#because she too is unreliable!!! she can't do it alone!!!!
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caligvlasaqvarivm · 3 months ago
Why The Ending Sucks
Ok I figured it out. Hear me out:
The entire comic has a running theme best summed up as "who is controlling the narrative, and why are we listening to them?"
Hussie plays a caricaturized version of himself that he describes as "buffoonish" and "oafish". Caricature!Hussie is well-meaning, but a dumb idiot who's incredibly biased in favor of certain characters and in disfavor of others (the most obvious example being his "love" of Vriska, but there's also the way he constantly disparages Eridan). As a result, you have to be VERY SKEPTICAL and VERY CAREFUL when approaching Homestuck's narration, because even when the "best" narrator is at the helm, he's not 100% trustworthy and incapable of giving the readers an unbiased view of the story.
I say "best" because, importantly, Hussie isn't the story's only narrator. He and Doc Scratch explicitly fight over control of the story - Doc Scratch, the child abusing predator who engineered Alternia's fascist murder society, whose shaping of its history is explicitly described by character!Hussie as "fanfic". He is then killed by Lord English, who is described by Hussie as embodying the "toxically masculine" and by extension, the patriarchy, and Caliborn explicitly takes control of the story. John even grapples with Caliborn's version of events, calling out how sexist and misogynistic and shitty it is.
So if we're keeping score: control over the narrative is LITERALLY wrested away from Hussie (who was already struggling to be unbiased) by fascists, abusers, and the patriarchy. It's stressed multiple times that Caliborn/LE are responsible for literally everything that ever happens; the reason the Game Over timeline ends the way that it does is because the alpha timeline is, in essence, the narrative LE is telling: the forces of fascism get to claim the new universe, thereby propogating itself, while friendship dies and all hope is lost.
Who's in control of the narrative, and why are we listening to them?
There are other minor examples of this, too: Aranea is an exposition fairy, and she's biased as fuck and wrong ALL THE TIME about her own teammates. Karkat's explanations and rationalizations are constantly tinged with his own self-loathing and self-blame. Sollux and Meulin are both prophets as per their Mage class, but are both so bogged down by their own emotional issues that the futures they pick out are actively harmful. So on and so on. At nearly every turn, you have to interrogate who's telling the story, what their motivations are, and what they're overlooking or deliberately obfuscating.
So given that this theme is so prevalent, and so thoroughly weighted toward "well, actually, maybe you shouldn't take narration at face value and should interrogate it and come to your own conclusions," it would be Really Weird for the story to go "actually, you can totally trust the narrative now because everyone gets a happy ending".
So, I know that it makes me sound like a conspiracy theorist, but here's my genuine take on Homestuck's ending:
The ending is shitty on purpose because the viewer is intended to take it as a dare to refute the narration and make something better.
Why are we letting character!Hussie tell the story? He's a biased idiot. Why are we letting the various avatars of LE and Caliborn tell the story? They're fascist, misogynistic, predatory assholes.
And - because Homestuck is a story about life - why are we letting idiots, assholes, abusers, and creeps dictate the story of real life? The world is full of forces that would try to take control of the story and make everyone else play along, represented in microcosm within the text of Homestuck. We cannot let those forces win.
So please go out and do something kind and hopeful and loving in the world today. Thanks for reading.
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batfansa · 2 months ago
The more I thought about it, the more I realized just how fucked up the whole situation with Cobigail really was. And to me, personally, I feel she was done the most dirty through Inspekta's actions.
Like, not to diminish what he did to the other gods or anything, but... at most he broke Mitternacht's heart, almost broke Thespius' heart, tricked Click Clack and made him feel guilty for almost ruining their show and hurting Thespi, tricked Bauhauzzo and made him feel guilty and upset for hurting Huzzle, Huzzle Mug was more so pissed and felt betrayed, all while framing and imprisoning King after taking Megapon away.
And none of the followers were in any real danger aside for Mitternacht's crying possibly flooding the Grove. But nobody seemed too concerned with that, more concerned with her being upset and having to deal with the rain. All of which was still bad, obviously, but none of it felt too terrible.
Meanwhile, with Cobigail, he outright tarnished her reputation and painted her as this dangerous god willing to devour her own people. He took direct advantage of the fact that Milldread hasn't had a harvest in a while and decided to directly blame Cobi for it. Literally accused her of starving her own people, all while she's starving too!
This is made worse by the fact that this poor corn lady hadn't even been visited by anyone in twenty years and was starting to forget herself and her memories. She couldn't even speak up for herself 'cause everyone was afraid of her, and she was unable to even recall things so would have been unreliable anyways.
But the thing that really makes this whole situation worse, is that because of Inspekta's letter, someone decided that the best course of action to take was to slaughter an innocent person in front of the entire town, children included. And that this same person also so happened to be someone Cobigail knew back when she was human.
Someone she knew as a child. A child she taught and had fond memories of. She watched that little boy grow up and build that town and community. He's also quite possibly the only remaining person from her time as a human still alive. He hasn't visited her in forever either and feels real bad about it, knows she's not a blood cobbler gobbler. That's his old music teacher after all. He knows she'd never hurt nobody. She's the same teacher who loves his milldreadberry jam and loved being able to eat it during the Harvest.
And now, he's about to be sacrificed to that same teacher-turned-god, without even being able to give her a proper goodbye or apology for not seeing her for those twenty years. And she, in turn, can't do anything about it. Can't stop it. And is forced to watch as he's bashed and cut into mush. His blood splattered onto her alter, in her name.
And I also think people seem to forget that Cobigail was this close to being forced to drink her own ex-student's blood. Like, she would have been slurping up Bloom's blood through her roots unwillingly. Would have been forced to taste it and know exactly who it was she was eating.
And that little detail alone just fucks with me so much, because it is so dark and so sad at the same time.
But while all this was happening, while Saul was yelling about cutting up an innocent man, Inspekta just sat idly in his domain and did nothing. Didn't seem to realize the gravity of the situation (or just didn't care, too busy self-rotting) to tell Cappy or his other Bizzyboys to interfere. Was totally fine with somebody getting killed and his fellow god taking all the blame and being forced to watch.
Like, Cobigail is just the sweetest and is so forgiving, literally welcoming back 'Speks into the family despite everything. Literally had no hard feelings and made it clear she was there for him. So supportive too. Just wants to see everyone safe and happy. Spook some folks. Be silly.
Just, somebody get this sweet corn lady some jam and company.
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bigmoon-is-bigwife · 1 month ago
Everyone keeps telling Ros that everyone is manipulating her and that she needs to be careful who she trusts and you can tell it is really starting to wear on her. She has had Bad, Pangi, Aimsey and even the most neutral person Beky call into question the intentions of people she trusts. They do this out of genuine concern but it makes Ros doubt herself. It makes Ros doubt if she can really trust anyone because Ros knows and has admitted she is easily influenced.
I think it really is starting to come to a head with Aimsey specifically though. Aimsey loves and wants to protect Ros and genuinely is trying to look out for Ros but they are extremely distrusting of most people. They even admitted to Ros they only trust two people: Ros and CPK. Ros is much more open and trusting than them and I think they really worry about Ros getting taken advantage of. I think they are especially put off with the fact that Ros's second closest (if not equal to) relationship other than Aimsey is Clown.
Aimsey does not seem to like or trust Clown very much. They've had a few polite interactions but the most recent interaction where Ros was involved seemed very tense on Aimsey's end. I do not think Aimsey trusts Clown with Ros and that's probably because they have never really seen Clown and Ros together. All they know is Clown's reputation for being murderous and that Ros started getting more violent and reckless after meeting him. Ros tells Aimsey that she trusts Clown wholeheartedly and even desperately tried to convince them that they could trust Clown too but Aimsey seems unconvinced. They haven't seen the softer side of Clown that genuinely worries about Ros and is actively trying to keep her alive. The few interactions they've had with Clown he has always been more cold and distant like he is to most people. To Aimsey, Clown is this unknown and dangerous person that Ros has attached herself to and Aimsey doesn't know his goals or intentions. He also isn't around a lot and I think that comes off as him being unreliable. Already, I think this makes Aimsey worry that Ros isn't the best judge of character.
Then you also add in the fact that Aimsey doesn't and has never liked The Kingdom of Fools. Aimsey sees Ros pour her heart and soul into the faction and building the castle and yet still they've also seen Ros hunted down and alone without backup. I think they believe Ros isn't valued enough in her faction and worry that she is being taken advantage of. Aimsey hasn't seen the way Ros's faction members constantly praise and support her and all the ways they do genuinely try and help her. They have a very biased and incomplete perception of Ros's relationship with her faction and they don't understand why she is so loyal to it. So when Ros tells Aimsey that she trusts her faction members, Aimsey has their doubts about whether or not they can actually be relied on. I fully understand where Aimsey is coming from with their limited perspective of Ros's relationships but I also think it hurts Ros that even her best friend doesn't seem to trust her judgement. I think Aimsey lashing out at Bad for even talking to Ros is bringing her closer to a tipping point.
"Okay maybe I can't trust anyone. That's okay."
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rabbitsrants · 1 year ago
Could you tell me what's your opinion about kogoro,like you always appear like you hate kogoro that's why I wanted to know (whenever you mention him you tell that unbothered fuckin father) wanna know your opinion please answer my ask
fun question!
with that being said, i have a very nuanced opinion on him
do i think he's a good detective, husband or father? NO, absolutely not. i don't even think he's a good guardian in regards to conan lol
kogoro can be very self-absorbed, impatient and superficial. his alcoholism and gambling addiction strain every aspect of his life, but kogoro doesn't seem to care enough to change
a few examples:
chapter 1
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chapter 370
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initially, i blamed his attitude on his lack of success as a detective. but he shows signs of being irresponsible in his youth as well, despite working for the police:
chapter 572
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even after shinichi saves kogoro's career and introduces him to a lot of fame, kogoro shows no willingness to change. he's chronically self-indulgent:
chapter 853
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on top of that, the rare times that ran asks him to do something for her, he acts like it's a complete burden:
chapter 528
ran asks him to watch eri's cat while she's in school and kogoro tries to pass the responsibility on to conan
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speaking of conan, kogoro repeatedly gets violent with him when he's investigating alongside him
chapter 12
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the reason why it appears like i hate him is because my posts are mainly about shinran and interestingly enough, gosho decided to write kogoro as shinichi's polar opposite in a lot of ways. which he even admits in his own writing:
chapter 163
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it's evidently a writing choice that gosho decided to go for on purpose. and i think that's fucking brilliant. think about it: ran growing up with an irresponsible, unreliable dad who often prioritizes drinking and gambling over his own daughter? and that same girl falling in love with a guy who's incredibly dependable, attentive, selfless and everything her father is not? IT MAKES SO MUCH SENSE
so whenever i analyze certain shinran moments, it becomes glaringly obvious to me that shinichi often acts like an anti-kogoro, so to speak.
examples i already mentioned in my acts of service post: kogoro refusing to help ran - shinichi stepping up as a result in chapter 457 and 716.
additional examples:
chapter 192
kogoro drops off ran at this weird, isolated mansion for a meeting that sonoko arranged with a bunch of strangers online and he feels off about the whole thing and i'm like YES LOVE THAT, SHOWING GREAT PARENTAL INSTINCTS
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he even warns one of the guys and i'm like YEAH YOU'RE BEING A GOOD DAD, LETS GO KOGORO
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naturally, shinichi feels weird about the situation as well, so he insists on staying with his girl, even though it's already been discussed that he's too sick:
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so, despite the fact that a) kogoro feels like something is odd about the meeting, b) he warns the guy to leave ran tf alone... HE STILL LEAVES HER AT THE MANSION UNPROTECTED
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and i'm like... WHY????? and gosho immediately answers my question:
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LIKE????????????????????? talk about bad parenting lol
anyway, turns out something about the meeting was indeed off and ran is potentially in danger. both shin and kogoro lose their shit:
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but there's a key difference between kogoro and shinichi and i feel like gosho wrote this difference on purpose - nothing, and i mean absolutely NOTHING will ever stop shinichi from trying to keep ran safe:
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chapter 347-349
the case barely even begins and shinichi immediately observes that ran isn't feeling well:
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he even tries to convince her to ditch dinner and go back home:
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when shit starts hitting the fan and ran is getting incredibly dizzy, kogoro doesn't even notice:
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again, maybe i'm reading too much into it, but i think the fact that gosho depicts kogoro's ignorance in this situation is 100% by design and as a result shinichi gets to be the anti-kogoro again:
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throughout the whole case shinichi worries about ran and tries to take care of her. which is very impressive considering that ran constantly tries to downplay her symptoms:
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examples like this occur way too often for me to write them off as a coincidence. we're clearly dealing with a pattern. how could i not point that out in my analysis? especially when shinichi's unwavering loyalty towards ran is something that she gushes about constantly?
with all that being said, just because i regurarly point out kogoro's flaws as a dad, doesn't mean i hate him. it's just that i aim to reach a full, comprehensive conclusion with every analysis i write and that entails important details like the glaring differences between shinichi and kogoro regarding their treatment of ran.
i still adore kogoro. cause like i said, there's nuance. i feel like there's a lot of hidden depth behind kogoro's character that i wish gosho explored more:
he's smarter than people think
chapter 11
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chapter 165
to everyone's suprise, kogoro deducts that eri lost her wedding ring and he goes out of his way to find it for her:
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there are more examples of him showing decent detective skills during certain cases but this post is already long enough lol so i'm not getting into that
he can be very idealistic
chapter 86
him holding an old and dear friend accountable for murdering someone:
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chapter 376
him doing the same again with a childhood friend:
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chapter 266
I LOVE IT when kogoro shows his vulnerable side, i find it so heartwarming:
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chapter 986
OR HIS BADASS SIDE (this is him protecting eri from a guy who's about to sexually assault her)
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and even though i shit on his parenting a lot he can be very endearing at times! examples:
chapter 207
his reaction to ran dreaming about the one time that shinichi asked her to give him her bra (it was for a case lol)
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chapter 254
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it's a small but incredibly touching gesture and i love him so much for moments like this
chapter 255
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chapter 765
even though i criticized him for his treatment of conan earlier, shinichi and kogoro have their moments as well. the ramen case is one of my favorite moments between them, it's just so wholesome!
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this case is giving dad and son-in-law eneregy!
to sum up my very long response: kogoro is an overall shitty person but he can be very smart, idealistic and sweet and i wish gosho explored those aspects of his character more, cause i feel like he gets sidelined a lot. he often uses kogoro for comedic relief which is fair to a certain extent cause kogoro is HILARIOUS and makes me laugh all the time but gosho keeps giving the bigger and more meaningful plotlines to characters that I DON'T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT (looking at you amuro) and i think that's a fucking shame cause kogoro has a lot of potential
hope that answers your question! :)
visit the shinran library for more
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rose-of-red-lake · 8 months ago
Unreliable Narrator in the Sith Show
I have seen a few arguments that the Acolyte is a case of total unreliable narration, that it's a new Star Wars era of storytelling, a "sophisticated" show from the "Sith's POV," which is why the Stranger/Qimir seems so calm, balanced, and sure of himself. But don't worry - according to these opinions, the modern audience will be able to see through his lies, being astute enough to know that he's evil, without having to tell us directly. Because telling us directly is too much of a mustache-twirling villain trope, or something.
So is everyone on the same page? Did we all get this?
Naur, I don think so... because I have also seen a lot of odd defenses of the character, that he's not really as bad as the Jedi make him out to be, that he's not a Sith, and that he wants to be left alone as a rogue, without any allegiances, just doing whatever he wants, whenever he wants. I have seen people agree with his perspective, that the Jedi are the oppressors because they won't let him live how he wants. Someone even compared him to Mando with Osha as his Grogu. Man just wants a family without the government telling him how to live his lyfe. 😥
So if audiences are indeed smart enough to see through the unreliable narrator, why are they agreeing with him? Why are people sucked into his own perspective, which is Ayn Rand on steroids to my mind. Running through the galaxy, doing whatever you want? Okay, but look where that led. Once he wanted an acolyte to go out into the world and assassinate some Jedi, he isn't like Brendock or Dathomir witches anymore. That should have been a line, drawn, clear to the audience. But then the narrative goes back to extreme moral relativism. "Well, maybe the Jedi shouldn't have interfered..." or, "Maybe they were right to." So we have morally grey situations with a baddie POV mixed in, in a television show where we can't get inside people's heads? Okaaaay...Leysle with a Y. Good luck with that.
If this is all just unreliable narration, why is Sol so unsympathetic, unwilling to ask for forgiveness, even right up to the end? This just makes Osha look justified for killing him. The Dark Side doesn't even need to be "seductive" if Sol's actions were so bad. And I'm taking his actions that way because of what the showrunner said about him: Sol has a darkness in him that he can't control. And what was the content of this darkness, you might wonder? Well, he was being more like a "father" than a "Jedi" again according to Headland. Alright, why are those two roles mutually exclusive, at all? Doesn't her own mentor Feloni criticize Obi-Wan for not being enough of a father to Anakin?
But maybe the unreliable narration could come through with how the Order is portrayed in their scenes without Qimir. But nope, they're like the freaking police department in the Wire: cold, calculating, trying to cover things up. If it was an unreliable narrator, wouldn't we have a break in all of the bleakness that shows us, hey "Qimir is kinda wrong here." I don't think we do.
Beyond any of this, I don't trust this writer to write something as complex as a "Sith POV," or use unreliable narration effectively. I don't think she's experienced enough.
Not to mention, I don't think the showrunner gets the emotional turmoil of what its like to be a Dark Side user. They should be lost in their emotions, letting their emotions rule them, subject to constant turmoil, constant fear of losing what they have, and wanting more and more because of their greed. The unreliable narration should break at some point to show that, and it shouldn't be so subtle that it goes over people's heads. Moreover, a Jedi like Sol should be more sympathetic because they are at least struggling to suppress their inner Dark Side. Sol did nothing like what Anakin did. If he is truly acting like a overly-compassionate father, then he shouldn't refuse to ask for her forgiveness either. He shouldn't be dead in the mud, choked by his own daughter.
Goddamn this show is fucking bleak.
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malsperanza · 3 months ago
MXTX the unreliable narrator vs. her unreliable protagonists
One of the things MXTX does so well is to blur the line between narrator and internal monologue. Scum Villain is almost entirely written from SQQ's POV, and we know that he is a classic unreliable protagonist. But it's not 100% true that SVSSS is entirely from SQQ's POV. There are several places where the book goes head-hopping and we get other people's internal monologues. Since this isn't signaled or called out in any way, it leaves the reader without real clarity about what is narrator and what is POV. One example comes quite early on, when the young LBH fights a series of duels with the demons during their invasion of Cang Qiong Mountain. We briefly get the POV of his combatants. This may just be a sign of MXTX's imperfect command of her form (she wrote the book when she was in high school ffs), or it may be deliberate.
Either way, this squishiness means that the reader can't be sure that there is no omniscient narrator who is suppressing or providing info that SQQ might not have. In addition, we have the System's interference in the novel, which is not exactly omniscient narrator, and not POV character either. And then there's SQQ's own tendency to lie to himself. He is unreliable not only because he neglects to mention certain things, but also because he is so un-self-aware that he doesn't know some things even from inside his own POV.
[Later, in Heaven Official's Blessing, MXTX wields the tools of narrator omniscience and narrator omission much more smoothly. We get a narrator who seems to be confidently omniscient and honest. Yet we can see - only on reread - how much salient info is omitted at crucial points. Exactly what happened in the past. Exactly why Xie Lian ascended. Exactly who Hua Cheng is. And then we have the unreliable Xie Lian, in whose POV most of the book is given. XL isn't unreliable because he lies (he doesn't lie); nor because he's ignorant or unself-aware (he is neither); but because he prefers not to tell anyone - including us - more than he needs to. He's very private, and he plays his cards close to his chest. He has a wicked sense of humor, but enjoys himself entirely in private and alone.]
So in SVSSS the line isn't necessarily a clear one. Further, the confusion on the part of the reader may not be a mistake or misreading - it may be provoked deliberately by MXTX. That's because in the greater scheme of the book, MXTX is intentionally putting us in the same role with respect to SVSSS that SQQ has with respect to Proud Immortal Demon Way. That is: we have our preferences about the protagonists and antagonists and our opinions about the quality of the writing, the inclusion of episodes for reasons not required by the plot (starting with the introduction of the System as a character in the book, separate from The Narrator, and separate again from MXTX).
That said, some readers do misread or interpret in ways that the text doesn't really support. But they're allowed to do that because the book is so deliberately confusing, and because the theme of the book is Fandom and its quixotic relationship with the Text.
It's an incredibly layered and complicated setup.
One thing I've noticed about MXTX readers (and maybe Danmei readers in general) is that they fall in love with the version of the book they like and want, and then tend to read through that lens. This may mean taking info as "fact" when it's really just the opinion of the POV character, and not reliable.
Which of course is Shen Yuan's problem with respect to PIDW in the first place. MXTX is amazingly savvy about her readers and not shy about parodying us too.
EDIT: I realize that I need to credit @gaywatch 's reading streams on YT of MXTX books for the starting points for my various meta thoughts. So much insight stuck in the middle of hilarious and delightful deconstructed and subverted versions of audiobooks. https://www.youtube.com/@Gaywatch
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denv2 · 5 months ago
Okay. I'll just ramble on by myself again today. There are so many things to say, but I'm bad at English, so I can only talk to myself and use a translator to post it.... (Why doesn't Tumblr have an official translator function. I don't want to compare, but twt(x) has Google Translate, but can't Tumblr have that too. Please play my wish. If it's a global app, let's have a translator) Anyway, I want to see more of Felix's story...
As always, I'm embarrassed to talk about headcanons alone, so I'll continue below. (99% IM!felix chat)(It's long)(chapter 172~ spoiler)
I've been mentioning something consistently... I keep thinking about Felix's backstory, which I'm rereading these days... Last time I read and drew a picture of chapter 181, but... Oh my God, I should've started at 172, but I realized I started in the middle.
In 172, Felix uses a gag to defeat the enemy. I love the description of his ability to use a gag, but what's even more thrilling is his reaction afterward. He spontaneously bursts out laughing in triumph after defeating the enemy through a gag. Then he immediately frowns.
'Too close. It was too close.' < This sentence actually made me pull my hair out...
It really shows how Felix is determined to never go back to being zany again. I love the way he checks himself because he's afraid he's going to turn into a zany person after one gag. I really like that... When I first read the novel, I didn't decide on a favorite and just enjoyed the story itself, but now that I'm reading the details again for the first time in a long time while knowing the whole story, I think there are so many things I forgot. And about the relationship between Felix and zany... There were more mentions than I thought, but I didn't notice this... Yes, in fact, the labyrinth part was so long that I was a little tired when I read that part before, but I didn't remember that a lot of Felix's backstory was solved from Felix's side during the labyrinth part...
I keep getting a little obsessed with Felix's past, Felix and his zany days, but there's a reason. I did fanart until March of this year, then I got a little busy for a while, so I was binge-watching chapters of the novel, and then I read chapters 349 and 350, and I loved them so much that I really fell in love with them, so I came back to drawing Felix after a long time? Chapter 349 is the adoption meeting between Canola and Felix, and I really love this chapter. The reason Boris's adoption was rejected was because Felix was zany (+ other unreliable behaviors), and I actually sympathized with Canola. Felix is a trustworthy protector, sure, but he's not perfect, and I like him more for that... As a side note, I do like Canola (I like her as a 2D character, she's like Noelle's mom from Deltarune lol) Anyway, it was Felix's mention of his inner zany that really opened my eyes to Felix and zany. After that, I thought I should re-read about Felix's past connections from his visions in the labyrinth, and then I grabbed chapter 181 and read it and loved it so much that I started drawing Alex and Kitty... But I should have read it from 172!!! 172 also had some really important Felix and ZANY, GAG references...
And chapter 174... Awww. I'm going to paint a picture of Professor Wilson and Felix's past college relationship... As for Professor Wilson's characterization, I've been paying attention to it because of the cult references, but I've been rethinking that characterization as Felix's benefactor lately, so I'm appreciating that part anew, and it's great. I think I remember there was a side story about Felix and Professor Wilson in college in Inky Extra, but I need to read it again.
And chapter 179!! No why didn't I read chapter 179 again?! I thought I would find Felix's past part in the labyrinth part and read it again, so I clicked on the early and middle chapters of the labyrinth to find Felix and read it, but it was 181. There was 179 before 181, but I should have read it from here 😂.
But actually, it's probably a good thing I read chapter 179 now, because it's based on the Twisted Tales Felix animation. If I had read 179 when I reread chapter 181, I don't think I would have gotten as much detail as I did now, because I hadn't seen Twisted Felix yet! So I guess I found this at the right time... Anyway, I have a lot to say about chapter 179.
After realizing that Felix's former hometown is based on Twisted Tales... I can kind of imagine how he lived in the past, and I like that.
To digress for a second, I recently posted a picture of Felix as a showmanship-esque star in a tailcoat suit, and while I was drawing it, I was thinking that Felix, who is a real-life zany top-tier star, would never wear a suit like that, lol. But! I think he would have worn it at least once, but the normal show would have been a comedy show with gags, witty stand-up comedy and physical comedy, right? But I wanted to draw Felix the star in a suit, with a glow in his eyes... That zany, crazy presence! I tried to capture that in my own expression. And since Star Felix is Felix from the past, I wanted him to be a little younger than he is now... The hairstyle is also a little different from the current Felix I'm drawing now! The current Adventurer Felix has more wild hair and is a little unkempt, whereas the Star Felix I drew this time is very well-groomed for showmanship and has a slicked back hairdo.
Let's go back to 179 again. The first line that stood out to me was when Felix's friend asks, "You're not homeless again, are you?
Later on, Felix and Bendy meet up and Felix is telling Bendy about his past, and I think it's mentioned that after Alex, Felix's show fortunes started to change, and he was living an unstable life where he was doing well, and then all of a sudden he was homeless, and then he was doing well again, and then he was going back and forth like that. I think that's the fun part of the subtext, because you read the subtext first, you can see what the earlier reference is actually for.
Then there's Sheba... Actually, what I've been thinking about Sheba and what I drew with Alex and Kitty last time and what I drew after watching Twisted Tales... The character interpretations are mixed now. I drew Sheba last time, but I think I need to change the character design...! I want her to have more of a Twisted Tales feel to her. I feel like I need to do more characterization for Sheba, especially after seeing the scene where Felix's friends don't understand that he doesn't want to be zany, except for Sheba... I need to get her in line... I love Felix and Sheba's friendship in the original comic, but I need to re-read the parts where it's mentioned about their friendship in IM.
And about Candy, I'm actually really interested in Felix's past relationships with girls... Seriously, why is Felix so popular? lol I love it... I love that his past is so colorful... Candy, Nastassia... and Kitty (oh my god. I have so much to say about Kitty).
Okay, let's move on to 181. If I have something else to say about 179 later, I'll say it then. I'm going to say 181 again because it's Kitty...
One of Alex's lines to Felix is this: "Kitty was the last steady girl you had, right?" < Alex's provocation level is... Crazy... (in a positive way). I can't stop thinking about this. About Felix's stable attachment to a relationship.... He's been living alone ever since he left town... I don't think he was even interested in a relationship, because it ended so tragically.... Then one day he meets a rabbit...(Oh my god, but this isn't about Osix, so maybe later...)
I'm so curious about the end of Felix and Kitty's tragic past relationship... What the hell did Alex do? I've imagined some really horrible things, and I honestly don't think it's that bad, but what the hell made Kitty apologize to Felix and Felix turn away and avoid her? What the hell happened?"....
Awww... Felix and Kitty... I'm sure they were a great match before the tragedy... But... But now that they've been torn apart... I love this tragedy... I'm sorry Felix, but I really like ex relationships... because they're ex...
By the way, about Kitty's appearance, last time I drew her with ring earrings, I realized I should change the design to round earrings. I've got two pairs of Felix and Kitty and Oswald and Ortensia scheduled... so it's one of the things I'll definitely do. I'll probably change the earrings to be round then.
Now about Alex. There is so, so much to say about him...... I really love this dislike between Felix and Alex because it feels so good that the people they hate so much are cousins, blood relatives.
Cousins... I think this is more of a fear for Felix. If it were anyone else, he could just end the relationship cleanly. But I think the fact that they are family is more frightening... That's what I like so much. Felix hates and loathes Alex with all his heart. But Alex's attitude in the labyrinth is a little different from Felix's, isn't it? Felix is really hating him, but Alex is provoking him by raising him up... That's also very nice.
I love every single one of Alex's lines, it's so flavorful. I like villainous characters like Alex, but the reason why Alex is especially good is because it's a personalized antagonistic relationship with Felix that completely provokes Felix. He's so good at provoking...
I love the way Alex calls Kitty: 'beaut', 'kit', 'honey doll'... It's so sweet. It's so poisonous... And the things he says to Felix, it's so disturbing. He's so crazy.
'Long time no see, Feels', 'C'mon Feels, nothing to say to me? I've missed you!'(heck, this is soooo crazy.......), 'Still mad?', 'That's cute, Feels.'(noooooooo this is so insane....... alex..... love his poisoned words...), 'dear cousin?', 'cousin'
I love the way Alex says this... He's really provoking Felix with every line... I love how felix refers to alex as just 'Alex' but alex emphasizes the word 'cousin'. See why I said they have a better relationship because they're cousins? By referring to him as a cousin, he's subtly telling Felix that you're not really gone when you leave, that you're not really gone as long as you have the same blood in your veins. I think 'cousin' encompasses both mocking and taunting him for running away, but also letting him know that he's not really gone when he runs away.
But here's my question. When Alex mentions Felix's magic bag, he says it's supposed to be mine. Huh... I'm really curious about the past...
And then there's Alex's Felix costume... Seriously, I love this gimmick, it's a tradition, right? Alex mentions that it's the first time he's done it in a long time, and I wonder if there was an incident in the past where this costume caused a huge rift between Felix and the people around him. And... About Kitty... I can't get this thought out of my head. I'm sure it's because of Alex's appearance in the original Felix classic comics.... Yeah, right....... Oh, I'm thinking the worst again. I'm done here....
I find Felix's past parts so interesting and funny and I think about them a lot, but that's probably more because I like IM Felix.
I also realize that this whole past part isn't really real, it's just Labyrinth's hallucination. I think the real Alex and the real Kitty might react differently, but I honestly think Alex would be the same as Labyrinth lol. Considering the way Alex talks in the other books, yes. He really does have a mouth full of venom (which I love).
That was a really long rant... It's all running around in my head and I have nowhere to put it... I wanted to rant like this in my own personal space. I hope if anyone reads this far, they enjoyed it... Please someone talk to me about Felix🥺
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zvtara-was-never-canon · 5 months ago
What is your opinion on the „aang idealized katara take“
I personally find it very ridiculous that people assume that he idealized katara because he showed disconcern over her bevaiour in the southern raiders.
He literally asks her „what do you think will this accomplish“ because indeed what would accomplish and he had her happiness in priority.
Zutarians say Aang idealized Katara because, despite their claim that they are her "real" fans", they cannot understand, let alone appreciate, her character at all.
They see Aang acknowledging her qualities and are confused because they see nothing worth admiring in her. They see Aang being worried when she's doing things that are out of character or a sign that she's not doing well mentally and think he just "can't handle the real her" because they think Katara is nothing EXCEPT her worst traits and actions.
Objective truth is always going to look like idealization to people that are only interested in the dark, ugly and unlikeable because they think it's "edgy" and "mature."
Plus zutarians are wanna-be feminists and they'll latch onto any pseudo-feminist lingo. That's why they'll ramble about Male Gaze, idealization, manic-pixie-dream-girl and what not. They think Zuko and Katara look good together while Aang and Katara don't, and instead of just owning that they want to pretend their preference is objective instead of subjective, so just use whatever buzz word they read on buzzfeed five years ago and slap it on Aang to make him look bad.
No kind deed can be genuine, no compliment isn't manipulation, no disagreement isn't abuse and control. He's guilty until proven innocent, always.
If he thinks she's attractive, he's a misogynist sexualizing her. But if sex isn't on his mind, he's not "mature" enough for her. If he agrees with her he's a pathetic simp, if he disagrees he's oppressing her. If he spends his time with her he's codependent and a burden, if he spends it elsewhere/with someone else he's uncaring, selfish and unreliable. If he helps her he has a savior complex and doesn't trust her abilities, if he lets her do her thing he's not supportive of her like she is of him. If he needs her help he is a toddler, if he doesn't he is "too perfect" and "boring" and "typical male wish fullfilment"
Damned if he does, damned if he doesn't. Always.
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autumn-foxfire · 7 months ago
Part of the closeted besties series probably
"I'm going with you."
Ran glared at Shinichi, her mouth set in a straight line and daring him to argue.
Of course, because her friend was a stubborn brat, he turned back to argue with her. "Ran, this is for your own protection-"
Before he could even finish his sentance, her leg kicked up and swung towards his neck with deadly precision. He didn't even have the chance to flinch as she stopped her foot from connecting with his throat, only years of intense training making it so the fabric of her laces just grazed the skin on his neck.
Shinichi's face was pale.
Ran continued to glare at him, "How are you supposed to protect me if you can't even dodge my kick?" she asked before she lowered her leg back onto the ground, "Out of the two of us, Shinichi, I'm the one who knows how to defend themselves, so don't tell me leaving me behind is for my own protection."
She was angry at him but underneath that anger was a hurt that was clawing at her chest to get out. She bit her lip and clenched her fists.
"Why... why do you no longer trust me?" she whispered. This wasn't the first time he had told Ran to stay behind. In fact, it was becoming more and more common for him to run off without her, telling her to wait for him as if she was just a hindrance. She didn't know what she had done to make him feel that way.
Shinichi looked stricken and his mouth opened and closed as he tried to answer, but no words left his throat.
"Am I really that unreliable?" Ran continued, all the self-doubt that had been plaguing her since this behaviour of his had started bubbling to the surface, "Do I really just get in your way."
"No!" Shinichi shouted, "It's not-Ran, I-" he was still struggling to form the words, to explain himself. "I just... I don't want you to get hurt," he finally admitted in a small voice, "You're my best friend, Ran, and I could never forgive myself if you got hurt because you helped me chase criminals."
Ran's anger flared up again, "And you don't think I feel the same way?!" she snapped, "You think I want my best friend to confront dangerous people alone?! That I wouldn't hate myself if I wasn't there to protect you?!"
It made her sick at the sight of Shinichi looking so startled, so goddamn confused that someone actually cared about his safety. Tears began to gather in her eyes.
"I love you, Shinichi, you're my best friend," she whispered, "Please, let me protect you too."
It wasn't often Shinichi cried. He often saved his tears for when his emotions were too overwhelming for him and right now they were gathering at the corners of his eyes. He was still too prideful to let them fall, especially in public, so Ran wrapped her arms around his shoulders and pulled his head down to her own, so he could blink them away into her jacket.
"I'm sorry, Ran," he whispered and she tightened her grip on him.
"You better be," she said, "No more of that protect me nonsense, we protect each other, you hear me?"
Shinichi nodded against her neck and Ran continued to hold him as relief and happiness swelled inside her knowing she had gotten her friend back.
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clarabowmp3 · 8 months ago
hate brigade? I'm sorry but joe alwyn is directly responsible for a lot of the mental hurt that taylor will have to deal with for the rest of her life. I don't understand how people can hear sll, half the songs on midnights not to mention the anxiety ridden lover album and not see the emotional gaslighting joe was putting taylor through! Like that takes a toll and fans qnd the general public alike has a right to call that out. Now he's saying ish about tayvis when none of this concerns him?? Like if that's not manipulative, my name is Bennett cuz he's literally re inserting himself into the ex he resented' life. Unhinged if you ask me. So I don't think it's fair to characterize people as doing the most in this case. Alwyn could have just kept quiet and ate and ate food but now he deserves the dragging. Peace.
wowww wow okay so a couple of things:
we don't know much about their relationship. all we have is speculation based on taylor's lyrics, but we have to remember she is an unreliable narrator, so at best we can take them with a grain of salt. that is excluding how she might have modified certain things to present herself in a favourable light. I'm not saying she did or didn't, but it's a possibility. I say this because of how she's written music about her cheating. She very obviously focuses on how she was feeling and what led her to cheat, rather than her considerations of how it would affect her partner, which I think is yet another manifestation of how she perpetuates her victim narrative. I'm not saying all cheaters are villains, there's definitely some complex emotions involved, but she writes in such a way so as to encourage the reader to root for her by default.
This plays into her desire to be seen as the underdog or hero that everyone wants to support. She did this with Miss Americana too where she spun this whole standing up for women and other marginalised groups narrative, which I think contributed to being a swiftie becoming a trend, along with her whole 'relatable' schtick, fostering personal relationships etc.
There is nothing wrong with liking her music (I'm not gatekeeping), my issue is with people who treat becoming a swiftie as some girl scouts patch to earn by ripping into her 'enemies,' most popularly her exes. Naturally, he has been put through hell on social media since the break-up, up till ttpd dropped and the attention shifted to matty instead.
I agree that many of her love songs from as early as lover are anxiety-ridden, but I think that speaks more to her personality rather than his actions. Certain events may have transpired and he might have acted in a certain way which made her feel insecure etc but we have no reason to think he did it maliciously. What we do have is reason to think this is extremely unlikely. 2016 was rough man, no one knew if she would ever recover from #taylorswiftisoverparty, and yet he still stuck around. To me I think that shows he genuinely cared about her, something taylor has also thought.
Could you elaborate on the emotional gaslighting he has done, (and hence the "mental hurt" he has caused her) keeping in mind all those other reasons why her music is not an accurate source of info ^^?
getting more specific with sll, I don't see how he did anything wrong? I don't want to get too much into it but I know what it feels like to be burdened by someone else's mental health issues, and I do feel irritated by it at times, even though at the end of the day I know it's something they can't control. There's nothing wrong with creating art about difficult emotions, but I think she did not need to release it for the whole world to hear, knowing that they know who she is talking about. The song itself isn't too egregious, she just expresses her frustration with the whole situation ("you'll find someone," "I'm not the one" -> even she doesn't blame him for anything let alone the emotional gaslighting you're accusing him of anon what are you on 😭) the main problem is when people like you use it to villainise joe. like explain to me what part of it shows his gaslighting
For context here is what the whole deuxmoi thing is about, taken from this post:
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You can clearly see that he was expressing an opinion on what he thought was a private enough setting. How could he have known he was going to be overheard and it was going to leak to the internet and eventually reach taylor (if any of this ie even true)? She is his ex of 6 years and it's only been a year since their breakup, I think it's fine that he's still somewhat emotionally occupied with her. We don't know if he obsesses about her every day and since the London travis thing is pretty recent, maybe it was just on his mind that day? Also why does he have to keep quiet? taylor can write whatever she wants in her songs, I think he is more than justified to have a conversation in public. We have no reason to think he meant for this to get out or to "[re-insert] himself into the ex he resented' life," as you put it.
to end off, anon I really think you should touch grass (and I'm not trying to be condescending here) because it feels like you're blowing up select details out of proportion to fit the narrative taylor has created through her music. We don't know how accurate that narrative is.
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crushedsweets · 1 year ago
what is jack and toby's relationship like?
oohh ive covered this a few times. i love them.
this post i did on their relationship basically sums it up !! ill do more under the cut
jack helps the proxies so that slenderman lets him stay in the forest as refuge. he doesn't like toby at first, seeing him as too violent, too aggressive, viewing himself even in his monstrous form as more human than toby - which is true, in a sense . toby kills for slenderman. he wouldn't be killing people if not for that, BUT he absolutely finds release in it - he makes a game out of it, he detaches himself from the victims and reflects all he wanted to do to his dad onto them. sometimes he catches himself saying exact phrases his dad screamed back onto them. bro probably called his victims 'npcs' at some point LOLLLL
and jack RARELY EVER does his own killing. he gets a lot of his bodies as a dark web human remains disposer(cuz he gets paid for it too), or from jeff. and it took a while for him to be able to stomach the shit he has to do to survive, so it's rough for him.
jack hates it, jack hates what toby does, but he can see so much in toby that goes beyond that and it fucking sucks and it hurts and jacks prob cried FOR toby before. not in front of him, but anytime jacks confronting his own mortality and humanity, toby is one of the first people that comes to mind each time, and he wants to throw up thinking about it. only nina can rival how emotional jack is LOL
it's kinda weird for toby the way jack treats him - sometimes he gets mad and accuses him of treating toby like some research paper in a book, because he knew jack had a decently privileged upbringing in comparison to himself, and hates the supiroirty complex. jack asks too many questions and is always just trying to grasp whats going on in tobys brain and its fucking infuritating for toby.
but jacks just always fucking there. jack is easily the most present person, always easy to find, usually calm. tim/brian are rarely around, kate is unsettling and hiding away half the time, jeffs a dick, bens unreliable, ninas in love with jeff and has a life seperate from the creeps. even natalie has long periods of time where she just cannot get herself to confront toby because she has her own issues and is struggling to even maintain her job as a waitress. she can't be there half the time.
but jacks never gone. jack rarely tells him to get the fuck out. jacks so welcoming, even if he's an annoying uptight prick who thinks he's better than everyone - and half the time, toby knows jack is. he knows jacks better than everyone else around him and it sucks fucking ASSSSSS being around someone like him, but its also something toby needs really bad
after a year or so of knowing toby jack would be able to comfortably say he loves him, whether its as a friend or a brother or whatever the fuck sort of fucked up shit is going on in these freaks heads . again, jack is INCREDIBLY FUCKING HUMAN hes emotional he loves so hard he hates himself he wants people he wants connection he feels so alone he wants everyone to be there he wants his mom he wants his siblings he wants to read he wants to walk around he wants to cook he wants to breath in fresh air. and toby really does put in some work for that. maybe not correctly, honestly he might fuck it up more often than he gets it right, but who the fuck else is gonna invite jack to go swimming on a random summer night ? how badly he wish he could see tobys face when toby asks to hang out
also this one shot from necroromantics if ur looking for good jack toby content . sorry for stealing tomb. u just get them so much . also sort of in the same vein of this drawing i did ... jack was full of life and empathy and love and joy for so long....... doesn't understand how toby never had any to begin with.
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3d-wifey · 1 year ago
TBOSAS was a great movie and an even greater miss---here's why:
The problem here is no fault of the movie. It's not that it isn't a good adaptation or that it cut out too many important scenes. The casting was amazing, the acting phenomenal, the writing and plot translated immaculately into the screenplay format, and the ending was tragically beautiful. All of those boxes are ticked. The problem lies with one thing: Coriolanus Snow.
To understand what I mean, I'll bring the main trilogy to the stand. All of the books were written in first person from Katniss's pov. There were things that we as the audience don't know because Katniss doesn't know them and vise versa all do to her inner monologue. But there are also things we as the audience do know that Katniss doesn't because she's an unreliable narrator. She often misreads people because, whether she'll admit it or not, she's highly suspicious of those that aren't obviously weaker than her and is quick to judge in general. Her biases and black and white moral standpoint can be attributed to her environment, ptsd, and, though not confirmed, Autism (source: I'm actually Dr. Autism) or bpd. So, in this case, she's unreliable, but we understand it's not malicious and it was translated well in the movie (i.e. her thinking Peeta wanted her dead, her thinking Peeta is only acting like he's in love with her, her misconceptions about Finnick.)
Coriolanus Snow on the, other hand, is an entirely different case. He's a bad person at the start of the book and that isn't up for debate. His thoughts about Lucy Gray should make you angry, let alone about people who knew and cared for him for years (Tigris and Sejanus). He is also an unreliable narrator, but in a completely different sense than him. While hers is founded in ignorance and defensiveness, his is built in paranoia and narcissism. He's obsessive, possessive, demeaning to any and everyone, and thinks he's owed more than he is and hates anyone that has what he doesn't. We get all this through his inner thoughts as well (him hating the very idea of Lucy Grey being with anyone before him and likening her to a whore---implying she's slept with peacekeepers, wanting to own her in the literal sense of the word hating Sejanus for having basic human empathy, hating looking down on the Plinths who have been nothing but kind to him, so on and so forth). I say he's bad because, though he hasn't done any of the horrible things he thinks about or acts on them is because he didn't have the power or social standing to back them, something he has plenty of as a president. All this to say, the movie lacks that insight into the character that we gain with Katniss. Enough that people that have only watched the movie genuinely believe he was a nice person drove to the brink or thought there was a little gray area in regards to his morality. Enough that people that think the actor is hot will say they like "Coryo" not Snow, or some people send hate mail to the author because they think she tried to humanize him/excuse his behavior, the exact opposite of the point of the book. I don't fault the movie too harshly for this too harshly. Other than having a voice over, they could do very little to convey his every horrid thought. And because of this and Tom's phenomenal acting, Snow was able to manipulate the audience just like everyone else he fucked over.
Snow is a narcissist who can't wrap his mind around people genuinely being kind while having no ulterior motives, because he would never do that from the kindness of his heart. He thinks everyone is trying to back stab him and want to turn on him and are out to get him or are trying to embarrass him because that is what he would do if he was in their position. Unlike Katniss, he can read people and he can act his ass off, but unlike Katniss, he can't see the best in people because he doesn't want to/it doesn't benefit him. He had many opportunities to do the right thing or the kind thing and actively chose not to.
He, more than anyone in the Capitol, even more than Sajanus, should know what the Districts go through. He grew up poor, starved, and was forced to grow up too soon. He knows what it means to have nothing, be starved, and go into the arena and almost be killed. Yet, he looks down on them and sends children who were younger than him when he went into the arena, to their deaths because it benefits him.
He's a horrible person. He's always been bad, but he strove to be worse. I'm not saying the movie wasn't able to portray this in it's own way, but since it's not as obvious and in your face if you're too focused on how cute you think his face is, you can miss it. You'll find reasons to justify his actions just like he does and, ironically, become like his inner monologue where he continuously made himself the victim in almost every scenario.
Again, great movie! Fantastic even, my I beg of you, read a book. Or watch a youtube essay about it.
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a-very-sparkly-nerd · 8 months ago
Rayllum Month 2024! (13/13)
even after all this, you’re still everything to me
July 25th - You’re the Moon In My Sky
Holy moly, I can't believe it's over! S6 is TOMORROW. HOW ARE WE FEELING?!?!
Tonight, I'll be blocking the tags because I won't be able to watch it until tomorrow afternoon- either that, or I'll wake up at like 3am to binge the whole thing. Probably the latter lol.
Rayla was many things, and irrational was not one of them. Everything about her was completely founded, thanks very much. She was a master of logic.
About most things. Callum was an exception.
Fear of water? She’d nearly drowned at eight. Wanting to kill Aaravos? He’d possessed her ex-boyfriend-turned-situationship and caused a war. Leaving Callum? Perhaps not the most logical thing to do, but it’d made sense at the time, and he’d been safe. At least part of her mission had been a success. So she remained undefeated as a logic champion. Pragmatic, if nothing else.
So it was completely logical to be shaking in her boots, tentatively peeking over the side of the Starscraper. A much farther fall than the Storm Spire- she couldn’t even see the ground, just fluffy clouds.
Even with the bracelets she’d been told would give her wings, Rayla wasn’t convinced. It was new technology, as far as she was concerned, and technology was notoriously unreliable. She wasn’t exactly eager to be a guinea pig, even if she wouldn’t be alone for a second. She’d never be alone again, Callum’d promised, and he always kept his promises.
“I’m…” Rayla trailed off, grasping for his ever-patient hand next to her. Astrid and Azhar stood giggling behind them, talking about something or the other Rayla couldn’t hear through the ringing in her ears.
Callum tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, gazing at her with the intensity of a thousand burning suns, the light in his eyes soft and rose-golden. “You won’t fall,” he promised gravely, and Rayla thanked her lucky stars that he was the only one (that she knew of, at least) who knew about her relatively new fear of heights, one that had only developed when she’d first been back.
Nights spent lying awake, wondering if he’d redo it. If he’d jump after her again, knowing what she’d do to him.
“And if you do…” he continued, hands finding her upper arms and grasping there, firm but not uncomfortably tight. Just right, just like all of him. “I’ll catch you. I’ll always catch you. I promise.”
Rayla stared at him for a good while longer, dumbstruck, just because she could. With a suddenly dry throat, she made herself nod. “Okay,” she breathed through a shudder. “Can you… make sure they’re on tight enough?”
A soft smile gracing his unfairly handsome features, Callum nodded and took her wrists. “Is this an excuse to get me to hold your hand?” he murmured, fingers checking the clasps of the gold bracelets and dancing along hers in a way that suggested he didn’t care in the slightest– appreciated it, rather.
“Maybe?” Rayla said, suddenly breathless and choosing to blame it on the high altitude.
“You can just ask me, you know.” Satisfied the bracelets were secure, Callum slid his hand up to her jaw, cupping it lightly. “They’re…”
Rayla shifted on her feet, getting closer. “They’re…?”
He stroked along her cheek, eyes softening. “Beautiful.”
“The bracelets?” she asked through a giggle, unable to help it. She’d never been good at serious time.
His dextrous fingers moved to hold her chin so she couldn’t look away. Rayla wasn’t sure she’d have been able to even if she’d had the mobility. “No,” he said softly, slowly, watching her earnestly.
Getting to her tiptoes, Rayla moved up against him until barely a centimeter separated their chests, his perfect lips all she could see. A centimeter far too much. “The opals?”
Read more on AO3!
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decadentbutterflies · 11 months ago
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"Made up beef of who's the prettiest child" are we calling bullying of Arya's looks a "made up beef" now? It's not a beef, it's us having to explain to people who don't seem to read Arya's chapters or because for some reason y'all are so against Arya growing up to be pretty, which she literally is if you're actually reading the books.
"Growing up to be a model" the fact that this person tries to exaggerate and ridicule that point (manipulation tactic btw) of fans explaining why she's not in fact ugly, speaks volumes.
Sounds like y'all just want the "made up beef" to be Sansa being right and Arya being ugly 🤷🏾‍♀️.
"And getting things she specifically doesn't want to be" Being a Lady? Because she was led to believe she'd be terrible because she's not as good in being proper etc. as Sansa. She isn't aversive to a higher position though. She even wishes "she was as good as her sister" in being ladylike and why she's so insecure - including her looks - from the "made up beef".
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Nah, because people for some reason don't want to admit that she's ALSO feminine. No one here is proving that she "is the most girliest feminine girl", there's people trying explain to thickheaded people that don't seem to read her chapters, that she's is feminine too AND pretty. Like anyone actually reading the books can take a hint over believing what young Sansa bullied her over when she had mud on her face too most of the time lol. Like I get you love her, but she's clearly an unreliable narrator.
She's just not patriarchal feminine, but that only makes her "weird little girl" in some people's eyes in the books, but I assume that's not what this person meant because of the "embodiment of weird little girl vibes, just in a medieval setting" No clue what that's supposed to mean. The only times she was weird was when she was just being a CHILD. Other than that I'd say "weirdest" thing is the magic.
But what does that have to do with us proving she's also feminine? Feminine girls can't be weird or? And what does the "shipping girlies" mean? Like is there a problem with people shipping Arya now? 🙄 Ik y'all want Arya to be forever alone, but cmon now this is getting ridiculous. Just bc she didn't want to be tied down and bred like a mare doesn't mean she doesn't like men etc.
I'm genuinely confused as hell by these people 🤦🏾‍♀️ "so many of you don't even read the books, how does one read - and thinks - instead of" and proceeds to write another, their own mischaracterization.
It's Sansa stans that aren't actually accepting Sansa lmao, otherwise they wouldn't try to change her so much. Fanon/how her stans see her is so much different from the books. Hell, in all of Sansa fics I've read she acts more like Daenerys lmao. Arya at least acts like Arya 🤷🏾‍♀️.
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lunar1an · 2 years ago
thinking a lot about wildbow's early works (worm, pact) and his more recent moralistic works (ward, pale) and the sheer difference in narrative empathy
in worm and pact you have characters who do fucked up things but it feels like a lot of effort is put into understanding the people behind them and where they're coming from. rachel's dogs maul people but there's a whole Arc of taylor learning to vibe with her and befriend her and of rachel getting what she needs (a place alone with her dogs where she can let other people in at her own pace) and growing as a person. all from the angle of 'this is genuinely good for rachel and helpful'. we want her to succeed because we care about her.
in pact we see how sandra duchamp grew up, how she's just as much a victim of her family as she is someone who perpetuates that harm, and while she's an antagonist the story doesn't spoonfeed it to us--we're allowed to see her human and sympathetic moments and we're allowed to feel bad for her while also wanting her stopped.
it felt. i don't know. like the story in general respected these characters, respected the reader's ability to empathize with those characters while also knowing Murder Bad or whatever.
but then the major worm fandom interpretations shifted. you had reddit and other popular sources going on about how taylor was actually horrible and an unreliable narrator, and how the undersiders were actually ~super fucked up and evil criminals~. pact and twig were spared this for the most part by virtue of being less popular with those crowds.
and i'm not sure if the morality discourse got baked into wildbow's brain by osmosis or if he felt like he wouldn't be appeasing his fandom if he didn't address it or what.
but by ward suddenly that narrative empathy, for the most part, is missing. it becomes conditional -- the protagonist and others do not extend empathy towards others until they Properly Recognize What They've Done Wrong. any improvement, any attempt to do better isn't legitimate unless the Bad Deeds are addressed and atoned for by whatever inconsistent standards the narrative adheres to. what matters isn't riley being in a healthier place and making connections--ward thinks that we should be rooting for riley because she recognizes she messed up and is constantly making up for the atrocities she committed.
i think it's kind of reached its peak in post arc 13 pale though. every time empathy is extended it's near-always accompanied by a patronizing little reminder of "mmmm, well you did Bad Things too".
you aren't allowed to just say "well damn i sympathize with charles", for example, because the narrative constantly reminds you that actually he is Still Doing Bad and therefore you aren't allowed to feel for him. it doesn't help that the story continually one-ups itself on thinking of ways to make charles over the top evil either.
but either way it's just. bleak. in a story purportedly about community building it's shockingly uncaring. you can't just sympathize with a morally grey character or take them As They Are without the story casting judgment and constantly reminding you of their verdict. it's just exhausting and makes any positive message the story tries to send feel hollow
OBLIGATORY NOTE: this essay does not mean "actually all fallen and e88 and etc should be empathized with". what it does mean is that in a moralistic work it becomes telling when ex-nazi rune gets her own interlude and a bunch of pagetime to show how she's 'doing better' while that same courtesy isn't extended to many villains who are traumatized and might have, say, legitimate reasons to not want to be arrested or feel like they have no other option, or legitimate reason to not support the heroes, but oh. they do Crimes so actually none of that matters as long as they're still Doing Crimes.
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androgynousblackbox · 11 months ago
The Ancient Necromancer's Groom AU
Lucifer (20 years old)
Since he was a young kid, he could see and hear things that no one else would, making him an outcast among the other kids. His own family end up abandoning him because he was "too creepy" and has lived on his own in the streets until someone picks him up for an auction. Lucifer is so tired of living alone that accept to participate as something to be sold if at least it will give him a purpose. His magic has affinity with all other kinds, making him extremely desirable for other mages and creatures that want to feed off him.
Alastor Abaddon (???)
A necromancer mage that lives on the swamps outside of New Orleans who bought Lucifer with a bunch of money that he stole. His magic affinity is shadows and the dead. He was born crawling out of the body of his dead mother, a teenager that was killed by his father, and found by Rosie when she was a young mage. His first killing waas his own father. Regularly eats human flesh when he can and in general doesn't have the best opinion of humans for the way they treated mages/other magical creatures. He plans to marry Lucifer to control his training on all forms of magic and have children with him to control the next generation of mages. Because of his upbringing, Alastor has no clue what normal couples do nor how families are supposed to be like, to great frustration of Lucifer.
Charlie (4 years old)
An orphan child with the gift of sight that Lucifer takes a especial liking to so Alastor, without asking Lucifer, decides to adopt her (using a bunch of money he also stole to make the church shut up) to ensure that Lucifer won't ever have a reason to leave. Charlie them both papa or dad, but she is closer to Lucifer and usually follows him around as he is learning on the field. Stolas (???) The familiar of Lucifer that normally takes the form of an owl, but can also disguise himself as a human to follow Lucifer around. He was believed to be a bad omen that only brought on misfortunes and tragedies wherever he went, but he was merely there as a warning that other people never got to experience. The only exception was an old astronomer that Stolas became friends with and taught him a lot about the sky. Stolas takes his familiar role very seriously. He has a crush on the unreliable priest that is "in charge" of keeping watch over Alastor. Father Blitz (35 years old) The priest of the church nearest the swamp that was tasked to keep watch over Alastor to make sure he didn't cause any disasters, but mostly just goes to deliver letters and eat whatever Alastor has edible that isn't raw meat. Alastor already knows he can get almost anything out of him as long he can pay for it, including the adoption of a little girl with very little preparation. Despite his lack of faith and more than loose morals, Blitz is generally not a bad man who prefers to spend his day being lazy and enjoying life however he sees fit. He enjoys learning things about the stars from Stolas. Niffty (???) A house fairy that already lived on the place Alastor came to claim as his own. She cooks, cleans and keeps the place decent, but can't get out the property. She was waiting on the dark covered in dust until Alastor appeared, like a doll without an use. Rosie (???) Another old necromancer whose affinity includes jinxes/curses, the dead and plants (especially poisonus). She practically raised Alastor until he was old enough to live on his own. She becomes the first official teacher of Lucifer and sometimes babysitter of Charlie.
Millie/Titania and Moxxie/Oberon The queen and king of all fairies. They both have known Alastor for many years and are interested to see what does he do with his "little groom."
Carmilla Carmine She makes magical items and instruments to sell. She has known Alastor for a very long time, so naturally she is protective of Lucifer and doesn't want to see him "corrupted" by the asshole that is the necromancer since she can see he has a gentle heart.
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