#because that is a v likely scenario to happen
leaskisses444 · 9 months
i had a dream last night that on the first day of school (tommorow) our chem teacher gave us a test
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Never Beating the Big Brother Allegations
Vil + Epel + Leona, it's a little shippy between Leona and Vil, Leona does call Vil, Princess and is just generally Flirty but it's up to you whether you want to take it as him being a little facetious or if it's Real. Also tw for blood/injury Epel has a bloody nose and is a little banged up (not angsty dw) Also I know Lions don't purr, Leona does, deal with it.
"Hey, take it easy Crash, sit down." Leona couldn't help but smirk a bit at the look Epel gave him.
Epel was sitting on one of the infirmary beds, the rest empty save for him, holding a cloth with ice under his nose as he leaned forward a bit, the blood from his nose staining it a dark red. His brow was cocked, challenging Leona for a moment. Despite how ridiculous he knew he sounded when he spoke, he decided to anyways.
"It ain't that bad, this weren't the first time I done somethin' like this. I'm fine, I hit ma head 'nough times when I was younger t'know this ain't nothin' t'worry 'bout! We didn' have t'lug ourselves all the way t'the goddamned infirmary for a nosebleed and a couple bruises....and my name ain't Crash."
Leona snorted a bit and poked Epel's head, causing the younger one to recoil a bit and make a disgruntled noise in response. "It is until further notice. I've never seen anyone bail as hard as you did, or come out of it with something as minor as a nosebleed. Even with the cleaning spell Ruggie casted, you look like you rolled around in a pig sty..." He paused and sniffed the air a bit, nose scrunching a bit. "...and smell like it too."
Epel shot him a dirty look, about to speak again when the tell tale clicks of heels on tile became apparent to both of them, Leona's ear flicking at the same time Epel groaned.
"You told Vil??"
"What am I, your babysitter? Obligated to tell your mom what happened?? No I didn't tell Vil, Rook was probably being a creep again and reported back to your housewarden."
"And you're not my child, but for Seven's sake Epel, did you really think that news of you being sent to the infirmary wouldn't reach me eventually?" Vil stood in the doorway of the infirmary, hands on his hips, and brows knitted. "What have I told you about the way you fly? You're far too reckless, this was bound to happen eventually." He tsked softly, walking briskly over to the bed and grabbing Epel's face gently. He looked over him for a moment, then at the rest of his body and sighed.
"Rook told me you took the disc to the face and ended up spiraling out of the air. I was worried it was worse. You're very fortunate to have come out of your crash as well as you have." He sighed softly, and pinched the bridge of his nose before turning to Leona.
"Not taking your shit. This kinda stuff happens sometimes when people decide to do more than pretend they're someone else as a hobby." Leona gave Vil a shit-eating grin, teasing him a bit.
Vil shook his head. "That's not what you're in trouble for! You weren't going to tell me that my underclassman ended up in the infirmary!"
Despite Vil getting into his personal space a bit, Leona stayed where he was and just smiled more genuinely, though still arrogant. "Who said that? Pretty sure I just said I didn't tell you, not that I wasn't going to. Besides, Crash was sayin' it's no big deal, and anyone who can take the kinda hit he did and walk away's got some pull on their say. I believe him."
"My name is NOT Crash!!" Epel stood up from the bed, swaying a tiny bit, which did not go unnoticed by either of his upperclassmen, both of them reaching out...well, Leona, pushing him gently back onto the bed, and Vil, ready to offer a helping hand, the blonde shooting the other a bit of a dirty look. Epel groaned a bit and moved the towel away from his nose. "See, it's mostly stopped bleeding now anyways, it wasn't a big deal, it isn't a big deal and BOTH A YA'S HAVE GOTTA STOP ACTIN' LIKE AHM SOME BIG BABY!"
Leona acted faster than either of the Pomefiore residents had time to react, slipping his arm around Vil's shoulders and turning him away from Epel, (who was about ready to swallow his hands as a means of shutting himself up), and utilized his secret weapon. A deep, rumbly purr caught Vil off guard as Leona very lightly bumped his face against Vil's hair.
For the second time in less than a minute, Vil was surprised by the actions of his fellow schoolmates. Such a ...tender sound coming from Leona was baffling enough he allowed himself to be walked out of the room.
Once out of the room, Leona let go of Vil, giving him another, signature cocky smile, though softened by a bit of embarrassment he tried so hard to conceal.
"Alright Princess, I know all that must have been stressful for you, why don't you go and find something that'll help you forget about today."
The corner of Vil's lips kicked up in amusement.
"Acting would be a good skill to have right about now for you, wouldn't it."
Leona's ears flattened, he touched the back of his neck awkwardly and looked to the side, his tail flicking slightly, though between his legs. "Shut up."
"Is that how you speak to princesses?" Vil smirked, his hands on his hips as he looked up at Leona, teasing him.
Leona huffed a bit, amused. "Nah, none of them are worth talking to." He waited a beat, his sliding sideways to meet Vil's once more. "But I guess that's on me for calling you one, when everyone already knows you're a queen."
He chuffed softly, placing one hand on his hip as Vil crossed his arms in a lightheartedly 'angry' way, though he was smiling at the beastman.
"I'll make sure Epel gets back before curfew, don't worry. The kid's got spunk. He'll be right as rain in the next hour or so. Now I was serious, go do something else, anywhere else." He huffed a bit, matching Vil's playful energy as his tail flicked.
"Augh, fine, if you insist. If he's late, it's you who's going to be in trouble."
Leona waved Vil off somewhat dismissively, but they both knew it was light hearted. He immediately dropped the whole facade as he walked back into the infirmary, expression difficult to read as Epel looked at him a little warily.
"What did you-"
"You owe me."
Epel groaned, moving the towel away from his nose. "What do you want? Or is it Vil askin' by proxy?"
Leona moved to the side, preparing another cloth, wetting it with clean water and holding it out to Epel as he took the sullied one away.
"Whatever you've got on your plate for lunch, if it looks appealing, I'm taking some. Just for the week."
Epel took a moment to register what the new cloth was for, before gently wiping at some of the blood that was still left on his face and eyeing Leona warily. He sighed, when his upperclassmen seemed serious about the matter.
"Alright. I guess that's doable." He sighed, finally relenting to Leona's care as they tried to confirm his nose wasn't broken.
"Your lunch sucks ass Crash." Leona's voice made Epel startle slightly in the cafeteria, the freshmen whipping around in his seat to look up at Savannaclaw's housewarden.
"I wha? Huh??" He looked back down at his food for a moment, his brows furrowed. "What's wrong with my food?"
Leona snickered a bit and lightly flicked Epel's head. "You responded to Crash as your name. Enjoy your food I guess."
Ruggie was quick behind Leona, nabbing one of Epel's bread rolls and taking a bite, snickering as well. "Damn, guess you really are Crash now."
Epel's cheeks flushed a bit at being called Crash in front of his first year friends, but realized his fate was already sealed as he saw Ace's expression out of the corner of his eye...and that he would more than likely be left alone lunch wise for the rest of the week, getting off easy on his punishment.
As always, it's not beta read lmao
lmk if you wanna hop on the tag list:
@galaxies-and-gore @fluffle-writes
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banthegirl11521 · 10 months
so I’ve seen this meme floating around and I decided to do it
Uzi: *holding the phone* come on pickup pickup pickup— hi dad! I love you so much! Can I have 2500$
Khan: no? why on copper 9 do you need 2500$??
Uzi: oh you know— for an escape room
Khan: you joking right? What kind of escape room costs 2500$!?
Uzi: *standing in a cell with N and V* prison.
Khan: … I’ll be there in 10 *Hangs up* *sigh* these kids.
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we need more vivi hurt/comfort in this fandom. #25 prompt (“I’m going to ask you how you are and I would like you to answer me honestly.”) from Artie to Vi if you're up for it? 💛🩵
(hurt/comfort dialogue prompts)
(oof god i'm rusty with these characters. let's get into it)
"I'm fine," she says, for what feels like the millionth time.
"Bullshit," is Arthur's response. "I'm down an arm, Vi, not my fucking eyes. And ho- honestly, I wouldn't- wouldn't even need th-those to tell right now." A hand lands on her shoulder, pushing her down further into the chair for emphasis. "One more try. I'm gonna ask you how you are, and it'd be nice if you c-could answer me honestly."
She shoves him off and stands up, already stalking away, ignoring the shooting pain all up through her side when she does. "God, fuck you. Fuck off. This is so stupid. I don't need,"
And then her vision whites out.
She blinks herself fuzzily awake into a world much softer than the one she was just in. She's in bed, she registers, or at least a pile of blankets. The pain is gone, but it also feels like everything else isn't quite online, either. There's a vague clicking noise from somewhere to her right.
"...you hovering all the time," she finishes her thought, although it comes out too mumbly to really deliver.
"j'you say sa- s-something?" The clicking noise stops, and an Arthur appears in her field of view. He looks worried. So, like normal.
"Yeah, uh, what? Why am I in bed?"
Now he just looks exasperated, throwing his hand up in annoyance, which is an improvement at least. "You passed out, stupid! And th-th-then when I freak out, out about it you're all like oh no never mind it's whatever fr- from the fucking floor. 'Why am I in bed.' Dumbass."
She only vaguely remembers that, not that she's going to admit it. Well, okay, question answered. She tries to get up, and Arthur immediately shoves her back into the pillow.
"Hey," she protests.
He makes his usual staccato ch-ch-ch disapproval noise, which she usually thinks is cute when it isn't directed at her. "Nope. I j-just got done bandaging you up, you are not getting up. You, you are st-staying right here."
She tries to wrestle him off, but he's annoyingly persistent and her angle's all off. "Okay, I'm patched up! So it's fine! Let me out!"
Whup, and her hand is flat against the bed, and Arthur's hanging out of his chair to get his arm over her chest and pin her down. "No."
Probably she could flip him. Maybe. He'd hit the wall behind her but not, like, hard. She thinks about it. It's really hard to lift even the non-pinned arm. Maybe she couldn't.
"Stop being stupid," she tells him instead, sounding normal and not at all desperate. "This is nothing."
"It is- v-very much- not nothing."
"This can't be enough to stop me. It isn't! I'm better than this!"
"Get up, th-then!" he challenges.
"I'm not a fucking tranq'd animal!"
He yells wordlessly at her, she shouts back, until they're both panting.
She shoves him again, no real force behind it this time. This is such a waste of fucking time, when he damn well knows they never have enough of it. "I need to get up. You need me out there, you know that."
"Go to hell."
Now tears are welling in her eyes. She's screaming at herself, internally, but for some stupid reason it's not translating into more strength. "We're wasting time, here. I'm ready to go, I can move, I can work. Let me up."
He flops over, into a less aggressive pin, but not actually a less effective one. Their faces are almost touching, which was maybe the idea. "One more try," he says, again.
His damn stubbornness is another thing that she likes more when it isn't being used on her. This is not a fight she is going to win.
"If I fall asleep," she says reluctantly, "and you're not there when I wake up, I'm going to fucking kill you."
That gets a laugh out of him. "M'not going anywhere, Vi."
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iniziare · 3 months
Re-tag drop: Yelan
#yelan: ic. [ that's a worst-case scenario. but all too often; the most pessimistic speculation turns out to be the closest to the truth. ]#yelan: inquiries. [ oh? you'd like to know more about me? what will you give in exchange then? ]#yelan: countenance. [ an old friend of mine once privately commented to me that yelan “is always smiling; but never with her eyes.” ]#yelan: introspection. [ like a phantom she appears in various guises at the center of events; and disappears before the storm stops. ]#yelan: meta. [ the chances are if i open this door; there can be no witnesses left alive. is that a sufficient reason for you? ]#yelan: little notes. [ how can things ever be the same again: knowing your life was saved when others weren't? salvation can be a burden. ]#yelan: wishes. [ that which hides inside her… that constant calling; it is the blood of heroes which has been howling for 500 years. ]#yelan: etc. [ every round of finger-guessing is a tiny adventure; and every roll of dice sends sporadic thrills down her spine. ]#yelan: home. [ i'm guessing you've fallen for the rumors about me being very wealthy; having high demands for my standards of living? ]#yelan: yanshang. [ the teahouse has really brightened up after the boss took over and kicked the fatui and gamblers out. ]#yelan: lantern rite. [ every year on this day; the lanterns light up the night. may the fire never die and may humanity endure. ]#yelan: chasm. [ perhaps she will plunge into that darkness one day; and the ill fate that once befell her ancestors shall find her too. ]#yelan: scope. [ i serve ningguang. the tianquan of the qixing. the scope of my work includes some of liyue's biggest secrets. ]#yelan: weaponry. [ water. divided it is as streams uncounted: close yet untangled. united it is as a giant wave: inexorable; unstoppable. ]#yelan: uncle tian. [ there's nothing wrong with wanting to win other people's respect. but when has uncle tian looked down on anyone? ]#yelan: ningguang. [ we both made a mistake: we shouldn't have involved ordinary folk in what we do. / ordinary folk? ]#yelan: xiao. [ you think you're oh-so cold and ruthless. i'm not buying it. - losing one of us so the rest can escape? some victory that is#yelan: keqing. [ if something happens that they didn't anticipate; it throws their plans into oblivion. but the yuheng is different. ]#yelan: ganyu. [ i could never work non-stop like she does. certainly not at that level of efficiency. i guess being half-adeptus has its pe#yelan: yanfei. [ when i help her out; i always get some invaluable leads in return. gotta say though: i think she respects me a little much#yelan: traveler. [ you don't have to be on guard around me. i never scheme against people who have my stamp of approval. ]#yelan: v youth. [ you're still young. be patient. believe in yourself; and don't look outside yourself to prove your value. ]#yelan: v. pre-qixing. [ i don't do these things to help the powerful or mighty get rid of dissident forces. but because water too has a sou#yelan: v. qixing. [ seeing isn't always believing. and if you can't trust your eyes; you certainly can't trust rumors. ]#yelan: liyue. [ liyue will never plunge into disaster without clue of the danger like it once did. she will see that it is not unprepared.#yelan: wriothesley. [ don't fight over fleeting gains or losses. focus on where your heart is leading you and move forward. ] delusionaid.#yelan. [ i can't change the facts. but if it's a choice between the cold; hard truth and blissful unawareness: i'll take the former. ]
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0nlythrowharrybeaux · 3 months
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Based off of the following request where Y/N is desperate for Harry to breed her already!
Warnings: breeding kink, objectification (female to male), sex (p in v), oral sex (fem receiving), cum play, breast play, dirty talk, cnc kink, free use kink, daddy kink
WC: 6.8K
When you met Harry it was the summer of the start of your masters program. You were brand new to town and had taken the recommendation of a few of the students from the previous cohort about some good, local spots you needed to visit. One of these places happened to be a brewery in the heart of the Arts District in Downtown LA, Styles’ Brewing Co.. You’d moved down to LA one month before the semester at USC started and you hadn’t really made friends yet so you decided to just go and check the place out. Worse case scenario you didn’t meet anyone cool and just enjoy the pleasure of your own company. It was a Tuesday evening when you’d strolled in. The sun was setting soon and despite the slight breeze, it was still quite hot so you were glad you’d decided on wearing a dress. And when you got up to the business, you smiled at the funky, little bar. The decor inside was like 70’s post modern theme, it instantly put a smile on your face. It was nice and cool inside and Al Green was playing over the speakers. There were a handful of people in there already, so you glanced around as you walked up to the register and looked up to the menu.
“Welcome in! If you have any questions about our selection, let me know.” The smooth British voice offered and your eyes glanced down and met the prettiest set of green eyes you’d ever seen.
“Ummm, actually s’my first time here.” You explained and his smile widened, revealing his teeth, the way his two front teeth extended a bit lower than their neighbors gave him a boyish charm though he was clearly older than you. He looked really good though, he had to be like five or six years older.
“Well that’s great! I’m Harry.” He greeted you cheerfully.
“Hello, I’m Y/N.” You said with a friendly smile.
“Well Y/N, are you a beer drinker?”
“Kinda…not really. Sorry.” You confessed a bit bashfully.
“That’s alright.” He chuckled, “Just seeing where you’re at with beer.” He assured you, “I know we have quite a large selection up there. So if you’re not sure where to start or what you might like, we can talk little bit more about your taste and I can give you a little flight of samples so that you can narrow down your options.” He offered and you were pleasantly surprised.
“Oh, that’s so sweet of you!” You smiled, “That’d be great because I am a little out of my depth here. And honestly, I can pay.” You assured him. Just then someone else walked up behind you in the line and he looked past you.
“Hey, H!” One of the person’s behind you greeted him cheerfully and he smiled.
“Hey, guys.”
“Ummm, you can help them first since I’m still figuring it out.”
“That’s kind of you.” He smiled, “Have a seat at the bar and I’ll be with you in just a minute.” He instructed and you nodded and did just that. 
After a couple of minutes he was chatting with you again, asking about what you liked and disliked about beer. What kinds of flavor profiles you gravitated towards, and things of that nature before he pulled the samples for you. He talked you through each one, he even swapped two of them out upon receiving your feedback on the previous ones until finally you found the one. It was the “Sippin’ Pretty”, a guava and elderberry sour. It smelled amazing and tasted even better. When he realized that you were there alone he spent most of his time hanging around, checking in on you. It got a little busier around 8 o’clock, but you were on your second beer by then and just people watching as Harry and another person tended to the customers. Before you knew it you were having your third beer and feeling pretty tipsy. You were giggling at a story Harry was telling you about his friend’s two year old son and nearly knocked over your glass.
“Okay, I’m pretty fucked up.” You giggled again.
“Did you drive?” He asked.
“Yeah…I didn’t plan on being here for more than two hours.” You said and he smiled.
“Let’s get some food in you then. How do sweet potato fries sound?”
“Like the best thing that’s ever happened to me.” You said and he chuckled. 
“Alright, I’m gonna put an order in.” He said before hurrying over to the POS system.
You did sober up quite a bit after eating and having a glass of water and you needed to go, you’d been taking a lot of time away from Harry. You flagged him down and he came over to you quickly.
“Thank you for the VIP treatment tonight, Harry. I didn’t know I needed that.” You smiled and he smiled back.
“I’m glad you had a nice visit. Hopefully one of many more?” He inquired.
“Definitely.” You assured with a blissful grin, “I should get out of your hair though, so can I get the bill?” You asked.
“You’re good, love.” He smiled and you pouted.
“Don’t do that. You’ve done so much already, the least I could do is pay.” You insisted, “Besides, wouldn’t want you to get in trouble by comping that much.” You added and he smiled.
“Well, I’m actually the owner so…” He responded smugly and you tutted.
“Well, I believe you’ve just lost your case.” You grinned.
“How’s that?” He asked, perplexed.
“You’re a small business owner, the backbone of the local economy! If the roles were reversed I know there is no way you wouldn’t insist on paying.” You said and he smiled. “Please, Harry.” You insisted.
“Fine. But I’m applying the 15% employee discount.” He said and you grinned as he headed off to the register without allowing you another word in edgewise. You hopped off your seat and went over to the register and paid, giving the 15% back in tip which made him tut as you giggled.
“Thank you, again!” You called as you walked to the door and he smiled and waved as you headed out.
By the end of your first semester, you’d become a regular at the brewery. You had become pretty good friends with Harry. You’d learned that he was 34, so 12 years older than you were. You learned that he’d been engaged but that it ended nearly five years ago. He’d earned a degree in computer science and he’d made a pretty penny when he helped develop some AI program and had sold it and had made a large sum of money from that. So he moved down from the Silicone valley fours years ago to open up this place and it was almost an instant success. He was fucking cool. You had a huge crush on him. Not only was he handsome but he was sweet as can be. 
When he learned that you couldn’t afford to fly home for the holidays, he invited you to his and his friends’ holiday party. And well, on Christmas everything between the two of you changed. Thanks to a very eye-opening kiss under the mistletoe, if you could believe it. He dropped you off at home after the little get-together and as you were saying goodbye you kissed him again and that led to you two making out for half an hour before you finally pulled apart.
“Let me take you out.” He panted before kissing your cheek and you smiled and nodded.
“Yeah.” You agreed with excitement lighting up your eyes. You really liked him, you sincerely thought he didn’t think of you in that way. Particularly because of his age, because in terms of interests and tastes, you had plenty of things in common. Regardless, you were so relieved that he was also into you.
And after that first date, things quickly heated up between the two of you. Despite how great of a catch Harry was, he hadn’t really had tons of dating experience, he’d only had two long-term partners. One during his entire time in high school and the other after he moved to the U.S., the one who he had been engaged with. And they ended things when he resigned from the job in the Silicone Valley. You on the other hand had lots of flings and little things here and there. You were a little reckless with your heart, probably the hedonist in you. But when you and Harry started talking more in depth about where your relationship would go, you learned that he only dated someone when he felt that he could develop big feelings for the person. He was cautious about who he gave his time, affection, and heart to. The fact that he was the way he was - attentive, caring, mature, stable, and wise - well, you started to fall in love with him quickly. 
Your relationship with Harry became serious quite fast, but he insisted that you two wait until you graduated to make moves towards merging your lives even more. He proposed to you over dinner the night before your graduation with your parents and siblings there for it. A few weeks after graduation you moved into his house. The time you didn’t spend together or working, was spent planning the wedding. A year later, you two were married and just relishing in your new life together. 
You and Harry had now been married for three extraordinary years. It wasn’t always sunshine and rainbows, but most of the time it was. By now, most of your friends were married too but the biggest difference was that they were already on the baby train. One of your good friends got married because she’d gotten pregnant and the other two had their first kids just a year apart from each other. At first, Harry had baby fever far more than you did but lately there was just something in the air that had you feeling absolutely feral for him. To put it more poetically, you had a need to breed. You were feeling horny every time you were around him. 
Maybe it was the weather that was finally heating up? Or the fact that along with that, Harry would wear more t-shirts at the brewery. You’d get to see him lugging big, heavy boxes of produce or crates of glassware to and from the kitchen and bar, meaning he was constantly showing off his strength. He was so smart and strong and capable, and he was the best husband and partner to you. He gave you everything you wanted and more! So you knew that he could give you the most beautiful babies in the world. And lately, the thought was just ever present. Everything about him had you swooning.
Even now, just the way he would try to reach his big hands into the glasses to dry them properly made your pussy flutter and swell with need. Why were his arms so fucking big? And why did the masskrug look so tiny in his hands? You swear you would soon start to drool if you had to watch him any longer.
“What?” He chuckled as you just watched him from the other side of the bar top.
“N-nothing. Just…watching you. And your…big hands. And big arms.” You smiled and his eyes flickered up to yours and he smirked as he recognized the lustful look in them.
“What about ‘em?”
“Nothing really…just, I don’t know, I’m suddenly very aware of how…strong you are. S’a little distracting.” You shrugged and he hummed.
“Distracting enough that you shouldn’t be the one doing the payroll?” He asked and you giggled.
“Babe, I was an art major…I never should’ve been doing your payroll to begin with.” You joked and he chuckled.
“That’s probably true.” He joked back with a playful little grin as he glanced back down at the glass he was drying.
“You know what I’ve been thinking?” You asked.
“What, my love?” He asked without pulling his eyes from his task.
“I think I’m ready to start trying for a baby.” You said far too nonchalantly. So much so that in response all you heard was the shattering of glass as the masskrug fell to the ground. “Oh shit!” You gasped, “Are you alright?” You asked him and he glanced up at you with a smile and nodded.
“Yeah, love. M’fine. Just…surprised me with that one.” He confessed and you bit your lip to suppress your smile as his eyes bore into yours.
“I’ll get the broom.” You said softly as you prepared to hop off of the stool.
“Hey! No, no, no…don’t scamper off just yet.” He called out, “You can’t just drop a bomb on me like that.” He said with a smirk. You felt your cheeks heating up as the blood rushed up to your face.
“I was going to come back…”
“You want to have a baby?” He asked, bringing the topic back to that.
“I mean…yeah. Of course!” You shrugged.
“What brought this on?” He asked.
“Well…lately I’ve just been really…horny. But it’s more than that… it’s like…I can’t get enough of you. I just want more of you. More of us.” You said and he smiled, “I think that you’d be an amazing father and the idea of you, all handsome and rugged like you are, just caring after such a perfect and tiny little thing…I don’t know, it’s just been doing things to me lately.” You explained and he was smirking smugly at you. “Don’t make fun.” You mumbled and he shook his head.
“Of course not, my love.” He assured you, “I’m just glad you’ve finally come around.” He said and you rolled your eyes. Considering you were the young one here, you wanted to wait so that you could enjoy your marriage for a bit and have time to get your lives together before starting on a family. “But how do I know you’re not gonna change your mind? I know that you wanted to enjoy us for a while before we considered starting a family.”
“Well, it’s been three years…we’ve traveled, your business has grown, I’ve had my own exhibit like I wanted to…” you pointed out, “I mean, trying means just that, trying. It could take a few attempts and I’m ready to start if you’re…you know, also ready for that.” You said with a placid smile.
“Yeah, okay.” He said with a boyish grin adorning his face. “Should we make an appointment with your doctor?”
“Mmm…I say we do it the old fashioned way.” You said with a suggestive tone and he chuckled, “Just…go at it every chance we get until we get lucky.” You shrugged and he chuckled.
“Baby, as lovely and tempting as that sounds, I have work.” He reminded you and you grinned.
“Well based on the numbers I’m seeing here, you can afford to hire someone else.” You added and he chuckled.
“That’s how bad you want it?”
“Yes.” You responded quickly and he smiled.
“Alright, my love. Your wish is my command.” He assured and you smirked, “Damn it…” he mumbled.
“What?” You asked with a small frown.
“Now I’m hard.” He admitted and you grinned. “Though…the thought of getting you pregnant always makes me hard so…” he chuckled.
“Then do something about it.” You taunted and he chuckled. “I’m serious.”
“Right now?” He asked and you shrugged.
“Seize the moment.” You smiled.
“Baby…” he said, looking quite tortured and you just smiled at him.
“Come here.” You said and he came around the bar. You twirled around in the stool when he was before you, “I stopped taking my birth control two weeks ago…” you informed enticingly.
“You did?” he asked as he leaned down and you grabbed his face and pulled him in for a gentle kiss to his lips.
“Mmhm.” You confirmed. “Please, fuck me.” You requested.
“Here?!” He chuckled nervously and you nodded.
“I’m your wife, yeah?” You asked and he nodded before pecking your lips again, “You vowed to have me for all the days of our life, did you not?” You asked with a soft and seductive tone.
“That not how it goes… but I did…” he hummed in amusement.
“Then have me. Anytime you want. Whenever, wherever we are until you do what we set out to do. I don’t even need to come. Just need you to come. Need you to come a lot inside of me.” You said in a low and sultry voice. He was nearly panting, his fingers digging into your thighs through the light fabric of your dress. “I love you. I need you. I need you so fucking bad.” You pleaded and next thing you knew your lips were meeting in a desperate and heated kiss as your hands shakily worked at the button and fly of his jeans. When you had them and his briefs low enough to let his erection spring free, he pushed your dress up and tore your underwear off before stuffing them into his pocket. “Get inside of me. Please!” You begged hungrily and he pulled you closer until his cock was sliding through your already hot and slippery folds.
“So fucking wet. Ready to get knocked up, aren’t you?” He asked and you nodded.
“Yes.” You whispered and he kissed you again. “Do it, baby. Fuck me.” You panted. 
Without another warning he pushed against your entrance until your little hole stretched around his veiny, girthy cock. You gasped as he plunged deep inside of you on the first thrust, but you needed that. You needed him like this. Over and over, his cock rammed inside of you until you’d wince with how deep he was getting inside. It felt delicious. Your nails were digging into his big, bulging biceps as you moaned aloud without any care in the word. His deep, consistent grunts were perfectly timed with his thrusts, they made your head and tummy flutter with how deep they were. You were completely blissed out. Your skin was covered in goosebumps and your walls were fluttering and squeezing his cock deliciously. He was fighting to hold his need to come back, but then again, that’s what you wanted from him; his cum flooding your insides. Painting your insides with everything he had to give until he gave you a baby. Not just a baby, his baby. A product of all of the love you shared for each other.
Everything about him was everything you’d ever wanted. He was everything to you and having more of him in this way was something that you couldn’t even comprehend, you just needed it. It was instinctual to have more with someone who was so embedded into your mind, heart, and soul. What more was there to this often sad and destructive life than to make love and create more beauty to add to it?
“Fuck…I’m gonna come.” He groaned as he started to rub his thumb over your clit in swift little circles. Maybe you didn’t need to come, but he wanted you to. He needed to feel you spasming around his cock as he filled you up. When he heard your breath catch he smiled, “Come for me, baby. Come on my cock and I’ll give you what you want.” He panted and seconds later your legs were shaking around his hips as you thrust up to meet his deep and unforgiving plunges as you whimpered and whined as you came undone. Your sounds turned into weak little grunts that escaped your throat in perfect time with his thrusts until he was stopping deep inside of you. You could feel his cock twitching as he shot spurt after spurt of his sperm deep into you until he had nothing left to give. After he finished he kissed you deeply. “Did you mean that? Whenever I want?” He asked and you nodded.
“Yeah, free use. I always want you, H.” You smiled, “Always need you.” You assured him as you caressed his face with the back of your hand.
“Okay, baby. But if you ever want me to stop or aren’t in the mood just say…hmmm…”
“Sour.” You suggested with a dopey smile, “After the first beer you served me.” You said and he chuckled. You weren’t always all sentimental like that, but he loved when you were.
“Alright, my love. Sours is our safe word.” He agreed before kissing your lips quickly. “Now, let’s get you cleaned up before Jeremy gets in. S’almost his shift.” He reminded and you giggled and pulled him down down for another kiss.
“Maybe delete the footage from this time frame.”
“Are you kidding me? Of course, but only after I save it…for memories, you know?” He said mischievously and you giggled. 
“I love you so much.” You hummed happily.
“I love you more, my love.” He whispered.
After that first time at his brewery, there was hardly any stopping Harry. Like you’d asked before, he’d have you whenever he well pleased. It was far easier for him to picture you growing with his baby now. It didn’t matter to him that you were occupied, he’d just get your pants off or dress out of the way and plunge in and you were more than fine with that. It even happened a few times while you slept, you’d wake up with him hovering over you, sliding his cock between your spread legs. Much to his surprise, you were soaking wet about 80% of the time and when you weren’t it didn’t take much to have you dripping and begging for him to put it in. He hadn’t given much thought to the baby’s sex or even names, he just wanted a baby with you and he’d be more than pleased regardless. Like now...
You were being stirred awake by Harry turning you on your back and gently prodding into your entrance. You groaned a bit as he tried to push in a bit but you weren't wet enough for his sizable cock yet.
"Just give me minute." you mumbled.
"I want you now." he said and then you felt a warm wad of spit land over your pussy before he smeared his erection all over it and then sunk in with more ease, "There we are..." he hummed in approval as he got about halfway. He sighed in relief as your warm and tight walls started to slick up around him quickly. "Had a very pleasant dream of you showing me a positive test. Woke up so fucking hard." he panted through his thrusts and then smirked when you got even more wet for him.
"Fuck, it feels so good inside you, baby." he sighed and you moaned when he ground into you.
"A little harder, daddy." you whispered, voice still rough from sleep. He hummed and gave it to you a bit harder, the soft smacks of your bodies meeting grew a little louder. And he gradually started increasing his force until your headboard was thumping against the wall and you whined out, "T-too hard!" you whimpered and he brought a thumb to your clit.
"You know what to do if it's too much, baby." he said comfortingly. He knew you liked to get whiny every now and again. "You say "sour", right?" he asked and you nodded. "Use your words, my love." he encoruaged.
"I know." you added, "Just...a little slower, please?" you requested and those puppy-dog eyes absolutely melted him to the core. His stern demeanor softened and a little smile appeared on his mouth as he stopped and then leaned down to kiss your lips quickly.
"Okay, baby. Sorry, got a little excited over that dream." He hummed against your lips. He then started thrusting again, undulating his hips in a way that got him right up against your g-spot. "Like that?" he asked and you whimpered as he started to grind a bit harder.
"Yes, daddy! Like that..." you keened and he groaned lowly as your walls started to flutter around him seconds later. He started to rub on your clit again until you started to tremble. You choked on a moan as your orgasm started to build far too much for you to keep inside. "Oh baby, I'm...I'm gonna come!" you gasped.
"Go on, baby. Let me feel your drenching my cock. Get you ready for my cum." he panted, "Ready for me to put a baby in that pretty body of yours." your eyes rolled back and your back arched until your body just froze and your walls started to spasm as your orgasm washed over you. The gorgeous flutters of pleasure bloomed from your tummy and rippled through your body, making your legs twitch and for your finger nails to dig into Harry's thick, muscular thighs.
"Yes, baby. Yes!" he groaned as his own pleasure built up to a point of no return. His steady rhythm faltered as he grunted through three deep thrust until he was holding your hips tightly as he started to shoot his sperm deep in you. You loved how he praised you for taking it all.
And when the height of it passed he only pulled out to turn you onto your side and then spooned you only to thrust back in. He lightly shivered from the sensitivity, but he wanted all of his cum to stay inside. You pulled one of his hands up to your mouth and kissed the back of it before sighing happily.
"I'll always take care of you. You know that, right?" he asked and you nodded as you hummed, "You're everything to me." he said softly, "I already love you with everything in my being. Can't possibly imagine how much more it can grow for you once we have our baby." he said softly and you smiled.
"I think you'll love the baby the most." you whispered.
"I don't know...you're the one giving me the baby." he reasoned and you smiled. "But what I do know is that you're my whole life. I'm so fucking fortunate to have you to share this with. Love you." he hummed.
"Love you, H." you smiled.
"Want you to do something for me, baby." he added, "Gonna send you some stuff I was looking up earlier. Stuff to like prepare your body and increase your chances, you know? Give it a try?"
"Of course, baby." you agreed easily.
On top of the things Harry had suggested to you, you had also been implementing your own measures to optimize your health enough to successfully conceive. You had made significant improvements to your diet and even started taking prenatal vitamins and teas that you hoped would help. And since Harry owned and worked at the brewery you asked him to please stop serving you alcohol, no matter how much you asked for it, so your taste-testing badge had been revoked. You were also getting more rest and even started exercising more with him. Incidentally, this was something that just made you more horny for him. Considering that exercise helped you produce endorphins you were in a far better mood and up for sex more than before. 
  Maybe it was a little indecorous of you, but you honestly enjoyed the dull ache that seemed to permanently reside between your legs as of late. You actually craved more of it, especially at times like these, when you watched him working out from across the gym while you just kept a moderate pace on the elliptical. He was making eye contact with you from the mirror with a subtle smile ignoring the other people who were very clearly ogling him as he did his deadlifts. You couldn’t blame them, Harry was a masterpiece of a human. He was tall, handsome, attractive, and good natured. The way his muscles tightened up as he worked through his routine made you hungry for him in sinful ways. So much so that you needed to go and fuck. Now.
You got off of the machine and went to grab a wipe to clean off the handles and buttons you’d touched before asking him to leave. He wouldn’t mind cutting his workout short, that’s what you’d be doing more of anyway if you really thought about it. You decided to gather your things from the locker in the bathroom and then head over to grab him. When you headed over to the free weights area you saw a girl trying to chat him up, he seemed a bit annoyed but was too polite to tell her to go away. It may have seemed he was fair game because he wasn’t wearing his wedding band right now (you always reminded him to take his ring off when he was lifting heavy because your wedding bands were made of gold, a soft metal, so it could easily get warped with the amount of weight he lifted), but he was all yours and you needed him now. His evident display of strength had you completely drenched in your underwear. You could feel the steady throb of your walls even as you walked over. You could see him glancing over to the cardio section through the mirror, probably searching  for you to help but you were just about to reach him.
“Baby!” You called out to him from a few feet away and he whipped around and his smile of relief made you smirk. He could see the hunger in your gaze from where he was. The girl that walked up to him looked mortified as she connected the dots before scurrying off. Harry quickly re-racked the weights he’d been using before setting the bar back in place and hurrying over to you. “I need you to get me home. Stat.” You said lowly as you walked through the gym and he chuckled.
“Alright, my love. Not a problem.” He hummed with a big, warm hand on your lower back.
In nearly twenty minutes you were carefully getting into the shower together, the foreplay was in how he talked to you and touched you as you got cleaned up. Everything was building up as he smoothed over your breasts with his soapy hands and talked about how big they’d get when he finally got you pregnant. Things like this that you never thought could rile you up were doing the job. You loved to see his big veiny hands playfully tugging and rolling your nipples between his fingers while you ground back into his erection.
“God, you’re so fucking big.” You mumbled as he rutted his erect cock again your plump backside.
“I know. Almost too big for your pretty little cunt.” He responded and you nodded in agreement. “But you like that, don’t you?” You asked and you nodded.
“Yes, daddy.” You hummed, already feeling a little loopy.
“Turn around.” He said and you twirled around and looked up at him, “How do want it, my love?” He asked and you bit your lip as your mind started to wander and imagine all of the options you had. Then, you glanced over to the bench you used for shaving, “Wanna ride me?” He asked upon noticing where it was you had looked.
“Yeah, can I?”
“Of course.” He smirked.
And before you knew it you were sinking down onto his cock impatiently. You slightly hissed at the sting of the initial stretch but kept going, pushing through the slight discomfort. You loved the pain of the stretch as he tried to fit inside of you. You sometimes grew sad over the fact that it’d never feel like the first time you had sex again, you’d only been able to take half of him that first time and you’d been so tight around him that he came twice all over your pussy and tummy. Riding him was as close as you got to recreating that. You loved how full you felt when you rode him, how it felt like he was so big that he was penetrating up into your stomach, literally rearranging your guts. It made you breathless and cock drunk so quickly. He was holding you up a good amount because the bench wasn’t as big as it looked, so you were struggling and your knees were starting to hurt and you couldn’t touch his big, taut muscles like you hoped you could.
“Fuck this, lets get out.” You panted impatiently and he lifted you up like you were nothing, holding you to his body as he quickly shut the water off, shampoo and all still in your hair. You stumbled into the bedroom and barely made it to the bed. He just sat and you started grinding away at him. You pushed his chest back and he got the hint and laid back as you started to ride him a bit harder. 
“Put your arms behind your head for support.” You said and he did so.
“Like this?” He asked and you nodded quickly. His glorious arm muscles were on full display and you could see how even his lats were nice and toned.
“Flex for me.” You requested and he did and you groaned loudly. You just wanted to bite into his biceps.
“You’re so fucking hot, daddy. So big and strong, always take such good care of me.” You panted as you rode him. Your hands roamed his chest and abs, feeling the firmness of his muscles, tracing the dip between his pecs with your index fingers and then going between his abs like you were tracing through a little maze. You started grinding in a way that he could plunge against your g-spot and he moaned over you as he felt his tip up against your spot and his eyes squeezed shut for a second.
“Fuck, right there…I’m…I’m gonna come soon.” He warned and you smirked.
“So fast?” You teased and he chuckled before wrapping his arms around you and squeezing your body tight.
“You want my cum don’t you? So what does it matter?” He asked and you melted at his question. Normally you wouldn’t mind if he came soon, you didn’t necessarily need orgasms for sex to be worth it for you. What got you off was the vibe. His energy, being present and in tune with him, making each other feel good, relishing in the intimacy of the moment. But right now, you did want to come around him.
“I want to come.” You whined softly and he suddenly flipped you back to missionary and thrust deeper into you until you gasped and pinched your eyes closed for a second.
Harry knelt up to have a better range of motion and he started going deep and slow. You could feel every inch of him sliding in and out of you, it was absolute bliss. Over and over his tip was colliding with that spot inside of you that ached and felt like ecstasy at the same time. He then slid one of his hands up your tummy until he was reaching for your breast. He groped and squeezed and felt at it in his hand. You reached for his arms and just caressed his arm. You traced up his fingers and then felt over his forearm, you were obsessed with how solid it was. Then, you worked your way up his bicep, squeezing his muscles, feeling his strength. Then, you lightly raked your nails from the butterfly inked above his abs all the way down to where your bodies were connected. His skin was littered in goosebumps and his movements stuttered.
“Fuck…” he groaned lowly and you glanced up at him, “It’s too much, baby. I’m so close!” He warned again and you smirked. Just getting to be close and feel him like this was working you up to his level. Watching him be so affected by your feather light touches was doing you in. You tickled up his other arm and he shuddered as he squeezed over your breast harder than before and you intentionally squeezed your walls around his cock. You took the time to feel it all; how he felt inside of you, how his damp skin was getting warmer and warmer the closer he got to coming. How every time you bucked up with him, your clit would bump against his pelvis, that’s how close you were. It was pushing you to the edge, you were teetering on it! 
“Me too! I’m so close, daddy!” You moaned and he started going a bit faster and you moaned breathily, “Fuck, right there! Just like that, don’t stop!” You pleaded. He was locked in on this place until he felt your thighs starting to tremble around his hips. He lowered himself and kissed you deeply.
“You’ve been so good, haven’t you, my love? Taking such good care of yourself so that you can have my baby?” He asked.
“Yeah, daddy!” You whined out.
“Fuck, I hope this is the one…” he groaned and you moaned again. “You’re squeezing so tight…shit, come for me. Come on my cock, baby.” He grunted through his hard thrusts and the tight coil of pleasure finally gave way and that tight feeling in your body started to come undone. Your hips thrusted against his without any concern for the pace he’d set as the pleasure just racked through you and wiped you out like a tidal wave. You could feeling it consuming ever nerve ending from the top of your head and down to your toes. You hugged him close to your body, letting your hands roam down his back and squeeze his ass, pushing him even deeper until he couldn’t go any further inside of you. 
“Please, put your baby in me! Come inside me, baby. Come inside me, breed me!” You whimpered and he groaned as he started to deliver hard, unforgiving thrusts as his sperm shot deep into you. The sounds coming from where your bodies were joined were absolutely filthy but you loved them. You loved that there was so much of his sperm that it made a squelchy mess for you that could be heard. You were twitchy and trembly as he filled you to the brim but that didn’t stop him from slipping out and getting on the ground to lick up your cunt. His tongue flicked at your clit until you were crying out in over stimulation as you came again. 
Your abdominal muscles were putting in work as your orgasm rippled through you, your spasming walls started to push out some of his sperm but he was not about to let any of it go to waste. 
“Nuh-uh, this cum is for you.” He mumbled lowly as his fingers slid down to about your perineum before he smeared them over your entrance carefully to get it back in you. Just knowing that the slight gape of your tight little hole was caused by his big cock made him want to fuck you all over again. He stretched you open a bit more and was able to see his cum stuffed inside of you, right to the brim. “Fuck, there’s so much of it.” He chuckled lowly as you twitched beneath him. He then laid back down and had you drape your legs over his just to keep you at an incline.
“Think we did it this time?” You asked and he smiled before kissing the back of your hand.
“Think so… but as much as I want to have a baby with you, I wouldn’t mind if it takes a little while longer. I love fucking you like this.” He chuckled his confession and you did as well. 
“This is not the position you want me in if you want this to take longer to accomplish.” You pointed out and he laughed a bit and then got up and leaned over you to kiss you slowly. You hugged him close and rubbed over his back soothingly. You wrapped your legs around him and trapped him against your body, koala style. He laughed at your silliness as he tried to pull back. “Not yet.” You pouted.
“Baby, we need to finish our shower.” He reminded. “Come on…I’ll fuck you again after. Really make it stick.” He said with a suggestive tone and you loosened your grip around him enough for him to pull back.
“I am obsessed with you.” You said and he smiled, “I can’t imagine doing this with anyone else. I wouldn’t want to.” You added softly and tenderly before arching up to kiss him deeply.
“As am I, my love. And I promise, we’re gonna keep trying as long as it takes.” He assured you. “And all through it I’m going to take such good care of you. I’ll keep you safe. S’my job, as your husband to do that. My favorite job in the world.” He smiled as he looked at you lovingly.
“I love you so much.” You hummed.
“Love you.” He whispered.
>> Next Part>>
Trying update ask! (WC: 3.7k)**
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satorusugurugurl · 4 months
Can i please request an experienced reader taking the virginity of gojo, geto, nanami, and sukuna (modern au) please? I really love your writing and all the brainrot it gives me ☺️ happy feel good friday ! ❤️
Cherry Popper!
Summary: You pop the cherries of some of the hottest men from JJK!
Characters: Gojo Satoru, Geto Suguru, Nanami Kento, Ryomen Sukuna (Modern AU)
Word count: 9,020
Warnings: smut, language, fingering, p in v, protected/unprotected sex, horny thoughts
A/N: Nonnie, I hope you have an amazing day. This prompt had me squirming! *feral barking*
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Gojo Satoru:
Dating the Gojo Satoru was like a dream come true. Not only was the man hot, and he spoiled you rotten, and he loved you endlessly. Not a day went by that you doubted his love for you. But you did notice something was wrong with him when things started to get a little more intimate in the bedroom. 
One night, you were watching Netflix when he leaned over to kiss you, and you reciprocated. That kiss turned into another kiss before it was a full-blown make-out session that ended with you on top of him, straddling his hips; his erection was rubbing against your clothed pussy perfectly. Both your palms lay flat against his chest as you tilted your head back, rolling your hips back and forth, your clit rubbing over the seam in your pants perfectly. 
You were getting lost in the pleasure; the feeling of his cock twitching and becoming fully erect had you eager for more. He looked so fucked, lips slightly parted, cheeks flushed a deep shade of red, and those beautiful eyes slowly widened as you placed both his hands on your breasts. His long fingers twitched, eager to squeeze and massage the super-soft flesh of your chest. Instead of giving in to his carnal desires, he sits up, leaving his hands on your breasts as he takes a deep breath.
“Toru?” Your boyfriend’s eyes roll back at the sultry tone of your voice. “What’s wrong?”
His eyes glance around the room, avoiding yours entirely. “Uhm, Before we go any further, you should know something.” His tongue darts out, sliding over his kiss-swollen lips, wetting them. 
Oh, he was serious. You goofball of a boyfriend was being serious. All horny thoughts went to the back of your mind as you focused all of your attention on him. 
“What’s wrong, baby?” 
The different scenarios he might want to discuss with you flow through your head. Did he have an STD? Was he not ready to take it to the next step? Or did he not see you sexually appealing? The scenarios of what could happen in the next couple of minutes were endless.
“Uhm, well, I've noticed things in our relationship have progressed.” His hands gently squeeze your breasts to emphasize his point. “like how you’re straddling my hips and grinding against my cock. But before we take it further, you have the right to know.”
“Ah~” he gives your tits another squeeze, “know what?” 
“I-I’m uhm—” he uses your breasts like a stress ball, giving them a final squeeze before he lets out a harsh breath. “I’m a virgin.” 
A 404 error message displays in your mind; you blink, look away, and look back at Gojo before repeating the process. As if doing so will restart your brain. Because there is no way I’m a virgin just left his mouth.
“You’re a virgin?” 
“God, why does it sound worse when coming out of your mouth?”
“You're a virgin?”
“Repeating it isn’t going to change the fact that, yes, I am a virgin.” 
His cock is as soft as a marshmallow against you. You realize this might not be the best conversation while you’re on top of him. So, despite his sounds of protest, you crawl off his lap and sit on your knees across from him. 
There was a lot you wanted to talk with him about before you took the next step. “Okay, were you uncomfortable with how things were moving? Is that why—” you nod your head towards his crotch, “you aren’t hard anymore?” Anyone looking in on your conversation would’ve thought you just told Satoru you had run over his puppy.
“No, I’m not uncomfortable, I swear! I just— got in my head, and I realized that I hadn’t told you about still owning my V-card.” He lets out a nervous chuckle. “I just didn’t want things to get hot and heavy  for me to cum too soon and leave you feeling unsatisfied?” 
Not once in the history of your relationship with him had Gojo left you unsatisfied, so there were no worries. You did have to worry about the feral need in your chest. Knowing that he was a virgin and you were the experienced one had you not even concerned about your pleasure. Your boyfriend’s bottom lips stuck out in a pout as he looked you over. Satoru contemplates if he should’ve told you this or not. Why do people make such a big deal over their virginity anyway?
With a far-out look in his eyes, Gojo doesn't even see you coming. One second, you're sitting across from him; the next, he's being shoved back, and his shorts are tugged down. His soft cock twitched as you wrapped your hands around him and gave him a couple of strokes. 
“Fuuck, baby, what are you? Nngh!” his eyes widened, tears pricking his eyes as you took him into your mouth with a happy hum. “Oooh—ooh—haah~!” his fingers interlace through your hair, gently tugging at it. “Well fuck~ if I knew tellin’ y-yo-oooh fuck~!” Satoru clenched his teeth as you bobbed up and down, “Tellin’ you I was a virgin would get you to suck my dick~ would have told you sooner~!”
You hummed, pulling off of his erect cock, licking at the spit coating your lips. “I'm doing it to get you nice and hard~ because I’m going to fuck your brains out~” The declaration had Satoru twitching in your hand.
He was more than to have to fuck him, and he’s suddenly wishing it was your pussy wrapped around him rather than your mouth. But the nerves got the better of him, and he's ninety-nine percent sure that if you were to try jumping on top of him, he'd go soft again. Out of the two of you, you knew what you were doing, so it was better to let you do your thing.
And your thing was fucking torture.
You were sucking the life out of his cock, but every time he thought he would cum down your throat, you would pull away, edging him. It was fun at first, being almost at the edge of blissful pleasure to have it yanked away. But now that this has happened nearly five different times, it wasn't as fun anymore.
Satoru’s eyes flooded with tears as he fisted his hands into the sheets with a groan. “C- can't take it anymore!” Your throat was so warm and wet, but he wanted more; he needed you in the purest, rawest way he could. “Baby, fuck please I’m so hard it fucking hurts!” He wasn't lying about that; his cock was throbbing hard, tip leaking pre-cum. 
“Yeah~ you ready for me to pop that cherry?” Satoru laughs, eyebrows furrowing as he nods. 
“Say it however you want; I don’t care. Just please fuck me.” 
Watching you sit back and strip down had his cock twitching even harder. His eyes rake over your skin, taking in how pretty your tits are, how slick it is coating your inner thighs. You look tameless as you straddle his hips, your wet cunt inches from his dick. Kneeling above him, your fingers gently maneuver the head of his cock against your wet and tight entrance.
Just as you line yourself up, Satoru grabs your hips with both of his hands, his breath shaking as he exhales. Wait, it wasn’t just his fingers; his whole body was shaking. Did he want to do this?
“Toru?” Pulling your gaze from where your bodies are nearly connected, you look into his eyes, finding a man not overwhelmed by nerves but by pure horny intent. “Oooh.”
His cheeks are flushed, his eyes dark as he breathes heavily. You may have looked tameless to him, but to you, the man is fucking feral. It has you feeling things, so many things. Things that have you smirking as you grab him by the back of the head, yanking him towards your mouth in a heated kiss of tongue and moans. Satoru gently bucks his hips as he feels your pussy throb over the head of his cock. 
“M’ gonna fuck you, Toru~ ready?”
“S-So fuck—ah!” He rocks back as you start sliding your pussy down his cock. “Haah! Oh god.” His cerulean eyes dart towards his cock, where you both are connected. “O-Oh my god, oh my god, I’m inside you,” 
“Yeah~? Does it feel good~?” 
“Fuck! Fuuuck, fuck, fuck.”
“I’ll take that as a yes.” You giggle as you grip his broad shoulders, lowering yourself entirely down on his cock until he’s balls deep inside of you. “Mhmm~ congratulations, you’re no longer a virgin. You feel so good inside of me~.”
His dick twitches against your tight walls as Satoru gently grips your hips. “It’s bad enough that I’m close to blowing my load from you just lowering yourself down. B-But when you talk like that, I feel like I could cum untouched. S-So maybe save that for when I’m not freshly devirginized.” His pleas are heard, and you decide not to say anything remotely close to that. Instead, you pull yourself up before slamming back down on his cock. “HAAH! Oh fuck!”
You set a slow pace of bouncing up and down his shaft while gripping his shoulders for support. Satoru watches your perfect body bouncing and rocking against him. His hand trail lower, groping the fat of your ass, squeezing it firmly as you continue to fuck him. You look so pretty, your head tilted back and your bottom lip between your teeth as you lose yourself in the pleasure. 
Seeing you so into it made him so close to the edge that he knew he would not last long. “Fuck~ fuck~ you’re so wet, so tight.” He groans out, dropping his forehead to rest on your shoulder. “I’m not gonna last long, sweetheart, fuck sorry.” Hearing that only had your hips moving faster and harder, causing him to grip your ass to ground himself. “Baby, please, please, I’ll cum too soon.” One hand remains on his shoulder while the other grips a handful of soft white hair, yanking his head back so you can look into his eyes.
“You might not last long, but the great thing about this is that we can do it as much as we want to build up your stamina~.” 
Your words seem to unlock something in your boyfriend as his eyes widen as you roll your hips. You fully believed hearing the promise of more sex would be enough to send him over the edge. But it doesn’t. Instead, it makes him snarl as squeezes your ass before thrusting up, fucking into you with full force. Fucking the air out of your lungs, leaving you breathless and stunned as he uses one hand to trail down to your clit, his thumb rubbing the bundle of nerves back and forth. The sudden change, the flip of dynamics, had you falling forward, your face buried in his neck. 
“Oh fuck~ fuck~ holy shit.” You cry out, trying to match his frantic movements but failing. Was he a virgin?! How? How was that possible when he was fucking into you like a porn star?!
“Ooh~ god fuck, fuck!” Your sweet, not-so-innocent boyfriend cries out. “Fuck~ fuck are you g-gonna cum?” He’s suddenly perked up, a new wave of confidence washing over him as your walls clamp down. “Oh fuck, you are!” He grunts out, thumb rubbing faster over your clit. “Fuuuck fuck, please cum~! Cum baby~ cum~!”
You can’t even warn him. His cock is bullying your g-spot while his thumb abuses your clit. You were expecting him to be under your thumb, not vice versa! His eyes widen as you arch your back, eyes ruling into your skull as your walls squeeze his cock so hard it has him whimpering. You cum, screaming his name, squirting all over his lower stomach, pulling him over the edge with you. His cock throbs hard as spurts of cum fill you. He keeps cumming until your orgasm finally comes to an end.
“A-Are you sure you’re a virgin?” You ask between gasps while Satoru peppers hot open-mouth kisses down your neck. 
“Mm, was.” He corrects before shoving you down so he’s on top of you. “I was a virgin.” 
His cock is still hard, your combined cum seeping out around him. “H-heh, uhm Toru—“ you gasp as he pulls out of you before slamming back in. “Nngh!” You cry out, eyes full of tears this time, as the roles have been reversed.
“What was it you said?” And deep, sharp thrust. “Right~ ‘You might not last long, but the great thing about this is that we can do it as much as we want to build up your stamina~?” Your hazy gaze watched Satoru smirking like a madman, a lustful fire burning in his breathtaking eyes. “I’m ready for round two.
And it was that moment you were ready to meet your maker because Gojo Satoru was about to fuck you to the brink of death.
Geto Suguru:
You loved your boyfriend. God, you loved him so much. Not only was he fucking hot, but he was also a complete and total sweetheart. Even though he had gone through so much shit in his high school career, he never once faltered as a good person. He could have gone down a darker path after everything with the star plasma vessel, but he hadn’t. 
Sure, he had gone through a rough time. He didn't sleep well, he lost a bunch of weight, and things just seemed hopeless. But he came to his senses when he saved Nanako and Mimiko from the terrible village they were stuck in. He had every opportunity to take revenge on the monsters that had hurt them. But instead, he called you and Gojo before acting in rage.
The three of you had saved those girls, and they were now under the protection of the high school. Since that fateful night, Suguru started taking better care of himself. He talked things over with you and Gojo, letting you know how much he had been suffering. With both of your help, he started paving his path to a better future—one where he would talk to you and let you know what was going on in his mind. A future was full of love and light.
It was funny to think that it was three years ago, and now you both were living together, on missions as full-fledged Jujutsu Sorcerer. Reminiscing over the past like that made the time fly by. You were looking through old photos on your cell phone when the door to your apartment opened. Geto walked in still in his gym clothes, his hair tied up in a tight bun. He was coated in sweat as he slipped his shoes off and headed into the bedroom.
“Hi Sugu, how was your workout?”
“Good.” He presses a chaste kiss to your cheek. “I’m happy to be home. I missed you.” His chaste kiss turns into another, followed by another, until his lips press firmly against your mouth.
You hum happily, kissing him back, arms snaking around his neck as you pull him down on top of you. He lays on top of you, his hips pressing against yours, as you lick his bottom lip. He allows you to slide your tongue into his mouth, his hands gently grabbing your waist, and you deepen the kiss, tasting the remains of his pre-workout on his tongue. 
Maybe the reminiscing of the past or the traces of strawberry flavor that lingers in his mouth makes you want to get in a workout yourself. You’d been with Geto for over two years, and between finishing school and adjusting to your lives as full-time sorcerers, you hadn’t gotten more intimate than hand stuff and oral sex. Tonight was the perfect night for you guys to take it further. 
You rocked your hips up, pleased to feel his throbbing erection against your thigh. He grunts, breaking the kiss, a string of saliva connecting your lips. His eyes narrow as you rock up against him again, drawing a moan from his throat. 
“Mm, someone’s needy.”
“Mhmm~ thinking about you and how hot you are makes me all horny.” 
“Ooh? Well, let me help with that.” He goes to slide his hand into your pajama pants, but you grip his wrist, preventing him from slipping under. “Want me to eat you out instead? I could use a treat after my workout.”
“No, I want you to fuck me.” 
Your request had your boyfriend blinking in shock for a moment. “Fuck you?” He repeated that as if you were speaking a foreign language; he was incapable of understanding. 
“Yes~ we’ve been together for a while; I want to take it to the next phase.” You tug your tank top off, tossing it to the floor. “Come on, I want you.”
Suguru stares at you for the longest time, eyes taking in your bare form before he nods. The tent in his pants has excitement rushing through you. You’d had sex before you and Geto got together. You and Nanami were eighteen and in a hotel after a stressful mission. So you both decided to have sex—several times in one night and a few times after that. But you were better friends than lovers. 
Of course, you and Suguru were both experienced. So this was bound to be the best sex of your life. You couldn’t wait to feel him buried inside of you.
Getting on all fours, you arched your back as deep as you could, your ass in the air. Looking over your shoulder, you watched as your boyfriend rolled a condom over his cock with shaking hands. Aw, the poor guy was so excited he was shaking! 
Suguru was shaking because he was about to have sex for the first time in his life. He never brought it up because who cared about virginity? It wasn’t that big of a deal for guys, well, for him at least. Having that mindset didn’t change the fact that he was nervous. 
He did not want to cum the second he slid inside of you; he couldn't cum before getting you off. There was no doubt he could do that. He'd done it plenty of times before. Making you cum was one of his favorite things to do! On his tongue, fingers, his thigh, getting you off got him off. But cumming inside of you before even having a chance to fuck you, that had him doubting himself. 
“Sugu~ you okay, babe?” 
Suguru blinked, looking at your delicious body. The curves of your ass, your wet pussy eagerly waiting for him to slide inside of you. You were so beautiful, but seeing you like this, so bare and needy, god, it had his body moving on its own. 
“I’m good; I’ll be even better once I’m inside you.” Without cumming first thing. “I’m going to uhm—uh—”
You giggle cocking a brow. “Fuck me?” 
“Yeah, that.” You giggle again, but as he pushes the tip of his cock past the tight ring of muscles, your giggle turns into a soft moan. Suguru bites down on his bottom lip with a growl. You’re so tight and fuck; it was like you were sucking him into your heat. The feeling of you wrapped around him had him gripping your ass for dear life. “Fuck~ fuuuck~ ah~”
“Ah fuck~” you groan as he stops, “Suguru~ baby, no need to stop. I can take you, I promise.” 
“S-Sto—” he groans, “please.”
“Huh? Please, what baby?” 
“Sto—ahhh!” He rests his head against your shoulder blade. “Haaah.” Several hot breaths spread over your skin as he sinks deeper. 
Shit, he was really into it. Slowly sliding into you, savoring every second. “God, you’re being so hot~ savoring it, are you?” Suddenly, a hand wraps around your neck before clamping down over your mouth. 
“Please, Princess, I am begging you to stop talking.” Your eyebrows knit together as you turn to look at him, only to be met with his flushed fucked out face. “E-Everytime you talk to me, you clench down on me, and I-I’m trying extremely hard not to cum and ruin our first time.” Your eyes widen as he exhales softly. “Well, my first time.”
“Eh?!” Your muffled scream had your boyfriend growling, his head falling forward.
“Fuck, please, baby!” He drops his hand from your mouth, gripping the sheets instead. “Please, please.”
“You’re a virgin? I thought you had done it.” 
“Who the hell would I have had sex with?”
You blush, feeling a bit silly for your assumption. “W-Well, his name rhymes with Hoe-Joe.” The room is nearly silent, aside from Suguru’s groans. 
“No, hell no, what the fuck, babe?” 
“You both are close! I just thought maybe—ya’ know, lonely mission?” He’s so quiet it has you giggling. “Thought he would show you his infinite void.” 
More laughter escaped you, only to be cut off by Suguru thrusting inside of you. “If you’re going to keep talkin’, at least scream my name.” You cried out, gripping the sheets, crying out softly, as he set a messy pace.
It doesn’t have much rhythm, but it doesn’t matter because he makes up for it with all of his cock. It’s thick and long enough to hit all the right spots. Suguru grips a handful of your hair, tugging your head back as his other hand gropes your ass, thrusting in and out of you at a pace that has you crying big fat tears. 
“S-Sugu!” You cry out as Suguru watches the way your ass ripples with each thrust. And it has his hips moving faster and harder, going as deep as he can. “Y-You liar!” 
“Why the fuck are you calling me a liar.” There’s almost a smug grin on his face as you blubber mindlessly against the sheets. Your walls are twitching, and your legs are trembling as he fucks you closer to your orgasm.
“N-no way! Ah ah!! No way y-you’re a virgin!” He slams into your cervix, making you scream in pained pleasure. “Fuck!” 
“Oh, I am, and this virgin’s going to make you cum so hard you cry more.” 
His once hesitant, messy thrusts find a brutal pace that had you screaming. Screaming his name as he slams over and over into your g-spot. You turn to stare into his eyes, only to have him hit his lips against yours in a kiss of horny need. You cry out, trying to match his momento but failing miserably. It was hard to kiss your boyfriend, who was rearranging your guts.
“Gah~ ah ah! C-cumming Sugu~!!” Suguru seizes up as you cum; your walls contract around his hard cock. Milking him towards his orgasm.
“Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Gah!” His body stills behind you and you can feel his cock throbbing hard inside of you. The condom is filling with his cum, only stopping once you collapse onto the mattress, gasping for air.
For a moment, he was proud he was better off than you. Only to realize just how fucked up and pussydrunk he was when he moved. Suguru feels completely drained. You had milked him for everything he was worth. He slowly pulls out of you, pinching the tip of the condom to prevent his cum from slipping out as he pulls it off. 
He wants to get up to grab a rag to wipe you, but he just wrapped his arms around you instead, pulling me close to him as he lays you both down against the pillows. He was gently running his index finger down the bridge of your nose before pushing hair out of your face. Your eyes weakly open before closing once more. 
“You OK there, princess?” 
“I just got fucked within an inch of my life by my boyfriend, who just happened to be a virgin.”
“Yeah, sorry if I wasn't that good.”
“Shut the fuck up.” Suguru stares at you for the longest moment. “That was the best I’ve ever had in my life. You may have been a virgin, but do not ever do anything differently. Fuck me like that every time, and I’ll be the one to propose to you in the future.”
A sudden burst of confidence spread through Suguru’s chest. “Yeah? You’re gonna propose to me?” All you manage to do is nod. “It was that good, huh?” You nod again, snuggling your face into his chest. “Yeah, it was a pretty fucking perfect first time for me, too.” he presses his lips gently against your forehead, holding as tight as he can as he both doze off.
Nanami Kento:
When you and Nanami first started dating, he was pretty forward with the fact that he had never been with anyone else. Meaning you were the first woman he had ever taken out on a date, kissed, and fooled around with. Despite Nanami’s inexperience in dating, he was the best thing to ever happen to you. So once things started to get a little more heated in the bedroom, you decided you wanted to make his first time as special as he had made you feel and your relationship.
This is how Nanami found himself sitting on the beach in Okinawa under an umbrella, shading him from the blazing sun. You were lying beside him, watching as he looked at the ocean waves. He seemed so content, a book resting in his hand as the ocean breeze blew through his hair. 
Seeing him so relaxed and happy, the way that he made you feel on a daily basis. 
Nanami glanced down at you, catching you staring at him; he didn’t mind; he smiled at you before gently stroking your hair back. “I needed this vacation. Thank you for setting it up.” He laid down on the beach towel next to you, his hand stroking strands of hair back against your head. 
“You deserve a break as much as anyone else.” You gently ran your hand down his toned stomach, catching how he sharply inhaled and his muscles tensed. “Kento, I was thinking about our relationship.” 
“Oh, what about it?”
“I was thinking I am ready to take it to the next step if you are.”
“By next step, I assume you mean us having sex?” Nanami watches as you eagerly nod your head. “Are you comfortable with taking that next step?” 
Your fingers trace shapes over his abs, gently easing him into a more relaxed state. “I’m more than ready to be with you. The real question is if you’re ready.” Your boyfriend’s muscles twitch underneath your touch, and you can hear the soft groan that leaves his lips as your fingers dip lower, brushing over the happy trail that leads into his swim trunks. 
“I must admit, I have been wanting to take it to the next step.” His large, warm hand gently grips your wrist, pulling you away from the hardening bulge in his swimsuit. “And as eager as I am to get underway with it, I would much rather not lose my virginity on a beach in front of other beachgoers if I’m completely honest.”
You wanted to laugh at his assumption you were going to pull his cock out and have sex with him right there. “Then let’s go back to the room. It should be all set up for our special night.” Nanami knew that you weren’t a virgin. You had other partners in the past, ones that treated you not so great in the long run. But he is their loss because you were the most amazing woman in this entire world.
“My first time wasn’t special. It was rushed and unplanned. You deserve a special first-time Kento.”
Kento is honored that you thought so highly of him. That is the sole reason he’s able to sit up and start packing your belongings. “Well, what do you say we return to our hotel room then? We could have some fun, and then I’ll order our room service.” His smile is so contagious and warm and sweet. That smile is the whole reason you planned the special trip. 
“I love the sound of that.”
Upon arrival to your hotel room, Nia unlocks the door with the key card and steps inside. There’s a bottle of champagne in a bucket of ice on the nightstand beside the bed, along with two glasses. You shuffle past him, heading to the bathroom with your duffel bag over your shoulder.
“I just need a couple of minutes to freshen up. Would you mind pouring the champagne?” 
“I would be honored.” He hooked his arm around your waist, pulling you in for a gentle kiss. “Don’t keep me waiting for long. I’m typically a patient man, but you made me feel a little mischievous this evening.”
By the time you run to the bathroom, none of me opens the bottle of champagne and pours both glasses. He hears the door open. He turns around, both glasses in hand, and he nearly drops them as he looks over. You’re wearing red lingerie. The Lacey fabric is see-through, revealing your nipples that are already hard, and he can tell from this angle that you aren’t wearing any underwear. 
His throat is suddenly dry, and he puts the glasses on the nightstand to prevent him from making a mess. Seeing you in such a state had his cock throbbing in his pants, threatening to cum at any minute. If that happened, champagne isn’t the only mess he’d have to worry about cleaning up.
“You’re breathtaking,” he whispers into the space between you as you walk forward. “What did I do to deserve such a beauty as you.”
“I ask myself the same question almost every day I’m with you.”
His eyes linger on yours for the longest of moments before he closes the distance between you. His hands gently grab your hips, using your back towards the bed. Nanami is so gentle, conveying every ounce of love he has for you in the simple caresses of his fingers against your skin. You were beginning to wonder if this would be as special for you as it was for him. Because despite all of the experience, you feel like you’re a virgin along with him.
“I want to feel you.” He presses and gently kisses up your arms. “Every part of you, allow me to drown myself in your warmth, my love.” 
You have no complaints, arching your back, your hands moving down to pull at the drawstring of his swim trunks. His lips move slowly over your collarbone, tongue licking at it, tracing the shape of it against your skin. Kento’s lips gently caress over your heated skin, and your hands push his swimsuit down past his ass, allowing you to freely grip his cock in your hands.
“You’re already so hard, Ken.” Whispering breathlessly against his ear. “You must be as excited as me.” 
While he continues to trace kisses over your skin, you gently take one of his hands and place it between your legs. His fingers waste no time. They push the flimsy fabric of the lingerie, pulling it underneath your breasts before his fingers up and down over your slit, rubbing your slick all over your pussy. 
Nanami grunts as you give his cock, a gentle squeeze as his fingers tease your clit. “You weren’t kidding, you are excited.” His index finger traces gentle hearts over your hardened bud as you had them to him on the beach. “You’re so warm,” he dips his fingers down lower, pushing his middle finger inside of you. “And tight, I promise I’m going to make you feel so good. But before I give you my cock allow me to stretch you out just a bit.” he gently plunges his middle finger in and out of you before adding his ring finger, hooking his fingers up into that spongy spot deep inside of you.
His fingers nearly make it impossible for you to pleasure him as he pleasures you. Your boyfriend doesn’t mind; he only cares about making you feel good and rewarding you for booking a trip for his sake. Your walls clench around his fingers, and he speeds it up at the feeling. Your pussy was telling him that you were close without you having to speak. But just as he hooks his finger into your g-spot to get you to squirt, you grab his wrist. 
“N-No wanna cum with you inside me.”
“Alright, I can do that.”
Nanami quickly kicks his swim trunks off before positioning himself between your legs. He truly takes a moment to take you in as a whole. The way your eyes are slightly narrowed. How your beautiful lips parted somewhat with your soft gasps. You, indeed, are the most beautiful woman he has ever seen in his life, and you were going to be the first woman he had sex with. If things continued to go as well as they were, you might be the only one he ever has sex with.
“Ken?” The softness of your voice draws him back to the current reality. “Are you alright?” 
“Never been better.” He gently fluffs your pillow before taking your legs, allowing you to wrap them around his hips. “I love you; thank you for making this night so special.” 
“I love you too~”
Kento gently kisses you as he pushes the head of his cock inside your pussy. The feeling of your wet, warm walls pulling him in makes him shiver. Your mouth always felt good, and he had always imagined sex to feel like that, but he couldn’t have been more off. Sliding inside of your tight heat is like entering heaven. It feels as though his senses are heightened. You feel so soft and warm, your scent is intoxicating, and everything about you is perfect beyond words.
So many different sensations hit him at once. The only thing that seemed relatively clear for him to do was to fuck you. So he pulled himself out before pushing himself inside balls deep. As soon as he bottomed out, he was pulling back out again, slamming back into you, causing you to arch your back off the mattress, your eyes wide, mouth gaping as a man who had, two minutes prior, begun as hard as he could.
“You feel so good~ fuck, you feel so fucking good.” Nanami typically wasn’t one curse, but the sensation of you wrapped around his cock had him losing his self-control.  “You’re pussy is so wet. How are you so wet?”
“Y-You ha-ah!” Another sharp snap of his hips takes the breath out of your lungs. “Ah fuck! You have that effect on me. I’m always wet around you, Ken!” 
“That’s good to know~” his lips smash against yours, “so you’re telling me whenever I need to fuck you, you’ll be ready?” Something about the dirty words had you clamping down on his thick length. “Oh, my love likes that idea, doesn’t she?” 
“You want me to use you~?”
“Yes, Kento!” 
“Want me to fill you with my cock whenever I want~?”
“Ah, fuck~!! Fuuuck yes, Keeen!”
Your boyfriend kisses you again, tongue slipping inside of your mouth as he gently grabs your hands holding them as he fucks into you. You squeeze them as your tongue gently wraps around his as he swallows your moans. This wasn’t just sex for Kento. This was more profound and had more meaning than two people using each other for pleasure. This was love.
His thrust slowed as he slowly thrust in and out of you. His kisses were gentler as his hands squeezed yours as tight as he could. The change was nice; it had your desperate cries of pleasure turning into soft mewls of satisfaction. He followed close behind you, gently moaning into you as he released one of your hands to grab your hip gently.
“I don’t just want to use you whenever I see fit.” He whispers, breaking away from your kiss-swollen lips. “I want to love you like this. For all time.” 
The pure adoration in his words almost has you in tears. “K-Kento~ oh god—love you.” He grins, pressing soft kisses against you before his hips pick up their pace. “Oooh fuck, babe.”
“I-I’m sorry—believe I’ve reached my limit.” He groans against your mouth. “Fuck I’m so close, where do you want it?” His hand on his hip slides between your body, finding your slit with ease. 
“Inside~ please cum inside of me.”
His fingers rub that bundle of nerves in circles just as you liked it. As he pulls you closer and closer to the edge, you kiss him hungrily, your eyes staring into his as your mouth falls open in an ‘O’ shape. The face Nanami knew you made when you would cum. His ministrations increase in speed as he coaxes your orgasm to the surface. You scream, head thrown back as your walls contract around him, squeezing his cock through the spasms of your orgasm.
Watching you come undone all because of him fucking you, it feds into his pleasure. Nanami groans, dropping his beam to the crook of your neck, where he begins thrusting his hip as hard as he can, working you through your orgasm just as he slams into you. His head tilts back, veins protruding in his neck as he growls an animalistic grunt that has you shaking.
“Fuck, take it, love, oooh god fuck!” He feels your walls greedily sucking him dry. “Y-That’s it~ oooh, that’s a good girl for me~!” 
Once you both come down, his hips gently press kisses over every inch of skin he can reach. He pulls back to beam down at you only once, satisfied with your airy giggles. Your sweet soft hand cups his cheek, stroking it gently with his thumb as he slowly somehow manages to pull out of your pussy.
“That was amazing.” He whispered, gently lying down beside you. “You made it a most memorable experience.”
Memorable for him? He was joking. You stared at him in orgasmic bliss as he grabbed the champagne glasses, offering one to you.
“To a fun night and many more experiences like this.” Oh yeah, no, you were screwed as you watched him down the whole glass before crawling between your legs and nipping at your thighs as you shivered. “Relax, darling, I got you.”
Ryomen Sukuna:
You were minding your own business when your roommate walked into your room without knocking. You sighed, throwing your head back as you sat up, ready to start yelling, only to find him flushed and glaring at your bed. With a tilt of your head, you put your phone down, and Sukuna stepped further inside.
“Who's got your panties in a wad?”
“You’ve had sex, right?”
“I beg your pardon?!” 
“You’ve fucked. Like you’re not a virgin?”
Your cheeks burn as you chuck a pillow at his face, which does not affect him as he patiently waits for you to respond. “Why are you barging in on here asking questions about my sex life?!” He says nothing, not even attempting to explain what his reasoning for the impromptu sessions of twenty questions is for. “Oh my god, Kuna. Can you please tell me why?” His eyes roll at the attitude in your tone.
“Some of the guys at the shop were talking about sex and said it’s weird to still be a virgin at nineteen. I’m twenty-one.” 
“Yeah, so am I.”
“And I’ve never had sex.” 
His words don’t seem to compute in your brain as you blankly stare at him before laughing. “Good one, Kuna. You almost had me there for a second. You’ve never had sex, fucking hilarious.” He gets on your bed, sitting in front of you.
“I haven’t.”
“So you’re telling me the Ryomen Sukuna is a virgin?” He nods his head. “How is that even possible?! You're super confident and hot.”
He’s about to snap at you when he takes a moment to process your words. You, his very sexy roommate, thought he was hot. Your confession has him moving in closer, a sinister smirk on his face. 
“I can assure you it is very much true.” a dramatic sigh has you rolling your eyes. “If only there were someone as hot as me who would be willing to sleep with me.” His eyes moved from the ceiling towards you, lingering on your face, waiting to see if you were picking up on what he was putting down. 
“Are you asking me to take your virginity?” 
“Are you willing to help?”
An alternate version of yourself might have said no. But you would get bragging rights. You would be the one to take the virginity of Sukuna himself.  You cross your legs as you pat the spot in front of you. 
“If we do this, there are some ground rules. One, this is a no-strings-attached situation. So when I bring home guys from the bar, you won’t get pissed off.” 
Sukuna threw his head back with a laugh. “You honestly think I give a shit about the men you bring home?”
“Ah ah ah!” You have a finger in front of his face telling him to shut up. “I’m not done with our ground rules! And yes, once I’m done with you, you’ll be very jealous if I bring anyone else home. Rule number two. If you bring any lady friends home, I won’t get jealous of them.” Suddenly, Sukuna had no retort to that. “And rule number three is that we don’t make this awkward after we’re done.” 
“Right, no jealousy from you, me, and no awkwardness.” He held his hand out to you, and you gladly shook it. “Alright, so how do we do this?” 
“Kiss me.” 
For the first time since this conversation began, Sukuna suddenly realized that he had never kissed anyone. And when people typically had sex, kissing was involved. This meant not only was he going to fuck his roommate and best friend, but he was also going to have to kiss you. He wasn’t sure what he was more nervous about. Fucking you or kissing you.
You can see the wheels turning in his head from the look on his face. He was getting lost inside his brain and thinking too hard. Without hesitation, you pushed him back against the bed. Sukuna grunted as you crawled on top of him, straddling his hips. His cock was already throbbing in his boxers, your soft ass pressed against his erection, causing him to let out a deep growl.
“Stop fucking thinking.” You cupped his face in both hands and pressed your lips against his. His lips are surprisingly soft, and unsurprisingly stiff. “Relax, just go with the flow.” 
That was easy for you to say you had done this before. After taking a quick moment to clear his head, Sukuna grabbed the back of your head and brought you closer to his face. Deepening the kiss, his lips matched yours. Both of you feel fireworks go off at the same time; for a virgin, he knew how to kiss. It started slow and gentle. But the more he kissed you, the more desperate it became. He doesn’t even need to flick his tongue over your bottom lip to ask for permission because you’re the one shoving your tongue in his mouth.
He tastes so good; it’s almost like a sake with a hint of mint. His taste has you moaning as you roll your hips back up against his hard cock. He’s gripping your hips as you kiss him with every ounce of your being. Kissing Sukuna was so fucking hot.
Sukuna growls into your mouth, his hands wander further down, groping at the fat of your ass, massaging it, urging you to continue rocking up and down over his erection. This felt one million times better than his hand. All of his fantasies could not have prepared him for the friction he felt. He swears to God he’s already leaking pre-cum into his boxers because of how good you look. 
You break the kiss, pulling away a string of saliva and connecting your mouths. His hands remain on your ass as he watches you reach down, lifting your T-shirt up and over your head. Sukuna had seen you in your bra and bathing suit before. This time, this was different. Because you didn’t just leave your bra on, your bra followed your T-shirt onto the ground, revealing your perfect tits to him. 
“W-Whoa.” Sukuna’s hands leave the fat of your ass more intrigued by the softness of your breasts. He grows them in both hands, gently groping and massaging them, feeling their softness under his palms. “They’re so soft.” 
“Fuuck Kuna~” The mewls of pleasure that leave your mouth have his cock twitching in his boxers. He heard you moan when you would bring home partners from the bar or when it was late at night, and you were getting yourself off. Sukuna always thought you sounded pretty. But moaning on top of him was an experience he never imagined would happen. “Your hands feel so good.” 
He loses all self-control when you reach your hands down, pulling the drawstring of his basketball shorts. The man who had just been so nervous and unsure what to do with you flips you. You’re pinned on your back; Your heart feels like it’s about to explode as he tugs his basketball shorts down, tucking them underneath his heavy, full balls. 
His cock is a fucking monster. It’s thick, long, and bigger than any of the dildos you own. Looking at its red throbbing tip that’s leaking a fair amount of pre-cum, you lick your lips. For you know that his cock is going to hit all of the right spots at the same time. That was if he was able to fuck you without cumming the second he thrusts inside.
“Holy fuck, big dick, McGee. Fucking Christ, where have you been hiding that thing?” so Ana doesn’t know whether to laugh or be embarrassed, so he does the only other thing he can think of; and he rips your shorts and panties off. “Kuna, fuck, those were new!” 
“I’ll buy you another pair, fuck I’ll buy you ten pairs. I just can’t fucking wait anymore.” Sukuna forces your legs open and stares down at your wet, glistening pussy. “Fuck looks like she ‘s excited.”
Do you want to tell him to shut up and not stare? Yes, but it’s hard to do that when he shoves his fingers slowly inside of your wet, pulsing cunt. He works you open, relishing in the feeling of your wet, slick coating his fingers. It was so warm and sticky he could only imagine what it would feel like to have his dick inside there rather than his fingers. It was the motivation he needed to push forward and fuck you like no one had before.
You scream when he curls his fingers up like he had done before. He bites his lip as he curls them upward and finds your g-spot almost instantly. He’s putting the amount of pressure on his thumb as it circles your clit. There was no fucking way this man had never been with a woman before. Because if he hadn’t, he was a fucking sex god incarnate.
“Fuck! Fuck Kuna! Stop! I-I’m gonna squirt! A-And I don’t want you to f-freak!” 
Your roommate laughs; he fucking laughs as he stares down at you with a starved look in his eyes as if he hadn’t eaten in years. “Do it, squirt on me. I’m not like these other fucking men. I want you to squirt all over me because that means I’m doing a good job, right?” His words alone send you fucking over the edge. You scream at the top of your lungs, and you’re sure your neighbors hate you. But you didn’t care; all you cared about was the fact that this man, who is a virgin, was making you squirt so hard you see God himself.
Sukuna’s eyes widen as he witnesses a stream of clear liquid come out of you, coating his hand and his wrist, and it’s so hot. You were panting, chest rising and falling as you came down from the high of your orgasm. In between those breaths, you grab his cock and lead it directly towards your entrance.  Sukuna is shocked at your blunt nonverbal request for him to fuck you, but he’s more than happy to oblige. 
He slowly slides the tip of his cock into it, and he buckles. “Oh fuck. You felt good around my fingers, but damn, it feels like my dick died and went to heaven. Holy shit.” Sukuna, pay close attention to your facial reactions. He knows he has a big dick, so of course, you were going to need time to adjust to a size.
“Y-You can move.” You whine out as he adjusts, putting you into a mating press of all positions for his first time. “Oh my fuckin’ —Ah!” You yelp in pleasure as he pulls out just to start a brutal pace of fucking you with no remorse.
“Fuck, this cunt is so tight~ feels so good~” Sukuna presses his lips against yours, stealing your breath away. “You like that, don’t you? Like being my little cocksleeve? Mhmm fuck you feel so fucking good.” 
“Ah~! Ah! Fuuuuck!!” 
“Hah!” He growled, pressing his forehead against yours, crimson eyes staring into your soul. “That right, this virgin is fucking you so good you can’t even form coherent thoughts, can you?” 
“Kuuuuna~!” You sob as he slams in and out of you as fast and as deep as he can. Just like you had thought, his cock does hit all the right spots. He doesn’t even need to come up with a pace because he just makes up with all the cock he’s packing.
“Oh yeah, baby~ say my name~”
“That’s it~ nnngh, fuck that’s it baby. Say. My. Name~!” The head of his cock slams perfectly against your cervix. Making you cry out,
Your best friend thrusts in and out of you until he’s losing control over himself and his momentum. He can’t lose control yet. He wants you to finish with him. So he kisses you just like when you first asked him to. It’s deep, and it’s hard, and it makes your toes curl. He feels so good. He tastes good. Everything is perfect in every sense of the word.
“Fuuuuck babe~ fuuuuck yes you are such a good girl, taking my cock like a good girl.” He grunts, kissing you again, his hips bucking, balls slapping the curve of your ass as he slams into you so hard the bed frame starts creaking. “You’re getting so tight around me. Are you gonna cum~? Going to cum all over my fat cock?” 
“Y-yea! G-Gonna cum! Gonna cum Kuuuna!”
Your roommate bites at your bottom lip but gently pulls it back between his teeth, letting it go before he presses his lips against it. His thrusts are messy, and he’s losing all self-control. In an instant, his thumb finds your clit circling gently around it. 
“Cum then, my pretty girl~”
You do as he commands; your legs tremble as he presses you further into the mattress, your knees brought up to your chest as he fucks you through your orgasm. You’re screaming, squirting a mess all over your bed as he fuck you through it. The intensity of clamping down and tumbling over the edge has Sukuna’s hips stilling before he begins, thrusting like a madman in and out of your tight, wet heat as he spills his come inside of you. 
You’re crying by the time his hips slow down, his body collapsing on top of you, releasing you from the position he has you in. He’s panting roughly against your neck as he growls, pulling you to lie on top of him as he plops back on the mattress while your body shakes and trembles with the aftershocks of your orgasm. Sukuna grunts as he feels his come beginning to leak out around his cock, pulling on his lower abdomen before dripping down onto the bed
“Holy shit,” he sighs, pressing a kiss to your forehead. “I see why people go crazy over sex.” 
“Yeah, it feels really good, doesn’t it?” You tremble with exhaustion. “God, are you sure you were a virgin? Because I don’t think anybody has fucked me that hard before.” 
“Well, I’m honored,” he grins, pushing strands of your hair back as you turn to rest your chin on his chest. Your beautiful eyes narrow as the post-orgasmic bliss washes over you like a warm blanket. In that moment, he really takes you in as a whole. Your beauty, the selflessness that you showed tonight by allowing him to sleep with you, he’s so entranced that he leans in and kisses you gently. “Say, did we make a rule about not catching feelings for each other?”
You’re too stunned to speak; his words have tased you. “Huh?” Your cheeks are flushed as your roommate scratches the back of his head as his other gently moves up and down your back.
“I know we said we wouldn’t get jealous of any partners we bring home, but if we avoid that altogether, let me take you out properly.” 
“Well, I think that’s a great idea. Because there’s no way in hell I’m letting any of these skanky bitches get a hold of that mega dick.” You kiss him back, giggling against his lips. 
“It’s all yours for the taking, babe. No need to worry about skanky bitches here.” He kisses you again, laying back against the sheets. Who knew going to his best friend for help would lead to the best thing ever happening to him?
Forever Tag List:
@darkstarlight82 @pandoness @nealeart @simp-plague @sugurubabe @chilichopsticks
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flowersandbigteeth · 7 months
Would you ever consider doing an Orc royalty arranged marriage? The Orcs have taken over a Human kingdom, because of their low birthrate (and because humans are universal breeders). The Orcs start scanning the Humans in their newly conquered territory for the most genetically compatible mates, which the royalty obviously gets the first pick of because the royal line is seen as the most important. Reader happens to be the most compatible with a member of the nobility, or maybe even the royal family, and so is married off to Orc King/warlord or the Warlord’s son/the crown prince/heir.
Yes! This one was so fun to write ^_^. I had an idea for a reader with a speech disability in my drafts, and this seemed like the perfect scenario to use it. It's a little long and very fluffy. Now that I've done this one, I kind of want to do one about Vola's romance, as well. (how they met, etc.)
Orc King (Golmad) x f reader with speech disability
Word Count: 8k
TW: there is a lot of orc fluff followed by nsfw orc smut, p in v sex, some light violence, bullying by family member, arranged marriage, size difference
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“Straighten your back (Y/N),” your mother snapped as she adjusted the obnoxious pink bow on your head. “You must look perfect for the King.” 
She wrinkled her nose at you. 
“Considering your…deformity…You need to look as pretty as possible, so he won't toss you aside.” 
“Oh, shut it, Mauria!” Your father chuckled, taking a thirsty sip of his wine. “A silent wife is a blessing! He’s gonna be thrilled!”  
She gave him a withering look before turning back to you and fussing with a lock of hair. Tears burned at the back of your eyes, but as usual, you said nothing. 
“Don't make that face, darling, smile!” 
You pasted a fake smile on your lips, wishing you could be anywhere else. She licked her thumb and rubbed some stray blush off your cheek before she took a step back, looking you over. 
“Wonderful! Like a little doll!” 
“Oh look, the future Queen,” your perfect big sister Starla sneered as she wandered to the pile of olives at your father's side, popping one in her mouth. “You sure you don't want to fuck one of the stableboys before that Orc splits you in two? I’d hate for you to die before you have your first orgasm!” 
She and your father cackled in laughter, but your mother frowned. Not because she insulted you, but because your mother was the pinnacle of decorum. 
“Don't talk like that, Starla. It makes you sound cheap. You're going to be Queen soon. You need to learn grace and discretion.” 
She snorted, grabbing your father's goblet of wine and taking a big gulp.
“When I'm Queen, Rotham will defeat all these miserable monsters and put their heads on pikes! Too bad (Y/N) won't live to see it after that awful creature snaps her like a twig!” 
Your smile fell, and you looked away. As the oldest daughter, Starla should have been the offering to the King of the Orcs. But Starla was beautiful and brilliant and talented and popular and…blah blah blah. Your parents couldn’t waste her on the insurgent Orc king. The nobles all thought they’d make a comeback, stage a coup, and everything would go back as it should be. Starla would marry the human prince, Rotham, still in hiding, and become the real Queen. 
You were the spare, a sacrifice to placate the enemy. Suffering a sickness as a child, your vocal cords were fused. You couldn't speak or make any noise other than whimpers and mewls. The snobby nobles your parents spent time with had labeled you damaged. When they bothered to speak to you, they acted as though you were dim, as well, which you were not. That was the only thing you surpassed Starla at, you were a very fast reader and quite good with math. 
When the Orcs overthrew the former King, they said they were looking for fertile human wives. Humans bore children at twice the rate of the Orcs, so they’d taken the kingdom to secure their hold on the region with big, robust families. 
 You were all required to submit a blood sample to determine if you were compatible, and then you'd be assigned to an Orc husband. Your mother didn't dare submit Starla’s blood. She had to remain untouched for the human prince. So she sent yours and one of the maids. Yours was a match…to the King. 
You all turned as an Orc dressed in fine livery appeared at the door. 
“The King will see you now,” he said, then turned and left. 
“Look how they dress themselves,” Starla whispered. “As if they're civilized! What a joke! He didn't even stay to escort us! Savages.” 
Your parents chittered while you sucked in a deep breath. Your mother shoved you through the door, eager to get to the negotiations, her favorite part of any encounter. 
“Back straight! Chin up! You are representing our family.” 
You stumbled forward, following the direction the Orc butler had gone. You'd been in the castle before, attending court with your parents, but as you stepped into the large hall, you saw it had all changed. 
The old tapestries had been torn down, replaced with large pelts of animals you'd never even seen before, their heads preserved and their eyes replaced with glass balls. The old wooden furniture was now twisted iron, probably made by the mountain dwarves, allies of the Orcs. They’d provided most of the weapons that led them to victory. The new flag, green with a bear and an axe pictured in silhouette, was hanging behind his throne. 
Orcs lined the gallery, laughing and chattering, but they all fell silent as you entered. You took a thick breath, forcing yourself to put one foot in front of the other and ignore their curious eyes. 
You heard Starla snort behind you as if this was all hilarious. Her disdain made you lift your chin. You would not go to the King as her joke. 
Your first glimpse of your future husband from across the long hall made your eyes widen. Even from far away, he was massive. He must have been nine or ten feet tall and wide as an Ox. 
On his broad shoulders, he wore a thick fur stole over a neat indigo shirt lined with the same cream fur. His thick legs were tucked in matching navy pants and imposing black boots. His outfit was surprisingly human. Behind him, massive shining weapons were arranged on a stand, just within arm's reach. 
When you arrived at the end of the carpet leading you to him, you curtsied as you'd been taught. 
You couldn't greet him verbally, so you waited for your mother to present you. 
“Your majesty!” She crooned. “Please let me present my lovely daughter (Y/N), your perfect blood match!” 
You tried not to tremble in front of him, but this close, he was so very large! His gold eyes passed over you, cool as cold metal. You’d never seen an Orc close-up before, and everyone had told you they were ugly, but the King in front of you was…not. No, he didn't look human, but his jaw was thick and sharp, and his eyes were a beautiful, rich color, like the setting sun. 
Thick black hair fell over one shoulder, shaved to the skin on one side. A full bottom lip wrapped around large tusks that were more exciting than unappealing. His skin was flawless, olive green that reminded you of a mossy forest. Everything about his countenance screamed royalty, though he didn't wear a crown like a human King, his head tipped up, unafraid and confident. Instead, a chunky gold chain link necklace hung around his neck, with a large diamond set at the center, identifying him as the regent.
Your breath became labored as the reality that he would soon be your husband set in. You had no idea how you could be compatible. He was almost twice your height!  
The King nodded for your mother to go on. 
“Unfortunately, my dear daughter suffered a sickness in her youth that stole her voice, but she's otherwise healthy, untouched, and fertile. Fit for a crea- King.”
The casual discussion of your sexual history in front of a hundred-odd strangers made you blush and dip the chin you'd been trying so hard to keep up.  Before you could stop it, a tear slipped down your cheek, and you hurriedly wiped it away, probably smearing blush across your cheek. Behind you, your sister snickered. 
You peered back up at the King, wondering if he was disappointed. His eyes darted to her, and his frown deepened before they returned to you. Your heart sank, assuming he was comparing you to your stunning sister. Instead, he did the last thing you expected. He signed to you. 
“Is your family always this tiresome?”
You released an audible gasp, one of the few sounds you could make, but signed back. Learning to read sign language was something your parents and sister never bothered to do. You’d learned from the kind chaplain at the church, one of the few places your mother allowed you to go alone. He thought you ought to have a way to communicate that didn’t involve scribbling notes on paper—your parents and pretty much everyone else preferred to communicate at you, not with you. 
“I'm sorry if they displease you, Your Majesty.” 
A wide smile spread on his lips as he signed back. 
“You are incredibly polite for the daughter of such fools.”
You giggled, and your parent’s wide eyes danced between you. 
“You don't have to see them again if you'd rather not.”
At that, your breath caught in your throat, and you chose your next thought carefully. 
“Please don't kill them, Your Majesty.”
That drew a deep chuckle from his throat. It was rich and smooth, like chocolate. 
“Since you asked so politely….but if you change your mind, just let me know.”
You gave him a tight nod, unsure if he was joking or not. 
Your mother, not appreciating being out of the loop, cleared her throat. 
“Since the two of you seem to be getting along so…familiarly…there's only the matter of the reward you promised. Of course, considering the status of the match, (Y/N) being the Queen and all…we expect a significant...investment.”
The Orcs promised to compensate every family for whichever daughter they took. It was the only way they could get the citizenry not to revolt at every turn. Making each daughter valuable in gold appealed to their sensibilities, especially after the draining war. A thick eyebrow shot up on the King’s face, and your mother continued with her pitch. 
“You wouldn't want the family of the Queen living in squalor. Not because we are greedy, of course. Never that. We are incredibly humble. But we lost a great deal of our fortune during the war. What would the citizens think? You don't want them assuming you scraped some farm girl from the manure pile. We are a noble family and must exude a certain level of status, don't you agree? Especially considering her condition.” 
Your eyes widened that your mother would be so bold, but his eyes shifted to her and narrowed. He rolled a finger in her direction, signaling her to go on.   
“What exactly do you mean about her condition?” 
Seeing an opening, your mother gave him a genteel smile. 
“Well, we understand that (Y/N) will never take an active role in your rule- Her value lies in the heirs she can produce.” 
“And isn't that a blessing?” Your father piped in. “A pretty little quiet wife is preferable, no? Worth twice a chatty wench!” 
Your mother shot him a look, and swatted him. 
“I'm just saying…” he muttered before she went on. 
“What I mean is…people will assume things about her. Due to our status, the nobles all know she’s…not all there. I don't know how it is for Orcs, but the court here is…discerning.” 
She turned to Starla. 
“If my other daughter had been at all match, we would have sent her since she's a far superior candidate for Queen. Pity it didn't work out that way. In any case, I'm only thinking of your image.”
He glanced at you, signing. 
“Are you sure about keeping them alive? I’m growing tired of this nattering, aren’t you?”
You giggled again, your mother shooting you a look full of vinegar.  
“Killing them is probably not a good plan. My mother is made of tough stuff…I'm sure she’ll return as a noisy wraith and torment you about your posture,” you signed back.  
He let out a roll of laughter, crooking his finger at you. Blushing, your eyebrows rose, but you took slow steps towards him. When you were within grabbing reach, he snapped you up and settled you on his lap. He was very warm compared to the lofty, cool hall and smelled like ginger and leather. You couldn’t help but stroke the shiny black hair that fell on your side of his shoulder. You didn’t mean to be so curious, but you’d never seen an Orc up close, and he was quite the specimen. His skin was smooth and velvety to the touch. Without thinking, you poked one of his tusks with your finger. He flashed you a smile, amused at your interest, before he returned to your mother. 
“Since you are all so thoughtfully concerned with my image, it would be best to make you at home here, in the castle. You can get a taste of Orc society. You won't need any gold here. All your needs will be provided for.” 
Your mouth fell open, trying to read his thoughts, but he only smirked at you. 
“How…kind, your majesty,” your mother said, ever the diplomat. 
Starla was not happy and stomped her foot. 
“Mother! You can’t be serious! I can't be seen with these savages! Rotham will think I've been touched by beasts!” 
Your hand clapped over your mouth, never thinking clever Starla would say something so brash. 
The King’s face turned severe. His easy smile had tricked you into thinking he was a gentle giant, but his business face was terrifying. You were thankful it wasn't directed at you. 
“Rotham? Our enemy's son, leading a band of traitorous supporters? Are you saying you are harboring a fugitive and dare to show your face in my court?” 
Starla backpedaled as quickly as she could. 
“Of course not, Your Majesty, it's…it’s…another Rotham…a man from the village…a…butcher.” 
He relaxed. Which was odd to you because you knew he didn't believe her lie. 
“Good. He should be pleased he has a chance with the Queen’s sister. You can invite him to dinner if you like.” 
Starla’s face blanched, but she nodded obediently. He waved at one of the Orcs standing to the side. 
“Show them to their quarters. We will convene for a meal to welcome our new Queen shortly.” 
 When they were gone, the King turned his attention back to you.
“Would you like the chef to prepare something special for your first dinner in the castle?” 
You had no idea what to say. No one had ever asked your preference or opinion on anything. 
“We should eat what is traditional. You are welcoming me into your family, Your Majesty. I’d like to know more about your customs.”
Though he seemed satisfied with your answer, he waved a dismissive hand at you. 
“Don't call me Your Majesty. We're meant to be married. My name is Golmad.” 
He fingerspelled the letters, then showed you the sign he used for it– the gestures for gold and bear, together. You returned the sign you used for your own name. 
“May I ask a question, Golmad?” 
“Anything. I don't want you to fear me, (Y/N).”  
You organized your thoughts for a moment before you formulated your question. 
“Why do you know sign language? I can hear; you could speak if it is easier.” 
He looked you over, his expression warm. 
“I learned for you. I wanted to speak to you in your language. I knew you were for me long before you took the test– over a year ago. The test is for your human sensibilities. Your people don't rely on instinct. Demanding the test makes it something they can understand. I know by scent your sister is compatible, as well. But I don't desire her.”
Your eyebrows popped up at that admission, and your heart thumped in your chest. You never expected such care from a battle-hardened Orc king. 
“But how? I've never seen you before!” 
He smirked. 
“We Orcs are stealthier than you humans know. It's in our nature to hunt our match.” 
You frowned, a vicious thought pricking your mind. 
“Did you pick me because I'm silent?” 
His eyes narrowed, but the expression they held was not cruel. 
“You are not silent. You speak differently, but you are not a doll without thoughts. Your mother is wrong. You are the best candidate to be Queen. If I had chosen your sister, do you think she would have appeared before me as you did?” 
He patted your chest, not to fondle you, but over your heart. 
“You are a survivor, brave, and virtuous. I trust you at my side.” 
You gasped, feeling more seen than ever before, but also the weight of the responsibilities on your shoulders.
“Now, we must prepare you for Orc society.”
He tugged the big bow on your head, tossing it on the floor when he'd pulled it loose. 
“An Orc Queen will not be dressed like a puppy.”
A smile spread across his lips, and he stood, so large he could carry you with very little effort. As you passed the Orcs lining the hall, they bowed to the two of you, giving you the first taste of what it meant to be Queen. 
The bedroom he brought you to was very different from a human King’s bedroom. It had more plants than furniture, large leafy vegetation planted in a generous selection of iron pots. His bed reminded you of a nest, a wide pallet layered with thick furs in colors ranging from white to rust red to pitch black. There wasn't a spot you could stand in the room where a weapon was not in reach. Axes and swords were mounted on the walls, and iron stands on the floor. Daggers of varying sizes seemed splayed haphazardly on every horizontal surface. 
Golmad set you down and began stripping off the clothes he wore. Your cheeks burned as he revealed thick muscle after thick muscle, but you were also a bit frightened. Was he going to take you now? His eyes met yours, which had to be as large as saucers. 
“I only wore this to speak with your parents. There is wisdom in accommodating humans occasionally. They see us as monsters. Dressing like them makes them more comfortable, but now that you are mine, they will need to grow accustomed to our culture.” 
You nodded, forcing your mouth closed, and he stopped undressing when he got to his pants. The bulky planes of his chest were plenty of eye candy. You weren't sure if you were ready for the rest. 
He let out a loud call, and two Orc women appeared at the door, holding folded stacks of fur and leather.
“These are my sisters Vola and Cayenne. Don't mind their doting. Orc families are very affectionate.”
They gave you a polite bow. 
“Greetings, Your Majesty,” they signed together after they’d deposited the fabrics on a table. When Golmad stepped out of the way, they circled you with big smiles, patting your hair and pinching your cheeks as if you were a new kitten. 
“She’s so cute!” 
“I didn't believe she would be so tiny, but look at her. Precious!” 
Cayenne spun you around, examining your form. You weren’t exactly tiny in human terms, but compared to them, you were short stack. 
“We must choose something daring!” 
Vola nodded.
“Like a little wildcat!” 
You signed to Golmad, a little surprised at their sweetness. They even learned sign language for you! 
“The nobleman said the Orc women resent us and that they'll rip us to bits for stealing their men.” 
He chuckled. 
“That's nothing but propaganda. They want babies just as much as the males. A stout, fertile, submissive human husband is ideal for caring for their pups. Your people are obsessed with the purity of their women. We never had to organize a silly test for the males. The Orcesses just bop their mate on the head and drag him home.” 
He gave you a conspiratorial grin, his gold eyes glittering. 
I have a surprise for you at dinner. I think you’ll find it quite funny. 
You blinked, absorbing that fact, but decided to tuck it away for now and focus on what was happening in front of you. 
“It was kind of your sisters to learn sign language.” 
He looked slightly bashful at that comment, his green cheeks burning a bit darker. 
“Everyone is required to learn. Your staff will speak to you in your own language, not at you. Though I initially ordered it to accommodate you, we've since found tremendous value in practicing the skill.“
You didn't have time to think much more about it as the Orcesses started stripping your heavy dress off. Your cheeks burned as Golmad’s eyes roved over your bare skin, an appreciative glint in them. 
Vola wrapped a soft, asymmetrical skirt of spotted fur around your waist, and Cayenne pulled a leather crop top over your breasts. Then she secured a thick belt on top of your hips. She turned and started picking up and putting down daggers. Once she’d decided on the right one, she sheathed it in its stop at your side. 
“This one is perfect for you,” she explained—”light and sharp. You don't need might to wield a blade. Only speed and endurance.” 
She patted it. 
“We’ll help you train. Every Orc does morning training together before breakfast. We are a communal people. Training is another way to reinforce community. We hash out our disagreements on the training mat, and by the time we sit for our meal we are all on the same page. Our strength is not just our size. We win wars because our bonds are unbreakable.”
You nodded, feeling very special to be trusted with their secrets. 
They finished the outfit with fur-lined boots and a diamond necklace matching Golmad’s. Cayenne produced a makeup stick, drawing a long line across your nose from one cheek to the other and vertical lines from the center of your eyes down to your chin. 
“This is traditional for the Queen. We don’t wear crowns like your people. These markings identify your position at special events. When you are officially married, there will be tattoos and you won’t need the makeup anymore.” 
You blinked at her, wondering what your mother would say to that. An Orc appeared in the doorway, not dressed in human clothes. Instead, he wore leather pants, and was shirtless with an axe strapped to his back. 
He spoke as he signed, showing his respect for you. 
“Dinner is ready, Your Majesty.” 
You swallowed deeply as you were about to meet your future subjects, wearing less clothing than you’d ever worn in public before. Your arms and stomach were bare, as well as one leg where the skirt split. Golmad scooped you up and plopped you on his shoulder as he carried you to the dinner hall. You could hear the raucous laughter of Orcs celebrating, but when you walked through the door, all were silent and bowed in unison. 
It was difficult to find them amid the massive Orcs, but you finally spotted your family seated at the long table at the right of the King and Queen’s seats. Starla was dressed to impress in a low-cut gown emphasizing her assets, though she looked disgusted at the Orcs around her. When your mother caught sight of you, her mouth opened, and she covered it in horror as if they’d done something terrible to you. 
Golmad waved a hand, and the Orcs all took their seats at the table. As he got comfortable, arranging you on his lap, his sister Vola sat down with a familiar man on her lap. 
“Rotham?!” your sister screeched. “What the fuck are you doing here?!” 
You felt Golmad’s body shudder underneath you as he chuckled. Vola shot a glare at Starla, petting Rotham’s head. His cheeks darkened just a bit, but he snuggled against her ample breasts. 
“Don’t speak so familiarly with my mate,” Vola spat. 
Starla’s eyes looked like they might pop out of her head. 
“Rotham, how could you? We were supposed to be married! I was supposed to be Queen! How can you lay with that…monster?! What about your people? YOUR COUNTRY?” 
The table had grown silent as everyone watched the drama play out. 
“Vola is my mate,” Rotham said, looking down his nose at her. “I love her! Why would I want to sit on a throne waiting for someone pretending to be my friend to stab me in the back and fuck my wife when I can stay cozy and safe tending Vola’s hearth?” 
He shook his head as if he were knocking something unpleasant out of it. 
“Why do I have to be King, anyway?! Just because I'm a man? You know what, Starla? You've never once asked what I wanted! Do you realize that? You don't care about what I want, only that I fulfill what fantasy you have about conquering the Orcs and obtaining a sparkly trinket. You'd be happy to stand on the sidelines like a swooning maiden, spending money you haven't earned on meaningless crap, while I risk my life and limbs for a battle I don't even care about!”
Starla looked incensed, shocked, and confused by his position. 
“But she's a monster, Rotham. The enemy!”
His brow drew and jabbed a finger at her. 
“Don’t you dare call my mate a monster; she is no enemy! It’s cruel and disrespectful. Vola loves me for me! She likes my cooking! She kisses me when I get hurt! She listens to my fears and helps me accomplish my goals! My goals! Not a bunch of spoiled noble's goals. 
I'm warning you, don't provoke her. I don’t love you, but I don’t want to see you harmed, either.” 
His smile met Vola’s before his eyes dipped to her body, looking quite pleased with his wife. 
Starla stood up, knocking over her chair as her sense dissolved with her dream of becoming Queen. The real Starla came out, the snotty girl who used to throw tantrums when she didn’t get a toy she wanted at the Goddesses’ Supper.
“Kissing your boo-boos like a sniveling child? Chasing frivolous goals? What the fuck are you talking about? You are royalty! You have a responsibility to the country! To me! What could possibly be more appealing than being the King?” 
Rotham huffed. 
“I want to be a baker! That's all I ever wanted to do, and because I was born my father's child, I never even had the option to try. My parents planned out my life, then advisors, then generals, and even you. I could never do what I wanted. I was scolded if I ever went near the kitchen, even to bake in my spare time! It was hell!” 
Starla snorted. 
“A baker?! That's work for common folk! It's beneath you! You’re throwing away the crown to bake cookies?! That’s pathetic! Stop this nonsense right now!” 
Vola growled. 
“Do not speak to my mate that way. Rotham deserves to be as free as any of us. He's an excellent baker. You're just sour he's not putting himself in harm's way to elevate your status!” 
Starla's eyes narrowed on Vola.
“How dare you think, you, a filthy beast, are worthy of a Prince?! MY PRINCE?! You’re nothing but an ugly ogre!” 
You felt the tension rise as every Orc leaned in, watching what would happen next. Vola gave her a cool smile. 
“Do you mean to challenge me for my mate, little girl?” 
“He’s not your mate! He’s mine! MINE!” 
Golmad held up a hand. 
“The human has declared an official challenge for Vola’s mate. Take her to the ring.” 
Starla screamed as an Orc picked her up and awkwardly carried her out of the room. Everyone else at the table followed, including your parents, whispering between each other.
The battle ring was a simple dirt circle with thick ropes marking its outline. By the time you and Golmad arrived, Starla had been placed in the center, and someone had armed her with a thin rapier, probably the only weapon in the arsenal against the wall she could lift. 
You could see the terror on her face when Vola set Rotham down next to you and entered the ring, cracking her knuckles. 
“Wait! Wait! This is madness!” Starla screamed, realizing there was no chance she would win this fight. 
Golmad waved her screams away. 
“In our tradition, a mate challenge is binding. You should not have spoken so carelessly if you did not want to fight. You must follow through. Prepare yourself! Begin!” 
Your heart raced, wondering if you should do something to save your sister. Golmad caught your worried expression and signed to you with a small smile. 
“She won’t kill her. Death’s not necessary to teach her a lesson.” 
You let out a breath of relief, leaning into Golmad’s warm body. The two competitors circled one another…rather, Vola circled Starla, and Starla looked for an exit. The Orcs packed tightly around the ring, and there was no gap to escape. When she realized there was no way out, she raised her weapon with two hands as best as possible. 
“Stay back, beast! I’ll cut you!” 
Vola laughed, darting forward so fast she was only a green blur. You heard a crack, and Starla smacked the dirt, blood spraying across her pretty dress. Mercifully, Vola didn’t knock her out. Starla’s whining voice drifted up from the ground. 
“My nose! She broke my fucking nose!” 
Vola snatched her weapon up and pointed the blade at her throat. 
“Do you concede?” 
Starla’s eyes got big. She focused on the tip of the rapier and nodded. 
To make her point, Vola adjusted her grip and stabbed the sword into the ground next to Starla’s head. A clump of her hair fluttered to the ground beside her. 
Leaning in so close to her that their noses almost touched, Vola pinned her with an icy glare. 
“The next time you raise your voice to my mate, I will not miss, little girl.” 
Golmad lifted a hand, ending the fight. 
“Vola has defended her claim! To dinner!” 
The Orcs cheered, but Rotham cheered the loudest. When she returned to him, he squeezed her biceps, looking up at her with stars in his eyes. 
“You're so strong! You were fast, too, like a beautiful bolt of lightning!”
“Rotham, please…” Starla whimpered from the dirt, hoping to get sympathy from him. 
He only frowned and turned away. Vola scooped him up, swinging him around while she kissed him. 
“I'll always protect you and your honor, my darling,” she said. “To my dying breath.” 
They and the other Orcs piled out of the room, leaving your parents to help Starla with her bloody nose. As Golmad carried you out, you heard them speaking to her as your mother helped her to her feet. 
“Don’t be difficult, Starla. We need to return to the table. Buck up.” 
“Are you insane? My nose is broken, and I’m covered in blood! I’m not going back there!” 
For once, you heard your father sound stern. 
“You got yourself into this foolishness, Starla. If Rotham is not leading a rebellion, we must find favor with our new King. We cannot be absent from (Y/N)’s dinner. It would be disrespectful, and we don't have the money to live up to the standards we're used to without her grace! Living here is our best option. I’m not going to be tossed on the street to defend your ego.” 
When Golmad set you on his lap at the head of the table, Starla sulkily took her place beside your mother, a napkin on her nose to slow the bleeding. When she did look up from her plate, it was to glare across the table at Vola and Rotham, caught up in their own banter between lovers. 
Golmad cleared his throat to call everyone to attention, and the noise quickly quieted. 
He signed as he spoke, so everyone could understand. 
“We come together for this meal to welcome my lovely Queen (Y/N) to our fold!” 
He glanced down at your parents, his face a bit smug. 
“Family and community are a core value of our kind. I also welcome (Y/N)’s parents and sister to our castle. Please do your best to help them grow accustomed to our traditions.
This night marks a step forward in the blending of human and Orc society, and as I have found my match, I wish you all your own mates so that, from the wounds of war, another generation of both our peoples can flourish! Let’s enjoy the bounty of this land together!” 
That was the end of the speech, as Orcs carried out massive dishes of roasted meat, vegetables, and golden-crusted pies and arranged them on the table. 
Happy Orcs were loud and raucous, apparently enjoying giving toasts. Everyone guzzled ale as they tipped their glasses to speeches of triumphs in war, hunting their new mates, and lots of well wishes to your future children. 
Numerous Orcs lined up to kiss your hand and declare their devotion to your protection. Meanwhile, your parents focused their energy on courting Golmad’s favor, complimenting the food, the music, and whatever else they could think of that might endear them to him. Your mother even gave you a tight compliment on your skirt. 
While you tried to focus on greeting your subjects, your mind wandered to the warm body underneath you. Golmad’s firm, barrel chest brushed your arm with every deep breath. The bulging muscles of his thigh were like sitting on a stone chair covered in bulky leather, but those features aside, your absolute favorite part of his physique was his husky stomach. It was firm and toned from daily training but thick from eating well. Leaning into it was quite comfortable and cozy. 
Everything about him was so big, including the enormous shaft, you could feel at your back. Maybe it was the wine, but your initial fear of it had slowly changed to curious interest as the night progressed. What would it be like? How would it feel inside of you? What would it taste like? The lewd thoughts were incredibly distracting. You found yourself wiggling your bottom to brush it without thinking. Every time you did, you felt a low rumble in his chest no one else could hear above the merrymaking. 
“Are you enjoying yourself?” He asked when there was finally a break in the production, and you could speak. 
You nodded and gave him a wan smile. 
“Your court is delightful. It's just…
When you paused his focus on you became intense. 
What's wrong? You can tell me, I won't be offended.”
You looked over the celebration, considering how your day played out compared to what you expected. 
“A lot has happened today…between the meeting and the fight…I'm a little tired, to be honest. I want to keep up with your people…but…” 
His gold eyes gleamed with predatory interest, making heat swell in your core. 
“I have a remedy for that. Orc celebrations take a bit of time to get used to. They'll all be up till dawn.” 
He stood before you could ask anything more, willing the Orcs to quiet down. 
“My Queen and I will retire for the evening! Enjoy the food and drink. Show our guests how Orcs celebrate!” 
A happy cry rang out, and the party started again as Golmad carried you out of the room. Your heartbeat thumped in your chest, realizing this was the first time the two of you would be alone for any length of time. He was so large he could do anything to you, and that thought had become far more exciting than frightening.  
When you arrived at his bedroom, he gently set you down on a table and turned his attention to starting a fire in the fireplace to warm the cool room. 
You swung your legs over the edge of the tall table, watching the muscles in his back flex as he loaded the hearth with logs. When he turned, he pulled off his boots and tucked them in a corner.  Finally, he approached you, his footsteps silent for someone so large. His eyes moved over your body as if deciding what part to engage first. 
“Do you think a back rub would help you relax? It’s been an eventful day.” 
You nodded, your heart skipping at the thought of his big hands on you. He tugged your boots off and set them next to his before settling the two of you on his bed, with you on his lap. 
You let out a long moan as his thick fingers pressed gently into the tense knots in your shoulder. His breath fanned across the nape of your neck, causing a pleasurable shiver to snake up your spine. Since his hands were busy, he spoked to you, his head dipping close to your ear. 
“I didn’t have a moment to tell you how beautiful you looked, today. In your human clothes, but especially so in ours.” 
You hummed a thank you, a sizzling tingle vibrating in your ear. As his thumbs slid down the curve of your waist, you realized he could circle both hands around your middle. His thumbs worked the knots away, but his other fingers smoothed over your bare skin. 
He seemed to get distracted by your arms, shifting his attention to one. He measured the diameter of your wrist with his thumb and forefinger. 
“You are delicate. I feel fortunate to have someone so sweet to protect and love.” 
At the word love, your cheeks burned, and you let out a quick mewl. You heard him chuckle behind you. He spun you around to face him, putting his hand lightly around your neck. Your breath came short, and your eyes widened at him, not sure what he was doing. 
“You are a precious blessing. I’ll never hurt you, (Y/N). If something hurts, pinch me, and I’ll know to stop, okay?” 
You nodded, relaxing just slightly. With his other hand, he tipped your head to the side, and the fingers around your neck massaged the muscles that had gotten tight from gritting your teeth. Your eyelashes fluttered as all of the tension slipped away. When you opened them again, Golmad’s eyes met yours, flickering as if they were lit from within and drawing you forward. 
He loosened his grip on your neck, and you pushed yourself up on your knees, pressing your small hands into his chest as you leaned up to him. 
For a moment, he looked surprised, but his eyes tracked yours as you looked over his features, pulled to his nicely shaped lips. He seemed to have no intention to push you to be intimate with him, but he was to be your husband. You were curious about him. You sucked in a quick breath before you tipped your head forward and brushed your lips against his. That’s what a wife was supposed to do, no? 
He let out a deep, rumbling grumble you felt between your legs. His big hand swept you up by the small of your back, while the other cradled your face. The next time your lips came together was a hungry, needy kiss. Your hand wrapped around his tusk, sliding over the smooth surface as you explored with your lips. 
You’d never kissed before, so you weren’t entirely sure what to do beyond the first taste. Pulling back you looked at him through the veil of your lashes, cheeks burning and lips swollen. 
“Was that good?” You asked. 
His eyebrows rose slightly, and he gave you a gentle nod. 
“Is this your first time kissing?” 
You looked away, embarrassed at your inexperience, but a thick finger pushed your chin back in his direction. 
“I didn’t mean it as an insult. I assumed the “untouched” bit of your mother’s introduction was a production. I mean…look at you. You’re gorgeous.”
You frowned, and he looked contrite. 
“I didn’t mean…to question your purity…I only meant-”
He huffed, and you were surprised to see a confident Orc King flustered by you. When his gaze met yours, it was open and vulnerable. 
“You’re so much smaller than me. I don’t want to scare you.” 
You searched his face for a moment. 
“You don’t scare me. I want to please you. Will you show me how?” 
His cheeks darkened to a rich forest, and his mouth fell open. You watched his pupils widen, and he nodded, eyes drifting over your body. You pushed yourself up on your knees, kissing him again, hoping to encourage whatever might come next. He groaned, thick hands wrapping around your waist. 
Feeling bolder, you let your hands move over his bare shoulders and gently trace every plane of his chest. He shuddered when your fingers slipped over a nipple, so you tried it again, earning you another rich groan. His tongue slipped past your lips, tasting you for the first time, and he hummed into your mouth.  
Beneath you, the shaft you’d already thought felt large suddenly got much firmer and larger. Curious, you gingerly let your fingers slip down his chest, palming him through his pants. A deep rumble vibrated his chest, and you mewled as he suddenly flipped you under him. You looked up at his massive body looming over you, panting. 
His eyes ate up your skin, glowing with appreciation. A fingertip traced your collarbone down the V of the little crop top you wore. It took only a flick of his fingers to rip it in half. You gasped, chest heaving. He met your gaze, searching for any indication you didn’t want him to go on. 
“Are you okay?” 
You nodded quickly, your nipples pebbling now exposed to the air. He smirked, dipping his head to press a kiss into the top of one breast and then the other before he moved lower. Pleasure you weren’t used to was intoxicating as he licked and sucked your nipples. Your breaths were heaving, and your thoughts scrambled. 
Though thick, his fingers were nimble, unbuckling the belt at your waist and stripping the skirt off you. 
Instinctively, you looked away, never having been so exposed in your life. A grunt brought your eyes back to him, and Galmod squeezed your cheek before he spoke. 
“It’s my job to please you. May I?”
Your nod was far more enthusiastic than you intended, and he grinned. A thumb teased a nipple, while his thick tongue traced your slit. A breathy mewl slipped out, and he glanced up without pulling away. His gaze was intent. Every hunting instinct he possessed focused on making sure you were enjoying what he had to give you. His tongue dipped inside of you the first time anything or anyone had touched you there. Your back arched, and your eyelashes fluttered. Your hand instinctively clutched his hair, your hips bucking into his mouth as wetness flooded your channel. 
He chuckled, the added sensation making you whimper. Though your flavor was appealing, Golmad had a second reason for filling you with his tongue. He also stretched you, preparing you to take something much larger. When you were eagerly rocking your hips to create more friction, he slipped out of you, turning his attention to your clit. Your irises crossed, your first real orgasm exploding between your legs and shooting through every nerve in your body. You were practically drooling as he slipped two fingers inside, bringing you right back where you started, needy and wanting. 
He stopped for a moment, cupping your chin to get your attention. 
“Do you want more?” 
Your fingers were shaking as you responded. 
He chuckled, leaning down and kissing you deeply before he rocked back on his knees. 
“It will hurt for just a second, then it will feel good…but if you want me to stop, just pinch me. I’ll stop.” 
You nodded quickly, wiggling your hips to entice him. You wanted whatever he planned on next. His gaze was ravenous, and you could tell staying in control of his instincts was work, but you trusted him, which made no sense since you'd only met. Something about him made you feel safe and protected, maybe the way he seemed so worried about hurting you. 
Your eyes popped as he slipped out of his pants. A thick cock bobbed in front of him. You’d never seen something so viscerally sexy, his bulky green body hovering over you, a thick hand fisting a massive shaft. A zip of sheer excitement made you quake. You felt a little mad. His cock had to be too big for you, but you wanted more than anything to take it. A fresh wave of slick leaked from inside of your spasming cunt. 
Your legs looked tiny in his hands as he spread them. He rubbed the large, round head of his cock against your slit, watching you whimper and beg for him with your eyes. 
Entering you maddeningly slow, you felt your pussy stretch to accommodate him. It felt good, the strain feeling more decadent than painful. There was no way you could fit his entire length inside, but he didn't seem concerned, gripping the base for more control. His fingers circled your clit, and you hardly felt a slight pinch through a veil of pleasure. Your eyes rolled back in your head as he filled you completely. 
When your gazes met, you could see the concentration on his face, his brow drawn, and his jaw locked. You nodded to him, asking him to go on, telling him that you wanted it. 
Pulling back, his hips snapped forward pushing a high-pitched mewl past your lips. He watched you, looking for any pain, but whatever he saw just egged him on. The concerned expression melted to a smug smirk, and he picked up the pace, heavy thrusts jerking your body against the soft furs. 
His long fingers wrapped around your neck, holding you in place while his strokes grew more intense. 
“That’s it, you can take it,” he groaned, his husky voice tickling your ears. 
You were amazed at your own body, your slippery fluids coating his shaft and allowing him to grind in and out of you despite his size. Though you could feel the strength in his hands, he only applied light pressure to your throat, making your heart skip. He could crush you easily, yet despite the rapture in his eyes, he held you like a baby dove.  
The tension in your thighs relaxed, your legs opening for him far wider than you even knew they could to accommodate his big body. 
The room filled with the sound of your sweet mewls and his guttural grunts. 
“So good,” he drawled, words slurring. “You were made for me.” 
You wanted to sign, “you, as well,” but your brain was mush. 
His cock battered you in just the right spot, while his free hand never left your clit, pinching and circling it until your eyes crossed and you were drooling. You soared, high on his musky scent, your body sparkling in ways you’d never felt before. Pleasure licked the tips of your nerves, zipping up and down your spine like lightning bolts. The only thing you could do was hold on tight to the hand circling your throat, your nails digging into the sinewy flesh. 
Your mother had made it seem like sex was a chore a wife did to please her husband and keep him from messing around. You had no idea it could be like this. Golmmad’s gold eyse lit as your wet cunt spasmed around him. A wet rush of bliss washed over you like the tide tugging you under. Your scream pierced the heady air as you reached your peak, spongey walls sucking him deeper. 
It was one thing to cum underneath him, but the look on his face as your body clamped around him, wet slick coating his cock, was sheer euphoria. His mouth fell open, eyes fluttering shut as he roared his finale. Making a large, powerful Orc king fall apart made you feel powerful and desirable in a way you’d never been allowed to feel before. It was a high that couldn’t be matched. You wanted to do this again and again until neither of you could walk or think. 
You felt his shaft grow impossibly harder, twitching inside you as he emptied himself into you in searing ropes. The ragged, stiff thrusts to seek his pleasure pulled another lingering orgasm from your pussy. You felt tears slipping down your cheeks as he slammed his hips into yours one last time. 
For a moment, the two of you just panted together, his head dipping down just an inch or so above yours. You felt a thick thumb trace your cheek, wiping your tears away. 
“I-I didn’t hurt you?” he whispered, and you forced your eyes open so he wouldn’t panic. 
A small smile and a slight jerk of your head told him no, you were just fine. He peeled himself off of you, sinking down into his bed and pulling you onto his lap. His fingers played lazily in your hair as he caught his breath. 
“What do you think?” he asked, his tone raw and vulnerable. 
You propped your head on one fist, elbows resting on his chest, while you wound a lock of dark hair around a finger, thinking of how to answer him. You felt his breath halt, waiting eagerly for your answer. Finally, you pulled your legs under you, sitting cross-legged on top of him so you could use your hands. 
“Can we do that again in the morning?” 
His eyebrows jumped before his lips stretched into a broad smile, responding with his free hands. 
“Of course, as many times as you like.”
You grinned and yawned, plastering your body on top of his. His warmth sunk into your bones, and sleep came easily. The last thing you felt before you dozed off was his hand stroking your hair as he muttered thanks to the goddess for bringing you to him. 
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teamatsumu · 8 months
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compression. (sakusa kiyoomi x reader)
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summary: atsumu is the perfect person to feed your obsession with kiyoomi’s arms.
word count: 1172
warnings: swearing, very mildly suggestive (if you squint), detailed descriptions of kiyoomi’s arms in compression sleeves so it’s not for the faint hearted
tags: @keiva1000 @kindnessspreads @msbyomimi
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When you studied Marketing and Communications in university, you didn’t exactly anticipate that your future would include you managing a V League Division 1 sports team. But every day when you went into work, you thanked the gods above that this is where your career path had led you, because that meant you could ogle Sakusa Kiyoomi and his infamous compression sleeves all day.
Oftentimes you were certain Kiyoomi didn’t mean anything by them. For him, they were practical. They kept his arms taut and ready for the ball. They made his movements sharper. He received the ball better. He didn’t have to feel his bare skin on the dirty court. These were all reasons you had heard straight out of his mouth. When you heard him mention them so nonchalantly, it almost made you feel bad for the absolutely sinful- borderline deranged- thoughts you had in your head about the way those sleeves made his arms look.
You were well aware of the kind of thoughts Kiyoomi’s choice of athletic wear caused among his fans. To put it simply and bluntly, they went feral over it. There were whole Twitter accounts dedicated to just his arms, or his chest. And as someone who often managed social media profiles for some of the members, you got to see the most unhinged of these comments with your own two eyes. And you would be the first to (secretly) admit that you agreed with 90% of what was being said, because holy shit did those sleeves do something to you.
Most of the time during practice, you could feel your eyes drift back over to the man in question, wearing a black sports tee and those godforsaken sleeves, working up quite the set as they played set after set to prepare for their next game. As the hours passed, Kiyoomi would get more and more disheveled, curls becoming unruly enough that he would grab a towel, biceps flexing as he ran it over the nape of his neck and dipped into the collar of his shirt. Christ almighty.
You should’ve known that you would eventually get caught. But if it was anyone who would notice, you had expected it to be Meian or maybe Coach Foster. But the person who did bring it up to you happened to be the biggest nightmare in this scenario; Miya Atsumu.
“Ya should be a little less obvious ‘bout it.” He commented when he trudged over to the bench where you sat, grabbing a water bottle and beginning to chug. You tore your eyes from Kiyoomi who now had his back to you, the muscles under his shirt flexing with every movement. You raised an eyebrow at the blond, not yet correlating his words with your hidden obsession. He placed the bottle down and placed a hand on his hip, giving you a knowing smirk.
“A blind grandma could notice the way yer lookin’ at him.”
Your eyes widened and cheeks flamed when he nudged his head in Kiyoomi’s direction, and you knew you had been caught. You clenched your jaw hard.
“You say a single word-”
He threw his hands up as if in surrender, effectively silencing your threat in its tracks.
“I won’t, promise! But there is one thing…..”
You groaned loudly, throwing your head back. Of course, of fucking course he would blackmail you with this.
“What do you want?” You deadpanned, glaring at him and preparing for the worst.
Atsumu looked a bit affronted, as if the mere insinuation that he might want something was preposterous to him. You gave him another tired look, until he sighed and gave up, plopping down heavily on the bench next to you.
“A phone number. Ya know that cute girl who comes by once a month? From the Volleyball Association?”
Atsumu’s mouth dropped like a child who just got slapped. “Hey c’mon! Ya didn’t even hear me out!”
You groaned and pinched the bridge of your nose, feeling a characteristic frontal headache begin to build, courtesy of Miya Atsumu. “I’m tired of setting you up with people, Tsumu! It won’t end well, as always-”
“I’ll get you a picture of Omi with his compression sleeves.”
You give him an unimpressed look. “I can get hundreds of those off the internet.”
“I’ll get you a picture of Omi with just his compression sleeves.”
That made you halt in your tracks. You searched Atsumu’s face for any form of mockery or lie, and you found none. Your eyebrows shot up when you realized he was being serious.
“In the locker room. I can get it for ya today.”
Oh my god. Instinctively, your eyes darted over to the man in question, who was talking to Hinata about something. It looked like volleyball tips since he had his arms before him in a receiving position, and Hinata was rapidly nodding to what he was saying.
“No.” You shook your head. “No, that’s wrong.”
“I’ll take a selfie with him, yeah? He will know there’s a photo. And I can send it in the groupchat.”
You look back at Atsumu, seriously contemplating his offer. He kept yapping, as per usual, thinking that the more he talked, the likelier it would be to convince you. And the bastard was right, it was working.
“No one else will bat an eye. We see each other in the lockers all the time. No big deal.”
You bit your lip in thought. The possibility of seeing Kiyoomi shirtless and only in compression sleeves had your pulse rising.
“And you just want her number in return?”
Atsumu nodded eagerly. You gave him a narrow-eyed glare.
“Send the picture. Then I will give you the number.”
His triumphant grin made it feel like he had already won. “Deal.”
That evening, when your phone pinged with a text notification, you nearly flew across the bed to grab it, opening the picture Atsumu sent in the groupchat with eager fingers and freezing as soon as you laid eyes on it.
Atsumu had held up his end of the bargain spectacularly.
He had taken the picture with Kiyoomi a little further in the background, so he could get the man’s full torso in it. He was facing slightly away from the camera, but his face was turned towards it, capturing the scowl between his eyebrows and the little pout of his mouth. He was gloriously shirtless, still a bit sweaty from practice, and he held his shirt in his hand, one arm flexed as he held it while the other was held carelessly by his side, compression sleeves hugging the cords of toned muscles just right.
There was another ping, pulling you out of your trance and making you realize just how dry your mouth had gotten. Atsumu had messaged you privately.
“My payment? ;)”
You rolled your eyes and sent him the number, immediately going back to the picture and starring it for future reference, a tiny smile quirking up the corner of your lip as you did so.
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metal-mouse · 1 year
Because You're Mine
pairing: Ominis Gaunt x f!MC (m/f pairing)
themes: smut. troping tropeily. ye olde patch him up and then bang him.
warnings: 18+. Minors DNI. p in v. unprotected sex. fingering. horrendous pull out game. possessive!Ominis. someone threatens to dose you with a love potion. blood. mentions of violence. everyone is aged up.
summary: 3.9k word count. You are most surprised to see Ominis Gaunt return to you with a broken nose and a black eye from a fight. He's being awfully cryptic about who he got into a fight with, until you've finished healing him and he confesses why he's so upset.
note: Had a dream about this recently and decided to share it as a treat and also sometimes the best way to break through writer's block is to lean on the tropiest of tropes. Come get y'all juice. left MC house as ambiguous - I'm very Slytherin coded my b. i take liberties on what kind of undergarments they wear. Not an ounce of editing to be found.
@anto-pops @localravenclaw look guys i finished it
You didn’t look up from your book as the door to the Room of Requirement groaned open. There were only two people who knew of this room besides you, and as Professor Weasley hadn’t stepped foot in it since your fifth year, that left only one person. 
“Hello Ominis.” You called out your greeting, nearing the end of the page. He didn’t respond, which made you look up. You dropped the book and sat up straight at the sight of him. His cheeks were pink, there was a gash on the bridge of his nose which was steadily dripping blood, and one of his eyes was beginning to swell shut. Worry filled you, as your mind went to all of the worst case scenarios for what could have caused this. You stood up and hurried towards him, urging him to sit down on the sofa you had just been occupying. 
“Hello.” He said finally, in a dejected voice. 
“Are you alright?” You asked, a table appearing next to you with a bowl of water and some cloths. You very gently took his jaw in your hands as you tilted his head up to inspect his wounds. The cut on his nose was deep, and now that you were up close you could see his nose was slightly crooked. His pain was very evident, and his frown likely wasn’t making it any better. 
“I’m wonderful, thank you for asking.” Ominis hissed as you turned his head to get a better look at his eye. You were fairly certain his cheekbone wasn’t broken, which was more than you could say for his poor nose. 
“What happened?” You asked, ignoring his irritated sarcasm. If anything, it only suggested to you that he was fine beyond the wounds on his face and possibly a bruised ego. You weren’t sure if you had the skill to repair his nose. In the last year, you’d taken to spending more time in the hospital wing with Nurse Blainey. You’d assisted her during a detention once, and she had been more than happy to show you some of the healing arts. You knew the spell… perhaps it wouldn’t hurt to try? 
“I got into a fight.” He said, skirting around your question. 
“Well, obviously. I would love some detail, if you’re willing to provide. When Sebastian comes around all beat up like this it makes sense, but you mostly keep your hands to yourself,” You said while taking one of the cloths and gently pressing it to his nose, “hold that. I’m out of wiggenweld, I’m going to brew some.” His hand replaced yours as he held the cloth to staunch the blood dripping from his nose. You looked down at his uniform. His shirt and tie were covered in blood.
“Is detail truly important? I was in a fight, and now I’m here.” Ominis’ voice was muffled from the cloth. You poured some water into the cauldron atop your potions station. He was usually very open with you, content to tell you all of his deepest thoughts. Somewhere deep in your mind you wondered if this fight had somehow been caused by you. He had gone to Hogsmeade today with Sebastian, and Rookwood’s Ashwinders still tried to prey on you. You prepared your Horklump juice and Dittany leaves, waiting for the water in the cauldron to begin bubbling. It was strange that he would keep something like that from you, even if he didn’t want you to worry. 
“It’s clearly bothering you a lot, Ominis.” You said softly. He made an angry noise and didn’t respond. Now that the cauldron was bubbling, you added the ingredients and stirred the correct amount of times. You turned away to let it brew until it was ready, and returned to Ominis’ side. You wordlessly took the cloth from him and pulled it aside. It was drenched in blood, but it had mostly stopped the bleeding coming from both his nostrils and the gash on the bridge of his nose. 
“Ouch!” He hissed as you reached up and gently poked at his nose. 
“Stay still. It’s broken. Does anything else hurt?” You mumbled, climbing into his lap and holding his face steady with one hand. You fumbled for your wand, and he let out a little panicked breath and shook his head a little.
“What are you doing?” He asked, his good eye widening slightly.
“The Wiggenweld can’t straighten a broken nose. Don’t move. Episkey!” You said. He yelped as his nose cracked back into its normal position and the gash healed. You nodded in approval, pleased that the spell had worked. You’d never cast it beyond Nurse Blainey’s watchful eye. 
“There. I bet you can breathe a little better now.” You said, removing yourself from his lap to check on your potion. Ominis took a long, very audible breath. You watched him as he reached up and felt his nose. He looked absolutely miserable. Your lips pressed together in a frown, it was worrying how little information he was willing to divulge. 
“Have you seen Sebastian?” He asked. 
“No, I thought he was with you.” You said, scooping some of your completed wiggenweld potion into a glass. Anxiety briefly pulsed in your chest, worrying that whoever had attacked Ominis had also gotten Sebastian. No. He wouldn’t have come to you unless he knew Sebastian was safe. 
“He never met me. Must be with Violet.” He snorted, sounding absolutely furious with his friend. You tilted your head, making a small sound of agreement. Violet McDowell was Sebastian’s particular flavour this week after you’d forbidden him from asking Poppy Sweeting on a date. You had promised him swift and painful retribution if he had even looked at Poppy without the intent of marrying her and loving her forever. 
“Here. Drink this.” You said, handing Ominis the glass full of wiggenweld. You crouched in front of him, a hand on his knee balancing him as he drank. The bruising around his eye faded, and he sighed with relief as he set down the now empty glass. You stayed crouched before him, your fingers drumming on his knee as a sign that you would love an explanation. 
“You really can’t just let it go?” He asked. 
“I’m sorry, I’m worried. It’s frightening when you get hurt.” You squeezed his knee a little. He let out a little sight, his frown softening.
“No, please don’t apologize. It should be me apologizing, I can see how someone arriving covered in blood would be worrying - especially for you.” He put his hand over yours. You stood then, setting your wand to the side as you settled down beside him. 
“If you really don’t want to tell me what happened, please just tell me if this is going to be a recurring problem.” You said in compromise, taking his hand again. He looked deep in thought, clearly battling with his inner thoughts.
“I heard two sixth-years plotting about how they were going to slip you a love potion.” Ominis said finally. You blinked in surprise. Out of everything that could have come out of his mouth, that had been the one you least expected. 
“A love potion?” You echoed. He nodded, and you admired the rage on his face. He’d fought two boys purely because they wanted to give you a love potion. You fought the smile spreading on your lips. For someone who was awfully composed, he was certainly prone to his jealous moments. 
“Yes. A love potion. They’re lucky I haven’t gone directly to the Headmaster. I should have them both expelled.” He sneered. Your face went hot at the arrogance in his voice. You leaned in, loosening his bloody tie and tossing it to the side.
“You’re covered in blood.” You informed him. He wasn’t really listening to you at all, instead he was caught up in his own rage. You took that opportunity to unbutton his shirt so you could remove it and try to clean the blood off. 
“Foolish, impudent worms. Gryffindors always think they’re entitled to that which is not theirs.” He pulled his arms out of the sleeves when you tugged on his shirt. He may not have been paying attention to you, but you were hanging onto his every word. That which is not theirs? That statement certainly held some heavy implications. You were grateful he’d stepped in of course, love potions were risky and you did prefer to make your own decisions.
 Ominis continued his monologue, describing precisely what he had done to the Gryffindor boys for their crime. You took a clean cloth and dampened it to wipe the blood off his neck and chest. He’d been exceptionally cruel to the boys, and every word he spoke had your heart beating faster. It was becoming difficult to pay attention to your cleaning. He’d taken their threat personally, and had essentially destroyed them for it. Broken their wands, hanging them upside down from a tree, blackened eyes, he had truly done a number on them. Out of your little trio he was widely regarded as the most peaceful, with Sebastian being the most violence-prone and you falling somewhere between the two. He was incredibly protective of you, something you’d discovered even when your friendship had only just begun to bloom. 
His hand closed around your wrist suddenly, and you realized you had stopped moving. You looked at his face, his hair was a mess, his cheeks were still pink, and he held an expression you’d never seen before. You were suddenly desperate to break the silence. His other hand lifted to your cheek, his fingers delicately tracing along your jawline. 
“They can’t have you.” He whispered, his fingers moved down your neck slowly. Your breath hitched at this display of possessive intimacy that you had never seen before. You and Ominis had your fair share of intimate moments, but this? Never anything like this. This was an entirely new side to him. It was something you’d expect of Sebastian, the man who moped over girls he’d barely been involved with for longer than a week, but never Ominis. You didn’t know what to say. When you had first crossed that border between friendship and something more, it had been relatively laid back. You went for walks together, bought each other sweets and butterbeers from Hogsmeade, and spent late nights in each other’s arms in the Room of Requirement or the Undercroft. This change was almost as unexpected as its impact on you. You knew deep down that this should not be making you so aroused.  
“Where has thi–'' You were cut off when Ominis leaned in and kissed you. You dropped the cloth from your hand as he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you onto his lap. You draped one arm behind his neck, and rested the palm of your other on his cheek with your fingers in his hair as you matched his passion. It wasn’t rough, so much as it was claiming. His cold hands pressed against the skin of your back making you gasp and arch against him. He took this opportunity to deepen the kiss, his tongue moving so sinfully your core was steadily aching now. You knew precisely what that tongue was capable of, and you’d grown to anticipate it. Dream about it even. 
His rapidly warming fingers stroked your sides as he brought them under your front and withdrew them from your shirt entirely. As Ominis began to unbutton your shirt, you began to lightly rock your hips to create some friction between you and the bulge in his trousers. He let out a low groan and proceeded to rip your shirt open. Your eyes snapped open as you sat back a little bit in surprise, but he pulled you back against him with a single tug of your shirt. His hands went to your chest, and he let out a dark laugh against your mouth when he felt only skin. You weren’t wearing anything under your shirt. His mouth lowered and he left hot, wet kisses and little nips down your jaw and onto your neck. You couldn’t contain the small moans and gasps that tumbled from your lips. 
Ominis’ tongue ran along your collar, and his hands roamed to your backside where he wrapped his arms around you and lifted you up more. The hand you had in his hair shot to the back of the sofa to brace yourself. You cried out as he bit down on the side of your breast. His tongue delicately swiped out licking the hurt he’d just caused. He held you up with one arm, his other hand running along your backside and between your legs. The fabric of your trousers was disappointingly thick, and you felt far too constrained while wearing them. His hand moved to cup your breast as he swirled his tongue over your sensitive nipple. He stopped suddenly, his hands falling to your waist as he pushed you back slightly. 
“Take off your trousers.” He commanded. The bark in his voice sent a wave of heat to your core. You stood up, fumbling with the buttons before finally pushing them down. He reached out and made a sound of displeasure when his hands ran over your underwear. He hooked his thumbs in the waistline and yanked them down. You stepped out of your trousers and undergarments, and Ominis checked to make sure you’d done precisely what he had wanted. He made no move to remove his trousers. You stared at his bulge desperate to see him undressed. It wasn’t fair that you were now bare in front of him, and he was still half-dressed. 
“I want to taste you.” You pleaded in an attempt to get him to take his trousers off. 
“As reluctant as I am to deny you, don’t you think you’ve taken enough care of me today?” Ominis’ lips twisted into an arrogant smile, as he turned you around and pulled you back. You fell into his lap. One of his arms looped around you pulling you back against his chest. His lips pressed to your neck, leaving kisses and small bites all along the smooth column. He pushed your legs open wide, biting down hard on the flesh of your shoulder. You cried out, your eyes squeezing shut at the pleasurable pain. One hand ran along the inside of your thigh, and the other stayed planted on your belly. 
“Those fools think they could have this. That they could have what is mine.” His breath was hot on your neck. You whined as his hand stroking your thigh got closer and closer to where you wanted it. 
“Please Ominis.” You complained when his fingers brushed next to your wet and aching center but he didn’t touch it. Your lip curled, two could play at this game. You began to rotate your hips slowly, grinding down on the bulge in his pants. Your hands covered his and you moved them to where you wanted them to be. One between your legs on your heat, the other cupping your breast. He huffed out a laugh.
“Eager, aren’t we?” He chided. 
“I thought you wanted to prove I’m yours.” Now this spurred him on. Without warning he curled two fingers inside of you. Your back arched as you let out a gasp and Ominis began to pump his long fingers deep inside of you, ensuring the heel of his palm pressed against your clit while he worked. While his fingers curled against your sweet spot, you shamelessly rutted against his palm to elevate you even higher into ecstasy. 
“Is that better, darling?” He asked, nibbling on the back of your ear. 
“Uh huh.” You moaned, nodding your head. You wished you could kiss him. You wanted to face him and have him buried deep inside of you. You would have turned around if this didn’t feel so fucking good. There was something about him being in complete control and doing what he wanted with you. You weren’t even tied up, yet you felt useless to do anything to pleasure him beyond grinding against his bulge. There was a tantalizing pressure building inside of you, and you knew you weren’t going to last much longer. Ominis seemed to have realized as he pressed further into you and his fingers kept up the exact same pace. Your head fell back against his shoulder, his free hand coming up to wrap around your throat. 
“Right there?” He asked. You nodded against him, unable to form a coherent thought. You writhed against him, pressing his palm hard against your clit. Your eyes squeezed shut as you fell over the edge and bolts of pleasure made your toes curl. You let out a sinful scream that may have been his name. Ominis didn’t stop, letting you ride out your orgasm on his hand until your knees clamped together and he withdrew. You were a panting mess as he gently guided you to lay on your back. You heard the sound of his belt hitting the ground, and you opened your eyes and watched him pull down his trousers. You moaned at the sight of his cock springing free, delightfully pink and large. 
Ominis knelt on the couch between your knees, lowering himself over you. Impatient and greedy, you wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him to press your lips to his. You were hungry for him, your tongue swiping over his bottom lip prompting him to open up for you. You were certain the way he tasted would stay with you for the rest of your life, so damn sweet and addicting. Reaching down, you gently wrapped your hand around his cock and lined it with your entrance. Slowly, Ominis pressed into you with a low moan. You were distracted from your kiss at the feeling of his cock filling you up. He always went slow when he started, knowing it drove you crazy. Once he was sheathed fully inside of you, he stayed completely still aside from the hand that laced in your hair lifting your head again to press a sweet kiss against your lips. 
“I’ve always been yours.” You whispered as his forehead rested against yours. His eyes snapped open at this, his fingers curling so he was pulling your hair. He ground into you, and you choked on a moan. Ominis pulled out nearly all the way and slammed back into you with a husky groan. He hooked his free arm behind your knee, pushing your leg up and out of the way as he settled into a slow and steady rhythm. 
“Of course you have. I fit s-so perfectly, it’s like you were made for me.” The little stammer in his sentence made your heart flutter. You gasped when Ominis rolled his hips forward deepening his thrusts. Your nails scraped across his shoulders as your mind was overtaken by pleasure and thoughts of him. The moans and small praises that came as a steady stream from his mouth paired with his cock hitting every angle inside of you had you on a high you didn’t think possible. 
You arched your back in an attempt to let him deeper inside of you. Despite being connected at your most intimate part, you wanted more. You wanted inside of his heart, inside of his soul. Through your pleasure, you opened your eyes to look upon his face. His eyes were heavy-lidded with pleasure, his mouth hung open and his skin completely flushed, his hair an absolute mess. You loved it. Without warning, Ominis picked up the pace slamming into you without restraint. You dug your fingernails into his shoulders now, forcing him down to kiss you. His arms wrapped around your waist arching your back even further and changing the angle which he fucked into you. Between the feeling of his lips on yours, and his cock inside your already sensitive cunt, you were rapidly tumbling towards another orgasm. When Ominis took one hand from under you and reached down to rub circles on your swollen clit, your head fell back.
“Come.” Ominis ordered, and you didn’t even have it in you to scream this time. Ominis muttered a string of curse words as your walls clenched around him and you rose up to clamp your teeth down on his shoulder. It was almost painful how hard he had made you come, and some primal part of you needed him to share in that feeling. He kept his steady pace, not faltering once as he chased his own pleasure with a great moan. The hand that had been rubbing you clamped around your neck and squeezed. You watched him and saw in his face he was close. You met his thrusts, matching his rhythm. His chest heaved and a light sheen of sweat had formed across his body. In that moment you were certain that it wouldn’t matter if someone gave you a love potion, Ominis was all you’d be able to see. 
“Yours, Ominis.” You whispered, incapable of telling him truly what you were thinking. His fingers dug into you and his grip on your neck tightened. Almost there. You watched in awe as his head dropped and he let out a guttural groan that slightly resembled your name. His cock twitched and his body trembled as he emptied himself inside of you with shallow thrusts. Ominis’ hand let go of your throat, and he collapsed on top of you. Both of you were breathing heavily, and you wrapped your arms around him holding him tight to your chest. You pressed kisses to the top of his head and he let out a wordless groan. After a few moments passed, Ominis slowly pulled out leaving you feeling empty.
“We should have conjured a bed.” He mumbled. You let out a little laugh as one appeared next to the sofa. Ominis rolled over, taking you with him so that you were laying on his chest instead of him atop of you. You knew that you should get up and probably clean yourself off, but with his arms around you and your genuine concern about your ability to stand, you were content to just stay. 
“Maybe you should get into more fights.” You sighed, reveling in the lovely feelings of your afterglow. He laughed, gently rubbing your back.
“If men don’t learn how to behave, I just might.” He said. You could do without him getting injured, but if this was how he reacted when he was jealous or feeling possessive? You could definitely get behind that. 
“I’ll be here when you do.” You sighed, thinking about how you should really restock on your wiggenweld potions. 
“And, for the foreseeable future, I will be tasting your food and drink before you.” Ominis said, making you snort. 
“What am I, the Queen of England? I don’t need a food taster, Ominis, if anything I’ll just start carrying around an antidote to love potions.” You told him.
“You can be my Queen.” He grinned at you.
“You’re not allowed to speak with Sebastian anymore, he’s rubbing off on you.” You sat up a little bit to get a better angle as you looked down at his face. 
“That’s your job, Darling.” 
“My point has been proven.” You smiled widely at the sound of his laughter. When you were with Ominis is when you were happiest. You were safe, comfortable, and content. You were in love, and you were his.
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leaskisses444 · 9 months
i had a dream last night that on the first day of school (tommorow) our chem teacher gave us a test
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meanbossart · 6 months
Because I love the idea of DU drow as a companion... how would you recruit him? Where do you find him, and what's his intro cutscene?
Hi, I've been thinking about this since I got this message :V
There's this nautiloid pod somewhere nearby the Owlbear cave right? So those things were just crashing all over the place, not just near the beach where the actual ship fell. I believe his pod could have had a similar fate and fallen somewhere off the beaten path.
Mind you that, In this scenario, waking up from the pod and onto the forest map would have been DU Drow's first-ever conscious minutes ever since having his mind wiped, so he truly has no fucking idea of what just happened - he just knows his head is in shambles and that he needs to survive for long enough for his memories to return, assuming they ever will. So, his immediate instinct would be to retreat away from where the people are.
I think underneath the bridge, where there's running water and some fauna/flora would be a good spot to find him. Players might take a day or two until they stumble across this weirdo companion and so they are more in the loop than he would be. You'd find a little blood-trail leading you down there, and eventually spot a fist's corpse with no shoes near the river - DU drow would be crouched down by the water washing blood off himself:
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While the rest of the party may have been picked off random places as they went about their days, this guy was busy being dissected and put back together over and over again - and there's no way Kressa bothered to dress him back up fully before he was taken away from her (me allowing the man to have pants on at all is a mercy onto you all) so he begins with no armor, but to make up for that fact he's the only companion who begins with a great-sword, which he would have stolen from the fist.
When you approach he is perfectly calm, In fact, he doesn't seem all that there. He stands up and appears half-ready for a fight, but lets you speak first. You can either ask what he's doing here, or about the corpse. You get more or less the same answer to both:
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If you successfully persuade him, he tells you with no particular tone of shame or remorse that you got him, he did kill him, however he claims he was attacked first. Whether you pry into his mind with the worm, or have a scroll of read-thoughts, you get the same narration:
"Behind the aloof facade, you find the drow's mind to be in a concerning state of disarray: dozens of thoughts racing, jumbled, all at once, each trailing into the next before you can catch a hint of substance. You don't find the answers you were looking for, just red goo."
You CAN however use speak to the dead on the corpse. If you do that, it's revealed that he is actually telling the truth; The fist found him and assumed him to be with the drow who raided Wakeen's rest. Otherwise, you have to either take his word for it, attack him, or leave him.
He will refuse your offers to join you/go to your camp until you reveal to him that you have been tadpoled - either through using the Illithid-worm option, or telling him upfront through normal dialogue. If you didn't peer into his head earlier, you will now, confirming to yourself and him that he's also been infected. Then, you can tell him you're looking for a cure, and he will agree to travel along. This gets you approval from Shadowheart, Karlach, and Astarion, and disapproval from Lae'zel, Wyll, and Gale.
If you attack, he's as easy a fight as any companion would be at that point. If you choose to leave him be/not tell him about your worm so he refuses to join, he will appear at your camp after two long rests, basically forcing himself to into your party unless you kill him. You find him hanging out around Withers and he tells you he's decided to travel with you from now on, and that he will make himself comfortable.
If you ask for his name, he tells you to just call him whatever you want to (cue like 5 joke dialogue answers - he responds to all of them with a snort and you get approval if you pick any flattering ones). Whatever you ask about him gets you a very blunt, vague response. If you have Shadowheart in your party/are playing as her, she implies he may be suffering from memory loss, finally prompting him to admit to it. Otherwise he only reveals this after a couple more long-rests.
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Bad Idea, Right?
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Summary: You know this is a bad idea, but fuck it, it's fine.
Warnings/Explicit 18+: Smut - this is just all smut. Unprotected P in V sex. Vaginal fingering. Dirty talk. Dean being a cocky little shit. Dean being fundamentally irresistible.
Pairings: Dean Winchester x Reader (You)
Word Count: 1,317
A/N: So, Bad Idea, Right? by Olivia Rodrigo (fabulous song, give it a listen!) came on earlier, and this little scenario just popped into my head.
P.S. I wrote this quickly - so sorry for any mistakes!
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The phone rang six times before you finally dragged your eyes open to groan and grope for the buzzing, trilling device on your bedside table.
You looked at the caller ID and were instantly awake and pissed. You sent the call to voicemail and dropped your phone on the bed beside you. 
But seconds later it was making noise again, so you angrily swiped your phone open just long enough to bark out a few words.
“Go to hell, Winchester. Stop calling me. I told you last time, we’re done.”
You hung up without hearing a word from him. You knew why he was calling, and you weren't interested.
Your internal voice was always brutally honest with you, so you conceded that okay, yes, you were always going to be interested in a booty call from Dean Winchester, aka Walking Sex.
But you swore the last time that it was, well, the last time.
The two of you had already tried dating years ago, but it ended badly. You were both too much alike, stubborn and incapable of explaining your feelings to one another. You were pretty sure you loved him, but when you imagined telling him that, it felt like you were exposing a raw nerve. 
And it wasn’t as if Dean was the most emotionally available person, so between the two of you there had been an abundance of heat and acrobatic sex followed by fighting and more make up sex, but since that didn’t really translate to a healthy relationship, you’d both agreed to end it.
But even though you broke up over a year ago, you’d never quite managed to quit each other. Every month or so one of you called up the other, and no matter what you told yourself, that you were just gonna hang out, just gonna talk about the hunts you'd been on, inevitably, the night always ended with the two of you falling into bed for a night of extraordinary sex. 
You knew it was unhealthy, though, so you’d told him the last time that you were through, that this couldn’t keep happening. The conversation had devolved quickly and exploded into a massive fight that ended with him slamming out of your hotel room with just his unbuttoned jeans tugged up over his hips, dragging his shirt, shoes and jacket with him.
But now here he was at three in the morning calling again and again. 
And again! You thought angrily as your phone started buzzing once more.
You picked it up and swiped it open, drawing in a big breath to yell at him, but he spoke before you had the chance and his deep voice already had your stomach swooping and your resolve wavering.
“Sweetheart, just hear me out. I know what you said last time, and I know it’s a bad idea, but fuck baby, I just need you. Need to feel you moving against me, clenching so tight around me. It’s been too fucking long and I miss the taste of you.”
You tried desperately to hang on to your anger, but it was melting fast beneath the onslaught of need coursing through you.
Likely knowing he already had the upper hand, Dean continued. “Let me come over and make you feel good. You know you miss me too.”
Even as your head screamed at you to hang up, you heard yourself caving. “Get here in fifteen minutes or the chance is gone.” You said, knowing that even that was a lie.
But Dean hung up without another word and ten minutes later you heard the Impala squeal into your driveway. That sound alone left you dripping in anticipation. 
He didn’t even have the chance to knock, because you wrenched open the door as he bounded up your porch steps.
“This is a bad idea, right?” You asked pointlessly. 
But Dean nodded. “Yeah probably.”
You stood staring at each other for a heartbeat before you shook your head and leapt at him. “Fuck it, it’s fine.”
Dean was already pulling off your clothes as he pushed you back into your house and slammed the door behind him. You pushed his flannel off his shoulders, and yanked at his t-shirt as he got your pajama shorts off and then ripped off your tank top.
He growled as he lifted you so you could wrap your legs around his waist. He dipped his head down to suck your pebbled nipple into his mouth, drawing deeply and making you throw your head back with a shout of pleasure.
He set you on your kitchen table so he could kick off his boots and push down his jeans. He wasn’t wearing underwear and for some reason that realization made you feral. 
He swept two of his thick fingers through your slit, groaning at the dripping mess he found. He brought his sticky fingers to his lips and sucked your juices from the tips. 
“So fucking delicious baby. I’m gonna need to feast on you later, but right now all I can think about is getting my cock buried so fucking deep into that sweet pussy that you feel me for days, maybe even weeks.” 
His filthy words always drove you crazy. Listening to his deep, gruff voice as he described everything he was going to do to you, had made you come untouched more than once.
He slipped his fingers back into your slick, burying them inside you this time and scissoring you open, before sliding in and out of you a few times with a wet squelching sound. Then he curled his fingers forward like he was beckoning you to him, hitting your sweet spot perfectly, pressing and rubbing until you were writhing on the table and begging for him.
“Dean, please, just give it to me.”
“Yeah baby? You want it?” Dean asked with a smirk that made you wanna smack him a little. 
“Yeah, jackass! Why do you think you’re here?” You shouted at him breathlessly.
“Knew you were needing this big cock, knew you couldn’t go without me any more than I could go without you.”
He suddenly drove himself all the way into your heat with one thrust, ripping a pleasured scream from your throat. You clung to his shoulders, digging your nails into his hard, straining muscles as you both looked down to watch his thick cock slide in and out of your cunt, opening you up again and again.
You dropped back onto your elbows, head thrown back, as Dean lifted your hips off the table so he could drive in deeper.
“Jesus fuck!” Dean ground out. “You take me so fucking good, baby. Never had anybody take my cock like you do, so perfectly, clenching around me so goddamn tight.” 
As you squeezed him hard again, he sucked in his breath on a hiss and continued to pound into you, shaking the table and drawing endless, keening moans from deep inside your chest. Finally, he slammed into you hard and deep, hitting your sweet spot again and pushing you over the edge. With a high-pitched cry, you clamped down on his cock, making him shout out your name as he fucked you through your orgasm and into his own. 
He let your hips drop back onto the table and his softening dick slipped out of you. But he pushed it back inside and began nibbling on your breasts as he breathed out his words against your skin.
“I wanna feel you around me for a little longer, feel the way those little shuddering aftershocks of yours send electricity shooting straight through me.” He slid his hand to your clit and began rubbing you. “Gonna make you come over and over while I’m inside you, get me hard all over again.”
All you could do was moan and scratch your nails across his shoulders as the pleasure built deep inside you once more. A weak voice echoed in the back of your head reminding you this was a bad idea. But you just ignored it.
Fuck it, it’s fine.
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Jensen RPF and Any/All Characters: @lyarr24 @lacilou @deans-spinster-witch @globetrotter28 @suckitands33
@alwaystiredandconfused @evznackles @jackles010378 @impala67rollingthroughtown @krazykelly
@candy-coated-misery0731 @envyaurora95 @spnwoman @deans-baby-momma @luvr4miya
@arcannaa @viviwatchestv @winharry @ladysparkles78 @kr804573
Dean Fics Only: @roonthelittlespoon920 @slamminmine @zepskies @safiyas-world @aylacavebear
Any/All Fics Regardless of Character or Fandom: @kazsrm67 @slut-for-evans-stan @sexyvixen7 @nancymcl @hobby27
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sinkovia · 8 months
Coffee Shop: V
Simon Riley x Fem!Reader
You work at a small cafe that Simon starts visiting when he’s not deployed.
Coffee Shop Masterlist
You had just finished preparing Simon's daily cup of tea, and the familiar routine of waiting for him to walk in filled the cafe. Playing with the hem of your apron, you eagerly anticipated his arrival, shifting your weight from one foot to the other as you stole glances at the clock on the wall.
However, worry began to creep in as minutes passed, and he was late. Your mind started to conjure worst-case scenarios. What if something had happened on his walk here, especially with the rain outside? Concern etched your features as you walked around the counter, making your way to the glass door, peering off to the side he usually approached from. Yet, there was nobody in the distance.
Trying to calm your racing thoughts, you considered the possibility that something might have come up for him. Sighing, you walked back to the counter, putting your own money in the register before taking a sip of the tea you had made for him. Pulling out a new book, you attempted to distract yourself by reading, but frustration lingered as your gaze kept involuntarily drifting towards the door, hoping to see him walk in at any moment.
As your break arrived, any hope that he would show up today dwindled away. Alone at his usual table, you sighed, looking at the small droplets of rain running down the glass window, the cafe feeling emptier without his presence.
Your day had been painstakingly slow without Simon's presence; the coffee shop seemed grey and dull without him sitting at his usual table. As your shift ended, you tried to convince yourself that you would see him tomorrow, hoping for a more lively and enjoyable day.
However, the next day, during Simon's usual arrival time, you waited patiently for him to walk through the door. Thirty minutes passed, and Simon still hadn't arrived.
With his absence it was now crystal clear that you developed feelings for him, and the warmth he brought to the cafe seemed to dissipate with his absence. It was an unexpected void that left you feeling unsettled.
Two weeks went by, and you couldn't shake the concern that something might be wrong. You replayed the last interactions in your mind, wondering if you had unintentionally upset him. The possibility that something bad had happened to him haunted your thoughts.
The cafe felt emptier without him, and you found yourself missing him more than you had anticipated. The smiles and small talks, the routine exchanges, all became voids that echoed his absence. 
The realization that you had grown more attached than you anticipated hit you, and you regretted not asking for his number the last time you saw him. The uncertainty about his well-being and the absence of his presence weighed heavily on your mind, creating a void in both your heart and the cafe.
Millions of miles away from you, and you were still on Simon's mind. Each morning when he woke up and made himself tea in the rec room, he would almost grimace at the taste.
"Tastes like a bloody burnt tire."
He missed the way you made his tea. Occasionally, when he walked into Price’s office, and it smelled strongly of coffee, he couldn't help but think of you. The way you would wait on him with his tea ready, the warm smile you gave him when he walked in, the inviting aroma of freshly baked goods and coffee beans—your presence that made him feel warm.
Despite his best efforts to push thoughts of you away, Simon often found himself trying to convince himself that he was only thinking about you so much because he missed the tea you made. It was a futile attempt at self-deception, as the truth lingered in the warmth and familiarity your presence brought into his life.
Simon told Johnny and Gaz about how good your tea was and how you went on a ten-minute rant about a book he had just started reading and accidentally spoiled the whole thing for him. Johnny gave Gaz a knowing look, and they both smirked.
"Is she the lil lass that drew that for you?" Johnny motioned to the colorful bookmark sticking out of the book you had lent Simon. Glancing down at it, he took it out and handed it to Johnny.
Johnny looked at the goldfish in a tank and laughed, handing the bookmark to Gaz. "What’s with the dog shooting up a civilian?" Gaz laughed, scanning over the details.
"Told her the half-a-dog joke. She didn’t want to draw a dead dog, so she drew that."
"Cute," Gaz intentionally said, and Simon unintentionally glanced at him with a look in his eye. Gaz widely grinned at Johnny, who just smiled back.
Simon took another bookmark from the front page of the book, handing it to Johnny. "Drew this one too."
Johnny's jaw dropped, and his eyes grew wide as he flipped it towards Gaz, whose face mirrored Johnny's when his eyes went to the drawing of Simon.
“You taking her on a date when you get back?”
“Ghost, you gotta be out of yer damn mind not to wife up a lass that draws for you, lends you her books, and makes a good cup.”
“Yeah, she’s definitely into you, mate.”
“I don’t like her, she just knows how to make a good cup.” Simon tucks the bookmarks back into the book you gave him; he's halfway through it. His eyes linger on the drawing of him before he turns his attention back to the boys.
“You should take us to this little cafe, wanna see how good her cup is since it's L.t approved.” Johnny smiled while glancing at Gaz. Simon rolled his eyes as Price entered the rec room, telling them it was time to go to the helo for the mission.
Before he knew it, Simon, Johnny, and Gaz were on their way back to Simon's place, all eager to meet the girl that Simon clearly had feelings for. Simon rested his head against the helo, his mind filled with thoughts of you. He couldn't deny the fact that he was ready to come back home, to see you waiting behind the counter with that smile that always seemed to make him feel complete.
You sighed as you leaned on the counter with your head in your hand, the book in your hand failing to erase the boredom that plagued you. The door opened, and your eyes grew wide as your smile stretched wide. "Simon! You’re back!"
Simon fought back a smile, hoping the boys didn’t see, but both Johnny and Gaz noticed, their faces reflecting shock and disbelief as they looked at him.
"Didn’t know the L.t smiled."
"It’s uncanny."
Simon walked up to the counter, and you couldn’t stop smiling up at him, not even noticing the two men he was with. "I thought you moved away or got hit by a car and died."
"No love, just deployed." Your brows lifted in shock, he's in the military? It made sense given his stature.
Johnny stepped in front of Simon and extended his hand to you. "Names Johnny, I’m Gho-Simon's mate."
You smiled as you grabbed his hand and lightly shook it. "Y/n."
"Y/n, you have a lovely name. You can call me Kyle, lov—"
Simon pushed past them, cutting Gaz off. "We'll have three teas, love. Same as I take it." You grabbed the money and smiled up at him. "I’ll bring them to your table."
"Thanks, love." He smiled slightly down at you before turning and leading the boys to his usual table.
You couldn’t help but smile the entire time you were making their tea, stealing glances at Simon every so often, meeting his gaze a few times before quickly turning your attention back to the cups.
Simon cursed himself, hoping you just thought he was trying to get a peek at the teas you were making. Johnny and Gaz knew they needed to kick it up a notch, just to see how far they could push Simon before he admitted he had feelings for you.
"So, is the lil lass single?" Simon dead-eyed Johnny, "Yes."
His gaze softened as you approached with a tray in your hands. Gently setting it on the table, you placed their cups in front of them. Taking a napkin from your apron, you set it down in front of Simon before placing his cup on top of it. He glanced down at the black letters on the napkin.
‘It’s good to have you back :)’ he smiled up at you, and you felt your insides doing somersaults.
Johnny took a sip of the tea, and his eyes grew wide. "Steaming Jesus! This is the best bloody tea I’ve ever had!" Your brows lifted, and your smile grew wide. "Really? I’m so glad you like it."
Simon stared at Johnny, unamused. You heard the door open, excusing yourself to make your way behind the counter again. As Johnny and Gaz continued to taunt him, Simon tuned them out, his gaze bouncing from you to the man who walked in.
You smiled at the man who came in, “What would you like, sir?” He smiled down at you before looking up at the menu. “Could I get a black coffee and a scone.”
“Of course, that will be 7.50.” He handed you the money, and as you reached over to take it, he slightly pulled it away. You furrowed your brows and looked up at him.
“Let me get your number, dollface.” You awkwardly laughed and met Simon's gaze. He gripped the mug slightly, and Gaz slightly looked over, catching the man in his peripheral.
“I actually can’t give my number out; it's against the store rules.” You knew better than anyone that it's better to lie than to hurt a man's ego and it gets you killed. Your intuition was screaming out at you.
“I don’t see a manager anywhere.” He proceeded to grab a napkin and write his number on it, sliding it to you. You looked up at him, not knowing what to say.
Simon got up and walked over to the counter. “Could I get a cup of chai, love?” He slightly bumped into the guy when he handed you the money.
“Hey, pal, watch it—” The man turned only to come face to face with Simon's chest. He furrowed his brows and looked up at him. Simon glared down at him with a cold look in his eyes.
You snatched the money from the man's hand, “I’ll get your orders out in just a minute.”
The man ripped his gaze away from Simon, turning back to you. “Make mine to go.” You nodded before getting to work on both of their orders, and Simon made his way back to the table.
Gaz smirked, “Someone’s jealous.”
“Fuck off, she was clearly uncomfortable.”
“Didn’t know you liked chai, L.t.” Simon took a long sip of his tea, his gaze bouncing from you to the man.
“It’s not for me.”
You handed the coffee and pastry over to the man, “Don’t forget to call.” He winked at you, and you awkwardly diverted your attention away. Simon watched him leave and get into his car.
You put your money in the register before grabbing a few pastries you thought Simon and his friends might like – two danishes, a chocolate donut, and a scone. You put them on a tray with the chai tea before walking around the counter, smiling as you approached the table.
You gently set the tray down, “I bought you guys some pastries. I didn’t know what you liked, so I brought a few different things.”
Johnny pulled out his wallet, “How much are they?” You put your hand out and shook your head, “No, it’s my treat. I have to treat the people that my friend cares about just as well.”
“Friend?” Simon’s voice was gruff as he asked, and you nervously fiddled with the hem of your apron, “Yeah, we’re friends, right?”
“I wouldn’t say that.”
Your face visibly dropped as the words left his mouth, and he mentally cursed at himself. He didn't mean for it to come out that way, but could he really call you his friend? To him, you were just the girl that made a good cup of tea… right?
If you were just that to him, then why was he so worried that he hurt your feelings? Why was his mind searching for something to say to you?
Gaz cuts in, “What he really means is best friend. He would not shut up about how good your tea was on base.”
You smile, your heart warming and swelling at the fact that he thought about you while he was away. “Really? Is that what made you guys come down?”
“Yup, had to see what lil lass made a Brit head over heels for the way she made tea.” You smile and look over to Simon.
“That’s so sweet of you, Simon.”
Again. That same warmth envelops him.
“The cup is for you, love.” He motions toward the chai, and you smile. “Oh! Thank you.” You smile and pick the cup up, turning.
“Woah, lass, come sit. Enjoy the pastries with us.” You turn around facing Johnny. “You don’t mind?”
“Of course not.”
“Okay, let me go put my apron in the back real quick.” You place your cup down on the table and walk into the back of the cafe.
“Her best friend? Really, Gaz?” Simon leans back in the chair.
Gaz points his finger at him, “Hey, if it weren’t for me, her feelings would still be hurt.” Johnny just hums as he reaches over, grabbing the chocolate donut. “She’s into you, L.t., and you need to admit that you’re into her too.”
“I’m not into her.” Simon gruffly says, looking away.
You emerge from the back and take a seat next to Simon since his friends are sitting across from him. You scoot in and take a sip of your tea before glancing at Johnny, who is already halfway done with his donut.
“I can get you some donuts to go if you’d like?”
“Do you sell them by the dozen?” he manages to mutter out in between bites.
You laugh, “yeah, we do.”
“I'll take two dozen before I leave.”
Gaz, who's sitting directly across from you, leans in, resting his elbows on the table.
“You know Simon here is a lieutenant.” Your eyes grow wide, and you turn your body to face him.
“I didn't know that, wow, that's really impressive. I didn't know he was in the military until today.”
Gaz furrows his brows, “He didn't tell you he was deploying?” You shake your head after taking another sip.
“No, I was worried he moved away or something bad happened, you know? The cafe was so boring this past month.”
Johnny lightly elbows Gaz, who has a grin on his face. “Why didn't you tell her you were deploying, Lt.? You had your friend worried about you.”
Simon rolls his eyes at Johnny, who has a smug face. Then he turns to you. “I didn't think you would care, that's all.”
“Of course I cared. It was raining the first day you were gone. I peeked outside just in case a car hit you or you slipped and cracked your head.” You lightly laugh, and Simon, to the best of his might, tries to hide the smile that's forcing its way to his features. He loses the battle when he looks down at you – your warm smile, the look in your eyes as you gaze up at him, the smell of your chai tea.
Again. The warmth envelops him from within.
Johnny rested his head in his hand, “So that man who gave you his number, you fancy him?” You furrow your brows and shake your head. You glance at Simon and make eye contact with him before quickly looking away.
“No, never. He clearly didn’t catch the hint, and the way he just forcefully gave me his number? He’s such a creep.” You quickly glance at Simon again.
Once more, you meet his gaze before he quickly looks away. You can't help but look down and slightly smile to yourself.
The four of you converse with each other. Johnny talks most of the time about Scotland and Betsy, a cow on the farm his parents owned. Gaz tells some story about a crackhead trying to give him a lap dance on the metro. Simon just watches as you laugh at the jokes the boys tell you.
You glance at the clock and sigh, “I have to get back to work. Thank you for letting me sit with you guys; it was fun.”
When you disappear into the back of the cafe again, Gaz leans in before discreetly tapping Johnny. “You wouldn't mind if I…you know?”
“What do you mean?”
“If I ask y/n for her number. She’s cute.”
Simon's face hardens as he looks down at Gaz, and his grip on the mug tightens. Not because he’s jealous, of course. Not because he wants you to only give him attention.
“No.” Gaz furrows his brows, “No as in you don’t mind if I ask her?”
“No as in no. No man on this planet could deserve someone like her. I don't think she should find another man.” Gaz aggressively grabs Johnny's knee and shakes it back and forth. Johnny clears his throat before speaking.
“Right, right. So what do you mean by y/n finding another man? You’re insinuating that she already has a man, so she shouldn’t find another?”
Simon furrows his brows, “I didn't say another man. I said I don’t think she should find a man; she’s fine the way she is. A man in her life would just ruin her.”
“No, no, you definitely said you didn’t want her to find another man.” Simon rubs the space between his eyes. He knew what he said but he wasn't about to admit that.
“You know what I meant.”
Gaz and Johnny glance at each other, “Yeah, we know exactly what you meant, L.t.”
Another hour passes, and you see the boys get up from the table. Johnny walks over to the register, asking for two dozen donuts. You motion him towards the pastry glass, letting him choose what flavors he wanted.
Gaz stuffs a few packets of sugar in his pocket while you're occupied, and Simon just stands near the register, gazing at you. After you ring up Johnny, both him and Gaz walk out of the cafe, and just as Simon's about to leave, he turns towards you.
“Thank you for the pastries, Love.”
“Oh, of course. Just a little welcome back treat… I’m glad you made it back safe. It was so boring here without you; I’m glad you're back.” Simon couldn't hide the toothy grin as the words left your mouth.
“Hmm, you missed me?” You rubbed the edge of the counter with your finger, your smile wide as you looked up at him.
“Yeah, the cafe was so dull without you.”
That same warmth filled Simon’s chest, a foreign feeling that always seemed to be present whenever you were around.
“I'll bring your book tomorrow; I finished it.” Your brows lifted up. “Will you tell me what you thought about it?”
“Of course, love.”
Simon's gaze was stuck on your warm smile. “Okay, cool. Walk safe, Simon.”
“Thank you, love.”
The entire way back to his house, Gaz and Johnny would not shut up about how you two were clearly so into each other. It was almost a crime that Simon hadn’t asked you on a date.
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batsycline69 · 15 days
Beneath Some Old Moon
Summary: After a close call with the Two Face Gang, you offer your savior--the mysterious Crusader--some hospitality.
(alternatively, save a horse...)
Pairing: Cowboy!Bruce Wayne x reader
Words: 5.9k
Content/warnings: old west cowboy au, historical inaccuracies probably, threatening scenario, guns, p in v sex, cowgirl (get it?), sort of sub!bruce, unprotected sex, reader is not described, reader's horse is not named
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Wind whips across your face as you ride as fast as your horse will take you.
The Two Face gang hoots and hollers behind you. At the front, Harvey ‘Two Face’ Dent, leading his group of men.
You’d stayed in town too long, caught up in the gossip of a stranger riding in. The rumors were he was the same guy who stopped some bandits down in the prairie. Of course, your current predicament doesn’t really seem worth the whispers, because wherever his Crusader stranger is, it’s not here. It’s just you attempting to outrun a gang of five as they quickly gain on you.
Your horse may be well trained, but she isn’t used to this speed the way the gangs’ likely are.
Shots ring out around the ground by your horse’s hooves, drowning the men’s laughter. Dirt kicks up into the air. Before you really know what’s happening, you’re flat on your back, the air knocked from your lungs. Above you, clouds collect over the stars, leaving nothing but the large bright moon.
If you’re killed here tonight, you hope that’s the last thing you see.
The gang circles you on their horses. Yours runs off towards the ranch. You imagine it waiting by the stable for you, only for you to never arrive. You think of your cows, come morning waiting to be fed. You take what little solace you can knowing the widow nearby will notice when the animals begin to get rowdy from their hunger if the neighbor boy’s late to help as he often is.
Hooves trample around you as the men trap you. You feel something damp along your side, and for a moment, you think you might be bleeding. As you raise a trembling hand to your side, it takes you a second to realize it’s not blood at all. One of the jars of canned peaches you picked up in town shattered when you hit the ground. Shards of glass jostle in your satchel as you try to sit back up.
You’re still gasping for air, trying to fill your aching lungs with everything that had been knocked out of you. Thoughts race through your head as you try to think of any good way out of here, but you’re surrounded and unarmed.
A sudden yell snaps you from your oxygen-deprived daze. Dent is now on the ground with you, outside the ring of horses, and being dragged away.
Yelling and hooves trampling deafen you before you can process what’s happening. Shots ring out again, and you flinch, anticipating impact. Instead, powerful legs race by you as the horses charge towards a single man.
A full moon’s light illuminates the fight. You wheeze and stagger back. Two Face wriggles on the ground in the restraints of the lasso around his shoulders.
Though you can’t really be certain, you feel an innate sense of knowledge that this is the stranger people whispered about in town. You’d accidentally met his eyes this morning. They were bluer than the sky on a clear day. Like peering into a stream of crystal clear water.
Now he lures the gang away from you, his horse weaving to avoid their shots. You keep waiting for the moment he pulls his gun out on them, but the moment never comes. The stranger ducks as he guides the men between two boulders. Your vision still swims slightly as you squint to figure out why.
Your questions are answered when the first two men following the stranger hit something and spring back from their horses towards the other two men behind them. Dirt kicks up around them as the horses fall into disarray, bucking and crying out before running in all different directions.
The stranger turns his horse, dismounting before the pile of outlaws sprawled out onto the ground. You watch in stunned silence as he unties a rope from the boulders, wrapping it around the dazed group of men.
When his work is done, the man straightens up and turns towards you. Yet again, you’re stunned by the blue of his eyes. In the moonlight, they look almost ghostly.
He takes his horse and leads it over to you by its reins. He towers above you where you’re still on the ground. Embarrassment creeps up your spine as you think about the fact you should have stood up by now.
“Are you alright?” he asks, stretching out a hand dressed in black leather for you to take. His voice is gruff, the words clipped. In his other hand, he holds his hat. He took it off as soon as he approached you.
After a moment’s hesitation, your hand wraps around his. He pulls you back up to your feet with ease. You nod and manage to breathe a thank you, finally beginning to catch your breath. Your eyes drift towards the gang tied up on the ground. The sound of the stranger’s voice pulls your gaze back up to him.
“Were you out walking at this time of night?” he asks. His voice makes it sound as if he’s accusing you of something.
You huff slightly. “No, I wasn’t walking out here,” you snap. Guilt quickly takes over for your short fuse, but the stranger doesn’t seem startled either way. You imagine he encounters far worse than the likes of you. “My horse ran off when they started chasing us. They were shooting at the ground. She threw me.”
The stranger nods. “Where were you going?” he asks.
You have half a mind to lie. It would be the smart thing to do, wouldn’t it? All you know of this man comes from town gossip, and the incredible feat you’d just seen in front of you, neither of which give complete promise that you’re safe with him. What’s to say he isn’t going to want something in return for helping you? What good would giving this man your address do?
At the same time, however, you realize this really is no place for you to be wandering round at night, even with the moon so full and bright. The silvery light casts shadows over the man’s face, and you catch sight of a scar across his jawline.
“My ranch. Just that way,” you say, eyes flickering towards the small outline of the ranch at the top of the small slope ahead.
Wordlessly, the man mounts his horse again, gloved hand yet again out for you to take. What he expects of you is obvious.
“What about them?” you ask, looking back to the gang.
“Sheriff’ll pick ‘em up,” he replies. He hand still reaches out towards you like he knows you’ll take it.
You do.
He hoists you onto the horse behind him. Up close, he smells like earth and sweat and the smoke of a bonfire. Your arms wrap around his sturdy torso. You get the feeling that the display of skill you’d seen earlier is only a portion of what this strange man is capable of.
You catch yourself wondering what he must look like beneath the dust-coated clothes he wears. For your own sake, you write it off as being flustered from the whole ordeal.
You trot back to the ranch, your grip tight on the man. You realize he might be going slow for your sake. You could get there in half the time if you told him he could ride faster, but you don’t. The slower you go, the more time you have to digest everything that’s happened.
Silence falls between the two of you. You’re thankful he doesn’t ask questions. For a man of his reputation, you can only imagine what he must think of you getting thrown from your horse so easily.
Above head, thunder rolls, filling the lull. People in town talked plenty about the storm that was going to roll through. After the man your arms are wrapped around, that was the hot topic. You won’t admit it out loud, but you’re relieved then to have gotten a ride with him. At least you wouldn’t get caught in the rain.
From a distance, you spot your horse trotting around in front of the stable at home. The man slides off the saddle before holding out his hands to help you off. His gentlemanly charm catches you by surprise. The gruffness of his voice had led you to expect something else.
“Thank you,” you say again.
He regards you carefully with his icy eyes for a moment. “You should be more careful,” he says.
Suddenly, being whisked away by a mysterious stranger loses the allure.
You cross your arms over your chest. “That’s awfully presumptuous for a man who just road in,” you reply. “How do you know I’m not careful?”
“Because I had to scare the Two Face Gang off of you.”
The scowl deepens on your face. “How do you know I’m not usually careful?”
He holds your gaze a second longer than is comfortable. “Two Face isn’t in the business of asking if you’re usually careful,” he replies.
Your eyes narrow to slits at him. His expression has never changed—always a carefully guarded, unreadable frown—but you imagine he’s being smug, or whatever his version of smug is. You don’t appreciate this man you don’t know telling you what to do, and you’re sure as hell not going to let him think otherwise.
You scoff. “You have been here all of a couple of hours. Forgive me if I take whatever it is you think I should or should not do with a grain of salt.”
He stares at you. Already, this man prickles your nerves in a way no one else ever has. You’re not used to silence like this; he’s using it against you, but for what, you’re not quite sure.
“What’s your name, anyway?” you ask. Your weight shifts into one of your hips.
“They call me the Crusader.”
You try not to roll your eyes. “I know that’s what they call you. But what’s your name?”
Silence. Your eyes narrow even more.
“Not much of a conversationalist, are you?”
You curse under your breath. “Fine. Thank you for helping me. Thank you for the ride home. You can leave.”
He doesn’t budge, nor do you. You want to scream in his face and ask him what he wants. If he’s not going to talk, why is he haunting your doorstep? You’re not sure what kind of response to expect from him with that kind of outburst, though, and you’ve pressed your luck enough as it is for the evening.
Finally, he speaks.
“I’m not...good at this sort of thing,” he says. His fist is clenched at his side, yet you’re not sure it’s meant as a threat.
“What sort of thing?”
He scowls at you like you’re supposed to understand someone you just met.
“What, talking to people?” you add when he doesn’t explain himself. “Yeah, I can kind of tell.” And everything starts to click. The silence isn’t that of a grumpy, worn cowboy—at least not exclusively—but of a man who spends so much time on his own, he no longer knows how to connect with anyone.
“What’s your name?” you ask again. This time, there’s more patience in your voice.
“Bruce,” he replies. For what feels like the first time in the very short period you’ve known him, you get a straight answer. You return the favor by giving him your name. He repeats it like he’s savoring a treat.
His loneliness is a ghost, threatening to haunt you if you turn him away.
Thunder cracks in the sky again. A heavy drop falls from the sky, splattering on your shoulder. The stars are blocked out by the heavy clouds that had been collecting all day. “You aren’t thinking about going out in that, are you?” you ask.
“Just some rain. Never hurt anyone.”
You purse your lips together. There isn’t a single reason you should trust this man enough to invite him into your home while you sleep. But you can’t just let him wander off into the storm, can you?
You don’t want him wandering around soaking wet, shirt clinging to his broad chest, pants tight across his thick thighs He’d catch a cold. Plus, the man is lonely. You can imagine the isolation of the prairies are something that could wear on a person. He could use someone to talk to. He saved your life, after all.
“You should stay,” you say.
He looks surprised. Or maybe his face hasn’t moved and it’s just your imagination. But he doesn’t respond right away. His horse shakes its mane. You turn away from him, grabbing your horse’s reins to lead it to it. You’re in awe when Bruce follows.
“Your horse have a name?” you ask, turning back over your shoulder to look at him. It’s a peace offering, of sorts.
He’s tall. You were able to more passively figure that out when you first saw him, but up close, it’s even harder to ignore. Not only is he tall, but he’s broad. You see manual laborers all day, but Bruce is something else. “I call her Bats.”
You laugh softly. “Why’s that?” you ask. Something about the name tempers your nerves. A name isn’t enough to totally give your trust over to Bruce, but you hear the fondness as he speaks of her. A man who has proven himself to be very gruff, with his reclusive nature, has a soft spot for his horse.
“Found her over in some canyons by a bunch of bats.” He rustles her dark mane. Your lips quirk up into a smile.
Bruce waits at the front of the stable as you stable your horse. You pretend like you aren’t unnerved by his staring.
“You’re welcome to keep her here,” you offer again.
A bright light flashes behind Bruce’s back. A few seconds later, a loud clap of thunder. Bats lets out a startled whinny.
“Alright,” Bruce says, though he makes no pains to sound happy about it.
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“You’re not from around here, are you?” you ask. Your knees are pulled to your chest. You watch the flames from your fireplace flicker across Bruce’s face.
He took his hat off when he came inside like a gentleman. Despite his brusque attitude, he has manners. One that seem deeply ingrained in him. You have more questions you’d like to ask, but considering you have to wrestle every piece of information about himself out of him, you decide not to press your luck.
“Nope,” he replies. Flames flicker in his eyes.
“Where are you from?”
The fire crackles. Rain patters against your roof. Thunder rolls in the lull of the storm. Bruce says it’ll come back. You trust him on this.
“Out east.”
You nod. “Did you save people out there, too?”
A thin scar runs through his thick, dark brow. He stares into the fireplace like he’s hoping to learn a secret. You feel like you’re interrupting something every time you say something, so this time you don’t.
With how unwilling he is to speak, you worry you’re bothering him. He said he’s not good at talking with people, but you wonder if it’s because he just doesn’t like it. Or maybe he doesn’t like you. So you let the storm and the fire fill the silence.
You don’t mind Bruce’s presence, even if he might mind yours. He’s still a stranger in your home, but you’re becoming more convinced that he isn’t unkind, even if he is maybe unlikable. But unlikable feels like too harsh of a word, even for a harsh person.
“You get lonely out here on your own?” he asks. You hadn’t been expecting for him to ask you anything at all, let alone something so personal. Maybe you are a little lonely; you’d been pondering this man’s loneliness, hadn’t you? You’d guess he was something of an expert.
“I suppose I do.” A beat. “Do you get lonely out there?” You nod towards your rain-speckled window, though you mean the greater world outside of it.
“I’ve got Bats,” he says.
You nod again.
What’s he looking for doing the things he does? Despite your best attempts, he’s still a mystery to you. A hard shell with some sort of kindness buried inside, though what kind and for what reasons, you’re not sure. He helps people. You heard about his reputation in town. He’d helped you. He takes his hat off and helps people down from horses. That has to count for something.
Bruce doesn’t seem like the kind of man to get attached. Beyond that, you shouldn’t be so optimistic or naive to believe he’s the sort of man you want attachments to. A lifestyle like his isn’t one that lends itself to a long life.
“You’re welcome to wash up, if you’d like,” you say.
He raises an eyebrow at you. “Are you saying I smell?”
You shrug your shoulders. “I’m just offering the accommodations I have.” But, truth be told, you were concerned about the dirt you’re sure he’s picked up traveling around. You’re the one who will have to wash the world out of your sheets once he leaves you behind.
He doesn’t argue with you, but there is a brief hesitation. You wonder how much of this is just who he is, or if it’s at all just a result of the world he navigates through. How many strangers has he encountered who took advantage of his trust. But surely he must recognize up against him, you’re not much of a threat. But maybe your attempts at getting to know him are threat enough.
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You were the first to turn in. After tossing and turning for a while, worrying about the unattended stranger in your home, you fell asleep.
Darkness still swallows you room when you next open your eyes. You’re not sure what rouses you. The once violent storm has subsided to just pattering rain on your window. The house is still. For a moment, you think Bruce may be asleep, but the stillness feels more firm than that. It’s not a house asleep; it’s a house emptied.
You get up, and slip your robe on. You carefully avoid the creaky floorboards you know by heart as you creep to your door. You turn the knob slowly, not wanting to alert your strange new friend. But as you sneak about your own home, you realize he’s not here. The bed he’d been laying in is empty, sheets turned over.
Your sleep-addled brain wants you to rummage through the house, make sure he didn’t sneak off with anything while you slept. But an unfamiliar worry knots your stomach for a reason you can’t seem to pinpoint. Almost like you’re disappointed he’s already gone.
As you run out into the rain, you decide you’ll blame this all on waking up in the middle of the night. You’re clearly not fully awake just yet. You stagger through the mist and into the stable, expecting to see an empty spot where Bats should be.
Instead, you see Bruce, back against the gate, chin slumped to his chest. His black hat covers his eyes, arms crossed over his chest.
“Oh,” you breathe.
As quiet as you’d tried to be, the soft utterance is enough for Bruce’s head to snap up. His muscles tense, and he looks very suddenly ready for a fight.
His eyes land on you, standing in the frame of the stable in your night clothes, and he relaxes some. “Just you,” he says, laughing to himself. He takes off his hat, and his heavy-lidded eyes land on you. You realize he’s expecting you to say something for interrupting his sleep.
“The storm’s passed. I thought you might have…” You trail off. What would it matter if Bruce had gone off? What difference would that make, and why do you you care?
He looks at Bats’ sleeping form in the hay. “She’s not much used to being alone.” His deep voice is rough with sleep. Your mouth feels dry. “Didn’t want her skittish from the storm.”
A nod doesn’t seem to be a sufficient reply, but what are you supposed to say? The kindness of this man sleeping out in your barn when he has a bed inside leaves you speechless.
“Right.” Your gaze follows him as he stands up.
“Everything alright?” he asks. He takes a half step towards you.
You nod again, your feet deciding to move up a step in return. “Yeah. Just…”
Just what, you don’t know. This is another silence with Bruce you don’t know how to fill. You watched this man outride the Two Face Gang. You watched him best Two Face himself when you’ve heard the whole town talk about how fierce he was supposed to be. And he’s sleeping out in your stable because he doesn’t want his horse to be spooked.
He’s a few feet away from you. Too far. Even when you sat beside the fire together, you were still too far away from him. You can’t stand it anymore.
You cross the stable, stopping only a foot away from him. You could reach out and brush your fingertips along his jaw if you had the nerve to raise your hand. He doesn’t step any closer, but right now, his attention is only on you. You feel naked before him, stripped just from his survey. Your breathing grows heavy just from the way he looks at you.
His dark, heavy brows only add to the intensity of focus. His chest rises and falls; you realize now he’s down to his undershirt, the cotton thin and worn. You catch sight of the dark chest hair sprawling across his skin.
Finally, just when you feel like you’re going to explode, you wrap your arms around him, your face angled towards his lips, hovering just before them. He doesn’t look away. His gaze is fixed on you, but he never makes any sign he wants you to stop.
His large palms reach for your waist, keeping you firmly in front of him. Your heart leaps. You want his hands all over you. You want to relish in him, marvel he is. Make this lonely man feel a little less lonely.
His lips are dry as yours brush over them. Riding out in the sun and the cold is tough on the skin; you know that well. You wonder what the last real taste of tenderness this man has experienced is.
If Bruce needs another place to surrender, let your body be it. Let him find peace with you, even if for a fleeting moment.
Finally, you press a soft, chaste kiss to his lips to test the waters. His fingertips curl into your clothes as if that touch alone would reassure you’d kiss him again. He may not have much to say, but even buried beneath all the stoicism, you find he needs touch just as much as anyone else.
You wonder how long it’s been since he’s touched someone else with tenderness.
Your drive comes from the eagerness of his response. You like to feel needed, too. Like knowing there’s a purpose you have here. You have a way to thank him for helping you, something more than a roof over his head. Something less temporary, because at least when he rides away, he’ll have something to remember you by.
When you kiss him again, you’re more eager, more confident of your goal. Bruce responds in kind. He kisses you like a man starved. You know almost nothing about him, and yet, you feel as if you understand him. Maybe it’s just the close call with a bad crowd. Maybe it’s just the fact that a man so worn by the weather shouldn’t be that gorgeous, and you just want a reason for wanting him this badly. Whatever it is, you feel like he might understand you, too.
He leans against the stable, holding you to his chest as a hand cups the back of your head. Your fingers fold into his hair, wishing you could wrap yourself around him fully. Wishing there was a way to get rid of all of the space between the two of you.
Your teeth graze his lip, poking the boundaries again. His grip on you tightens even more. You take that as a positive reaction and gently bite down on his lower lip, pulling back some.
By the time you pull away, you’re breathless and dizzy, drunk off his presence.
You grab him by the front of his shirt, tugging him out of the stable, still crowding in his space. If Bruce minds, he certainly isn’t giving any signs. He guides you as you blindly walk backwards through the ranch, his arm hooked around your waist to keep you upright.
The security of his touch has you pulling him back to you, crashing into a kiss yet again as the brim of his hat keeps your lips sheltered from the rain. He keeps the both of you moving. You let him; he’s been inside the house now. You know he knows where he’s going.
And soon, you feel your back hit the door. You reach behind you, not bothering to look as you fumble for the door handle, one hand still gripping onto Bruce like you can’t stand to lose him. He has you pressed onto the door. When you finally find the handle, the door swings open. On a different day, you would have fallen flat on your back. Bruce catches you. Not even that, because he’s holding you, you don’t even begin to fall.
You manage to tear apart long enough for him to pull his shirt off over his head. Your eyes widen at the sight of his scarred skin. Dipping in some parts, puckering in others. Carefully, you run a hand up the skin, fingertips brushing over the coarse hair on his chest.
There isn’t time for more observation before he’s working your clothes off as well. When you’re clothes are scattered all around the room, he pulls you back to him. Warm skin presses into warm skin. The feeling of him even just like this is intoxicating. You could bury yourself in him and be the most peaceful you’ve ever been in your life.
Bruce doesn’t resist as you turn him around, pushing him down onto the bed. It squeaks with his weight. He looks up at you, sitting off the end of the old mattress. You climb on top of him, straddling his lap.
He holds you against his chest. His lips brush over the skin of your neck. You sigh, fingertips tangling in the ends of his hair yet again. You feel a growing bulge against your thigh that has the corners of your mouth pulling into a smirk.
You grind your hips down, breath hitching at the rise of pleasure. Bruce sighs against your skin. The rush goes to your head; here you have a very skilled man with a reputation for being unstoppable in your bed. He’s surrendered himself to you, and you imagine that’s not something he often does.
Once more, your hips press down into his. Your head falls back as you let out a soft breathy moan. Bruce groans into your skin as his kiss trails down your chest. His calloused hands run up the exposed skin of your legs, gripping onto your hips. When you don’t move, he moves you himself. He grinds against you while rolling your hips towards his.
You let out another pleasured cry. Your nails bite into his shoulder, and his breath picks up. Figures he’s the kind of guy who wants it to hurt at least a little.
Bruce rocks you against him, but it’s just not enough. Not close enough, not full enough. You need more of him. You pull back slightly. The hand that isn’t clawing at his skin pulls his face back from your chest. Your nails drag across his back as you slide off his lap, bending down to undo his pants.
His cock springs up. The outline of it presses up against the thin cotton of his drawers. Warmth pools in the pit of your stomach. Your ache for him comes to a desperate mount.
When it’s nothing but the two of you stripped bare, you rest your hand back on his chest, pushing him down into the mattress. He smirks and goes down willingly, cock twitching as he stares up at you.
The mattress dips as you lean a knee onto the bed, moving to straddle him yet again. His eyes are intense in the dim light. Steely eyes fixed to you with such focus, you’d maybe be unnerved if having all his attention to yourself didn’t fill your stomach with butterflies.
You wrap your hand around his cock as you slowly sink down onto him. The weight of your head tips back yet again as you adjust to how very full he makes you feel. Burying him inside of you alone is enough to have you seeing stars; his cock hits a spot deep inside of you, something blinding you can’t quite reach on your own.
Bruce’s hands dig into your hips again like he wants to take charge, but he holds back.
When you get used to the sensation of him inside you, you pull his hands away from your hips, threading your fingers between his.
“Relax, cowboy,” you whisper, your cunt fluttering around him. You take his hands and pin them next to his head. “Lemme say thank you for saving my life.” You lean down, so slick you slide up his cock with ease. You feel him jerk against your walls as you press a soft kiss just below his ear.
You’re positive it would take no effort for him to flip you over, take you exactly the way he wants to, but he doesn’t. He doesn’t even struggle against you. He’s at your mercy, but only because he’s allowing himself to be.
Oddly, you feel honored.
You sit back up, hands sliding down Bruce’s scarred arms, pussy engulfing his cock yet again. A breath catches in your throat as you hit that same spot deep inside. Your palms rest on his chest, fingers splayed out, and you begin to rock your hips against him. He doesn’t protest the weight of your hands. His palms ghost over the skin of your arms, sliding up your back to wrap into your hair. There’s no escaping his gaze except in the moments your eyelids flutter with bliss.
Grinding against him has a sweet warmth building in your stomach. You groan and sigh as you ride him, and he starts to smirk.
“You sound beautiful, darlin’,” he says, pulling you to his lips again. Your cunt is still wrapped around his tip as he cups your jaw with one hand, the other smoothing down the skin of your back. From this angle, you can’t sink back down onto him, and your pussy feels woefully empty,
But Bruce shifts suddenly, legs bent, and begins thrusting into you. His lips don’t dare to leave yours, muffling your gratified cry. He grips your ass, lowering you onto his cock as he thrusts up, getting deeper than even before.
You gasp, knowing you won’t be able to keep back your climax at this rate.
“Let’s see if you can handle some bucking better now than you did earlier,” he growls. You’d feel embarrassed that he’d seen your horse throw you if you weren’t so cock drunk. But it’s just enough to embolden you.
“I told you earlier, Mr. Crusader,” you say, swatting his hands away. “I know how to take care of myself.” You lean back onto your knees again, bouncing on his cock. His hands run over your chest, your ass, whatever he can reach, but he doesn’t seem to be able to get enough.
You can relate.
“Sit up,” you order breathlessly.
“Yes ma’am,” he complies with a playful smirk. The contrast between the gruff man who’d swept you away from danger is staggering. Now, you would even go so far as to say he seems to be enjoying himself.
His chest presses up against yours. You crash your lips against his as you ride him. He winds one arm around your waist again, the other back in your hair. For leverage, you keep your palms onto his shoulders. Your teeth graze over his bottom lip again before biting down. His grip only tightens.
The pleasure is mounting. Your rhythm begins to get sloppier, less steady as you try to chase your orgasm.
“C’mon, sweetheart. Lemme see you take care of yourself,” he teases as you pull away from the kiss, working him deep inside of you.
Your nails dig back into his skin at the words. Your breath catches again. You grind down onto him at just the right angle and everything seems to fall away.
You cry out. If Bruce wasn’t there, you’d fall just like before, but he catches you as you release. Your cunt squeezes around him, and he growls again.
“That’s right. You got one more for me?” he asks. As you ride out the afterglow of your orgasm, Bruce takes your hips again, using his strength to keep you sinking down onto his cock.
“Uh-huh…” you pant, nodding as you give the work over to him.
With his hands on your ass, he moves you up and down onto him. His grip is secure. With what little focus you have at this point, you find yourself fixated by watching the muscles of his arm work your body weight with ease.
Without a break between your first orgasm and the now furious pace at which Bruce fucks himself with your cunt, you feel another climax approaching. Bruce knows. His focus has never waned from your face, infatuated with the details of your expression as you ride him.
Now that he’s doing all the work, you take your hands and cup his cheeks, your lips finding his again in a messy kiss. You’re ravenous for him, wired off of your own bliss. If you don’t ground yourself with him, this seemingly endlessly grounded man, you’d fly away.
Bruce bites down on your lip now, a forceful grip that has you moaning.
His hips stutter. You feel it just as you’re teetering over the edge. One hand moves from his cheek, tugging onto his hair. He moans, and the sound alone pushes you until you’re throbbing around him yet again, body shivering with the force of your release.
Bruce marvels at your open mouthed cries, eyes pinched shut. He slams you down onto his cock, his grip almost bruising as you feel him twitch and cum inside of you.
There’s a beat as you both float on your high, still clinging to each other. Your heart hammers against his chest. Bruce breathes against you. It’s still not close enough, but it’s the closest you’d likely get.
You duck your head into his neck, resting your forehead against his sturdy shoulder. Half-moon indents linger on his skin from your nails. You just smile.
“How’s that for a thank you?” you ask when you finally catch your breath.
He chuckles softly, the tips of his fingers brushing against the skin of your back. “Well, next time you’re in trouble, just call for me. Me and Bats’ll come running.”
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AN: huge shout out to @janybabyy, @fic-over-cannon, and @youknowwhoiamperiod for helping me with brainstorming this 💛 i appreciate it big time
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waffledforbreakfast · 1 month
Staring: Rin, Shidou, Sae, Niko, Kaiser, Ness, Otoya, Karasu, Reo
[ BLLK Scenario Masterlist ]
TW: heavy ooc (I MEAN HEAVY. forgive me, it gets a bit better later chapts i swear), bad grammar, bad spelling, bad formatting, etc.
Their reaction to a kiss on the cheek
Rin is NOT used to physical affection
His eyes widen and he just STARES with the tiniest bit of blush
“I-... what was that for…”
He needs to process what just happened (bro is shocketh)
Once he does, he'll pull you in for a hug and ask for another one while avoiding eye contact 
Bro's jaw DROPS
Shidou squeals in excitement, blushing and everything 
then he tackles you immediately after
Literally won't let you go till you give him another one. And another… you get the point 
Does that thing when the blink a lot trying to process
Looks at you, then down at himself, then back at you
Will grab you by your shoulders “I want you to bare my children” A/N: I'm just kidding lol
He looks so embarrassed, and just stares at you, trying to be mad “What was that for… do it again.”
This man is a blushing stuttering MESS
He will bury his face in his hands/arms, but we all know he's smiling ;)
“I-Wha.. w-wait… why-huh??”
Will whisper ask for another :3
The initial shock lasts for around 2 seconds because he pulls you in by the chin grinning
“Wow Meine Liebe, didn't know you were so bold~”
Total ego boost
“Pussy. Go for the lips next time.”
Then he’ll do it himself 
“Hm. did you use chapstick? Tastes good”
His entire face is so shocked/flustered
Silently screaming and mentally rolling on the floor
Completely forgets you're still there watching him
Stutters so much, can't get any words out
Will rant to Kaiser about it later
“Then guess what- they KISSED me >////<. They kissed ME- AESJBWJSJBSHAJ”
Otoya was not that surprised (I mean, what do you expect ;v;)
“Oh~? I bet I could do better-” wink wink
He'll unintentionally stay up thinking about it tho (I'm delusional guys)
“That wasn’t anything special… I mean, i’ve kissed better girls… right?? AHHHH WHY WAS THAT MY BEST KISS AUGHHH” he threw his pillow across the room
Then proceed to sleep with the pillow imagining it was you, while telling himself he wasn’t
Takes a few seconds to process
“... So, that's how that feels huh?... I like it”
Will try to play it off cool, but man's blushing
He can’t stop thinking of you, even Otoya notices
“Hey bro, you alright? You’ve been spacing out a lot…” 
“Yea I’m fine, Otoya…nothing special” Karasu would try to shug it off
“Hmm. Are you in love?” Otoya teased
“What-NO?” He tried to play it off, he couldn’t…
The white haired boy would just laugh “Cmon, I’ve been there, being in love and all that… I get what you’re going through! If you even need any rizz tips, hit me up”
Karasu scoffed “Please, like you know how to treat a girl well,I would never do anything like that to them…”
The biggest look of suprise on his face, takes him a few seconds to process
Takes out a handful of $100 bills and slams it into your chest while trying to cover up his face without saying anything
Will be so distracted the rest of the day, even Nagi notices
“Nagi, I'm being normal right? So normal. This is normal. EVERYTHING IS NORMAL.”
“Reo, it's 11pm. They kissed you hours ago, you are not normal.”
“If I asked them for another one, do you think they'll be okay with it??”
“Go to sleep, Reo.”
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