know a much quicker way to deal with your problem.”
Steve took in a sharp breath of air, his chest rising under her fingers. His eyebrows raised too, like he wasn’t expecting her to be this bold. Without saying anything else, he bolted upright in the bed, making Y/n fall back against the mattress. When she looked up, she saw him running to the door, turning the inside lock to occupied. She giggled at the insinuation, even though she was the one who initiated it. 
And as Steve sauntered back over to the bed, leaning over to plant another kiss upon her lips, she couldn’t help but smile at the fact that she was his, and he was hers. 
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Taglist: @afraidofshrimp @halflifejess @nix-rose @palmtreesx3 @cilliansnostolgia @sweetdazequeen @blckburd
308 notes · View notes
roosterforme · 1 year
The Younger Kind Part 24 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: When you and Bradley put some pieces of the puzzle together, you realize it was a blessing in disguise that you ran into Meredith. But in the early hours of Wednesday morning, Bradley is hanging on by a thread. How could anyone try to take Noah away from him?
Warnings: Angst, swearing, fluff, and age gap (18+)
Length: 4000 words
Pairing: Single dad!Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x babysitter!female reader
Check out my masterlist for more! The Younger Kind masterlist.
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Bradley strolled out of work with Nat hot on his heels. "She's picking you up?" she asked, clearly surprised by the turn of events over the past few days. When Bradley saw you leaning against the Bronco in the parking lot, Nat gasped. "You let her drive your Bronco?"
"Yeah, I trust her," he replied, taking off at a faster pace to get to you. The expression on your face had him a little worried, and you looked tired, but he was so happy to see you. Because he'd been anxious all day.
"Hi, Natasha," you called out, waving past Bradley as he scooped you up in a hug. "And hi, Daddy," you whispered, next to his ear as he held you.
"Hi, Baby," he sighed, kissing your glossy lips. "I missed you. Did you have a good day?"
You sucked in a deep breath, but then Nat was there, and the two of you were chatting. But your face was pinched and agitated instead of smooth and perfect, and you were playing with your hands nervously. Bradley let you talk to Nat for a few more minutes, and then he softly kissed the top of your head. 
"Don't want to be late to pick Noah up," he told you, and then he gave Nat a hug and took the keys when you held them up for him. "You gonna tell me what's wrong?" he asked as he put the Bronco in gear.
"Why do you think something's wrong?" you asked casually, reaching for his hand. 
"I can tell something's bothering you, Princess. But I'm assuming since you just grabbed my hand that you're not upset with me.
There was a brief pause before you said, "I saw Meredith when I went grocery shopping this morning."
Bradley nearly swerved off the road. "This morning? You saw her this morning, and you're just telling me about it now?" he glanced your way briefly. What happened? Did you get hurt?"
"I'm fine, Bradley." You squeezed his hand and pulled it to your lips, pressing a soft kiss to his thumb. "I'm perfectly fine."
"I swear, she's trying to ruin my life," he growled. "Won't leave me alone. Thinks it's okay to go after you. I'm afraid I'm going to fucking lose it in the courtroom when I see her tomorrow."
"Bradley, let's just go home and have a nice dinner, and then we can talk about it in a few hours after Noah is in bed, okay? You need to stay calm."
But that proved impossible. Bradley watched you with his son, just as patient as ever. You alternated between making dinner and coloring with him while Bradley silently panicked. He had no idea how he could give this up. Even looking at Noah right now was painful for him. And when Noah asked him to get all three of the paper crowns, Bradley actually started crying.
"Sure, bub. Come help me find yours." Noah took Bradley by the hand and led him down the hallway to his bedroom. 
"It's in here, Daddy," he said, reaching for the yellow crown on his dresser and putting it on his own head before giving the bigger green one to Bradley. "Let's get the purple one for Princess." 
Noah climbed up on Bradley's bed, but he still couldn't reach it. Bradley pulled it down and handed it to his son. "Why don't you give it to her, but only if she's not trying to cook dinner, okay?" It was hard to speak with the lump in his throat as Bradley carried his son back into the kitchen. He had his nose buried in Noah's soft hair, inhaling his scent and holding back tears. "I love you," he whispered as Noah handed you the purple crown.
"Oh, are we all matching tonight?" you asked with a soft laugh. But your smile didn't quite reach your eyes as you looked at Bradley. 
"Yep!" Noah said as you slipped your crown onto your head. 
And then dinner was mostly silent. And if you thought it was strange that Bradley held Noah on his lap the entire time, you didn't say anything. The night was going too quickly. Bradley had spent weeks trying not to think about this day, but now here it was, and it was worse than he could have ever imagined. He could barely stomach the food you made even though it was perfect. 
"It's going to be okay," you whispered across the table. 
"How do you know that?" he asked in response. "How do you know this isn't the last night I get to do this?" Bradley kissed Noah's cheek and took a deep breath to calm his nerves.
You stayed silent after that, only whispering something sweet to Noah before you said goodnight to him. Then you let Bradley have some privacy to give Noah a bath and get him dressed for bed. He read seven books to Noah, and he was already asleep by the end of the last one. But he stayed on his knees next to the bed, brushing Noah's curls softly back from his forehead and kissing him a million times.
"I love you," he said, tears filling his eyes as he wandered back out into the hallway. You were cleaning up the kitchen, but when he found himself in the doorway, you gathered him into your arms.
"It's hitting you hard, I can tell," you told him, and Bradley didn't care if you saw him crying.
"I just feel like... all of this shit is beyond my control. I can only do my best. But that's still not good enough to ensure I get to raise my son, which is completely fucked up."
You guided him to one of the chairs and then climbed onto his lap. Your voice was so soft, Bradley could barely hear you. "I just don't see how anyone could take him away from you."
"Do you have any idea how often judges side with mothers over fathers? It's so unsettling, I don't even want to think about it right now."
You tightened your grip on him. "Then let's think about something else."
"I still can't believe Meredith was at the grocery store this morning," he groaned, rubbing his face.
You were quiet for a few minutes, and then you looked at him with your pretty face scrunched in frustration. "She said the strangest things to me."
Bradley was on high alert now. "What? What did she say?"
"Well, she made a comment about how your car is worth a lot of money."
"It's a Bronco, Princess. Not a car." He realized this was the first time he'd really smiled in hours, and it felt good. 
"Yes, I'm so sorry. She mentioned that your Bronco was worth a lot, and she said she was surprised you let me drive it."
He rolled his eyes. "Just because I never let her touch it doesn't mean you can't. She used to wreck up her little sports cars annually and then buy a new one. Doesn't appreciate the classics like you do." Bradley kissed your shoulder and listened to you sigh. "But I guess it's kind of odd that she said that to you. And honestly, I have no idea how much the Bronco is worth. Maybe like sixty thousand? I try to keep her running nice."
You scoffed at him, and then Bradley could practically see the wheels turning in your head. "I looked it up against your VIN number. In pristine condition, your Bronco is worth almost one hundred and fifty thousand dollars."
"It is?" he asked, completely shocked.
"It is," you confirmed. "You didn't know that?"
"No," he said, shaking his head.
"Meredith also mentioned some life insurance money?" you said a little reluctantly. "In an account for Noah?" He watched your eyes go wide as you quickly added, "I'm not trying to pry, and we don't need to talk about it-"
"From my mom," he replied, kissing you softly to let you know it was okay to talk about it. "I have my mom's huge life insurance payout. I never touched a cent, because it was too depressing. After Noah was born, I decided to save it for him. He can use it for college or for a house or.... I don't know, he can sail a fucking yacht around the world with it or something. But it's for him."
You gasped and said, "Bradley, I think Meredith just wants your money."
You watched him slowly shake his head as you scrambled off his lap and went to go get his computer from where you left it charging in the living room. When you brought it back to the kitchen, Bradley said, "Princess, she makes more money than I do. I just don't see how that could be the case. You should see where she lives in Oceanside. It looks like a mansion."
"No," she replied, opening up the tabs she had saved. "She doesn't live in Oceanside any longer."
"How do you know that?" he asked, wrapping his arms around you as you sat perched on his thigh.
You pulled up some property records you had found when you searched Meredith's name earlier. "She went into foreclosure last year and had to sell. She lives in an apartment in San Diego now."
You looked at Bradley over your shoulder, but he was completely silent now.
"What was the name of her company?" you asked, turning back to the computer.
"Coastal Business Development," he said quietly. And a shiver ran through your body. You had been correct in what you found. But now you kept opening tab after tab as he sat there with you. More new information was popping up left and right. She had tried to hide her name by using an LLC, but Bradley knew enough of the missing pieces to help you put it all together.
"She's bankrupt," you whispered, and he gently pushed your hand out of the way to open one last tab himself. You skimmed the court documents and said, "It sounds like she married her business partner, and he left her high and dry."
"Damn," Bradley gasped, going back through each tab about Meredith's real estate foreclosure, business bankruptcies, and personal interviews. You tried to push the computer away, but Bradley kept going back to the same tab, and now he wouldn't even let you minimize it.
"Don't read it," you whispered, pulling his hand away and turning to look at him.
His eyes were void of emotion now as he looked at you. "She was quoted saying she doesn't have any children."
"She doesn't," you insisted, taking his face in your hands. "Not really. But you do. Noah is your son, Bradley."
He let his forehead come to rest on your shoulder, but a minute later, his phone was ringing in his pocket.
"It's probably Nat," he said, shaking his head. "I can't talk to anyone else right now."
He handed you his phone, but you looked at the name and said, "I think you should answer. It's your lawyer."
"Tracy," he grunted, holding the phone up to his face and closing his eyes. You tried to slip off of his lap after a moment, but he held you in place. And then his tone sounded sharp and angry as he scrambled to put the call on speakerphone. "Can you please repeat that last part?"
You heard Tracy's voice clearly say, "You remember how I told you Meredith was in breach of contract with her lawyer? Well, she never paid the law firm. Not a cent. The firm dropped her at the last minute when her funds never materialized. I just found out today. Do you know if she has any sort of history of financial mishaps?"
"Yes!" you said before you could consider if Bradley wanted Tracy to know you were there with him.
Tracy was quiet for a beat. "Are you at home? I'll come to you."
When Tracy arrived after ten o'clock on Tuesday night, Bradley was practically having a nervous breakdown. The hearing was tomorrow. He and Noah were supposed to be at the courthouse in twelve hours. He felt like he was going to throw up.
But at least you were there, touching his hands and his shoulders and trying to make him feel better. You actually were helping him feel better. And then Tracy was in his kitchen with a huge bag, wearing gym clothes and eyeing you a little suspiciously.
Then she looked at Bradley and said, "Ignoring my legal advice, I see."
He sighed deeply. "Tracy, this is my babysitter turned girlfriend."
"Do not call her that tomorrow in the courtroom under any circumstances!" she said hastily. "Promise me, Bradley! I don't want us to end up looking like a pack of idiots when you point her out as your girlfriend."
"Wait..." you said, eyes wide. "You want me there tomorrow?"
"Yes," Tracy said, unloading folders onto the kitchen table along with her computer and a protein shake. "I already have a call in with the judge to have you added as a character witness. So be prepared to answer questions and give a statement if called upon."
"That's too much to ask," Bradley mumbled looking from Tracy to you. "I can't ask you to do that."
You looked at him like he was very slow and maybe a little naive. "You didn't ask me to. Tracy just told me I was. And I want to. If there's a chance I can do anything that might help, I'm doing it."
Bradley pinched the bridge of his nose and tried not to panic too much as you and he showed Tracy what'd you had found online. "Fucking hell," Tracy muttered, scribbling down notes. "I didn't know this was going to turn into a criminal hearing, but here we are." She scrolled through the property records and matched up tax identification numbers, taking everything a step beyond what you and Bradley had been able to do.
"A criminal hearing?" Bradley asked cautiously, but Tracy seemed to be in her own world now.
"Oh... she's slick," Tracy murmured. "Or she believes she is. You would think she'd have known her lawyer wouldn't fall for this. I wonder if she'll even have a lawyer tomorrow..."
Bradley reached for your hand on the table. "Can we just backtrack a moment? What kind of statement will she need to make?" he asked Tracy as he nodded at you. "And what will Meredith's lawyer be allowed to ask her?"
Tracy looked at his fingers intertwined with yours. "You'll just have to answer my questions honestly, without using the word girlfriend! And then Meredith's legal team is going to think it's open season on you as soon as they see your name was added to the docket. If we can even manage to have you added. So if you can't manage to answer their questions calmly and without crying as they try to shred you to pieces, then I suggest you learn how to overnight."
Bradley wanted to put an end to this entire thing, but you cut him off before he could start talking. "Do you honestly think I'll be helpful?"
"Absolutely. Could be the nail in Meredith's coffin, given all this new information."
"Then I'm in. Seriously Bradley, do not argue with us again," you told him, kissing his cheek while Tracy typed away. 
"Okay, I need some coffee. And then let's go over everything from the top," Tracy said, clapping her hands.
It was well after midnight by the time you coaxed Bradley into bed. These last minute revelations were something Tracy insisted were good for Bradley's case, but he was looking extremely apprehensive now. He was raking his fingers through his hair nonstop and pacing around. 
"You need to try to sleep," you whispered, pulling him down the hallway. "Let Tracy do what she needs to do, okay? She's going to be in charge tomorrow. She's good at this."
But he stopped short in front of Noah's door and let go of your hand. "You go get ready for bed. I'll be there in a minute." His voice was flat and his Adam's apple bobbed as he swallowed before ducking inside the dark bedroom. You were worried, mostly about him. And about how Noah would do when being questioned by the judge tomorrow. You didn't have time to worry about yourself, so that was at least one good thing you thought of while you brushed your teeth. 
You were dressed in one of Bradley's oversized shirts and waiting in bed for a while before he came in. You helped him change out of his clothes, and he climbed into bed next to you. He didn't say anything except, "I love you, Princess," after he pressed a soft kiss to your lips. But he let you pull him into your arms, and pretty soon you were dozing off to the feel of his soft breaths on your forehead and his heart beating beneath your palm. 
When you woke to a pitch black room, you could tell he was no longer in bed with you. You found him sitting on the floor in Noah's room, watching his son sleep, and when you walked in, your bare feet silent on the floor, he looked up at you. Even in the dim glow from the nightlight, you could tell he had been crying again. But he didn't ask you to leave. He reached for you. 
"You're a good dad," you told him with a soft sob as you climbed onto his lap and wrapped your arms around his neck. "Noah is lucky. And I don't believe they could take him away from you. Away from all this love."
He kissed your cheek, and then he smiled softly as you brushed Noah's curls from his forehead with one hand and Bradley's with the other. "I feel like I can't breathe right," he whispered, and you could feel his pulse racing as you pressed your lips to his neck. "I don't know what I'll do if they take him from me."
"Stop it. They won't."
He was silent again after that, and the two of you ended up sleeping right there on the floor. When you woke up as Noah climbed out of bed just after sunrise, your hip was a little sore, and Bradley was still sleeping. 
"Morning, Noah," you whispered, standing and scooping him into your arms. You took him to the kitchen, kissing his chubby cheeks on the way.
"Do you live here now?" he asked, yawning as you turned on the coffee maker. 
"No. I don't," you said, hoping he wouldn't say anything like that when he was questioned by the judge in a few hours. "I'm just your babysitter." He just blinked at you before asking for breakfast.
About twenty minutes later, when Bradley walked in rubbing his back, he made a beeline for Noah while you scrambled some eggs and made coffee. Even the mug that said My Other Car Is a Super Hornet didn't make you smile today. You burned your mouth on the coffee, and you nearly knocked the pan onto the floor. Because every time you looked at Bradley, you were on the verge of tears. Maybe you weren't capable of being as strong as you needed to be today. Now the idea of standing up in the courtroom was laughable. You were going to ruin everything.
Bradley was calling your name, and when you snapped out of your daze, he said, "You need to eat, too."
"I can't," you whispered, shaking your head. "I can't." You left them alone and went to take a quick shower, happy you'd packed a variety of clothing when you stopped home the other day. You were supposed to have a mock interview with one of your peers over a FaceTime call today, so you'd packed a blazer and some nice pants. You'd just have to skip the interview. Honestly, school and searching for a job had been the last things on your mind recently anyway.
You let Bradley get Noah ready to go, and when it was time to leave, you looked at him, so handsome in his navy blue suit. "Will you drive? Please?" he asked, holding out the Bronco key for you to take. You simply nodded, but a moment later, you felt tears in your eyes again. He was sitting in the backseat next to Noah. You backed carefully out of his driveway and headed to the center of the city and the courthouse and Meredith and everything else that you wished Bradley and Noah didn't have to see today. 
The fact that Tracy was chugging a Red Bull and looked like she hadn't slept at all was only making Bradley feel worse as he carried Noah up the stairs in front of the courthouse. 
She rushed toward them and pointed at you. "You're on the docket. Get ready. Meredith supposedly has a lawyer, and I'm sure they've seen the docket update by now."
"Okay," you replied. You were nodding, but you looked as nervous as Bradley felt.
Then Tracy was patting Noah on the head. "Remember me?  I'm Tracy. We're going to do something a little different today, okay Noah? It might seem a little silly at first, because you'll be the only kid here! But you'll be allowed to color when we get inside."
You gasped. "I didn't pack him any coloring books!"
"I have some," Tracy said, patting her briefcase. You immediately looked a little calmer, and Tracy added, "But that's the sign of a good babysitter if you usually pack them."
"She brings me coloring books when she babysits me," Noah told Tracy. 
Bradley held Noah a little tighter. "Made sure I got you the best babysitter around, bub."
Just as Tracy cracked open another can of Red Bull that she procured from somewhere, she said, "Time to go in." Bradley didn't stand too close to you, and he didn't touch you. He followed you inside the front doors at a respectable distance, and you seemed to understand what needed to be done today. 
When Bradley's eyes settled on Meredith, she was already looking at him. And she was standing next to a tall man in a suit. "Well, would you look at that? She does have a lawyer today," Tracy whispered, crushing the now empty can in her fist and throwing it away before walking over to introduce herself to him. 
Bradley had to turn his gaze away from his ex, and he walked a little further away from you. The desire to touch you was strong, but he instinctively wanted to get Noah as far away from Meredith as he possibly could. Bradley's heart was pounding, and a wave of nausea passed through him. 
"Daddy, can we go home?" Noah whispered, wrapping his arms around Bradley's neck. "I don't like it here."
Neither did Bradley. He held his son and thought about Carole, and how she never let anything scary happen to him when he was a kid. He thought about losing everything by the time he was a teenager and about the fact that Noah had given him a fresh start. A reason to be happy. And it was because of Noah that he met you. When he glanced over his shoulder, you were watching the two of them with a soft gaze. 
"Pretty soon, bub," he replied, squeezing his son and pressing his lips to his forehead. "I'll take you home soon. I hope."
Next up is the showdown! Get in my asks with questions and concerns, but we may be nearing the end. Hope you enjoy your fic, @beyondthesefourwalls And thank you @mak-32 !
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darlingsfandom · 5 months
could i request thomas gibson / aaron hotchner begging you to pull over so he could pee and you sucking him off instead? (feel free to ignore if this is outside of what you write sorry)
This is my wheelhouse friend 🩷
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TW: smut, oral(m receiving), unprotected sex, public sex, slight fingering and swearing.
“And why me?” You asked crossing your arms over your chest as you leaned against the SUV.
“Because you LOVE us!” Prentiss smiled at you as she grabbed your shoulders and made her look at you. She gave you the puppy dog eyes and man did it work! She’s your best friend, how can you say no?
“Plus Hotch is less cranky when he’s with you, which means long road trip back with you and he’ll be complete sunshine!” JJ added as she grabbed her bag from the desk.
“Fine, I’ll do it.” You threw your hands in the air. The team gave you a group hug. It’s not that you didn’t want alone time with Aaron, it was more of how long could you keep your hands to yourself. You just spent the last three nights sharing a small motel room with him since there weren’t enough rooms, (part of why you didn’t care for small towns), and it was torture because he was there, right there to touch , to feel! But you didn’t. You wanted him so bad it made you look stupid.
“Hotch! You’re with Y/N in the SUV! We know you’re not supposed to be flying with your busted ear right now .” Prentiss pulled you from your daze as Aaron stood there with a look on his face that you couldn’t tell if he was annoyed or happy.
“I can drive by myself.” His words stabbed you in the gut.
“No you can’t, what if something happens to you!” You blurted out. “Besides it was either me or Reid!”
“Hey! I’m not a bad road trip buddy.” Reid frowned at you .
“I know you’re not honey, but Hotch can be.” Your words struck into Hotch like a knife as he furrowed his eyebrows together.
“Great! We’re all settled on that! we’ll see each other back at the office soon!” JJ spoke up as the team climbed into a different car to head to the Jet. You stood there with Hotch in the parking glaring at each other before you rolled your eyes and got in the car. Hotch followed behind and didn’t speak a word to you for the first forty five minutes of the drive.
“Okay let’s clear the air…” you spoke up making Hotch look at you slightly as he continued to drive down the dark road. “Clearly there’s a tension between us and it’s not okay with me.” Hotch nodded in agreement. “Correct me if I’m wrong , but it’s a sexual tension.” Hotch didn’t say a word. He continued on for another five miles before he pulled off to the side.
“You think ? Or you know?” He asked leaning back in the drivers seat. You chewed on your bottom lip a little bit as he ran his hands over his face before getting out of the car. You watched for a second before following him.
“Are you just going to leave me like that?” You asked as Aaron stood with his back turned to you.
“Y/N, I have to pee so unless you’re going to watch, I suggest you get back in the SUV and wa—- what are you doing?”
You stood in front of Aaron with a devilish grin on your lips.
“No one has to know Hotch.” You were down on your knees in front of him. Your knees digging into the soft ground as he stood there with a look of shock on his face. “Don’t be shy with me. We did just spend three nights sleeping in the same bed, you’ve seen me naked , granted that was an accident ! But as you just asked… I KNOW! There’s a sexual tension between us.” You purred softly while stroking his thigh. Aaron swallowed the lump in his throat before he grabbed your hand and placed it on his cock.
“WOW!” You whispered as you felt his cock twitch in your hand. You moved back a little and let Hotch relieve himself. He let out a little groan when you squeezed him. Before Hotch could say another word, the tip of his cock was between your lips.
“Fuck! Y/N! Smart and knows how to please a man? Good girl.” Hotch ran his fingers through your hair gently. You sucked gently on the tip watching his face twist in pleasure. There is no way to explain to anyone why you two were going to be late but this was worth it. Hotch held your head in his soft hands while slowly thrusting his hips forward. Your throat resisted at first making you gag around him but eventually your gag reflex faded and Hotch made it further down your throat. Your eyes were full of tears , make up running, drool hanging from your chin and rubbing against his balls. You looked like heaven to Aaron.
“Fuck! You’re doing so good for me sweetheart.” Aaron praised you as you sat there being face fucked on the side of the open road. Anyone could drive by see what a whore you were being for him. Aaron pulled away and a loud gasp left your lips. You looked up at him before he helped you up, he leaned in and kissed you softly while you reached between your bodies and rubbed his erection.
“Oh sweetheart, I’m going to fuck you!” He whispered against your lips before turning you around, yanking down your skirt and pushing you against the side of the SUV like you weighed nothing. Aaron lined the head of his cock against your wet folds and slowly pushed in.
“AARON!” You cried out as he stretched you out. Even with how soaked you were it was a little bit of a burn. Your hands gripped his shoulders while his hands gripped your hips.
“Such a tight pussy sweetheart and it’s MINE!” He growled into your ear. He was right! It had been his for awhile, you had longed for Aaron since you started at the BAU, but you never wanted to cross that line until recently.
“Fuck yes, I’m all yours! It’s your pussy!” Your voice was tiny and shaky as Aaron thrusted up into you. He grabbed your legs and wrapped them around his waist making his cock go deeper inside of your warm tight pussy.
“Yes it is! Who owns your pussy honey? Tell me! Who OWNS YOUR PUSSY?” He said with each snap of his hips getting harder .
“AARON FUCK! YOU OWN MY PUSSY!” Your words were a hot babbling mess as you held onto him for dear life. Aaron was bouncing you on his cock now making sure to watch your tits move along with each movement. Your body was shaking, on fire and overwhelmed. It was a high you’ve never felt. You enjoyed every second of Aaron using you . His thrust were getting sloppy, his pace was slowing down and his eyes were getting heavy.
“Oh Y/N! Fuck! I’m gonna cum! Y/N! FUCK!” Aaron moaned into your ear as his cum shot inside of you coating your insides. You could feel it wanting to drip out of you but it couldn’t go anywhere with his cock still buried inside of you. “Oh don’t think I’m done with you.” He whispered breathlessly. His fingers slid between your bodies and he found your swollen clit. Aaron waisted no time in rubbing it in fast circles making you whimper below him like a pathetic slut.
“Fuck right there! Yes Aaron ! Yes fuck!” Your thighs were shaking, your eyes went to close but Aaron used his free hand to squeeze your face to make you look him in the eye as your orgasm hit you hard. Your mouth hung open as his name escaped your lips. Both of you smiled at each other as the two of you slowly peeled away from each other and cleaned up.
“You know … the teams going to know right?” Aaron questioned you as the two of you were back on the road.
“Of course , but that doesn’t matter.”
“It doesn’t ?” He chuckled.
“Nope! We just gave them what they already knew!”
“You mean to tell me the whole team knew I liked you?”
“Well actually it’s the other way around… son of a bitch! “ you slapped your sore thighs.
“They set it up so we’d have to be together.”
Hotch licked his lips before reaching over to squeeze your thighs. “Well I’m glad they did because I got my alone time with you and that’s what I’ve needed.”
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